#a few new clothes and a whole new set of hangers and a tall narrow set of drawers i can use to store underwear/socks/pyjamas etc
if my bank doesn’t contact me about abnormal payments from my account over the last two days i will be SHOCKED
#i’m not a HUUGE shopper. mostly because i’ve never had any money really#but i’m on a mission to like. reorganise/reconfigure/refresh my whole wardrobe#because i mean. 90% of the stuff there i’ve had since i was like. sixteen. and it’s not really my taste/style anymore#but i’ve never had the funds to replace that shit so i’ve just had to keep wearing clothes i HATE for the past like. decade.#and there’s NO organisation it’s all just dumped there#AND also there’s like. nothing left. because after a decade of wear most of the stuff that WAS there has had to be removed#because it stopped fitting or it was damaged past the point of repair or etc etc etc#anyway#i’ve invested more into that wardrobe in the past two days than i have in the past two years. FOUR years even. COMBINED#a few new clothes and a whole new set of hangers and a tall narrow set of drawers i can use to store underwear/socks/pyjamas etc#and ALSO a the top lifts up and there’s a little jewellery organiser so i can use that as well#AND and i finally got a little handheld steamer bcus i never iron anything and usually that’s fine but sometimes you probably SHOULD iron#except ironing can damage clothes and it traps any smells/grime into the fibres#and steaming does the opposite#steaming lifts the fibres instead of flattening them#and it’s quicker and easier literally all around the better option unless you’re sewing something and need to press the seams#ANYWAY point is. i’ve suddenly spent a lot of money in a lot of shops i’d never have been able to afford before#all in one go
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angelic-kisses13 · 4 years
Haven’t Forgotten You
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Warnings: Angst, Assumed Cheating, Swearing, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Happy Ending
Authors Note: Sorry it took me so long @beyond-antares​, its been a very very bad couple of weeks. Hopefully this is what you wanted, if it isn’t let me know and I will write you another. Much love!!!
‘Hey.’  You frowned as you looked at the text you had sent Henry early this morning. It wasn’t often that you got jealous or insecure but it had been two weeks since you last had a conversation with him. It was beginning to eat at you and you weren’t sure what you should do to remedy it. 
Two weeks was a long time for both of you, especially when you knew he was only an hour away shooting. He was supposed to come home for the weekends, had made the plans and everything, but when the weekend finally came around, you were disappointed. 
He had his secretary email you, saying he couldn’t make it because of some issues with the contract. It wouldn’t have bothered you if he had sent that email that morning. But instead, you had gotten up, went and got your hair and nails done. You had bought a brand new set of lingerie and you had even gone out of your way and watched a youtube video on how to do a bold look with your makeup. All to have yourself sit in your living for two hours, the special dinner you had cooked for Henry went cold on the dining room table. The fact he hadn’t bothered to contact you was the icing on the cake. 
You knew he loved you, but it was times like these that you questioned just how much. He could get so carried away with his characters and his fans and you loved that about him. But you were here too, you wanted to at least be in his top five list of important things. Clearly, that wasn’t the case. You bit your lip as you threw your phone onto the couch, not even caring where it landed. If he didn’t want to talk to you then that was fine. There was plenty here for you to do. 
Two hours later and you found yourself curled up in your bed, a batch of cookie dough in your lap and a tv show playing in the background. You had been scrolling through your Instagram when you saw it. Your throat tightened and you struggled to hold back the fierce stab of pain and betrayal. Henry was stood in front of a restaurant, his arms around a tall beauty, his award-winning smile on display. The other woman was in heaven, her head was turned up towards him, a smitten smile on her lips, her arms wrapped around his back, and one hand resting on his chest in an intimate caress. Looking up at the name that had posted it you saw that it was the same girl in the photo. Apparently, she had a friend hide and take the picture as they were leaving. 
She had the gal to mention you and Henry both in the post, claiming how happy she was to finally go on the date with him. You could feel your chest tighten and your breaths started coming in shallow pants. 
Your eyes filled with tears as you set the bowl of cookie dough aside, your hands shaking in fear. Was she why he hadn’t been messaging you the last two weeks. Had he finally realized that he deserved better? He had hadn’t he? It all made so much sense. He was done with you and knowing the heart of Henry he couldn’t handle telling you face to face. You must have been missing the subtle clues the whole damn time. 
‘God, how stupid could you get?’  
It wasn’t long before your phone started lighting up with messages from friends and family. All wondering why you weren’t with Henry. All asking who the other woman was. You didn’t have answers, you were in the dark just as much as they were. What you did have the answers to though, was the fact that Henry was with another girl and you weren’t going to stay and find out why. 
Just as you were grabbing your clothes from the closet your phone rang. It was Henry’s ringtone, it was the first song you two ever slow danced to. In fact, it happened downstairs, Henry had made you dinner and had found an old swing record, turned out the swing record was a slow instrumental. He had been so disappointed but you had loved it, you had grabbed his hands and pulled him to you, just barely managing to not trip over Kal who had run between the two of you. Henry’s arms wrapped around you, encasing you in his warmth. 
Blinking, you were brought back to the present when the phone stopped ringing. You bite your lip as you try to decide if you should call him back or not. The decision was made for you when it started ringing again. Taking a deep breath, you grabbed the phone and answered the call. 
“H-Hello?” You answered, your voice shaking. 
“Babe? Oh thank God, I wanted to talk to you before you went to bed.” 
“Oh, what about?” Your response was nonchalant and straight to the point. There was a moment of hesitation before Henry’s voice picked back up. It was slightly deeper than his usual timber and your eyes narrowed. He only got that tone when he was feeling guilty for something or he was lying. 
“There was a photo that got shared on Instagram. I wanted to clear things up before you jumped to conclusions.” Your jaw clenched and the muscles in your neck tightened. Your whole body was wound tight, it would only take a few words or actions to get you to snap. 
“You mean the one with Shelby?” A wince was heard on the other line and your lips pulled up into a malicious smirk. 
“Listen, babe, it really isn’t what it looks like. I had no-,” 
“That’s the oldest line in the book, Henry. Were you there with her for dinner?” 
“Yes, but baby-,” 
“Then it is what it looks like Henry. I don’t see why you have to explain yourself to me. Clearly you would rather spend your time with her and not me. I got the message loud and clear. Don’t worry about me, go back to Shelby and have a wonderful night. In fact, don’t bother coming home at all, I won’t be here. Goodbye!” You were positively seething by the time you managed to get your little speech finished. 
You hung up the phone and for the first time, wished that you could slam it as you hung up, really sending the point across. Instead, you threw the phone and grabbed a pillow, before burying your head in it and screaming yourself raw. 
Your eyes were flooded with tears and your mouth wouldn’t stop quivering as your nose runs. You hadn’t cried this much since you were sixteen and your first boyfriend broke up with you. 
“Babe. I’m home.” Henry called out as he sat his luggage by the door. Kal was sniffing around the house, his tail wagging when he came across a scent he recognized. Henry frowned, he wasn’t expecting you to come racing down the steps and into his arms, just like you always did, especially after the argument the two of you had but the house was too quiet and he was beginning to become concerned. 
“Sweetheart, are you here?” He asked as he pushed open the bedroom door, but his suspicions were confirmed when he was met by the dark silence. Not a single sign of you. He pulled his phone out and dialed your number, it went straight to voicemail. Putting his phone back into his pocket he switched the light on and he looked around. 
There, sitting on his pillow was an innocent purple paper, folded in half. He walked over to the bed and picked it up, his heart was racing and his palms were sweaty. Taking a deep breath he opened the letter and began to read. 
Dearest Henry, 
I know it was sudden and I know I owe you more of an explanation on why I left but frankly, I don’t want to. You did the one thing that you promised you would never do. I don’t know what I did to make you forget about me and stop loving me, and whatever it was I hope I can do better with the next man. 
This letter isn’t meant to make you feel bad, I never want you to hurt. But I need you to know that seeing that other woman replace me hurt more than you can imagine. I thought what we had was good, I know it wasn’t perfect and I never wanted perfect, what I wanted was you. All of you, not just random parts, but everything. 
I guess I never shared that information with you, maybe if I had you would have stayed longer. Maybe you would have seen how much I really love you and just want to be your everything. God knows you were my world, everything revolved around you. You were my sun and my moon and I never wanted to go a day without seeing your smile or hearing your voice call my name. 
But like all love stories, I guess ours had to end too. Its a shame it ended the way it did. I hope you find peace and happiness Henry. I will always love you. Remember that for the rainy days. 
P.S. I don’t want you to ever blame yourself for what happened Henry, I know you were trying to tell me you weren’t happy anymore. But we both know how dense I can be at times. I have one request though, Find happiness in everything you do. I don’t want you to ever stop smiling. 
Henry felt the air leave his lungs in a choked gasp, quickly he got up and headed to the closet, hoping beyond hope that her clothes were still there. What awaited him was naked hangers and a coldness that seeped into his bones. She had really left, he should have gotten here faster. No, he should have been here from the beginning. He should have told Shelby that he wasn’t interested and left. His choice had cost him the one good thing in his life. His girl was no longer here and was ignoring him to top it off. 
He sat on the bed, head in his hands as he tried to come up with a plan to get her back. He had, no he needed, to get her back, and soon. 
He felt Kal nuzzle at his hands, his wet nose cold against his skin. A low whine was heard and he looked down at Kal, trying to blink the tears away before they could fall. 
“We are going  to get her back, buddy, I promise.” 
It had been two weeks since you had left Henry and you looked and felt awful. You had bags beneath your eyes, your hair was a rat’s nest and you couldn’t remember the last time you had eaten a meal that wasn’t chinese noodles and ice cream. 
The thing that had gotten to you the most was the fact that Henry had fallen off the face of the Earth. He hadn’t contacted you and the media had no idea where he was. His fans were worried about him and so were you, much to your annoyance. The man could probably stab you and you would be more concerned about him than you. 
Sighing, you grabbed your coffee cup and made your way outside to sit on the porch swing. You had rented a cabin from an old friend, it was in the middle of the woods, a meadow and a dirt road stretched out in front you, keeping you isolated from the media and your troubles. 
You had just settled down when you noticed a dust cloud in the distance, not thinking much of it, you turned your gaze away to the pond beside the porch. A family of deer had made it their watering hole and you smiled as the fawn pranced around in the water, splashing its mother every couple of seconds. 
Turning your attention away from the cute sight you cocked your head to the side when you noticed that the dust cloud was getting closer. You frowned and watched it, trying to decide if it was freak weather. No-one but your friend knew you were up here, and she wasn’t planning on visiting or she would have called. 
Fear churned in your stomach as a black car came into view, spooking the dee family. Your fingers clutched the cup tightly, your knuckles turning white. You stood up and quickly moved back into the house, closing and locking all the doors and windows and pulling the shades down tight. 
Grabbing your phone, you quickly pulled up the keypad and typed in a number. You waited as you heard the car pull up, tires crunching on the dirt and rock. The engine cut off and you moved further from the door, a car door opened and shut and footsteps moved closer to the cabin. 
Your breathing was heavy and you clapped a hand over your mouth, trying to keep yourself as quiet as possible. Thuds echoed on the wooden porch and your thumb hovered the call button. Silence greeted your ears and you peered around you, trying to figure out what the next move would be. 
You jumped when the front door was knocked on, your thumb accidentally hitting the call button. Your face paled when you realized just who it was you were calling. 
Air left your body when you heard a familiar ringtone from the porch and you stood in the middle of the living room, waiting to hear the voice that belonged to the phone. 
“Y/N.” The one word response held such relief and joy that your body trembled. Even from the other side of the door, you could make out the unmistakable tenor of Henry. 
You quickly marched forward and wrenched open the door, phone falling to the ground as you launched yourself at the man. He stumbled back, not expecting you to come at him this way. 
“You scared the shit out of me!” You breathed as you clutched at the back of his neck, your hands tangling in his dark curls. You could feel his beard scratch at your neck as he hugged you tightly to him. His face nuzzling against you, trying to inhale your familiar scent that he had missed. 
“I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.” he chanted over and over. His frame shaking as he kept you pulled against him. 
“I missed you so much, and I swear nothing happened with Shelby, it was just a dinner to get some more information about a new movie.” You pushed away from him, or at least tried, Henry seemed keen on making you apart of his body. 
“Henry, I can’t talk to you this way, let me see your face.” You said as he finally released you. You took a few steps back, taking him in. He was wearing an old t-shirt that you bought him and some jeans, sneakers on his feet, his eyes were bloodshot and he appeared to have permanent bags under his eyes, his skin a pale white. 
Your heart broke at the sight, but you also felt elated that he looked just as affected by you leaving, as you did. 
You hesitated before asking, “You wanna come inside? I can make some tea or coffee?” Your fingers picked at the hem of your shirt as you awaited his reply. 
“Yes, please.” His response was just as quiet as your question and you gave a weak smile. He was just as scared as you. Reaching out, you grabbed his hand and guided him into the cabin, he stood by the door as you walked around and opened the shades, letting in the natural light. 
He followed as you moved towards the kitchen and got the kettle ready. You dug through a couple of cabinets before coming across some tea leaves. It was quiet, to quiet, and it unnerved you. Your hands fumbled as you measured out the tea into mugs. Your hands were halted by his as he grabbed the spoon from you and set it down on the counter.
You tensed as his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling your back against his chest. 
“You need to breathe, slow deep breaths and then exhale.” His chest rumbled as he spoke, his fingers linking with yours as he placed your hands onto your chest, allowing you to feel each breath. 
“Good girl, I have you now. Not letting you go.” The weight of his words hit you hard and tears blurred your vision. 
“But you did let me go. You just left me, for her.” Your voice broke and every bad thought and insecurity hit you at once. Your knees buckled and Henry caught you as you fell. He guided the two of you to the floor, his legs criss crossed as he settled you into his lap. 
“I never left you, you left me. You didn’t even give me the chance to explain.” Your head shook vigorously, hair getting caught in your tears, sticking to your face as you sobbed. 
“You forgot me, replaced me with her. I was never good enough for you or the media.” You were silenced by Henry’s hands coming up and covering your mouth, not caring about the snot that was staining your face. 
“I haven’t forgotten you, and I sure as hell did not replace you. Do you hear me?” He gently but firmly turned you around to face him. His blue eyes were shiny and he blinked a couple of times, willing the tears to go away. 
“I took you for granted, thought you would always be there for me, even though I wasn’t for you. I am so sorry, sweetheart. I never meant to hurt you, ever.” 
“Nothing happened?” You asked as you reached out and wiped a stray tear from his cheek. 
“No, I was there with Shelby, yes, but there was also someone else I was having dinner with. Her name is Avery, she is producing a new movie that I have been trying to get in for a couple of months. Shelby is best friends with Avery, she was there to put a good word in. I tried to call you and let you know but I wasn’t able to get through to you. I had Liam email you the details, I didn’t think to check it before it was sent. I swear it wasn’t a date, I would never cheat on you.” 
“It was for a movie? Why didn’t you tell me about this before? I had no idea you were trying to get an audition.” You could feel anger and guilt build up in you but also confusion. Why wouldn’t he tell you something like this. His eyes softened and his fingers reached up and rubbed your frown away. 
“I wanted it to be a surprise, it's based off of your favorite book. I wanted to tell you when I was sure I had the part and I could come home in costume, make it really special.” A new sob tore from your throat and you crushed your lips against his. He was taken by surprise but quickly recovered, fingers tangling in your hair as he pushed you closer to him. 
“I’m sorry I left and overreacted…” You winced as you pulled away, your fingers twirling a piece of hair, “also for leaving you a goodbye letter.” Henry breathed deeply as he licked his lips, his eyes searching yours. 
“I’m sorry for keeping secrets and making you feel like you weren’t important and replaceable. I hated that I couldn’t be here with you, time always passes slower without you, even more so when I’m the one that made you leave.” A rueful smile touched his lips. You both sat in comfortable silence, your head resting on his chest as you listened to the beat of his heart. 
  “I discovered something else when you left.” He murmured, his lips pressed to the top of your head.
You grinned softly, “I did too.” 
“Say it together on 3?” He asked as his hands rubbed up and down your sides. You smiled and titled your head up, lips brushing, you whispered, “1...2...3!”
“I love you.” 
Tag List:  @agniavateira​​ @cavillanche​​ @cavillunraveled​​ @dancingwendigo​​ @dreamwritesimagines​​ @ficsandcatsandficsandcats​​ @hlkwrites​​ @hnryycvll​​ @honeychicanawrites​​ @iloveyouyen​@johnmotherfuckingshelby​​ @ladyreapermc​​ @laketaj24​​ @littlefreya​​ @ly--canthrope​ @mrsaugustwalker​​ @ohvalleyofplentyyy​​ @sciapod​​ @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​​ @supersweetstache​​ @thethirstyarchive​​ @the-winter-witcher​​ @viking-raider​​ @white-wolf-of-rivia​​ @witcherwritings​​
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The good, the bad and the parents
Henry Cavill x OC Lisa - multi-chapter fic
Author’s note: There’s a lot of ups and downs when you live your life in the spotlights... Gosh this chapter got so long. OOPS. I hope you Henry-bear lovers can endure. 
Word count: 4.918
Disclaimer: fluff
This is part 11 of the Tea for Two story. 
Find the Masterlist here. 
< Go back to part 10
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The cab rocked over the cobbled stones as it moved at a snail’s pace through the narrow London streets. I wasn’t even bothering anymore to check what time it was, but it was dark and it had been raining for hours. Prejudice confirmed: England stands equal to rain. Blergh. I really hadn’t missed this moody European weather.
I looked over at Henry, whose baritone voice hummed through the cab as he was making a phone call. He was rubbing his temple in annoyance, his whole body silently screaming: Fuck this phone conversation. Poor bear. 
I felt my heart ache for him, but it didn’t seem like a good moment to bother him with well-meant cuddles. I looked back out of the window, trying to find any street signs. Were we almost there? The thick water drops on the window made it rather difficult to decipher anything and I soon enough gave up, sighing softly.
This had been one shitty journey. Excruciatingly long, with lots of bad weather, endless delays, some trouble with Kal’s traveling papers and as a cherry on top: lost baggage. Sometimes travelling was fun. Sometimes it wasn’t. Today it was definitely the latter.
‘Madam, sir, looks like the road is blocked. I could drop you off here. It’s a 5-minute walk to the address if you take a right turn here.’ The cab driver pointed at a small alleyway between the sloping brick buildings. Henry looked up from his call, moving the phone from his ear and covering it with his hand. ‘Alright..’ He nodded, before looking at me with a defeated smile. ‘Let’s go home.’ He said, the fatigue evident in his voice. I nodded in turn, sitting up and paying the cab driver while Henry quickly finished his phone call.
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After what seemed like the longest suitcase walk from hell, including freezing cold rain, uneven cobblestone roads, a very impatient Kal tugging at his leash and a tired-to-the-bone Henry..we arrived. Finally! For heaven’s sake!
Henry was busy digging up his keys, so I took the moment to look around, the rain having thankfully dimmed down to a light drizzle. I wiped the wet strands of hair out of my face and peered through the dimly lit street. I could distinguish a small courtyard, surrounded by a dozen small Mews houses laid out in pretty red brick. This is rather cute. I didn’t know what I had exactly expected from Henry’s house. I guess probably something more modern. Something like a Hollywood bachelor pad with large windows and clean white walls. Now…this was anything but that. This was actually really quaint and romantic.
I felt Henry’s hand on mine as he took my suitcase, awakening me from my silent observation of the neighbourhood. Our eyes met. ‘So..’ Henry started, moving my suitcase inside, being immediately interrupted by Kal who’d walked up to Henry, shaking off the rain from his thick fur coat. ‘KAL! Come on man.’ Henry wrinkled his nose as the drops flew around, his one arm trying to shield himself, while the other pushed Kal to the back of the hallway. I chuckled softly. ‘Try two.’ Henry sighed, stepping back towards the door and gesturing me to come inside. ‘Milady. I’d like to welcome you to my..humble abode.’ He said, politely nodding his head. I smiled warmly at him, quickly shrugging off my coat as he took it from me, placing it on a hook near the door.  
The house oozed “Henry”. Be it the slightly musky smell, the coatrack full of discarded jumpers and coats - all his - or the gazillion dog toys that were strewn over the floor. Okay, maybe the house was 50% Kal, 50% Henry. I smiled at the thought as I heard Kal’s nails happily ticking on the old oak floors. I looked over my shoulder, seeing Henry still standing near the door. What was he up to? His large blue eyes looked back at me quietly, expectantly. Was he nervous about my first impression of his house? I smiled a reassuring smile before peeling off my wet shoes and joined Kal in what appeared to be the living room.
Henry followed close at my heels as I started to look around. A small living room with a soft grey corner sofa, shelves filled with movie paraphernalia, fantasy books and pictures. And of course Henry’s trusty treadmill, that was placed in the far back corner - used whenever he didn’t feel like doing his morning cardio outside. ‘This is so much homelier then I expected.’ I smiled, looking for Henry over my shoulder, but instead being greeted by his whole body as he pressed himself against me.
‘Hmmm.’ Henry hummed, his wet hair dripping on my cheek. I chuckled softly, leaning into his broad chest as he wrapped his arms around me, his hands folding around mine to warm them back up. ‘You’re freezing.’ He whispered, pulling me even closer. I nodded in silent agreement. I was too tired for polite conversation and just wanted to enjoy his hug, allowing my eyes to fly back to Kal who was zooming around the house happily, a toy squashed in his large muzzle. ‘Well at least ONE of us still has some energy left.’ I groaned. ‘Yea..I probably should walk him soon before he breaks the whole place down.’ Henry said, pushing his nose into the crook of my neck, inhaling deeply. ‘Probably.’ I smiled, enjoying his hot breath as it made my skin tingle. I had long forgotten the cold and rainy weather outside now my personal body heater had pressed himself against me. I hummed happily, turning around in his arms and looked up into his stormy blues. ‘Welcome home.’ I said, earning the first real - albeit tired - smile from him in hours.
The next morning I decided to give myself a little house tour. Henry had of course shown me some essentials last night. Essentials like the toilet and the bed. And…well..okey..maybe that was actually all. We simply hadn’t made it much further than the bed since we had been too tired. But.. the good news was that it had left me a whole 2 bedroom house filled with Henry’s stuff to explore now Kal and Henry were out for a quick morning walk, picking up some breakfast for the three of us. Perfect timing for some snooping around.
One shower later, my body now wrapped in some comfy dark blue palazzo trousers and a big beige sweater, I decided it would be the upper floor first. A floor that was covered in such light beige carpet that it was an absolute no-go-zone for Kal and his mess. No dog toys to be tripped over at night. The master bed room with its four poster king size bed was simple yet effective. There was a large closet with Henry’s clothes on one end of the room and it connected directly to a good sized bathroom with his and hers sinks, a toilet, shower and bath. Quite the luxury for London standards. On the landing there was another huge built-in closet running the whole length of the wall. I opened a few doors. Gym clothes, neatly stacked. Of course. Another door. Leather jackets, at least 20. Goodness..me. I don’t think I ever met a man with this many clothes. The closet door at the far right however proved to be the most interesting. Oh yes! Costumes! I let my hand glide over some of the materials. Movie costumes. Hmm. I had been aware of the fact that only one set of each costume was saved when a movie production was wrapped up. But I had never really thought about what happened to the other costume sets. Well. Apparently they were all stored here by Henry, as this closet was about to burst with the many costumes it contained.
My fingers drifted over the fabrics, before halting when they touched a supple deep red fabric. Hmm. Intriguing. Very different from all the medieval-like browns and greys. I pulled it out. A cape. Oh. OH! Superman’s cape! Well how about that. It was surprisingly light, flowing effortlessly through the air as I moved it around. Pretty.
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‘Honey, I’m back.’ Henry’s voice sounded from the bottom of the stairs. DARN! I hadn’t even heard the front door. I swallowed my surprised gasp as I quickly pushed the cape back in between the costumes. ‘Coming!’ I chanted, struggling as this darn closet was way too closely packed. Hmmpfff. ‘GET BACK IN THERE.’ I muttered under my breath. ‘Want some tea?’ He asked, still at the bottom of the stairs. ‘Ye..DARNIT,’ A few costumes fell off their hangers, now causing a whole avalanche of clothes to spill out. ‘YES.’ I exclaimed, perhaps a tad too loud. I heard Henry’s chuckle come closer as his feet moved up the creaking stairs.
‘Ah, so that’s what you’re up to.’ His chuckle turned into a laugh as he saw me struggling with a bunch of costumes in one arm, Superman’s cape in the other. ‘Oh..’ My eyes got big with embarrassment. ‘Sorry…’ I felt a blush creep up my cheeks. ‘Me and this closet were just having a little…disagreement.’ I said while Henry took over some of the costumes, his big blue eyes giving me an amused look. ‘I see.’ He grinned, looking back at the closet. ‘I guess I really should get a bigger closet for all of these, hmm?’ He smiled, his body turning towards the closet to put back the costumes one by one. Inadvertently my eyes caressed his tall frame as his arms flexed under the soft material of his grey sweater. So hot. Wew.
He turned back around, making his stubborn curl fall back over his forehead as he reached for the cape in my arm. He rubbed his thumbs over the fabric, gingerly smiling. The sudden realisation came over me I was right now looking at Superman. The Superman. Especially with that darn curl tumbling down his forehead..he sure was the spitting image of the superhero. I felt another blush creep up my cheeks and was more then glad that Henry didn’t notice as he finally reached back into the closet to squeeze the cape back in there.
And…another few costumes fell out again. He sighed, letting out a dry chuckle while looking down at the costumes that had tumbled to his feet. ‘See!’ I exclaimed, laughing at the fact that Henry was failing to do the exact same thing I had tried. He raised a handsome eyebrow, shrugging. ‘I guess Supe’s doesn’t want to go back in there.’ He pulled the cape back out and placed it carefully back in my arms. GOSH, stop blushing girl. I felt my cheeks burn as he moved back up from picking up some of the fallen down costumes. ‘What is it?’ He asked, half-knowing the answer, a humoured glint in his eyes. ‘Oh..nothing.’ I breathed, quickly lowering my eyes at the cape. ‘So where do we leave this..?’ I said, trying to sound casual about it, shrugging slightly, still feeling the slight blush burning on my cheeks. ‘Just put it on the bed. We’ll find a place for it later. Let’s have breakfast.’ He said, cupping my cheek and placing a chaste kiss on my lips.
How in the hell did I ever get to date Superman? Life’s so weird.
It was the night of the London premiere. I was fidgeting endlessly while waiting for the cab to arrive. I walked back to the mirror in the hallway, checking my hair and make-up for the gazilionth time. It was fine. I looked fine. Pffft. E-very-thing would be fine. Keep it together girl. I straightened out my thick winter jacket, again, and paced back to the living room. Kal was fast asleep on the floor, the lights were dimmed down and the house was quiet. Oh how I wish I could just stay at home and get comfy on the couch with a cup of tea. But avoiding challenging situations was not my thing. I best just get this over with, right?
A car approached and I felt my heart jump again. That must be it. I felt my phone buzz, alarming me the cab had arrived. Okey. Let’s go. Let’s..let’s meet the parents.
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I entered the gallery of the movie theatre while the interviews were being held on the red carpet outside. Already there was quite a buzz and it took me a good moment to find the cloakroom where I could drop off my jacket. Alright, what’s next? I let my eyes travel through the crowd, trying to find any familiar faces. Some hair- and make-up ladies…nahh..I barely knew them. Anyone else? I looked further and further until my gaze reached the far back corner. And sure enough - Thank the gods! - I noticed a few of the sound guys from Poland and my uneasy heart calmed down. Friendly folk. I picked up a glass of white wine at the bar and made my way to them, earning praising looks as they noticed me appearing from the crowd. The black and white dress was working its magic.
‘Not too bad looking yourself gents.’ I winked, stepping into their little circle and clinking my glass with theirs. ‘Ah..it’s at least an attempt.’ The Sound 1 guy smiled, shrugging. I believed his name was Jack, but everyone always called him Sound 1 so I wasn’t completely sure. I nodded at him and Jack sighed, his suit jacket barely holding on as the button strained under his bulging belly. And do I spy he is still wearing his usual dark blue jeans? I quietly chuckled, taking a sip of my wine. Nerds will be nerds.
‘So now it’s just waiting for your prince charming, huh?’ Jack asked, looking around the room. ‘Worse even. I’m about to meet…the parents.’ I muttered quietly, taking another large sip, hoping the wine would further calm my nerves. ‘OH! Well ain’t that exciting. Surely they are friendly folk.’ He smiled, his gruff moustache curling up. He reminded me somewhat of a chubby Jack Nicholson with beard. Yea..surely his name was Jack. It fit him.
‘Hey,’ Sound 2 interrupted us. ‘I think that’s them.’ We looked at the direction he was pointing at, seeing a small blonde lady with neatly coifed hair followed by a bear of a man. Oh my. That looks like them. They look just like the pictures Henry showed. I quickly turned back, seeing the men were making no attempt to hide their stares. ‘Don’t stare.’ I admonished, patting Sound 2 - Alex? was it Alex? - on his arm. He grinned, his eyes meandering through the room before finally looking back at me. ‘Well..no worries. They’re off to the bar. I think you’re safe for another few minutes. So.. the first time meeting them..and it’s right here at the premier, hmm?’ Alex / Sound 2 said, raising a careful eyebrow before turning to one of the others who asked him a question.
I hadn’t quite heard what they were discussing, so I just decided to smile before taking another sip of my wine. These silly nerves! How bad could it really be? I quickly glanced over my shoulder, noticing Henry’s father leaning over the bar to order a drink. Hmmpff! When would Henry be here? There was no sighting of him yet and with my current drinking speed I sure would be hella drunk by the time I’d finally get to shake hands with his parents. I looked back at the group, noticing Alex was looking back at me. His big grey eyes were looking even bigger through the thick lenses of his glasses, enlarging every movement of his eyes. Alex was your typical “grey mouse”, currently wearing a dull grey suit which was perhaps a size too large for his slender frame, his long fingers wrapped around a nearly empty glass of beer. I smiled awkwardly at him, taking a shallow breath.
‘So ..eh…what have you guys been up to? Got any projects going on right now?’ I asked. Alex shrugged. ‘Oh just some small projects. Nothing real interesting. Just waiting for the new season to start.’ Alex said, rolling the last sip of his beer around in his glass. ‘Going to get another drink. Can I get you folk anything?’ He asked, looking up at the others, whom were quick to order: three more beers and a soda. His eyes fell on me, before looking down at my nearly empty wineglass. ‘Another?’ He smirked. ‘I guess so…’ I sighed, looking down at the glass. Was it smart to get hammered? Probably not.. ‘You know what. I’ll follow you there. Might as well get this over with and “accidentally” run into his parents.’ I said, downing the last bit of wine and turning towards the bar. I couldn’t see them right now since the room was too crowded, but surely they were still there. Alex nodded. ‘Fair enough. Grab the bull by the horns!’ He smiled. I rolled my eyes at him, immediately feeling that nervous flutter in my guts.
Oh Henry. Please be here soon.  
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I had ordered my wine and found Henry’s parents standing just a few meters away. I took a deep breath, nodding at Alex who had placed the other drinks on a tray, before heading over.
I squeezed through the crowd and quickly swallowed my nerves. ‘Hi there.’ I said. The man and woman immediately looked up at me, their faces telling me they were definitely recognising me. Had Henry shown some pictures? Probably. ‘Henry’s parents right?’ I smiled. ’Oh! Oh yes! Sorry dear. Hello. You must be Lisa. My my you are SO tall! My name’s Marianne…’ The woman reached out her small warm hand, eagerly folding it around mine and shaking it. ‘..And I am Colin.’ The man spoke in deep english accent, also shaking my hand. Henry obviously got the tall genes from his dad, and the good looks from his mom. Her greyblue eyes sparkled through thick long lashes as a kind smile made her cheeks dimple. A pretty woman for sure.
‘Nice to meet you Marianne..Colin. I’m sorry for the intrusion. I guess I was getting more nervous to meet you with the passing minute..’ I smiled awkwardly, not finishing my sentence. Marianne laughed, sounding like chiming bells as she squinted her eyes. ‘Oh how darling! Well it is nice to finally meet you.’ She peered into my eyes with something that could be best described as motherly love. Okey. Perhaps it wasn’t so bad. She seemed nice.
‘I can remember when I got to meet Colin’s parents. I was absolutely terrified!’ She winked, eyeing her husband as he shrugged, unimpressed. ‘It wasn’t that bad dear.’ He said, before taking a better look at me. ‘You are..dutch..right?’ He asked. I nodded. ‘Yes. Born and raised, then moved to Los Angeles when I was 27, for work.’ I answered, trying my best to curl my tense lips in a soft smile. Oh these darn nerves. I took another quick sip of my wine, while Colin continued. ‘All praise for the dutch. I had some dutch colleagues during my time in the navy and they sure were good folk. Straightforward, hard working..and dare I say perfect company for a game of cards.’ He winked. Marianne quickly poked him in his ribs. ‘Colin! Don’t make her another victim of your card games.’ She huffed, earning a shrug from her husband. ‘She doesn’t like it when I joke around.’ He said a touch more softly while slightly leaning into me. I rolled my eyes. ‘I highly doubt it.’ I smirked, seeing Marianne’s mock-annoyed roll of the eyes. We all laughed.
‘But I do think the rest of your description is quite fitting. We are straightforward and hard working people, the dutch. I remember that moment when I got to LA. My team was super apprehensive of having this “european chick” joining their team, but thankfully they soon warmed up to me. So much so, that I now lead the team, which is super cool.’ I smiled at Colin. He nodded. ‘A career woman!’ He laughed. ‘Sort of..’ I shrugged, ‘..Though I have more to live for than just work.’ I said, taking another quick sip of my drink. ‘Hmmm..that reminds me of..’ Colin started.. ‘Oh! And Henry told me you are a fantastic cook!’ Marianne interjected, quickly stopping Colin from bringing up fuzzy old memories. We shared a mutual smile as I answered. ‘I guess so. I don’t like to boast, but..yes.. I guess I’m a pretty good cook..And it’s especially fun since Henry is into cooking as well. It’s good to have a shared hobby.’ I spoke, noticing Colin’s gaze had moved to something happening at the other side of the room.
‘But you are a quite phenomenal cook too, aren’t you?’ I winked at Marianne, turning a bit so I could also take a quick glance at the commotion near the entrance. All I saw was lots of flashes. ‘Well that’s what you do when there’s six hungry men to feed!’ Marianne laughed, moving to her tippy toes and craning her neck in an attempt to see anything. The crowd was too tall, completely blocking her view and she soon sighed in defeat. ‘If only I would grow a bit more in height from all that food!’ She exclaimed.
‘There he is! The man of the hour.’ Colin boasted proudly, wrapping an arm around his wife. Marianne smiled up at him, before looking at me, giddy excitement sketching her face. ‘Is he coming our way?’ She asked, peering in the direction of the flashes. I looked back at the cloud of flashing cameras, only seeing the top of his hair as he ever so slowly coasted through the crowd. ‘..Eventually.’ I shrugged, amusement in my voice. I turned back towards them.
‘So do you also live here in London?’ I asked. Colin shook his head, his eye occasionally flying back to Henry’s direction. ‘No, no, we’re just here for a few days. Visiting some family and friends before flying back to our beloved Jersey Islands on Sunday.’ He said. Marianne shrieked and folded her hand around my arm, eagerly pulling it to turn me around. ‘LOOK!! I see him! There there!’ She squealed. Me and Colin shared a knowing look, both amused at her excitement. Such a proud mom. Colin winked at me before squaring his shoulders with pride as “the man of the hour” finally neared us. ‘Moms will be moms.’ He said airily.  
Henry wore a dark grey suit, his black blouse buttoned open to show a smattering of chest hair. Gosh. He looked so handsome. I squeezed my knees closer together, feeling my core burn up for him. Okay Lisa. Focus. Calm down. Act normal. Just act normal. I looked back in his direction and our eyes interlocked for a brief moment before he accidentally bumped into some people, immediately offering his profuse apologies. I smiled, not being able to tear away my eyes from him as he moved his attention to closing the last bit of the distance between us. My silly, far too handsome man.
While Henry tried to move to us, it seemed to get more and more crowded. There were so many people trying to get a look at Henry that we were soon finding ourselves trapped in a pushing and pulling mayhem of fans and press. Oh man. This is not cool. I looked down at Marianne, who was so very small compared to all these tall people around us. She looked at me with a slight shade of concern in her eyes, her tiny figure leaning heavily into Colin’s broad chest. This is so not cool. I looked back at Henry, whose eyes were now piercing mine as he was just an arm’s reach away from us. His eyes spoke a thousand words. I’m so sorry. I hate this just as much as you do. I want to get out of here.
At long last the path was cleared - apparently Henry did have two bodyguards with him that finally managed to control the crowd. He first wrapped his arms around his mother, pulling her in for a big hug, before shaking hands with his father. They exchanged a word or two before he turned around, smiling at me. Oh my dear Henry. We looked at each other like two puppy dogs in love. ‘Hello beauty.’ He whispered, leaning in to press a chaste kiss on my lips. Flash flash flash. ‘You’ve already met my parents, I see.’ He winked, turning back towards his parents. ‘My my. Mom you look great!’ He complimented, a broad smile on his face. She poked him in the arm. ‘Oh stop it you.’ She cooed. ‘Shall we..find somewhere more quiet?’ He asked, looking around to signal his bodyguards before looking back at us.
Yes. Oh please! I thought, feeling myself getting more and more annoyed as someone was continuously poking me in the back. I looked over my shoulder and immediately a wild flash burst right in my face. HMMPFF. blinked my blinded eyes a few times, grasping Henry’s arm to steady myself. These people! Have some mercy..please! Fucking hell. I felt a protective hand fold over mine. ‘You okay?’ He breathed, pulling me closer. I nodded quietly, feeling slightly disoriented as the lights danced in front of my eyes. He nodded once my dazed eyes looked back at him, his brows slightly furrowing. ‘Let’s go.’ He muttered, clearly not amused by the whole thing.
We moved our drinks to the bar, not wanting to spill them, before a new path was cleared and we finally managed to move away. No more blinding camera flashes. No more posters and Witcher paraphernalia that were shoved in our faces, to be signed. And no more gossip that was spoken just a tad too loud - ‘Look at how flat she is. She definitely needs to eat.’ - ‘Did you see that? She’s sooo ugly.’ - ‘PSSSTTT! Snake! You’re a snake!’
I clung to Henry’s arm as if he were my life buoy. Sure I had gotten a thick skin throughout the years of working in the movie industry..but still.. it stung when people spoke like that. I felt my heart sink with every word and a silent tear burned in my eye as I crushed my teeth together, trying to keep up good appearances. By the time we arrived at a more secluded area where we could sit down, I had almost squeezed Henry’s arm to mush. 
‘You can relax now.’ He whispered, laying gentle fingers over my hand. I let out a shivery breath as our eyes met. Those knowing blue eyes. I felt my lip shiver as the unshed tears burned. He looked at me with question and all I could do was shake my head, a hot tear moving down my cheek. Within an instant he had wrapped his arms protectively around me, hiding me from prying eyes. He leaned his head down, quietly nuzzling my hair. ‘I’m so sorry.’ He whispered quietly. ‘This was not okay and I’m sorry.’ We stood there for a quiet moment, embracing each other, while my tears dried. I couldn’t even care that much for whomever saw me. Or what his parents would think. I was just glad Henry was there. Glad I could at least hide away in his big bear-arms.
‘I…I need a drink.’ I said with shivery voice while slowly untangling myself from his arms. He looked at me, his calm blue eyes studying my green ones. ‘Do you want to go home?’ He asked honestly, no judgement in his voice. I shook my head, quietly smiling. ‘No..no. It’s fine. It’s just..the nerves kind of got to me. And now I finally get to meet your parents and I’m a crying mess…’ I spoke, feeling one of his thumbs rubbing my cheek. ‘Do I look like a raccoon now?’ I asked, seeing him smile down at me. ‘No. No, you look perfect.’ He said. ‘Somehow I doubt that.’ I raised an eyebrow, shaking my head softly. ‘I swear it! Scout’s honour! You look beautiful and your make-up is where it should be and…’
I gasped, quickly swatting his arm. ‘My make-up is where it should be, huh?’ I huffed, quickly retrieving my phone from my handbag to check it for myself. Hair. Make-up. Okey, fine. He was right. I was looking surprisingly fresh and my make-up was indeed still looking alright. I looked back at Henry who was looking at me with such awkward desperation, he sure as hell was expecting to be dragged to hell and back. ‘Okay, it’s fine.’ I shrugged in silent defeat. He sighed and immediately his face lit up as he hummed in delight, quickly placing a kiss on my cheek. ‘Pfieww! Got me worried there. I would not want to get in your bad book.’ He smiled. I rolled my eyes, wrapping an arm around him and looked to the corner where his parents had taken a seat. They had squeezed themselves in a corner of a large fluffy purple couch, currently having an animated conversation with one of the waiters.  
‘Okay.’ I nodded with a determination in my voice. ‘I’m okay. Let’s join your parents.’
‘Okay.’ Henry smiled, offering me the warmest of smiles.
Part 12 > 
51 notes · View notes
blankdblank · 6 years
Ridikulus Pt 9
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - 
Bit emotional, mentions of past abuse/pain
Tags –
@himoverflowers, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology, @alishlieb, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @lilith15000, @marvels-ghost, @catthefearless, @imjusthereforthereads, @abiwim, @jotink78, @c-s-stars, @evyiione, @sweetlytenacious25, @tigereyesf,, @menewyn
Tea had been poured and the surprisingly cheerful King sat at your right still cradling Teddy in his arms with low chuckles at each giddy bounce and babble from the boy. Stunned you sat staring at the King until he finally glanced up holding his smile asking, “You are not hungry?” His eyes darted to the trays of food in front of you.
“You’re smiling.”
In a dart back up to yours his eyes twitched narrower for a moment in confusion, “Why would I not smile? I am happy.”
With an amused smirk you replied, “Hard to imagine you being anything but irritated in my presence. Though I imagine it has something to do with the toddler on your lap and nothing to do with his sitter.”
His brow twitched up then dropped at Teddy’s hand tapping his chin making him lean in to kiss his extended palm. His eyes locked with yours again, “I have yet to be irritated in your presence.”
Your eyes shifted and you raised your cup of tea for a sip, “I have not-, we may have not seen eye to eye but I was never irritated with you.”
His smile dimmed and his sterner expression slipped out again in a tilt of his chin, “I have always been pleased with your company, seek it out-.” His eyes lowered to Teddy at his hair turning a deep chestnut as his eyes welled up with tears through a soft whimper making the King’s lips part.
In a scoot over his arms lowered in your reach for Teddy. The small boy eased into your hands and soon curled against your chest as you smoothed one hand through his hair and the other across his back and under his legs, “We’re safe now.” Against your neck he whimpered and nuzzled his head against your neck for a few moments until your repetitions of what you had said brought him to peek up at you curiously to see your bright pink hair. With a gentle peck on is nose he let out a giggle. You wiped his cheeks smiling at him before his eyes turned to Legolas, who he waved at before turning to claim a slice of peaches to munch on.
Thranduil looked you over, “I did not intend-…”
You chuckled weakly, “Our little ones remember the attacks as well as we do. Mainly our reactions. Try not to change your expression to a frown so quickly. It took weeks for Dwalin to get that right with Lulu.”
“My expression-.” He nodded, “Of course.” In a lean closer he smiled stroking Teddy’s cheek with his curved finger with a soft smile, “I did not intend to frighten you.” His eyes turned to you to say, “Why would you assume I was irritated with you?”
“For one, the whole stoic emotionless resting face all Elves seem to be adept at makes it difficult to read the meanings behind your actions and words.”
“I speak plainly.”
You nodded and let out a giggle claiming your teacup for another sip, lowering your cup you responded to his raised brow through his held soft expression, “Except when it comes to bartering and contracts it seems. Unless you’ve forgotten your excuses to keep the Southern Greenwood for yourself.”
“I made no-, those were valid points, and you went and took up those hilly lands that winter will no doubt ruin your crops and leave you helpless and without travel should it be as harsh as other years.”
Your smirk deepened, “You truly underestimate our resourcefulness.” In a scanning of your eyes over his face you stated, “You should smile more. All Elves should. War’s over, be happy damnit.”
“Our people have traditions. Longstanding behaviors that are difficult to release, though for you I will try to make an exception.”
With another giggle you replied, “No need to force yourself on my account.”
“Of everyone in these lands you have the greatest claim for me to do so.”
You raised a brow, “Oh? Because I terrify you so?” You asked with another giggle.
His eyes met yours through the doors opening allowing Hedgewig through to land on the arm of your chair passing you the final reminder for the dinner in barely an hour, “You are terrifying yes. But not for the reason you are assuming. For the years I’ve had dreams of my One I never assumed after sharing my dreams with the other Elf Lords, to find myself in your company.”
After a momentary pause you asked, “I’m sorry, my company?”
He nodded, “Lord Glorfindel and I were stunned to realize we shared a One. Our dreams were quite different of our first meetings. Mine with you staring in wonder in my kingdom, of which I had never seen until its creation in the end of the second age. At once, I knew I was where I was meant to be upon its completion. Glorfindel’s was a bit different. You were embracing another, your Father as it turns out. An impressive discovery when he first arrived. At once he knew to learn all he could from the new arrivals and befriend your Father especially. A great leverage over me it seems, to have such a kinship with him already. In that aspect I am behind, but he will see, past all of that and the instant shows of affection we share a deeper bond already.”
Carefully he claimed your hand, assuring Teddy would not be moved in his raising your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles. A gentle cradling caress of your hand later you were on your feet after he stood saying, “I shall get changed for dinner and be along shortly.” With a smile at Teddy he turned then walked out leaving you to stare open mouthed at the now closed doorway.
A turn of your head brought Tauriel into view in search of the King to request leave from her duties tonight after being asked along as well. After a glance around the room she asked, “Miss Black, are you unwell?”
In a low mumble you started walking to the doorway opposite the King’s exit, reassuring yourself, “Must be imagining things.” In a peering glance after you and the snowy owl landing on your shoulder she paused for a moment then went to find the King.
Clutching the wooden hanger from your closet you raised the pale green dress to your neck and glanced at Teddy seated on your bed, who clapped and giggled in approval of the choice. You nodded and stripped, lowering the dress to climb into it. Easily it slid on after you’d removed your clothes to toss it into your hamper. A flick of a finger made the zipper down your back ease up to the base of your neck. The three quarter sleeves were of the pale green material matching the rest of the flowing cotton dress with a spiraled vine shaped cutout around the zipper just under your shoulder blades where your Father’s mark was. The simple dress settled around you and over your thighs as you eased into your nude wedges after pulling your hair into a tall ponytail then moved to lift Teddy in your arms mumbling, “Ok, off to get interrogated again.” Pecking him on the nose, he let out a giggle, “Hopefully, this Elf King will explain just what bond he assumes we have.”
Teddy giggled again then eyed Remus in his exiting his room across from yours, “Moon!”
Flatly his brows dropped eyeing the boy before he glanced at Sirius and Regulus down the hall that both smirked and turned away pretending they hadn’t heard it making Remus say, “You’re behind this!” With a chuckle he turned his head to give Teddy a peck on the cheek as he claimed him from you to carry him down the stairs so you could focus on the stairs.
Anxiously Hermione exited her room still adjusting the buttons down the front of her powder blue dress, holding her heels in her hand as she asked, “Is this acceptable? Mum said it would be, Dad just gave his usual nodding shrug.”
You chuckled saying, “It’s lovely.” While Remus added, “If they don’t love you instantly there’s something wrong with them.” Making her smile in your pause at the base of the stairs for her to add her heels while her Parents stood adjusting their outer cardigans in front of the portrait of the goats tugging a set of turtle shaped kites into the nearby portrait of a knight in full armor that struggled to remain untangled in their loops around him.
With a dart of your tongue you wet your lips then giggled at Fred and George popping up around you in pale green button down shirts and black slacks with dark grey pinstriped vests in golden thread both smirking at Hermione saying, “Perfect to the T.” In a shift of their eyes they glanced at you with smirks saying, “A certain blonde is waiting for you in the study.”
With a sigh you joined them, spotting the Elf King’s back at once staring up at your favorite portrait of a flock of penguins chasing a butterfly, under your breath you asked, “What exactly did he say?”
George grinned switching to latin, “Asked for approval of his robes.”
Fred chuckled continuing the language switch, “Don’t know what you did,”
George smirked eyeing the King’s ear twitch at not being able to listen in, “But he’s hooked on you.”
You rolled your eyes, whispering, “He said something.” They peered at you curiously, “Said he and Glori had these dreams about me.”
Fred, “Like the ones Fili said he had about Mi?”
You nodded, “Somehow they’re both just fine with it and have planned seeing me already. The King said Glori deliberately got close to Dad and the King’s got some deeper bond with me already.”
Chuckles sounded around you before Fred said, “Ah, well it was bound to happen.”
George nodded, “Jealous rivals. He’ll relax.”
Both, “They are a bit tricky to grasp. Probably just need time to woo you.” With a nudge closer to him they both winked at you, “Go be wooed.”
You rolled your eyes and switched back to English to say to the King, “The purple robe is a nice touch.” He turned looking you over with an approving softening expression as you eyed the flowers woven into his crown, “Do you always wear flowers in your crown?”
“In the Spring and Summer. Berries for Winter and fallen leaves for the Fall.” The struggle in him grew as he took in your simple yet elegant outfit hugging you just right, his main thought being your place just a foot away, close enough to reach out to. He knew just where his arm and hand would sit to keep you beside him.
You nodded then asked after his eyes scanned over Hermione, noting your similar dress styles, “You’ve met Thorin’s family, what exactly are we in for?”
His eyes switched to you as Tauriel in a simple floor length deep green gown slipped out of the room to join Hermione in their eagerness at the meeting while Molly’s muttered check list sounded through the hall. “As far as their demeanor or dress?”
“Demeanor. Fili and Thorin said Dams are, difficult to bond with.”
Thranduil nodded, “They can be.” He drew in a breath, “Though after meeting Miss Granger myself I do know she is a great choice for a Daughter in law.” His eyes scanned over you curiously, “Are you related?”
“There is a Granger that was adopted into my line about a century back, but I’m not certain if it’s her line, they got burned out.”
His brow rose, “Burned?”
You nodded leading him through to the next room to view the massive tapestry marking your family line causing his lips to part as he eyed all the various names and faces embroidered on. “These are just the closest relations. It takes a great deal of scrolls to fit my whole line.” You pointed to the top right revealing the man with the name Lou under a singed face and broken branch marking his disinherited status. “Lou Granger. Grandmother carried on the tradition of burning out those who dishonored our line.”
Curiously his eyes wandered over the tapestry, “Where is your name?”
You moved along the wall and eased your fingers over your Father and Uncle’s blacked out faces, “Dad ran away when he was 16, went to live with Uncle James, Regulus moved in shortly after.” Below their names however there was a small folded blossom with your initials under it, “Gran passed before she could add my portrait, usually the first one is done after we turn five.”
His lips parted, “You were close?”
You shook your head, “No, we only met the once.”
In the doorway Molly poked her head in saying, “They’re on their way.”
You nodded, “Need any help?”
She shook her head, “No. Just have to put on the kettle.” She smiled looking between you two then popped out again as Thranduil looked at you asking, “I take it I’ve been accepted by your kin?”
You looked up at him, “I, um, what do you mean?”
“Normally in our culture when titles are abandoned you’re marked as family.”
For a moment your lips parted then closed again before you answered, “Do you really enjoy being called Your Majesty all the time? With people bowing and scraping around you constantly?”
“I do not enjoy it, but that is what is done to respect my title. Not that any here have neglected to do so.”
You nodded again, “I think family might be a bit of a stretch up front,” his brow twitched up at your curious wording, “Perhaps you should think of them more as treating you as their friend and equal.” For a moment he pondered your words, “So feel free to relax, just enjoy having friends to not worry about being a King or impressing constantly with your title and powers.” After looking over his stunned expression you added, “Or don’t, with the arriving Dams and all.”
He opened his mouth to say something only to close it as a bell sounded bringing him to your side in your walk to join the others in the packed living room where he sat in the love seat Fred and George nudged you into. Thranduil flashed you a pleased soft expression before looking at the approaching group of Royals that took their own seats after being greeted properly. He propped one leg over the other just as yours was, nearly smirking at your shared habit, only to find Hermione’s and the other women in dresses to their knees doing the same, leaving only his ease at being able to use his long legs as an excuse to have his propped up leg rest against yours. A single glance at your lap brought your overlapping hands to his attention stirring an urge for him to lay his hand over yours, something your Father did from the arm chair beside you, giving them a gentle pat on his reach over the chair arms between you.
Thick blue embroidery coated gown in thick layers coated former Queen Niro, her Daughter Diaa beside Thrain in his finest to the right of Dis, who rested her hand under her Husband Vili’s elbow when they took their seats as Fili and Kili took their seats beside Hermione and Tauriel with pleased smiles of their own. At once Dis’ eyes locked on you when Thorin, Bilbo and Frerin sat down in the last sectional against Ginny’s arm chair, the nearness drawing the pain in her eyes to Prince Frerin’s attention in his brief glance at her while you took in the mirror image Dis and Diaa bore to Thorin. That alone calmed you that Thorin wouldn’t be so greatly changed and still able to keep his filling beard in jeweled styles like theirs, only in a deeper black.
Dis drew in a breath then stated, “Miss Black, you have a lavish home for a school teacher.”
You forced a quick smile, “Thank you, it’s been in the family for centuries, not entirely mine.”
Dis nodded, “Yes, I hear Miss Granger lives here as well.”
You nodded again, “Quite a few from our old groups live here.”
Diaa’s brow rose, “Groups?”
“Dumbledore’s Army and the Order of the Pheonix.”
Dis, “We’ve heard a few rumors of your, Death Eater claims.” Her eyes dropped to the shifting mark on your arm. “What does that entail?”
“A great deal less than it used to. Now we simply ensure our new homes remain safe.”
Dis, “Your other people would not handle that task?”
With a smirk you replied, “We would be the last resort for protection. In other words, we would be the ones you would pray not to see on a battlefield.”
Diaa, “And that would be, why?”
You caught her eye, “Because we have done the unthinkable, broken laws and conjured the unforgivable curses our world hoped had been forgotten.” At once the air shifted around the Dwarves, “Sometimes you have to choose the lesser of two evils, drastic measures must be called upon to protect what is precious to us, sometimes the worst of us have to be depended upon when we grow too squeamish to face the battle on our doorstep.”
Thorin smirked as Thrain asked, “Have your cities been settled nicely?”
You nodded saying, “All but our main shops and squares meant for Dale.”
Thrain looked to Draco beside Regulus, asking, “Have you finalized the model for it yet?”
Draco flashed a quick smile, “I’ve come up with a few ideas, the Ministry is looking them over. The design should be decided on in a few days.”
Dis looked to Hermione, “Can you not speed things along?”
Hermione’s lips parted to answer as her hand shifted under Fili’s to fold their fingers together, “I am only one of the Council Members, though it should grow quicker once our Minister has been named.”
Niro, “Ah yes, your voting. When is the announcement?”
Hermione, “Ten tonight.”
Diaa’s eyes shifted to yours, “And how is the potion coming along for my Grandchildren?”
You forced a smile, “Another week and it should be ready.”
She nodded then looked to Thorin with a grin, “Hmm, I suppose it would give the couple time to settle into the new arrangement before the Wedding.”
Niro, “Has this arrangement been made often? I can’t imagine it is popular. I am curious also of any side effects of this potion on children.”
Behind Percy, Dean and Seamus, who’d hoped to tag along and catch a sight of the Royals, their heads popped up and they smiled saying, “Our parents used them.”
Dean nodded, “Dad got out of the service and returned to his family home in the Wizarding world where he found out about the potion, took it, met Pops, they had me.”
Seamus added, “Mum was the same. Felt out of place as a man growing up, graduated and took it. Ran into Dad, course bit of a nasty shock for him with all the pictures and stories from her growing up, not even counting the part where Dad was a Muggle.”
Dean, “We’ve both got younger Sisters, we’re all perfectly fine.”
Niro nodded asking, “And you’re both on the Council as well?”
Seamus, “Dean is, I’m just an Auror.”
Her eyes shifted to you hoping for a definition, “Aurors are our law keepers.” Earning a nod from her.
Dis looked Hermione over then asked while Molly floated the tea set into the room serving it out for everyone earning a round of thanks before she popped back into the kitchen to finish the meal. “Fili mentioned you’re a, Muggle born?”
Hermione nodded, “Yes.”
Dis, “How is that possible?”
Hermione, “It is believed that through our lines magical ancestors are found and the ability simply skips a generation or two.”
Diaa, “Are your parents on the Council as well?” Her eyes shifted to them beside her.
They shook their heads and her Father answered, “We’re dentists.”
Niro, “Is that a high ranking role in your society?”
Hermione’s Mother answered, “Well it is part of the medical profession. Takes a great deal of training. It doesn’t exactly measure up to something like being a Queen, Your Majesty.”
Niro smiled at her saying, “Doctors are highly esteemed in our culture. No need for titles. From what I hear your child is quite talented, and to have been given such a position of her own at such a young age.”
Remus smiled adding, “Our Hermione is considered one of the brightest Witches of her age.”
Hermione smiled then glanced over to Dis, who had her eyes locked on you, “Even over you, Miss Black?”
You forced out another smile, “I would say we are closer to equally matched, though it really doesn’t matter.”
Your smirk inched out as Diaa stated, “Of course it matters. To see just how powerful any heirs might be.”
With a weak giggle you eyed Teddy after his crawl over to your Father’s lap making him draw back his hand from yours, then looked at her again, “The argument of the purity of one’s blood has been a blood soaked topic in our world for centuries. I assure you the power of a Witch or Wizard is based solely upon their willingness to learn and harness the immense power we are able to tap into.” You glanced at Teddy again, who giggled turning his hair to a bright purple yours gladly shifted to as his hand planted in your palm you extended out to him. Your smile grew as he raised it to hide his face, only to move it and let out a squeaking giggle at your soft gasp marking his reappearing seemingly out of nowhere.
Dis asked, “Your Son?”
You peered up at her as Sirius stated, “My Cousins. She fell in our fleeing.”
Diaa, “You cannot change your appearance as well?”
Sirius, “I can shift into a big black dog, that is about it. My Cousin’s Father was a Morpher, just like my Wife.”
Niro, “Impressive gift, and for him to wield it so young so easily.”
Sirius chuckled, “Merely a habit at this age, game at the most.”
Molly appeared in the doorway sending your tea cups away as you stood and filed into the large dining hall used only for grand occasions. In your new seats Niro asked, “Miss Black, I understand your birthday is coming up soon. Will our kin be invited to the celebration?”
Your eyes locked with hers, “Actually, I share the birthday with Fred and George. We usually have a family dinner, no celebration.”
On your left Thranduil turned his head, saying, “That won’t do. I will handle the planning.” He looked across at Niro, “There will be a proper celebration in Greenwood.” To which she nodded at his implied invitation of her and her kin.
Sirius beside you smirked at your soft inhale as you looked to the King, saying, “You don’t have to do that.”
He turned his head giving you a softer yet unyielding expression, “Yes I do. After all I missed the chance to aid you in settling, you all must be properly welcomed into our world. You can still have your dinner with the full celebration after.”
Thrain, “Any word on if the Men of Gondor and Rohan will be invited?”
Thranduil, “I don’t believe they are aware of their presence just yet, and hopefully they won’t be for some time.”
Thorin nodded locking his eyes with yours, “Do let us know if you spot any banners or riders coming up on your borders. We will squash their urge to expand or worse.”
With a weak chuckle you replied, “Worst comes to worst I could let Norberta give them a good scare. Loud roar should handle it.” Making Thorin and Bilbo chuckle with the teens around you.
Through the rest of the meal you sat feeling the King’s leg shift closer to yours without touching as you listened to and answered each of the questions asked from the visiting family between your hushed conversation with your Father in latin about what the King had said. Confirmations were made of their both issuing intentions for spending time with you since your arrival. But your words halted at the radio being flipped on just minutes before ten casting you into silence again with cheers sounding when Remus was announced the victor and new Minister, bringing on a round of toasts while he joined you on taking Teddy up to bed.
Thranduil had left quietly after a few hushed words with you requesting another meeting soon before he left to ensure the celebration would be well prepared for unleashing by the weeks end. All went well, at least until a single phrase was uttered by Dis on her way out, the single inconsequential phrase threw you right back into that basement of the dilapidated mansion Riddle had held you in for your tests to earn your Dark Mark. 
 Alone in your room you curled your fingers around the metal railing at the foot of your bed with a shuddering exhale still feeling the clawed fingers from Fenrir Greyback easing through your hair, trying with all your might to remind yourself he was dead and no danger now.
The shimmering silvery blue curls you bore now a deep black as tears welled up in your eyes through the tremors building in your body while your hair tie slipped and fell slowly to the floor freeing your curls to pool around your face. Straightening up again you left your heels at the foot of your bed and went walking, trying to drive the thoughts from your mind with a change of scenery.
Tears fled your eyes but thoughtlessly you wandered until you found yourself passing through Northern Greenwood. Around you Elves above stole glances of you in your hushed following of the pathway a soft breeze uncovered from under the weight of hundreds of shed leaves through the years. Easily you found the front gate that was opened for you, welcoming you through with puzzled expressions at your now black curls. A simple shake of your hands started your path through the lower floor away from the distant conversations and bustling planning going on in the bright moon and candle light.
Slowly you eyed each abandoned hall and room along the way, passing through a series of guest rooms until a small study filled with books in a language you could not decipher triggering an irritation pulling you from the deep pit you felt inside almost completely, promising to yourself you would learn it and unearth their secrets one day. In the hall again you passed, feeling the start of a layer of dust growing on the marble floor. Portraits hung all around, lifeless reminders of those that had come before, ending with a blonde Elleth in a crown making you assume she once was Thranduil’s Queen and Mother to his Son. Turning your head you eyed the double doors at the end of the darkened hall. The cold wood met your palms in their timid raise before they parted revealing a seemingly endless ballroom feeding out into a private garden.
The walls coated in stained glass allowing burst of colored moonlight into the long forgotten hall. A soft gasp left you in your first step inside making the dust shift under your toes and balls of your feet while your eyes traveled upwards at the crystal strewn stained glass ceiling coating each inch of the ballroom with shifting rays of colored light. The far wall with open archways into the garden long untouched with fountains trickling softly around torches unable to light after years of misuse, tall candelabras stood under cloths revealing only their polished pearl bases. In the center of the room you paused staring at a white buck passing through the garden that paused to look at you making you miss the quietly approaching King that had been alerted to your arrival by his servants.
The hem of his robe grazed across the top layer of dust, wondering how you’d managed to find this ballroom in particular so easily. Quietly he waited until you turned again bringing him into the corner of your vision, eyeing your natural hair and sunken expression on your face. “My guards told me you had arrived. It is curious you found your way here alone.”
He stepped closer to you hoping his nearness would calm you at least as you eyed his simple loose white under shirt hanging loosely around his thighs under his open maroon robe as his hair shifted freely without his crown in place. “Am I not allowed here?”
He shook his head, “You are allowed where you wish.”
Curiously you asked, “Why is it abandoned, this wing?”
Thranduil sighed and led you out into the garden now absent of any white buck towards a sculpture of a swan with markings in Ancient Elvish on a golden plaque below it, “Through the Ages our numbers have dwindled greatly. Upon returning home from the battle that passed my Father’s crown to me we had lost two thirds of our soldiers.” His head turned to the plaque his fingers grazed across, “Echoes ripple on through eternity stitched deeply into our hears.” He translated then glanced up at you with a broken look in his eyes, “My Mother used to say that. When we fled Doriath under the Feanorean strike, we were so few until we found our way to Greenwood. Amon Lanc was our kingdom, and by then the Silvans had named my Father King.”
“Big change in title?”
He surprisingly smiled through a weak chuckle, “Yes. We were merchants. There is not much, or was, was not much joy in these lands until your arrival. How did you find this place?”
“I, couldn’t sleep, needed a walk. Found my way here.”
He nodded and shifted closer to you asking, “Are you unwell?” tilting his head hoping to find some source for the pain he noted in your eyes still.
In a weakening tone you replied, “Just a memory, nothing more.”
The hint of a coming tear made him ask, “Would it help, to share it, your memory? I assure you I am a great listener.”
“I’m not certain you’d want to know.”
“I assure you I do.”
“Everyone always says that and then they fly into rages when I tell them.”
He scanned his eyes over your face then stated, “I am your One, there is no pain I would not wish to aid you in shouldering.” Your sigh brought his hand palm up as he asked, “I shall make you some tea.” 
You nodded easing your hand into his, which he transferred to his elbow in his turn to guide you back through the hall and into a long winding path up to the Royal Wing as he shared a simple tour with you of what you passed. Two large doors sat before you with one opened at his push allowing you through into the moonlit apartment. Wetting his lips he said, “It should only take a few minutes for me to light the fires and lamps.” A flick of your finger on the hand resting on his arm cast the room in golden light earning a weak chuckle from him, “Thank you.” Guiding you through to his main sitting room, leaving you on the small couch to go start the tea in the kitchen across the hall.
A few moments later he was at your side again spotting your gaze on the large wall of windows bringing the star and moonlight in with their mesmerizing twinkles. The cushions shifted as he sat beside you with a soft gaze, asking, “Jaqi, your memory?” His pause for your name calmed him at your comfort in his use of it.
You sighed and folded your fingers in on your lap as you met his eyes, “Back, when I got my mark, it was a painful two weeks. More so, for one of my Uncle’s followers.” He nodded shifting closer to you, debating is he should not hold your hand or not, “Fenrir Greyback.” The name drew a tear down your cheek as his heart dropped at the glossy emotionless gaze filling your eyes that instantly had his hand on one of yours with a comforting squeeze. “My Aunt Bellatrix was Riddle’s pet, Fenrir wanted to be mine.”
His eyes followed the next tear as you shared more, “I just couldn’t move, it hurt too much, and, I know Dis didn’t know what she’d said. Or meant anything to happen from it, just happens sometimes. But, it just, he used to just stroke my hair.” He glanced at the kettle a flick of your fingers silenced it in his refusal to leave your side. “I know women have been through worse…”
Instantly his free hand rose to stroke your cheek wiping away your tears there, “Their suffering does not negate yours. He harmed your trust, made you to feel unsafe. What was his fate in your war?”
His near growl voiced his protective streak all the men who’ve heard it before, “My Uncle Lucious saw him after that first time, made sure not to leave me alone after. When Severus carried me home Lucious told my Father and Uncle Regulus. When they could Lucious told Fenrir I wanted to meet him somewhere, they were waiting for him. He’s dead.”
He nodded, “Good.” His eyes scanned over your hair as a couple strips of curls shifted slowly back to its silvery blue drawing his fingers to them after a soft request for permission. Gently he eased his fingers through the bottom of a set of curls seemingly turning to silk across his fingers against his imagined rough texture.
“Why keep seeing me?”
His eyes shifted to meet yours, “You are far more than you realize.”
Another tear rolled from your eye over his thumb drawing tears to his eyes, “Look at what I’ve done.” Your broken voice and scrunched up face brought him to draw you against his chest in your hunch forward.
Firmly his hand rose to ease his fingers through your hair brushing it out of your face, soothingly stating through your silent sobs that he held you through. “Look at all you have done. You saved thousands, cleared countless dark creatures and Dragons with ease that would have ended most armies. Healed lands long since believed lost, rebuilt my castle in Amon Lanc, given us border protection that we could not hope for on our own.” Tightly his free arm folded around your back as you nestled against his chest uncontrollably staining his shirt with your tears that drew a warm tingle across his skin as his hidden scars vanished.
“When Doriath fell we barely managed to aid 200 to safety, out of thousands. All but 50 fell in the following wars, with all but Legolas and myself choosing not to sail to Valinor. It is painful, but we do what we can, save who we can while carrying those who have fallen.” Softly he spoke to you as you quieted and continued to hold you once your tears had run out, eventually peering down noticing your deep breaths as you were falling asleep. 
Carefully his wrap over the back of the couch was grabbed and eased over you both in his shift to rest back against the pillows between his back and the arm of the couch. A shift of his body later he’d propped a foot up on the couch, leaving the other bent holding your curled legs in place as you nestled against his chest. Under his tightening arms you settled with a slow exhale brushing your hair free over your back while he rested his head against yours closing his eyes hoping to stay like that forever, relaxing as your arms shifted around his sides in your sleep.
Pt 10
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xiumin-on-this-shit · 8 years
All My Idols Ch 12: Drunken Princess
“I don’t know about this,” I mumble awkwardly as I nibble on my lip. My coworker that I hardly ever talk to has been insisting my whole entire shift that I should go out with her and a few of our other coworkers to a club; something I never did even back in America. No, I don’t have plans and the boys are busy until really late so I was just planning on waiting there until they got home.
“Please Charlie!” Bailey begs me cutely. She stares down at me, being a few inches taller, with her large blue eyes and puffs out a pink lip. Like most of the staff here she is a foreigner from America, though I’m the only one that is mixed race.
“What time?” I sigh giving in, tired of her constant begging.
She gives me a massive smile as she claps, jumping up and down. “I’ll swing by at 10, make sure to wear a dress or at least something other than your work uniform.” Her eyes scan me up and down, obviously not appreciating my basic black jeans and tank top.
“Ugh, fine.”
She wanders away to finish whatever she had been doing before as I squat down behind the bar to rest for a minute. This is the number one reason I hate working the day shift at the normally loud packed bar. The normally blaring loud music is switched to a different, calmer genre and the customers are less constant and less demanding. Giving Bailey plenty of opportunities to beg me about going out.
I’m able to leave a little after nine, not giving me much time to shower and get ready to go out. Even though going out isn’t my thing I can’t help but be a little excited about it. Since I’ve been in Korea I haven’t been able to go out in public and do things with my close friends because of their status so I figure might as well enjoy it even though I don’t know these people that well. I apply more make than usual, wanting to be more sexy compared to my normal cute self. With bold winged eyeliner, fake lashes, and bright red lipstick I look more my age. Finding an outfit is easy enough, considering my going out clothes consisted of only the last few hangers in my closet. I grab a tight black dress, a cute leather jacket and a nice pair of bright red high heels.
When I’m ready to go I stop in front of my full length mirror and gasp at the sight of myself. Not to sound cocky but I look really good, with some help from contorting I was able to make my normally round baby face sharper with high cheek bones. With my usual wardrobe of sweat pants and over sized shirts my curves are hidden but in my tight dress seeing my full chest and hard earned butt is not a problem. My long curls rest against my lower back naturally, I feel pretty.
I nearly die laughing when I think about how any of my oppas or dongseangs would react to seeing me like this. Wide eyes and mouths hanging open. The thought is too amazing and I can’t help but take a picture of myself in the mirror and text GD, who had texted me earlier about my plans. With a mischievous grin on my face I text:
 Going out with some people from work, I’ll come over later!
 Adding the picture on after I turn off my phone and head down to the now full bar. Bailey is sitting there on one of the stools already sipping a drink. I scoff at her as I drop my purse on the counter.
“This is where we are going out to?” I swipe her drink away and take a swig.
She glares at me before snatching it back, “I was waiting for you.”
“Than where are we going?”
“A hot club a little ways away. Lets go, everyone else is waiting outside.” She hops off the stool before leading me outside where, the few coworkers we have that aren’t working, are waiting. It’s three guys and one other girl. One of the guys that I work with regularly beams at me with a handsome smile, while the others just give me polite smiles. As the other four pair up I realize what is going on but choose to ignore it, hopping this isn’t some kind of date.
Leo is the guy’s name, he’s decently tall, 178 or something, and actually not bad looking at all. With sandy brown hair and green eyes he is the perfect all American boy that you see in movies. We begin walking to the club, the others already deep in conversation.
He stares down at me, “Have you picked up another job or something?”
“Huh?” I’m taken by surprise by his question.
“You’ve looked a bit tired lately and the boss has been saying that you are hardly ever home anymore so I’m just curious,” He is suddenly awkward with his explaining, much different from his normally confident and cocky personality.
I shake my head, “No new job.”
“So a boyfriend?”
Again I shake my head, “No boyfriend, just friends who have the opposite schedule as me so I have to go out a lot to see them.”
He grins and nods, satisfied with my answer, but I only feel unnerved. Leo is someone I normally feel comfortable with since I know his personality well. He’s a playboy, and that has never bothered me because his sights are usually set on someone else but I can feel his eyes scanning me.
When we reach the club , that is more than a little ways away, I already want to kick off my heels and go back home at the sight of the line. People are lined up around the corner, all beautiful girls and handsome guys, some foreign but mostly natives. I look to my group hoping they are as discouraged as me but they look just the opposite.
The other girl, Lacey, grins at Bailey, “You can get us in right?”
Bailey, looking as cocky as ever smirks back, “Of course, I’m close with the owner.” She confidently passes the long line to the big bouncer who does not look at all amused by the tall blonde. “Bailey Kalls,” She sings. The bouncer huffs as he looks down at the clipboard in his hands, scanning it and easily finding her name. He waves us through without another word but doesn’t mind giving us an annoyed glare. Inside the club it’s really dark with only flashes of bright lights in different colors to help. Bailey confidently leads the way to a surprisingly unoccupied semicircle booth. We scoot in, Leo sitting way too close for comfort, and order our drinks. I scan the club, taking in the massive dance floor and large DJ booth on the far side of the club.
There is a balcony that I’m guessing is for VIP or special parties. The large group up there right now seems to be going pretty hard with lots of beautiful girls in outfits skimpier than my own. I watch them dance with the mostly attractive, younger Korean men. A familiar face catches my eye, Jooyoung, an attractive artist from the same company as Monsta X. I met him one of the other times Bobby and B.I took me to see Jay, Zico and Loco. He, like all of my knights, is absolutely amazing and normally sweet, at least when he talks to me. But as I watch him up there going hard I laugh, enjoying the sight of the real Jooyoung.
“Do you want to dance?” Leo whisper yells in my ear. I was to distracted watching Joo to notice the others had left to dance. Taking off my jacket, I down my drink and half of Bailey’s before nodding and allowing him to pull me out of the booth to the packed dance floor. The alcohol doesn’t take long to start working with my stomach empty. I start not minding Leo’s closeness as we dance, moving deeper into the massive sweaty crowd. We dance for an hour or two, I’m not really sure, before I feel the need for another drink. Slipping away from him, ignoring his protests, I push my way threw the crowd to the bar. I order five shots on Bailey’s tab and grin happily when the bartender sets them down in front of me. Catching sight of the cute bartenders watch I see that it’s midnight. Good the night is just beginning.
As I down my last shot I happen to look up at the balcony to notice Jay along with Zico and Loco staring down in my direction, their eyes narrowed at me. I grimace before quickly slipping my way back into the massive crowd. Leo is nowhere to be seen but I manage to find Bailey and Lacey dancing with two guys I have never seen before. Regardless I join their group and start dancing, hoping my oppas won’t be able to recognize me. I forget about them as time passes and the alcohol takes over. I always forget how much of a lightweight I am as my mind becomes a bit cloudier.
As my heels become less steady I excuse myself, not that they really cared, back to our booth. Slipping in I feel much better already, that is until a waitress walks by and offers me a few more shots. Against my better judgment I accept them and she sets the three on the table. I take one but am interrupted by a still pretty sober Leo.
“How about a lover shot?” He smirks his signature smirk at me. I roll my eyes and down another shot. His smirk falters. “Why did you disappear earlier?”
“I didn’t disappear I got some more to drink,” I explain as I grab my last shot.
“Don’t you even care that I was looking for you?” He snaps annoyed and I’m much to drunk to even register what he is mad about.
I try my best to apologize, though I’m not 100% sure what for, “Sorry Leo, I couldn’t find you so I just danced with Bailey and Lacey, I figured we would find each other at some point but I didn’t think it was necessary.”
That apparently isn’t a good enough answer, “You didn’t think finding your date was necessary?”
I’m sober enough to understand that, “What date? Bailey asked me to go out, I didn’t even know you guys were coming. I’m sorry if that’s what you thought this was but I don’t want to date right now.”
He huffs and tries to grab me, “You think you can dump me that easily?!” He yells at me. I’m surprised when he lunges at me and is suddenly on top of me
I easily kick off my shoes and kick him out of the booth before just as easily slipping them back on. I glare at him slamming my glass on the table spilling the liquid. “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are but I’m not some helpless little girl you can fuck with. Don’t you ever put your nasty ass hands on me ever again.”
“You bitch,” He gets up off the floor and tries to get back in the booth but I push him down again, this time not bothering to take off my heel. Hopping to leave a nice bruise on his chest.
“If you ever try anything like this again I will kick your fucking ass, got asshole?” I growl.  
“Wow,” A familiar voice says with a laugh. A chorus of laughs echo around my booth as four of my knights surround Leo, their eyes not as friendly as their laughs. “What the fuck do you think you are doing?” Jay growls down at him.
Leo glances around scared and confused.
“Fucking scram,” Zico kicks the boy away, not taking his eyes off him until Leo is out the door. They look down at me, amusement and concern on all of their faces. I blink up at them not sure if what I’m experiencing is real or a drunk hallucination. I reach out and grab Loco, who is the closest and pull him down in to the booth.
“Oppa,” I mumble out as I pinch his chubby cheeks, an action he usually doesn’t appreciate but since it’s me and I’m drunk he just laughs.
“Hello there Princess, it’s nice to see you too,” Loco says though his laughs.
“Oppa!” I giggle gleefully as I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tight.
“Someone is happy,” Zico laughs as he slides into the booth on the other side to be next to me, Jay and Joo follow suit. I nod excitedly releasing Loco and settling back in
“I could barely recognize you,” Jay says as he scans me.
“How did you find me then?”
“I don’t know, I was scanning the crowd then you and something just felt familiar, it was Zico who figured out it was you.”
“I didn’t even know you three were here,” I gesture to the three closest to me.
Joo raises his brow, “You saw me?”
I smirk and nod, “Yep, I saw you going hard up there. Way to go Oppa!” I lean over the table to him, ignoring the fact that I’m basically on it to squeeze one of now pink cheeks. As I sit back down I notice all the boys watching me with their hands up in case I fall making smile.
We sit there for a long time, the boys order us a round of drinks and I don’t have the judgmental part of my brain on anymore so I happily accept. Time flies and our conversations seem endless. They are extremely amazed with my sudden toughness and new vocabulary that very much conflicts with my normal cute appearance. The guys are finally buzzed while I was gone before they even showed up when they decide to call it a night. Glancing at the clock I see that it’s already four in the morning. Loco helps me out of the booth before leading me toward the door. We don’t get very far before I start wobbling in my heels. Without any question he swoops me up and carries me out of the half full club to the parking lot with the rest of the guys behind us.
They share a look before looking down at me happily humming in Loco’s arms. I start playing with the ties on his sweatshirt as if I have never seen something more amazing earning me a laugh from my on lookers.
“Princess, is your neighborhood deserted enough for us to take you home?” Joo asks as he affectionately strokes my head.
I shake my head still focused on the ties, “I live above a bar.”
Again, they look to each other, a silent debate going on between them. “Where should we take her?” Jay asks as he watches me. They all eye each other, not will to trust drunk me to any of the others.
“My big bang oppas are staying at a hotel near by!” I shout a little too loud.
“Hush Princess, don’t be too loud.” Loco whispers in my ear, I rest my head on his chest.
“Where are they staying?” Zico asks.
I tell them the hotel and they all nod with it being their safest option. An SUV pulls up and we get in, Loco still holding me. I fall asleep on the short ride, next thing I know I’m in a familiar lobby at the desk, with Jay and Zico arguing with the attendant behind the desk. I look up at Loco who has no problem holding my weight for however long we have been waiting here. Looking back at the familiar attendant I have Loco set me down before I try, as gracefully as possible to get to the desk.
“We know they are here so can you please just let us up?” Jay says completely irritated, I’m guessing this isn’t the first time he has said those words.
“Hi, my name is Charlotte Quinn, my name is on the list.” I try to sound as sober as possible but from Zico’s laugh I have a feeling it didn’t work. Thankfully the girl recognizes me and hands over the room key that I let at home. “Thank you,” I accept the card before handing it over to Jay not trusting myself with it. Joo scoops me up before I can get back to Loco, wanting some of my attention.
“Charlotte Quinn,” Joo repeats with a smile on his face.
“Oh shut it,” I grumble as I rest my head against his chest too tired and too drunk to put up much of a fight.
“You seem a lot more feisty than normal,” He teases.
“I thought you would be an affectionate drunk,” Loco chimes in as we make our way to the elevator.
“I am as long as no one starts something.”
Jay laughs, “So you’re one of those I don’t start the fight but I can finish it kind of drunk?”
I lazily nod, “I’m a very affectionate person usually.”
In the elevator we’re all silent, actually I’m trying to sleep and the boys are just staring at each other or me. When we reach the penthouse the boys debate on knocking. Jay hesitantly knock and it only takes a second for the door to me ripped open by GD.
I grin big, “Oppa!” I yell as I slip out of Joo’s grip to give GD a big hug. He hold me tight before glaring at the men behind me, but they aren’t afraid to glare back like my other friends. Leaning back I notice GD glaring and swat at him. “Ya! Stop that!”
He sighs and looks down at me, “We have been worried sick.”
“I know I’m sorry. We were talking and I lost track of time.”
“I thought you were going with people from work,” He eyes the others up.
“I did but they turned out to be assholes so these guys saved me.” My cussing surprises GD and his brow scrunches, while the others just bust out laughing, still not use to me using such bad language.
“Are you drunk?”
I smile like an idiot and nod, “Yep.” Again, GD glares at my knights.
“Don’t look at us, she was already pretty drunk when we found her,” Joo clarified.
“I did this to myself, I’m a big girl who can make her own decisions. But I am going to need help getting to bed.” I yawn as I turn around to say goodbye. “Thank you guys so much for saving me from what could have been a very bad night,” In a sad attempt at a bow I fall forward right into Jay who easily catches me.
“Wow there princess, we don’t know each enough for that,” He teases with a sexy smirk making me giggle.
“Yep it I’s time for you to go to bed,” GD tires to grab me away but stops when Jay wraps his arms around me.
“I would like my goodbye hug,” He says sweetly with his eyes on me. I happily oblige and wrap my arms around his waist, giving him a nice hug before I’m passed around to the other three. When goodbyes are done GD closes the door with a firm click from the lock.
“Oppas!” I yell gleefully as I drunkenly rush into the living room. Top and Dae are sitting there on their phones while Seungri and Youngbae are in the kitchen eating something. “The princess is here!” I laugh at myself as I collapse on the couch Dae is sitting on. Shimming my way up I manage to make it to Daesung, resting my head in his lap.
“What is going on?” Dae asks as he brushes my hair out of my face. The others collect around us staring down at me with concern and confusion.
GD sighs as he wanders away to the kitchen for something, “Our little princess is drunk.” Their eyes go wide as the study me as if they have never seen me, making me giggle.
“Who was outside?” Top asks.
“Jay Park, Zico, Jooyoung, and Loco,” GD’s tone is full of distaste.
“How did that happen?” Riri asks as he sits down, moving my feet on to his lap.
“They were at the same club,” I explain shortly as I start playing with Dae’s low hanging necklace.
“And how about that outfit?” Youngbae sounds like a disapproving father.
“I wanted to look nice. Do I look nice?” I glance down at my outfit, not really remembering what I’m wearing. The boys give me a once over before looking away.
“You look very pretty,” Dae pats my head sweetly.
“But my feet hurt,” I grumble as I look down at my heels as I try to kick them off with no luck. Thankfully Riri pities me and pulls them off before setting them on the floor. “Thank you Riri oppa!” I coo.
GD returns with a tall glass of water in one hand and instant noodles in the other. I cheer as I snap up in my seat happy for food. He can’t help but smile as he sets the noodles and water on the coffee table and I slip off the couch to the floor. He disappears once again but not for long, this time he shows up with a blanket. I happily accept it too, using it to cover my bare legs.
“Be careful, it’s hot,” He reminds me as he sits down next to me on the floor. They watch with small smiles as I drink my water and slowly eat my noodles. When I finish both the boys are ready for bed and the debate begins on where I should sleep. Top wins at first but hands the winning away to GD when it is decided that the same person must help me get ready for bed.
Sitting on the counter in a pair of GD’s sweatpants and his t-shirt I wait patiently as he puts a headband on me to wash my face. Youngbae and Riri are standing in the doorway while Dae is sitting on the toilet lid watching with amusement as GD starts scrubbing my face. I was sober enough to change myself only falling once and earning a bump on my head prompting the need for someone to wash my face for me. When we’re done in the bathroom the others wish a good night as GD tucks me into bed. He climbs in next to me and pulls me into a tight hug.
“Good night our drunken little princess,” He coos with a chuckle as I fall asleep.
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max-neverland · 6 years
X-Men: A Very Merry X-MAS
A soft blanket of snow covered the mansion. Fairy lights were draped across the rooftops and twined through many of the surrounding trees. Intricately designed icicles crept across the window panes and numerous snowmen stood in the grounds, some crudely crafted while others were beautifully sculpted. The moon hung heavy in the sky, casting a magical silver glow over it all.
It was Christmas Eve and a handful of the students were spending the holiday at the school. They were all convened in the main living area under a strict ugly sweater dress code. A Christmas tree towered in a corner of the room, its branches groaning under the weight of decorations and its base hidden behind a huge pile of gifts. Three long brown sofas were shoved back against the walls to create an open space in the middle of the room. The heavy wooden coffee table had been moved to one side, its top covered with a neat white cloth and its lower shelf stacked with plates and glasses.
The party was in full swing. Hank and Kurt were hanging off the chandelier, dancing upside-down to the music Jubilee was blasting through the speakers; their movements shook the chandelier so that its diamond droplets bounced light around the room like a disco ball. Jean had just stolen a kiss under the mistletoe from Scott, who was looking very red faced and flustered. Storm and Peter were bringing armfuls of snacks and sodas from the kitchen to spread out on the table. Raven and Moira lounged on a sofa, laughing together over a bottle of wine.
Moira caught a glimpse of the Professor moving quietly past the festivities, his wheelchair rolling noiselessly over the soft carpet. He was bundled up in a heavy winter coat with a black woollen hat pulled down low over his shaven head. Moira excused herself from Raven and slipped away; she caught up to Charles as he reached the elevator doors.
“Ah, Moira,” said Charles, sensing her and stopping to swing his wheelchair around to greet her. “I didn’t want to disturb you. I know how much you needed to enjoy yourself after your visit to Muir Island today.”
“It’s getting harder every year,” replied Moira heavily.
“You’re doing what’s best for Kevin,” said Charles gently, taking her hand. “You’re doing the right thing, remember that.”
Moira gave Charles a faint smile and then gestured to the wrapped parcel sitting in his lap.
“You’re going, then?”
“I’ll try not to wake you when I come back. Terrible sweater, by the way,” he added, gesturing to the huge knitted cat head dangling off the centre of her bright yellow sweater.
“It’s great, isn’t it?” said Moira with a laugh. “The kids have picked one out for you to wear tomorrow and I just know you’ll love it.”
Charles’ face twisted into a half grimace, half smile. Moira laughed again and bent down to place a kiss on his mouth; for a moment, her dark hair fell like a curtain around their faces and he was enveloped by the light floral scent of her perfume. She broke away too soon and returned to the living area. Tearing his eyes from her retreating figure, Charles spun his wheelchair back around and pulled a small skid as he swung between the open elevator doors. The doors slid shut and the elevator shot down.
Automatic lighting flicked on as Charles rolled out of the elevator and down the corridor to the hangar. The mansion’s usual dark wood panelling and cream carpet was replaced with smooth grey metal walls and floors in these lower levels. A wide pair of doors at the end of the corridor slid open to let him pass. Beyond, the sleek black X-Copter was waiting, its ramp already lowered; Hank had prepped the chopper earlier that day.
Once he had boarded the chopper, Charles settled into the wide space behind the controls and punched in the coordinates. The X-Copter hummed to life. Charles pressed another button and the hangar roof opened, splitting the basketball court above in half. The chopper rose into the air and above the mansion to hover for a moment as Charles reached forward and pressed the button again. The hanger roof seamlessly folded back down and the basketball court was whole once more; there was no surface trace of the mansion’s underground rooms.
Gripping the controls in his gloved hands, Charles brought the X-Copter around in a wide circle above the mansion and then bore down, sending the chopper shooting up. Despite the full moon, there were enough clouds in the night sky to hide him from any prying eyes on the ground. He flicked on the autopilot and settled back to wait.
His flight took him to a vast expanse of woods. He took back the controls and swooped low over the foliage, his eyes narrowed and scanning the icy trees. Half-hidden in the undergrowth was a snug cottage. Creeping vines climbed its wooden face and smoke puffed out of its brick chimney stack. A fresh path had been dug through the snow from the front door to a small clearing just large enough to accommodate the X-Copter; thin sheets of metal had been lain throughout so his wheelchair wouldn’t be trapped in the snow.
Charles brought the chopper down in the clearing, sending the smaller trees bending backwards from the force of the spinning blades. He lowered the ramp and killed the engine. After making sure the wrapped parcel was still in his lap, Charles rolled down the ramp and along the path towards the cottage. A warm orange glow slipped between a gap in the closed curtains, and the window boxes were draped with soft fairy lights. A large festive wreath was nailed to the front door; the door swung upon as Charles drew level with it.
The cottage was decorated in an early 1900’s style. The front door opened directly into a cosy living room; closed doors led off to the bathroom and kitchen. A narrow staircase curved up to the bedroom. Throughout the cottage was wood panelled walls and thick patterned rugs in autumn tones. The centrepiece of the living room was a glowing fireplace with a carved wooden surround. A dark green cloth runner decorated with stitched holly berries stretched across the mantel; a wrapped parcel rested at one end while a brass menorah stood at the other, its candles lit. Two high backed armchairs covered in deep red fabric were set before the fireplace. A chess table stood between the chairs and there was a spindly table with an old gramophone to the side. A tall book shelf filled with heavy novels and vinyl records, as well as a mirrored cabinet housing crystal glasses and spirit bottles, took up the remaining space. Soft jazz was playing through the gramophone.
The kitchen door swung open as the front door shut behind Charles. A tall man exited the kitchen, wiping his hands on a tea towel. He had light brown hair and piercing blue eyes, and his new beard had flecks of red in it. He was dressed casually in a grey knit sweater and belted jeans. A thin gold chain holding a locket disappeared below his collar.
“You’re late,” said Erik, nodding to the antique clock hung over the fireplace.
“You say that every year,” replied Charles as he rolled over to the fireplace; he swapped his wrapped parcel for the one resting there and tucked it to the side of his wheelchair. “Yet you still won’t agree to move this to a place that isn’t in the middle of a snowy wood. I am in a wheelchair, you know.”
“I like this house,” said Erik with shrug. “We manage. Are you ready?”
“One moment.”
Charles backed into a clear corner so that his wheelchair was tucked out of the way. Erik lifted his hand to waist height; three small metal balls rose from his jeans pocket and soared across the room. As they flew, they stretched and flattened until they were long, thin strips. They snaked around Charles’ body and effortlessly lifted him out of his wheelchair. Erik raised his hand to shoulder height and floated Charles across the room to one of the armchairs by the fireplace. Once Charles was seated, the metal strips unwound and became balls once more. Erik returned them to his pocket with a flick of his wrist.
“What?” he said, noting the scowl on Charles’ face.
“You know I hate that,” muttered Charles.
“The last time I lifted you out myself, you tried to clout me,” Erik reminded him.
“Your hand should not have been there.”
“That was an accident, Charles.”
There was an amused glint in Erik’s eye as he turned to the cabinet and set about pouring drinks. Charles pulled off his gloves, coat, and woollen hat, and popped the top button on the blue collared shirt he wore beneath a light brown pullover. Erik crossed over to him, drink in hand; he took the clothing from Charles and passed him the whisky glass.
Charles drank as Erik hung his clothing up on hooks set to the back of the door and then stoked the fire. The mellow music and soft tick of the clock filled the companionable silence in the cottage. Erik disappeared into the kitchen for a few minutes and returned with a silver platter of warm hors d’oeuvres, which he set down beside the gramophone. He refilled Charles’ glass before finally pouring himself a drink and sinking into the second armchair.
“Your start,” he said, nodding at the chessboard, “and no cheating.”
“I never do,” scoffed Charles as he dusted the crumbs from his fingers and moved a white pawn forward.
The fire cast a warm orange glow throughout the room while the two men played. Their conversation flowed late into the night, lulling whenever one would furrow his brow as he decided on which chess piece to move next, and peaking each time Charles spoke of the students at the mansion. A fond smile would tug at Erik’s mouth as he listened to Charles’ anecdotes, but the mention of Raven brought a wistful look to his eyes.
At last, the whisky ran dry and the fire burned down to smouldering embers. Charles took the final king and Erik stood, clasping his hands together and stretching up to the ceiling so his joints cracked. He rolled his shoulders and then pulled the metal balls from his pockets.
Charles scowled again but let Erik get to work. Once settled, Charles pulled the wrapped parcel out from where it was jammed between the side of his wheelchair and his leg, and placed it carefully in his lap. Pretending not to notice, Erik retrieved his coat, woollen hat and gloves; every year they exchanged gifts this way and every year he feigned indifference.
“Will you be coming by the mansion any time soon?” enquired Charles, tucking his ears beneath his woollen hat.
“We’ll see,” replied Erik.
The two men reached out and grasped hands. The contact was brief but firm, and Erik was the first to pull away. Charles’ knowing eyes raked his face. Erik had played his cards close to his chest all night and Charles had respected the privacy of his thoughts but, as always, he cared for and worried deeply about his old friend.
“Don’t make yourself a stranger, Erik,” he said gently. “You will always find a home and a family with us.”
Erik clapped a hand on Charles’ shoulder in way of reply. He twitched his other hand and the front door swung open on its heavy metal hinges; a burst of cold air whistled through the doorway. Erik stared out at the X-Copter gleaming in the silver moonlight and rolled his wrist.
“The chopper’s ready. Give Moira my love,” said Erik with a sly grin.
“She’ll love that,” replied Charles wryly.
Charles rolled out into the crisp winter night. Behind him, Erik stood framed in the doorway, a dark silhouette burning at the edges from the glow of the fireplace. It was a lonely sight and Charles’ heart ached to leave him. It seemed so cruel that he was returning to the warmth and love of Moira and his mutant family but, try as he might, he had never been able to convince Erik to come back. One day, maybe, Erik would heal and find his peace. Charles could only hope.
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