#a jumped-up tailor with the heart of an accountant
take2intotheshower · 8 months
Endless List of Why I Ship Jane & Kurt - Part 6 (by @kate-dammit-run)
(re-posting to preserve this list, which was originally created and posted by @kate-dammit-run, whose account was deactivated in 2023)
252. Because she’s tough. 253. Because she still loves him. 254. Because she wants love back in her life. 255. And so does he. 256. Because he’s helping her build a relationship with her daughter. 257. Because he’ll try the vegan burgers she loves so much even though they don’t taste like meat. 258. Because she knows and understands his love for chocolate. 259. Because she knows him. 260. And that’s why he loves her. 261. Because they’re a family and families forgive. 262. Because his love for cake makes her giggle. 263. The Kurt Weller Kool Aid. 264. The Weller love staying in and ordering take out. 265. But even they occasionally go out on the town. 266. And their dates are full of all kinds of Jeller-esque flirting– taking note of al exit locations and scanning the crowd for suspicious behavior. 267. Because Kurt loves that his wife picks up on people following them. 268. Because they would rather go hunt down bad guys than have a fancy dinner. 269. Because Mr. Velvet being a sex thing sounds like a good idea. 270. Because they will always show up to save each other’s lives. 271. Because Jane will stop at nothing to protect Kurt. 272. Because Jane wants them to be a family and have Avery move in. 273. Because Kurt would love to have Avery move in. 274. Because FBI corridor snuggles. 275. Because they asked Avery together to move in with them. 276. Because they just want to keep their family safe. 277. Because they spend they’re nights interrogating murderers because that’s just who they are. 278. Because she’s not Remi. 279. Because she was tailor made for him. 280. Because he will protect her no matter what, even from her mother- 281. -and even if it means risking the case. 282. Because holding hands and jumping off buildings. 283. Because all you need to negotiate a peace treaty is five minutes of spending time with Jeller. 284. Because neck kisses. 285. Because being flirty and snuggly is not allowed in Patterson’s lab unless you’re Jane and Kurt. 286. Because she can survive without Roman. 287. Because Jane’s other half is Kurt. 288. Because hand over heart is how they say ILY. 289. Because shiny beautiful rings. 290. Because when she doesn’t respond during a takedown, he leaves the scene of the arrest to go find her. 291. Because he can pick up that she’s not ok by just looking at her. 292. Because she doesn’t hesitate for a second to tell him she thinks she’s pregnant. 293. Because she watches him anxiously after she asks him how he’d feel about them having a baby. 294. Because his entire face lights up and he cannot wipe the smile of his face when she tells him she thinks she’s pregnant. 295. Because they both really want to start a family. 296. Because even after everything that Roman did to them he still understands how important he was to her and he’s there to help her mourn and get through it. 297. Because “calm and collected” Jane loses her shit and puts rage-bullets in Crawford after he gets Kurt shot. 298. Because Jane actually considers not going after Crawford and stay with Kurt after he gets shot even though they’ve spent the whole year just trying to find him. 299. Because just hearing about Jane’s illness is enough to cause Kurt to collapse. 300. Because Kurt Weller doesn’t laugh often, but the thought of having a child and a family with Jane makes Kurt Weller actually laugh. 301. Because we get to see them do it all over again. And they will fall in love all over again because their journey and their story is far from over.
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Nothing Beats That- Eggsy Unwin x gn! reader
Okay, first ever eggsy fic! I watched the kingsman movies a few days ago and I have been debating writing for Eggsy ever since. I redid the entirety of this account because of how bad the eggsy brainrot has gotten and this is the first but definitely not the last of the eggsy fics I write lol.
However, I'm a little short on ideas as far as Eggsy is concerned so if you have anything, I will write just about anything if anyone sends a request into my inbox!
Fic type- this is just straight out fluff
Warnings- there's one mention of death
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You couldn't explain why, but you'd been awake since 2:30 in the morning. You were entirely sure it was due, in part, to the eight hour "nap" you'd taken from 6:30 onward after an exhausting day at work, but the craving for brownies you woke up with begged to differ.
As such, you'd done the risky thing and visited a 24 hour convenience store in search of boxed brownie mix--you would've made them from scratch but boxed brownie mix was quicker--as well as oreos and premade cookie dough. You bought two energy drinks to sustain yourself later in the day, when 2:30 would hit and you'd find yourself awake for twelve hours and then again at 6:30, when you would've been awake for sixteen.
And then you went home, preheated the oven and got the bowl, spatula, and greased pan ready before you got to baking. By 3:45, the brownies were in the oven, a thirty minute timer set, and your heart hammering as you heard a rustle outside of the door. JB trotted over to the door and sat by it unafraid and stubborn.
You watched the lock turn as you grabbed a knife, and the anxious racing pace your heart had set off at eased a bit as you heard a voice you could've recognized even when you were half dead.
"Shit!" Eggsy cursed as he closed the door behind him. "Shit, that was too bloody loud!"
You watched JB trot over to Eggsy as you tucked the knife you held back into it's drawer of origin, small smile crossing your face as you checked the ovens timer. Twenty of the 35 minutes of required baking time for your brownies had lapsed.
Eggsy bent down to give JB the attention he craved and righted himself, jumping and giving a shout as he noticed you, leaning against the kitchen island, smile on your face as you watched him.
"Bloody hell--you scared the absolute shit out of me," he said with a laugh. "What, has four days without my rather annoying presence in your life fucked your sleep schedule? Too many nights laying awake missing me, love?"
You snorted. "I have thought about you every single day since you left, and I have indeed missed you quite a lot, but no. Took a nap and it got away from me. Woke up craving brownies, so I ran to the 24/7 convenience store a few blocks down and grabbed all of the necessities. Wasn't anticipating you til six or seven this morning, but this is a nice surprise indeed."
Eggsy snorted, loosening his tie before he took it off completely. "Merlin congratulated me on my efficiency, which he never does. Harry has given me two days off and Roxy was the most jealous I think she's ever been. It was amusing, really, but nothing beats this."
"Nothing beats what? Coming home to your partner at nearly four in the fucking morning to find the amalgamation of oreo-cookie dough brownies in the oven and your partner in a pair of your sweatpants and one of your kingsman tailored dress shirts?"
Eggsy nodded, grinning as you approached. When you were within distance, he pulled you into a tight hug. You'd not seen each other in four days, and knowing that he had two days off made the hug that much more important.
They were two days he could use to sleep, to say nothing when he noticed you in one of his sweaters or to experience the sheer joy that it was to watch you sleep, to run his finger along the outline of your lips and press a kiss to your forehead in the light of the early morning.
The days off Eggsy got were few and far between, but every single time he got a day off that lined up with yours, it was almost like you became the center of each others universes.
"Yeah," he said as the two of you pulled away just enough to look at each other "You in my sweatpants, one of the shirts I've left behind, with brownies made of brownie mix, oreo cookies, and chocolate chip cookie dough? Nothing beats that. Nothing at all."
You grinned, pulled him into a kiss and found that your heart had set itself on fire.
Your moments with Eggsy had always been and would always be some of your happiest. That night, it seemed that things were no different
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Clockwork heart pt31
Part 30 here
Wyrm: *in the Radiant Raiment, quietly standing still as the previously short and abrasive Endarie fits him with some clothes and gradually softens towards his naturally sweet and gentle nature* I like this, it doesn’t feel too tight or loose, I can actually move my arm!
Endarie: *outwardly her usual self but inwardly excited for the challenge of fitting around a prosthetic* yes, I can see how less skilled tailors would fail to account for such a complex and delicate system of mechanisms. *slides the robe off of him* and as promised it’s free of charge. It’s the least I can do as an apology for my sisters antics.
Taliesin: *leaning against the wall dressed in a fancy outfit, holding the wabbajack and trying to hide a literal pelvis in his bag* Oh truely it’s no bother. It was certainly worth the trip across town. And Um, I understand. That inquiry might take a little longer than a few days. Correct?
Endarie: yes yes. *helps Wyrm down from the platform she had to raise him up on to meet her height* You’ve given me the measurements I needed however if you don’t have the time to linger around the city and wait for their completion I can have them delivered.
Taliesin: Ah, that would be best given the- uncertainty of what the events of the following weeks might be. Have them sent to Urag Gro Shub at the collage of winterhold.
Wyrm: please?
Endarie: *heart melting at how polite the dunmer is* Very well I’ll have it arranged.
Taliesin: *nods finding it endearing how Wyrm doesn’t fully understand the sharpness and undertones of altmeri conversation, mistaking a statement without without pleasantries or imperial manners as rude or abrasive* Good, we’ll return in a few days. *steps back towards the door and opens it up waiting for Wyrm*
Wyrm: *smiles up at Endarie as he walks by* thank you ma’am! *hurries to taliesins side and walks out with him*
Endarie: hm. What a cute young Mer.
Taarie: His boyfriends not bad looking either~
Endarie: gods there you go trying to wreck another home. *lifts the special request note with measurements out of her pocket* hm. Do we have any silk crescent needles left? It’s been a while since I’ve made ballet slippers.
Nerevar: *staring at the note quietly as voryn finalises organising rooms for them* …
Voryn: *walks over to him as he descends the staircase* I saw him.
Nerevar: *pockets the note* Upstairs?
Voryn: balcony. He’s definitely the prince of the dominion but-
Nerevar: but what?
Voryn: he’s… unguarded. Completely unguarded.
Nerevar: what?!
Voryn: I’ve sensed every corner of this entire inn. Not a single trace of a spy, a guard, nothing. And if he does have guards and they’re disguised as the drunks at the bar- *grimaces watching one of said drunks vomit over the floor* they’re- awfully convincing in their act.
Nerevar: *sighs* what should we do?… wait for Wyrm?
Voryn: I… I think we should. He… *steps away from him and slowly glances out up to the balcony to see the high elf seated there still, leg bouncing with visible anxiety* … *walks back to nerevar* I don’t think he’s a threat…
Wyrm: whose a threat?
Voryn: *jumps and spins around to see Wyrm standing behind him* Gods even out of your armour you’re a sneaky little scrib. I’m this close to tying a bell to your braid!
Wyrm: *snickers* sorry.
Nerevar: *chuckles* Our rooms have been organised. I take it everything went well, you look- different.
Taliesin: *hands Wyrm the wabbajack as he tosses the hip bone in the trash* Dont ask.
Nerevar: I- where did you get- and the pelvis-
Wyrm: oh a crazy wood elf gave it to me and asked me to find his master for him, we were already going up there so Tali could show off an outfit for the high elf ladies at the clothing store and we had to sneak into a haunted part of the blue palace and I fell into an oblivion portal and played a few games with sheogorath! He was very nice. Then when I came out I had this cool staff and- *reaches into his bag pulling out a whole wheel of cheese and a strawberry tart* this!
Voryn: I- How did you- you were gone for only a couple hours and-
Nerevar: *grinning past his concern with an amount of pride only he could understand having experienced much the same in his time as the nerevarine* That’s all the time it takes for something interesting to happen. At least neither of you got hurt.
Inigo: Erm- speaking of getting hurt.
Everyone: *turns to see inigo standing there trying not to laugh and beside him, an extremely pissed off swordsman with red splotches all over his face and a swollen eye*
Kaidan: *points to inigo* Ask. Him.
Inigo: *snickering* he was flirting with the young lady at the potion shop and taking too long. We promised to meet back here in only a couple hours but it’d be all day at the rate he was going. And when he ignored me reminding him I threw a fungal pod at him.
Kaidan: gobshite.
Inigo: horn dog.
Voryn: *sighs and rubs his temples* just- sit down the 3 of you, order some lunch, a drink or just- do something and don’t draw attention to yourselves please. *turns to face wyrm before looking at nerevar* …
Nerevar: *nods and pulls out the note* He’s upstairs… are you sure you want to meet with him?
Wyrm: *takes the letter and looks at it for a moment* has… Delphine’s contact turned up yet?…
Nerevar: *shakes his head* not a wood elf to be seen.
Wyrm: *looks back at the letter before nervously taking taliesins hand* I don’t know… how to address him or what to do?
Taliesin: *smiles and squeezes his hand* I’ll come up with you.
Nerevar: us as well. If he wants to try anything, knowing potential war with morrowind is on the table change his mind…
Wyrm: *nods up at him before letting go of taliesins hand and walking up the stairs, the three following behind him cautious of any potential negative outcomes ahead as he crests the second floor and freezes in place* …Wow.
Caryalind: *glances up from his book, spotting the unusual dunmer first, then the note in his hand second* Ah I see you got my- *pauses watching as Taliesin steps into view, followed by the head of the 6th house now mourned, and the literal king of morrowind* -Letter.
*a few hours later*
Kaidan: *swelling finally gone down enough for him to see out of his eye again* They’re taking too long… this whole situations making me uncomfortable.
Inigo: are you sure it is not the rash that is making you uncomfortable?
Kaidan: I’m being serious inigo. They’re up there with the literal son of the dominions overlord. What if he finds out about the soul of lorkhan? Or the fact he’s sotha sils reincarnation?
Inigo: I… I know my friend im just trying to lighten the mood. Im sure it’ll be okay.
Kaidan: say that to the scars on my bac-
Wyrm: all done! *hops down the steps and bounces over cheerfully* Guys this is Caryalind! He’ll be joining us on our trip!
Kaidan: *looks over and chokes on his ale* fock he’s cute-
Inigo: what was that my friend~?
Caryalind: Ah hello there.
Kaidan: Fock off.
Caryalind: And… off to a great start I see. Great.
Nerevar: Wyrm, he’s here.
Wyrm: *turns around to see nerevar gesturing in the direction of a wood elf in the corner* oh u-um. C-Caryalind?
Caryalind: *looks at him, then at nerevar, then over at the bosmer, then back at him before it suddenly clicks* Oh- were enacting the plan now? Right- yes-. *follows after Wyrm and nerevar, joining them at the bosmers table*
Wyrm: hi um, our mutual contact sent me.
Malborn: I? You. You’re the one she sent? Either of your companions here I can understand but you?
Wyrm: y-yeah I get that often.
Malborn: *sighs* fine just- give me whatever you need to sneak into the party okay?
Wyrm: that’s, kind of the thing though. There’s been a change of plans. I won’t need to sneak anything into the embassy because-
Nerevar: *gestures to Caryalind* Well be the ones sneaking, him, in.
*that evening*
Delphine: I cannot believe you! I cannot believe this is actually happening! You railed me to the ground about how much ‘shame I bring the blades’ and you’re here working with the literal prince of the al- *shuts up as the point of Nerevars blade touches her throat*
Nerevar: At this point Delphine. I trust him more to keep my son alive. Then I do you. One more word out of your mouth in disagreement and we’re leaving. The whole reason we are here is your paranoia, And your paranoia alone. *pulls his blade back, sheathing it and handing it to voryn*
Voryn: *glares at Delphine before pulling nerevar into a soft kiss* Come back safely… I’ll be waiting with the others…
Nerevar: *nods* I’ll bring him back alive… I promise… *turns his gaze back to Delphine for a moment* And for your sake… You’ll want to hope. Wyrm finds something worthy of you wasting our time… *climbs up into the carriage with Caryalind* let’s get going…
Caryalind: *nods and fixes his cape over Wyrm a little more*
Wyrm: *dressed in his guild armour, downing an invisibility potion, ready and praying he’ll survive on his own and wishing Taliesin was with him* teacup…
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alizekk · 1 year
The Transformative Journey: Discovering Weight Loss Workouts in the Gym
Once upon a time, in the heart of New York City, there sat a bustling fitness center known as 'Energize'. This gym was no ordinary place. It held a secret formula, an assortment of weight loss workouts that worked wonders for its members.
Joseph, a thirty-year-old accountant with a sedentary lifestyle, had been struggling with his weight and belly fat for years. He felt sluggish, lacked energy, and yearned to regain his youthful vigor and confidence. Upon hearing about Energize from a friend, he decided to join the gym in hopes of achieving his weight loss goals.
On his first day at Energize, Joseph was introduced to Mike, a professional personal trainer. Mike explained to him the importance of incorporating the best workouts to lose weight into his routine. He emphasized, "Consistent exercise is vital, but not just any type of exercise. Focusing on weight loss workouts specifically designed to burn fat can make a significant difference."
Mike then outlined a workout regimen for Joseph to follow. The program was specially designed around weight loss workouts, including high-intensity interval training (HIIT), strength training, cardio exercises, and flexibility routines. It included some of the best workouts to lose weight such as kettlebell swings, jump rope exercises, and running on the treadmill.
To tackle Joseph's concern about his belly fat, Mike suggested specific workouts to lose belly fat. These included planks, bicycle crunches, and Russian twists. The combination of these exercises targeted the abdominal area, helping to burn off the stubborn fat.
Over the next several weeks, Joseph dedicated himself to the gym, diligently following Mike's prescribed fitness plan. He began to enjoy the weight loss workouts, despite the sweat and exhaustion. To his surprise, the workouts were versatile and fun, and he found himself looking forward to each gym session.
Sure enough, within a few months, Joseph saw noticeable changes. His energy levels skyrocketed, his stamina improved, and most importantly, he started losing weight and trimming down his belly fat. The weight loss workouts indeed lived up to their promise.
Joseph's journey to weight loss wasn't easy, but with determination and commitment, he transformed not only his body but also his lifestyle. He learned that the best workouts to lose weight are those tailored to individual needs and goals. But above all, he discovered that taking care of one's health should always be a priority.
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guiderichess · 1 month
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cozyfitcorner · 2 months
Transform Your Fitness Journey with Easy Home Workouts: No Gym Needed!
Hey there, fitness enthusiasts! 🌟 Struggling to find time for the gym? Or maybe you're just not a fan of crowded spaces and hefty membership fees. No worries! You can get fit right at home with some simple, effective workouts and a few must-have tools. Plus, I’ve got a special recommendation that has totally transformed my home workout routine! Let's dive in.
Why Home Workouts Rock
Imagine waking up, rolling out of bed, and starting your workout within minutes. That’s the beauty of home workouts—ultimate convenience. You don't have to worry about gym hours or commuting; it's all on your schedule. Besides saving precious time, think about the money you'll save. No more expensive gym memberships or travel costs.
Working out at home also means you have complete privacy. Forget about feeling self-conscious or dealing with crowded spaces. It's just you, your workout, and your goals. Plus, you can tailor your exercise routine to fit your mood and energy levels on any given day, giving you the flexibility to mix things up and keep it interesting.
Home Workout Must-Haves
Before we jump into the routines, let's talk gear. Having the right equipment can make a massive difference in your workout efficiency and enjoyment.
First on the list is a cozy yoga mat. It's perfect for everything from yoga to ab workouts, providing comfort and support. Next, grab some versatile dumbbells. They are ideal for building strength and toning muscles. Don’t forget handy resistance bands. These lightweight bands are super effective for a range of exercises.
For cardio lovers, a jump rope is a must. It's fun and great for improving coordination. And finally, let me introduce you to a game-changer in home fitness: Multi-functional Folding Push Up Board. This amazing tool has completely revamped my workouts. It’s easy to use, versatile, and perfect for any fitness level. Trust me, you’ll want to check it out here.
Kickass Home Workout Routines
Whether you’re just starting out or are a seasoned fitness buff, I’ve got you covered with some routines that match your level.
For beginners, start with a simple warm-up, like five minutes of light cardio—think jumping jacks or high knees. Move on to bodyweight squats, push-ups, and planks. Each exercise should be done in sets of three with a manageable number of reps. Don’t forget to cool down with some stretching to keep those muscles happy.
If you're at an intermediate level, try incorporating jump rope into your warm-up. Lunges, dumbbell rows, and bicycle crunches will challenge your muscles and keep your heart rate up. Again, three sets of each exercise should do the trick, followed by a good stretch.
For the advanced fitness enthusiasts out there, start with dynamic stretches to get your body ready. Then dive into burpees, deadlifts with dumbbells, and weighted Russian twists. Push yourself with three sets of each exercise and finish with a well-deserved cool down.
Keep the Motivation High
Staying motivated can be tough, but I’ve got some tips to keep your spirits high. Set realistic goals and break your fitness journey into small, achievable steps. Tracking your progress with a fitness app or journal can also be incredibly motivating as you see your improvements over time.
Finding a workout buddy can make all the difference. Whether it's virtual or in-person, having someone to share your journey with can boost accountability and make workouts more fun. And don’t forget to treat yourself when you hit a milestone. Celebrate with something special—perhaps new workout gear or a relaxing spa day.
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From Flab to Fab: Beachbody On Demand Workouts Made Simple
In today's fast-paced world, juggling work, family, and personal time often leaves little room for prioritizing fitness. Yet, the desire to shed excess weight, tone muscles, and improve overall health remains a common goal for many. Enter Beachbody On Demand: an innovative platform offering a plethora of workout programs designed to transform your body from flab to fab, all from the comfort of your own home. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into how Beachbody On Demand can activate your fitness journey and simplify the path from flab to fab.
What is Beachbody On Demand?
Beachbody On Demand is a revolutionary online platform that grants subscribers access to a vast library of fitness programs, ranging from high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to yoga, dance, strength training, and more. With Beachbody On Demand, gone are the days of monotonous gym routines or costly personal training sessions. Instead, users can stream workouts anytime, anywhere, making it ideal for those with hectic schedules or limited access to fitness facilities.
Activating Your Fitness Journey
The first step towards transforming your body from flab to fab with Beachbody On Demand is activation. Visit www.beachbodyondemand.com/activate and follow the simple instructions to set up your account. Once activated, you'll gain instant access to a treasure trove of workout programs led by world-class trainers.
Simplicity at Your Fingertips
One of the most appealing aspects of Beachbody On Demand is its simplicity. Whether you're a seasoned fitness enthusiast or a beginner taking your first steps towards a healthier lifestyle, the platform caters to all fitness levels. Each workout program comes with easy-to-follow instructions, making it effortless to jump right in and start sweating.
Variety is the Spice of Fitness
With Beachbody On Demand, monotony is a thing of the past. Say goodbye to boring treadmill sessions or repetitive weightlifting routines. Instead, explore a diverse range of workouts to keep your fitness journey exciting and engaging. From the heart-pumping intensity of programs like Insanity and P90X to the mind-body connection of yoga and Pilates, there's something for everyone on Beachbody On Demand.
Expert Guidance Every Step of the Way
One of the standout features of Beachbody On Demand is the caliber of its trainers. With industry-leading experts guiding you through each workout, you can trust that you're in capable hands. Whether you're sweating it out with Shaun T, Tony Horton, or Autumn Calabrese, you'll receive expert coaching and motivation to help you push past your limits and achieve your fitness goals.
Flexible Workouts to Fit Your Lifestyle
Life is unpredictable, and finding time for exercise can be challenging. That's where Beachbody On Demand shines. With a wide array of workout lengths and styles, you can tailor your fitness routine to fit your schedule. Whether you have 10 minutes or an hour to spare, there's a workout waiting for you on Beachbody On Demand.
Track Your Progress, Celebrate Your Success
One of the keys to staying motivated on your fitness journey is tracking your progress. With Beachbody On Demand, you can easily monitor your workouts, track your weight loss or muscle gain, and celebrate your achievements along the way. The platform offers tools and resources to help you stay accountable and motivated, ensuring that you stay on track towards your goals.
Community Support and Accountability
Embarking on a fitness journey can feel daunting, but with Beachbody On Demand, you're never alone. Join a community of like-minded individuals who are on the same path towards better health and fitness. Share your successes, seek advice, and find motivation from others who understand the challenges and triumphs of the journey.
Nutrition Made Easy
Exercise is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to achieving your fitness goals. Nutrition plays a crucial role in fueling your body for success. With Beachbody On Demand, you'll gain access to comprehensive meal plans, recipes, and nutritional guidance to support your efforts in the kitchen. Say goodbye to fad diets and restrictive eating and hello to delicious, wholesome meals that nourish your body and support your goals.
Transforming your body from flab to fab is no easy feat, but with Beachbody On Demand, it's simpler than ever before. Activate your fitness journey today at beachbodyondemand.com/activate and discover the power of expert-led workouts, flexible programming, and unwavering support. Say goodbye to excuses and hello to the best version of yourself. It's time to go from flab to fab with Beachbody On Demand.
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pablice · 10 months
15 Minute Fat Burning Workout for Beginners at Home Over 50 with No Equipment
Benefits of a 15 Minute Fat Burning Workout for Beginners Over 50 A 15-minute fat burning workout is a great way for beginners over 50 to get into a regular exercise routine. This shorter version of a workout allows those with busy schedules or who are new to fitness to ease into a routine. It offers a wide range of benefits, from improving your physical fitness to reducing stress. This type of workout can be tailored to fit any lifestyle and goals, which is great for those over 50 who have physical limitations or time constraints. With no equipment needed, you can easily perform the exercises anywhere and at any time. The moves can help to target specific muscle groups to get the maximum results and are designed to work your body in an efficient and safe way. Not only will a 15-minute fat burning workout help you burn calories, but it can also improve your strength, stamina, and flexibility. With the benefits of improved heart rate and blood pressure, you can develop a routine that caters to your abilities and lifestyle. Strategies for Maximizing Efficiency with No Equipment In order to maximize the efficiency of any workout, minimal equipment is best. When it comes to working out at home without equipment, the use of your own bodyweight can be incredibly versatile. Rather than relying on tools to challenge your muscles, you can use your entire body by altering the number of exercises and intensity of your movements. From doing pushups to running in place, you can find a wide variety of exercises that can be completed without equipment. For an effective bodyweight workout, it is important to focus on dynamic exercises. Dynamic movements use multiple muscle groups and raise the heart rate for a more challenging and effective exercise session. Squats, burpees, jumping jacks, and planks are all great exercise moves that can be done with no equipment and help you utilize your own body weight to get a better overall result. Along with these moves, you can also add short spurts of running in place or never skips to up the intensity. By focusing on dynamic exercises and adding in periods of intense effort, you can get the best workout that you possibly can, with no equipment. Tips for Staying Motivated and Making Exercise a Habit Motivation is key when it comes to staying physically active. One of the best ways to stay motivated is by setting realistic goals. Have a clear purpose in mind of why you want to exercise, what you want to achieve, and set measurable goals to reach them. Make sure you set goals that are achievable and challenging yet attainable. Rewards can help to stay motivated, so give yourself small rewards for reaching goals. Aside from goals, you can stay motivated through accountability. Having someone to be accountable to can help to stay focused and motivated. Working out with a friend or family member, or even keeping a personal record of your progress can help to keep you going. Creating a plan for your workouts and having a consistent routineworkout also helps to stay motivated. Set your own routine and be vocal about it to your friends or family to increase the likelihood that you stick to it. Ideas for Creating an Effective Fat Burning Workout at Home Creating an effective at-home fat burning workout can seem daunting for beginners. However, with the right framework and a bit of planning, you can create a workout that gets the job done and feels good in the process. The first step is to choose the type of exercises you’ll be doing. Spot reduction exercises such as lunges or sit ups that target certain body parts are a great way to reduce fat in certain areas. You can also mix in plyometric exercises, which are movements that involve jumping or explosive acceleration. Finally, don’t forget to add in some kind of cardio, such as jumping jacks or mountain climbers, to keep your heart rate up and push your body to burn more fat. Once you’ve selected your exercises, it’s time to chart out your your fat burning workout and determine what order the exercises will be done in. Start with compound exercises, which require multiple muscle groups to work together for effective results. Then move onto isolation exercises, which are more targeted to a single muscle group. Finally, end your workout with a few minutes of cardio to get the most out of your 15-minute fat burning session. Benefits of Regular Exercise for People Over 50 Exercising regularly has many benefits for people over the age of 50. It helps to build muscular strength and endurance, and can also help to reduce the risk of some age-related diseases. It can also help improve balance, coordination, and posture, which can reduce the risk of falls and other accidents. Regular exercise can also improve heart health and help to manage weight. It can also help prevent and manage mental health issues, such as depression, and can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, regular exercise can help to increase energy levels and can even reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and some cancers. Engaging in physical activity can also help to improve mental agility, sleep quality, and increase sense of wellbeing. Recommended Exercises for Beginners to Burn Fat at Home Beginners over 50 who are looking for effective fat burning exercises at home have a range of options available to them. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great option for those short on time as HIIT exercises involve short bursts of effort followed by periods of active recovery. Examples of HIIT exercises include running on the spot, burpee variations, squats, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, and plank jacks. Aside from HIIT, plyometric exercises such as jump squats, box jumps, and tuck jumps can help target fat burning while building cardiovascular strength. Chronic health conditions such as arthritis or limited mobility should be taken into consideration when selecting the most suitable exercises. Low-impact exercises such as biking or swimming can be especially beneficial for those struggling with joint pain or inflammation. Additionally, bodyweight exercises such as planks, lunges, and bent-over rows can help to increase muscle tone and strength without the need for any gym equipment. When possible, adding small dumbbells or kettlebells to certain exercises can also help to accelerate fat burning goals. Common Mistakes to Avoid When Doing a 15 Minute Workout When doing a 15 minute workout, novices or people over 50 need to take special care not to make easily avoidable mistakes. One of the most common pitfalls is underestimating the intensity of the exercises and not pushing your body hard enough. Pushing yourself during a workout will not only help you reach your goals faster, but also ensure you benefit from the exercise. Another common mistake people make is not warming up or cooling down properly. Warming up allows your body to prepare for the exercise ahead and reduce the chance of any injury. Cooling down after a workout helps the body to recover and if done correctly can prevent future problems. Taking your time to warm up and cool down should be a priority during a 15 minute workout. Safety Considerations for People Over 50 It is important for people over 50 to be mindful of safety when starting a new exercise regimen. For example, it's essential to begin any exercise program with a stretch and warm-up to allow the body to adjust. Additionally, it is a great idea to consult a doctor or healthcare practitioner before beginning, especially if there are existing medical issues. To be safe, it is also recommended to avoid sudden increases in intensity. A slow and steady approach to a new exercise schedule will reduce the risk of strains and injuries. Additionally, beginners should focus on correct form when doing exercises, strive to keep a regular rhythm and gradually increase intensity over time. Taking breaks when needed is also important to prevent exhaustion, cramps or dehydration. What are some safety considerations for people over 50 when exercising? People over 50 may need to adjust their exercise intensity and duration to prevent injury. They should begin with low impact activities like walking or swimming, and use proper form and technique while exercising to reduce their risk of injury. People over 50 should also consult with their physician before starting any exercise program to ensure the program is appropriate for their fitness level and health condition. What precautions should be taken when doing a 15 minute workout? People should always warm up and cool down properly before and after a workout to reduce their risk of injury. It is also important to listen to the body and take breaks when necessary. Resistance exercises should be performed with lighter weights and a higher number of repetitions to reduce strain on the joints. Additionally, proper form should be maintained throughout the workout and people should be careful not to overexert themselves. What are some tips for staying motivated and making exercise a habit? To stay motivated and make exercise a habit, people should set realistic goals that are achievable and measurable. Tracking progress on a regular basis helps keep motivation levels high. Additionally, signing up for a fitness class or working out with a friend can help make exercise more enjoyable. Finally, it is important to find activities that are enjoyable, as this will make it more likely for people to stick with the regimen. Read the full article
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Finding a Weight Loss Program That's Right For You
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Whether you're trying to lose weight for health reasons or you simply want to feel better, there are plenty of options out there. The key is finding a program that's right for you and your goals.
A weight loss program should meet your needs, provide support and help you reach your goal. It should also be personalized to fit your unique lifestyle and preferences. It should be safe and if possible, it should be effective at keeping you at a healthy weight.
The Diet Pyramid
Eating a plant-based diet can help you reduce your risk of many diseases, including heart disease and diabetes. It also helps you eat healthier foods, and it's easier on your body than a traditional calorie-restricted diet.
This medical team plan encourages eating lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, low-fat dairy and legumes. It aims to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which are both linked with weight gain.
The diet is based on the food pyramid, which lists the foods you should eat more of to keep your body healthy and prevent disease. It focuses on whole foods in their most natural form and avoids processed or ultra-processed versions, as well as added sugar. Check out this website at http://psychology.wikia.com/wiki/Weight_loss for more info about weight loss.
It's a good choice for anyone looking to improve their overall nutrition, and it's recommended by the American Dietetic Association.
Weight Watchers, or WW for short, is one of the oldest and most popular weight-loss programs on the market. It's a lifestyle approach, and it's designed to help you make changes that will last a lifetime.
You can choose from several different plans -- including the "Eat More, Move More" plan, which encourages more exercise and healthier diet choices. It also teaches you how to manage your weight by using personalized "WW PersonalPoints," which reward your effort and help you stay on track.
The Optavia diet, formerly MediFast, is a commercial weight-loss program that includes prepackaged meals and an app that tracks your progress and provides support and motivation. It offers three different plans, and proponents say it can help people lose up to 12 pounds in 12 weeks.
However, it's not a scientifically sound way to lose weight, and there's no evidence that it works long-term. It's also been linked to weight gain in some people, and it may not be appropriate for those who have certain medical conditions or are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Another popular eating plan, the Whole30, is a 30-day "reset" diet that limits your consumption of grains, legumes, most dairy products, added sugar and alcohol. It's a great way to jump-start a weight-loss program, but it could be challenging and lead to unhealthy habits.
A specialized weight-loss program is a medically prescribed diet designed by a physician who is a registered dietitian or other licensed nutrition professional. They can provide you with personalized nutrition advice and a plan for struggling losing weight while also addressing any other health concerns you have.
These programs can be more expensive than other weight-loss options, but they're often more effective and may be more tailored to your unique needs. They also offer more support and accountability, which is especially helpful if you're dealing with a chronic health condition or other challenges.
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Tips For Becoming A Forex Trading Legend
Janis Urste Expert tips provider.Trading on the foreign currency exchange is a tempting investment opportunity. Be wary! The forex markets are not for the faint of heart, or the ignorant. To become a successful forex trader, you need patience, confidence and most of all, education. Fortunately, your forex education can start with simple ideas like the ones in this article.
Watch out for those Forex automated trading systems out there if you actually want to keep your money. With the massive popularity of Forex, there are thousands of different programs out there that are designed to do nothing more than take your money. Research for a good program by checking out user reviews, and always make sure there's a money-back guarantee attached to the program.
Avoid overloading yourself with information and watching the process constantly. Devote short sessions to both learning and trading in the beginning so as not to blow your sensors with too much input. The market is there and will not be going anywhere and your goal should not be to make a fortune on day one.
When entering the forex market it is important to choose the right sort of account. Forex brokers offer accounts tailored to all sorts of traders, from neophytes to complete professionals. The leverage ratio and risks associated with different accounts determine their suitability to particular traders. Getting the right account is vital to ensuring a profitable forex experience.
When you start forex trading, there is no substitute for a thorough understanding of the basics of trading. Many people try to just jump into forex trading and those people, generally, lose their shirt. It is better to take it slow and learn the ropes before investing significant amounts of capital.
A great tip when participating in forex trading is to start off small. When you are a new trader, you do not want to dive in headfirst with large amounts of money. Instead, you should be a small trader for a year. At the end of that year, analyze your good and bad trades, and you can go from there.
When participating in forex trading, you should keep in mind that it takes longer than a day for any real action to occur. The market fluctuates constantly; therefore, it is going to take some time before your trades come to fruition. As the old saying goes, "Rome was not built in a day."
A great tip to use in Forex is to open up a mini account and keep it for a year. You may have a great month and feel as if you should step up to the plate and bat in the majors, but wait the full year. Use the profits gained to finally fund your larger account when the time comes.
Entry and exit points are very important in Forex, and the most successful chart tools to use for these points are support and resistance. Especially for the purposes of placing a stop loss on your account, the support and resistance levels you read are going to contain the most value for you as a trader.
Janis Urste Professional tips provider.Learn to keep your emotions and trading completely separate. This is much easier said than done, but emotions are to blame for many a margin call. Resist the urge to "show the market who's boss." A level head and well-planned trades, are the way to trading profits. If you feel that anxiety, excitement, anger or any other emotion has taken over your logical thoughts, it's time to walk away or you might be in for a margin call.
One of the reasons that forex trading disappoints so many dabblers, is that they enter the market with false expectations of easy money. The problem is, that forex is like any other trading system: The easy money was driven out long ago by dedicated professionals ready to capitalize on the smallest advantages. To make money at forex, a new trader has to be equally dedicated and ready to put in some hard work.
Never abandon a simple Forex strategy just because a more complex one comes along. Even if the complex strategy's potential profits are attractive, a simple strategy that works (that pays modest profits reliably) is a very valuable resource. The real profit in Forex is not made in giant windfalls but in little daily steps forward.
If you want to be consistently profitable in the Forex market, you must practice capital preservation. If you have tried to trade in the Forex market in the past and failed, chances are you should cut your losses and not try again. Be smart about the decision on whether to trade or not.
If you are into FOREX trading and are looking to play it safe, you may want to look into trading with Canadian currency. In the world, the seventh most traded currency is the Canadian dollar. Also, the Canadian dollar is kept as reserve in many banks. It is, generally, a stable currency.
If you are new to Forex, think about signing up for a Forex seminar. You can also do some research on your own, but if you can afford a seminar, you will benefit from a complete formation. You will be ready to start after a few days of intensive training and not make common beginners' mistakes.
To minimize the occurrence of FOREX losses, avoid getting too attached to a specific trading position, especially if it is no longer working in your favor. By hanging on to a losing position too long, in the hopes that the current market trend will reverse in your favor, you may end up exacerbating the situation.
Janis Urste Qualified tips provider.Forex trading is neither a get-rich-quick guarantee nor a money-sucking shell game. Diligent traders make plenty of money through forex trading and they do it with hard work applied intelligently. You can join their ranks by taking heed of good advice like what is presented here. Forex profits are never guaranteed, but they are never out of reach, at least, not for the well-informed trader.
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welkinalauda · 7 years
The Great Meta Scavenger Hunt: Round 5 - IT WAS ALL A DREAM?!
[ridiculously belated entry d/t bad time management, and rl dystopianism. but mostly bad time management. I’d say ‘here, hold my tea’ but it’s gone cold and ugly and it’d be better to just dump it out. er. 
Here, dump my tea.]
Everything after Sam jumps into the cage in Swan Song is Sam dreaming in the cage.
The show starts with Sam trying very hard to escape his itinerant laborer roots, climbing the ladder, reaching to grasp the law-school rung... and Dean, like a crab in a bucket, grabbing Sam by the leg and dragging him back down into the scrum.
Over the first five seasons, though, the Winchesters discover that they are of the bloodlines of angelic vessels. Archangelic vessels. Specially prophesied archangelic vessels. Their very existence was specially ordained of God. And that re-casts the Winchester childhood from ordinary impoverishment into the preamble to a fairy tale. Gotta start off a poor man’s foster-child if you’re going to end up a prince.
(Dean was always onto that - far as he was concerned, the Winchesters were always special, superheroes, knights-errant defending the defenseless from peril. When John & Dean ‘protected’ tiny Sam from the supernatural, they prevented tiny Sam from developing the feeling that he was that kind of special.)
Sam dives into the cage and into this dream.
Almost the first thing his subconscious does is up the ante on this inherited nobility bit. His grandfather (and namesake) wasn’t just some hunter. His grandfather was hunting royalty. The Samuel Campbell Sam makes in his dream is a resurrected Warrior King. (And eligible for the Mayflower Society, which is super-hilarious.) But Sam never did like hunting. He can’t reconcile himself - his whole self - to the society of warrior kings. When he’s with the dreamed-up Campbells, Sam is a soulless robot going through the motions. The hunter clan, the family he’s supposed to want, proves weak and corrupt. They fall away one by one.
Sam re-integrates his dream-self into a tattered sort of whole.
Next Sam’s subconscious conjures up Henry Winchester. This newly-fabricated grandfather tells the boys that they are legacies of a secret knowledge-collecting society. Sam and Dean are the heirs to this time-traveling Philosopher King, and he sets them on the quest which leads them to their ancestral Bat Cave/ castle/ Hunter Barbie Dreamhouse. Sam finally gets a permanent room of his own with a lock on the door, plus an attached library, garage, dungeon, etc. Those philosopher kings had every material thing Sam and Dean could wish for. (Plus! a near-total lack of living MoL, so they can’t disappoint or betray the way the Campbells did.)
Class is complicated. It’s a tangled mess of money and status markers and (sometimes, some places) who your parents were.
Sam wanted a life better than homelessness and poverty, so he spent his childhood and youth working to make a leap to the bourgeoisie. On the cusp of adulthood, Sam is informed that he’s not meant for the bourgeoisie - not because he’s not good enough for the middle class, but because he’s too good. His blood has destined him for yet-higher things. As a pawn, but still. Higher things.
In his afterlife, he’s dreamed himself into a scion of three different strains of hereditary nobility. He and his brother unite in their persons warrior kings, philosopher kings, and divine right. They fight and win against gods, primordial monsters, forces of nature, all comers. They walk the earth helping people and have a secure home to return to. This dream of Sam’s has turned himself and Dean into kings under the hill. At the end of season 11, God himself gives the world into Sam and Dean’s keeping.
So it makes sense, Sam telling Mary he didn’t want out of the life. He and Dean are the princes of the damn universe. No further class-climbing is necessary, or even possible.
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darlingshane · 2 years
Expensive Delights: Part 2
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Julian Kaye x F!Reader
Summary: Julian is a real master of his craft. The way he makes you come should be considered art. It’s definitely a gift and a blessing to society, to women in particular. There’s no jealousy or bewilderment at the things he’s shared with you, and after having him for almost a day either on top or below you, you can understand why people would pay for this. Something you’d have taken into account before if you had known. You don’t tell him that, of course.
Word Count: 7,244 (Divided in 4 Chapters)
– Rating: 18+
Warnings: Explicit, Male escort, Past drug use mention, Murder mention. // Content: Porn with feelings, Fluff, Phone Sex, Blow Jobs, Vanilla sex, Masturbation.
Links: Part 1 / Series Masterpost / AO3
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CHAPTER 1: Baggage
He left you at LAX. You pick him up from PDX almost two months after.
He’s one of the first passengers to come out of the terminal. His height stands out, but you nearly miss him while scanning the crowd. The picture you had in mind has slightly changed. It must be the casual clothes or the intentionally disheveled curls sticking out to his forehead; you have to give him a second glance to confirm that it’s Julian strutting towards you as purposely as you remember, rolling his carry-on in one hand, holding a sport coat in the other.
“Hey, Portland.” He beams, and your lips are quick to turn up in response.
“Hey, Jules.”
No matter how many hours you’ve spent on the phone with him or the cute nicknames you've given each other, it feels like meeting a stranger, and you hesitate on whether to go for a hug or a kiss. So, you extend your arm to take the coat out of his hand instead. He disregards your gesture, tucking his arms around your waist, pulling you into a tight hug. Your arms lock around his neck, giving him enough leverage to lift your body, easily sweeping your feet off the ground.
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You’ve been talking to Julian extensively during one of the most stressful times of your life; right when you’re tailoring the final draft of your novel into perfection, constantly going back and forth with your editor before sending it to print. It’s been a long process, but you're finally close to jumping that last hurdle. You’ve poured your heart, soul, and money into this project and there's no way for you to take a break and fly off to meet him. Your head needs to stay in the game. You also have your copywriting job at the advertising agency and those few freelancer gigs you push on the weekends just to keep things afloat.
You’re stoked; mostly overwhelmed by the process of it all, and having someone from outside your circle, and your home city, helps you get out of that headspace for a while and ease some of that pressure. Hearing his voice at the other end of the line reminds you of sunny L.A., cocktails at La Palma and that one glorious night you shared together.
You try to minimize work talk, though Julian always finds a way to get more details about the book out of curiosity. You end up reading him a few excerpts of your manuscript before sending him a copy so he can read for himself. He's nothing but supportive, and somehow he has found the blog you’ve put together with some of your old stories and columns you’ve written.
You make room for each other whenever you can. Exchanging life stories, you learn that he studied art history in France, loves traveling and actually speaks five languages fluently, which is three more than your two. His music taste leaves something to be desired, and you’re glad to have something over him, not that it’s a competition, but you educate him some, coaxing him into listening to some of your favorite albums.
There’s no word for what you two have at the moment, friends would be the closest one. Everything is literally up in the air, and you don't want to shut that door to other possibilities.
The day comes when he's in desperate need to tell you something about his past that’s been eating him up. Something he’s been putting off in order to do it in person, but when the distance can't be shortened, he decides to do it over the line. What he discloses that night is probably the last thing you would have guessed…
Skipping small talk altogether, he doesn't beat around the bush when confessing that he's been imprisoned the last 15 years for a crime he didn't commit. He was framed and charged with third degree murder. His alibi fell through and ultimately, his hand was forced to make a plea bargain to reduce his sentence.
 “Remind me, what’s the third one again?” You try to clarify some facts.
 “Manslaughter. I don't wanna go over the details, but if you need to-”
 “No,” you cut him off, “I don't want to hear them either.”
 “I know it's a lot to process, but that's not all…” he swallows hard before laying out that in his search for the truth he accidentally killed someone he worked for, Leon, who was involved firsthand in the frame. He was never charged for that one, a witness actually saw Julian trying to save Leon from falling off a balcony, but justice got to him either way.
 “You’re right. That is a lot to process, Jules.” You breathe heavily, propping your head back on the couch's backrest. “Are you on parole?”
 “No, I’m not on parole. I did my time.”
 “You got 15 years for something you didn't do… How is that even possible?”
 “I was young and cocky. All I saw was money, you know?” He pauses, “I was doing coke at the time… I failed to see how dangerous these people were.”
 “Are you still doing drugs? Were you on something that night with me?”
 “No, I promise I wasn’t, sweetheart. I haven’t touched any of that since.”
 Speechless, you absentmindedly fidget with your free hand, pulling a thread from the edge of the pillow resting next to you.
 You hear him breathe and continue after a few seconds, “I understand if you don’t want to talk to me anymore. You’ve trusted me with your secrets, and I kept this from you… It was never my intention to lie. I wanted to tell you in person but-” he trails off, hoping you'd say something in between, “you were nervous that night we met, and I need you to know that I'd never hurt you or anyone like that. You have to believe me.”
 “I believe you.” You say after some deliberation, “it might be naive, but I know you’d never do something like that on purpose.”
 “I wouldn’t.”  
 “I, uh… I need to know if you're being safe now. You said you were working for Anne and Leon back then. Are you working for someone now?”
 “No, I’m being extremely safe. It's just me and Eli. I've told you about him.” He has explained that he manages his website, does research, and questions potential clients before setting up a meeting.
 Your exhales come out heavier every time, slowly assimilating every piece of information.
 “Is that all? Have you told me everything?”
 “That’s all.”
 Your lips purse, unsure of what to do with him now, “no more surprises?”
“I swear, no more surprises.”
You hang up, a little uneasy. It’s not anger or fear making home inside your chest; it’s worry above all. For him and partly for you as well. What he does for a living could never bother you, but you didn’t consider the serious implications of his line of work and how it could affect his life, or indirectly yours.
You pick up the phone a few times the next day, wanting to hear his voice, but you are still processing all the information. It’s not like you're punishing him, you truly don't even know how to go from here, so you end up going several days without talking to him.
It’s that one night you come home late from work that you shed everything off  and plop on the bed face down with your phone in hand. Longing for more than just hearing his voice; you finally send him a text.
It doesn’t take longer than a minute to have his name flashing on the screen.
 “Hi.” You prop yourself on your elbows, holding your cell to your ear.
 You go silent for a few seconds, in doubt of how to continue, and he’s the one breaking the silence.
 “Is everything alright?”
 “Yeah, I uh… I missed talking to you.”
 “I missed you too, honey. I wanted to call so badly.”
 He huffs softly, seemingly relieved, “yeah, I knew you needed time to think, and I didn’t want to push my luck. Is there anything else you need to know?”
 “No, Julian. I got my answers the other day. It just makes me sad thinking about you locked up all that time.”
 “It happened. There’s no point in dwelling on it anymore, and I don't want that to be all you see or think when you look at me, you know?”
 “It won’t.”
 “You’re not mad at me?”
 “I was never mad. Everyone has their baggage, right? Yours happens to be a little bigger.”
 “Bigger, huh?”
 “I meant heavier.”
 You both break into laughter.
 “I was wondering if we could switch gears, do something fun for once.” You bite your bottom lip right after.
 “What did you have in mind?”
 “All this time we’ve never done anything other than talk, right? So, I figured that if we can’t see each other, we could try another way of feeling each other, you know what I mean?”
 “Would you just say it?” You hear him crack up.
 “I just wanna have sex with you, that better?”
 “So, this is just a booty call?”
 “Kinda. I don’t know, I’ve never done this before.” You huff, pressing your forehead on the mattress, muffling your voice, “ugh, just forget it, I know it was stupid.”
 “I’m messing with you. ‘Course we could.” He thinks for a beat, “where are you?”
 “In bed.”
 Going straight to the point, he takes the lead, “alright, tell me what you’re wearing.”
 “T-shirt and boy shorts.”
 “I need you to put me on speaker and take off your clothes.”
  “What about you?”
 “Let me worry about myself. Tell me when you’re ready.”
 Just as he said, you put the phone on speaker and place it near the pillow. Then, undress and slip under the covers, facing the ceiling.
 “Okay, I’m ready.”
 Concocting something special just for you in his head, he lays back on his couch, getting hard from just imagining you following his direction. He tells you to close your eyes and use your palms to caress your skin delicately. You soothe them along your thighs and rise slowly from there. You press them on your lower abdomen and rake your fingers on your pubic hair when he asks if you've shaved your pussy. He's very pleased to know that you only trim it once in a while.
 Your palms keep going up as your nipples harden at the passing of your nails. It doesn’t feel  nearly as good as if it were his hands, but having him guide you is probably the next best thing.
 You don’t talk unless he asks you something. The mellow tone of his voice carries almost as if it was touching your shoulder every time he speaks. You picture his teeth biting on that spot when  he tells you to start teasing your clit.
 “Don't be shy now, let me hear you, honey.” He sighs, deeply aroused, between phrases, and you know he’s getting it off listening to your moans while you rub yourself.
 “Tell me how wet you are.” He exhales heavily.
 Having your knees separated, your fluids wrap around your fingers. “I’m dripping.”
 He next asks to push two fingers inside; keeping your dominant hand massaging your folds, you use the other to prod two into your opening. Your skin is hot and tender, and the only thing that’s missing is his cock fucking you instead.
 You’re both panting, and you can almost hear the frantic movement of his hand pumping his length.
 “Come in my mouth.” It echoes sordidly in the stark walls of your room.
 “Yeah? You want me to fuck those beautiful lips?” you hum in response. “Then, open your mouth. Open wide for me, sweetheart.”
 Your lips part, eyes closed, and you bring your fingers to your mouth. Sliding two on the plane of your tongue, mumbling his name around your knuckles, cluing him in of what you've done.
 “You're such a good girl. Fuck your mouth for me. Take it all.” He growls with a certain urgency in his voice. “Let me hear you come.”
 Crying at his name, you rub a little faster until you hear him struggle and exhale loudly as a rush of blood flows from your center to every limb; making your toes curl, and your body shudder, better than when it’s you alone.
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It’s a week later that he takes a weekend off and flies to Oregon, instead of waiting any longer to meet you again. He’s been eager to, and so have you. He arrives that Friday in the afternoon, and your nose gets lost in the scent of his neck when he lifts you off the ground for a long minute.
“It's really good to see you.” Your hands slide down his chest when he places you down.
“You too, sweetheart.” He frames your face, scanning your features, delighted, “you look gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous.”
You sigh quickly through your nose, amused.
“I mean it.” His head bows, tilting your chin up with one finger, stealing the tiniest kiss out of your lips.
“Do you wanna grab a coffee first?”
“Yeah, I'd like that.”
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CHAPTER 2: Venus Observa
The weekend is off to a great start.
There's no time wasted. You’ve already talked about everything and caught up during the drive from the airport to your  apartment. The only thing that needs to be taken care off at this point is giving into the most primal need of your bodies meeting again. Without further preamble, the second you’re inside your place the space between you and Julian disappears, finding yourself tangled in a spiral of sloppy kisses and a cloud of clothes flying off on the way to your bedroom. By the time you touch the bed, the only thing left on is your panties.
“Do you trust me?” Asks Julian, pupils blown, capturing the darkness of yours.
Not a fair question right now, given that he's half naked on top of you, and you can even think straight. “I trust you enough, Jules.”
“I'd never hurt you.”
Your hand touches his neck, “I know you won't.”
Licking his lips, his stare travels down to your body as a hand soothes up your outer thigh. Your skin buzzes, goose-pimpled, under his large palm as he lies atop of you, sealing your mouth. Swimming in the twist of his tongue, you can’t stop yourself from humming, or slanting your hips against his hardness. You suck his bottom lip into your mouth, lightly biting his flesh, earning you a pleasured snarl out of him as he pulls away from you.
He, then, travels down your chest, drawing the round shape of your breasts with the tip of his tongue before trapping your puckered nipple in his lips. On his way down, he leaves a trail of open-mouth kisses all over your stomach. Circling around your navel, his tongue juts out, glancing up at you playfully as he reaches the hem of your panties. He tugs the elastic with his teeth, and hooks his fingers on the sides to pull them off you. His lips brush your inner thigh and suddenly your fingers tangle in his hair the moment he dives to taste your center.
Julian Kaye comes with a particular skill set wrapped in an amazingly sculptured package worthy of a marbled Greek God. When it comes to pleasuring a woman, his nimble tongue is capable of more wonders than just smooth talking. He doesn’t tease for longer than he needs to and knows how to pace every move, dialing back or increasing duly to your needs.
You first feel him drawing your folds and teasing at your entrance before having his fingers pushing your lips apart, exposing your clit. The ceiling spins before your eyes when his lips wrap around and suck on it, viciously loud to your ears. Letting out a moan and fisting the covers, your hips jerk against his mouth, prompting his arms to lock around your thighs, securing your legs in place.
The heat taking over your body spreads like wildfire. You weren't prepared for this at all. He groans into your pussy, and you don’t even recognize the sounds coming out of your mouth when his fingers slide into you. Basking all in, your back curves and one of your heels digs at his back while he takes you right into a full blow orgasm almost without effort.
First round over and your body melts on the sheets, losing any ability to think properly; the only thing to focus on is catching your breath. Your entrance refuses to let go of those blissful little spasms, craving for more than a tongue and two fingers.
Julian crawls next to you, smooching your shoulder. “You taste so sweet.”
Exhaling a half-laugh, your eyes flicker open, and you swipe a thumb along the sheen layer covering his plum bottom lip and push it mischievously into his mouth.
Flashing a smile, he bites your knuckle and sucks it quickly. “So fucking sweet.”
Licking your lips, you pull your knees apart, inviting him in.
There’s no use for his kit this time around when he moves on top and sinks into you, his previous work took care of slicking and stretching you out. As for protection, you’re not only on the pill, but you both got tested and exchanged results over email three days ago, so you’re free to give into your whims carefree.
He rolls slowly, propped on his forearms, staring adorably at you. “I read something interesting the other day.”
“Did you know that missionary was originally called Venus Observa? It reminded me of  what you said.”
“I didn’t,” you pant, “I like that better.”
“Thought you would.” His lips graze yours, “you are goddess right now.”
His hand swiftly moves to frame your chin, upping the rhythm on his hips. It feels good having his warmth pressing against you, and his solid-hard cock stroking your tender walls without barriers, that you don’t need much input to come undone a second time.
He slows down but doesn’t pull away. In the middle of that immense mist of dizziness eddying around you, he soothes you gently into awareness, kissing your jaw and caressing your skin, “you come so good for me, baby.”
Your eyes flicker, finding his, “you haven’t come at all. Are you holding back on me?”
“I had to take care of you first.”
“You don’t have to do that, you know?”
“I wanna.” He shrugs, gently rocking against you again. “Been dreaming about eating you up like that for weeks.”
“Have you now?” You pull his torso flush against yours, daring him, “go on now, fuck me like you mean it.”
Without missing a beat, his tongue invades your mouth eagerly with a growl, at the same time one of his hands travels down to grip at the curve of your ass. His fingers sink hard into your flesh as he drives into you with vigor, smacking your skin loudly. His breath finally falters into your kiss, and he breaks from your mouth when he’s about to come.
His searing gaze is hard and demanding, “come with me, honey.”
“I can’t.” You moan.
Stubborn as they come, sort of speak, “I’m not coming until you do.”
“I can’t, Julian.” You whimper once more, holding to his sides like a lifeline.
“I got you.” He fits one arm between your bodies, reaching to rub furiously on your oversensitive clit.
There’s no adequate words to explain the moment of elation you feel when he coats your walls as you reach orgasm for the third time. It's draining, leaves you stunned, out of breath, and unfocused.
You barely manage to stop, only to refuel and have a nap in between intense make out sessions.
Before dinner, you choose to take a bath together. You find yourself dipped in warm water, resting your back on his chest, as his arms wrap around you, hands busy kneading your thighs. You bite your lower lip as his fingers, inching closer to your groin, slide inside you.
You’ve come to love his fingers– dancing on your skin, tracing your face, swiping your lips, stimulating all your erogenous zones. Now, they’re submerged, two of them exploring your depths, thumb pressing on your swollen clit.
Julian purrs sensually into your ear, spelling words of encouragement, telling how beautiful you are, how good you feel and taste. His tongue juts out to draw the curve of your neck. Your face turns, and you capture his mouth, boldly trapping his tongue between your lips, sucking on it as if it was his dick.
“I want you in my mouth.” You mumble wantonly and his cock swells, hot and hard, against your rear.
Overly pleased with your words, he finishes you first.
You’re quick to drop to your knees when you're out of the tub to take him in your mouth.
“Don’t hold back on me now, baby.” You warn seriously before flattening your tongue at the base of his hardness. You trace his taut, delicate skin up to the frenulum, and he shivers at your will as your mouth envelops the head.
He's bigger in your mouth, that’s for sure. You try to take him all in, but you don’t push farther than your throat allows you. Instead, you use your fist as an aid, stroking his shaft while you lick and suck the juicy tip sloppily. Both his hands frame your head, twinning your damp hair without pushing you whatsoever. Jaw slacked, his grunts echo on the steamed, tiled walls as you glance up at him. His eyes cast dark and glossy, locking with yours.
Faithful to your warning, he relaxes easily into the shallow of your mouth. You moan and slobber around his skin, getting his cock buzzing on the plane of your tongue, feeding you his sticky juices that you gladly swallow after.
He confides in you later that he rarely gets a blow job from his clients. He much prefers giving pleasure than taking it, something you’ve gathered on your own. He’s not fully satisfied until you do. A rare thing he is.
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You finally put some clothes on just for dinner. He yanks a pair of grey sweatpants on with no underwear or shirt, and you cover most of your body with a pair of leggings and a cozy, white Henley.
Lounging on the couch after you’ve finished your food, the coffee table ends up cluttered with Chinese takeout containers, the TV is on, but neither pays much attention to it. It’s at that moment of stillness when you realize it doesn’t feel strange having him in your home. You’ve felt his presence there countless times during all your conversations, and him occupying tangible space in your apartment feels normal.
Sitting up, he flips through several pages of the only physical copy of your book before putting it down to play with your hair the second your head pillows his lap, as you stretch legs over the armrest.
“I like your place. It's cozy.” He contemplates, weaving strands of hair between his fingers.
It’s a one-bedroom apartment with an open living space. Everything is at hand. First thing you encounter as you cross the threshold is the kitchen, a small breakfast bar, and a round dining table nearby. One corner is crowded with shelves full of books and your desk, leaving not much space for the couch and the TV stand you're facing. The short hallway leads to two doors, bedroom and bathroom.
“It's alright. I wish they'd allow pets, but you can't have it all.”
“What would you get if you could?”
“A dog. I've always wanted a dog. If this turns out,” you tap on the book, “I'll get a pup and a new place.”
“You have something really special there, sweetheart. It’ll turn out.” He bows to peck your forehead. “You should be able to have anything you want.”
“I'll be happy to break even.”
“What do you mean break even?”
“Well, I told you I was self-publishing.”
“I thought you were joking.”
“It wasn't.” You inhale deeply before continuing, “trying to find a publisher has been challenging so, I did my research and took a loan. I know how risky it is, but my editor believes in it, Sasha thinks there's a real chance here, and I have a great team behind.”
“That's a bold move, I respect that. “ His lips frown, most impressed, with a sharp nod.
“Too bold, maybe.” You mumble a little insecure, striving not to think too much about it. You still have your job thankfully and in the worst case scenario you'd get a second one if you have to.
“You have me too, you know?”
“Yeah?” Your brow twitches, glancing up at him, “I’ll add you to the list of crazy people abetting me.”
He huffs half a laugh as you reach blindly for one of his hands and place it over your stomach. You go quiet for a while, playing with his fingers.
“What do you do around here on a Friday night anyway?” Asks Julian.
“Why? Do you wanna go out? Are you that bored of me already?”
“No, not at all.”
“We usually go to this pub a few blocks over.”
“I’d go with you.”
You give him a playful look.
“What? You don't want me to meet your friends?”
“No, I just want you all to myself tonight. I’ll take you out tomorrow if you want.”
You close your eyes briefly, clearing your throat and contemplating for a moment. You do have pretty open-minded friends, but you couldn’t even begin to explain this to them or figure out what their reactions would be to his chosen career.
“Say I introduce you to my friends, would you be okay with them knowing what you do?”
His head tilts. “Is that something that worries you?”
“No. I just want to hear your thoughts.”
“Well, it’s not something I’d like to disclose in a casual conversation.”
“Okay, so, what would you want me to say about you, career wise?”
“I used to say I was a chauffeur, or translator, an art connoisseur… depending on the client. Take your pick.”
“But we've established that I'm not a client.”
“You're not.” He reassures you.
“People are not as close minded as they used to be, Jules.”
“Look, I don't want you to be put on the spot with anyone close to you because of me. It’s easier just to say anything else, It keeps things simple, and it’s not a complete lie.” His tone comes out snappier than he probably intended to.
“I'm sorry.” You swallow nervously.
“No, I am.” He bows slightly to capture your mouth softly before explaining, “I’m not ashamed of what I do. I like keeping it private for the sake of my clients, myself and you. You’ll never know how people are going to react. No matter how open-minded you think they are; there’s still a stigma behind it. People hear prostitution, and I bet the first thing that goes through their heads is what went wrong in their life to end up like that?”
“I didn't think that.”
“You’re the exception, sweetheart. I love that you don’t think like the rest of the world.” His thumb taps gently on your temple.
“Assistant, masseuse, personal trainer…” You suggest.
“It all fits with what you do.”
“Now, you're getting it.”
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CHAPTER 3: Artgasm
Julian is a real master of his craft. The way he makes you come should be considered art. It’s definitely a gift and a blessing to society, to women in particular. There’s no jealousy or bewilderment at the things he’s shared with you, and after having him for almost a day either on top or below you, you can understand why people would pay for this. Something you’d have taken into account before if you had known. You don’t tell him that, of course.
When you wake up the next morning, at the edge of dawn, you feel the weight and warmth radiating from the other side of the bed. You’re back to back with him, both bodies naked under covers. There's an anticipation coiling in your lower abdomen, a pulse tendering your walls, and the sweet slickness making you ache; hearing last night’s echoes.
He had flipped you to your front and pushed his fingers inside you. He wanted you to come for real, he said. Your eyes welled up and cried in ecstasy upon your release; a release that had your whole body shaking and balling, those same sheets that absorbed half of your fluids and remained drenched long after you fell asleep.
Art. You called it. Something that some people could benefit from learning, for there’s no man, or toy, or fantasy that has had you dripping like he had.
He fucked you afterwards in that very same position. First your thighs, you can still feel when you clasped your legs purposely, trapping his length before he could slip into you. You glanced over your shoulder daring him to do it, to go for it, and he did. Having his cock sliding ardently between your inner thighs was something else entirely, just as enjoyable for you as it was for him. It built another trickle of arousal down your groin and when you couldn't take it any longer, he pushed inside you.
The cadence of his hips slapping against your ass in unbridled lust had your walls wildly contracting, claiming his cock as if it was made for you only. It was the most intense orgasm you’ve ever felt, you even had muscles jolting in your butt that you hadn’t noticed before. The wave of pleasure rushed down your legs to the end of your toes. It was intoxicating and made you feel empty when he was done with you. Your ears rang and for a moment you almost felt like passing out before he tucked his arms around you, pulling you flush against his chest, where you fell asleep.
The room still smells like sex, of you and him mixed together.
Greedy for more, you sip some water from the glass on your bedside table and spin to the side to face his broad back. You press a kiss between his shoulder blades, wishing he’d wake up. Reveling in his warmth, you hug his torso. The tip of your nose grazes his skin, capturing the smell of clean sweat, your body wash, and the tinge of smoke from the cigarette he snuck out to smoke on the rooftop way past midnight.
Calmly, you call his name a few times until he shyly comes awake in your arms. Sighing low, he rolls to his back, and you shift with him, leaning on his chest.
“Everything alright, sweetheart?” He utters drowsily, arm wrapping lazily around you.
“Everything’s good.” You grin, confessing, “I just wanted to kiss you,” and you press your lips at the corner of his mouth, listing playfully, “and touch you, and fuck you, and eat you, and fuck you some more.”
Humoring your whims, he squeezes the curve of your hips, pushing you on top of him.
Bestriding his lap and laying on his torso, you seal his mouth tenderly. His hands roam your ass, while you grind slowly, producing the swelling of his length against your soaked flesh.
“There you are,” you grin, “I missed you.”
“Me or my cock?”
“I'm right here, just for you.” He groans, waking up gradually faster, nails digging at your meat, pulling your hips harder against him.
Straightening your top half, you lift your ass and sink onto him, fitting you better every fucking time. You ride him leisurely for as long as you can. Adoring the feeling of his smooth chest, his wandering hands, and his teeth scraping your body without ever leaving marks at all. He cuddles you afterwards, kisses your hair, draws your spine with feather-light touches; bathing you in something you could only recognize as love, for the lack of a better term, right now.
Once you've recovered from that, you cook a big breakfast together. There’s coffee and toast, eggs and bacon, fruit salad and waffles.
Straddling his lap on the couch and flashing a wide smile, you hold the top of a stemless strawberry between your teeth and dip your head to share it with him. Julian bites half of it, and you both start laughing when the strawberry is crushed and its juices spill from your lips to his chin. You swallow and use your tongue to lick his face clean as if there were no napkins at hand.  He gets a kick out of it and rumbles a beautiful laugh you haven’t heard before.
Then, you follow the trail down his neck. His head tilts back to give you more room as you pepper his skin with licks and kisses. Mapping his chest further down, the tip of your tongue misbehaves, playfully flicking one of his nipples. At the same time, your fingers curl around his dick, over his sweats. Delighted with your moves, he breathes deeply as you begin stroking his length gently.
His hands take a hold of your face, guiding it to make eye contact with him. One of his palms slides to your nape as the other fits your jaw, slowly bringing you to his mouth, pressing a chaste, lovely kiss on yours.
“You're a sweetheart.” He hushes, pecking your curved lips twice.
“Yeah? You like that?”
“I love that.”
Keeping a hold on your head without breaking from your gaze, you peel the waistband of his sweatpants back, exposing his erection. You see his lip twitching as you wrap both hands firmly around him. Pumping just a tad faster, his hot breath brushes your lips as you increase the pace little by little. Your thumb draws circles around his head, collecting the pre-cum gushing out, and you bring it to your lips, making sure he watches as you suck it into your mouth.
His length pulses in your fist, as his nails dig on your scalp. Overly pleased with yourself by the way you’re making him coil and grunt in your hold, you sensually bounce on his lap as if you were fucking him until he explodes in your palms.
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Slowing down from all the bedroom activities, you pull yourselves together and dress up casually before going out. You have lunch at your favorite restaurant and show him around your city.
It still strikes you the amount of effortless decorum of his manner, attentive and elegant, as the night you met him. You find yourself ignoring the rest of the world, just talking to him. He’s funny and easy-going in the daylight, sultry and playful at night. You wonder if this is just him or a perk of his job. Whatever it is, you’d bask it all in. You love how he makes you feel. He’s brought you a freedom and a newfound love for sex you haven’t known before. In addition, the distraction from work has been much necessary.
It’s hard to pick just one place for someone who has traveled to many countries and cities. You give him a few options, and he picks the Japanese Garden over the art gallery you suggested. When you arrive there, you take your time exploring the path that guides you from one stunning world to another, it’s bathed in all shades of green working in harmony with rose colored flowers and trees in full bloom.
The stroll is more serene and romantic than you remember, though your perception might be askew since you haven’t been here with a romantic partner before. You stop at the key spots to admire the view of the beautiful landscape. You fall easily into holding his hand and having his arm curling around your waist, as the intense physical contact morphs into the sweetest displays of affection that anyone else would deem as couple behavior.  
Standing on a bridge, facing the Heavenly Falls, he kisses your neck from behind, nosing your hair out of the way and lifting your wrist. He tugs the sleeve of your shirt up,   revealing your dragonfly tattoo that he swipes with a  thumb. He’s curious about it, you tell him the story. It doesn’t have a deeper meaning other than having it done many years ago after graduating from high school and before leaving for college. You and your three best friends wanted to get one together, but didn't truly want to have matching tattoos. You picked a simple dragonfly, outlined, like a drawing from a book a child would color in. Eve, ironically, got an apple tattooed on her hip. Sasha got a paw print from her childhood dog on her ankle. And Yvonne got a tiny half moon behind her ear.
His arms lock around your waist, bringing back that apprehension upon your first meeting. New different jitters have you shaking this time around, making your stomach sick as if you were riding a roller coaster. You dived so fast into indulging your cravings, disregarding altogether any feeling that's been brewing inside for months.
“Jules.” Comes out heavy-sighted out of your mouth.
The silence is suddenly striking. He kisses the back of your nape, then squeezes your hip, turning your body around. Face to face, it pours out of the warmth of his brown eyes boring into yours. It’s embedded in every little caress, word and thought, that he’s right there with you–   same spot, same page, same sick feeling.
Linking your arms around his neck, your foreheads, and lips meet halfway ever so tender you can’t even stomach the sickly sweetness of it all anymore.
“You gotta stop doing that,” you exhale, getting yourself into trouble by straight-up saying out loud, “you’re making me fall for you.”
“I’m making you? That’s rich.” Grinning, he pecks your mouth again. “It goes both ways, sweetheart.”
“It’s crazy, Julian. We’re fucking crazy.”
“Oh, you think so?” He wonders facetiously.
“I mean, this is only the second time we’ve met.” Your palms gesture upward in frustration before resting on his collarbones. “Is that enough to know someone?”
Smirk crossing his face, his smooth and calm tone brushes your lips. “We’ve talked and we’ve fucked. I know everything about you, and there lies everything to know about me.”
His words work like a spell, binding you tighter to the inevitable doom waiting at the edge of his lips. You welcome it gladly, anytime.
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CHAPTER 4: Unbidden
Sunday is your last day with Julian. He's bound to take off tomorrow morning and you're missing him already. Besides that little outing yesterday, all you've accomplished this weekend is spending more time in bed than you could have ever dreamed of. Having him here has been nothing but bliss and the day coming to an end tightens the knot in your stomach.
It’s in the evening when you’ve gone back to bed that you’ve taken a lotus position, sitting on his lap, his legs folded underneath, as you wrap your own around his waist. Intimately close, needing this to last and wanting to remember what it felt having him here, your hips drag it out- grinding achingly slack for both. He mouths all over your chest, his hands gripping at your ass, following your rhythm.
Your head drops to his shoulder, suddenly overcome by the desire of spelling out loud that you love him. You battle that urge, that stupid word, love, poised on your tongue, unbidden. Your breath hitches, swallowing it back before guiding your focus back to Julian.
His sweaty curls stick out to his forehead when you meet his eyes. The way they bore through you when you adjust your hips and sink onto his hardness is searing; tantamount to lit you on fire on the spot. You continue rolling at the same controlled pace with the added pressure of him stroking your walls.
You frame his face, weighting your forehead on his, as tears trickle down your cheeks from holding your release twice. He’s taken the same approach. His muscles are taut, red-hot under your palms while you fuck him. You burn slowly with him until neither can hold it any longer. His choked breath is loud against your neck, while your nails drag so hard at his shoulder blades, leaving sharp scratch marks on his skin upon struggling with your own orgasm.
Proof that it'd only be worse when he actually leaves in a few hours, that familiar pang of emptiness returns to your chest when it's done and he parts from you to take a smoke break. He quickly pulls on some clothes and a coat before climbing the stairs up to the rooftop of your building.
In a sad attempt to rationalize what is this between the two of you, you realized this is not just physical attraction, or a whim of your body acting to the chemical reaction of your brain upon his presence.
Driving yourself crazy, you go over the options of how this could work. Considering a casual relationship could be the best choice but you’re not sold on the idea of getting into a long-distance relationship. Hell, close-distance relationships have been difficult enough. And truthfully, being close to him is the part that you love the most. You’ve fantasized a couple times about moving somewhere else, in reality you could work from anywhere- you have to stop yourself right there, you’re getting way ahead about this without knowing how he truly feels. The fact that he’s here without conditions or material exchange should be enough of a clue that maybe he’s open to something more.
You gather yourself, having the quickest of showers to cool your body down and lay back on your side, tucking your hands under the pillow.
Resting your eyes for a minute, you don't fall completely asleep but you don’t hear him come back in either. You heave suddenly out of that limbo at the brushing of his lips pressed on your shoulder, unsure of how much time has passed.
“Hey, baby,” he noses at the curve of your neck, “did I wake you?”
“Uh-uh.” You utter softly, rolling to your back to look at him. “Thought you were quitting.”
“Smoking? I’m trying. Only got half of it.” He huffs, exhaling a mint-scented breath from the mouthwash he's just used. “Had to talk to Eli about next week.”
“You’re not gonna forget about me, are you?” Your hand slides up his neck, combing the hair behind his ear with your fingers.
“How could you ask me that? Of course not. I’ll call every day.”
“Where are you going, again?”
“Hmm. That sounds nice.”
His lips curve, laying on top of you, dragging the sheet over his head, covering you both. He stares at you enraptured, caressing your face ever so lovely.
“It is beautiful, just like you. I'm gonna take you one day. Would you like that?”
That sounds like a commitment.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
You barely sleep for a couple of hours and stay up mostly talking and daydreaming about all the places you could visit together, only to be slapped into reality when the alarm goes off, marking the time for you to get ready for work, and for him to leave for the airport.
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fics-n-stuff · 3 years
Deep Breaths
For @inquistitorebony, see request here
Pairing: Kaz Brekker × Reader
Summary: Y/N's anxiety gets the best of them on a job, but thankfully Kaz knows how to handle it.
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: Panic attacks, brief violence, fake blood, explosions
A/N: Ahh I'm so sorry this took me so long to write!! I had writer's block and I thought I was getting out of my slump but then it just got so much worse again. I had to try so hard to get this finished and I genuinely can't tell if it's good or not, so I really hope you enjoy it 🤞🏽❤
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You knew the plan. At least, you thought you knew the plan. You could never be sure with Kaz. Regardless, you were in place where he’d told you to be, weapons concealed in your outfit and Jesper at your side.
“This is crazy. You realise this is crazy, right?” You said, peering around the corner of the alley to get a view of the bridge and the crowds of locals and tourists alike.
“Everything we do is crazy.” Jesper replied with a smirk. “That’s what makes it fun.”
Sometimes you had to wonder how you ended up here, working for Kaz Brekker of all people. The answer to that question was that Jesper had dragged you into it, but then came the question of how the hell you and Jesper had become friends in the first place. That answer was more complicated.
The university of Ketterdam was where your parents had sent you to keep you out of trouble, to get an education so that you could do something useful and conventional with your life. Unfortunately for them, you only succeeded in getting yourself into trouble. Jesper had been the root of that. He was the one who had encouraged you to join him and a group of students on that first night out in East Stave.
You’d managed to stay in university longer than him, but the pull of adventure that the Barrel offered eventually got the better of you. When Jesper fell in deep with the gambling halls and turned to Kaz and the Dregs, you had followed after him for no reason other than the thrill. Which was strange, considering the immense anxiety that you carried through life.
Jesper had questioned it at the time, and sometimes continued to question you on it, but you couldn’t explain it to him. The type of thrill that your exploits with the Dregs provided wasn’t the type that triggered your anxiety, generally speaking. Talking to people was your weak point, fighting or stealing from them was usually fine.
Kaz had been skeptical about you at first, but Jesper was adamant that he should bring you onboard. It wasn’t long before he came to see that you certainly had your uses and you worked in a team, especially with Jesper at your side. He never mentioned your anxiety, but nothing slipped past Kaz. He definitely knew even before he had witnessed the full effect of it, and you had noticed long ago how he tended to keep you off of jobs that might cause you to panic.
“I see the signal from Nina.” Jesper said, eyes on a flash of light coming from a window up the street. “Get ready.”
“Born ready.” You smirked.
“I’ve been rubbing off on you. I’m not sure I like what I’ve created.” He commented, and you rolled your eyes.
“Distraction time, Jes.” You said, bursting a capsule of fake blood between your teeth and slamming another one against you chest before stumbling out of the alleyway. Your nice, white shirt now had a fresh red stain, blood running down you chin, and you looked just like a well-to-do tourist who had run into the wrong crowd.
“Help!” You heard Jesper shout in Zemini right behind you, and eyes began to turn in your direction. “We’ve been attacked!”
“Somebody get help!” You followed up in a fake Zemini accent, which Jesper had earlier remarked upon as being scarily accurate. It was right then that the stadwatch patrol that you had been sent out to distract in the first place rounded the corner. “Guards! Help!”
The stadwatch turned to the source of the commotion, and rushed immediately over to you. That was something that they wouldn’t do if you were dressed in your regular Barrel attire.
“In Ghezen's name, what happened?” One of them exclaimed. Jesper began rambling in Zemini, doing a very good job of acting frantic with his hand on the tailored bruises around his eye and over his cheek. You caught a glimpse of Kaz emerging out of the next street down, completely unnoticed thanks to your distraction.
“Do you speak Kerch?” A guard asked you after being unable to get anything helpful out of Jesper.
“Yes, yes I speak Kerch.” You answered, straining your voice as if you were in pain. “They came out of nowhere, attacked us and stole our things.”
The guard reached out to move your shirt, and you let out a scream of pain to deter him. It worked and he jumped back, eyes wide and afraid.
“We need to get you to a medik.” He said quickly, and you nodded. You turned to Jesper and recited the Zemini sentence that you had practiced all morning, just incase an onlooker happened to actually be Zemini.
“Give me some help, I can't walk like this.” You said. He nodded, shaking his arm out of the grip of the other stadwatch guard and reaching out to pick you up. Practically effortless with all that farmer’s strength.
“Alright, follow us.” The guard said, but as he took the first step there was a deafening bang and a huge plume of smoke from the street around the corner.
Perfect timing, Wylan.
Panic overtook the street, the stadwatch guards turning their attention from you to the smoke rising over the buildings. They started shouting to the people around, trying to keep them calm.
Another blast sounded, and now people were running. Jesper set you down, and you patted over the pistol concealed in your jacket just in case.
“Let’s get moving.” Jesper said, as quietly as he could for you to still hear him over the commotion. You nodded, your heart beating fast as people stormed past you. You didn’t like big crowds, and there were more people here than it had initially appeared. There was a handkerchief in your pocket, and you took it out and wiped the fake blood off of your face.
The two of you began following the flow of the crowd, when suddenly there was a flash of light and a cloud of dust flew towards you as another blast went off up ahead.
That wasn’t part of the plan.
Your heart jumped and your breathing immediately quickened as the people who had been running that way now pressed back towards you. Jesper grabbed your arm, seeing the panic that was beginning to fill your eyes. The explosions weren’t creating any damage, just a loud bang and a lot of smoke, but these people didn’t know that and they wanted to get as far from them as possible as fast as possible.
“We’ll go around.” Jesper said, tugging on your arm to pull you after him as he made a beeline for the nearest alleyway.
Your heart was pounding in your ears as you let Jesper drag you through the alley onto the next street across, which was just as crowded with panicked people. He pulled you along behind him as he wove through the crowd towards the rendezvous point, your mind spinning and your chest tight. You didn’t even realise that you were there until he pushed you back against a wall and moved you to sit down on the ground.
“Hey, Y/N, look at me.” He said, a firm hand on your shoulder. “Deep breaths, okay?” He turned to look over his shoulder at Kaz and Wylan. “What happened? Why was there a third explosion?”
“Things didn’t go exactly according to plan.” Kaz replied. “We had to prolong the distraction to get away.”
“I always keep extra equipment on me; I gave it to Inej and told her to set it off further up from the bridge if we ran into trouble. It was the best option we had.” Wylan added.
“Right, well, tell that to Y/N's anxiety.” Jesper huffed.
“Jesper, you and Wylan have to keep going.” Kaz said.
“What? Look at Y/N, I’m not leaving-"
“Now, Jesper, or all of this has been for nothing.”
“But Y/N was supposed to come with us.” Wylan fretted.
“You’ll make it work. Now go, I’ll deal with Y/N.”
“This is my best friend, Kaz.” Jesper said, leaving your side to approach Kaz, practically squaring up to him. “This isn’t a problem you can solve with planning and scheming, this is a serious human issue and you don’t have a great record with those.”
“I have it handled, Jesper.” Kaz responded firmly.
“Go, Jesper.” You spoke up, elbows rested on drawn up knees, your chest rising and falling heavily. You nodded. “I’ll be fine.” He looked at you, concern on his face, but eventually sighed and nodded back.
“Alright.” He said, stepping back over and lightly patting your head comfortingly. “Come on, merchling.”
Jesper and Wylan moved on to the next step of the plan, leaving you and Kaz alone. He took a seat on the floor against the wall opposite you in the small space, his bad leg outstretched in front of him and his cane resting across his lap. You looked at him, the edges of your vision still blurry.
“I apologise for not warning you ahead of time.” He said after a moment. “I should have accounted for the fact that such a surprise would have a negative impact on you.”
Kaz was generally cold – unaffectionate and pragmatic – but you had a suspicion that he’d always secretly had a soft spot for you. He was considerate of your feelings; he was even almost nice to you when nobody else was around. You quite liked the Kaz that you got to see. It was different to the Kaz that Jesper always complained about.
“What could have possibly given the impression that I was impacted negatively?” You managed to joke, but you choked on your laugh as your body desperately tried to fill your lungs.
“Hey, look at me.” Kaz said before you could start hyperventilating again. “Put your knees down, open up your chest.” You complied, and your body thanked you for the action as some of the strain in your chest alleviated.
“Sometimes I wonder why the hell I put myself in these situations.” You panted.
“I did warn you against it, but you seemed determined to follow in Jesper's footsteps.” He replied. “You’ve made a pretty good go of it regardless. Hold your breath for a second, you’re still breathing too fast.”
You followed the instruction, drawing a deep breath and holding it in your chest for a few seconds, and when you let it out your breathing was slower.
“This is stupid.” You muttered. “I should be over this by now, it’s pathetic.”
“No it’s not.” Kaz said plainly. “It’s something you’ve experienced for a long time, it’s not just going to go away.”
“No one else let’s their problems get in the way on a job.”
“That’s not true, it just happens differently. You still have some fake blood on your face by the way.” It would be dry by now, no point trying to wipe it off with a handkerchief, so you simply shrugged.
“What does that mean, ‘it happens differently’?”
“If you pay close attention you’ll notice.” He answered vaguely. “Though, I know you’re very aware of the hurdle that the gambling halls pose to Jesper. That’s caused some trouble on jobs in the past.” You chuckled lightly, nodding in agreement.
You sat in silence for a while, focused on evening out your breathing. Kaz wasn’t good at dealing with emotions so you would expect that he wouldn’t be very good at dealing with your panic attacks, but actually his straightforward approach was pretty effective. Maybe his voice was just so commanding that even your anxiety couldn’t help but do what he said.
Generally, Kaz acted like the panic attack wasn’t happening. Just like today, other than to give you an instruction to calm you down he would just talk to you like he normally would. It was usually helpful, a good distraction or something like that.
There was one time, however, that Kaz had been more worried about you than you had thought was possible. It hadn’t been on a job, just a normal night at the Crow Club. You had been trying to drag Jesper away from the cards table when a fight had broken out. Being a member of the Dregs, and so technically a sort-of employee of the gambling hall, you had stepped in to try and break it up.
You weren’t intimidated by the fact that one of the men was at least twice your size, you had held your own against that before, and knowing that there was security that would step in soon had you assured that all would be fine. But when you placed a hand on one of the men’s shoulder – not the big guy, one of the other men in the fight – to try and stop him from going towards the man he had decided was his enemy, he had turned on you with such speed that you had no chance to defend yourself before his hand closed around your neck.
Your memory was a little spotty from that point on. You remembered being slammed against a wall, maybe even lifted off the ground. Jesper drew his gun, and you’re sure that if shooting customers wasn’t so frowned upon that he wouldn’t have hesitated to fire.
It didn’t last long. His outburst had effectively ended the fight that had been taking place and turned the attention of every assisting party to you. The man holding you had been taken down by a few swift hits from the hulking Dregs member that Kaz liked to have as security, and by that point Dirtyhands himself had been drawn out of his little office in the back by the commotion.
To hear Jesper tell it, it was like your body hadn’t realised that your airway was no longer being compressed and you just weren’t really breathing. Kaz had instructed Jesper and the security guard to get you up and into the back office before demanding an explanation from the person closest to him.
You didn’t see Kaz break the man’s hand with his cane, but you remember hearing the scream.
Once it was just you, Kaz and Jesper in the office, Kaz’s demeanor changed instantly. Not that you were really cognizant enough to notice right away, but Jesper wouldn’t shut up about it for a little while. What had seemed, while out on the floor of the gambling hall, just to be a Barrel boss squashing a disruption to his business and doling out payback on behalf of a friend turned into seething rage, which in turn became a constant look of concern as he intently watched Jesper coax you to start breathing properly.
Jesper had business to attend to later that night, so after a while it was just you and Kaz sat in the office. He fetched you a glass of water and sat with you until you were feeling better, never taking his eyes off of you. You had told him about your anxiety, but until then he had never seen it in full effect.
Since that day he had been more in tune with that part of you, learning how to tell when you were having a bad day and remembering what kinds if things made you panic. If he caught you when your anxiety was spiking he would stay and just talk to you. It was nice of him.
“Sit up straight.” Kaz said, and you were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt the tip of his cane pressing gently against your shoulder. You realised how far you had curled in on yourself and leaned back against the wall. Kaz had drilled it into your head that opening up your posture would help you breathe better, but sometimes you needed reminding anyway. “How are feeling?”
“Better.” You mumbled with a slight nod.
“How are the edges of your vision? Still fuzzy?”
“A tiny bit.” You answered, trying not to smile at the fact that he remembered how your vision went fuzzy when you had a panic attack. “If I ask you a question, will you answer me honestly?”
“Why do you bother with me?” The question had been weighing on your mind for a long time, but in the past few weeks it had felt like it had been pressing for you to actually ask. You thought that Kaz liked you, but at the same you couldn’t think of a reason for that to be true.
“What do you mean by that?” Kaz asked, his head tilting a minuscule amount and his brow furrowing ever so slightly in curiosity.
“I mean, why do you keep me around? Why do you bring me on jobs? Why do you bother learning how to take care of me? Maybe at first it was for Jesper's sake but surely that can’t be the case now, so why?”
Kaz watched you for a moment, folded his hands in his lap and cleared his throat.
“You’re a valuable member of the team.” He answered matter-of-factly. “You work well with others, you’re a fast learner, you seem to genuinely enjoy being a member of the Dregs most of the time. As for why I’ve learned to take care of you, well, what kind of a leader would I be if I didn’t? You know me, I like to know everything that there possibly is to know when it comes to my business and my team.”
“Right.” You nodded. “That makes sense.”
“You don’t like that answer.”
“I know you well enough to know what your face does when you’re unhappy.”
“I’m not unhappy.”
“Don’t lie to me, Y/N. What is it that you wanted me to say?” His question made you feel suddenly quite embarrassed, and you averted you eyes with a shrug.
“I don’t know, I guess I just thought that maybe you actually liked me. You know, as a friend.” You mumbled. You glanced back at Kaz long enough to see the corner of his mouth twitch upwards.
“If I told you that I liked you, would it make you feel better?” He asked. He wasn’t being sarcastic or mocking you, but you still became even more embarrassed.
“Forget about it, it doesn’t matter. I’m feeling much better now so we should probably start moving-"
“Y/N.” Kaz interrupted, and you froze mid-motion of standing up. “I do like you, but I don’t have friends.���
He moved to stand up, and you finished getting to your feet. You watched him use his cane as leverage to get up off the floor, and if it had been anyone else but Kaz you would have offered a hand to help him up.
“You do too have friends.” You replied with a tiny smile. “You, Jesper and Inej are a trio of best friends if I’ve ever seen one.”
“I thought Jesper was your best friend.”
“People can have more than one best friend, Kaz.”
“The more friends you have, the more leverage your enemies have against you. That’s why I don’t have any.” He stated, taking the first step. You assumed that you would be heading to where he was supposed to meet Nina and Matthias. He was late – just how late you weren’t sure, the passage of time alluded you during panic attacks – but they probably weren’t all too worried.
“I think you just tell yourself that we’re not your friends so that you feel better about having a weak spot.” You said, teasing slightly. “Do you like me as much as you like Jesper?”
“I like you more than Jesper. You’re less of a thorn in my side.”
“Aw, Kaz! That’s so sweet.” You smiled. He scoffed.
“I take it you’re feeling better?”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
“Can I ask you one more question?” You inquired, and Kaz sighed before humming an agreement. “Do you maybe like me for a different reason than that I’m less annoying than Jesper?”
There was a beat of silence, and Kaz inhaled.
“I enjoy having you around.” He answered vaguely, but you could see in his eyes in the sidelong look that he gave you that it was deeper than that. You smiled, satisfied and not needing to push.
“Good. Me too.” You muttered, and the two of you continued walking, side by side.
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cazimagines · 3 years
Wine Red
Synopsis: You prepare a fun evening for Zemo after he gets back from his work
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings/Tags: Switch reader and switch Zemo, Cuffs, Rope, Smut, Fingering, Blindfold, Vaginal sex, unsafe sex, blow job, kinky, Romantic smut
Also posted on my ao3 account, under the same name
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You smiled as the last candle lit up. You tiptoe across the floor, careful not to disturb the rose petals you had scattered on the floor, or knocking over one of the many candles that covered the floor in a heart-shaped pattern. You jump over to the bed, sitting down on the red satin that covers it. You glanced over to the wine that laid in the ice bucket debating if you should open it early but you decide against it. Instead, you grab Zemo’s coat, the one with the fur collar which you had stolen from him, and draped it over your body which you were only wearing red victoria secret lace underwear on. You lied back on the bed, your head on the pillows anticipating what’s coming when Zemo enters through the door. Zemo often had to work late into the evening because of his business, which left you at home alone a lot. You didn’t mind; you found things to keep you occupied, but when he came back home, you wanted to spend every moment with him making up for the time you lost.
You don’t have to wait long till you hear the front door open and close and footsteps slowly come up the stairs. You sit upwards, eyes locked on the door as it opens.
Zemo slowly walks in, his eyes lighting up as he sees you. He cheekily grins at you as his eyes rake up and down your body.
“So that’s what happened to my coat”
Zemo was wearing his formal clothes, black tailored trousers, a white dress shirt with a tie around it. He had already shrugged his suit jacket off and was holding it in his arm. You could feel yourself warming up at just seeing how tight fitted the shirt was to Zemo. It showed off the slight muscles he has built up and complimented his figure.
“I think the coat suits me,” you reply, shaking your shoulders at him, making the coat move slightly on your body, the fur shaking under your chin.
Zemo places his suit jacket on a chair at the side, then gets onto the bed, crawling over you till he is hovering over your legs.
He places kisses on them, moving upwards to your underwear. You throw your head back in pleasure as you feel the light kisses gently trail up your legs. He glances up, “Is there a special occasion I have forgotten”
“No occasion, I just wanted some fun”
You reach forward grasping onto his tie and pulling him forward till he is leaning over you. You crash your lips onto his hungrily. Tugging on his thin top lip. He brings his hands up to tangle in your hair, trying to keep your head steady as he delves deeper into the kiss. You flicker your tongue against his lips and he opens them quickly to let you in. He moans slightly as he feels you exploring him passionately. Your tongue intertwining with his, rubbing and prodding it. His hand sneaks down your body, brushing against your underwear. His fingers hooking on the hem of your underwear, wanting to pull them down. You smirk, feeling the bulge in his trousers press against you, knowing his impatience always got the best of him. You pull back from the kiss and push him over till he was laying by the side of you.
“Hey!” he whines from suddenly being deprived of the passion.
“I thought we could have a drink first” you cheekily say, leaning onto your side to grab the wine.
“Such a tease” Zemo whispers, also turning onto his side so he pressed into your back and left a brief kiss on your shoulder as his hand rested on your hip. He then sits up, grabbing the glasses off to the side as you pour the wine.
“How was your day?” you ask after a few minutes of you two cuddling and together drinking.
“It was good. I had to attend some business meetings. You know what about. There was one guy who had some big ideas. I reminded him exactly who had the power there”
“Flaunting the fact you are a Baron again,” you say
“Of course. What’s the point of having the title if I can’t flaunt it”
You place your now empty glass on the side and take Zemo’s glass out of his hand. He raises his eyebrow at you questionably, but grins widely as you push him onto his back and crawl on top of him. Straddling his hips. You shrug the coat off and chuck it to the floor. Your underwear following it.
“Who has the power now?” you ask him as you look down on him. Your hands trail up his body, playing with the tie, but as soon as they reach the collar you aggressively pull the shirt and tie off him, leaving him bare chested.
He shakily breaths out as the bulge in his pants pushes against you. “You, my baroness”
You reach into the draw by the side and pull out a pair of cuffs. Quickly grasping his wrists, you attach the cuffs to them and use the other end of the cuffs to attach them to the headboard.
“And don’t you forget it” you whisper in his ear then kiss him passionately. You could feel the inside of your pants get wetter as you watched Zemo’s hands strain against the cuffs bounding him. His urge to wrap his arms around you was strong, but he also enjoyed being completely vulnerable to you, so he let you take the lead this time. You leave his lips trailing down his body. You trace your tongue along the outline of his abs and when you get to them you place multiple kisses on his v line. Zemo groans, feeling all the blood rush down below.
Tugging at his trousers, you slowly slip them down, leaving him in his boxers. You could see his dick pressing up against the thin fabric. You pull the boxers off, letting it spring loose. It was a suitable length, not too long to hurt, but certainly enough to leave you satisfied. Already some pre cum had leaked out the tip. Gently you hold it in your hand and run your tongue up the side, licking up the pre-cum. Your eyes never leave Zemo’s as he watches you, his chest heaving heavily. You rub your hand along the base and your mouth goes over the top, sucking. Zemo pushes his head back into the pillows, letting at a moan as he thrusts his hips up, making your mouth take in more of his dick. You can feel it hit the back of your throat, you try desperately hard not to gag.
You bop your head up and down, eyes glued on Zemo’s face of delight. His slight moans he let out were music to your ears. His eyes were half closed, his mouth ajar, and a light blush came to his cheeks. Your tongue rested against the side and let it run over the vein that ran up his dick. You could feel him harden in your mouth and his nails dug into his hands as he came close. Chuckling, you pulled away before he could release.
Zemo whined as your denial to him. “You’ll pay for that later y/n” he growls
“We’ll see” you tease climbing back onto him, nipping the skin on his collarbone. Sitting up, you position yourself over his waist and slide onto his dick. You breathe in as you feel him stretch you open, filling you up. Zemo groans, his back arching slightly as he fights his urges to hold on to you as his hands strain in the cuffs. You place your hands on his chest, your nails dragging slightly, to keep you steady as you move your hips in a circular motion and try to move up and down slightly.
Your moans join in with his as you could feel your pleasure rising. Zemo started moving his hips in time with yours, his skin brushing up hardly against your clit, sending pleasure through your brain. You held on tight and you rode up and down on his waist, feeling the knot in your stomach tightening.
“Y/n'' he moaned, and you knew he was close. You could feel him twitch inside of you and then his seed released, squirting into you. You were quick to follow in climaxing, cumming over him as you float onto Cloud 9.
You move off him and collapse beside him, panting heavily. You reach over to Zemo, taking the cuffs off his hands, letting him freely move his arms again.
After laying beside you for a few minutes, Zemo gets off the side of the bed, walking over to the draw to grab something out of a draw. You lean on your side, your eyes admiring his ass as his back is turned to yours.
“Going for a 2nd round are we” you ask smirking, Zemo’s turns his head chuckling seeing where you were staring, “I said you would pay for what you did earlier”
He approaches you again, holding something in his hand. You raise an eyebrow at him curiously, then giggle when you realise what it was.
Zemo grabs his tie that had been discarded on the floor and takes it to your face, covering your eyes and tying it behind your head, taking away your sense of sight. His hands trail up your skin, making you feel tingles. Goosebumps rise on you, being utterly helpless to him.
Being unable to see, he used it to his advantage to touch and kiss you in places before pulling away so you did not know where he would touch next. One moment he was on your neck, then the next moment he was on your thigh.
You could feel yourself getting wetter wanting him and you whined as he teased you. “Have more patience, y/n '' Zemo muttered, pressing a kiss on to your stomach.
He pulls back again; he grabs what he had gotten out of the draw. He grabs your wrists and ties the red rope around them. He attaches them to the headboard, similar to what you had done to him. He takes the rest of the rope and wraps it around your boobs and chest, taking it down to wrap around your tights and tying them to the side of the bed, leaving you spread.
He moves off the bed, leaving you completely vulnerable. “Zemo” you moan out, feeling the urge to want to feel him inside you. Your toes dig into the sheets of the bed.
“Oh, do you want something y/n?” Zemo asks, sounding as if he was across the room
“You know what I want!” You say growling
“I really don’t. Use your sweet words and tell me,” Zemo replies
“Please Zemo”
“Please what?” Zemo asks as you feel the bed dip near the end
“Touch me”
“Like this?” one of his fingers touches your leg, the contact making you jerk. His finger trails up your leg, on your inner thigh but stops short before your core then moves away
“More!” you moan, and he places his hand on your tight, his hands digging into the soft flesh. His other hand reaching up to your core, hovering just outside it.
“Please Zemo, fuck me” you finally beg and you can feel the breath of his chuckle against your tight.
Swiftly one of his fingers entered you, curling inside, making you cry out. He moves it in and out, pushing in as far as he can. He quickly enters one finger, then another after stretching you out. Because of earlier you were really wet allowing him to easily pump his fingers in and out of you, many sounds came out because of it.
Your clit throbs from its desire for attention, making you cry. Zemo knew how you were feeling, but he was waiting for you to say. Finally, you give in crying out, “Zemo please touch my clit”
“If you so wish my Baroness”
Your back arches as you feel his wet tongue come in contact with your clit, twisting around its nub, sending waves of shocks throughout your body. He rocked your world as his fingers worked in and out of you and his mouth sucked on your clit. You strained against the restraints as you felt yourself sweating. You felt the climax coming again, but just like you had with Zemo previously; he pulled away before you were satisfied.
“Zemo!” you groaned, but he didn’t leave you for long. He crawled up till he was over your body and then slipped his dick inside of you. One of his hands wrapped around the side of your neck, squeezing while his other hand fondled your breast. His mouth wrapped around your other breast, sucking on the nipple as he thrusts quickly into you. The force makes your body bob up and down. Your moans grew louder and louder as you felt the knot in your stomach tighten again. Zemo switches giving attention to the other breast. He sucks and slightly grazes his teeth on it making you gasp. Zemo finally leaves your breasts to pull you into a passionate kiss while his other hand goes back to giving your clit some more attention. In doing so, he causes you to orgasm, clenching down on his dick tightly. You moan into his lips as he grunts, thrusting into you. He slightly bites your bottom lip as his thrusts grow less rhythmic and wild till he thrusts one ultimate time, releasing into you once again.
He lies on top of you, panting. He reaches up and takes the tie off you and undo the rope attached to the headboard. You bring your arms over his head, hugging him and closing your eyes, drifting off into a sleep as you hold him close.
Taglist: @multiyfandomgirl40 @there-goes-thefighter @yallgotkik @montypythonsholysnail @bunniwritesx @checkurwindow @huntheimpossible @Jayxkelsi @avgravy @freyjasamael @ineffablebean
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Wedding Night [Javier Peña x f!Reader] SMUT
Summary: You and Javier Peña are newlyweds, and a lot has changed since you first met the agent. You never believed he was the type to settle down and get married, but even on your wedding night you find yourself learning new things about his wants and desires.
Requested by: @kiwi-the-first​ who wanted Javi + wedding night, and the nonnie who asked for Javi with a breeding kink! I hope this is okay. Xx
Warnings: unprotected p in v, oral (m and f receiving), foreplay, teasing, breeding kink, praise kink, degradation if you squint, soft Javi (can you believe?), pregnancy mention, brief mention of food and alcohol.
Rating: 18+ 
Word count: 3000>
Masterlist ** reblogs appreciated! Link to Ko-Fi in bio if you want to support my writing!
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“Never in a million years did I think you out of all people would finally settle down,” you joked as you limped into your hotel room, holding your wedding dress up so you wouldn’t trip, the silk material bunched up in your hands. “Let alone with me!”
Javier chuckled lightly and tugged on his bow tie, letting it fall loose against his shirt. You slumped down on the king sized bed which had been generously dosed in red rose petals, as well as a bottle of the finest, fizziest champagne and a box of chocolate truffles were leaning by the pillow.
You struggled to lean over to untie your heels, the skirt of your dress doing it’s best to get in your way, and you groaned in frustration. You had learned over the years to be fine in heels, having to wear them for work every day at the embassy, but you didn’t think you’d ever be able to get used to dancing all night in three inch heels and having them not hurt.
“You need help, sweet girl?” Javier asked, quirking an eyebrow. You pouted innocently and fluttered your doe-like eyes in response. Javier got down on one knee, which was ironic for your wedding night, and helped take off your shoes.
Your husband stood up, shuffled out of his tuxedo jacket and threw it haphazardly over the chair in typical ‘I-don’t-give-a-fuck’ Javier Peña fashion. You couldn’t help roll your eyes, but admire him nonetheless. “I didn’t think I could marry either… not after-” Javier paused hesitantly.
“It’s okay.” you reassured, urging him to continue.
“-Not after Lorraine.” he sighed at the memory of leaving his ex-fiancée at the altar. Even though she was now happily married with two kids, it was still strange seeing her at the ceremony. Javier managed to brush it off as nerves, because the second he saw you walk down the aisle in your stunning wedding dress, the diamonds in your ears sparkling like starlight and the way your hair had been perfectly styled, he knew he had no reason to worry anymore. For once, everything felt right. Javier had finally found love.
You tilted your head and offered him a smile, extending your arms and making grabby fists, urging him to come over. He squatted down slightly and you placed your hands on either side of his face, cupping his cheeks and tracing his skin delicately with your thumb. Javier found himself subconsciously leaning into your touch, and he closed his eyes.
“I love you Javi Peña.” you grinned sheepishly, pressing a chaste kiss on his nose. Javier’s eyes shot open and he tilted his head curiously.
“I love you too,” he confessed. “But is that any way to kiss your husband?” His lips curved into an all too familiar smug smirk that you had seen plenty of times before.
You giggled as he rose to his feet and his large, calloused hands dropped down to your waist. He pushed you into the bed, enveloping you in the pristine white sheets and maneuvered his body on top of yours. Or at least he made an attempt. “Javi!” you giggled as he tried to push himself on top of you, but struggled with your dress getting in the way. He huffed in annoyance, trying to change position just so he could give you a real kiss, but it was no use.
“Baby… this dress.” he raised his eyebrows as he raked in the length of your body. “I love it but…”
“Help me out of it already!” you swatted his bicep playfully and he grinned excitedly.
Javier took your hand and with one strong, swift motion, he pulled you up so you were standing. Completely man-handling you, he turned you around so you were facing the mirror and he was behind you. When he found the zipper to your dress, he pressed a soft kiss into the crook of your neck. You whimpered wantonly but couldn’t rid yourself of the smile that was plastered across your face. Javier’s dark, lust blown eyes looked at your reflection in the mirror.
“Look how beautiful you are, mi amor,” Javi mumbled before pressing another kiss into your neck. And then one against your jaw. His gaze, however, didn’t leave your reflection once, and you felt yourself become putty in his grip. “How did I ever get so lucky?” 
He carefully pulled the zipper down until it stopped at the dip in your back, and pulled the sleeves and bodice down. He took his time though, making sure to relish every inch of your skin the second it was revealed to him. His gentle touches made butterflies erupt in your stomach and you slowly but surely began to feel your panties dampen with arousal.
You took over eventually, the desperation to kiss him fuelling you even more. You pulled down your dress completely so it was pooling at your ankles and stepped out of it. Javier’s jaw hung open at the sight of you in your white lace lingerie. The balcony bra left little to the imagination (despite it being nothing he had never seen before), but the silk ribbons and little net details were enough to make his hardening cock twitch in his tailored suit pants.
“Shit baby,” he whispered, unable to keep his hands to himself and immediately placing them on your breasts. He pulled one of your breasts out of the cup and gave it a few experimental squeezes.Your heart began to pick up pace as his rough fingers massaged the soft flesh, his thumb occasionally grazing the bud of your nipple. “You’re amazing.”
You brought your hands to your back and unclasped your bra, pulling it off your shoulders and letting it fall to the ground alongside your shoes and dress. Now, you were standing before Javier in just your panties, while he was still fully clothed. “Kiss me Javi.” you pleaded breathlessly, and within seconds, Javier leaned in and broke any distance between you.
His breath warm fanned over your mouth and you couldn’t help but shudder. “All mine.” he announced, his voice having dropped an octave.
“Yours,” you affirmed before his lips suddenly clashed against yours. The kiss was fiery and it burned a deep desire within your core. It was hungry, heated, and Javier’s movements were just as skillful as always although this time he was being more passionate than you’d ever accounted for. As he pulled away for breath you gasped, and he nudged the curve of his nose against yours and kissed you again. He was sensual and as his tongue swept along your lower lip grabbed onto his collar and pulled him on to the bed. “Strip.” you demanded, shuffling backwards against the headboard and spreading your legs.
Javier’s cock jumped at the sight of you, all open for him. You played with your breasts as you waited for him to undress, but his eyes were too busy fixated on the dark wet patch that had made an appearance on your panties. He grumbled something incoherent and you furrowed your eyebrows together. “Javiiii.” you cried out longingly and he quickly nodded, cursing himself for getting so distracted by your beauty.
He started with his belt and pulled it out of the loops of his pants, and then unbuttoned his white shirt. As he pulled it off, you revelled at the sight of his tan chest and broad shoulders. You pursed your lips, pressing them together into a fine line as you saw the way his biceps flexed with every movement. You gasped as he pulled down his pants and his erection sprung free.
“Javier,” you tsked playfully, shaking your head. “No underwear on your wedding day?”
“I never wear underwear.” he muttered, his tone serious as his fingers curled around his strained manhood. He began pumping up and down his length, sweeping his precum away from the tip that had leaked out when you’d opened yourself up for him.
“Well I know that,” you laughed, changing position and getting onto your knees. You crawled back to the edge of the bed and gently removed his hands from his cock. “Let me help you with that baby. You have a wife now. Let me help you.”
With one hand, you cradled his balls and with the other, you made a fist around his cock. Javier’s eyes fluttered shut immediately and you leaned into him, giving him a small and teasing kitten lick on the tip of his cock. “Ah- fuck.” he whimpered, thrusting his hips into your mouth. You parted your lips realising he wanted more and took the sensitive head in your mouth, sucking on it longingly. He moaned your name and you relished the way it rolled off his tongue so perfectly. You pulled off him for breath and spat the mixture of precum and saliva back onto his cock and rubbed it into his length. Before he could say anything else, or make a snarky comment, you reattached your lips and pushed him further down your throat, taking him as far as you could possibly go. The second you were gagging on him, and he saw tears prick your pretty eyes, he knew he was only moments away from reaching his climax. You felt his balls tighten in your hands and you smiled around him.
“G-gonna cum baby.” he choked, tossing his head back. You hummed knowingly around his length and pulled off him with a loud pop. He was a heaving panting mess when you pulled off him, and he craved a release. His slight disappointment for not letting him finish was completely diminished when he remembered what would come next.
He kissed your lips softly, signifying his gratitude, before pushing you back down into the bed. His large hands glided down your stomach and to the apex of your thighs before he spread you open. His finger gently traced your cunt which was hidden between the thin, soaked material of your silk panties.
“You're already so wet for me.” he beamed proudly, knowing that he could get you aroused like this from just the barest of touches. He tugged on the hem of your panties and you lifted your ass up for him, so he could pull them down your legs and off you. Rather than throwing them to one side, he kept them on the bed, and delved in.
He started off slow, teasing you just like you had to him. He licked a delicate stripe between your folds, getting lost in the taste that he had always savoured so much. You looked down at his head which was placed in between your legs and moaned in delight. His dark eyelashes flamed his closed eyes perfectly and obscene wet noises filled the room. Usually you'd feel a little embarrassed by the noises coming from his mouth and your lips— but this time you were far too lost in the moment.
“Oh Javi.” you whimpered wantonly as he increased the speed of his tongue. He was faster now, and it was less sloppy and more precise. Once he was satisfied that you were wet enough, he drew one of his thick fingers to your entrance and pushed it in. You gasped at the welcome intrusion and felt your walls clench around him immediately. “Oh please, Javi. Javi. Javi.” you said his name like it was the most sacred prayer.
Even though he was now fingering you, his lips hadn't left your dripping wet cunt once. He was completely and utterly drunk in love.
“So sweet,” he cooed before inserting another finger. “Got to stretch you open baby. You know that. Gotta stretch your tight little pussy if you want my cock inside of you.” You moaned and arched your back as desire overtook your body. “What was that hermosa?” Javier asked. “You do want my cock, don’t you?” 
“Yes, yes, yes,” you chanted as he scissored his fingers and kept lapping at your clit. “Please Javi. Please. I want your cock.”
“I know you do, because you’re a greedy little girl, aren’t you? My wife, desperate for my cock.” He chuckled darkly, pressing a kiss to the inside of your thigh before pulling up and removing his fingers.
He brought them to your mouth and gave you an all too familiar look. You knew what he wanted from you, and you obliged, wrapping your lips around the digits and sucking your arousal from them. Just seeing you with his fingers in his mouth was enough to make his cock begin to weep again. Once he was satisfied that you'd sucked his fingers clean, he began to look around. He looked over to the nightstand, and then the dresser, and then at the suitcases and bags in the corner of the hotel room. You quirked a curious eyebrow.
"I uh- I forgot condoms," Javier confessed sheepishly, his cheeks turning a rosy pink. "Did you pack any?"
"No," you bit your lip and raised your hands to his face. You ran your fingers through his chocolate coloured hair, tugging on the tips of it— just the way you knew he liked so much. "But it's okay Javi."
"You- you don't mind me fucking you without protection?" he asked. “We’ve never done it completely unprotected before-”
“Javi,” you smiled and nodded your head. “We're married now. But only if you want to of course.”
“Shit hermosa, listen. I’ve wanted to put a baby inside of you since I saw you holding my nephew at my aunt’s birthday. Remember? Back in Texas?” Javi revealed and you felt your eyes go comically wide.
“Really?” you said almost breathlessly. Javier knew how much you wanted a family and children of your own, but it was something he never mentioned or talked about, so you figured it just wasn’t on the cards.
“Yes. And when we’re at Steve and Con’s and I see you play with Olivia… please. It really gets me going.” Javier confessed, and your maternal instincts immediately kicked in.
“You really think we’re ready to have a baby?” you whispered, your eyes glazed. Javier wiped a happy tear away from you.
“Yes I do. We’ve already been through hell and back as a couple. You and I, together… we’re undefeatable. And now we’re married. I want this mi amor, do you?” he quizzed, kissing along your jaw and down your neck.
“I do,” you sighed longingly. Javier kissed your chest and then down the valley of your breasts until he got to your tummy. “I want a nice house with you in the suburbs... maybe even in Texas so we can be close to your dad. White picket fence… and a dog.” you giggled excitedly and Javier chuckled, loving how you'd already thought and considered all the details.
“Once upon a time, that would’ve scared me,” Javier revealed. “But now I can’t think of anything I want more.”
You smiled and tugged on his hair one final time before he crashed his lips back onto yours. You moaned into his mouth and Javier shimmied his body back into a suitable position in between your legs.
He pressed his cock against your folds and began to rub the tip along your entrance. “Javi please.” you murmured, holding him by his broad shoulders and digging your fingernails into his skin.
He wasn't able to tease you anymore, he just had to be inside of you. In one swift motion, Javier thrust his entire thick length into your hole and you scrunched your face up as pleasure overwhelmed you. You loved the way you could feel every ridge and vein of his cock as he gained a steady rhythm, pounding himself inside of you. He closed his eyes too as your tight walls squeezed his cock with every thrust. He swore that everytime he fucked you, you felt better and better.
He had you pinned down to the sheets and his usual rough nature took over. You wrapped your legs around him and arched your back. “Oh god Javi, oh god yes— right there.” you cried out as he hit that sweet stop inside of you.
He leaned in, his chest pressed against yours and his mustache tickled the side of your face as he whispered words of praise into your ear, proud of how well you were taking him.
“Good girl. Gonna- gonna cum. Gonna fuck a baby into you.” he said breathlessly.
He knew his dirty talk was the way to spur you over the edge. Your cunt clenched around him like a vice as he fucked you into your high. You were practically screaming his name and warm tears were spilling from your eyes as he finished up. His grunts and groans filled the hotel room as he eventually spilled his seed inside of you, just a few sloppy thrusts after you'd come.
“Oh Javi,” you moaned as he slipped out of you and rolled over. He grabbed a pillow from his side of the bed and pushed it under your ass. “What are you doing?” you laughed as he propped you up.
“Need to make sure none of it spills out.” he muttered as he adjusted the pillow. You couldn't escape the grin on your face. Your husband was so adorable and tentative with everything he did.
“This is a big deal.” you said after Javi cleaned you up. He crawled into bed next to you and pulled you into his chest, always loving to be the big spoon. There was a point, long ago, when Javi was completely against cuddling— but times had changed since then.
“You’re right. A new chapter. How do you feel?” he asked softly, kissing your shoulder blade before leaning over and looking into your eyes.
“A little nervous, but mostly excited.” you smiled and he squeezed your hand comfortingly. 
“I love you so much princess, and I can’t wait to see what’s next for us.” he grinned sheepishly before pressing one final kiss into your plush lips.
“Goodnight Javi.” you yawned, curling up into his embrace.
“Goodnight my love.”
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milkyway-writes · 4 years
i’m not ready for that s.r.
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pairing: Steve Rogers x black!Reader (anyone could read though)
summary: Even though Steve has been living in modern times for a couple of years now, he still finds himself not used to the present, especially when it comes to women. But when he meets you, an outspoken girl who completely embodies the kind of woman “he’s not ready for,” Steve is forced to reevaluate what he wants.
warnings: 18+, explicit language, dry humping, unprotected sex, sex in a hotel room, a small age gap (but not mentioned much), probably some typos and/or bad grammar, disregard for card games and 60′s music
word count: 2,828
author’s note: This is my first time writing a fic! So, tell me what you think and if you’d like more stuff from me. 
After waking up in a world filled with people dressed in unfamiliar clothing, using confusing language, and carrying around these tiny devices they called “phones,” Steve experienced the expected amount of disassociation. He said things which earned him weird looks, struggled to understand modern references, and sometimes secretly wished he could just go back to his own time. 
But if anything, Steve Rogers was determined. 
He kept a notepad to track the new things he learned and reviewed them in his spare time. He made an effort to listen to the radio and watch popular TV shows. Steve even managed to tailor his wardrobe to a certain degree. Except for the khakis. The khakis were essential. 
Despite his acclimation and newfound understanding of the 21st century, Steve still struggled with women. And in all honesty, he doesn’t even feel that open to dating. He’s completely content with simply working and living his life, romance not much of a priority of his. 
But Natasha keeps pushing it. 
“What about that girl from accounting?” she says, “Laura, Lisa…”
"Lillian,” Steve answers, “lip piercing, right?" 
"Yeah, she's cute."
"Yeah, I'm not ready for that.”
So, when you show up with a total disregard for authority, a smile that could fool the devil, and a snarky attitude all complete with a cute little nose piercing, Steve doesn’t quite know what to do with you. 
Your words are much bolder than any woman he knew from the 40’s. You behave with a certain level of confidence and self-assuredness that it’s impossible to believe that you’re only in your twenties. And you don’t shy away from showing men up, never one to hold your tongue. Steve notices that you don’t mind interrupting people. You seem to get a glint in your eye each time he clenches his jaw after you’ve cut him off. 
Everything about you is overwhelming to Steve. 
Any time he tries to correct you, you scoff, blowing air through your plump lips. Always rolling those brown eyes in annoyance. (It makes Steve want to scream.)
Nothing is ever easy with you. There is always a rebuttal, or some type of teasing remark, or simply a look that tells him “you can’t tell me what to do.” It enrages him. Steve doesn’t think he has ever met a person who could find a way to fight him on every single thing.
Now, as he looks at you standing with your hands on your hips, freshly-manicured nails on display, Steve wonders how he’ll ever manage to get through to you.
You hadn’t known much about Captain America before you’d agreed to work with him and Natasha when S.H.I.E.L.D. started falling apart. 
You had been working for the agency for a while now, assisting in the capture of criminal individuals as a sort of immunity for your own crimes. Your skills were too valuable to waste, and honestly, they knew you’d escape any prison they put you in anyway. Despite this, you weren’t the most reliable. 
You often took risks, and your youth raised a sort of concern amongst other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. No one trusted a girl whose main motivation to be an agent was to avoid prison. And because of this, Nick Fury did not bring you on for the Avengers Initiative right away. You needed time to grow, time to figure out your priorities. 
For two years, you focused on your development, learning how to control your abilities and use them most effectively, and in the meantime, you only took on small missions. You were happy with this, so happy that when Fury began reaching out to you with the intent to bring you back on for more advanced missions, you promptly avoided them.
One quiet afternoon, you were feeling the soil of your succulent, trying to figure out if the plant needed watering when you got the call that Nick Fury was pronounced dead. 
Immediately, your stomach dropped. 
Your mind was racing as you rushed to the hospital, hoping that this was all some sick joke. A test. Something Fury had comprised to teach you a lesson. 
Natasha noticed as you stood frozen at the door of the hospital room. Your heart ached seeing him lie there lifeless. 
While you pretended that you didn’t care about him, Fury had always been important to you. He had given you a second chance when you didn’t even think you deserved it. He saw potential in you when others saw you as a delinquent. This grief, coupled with the knowledge that S.H.I.E.L.D. had been compromised, led you to agree to work with Natasha and her new friend, Steve Rogers. 
Since the beginning, your presence had been an immediate concern to Steve. Along with your untamed attitude, he didn’t like the way you would make hasty decisions that left him wondering if you were still alive. He had to bite his tongue at your stubbornness. And each roll of your eyes pushed Steve further and further to the edge. After a while, he had had enough and pulled you to the side to express his disapproval. 
You stare at him expectantly with your hands still on your hips, waiting to hear why he’s singled you out.
He lets out a breath, “these antics of yours have got to stop.” 
You instantly laugh. Because he has to be kidding. 
It takes everything in him to remain calm when you flash him a smile and saunter away, throwing a “oh loosen up, Captain,” over your shoulder. 
He has to stop himself from watching your hips sway. He catches your wrist. “No. Not ‘loosen up.’ You need to be more responsible.”
“Well you need to understand that I’m not a soldier,” you yank your arm back. “I’ll follow your plan,” you offer, “but sometimes things don’t go as planned and we have to make adjustments,” you say, speaking slowly as if Steve’s a child. 
He steps closer, now towering over your small frame. “Your ‘adjustments’ almost always result in dangerous situations.”
“Really?” You cock your head to the side, “Is that right?”
He narrows his eyes at you.
“So, this is coming from the man who jumped out of an elevator?” Your perfectly arched eyebrow raises tauntingly. “Right?” 
You chuckle as he rolls his eyes. You don’t miss the hint of a smile in them. 
You do eventually try to be more of a team player, sticking to the plan when you can. You figured you’d be working with them more often, so it was in your best interest to make yourself easy to work with. Your efforts don’t go unnoticed.
Steve is grateful that you don’t pull any surprises when the Winter Soldier makes his attack. The revelation that it was his best friend already enough to throw him off. 
Surprisingly, when Steve decides to go after Bucky, you offer to join him and Sam. Your excuse being that you don’t trust two men to get the job done. 
Honestly, you just didn’t want to go back to your life before. Working with Steve was exciting. He was exciting. The way he’d catch your eyes after you’d say something snarky made your stomach flip because there was a hint of a threat in them.
You enjoyed the way he wasn’t afraid to touch you. He liked to grab your arm and pull you to him when you didn’t listen. He’d once backed you up against a wall when he thought you weren’t telling him the full story pertaining to the mission. And while he was angry, you couldn’t help wondering what it’d be like to have him take you right then and there.
You had come to terms with the fact that you wanted Steve Rogers. You just didn’t know if he’d want someone like you. You were aware that he probably hadn’t encountered many women like you in his past life. 
While your eye rolls and sassy comments do remain, Steve finds himself enjoying your presence despite himself. The struggle between the two of you slowly morphing into playful teasing, teetering the line between that and sexual tension.
“How’d you end up here anyway?” Steve asks as he lays down an ace of spades. 
You grimace and tuck your king of hearts back into your hand in embarrassment. “We’re on a mission, silly.” You giggle, the diamond in your nose catching the light.
“Mhm very funny,” he says. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
You don’t say anything. The only sound coming from your breathing and the Solomon Burke song that’s playing through your phone speaker.
You hum along as you pretend to search your hand for a card to play. 
Steve nudges your knee. You’re not sure if it’s because you haven’t answered him or because you still haven’t put down a card. 
“You mean how’d I end up doing this? Working for S.H.I.E.L.D.?”
He nods.
“It’s a long story,” you manage to let out.
“We’ve got time.”
You sigh and place your cards down on the mattress knowing you were gonna lose anyway. 
“A while back, I lost someone…someone very important to me,” you say, “and all I wanted was to hurt the people who took them from me.” You glance up to meet Steve’s eyes, “one thing led to another, and I sort of lost myself. I hurt people in ways I never intended to, caused the kind of pain that,” you search for the words, “that I had always been so afraid to feel.”
“I was so blinded by rage,” you shake your head, “I just completely forgot my morals.”
You feel the bed shift, and Steve reaches out for your hand. 
“Long story short, Fury offered me a job. Said I could use my skills for good. And next thing you know I’m going on these crazy missions and catching ‘bad guys,’” you say using finger quotes. 
You sigh, “you must think the absolute worst of me now, huh?” 
Steve chuckles, “no, not at all.” He pauses and his eyebrows crease. “It actually makes me respect you more.”
You let out a laugh, “well then, sir, you are most definitely twisted.”
He shrugs, “maybe I am.”
You notice that he never let go of your hand, and for a second you swear you feel a flutter in your abdomen. Lightly, you slide your fingers up his arm, tracing the veins. He doesn’t move or protest. Instead, he brings his other hand to rest on your knee. You look up at him as his hand moves from your knee up your thigh, gripping you firmly where your shorts end.
Steve looks at you for approval, and when you nod, he pulls you in by your hips and leans in, letting his lips ghost over yours.
You haven’t felt like this in awhile, and it takes a lot of strength to hold back a whine. Steve continues to tease you, only letting his lips lightly touch yours while rubbing circles into your hips under your shirt. Impatiently, you link your hands together behind his head, and when you grasp the hair at the nape of his neck, Steve finally leans in, letting his lips press against yours. 
Almost instantly, you climb onto his lap, straddling him. The playing cards from earlier are hastily pushed aside as Steve scoots back, bringing you with him. 
His hands find your hips again as he sucks on your bottom lip. You softly grind into him, causing Steve to groan into your mouth. He works to control himself. He hadn’t expected it to feel this way with you. So desperate, so needing.
You can feel his hardness through the material of his sweatpants, making your arousal even more apparent.
Steve leans down to kiss your neck. The feeling of his tongue makes you buck your hips, searching for some type of friction. His hand travels up your side and comes to cup one of your breasts. He runs his thumb over your nipple, feeling it harden. 
This must give him an idea as he moves to pull your shirt over your head. He grabs you again and takes your nipple in his mouth. You moan, continuing to grind onto him as his hands cup your ass. At this point, you’re sure that your arousal is leaking through your shorts.
Steve feels completely lost in you, your body setting him on fire and awaking something within him he doesn’t think he’s ever felt before. 
He continues his assault on your breasts as you fight to control your arousal. You feel his cock twitch under you. “Please, Steve,” you say breathlessly.
“Please what?” He mumbles around your breasts.
“I need you.” 
Those seem to be the words he needed as Steve promptly flips you over, roughly yanking your shorts down. He tosses his shirt off as you grab onto the waistband of his pants, urging him to take them off. He pushes you back on the bed, leaning over you. You feel his knee press into your cunt and let out a moan. 
Steve grabs your face, kissing you sloppily, and trails his hand down your body. You nearly grind onto his hand as he places his thumb over your clit and rubs slow circles over it. 
“You like that, honey?” He teases as he rubs you over your panties. 
You nod, biting your lip. 
He grabs your chin, “I said do you like it? Answer me.”
You cry out, “yes, Steve yes,” You whimper, “please I need more.” 
He scoffs, “who would’ve thought to get you to act right, I’d just have to play with this pretty pussy?”
You let out a pitiful whine. 
“Now you wanna be a good girl huh?”
You’re afraid you’re going to cum just from his words when he stops and drags your panties down so slowly that you want to scream. The smug look on Steve’s face makes your face burn. He’s enjoying this too much. 
Once they’re off, Steve settles between your thighs, making you look him in the eyes before reaching his hand down and dragging the head of his cock from your folds to your clit. You moan as he gently taps it against your clit a few times and makes a comment about how wet you are. There’s a hint of a smirk on his face as he lines himself up at your entrance. Steve groans as he eases into you. You wrap your legs around his waist, encouraging him to go deeper.
He bottoms out, and you both moan. Steve begins to thrust, and you’re already so worked up that you know you won’t last long. He brings his hand down to rub your clit causing you to cry out. 
His thrusts become more forceful. Your eyes close tightly, your sharp nails digging into his shoulders. He leans his forehead against yours, “I know you want it, sweetheart. I know you wanna cum.” 
His words shock you but send a wave of pleasure straight to your core. 
“Come on, honey, cum for me.” Steve says as he thrusts into you. Your walls spasm around his cock, causing him to groan into your neck. He never lets up on his thrusts though, continuing to slam into you as your first orgasm ripples through your body.
“You feel so good around my cock, baby,” he brings a hand up to lightly wrap around your neck.
You groan in response feeling your abdomen tighten once again.
You can tell Steve is close now, his thrusts becoming frantic and rushed. You clutch onto him as the sounds of slapping skin fill the room. Your name falling off of his lips repeatedly in your ear.
“Cum inside me, Steve,” you plead, “I wanna feel you.” He groans at your words, and you feel his hand tighten around your throat. You look at him, and his eyes are dark with lust, you feel yourself clench around his length. The look he’s giving you fills you with a primal need. You plead one more time, pushing Steve over the edge. His thrusts begin to slow, the feeling of him filling you up is enough to bring about another orgasm.
You find it difficult to keep your eyes open. Sleep begins to take you, and you drift off with Steve guiding you to lay your head on his chest. 
With one hand caressing the side of your head, Steve stares up at the ceiling of the hotel room, Nina Simone’s voice floating out of your phone. 
“It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me,”
“And I’m feeling good.”
Initially, seeing a girl like you would have made Steve doubt himself.
But now, he knows he’s ready for you as he sits next to you holding your hand as you prepare to get your first tattoo.
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