#a derse jade knight of light... a prospit teal thief of void...
Talk about your fantrolls NOWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!
ALRIGHTY BITCHES. So note that some have more iterations than others and im prolly gonna fix up the less refined ones AS I AM TALKING.
Ill add a cut because theres so fucking much of them.
Feel free to ask more questions i love my sillies!!!
Lets go in order of caste, therefore...
FIRST OF ALL! Nihila Umbrax, the Knight of Void, Derse sway, Burgundy Blood.
Nihila is a burgundy who was less fortunate at wriggling to say the least. They have multiple significant mutations, their eyes are solid red and their height is comparable to that of an older purpleblood, aswell as large mothlike wings. All of this and its seclusion in the woods has led to it being mystified as a local cryptid, the fact that its horns are shaped like antennae does not help the mothman allegations. Beneath all of this Nihila is overall just a big clumsy blind individual, they like to tinker with electronics and usually end up dumpster diving to salvage parts. They were most likely the troll who got SGrub up and working for the group, but its cryptid nature is not at all ceased during the game. Bowkind Strife.
Next we have Squash Tapeko, the Bard of Space, Prospit sway, Bronze Blood.
Squash is a bit of an anomaly in general, being that he operates outside of the typical laws of space and time. Paradox space and Squash get along like two peas in a pod, or more aptly two pumpkins in a patch, while normal space seems to avoid him like the plague. Hes always wearing those tacky shades that have the lines and stuff, and only has one horn which curls like a stem. Anyone accquainted with the laws of paradox space can tell in an instant this goofy goober is like a pumpkin given physical form. He likes to garden, usually growing squashes for later use as plot devices. Sodakind Strife.
Next! Aureum Crisia, the Maid of Light, Derse Sway, Gold Blood.
Aureum has little to no psiioniics despite being a goldblood, she's insecure for obvious reasons. She compensates with over the top optimism, though in truth she is a realist who never waits for things to fall into her hand. She has spent her whole life using charisma and wit to work her way into alternian business, despite the prejudice shown by higher classes. She can be a bit shady sometimes, but she refuses to take any disrespect. Coinkind Strife.
Beitah Bliuta, the Sylph of Breath, Prospit Sway, Olive Blood.
Beitah is close with Nihila, shes shared purr hive with them for as long as they can remember, practically siblings. Their hive is rudimentary regardless, mostly a well decorated cavern. Beitah is overall playful and childish, and the youngest of the group. She is also however a bit feral, for lack of a better word, most view purr as just overall weird for any of these things. Beitah is smaller than most of the others and wears baggy clothes constantly.
Raekie Venaer, the Rogue of Doom, Prospit Sway, Jade Blood.
Raekie likes to call themself a poet, followed by a murder of crow lusii constantly. They didn't favor life in the brooding caverns and instead live in a makeshift treehouse they ended up making after running away. They don't live in the same area as Beitah and Nihila but they do exchange tips through Trollian, and of course Raekie shares their cheesy poetry. Despite the gothic aesthetic Raekie is a terminal optimist, and knows good and well how cheesy their poetry is. Penkind Strife.
Terrun Biyiga, the Thief of Life, Prospit Sway, Teal Blood.
Terrun hates his own caste, plain and simple, mostly because of having lower class friends and realizing he was a part of the problem. He internalizes this hatred as of the start of the session, simply playing along. He has a certain level of internalized self hate, but covers all of this up with a hero complex and cowboy accent. Revolverkind Strife.
Now for a real interesting one, Celare Scurra, the Mage of Mind, Derse Sway, Cerulean Blood.
Celare Scurra is actually not 100% a troll. She always seems oddly well dressed, and never removes her gloves. On Derse, you may hear a whistling of a familiar tune, though back on Alternia it's less well known. Celare Scurra has joined The Midnight Crew on Derse. By some twist of fate, her body has a hint of Carapacian, which has shrouded half of her dreamself in black. She serves as a villain for this story, overall. Bit of a bitch, but unlike Vriska she doesn't flaunt it. Cardkind Strife.
Kirkor Stilis, the Heir of Heart, Prospit Sway, Indigo Blood.
Kirkor isn't the brightest, but he's sure lovable. Hes the only one even close to matching Nihila's height, and serves as Aureum's bodyguard at times as a result, warding off anyone who would threaten her due to his sheer scale. Theres some sort of moiraillegiac tension there, probably. Overall he serves as, well, the heart of the group. Hes also just very clumsy, someone give the 7 foot tall pair some dexterity. Hammerkind.
Manika Dexsue, the Witch of Hope, Derse Sway, Purple Blood.
Manika gets her kicks in a different way from most purplebloods, she usually only dresses up in the full clown getup for formal stuff. Normally shes wearing a dirty jumpsuit and rubber gloves with a purple gas mask, inviting Nihila over for their latest biomechanical experiment. Nibies' arm tends to end up the test subject. Manika is overall just a short mad scientist, and of course besties with Nihila. Sawkind / Needlekind Strife.
Sourim Paetel, the Seer of Blood, Derse Sway, Violet Blood.
Sourim is a socially inept hopeless romantic. He knows how to interact with high troll society... And thats about it. He's all prose and pretty words, with no real awareness of the state of things. He loves rainbow drinker literature, and this was why he first took an interest in Raekie, and then fell HARD. The fact that he has no social awareness makes flirting difficult, aswell as the fact that he takes Raekie's poetry seriously and Raekie doesn't take his seriously. Theyre both idiots with romance. Rapierkind Strife.
Ossico Blakke, Prince of Rage, Derse Sway, Fuchsia Blood.
Ossico is constantly tired, quick to anger if awoken from a good nap. Overall the whole group knows she has some anger issues to work through, but she cares deeply about her friends and is a sweetheart when shes calm. She is a force of raw destruction with a love for all things cutesy and brightly colored, and ducks. Furniturekind Strife.
Nibies Dulcis, Page of Time, Prospit Sway, Cotton Candy Blood.
Nibies was claimed by a purpleblood cult before she could be culled, and was worshipped as the avatar of their god, this was not a good thing for her. Eventually she did make it out and meet Manika, theyve got some sort of undisclosed redrom going on there, noones really sure. Nibies also hates Celare for an unknown reason, and its rather obvious theyve got some blackrom tension. Nibies is silly and over the top to make up for Manika's lack of clown behavior, with a very intense sweet tooth. She probably would have gone entirely mad if not for this group, and Manika and Nihila made her a prosthetic arm to replace the one she lost. Sweetskind Strife.
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takendruid · 10 months
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Saw some art by @calware (I link the post at the end of the read more section) and wanted to draw a few of my ocs in a style similar (in all honesty, it’s my style adapted to the style of the post) 👁️👁️ top - Gery Joanes (Knight of Doom, alpha kids), bottom left - Jimy Weasle (Page of Light, alpha kid), bottom right - Jaid Weasle (Thief of Void, beta kid, also I swear she isn’t called Jaid because of Jade, she’s based on a really old oc I have called Jaiden… who is named after JaidenAnimations. I actually tried to avoid calling her Jaid originally because of Jade Harley, but gave up in the end).
Jaid and Jimy aren’t a Jade and Jake situation, Jimy is literally just trans ftm. There are three alpha boys and one alpha girl. Meanwhile there are two boys and two girls in the beta kids. The oc he’s based on isn’t trans? He’s a cis guy called James… who wasn’t named after theodd1sout, that was a coincidence. There are a lot of unintentional parallels in my kids that line up with the OG kids because I make the decisions before realising it’s similar or parallel to the OG kids. Like Jimy and Jaid’s whole name and gender situation as well as Jimy being a page. Gery is a knight meanwhile his son is a prince (of time), and Gery is the post-scratch version of his son’s abusive dad… his son, who is a time player. One of my kids is a rogue of heart, and he’s an oc based on an oc based on me. The other oc based on an oc based on me is a seer of hope. And I kin Roxy and Dirk… and I classpected myself as knight of hope… so…
- Having page of light and seer of hope! That was unintentional as fuck! Jimy was originally going to be page of breath before I changed him to light (same with my shirt of blood troll btw, originally heir of breath) because I don’t know how to write breath players.
- Jaid being a beta kid propsit thief of void, which directly going parallel to Roxy’s alpha kid derse rogue of void classpect.
- Having the prince and knight be switched between the parent and kid roles, as well as just… Prince of Time.
- Also having an heir of blood in my post-scratch trolls, and my gold blood is a mage like Sollux.
- Also my spider-obsessed teal blood being thief of light was a decision I made prior to even knowing who the fuck vriska was btw.
- Also my opposing aspects sharing the same class but different lunar sways (derse light and prospit void, derse doom and prospit life).
- Having a human derse witch of rage and troll prospit mage of hope, which are opposing all four ways.
- My troll time and space players are both passive classes.
- okay one that was fully intentionally unintentional are my troll light and rage players. Pre-scratch, they’re prince of rage and bard of light. Post-scratch, they’re thief of light and rogue of rage.
- my violet blood is a bard, just like Cronus
- my jade blooded and olive blooded matepsrits have opposing classes…/pos
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Now for my alpha trolls:
- I have a derse maid of mind while the mind player of the OG Alpha trolls was a propsit knight of mind
- I have a prince of rage
- players that remain active classes: heart, mind, and void
- players that remain passive classes: time, space, life, and hope
- players that switch: light, rage, and blood
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Also I accidentally created a loop that I didn’t even intend to make
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Okay maybe I just wanted an excuse to talk about my characters
The post I saw: https://www.tumblr.com/calware/733027758923563008/here-all-are-the-icons-in-the-relationship-chart
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could you please analyze a session for a fanvventure im plannin? i just wwanna see if its vviable lmao knight of breath (prospit dreamer, rust) rogue of rage (derse dreamer, bronze) bard of vvoid (derse dreamer, gold) prince of life (derse dreamer, mutant) sylph of time (prospit dreamer, olivve) seer of doom (prospit dreamer, jade) heir of space (prospit dreamer, teal) maid of mind (derse dreamer, blue) rogue of heart (prospit dreamer, indigo) mage of hope (derse dreamer, purple) witch of blood (prospit dreamer, vviolet) page of light (derse dreamer, fuschia)
sorry theres a full cast of twwelvve lol
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looks good. you do have two rogues and are missingggg... the thief. this means two people have basically the same purpose in the game (and story).
Lack of breath in the session. Rage and heart would be kind of everywhere and needing to be organized. There will be a big fucking problem involving void at some point. There is a naive life element clouding the session that has to be killed to get it out of the way. Time needs to be noticed and addressed. No one understands doom. There is a lot of space that needs to be tamed. An external force is controlling the mind in the session and it will need to be stood up to. There is a lot of hope in this session and a lot of action has to be taken to manage it. Everyone needs to stop thinking of blood in the usual way. There is more light than the players realize.
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Ok ok done
Roman Stilinsky: Teal + Prospit (Lipio) Mage of Light
Lois Stilinsky: Jade + Prospit (Vircer) Witch of Blood
Robertsky Peachman: Teal + Prospit (Libsci) Page of Life
Albertsky Peachman: Teal + Derse (Libo) Knight of Heart
Angus Ciprianni: Cerulean + Derse (Scorpia)
Rouge of Light
Selenne and Elenois Sverchtz: Cerulean + Prospit (Scorlo) Bards of Heart
Arnold Schmicht: Olive + Derse (Lega) Page of Space
Gloria Schmict: Teal + Derse (Lipia) Wich of Light
Izzack Gauss: Indigo + Prospit (Sagittanius) Prince of Void
Margarette Bubbles: Jade + Prospit (Virnius) Sylph of Hope
Nacha Mikaelys: Rust + Derse (Ariborn) Knight of Rage
Anastacha Mikaelys: Gold + Derse (Gemza) Heir of Life
Mia Stone: Jade + Derse (Virza) Sylph of Mind
Dr. W.  Afton: Teal + Derse (Libries) Mage of Time
Francis Mosses: Teal + Prospit (Limino) Seer of Doom
Steven Rudboys: Bronze + Derse (Taurun) Maid of Breath
McClooy Rudboys: Bronze + Derse (Taurun) Thief of Breath
Alf Cappuccin: Teal + Prospit (Libra) Knight of Mind Rafttellyn Cappuccin: Lime (disguised as Jade) + Prospit (Cancer/Vircer) Page of Blood
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magstuck · 11 months
Character Masterlist
❤️ Rust Caste
Agnes Montague - Seer of Doom, Derse
Jane Prentiss - Maid of Heart, Derse
Julia Montauk - Mage of Rage, Prospit
Trevor Herbert - Bard of Blood, Derse
🧡 Bronze Caste
Georgie Barker - Rogue of Rage, Prospit
John Amherst - Heir of Time, Derse
Martin Blackwood - Bard of Breath, Prospit
Tom Haan - Sylph of Doom, Derse
💛 Gold Caste
Manuela Dominguez - Maid of Void, Derse
Maxwell Rayner - Seer of Void, Prospit
Sasha James - Seer of Space, Prospit
Tim Stoker - Bard of Time, Derse
💚 Lime Caste
Jonathan Sims - Mage of Light, Derse
💚 Olive Caste
Melanie King - Thief of Heart, Derse
Michael Shelley - Mage of Hope, Prospit
Raymond Fielding - Witch of Heart, Prospit
Rosie Zampano - Rogue of Light, Prospit
💚 Jade Caste
Gertrude Robinson - Witch of Hope, Derse
Mike Crew - Knight of Breath, Derse
🩵 Teal Caste
Basira Hussain - Maid of Mind, Derse
Daisy Tonner - Knight of Rage, Prospit
Helen Richardson - Knight of Hope, Derse
Oliver Banks - Mage of Time, Prospit
💙 Blue Caste
Annabelle Cane - Witch of Mind, Prospit
Gerard Keay - Prince of Light, Prospit
Jude Perry - Thief of Life, Prospit
Mary Keay - Thief of Space, Derse
💙 Indigo Caste
Jared Hopworth - Heir of Life, Derse
Jurgen Leitner - Page of Doom, Derse
Mikaele Salesa - Rogue of Life, Prospit
Peter Lukas - Page of Breath, Derse
💜 Purple Caste
Breekon and Hope - Sylph of Blood, Prospit
Nikola Orsinov - Prince of Blood, Derse
NotThem - Heir of Mind, Prospit
Simon Fairchild - Sylph of Space, Prospit
💜 Violet Caste
Jonah Magnus - Prince of Void, Prospit
Elias Bouchard (original) - Page of Hope, Derse
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candiestars · 6 months
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The opposite set of extended zodiac. Whoever was Prospit is Derse and Derse is Prospit.
A really weird friend group this time around. I think they work well together though.
Brachi Abscon, he/him, Rust blood, Rouge of Time
Nhirie Beigge, he/they, Bronze blood, Mage of Breath
Tetrah Cebede, she/her, Gold blood, Seer of Doom
Zilver Aition, he/him, Lime blood, Heir of Blood
Jellin Whilld, she/her, Olive blood, Witch of Heart
Lappel Faenci, they/them, Jade blood, Page of Space
Vrotas Iiball, she/her, Teal blood, Sylph of Mind
Whipit Ooleen, he/him, Cobalt blood, Bard of Light
Xeheet Pehelt, she/her, Blue blood, Knight of Void
Maania Louvee, she/they, Purple blood, Thief of Rage
Croras Pector, he/they, Violet blood, Maid of Hope
Orzako Simils, she/her, Fuchsia blood, Prince of Life
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ainaraoftime · 7 years
i should grab my 2013(/2014?) fantrolls and redraw them but with the matching canon symbols. 15-year-old me wouldve loved it
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artidoesthings · 2 years
TROLLS! Again!
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Info under the cut!
Name: Vizeno Rierda
Species: Troll
Age: 7 Sweeps
Chumhandle: dauntlessPursuit [DP] 
Weapon: Axekind
Color: Olive
Sign: Lemini
Lunar Sway: Derse
Classpect: Knight of Doom
Land: Land of Courts and Lanterns (LoCaL)
Consorts: Bears
Denizen: Tyr
Name: Tanvia Paeomi
Species: Troll
Age: 6 Sweeps
Chumhandle: lusiiCaretaker [LC]
Weapon: Umbrellakind
Color: Jade
Sign: Virpio
Lunar Sway: Prospit
Classpect: Rogue of Light
Land: Land of Marble and Shadows [LoMaS]
Consorts: Deer
Denizen: Eilistraee
Name: Feiato Karsin
Species: Troll
Age: 6 Sweeps
Chumhandle: austereMagistrate [AM]
Weapon: hammerkind
Color: Teal
Sign: Librist
Lunar Sway: Prospit
Classpect: Thief of Time
Land: Land of Brass and Webs [LoBaW]
Consorts: Parrots 
Denizen: Vecna
Name: Skerit Koltol
Species: Troll
Age: 6 Sweeps
Chumhandle: wanderersSentiment [WS]
Weapon: 2x Pistolkind
Color: Cobalt
Sign: Scorittanius
Lunar Sway: Prospit
Classpect: Witch of Void
Land: Land of Ruin and Memory (LoRaM)
Consorts: Bats
Denizen: Selune
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okay now that i posted the funniest image to ever exist i think i’m allowed to drop the gamecanons/hemocanons for class 77-B in order of how i optispectrumized them
they’re the alpha session of my funny danganstuck au, despairbound, and wow is this a hell of a fixation
the humans
hajime hinata - prospit-bound mage of mind
chiaki nanami - prospit-bound sylph of doom
ryota mitarai - derse-bound heir of blood
mikan tsumiki - derse-bound witch of rage
and the trolls
peko pekoyama - rust-blood, derse-bound maid of doom
teruteru hanamura - bronze-blood, derse-bound page of life
kazuichi soda - gold-blood, derse-bound knight of void
hiyoko saionji - lime-blood, prospit-bound thief of rage
akane owari - olive-blood, prospit-bound witch of breath
mahiru koizumi - jade-blood, prospit-bound seer of heart
fuyuhiko kuzuryu - teal-blood, prospit-bound prince of blood
nagito komaeda - cerulean-blood, derse-bound mage of light
nekomaru nidai - indigo-blood, prospit-bound heir of hope
ibuki mioda - purple-blood, derse-blood sylph of time
gundham tanaka - violet-blood, prospit-bound bard of mind
sonia nevermind - fuchsia-blood, derse-bound rogue of space
i have troll names for them but like?? they’re not all that good right now so i’ll use their actual names for convenience
classpecting is so fun don’t ask too many questions about these they probably don’t make all that much sense right now but i SWEAR i know what i’m doing
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Very sorry to drop a large session on you for your first analysis! But can you analyze a Knight of Breath (Rustblood/Derse), Maid of Rage (Bronze/Prospit), Mage of Time (Gold/Derse), Witch of Breath (Mutant/Derse), Page of Void (Olive/Derse), Maid of Doom (Jade/Derse), Seer of Life (Teal/Prospit), Witch of Heart (Cerulean/Prospit), Prince of Blood (Indigo/Derse), Knight of Light (Purple/Prospit), Heir of Mind (Violet/Derse), and a Rogue of Space (Fuschia/Prospit). Thank you so much.
Knight of Breath (Rustblood/Derse), Maid of Rage (Bronze/Prospit), Mage of Time (Gold/Derse), Witch of Breath (Mutant/Derse), Page of Void (Olive/Derse), Maid of Doom (Jade/Derse), Seer of Life (Teal/Prospit), Witch of Heart (Cerulean/Prospit), Prince of Blood (Indigo/Derse), Knight of Light (Purple/Prospit), Heir of Mind (Violet/Derse), Rogue of Space (Fuschia/Prospit)
7 derse, 5 prospit, not a bad balance. You generally don't want to stray too far from even, but this is certainly close enough.
8 active, 4 passive. (knights are active in all the ways that matter so shush) also not a terrible ratio, but not a good one. Starts straying into dangerously unbalanced territory, but should still be fine. (note that being too unbalanced results in a loss of versatility. In an all active session, large foes like the king can become an issue when no one is buffing, and in an all passive session, a player that gets isolated becomes easy pickings.)
This session lacks a hope player, a bard, a thief and a sylph. That's not too bad, especially with the lack of sylph replaced by more maid, and the thief's role approximated by knights. The lack of hope player means no deus ex machinas, and the players are likely to suffer from a case of big sad.
The knight of breath does support, and cleans up what the others can't get to. The maid of rage makes sure that everyone understands what they're here for, and doesn't get too excited. The mage of time does time stuff, prevents paradoxes. The witch of breath makes the breath good. A useful pair with the knight of breath. The page of void makes sure nothing gets too busy or complicated The maid of doom kills stuff and produces the big sad The seer of life helps avoid the big sad, and keeps everyone alive and incredibly wealthy The witch of heart helps people self actualize and be the best them. They're a cerulean, perhaps with mind control, which could be really damaging if they use their psionics and not their words. The prince of blood prevents toxic relationships and keeps everyone unrestricted The knight of light guides and executes The heir of mind is big brain moment The rogue of space is frog and speed
Lot of movement, lot of sad.
The session will lack breath and light. With a knight and witch of breath, it should start operating as if it had normal breath levels fairly quickly. Maybe the veil is much closer, so no one can go between the planets, but the knight or witch of breath could blow the soon to be meteors away, and the rogue of space could teleport people, ignoring the close veil. The players don't know much. Perhaps they started playing sburb accidentally, and all their sprites were useless. The purple and violet will be able to deal pretty well with low light, so that's not a big issue either
The big sad. With maids of rage and doom, there's a whole lot of sad being created. If the seer of life, witch of heart, and maybe page of void don't deal with that early, the session is in danger of just getting too sad to continue. No one would think they could actually achieve their goals, and everyone might just flee to the dream bubbles or initiate an unnecessary scratch. If the seer of life helps people find happiness, the witch of heart helps them find self, and the page of void uses their negation aura wisely, they'll deal with the big sad just fine.
The rogue of space may be helped by the mage if they manage to stop suffering and fussing over paradoxes long enough to be useful, but the knights are likely to help out anyway. No one asked them, but they sure are here. The knight of breath acts as a poor man's time player, collecting frogs real quickly, though not as well as a time player, and the knight of light sits in the background providing advice and probably being smug. You have a good setup for the breeding, and it should succeed without too much fuss, though they might have to take a break to wait for the mage to arrive, or be happy with a cancerous frog, as a time player is probably needed for success.
Pretty even on all of the combat roles. I'll elaborate more on this in further analyses, and you can ask for it specifically if you want me to elaborate on this session, but it's kinda boring for this one, you're just real balanced.
Overall, a pretty likely to succeed session, if they overcome the initial lacks and the big sad.
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gxdsetmxnsters · 4 years
Just Nerd Things #30
Batman Rogues & Homestuck
Compiled list of everyone I’ve done Homestuck lore with.
[name] : [classpect] : [sign] ; [sign title] : [lunar sway] : [blood color as a HS troll] : [abstrata] : [planet]
Joker : Bard of Rage : Aricorn ; Sign of the Runaway : Prospit : Rust : Jokerkind : Land of Chaos and Demons (LOCAD)
Harvey : Heir of Time : Libries ; Sign of the Executive : Derse : Teal : 2xPistolkind : Land of Balance and Gears (LOBAR)
Poison Ivy : Sylph of Space : Virga ; Sign of the Pure : Derse : Jade : Plantkind : Land of Wisdom and Frogs (LOWAF)
Kirk : Page of Light : Capripia ; Sign of the Brusque : Derse : Purple : Clawkind : Land of Alchemy and Success (LOAAS)
Jervis : Rogue of Mind : Sagiza ; Sign of the Inventor : Derse : Indigo : Hatkind : Land of Static and Control (LOSAC)
Harley : Seer of Doom : Camino ; Sign of the Consoler : Prospit : Lime : Hammerkind : Land of Unity and Life (LOUAL)
Oswald : Knight of Void : Leittarius ; Sign of the Ardent : Derse : Olive : Umbrellakind : Land of Capitalism and Secrets (LOCAS)
Selina : Witch of Breath : Pius ; Sign of the Free : Prospit : Fuchsia : Whipkind : Land of Individualism and Chains (LOIAC)
Edward : Prince of Heart : Gemo ; Sign of the Wit : Derse : Gold : Canekind : Land of Glass and Doubt (LOGAD)
Jonathan : Thief of Rage : Scoriborn ; Sign of the Dangerous : Derse : Blue : Sicklekind : Land of Books and Fear (LOBAF)
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First off. I trolled their names. I still have a lot of Trollian handles I don't have lol
Rohman Stilin: Teal + Prospit (Lipio) Mage of Light publicAccountant
Lowess Stilin: Jade + Prospit (Vircer) Witch of Blood lacyLipstick
Robet Peachn: Teal + Prospit (Libsci) Page of Life peachyKeen
Albert Peachn: Teal + Derse (Libo) Knight of Heart hammerSole
Anguss Rianni: Cerulean + Derse (Scorpia) Rouge of Light acceptableLosses
Selene and Elenoi Sverch: Cerulean + Prospit (Scorlo) Bards of Heart lunarDisposition <- Selenne solarDisposition <- Elenois
Arnold Schmic: Olive + Derse (Lega) Page of Space worldyWordsmith
Gloria Schmic: Teal + Derse (Lipia) Wich of Light goldStandard
Izzack Gausse: Indigo + Prospit (Sagittanius) Prince of Void breakingNews
Margre Bubble: Jade + Prospit (Virnius) Sylph of Hope patchworkPuppy
Nachah Mikael: Rust + Derse (Ariborn) Knight of Rage craftyChef
Stacha Mikael: Gold + Derse (Gemza) Heir of Life stoneSlinky
Meeyah Stonne: Jade + Derse (Virza) Sylph of Mind
Dr. W. Affton: Teal + Derse (Libries) Mage of Time
Franis Mosses: Teal + Prospit (Limino) Seer of Doom creamCobblestones
Steven Rudboy: Bronze + Derse (Taurun) Maid of Breath airTime
Mclooy Rudboy: Bronze + Derse (Taurun) Thief of Breath cicadiaDays
Ahlefh Cappuc: Teal + Prospit (Libra) Knight of Mind
Raflyn Cappuc: Lime (disguised as Jade) + Prospit (Cancer/Vircer) Page of Blood
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desnayy · 4 years
I kind of made some fantrolls! And by that, I mean I have signs and classpects for the main group and their potential dancestors... I tried and hopefully succeeded to not use any classpects we see in the story...
Burgundy: Arcen "The Companion", Derse, Bard/Maid of Blood
Bronze: Taurra "The Transient", Prospit, Mage/Bard of Mind
Gold: Gempia "The Perspicacious", Derse, Knight/Rogue of Light
Lime: Canrist "The Vehement", Prospit, Heir/Sylph of Time
Olive: Leiborn "The Paradox", Derse, Seer/Witch of Rage
Jade: Virnius "The Fierce", Prospit, Witch/Heir of Hope
Teal: Liblo "The Inescapable", Prospit, Maid/Seer of Heart
Blue: Scorga "The Deviser", Derse, Page/Knight of Space
Indigo: Sagiun "The Journeyman", Derse, Thief/Mage of Breath
Purple: Caprimino "The Enduring", Prospit, Sylph/Thief of Doom
Violet: Aquasci "The Charitable", Prospit, Rogue/Prince of Life
Fuchsia: Pittarius "The Philosopher", Derse, Prince/Mage of Void
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a song for each class and aspect!
Breath: Awake (Tycho) (This song gives me all the Breath vibes. All of them. Thank you for the vibes, Tycho.)
Life: City of Tears (Christopher Larkin) (This song will heal you, just like Life-bound will. Or, they’re supposed to.)
Light: Debutante (65daysofstatic) (WHEEE ADVENTURE)
Time: Megalovania (Toby Fox) (Hear me out. Time players are walking memes.)
Heart: Dance Parties Mechanized (65daysofstatic) (it’s in all of you, no fighting it.)
Rage: Chapter 5: Rijeka (Disparition) (scary)
Blood: Chapter 2: The Old Woman (Joshua van Tassel) (did you think i was just going to pour blood into your ears?????????? lol not this time)
Doom: Ditmas (Disparition) (it just… Sounds Like Doom. In a good, slightly melancholy sorta way)
Void: The Ballad of Fiedler and Mundt (Disparition) (The connection to “Mostly void, partially stars” WTNV is too good to resist.)
Space: Escape Velocity (65daysofstatic) (peaceful and expansive, like the night sky or the sentient oatmeal of greenwich)
Mind: Supermoon (65daysofstatic) (because vibes)
Hope: Chapter 4: Legacy (Joshua van Tassel) (Angels. Prophecies. Awesomeness. This is the song.)
Maid: Child (Todd Baker) (A jazzy and cool song to fit three jazzy and cool characters.)
Sylph: The Spirit Tree (Gareth Coker) (I know very little about this song’s context in the game, but it just seemed to fit.)
Knight: Hole (65daysofstatic) (if you think about it that is a long time for a static hole. i couldn’t keep my hole static for that long. what no why did your mind go there ew)
Page: El Dorado (TSFH) (because PAGES CAN DO ANYTHING! and because THEY ARE GOOD! and PERFECT! PAGES!!!!!!!!!!)
Seer: Jandoubi (Disparition) (Yes.)
Mage: Hornet (Christopher Larkin) (this is a song, not a hornet. nothing will sting you while you listen to this. you can’t prove anything.)
Heir: Heart of Courage (TSFH) (Destinies. The Big Destinies. This song is a Largeness of Destinies.)
Witch: Glider (Tycho) (YES.)
Thief: Crystallize (Lindsey Sterling) (I asked the thieves what song they hated the most.)
Rogue: Glass Tiger (Disparition) (do not drop this tiger, for obvious reasons)
Prince: This Cat is a Landmine (65daysofstatic) (this will probably make you go “woah” and then i will go “it’s spelled whoa” and then i will dispassionately slit your throat and it will not be my fault)
Bard: I Swallowed Hard, Like I Understood (65daysofstatic) (time signatures are wasted on your lot, pun intended)
Prospit: Radio Protector (65daysofstatic) (WHEEEEE IT’S DESERT BLUFFS)
Dual Dreamer: Part 2 (grej) (my fave lyric is AHAHAHAHAHA.)
Derse: Drove Through Ghosts to Get Here (65daysofstatic) (WHEEEE TIME TO GET POSSESSED AND OR STABBED)
Burgundy: Asimov (65daysofstatic) (adventrutrerere)
Bronze: Lessons & Learnings (Todd Baker) (ahhhhhhhh relax nice)
Gold: Impossible Worlds (Todd Baker) (this is one of my favorite songs so i hope you appreciate it, moldy lemon pests. i am a saint)
Lime/Mutant: Chapter 7: Sacrifice (Joshua van Tassel) (it is edgely)
Olive: Fungal Wastes (Christopher Larkin) (did you think i was going to put an olive in your ear? why would i? there already is one)
Jade: Gamelan Rain Melody (Todd Baker) (doubt i need to justify this one)
Teal: After Dinner Entertainment (DoubleTooth) (putting the fun in being funbrutally exefuncuted)
Hemocyanin: Victory (TSFH) (they are like that though. in a bad way. also that is the blood caste’s name now)
Indigo: Birthrite (Joshua van Tassel) (its about squids mating dont you dare tell me that is not an indigoblood thing. but actually i just felt it captured the idea of diverse interests)
Purple: End of the World Sun (65daysofstatic) (the word of the day: baleful. word of the blood?)
Violet: For Tomorrow (McCoy Tyner) (we are just that weird and cool)
Fuchsia: Main Theme (Gareth Coker) (the one from Ori and the Will of the Wisps, to be clear) (WHEEEEEE TIME TO BECOME A GHOST HAUNTING THE WOODS ABOUT WHOM PEOPLE SPEAK ONLY IN TERRIFIED WHISPERS)
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ruby-static · 5 years
So... my old attempt at a Homestuck fanventure....
That might be coming back.
Maybe. Still seeing if I can work out a good story, but I can’t make any promises. Either way, I remade all of my old fantroll sprites for the hell of it!
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Emiraa Celessi (Burgundy/Derse/Rogue of Light)
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Brigid Agniir (Bronze/Prospit/Maid of Space)
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Auarii Auraza (Gold/Derse/Knight of Breath)
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Tenzim Lozunn (???/Derse/Seer of Doom)
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Emeshk Ningal (Olive/Derse/Prince of Life)
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Minxii Levian (Jade/Prospit/Sylph of Blood)
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Riarra Crysst (Teal/Derse/Witch of Void)
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Javiin Deltix (Cerulean/Prospit/Mage of Hope)
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Percil Apollo (Indigo/Prospit/Bard of Mind)
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Barnum Partix (Purple/Prospit/Heir of Time)
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Achell Briizo (Violet/Prospit/Page of Heart)
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Diomea Tritus (Fuschia/Derse/Thief of Rage)
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galaxyacerodoesart · 6 years
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OH MY GOD, I can’t believe i’m FINALLY done with this cursed thing. Well… after the first Sanderstuck thing I did, I decided to might as well commit to it fully adlakshdlkahdjah SO. HERE WE HAVE IT. 
Ok, to be completely honest, Those are all just my ideas and all djsakdjaskdl If you have like, a different God-tier for anyone here,
:DD It has actually been a few years since I did some good God-tier Analysis and all, so some of my choices might be weird and stuff, but hey, if it makes at least A LITTLE bit of sense, it’s good for me :v
I don’t think I need to say this AU WOULD have them all as Humans/different beings…right? :’v it should be pretty obvious but still. Being a Human AU AND a Homestuck AU, That’s why they each look different from one another, have more “casual” clothes And the reason to why I changed some stuff, Like, YES. I know, Thomas eyes aren’t anywhere near the mint color I gave him, BUT i a Homestuck AU context it makes sense since Eye color = Text color in HS. I could have given him brown eyes buuuut…Brown text wouldn’t be as fun :’)  So, he gets a nice mint-green color! Oh, and if anyone is curious, Remy eyes are a Silver-grey color! c: Everyone always thought he was blind whenever they looked at him (he isn’t, his eyesight is a bit sensitive to light, but he can see without any problem) so to stop the staring and questions, he decided to just wear glasses all the time. :o
So, In order, We have the sprite sheets of:
Thomas - Patton - Logan - Roman - Virgil - Deceit(Dolian) - Remy - Emile
Now, Under Read more i’ll put some extra info about each sprite, so if you are truly curious go ahead and read it! c: I must say, this definitely was fun pff, Since I was going more deep into this whole thing, I figured I might as well give their trollsonas signs from the canon extended zodiac Even though, someone like Deceit might still keep the original idea I had for him and not show his sign at all, I made him showing in the sprite just for shows c: And I did change Troll!Virgil horns so they would resemble something more like a lightning bolt, due to the thunderstorm cloud that is his symbol!  It was DEFINITELY fun to come up with Emile and Thomas troll desings, since I never did one for them in the past, Thomas being a Bronze blood is simply because…well..he’s a Taurus :’v I was going to make Emile the Bronze Blood first (Not even sure why anymore, Just thought it would fit at first??) but then decided to let Thomas have it and Emile as Mustardblood with psiionics in blue and pink, giving a little nod to both his ties in both cartoon therapy videos c:
Again, this was really fun, pfff If anyone ever want to talk to me about this AU or anything, feel free to! I am mainly doing it for fun, after all c: no matter how cursed I feel it is
Thomas Sprite sheet:
Standard Black and White Homestuck Style (AKA. Not that stylized sprite)
“Could be Gayer” Shirt
Steven universe Shirt
RETRIEVE ARMS. (Arms sprite)
Trollsona, Bronze Blood (Canon extended zodiac - Sign of the Entrepreneur- Taurnius)
Dreamself, Prospit
God-Tier, Heir of Hope (Hood down)
God-Tier, Heir of Hope (Hood up)
Trickster Form (”Gay Bacon” Theme) The idea came to me out of nowhere and it was TOO GOOD to not use PFFT
Patton Sprite Sheet:
Standard Black and White Homestuck Style
Standard/Normal Sprite
Happy boio! (Arms sprite 1)
CAT JACKET ON! (Arms sprite 2)
Trollsona, Jade Blood ( Jade Blood, Canon extended zodiac - Sign of the Foundation - Virlo)
Dreamself, Prospit
God-Tier, Maid of Heart Because screw gender-roled GTs (Hood down)
God-Tier, Maid of Heart (Hood up)
Grimdark (welp someone is heartbroken.)
Trickster Form (Sweethearts candy Themed, Would probably be the first one to actually go on Trickster mode.)
Logan Sprite Sheet:
Standard Black and White Homestuck Style
Standard/Normal Sprite
“Allow me to pull out the fact to say how wrong you are.” (Arms Sprite)
Trollsona, Teal Blood (True Libra sign - Sign of the Watcher - Libra)
Trollsona, Just for funs, Troll!Logan with canon Terezi Pyrope horns. 
Dreamself, Prospit
God-Tier, Seer of Mind i can’t believe I literally made Logan Terezi, holy fuck(Hood down)
God-Tier, Seer of Mind (Hood up)
Grimdark (a n g e r y  a n d  f r u s t r a t i o n . )
Trickster Form (Crumpets with crofters jelly Themed, Well… looks like it isn’t everyone that can get super hyped on a weird sugar overdose-indulced happiness. Huh. AKA: Logan is Basically Dirk and doesn’t get all hyped like every other trickster.)
Roman Sprite Sheet:
Standard Black and White Homestuck Style
Standard/Casual clothes Sprite
Casual Clothes + Arms (Arms Sprite)
Princey outfit
Trollsona, Violet Blood (Canon extended zodiac - Sign of the Campaigner- Aquaga)
Dreamself, Derse
God-Tier, Knight of Space (Hood down)
God-Tier, Knight of Space (Hood up)
Trickster Form (Raspberry pie Themed)
Virgil Sprite Sheet:
Standard Black and White Homestuck Style (Though it is still rather complex because I didn’t want to get rid of the plaid…pff)
Standard/Normal Sprite
Ow the angst. (Hood Up, Arms sprite 1)
“I’m not ignoring you, it isn’t my fault that my phone is way more interesting than you right now.” (Arms sprite 2)
Trollsona, Purple Blood (Canon extended zodiac - Sign of the Bold - Capries) If you think of making a dick joke because of the sign form, just know you are too late as it already has been done by half the homestuck/hiveswap fandom lmao.
Dreamself, Derse
God-Tier, Page of Time (Hood down, Changed outfit because he sure as HECK wasn’t gonna go around wearing no pants.)
God-Tier, Page of Time (Hood up)
Grimdark (Oh look, i’m more dead inside than I already was. Wow.)
Trickster Form (Cotton Candy Themed. Too much positive emotions and completely lack of care surely seem to be rather overwhelming and awful when you deal with stuff like anxiety and paranoia on a daily bases, huh?!)
Deceit (True name in this AU is “Dolian”) Sprite Sheet:
Standard Black and White Homestuck Style
Standard/Casual Clothes Sprite
“Why, I certainly have NO IDEA what you mean by that.” (Arms sprite)
Normal Deceit Look
Trollsona, Cerulean Blood (Canon extended zodiac - Sign of the Doubtful- Scorittarius)
Dreamself, Derse
God-Tier, Bard of Void (Hood down, and no fucking Cod-piece because I refuse to draw anyone that isn’t the canon HS characters with one, and because Deceit sure as heck wouldn’t wear it if you ask me)
God-Tier, Bard of Void (Hood up)
Grimdark (Someone seems…way too happy with this…)
Trickster Form (Lemons Themed. If you were around the internet before the word “sm u t/ ns f w” was being used, i know what you are thinking… D O N T .)  The famous Twisted happy person.
Remy (Sleep) Sprite Sheet: funfact- Remy is the only one who eyebrows deceive logic and appear on top of his hair, mainly because i didn’t want to lose the chance to present more emotions and expressions to him.
Standard Black and White Homestuck Style
Standard/Normal Sprite
“GUUURL, YOU WOULDN’T GUESS WHERE I AM. But please try to because I personally have no idea how I got here, lol” (Arms Sprite)
Trollsona, (Mutant) Lime Blood (Canon extended zodiac - Sign of the Vociferous - Canun)
Trollsona, Would disguise himself as an Olive blood (but never change his sign because he figured no one would be bothered to fucking look that stupid thing up, right?! Oh no, there goes my hive and my lusus is now dead, woops.)
Dreamself, Derse
God-Tier, Thief of Breath (Hood Down)
God-Tier, Thief of Breath (Hood up)
Trickster Form (Frappuccino themed. How does the cup stays in his hair and doesn’t spill or anything?! Trickster Magic.) 
Emile Sprite Sheet:
Standard Black and White Homestuck Style
Normal/Pink Tie Sprite
Blue Tie/Glasses Sprite
Trollsona, Mustard Blood (Canon extended zodiac - Sign of the Intimate, Gemcer)
Dreamself, Prospit
God-Tier, Sylph of Blood (Hood Down, again, fuck them gendered GTs, slightly modified so it isn’t much of a dress and more like pants, mainly for easier walking/practicality)
God-Tier, Sylph of Blood (Hood up)
Trickster Form (Fizzy bubblegum bottles candy Themed)
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