#a fibrofox original
fibrofox · 1 year
Managing your health with medications is morally neutral
Taking pain killers is morally neutral
Taking antidepressants is morally neutral
Taking medications to manage hormone levels is morally neutral
Taking medications to manage any condition, illness, or disorder is morally neutral
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abpoli · 4 years
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fibrofox · 3 years
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fibrofox · 3 years
Me: eats something
My GI tract:
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fibrofox · 3 years
Some days, I've made peace with my disabilities. I've accepted that this is my life, and my symptoms will likely never go away.
Other days, I'm filled with rage that /this is my life and my symptoms will likely never go away/ and no amount of crying in doctors offices and various medications will fix me.
I'm enraged that medical professionals seem to think that because my blood work is normal, there's nothing more they can do.
Some days, I can be happy with the few tasks I can still do, or that I can still work part time.
Other days, I'm furious that life just /isn't fair/.
Today though, I'm just sad. Sad that doctors seem to not care about the invisible illness. They don't seem to care about people with chronic pain with no evident cause.
I'm just sad.
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fibrofox · 4 years
It's okay to grieve the life you could have had if you weren't sick/disabled
It's okay to mourn what you wanted to do with your life
It's okay to be upset you can't do certain things because of your disability/illness
You're doing your best and I'm so proud of you
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fibrofox · 3 years
me last night: going out is FUN! why don't I go out more often? events™ are great!
me today: ah the suffering. that's why I don't go out
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fibrofox · 4 years
New mantra: if I can be kind to others, I can be kind to myself
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fibrofox · 3 years
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fibrofox · 3 years
me @ the pain killers: nooooo don't wear off you're so sexyyy
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fibrofox · 4 years
being neuro atypical is like if you don't have a background noise your brain will assign one for you
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fibrofox · 4 years
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fibrofox · 4 years
Me: eats something
My GI tract: we must evacuate!
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fibrofox · 4 years
Where is the most awkward/inconvenient place you've had a panic attack?
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fibrofox · 4 years
IBS stands for
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fibrofox · 4 years
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It's Fibromyalgia Awareness Day so this is me sharing a sneak peek of what my life is like dealing with fibro. I tend to not share with people what my life is like while simultaneously wishing more people knew what fibro is and how it affects millions of people around the world. If you take the time to read this, thank you. I hope this helps others understand invisible illnesses and be more empathetic 💜
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