#a fae-ke
A fae-ke
“Looks like you forgot one of the rules for interacting with the fae,” it crooned with a false kind of sympathy. “5) Do not insult them.”
Or: A changeling finds a new home.
Cassandra Cain had always known that something was strange about her.
Her father had trained her to have a complete understanding of body language, she could tell when his was off. She could see it in the slight crinkle of his brow when he looked at her, the way his lips just barely tugged downwards at the corners in disgust, she recognized the anger making his eyes narrow.
But he didn’t look at other people like that. He didn’t have any emotions for other people, as far as she could tell. So there was something about her that upset him.
As long as he didn’t realize she was a liar, though, she didn’t mind.
She knew what her father was saying when he spoke. Despite his attempts to make her only learn to communicate in body language, people around her spoke enough for her to pick up quite a few things. However, whenever she did try to speak she got in trouble. She wasn’t quite sure why it was wrong for her to speak when everyone else – including him, she had heard him say things a few times – got to. But why would her dad ever steer her wrong? He might despise her no matter what she did, no matter how she tried, but he seemed motivated to keep her healthy.
That was what she had thought…
Until one fateful day.
She had been at the kitchen table, shoving spoonful after spoonful of cereal in her mouth. It wasn’t enough to fill her, it never was, but she wasn’t allowed more than what she had. So, she busied herself by drumming on the table, her fingers tapping out a tune she had heard her father whistling earlier that day.
He had burst into the room, his eyes bright when they landed on her. He rushed over to her, placing his hands on her shoulders so he could steer her out of the chair and out the door.
Today is the day, it all meant.
She wasn’t sure what was today, but the man’s excitement was starting to bleed into her. It wasn’t often that her father was happy around her.
He dragged her out into the yard. A woman was laying there, writhing desperately in her binds, screaming through a cloth in her mouth.
Cass looked up at her father, her smile fading just slightly. She conveyed a silent question by furrowing her brows.
Her father shook his head.
Okay, she wasn’t allowed to ask questions.
She felt something enter her hand, and looked down at the blade she was given. She looked up at her father in confusion, and the man gave a small smile that said trust me and Cass did so she allowed him to guide her to the ground. He grabbed the woman who was trying to wriggle away in earnest, now, and dragged her closer.
And then he carefully positioned the knife on the woman’s chest.
He made a motion that was somewhat different from the cuts that Cass often used while cutting apples to snack on. But, she supposed, this person was much bigger than an apple.
Was she supposed to eat her? She couldn’t think of why else she was cutting up a person. The thought was strange. She’d prefer not doing that.
But her dad was looking at her expectantly, and Cass supposed that she didn’t have much of a choice here.
It was more difficult than Cass was used to. Something hard pushed back against her almost immediately, and she frowned as she threw all of her weight into pressing the knife in.
The hard thing broke and Cass gave a quiet yelp as she sunk in more fully.
It was nothing in comparison to the sound the woman made. She sounded like Cass did when she fell, like all of the air in her chest had been punched out of her. Tears began to spill down her cheeks.
Cass pulled the knife out and she made the sound again, but worse. It was guttural. Hell, it didn’t even sound human.
She started shaking and screaming in earnest, bound limbs straining against their binds.
But the woman grew tired. Quickly. Unnaturally fast. Faster, even, than the red liquid that was spilling out of her at an unnatural rate. The sounds petered off into soft sobs.
They petered out into nothing.
There was nothing.
No body language, no sounds, no movement at all.
Cass reached out and touched her shoulder, trying to wake her up, but she knew this wasn’t sleep. People still moved in their sleep, still had minute changes in expression and soft breaths. This was something more.
The woman was, for lack of a better word, gone.
And Cass had done that to her.
She felt sick. The cereal she had been chowing down on earlier started to creep its way up her throat. She pressed her hands to her mouth, only to recoil when she felt the blood smear itself on her chin.
Her breakfast came up. A hand pulled back her hair, and that only made her dry heaves more painful for some reason.
It was wrong. It was all wrong.
Her father gathered her up in a hug when she was done, and Cass couldn’t even bring herself to enjoy it. She felt trapped. She wanted to be let go. But her father forced her to meet his eyes regardless.
She was a bad woman, her father tried to comfort her. But that didn’t change the fact that she was a woman.
No one deserved that.
Cass didn’t stop shaking for days. It was as if the very universe had noticed the fact that that other woman had gone still, and now her punishment was she had to move for both of them. There was so much. She felt like she was about to vibrate right out of her skin. Like she was about to break into pieces. Like she was falling apart in the most literal sense.
Her father tired of her inability to leave bed within the week. It was a shock he had lasted as long as he had, really. He’d never been a patient man, nor a kind one, so clearly he had been aware ahead of time that this was going to affect her and had planned accordingly. But she was supposed to be over it by now, apparently.
But then he touched her arm and realized that this was much more than her being ‘overdramatic’. He jerked his hand back as if he had been burned – and he had been. Her skin was unnaturally warm. Beyond that of a normal sickness. It was a wonder that her sheets weren’t steaming.
He tried soup, and pain medication, but Cass could hardly keep them down. And, regardless, her father seemed to think it wouldn’t work even if she could eat the food.
Finally, in a last-ditch attempt, her father left to get help.
Hours passed, and Cass almost managed to fall asleep, but then she heard the quiet murmur of voices get closer and closer. She peeled open sticky eyes and squinted at the harsh light that streamed through the windows.
“May I come in?” came the unknown voice.
Her father gave a dry laugh. “I wouldn’t have made you come all this way if you weren’t supposed to.”
“It’s just a formality thing.”
The door swung open, and her father entered, a looming figure just behind him. The figure wore a heavy, baggy cloak that obscured their body shape, but they were so tall that they looked imposing regardless. They pulled down their hood.
Instantly, she knew this was a fae. For the body language was all wrong – a mess of too many signals all jumbled together, and yet nothing at all. It was unnatural. He was unnatural.
He smiled at Cass, but it seemed more for her than itself.
And then he turned to look at her father. Its face was impassive, but its eyes were sharp. Dangerously so. “When did this start?”
Her father hesitated. Which was uncommon for him.
He gave a small shrug of his shoulders. “She just… became sick one day,” he said.
The faerie shook their head. “That’s not how it works. She’s a Changeling, they don’t get sick unless you force them to do something they’re not supposed to.”
Her dad looked very pale.
“I suppose I could ask her…” the faerie said with false innocence, a lilting tone that spoke of suspicion and barely concealed anger.
Her father grimaced. There were a few moments as he seemed to think it over.
And then he sighed. “I didn’t teach her to speak,” he said.
The faerie’s eyes snapped to her father instantly, wide and horrified. “Why not?”
“Because it felt wrong. She’s not a human.”
“She’s a kid,” the faerie argued.
“She’s a couple of rocks and sticks you tied together with leaves.”
The faerie scowled. “And yet she’s more human than you seem to be.”
Her father gritted his teeth. “Are you going to help or not?”
“Are you going to tell me what you did or not?”
There was a long silence as the two stared each other down. Cass’s skin crawled in a new way, anxiety gnawing at her stomach. Her father wasn’t a patient man, and the faerie didn’t seem all that pleased with what was going on either, but they were both stubborn and she was suffering. She understood that it was deserved – she had killed a woman, the least she could do was deal with a bout of sickness in order to atone for it – but she was a coward, and she wanted nothing more than to have this all go away.
“He made me kill her,” she said.
As it had been the few times she had ever spoken aloud, her voice wasn’t exactly her own. Instead, it was a mimic of the person who had talked in front of her last.
Her father’s head jerked backward, confused as to how the faerie had spoken without opening its mouth. And then he noticed the way that they were staring at her in mild horror and turned to look at her.
She wasn’t sure who was more surprised. Her father, or the faerie.
Or who looked angrier.
The anger in her father’s face slipped off instantly, though, replaced by horror. He turned to look at the faerie, who looked positively murderous.
A knife flashed in her father’s hand, dark metal gleaming dangerously in the light, but the faerie caught the hand with ease. With a twist of their wrist, her father’s knife dropped to the ground with a clatter, and the man was left at the mercy of a very pissed of faerie.
One that locked their free hand around the man’s throat.
“Looks like you forgot one of the rules for interacting with the fae,” it crooned with a false kind of sympathy. “5) Do not insult them.”
“I didn’t –.”
“She’s a faerie, too, is she not? And I believe you said ‘She’s a couple of rocks and sticks you tied together with leaves.’ She may be merciful, but I am not.”
Her father’s eyes widened. Hands scrabbled at the faerie’s, trying to loosen the fingers pressing against his neck, but the faerie didn’t even seem to notice.
“I will make sure your punishment is appropriately fitting.”
“Don’t kill him,” she choked out. Her voice hurt from disuse, but she wasn’t going to watch that happen again. She didn’t care if she wasn’t the one doing the killing, it was wrong.
Her father’s eyes flitted her way. They widened with shock and anger and relief and Cass couldn’t make sense of much of any of it.
The faerie looked over at her, blue eyes gleaming. “I won’t,” it promised.
Her father disappeared. Replaced with a bundle of sticks and rocks and leaves that fell to the ground in a series of dull thuds and rustles.
Cass blinked over at it. “Is he okay?” She asked.
The faerie smiled. “He’s alive.”
Cass nodded slowly.
It meandered over to her, its eyes taking in her house. Distaste flickered across its face, a minute thing hidden in the slight twitch of its lips, but then it was gone. They smiled at her, coming to kneel beside her bed. He pressed a hand to her forehead, and instantly all of the pain receded, leaving her warm and pleasantly happy, snuggled under some blankets.
He gave her hair a tiny ruffle, and she leaned into the touch.
It felt right.
It shouldn’t.
Cass hesitated just slightly, her eyes straying to the bundle of things that had once been her father, and then up to the faerie again.
“You said you made me.”
The faerie looked pained. “I did. Your father came to me a few years ago, begging me to give him a child to take care of.” He sighed. “The thing about not being able to lie, is you tend to forget others can.” They smiled sadly. “This shouldn’t have happened to you. I’m sorry.”
At the words ‘I’m sorry’, the faerie’s heart began to glow gold inside its chest. Light bent around them, stretching itself between them like a physical bond had been formed, and she watched a golden string slip into existence, tying the faerie’s heart to her wrist. It was featherlight, and she had some doubts that it was even real, and yet it held a weight to it. Somewhere, intrinsically, she knew what it meant: he owed her.
But the faerie didn’t seem surprised. It had been intentional.
She looked at him for a long moment.
“Are you my dad, then?” She asked.
The faerie hesitated. “It doesn’t quite work like that… but, if that is what you want, then I would be more than happy to be your father.”
She eyed the string binding them. She could ask for anything, and there was a good chance that her wish would be granted.
“I want that.”
The faerie smiled a little and started carefully picking her up, blankets and all. She let her head rest upon his shoulder, and a small kiss was pressed to the crown of her head.
“Then let’s go home, shall we?”
Babs: really, Bruce, another one?
Bruce: does it make it better or worse if this one is actually mine and I made it
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T4t Ke$ha: I just can't date a dude with no vag
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tigerrampage · 2 years
Insomnia of the Winter Wind Whistle and the Moon feat. Kagamine Len - ke-ji
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issela-santina · 1 year
“For Alpha Waymond, it was an eagle,
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for CEO Waymond, a fox,
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and for Waymond in the present universe, a squirrel.”
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Ke Huy Quan, as three different versions of his Everything Everywhere All At Once character Waymond Wang juxtaposed beside GIFs of three different animals that he and his body movement coach Jean-Louis Rodrigue based the characters' body languages on.
GIFs by: @phildunsters @milflaszlo @fae-cafe-archived @everythingfox @animal-diversity
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we-were-beautiful · 2 years
The Fox and The Hounds pt. 2
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A/N: Well after a month of fighting to get this chapter to work with me we finally have it. I am so happy with the response that the first part got and I am excited to see where this goes. Also I’m proud of myself; I figured out how to add Gifs. As I mentioned in the last one No beta we die like men
Eris Vanserra x Reader
Summary: Its autumn court tradition to give your mate a fox kit before your ceremony. after years of knowing the Vanserra’s a mating bond snaps between the Autumn Heir and a well known smoke hound breeder
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1960
     “Mate.” The words ring out through her head startling when a hand settles on her shoulder. It jolts the younger Fae out of her stupor turning to look at the lady of autumn who had placed her hand on her shoulders. Y/N risks a glance over to her father and the high lord each wearing a large smile. A mating bond was a absolute way to bring the families together 
     “Well that settles one of the things we came here to discuss Thorne.” Beorn claps a hand on Thorne’s shoulder. Both Eris and Y/N’s eyes widened; so the Vanserras weren’t here to just look at purchasing a puppy their fathers were getting together to finish a marriage contract. Y/N turns her eyes back towards Eris as he looks between the highlord and her father, apparently he had no idea about this meeting either. The natural instinct to bolt starts to well up in the young fae, but the gentle smoky brush against her mental shield stops her. She naturally lowers her mental walls to her mothers prodding. 
     “Don’t bolt. I know you want to run but don’t. It will be ok.” Her mothers soothing voice comforts her. Demanti are rare but it was a gift that Y/N shared with her mother a way for them to communicate without those around them hearing. 
     “I don’t know what to do Mother.” she responds to her through the link
     “It will be ok love.”  she crooned.
     “Well then It seems I have things I need to acquire. Father, Lord L/N I hope you don’t mind if I miss breakfast, I should be back in time to join you on your hunt.” Eris voice pulls Y/N back to the situation at hand not realizing that Eris had moved closer towards her 
     “Do what you must, Eris.” Beorn nodded at his son, your father simply nodding along 
     “Well then” Eris turns towards me, taking a hold of one of her hands to place a kiss on the back of her hand “ I will see you later, my Mate.”
     He lets go of her hand and turns towards the other two males.
     “Father, Lord L/N.” with a stiff nod to the older Fae he takes a step away from her and winnows away 
     “I think breakfast should be ready,shall we move to the dining room?” her mother turned and addressed the group; breaking the uncomfortable silence that had grown after the lordling had winnowed away.
     “That sounds lovely, Charis. Thorne shall we; we have much to discuss.” Beorn gestures towards the door. Thorne gives a nod before leading the way out of the kennels. 
     Y/N follows out after the group exits making a quick stop at one of the kennels. She typically cycled which of her hounds stayed with her for the night. Each of her beloved hounds had their own personalities Ramiel was no exception. Named after the sacred mountain of her mothers home court, Ramiel was her first hound and from most everyone's perspective the most spoiled. Y/N opens the kennel and quickly leashes the hound leading her out of her  assigned kennel. 
     “I know you were upset about having to come back here last night.” She kneels down next to the hound giving the hound gentle scratches behind the ear. “So you get to have your day today ok; so I need you to stop growling at everyone. The High Lord and his family are here; I need you to be on your best behavior. Ok”
     Y/N stands and leads Ramiel towards the door and towards the house. It wasn't uncommon in the nobles to have smoke hounds running around the home. They were a sign of wealth and the more you have the better. So Y/N bringing Ramiel into the hound wouldn’t get her in trouble and it would keep the spoiled pup happy. When she sneaks into the dinning room everyone else has apparently just been seated, no one bats an eye as she unclips the lead and lets Ramiel off to wander the room where she settles on one of the several dog beds lining the room. Y/N takes the open seat next to her mother across from the Lady of Autumn.
     It is almost like she is underwater as the food is served. She can hear her parents talking with Beorn and his wife but can’t really make out what they are saying. Going off of the wide smile on her fathers face and the one on Beorns, they are probably discussing the impending mating ceremony between her and Eris. It's hard for Y/N to bring herself to eat the wonderful breakfast that has been placed in front of her. It is like her head is in a fog; the mating bond had sent a shockwave through her system. It also didn’t help that she was working on zero sleep; Maybe if she was rested it wouldn’t feel like her whole world had been flipped on its head. 
     Yes she knew Eris but it was only on a surface level. So far the only thing that she knew they had in common was their love of their smoke hounds. However the mating bond did explain several things for her. It explained her violent emotions when Eris had been engaged to Morrigan; and it explained Eris behavior towards other males whenever they attend the same balls. He always had a habit of running suitors off including his own brothers, it could have been the mating bond acting out before it snapped.
      Still Y/N nodded along to the conversations still not fully aware of what was being discussed, but soon the plates were taken and tea was set in front of them. It becomes obvious to her that at least the males are waiting for Eris to return so that they can start their hunt. Time seems to drag but in reality only two hours have passed. At one point Ramiel stood from her dog bed and made her way over to Y/N sitting beside her chair, laying her slender head in Y/N's lap. The familiar weight is a comfort to the young Fae. Y/N absentmindedly pets her furry companion while gazing down at her cup.
     “Y/N.” Thorne’s voice pulls Y/N back to the present 
     “Yes. Sorry.” Y/N stumbles for a bit missing whatever had been discussed “Sorry the lack of sleep is starting to mess with me.” 
     “That is okay I know you have been up for a full day. We were wondering which hounds we should bring with us today?” Her father ever the patient man explains to her 
     “Well Bellatrix, Khalid and Ramiel are out, but the rest of mine are good as are all of your hounds father. That gives you nine which should be sufficient, but if you are looking for more I would take Anteros’ hounds since none of his are in heat and that would bring you up to twelve.” Y/N rattles off.  Twelve hounds should be efficient enough for one hunt. Beorn nods to Thorne in approval. 
     “I can only imagine that after the mating ceremony you and Eris will be tripping over all the hounds that the two of you have. What will it be, nineteen hounds?”  The Lady addresses Y/N. 
     “Um Twenty my Lady, I am going to be keeping one of Bellatrix’s pups.” That fact had only been known to her father and her.
     “I am looking forward to seeing what you can do with the Vanserra Kennels Y/N.” Beorn addresses Y/N and it feels like a small weight has been lifted from her shoulders. At least she will be able to continue doing the thing she loves. 
     “It would be an honor and a pleasure My Lord.” Even just between her and Eris she would have a variety to work with, but add in the rest of the Vanserra’s kennel the possibilities were endless. 
     A knock draws everyone's attention to the door. One of the servants pokes their head in. 
     “Lord Eris.” He introduces before opening the door. 
     Eris strides into the room with a level of confidence that Y/N had not seen from him in a while. In his arms is a basket; a plaid cloth draped over the top. His cinnamon eyes scan the room before landing on his mate.
      “Sorry I missed Breakfast.” He gives Thorne and his father a nod before turning and walking towards Y/N.
     “Sorry for my absence My Mate, but I figured it would be best to do things the traditional way.And since we were all already here this would probably be the best time.” He walks over to Y/N and  gently places the basket on the table. He pulls her chair out far enough that he can turn it to face him, disrupting Ramiel who growls lightly at the heir to the Autumn court. He pays no mind to the growling hound before he goes down to one knee in front of her; a quick glance to his father shows the look of approval on Beorn’s face. 
     “Y/N L/N, My Mate, will you do me the greatest honor of marrying me?” He produces a gorgeous emerald ring from his pocket, presenting it to the girl. Y/N nods her head yes not trusting her voice at the moment. It was an arranged marriage so saying no would reflect poorly on her family and there was no love between the two of them but at the very minimum Eris was trying to hold on to the traditions. Eris takes the ring and gently slides it onto her finger, a perfect fit that felt like led on her finger. He stands and gently places the basket on her lap. 
     Y/N slowly pulls back the plaid fabric, setting it on the table before glancing into the basket. In the basket is a sleeping fox kit. At this Y/N does softly gasp. At the gasp Ramiel suddenly takes interest in the basket standing up and sniffing around before looking into the basket nudging the sleeping kit with her snout causing the fox to wiggle and snuffle about the basket Ramiel quickly lifts her head before giving the small creature a wholly unimpressed look glancing up at Y/N. Y/N lifts the fox kit from the basket with the utmost care bringing the creature to her chest. She twist slightly in the seat to show the others in the room what was in the basket. There is a quick squeal of excitement from the Lady of Autumn as well as coo from her mother over the small fox. A small clinking noise draws  Y/N eyes down to the collar around the foxes neck. Holding the now wiggly fox with one hand Y/N grabs ahold of the tag with the other. The Vanserra Family crest is stamped into the metal flipping it around revels two lines with simple lettering
                                    Belongs to: Y/N Vanserra
     Seeing that solidified how real this situation was. Y/N was going to be married to Eris, soon if their parents had anything to say about it.
     “What are you going to name it Darling?” Charis asks her daughter, momentarily breaking Y/N away from a downward spiral.  
     “Paprika.” Y/n tells the room with no hesitation. She had alway told her family while she was growing up that if she found her mate and they gave her a fox she was going to name it Paprika to match with the spice theme that her mother had set . and so Paprika is what this fox shall be.
Tag list: @imma-too-many-fandoms @judig92 @fall-myriad @j-brielmalfoy @highlady-ofillyria @percyjacksonspeen @nyctophiliiiiaaa​
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jaytipede · 5 months
what kind of music do your characters like to listen to? i'm especially curious about fae
Ooo, I got a few questions asking this. I will answer mootie's.... hai mootie....
I'm not entirely well versed on music, especially 2000s music, BUT I can give you a good idea ..
Cookie would definitely listen to pop. Britney Spears, Ke$ha, Avril Lavigne, lady gaga, etc
Jasper listens to mostly nu-metal, I think, system of a down, limp bizkit, korn, slipknot, etc. But he also likes grunge..? I think grunge??? Like, nirvana, radiohead, yk.
Fae is definitely the type to listen to underground artists and garage bands rather than mainstream stuff.
Raven would listen to literally anything she finds catchy but def things like Dolly Parton
I haven't really thought about what any of my other characters would listen to tbh. I'll have to get back to you on that one 😭
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tavtiers · 8 months
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The Sylph of Breath [symbols: fairy wand, wind]
The Sylph class has its basis in the nymphs of Greek mythology. An example would be the Fairy Godmother trope.
The Breath aspect’s main theme is freedom. You can find its official description here.
A Sylph of Breath is among those who alter paths, drive, and passion. This is the “classpect group” they belong to. Members include: the Sylph, Maid, Bard, and Prince of Breath/Blood. These classes are all opposites or inverses of each other that alter the Breath/Blood dichotomy (paths, drive, and passion). A description of classpect groupings can be found here.
The Sylph of Breath passively assists the Breath aspect. Passive classes are guided by others or act for the benefit of others. They are more likely to be kind, but less likely to stand up for themselves. Sylphs and Maids aid their aspect and everything it symbolizes or use it as a form of aid. Simplified, the Sylph of Breath is motivated by others to assist freedom.
In personality, the Sylph of Breath feels useless when they can't help others and dislikes commitment. Personality descriptions can be found here.
Their archetype is the Mother Escapee, defined by helping freedom. Archetypes are explained here.
Their opposite is the Maid of Blood, who actively assists connection.
Their inverse is the Prince of Blood, who actively destroys connection.
A classpect or “god tier” is an individual’s best self. All classpects go through a journey from unrealized, to struggle, to realized. When a character is unrealized, they neutrally exist as their inverse. On their struggle, they will wildly flip back and forth between their inverse and true classpect. In their worst moments they will act as their inverse, in their best their true classpect. When realized, they will stabilize as their true classpect. They will still have room to grow, but will become happier, more successful people.
This means that the Sylph of Breath begins life motivated by themselves to destroy connection. When their struggle arrives and they are at their worst, they will continue this behavior in negative extremes. However, when at their best, they will find purpose in instead assisting freedom for others. When realized, they will stabilize and continue to assist the Breath aspect passively, in a positive way.
They share their archetype with the Maid of Space, the Escapee Mother.
The Sylph of Breath would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Shine [Sylph] and Breath [Aspect]. An example would be the Land of Glimmer and Flurries. An explanation of planet naming conventions can be found here.
Two possible gods, or denizens, to reign over their planet would be Zeus (God of Thunder) or Hermes (the Messenger God). Other Breath aspect denizens can be found here.
When the Sylph of Breath completes their planet quests and dies on their quest bed, they would rise to ascension on the wings of fireflies (symbols of the fae). A list of soul animals can be found here.
The characters that I have currently classpected as Sylphs of Breath are: Florence + the Machine from Ke$hastuck and Sylaise from Dragon Age.
If any of the links not connected to my blog break, the content can be found on my Google Drive.
Official Aspect Descriptions Personality Descriptions Aspect Denizens
Muse of Life analysis can be found here.
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twistedtummies2 · 10 months
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Always gonna fly away! Just because you know you can! Never gonna learn there's no such place As a Neverland! You don't understand... You'll never grow up! And you're never gonna be a man, Peter Pan.
"Peter Pan," Kelsea Ballerini
This is a concept sketch made by @belliesandburps of my Royal Sword OC, Matthew Satyr. Matthew is based on Peter Pan (if the song quote above didn't make that clear), and he's the arch-enemy of my Captain Hook OC, James Killian. I don't have a TON of info about Matthew that I can actually share right now, but here are some of the basics: he's a half-fae youth who, much like Lilia, looks and behaves a lot younger than he really is. (He's not centuries old, but he's certainly not a little boy, either.) He has a pixie sidekick named Kes (based on Tinker Bell), and - much like Peter - he's a cocky prankster by nature, who enjoys a good fight and has a strong competitive streak. Matthew and James have known each other since James was a child; any time the two have fought or competed over anything, Matthew has nearly always won. The pair used to be friends, but at some point they fell apart; James now considers Matthew to be his sworn enemy, and will stop at nothing to show him up. Matthew, for his part, secretly wishes he and James could be friends again, but still can't help but taunt him whenever James loses. Matthew has a Unique Magic called "Faith and Trust." This ability fills the user up with so many positive memories and emotions, it literally "lifts your spirits," allowing you to levitate without the aid of fairy dust or any other contrivances. The power can also effect anybody Matthew touches, provided he activates it himself. He is also a very skilled fencer (he and James took swordsmanship classes together), and carries a fighting baton similar to Silver's, housed in a special scabbard or sheath.
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All Fae-n And Games Masterlist
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Dick Grayson - Faerie the Hatchet Pt1 Pt2
6.8k words Summary: Fae!Bruce is lonely, but then a newly orphaned boy stumbles into his clearing asking for a deal. It’s Free Son.
Barbara Gordon - Eat, Drink, and Be Faerie
4k words Summary: Fae!Bruce panics upon realizing his first child won't eat anything he gives him, finds another child picking around his faerie ring, and decides "Yeah, I can capitalize on this".
Jason Todd - Run Faerie Far Away Pt1 Pt2
11.6k words Summary: Jason does not want to go home. Because he does not want to go home, all of the local faerie decide that they are adopting him.
Cassandra Cain - A Fae-ke
2.4k words Summary: A changeling finds a new home.
Tim Drake and Bernard Dowd - Save Fae-ce Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3
14.5k words Summary: Two-for-one deal!
Stephanie Brown - Fae-ing both sides
4.5k words Summary: Steph finds out that the inhuman sometimes display the most humanity out of anyone.
Talia al Ghul - Extended Fae-mily
3.4k words Summary: Talia needs an heir.
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kewpidity · 2 months
since in already zelda posting, have some more thoughts
this is all copy-pasted again so dont mind the weird formatting, also this was sort of a stream of consciousness
okay to Preface this, this entire string of thoughts happened because i was looking at the botw gerudo a bit back and i noticed that their rib to waist to hip situation is v odd boxy in a way that humans generally Arent, right?
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and That got ke thinking about how the thing is gerudo Arent humans, and for that matter neither are hylians- there Are regular humans that exist in some of the loz games and they are categorically Different from hylians right okay
like i understand the optics of referring to the gerudo as a different species from hylians in oot, so theyre kinda all lumped in with the various different 'races' altho they are also quite literally different species they are literally rocks and fish and birds
beyond that, when it comes to the gerudo Specifically, its v weird to me the way people in the fandom view their genetics, where theyre seen as simply a different type of hylian, literally just brown people but theyre Not theyre literally a different species that Only gives birth to female children except every 100 years or so they have a male- thats not a weird coincidence thats hoe they Work as evidenced by that fact they gerudo genetics are Extremely powerful. you dont see 'half gerudo' children, theyre all Just gerudo despite all of them having hylian fathers, so thats just how they Work, and the 1 male every 100 years reads as a genetic mutation to me. this sort of thing is historically associated with magical creatures and myths, for example in irl fae legends if a kid has a fae parent, they themselves are 100% fae regardless of theyr human parents genetics, that sorta thing
on top of that, another indication to me that the gerudo are Not the same is that they evolved Rapidly over just a handful of generations- they went from roughly hylian sized in oot to averaging 9 feet tall in botw- realistically that drastic of a change that effects a species fully (not just a handful of outliers here and there) would take thousands of years Easy and thats being generous
something similar also happens with the zora- it seems that the royalty have legs that rapidly atrophy over just the course or a handful of years at Most to prepare them for the throne, (and you could make the same argument for how they all gotta shorter for botw, the same but opposite thing for the gerudos that Also should have taken way longer) but even byeond that, we saw that the earth flooded and their entire species literally turned into a different species Entirely which would take Even Longer than just height changing
and all of these tells me two things: gerudos are Not hylians (and neither of them are human) and also that the way genetics in all of the hylian species/races are extremely versatile and adaptive by design
so here are some Questions: we know gerudo and hylians are similar enough to have kids, but considering the similar way their genetics work and adapt, could a gerudo and zora have children? what about the rito?
and a follow up thought: is it actually Only the hylians who can mix with the other races, and if so is it possibly because that hylian genetics are weak and watery like a wet paper towel which is why they can and still have no physical traits actually present in the offspring, thus leading them to feel the need to concur and subjugate the other races, just like irl white supremaclsts who are afraid of their culture and genetic code being lost to history?
just some thoughts!
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v-anrouge · 1 year
I HC that faes have some level of shapeshifting powers, so no matter mask or fem one day Lilia will have comically large breasts, and the next he’s flat chested and acting like he didn’t do that.
Man I wish
ABSOLUTELY shape shifter lilia is canon to ke
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dru-reads-writeblr · 1 year
What is one cool thing that you like about your WIP or have read about in someone else's WIP?
Hi 'Mous!
Since this is my "promote other Writeblrs" blog I'll answer for ones I've seen around (if you want me to answer for myself, feel free to send another ask to @druidx).
The 'utility artificers' in @ashen-crest's Rosemond St Series (it is technically a series now, right?). I'm a big sucker for 'high fantasy, but make it urban' (as opposed to urban fantasy's 'take IRL and give it magic' (though I do like that - but I digress)). Plus the whole setup she's got going on in that series is a huge itch-scratcher for me, filling the niche left by people such as A. Lee. Martinez and KE Mills.
Cyberpunk hackers, my beloved! @digital-chance's Nova Futurum looks awesome, and their main character in that is a hacker. I'm excited to see more of their work!
I'd be horribly remiss if I didn't mention @artbyeloquent's Hill To Die On. This looks at the paranormal from a distinctly Jewish POV which is utterly fascinating to me, and also Elo's writing style is just 🤌️ *mwah*!
Talking of writing style, for that and her just truly epic worldbuilding, I have to recommend @faelanvance. Both The Last Wild Place and The Whale God's Wife** will be an epic of the ages from what I've seen from the excerpts and snips. I'll take 'things I want on my shelf' for 10, Alex 😅️
And last, but not at all least, is my darling @aquadestinyswriting's The Wizard's Tale and The Trouble with Meredith. Now, with these, I'm highly biased, because the 'cool' thing about these are they're set in our highly modified version of the Fighting Fantasy World of Titan TTRPG. Also her characters are epic and I loves 'em ur honour.
...Oops. I was supposed to go off with this right? 😅️
Anyway, thanks for the question and have fun checking out some of these superb writers, 'Mous!
(** Fae - is that the right intro post for that WIP? Please let me know if not so I can fix)
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what would you call your game show?
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"Oh don't tempt me..." She says, thinking.
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"Fae-ke it Til You Make It"
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sinew-lattice · 5 months
📙: what subjects engage/bore your ocs?
Lum will talk about literally anything without getting bored, they just like talking, really. though they especially enjoy ancient media. xe have seen tf2 ytps.
Shei likes to talk about weird stuff they see while traversing the sprawls, and will listen to Vidri talk about his work even though he doesn't understand half the terms being used lol.
Vidri in turn likes to hear about Shei's finds, and the both of them entertain Lum's ramblings. :>
⭐:what do your ocs fear?
Lum is surprisingly fearless, between simply having too much whimsy to be afraid and the time-proven strategy of launch-everything-not-nailed-to-the-ground-at-approximately-mach-fucking-one-towards-nearest-threat, she doesn't have much to worry about.
Shei is quite averse to drawing attention to himself, which can be a problem given it takes conscious effort to maintain a convincingly human appearance, and is much harder when overstimulated.
There's also The Fae, but Shei really doesn't like to talk about them, so good luck learning what his deal is with them.
Outside of home, Vidri can be rather skittish on account of being rather defenseless, there's a lot of things roaming the sprawls, so id say their fear is traveling alone.
💛: how in-control of their emotions are your ocs?
Lum is very excitable, and this can result of unconscious use of telekinetics, but ke does xer best to not damage anything at least.
Shei does their best to at the very least appear composed/positive, but if he's overstimulated or otherwise overwhelmed the mask very quickly falls to reveal a complete mess./aff
Vidri is just genuinely just a very level headed dude! they're like uhh what was that guys name. harry du buos's like bf or whatever. he like that guy but not as much of a stone wall. able to keep calm and think rationally as long as his isn't like. immediately in danger.
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What is ur pride headcanons for each ultimate?
Yall have got to start splitting up asks do you know how many characters that is?!
It's pride though so it's not like I can say no sooo
Trigger Happy Havoc
Makoto Naegi, Bi, Trans Man (He/Him)
Toko Fukawa, Lesbian, Trans Girl (She/Her)
Syo, Demiro/Lesbian, Agender (She/They)
Sakura Oogami, Bisexual (She/Her)
Mukuro Ikusaba, Quoiromantic/Asexual, Trans Woman (She/Her)
Aoi Asahina, Lesbian (She/Her)
Yasuhiro Hagakure, Aro/Ace, Trans Guy (He/They)
Kyoko Kirigiri, Demi, Trans Woman (She/Her)
Sayaka Maizono, Greyromantic (She/Her)
Chihiro Fujisaki, Bi, Questioning Gender (He/They)
Junko Enoshima, Lithromantic, Genderfluid (All Pronouns)
Byakuya Togami, Gay, Genderfluid (Closeted) (He/They and rarely Her)
Leon Kuwata, Bi, Demiboy (He/They)
Hifumi Yamada, Ace/Aro, Bigender (He/She)
Celestia Ludenberg, Aro/Ace, Trans Girl (She/Her)
Mondo Owada, Gay (He/Him)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Gay (He/Him)
Monokuma, Pan, Agender (Any Pronouns)
Ultra Despair Girls
Komaru Naegi, Lesbian (She/Her)
Masaru Daimon, Bisexual (He/Him)
Monaca Towa, Aro/Ace, Agender (Xe/Them)
Jataro Kemuri, Bi, Agender (Will realize when older, currently only He but will become She/They)
Kotoko Utsugi, Aro/Ace, Demigirl (She/Her)
Nagisa Shingetsu, Bi, Demiboy (He/They)
Hiroko Hagakure, Pan (She/Her)
Goodbye Despair
Nagito Komaeda, Gay, Nonbinary (They/He)
Hajime Hinata Bisexual Trans Man (He/Him)
Gundham Tanaka, Demi, Trans Man (He/Him)
Hiyoko Saionji, Lesbian (She/Her)
Kazuichi Souda, Bi, Trans Guy (He/Him)
Akane Owari, Pan, Girlflux (She/They)
Peko Pekoyama, Bi, Trans Woman (She/Her)
Sonia Nevermind Greysexual Trans Woman (She/Her)
Ibuki Mioda, Pansexual Aromantic, Agender (She/They)
Nekomaru Nidai, Bi (He/Him)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Trans Man (He/Him)
Teruteru Hanamura Pan (He/Him)
Imposter, Pan, Genderfluid (All)
Mahiru Koizumi, Lesbian (He/Him)
Mikan Tsumiki, Pan (She/Her)
Chiaki, Bi, Demigirl (She/They)
Usami: Bi Aro (She/They)
Kokichi Ouma, Aro/Ace, Trans Girl but doesn’t know it yet (She/Her, Fae/Faer, Ke/Kem, Joke/Joker, Jes/Jest, Ni/Nishi, Dem/Demon, Nae/Nym, Ho/Horse, Ne/Neighs, They/Them, Twink/Twinkler, Clown/Clowns, Mon/Monster-)
Korekiyo Shinguuji, Omni/Demiro, Agender, (They/He/Xe)
Gonta Gokuhara, Bi, Demiboy (They/He/Gent)
Kaede, Bisexual (She/Her)
Shuichi Saihara, Bi, Genderflux(Specifically multiflux) (He/Them/She)
Tenko Chabashiro, Sapphic (She/Her)
Rantaro Aro/Ace Genderfluid (Changes between He/They/She)
Kaito Momota, Bi/Ace (He/Him)
Ryoma Hoshi, Pan (He/Him)
Tsumugi Shirogane Pan (She/Her)
Maki Harikawa, Demi (She/Her)
Himiko Yumeno, Quoiromantic/Demi, Closeted Demiboy (He/Fey)
Miu Iruma, Pansexual, Trans Girl (She/Her)
Kirumi Tojo, Lesbian, Demigirl (She/Her)
Angie Yonaga, Pan, Nonbinary (She/Her)
K1-B0, Demi, Demiboy (He/They)
Monokid Gay Trans Man (He/Xe)
Monosuke Aro/Ace Unlabeled (He/Him)
Monodam Grey, Agender (They/Them)
Monophanie Demigirl (She/Her)
Monotaro Bi/Aro, Boyflux (He/They)
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