#a flood of what I can only describe as confusing for me
pickles4nickles · 1 year
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Happy June 1-2 timezone purgatory also known as the start of pride month and also Akechi's birthday
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
Steve looks around his living room filled with all the people he loves dearly and can’t help but think that they not only fill his empty house but also the empty hole in his heart.
Yet, something is slightly missing.
He shrugs off the thought and walks to the kitchen raising his voice to ask, “Does anyone want anything to drink?”
A few kids ask for Cokes, but Steve makes sure to grab more than they ask for, sure that someone will complain about not hearing him ask.
He balances the cans in his arms and makes his way back to the living room.
He freezes as he rounds the corner and takes in the image of Eddie and Jonathan huddled together on the couch. He gets the strange sensation of deja vu, recalling the night he saw Jonathan in Nancy’s room, comforting her while she and Steve were still together.
He lets the familiar shame wash over him as he recalls what he did after he saw them, lashing out in jealousy and anger with a can of red spray paint.
He shakes his head and tries to focus on the present. Once again, he takes in the sight of Eddie and Jonathan together and thinks, I won’t let Jonathan take him too.
The thought has his stumbling back a bit which catches Eddie’s eye as he looks up at Steve. A look of concern crosses over his face before he says something to Jonathan and gets up quickly, making his way to Steve.
“You okay?” Eddie asks, taking half the cans out of Steve’s arms.
Steve looks at him hopelessly lost in the way his heart is beating faster, his eyes seem to be glued to Eddie’s lips, and he wants more than anything to kiss him.
Steve glances up to Eddie’s eyes. “Hmm?”
“Are you okay?” Eddie asks again, eyebrows raising in concern.
Steve’s eyes flick down to Eddie’s lips again. “I think I…” he hesitates then says, “I need Robin.” He walks away quickly, scattering the cans on his coffee table before walking to where Robin sits with Nancy and yanks her by the hand.
“Hey- Steve?” Robin asks as Steve drags her to the hall bathroom. “What are you-”
Steve closes the bathroom door behind them and sits on the ground, back pressed against the door. Robin slowly sits in front of him with her legs crossed.
“I like Eddie,” Steve blurts out.
Robin shifts. “Yeah, you’ve made it pretty clear that you two are friends.”
Steve runs a hand over his face and sighs. “No, I mean that I like Eddie.”
Robin stares at him for a few moments before gasping, “Oh. Holy shit!”
“Yeah, holy shit,” Steve echoes. It’s a day full of deja vu.
“Is it my turn to make fun of your taste in men?”
Steve laughs, feeling tears start to flood his eyes in relief, fear, confusion, acceptance, and so many other emotions he can’t begin to describe. Robin laughs with him, scooting until she sits next to him, leaning against the door. Steve rests his head on her shoulder.
“So, what are you going to do?”
Steve groans and buried his face in her neck. “Hope that the ground opens up and the Upside Down takes me back.”
Robin scoffs. “You’re not allowed to joke about that.”
“And you are?”
“That’s different.”
Steve shoves her shoulder. “You say that joke almost every day.”
“And that’s why you’re not allowed to joke about it. You’re stealing my jokes.”
“You steal mine,” Steve groans.
Robin laughs. “Okay, maybe I do, but I think we have more important things to talk about.”
Steve leans his head back against the door. “Yeah, we do,” he agrees.
They sit in silence for a few moments, unsure of where to go from there.
There’s a soft knock on the door.
“You two okay in there?” Eddie gently asks on the other side of the door.
Steve puts his head in his hands. He doesn't know what to do.
"We're alright! Just give us a few minutes," Robin yells in response.
As the sound of footsteps retreating slowly fades, Steve breathes out, "Thanks."
Robin nods and stands up, offering her hands out to Steve. "Up."
Steve huffs but takes her hands, letting her pull him to his feet. She turns him to the mirror and Steve takes in his appearance. He looks the same as before but somehow feels entirely different.
"Now, give yourself a pep talk the same way you made me when I realized I had feelings for Nancy."
"Do it."
Steve sighs and looks at himself. "You're cool. You're funny. You're hot. And you will not freak out or panic the next time you see your crush."
He glances at Robin who stares at him while trying not to laugh. Steve sighs, "You're right. It really is a dumb pep talk."
"Thank you for finally admitting it, but do you feel better?"
"A bit," Steve says. Maybe he can handle being in the same room as Eddie.
"Ready to step back into the world?"
"Not at all," Steve says, swinging the door open.
Robin pats him on the back as she leaves the bathroom. "Good luck," she whispers as she walks back to Nancy.
Steve takes a deep breath and is thankful to find that no one is staring at him too much as he makes his way back into the living room. But then he sees Eddie laughing loudly at something Jonathan says, and he absolutely disregards the pep talk.
He is absolutely, one hundred percent, panicking and freaking out.
“Eddie!” Steve says louder than intended, causing the whole room to go silent and everyone to turn and stare at him. Steve apologetically nods at everyone and puts his hands on his hips. He looks at Eddie and asks, “Can I talk to you?”
Eddie slowly nods and gets up to follow him. Everyone watches, but Steve carefully avoids Robin’s look, knowing she’s either entirely horrified in disbelief or being way over-supportive.
As he makes his way back to the same bathroom, he hears everyone begin to talk again which fills him with relief.
Eddie follows him into the bathroom and puts his hands in his pockets, looking entirely uncertain and guilty. “What did I do?”
Steve shakes his head. “Nothing. Nothing at all really. I’m just…” he trails off and stares at him. Okay, maybe trapping Eddie in a small bathroom with him wasn’t his great idea. Half of him feels bad for making Eddie probably feel trapped, and the other half is chanting kiss him, kiss him, kiss him…
Steve breaks out of his thoughts quickly and blurts out, “Do you like Jonathan?”
Eddie’s jaw drops, and Steve slaps a hand over his mouth before slowly dropping it to his hip and raising his eyebrows. He’s not backing down from this.
“No,” Eddie answers. He crosses his arms. “Would it be a problem if I did?”
“Yes,” Steve says without thinking. But when Eddie’s eyes widen in fear, he’s quick to say, “No! No! It wouldn’t be a problem if you liked men. It would be a problem if you liked Jonathan.”
Steve runs a hand through his hair and lets out a deep breath. “Okay, that also came out wrong. What I’m trying to say is… you should like me- no. Actually. You shouldn’t be forced to like me or be told to-”
Steve nods again. He needs to get back on track. "I like you." Shit, maybe that's a little too much on track, but there's no taking it back now.
Eddie stares at him in disbelief.
"Romantically," Steve clarifies.
Eddie turns to sit on the toilet lid while he stares up at Steve. He takes a deep breath and asks, "Do you know why I've been huddled with Jonathan today?"
Steve shakes his head. Please, don't let this be another rejection.
"Because Will noticed the way I look at you. He told me his brother has always been supportive, so if I ever needed someone to talk to about my crush, I could go to him."
Steve runs a hand through his hair, trying to make sense of what he's saying.
Eddie stands up and steps forward. "I've been complaining to Jonathan all day about my damn crush on you because I never thought you would like me back."
"Oh," Steve replies, unsure of what else to say.
"Yeah, oh," Eddie says and narrows his eyes. "Shit, are you messing with me?"
"No!" Steve says quickly, "No, I just really want to kiss you."
Eddie nods and bounces a bit on his feet. "Okay."
"Okay?" Steve asks, taking a step closer.
"Okay," Eddie says, moving forward quickly to gently kiss him.
"Finally!" a voice shouts on the other side of the door, causing Steve and Eddie to jump back.
Steve pinches his nose before storming to the door where he can hear several people on the other side shushing someone who is most likely Dustin. He yanks it open and finds everyone standing on the other side, guiltily looking at him.
"Don't give us that look, we've been waiting for you to realize for weeks!" Dustin yells.
Steve crosses his arms. "What do you mean 'weeks'? I literally found out today."
"It's been kind of obvious," Max says with a shrug.
Steve's jaw drops.
"I have to agree," Nancy chimes in. Which is totally uncool of her.
"Wait, you've all known for weeks, but I, Steve's best friend, had no clue along with him?"
Nancy looks at Robin. "Says the one who had no clue that I liked you after I dropped hints for days. You're terrible at reading when people have crushes, sweetheart."
Robin flushes red and groans.
Eddie steps up behind Steve and wraps an arm around his waist. "And when did you guys figure out my crush on Steve?"
"When you first met honestly, you're not subtle," Max says. Everyone chimes in to agree.
"And you were going to fill in neither of us?" Steve asks.
"You would've both denied it, plus it was more fun this way," Dustin replies. Steve gives him a look, and he holds up his hands. "Sorry."
Steve turns to Eddie. "Who should we fight first?"
"Dustin," Eddie states, voicing Steve's exact thoughts.
"Agreed," Steve says before taking off after Dustin.
"Shit, shit, shit!" Dustin yells as he sprints down the hall and out the front door.
It only takes a few seconds before Steve and Eddie are able to corner Dustin each of them pulling the terrified kid into a quick hug.
"Are you two going to be insufferable from now on?" Dustin asks, clearly annoyed.
"Absolutely," Steve and Eddie both say.
And Steve intends to fulfill that promise forever.
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frantic-fiction · 4 months
What Once Was
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Pic credit: iiven
Astarion x gn!reader/ gn!Tav
Summary: Astarion and you decided it was best to remain friends, following the fall of the Absolute, Astarion finds he is regretting letting you go.
Warnings: Angst, Angst with a happy ending, Astarion being bad with communication, Astarion is bad with feelings
Word Count: 1.8k
"Astarion," Tav whispers, their breath warm against his ear as their fingers trail down his forearm, nails lightly scraping the surface. Hesitantly, they intertwine their hand with his. Their warm doe eye pierces straight into his, and he feels vulnerable under the intense stare. "I care about you, but maybe what you need right now is a friend, not a lover."
Astarion freezes his body still as a marble statue. Inside, his mind is a storm of confusion. Emotions he barely remembers flood him, swirling in a chaotic whirl that leaves a sharp ache in his chest. He gripped Tav's hands as if they alone were the sole thing keeping him bound to the material plane. Maybe in that moment, they were.
A friend?
When was the last time Astarion had a genuine friend? He doesn't know, but somehow, the word seems too mundane to describe the beautiful person in front of him. Tav, the first creature in 200 years of agony, showed him kindness and love, showing him that he was more than the mindless puppet Cazador molded him to be.
The topic was too heavy to unpack fully at that moment. Astarion had just tasted freedom. He was free of that monster and was learning what it meant to live again. He was too confused and broken to figure everything out, and so what more could he have said?
"I-I would like that."
A thunderous round of knocks pounds against the front door, jolting Astarion from his novel; he exhales a long, heavy sigh, flipping the page as he sinks deeper into his armchair. The crackling fire provides a once comforting backdrop, now barely audible over the persistent knocking. He tries to ignore it, his eyes skimming the lines without truly reading. But it's becoming harder by the second.
"Astarion!" Your voice is slightly muffled from behind the door. "Are you seriously going to leave me out here in the cold?"
"Where's the key I gave you?" Astarion calls out; his voice tinged with irritation. He remains firmly in his chair.
You're quiet for a moment. "I may have lost it, b-but it's not my fault, I swear!"
Astarion clicks his tongue, tossing the novel onto the side table, and moves to the door. "If only the history books knew the real hero of Baldur's Gate instead of their exaggerated grandeur." Unlatching the bolt, Astarion swings open the door with a smirk. You stand impatiently on his doorstep, arms crossed over something, lips puffed out in a pout. "If the world knew the real you, I doubt you'd have many admirers singing your praises."
You push past him, pressing a warm jar into his chest as you go. "You're just jealous I'm famous and adored. Now stop being mean to the only friend who puts up with you, you grump."
Astarion's heart clenches as he stares at the jar of blood in his hands. He watches absently as you flit around the room, tidying up the minimal mess he's accumulated since your last visit.
The word stings like sunlight on his skin. A rock settles deep in his stomach at the reminder.
Astarion has many regrets, but letting you slip through his fingers is the one that haunts him most. If he could go back, he would pull you into his arms and never let go. He would whisper how much he loves you and beg for time because he can't imagine facing the darkness without his light.
But it is too late for that because how do you ask someone as bright and full of life as you to return to someone as broken and doomed to the shadows as him? Astarion has to settle for the barest comfort your friendship can offer him despite the pain that comes with it.
"Hey, Star, could you sew this button back on after your meal?"
Your melodic voice pulls Astarion back. He turns and heads to the kitchen, where you are already seated. It's only then that Astarion truly takes in your appearance.
Gods, you're beautiful. You're wearing clothes that perfectly accentuate your body, stirring a sense of longing in Astarion. You're even wearing the delicately embroidered scarf he hand-crafted for you last winter. Why did he let you go?
Astarion swallows hard and retrieves a chalice from the cabinet. "Of course, my dear."
"Thank you! I can't believe I popped a button."
Astarion pours the blood into a glass, watching the deep red liquid swirl as if it's the most captivating sight. His eyes flicker up briefly before darting back down. He asks carefully, unsure if he wants to hear the answer.
"What's the occasion?"
You drop your chin, a bashful smile tugging at your lips. You fiddle with the fallen button, spinning it on the table before slapping your hand over it and repeating the action.
Astarion takes a sip and waits. The sweetness of your blood coats his tongue, and he savors the mouthful. It's nothing compared to drinking from the source, but you felt it was best to do it this way. You said the prior act felt too intimate for two friends and blurred too many lines, and Astarion felt he had no place to voice opposition.
He takes another quick mouthful, knowing he only has so much time to savor the blood before it congeals into an unpalatable gel.
"I-I have a date."
Astarion chokes on the blood, pulling the glass from his lips as a fit of violent coughs overtakes him. An unsettling feeling churns in his stomach, making him feel like vomiting, but it's not from the burning in his throat.
"Is it really that surprising that someone would ask me out?" You scoff, taking Astarion's coughing as an act of humor rather than the painful surprise he's currently feeling.
"No-" Astarion wheezes through another round of coughs. "That's not-"
You come over and smack his back harshly. Astarion's unsure if it's to help him or express your anger, but the pounding against his back seems to finish his fit.
"I thought vampires couldn't choke," you mumble under your breath. He can hear the annoyance drip from each syllable.
"I am quite the unique spawn, it would seem." Astarion wheezes, slumping into the chair you were previously sitting in. You opt to lean against the counter away from him. "So… who is the special lady or gentleman who has captured the hero's attention?"
Astarion cringes at the hollowness in his voice. He doesn't care to hear the answer, and it's obvious. He doesn't care to hear you gush about whoever has captured your heart and will whisk you away tonight, ripping the last sliver of you he has left.
"Don't pretend to care." You glare, a scowl stealing away your beautiful smile.
"It's rather uncouth to assume your best friend does not care, my sweet," Astarion lies, hurting for all the wrong reasons, but you don't need to know that. "Now, are you avoiding the question because you're afraid I won't approve?"
"No," you respond, not meeting his eyes, opting to fiddle with the button again.
"Then out with it."
"Do you remember the bard?" Your smile says all he needs to hear. Your voice fades to the white noise of his mind.
Astarion feels like he's dying all over again. The damn bard, the suave casanova with a voice as alluring as his smile. 
The two of you, Shadowheart and Gale, met at an old, bustling Tavern earlier in the month. Astarion had wished to stay home, but you all dragged him out of his house.
It wasn't a terrible evening; the wine was decent, and despite his best efforts, he enjoyed hearing what Shadowheart and Gale were up to. Astarion was having a good night. At least until the bard sauntered over with his brightly colored ensemble and his dashing smile, asking you for a dance. Astarion had hoped you would decline, but you bashfully accepted his outstretched hand and let the bard whisk you away.
For the remainder of the night, Astarion watched glumly as the bard swung you around the dance floor. He watched you giggle as you spun, dipped, and turned into his sturdy arms. He watched as you fell for his charms. Astarion felt what was left of his heart, the sole piece that belonged to you, crumble into powder. Because there you were, happy with a man who was everything he could never be. A man you deserved. A man with as much light and life as you.
Astarion left early, not wanting to see the love of his life slip further away, missing the crestfallen look that dawned on your lips the moment you saw Astarion slip out the back.
Your voice brings him back. And suddenly, Astarion realizes he can't let you go. He will lose you forever if you leave his home tonight; Astarion cannot live with that. He cannot live without you by his side. He cannot live without your smile, your laugh, and your touch, everything. 
Astarion wants to be selfish and keep his light, even if that means dooming you to the dark.
"Don't go," he chokes out, voice cracking. Astarion is out of his chair and stumbling to your side before he can tell his legs to move. He's cradling your hands, his eyes pleading for you to understand the gravity of those two simple words.
"What? Why?" You balk, stepping back.
Astarion matches your step. "I think you know why, Tav," he says, his voice firm this time. He cups your face with his palm, and you inhale shaky, seeming to freeze under his touch.
"Stay," he pleads, stroking his thumb over your cheekbone, eyes burning with desperation and hope.
"Astarion," you say softly, tears pricking at the corner of your eyes. "Why now?"
His heart breaks, feeling tears burn in his eyes, knowing he might lose you forever. "Because I can no longer pretend to be happy with just being your friend."
Astarion crashes his lips to yours before you can respond, pouring his desperation and passion into the kiss. You gasp, clutching onto his shirt in surprise before meeting his kiss with equal enthusiasm. He swears he can see stars and feel warmth deep in his chest. When he pulls away, he's panting, his eyes searching yours.
 "I love you," he confesses. "Gods, I love you, Tav. I should have never let you go."
"Astarion, I-"
Astarion pulls you close, wrapping you in a tight hug. "Please, Tav," he whispers, his voice thick with tears. "Just stay."
"I'm not leaving," you assure, nuzzling in his hold. "I-I love you too. I've always loved you, you know that. But after everything, can we just...can you-" You pause, struggling to find the right words, torn between past traumas and new beginnings.
"I don't know," Astarion admits, "But I've never been more certain about anything than I am about you. The rest, we'll figure out." 
And with no other words needing to be said, you held Astarion tighter, and he swore he would never let you go again.
This was heavily inspired by the fact I'm replaying bg3 (again) and romancing Wyll and went the friend route with Astarion. It was painful but I survived...mostly. Anyway, feedback always makes my day so let me know what you thought 🥰
@heartfully10 @ayselluna @marina-and-the-memes @anixson @canonicalchaoticneutral @toadsbitch @meulinkitten-blog @ambr4armr @lotusandcrystals @venussakura @synapticjive @skittleabyss @asterordinary @lariatbunny @whispering-depths @butchboi-chihuahua-slumlord @darkest-part-of-the-forest @queenofcarrotflowers-s @sessils @d20bunny@cherifrog@ophelia-ophelian @bgthree @darlingxdragon @mothynyx @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf @babyqnn @mmendez0124 @kokoyu-art @lilah-asteria
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bluecollarmcandtf · 9 months
My Son Came Home just the Other Day...
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...and I just had to tell him how proud I was! My boy had become a strong young man! I'd been bragging to everyone I knew that my son, Private Joel Bishop, had made it through basic training and was on the way home to see his good old dad! I never knew being a father would bring me such joy, but here I am.
I slapped Joel on the back approvingly and discreetly wiped my eye. Things were getting too 'touchy-feely' for my taste, and we still had a whole night of celebration ahead of us.
"That means a lot, dad," he grinned as I pulled away, "but you deserve the credit. Should I grab some cold ones so we can catch up?"
I smiled, enjoying the humility and respect I had instilled in my son's character. He more than deserved the reward I had planned: dinner an expensive steakhouse and a box of premium cigars. I threw a hand on his shoulder and opened my mouth to reveal the surprise!
Instead, the words, "Son I need to introduce you to our new neighbor," came out of my mouth: definitely not what I intended.
That seemed strange. I surely hadn't meant to say that; however, when I thought about it, I did seem to remember something the neighbor had mentioned yesterday. Maybe I had promised to introduce my son to him. It must have been a good idea, if I was suggesting it. I would have to hurry though because our reservation was soon, and I couldn't wait to see the look on Joel's face when he found out what I had planned!
"Uh, sure," Joel answered, waiting for an explanation, "Who is it?"
"He's a great man!" I instantly shouted, feeling overwhelmingly defensive about the newcomer. I wasn't sure why I felt that way because I could barely even remember the guy.
Joel flinched at my sudden outburst, but I brushed it off and led him out the back door. My son followed me through the gate and into the backyard of our next door neighbor. Somehow, I knew I was only supposed to enter from the back door. My hand dug into a nearby planting pot and found a spare key. I'm not exactly sure how I knew that was there, but I shrugged it off and unlocked the door.
Joel didn't question me, but he seemed mildly annoyed. I'm glad he didn't ask what I was doing because I had no clue! My body marched on autopilot down a short hallway and parked in the middle of a living room. Our neighbor seemed to be busy napping on his couch. My cheeks flushed when I realized I had just walked in on the man sleeping.
"Excuse me sir," my voice suddenly rang out loudly, "My son Joel is back from the army."
Joel glared at me in confusion, "Dad what-"
"Shut it, kid," the man on the couch snapped awake and stretched, "Come stand quietly in front of me so I can get a good look at you."
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Joel's mouth shut tight at the man's request. He marched up to our neighbor and stood at attention. There was something strangely automatic about his movements, like they were choreographed ahead of time. I suppose this is just how they learn to act in the army.
"Hmm, yes," the neighbor purred from the couch, "You're sexier than your dad described."
My jaw clenched and my fists tightened! Why the hell was this guy making those kinds of comments about my son! I had never spoken with this weirdo, and I had certainly never described my son in that way!
If this guy wasn't careful, he was going to get a fight! I would of course stand and wait like a dumb bitch until I was dismissed, but once I was, I'd let him know! For now, I'll just try and contain myself.
"Why so red-faced," he turned a haughty look to me, "You remember our conversation yesterday, right Mr. Bitch?"
Suddenly, my memory flooded back. Of course I remembered! I'd popped by our new neighbor's house to introduce myself. He had invited me in and we'd gotten talking. I had bragged about how my parenting had yielded the perfect son. Our neighbor had then launched into a long and boring lecture.
My neighbor pointed out that I'd been pronouncing my surname wrong all these years! I'm a total idiot! It's 'Bitch' not 'Bishop!' He'd also changed my plans on how to celebrate my son's homecoming.
"Of, course I remember," I gasped dumbly as it all flooded back, "Sorry, sir. As you know, I can be a bit of a dumb bitch."
"Everyone knows that, old man. Do you even remember what you have to do whenever you enter my house?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, sir," I replied as the instructions came back to me, "I am to go to the bathroom, stick my head in the toilet, and flush it seven times."
"That's it! And don't forget to keep your mouth open when it flushes, you old fart" he cracked up and laughed at me.
I nodded and left my son with our new neighbor, reporting to the bathroom like I was supposed to. Sticking my face in his skid marked toilet was the worst part about coming over. How could I have forgotten something like that? Without hesitating, I dropped to the floor and dipped below the toilet water, keeping my jaw locked open like he had suggested. I blindly found the handle and flushed the first wave over my head.
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"All done, sir!" I called loudly, feeling compelled to announce my achievement.
Everything above my neck has been thoroughly soaked by the swirly, and it was quickly dripping down my clothes. My favorite shirt was now drenched! I wanted badly to dry off with the towel nearby, but I somehow knew that I was supposed to leave the toilet water on me instead.
Trudging back into the living room, I tried to prevent puddles by soaking the dripping water into my clothes, but it didn't work very well.
"Joel? What are you doing, son?" I blurted when I found him on his hands and knees.
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Joel gazed up at me with a bizarre look on his face. It was as if he didn't even understand what he was doing down on the floor. His eyes seemed unfocused, like they weren't really seeing what was going on around him.
Nevertheless, he glanced over his shoulder at our new neighbor. It was like he was looking for guidance. My eyes followed his and we both found ourselves looking to the stranger for what to do next.
"Go on, boy," our neighbor chided, "Tell Mr. Bitch how you feel."
"Please," I straightened up, "Just call me Bitch. We're all friends here." I didn't care if a puddle was pooling at my feet. My son clearly had something important to say to me.
"Ok, Daddy," Joel blankly answered the guy on the couch. Then he turned an empty gaze to me, "Bitch, I'm moving out of your house. I want to live with our new neighbor. I want to be his slave boy and serve him any way I can."
I felt compelled to agree. I almost told him I was happy for him, but something felt off. Something had been gnawing at the back of my head ever since my son had gotten home. This wasn't how our night was supposed to go. My son and I were supposed to be enjoying steaks and cigars right now!
I shook my head a little. Beads of water flew from my hair, and I couldn't shake how wrong I had been acting. Why had I just given myself a swirly? And why was my son making such delusional statements?
"Woah, there big guy," our creepy next door neighbor hushed, "You're thinking too hard. You remember what you like to do when you think too hard right, Bitch?"
I breathed a sigh of relief out of my chest my chest when I remembered, "Yes, sir. I like to shove your leftovers down my pants when I'm thinking to hard."
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Without another thought, I strolled into the kitchen and yanked the fridge open with a numb arm. A euphoric sense of relaxation washed over me when I saw a container of leftover spaghetti. Before I knew what I was doing, my hands had popped the lid off and fished the noodles and red sauce down the inside of my dress slacks. Once the container was empty, I zipped up my pants like nothing had happened and returned to the living room.
"Feeling better, Bitch?" my neighbor asked.
My glassy eyes noticed my son crouched by the feet of our neighbor. Joel was busy cleaning the guy's shoes, and I couldn't be more happy. So what if this is what he wanted to do with his life? He could become our neighbor's sex slave for all I cared. It's not like I cared about the kid. If he really had a chance to serve a man as great as our neighbor, then who cares about serving our country!
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"Yeaah..." I moaned lightly.
"You like my homemade spaghetti?" the neighbor chuckled meanly.
"Yeeaaah..." my voice came out drawn, "It feels really cold..."
"Man, you are a gross bitch, but I programmed you to fall deeper every time you humiliate yourself for me. Do you what I'm going to have you do next?"
"You're going to make your reservation at that restaurant," he looked me up and down, "And you'll go in those clothes you've soiled. Get drunk off your ass, alright Bitch? I want you to make a complete fool out of yourself."
I'd already turned to follow his orders when he turned back to my son, "I'm gonna play with little soldier boy here. Maybe I'll pass him around to my buddies so they can give him a try..."
I didn't hear what else was in store for Joel. I wasn't too bothered by my son. I'm sure he'd be able to make our neighbor happy. I was just excited to go to the steak house and start humiliating myself...
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ijwrsmff · 1 month
Strawhats x Ex Admiral Reader (Part 3)
What happens when injuries inevitably happen near the one you love? That's what this is about, reacting to an injury, but I don't describe anything in overly gorey details, but I'm still adding the warning just in case! I got a request to continue these headcanons/short stories from a good few of you, both on here and archive so I hope you enjoy :D
Getting back into the swing of things, posting regularly again, and all that~ I may not be able to post EVERY day, but I'm hoping at least 2-3 a week. If I have the time, I'll push out more but for now I'm aiming for that 2-3 ^^
Have a great day/night everyone <3
Word Count: 3,518
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Being together had made you both happier than either thought possible
Luffy didn’t really do dates, but he made you feel special, as if every time you saw each other was a date
Singing along to Brook’s songs, sneaking into the kitchen together, playing tag even if no one else was playing
It was perfect
Though there were times you had to fight, as expected
This island seemed to be particularly swarmed with marines
Some of which you knew…they spotted you instantly and glared
That was how the fight started
They must have had hundreds stationed on this island, because no matter how many you knocked down there always seemed to be more
Luffy was close to your side, fighting with a smile on his face
He looked to you occasionally, and that was the problem
He was rushed, when he was looking right at you
You panicked, and pulled him closer to get him out of range of the attack
But it ended up slashing your arm that was around Luffy, causing blood to flood to the ground
It wasn’t a serious wound, but when Luffy realized what happened the smile disappeared from his face
He spun around and sent a flurry of punches towards the group
Within minutes the fight was over, quicker than it began
He rushed you back to the ship to see Chopper, and you tried to assure him it was no big deal
It was wrapped quickly, without even needed stitches
He stood in the room the whole time, with a complex expression
Once Chopper had left the room and you went to get back up only to be pushed back down to the bed by Luffy
“Don’t. Don’t EVER do that again.” He said, holding your hands while being careful of the scrape
“Luffy…it’s okay. It’s not that serious, I’ll be fine. I’ve had worse.” You tried to laugh it off but you were silenced when Luffy didn’t laugh, or smile even
“That’s not the point! If someone is gonna kill me, I want you to live. You better not die before me, or I’ll bring you back! Somehow…” He used his deep thinking face, and it always looked so cute to you
Realizing he was just worried about you, you reached up to cup his face and leaned forward to give him a kiss
“It’s okay Luffy…I’m okay, and I’m not leaving your side. Not now, and not ever.” 
He pouted and said a quick “You better not!” But it made you giggle, so you both started to laugh from that
You knew you couldn’t make that promise, because you felt the same way he did
Fighting was practically second nature to the both of you, and you felt as if you’d both grown stronger from the sparring you did daily
You had gone to the town and Zoro PROMISED he knew where he was going
He did not, and you knew it from the start but you weren’t going to ruin his moment
Somehow you ended up near a marine base, and he looked at it confused beyond belief
“Well this isn’t the restaurant…”
It made you giggle, that only got louder when he glared at you
“It’s okay, we can always head back. I remember how we got here.” You turned, but he pulled you close harshly as a bullet nearly grazed you
“They know we’re here.” Is all he said, pulling you behind him as he took out one of his swords
You grabbed your weapon, and prepared for battle, but he looked back to you with that sadistic smile he got when he was about to fight
“They almost hurt you. You’re not going to fight a single person, got it?” His look was serious momentarily, and you just knew he was about to show off
He lunged forward towards where the bullet came from, and fought enemy after enemy while never once letting them get within several meters of you
You sighed, and put your weapon away
That was your mistake
Someone came up behind you, and you sensed them too late as they swung at you, leaving a large gash along your back
You knew better than to let out a noise, never wanting to let your enemies know they’d gotten the better of you
You took care of the marine quickly, and looked around to find Zoro, who’d already beaten every other marine there was
You were hunched over a bit, and breathing heavily
As he approached, he rushed forward to catch you as you fell
When you woke up, you were back on the Sunny with Zoro hovering over you
He looked far beyond pissed, and it caused you to sit in silence as you both stared at each other
He broke the silence first, “I SAID LET ME TAKE CARE OF IT!” He sounded angry, but you knew not at you, it didn’t stop you from yelling back
He lunged forward and pulled you into a kiss that dissolved both of your arguments
You both pulled back for air and he was still glaring, but it was much softer than before
“I won’t let you get hurt again. I swear.” 
It made you smile, just a bit as you gave him the affirmation of “I know you won’t.” 
He was to be the world’s greatest swordsman after all, and you knew if he couldn’t protect you the rest of your lives…he’d die trying
You and Nami were both beyond pissed, having been stopped by marines as you shopped on the latest island
It was supposed to be just you two, a date night, and these guys were completely ruining it
You smiled, and talked with them casually, brushing off their all too familiar concerns of “have I seen you somewhere?” But one of them realized…
Within moments there was a fight that had erupted, and you both drew your weapons
It had started so suddenly, you hadn’t even had your weapon drawn when a shot rang out, piercing your shoulder as the blood began to flow
Despite that, Nami was your main priority…just like you were hers
She widened her eyes in fear, seeing your injury as she fought beside you until the marines had been taken care of
She let out a string of curses, and you shrunk in on yourself as she continued to look over at you with a glare as she dragged you to the ship
It was quiet, with you being too scared to look at Nami from how vicious her glare was
She was probably worried you were being reckless…that the injury could have been avoided
Chopper left the infirmary not long after, and it was just you two
You eventually glanced up to see Nami’s expression, and she was…crying?
“Na-” You went to say her name, only for the words to stop as she kissed you
You could feel her tears running down her cheeks against yours, and you pulled back
“Don’t. Don’t ever do that to me again. I don’t care what I have to do, even if I have to train more, I don’t want you ever hurt like this again, okay?” She spoke, the words seemingly full of venom at the start, just to become a fragile whisper by the end
She was worried about you, and you gave her a reassuring smile as you held her hand
“Don’t worry, I won’t let it happen again. I’m sorry I scared you…” But you spoke with a smile, the same one she fell in love with in the first place
And you both shared a quiet and affectionate moment after all of the adrenaline had subsided
Usopp was working in overtime, the two of you were surrounded by marines, and he didn’t feel like there was a good way out  of this
You were fighting close range, and he was trying to fend off the ones around you
It was difficult to time his shots, when you were moving quickly within the swarm of marines, but he knew…he knew
He knew that ever since you got injured to protect him the first time, he’d never let it happen again
As a marine was about to strike, he leapt forward and blocked the marine’s sword with his slingshot, effectively snapping it in half and slicing into his hand
You hadn’t registered what had happened, but when you saw the blood, you grabbed him and rushed to the ship
“U-Usopp! What the hell? Are you okay?” You were panicked, and he looked just as shocked as you felt
He let out a happy laugh, “You’re okay…that’s what matters.” He gave you a thumbs up, but felt his injured hand, “Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!” He mumbled, before clearing his throat as if he wasn’t being a huge baby in this moment
It made your eyes soften, and you held his injured hand carefully, “Thank you…I’d say don’t do that again, but I’d do it for you too…so let’s just work to protect each other as much as we can!” 
He tried clearing his throat once more, a red covering his cheeks, “Y-Yeah. We’ll protect each other. But…” Despite his blush, he teased with a hint of mischievousness, “I’ll protect you way more than you can protect me.” 
It made you both laugh, and you leaned close to him with a confident smile that made his blush spread across his cheeks and ears, “You’re on.” Was all you had said, and he gulped, knowing there wasn’t any way to beat you in this little contest…
But he’d certainly try
It was supposed to be a routine sweep, you and Sanji grabbing the ingredients from the island you’d need for the next few days’ food…but nothing ever really went according to plan, did it?
You and Sanji had sensed something in the air, giving a small look to each other as the tension became crystal clear
The footsteps approached you both, and when you turned with a smile, it dropped quickly
It was one of the men you’d commanded when you were an admiral…and he looked less than pleased to see you
You had frozen, and he pulled out of gun, only for Sanji to leap at him
The gun went off, but far from its intended location of your head
Instead, it hit your side, causing bursts of blood to pool from your stomach
You and Sanji had both dropped your groceries and Sanji kicked the man hard enough to fling him across the street, making a dent in the brick wall of the building
He rushed back over to you, and picked you up effortlessly to run you back to the ship
He was a mess by the time you had passed out, and was still a mess when you awoke
He was still crying, and hadn’t realized you were awake until you’d reached out to run your fingers through his hair
He leaned forward, hugging you softly “I’m sorry…I’m sorry…” He muttered, and leaned into your touch as you pulled him closer
“It’s okay, I promise. It could have been a lot worse. I’m here with you, right?” You smiled, though still weak as your eyes could barely stay open
He nodded, and said “Get as much sleep as you need. I’m not leaving your side.” 
“Sanji…who’s cooking?” You said, confused on how he could leave his kitchen unattended
“...I’ll leave your side briefly to make sure Luffy hasn’t eaten everything.” He groaned, but settled more into your hug, “You know what? Let him eat it all. This is more important.” 
It made your heart swell with adoration, and at the conviction in his voice, you couldn’t tell him to do otherwise
You wouldn’t have it any other way, really
Chopper was always the one to take care of injuries, but it made him feel vulnerable having been the one who caused it
It made him question everything, if he was really fit to be on this crew, when he watched you take a hit for him in the battle
His eyes widened, and tears welled, and he snapped to reality when he attacked the people who hurt you
You were there, laying on the ground and looking at Chopper in shock
He was attacking fiercely, and you were the one to stop him
“Hey…Chopper, buddy…” You said, trying not to startle him
He didn’t respond, so you continued, “Chopper, it’s okay, it’s okay, I promise I’m okay…” Though he didn’t stop
You finally took a hand and placed it on his shoulder
“B-But…but you g-got hurt.” He was crying, and you didn’t even realize it
He leapt into your arms, and hugged tightly, though being careful of your wounded leg
“I’m sorry! It’s my fault, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He cried into your shoulder, and you shushed him, rubbing his back slowly
“It’s not your fault, I’ve gotten injured before, you know! It’s not that bad.” You tried to pull him back slightly but he refused to allow it, holding you as closely as he could
“But…you’re my best friend.” He sniffled, and pressed his face against your shoulder, “I was scared you’d be mad at me for letting you get hurt, and wouldn’t wanna be my best friend anymore.” 
You smiled, this time making sure you could pull him back to look at his face, “That’s never gonna happen. You’re my best friend for life, you’re stuck with me, bud.” You smiled, and rubbed his head in the way that you knew best comforted him
“Promise?” He asked, looking anxious to hear the answer
“I promise, you could never do anything to make me hate you, or not be your best friend anymore.” 
He finally smiled, and gasped as he realized “WE GOTTA GO BACK TO THE SHIP YOU’RE HURT! YOU NEED A DOCTOR!”
You laughed, and waited for him to realize
Things were going…poorly to say the least
You were completely surrounded, and Robin’s calm expression was grim, fearing that neither would have a chance to get out of this unharmed
You both fought hard, but accidents were bound to happen
Not only you, but she was injured
You had both taken hits for the other, and while it minimize the damage physically, you were both far too worried about each other to consider it a win
You walked back to the ship, looking defeated but concerned for the other
It was silent, neither bothering with smalltalk right now
Robin took your hand, and you both held onto each other as you walked to her room
“Are you okay?” You said simultaneously
It would have made you both laugh, but it was far more important to make sure each other was okay
Though giving a small smile, Robin started to check on your injuries, “Wait! Your injuries are worse, let me-” You went to walk towards her but she pushed you back down onto the couch
“I’ll be fine, I’m more worried about you.” She continued to inspect you, noting which injuries looked worse than the others
“No. I’m making sure you’re fine, first. I know that I’m fine, so let me make sure you are too.” She smiled at you softly, and spoke in the commanding kind of way that had you listen to pretty much anything she said
“Okay…” You said, and you both knew you’d folded
After a while of checking your injuries, she kissed a couple of them
You looked at her shocked, but she continued, making you give her a wide smile
“You’re really cheesy.” You said, but you loved every second of it…she knew that, too
She didn’t respond, and eventually sat next to you, so you could give her the same treatment
You’d both make sure you stayed safe, and always look out for each other
She may fight like a demon, but she was the kindest person you knew, and had her by your side through all of it
You could only hope she knew you’re the same way for her
While he promised to never let anything hurt you, it was clear that you had the same intention
The fight reflected that, and you assessed the situation…knowing it was one of you get hurt or the other
And you weren’t about to let it be him
It wasn’t a severe injury, but he looked panicked
From then on in the fight, he couldn’t stop looking at you, hoping you were okay
You had to keep redirecting his attention to his opponents, fighting some of your own
When it hardly worked, you had to try a different tactic
“Franky! If you lose this fight I won’t kiss you for a week!” You screamed, knowing you’d kiss him anyways
Though…that certainly did the trick, and he brought his attention back to the fight as he used as much of his attention and power as he could, safely
The fight was over before you knew it, and you laughed as Franky rushed over to you and picked you up
“You were kidding…right? You wouldn’t NOT kiss me…right?” He swayed between confidence and sheepishness, and it only made you smile and look away 
“Who knows, better not get injured in any fights from now on or you’ll just have to see.” You had the hardest time keeping your laughter, especially when he gasped
“You wouldn’t dare!” He sounded completely unsure of his statement, and walked back to the ship as quick as he could
“I would if it meant you didn’t get injured again.” You laughed, and gave him a playful smile so he’d finally know you were entirely joking
He scoffed, “Don’t tease me like that! Or I’ll have to tease you even more than I already do!” He grinned, and set you down on one of the benches on the deck of the ship “You really really don’t wanna see how much I’ll tease you for this!” 
You stuck your tongue out at him, crossing your arms as you challenged him, “Maybe I do, maybe I don’t. But if you tease more, I’ll really have to up my game and tease you more, too. Do YOU wanna see for yourself?”
He looks away, grumbling, and you both knew you’d won this “argument”
Though playful bantering kept things interesting, and neither of you would trade it for the world
The battle started so suddenly, neither of you had anticipated just how quickly it escalated
You were panting heavily, struggling to keep Brook from getting injured while staying somewhat safe, yourself
He called out your name, and you turned too late
A harsh blow had been landed to your back and shoulder, and you passed out within moments
You had no idea how long you’d been unconscious, but the first thing you noticed was the music playing across the room from you
Your eyes fluttered open, and you looked around, seeing only Brook in the infirmary with you
“Hey…” You said, softly, causing him to halt his song ad rush over to you
He would have cried if he could have, and held your hand as softly as he was capable of with how relieved he was you had woken up
He hadn’t even spoken, when Luffy rushed into the room, “You’re up! He’s been playing the whole time you were asleep, you-” And he was halted as a hand wrapped around his mouth from his shoulder, and another pair of arms pulled him from the room
“Ah…yeah…it’s been a little while. I missed you, I was worried you wouldn’t wake back up.” He spoke softly, and ran his thumb across your hand as he held it
“How…how long?” You said, almost scared to know the answer
“...four hours.” You could have heard a pin drop across the ocean, and you were so shocked you laughed a bit
“Brook! I was so worried you were gonna say years or something!” You tried to stop laughing, but still dissolved into giggles before calming down
“Don’t worry, I don’t plan on leaving you anytime soon. You’re stuck with me, you know.” You said, and pulled him down so you could give him a small and reassuring kiss
“Oh! I started writing a song for when you woke up!” He said, and laughed as if to cover up how flustered he was over the situation
“...in four hours? You never cease to amaze me.” You smiled, and it made him give his signature laugh as he took a step back to play the song
He played…maybe three notes
“Is…uh…is that it? It’s beautiful!” You said, and his shoulders slooped
“I was so worried I could barely write…I never said it was done.” 
You grabbed his arm and pulled him closer again, “It’s beautiful, and I can’t wait to hear it whenever you finish it. I love you, my silly musician.” 
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tyxoxo · 1 year
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pairing: jeno x fem!reader
genre: smut, cam couple!jeno/reader
words: 2.5k
warnings: pwp, degrading, erotic asphyxiation/breath play (choking, headlocks/chokeholds), facefucking/throat fucking, spitting, slapping, near unconsciousness, reader wears eyelash extensions (didn’t know if this needed to be mentioned but its necessary to the story trust me!!) 
a/n: horny JAIL!!
playlist: deftones - beware • she_skin - 55
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“alright baby, tell ‘em what you told me earlier.” jeno’s words were sinfully sweet, filled with excitement to hear you voice your death wish to thousands of people. 
“i want you to go as hard as you can on me. don’t. hold. back…” you ended your request with a giggle, knowing the audience got a kick out of your boldness, which would only get stomped in the dirt by your boyfriend later. 
currently, the two of you were in your bedroom, only in your underwear: him on the ottoman at the end of the bed, and you sitting back on your heels in between his spread legs, both facing the camera. 
the stream had only started minutes prior. the first ten were usually spent sitting leisurely in front of the camera, drinking sips of water to hydrate for the scenes ahead. it was definitely unassuming at first, but once the comments started flooding in, any outsider would realize that this side of the internet was nothing but filth. 
you didn’t even have to look behind you to know that jeno sat there, eyeing all of the comments with a smug look of satisfaction, cock growing harder and harder by the second. even if there wasn’t a camera lens to glance at the top of the laptop, you would still be able to sense his anticipation. 
raddad234: can’t wait to see you destroy her pretty little mouth today _
vix3n11: what’s daddy have planned for his girl today? so happy to see you two after a long day of work - xoxo
those were just a few of the many subscribers tuning in for the night. just from the sight of your two faces alone, money started pouring in. 
01bbyGirl: just sent $50!!
prXncesS666: just sent $25!
“01bbyGirl, prXncesS666, we haven’t even gotten started yet! you’re too kind, thank you so much!!” you attached your hands to your mouth, followed by blowing a kiss to the screen.
jeno’s remained quiet, leaving you to do most of the “thank you’s” for any of the gifts or money sent, as you were more eloquent with your gratitude. truthfully, his job of looking delectable for the camera was more than good enough, and you always made an effort to mention that to him. 
he continued to caress your shoulders, slender fingertips tapping along your curved skin ever so often. 
“for those of you that just now logged in, i hope you all are having a good day/night, wherever you are. you haven’t missed anything, we’re just waiting on a few more people to join before we get started!” 
the viewers continued to rise with every blink: 
it was astonishing to say the least. every saturday, at 11pm you felt pampered. so many people—strangers who were obsessed with watching jeno manhandle you for however long he saw fit.
his stamina was never short of amazing, making you dazed, confused, cock drunk…whatever words described your undoing the best. 
“repeat it again baby…” jeno’s “strong but silent” façade was wearing thin as the stream progressed. as soon as the night of debauchery began, he would turn into a degrading machine. 
just as you set your bottle of water down from taking another sip, you smiled for the camera, eyes fluttering at the upcoming repeat of your death wish.
you looked back at jeno, who’s eyes had already transformed, pupils dilated to the size of a marble.
he smiled at your intentional doe-eyed expression, nodding his head to signal that you should and will repeat it.
“don’t take it back now.” he chuckled after, offering the right amount of lightheartedness. he nuzzled his face into your neck, rubbing his nose up and down the smoothness of your skin. he inhaled deeply, catching the scent of your pleasant perfume.
“i’m nottt. don’t worry…” you giggled, leaning into his feline embrace.
“i’m sure you guys can tell jeno’s excited. reiterating from earlier, i decided that i want him to go as hard as he can on me tonight. no holding back…”
jeno missed the comments that flashed by, as he was too absorbed in wrapping his arms around your neck, lips barely grazing across your warm cheeks.
uKKixo_9: are you sure can handle it babygirl?” 
osAkalov3r: woww, you’re such a perfect sub! ur gonna do great! i know you will!! 
the ability to read more of the comments were becoming increasingly difficult. it was evident from the fact jeno had strengthened his hold on your head and neck. 
he had only did a few chokeholds in the past, but this seemed different. 
he was hungry; starved to see you gasping for air at the very start.
the fluorescent colors of the vaporwave inspired chatroom began to melt in front of your very eyes, becoming blurry from his relentless affliction. you immediately brought your hands up to clasp onto his veiny arms, breaths getting hollow with every attempt to wiggle within his broad frame.
“you asked for this. let’s see how good you do.”
his tone had dropped an octave deeper, hitting against the vein that was now bulging from your temple. 
he had clearly done this on purpose, catching you off guard like this. you couldn’t even clear your throat, let alone speak. you attempted a shallow breath as he held you in place, saliva bubbling out past your trembling lips.  
“if you fucking pass out, i won’t get to use this throat now will i?” he spat against your ear, taking a peek at the chat. a devilish grin spread across his face, resonating through the laptop screen, completely high off of the comments plastering on the screen like bets. 
bets to see how long it would take for you to tap out.
you would go against all odds, no matter the sting, no matter the lack of oxygen. 
“you make me so fucking hard baby…mmh, all this cock is for you.” 
the ability to comprehend anything that came out of his mouth was nearly non-existent. you slammed your eyes shut, hoping to sacrifice your sight for the ability to hear, as the ringing got louder and louder.
as a result, you missed the chat,
1hEllygrrl0: i can’t help but touch myself, this is so hot
kInKstarxx77: you weren’t joking, jesus christ
you were sure your face was contorted into an unsightly expression from the pressure against your entire jaw, but the self-conscious thought didn’t matter. all that mattered was jeno’s love for seeing you struggle from his brute strength. 
just as you tried to hook your nails deeper into his arm and claw away at his taut skin, he released, arms flailing back, hitting against the arm rests of the velvet ottoman. 
you persevered through the burn surging from your trachea, making sure to keep your teary eyes glued to the screen. chest heaving, ragged breaths escaping from your glossy lips. 
now you understood the science behind being addicted to this; head spinning, ears blaring, skin tingling, heart racing. 
being on the brink of consciousness felt better than any runner’s high. more fulfilling than a wrestler on steroids. 
and you wanted more.
a single, heavy cough from deep within your chest was all that you were allowed to do. as jeno had already hooked a single arm around your neck, this time rising to his feet, and pulling you up to be face-to-face with his bulging cock. 
the viewers were no stranger to your boyfriend’s strength, especially the frequent donator’s. every now and then he would gift them with videos of him exercising at the gym, coming up close to his phone screen so people could see the sweat practically streaming down his chest and abdomen.
they all knew he could destroy you. 
the chat had an excellent view, now that jeno switched the position of the laptop so everything could be watched from the side. they all tuned in as jeno stood above you, running his fingers through his hair, before taking off his boxer briefs. you used that time to take as many deep breaths as you could, fearing that there wouldn’t be much opportunity left. 
his length stood loud and proud against his navel. his girth alone took up most of the view of his chiseled face as you panned your eyes upward.  
your star-crossed eyes still showed admiration behind the angst, waiting for his next command.
he was painfully hard, tip pink and leaking down the pulsing veins on his shaft. 
there was anything but self-control as he forced your head forward onto his groin, arousal immediately coating your eyelids, balls pressing against your closed mouth. fortunately you were still able to breathe through your nose, as you would grow accustomed to by the time this was over. 
he directed your head like a rag doll, smearing your face back and forth across his length.
“she’s gonna let me use this throat any way i want to…isn’t that right baby?”
all you could do was nod violently, not having the power to speak past his balls that were prodding at your lips.
your hands remained on your thighs, clawing at the skin to take your mind off of your own arousal, that was now leaking past your underwear. 
jeno peaked over at the laptop, smirking to himself at how pathetic you looked—being controlled like the useless slut you were always meant to be.
he found himself satisfied from that little show, knowing it was time to get down to the real art. 
with his left hand still locked onto the back of your head, he pulled you back, enough to give you whiplash from the sudden movement. 
“open up. tongue out.” 
those four words were all it took for you to obey, letting him guide his tip onto your drooling tongue. he didn’t bother starting off slow; all of the subtlety could be left to rot for all he cared.
he pushed past your lips, tip hitting your uvula in a single blink. you gagged instantly, heaving further onto his length. 
his let his head fall back, finding instant gratification in your supposed journey towards resilience.
what a sick joke, jeno thought, as he let out a sigh of relief. 
he kept you still for what felt like minutes, eventually using both of his hands to usher you closer to this bare groin.  
“be a good fuckdoll…show them you can take it.”
jeno was somewhat surprised you hadn’t tried to back away so soon, but considering the years of training that led up to this point, it had definitely paid off. 
though, he could tell when it became too much. the way you began to tap his thighs over and over, was a telltale sign that even your nose breathing didn’t offer invincibility to his wrath.
your taps had turned into slaps, somehow keeping a steady rhythm despite the world spinning around you.
he ignored you, just like you expected.
it felt too good to let you go, especially with the way your tongue spasmed along the underside of his shaft. 
you used all the strength you could muster, grasping his thighs and pushing your head back against his palms. 
mau5Queen: uh ohh, she’s in trouble now hehe!  
a coughing fit ensued as you successfully managed to release yourself. your hands remained on his toned thighs, head staring down at the floor where tiny little puddles of his essence had remained. 
he used his left hand to grip your chin, squishing your face together like putty. you held your breath as you met his eyes, brows furrowed in disappointment, lip upturned in a snarl.
the tears that stained your cheeks made a connection with his right palm, a single slap that was enough to make your head turn. 
“don’t try to run from me bitch. who said my cock could leave your mouth?” he growled, patience hanging by a thread that would soon snap into seething anger if you didn’t pull yourself together quick.
he grasped his dick once more, attempting to put himself back inside where he belonged.
you purposefully pursed your lips together with a shake of your head, preventing him entry…hoping he would slap you again.
he winded his hand up and brought it down on your cheek as you faced the laptop screen. giggling to the audience, and to your sadist boyfriend that your wish had been granted.
a scornful smile adorned his face, with only the nose-down of his figure being available to the camera, which made it all the more hotter. 
you kept your head facing the camera as he finally found himself inside, knowing he loved the sight of his dick poking through your cheek from this position. for once, he thrusted slowly, letting his cock slip out with a pop, occasionally directing his tip to rub against the corners of your mouth. 
you kept your hands locked behind your back to show obedience as he continued his playful actions like constant rewinds on a videotape. your saliva and his precum formed a delicious elixir, decorating your breasts in a lustrous shine.
“turn towards me, i wanna fuck this pretty little face…” he whispered into the cold air. you complied, opening your mouth wide. 
this was considered take 2 as he started up again. you made an effort to maintain eye contact this time, wanting to witness his looks of pleasure. 
he was unreal, managing to rough you up with so much finesse, keeping you hungry for more. 
the disgusting sounds of him fucking your throat not only filled the room, but the ears of all of your viewers. you wished to read more, but keeping your eyes locked on jeno was more rewarding. 
his mouth hung open, tongue darting out to lick along his upper lip every time you bobbed your head to match his momentum.
he reached one hand down to cup underneath your jaw and the other to rest on top of your head. this headlock was rare, only on the special occasions that he knew he would reserve all of his cum for just your mouth. 
your eyes started to burn as he used his middle finger to prop your eyelid up as high as it could go, the air from his thrusts brushing against your cornea. the most fucked out expression you could ever make, was there for all to see. wearing eyelash extensions was clearly a mistake, as you felt them detach one by one from his harsh pull on the delicate skin.
“look at you…so fucked up, just for me.” he choked up the words, feeling his orgasm approaching in the pit of his stomach. 
now you felt numb, not even realizing that your eyes had rolled back into your sockets. 
your chest had grown tight, body going slump from the spent ability to breathe in through your nose. your ears rang louder than ever before, a sign that this may be the last you would ever hear for a while. 
“i’m almost there, fuck!!” 
with one final thrust, jeno flooded your mouth with his cum, a string of groans overpowering the sounds of it bubbling inside your abused throat. spurts of milky white stirred you from the light that almost consumed you. 
“drown in my fucking cum…” 
he backed out in a flash, watching you stumble backwards onto the floor. 
your sprawled body was just out of view, leaving the chat to wonder if you really were unconscious. 
you weren’t, but lying there for a while sounded the most appealing.
prXncesS666: is she dead wtf? 
//tagging: @glitchfiles @jasminexox5
lmk if you want a part 2 of aftercare/subspace, cuz this was pretty hardcore sksksk.
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
Can you please also write about getting high with Buggy, Shanks, and Mihawk?🥺🙏
I did do Buggy in my original but What the hell let's add in a Pt. 2!
You Get High With Them pt.2 🍃🚬
Part 1 <<<
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Mihawk would stumble on you making some cookies, you smile at him clearly having already eaten a large amount of the Infused cookie dough.
"I made infused cookies" You say holding up the finished plate. He would raise an eyebrow at you- before you explained how you made and the effects of edibles. Offering him some while the two of you listen to music he accepts, figuring it won't effect him much.
Sitting in his lounge the two of you eat some cookies- You already fairly sky high only have one while Mihawk's eats three while sipping his wine as he enjoyed the taste enough and the odd earthiness, music flooding the room.
"I do not feel anything" He says calmly after only a few minutes, Finishing his second glass. You smile at him and gesture to the other cookie calmly, time moving way slower for you so youd figured it had been longer since he had eaten his.
"Then take another one" You say, The older man sighs and reaches over taking the second cookie and eating the whole thing rather quickly- This should have clued you in that this was a bad idea...
It took 30 minutes before Mihawk was leaned back in his chair and eyes closed. You sit up to look at him and see that he was clearly in a different plane of existence at this point.
"Mihawk- You're in orbit-" You say with a giggle as you see his face scrunch up in confusion, it looked like he was trying to open his eyes but couldn't.
"My perspective of time is way off" He mumbled, this confused you but you let this ride talking to yourself as you let the one sided conversation and music hover and wrap around the both of you.
He was in a different world, completely silent as he stared at random things. Disconnected and disassociated completely from the world of the living as the music plays and he stares at his hand, his pants and his knife necklance-
"Mihawk you alright there guy?" You ask out, pulling him back to the world for a moment and stares at you with squinted yellow eyes.
"I am unsure how to answer" He says, before falling back into his anti-social thoughts and world.
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You were a new member of Shanks crew and by far the youngest, so when he catches you with a joint he questions what it is. You tell him and explain the relaxing feeling it provides and how things are a lot more interesting, Shanks of course finding this to be fun ask for you to share with him and the rest of the crew. Clearly not having enough you tell him to head to a island near by were you knew it grew.
Heading to Zasso Island you lead the crew to a friend of yours who gave you plenty for a cheap price since not many people partook. After rolling more joints at once then you would in a month you spark up the whole crew.
"Why do your shoes look like that?... it's like wooden feet with sandel straps" You point out, Shanks slowly leaning over to look and see what you were describing.
"Holy hell it does... Actually I don't know where I got these shoes from-" He mumbles in surprise at this, staring at his shoes in surprise.
"Shhhh Shhhh Chill" You hear him say, clearly not wanting to ruin the very relaxed atmosphere. However you and him constantly started talking, Shanks being quite a chatter box.
"They look like dead peoples feet-" You say, which start to make your paranoid brain go off at such a sight.
"I do think I did wrong by Buggy- I think he loved me more then I wanted to acknowledge..." He admits as the two of you lay on the hammack together.
Shanks is the contemplative high, thinking about the past present and future as he is high off his ass. Turning the whole deal into some warped therapy session for everyone.
"How do you feel about him?" You ask softly, turning to look at the Captian as he took another drag of his joint.
"I.. Don't know- But I know I keep him close to my heart" He admits and places the joint back to his lips to open his coat were their was a inner pocket. Pulling out some folded papers which you see are wanted papers- Buggys and Luffys specifically.
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Go to part 1 for Buggys original
After using far too much will power you two stumble out of the Hotboxed room and venture down to the kitchen. Standing there just dazed as you two take it all in-
"So many different types of food..."
Buggy mumbled as he stared at the pantries of his ships kitchen, you grabbing some jugs of water and hand one to him which he takes and downs really quickly.
"My mouth feels like a desert" He whispers way too loudly, reaching clumsily for some leftovers. You nod in agreement and reach for some of the pastries left over from breakfast and Buggy grabs a random bowl and some sweet crackers.
"I've got a question- For your abilities does it still hurt to be like cut up? Even though you get cut up?" You ask as he takes a far too big of bite of what seemed to be straight frosting- or mashed potatos you couldn't tell.
Leaning against the countertop eating random shit together as you start asking questions.
"Hm? Yeah- I'm just used to it so it doesn't bother me too much" He said with a shrug, Taking another bite of the mysterious food.
"That's sad- You shouldnt be used to pain" You mumbled sadly, Buggy reaching over and patting your back with unsteady heavy hands.
"It's better then being used to having your will broken. Physical pain will fade or you grow uses to it- But emotional last forever. That's the real pain" He said calmly, once again that Philosopher Buggy coming out. It isn't long before the two of you go back to the room wehre you guys hotbox it again.
You two will lounge back in the room with far too many snacks and start singing random songs.. Mainly show tunes since he loves his musicals.
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ragingbookdragon · 1 year
If You Ever Loved Me, Have Mercy
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
Word Count: 1.5K Warnings: Sad...?
Author's Note: :') not me self-projecting -Thorne
Ghost didn’t really understand her. He did, but there were times when she acted awfully funny whenever he’d do something for her. Like bouquets. Now, Simon “Ghost” Riley never grew up with a father who gave his mother flowers, and he was going to be the link in the chain that broke, because he’d be damned if he didn’t show his appreciation for his lover. Except every time he gave her a bouquet of flowers, she smiled like her face was going to split in half, and she thanked him profusely for it, holding it to her chest like it was the rarest thing in the world.
Other times, he tried to pay for things, and she refused vehemently, saying she could cover it, and part of Ghost wanted to feel like his manhood was being disrespected because he was supposed to pay for her, but the other part understood she was a grown adult who was independent.
It was a quiet night in his apartment, and she’d finally managed to get Ghost to sit down and relax on the couch while she cooked dinner for them. He occasionally watched her from the kitchen, unable to help the small grin on his face as she danced around and sang to old 2000’s Kesha songs.
About fifteen minutes later, the music shut off, and she appeared with two bowls of steaming food that had his stomach gurgling. “Hungry?” she teased, handing him a bowl with more than a good helping.
“Starved,” he replied, looking at it. “What’d you make, love?”
She shifted slightly and grinned at the nickname, another thing he found endearing about her. “Goulash.”
“Never had it,” he said, already sticking the spoon in his mouth, only to open his mouth and “Hafhashhath.”
“It’s hot, Simon,” she deadpanned. “I just pulled it out of the skillet.”
His eyes watered as she passed him a glass of water and he nodded a thanks. She curled up with her own bowl next to him, her knees brushing his thigh; quietly, she blew on her spoon before eating. They ate in silence, other than the couple times Ghost complimented her cooking.
It was only after, when she was taking their bowls that he asked, “Love, can we talk about something?” She froze, a look of something he could only describe as panic on her face. “Love?”
She recovered and smiled at him. “Yeah, let me put this in the dishwasher.”
As she hurried into the kitchen, Ghost watched in silence as a multitude of emotions crossed in her eyes, the biggest being anxiety and hurt.
Coming back, she sat down on the couch, this time, a good few inches from him and he looked at her for a moment. “You alright, love?”
“Mhm,” she lied, nodding her head, and he noticed that her eyes were on the couch cushion.
“Love, can you look at me?” She did so and he smiled slightly, reaching up to brush his knuckles against her cheek. “There’s my pretty, poppy,” he murmured, and her eyes flooded with tears, shocking him. “What’s wrong?”
She swallowed a lump the size of her fist in her throat, making a gesture with her hand as if it were going to help her speak. “I—” she shut her mouth, eyes closing as tears dripped down her cheeks, and Ghost shifted, reaching up to wipe her face.
“Love, whatever’s going on, you can tell me.” He tilted her chin up and she opened her eyes, gazing at him. “What’s got you in a mess?”
Eyelashes dampened with tears, she blinked a few times and asked quietly, “Are you going to stop seeing me?”
Ghost paused, brows furrowing in confusion. “Beg pardon?”
“You said you wanted to talk about something,” she replied, voice still a murmur. “I assume you don’t want to keep seeing me.”
He was still entirely confused. “I don’t even know where to start with how you got to this point.” He took her hand. “Love, why would I want to stop seeing you?”
She frowned. “I’ve…never been in a committed relationship.”
This shocked him, but suddenly, everything about her reactions and how she seemed so excited all the time with him made sense.
“When people find out that I’ve never had one…” her lips pulled downwards in an expression he never wanted to see her make again; she looked so heartbroken. “They make excuses and stop seeing me. One guy told me,” tears filled her eyes again and she laughed pitifully. “He said, ‘I’m not going to teach you everything. I’m not your parent.’” Her eyes met his. “I stopped dating after that…until I met you. I was scared to even try. But you, Simon, you…you’re the best thing that’s ever stepped into my life.”
“Love,” he started and she reached forward, taking his hand.
“Give me a chance, please,” she begged. “I’ve been reading and watching videos about relationships. Simon, you won’t have to teach me anything. I swear, I can learn, and I have been. I can—”
“Love,” he interrupted, and she appeared crestfallen, pulling her hand away.
“Simon,” she whispered. “If you’re gonna break my heart, just break it and please make this fast.” Her eyes met his. “If any part of you cares, just have mercy.”
Ghost reached over and grabbed the meat of her hip, pulling her into his lap where she refused to look at him, until he took her chin in his hand like he had earlier and made her look at him. “Love,” he said, and she met his eyes. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
Ghost brushed his thumb over her lips. “I’ve spent my entire life being afraid to love someone because I didn’t want to turn into my dad. And then, six months ago, you ran smack into me, and I couldn’t believe that there was someone who wanted to be with me.” He gazed at her. “I’m as fucked up as they come, poppy, and you still want to be with me.”
“Of course, I do,” she whispered. “I…I love you, Simon.”
His eyes lit up as he smiled and leaned forward, nuzzling her nose. “Say it again.”
“I love you, Simon.”
“One more time.”
“I love you, Simon,” she confessed, reaching up to cup his cheek. “You make me happy. And I’m so lucky to have you.”
“As you should, I don’t like most people,” he joked and she snorted, causing him to smile. “And she smiles!”
She looked down, playing with one of his sweatshirt strings. “So…you like me?”
“I love you,” he answered, and her eyes went wide, mouth snapping shut. “Poppy, I love you more than the world. I think about you all the time. I feel…I feel like I have a reason to live again. For you.” Tears flooded her vision and he chuckled lowly. “You cry an awful lot, love.”
“Stop teasing me,” she sniffled. “I’m new to this.” As if she remembered suddenly, she looked up. “You’re okay with me being inexperienced in…like everything?”
“Just means we get to learn together,” he replied and ran his hand over her cheek. “Besides, I don’t plan on letting another man having you ever again.”
Her face felt hot, and she looked suddenly flustered. “That sounds like a serious long-term commitment, Simon.”
His chest rumbled with a grunt. “Listen well, love,” he started, hand lowering to poke at the center of her chest. “That’s mine, and I’m not letting it go. Ever.”
She placed her hand on his chest. “Does that mean that this one is mine too?”
“Every cold inch.”
Her eyes lit up with a gentle sort of happiness and she murmured, “Your heart isn’t cold, Simon. It’s very warm. And…gentle.” She looked at him. “My gentle giant.”
He hummed with a small smirk and tapped her cheek. “Don’t let anyone know. I’ve a reputation to uphold.”
“Okay, big guy,” she retorted and curled into him, head tucked under his chin.
After a moment, she kept squirming and he asked, “You alright?”
She paused, then blurted out, “I have a boyfriend. I’ve never had a boyfriend before.”
“You’re also gonna sleep in a bed with your boyfriend. So, two firsts in one night.”
She jerked away, eyes wide. “I can’t sleep with you!”
Ghost’s brows furrowed and he inquired, “You wanna take the couch then?”
“Wait, what?”
He thumped her forehead. “Mind out of the gutter, love.”
Her eyes narrowed in a glare, and she griped, “You did that on purpose.”
“Maybe,” he teased, and she harrumphed, turning her head.
“Rude. So mean to tease your girlfriend.”
He tickled her side a little until she laughed. “Not my fault she’s easy to tease.”
“You’re so mean.”
“Hmmm…how can I ever make it up to you?” he asked, and she turned, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“Carry me to bed and hold me all night?” she paused. “And maybe give me a shirt to borrow?”
“I get to see you in my clothes?” Ghost grinned, picking her up as she yelped from shock. “That’s an affirmative.”
Her laughter peeled through the hallway as he carried her to the bedroom with enthusiasm.
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bountycancelled · 10 months
bada x reader (part 4)
warnings: none I believe (besides subpar writing because I'm burnt out)
content: mentions of sex (but no one's actually fucking) sad gays, but some happy gays too, bada being hypothetically, reader lowkey slaying???
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lusher wished that you could see yourself the way she sees you.
sure, it was cliché, but that didn't mean that she didn't believe it. you were much better than you gave yourself credit for, better than the things you put yourself through just to call bada a friend.
lusher blinked rapidly, her heartbeat matching the pace set by her eyelashes. you had caught her staring, again. she scrambled for something, anything to say. something to diffuse this strange tension that she had caused. "I just... you look good."
real smooth lusher, you're a certified flirting expert.
you simply let out an airy laugh, waving away the compliment with your hand. "I'm literally wearing your shirt, narcissistic much?"
lusher sputtered, shaking her hands rapidly as she tried explain herself to you. "I'm kidding lusher! you're always so on edge around me, i swear."
lusher laughed with you, hoping that you didn't catch the look in her eyes that confirmed what you had just said. on edge, not exactly the term that she would use to describe how she felt around you. about you.
maybe giddy? nervous? wanting to impress? she wasn't sure, and right now, with you in her apartment instead of in badas' like you always were she wasn't worried about anything but you.
"it's actually because... im in love with you, and I always have been." lusher stated in an overdramatised manner, her hand on her chest.
"get in line." you replied back, giggling at her mock confession. lusher joined in on your laughing, ending it with a sigh. it felt so strange to say those words out loud to you, even though you didn't believe them to be true.
it was cathartic, in a weird way. she got the relief of confessing, but without the consequences. this had to some kidn of self sabotage, but she didn't mind it, anything to hear your laugh.
your moment together was interrupted when you checked your phone momentarily, only to be met by a flood of messages and missed calls. all from bada.
you let out a sigh, realising that your absence had probably worried her. you started typing a response, assuring her that you were okay at lushers, when the woman in question entered through lusher's front door.
"I have no idea where she is, lusher. she wasn't at my place, so I went to hers and nothing. I'm starting to thin- oh." she paused her rant mid way through when she saw you, obviously surprised that you were here.
she rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly, her lips pressed into a thin line. "... can we talk?"
you looked at her, before turning your gaze back to lusher, silently asking if you could go speak with bada privately. she was disappointed, you could tell. hell, anyone with eyes could tell that she didn't want you to go, not now, not for bada.
nevertheless, she nodded, trying and failing to hide her displeased expression.
"I went back to my place looking for you, I didn't know you were at lushers." bada was the first to speak once you both entered her car, facing forward with her hands on the steering wheel out of habit. her tone was... strange. for lack of a better word. there was some semblance of anger, you think? you couldn't place it, and that just made it all the more confusing.
"I was." your reply was curt. to the point. no cushioning bada from your anger, no more fake smiles and laughs, just you and how your real feelings being expressed to her fully.
she physically flinched just a bit at your coldness, but it was almost refreshing. like a run early in the morning, or the blazing, bitter first sip of coffee when all you want to do is go back to bed. a wake up call.
another awkward silence stretched over the car, with only the feint song on the radio and the nervous drumming of bada's fingers on the steering wheel to break the uncomfortable quiet.
"I'm sorry." bada said softly, effectively breaking the silence. "for not taking as much care of our friendship as you were. i know it may not seem like it because of my actions, but you are my whole world, and when I showed up to my apartment and you weren't there anymore I–"
was she crying? you didn't know, you weren't looking at her, you couldn't bear the sadness in her voice. you simply faced forward, letting her say her piece.
"I realised that losing you would be the end of my life as I know it, and I know that it's shitty of me to only realise it when you have one foot out the door but I hope that you... will allow me to prove or redeem myself to you or... just please. please, give me a chance."
you took it all in, her words. they seemed... sincere, and you wanted so desperately to immediately put a smile on your face, jokingly mock her for being so dramatic and assure her that you weren't going anywhere.
but, you didn't.
you nodded, turning to face her so that you could acknowledge her apology verbally. "you're my best friend, bada. I haven't given up on you." those words, however curt they were, lifted the heavy weight on her shoulders instantaneously.
she was relieved that she hadn't lost you yet, and she was going to do everything in her power to ensure that it wouldn't come to that.
she wrapped her arms around you from where she sat in the drivers seat, squeezing you tightly, as if she was afraid that you would disappear. she let you go, wearing a giddy expression on her face. "you are too good for me, my love. okay, okay, what do you wanna do now? we could go to the arcade and as a treat I'll finally let you beat me at that stupid dancing game."
you grimaced, feeling a lump from in your throat. "although I'd absolutely love to‐" bada's heart sank into her stomach. she knew she wasn't going to be forgiven immediately, but knowing didn't make your rejection any less heartbreaking.
"-but lusher actually wanted to have a game night kinda thing, and I couldn't ditch her in good conscious. it would be a little hypothetical of me. but, I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" you concluded, already opening the passenger door.
as you walked back to lusher's front door, you couldn't help but feel a little proud of yourself. usually, you would've jumped at the opportunity to even be in bada's presence, cherishing every speck of attention she'd give you.
but as you walked back into her apartment, the look on lusher's face made any doubts about your decision to stay vanish in her eyes.
"I thought you were gonna leave with bada." lusher spoke, unable to hide the smile creeping on her face. you had chosen her. by some miracle, you'd chosen her.
"and miss our impromptu game night? not a chance. now, prepare to lose at every game we play." you smiled back, feeling a small amount of guilt at leaving bada, but not enough to sour being with lusher.
so this was what it was like.
to be rejected in favour of someone else.
bada could now understand your qualms perfectly, and the feeling she was experiencing left her wondering why you had even given her another chance.
it was a special kind of rejection, made up of a range of emotions. she was angry, not at you but rather, at herself. how many times had you felt this way because of her?
she was jealous. of lusher, she wanted to be the one that you were spending the night, she wanted to do game night with you. she wanted you to be in her shirt, not lushers. not anyone else's.
god, that fucking shirt. if she ever got her hands on it, she would burn it, or shred it, because maybe if it were destroyed, bada could live the rest of her days pretending that you had never put on your body in the first place.
did you let lusher see you out of the shirt as you were changing? were you going to let her take it off of you at the end of the night? were you and lusher a thing?
she couldn't stomach the thought. of you, sweet, gorgeous, sexy you being touched by someone else. the thought of your back arching, your mouth falling open, sweet noises escaping from between your lips because of lusher.
the thought ate her up from the inside as the hours of the night turned to morning. she had no reason to be so opposed to you receiving pleasure, lusher wasn't a bad person by any means, she would treat you well.
but bada could treat you even better, she was sure of it. she had spent years with you, and she was confident that she knew your body better than anyone else, even though you had never slept together.
bada stared at her phone. the time read 2:47 am. no new messages from you.
having thoughts about sleeping with her best friend was not something that bada had expected to do. maybe it was sleep deprivation making her delirious or something, maybe this was her brains attempt at conceptualising just why she felt so abrasive when confronted either the thought of you with someone else.
or maybe... this was the beginning of the eventual self reflection that bada would have to do to conceptualise how she felt about you.
whatever it was, she needed to sleep. she needed to sleep to forget that you were mostly likely, too busy with lusher to even remember her.
wow, she was such a hypocrite.
a/n: who are you guys rooting for? do you think there's still hope for bada and reader?
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sirowsky-stories · 3 months
Forward Luxation
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Summary: You're recovering from a dislocated shoulder and have to go to a physical therapist. But getting there, you find nothing at all is what you'd expected, least of all the man in charge of your training.
Requested by @bilibiche
Rating: Mature 18+ONLY Warnings: Marcus Moreno x female reader, reader is not described at all, and yes, we're taking liberties with the fact that any visit to an expert in human functionality requires one to take their clothes off. Lots of sexual tension here. Word Count: 2750
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   The waiting room is surprisingly cozy for a physical therapist’s office. Although you’ve never been to one before, so you don’t really have anything to compare it to. You’d just sort of imagined it being a bit like a dentist’s office, with the cheap magazines, plastic plants, beige curtains which haven’t been changed in five years, uncomfortable chairs and squeaky linoleum floors.    But this is nothing like that.
   You’re sitting in one of the four available really nice armchairs, each with a little coffee-table to the side, on top of which are no magazines but instead a selection of pamphlets with useful information about the most common muscle injuries and treatments, and phone numbers and websites to other reputable establishments where people can find help for all manner of problems, from yoga studios to psychologists.
   The wallpaper is cream white with a discreet floral pattern in the same color, but glossy against the matte base, and the curtains are a deep green which together with the wallpaper somehow gives the impression that you’re sitting in a park. Especially since the chairs have exposed wood along with the soft cushions, which are the same color green, with embroidered flowers in pale yellow. And you’re pretty sure they’re made entirely of silk.
   Even the coffee is fucking excellent.
   If not for the fact that you had to sign in at the front desk, confirming your appointment and even having to show your ID, before being shown in here, you would’ve thought for sure you were in the wrong place.    This all seems so much more expensive than what you could ever afford. You’re here courtesy of your insurance, so you don’t need to worry about the cost, but it still feels way too fancy for you.
   “Good morning,” a soft and pleasant voice interrupts your thoughts, and you turn your head to find a tall, fit, brown-eyed, ridiculously gorgeous man smiling at you.
   “Uh… g-good morning,” is all you manage in response, because he’s literally taken your breath away by just standing there.
   “My name’s Marcus, welcome to my rehabilitation center. If you’ll please follow me, we’ll get started with a quick exam,” he continues, giving no indication he’s noticed your flustered reaction as he politely steps to the side to indicate which direction you’ll be heading.
   Air floods back into your lungs when you start to move, getting up from the chair and falling in behind him, at which point, your brain starts working again.
   “You own this place?” you ask, jumping at the first topic to come to mind.
   “I do. I started this business eight years ago,” he replies, before reaching a room with a door already standing open, where he stops just outside and beckons for you to enter. “Does that surprise you?”
   “Well, no. I’m just a bit confused overall,” you admit.
   “Oh? How come?”
   “It’s just… My insurance company made it seem like it was a big deal to even get a spot here. That this is like, the best physical rehab center in the country. And then I get here and the only person I’ve seen is the receptionist.”
   “I see. You thought that such a prestigious establishment would have thirty employees and patients constantly coming and going?” he guesses, and you nod, feeling slightly embarrassed.
   But he’s smiling when he gestures for you to take a seat on the large examination table in the middle of the room, while he closes the door and then takes a seat on a mobile stool in front of you.    You note that the temperature in here is higher, and a moment later you realize that it’s probably because people need to undress for him to examine them properly, and suddenly you’re flustered again.
   “The reason why we’re considered one of the best, is precisely because we don’t take on more patients than what we can effectively handle, both from a managerial standpoint, and from a practical one.    Since it’s just me and David here, that means our slots are usually limited to five people per day. Obviously, I’m in charge of the actual therapy, while David handles the charts, bookings, contact with hospitals, insurance and so on.    These limitations enable us to work entirely stress-free with our patients, allowing each session to take almost however much time it requires, whether due to physical restrictions, or mental ones.”
   “Mental ones?” you repeat, getting slightly caught on the notion, since it seems misplaced to you.
   This is physical therapy, not psychological, right?
   “Bodily injuries often result in emotional distress, most of which only comes out when people are confronted with the consequences, which is essentially the heart of what we do here.”
   “So, you’re like a jack-of-all-trades kind of therapist, then?”
   “I suppose I am,” he agrees with a small chuckle. “Now, if you’re satisfied with our business model, we should get started.”
   “Sure,” you say entirely without confidence, feeling the hairs on your arms prickle with nervousness at the mere thought of potentially having to undress in front of this man.
   “Dislocated right shoulder. Forward luxation, if I remember correctly,” he recalls without looking at any charts or notes. “May I ask how it happened?”
   “Oh, I have horses,” you sigh, knowing he’s probably not gonna need much more explanation than that.
   And sure enough, he mirrors your sigh.
   “Ah, yes. That’ll do it. So, how long did you wait before calling for help?” he asks, crossing his arms over his waist with a knowing, although friendly, glare in his eyes.
   “About an hour.”
   His eyebrows shoot up at that, but he can’t seem to find the words at first. And as always, the moment you feel the slightest bit judged for your passion for horses, you get defensive.
   “I couldn’t just drop everything, I had two horses who were panicking because of a fucking snake, I had to get them into the stables.”
   “Yeah, okay, fair enough. How long did that take?” he prods, and you hesitate.
   Because you’ve had both of your horses since they were foals and you’ve trained them well enough that they always trust you, even when they’re scared, which is why it had only taken you a couple of minutes to get them into the stables that day.
   “I don’t have anyone who can help me,” you quietly explain. “I had to make sure they’d be okay if I had to be in hospital for a few days.”
   His expression softens then, but he’s not done investigating.
   “So, you went around hauling hay, probably some buckets of water, checking fences and gates… I assume you also made sure to get rid of the snake, only calling for help once you’d double-checked that you hadn’t missed anything.”
   “I didn’t call. I drove myself to the hospital,” you conclude, at which point Marcus seems to give up any notion that you’re a reasonable human being.
   “As impressive as it is that you were able to endure that kind of pain for so long, you do realize by delaying getting this injury corrected, you probably added another month to the rehab you’re gonna need? Which is only gonna keep you from working with your horses that much longer,” he admonishes, but he sounds concerned more than anything, which tugs at your heart because no one ever concerns themselves about you.
   “I know, but I was… scared,” you admit, surprising yourself, since you haven’t even admitted this to yourself yet. “I’ve never been seriously injured before, and I hate hospitals. I knew I had to go, I just… had to convince myself of it.”
   Unexpectedly, he smiles at you then.
   “Thank you. For being honest with me. That’s always a good start.” He looks so grateful and earnest as he meets your gaze, you struggle not to look away.
   “I know it might not seem like it, but I do want help. I’m just really crappy at asking for it or accepting it.”
   “Well then, you’ll be happy to know I’m stubborn as hell, and I don’t take no for an answer when I know I’m right.    Chances are, you’re gonna get amazingly irritated and sick of me before we’re done, but if you can trust me despite all that, I’ll get you well again,” he offers, and you struggle to believe you could ever get sick of such a wonderful person.
   “I’m not great with trusting people. But I’ll try.”
   “That’s all I can ask for.    Now, I’m gonna need you to take your shirt off so I can assess the mobility of your shoulder.”
   Well, that went from sweet to nerve-wracking in one fucking sentence…    Suddenly your pulse is pounding in your ears, but it’s not like you can refuse. At least, not if you want to regain full mobility.    Internally cursing yourself for wearing a t-shirt and not a top with thin straps of some sort, you start fumbling with the fabric, trying to get it off without causing yourself too much pain.
   He notices that you’re having a bit of trouble and steps around behind you to lift the shirt at the back, which is nice of him. Except that when his warm fingers brush against the bare skin of your neck, you involuntarily shiver, which he of course also notices.
   “Is it too cold in here?” he wonders. “I try to keep it warmer than the rest of the building, but if you need me to turn it up further-…”
   “No, no, I’m fine,” you interrupt him, feeling absolutely ridiculous at how strongly his mere presence affects you.
   “Alright, but just so you know, it’s no trouble. If there’s anything I can do to make this more comfortable for you, don’t hesitate to tell me,” he says, as he carefully starts to prod and examine your shoulder now that the shirt is off, and you’re abruptly having trouble breathing again with the sensation of his skin exploring yours.
   “Oh, you don’t want me to do that…” you think to yourself, while doing your best not to be self-conscious about your choice of bra for the day.
   “Why is that?”
   His mildly bemused and curious question makes you freeze, and as the realization hits you that you’d actually spoken out loud just now, panic floods your every cell in no time flat.    Wishing the ground would open and swallow you, or that lightning would hit you right now, you let your torso fall forwards and then brace your good elbow against your knee so that your hand can catch your head as it drops so heavily into your open palm that it feels like you’ve just slapped yourself.
   “I am so sorry,” you mumble, seriously wondering what the fuck is wrong with you, you don’t even know if the man’s single. “Please ignore me, I don’t get out much.”
   He’s quiet for a moment then, and in that short space of time, you manage to imagine several scenarios for how he’s probably about to scold you for behaving inappropriately.
   “Ah… You didn’t mean to say that out loud, did you?” he finally replies, and he still sounds only bemused, but it does nothing to rid you of your shame.
   “I’m sorry,” is all you can think to say, because that’s how you feel.
   “Hey, don’t feel bad, you haven’t done anything wrong. You’re allowed to think whatever you want.”
   “Even if it’s totally objectifying and unethical?” you counter, and there’s another pause before you hear a low chuckle behind you.
   “Okay, now I’m really curious. What were you thinking?”
   “Never mind, just… continue your exam,” you hurriedly try to deflect, even more mortified by the prospect of having to own up to your completely premature infatuation with him.
   But instead of leaving it alone, he rounds the table until he’s in front of you again, taking a seat on his stool so he’s at your eye-level.
   “As previously discussed, I’ve got time. So, please, do tell me what you think would make you feel the most comfortable with me,” he grins, clearly fully aware that it’s gonna be something juicy, and almost childishly excited to know what it is.
   For the most part, humiliation runs off you relatively easily. But that’s also because you rarely stray out of your comfort zone, which revolves around horses, dogs, driving tractors and using power tools.    Still, on the rare occasions when you do manage to get yourself cornered, you generally suffer for a minute and then you find a way to shake it off.
   And on the super-rare occasions, such as this one, when you’re so far beyond mortified that you don’t even know how to get out of it, something else happens.    You become kinda angry and a bit feral.    The last time it had happened you’d ended up spending a night in jail, and you hadn’t even been drunk.
   You can feel that anger take control of your brain and you know you’re about to say something ill-advised, but there’s no stopping it.    Raising your head, you lock gazes with him and see him flinch at the abrupt shift in your expression.
   “Basically any scenario in which you’re butt naked and in my bed,” you hear yourself almost snarl, and somehow, there’s no shame accompanying the words.
   As crude and inappropriate as they are, it’s the truth, and it wipes the sweetly crooked little smile off his face in a hurry. Although his eyes remain alight and curious.
   “Somehow that’s not what I was expecting you to say,” he slowly observes, and you can’t help how your face falls, hearing that.
   “You and me both, darlin’,” you exhale, feeling the anger fade as the air leaves your lungs, and in its wake, only regret remains. “Maybe I should just go.”
   Standing, you reach for your shirt at the top of the table, but he stops you with a hand on yours, and when you turn to see what he’s doing, he’s suddenly very close.
   “I told you that if you can trust me, I’ll help you.    It might’ve been unintentional, but you were honest with me just now, even though you didn’t want to be, which is a good sign.”
   “Not really,” you protest, starting to feel smaller against his large frame, “I get like that sometimes, when I’m overwhelmed. I blurt things out with no filter, it’s not a choice.”
   “It was still the truth, wasn’t it?” he persists, and you can’t deny it, so you nod. “Okay then, we have a baseline, so let’s build on it rather than abandon it.    I suggest we start with today’s session, and when we’re done, we make dinner reservations for this weekend.”
   You’re so unprepared for that last part, your mouth falls open and your mind goes completely blank for way too long. Like a damned fish, you just stand there, staring at him while his hand still holds yours, gently prying your shirt from it before he motions for you to take your seat again.    Grateful to be guided, since you still can’t think for yourself, you follow his directions and before long, the exam is done and he’s helping you get dressed.
   From there, he shows you out into the gym where he meticulously instructs you on which exercises to do and how often, making you swear not to overdo them.    And you might be imagining it, but you feel like he jumps on any excuse to touch you, holding your waist to make sure your core musculature doesn’t move when it’s not supposed to, or physically redirecting your hips when you’ve unknowingly turned them, even though he could’ve just told you to correct it yourself.
   When you’re done for the day, he takes you back to the exam room where he makes a few notes about how the session went and what you’ve agreed on.
   “Again, no lifting hay, grain, or heavy buckets,” he reiterates for what has to be the tenth time, and you can’t help but roll your eyes at him.
   “I heard you the first nine times.”
   “And you’re still not gonna listen to me, are you?”
   “I live alone with two horses and two dogs, I make no promises, one way or the other.”
   “I’m just gonna have to tie you to the bed then,” he says without a hint of a joke in his voice, before he reaches for a calendar on his desk. “But, dinner first.    How does six o’clock on Friday sound?”
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vagabondreamer · 1 year
Good Night's Sleep
Summary: Y/N can't make herself cum, so Azriel has to help her.
Word Count: 1,891
Warnings: Smut. Minors DNI
Notes: Y/N is afab
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It was unusual for Azriel to get a good night’s sleep. Oftentimes he was off on a mission as the High Lord’s spymaster, or his insomnia just got the better of him. He thought tonight might be different - Nesta and Cassian were already fast asleep by the time he got home, so he thought he was safe from hearing the non-stop banging that was a nightly occurrence for months. Azriel shed his outer clothing and put on a thin pair of pants, and threw his body into bed, his wings stretching beneath him. Closing his eyes, he begged for sleep to take him, but what he received instead was the intrusion of breathy moans flooding his ears.
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” he all but groaned. The moans weren’t loud by any means, he could barely hear them, but it was distracting enough to pull him away from a restful night. Trying to wait it out, he counted - he counted the weapons he had hidden in his room, he counted how many sleepless nights he had, hell, he even started counting the stars in the night sky. Gripping the pillow against his head, he tried to cover up the noises, but they only seemed to get louder - more desperate. He couldn’t take it anymore, he jumped out of bed, not bothering to cover himself up as he walked out of the room and straight to Cassian’s. What he had expected was for Cassian to be balls deep in Nesta, not for the pair to be fast asleep - well, that was until he had barged in. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” Cassian exasperated. Both him and Nesta were wide awake and on alert now. All Azriel could do was groan as he rubbed his face, realizing his mistake. 
“I can’t sleep,” he told the two.
“So you woke us up?” Nesta crankily replied. Azriel opened his mouth to reply, but a louder moan erupted from down the hall - where your room was. All three of them looked at each other baffled. Noises of pleasure had never come from your room before. These noises were different from Nesta’s and Cassian’s - almost like whimpering or whining - it sent a chill down Azriel’s back. 
“Sorry, thought it was you two,” Azriel all but mumbled, intending to go straight to his room and totally not shove his fist down his pants. This earned a snort from Nesta, which both males questioned.
“Please, I actually know how to make myself cum,” she said matter of factly. Their stares only contorted in confusion. She crossed her arms and stared pointedly at the males. “Oh come on, you can’t tell me you don’t know what those sounds mean.”
As if summoned, the moans from your room grew stronger, finally reaching to the peak - and then nothing. Just a loud groan of frustration reaching their ears.
“She can’t make herself cum,” Cassian said, finally putting the puzzle pieces together. Nesta only hummed in agreement. Azriel’s body was starting to heat up, it willed all his strength to not get hard in front of his friends. 
“So what are you going to do about it?” Nesta questioned Azriel. 
“What the fuck do you mean?” 
“Are you going to go help Y/N out, or what?”
“Why me?” It’s not that Azriel didn’t want to help you. Hell, it took everything in him to not fuck you dumb when the two of you were alone. Which is exactly why the two of you were rarely alone together. He made sure to always have Nesta or Cassian around - to chaperone him. 
Nesta laughed at his question, “Well, Cass isn’t going to fuck her. But if you won’t do it, then I guess I’ll show her.” Azriel thought she was totally bullshiting him, but she indeed started to get out of bed.
“Wait -,” Cassian started. He stared at Nesta as she headed towards the bedroom door, right where Azriel stood. “Can I watch?”
Nesta barked a laugh, and passed Azriel - who was standing like a rock, unsure of what the hell was going on. 
“You’re just going to let her pleasure Y/N?” Azriel asked Cassian. 
Cassian shrugged, “Are you?”
In a fast movement that can only be described as shadows, Azriel was pulling Nesta away from your bedroom door. He wildly stared into Nesta’s eyes, dominance pouring out of him. She only smirked as she pulled away from him and sauntered back to Cassian’s room. Azriel pushed open your bedroom door and swiftly entered, you wouldn’t have even seen him there had you not heard the door swing open. 
“Az? What are you doing in my room?” Your heart began to race at the thought that he was here because you had been too loud. Embarrassment flooded your senses as you gripped the sheets trying to cover your nude body as best as you could. It felt like an eternity as he just stood there looking at you - smelling your essence and frustrations leak out of you.
“You can’t cum,” he said nonchalantly, like it was the most normal thing to say to someone. “Show me how you touch yourself.” He slowly approached your bed, his movements miniscule, like he was trying to not scare you off. 
A whimper flew out of your mouth, “I-I can’t. It’s too embarrassing.” But you couldn’t hide how aroused that sentence alone had made you. Something about Azriel had always intrigued you, and the more time you spent around him, the more you wanted him to sink his big, fat, co–.
“Y/N.” Your thoughts were interrupted as he sat at the foot of your bed and gently removed the thin sheet that was covering your nude body. “Show me how you touch yourself.”
It wasn’t a question - no, it was a command. Sitting up against the pillows, you slowly spread your legs for Azriel. Your arousal was evident, your pussy gleamed with it. Your eyes danced along his body, his muscular chest had a thin layer of sweat - something you had seen so many times during training, his wings spread wide - you so desperately wanted to touch them, and finally you could see the strain of his cock beneath the thin layer of cloth that restricted him. A groan ripped involuntarily from your throat as your eyes met back with his. 
Slowly, your hand trailed lightly down your stomach and slid into the wetness of your folds. You were much wetter than when you had begun. Imagining Azriel was one thing, but having him sitting right in front of you was another. His hungry stare was analyzing your movements. You dipped a finger into yourself, a small moan being pulled from you as you pumped it in and out of yourself. You added a second finger, and it felt good, but it wasn’t enough, you knew you needed more - you needed him. 
“Az,” you practically moaned. He just about snapped at that, but he couldn’t, no he wanted to see more.
“Keep going,” he hoarsely said. 
A whine came out of your mouth, you were becoming desperate. This is how it always ended, you would build yourself up and up - moans and whines mixing together - just to amount to nothing. You moved your fingers in and out at an ungodly speed, and just as you felt like you might just climax, you stopped. Your fingers stilled, and so did your body. 
“Why’d you stop?” He wasn’t angry, but he certainly wasn’t happy at your stillness.
Tears welled up in your eyes, “Az, I just can’t cum.”
His eyes softened as he looked at your face - so frustrated at the situation.
“It’s okay Y/N.” He leaned in and caught your lips with his. They were much softer than you expected from an Illyrian warrior. “Want me to teach you?”
“Please,” you sighed.
He kissed you harder this time, putting all of his frustration and energy into it as well. He bit down on your lip, eliciting a surprised gasp from you, taking advantage of this he slipped his tongue into your mouth. Your tongues played with each other, and his hand began to run across your bare chest. His feather-light touches passed across your hard nipples, slightly pinching at them to get a reaction out of you. He pulled away from the kiss, only to start sucking and licking down your neck. Your hands ran through his hair, and you pulled slightly, earning a rough groan that went straight to your core. 
“Az,” another moan of his name went straight to his cock. He didn’t think it was possible to be this hard, but hell, everything you did made him hard at this point. He really wanted to take his time with your body, he wanted to kiss and suck on every inch of skin just to learn what would make you moan his name. But you were fucking desperate, and now so was he. 
Moving down your body, his head right between your thighs, he dove right in, licking a long stripe from your pulsing entrance all the way to your throbbing clit. The noise that was pulled from you was not from this world, it was fucking beautiful, was all he could think before he went back in for more. He dipped two fingers into your core, plunging them in and out in a rhythm you weren’t able to do on your own. He honed in on your clit, sucking it gently but with enough force to make you cry in pleasure. Your legs squeezed tightly around his head, and he had his shadows pin your legs apart to give him as much access as he pleased.
“It’s too much! Az! I can’t –” 
“Yes you can, you’re doing such a good job. Just let me take care of you,” was all he said as he plunged back into your folds. His lips wrapped around your clit as his fingers curled up inside of you. 
“Oh gods, Azriel!” You moaned. It was all too much for you and you felt like you were exploding as you came on his face and fingers. 
“Good girl,” he praised. He was like a starved man as he licked up your release. 
Your body was still feeling the aftershocks of the most amazing orgasm you had ever received when he came to lay next to you. He was sporting a boyish grin - one that you had never seen before. Your body was exhausted, but you still wanted to thank him, hell you still wanted to feel his heavy cock sink into you. 
He held your gaze as he said, “Y/N, I would love nothing more than to fuck you stupid, but I haven’t slept in 3 days, so how about an hour nap and I’ll make you cum more times than you’ve ever known.”
You giggled in response, “Az, I think we’ll have plenty of time to make each other cum.” You cuddled into him and closed your eyes and let sleep take you.
“Would you have actually done it?” Cassian asked Nesta as he lazily thrusted into her.
“What? Made her cum?” Nesta smirked. “Absolutely.”
“And you wouldn’t have let me watch?” He feigned sadness.
“Why watch when you can join.” A growl emitted from deep within him, his thrusting no longer lazy.
“Fuck, I love you.”
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ev3rgreenxtrees · 6 months
i have a request, if they’re open…
this long i hit one year clean from SH, and i was curious if you could write a Matt/Chris fix either where they find out about fem!reader’s SH and helps her through it, or where they celebrate the fact that she made it a whole year.
if no, that’s all good… but i really love your work, so I figured I’d ask
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By Your Side
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Synopsis: Before you met Chris, and even a little into your relationship, you struggled with self harm. Chris and his brothers were always extremely supportive and caring of you, and eventually, you stopped. You hit your one year of being sober anniversary, and Chris throws you a ‘celebration.’
Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of self harm, anxiety, cussing, small bit of angst (reader has issues about her scars.) but this is fluff overall!!
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“Goodmorning, my love.” Chris mumbles, placing a kiss to your forehead. Your eyes flutter open, and you stare at your boyfriend.
“Why’re you up so early?” You slur, and he chuckles.
“First of all, how do you know it’s early and you didn’t just wake up late, and second of all, I had an alarm set to wake me up earlier than you.” He states proudly.
“Um.. Why?” You tilt your head, confused. You slowly sit up, rubbing your eyes. You inhale deeply, and let out a yawn when you realize something. It smelled like pancakes for some reason. “Did you.. cook..?” You looked at Chris, and he nodded.
“Yep! I made you pancakes!” He states proudly, sticking his hand out for you to grab, which you do.
Chris knows pancakes are your favorite. Were you missing your anniversary today..? Chris placed a gentle kiss to your lips, before pulling you upstairs. Once you got upstairs, you saw Matt and Nick, both sitting on the couch.
“Y/N!” The boys gasp excitedly. This only made you even more confused. Why was everyone in the house awake before you? Usually you were the first one up.
“Why is everyone up..? I’m confused,” You state, and Chris chuckles.
“I’ll tell you as you eat.” He hums, pointing you to the direction of the table. You listen, and grab yourself a pancake; before beginning to eat it. For Chris not cooking often, he did pretty good. “Okay, well. Have you checked the date today?” He asked, and you shook your head.
“Baby, you literally woke me up and dragged me down here. I had no time to check. ” You giggle.
“Oh… Yeah.. Anyways, It’s March twenty-ninth. twenty-twenty four.” Chris states matter of factly, but you still didn’t understand. What important day were you forgetting?
“So?” You asked confused, and Chris chuckled. He leaned over to kiss the top of your head, before explaining.
“One year ago, today, you promised me you’d hurt yourself for the last time.” Chris starts, grabbing your hands, giving you reassurance, since he knows this is a sensitive topic for you. “You’re one year sober, my love. I couldn’t be prouder. I love you so so so fucking much, and i’m forever grateful I could help my beautiful girl through that. I never want you to go through any of that again- I never want anyone to go through that. I’m so incredibly proud of how far you’ve come.” Chris sighs, before slowly bending down. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, until he grabbed something out of his pocket, lifting one leg up, so he was only on one knee.
Your eyes widen, and your hands flew over your mouth as you let out a sharp gasp. You glance over at Matt and Nick, who both had their cameras out and were filming. Tears began to flood your eyes as you looked back to Chris.
“I know this is a lot, and kind of soon to be honest, but I’d rather it be you than anyone else in the entire world. Y/N, I love you so much. More than words can describe. You’re everything to me. I’d do anything— I will do anything in my power to keep you safe and make you feel loved. Y/N, if you accept this ring, I promise you, I’ll marry you one day, and always make sure you’re the happiest girl alive. Wether that day come sooner, or later, I know it will happen, if you allow it to. Y/N Y/L/N, will you accept my promise ring?” He asks, out of breath. At this point, tears are streaming uncontrollably down your face.
“Yes! Of course!” You nod, giving Chris your hand. A bright smile immediately is plastered on his face, as he slips the beautiful ring on your ring finger. He stands up, and you throw yourself into his arms, causing him to chuckle.
“I love you, so much,” He mumbles into your neck, ignoring that both Nick and Matt were ‘awe’ing. “‘M sorry I didn’t take ya somewhere fancy to do it- I know you don’t like being the center of attention,” Chris apologizes, and you shook your head.
“No, baby. Don’t be sorry, you’re right, I’d much rather have it done here.” You reassured, pulling away from the hug, placing a sweet kiss to his lips. This action immediately made Matt and Nick’s ‘awe’s to ‘ew’s.
“Oh, hush!” Chris scoffs. “I know you’ll both do this one day when you give your girl a promise ring! Or in Nick’s case.. get a promise ring given..?” Chris tilts his head, and you giggle. “Now, go get dressed, we have plans.” Chris tells his brothers and you, as he wipes your tear stained cheeks.
“What if I said no? Would we still have plans?” You teased, but to your surprise, he still nodded.
“Of course, ma. It’s your one year anniversary of being sober. Even if you told me you hate me and you never want to speak to me again I’d try my absolute hardest to make sure you have the time of your life today.” Chris speaks truthfully, not a hint of sarcasm or unfaithfulness in his calm voice. You nod, a bright smile covering your face.
“I love you,” You sigh, standing up, heading to your shared room to get changed.
“I love you too.” Chris calls back, his brothers also heading off to their rooms.
As you made your way into ‘your’ room, you headed to the closet. Chris’ and your clothes were both mixed together in there, as he didn’t mind you wearing his clothes. He loved it, actually. You rummaged through the clothing, not finding anything nearly fancy enough to go out in, that had long sleeves. You hate wearing short sleeves or shorts in public. Not that you hated your own body, it was the way people looked at you. The ‘hideous’ scars littered all over your body. The way people would pull their loved ones closer to them so they could get as far away from you as possible, the way parents even sometimes tended to cover their children’s eyes. It all hurt you, more than you could ever imagine, so you just stopped wearing ‘revealing’ clothing.
You sit on the bed in frustration, tears welling your eyes for the second time today, even if it was only around nine A.M. You push your head into your hands, your sleeves rolling up ever so slightly, giving you a glance at your healed scars. You hated that you hate them. You regret them so much, you just wish you didn’t.
“Baby..? What’s the matter?” You hear Chris call to you. You were so caught up in your own thoughts, you didn’t even hear the door open.
“Nothing. I.. I just can’t find anything nice to wear.” You grumble, and Chris’ hand soothingly rubs your back. He hums in response; before rummaging around in your guys’ closet.
“Oh my god,” Chris gasps, and your head shoots up. He was holding a black dress, the dress you were going to wear to your high school prom. Before you hurt yourself. Before you knew that you wouldn’t even get asked to prom. “This is so fucking gorgeous, ma.” He states, before pushing it towards you. “Try it on.” He smiles. You look down.
“I… I can’t,” You shake your head. Chris’ eyebrows furrowed.
“Yes.. Yes, you can..” He nods, kissing your forehead. “Please?” He asks. He didn’t go to the same high school as you, but he knows you haven’t grown since then, since all of the pictures he’s seen of you. He knows it’s because your scars.
You slowly nod your head, and his straight face turns into a smile. He turns around, giving you privacy, all though you don’t mind. Not with Chris. You slip out of your clothes, slipping the dress over your head. You look in the mirror, and sigh. It wasn’t bad looking on you- at all, you just were scared people would think you were trying to show your scars off.
Chris turns around when he hears you sigh, and his jaw dropped. You quickly turned from the mirror to face him, worry flooding your face.
“Ma,” Chris gapes. “You’re absolutely fuckin’ gorgeous.” Chris states, his arms wrapping around your waist. “Please tell me you’re gonna wear this,” He pleads. You think for a moment. You want to wear it, he wants you to wear it, so why should you worry about what others say? You shouldn’t. You love your scars. They make you you. You nod, and his face lights up. “God, I love you,” He shakes his head, placing a kiss to your lips.
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『 ↳✧・゚ Finn yaps❕ ;
I really hope this is okay for this request!! if you want me to rewrite it; just lmk, and i will! thank you sm for reading <3 and to @jake-and-johnnies-slut , im SO incredibly proud of you, and to anyone else struggling with self harm recovery, or just self harm in general, im so so proud if you. you’re doing amazing. if you ever need to talk, im here. ill listen. id much rather listen to you for hours than have you take your own life or hurt yourself. as a person who struggles with self harm, i promise, im here. i love you.
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ I do NOT give permission for my work to be published on any other site, nor to be claimed as your own . However , reblogs , likes , and comments are much appreciated ! 🤍
ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bernardenjoyer @lovely-calypso @junnniiieee07 @75sturn @tillies33ssss @imwetforyourmom
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orions-tears · 1 year
Yours Truly - Ominis Gaunt [Part 3]
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x fem!Reader
Themes: Embarrassing Ominis lmao
A/N: Here you are, my children. I promise this will end in a relationship I just think slow burn is fun
Part 1 and Part 2 are linked here :)
Final Part (smut version) linked here
Final Part (fluff version) linked here
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"Ominis, really," Sebastian groans.
Ominis turns to him, confused. It had been fairly quiet in the common room until now. He can hear Sebastian stomping over and laughs to himself. "What have I done?" He feels something land in his lap as Sebastian sits on the couch next to him.
"This was tossed in my food this morning."
Ominis furrows his brows, picking the item up. An envelope? "Is it not yours, then, Sebastian?" he asks, genuinely confused.
Sebastian shakes his head, scoffing. "I only ever get mail from Anne. Besides, your name is on it. I'd prefer to not eat your mail, Ominis." He leans in close, smirking. "Another love letter?"
Ominis feels his face burn a bit and shifts away, opening the letter.
My Darling Ominis,
I couldn't wait to send you another letter. I cannot stop thinking about you.
I try to hold my thoughts back but my feelings flow through me like a flood.
I imagine what you must be like away from the eyes of the world. What is it like
to lay with you? Are you warm? Would you hold me gently? How comforting it
must be to fall asleep to the sound of your heartbeat. The slowness of your breathing.
I wonder how soft your lips are and how delicate a kiss it could be. I think of how 
your eyes look in the light of the fire. How it makes them glow just a little bit
brighter. I adore the way you smile at me and I wish you knew just how beautiful
you are.
Lovingly yours,
Ominis keeps his fingers over the paper when he finishes reading. His face is bright red and Sebastian is laughing.
"Was it a spicy one, Ominis?" he jokes, nudging him.
Ominis swallows hard, shifting and quickly folding the letter up and sliding it into his pocket. "My business, isn't it?" he hums, standing. "I need to go."
He walks away quickly, leaving Sebastian confused on the couch. He walks around aimlessly, thinking about the letters. Merlin's beard... His face felt hot and he paced around Central Hall, unsure what to do. He can't send a letter back. He has no clue who they are. He hears footsteps approach and stops, turning his head up, blush fading.
"(Y/N)?" he calls.
You laughs and walk up. "How do you always know it's me?" He smiles and you blush, thanking Merlin he can't see.
"I've memorized how you sound when you walk. It's very specific."
You tilt your head, hands on your hips. "Is that a good thing?"
He turns a deep shade of red again and puts his hands up in defense. "Yes! I certainly didn't mean it in a negative way... I like knowing it's you."
You laugh and nudge him. He makes a shocked noise and pulls the letter out of his pocket.
"I got another one..."
You gasp and take it opening it up. You forgot. He doesn't know you can read it. You're silent for a moment.
"I can't read this..."
He laughs and takes it back. "It's...umm...it describes me a bit in depth..."
Is that good? No, bad? Was he uncomfortable? You fold your arms, looking down at the paper.
"How so?" you ask, hoping for insight on how he feels.
He feels his face burn and rubs the back of his neck. "Well..." he takes a breath. "Not here. I'm worried Sebastian followed me and he'll never let me live this one down."
You laugh and agree, following him to the Faculty Tower, standing below the stairwell. He tells you about the contents of the letter, stuttering a bit as he does so. He doesn't seem upset, but he's a bit hard to read sometimes. After he finishes reading it, he turns his head to you.
"What do you think?" he asks, hesitantly.
"I think she's in love with you," you reply, shrugging.
He's silent for a moment. "Well...how do you know it's a she?"
You stare at him and laugh. "Well this just seems like something a girl would write to the boy she loves."
He holds tightly onto the papers. "I wish I knew who it was..."
You smile and lean against the wall. "Well if it's escalating like that, you must be on track to find out."
He sighs and shakes his head. "I do hope it's someone specific."
You grin and lean in. "You like someone?"
He widens his eyes and steps back. "I...uh...I have to leave, I'm sorry." He shoves the letters in his pockets and you frown, watching him leave. If he loves someone else you have no chance...
The fountains mingle with the river And the rivers with the ocean, The winds of heaven mix for ever With a sweet emotion; Nothing in the world is single; All things by a law divine In one spirit meet and mingle. Why not I with thine?—
See the mountains kiss high heaven And the waves clasp one another; No sister-flower would be forgiven If it disdained its brother; And the sunlight clasps the earth And the moonbeams kiss the sea: What is all this sweet work worth If thou kiss not me?
This is one of my favourite poems. Percy Bysshe Shelley
longs to be with his love. All the elements of the world are
one with each other, in love that is endless. He longs to
be one with with his love such as the world becomes one.
This poem expresses my feelings, my need to feel you, to
understand you, to love you. I love your presence, I love
your voice, I love your loyalty and your empathy. You mean
more than the world to me and I long to be with you until the
end arrives for us.
Yours lovingly,
Tag List!
Let me know if you want to be added or removed! Also let me know if you want a specific fic or all :)
@blueberrydinosaur @kuukimeioo @sometimesidreamthaticanlevatate @thenerdysimp @sarahskywalker-amadala @lonadane @amatchasky @sugaringheart @nekee-lilac02 @gh0stgirl333 @scarlet--raven @amelliss @zyuyea
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inahallucination · 1 year
famous au but um dumb
if the poets were on social media and famous this is what they'd be known for
(age somewhere between 19-21)
tumblr blog name: toad.anderson
ao3 name: toad.writes
he's technically anon but not rlly
sexiest tumblr account known to man - he's a fanfic writer and an au poster with some occasional og stuff that floods his inbox with asks begging him to publish his og work too - what fandom does he write for? all of them.
his bf proof reads them all even if he's never been in the fandom
he writes fics for his friends when they get famous
in between his novel worthy fanfics are shitty fics of his friends
his followers get rlly confused
he wrote a neil x reader fic until straight girls started claiming it and he took it down becuz the reader was him
todd on his blog: guyss… im so sorry but im taking the neil x reader fic down… im sorry if i offend anyone but the reader was me ❤️ not you - i don't like you all claiming it
after taking down the x reader, he does a neil x oc but the oc is him but with green eyes
neil, after the oc gets described: todd the only person im seeing is u tho 😦 and u have blue eyes
eventually his relationship with famous tiktoker neil perry gets revealed and ppl realize he's not just an obsessed fan
after neil says the thing blog: toad.anderson: guys my real name is todd anderson everyone: omg we wouldve never guessed
after neil and him go public and ppl dont believe that neil is gay he alternates between seething and writing neil fics and taking joy from neil's confusion
todd points out comments that are obviously thirsting over neil and neil still doesn't realize he's being thirsted over
"neil be the father of my children!" "oh i think they meant that in a godfather type way"
todd, at a breaking point, suggests that neil and him post a kissing video but neil doesnt wanna be one of those shawn camilla couples - respect
what if he posted them kissing but he made a historians will call them bestfriends joke but then ppl did🧍‍♂️
tiktok name: neilliard.at.julliard
accidentally tiktok famous for pretty face, charming personality, acting abilities - the theater kids had a claim over him orignially but he's pretty mainstream now
comment section full of old grandmas trying to set him up with their granddaughters
everyones dream bf until he posted about his own bf
neil: my boyfie has a big tumblr and he writes a lot and he really likes frogs and he is also blond and heres his address
hes kinda oblivious about everything
"you want a close up of my collar bones? why ?"
reading comment "'show your abs?' its nice you think i have abs! only my boyfriend can see those tho 😉 "
the comments go wild
people are stitching it screaming for different reasons
all his fans r screaming into pillows bc HES TAKEN NOOO
people are trying to figure out who this mans boyfie is
"he has a boyfriend??" "he's been straightbaiting us!" "NOO HE'S TAKEN" "IS UR BF AS HOT AS U" "look at the way his eyes lit up when he said bf i love love" "this video shows an aspect of society that-"
"tell us about ur bf" and he makes a week worth of videos but its all random stuff
"my bf looks pretty in blue" "my bf likes to put salt and pepper on his fries" "my bf has hair"
the straightbaiting comments come after him posting about pride and having a pride flag in the background of his videos <- they say things like "he's such a good ally"
"are you gay neil???" -> "not everything has to be gay ppl can just be allys and btw by assuming every ally is gay, ur actually hurting the movement!!!" -> "i asked becuz he said he wanted to kiss his boy best friend on the lips in highschool" -> "he meant it heterosexual-ly"
someone asks him what his type is and he describes todd to the t and they think he likes a short haired blonde
"he likes girls in sweat pants not skirts" "his type isnt ppl in skirts" -- neil would love todd in a skirt but thats not the point
his type: "he's really shy, gorgeous, short dirty blonde hair, uhhhh, really smart, and So much more :))"
he could say my boyfriend is a man who i am dating because i am gay and they would still try to straight-ify him
a grainy video gets leaked of a short haired blond guy jumping into his arms and ppl say things like "its just a girl with short hair"
todd hate writes a neil x male reader fic
he asks his friends for help and they post todd's face everywhere on his recording set
he makes a video like "meet my toddy"
in the video todd says he's a boy and he's todd and he's neil boyfriend 3485757 times and neil is like "omg babe i love u too <33" becuz he doesnt Understand
some ppl r still in denial or think he's bi w/ a preference for girls
straight girls like him becuz he has a pretty face and a general respect for women
during prom season, he gets dmed a lot of websites for buying prom tickets
"don't worry guys! i know i said my high school time was rough, but i actually did go to prom with my bf!!"
twitter name: therealalpha
most popular podcast name: daltons intercourse
joke/bait account ppl took seriously
The Alpha that other alpha posters bow to
the twitter alphas buy into him so bad he's making podcasts and doign interviews and he has no clue how tf he got here but he's riding the high
he advocates for being alpha via kissing ur homies
when he gets famous he begs todd to write a fic about him
todd agrees pretty easily tbh
charlie posts things like "no homo" "only the real make out with their homies" over those black and white pics of muscle-y dudes w/ no context after the neil video he posts "he homo" over one of them w/ no context
at first ppl try to attack him but then theyre like wtf is going on here and realize he's trolling the alpha community
when no one realizes neil is actually gay he makes a podcast episode talking about how he thinks neil is gay gay homosexual gay - he's holding a cigar and wearing a tight hawaiian unbuttoned shirt like "lets talk about this gay gay theater gay boykisser man"
made by @cowboylexapro
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youtube name: gerdoesstuff
joint youtube name: idkman
homework help and crafts videos youtuber - relaxed vibes only here to be calm
he gives study and concentration tips and encourages ppl to seek help and companionship and not suffer alone
he paints mugs and looks for bugs
he was on charlie's podcast and they discussed the alpha-ness of making pottery
todd wrote a pitts x reader fic becuz ppl begged him to
pitts printed it out and framed it and put it in his filming set up
he's a regular on meeks podcast too btw and meeks is a regular on his
but when meeks is around things explode so
he has a second channel with meeks where they do silly experiments
theyre posting schedule is non-existent and they also do streams but they never tell you so their viewers just have to hope and find out
knox and him are planning on making a movie review channel but its still not fully thought out so
he makes couple mugs for todd and neil when neil asks for help
he wakes up at 2 am and sends todd prompts
anytime he learns a fun fact he sends it to todd on the off chance todd may need it for a story at some point in his life
anytime he reads anything he's like damn neil will love to act like this character and lets him know about it
he sends charlie alpha podcasters to make fun of
at some point he exposes cam's shitty handwriting for the giggles
instagram name: knoxious.ur.mom.ious
he posted a short on his instagram talking about how he just learned hair grows from the head and not the bottom and blew up for being a dummy - he doesn't know whats going on but he's having a blast
he stirs up drama but on accident
he was on pitts youtube before
out of everyone here he's the only one not making content he's just vibing
eventually he ends up posting background footage of everyone doing dumb shit
when it comes out theyre friends ppl stalk his instagram to find more proof
after that he starts to stir drama but more consciously
hmm what else - idk he's just chilling, getting called out for being dumb and watching his friends do dumb stuff
oh wait when he makes that short about the hair a bunch of commentary channels post about it and he takes it like a badge of honor
instagram name: cam.studies
pinterest name: cam.studies
one of those aesthetic studying accounts on insta and pinterest - takes nice shots of his homework and his pen collections and his study desk
except its only for the pics his handwriting is atrocious - he has like one page or paragraph of pretty handwriting to post and the rest is scribbled chaos - his pens are never organized by color, theyre just thrown in a box, and his desk is filled with papers and books and never looks clean but its fine he's just here for clout
he ends up sponsoring and reviewing businesses that make those cute study supplies so now he has a hoard - or at least he did until his friends started taking them
he groaned about the cam.studies x {random ass ppl} fics todd wrote but he thinks theyre funny and has them bookmarked
he went on charlie's podcast and the two argued for half of it and then explained how as two alphas they would settle their differences by kissing
his friends help him angle his aesthetic shots at cafes and shit
he got exposed eventually as a fake becuz ppl (cough) posted his real notes which were messy and disorganized
but he played it off as a commentary about how the internet is fake and got more sponsorships
he judges todd and neil but is eating popcorn at the front seat of the drama
podcast name: chameleon hotel
youtube channel name: idkman
meeks makes a podcast for very stupid intricate crimes. he has a cult following of bisexuals
its stuff like drama over a tree being taken down
"the locals even called their beloved tree 'ole alvin'"
charlie: todd write a meeks x ole alvin fic
he has standards, so he does
he went on charlie's podcast and convinced ppl that being with other men allowed u to suck in their alpha-ness and become the ultimate alpha
but generally he just makes his little silly videos and makes cryptic posts about the neil todd drama
has a joint channel w/ pitts
is up to date with the neil thing and is the one to send neil updates
he tries to convince neil to act out his podcasts (with a lot of success lmao)
he tries to convince todd to write fics based on his podcasts (also with a lot of success)
as payback for the ole alvin x meeks fic he convinces todd (very easily) to write a bunch of dumb charlie fics and todd agrees becuz he has standards
no one actually knows that the poets know each other
they eventually post a group photo
"we need to cancel neil perry for being friends with an alpha podcast guy" "nah thats just charlie"
"yall know hes bi, right?"
"he literally has a podcast about how sucking dick as a man makes u the ultimate alpha male"
it does explain why charlie's alpha podcast go from tiktok actor, tumblr fanfic writer, instagram study blog, fellow podcaster, hw help tiktoker in between his satire of normal alpha tiktokers
half of these things are like copy and pasted from our conversation btw so dont blame me for them
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hatkuu · 9 months
warning call
a continuation of this fic by my dearest mutual @kylars-owner!!
warnings: eldritch horror stuff, pseudo-incest, canon divergent, kylar is an eldritch horror disguised as a human :)
(florie this is a love letter to you. mwah. thank u for creating this gorgeous eldritch horror)
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"Kylar! I— I'm so sorry—" You gasp, lungs heaving for air as you barrel into his body, wrapping your arms around him tightly. "I know you didn't 's-say' it but— but what you s-said about S-Sydney was right and I should've listened to you a-a-and—" Your arms squeeze tighter as you speak, mind reeling at the thought of the librarian's assistant.
You thought she was sweet, all blushes and shy smiles as she fiddled with the crucifix on her neck. You loved borrowing books from the library on the odd gamble of seeing her as opposed to the libriarian. But the thought of yesterday makes you shiver—her once easygoing smile morphed into one that was predatory—her eyes looking you up and down like you were a meal to be devoured.
You went home early.
Snivelling as your head ducks down onto his shoulder, your hands cling onto your cousin's shirt, nails digging into the skin beneath the cotton. Kylar, visibly surprised by your sudden change of heart, cautiously wraps his arms around you in return. His movements are jagged and awkward, like he hasn't touched another human being before. You pull back slightly, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand.
You hadn't known Kylar long, only being introduced to one another a week ago, and yet here you were, openly sobbing into his arms.
There was an unspoken connection shared between the two of you, one that you swore not to acknowledge no matter how many pleading gazes were thrown at you from across the dinner table. He was gross. A creepy weirdo that you so desperately wanted out of your life even if he fought tooth and nail to remain in it.
Kylar's staring at you. Hard.
You had been so mean to him; kicking him out of your room when your aunt and uncle stayed over, glaring at him whenever your parents began listing off all of his achievements and how 'good of a young man' Kylar was, and staring at him blankly as he tried to conquer his ever-present stutter in a conversation with you.
Not breaking eye contact at all - he speaks.
His voice is croaky, thick with an accent that doesn't remind you of any known nationality. His words are laden with affection, a gentle—albeit shaking—hand reaching forward to gently cup the plump flesh of your cheek. He visibly shudders as the contact. The moment his hand meets your cheek, pins and needles bloom underneath his touch, spreading all over your body until the whole world starts to feel fuzzy. You're in a constant battle of trying to keep your eyes open, swaying slowly as Kylar holds you steady with one compassionate hand.
"You must be tired,"
His mouth doesn't move. Your whole body floods with a carnal fear as you take him in, tears still streaming down your cheeks. His mouth morphs into a shy, small smile. His haunting voice floods both of your ears. You swear you can feel the hot breath of something behind each ear.
"It's okay. I know you're weaker than me—It's in your nature—but I w-won't ever hold it against you. I'll k-keep you. Keep you safe."
You didn't take your cousin for one to view himself so highly. It's weird hearing him vow to protect you because he's deemed you 'weak' when he's so shy normally. You want to comment on how weird he's being right now - to sneer at him from your position held tightly against his chest. You can feel the words forming in your throat, you can taste them against your lips, but the instant you move to say them they're ripped away.
You look up to your cousin in confusion.
That's the only word that can describe how your 'cousin' looks right now.
His stature is rigid, back straight in a way that you know is extremely uncomfortable. Those haunting green eyes that would pine for you are now vacant - looking through you rather than at you. His hair that has been steadily messy ever since you first were introduced to him seems even more unkempt now. It frames his face and makes his headache-inducing eyes even more painful to stare into.
He pets your hair softly, coaxing you to stare into him even more. You blink slowly, eyelids drooping despite your brain struggling to stay awake. Something must be going on right now, you think, head falling forward as you nuzzle Kylar's chest. He's so warm and so nice. You want to stay here forever.
You can.
You shake your head, giggling at the distant voice speaking from the back of your mind; No I can't, silly! Kylar's my cousin! You feel the pins and needles cease. You lean back, pouting. Why'd you stop? That felt good—
You feel the trail of something long and sticky, like a tongue, wrapping itself around your thigh. It's like a kiss! A really invasive, disgustingly intimate kiss that you're sharing with your cousin— The static feeling buzzes all over, more appendages begin trailing all over your body, tasting your skin and sliding over your form.
You hear purring, distantly. You like cats. Cats are cute. Maybe there's a cat in the room? Your eyes focus on the wall behind Kylar, looking for the source of the purring. Kylar growls, one of the tentacles slides under your shirt through the neck of it to pinch your jaw in it's grasp, forcing you to meet his eyes once more.
You can't look away when he speaks, tentacles still sliding all over your skin.
"̙̬̖̗̩̞͖͍̊ͭ̃̀͢"̸̮̥̼͍͎̩ͮ̋I̶̹̠͕͂ͅt̸̰͕͓̞̠̖̦̯̅ͨ͌̒ͣ̕ͅ'̧͎̘͎̻ͤͥ̌ş̥͙͌ ̨͉͓̮͚̯̘͉͔̓̔o̟̮̰̓͠k̾ͥ͏͉͉̯̝a͍͕͉̜̺͔ͨ͜y̴̲͈̙͆̋.̢͇͔̓ Ȉ̴̗̞͍͕̼̳̓̐͐̃͡'̬͎͐̋ͦ̔͞l̻̮͇͈̘ͪ͠ĺ̰̠̺̮̈̓̕ ̸̠̥͊̌t̻͓̭͈̜̝̐͠a̬͍̓͌͠k̳̻̪̾͜e̶̺̩̺̹͆͊ ̧̺͖̠̰̹ͭc̢̜̙̎̓̚a̶͉̙̣̭͖̬͆͐r̭̖͒̉̂̓́e̦̣͔̜̜̬̠̪ͨ͟ ̫̺͙̬ͩ͒̀ͅo͖̞͕͑̋ͣ͟ͅf̞̥̘̲̮̾́ ̰̟̼̪̳̺̪̱ͨ̈́ȳ̡̹̼̯̑͌o̭͔̦͈͉ͥͭ̅̆̕ͅͅu̥͖͎͐̎̔͢ͅ.͍̪̗̖͚͕̣̼̝̟̎̈̂̾̎͘͢""̱̘̭̠̳̮̮ͨ͒̑͛̀
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fanficonly · 8 months
Wenclair x Reader -
What Are You?- Chapter 9
Getting back into posting semi-regularly only like a week after the last update... I call that progress... Enjoy 😋
"Excuse me?" Your tone is very offensive and you can't quite process what is happening.
"Wednesday what did we talk about?" Enid placed her hands on her hips, waiting for her oblivious girlfriend to grasp the social implications of the sentence she just so casually used.
"My apologies let me start at the beginning" she looks to Enid for approval and Enid nods turning back to you. "We know you weren't wandering the halls cause you wish to appease your appetite" she states accusingly
'Play dumb,play dumb, play dumb' your mind screams at you
"Uhhh what exactly are you accusing me of?" You reply, extremely confused because why was it such a crime to be out in the halls at 10:30pm? And what makes her an expert on what you were doing? And what the hell has that got to do with you literally having the demand to strip hurled your way by the petite woman?
"No accusations, we are merely suspicious of you" Wednesday narrowed her eyes as panic flooded throughout your body. Crap! This is not what you needed right now. These 2 were relentless. How are you suppose to limit your weirdly growing feelings towards the 2 if in just 24 hours they have made it their mission to be around you invading your space like a rag-tag alien duo on a mission for information.
"Why? You barely know me?" Was all that you could think to say. Like don't get you wrong, you're flattered they are even the slightest bit interested in you, even if it is just because they are weary of you but still it didn't make sense. Surely you were just another outcast to them, why did they care ...noone else ever has.
Well sure the whole draining Enid part obviously peaked thier interest but you didn't think it would go this far. In fact you expected to be attacked by Wednesday and then for both girls to avoid you the rest of the year. Which, as much as it would be soul crushing, was better than hurting the only 2 people you had even remotely connected with in years.
Both girls remained silent and you became fidgety with the lack of noise or explanation. They were looking at eachother now not saying a word and merely making faces. Well... Enid was making faces, Wednesday on the other hand remained straight-faced and unmoving.
"So are you gonna tell us who or what attacked you?" Enid suddenly spoke completely changing the subject.
"Nothing attacked me I told you it was an accident just me being clumsy" You're not sure why you feel the need to even explain. You could just deflect since you barely know these girls but something about them caused you to have an internal conflict when lying to them.
"How dense do you think we are?" Wednesday deadpanned, not buying a single word of what you were saying.
Try Harder.
Convince them.
Wednesday moves towards her bed lightly frustrated with your uncooperative nature and pulls out what can only be described as a surgeons dream suitcase full of torturous looking tools.
"What are you doing?" you take a step back eyes fixated on the array of sharp instruments, holding your hands up in defense. You understood she was violent but was she really going to cut yo with a thousand knives?! A psychopath really shouldn't be this attractive to you ... It's troubling to say the least.
"Relax I told Wednesday she wasn't allowed to torture information out of you" Enid smiled way to widely for someone who just implied that they had discussed causing you grievous bodily harm but the wink it was paired with was even more disconcerting.
"It would make things a lot easier my dear" Wednesday hummed from behind Enid, lightly irritated by the power that her girlfriend had over her.
"Babe we discussed this" Enid's smile never wavered and instead she spoke through gritted teeth, trying to convince you that you were in no danger. Honestly, the smile that pulled at your own lips was of a betraying nature considering they were literally talking about the fact they had pre-discussed torturing you. But they were just so ... Funny and cute and- stop it! You free yourself from the cage you were about to trap yourself in.
"Yes dear" Wednesday folded. It seemed rather unnatural for a woman of her standing but you chose not to pry, instead changing the subject
"Ok lovely to know you won't be inflicting any harm on me but what's with the umm- the surgical equipment then?" you point to the devices and relax slightly, still keeping your guard raised.
"I do usually use these to inflict harm but they can heal all the same." Wednesday speaks arranging the tools neatly across her table
well that's terrifying.
You flit your eyes between Wednesday and the sharp instruments, unable to hide the discomfort you feel and then ultimately look towards Enid with a pleading look.
"I Promise it's safe. Wednesday has extensive medical training" Enid walks closer to you, hands raise to show you that she was not trying to hurt you.
"Umm well I just-" How do you get out of this! There's no way they are going to let you leave but if you stay that means more questions and more questions means more suspicions raised.
"Look" Enid raised her shirt exposing her torso ever so slightly and it's as if by instinct you look away. What was she doing, this kind of exposure made you physically ache with desire. Once she reaches you however she takes a breath and says "Mine healed". This sparks your interest and you slowly trail your eyes to her torso
You're eyes widen at the sight of 4 large scars painted across her hip.
"Oh my god what happened?" you can't hide your concern, it looked painful almost like the person or thing that inflicted them was attempting to kill rather than injure.
"I'll tell you my story if you tell me yours" she speaks more seriously this time and you can't help but let out a breathy "huh" as Enid lowers her shirt, a small innocent smile playing on her lips, teasing you.
"Well played" you mumble, rolling your eyes.
Before you can say anything else or Enid has a chance to respond you hear Wednesday's voice
"Enid come here darlin I need your claws" she didn't turn away from the desk until Enid skipped over to her effortlessly retracting her colourful claws.
Wednesday craned her neck slightly up and whispered something in Enid's ear and you watch as her eyes flick to you quickly then back to Wednesday. She kisses the pale girls cheek and you hear Wednesday say "Take this" and the 2 move in sync, the image of what they are doing hidden by there bodies "Here" Wednesday says again.
This is your chance , while they are distracted, just creep towards the door slowly and quietly and ...
No that would never work they could just corner you tomorrow. But you could just avoid them, give you time to think of an explanation? You did need to be stitched up but you had also already called your wicked godmother, regardless of whether she had answered or not. But could you even trust Wednesday near you with a literal murder weapon? Thoughts swirl in your head violently as you try to make a decision.
Quick you're running out of time!
Fuck it. You decide to do exactly what you had originally planned after much deliberation in your own head.
You take a step back. No indication that either of the girls had noticed. Thank God they were so focused on the equipment instead of you. So you continue to walk backwards, finally reaching for the door after moving agonisingly slowly towards it and never taking your eyes off of thier backs.
Your hand lightly twist the door a very very quiet click is heard and you wince at the noise, your eyes jumping to Enid and Wednesday who still seemed oblivious.
Right as you go to swing the door open and make a break for it, the door knob slips from between your grasp and a loud BANG! From the door closing shudders throughout the room
"What the-" was that magic? Who the fuck slammed the door shut? You eye the door up and down then physically jump at the sight of a disembodied hand at the foot of the door wagging its finger at you "Holy fu-" you hold your hands down in defense much like you had when the mouse had scuttled it's way towards you and then turn your head towards the eyes in the room.
Wednesday and Enid made no attempt to move from where they were stood and instead both stared at you, arms crossed in disapproval of your failed escape attempt.
"Thank You Thing" Wednesday says politely still looking at you eyebrows raised. Right now you're not sure whether to die from embarrassment being bested by a hand or to drop to your knees and plead not guilty.
Plan failed.
"Uhhhh, I was just-" you're kind of glad you were interrupted because even you weren't sure what half arsed explanation your brain would muster up for you anyway.
"Trying to escape we know" Wednesday deadpans and the way her eyes drill into your soul is either really unsettling or incredibly captivating... You haven't decided which yet.
"She's not a prisoner Wednesday" Enid's disapproval moved towards Wednesday then back to you reassuringly "Youre not a prisoner Y/N" she sighs out making her way towards you, Wednesday following suit as if magnetically connected to the blonde
"Kind of feels like I am" you let out a nervous laugh while side-eyeing ... What did Wednesday call it ... Thing?
"Leave if you must Y/N I am only trying to help" Wednesday spoke
"In return for what though?" you weren't used to getting things without anything expected in return. Someone helps you, you owe them a favour it's as simple as that. And although you hadn't known them all that long you're brain was bombarded with various dangerous scenarios you may end up in trying to make up for everything.
"An explanation of who and what you are" Wednesday says and stares at you expectantly. Well you knew she was straightforward but damn tell me what you want straight up why don't you.
"Wednesday!" Enid shot her girlfriend a look. Clearly subtlety was not Wednesday's strong suit
"Heh she's straightforward I'll give you that" you find yourself smirking at Enid as if admiring her choice of mate.
"Not a lot of anything else she does is straight don't worry" Enid pipes up taking the opportunity to lighten the mood and you let out a surprised laugh at the witty response.
Her girlfriend however simply rolls her eyes at the joke, but fails to suppress the small smile that flashes across her features for a millisecond. Then her face twists into one of annoyance
"You want honesty?" Wednesday took a step forward offensively, wide eyes threatening you And although you were slightly terrified you pursed your lips rubbing your chin and taking a more loose step forward yourself
"Yes I do" you found yourself challenging the girl, tilting your head.
"You don't know who you're messing with" Wednesday warned and you watched as Enid tugged harshly at Wednesdays sleeve, silently trying to end the impending conflict
"I like to think I could take you" you fold your arms. You weren't one to back down from a fight ... As long as that fight wasn't with ... Certain people in your life.
"Enid she's a comedian" Wednesday eerily tilted her head to the side, mirroring your actions and eventhough it shook you to your very core you told yourself to suck it up and sarcastically said
"Why thank you" performing a courtesy and smiling.
"Listen-" she starts but you can't risk her coming up with an airtight argument against you
"No you listen I appreciate what you're trying to do but this is bigger than-" and yet you were still interrupted obviously failing at asserting any kind of dominance. But really what hand did you have to play here
"Stop talking." She demanded, finally some kind of emotion peaking out from beneath her icy exterior.
"What I-" again she didn't let you finish.
"You want honesty?" She asked rhetorically again "You. Hurt. Enid" each word felt like a thousand cuts and all you could do was submit and look away in shame, prompting Wednesday to continue "And yet I am still here offering you aid in your time of need because it is what Enid wants and quite frankly I would like to help you aswell and I am not sure why so let me help you or don't..." She begins to move towards you with a fiery and threatening posture "but just understand this you do not want me as an enemy I will make sure that every moment in your life becomes nothing more than a waking nightmare and- " the passion, the fire, the energy she exerted was mesmerising and you're sure it's the most she's spoken in one breath since you met her.
"Okayyyyyy" Enid placed herself between the two of you. With each word Wednesday got closer and closer to you and honestly the relief you felt seeing the back of the blonde's head before Wednesday reached you was incredible
"You're right" you sigh in defeat "I'm sorry and I know that's not enough but I would like to make it up to you... The both of you" Everything Wednesday said was right and although you couldn't share much with them, all they had done so far is try to help so you could accept the help and start making amends. In fact you were going to accept the help and start making amends immediately.
She nods at you then motions for you to sit on the bed.
"I've just always been taught to be defensive I know you're only trying to help" you continue trying to settle the Seer even more so before she took a needle to your skin
"I believe you... now... I ask you once again to take your top off" Wednesday repeats and this time you can't help but reply
"More like an order but okay" unbuttoning your shirt nonetheless only pausing when Enid chimes in
"I know it's hot isn't it" she smirks and you laugh a little and weirdly enough find yourself nodding in agreement
"Enid" Wednesday's voice says it all and with no more words spoken the blonde submits.
"Sorry babe" she mumbles trying to dull her excitement.
What is going on?! You're really unsure of everything now. How quickly you switch between hating eachother and helping eachother. It's like Enid was the peacekeeper, the balance ... And to be honest the flirt and Wednesday was... Ohhhh now you understand why they work so well together.
So you do exactly as instructed and continue to take your shirt off, unbuttoning it slowly and rather timidly at that.
"Sorry it's a little awkward" you nervously laugh letting the shirt fall off your shoulders
"It's perfectly fine we have already seen-" Enid's words tangle into a grunt as Wednesday harshly elbows her in an attempt to stop her from talking.
"What?" You halt your actions, your chest half exposed and now suspicion filling your gut while continuing to remove the item of clothing but slower this time with more distrust.
"I meeean- it's nothing we haven't seen before you know, we're all women here" Enid laughs it off but you're still skeptical.
You had every right to be as at this very moment, Thing had been inspecting the box you came in with and as he popped open the lid the mouse you had so triumphantly caught earlier scurried out hurriedly and ran down the table leg.
""Ah nooo I just caught you you little- " and again your words fall short when you watch the mouse run towards Wednesday, scuttle up her leg and practically dive into her pocket
Your mouth slowly falls open in mortifying realisation.
"You ..." You say the word accusingly pointing a finger at both girls and slowly rising from the bed, as you consider pulling the shirt back up over your shoulders
"Y/N its not what you think" Enid screeched out defensively
"It's probably close to what she is currently thinking" Wednesday rebutted, not helping the situation AT ALL.
"You guys were..." With each passing moments your mind fills in the blanks. They never left! They were there the whole time! While you were undressing and calling your- oh god...
"No no it's not it's not what you think" Enid is stumbling over her words now but nothing could stop you from the information encasing your head with fears and doubts galore.
"She's a smart girl I'm sure she'll connect the dots" Wednesday smirks as if enjoying the thrill of being caught in a lie.
"Wednesday!" Enid yells face palming and shaking her head
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