#while Crowley is still in trade
I feel like Crowley and Aziraphale are both about The Pleasures, but in similar and yet different ways.
Aziraphale's enjoyment is obvious -- he loves the food, he loves the drinks, he loves collecting physical things that remind him of things he enjoys. I think that these things are all more about the physical experience of them -- he enjoys cake because it physically tastes good, he enjoys hot cocoa because it does all those things Jimbriel talked about.
He turned his psychological safe space (Crowley) into his literal physical safe space (red & yellow bookshop -- *shiver*). He loves his clothes and they make him feel safe. He physically takes care of his clothes and maintains them, rather than making them appear out of the ether or cheating his way out of a stain.
Crowley is similar, but I think it's more conceptual for him.
He doesn't reject food -- we see him eating popcorn at the movies -- but I think it's more about the experience than it is the popcorn itself. Popcorn is an essential part of the experience, thus he has it. And speaking of movies, he's canonically heavily involved in media -- he enjoys partaking in, shaping, sharing the story of the human experience.
He doesn't reject worldly items, but the few he has seem to have deep emotional meaning to him. He has plants, living symbols of his pride, a physical metaphor for working through what happened to him. Otherwise, it's what's "cool". His apartment changes with the times, because it's not about how that specific stuff makes him feel, it's about the experience of staying in the modern era. Same with his clothes -- it's not about the exact outfit, it's how the outfit contributes to his experience of the world and his persona.
The Bentley is similar, though it is one physically object that he hasn't traded up through the years. I do wonder -- if Aziraphale had the Bentley, would it go a hundred years without needing gas, or would he be filling up every so often and dutifully maintaining every routine precisely on schedule? Even though it's a physical object, it still represents to Crowley the experience of being in control, and the physical maintenance of the object isn't really that important to him.
Drinking is especially curious to explore. They both like to do it, but Aziraphale seems to have very particular tastes. I think they both have their favorites, but it seems to me the drinking tends to be about the physical experience of doing it for Aziraphale, while for Crowley it tends to be about the emotional experience of altering one's mind and the method isn't particularly important.
I suspect physical affection might be the same way. I think physical touch is very important to Aziraphale because it feels good -- he likes putting his hands on Crowley, he likes staring and admiring his physical form, he likes dancing and moving to the music with him. I don't think Crowley would need it in quite the same way. I think it would be part of the experience of being in a relationship (e.g., he would like that it makes Aziraphale happy, he understands at the end of S2 the message he is conveying with the kiss) but I think the experience of their emotional exchange ("I say something brilliant, he says something unintentionally funny back. It's great!") creates that same feeling of closeness.
What might also be interesting is how those things look compared to their respective backgrounds.
Heaven is and always has been empty and devoid of things. The supreme Archangel doesn't even have a desk. It's all about the experience of being an angel, knowing one's place in the hierarchy, performing one's role. Gabriel likes the clothes because they make him feel more powerful and we can see that when he's being demoted from the position and he asks about his clothes.
Hell, by contrast, is cluttered and full of things. Things that are broken, things that don't belong, too many things that are just crowded and awful and everywhere. Everyone is someone's boss, everyone is someone's underling, and even orders from Beelzebub can't muster up more than a few dozen demons for Shax out of the millions of demons that are always loitering everywhere. Even a Duke of Hell has to stand by a leaky pipe with a bucket, his status means nothing.
On the flip side, Aziraphale's status as an angel means permanence. He has only ever known Heaven, and he has only ever known one side of Heaven (which is that you don't ask questions or you get in trouble -- he knew this before even Crowley did). I can see why he would find comfort in permanent things, like maintaining physical possessions that don't just up and change.
Crowley's experience as a demon sees that nothing is permanent, and everything can be taken away from you in an instant. You might be an esteemed usher at a trial, but you could still find yourself tossed in a tub of holy water on a whim. Here and now is the only guarantee. Your thoughts are the only things that you really have (though it will be interesting to see if an angelic memory wipe ever comes into play and what that means -- but I suspect it would make his thoughts and experiences even more precious for him to hang onto). He had his identity ripped away from him, of course his emotional identity is important to him now.
Overall, they both enjoy the world in very similar ways, but for Aziraphale I think it's based more in the physical emotion of the thing, and for Crowley the conceptual emotion of the thing. There's a lot of overlap (there's aspects of both physical/conceptual in his they both enjoy things) but that's them in general -- a little bit of each other in both of their personalities.
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hakunahistata · 7 months
The End of All Things
An entry for the incredibly fun angst war happening on the @goodomensafterdark subreddit
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The ground moved under them, asphalt splintered down the line of the street, cracked earth creating branches off its deepest, gaping wound, creeping up homes and tearing them in twos and threes. The church, St. John’s, split down the middle, its spire crumbling down into the earth and fire below in an ironic twist of fate—toppled by Heaven and eaten by Hell.
Aziraphale gripped Crowley’s elbow and tried to keep them steady as the ground shook and gasped around them.
“We need to get out of here, Crowley. Somewhere safe.”
Crowley laughed mirthlessly, watching as the last few remaining families piled into their cars and sped off, still bothering to shut and lock their doors, never stopping, never still. He admired that, even now, there were still some tendrils of hope. He sent off a final miracle towards the back of a blue hatchback with the last reserves of his energy, securing those inside with a safe journey to their destination, wherever that may be.
It left his fingertips and the last of his power was officially and entirely drained, leaving him bereft, the two of them literally out of their finite miracles since being cut off from their respective sides. It was a worthy cause though, for there was no miracle, not now, grand enough to keep the Earth from collapsing into itself. What was he now, a demon without any infernal manifestations? What did that make him?
He turned to face Aziraphale—steadfast, bullish Aziraphale with dirt on his cheeks, bowtie askew but still clinging on. Crowley smiled softly and, feeling brave and almost human, took his hand and interlaced their fingers.
“We can’t leave,” he said quietly, voice tight and choking around the words. “Aziraphale,” his voice broke. “We can’t leave them.”
The world they fell in love with, the world that had become their home. While Crowley didn’t exactly remember it, he knew he’d been there when the Earth was first built out of spacestuff and stardust, that he’d watched her, freshly born, take her first spin. He’d been in the Garden, a slithering, slinking thing, to meet the first humans, whisper in their ear, and watch them take their first bite. He had been the thing to feed them first. Little bites now, don’t choke.
It had been here where Crowley had slithered up on cold stone and took form to stand beside an angel, the same angel whose hand was currently clutched in his. Hands that had once held a flaming sword—given away to two humans for protection—those hands now held Crowley’s, trading one flame for another.
Crowley watched as Aziraphale’s ruinous eyes filled with understanding, shining and weighted with tears. He nodded, the movement knocking a few of them loose, spilling over and running down his cheeks.
He inhaled deeply and nodded once more. He swallowed, throat bobbing and voice thick. “I know,” he said, and he sounded frightened.
Continue reading on AO3.
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crowlipso · 1 year
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MC - Agatha Crowley sheet
Information under the cut!
Basic Information
Full name: Agatha Chandra Crowley
Nickname: Ag, Aggie
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human
Date of birth: 18th June 1875
Nationality: British (British/Trinidadian/Siamese)
Blood status: Pure-blood/Half-blood (unclear)
Wand: Redwood wood with a dragon heartstring core 10 ¼" and quite bendy flexibility
House: Slytherin
Patronus: Dragon
Boggart: [LOCKED]
Amortentia: Burnt wood, Chocolate, Gasoline
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Hair colour: Platinum white
Hairstyle: Short soft curls
Eye colour: Magenta 
Skin tone: Medium-dark skin with yellow-golden undertones
Height: (unclear) 3cm shorter than Sebastian
Weight: 60kg
Other distinguishing features: Two moles under the bottom lip, Fangs, Black nails polish
Agatha is confident and ambitious despite feeling neglected by her family and has developed a strong sense of self-worth. She's rebellious and doesn't conform to traditional gender roles, preferring to dress and act in a way that makes her feel comfortable rather than trying to please others. She can come across as cocky and sarcastic at times, partly because of her family's wealth and status, but also as a defense mechanism developed from her experiences with bullying.
While Agatha can be sarcastic and biting in her humour, she's also fiercely loyal to those she cares about and will go to great lengths to protect them. Her experiences with bullying have made her somewhat hostile towards those she perceives as a threat, but she's not inherently violent or cruel. She values intelligence and cunning.
Traits: Chaotic, Cocky, Charismatic, Sarcastic, Barbaric
Likes: Dragons, Insects, Leeches, Forbidden Knowledge
Dislikes: Milk in tea, Skirts
Good at: Martial arts, Animal Handling, Intimidating, 
Bad at: Showing true emotions and Affection, Persuade
Hobbies: Bug collector, Quidditch for fun(played as Beater), Drawing
Fears: Become nobody, Her father
Ambition: Domesticated Dragons
Family & Backstory
Agatha Crowley was born into a wealthy and prestigious pure-blood family known for their diplomatic skills and trading. Her father always wanted a son to carry on the family name and legacy, but instead, he was disappointed to have a daughter. As a result, Agatha was neglected by her father and most of her extended family. Only her mother showed her affection and attention, taking care of her and even allowing her to play with muggle children in their neighborhood.
Agatha's childhood was rough due to her family's neglect and the bullying she experienced from muggle children because of her unnatural hair and eye color. To cope, she became rebellious and defiant, refusing to wear skirts and acting more like a boy to try and please her father.
Despite not showing any signs of magical ability, Agatha's maternal grandfather, a Siamese man who was skilled in Muay Thai, taught her martial arts from a young age. Agatha fell in love with the discipline and art of fighting and trained vigorously with her grandfather.
At the age of 15 Agatha's magical abilities finally awakened, and she received her acceptance letter to Hogwarts, Though she possessed traits of a Gryffindor, her ambitious nature led her to be sorted into Slytherin, much to her family's relief.
In Hogwarts, Agatha's skills in martial arts proved to be an asset in her studies, especially in Defense Against the Dark Arts. However, her troubled past and lack of parental guidance caused her to develop a rude, sarcastic, and mean personality, often pushing people away with her hostile behavior.
Despite this, Agatha remained fearless and savage, always ready to fight for what she believed in, and became a force to be reckoned with in both academics and combat.
Father: Josiah Crowley
Mother: Chandra *Thai people still haven't had a last name back then*
Paternal grandparents: Victarion Crowley and Calypso Lovegood
Maternal grandparents: Narong, -
Uncles: Bran Crowley (Josiah’s brother), Edward Crowley(other brothers)
Aunts: Alannis (Crowley) Sanchez
Cousins: Isis Crowley(Bran’s daughter), Rose Sanchez, Jason Sanchez (Alannis’s children), Ramsay Crowley, Victarion II Crowley, Aretha Crowley (Edward’s children)
Pet: Bunch of unnamed insects, two leeches name Robert and Henry
Family home: London, Wandsworth
Friends: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Giona Regali(oc), Natsai Onai, Poppy Sweeting, other fifth years
Best Friends: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt
Love interest: Sebastian Sallow click
Headcanon CV: Robyn Addison
Character inspiration:
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Rhaenyra Targaryen - House of The Dragon
Nanno - Girl from nowhere
Veronica Sawyer - Heathers 1988
Cruella De Vil - Cruella 2021
Jo March - Little Women 2019
Agatha Harkness - Wandavision
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blackopals-world · 3 months
An Ancient Tale
Part 1
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Writer!Yuu goes snooping and finds an interesting story they want to tell you.
I was looking around Crowley's office and found this dusty old book hidden in a secret compartment.
Don't ask why I was there.
Still I doubt he's read in a century so he won't miss it. Besides it's not a textbook it's a story book.
Let's see.
Once upon a time a child appeared. They came from a land far far away or perhaps another world.
They claimed that they were a traveler who was tasked to explore this world and learn all that it holds. They said they had explored many realms and would explore many more. But there was a problem when they fell to this world. They were separated from their friend, another traveler in this world. The traveler desperately wanted to find their friend to finished their task and move on to the next world.
The child of course had no actual knowledge of the world or its language at first. They roamed until they made it to the Court of Roses where the queen taught the child well.
Straight back, eyes forward, and absolutely no mumbling!
The child had to learn many things on a strict schedule from singing, baking, croquet and all things else the queen enjoyed. All was well until another child, a traveler from elsewhere came to wonderland.
The child had hoped it was their dear friend, but no such thing happened. This Alice child only created disorder and chaos where she went. The people of the kingdom frowned upon outsiders now and demanded that both children should leave and a new rule be made.
The queen had her pride but she was a good ruler at heart. Alice and the child were both banished but not without a plan.
The child would be sent far away to a friend and fellow queen.
The child stood before the queen of the fairies and displayed only the best manners as they told their story.
Perhaps the fae queen had a softer heart than what was told or perhaps she had bigger plans. Regardless she took pity on the child and let them stay at the castle. The child lived in a small room hidden in the back of the castle library where prying eyes wouldn't find them.
Every day the child studied under the queen. They traded their elaborate heart-red and rose-white gowns for black robes.
"Your Majesty, I still need to find my friend." The child said tugging on the gown of the fae queen.
The queen hummed in thought. She didn't want the child to go but the child's journey must continue.
The queen sent the child to a place where answers would be found. To the place of the Fairest Queen where the magic mirror would be found.
The child found that the witch queen had very high expectations and demanded perfection. The Fairest Queen wouldn't let the child ask the magic mirror anything until she saw that the child had earned it. So every day the child was set to work with tasks to be finished.
One day a strange man had been spotted in the courtyard while the young princess and the child had been cleaning. The man was quite scary to the child as he was strange and looked at them like meat.
The child fled the the queen's side and told her of what had happened.
The queen was smart and called the huntsman. She had known for some time that the princess's beauty was in fact a curse. As the princess grew the curse would become more powerful until the day she came of age and her beauty would cause men to literally rip her apart to get a piece of her. The queen checked the mirror every day to make sure the curse hadn't surpassed her own beauty as the most radiant woman in the land. She had covered her daughter in soot and grime to keep eyes off her as the queen worked on the cure for the curse but alas she had been found, now there was no telling what that man would do.
The queen had the princess taken away and ordered a pig to be slaughtered. The heart would be used to prove the princess was dead and not to look for her.
The child was sent away as well to pick magic apples as a last task.
"Listen to me child for I have words you must hear. In this world there are a great many blessings to be found but what may sound like a gift could easily be a curse. Be wary of all things gifted to you because only what you do by your own hands can be trusted." The queen said dipping the apples in the potion. " You and my daughter are alot alike she has always hated medicine so I'd often coat her favorite fruits with it."
The child saw how how much she cared no matter how it appeared like she didn't on the outside.
The queen was true to her promise and asked the magic mirror to show where the other traveler had gone. The mirror showed images of far-off sand dunes and a young man making his way through the land.
The child smiled and glee and thanked the queen who promised to send the child to an old friend of hers. He was the sorcerer of the sands.
When the child left for their journey the queen had mentioned being busy as she had to invade a kingdom of a man who had stolen her daughter.
The child was sent to the palace of the sultan where they had been ushered to the sorcerer's tower. There they learned the nature of humans. Sweet words disguised true intentions and being smart didn't always equal power, cunning is required to be heard.
The child posed as a ward of the Sorcerer and had to learn the ways of this ruthless land. They often took shelter inside to stay away from the dangerous streets. They would rather avoid losing a hand after being accused of stealing.
"Why doesn't the sultan do something?" The child asked.
The sorcerer grumbled before responding resolutely.
"He lives in ignorance. That is why am his vizier. However only so much can be done to stop disorder when your leader doesn't pay any attention."
The child didn't understand but listened to orders. They even listened to the constant complaints of the princess who they didn't understand either. She talked about leaving the palace constantly, not knowing just how good she had it there. Say what you want about a guided cage the child had known what it was like to be without food or clothes.
But that was long ago...when they were alone. Before their beloved friend found them and they journeyed here.
Still, the child could understand the princess's wanderlust even if the princess knew nothing of the world.
It wasn't long before the vizier planned to leave on a trip and the child begged to go as well. They wanted to search for their friend only to be brushed off and admonished for being impatient.
The child unwisely decided to sneak out of the palace themselves following the princess but lost her in the crowd.
The child ordered the guards to look for her.
But what twist of fate that when the child found not only the princess but a thief and...her friend!
It was clear to see that they had taken different paths. The child wore fine silks while they're friend wore clothes made for wondering the sands.
Their friend was equally happy to see them until the child asked for her friend to come with them but didn't trust the thief that was with them.
"He's my friend. You can't just judge him for his looks. Why are you siding with those guards?" He said staying close to the thief.
"Im not. He's a thief and he was found with the princess. He will be taken for questioning. I'll vouch for his innocence of kidnapping her highness. The vizier will handle this fairly." The child said gesturing to the guards.
The friends argued and neither seemed to understand the other. They had been divided by the customs of a land neither truly understood and adapted differently.
But the guards betrayed them both as they took both the thief and their friend away despite the child's protest.
Reluctantly the child and the princess were taken back to the palace. Both having been separated from someone they trusted.
When the sorcerer returned the child begged him to set her friend free from the dungeons. Of course when the cell was opened it was empty as her friend had escaped. As for the thief, that is another story about where he went.
Disheartened the child tried to understand, however they blamed the thief for everything. And they didn't like the Prince Ali fellow who arrived shortly after.
"Lies are the enemy of logic, child. The truly wise have no need of them." The Sorcerer said pulling the child away from the display of dancing elephants. "Without insight and consideration, you will become like the countless fools who fall for flashy and dangerous displays. Think about if you'll trust someone just because of a past friendship."
The child knew deep down her friend was still close but this place...this wasn't the right time. To much about this situation felt like a kettle boiling over.
They departed from the land of golden sand to return lands of the fey queen. They had to reconsider what comes next. On the morning of their departure a note was left on their pillow.
"I'm sorry. I know you were just doing what you thought was right. Don't worry, I'll find you again. I just have to finish what i started."
They left in a lighter mood.
They traveled for many days until they reached the docks to board a ship head for the Shaftlands.
But a storm struck and threw them overboard. Had it not been for the generosity of the sea witch who had saved them.
On a desolate rock the sea witch offered a deal to them so they could survive without dying there. The child could only offer their service to her as long as the sea witch protected them.
A deal was struck and the child gave up their legs to work for the sea witch.
It wasn't a bad life, they ran errands for their mistress in the coral city. But the kingdom was loud and bright filled with sycophants who were obsessed with beauty and song. Everyone was content to float away their days while those outside the city walls were the ones who hunted in the open sea and brought back the food they indulged in.
The poor child had no beautiful fins, only the visage of their mistress. The other children of the kingdom did not take kindly to their appearance and mocked their legs and colors along with their unfamiliarity with their customs.
When they would return to their cave home they would need comfort from their mistress.
"Don't listen to those sea urchins dear, you are very beautiful. Prettier then most of those fools with the most deep and vibrant colors ever seen. Our kind can change our colors as we wish which is more than they can do. Not to mention we are smarter too." She said seating the child a her boudoir.
The child watched their mistress make deals with the mers that left their golden city and every time they wished for petty things they could obtain themselves if they just tried. But no they wished for the easy solution but could not pay the price for it. Honestly, they likely had never been told no and their loves and the sea witch wasn't going to be the first.
One evening while her mistress was busy with of an important deal the child went out searching for oysters for dinner. A familiar face appeared, none other than her friend whose appearance had changed as well as he wore the tail of a dolphin of all things.
The excitement of reunion as crushed under the weight of previous events. Still they were happy to see one another.
"I can't wait to tell my mistress. She'd be pleased to meet you. I'll have to talk about our deal though." They said.
Their friend asked many questions but when they realized it was the sea witch they spoke of their expression went sour.
"She'll curse you if you do that. What made you crazy enough to make a deal with that hag!" He yelled.
"Well, she's treated me better than anyone down here. She saved me and I owe her. I like her." They said indignantly.
After arguing their friend swam away in a huff, however, the next day guards returned. Their intent was the apprehend the child for entering the city on behalf of the banished sea witch, something that wasn't actually a crime. During the chase, the child was wounded but thankfully escaped. What hurt most was that the person who was holding the spear to pin them down was none other then are frirend. As they returned to the cave their blood drew the attention of the sea witch who took pity on them.
"What hurts more than a wound is betrayal. I would know." She said wrapping the wound.
The sea witch said that they are served their purpose well but it was time to go.
"You are far too weak to survive the seas. You must go where your strength can grow."
The child was sent to the surface once more with a potion in hand.
When the found shore they drank the concoction and returned to human form. The land however was unfamiliar and they were now lost, alone and very naked.
Had it not been for the hyena people of the lands who found them they would surely have died. They fed and clothed them with what meager resources they had. In turn, the child helped how they could.
The child found kinship but missed their old life. They had once lived in palaces and courts but they had long since became an outcast. They also could clearly see that they were not so little as they once were, these years since their arrival in this world had welcomed change. They were reaching their teen years now but they were still too young for many things as the adults said.
Youthful courage is a powerful thing. So powerful the child desired to seek change from the royals who cared little for the hardworking hyenas and the other beasts they called scavengers. The other young beasts agreed as they protested. The child sought an audience with the king but was brushed aside but the king's brother listened even if half-heartedly at first. He said he cared but he had little power to change the king's mind. That was until the child told him their story of everything they had gone through.
Overnight the prince gathered the people of the slums and gave speeches and protested. The child had a new cause to believe in and fought for it. That is until everything went silent in the capital. The king was dead, an assassin had taken his life and the young prince was too young to rule. The royal family was wrecked with grief. The throne could only go to the king's brother who sent the young prince away to be protected until adulthood. The new king was more distant now but he never forgot his promise that all beasts would be equal whether they liked it or not. A new age would come to pass.
End of Part 1
The child had the fortune of being present at the coronation ball of the new king and like fate intended an old friend reared his head. This time the child did not fight. They simply accepted that this was how things were. Their friend tried to convince them not to side with a usurper and that this was against the order of things but they didn't listen.
They would never see eye to eye ever again.
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avocado-writing · 10 months
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notes: this turned into a much longer, story-based fic lol. cw for depression. not mentioned: you & aziraphale building a little sandcastle while crowley drinks a margarita. also crowley switches to fem presenting in this fic
pairing: crowley x gn!reader x aziraphale
words: 2.1k
rating: E (smut at the end, minors dni)
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Crowley, there’s a problem. Come over as soon as you can. - Aziraphale
Angel, you don’t need to sign your texts off. I know it’s you. 
Usually when he gets these messages it’s because Aziraphale has run out of milk, or there’s a spider in the bookshop. So Crowley doesn’t worry. That’s until he actually turns up and finds Aziraphale staring at the CD rack you put up in the back room, arms crossed and brow furrowed. 
“The Tracy Chapman album is gone,” Aziraphale sighs. Crowley glances over to the calendar hung up on the wall. It’s got pictures of kittens on it. But that’s not what makes him groan, no; it’s when he realises the date. 
“Didn’t realise that had sneaked up on us.”
It happens once a year, inevitably. Even when you try to forget it the bloody thing is seared in your mind. It’s almost the anniversary of the day you didn’t die. 
You insist you aren’t sad about it. You insist. But, once when you were very drunk, they got it out of you that for a little while you always feel like you’re mourning. You’re happy with your life how it is now, overjoyed even; and you wouldn’t trade your marriage for anything… but you’re still reminded of the human you couldn’t be. The natural life you never got to live. The children you never had. The family you had to abandon when your death didn’t take. 
Because when it boils down to it you’re not quite human. You’re different. And though Crowley and Aziraphale may not be aligned with their sides any more there are other angels and demons. But there is only one of you. 
And it can get very lonely to think that way. 
So every year you sequester yourself off in your bedroom at your house — since 1988 it’s been with that bloody Chapman CD — and the person they love disappears into a little mist of sadness until you’re ready to be with the world again. 
Crowley slams his hand onto the table, making his husband jump. No. Not this time. They won’t stand to see you like this for another year. 
“I have an idea,” he says, and Aziraphale raises his eyebrows. 
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Your house is in quite a nice area of London, plenty of room for three people, but right now you’re sitting in the bedroom all alone. (Of course you have a house. You love your other halves dearly but personal space is a requirement, not a request. Besides you’ve picked up a load of tat over the years you’ve been alive and it’s not fair to make one of them keep it for you). You’ve not seen them for a few days, and that’s fine. You like to marinate in your own misery. Crowley once said people must enjoy feeling sad or bands like the Smiths wouldn’t exist. You couldn’t fault him. 
There’s a knock at your door. Figuring it’s the postie, you drag yourself from your spot in the middle of the bed and wipe the tears from your eyes with your sleeve. You’re a little surprised to find Crowley and Aziraphale standing there, but open the door for them anyway. 
“I’ll stick the kettle on,” you mutter as a greeting. They exchange a look as you shuffle into the kitchen. Before you can even begin to get the mugs out, you’re manoeuvred into a chair and your husbands plonk down in front of you. 
“Nightingale, we know you’ve been struggling.”
You deflate under their dual looks of concern, and bury your face in your hands. 
You suddenly feel very, very small; but you realise they’re taking your arms and pulling your hands away. 
“There’s nothing to apologise for, my dear. We understand. It’s just that we were thinking, we should all go on a little holiday.”
Cautiously you look up. 
“A little holiday?”
Aziraphale doesn’t do ‘little’. That word simply disguises self-indulgence. “Do you fancy a little treat?” (I saw a whole wedding cake in a bakery shop window and immediately bought it, fancy going halves with me?) or “I’m going to take a little nap…” (time to curl up on the sofa in front of Bake-Off reruns and fall asleep for four days straight) are the examples that spring to mind. 
So a ‘little’ holiday might not be so little at all. 
“Look, we wrote down all of your favourite places and put them into a hat. You just reach in, pick one, and we’ll go.”
They’d spent a solid two hours deciding what made the cut. Edinburgh, obviously. Stockholm. Verona. (You might have had a problem with the Roman Empire, but you can appreciate that nowadays Italy has some of the best food in the world). 
Aziraphale holds out a reporter’s trilby full of tiny white strips of paper, shaking it enthusiastically. Their eyes are wide and full of love. Gingerly you reach out, rustle around in the hat, and pull a single slip. They watch you intently as you unfold it, read it, and widen your eyes. 
You hold it up, and excitement crosses your face for the first time that day. 
“Isle of Wight.”
“Isle of Wight?” Crowley repeats. He doesn’t remember putting that one in there and, from the look on his face, neither does Aziraphale. But no, of course - you love that place. The three of you had spent a summer there back in the nineteen-twenties, when you had gone through your fossil phase. You’d spent hours on the beach searching through rocks for ammonites and genuinely enjoying every moment. 
Plus, with that look on your face, they can hardly say no.
“Isle of Wight then,” Aziraphale says, smiling. 
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They help you pack and book the ferry that evening, Crowley making short work of the drive down to the docks. On the journey you’re still a little bit quiet, but when you ask, “can I put on Tracy Ch—” Crowley shouts “No!”, reaches into the glove box to pull out the CD the Bentley manifested to try and please you, and flings it out of the window on the motorway. 
It’s so ridiculous you can’t help but laugh. As a compromise Crowley stuffs Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours into the system so roughly he threatens to break it in half. 
Apart from that the drive is filled with happy chatter. And so is the whole holiday, really. They’ve booked a little seaside cottage to stay in, very sheltered and alone so there are no prying eyes on the three of you. That first night you’re too knackered to do much but curl up and fall asleep, but the next day you go into full tourist mode. Shorts, shirt, big hat and glasses. Aziraphale rubs sunblock on your back in the areas you can’t reach — as luckily the three of you have planned your excursion for the four and a half days that constitute British summertime — and you set out. 
And, really, it’s lovely. You go to the little attractions, play mini golf, pretend not to be annoyed when they miracle their shots to hit better (though you still win, their divine magic isn’t a patch on talent). You get a huge ice cream which drips down your hand in the heat. You watch Crowley spend twenty-seven pounds on a claw machine trying to win you and Aziraphale a teddy each “the old fashioned way”, but finally get irritated enough to click his fingers to make it malfunction. Soft toys are spat out of it like bullets to the glee of the gathered children.  
When you arrive back at the cottage they insist they cook, and even though you offer to help you’re told to go and spend the time looking for fossils. It’s quite miraculous that the beach laid out before your front door is suddenly full of them. It’s equal parts sandy and stony and you busy yourself for the next hour, every now and then a cry of “look what I’ve found!” being shouted over the sound of the waves. 
Aziraphale and Crowley exchange a look and silently agree what they’ve never worded: they’ve married a history nerd. 
It’s still hot as the sun sets and they lay out a little picnic on the soft part of the beach. You’ve changed into swimwear and so have they, and it’s one of those moments when you realise just how different your spouses are. Crowley has her long and hair down, slim body feminine so she can wear a tiny black bikini that leaves very little to the imagination. Aziraphale is wearing a full striped bathing suit that you last saw popularised when Queen Victoria was still on the throne. 
You love them both so much. 
Crowley pours the wine and you spend the evening getting a rosy sort of tipsy. You eat the little smorgasbord they’ve laid out in front of you, and as midnight turns to one in the morning, you totally forget the fact that it’s your would-be-death day at all. 
You stand up on unsteady legs and look at the ocean. It’s still unbearably warm. 
“Nightingale?” Crowley asks. You turn to your spouses and make a show of stripping off, leaving your swimsuit on the sand. 
“I’m going for a swim. Are you coming?”
Crowley needs no convincing, her tiny bikini quickly joining the pile of clothes. You take her hand and rush into the waves, laughing wildly as the water sprays your skin. 
“Angel!” Crowley shouts over her shoulder. Aziraphale hesitates for the tiniest moment. 
“Come on angel, nobody can see us.”
Aziraphale loses a battle against himself, finishes his slice of cake and starts to undress too. Soon he’s joined you and your wife in the water. The two of you pull him close. 
“See? Isn’t it nice?” you hum into his ear. His hand skips your bare waist, his breath hitches. You giggle and float backwards on the water, skyclad to the stars above. Crowley keeps a hold of your hand to make sure you don’t drift away, and you listen to the sound of the ocean in your ears while your spouses kiss behind you. You link your fingers through theirs and close your eyes, warm from the wine, and happy. 
Then you splash them childishly. The noise of surprise they make is fantastic. You cackle like mad and begin to run through the water - albeit very slowly - poking your tongue out. 
“Can’t catch me!” you giggle, which is a silly taunt really because Crowley is able to do so immediately with her long legs, and then she sweeps you up in a kiss. 
The three of you find yourselves laying on the beach, Crowley kissing your chest and neck, Aziraphale the soft area of your upper thighs. You melt against their mouths and drag them each to your lips to kiss them properly in turn. 
“Please fuck me,” you whisper, voice strung out on happiness and a little desperate. They don’t need telling twice. Crowley puts one of her beautiful legs either side of your face and you reach to taste her cunt, a heady mix of salt from the water and her own slick. She throws her head back and lets her flaming hair cascade down her back, moaning in pleasure. 
“Fuck, nightingale, your mouth…”
As your tongue presses firmly against her clit you feel Aziraphale manoeuvre you into his lap, spreading your legs to find your entrance. His hands press against you as his fingers slide inside, getting you ready for his impressive girth. You moan against Crowley’s pussy as he sheathes himself slowly inside you and then giggle as the waves lap up against your body. 
“Ahh,” Aziraphale breathes in pleasure, gripping your hips tightly as he begins to move. With every thrust he gives you mimic the motion onto your wife. 
You know their bodies intimately. You have done for centuries. But each time you make love it still feels like your senses are being lit on fire, the best kind of fire, passion burning hot. 
You love them. You love them so much it hurts, and you let this tumble from your lips as you feel them come, and topple over the edge with them. 
That night they hold you close, sandwiched, one of your favourite ways to sleep. Aziraphale tucks his face into your shoulder and Crowley buries his mouth into your hair, giving you a permanent kiss while you drift off. 
You’ve not felt so light in ages. 
When you get home, you decide, you’re smashing that CD with a hammer. You’ve got everything you need to feel better right here in your arms. 
Taglist: @angiestopit @dazed-soul  @foolishprincipalitee@smile-eywa @staygoldsquatchling02 @underratedboogeyman @specter-soltare @candlewitch-cryptic @cool-ontherun-world @emilynissangtr @willbedecided @bdffkierenwalker @cool-iguana @ilyatan @civil-groupie
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blackcherryvelvet0909 · 11 months
Glimmering Dreams (Ruggie x GN!Reader)
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“So, are you going to tell me where you got these from, or…?”
“Nope!” At the look of your concerned expression, Ruggie let out a giggle. “Alright, alright, if you’re going to pout like that: I got them from a store in town.”
“They look expensive,” you said as you examined the devices. You glanced up at the hyena and raised an eyebrow, “Where’d you get the money for these?” 
“Leona,” Ruggie simply replied. 
“With his permission, I hope.”
“You think he cares?” His ears flattened against his head at the look you sent his way. “Hey, hey! I got his permission, alright? Again though, it’s not like he cared - all he cared about was getting that meat sub he wanted.” 
You glanced over your shoulder to look at the lion prince, who still laid across his lounge chair a small distance away. The fact he was currently nibbling on that meat sub meant Ruggie was telling the truth. You were sure he wouldn’t lie to you…still didn’t hurt to check though. Satisfied with his explanation, you looked over the long handle that connected to the metal detector Ruggie had lended you. “How do you turn this thing on?”
“Uh…” Ruggie fiddled around with his own for a moment before a red light clicked on at the detector’s base. “Ah, there we go!” He held out his hand to you, “Trade me.” 
You switched out your metal detector for his, then watched him turn the other on. “That knob on the handle lets you adjust the sensitivity,” he said. “It’s on a sort of middle ground right now - feel free to turn it up or down whenever you want. Just not too much,” he pointed up at his ears, “don’t want to make me go deaf, do you?”
“Do I?” Ruggie looked unamused at your tease, so you chuckled and backed off. “I won’t, I won’t.”
With that, the two of you went your separate ways. You didn’t stray too far from the other, just in case either of you found something of value. Since Ruggie provided the metal detectors, you planned to split the earnings from any goodies you might find. Would he do the same with his? Probably not, which is why you prayed to whoever might be listening on high that you’d find something. While Crowley did provide funds for you and Grim, any extra would be a blessing. Since, you know, Grim ate you out of house and home on a regular basis. 
Just then, your metal detector squeaked. You stopped dead in your tracks and scanned it over the sand below. When it squeaked again on a particular spot, you dropped to your knees. Before you could figure out where to put your metal detector, you heard footsteps approach from behind. “Find something,” Ruggie asked, his sandal clad feet appearing next to you as he spoke. 
“I think so.” You handed him your detector before you took out the little shovel that stuck halfway out of your shorts pocket. Carefully you dug into the sand, eyes searching for the metallic object underneath. A small ‘aha!’ left your lips as you came upon the object, which glistened in the sunlight. You plucked it up with your fingers - and were sorely disappointed. It was just a bottle cap to a soda long discarded. “Damn…” you cursed under your breath. 
Ruggie let out a small laugh. “Eh, it happens. Not too surprising to find something like that around here, y’know?” His brows furrowed in confusion as you pocketed the small piece of metal along with your shovel. “What’re you taking it for? It isn’t worth anything.” 
“I know,” you said as you stood and took back your metal detector, “but I need to throw it away later. I don’t want the beach to get even more polluted.” 
Ruggie stared at you for a few seconds, the look in his eyes unreadable - then he snickered with a grin. “Look at you, being a goody two shoes. You’d fit right in with those Royal Sword sissies, shyeheehee~” 
You let out a ‘tch’ as you kicked a small bit of sand in his direction. “Shut up. It’s a good thing to do; besides, we’ve got three merman here to worry about. You think they’d like us leaving trash in their home?” 
You had a point. Even so, Ruggie only gave a small shrug before he trudged back to where he’d been before. You watched him go for a few seconds before you started back down your own path on the beach. 
If you were a beastman, your ears would have perked up at the shrill sound. Ruggie must have turned his detector up a notch, a high one - that hurt! You heard Ruggie let out his own grunt of pain; you turned your head just in time to see him drop his metal detector and cover his big ears. It didn’t go far though, since it kept on screaming where it lay. You quickly ran over to it and picked it up, releasing Ruggie from the torture. All beastman around you glared in your direction, some more irritated than others, a few borderline angry. You gave a nervous, apologetic smile and a ‘sorry!’ before you focused back on Ruggie. 
“Are you alright?” you asked, hand placed on his shoulder. 
“Yeah, ‘m fine.” Ruggie shook his head, then scratched behind his left ear. His face was still in a mild grimace as he continued. “Are my ears bleeding?” 
“No,” you chuckled. You couldn’t help but smirk as you remembered his previous warning. “And who was the one who said to not turn it up too high?” 
“Shush,” Ruggie grumbled. He patted the sand under his palms, “Where was it again? When it squealed?” 
“Um,” you pointed down at the spot in front of him, “there, I think.” 
Ruggie took out his small metal trowel and began to dig. As the seconds passed, you wondered if you’d been mistaken, as nothing came up. Then, just as you were about to suggest the spot next to the shallow hole he’d dug, something glinted from beneath the sand. Ruggie’s ears perked up as he eyed the object; like you had before, he delicately lifted it out with his fingers. It was round in shape and looked to be a little rusty. When Ruggie brushed the sand off with his thumb, both your eyes widened at the color: gold!
“Is it real?” you asked, now knelt next to the hyena for a better look. 
“Hm…” Ruggie squinted as he brought the coin close to his face, scrutinizing every detail as he flipped it over and over. He then brought the coin to his mouth and bit down on it; sure enough, it didn’t bend. Ruggie’s grin spread wide as his eyes practically sparkled at the confirmation. “Yep, sure is!” 
“Holy shit!” you exclaimed. “That’s awesome!” You leaned close to get a better look at the little prize. “It looks old - how old do you think it is?” 
“Dunno.” Ruggie tucked the coin into the breast pocket of his open shirt as he stood, with you quickly following. “Maybe a hundred years or so?” 
“Wow! It must be worth a lot then!” 
“Could be,” Ruggie picked up your metal detectors off the ground and handed you yours, “c’mon, let’s go. I know a guy who’ll pay good madol for something like this.”
You followed after Ruggie as he began to walk back up the beach. For the time being, you turned your metal detectors off. “I hope I find something similar later,” you said. “There’s bound to be more around…hopefully.” 
“If not in the sand, they could be underwater,” Ruggie suggested. “I can see if I can get my hands on some goggles and snorkels, if you wanna look close to shore.”
“Really? I’d love to!” You waved to Ace and Deuce as the two of you passed them by. “I think it’d be fun.” 
“Yeah.” Your footsteps clumped against the wooden walkway that led away from the beach as you headed back to the resort. “Who knows, maybe after we split this prize, we might find more.”
“Split the prize?” You stopped in your tracks as you looked Ruggie in the eye. “You found it, Ruggie. I thought you’d be taking it for yourself?”
“I usually would,” Ruggie smiled, “but you helped me find it. If you hadn’t pointed out the spot, I could have easily missed it.” He let out a small giggle, “And, I mean, if you hadn’t moved the detector away, I’d probably be deaf right now. You saved my bacon!” He nudged your foot with his, “Splitting the goods will settle my debt.” 
“You don’t owe me anything, Ruggie,” you assured. “I know you would have done the same.” Well, you at least hoped he would have. 
Ruggie shrugged his shoulders, “Still sharing the cash with you. We’ll split it fifty-fifty.” He shot you a teasing grin as he looked you in the eye. “But don’t get too cocky - might not be so generous next time.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh, implications be damned. “Fair enough.” You pulled a smirk of your own as the two of you continued your walk. “It goes both ways though. If I find something, I might just keep it to myself~” 
“Hey, who got the metal detectors again?” Ruggie teased. “I’ve been oh-so generous to let you use one!~”
You groaned as you whined, “Stooop! You sound like Crowley!” 
“Whatever do you mean?” Ruggie mocked the headmage as he impersonated his voice to the best of his ability. “Is he not the Seven’s gift to students? He’s soooo kind!” 
“Stop!” You laughed and slapped his arm. “You’re horrible!” 
Your banter went on and on and on, all the way to your destination. It turned out the coin you two found was over three hundred years old; it was apparently the old currency once used in the Queendom of Roses. You and Ruggie got quite the payout from a certain octopus that practically fangirled over the small little piece of metal. How to celebrate your little added wealth? Simple: burgers, fries, and milkshakes - the biggest available at the beach!
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kayatoastkkat · 4 months
infodump time!
this is for my TOH au, some basic information for the big three of the cast and what their roles are! aaaand maybe also a sketch dump since I have too many pencil drawings of this au...
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Dr. Henry Jekyll
Leader of the Secret Society for Wild Magic. Also a part-time potions seller. 
After graduation from Hexside, his initial aspiration was to join the Emperor’s Coven. As such, he began trying to test out his magical prowess and became a curse researcher, collecting rare curses (akin to Eda’s) and began looking for cures. While some of his methods proved effective, during this time Jekyll was deeply absorbed into his work and started neglecting his own health, leading Lanyon and Rachel to become very worried for him. 
One night, while researching a particularly gruesome curse, Jekyll believed he finally worked out a cure. With no other subjects, he could only test it on himself. Thus, potion in hand, he decided it was a great idea to go curse himself with a cure that he believed was mostly effective.
Lo and behold, that was the first transformation. The curse lashed out in black ribbons, enveloping Jekyll before diving straight into his heart, issuing several screams from the brunette until all that was left was a bundle of loose clothes, shattered glass, scraps of paper leftover from the curse and research, and one tiny blonde gremlin among said loose clothes. Thus, that very night, Hyde was born. A curse that should’ve killed Jekyll, torn his very body apart, taken control over the leftover scraps, now resides in his body as half of himself, shares his memories and would become the mask Jekyll uses to indulge in activities he finds unacceptable for himself to engage in. The potion that failed to cure the curse is now the key to transforming into each other.
With Hyde, Jekyll quickly realised that joining the Emperor’s Coven is no longer a feasible choice for himself and instead, with Lanyon’s help (due to his family being super wealthy and influential) was able to pull some strings and fake a Potions coven sigil, thus taking suspicion off of him while keeping his status as a wild witch.
His palisman is a crow named Crowley. His staff also never initially had the red gem lmao, he stuffed it in himself to try and give it a more sophisticated look. He also has ear piercings! First made just to get Hyde to stop whining, he later decided he may as well wear something, namely tiny black diamond studs.
Mr Edward Hyde
Jekyll’s personal “assistant”. A trader and scammer at the Night Market. He often enjoys committing petty crimes and also trades his potions for rare ingredients required for more powerful spells. Sometimes he’d even bring a few of the Lodgers to sell their inventions too, to make sure the Society still has snails to spare for basic necessities. Most of what Hyde earns in the Night Market goes to his nighttime adventures, but whatever’s left by the time he transforms back will be used by Jekyll to keep the lights on in the secret Society. Besides the Night Market, he likes to go drinking at the sketchier parts of Bonesborough, often getting into skirmishes and bar fights. He relies on Jekyll’s magic and rarely ever uses his palisman to avoid divulging his identity. For transportation, he prefers teleportation spells or magic some wings to make a quick escape. No, he’s not a bird beast. I’ve long decided he is not some crow beast or something, he’s just an amalgamation of Jekyll’s worst traits.
He has about the same relationship with Jekyll as in TGS, perhaps even more tense as Jekyll is very concerned about ensuring that Hyde keeps a low profile and does not reveal the fact he’s a wild witch. Hyde hides it about as well as you’d expect, and eventually the information that he doesn’t have a sigil is picked up by the Emperor’s Coven. He’s never gotten caught before though, oh, and he also idolizes Eda the Owl Lady very much, but never goes to find her, since he’s terrified of Hooty.
The oopsy-doopsy arson will still happen, which I will cover eventually but bottom line is it’ll make Belos strengthen efforts into finding and tracing Hyde’s roots. Through the following disagreements and punishment from Jekyll, Hyde learns he can block Jekyll from using his magic for short bursts of time, and eventually with practice, longer periods spanning from hours to days.
He also has silver ring earrings. Every time he transforms he takes the time to take off Jekyll’s plain black diamond studs to replace it with them and I find that funny.
Dr. Robert Lanyon
A master illusionist, one of Jekyll’s closest friends and co-runner of the Society. Also helps around Jekyll’s potions business.
He’s the reason Jekyll was able to stay a wild witch in the first place. He was able to use his Illusion magic to fake a sigil for Jekyll and using his position of power, pulled some strings to prevent the scouts from investigating further. His father is a prosperous Constructions witch who helps Belos strengthen the castle and fortify bases for scouts throughout Bonesborough, earning him a position of high rank in the Isles. Lanyon despises it though, and took Illusions to spite his father, who wanted him to take a more “useful” track in school such as Abominations or Constructions so he would have more job opportunities. Outside attending dinner parties or finishing errands for his father, he does whatever he wants, usually sneaking off to parts of Bonesborough or to the Society to see Jekyll. He doesn’t even necessarily attend dinner parties, often preferring to have an illusion of himself attending. Lanyon Sr pretends not to notice this.
Unaware of Jekyll’s curse, he hated the idea of Hyde being affiliated with him and yet always so dangerously on the brink of exposing his identity as a wild witch, but so long as Hyde continues helping the Society stay afloat and doesn’t get caught, Lanyon keeps his thoughts to himself. That is, until the arson changes everything. While he helps sort out the paperwork and aids Jekyll in keeping the Society hidden, he is not close to any of the Lodgers and prefers to pretend he isn’t associated with them, mostly out of concern and to keep suspicion off him and by extension, his dear friend.
He has the most insane piercings too, with large gold spheres resembling Eda’s, along with two more piercings further up his ears.
also, minor thing but I've finally given this au a proper name lol, it's now called The Crow House after Jekyll's palisman, which is a crow! I've also updated the tag for it in my pinned post so not to worry!
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aziraphales-lawyer · 7 months
Archangel Michael Changing Sides in s3 (?)
I don't have a whole lot to back this up but I've noticed that there isnt a whole lot of theories about Michael and Uriel—especially Michael since Michael *is* one of the most prominent Archangels alongside Gabriel Raphael, Uriel, etc. And they knew that! Basically appointing themself as Gabriel's unofficial replacement (and its safe to assume that Michael expected to be the official replacement once they find (and then fire) Gabriel. Even AZIRAPHALE knew that, saying "Michael" immediately after the Metatron asked him about who would be the next Supreme Archangel. It seems like everyone is aware of this hierarchy. And the Metatron is very very aware of this hierarchy, needless to say, the bitch does NOT care. The Metatron let Michael play leader for a while and even let them believe that they're the next Supreme Archangel.
That being said, what happens to Michael now?
By the time s2 ends, Michael STILL thinks that they're going to be the next Supreme Archangel!! The Metatron made all the angels (except Aziraphale and Muriel) go back to Heaven. Michael is unaware that they are, in fact, NOT the next Supreme Archangel - but rather the traitor angel who has gone 'native' and, as far as they're concerned, immune to Hellfire.
Michael is also considered a prince of heaven, much like Gabriel. They're considered Chief Prince and would be the one to supposedly lead all the angels to victory against evil in The End Times (this role sounds awfully familiar). But now their role seems to be taken by Aziraphale. (Oof). So it seems like they will either be Aziraphale's right hand like they were Gabriel's (unlikely – and I'll get more into that later), or (the only other option) defy the Metatron's plans.
They know Aziraphale is as much of a traitor as Gabriel (trying to stop Armageddon AND "Fraternizing" with a demon!! – and Michael is aware that Aziraphale did it first anyway!!!) So, the Metatron appointing Aziraphale? It Does Not Make Sense. So either they take Aziraphale being Supreme Archangel at face value or NOT. Which will probably start a small Arc of them questioning Her Plans.
Not that Michael is all-innocent, either. After all, they're the angel who has direct contact - not just to *Hell* but to the *Duke of Hell*. Regardless of whether or not Gabriel knew about this contact.
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Michael seems to be cautious, hiding it from the other angels despite their authority over them. They know they're not supposed to "fraternize" will Hell, yet they do. And this probably won't be the last time they do it! Michael already has one foot in the door, just needs a push to get them through. That being said,
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They also provided Hell with Holy Water and brought it down there themself. Now, regardless of whether this was an agreement between Heaven and Hell to trade Hellfire/Holy Water, it's still striking that it was Michael who brought it Down To Hell, seemingly not even bothered by the fact that they're surrounded by demons. Michael - who, in Christian belief - being the one who led the army of angels who cast down Satan and his army of rebellious angels into Hell. Michael basically waltzed into the teritory of Every Person Who Hates Them Ever and didn't give a fuck. This may be due to their trust of Heaven/Hell's truce to execute two beings. Though I doubt Michael WOULD trust the truce (again, Michael walked into the Michael Hate Club HQ). No, Michael is aware of their power over the situation of their power over the demons because they've done it before. Being around a legion of them doesn't scare Michael, and they're probably prepared to smite any demon who even tries their patience. They were only genuinely worried when Aziraphale (as Crowley) went into the bathtub unscathed. At that point, Michael realizes that they have power against every demon in Hell. Except One. Which brings me to the next point–
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I dont think Michael will play nice with Aziraphale being the next Supreme Archangel. And neither will Aziraphale to Michael. To put it in a parallel (kind of), Aziraphale probably hates Michael as much as Crowley hates Gabriel. Beelzebub may have put Crowley in trial, but it was Michael who personally brought down the Holy Water. Maybe Aziraphale expected something horrible from the demons ("You're The Bad Guys") but Michael? "Archangel Michael?"//"I made Michael miracle me a towel", no, Aziraphale is just as pissed, and I believe he's playing it down like Crowley. Aziraphale was surprised it was even Michael at all, not the Holy Water, the fact that The Archangel brought it down themself for the destruction of his beloved demon. (Ineffable Idiots is a separate post, honestly). And now they're supposed to work together to bring about the Second Coming while Aziraphale just took the Major Role that Michael would have played in it? That doesn't sound like they'd work well together – that's why, I think, they wont.
And here's more things to consider:
(Images via @noneorother )
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In the image– Composition is very important! But guess what- Michael is not just NOT WITH THE OTHER ANGELS but also ISOLATED on the OTHER SIDE! Their body is facing away from the other angels but towards Shax (who is now Duke of Hell by the time s3 rolls around, I suppose???) Which we know Michael has contact to (or knows how to contact). Theyre also facing the same direction as Gabriel, now if that means much – and this is a shot about as long as the Bentley/Aziraphale body swap theory – but the Va Va Voom Yellow paint was something they weren't even expecting people to notice so I'm taking this opportunity anyway!
Anyway, like I said earlier, Michael already works with demons and has been since s1. They obviously know how to access "back channels". With their dispute with Aziraphale, questioning why the Metatron appointed him of all angels– well, Michael has more than enough (albeit, selfish) reasons to do it again. (Sometimes a selfish reason is enough, worked with Gabriel after all) I wouldn't know what their plan would be but all their motives to do so are already spelled out for us.
And as a cherry on top
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On the next image, its pretty easy to see how the character/backgrounds are tilted. Most of them "line up" with their respective backgrounds-except for- you guessed it. Michael. (And I think Saraquel too?) BUT while the angels are tilting one way - a different direction than the rest of the gang - Michael's tilt is the same direction as the rest of them even though their background is tilting another way (like Uriel's). This can either be read as changing sides despite their percieved respective side - OR - they are playing both sides, or will be.
Either way, I don't think Michael will continue to play with the Metatron's games after the Metatron took away their biggest role in The End Times and gave it to Heaven's most notorious traitor.
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ahurston · 7 months
I might be at the beach but I'm still on my bullshit!
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Thinking about The Arrangement. Not only did it give Crowley and Aziraphale the chance to trade off on soggy trips to Belfast or whatever, but it also gave Crowley an outlet for his goodness. I'm not totally clear on the miracle tracking system Heaven and Hell use to monitor activities on Earth, but the logic seems to be that when Heaven or Hell is expecting the use of miraculous energy for a specific purpose in a specific place, it doesn't matter who is doing the miracling. (That's why Heaven detects the miracle to hide Jimbriel, but not the specific culprits.)
So, instead of being sucked back to Hell for helping a human like in Edinburgh 1827, Crowley gets to bless and heal and help and go entirely undetected while doing so. Aziraphale might see The Arrangement as simply a matter of convenience, but I think for Crowley, it's decidedly more than that.
(And yes of course this makes it sadder that Aziraphale resisted The Arrangement for so long, effectively denying Crowley the safe option of doing good. I don't think he had any idea that was what he was doing, because even after thousands of years, he definitely doesn't understand Crowley's internal moral compass.)
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Hey there~ I've got a question because I actually can't remember that one part. Soooo in the end who was the one that saved, or specifically picked Yuu at the end of chaper 5 after Grim's attack??? I remember that chapter 6 started with us in Ramshackle (with some kinda bandage on our face??) with Ace and Deuce and we talked about Grim with them but nobody said anything about our "savior"??? Like, who actually found us at the vdc stage during the night and took us back to ramshackle since Yuu themselves passed out???
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I received an ask very similar to this a while ago! I’ll refer you back to my initial response.
At this point we’re pretty late in the main story, so I wonder if that detail will actually be addressed or if it will be totally glossed over (similar to how the main story never said what Leona traded Azul to get the magic-enhancing potion for his plot in book 2) 😂 because in the context of everything else that's happening, it’s such a small thing?? I wonder if it really matters at all… though this kind of requires way more suspension of disbelief rather than just ignoring a detail. How exactly does a whole body move all the way from the VDC stage to Ramshackle Dorm??? Just look at the distance between the two places.
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Since there’s only book 7 left to explain things and Adeuce and Grim are already ruled out, I’m going to have to guess maybe it was either Crowley (since we still don’t know his motives) or a Diasomnia boy??? Most likely Malleus because he could easily teleport this long distance and he is the one most familiar with Yuu of Diasomnia. He’s also the most likely to take strolls at night to random locations 😂
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kunikame · 10 months
[02] - "a 'friendly' game of monopoly" | prev. | m. list | next
ace trappola x fem!reader smau
! warning(s) : cussing, (un)intentional miss-spellings, america jokes (COME ON BABY AMERICA!!)
? w/c : 496
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inviting the other first years to ramshackle automatically means inviting ace trappola as well.
though he wasn't directly invited by you, he invited himself, as usual.
whenever you held game night with your little friend group it would end with a screaming match between you and ace (and sebek, who simply screams because he can't lower his voice) over one thing or another. you wonder what you will find yourself arguing over tonight.
as the boys trademark pile into the ramshackle lounge, you go to grab the sailor moon special monopoly you (somehow) discovered they sell here. it's a little different from how you remember it in your world, but the fact they even had it in twisted wonderland astonished you.
"[name], do you need any help?"
you turn at the sound of deuce's voice, raising your eyebrow with a questioning hum.
"you've been staring at the box for a while, i was just wondering if something was wrong, or if you needed help with something. jack and sebek took care of the snacks and drinks, by the way."
realization dawns on you, and your eyes snap to the clock on the wall, you really have been standing here for a while. "oh! no, no, i'm okay, thanks deucey~ i was just wondering how the sailor moon edition even exists in twisted wonderland, and i suppose i lost track of time, that's all," you say as you walk towards the tall boy, indicating for him to exit the storage room first. after you turn off the lights and shut the door, you fall into step beside him.
"oh, you had it in your world too?" 
you let out a pleased hum, nodding in agreement. deuce has always been quite curious about your world, and you loved sharing little details about it with him. you sometimes sat down and traded information and fun facts the other didn't know, and while jack was one of your favorite conversation partners as he was very attentive and listened to whatever you said, deuce was just a tad closer to first place. 
"yeah, we have multiple editions, actually, based on some movies or animes– though i haven't played many of them."
"that sounds pretty fun. i wonder if there's a ramshackle edition of some board game somewhere out there. the currency is tuna and the goal is to catch grim without getting caught by overblotted dorm leaders or ghosts."
"and crowley is the mascot slash narrator of the game! he gives you random side quests and tasks that you can't skip cause you'd lose some tuna!"
you share a giggle just as you make it to the lounge and see the guys just chilling there and waiting for you with everything set up the way it usually would be.
except usually you entering would catch the attention of everyone except ace, turning to you with one request or another.
this time, however, ace trappolas eyes snap to you along with the others.
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## ❝ after the events of the phantom bride wedding, ace started wondering whether he still had the ability to charm girls. he hasn’t thought about anyone romantically in years, hasn’t really flirted with anyone either, what if he’s gone out of it? perhaps it’s time to put his talents to the test; with the person who hates him most, no less. if he can charm her, he can charm anyone.
#TAGLIST ! : @solxima @gabirii @lunavixia @y2unagiz @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @borlining @artsycanongoer @myunghology @doughnuts-eater @lifeless-bug @babygurlenthusiast @shirishere @xopeach @stormyovent0aster // ask/comment to be added/removed! (if you're in bold i can't tag you)
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xiakyo · 2 months
Wish Upon A Star, Stargazer Azul!
PROMPT: Azul fulfilling his duties as this year’s stargazer.
Words: 1.6K words
DISCLAIMER! My horrible description of Kalim teaching Azul how to dance (I took what I saw from the rhythm part of the event!) ++ Possible OOC characters?
— < ++ > —
I am a contributor to @twst-charity ! And here is a commission for @twsted-seas !! ^_^ i hope you enjoy this little work i’ve made in the midst of crazy exams @_@
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:: VIP ROOM ::
It was the Starsending, the day in which students around NRC would be bestowed a wishing star. This year, headmaster Crowley had tasked Azul and a few others with collecting the wishing stars around the campus in any possible way he could.
Azul sighed as he rested his forehead on the palm of his hand . “My my," he chuckled. “The headmaster surely knows how to burden his students, alright..”
“Haha, does it trouble you, Azul?” Jade let out his signature chuckle as he held his chin between his thumb and his index finger. Floyd groaned, obviously bored with all of this. “Come onnn~” He let out an exaggerated sigh as he hunched over. “Why’d we ‘ave to get involved ?”
“Indeed, the headmaster has quite the odd picking.. Especially seeing how Azul still has to oversee the lounge while handling this task as well. I mean.. Collecting the individual stars.. Practicing the dancing..” Jade squinted his eyes as he chuckled.
That seemed to make Floyd be in a.. Better mood. “Aha ha! Azul, doing the silly dance?!” He grinned as he fixed his posture, his hand on his waist.
Azul could only sigh in exasperation as he shook his head. Right.. He had to fulfill other duties aside from collecting the stars. Perhaps he should ask the other starsenders this year?
Azul walked along the cafeteria, searching for someone in particular. His eyes scanned the crowded room and eventually landed on a particular hyena with sandy brown hair.
“Shishishi, told you I could do it, now hand over the goods!” Ruggie was talking with a random Heartslabyul student who handed the hyena madol before leaving.
“Ruggie!” Azul called out to him as the hyena beastman jumped, not expecting him to call out to him.
Ruggie looked at Azul with a sigh and a grin. “Got another odd job for me?” He asked Azul, turning on his heel and looking at Azul.
“Not this time,” Azul gave him a closed eye smile as he pushed his glasses up with his middle finger. “I was merely looking for you to ask, what are you going to do to collect the wishing stars?”
“Shishishi.. Now, if you want to know the trade secret.. You have to pay up!” The hyena beastman chuckled as Azul sighed. “Very well.” He handed madol to Ruggie as he grinned.
“Well, I’ve just been doing typical dirty work for it.” Ruggie replied calmly. “But I doubt you’d get your hands dirty for it! Shishishi!”
Azul seemed to take in Ruggie’s comment before nodding. Perhaps he should ask Rook..
“Roi d’Effort!” Rook greeted Azul with his signature smile. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Rook,” Azul greeted the huntsman back. “I was simply going around asking the starsenders picked for this year on how they’re going around collecting the wishing stars!”
“Oh! Well, I have been getting them with quite ease! Nobody can truly hide their wishes from a hunter!”
Azul sweatdropped as he heard it before clearing his throat, “Well, that’s one way to put it.. Thank you. Rook.”
:: VIP ROOM ::
Azul was in the VIP room, sitting on his desk as he wrote on the parchment in front of him. He was thinking of ways to collect the wishing stars whilst looking over contract details regarding the lounge. Multitasking! Azul sighed as he leaned back.
Azul would continue to go around, looking for the rest of the starsenders, they all gave him their own ways on obtaining the wishes.
That put Azul into thought.. A thought appeared in his head, similar to a lightbulb lighting up. Every single stargazer he’s asked has given him an answer in which they all got the wishes in their own way.
So, he too should get it in his own way, right?
The next day, Azul announced that the lounge will be having a 10% discount to whoever gives their wishing star to him.
“To everyone who hands over their wishing star to me. Will be getting a 10% discount off of any item on the menu! Only available for those who share their wishes.”
How come you didn’t think of this earlier? You’re a genius, Azul. He thought to himself.
As the day came closer to nightfall, Azul sighed, finally. He had collected most of the stars around campus. He chuckled to himself as he looked over the sale reports. Excellent. Jade walked into the room with Floyd following behind.
“Haha, it seems that we have more sales today than on any other typical day.” Jade hands over the sale reports of the day to Azul.
“More sales on a typical day means more work.” Floyd huffed as he put his hands into his pants pockets’. “It was allll soooo boringggggg!” Floyd complained, drawing his words out longer.
Azul nodded as he looked over the sale reports. He was lost in thought as he looked over it, silencing Floyd and Jade’s talking, until Jade called out to him directly.
“Azul, when will you begin practicing the dance?” Jade asked, his signature smile on his face as he closed his eyes. It was spoken with a playful tone. “Oh! Ya! Totally forgot ‘bout it! So, when will you practice?” Floyd continued, a grin on his face as he imagined what Azul would look like dancing.
Azul looked at them as he panicked slightly, though he didn’t show it. He coughed into his fist. “Ahem.. Well, I’ve scheduled a practice with.. Kalim..!” He totally lied, but it wouldn’t be so hard convincing Kalim to help him.
“And that’s why I need your help, Kalim, you certainly know a thing or two about dancing. So, could you help me?” Azul was in Scarabia’s dorm. Talking to the housewarden, Kalim.
“Hahaha! Of course I can!” Kalim answered enthusiastically, his hands on his waist as he let out a big toothy smile. Jamil, who was beside him, sighed out in exasperation as he face-palmed. “You still have things to do, Kalim.”
Azul slightly deflated at that– He totally forgot about Jamil, he’d certainly want Kalim to focus on other things. And it wasn’t hidden that the vice-housewarden had quite the distaste for the scheming housewarden of Octavinelle.
“Oh! C’mon, Jamil! Azul’s our friend!”
But of course, Kalim would ignore any important task if it meant helping out a friend of his.
“Your friend, maybe..” Jamil sighed as he rolled his eyes. “Come on, Kalim..” his hand on his waist while the other was resting against his forehead. Before Jamil even knew it, Kalim was already telling Azul of all the different techniques he’d have to learn before learning the actual dance.
“Astaghfirullah.. Allah keeps testing my patience today..” Jamil mumbled under his breath, sighing. Knowing that Kalim had already decided what he’d have to do for the rest of the day.
“Like this–?” Azul was cut off as he fell, an annoyed sigh leaving him. He just couldn’t keep up with Kalim.. Perhaps it’s because Azul had never danced, with two feet or even back when he was in the coral sea. “I don’t know how you’re able to do all this Kalim.. Especially while keeping that upbeat expression and that enthusiasm of yours..”
Kalim could only let out a laugh as he pulled Azul up by the arm. “Come on! It’s simply, first.. You do this, then this!” Kalim first moved his leg and feet, making it so that his left foot would nearly be touching her right leg before doing it reversed and repeating around two to three times. “One, two, three!” Azul watched and copied his exact movements in a sloppy manner, but it was still something!
“I don’t understand why I have to do all these movements one at a time..” Azul sighed, he could be in the VIP room by now, filling out documents and such when Jamil interrupted his thoughts. “It’s good to practice your leg movement before moving to focus on your arm movements then combining the two.”
Azul sighed before moving his gaze back at Kalim who was ready to do another set of movements. “And then, you do this, Azul!” Kalim swung his right leg a little bit out while jumping a little, he grinned as Azul followed his manner. “That’s right!”
After a few more tries, Azul got less sloppier and did it much more cleanly.
“Now! Onto arm movements!!”
Azul sighed as Kalim seemed to be rather enthusiastic about it. Had he really not broken a sweat through this entire ordeal? Before they could move onto the next practice of movements, Jalim entered the room.
“Why don’t you take a break first? I’m sure Azul and you have exhausted yourselves, Kalim.” Jamil walked in with a basket filled with nutritious food and drinks to replenish their energies.
“Oh wow! Thanks Jamil!”
“I.. Indeed, thank you, Jamil.”
Azul sighed as he saw the amount of people in front of the tree. You have worked long hours, practicing, perfecting this!
Along with his fellow star-senders, he steps in front of the crowd and they begin their star-sending performance.
“Woah! Look, Jamil! Azul’s really doing it!” Kalim seemed excited, knowing his help had paid off. “Hmp, he really is..” Jamil could only let out a small smirk.
:: VIP ROOM ::
Days had gone by since the star-sending ceremony. Azul looked over the reports from the last few weeks and this week, he had noticed a surge in the sale reports. Was it due to the discount? Nono, of course not. Or perhaps his wish did come true, for Mostro Lounge to blossom even more.
He chuckled, looking at the papers with a grin. “Now this.. This is a star-sending miracle!”
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actual-changeling · 4 months
I got a question. It's a completely earnest question from someone genuinely confused about some of your metas.
If Crowley is under constant surveillance and threat of being dragged off to hell to be tortured at any moment if he steps out of line, how is the Arrangement meant to work? He and Aziraphale do still handle each other's jobs in the show, which would mean he has been doing good deeds for centuries. I don't understand how they could trade places on the regular, with Crowley even saying neither head office cares and nobody has to know about it, if he's always being watched. He also still gets commendations for stuff he hasn't done, like the Reign of Terror, but if they're spying on him shouldn't they know he didn't have anything to do with those things?
Sorry, I hope this isn't coming off as mean or anything! I'm just really confused about that aspect of your metas is all. I'm probably missing something you've spelled out already, no doubt. Hope you have a good one!
I don't mind genuine questions, and I always have fun elaborating on my metas, you're fine!
Ironically enough, the answer to that question is that hell approaches most issues not with black/white but rather complex thinking—they see shades of grey, if you will.
In general, heaven and hell have very different relationships with earth and humanity, and that's reflected in their treatment fo Crowley and Aziraphale.
While hell has several different demons working on earth to "collect souls", handle everything with what seems to be a rather democratic system (like having different councils for different issues), and are more or less capable fo blending in with humans, heaven doesn't do, well, any of that.
We have never actually seen a single human soul in heaven, so there's a good chance there aren't any, but that's a different meta altogether.
Now, why does that matter? Because in theory, neither angels nor demons are opposed to working with each other, collaboration itself is never the issue. Michael has contacts in hell, which in turn have contacts in heaven, and it seems to be so common that she even asks Ligur if Aziraphale is working for them; she only does so since it's a probable explanation for his arrangement with Crowley.
Shax confirms that hell has been suspecting that they have an arrangement for almost a century, but has hell ever followed up on that? No.
You'd think after Furfur they would, but they didn't, because they do not care. If Furfur had brought them evidence, sure, they would have happily tortured Crowley for eternity, but as long as no one pushes the issue, nothing will happen. It's more of a "backstabbing is great and demonic tm so if you backstab someone we will reward you".
Both sides only spring into action once Crowley and Aziraphale start actively sabotaging their Armageddon plans. That is the part that bothers them, not an angel and a demon working together but the fact that they are breaking the rules and going against company policy, so to speak.
Working together is fine as long as a
a) you have some level of deniability, no matter how thin (because let's be real here, saying "on a grapevine that doesn't exist" is just for the looks, nothing else)
b) you don't break the rules and/or ruin heaven and hell's plans and
c) you do not disturb the celestial dials of good and evil.
As Crowley tells us several times, neither side really cares how a job gets done as long as it gets done. Heaven definitely does not give a fuck since they don't care about what Aziraphale is doing at all, and hell only wants to make sure someone does it, no matter if it's demons, angels, or humans.
The question is, why does hell keep such a close eye on Crowley if that's the case?
Because Crowley is kind. Crowley does good deeds and sabotages all kinds of celestial plans because he has his own moral compass that he's following—he breaks the rules and annoys the hell out of hell.
On top of that, demons get a certain enjoyment from punishing and that is how hell functions. Just like heaven neglects and separates angels from each other, hell makes sure that demons do not trust each other, that they do not get a chance to realize that hey, there's millions of us and only one Satan.
Once they understand that, what's stopping them from ripping the entire system apart? Most of them aren't happy down there, they hate it just as much as Muriel hates their job in heaven —they did not choose any of it.
God punished them for rebelling, so what do you do if you're smart? You make sure that the rebels do not rebel again.
So that's what they do, they punish people who break the rules and go against the system, but they do not care how the job gets done as long as it gets done.
I hope that cleared that up, feel free to ask if there's anything else 💚
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never-let · 3 months
Chapter 2 of The Queen Of The Dunes
Chapter summary: Crowley and Aziraphaella finally meet each other. The girl discovers that the village's most famous 'snake' has an interest she never could have thought of him having.
Word count: 5k
You can read it on Ao3
You can read chapter 1 on tumblr
Full second chapter under the cut:
The girl got up early in the morning, before the first rooster crowed and the sun rose, and went about her daily business by candlelight. She washed her face, swept the still fairly new wooden floor and prepared the food, always looking out of the window to see if the sun had coloured the whole sea pinkish red. Almost the same colour as Crowley's hair... 
Scolding herself for those thoughts, she greeted her parents, who stood up and thanked her in a friendly manner when they saw the holiday clothes already smoothed and ready to wear. They were amazed at their daughter's diligence, for levelling clothes was time-consuming. Still wet clothes had to be twisted around a kind of wooden rolling pin, then with a sudden movement the cloth had to be rolled on the table, using a board with a scalloped bottom, and then rolled around the rolling pin back again. This was repeated until the clothes were perfectly smooth, and since metal coal irons didn't do so well with linen, the practice was still popular to their day.
The mother went to check on the animals, while the father sat on the bench and smoked his pipe, looking out the window. Since it was Sunday morning, everyone was preparing to go to the local little church where, although the village population was small, everyone could barely fit on the narrow pews in a small and stuffy room where the only natural source of light was the stained glass window above the wooden head of Jesus, set so that at certain time of the day the sunlight would fall on the altar itself. If there were no candle stands on the sides, people would fall over each other, stumbling over the uneven clay floor, but that didn't stop the faithful from continuing to walk there with eagerness to listen to the priest's long discourse on the past, present and future for which people should be thankful.
Having announced that she was going for a walk, and having met with no complaints - the father considered that his daughter had the right to do what she wanted, for he was completely sure that nothing bad would happen, and Aziraphaella was already a responsible adult, therefore could decide for herself, but it was still nice that she always announced that she was going somewhere.
When the girl went outside, the sun was already peeking out from behind the sea, and the blonde headed towards the dunes without waiting, knowing that the way through the loose sand would take quite some time, and not wanting to keep Crowley waiting - after all, she was the one who had asked the guy to meet her! Even if she had no idea what to talk to him about, or if they'd even find common topics of conversation.
When she reached the top, she began to look around. From here she had a view of the sea that surrounded the spit on all sides, the sandy areas that looked like a desert in sunny summers, the dead dunes, and the green areas that seemed almost grey because of the scant vegetation of mosses and low grasses. Aziraphaella loved this half-island more and more each year, not understanding why some people wanted to trade this life for a bustling life in the city, where you could get lost amongst lifeless buildings and be completely destroyed emotionally without seeing so much nature around you, which allowed the mind to relax.
Aziraphaella sat down on the sand, pulled her knees up to her and dipped her toes under the sand, occasionally spreading her fingers apart and watching the sand scatter between them. She sank into her thoughts and wondered if Crowley would come. It was very impolite of her to say nothing to him at first, and then come over to arrange another meeting. He might have thought she was ashamed of him and didn't want others to see them together. It was actually quite dangerous to meet before marriage, because parents could think that the young people were doing something inappropriate and the lovers would be punished properly, but, after all, the girl didn't know Crowley as a person at all, and the idea that someone would suspect them of doing forbidden things before marriage was ridiculous.
The girl rested her chin on her knees and closed her eyes. The morning sun had not yet warmed up the ground, so it was a little chilly, the wind was blowing behind her, making strands of her hair stick to her face, but she sat relaxed and not paying attention to what was happening, as if merging with nature and becoming a part of it. Where did people who lived in cities go to relax? Were they satisfied with miserable parks with bushes here and there, where you could still hear the noise of people in the streets?
“Are you not afraid to miss the church?”
A voice which came from nowhere, not far from her, made Aziraphaella flinch and open her eyes. Crowley was standing in front of her with his hands on his belt, looking at her with his head tilted to the side. His hair was gathered into a small ponytail, but few strands still rested on his shoulders.
“Not at all," she said and immediately got up from the ground. She did it so abruptly that Crowley didn't even have time to offer her help, causing his eyebrows to rise for a moment, though perhaps that reaction was due to her words. “And you?”
The girl stopped in front of him and tilted her head to the side as well, mimicking the guy's pose. This caused him to smile, baring his teeth slightly, so sly, as if he knew something more. And what to say about that incomprehensible low grunt that Crowley often expressed himself with instead of using words. But, in fact, this manner of reply was understandable to everyone, expressing both the lad's opinion and the emotion he was feeling at the same time.
“You never go to church. I've seen you tending the chickens or sitting at the spinning wheel in front of the house," Crowley said, ignoring her question. The guy was looking her straight in the eye, she was sure of it, even though he was wearing sunglasses. He didn't seem to be accusing her, just frankly perplexed as to how someone like Aziraphaella could skip going to church and, even stranger, how her parents could take it so easily or even allow her to commit such a transgression, even though they were firm believers themselves.
Aziraphaella only smiled modestly at him without saying anything, and, looking the other way, pointed with her hand to the woods in the distance, which led to a cosy shore where no one would find them, and suggested, “We can go there.”
Crowley, who himself had walked round the whole half-island many times, at once realised what the girl meant, and nodded, following her.
“So you don't believe in God?” he asked curiously, knowing that such a question usually sounded very negative and that it was better not to bring up such topics in public, but for him it was not a taboo topic, and Aziraphaella did not seem to mind.
“In one god, no. Gods, yes. I'm a pagan.”
Crowley snorted out something in reply, as if considering her words. He himself did not believe in superstition, legends, or gods, but the answer intrigued him, for paganism had not existed in the country for centuries, and it was incredible that there were still pagans in such a remote land. He hadn't been interested in the subject before, he just knew that it had been the main religion in their country until it was forcibly replaced by another.
“So what exactly do you believe in?” he asked, not knowing how to continue the conversation. At this time they were descending a steep slope, and Crowley held the girl's hand to keep her from falling.
“That every phenomenon in nature depends on a god or a creature. You probably know Austea, don't you? The goddess of bees. Or Gabia, the goddess of fire. There are many of them, big and small, but each one is responsible for something, and if even one of them disappears, the world will fall into chaos.”
Yes, Crowley remembered something like that. Perkunas, Zemyna, Laima... He remembered a few names and their approximate duties, but there were many more. He had never really cared about any of that, but he was curious about how the pagans perceived the world around them, and he decided to test Aziraphaella to see how strong her faith was, for he was a real trickster himself.
As they walked, he looked carefully around and even lowered his glasses on his nose to see better. The girl at that moment was looking at the clear blue sky, which didn't have a single cloud on it. She looked relaxed, and Crowley was sure that he would manage to surprise her properly.
Finally the young man's sharp eyes spotted what he was looking for. He let go of Aziraphaella's hand, which he still held even when the steepest slope had long since ended. Crowley ran down and leaned suddenly towards the ground and seemed to grab something, shrieking triumphantly. Intrigued, Aziraphaella quickened her step to catch up with the guy who now had his back to her.
As she approached, Crowley suddenly turned around and looked at her through the lowered lenses of his glasses. 
“And the grass snakes, hmm? The pagans believed in them, too," he said, as if trying to prove something to her. The young woman only flinched, surprised by the suddenness of his movement, but not at all frightened, looking at the black grass snake with yellow "ears" wriggling in Crowley's hands, trying to escape from his jail of fingers.
“Yes. Pagirnis is a god in the form of a snake," Aziraphaella held out her hands, and after a moment of hesitation - this was not the reaction he had expected, Crowley placed the snake in her palm. Apparently the warmth of her hands calmed the reptile a little, because the creature stopped wriggling and just curled up in a ball. “He keeps the house in order," she laughed and bent down, letting the snake loose and watching it crawl away. “When dad found the grass snake you left in his clogs, I persuaded him to keep it at home, and now I feed it eggs every morning. You mustn’t hurt them, or they will bring you bad luck.” 
Crowley awkwardly looked away when he heard about his prank, but the girl only laughed, noticing his reaction, because she was not angry with him at all and, moreover, she could even thank him for such a ‘gift’.
“Hmm... Other girls are afraid of them..." he finally answered, deciding it was time to change the subject. Crowley looked thoughtfully after the snake, which finally burrowed into the sand and disappeared. “If you hear them squeak, you can be sure they saw a snake”
“Yes, unfortunately, their religion says that innocent grass snakes bring evil…” Aziraphaella sighed and said something she wouldn't dare to say to others. Apparently, Crowley really influenced people... “The Christian god is very cruel... He forces you to believe in him and doesn't want people to have a choice…”
“God has nothing to do with it. It's people who create it and then attack each other if their opinions on religion don't match. That's why I don't believe in them. Too many fights happen over things that don't exist.”
Aziraphaella chose to remain silent. Yes, their opinions didn't coincide, but she agreed that it wasn't worth fighting about it, especially since they had both expressed what they thought, what they believed or didn't believe, so there was no need to go on about it all. It would be awkward if on their first walk they immediately started hating each other.
When silence came, they started walking again, looking at the trees around them and getting closer and closer to the shore. It was a little uncomfortable as each of them sank into their own thoughts, but they were just starting to get to know each other, so they had to accept that sometimes silence would accompany them, and thus awkwardness, because one of them would have to start a new topic that would suit them both.
“So... do you believe... in... something?” Aziraphaella asked timidly, knowing that faith wasn't necessarily religion, and hoping that Crowley understood that too.
The boy didn't answer immediately. He thought for a long time, going over all the options in his head and figuring out if they would be suitable as an answer to the blonde girl who was patiently waiting for him to find the right answer. He knew exactly what she meant, but he didn't know exactly what he himself believed, which was why it took so long. No one had ever asked him a question like this before. He could answer all the questions he had ever been asked in a split second, even if he had to lie, but now that he had the opportunity to just say “no”, Crowley somehow didn't take that easy way out. 
Finally they approached the shore. Aziraphaella, lifting her skirt slightly, sat down on the grass and dipped her feet into the water. Crowley sat down beside her, tucking his legs under himself, and watched the girl move her white feet under the water. Her movements raised the sand, causing several fish to swim up to her, thinking that the raised sand was food.
“Don't believe in the world, believe in fairy tales,” Crowley said after a while and smiled to himself. Aziraphaella looked at him, waiting for further explanation, and tilted her head interestedly. She couldn't say that she had expected such an answer from Crowley, but she was glad that he had decided to keep the conversation going and try to answer her honestly. “Well... you've probably seen me... I often listen to you while you are telling fairy tales to children…” 
“So you like fairy tales?” the blonde asked when he was silent for a long time, thinking about how ridiculous his words sounded and twisting a stalk of grass into a knot because he didn't know what to do with his hands.
“When they're told by you…” Crowley suddenly raised his head and looked directly into her blue eyes, which were almost indistinguishable from the colour of the sky, but actually much more beautiful, because they were full of innocence and enthusiasm. The girl blushed slightly, and now it was her turn to look away for a moment. “Actually, well... Icreatemyownfairytales," he said it so fast that his words strung together, and Aziraphaella blinked a few times and frowned slightly, trying to make out at least one.
“What..?” she asked quietly, still blushing and thinking she should have listened more carefully.
Crowley took a deep breath, realising he'd fallen into a hole he'd dug himself. If he'd kept quiet, he could have avoided all this. Or turned it into a joke, but now it seemed like he was really into it and Aziraphaella wouldn't believe him if he tried to joke about it, saying he didn't really believe in anything.
“I create... my own… well… fairy tales…” he answered very timidly, and would have blushed himself, but the contrast of his red hair with his pale face made it completely unnoticeable.
“Really? Oh, wow! Couldn't you... could you tell me one of them?” The girl even stopped shuffling her feet, ready to catch every word he said as carefully as possible, in case Crowley was shy and spoke again at lightning speed.
The young man opened his mouth, pondering how he could avoid this whole situation and why he had even admitted to it in the first place. If he had remained silent as always, it would have been much better..! However, not only was he influencing Aziraphaella, but she was influencing him as well. Crowley was afraid to admit that all these stories were quite simple and he would not be able to gather a bunch of children around him and tell them in such a way that they would listen to the end. Since he himself could neither read nor write, he often forgot the endings of his own stories, and sometimes they merged into one, and sometimes the names of the characters changed halfway through. In short, Crowley was not the best storyteller, so he decided to get out of the situation as quickly as possible, and fortunately his wits helped him to do so.
“Recently I began to create one…” even a lie like that, told directly to Aziraphaella's face, somehow seemed cheeky to him. “It's not finished yet, so... Well, I can't really tell you all of it yet.”
Aziraphaella nodded, afraid to even interrupt Crowley. The boy swallowed, realising that he was really in trouble now, and began to look around, trying to remain calm. His gaze lingered on the trees, the sea, the sand, the sky... Nothing that could help him think of anything that would be interesting to listen to.
Finally he remembered the grass snake he already had seen and began to think of how to come up with a story about it. Realising that Aziraphaella might not be interested in hearing about the life of the snake and its hardships, Crowley looked again at the surrounding trees. A name immediately came to mind, and the lake finally told him how to begin the story.
“There were three sisters swimming once…” Crowley began slowly, giving himself time to think about what to say next. Aziraphaella seemed to hold her breath, eagerly swallowing his every word and nodding quickly, as if asking him to continue the story. “They were swimming until the sun began to equal the sea…
“At last they climbed out, began to dress, and then... Then the youngest, whose name was Egle, began to shriek... The other two ran up to her and asked her what was wrong. They took a closer look - there was a grass snake in her clothes and it wouldn't crawl away. The eldest wanted to kill it with a stick, but he started to speak…”
Aziraphaella gasped. The young man didn't think that he was telling something interesting, he was afraid that the girl would realise that he was only making up a story now, and perhaps it would become clear when he got stuck in some place and didn't know what to say next, or because or because he was constantly searching for the right words.
“And what did it say?” she asked suddenly, after Crowley had gone silent, maybe for a minute, not realising it at all and just looking down. Why was he ashamed of himself for coming up with such a stupid lie? After all, he usually lied about much more important things.
“The snake, it… it told the youngest sister Egle that if she promised to marry him, he would crawl out of her shirt.”
“And she?..” the girl asked, eyes wide.
“And she... She promised. The sisters said there was nothing wrong with it. In the end, it was just a snake. Whether she promised or not, nothing would change and she won't have to get married. So the snake crawled away, having received the promise, the sisters went home and immediately forgot about that meeting,” Crowley bit his lip, realising how ridiculous it all sounded, but Aziraphaella listened to him anyway, as if he were telling something interesting.
“And what happened next?” No doubt the girl was extremely impressed with what Crowley thought was a silly story, and wanted to know how it ended. Of course, the guy could have said that he hadn't thought of anything else, but he thought he would appear a fool in front of her for making up simple, short, and meaningless stories. He had to think of something else.
“After three days…” suddenly Crowley decided that it was time to really surprise Aziraphaella and show that he really knew how to create tales that could impress with their originality. “Three days later, when Egle was at home with her twelve brothers and two sisters…” Yes, the boy thought, the more the better. “The ground began to shake... When they looked out the window, they saw that in the distance, there were a lot of snakes crawling and wriggling towards them in all sorts of ways, and even the sun seemed to be darkened by their numbers. There were so many of them that it was not clear where one began and another ended. Some big, others small... They started circling round the house, knocking on doors, windows... Her parents, of course, hid Egle, not wanting to give her away.”
“But she promised!..” Said Aziraphaella, surprised at the insolence of the protagonist.
“Would you marry a snake?” Crowley suddenly asked boldly, looking her straight in the eyes again. Apparently his tone was too harsh, because the girl was a little embarrassed, and he quickly added. “I'm sorry. I was just wondering…”
“Promises must be kept…” she said quietly after a while, running her finger over the patterns of her skirt. She wasn't sure if she could marry a snake, or if it was even possible, but if she would promise, she'd keep her promise, because she felt she had to be responsible for what she said.
Crowley only raised one eyebrow in response, but he couldn't say anything. It seemed Aziraphaella really was the kind of person who would marry a damn snake if she had promised it that. He didn't know why he thought that, since the very idea already sounded strange and unrealistic, but the girl was talking about it so freely and openly that it was hard not to believe her.
“So... Of course, Egle's loved ones didn't want to give her to the snakes... So when one of the reptiles spoke up to say that they had come here to take the bride with them, Eagle’s father decided to trick them.” Crowley fell silent, unable to think of a way to trick a group of snakes, so he looked at the girl and asked in a curious tone, as if to give her a chance to guess, at the same time remembering how she used to ask children when she told them stories what they thought about this or that aspect of the story she was telling. Of course in reality he just decided to give himself time to think. “What do you think - how?”
“Well…” she looked off into the distance and pressed her lips together slightly, thinking. “Maybe... her father... took a blanket and hid the lamb in it? And gave it to the snakes…?” - she again looked at him.
Both of Crowley's eyebrows flew upwards, causing the girl to blush even more and stare in the other direction, trying to avoid embarrassment. Aziraphaella had heard a lot of fairy tales, and frankly, she no longer had any issues when fairy tale characters managed to escape some situation in a strange way that wouldn't have worked in reality, such as the one she had suggested.
Crowley realised that his reaction was not quite appropriate (after all, he was the one who had started the story about talking snakes, so the girl's idea wasn't that outlandish), and cleared his throat, trying to think of a way out, because he didn't want to offend the blonde in such a stupid way. He wasn't surprised anymore, but the fact that someone would start hating him because of a simple story he'd made up a few minutes ago made him sad rather than amused.
“Maybe it would have worked, but... the snakes have a good sense of smell, don't they? Or at least they should have... So they'd quickly realise it wasn't Eagle under that blanket…”
“Yes... I think you're right…” Aziraphaella said quietly, smiling with barely perceptible embarrassment. “So how did the father decide to trick the snakes?” 
“Well, maybe he did not exactly trick them… The father told his sons to get pitchforks…”
The girl gasped again, but this time she covered her mouth with her small hand and looked much more surprised, apparently it wasn't hard to understand why the sons had armed themselves.
“Yes, they ran outside and started swinging pitchforks, but it didn't help. There were a lot of snakes in the end… Some curled around the sons' legs, others around their arms, until they all dropped their pitchforks in surrender.” It was obvious that Crowley had vividly imagined the scene of the ‘battle’, so he did not pause and made expressive facial movements, occasionally waving his hand. Aziraphaella smiled, because finally the guy seemed to relax and spoke more freely.
Noticing her smile, Crowley fell silent and cleared his throat, himself smiling faintly. For a moment he rubbed his ear between his fingers, as if thinking, and seemed about to say something, but in the distance he heard the ringing of a church bell - the service was over.
“Oh!.. I must go home…” Aziraphaella rose abruptly from the ground. Unlike the other people who wanted to interrupt her conversation with Crowley, she actually looked sad. “Could you tell me what happened next when we're on our way back?”
“No. It would be bad if you were seen with me," Crowley said seriously, trying to hide how hard it was for him to say it. “Go. I'll stay here a while longer," he added quietly, and leaned his head back, enjoying the warm rays of the sun.
To Crowley's great surprise, the girl sat down next to him again and looked at him expectantly. Confused, the boy stared at her.
“You wanted to continue the story," she reminded him, smiling softly.
Crowley stared at her for a few more moments. Her expression was so sweet compared to the way the others usually looked at him. Even if Aziraphaella was only interested in his stories and not him, the guy was determined to create at least a hundred more for her, and would even try to memorise the names of all the characters so he wouldn't get lost.
“So... Well, the sons have failed... The big reptile spoke again. He threatened that…” Crowley quickly scratched the back of his head and continued. “That they'd kill all their cows and chickens and other animals if... well, if parents didn't give them Egle.”
“Poor souls! But Egle even promised... If I were her, I'd have given up to them by now…” said the girl, even a little worried. It was obvious that she was much more concerned about her family's welfare than her own.
“Really? Would you go outside when there are hundreds... no, thousands of snakes! At least a few would definitely crawl up your sleeve…” Crowley asked with a smile and even leaned forward slightly, reaching out his hand to the girl and moving his fingers, imitating the movement of snakes, so that Aziraphaella realised that he was joking and provoking her.
“They're not poisonous at all!..” she laughed, catching Crowley's fingers and, as if answering his mockery, began to stroke them. “If Egle has enough chickens, she can feed all the snakes with eggs and make friends with them!”
Crowley, even though he was embarrassed by the girl's bold act, didn't want to show it, so he swallowed and took Aziraphaella's hand. It was uncomfortable because he was sitting leaning forward with his arm fully extended, but he liked to see the girl embarrassed and blushing. She didn't seem to be mad or uncomfortable, not at all, in which case he would have let her go immediately and apologised. The blonde probably just didn't expect that their jokes could get to this point.
After watching her reaction for a few more seconds, Crowley moved closer, not letting go of her hand but keeping his distance. He held her fingers as if they were crystal, giving her a choice to let go. Since the girl didn't seem like she was going to answer because she was too embarrassed, Crowley continued his story.
“As you said... Eagle finally decided to surrender on her own so that her parents, sisters and brothers wouldn't suffer… The snakes immediately got out of her way and where the biggest pile of reptiles had gathered, it turned out that they were covering a golden carriage, in which, of course, instead of horses, the grass snakes themselves were harnessed…” That was the first thing that came into Crowley's head, and only when he said it out loud did he realise how silly it all sounded, but it was too late to change anything, especially as the girl didn't seem surprised by this continuation - after all, it was a fairy tale, and in a fairy tale not everything had to make sense.
“And... where did they take her?” Aziraphaella asked after a long pause during which they both stared at their intertwined fingers.
“Erm... this... well... fairy tale, after all, is... unfinished...” The blonde's question threw Crowley off balance a little; he sat back, relaxed and completely forgot that he had to keep thinking of a continuation of a story. He cursed himself in his own head for not being able to think of something else to say to spend more time with the girl. But he wouldn't be called a cunning snake if he didn't immediately come up with a solution to this dilemma. “But, um. I'm gonna keep the story going, right? And that's why we can meet again…”
The girl timidly raised her eyes to Crowley, who looked at her expectantly, afraid that she would refuse, for the villagers might quickly notice that they were both absent and begin to suspect them of the unprecedented. That, of course, would hit Aziraphaella's reputation hard.
“In a week's time. When everyone will go to church again…” she replied quietly, still blushing and averting her gaze.
Crowley nodded. He hadn't expected to meet her earlier. To be more precise, they were seeing each other often, but usually didn’t have a chance to talk, nor that they needed to, but now, at least until he told his story to the end, there was definitely a point in meeting. All that was left was to figure out how to stretch the story out as long as possible so the girl wouldn't get bored.
Crowley got up off the ground and helped Aziraphaella to her feet. She wiped her wet feet on the grass to keep the sand from sticking to them and stood for a moment, spreading her fingers and letting the thin stalks tickle her delicate skin.
“I think we can meet on the same dune… and maybe go the other way," she suggested.
“Yeah, sure…”- Crowley said, a little confused, and tilted his head up, looking up at the sky. Through the small slit between his glasses and his face, the girl watched his squinting brown eyes, which seemed to be searching for something in the wide endless blue. “Well? It would be better if you went back alone,” he said, though he wanted to spend a few more minutes together.
“Yes, I'm sorry... See you later..?” she asked, taking a few steps forward and looking back.
“Yes. Absolutely,” even Crowley himself thought he said it with a little too much confidence in his own success.
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trashboatprince · 3 months
I've been thinking on this for a while now, and I decided to rework the beginning of the sea monster wives au.
Especially with the new ideas I have for it.
So, here's a new, updated version of how Aziraphale and Crowley meet.
On with the fic!
The letters creased in the tight hold of Aziraphale's fingers as she read them over a fifth time.
They still said the same thing as they had the previous four times, in the two familiar scripts and words of her brothers. It was the same message, one more friendly and apologetic than the one, which was more stern and to-the-point.
'We will not be arriving back to England like we had promised.'
Jim had been kinder in his letter, but Gabriel had written to her as if she were an associate from a partnering company that he worked with.
Her eldest brothers, Gabriel James and James Gabriel (Jim, as he preferred), were in charge of their family's shipping and trading companies, currently doing business in America. They had been over there for over a year now, and had promised they'd return by the time Aziraphale would be reaching the age of twenty-six, which was in a few months.
But Aziraphale should have known better, promises are just words that can easily be broken with the twins. Jim was so sorry, having said that while he would love to return to see his dearly loved sister, Gabriel was not letting him return home for something like this. Business was booming in America, Jim had to be there to help!
And... well... from what he had written in his letter, Jim had met someone. The heir to a very successful meat processing venture, Bea Prince, apparently things were going well with the courting. Aziraphale could not fault her brother for staying not just because Gabriel told him to, but because his heart was full of love.
She was herself a hopeless romantic, she adored romance and such. However, she only really experienced it through the characters in the books of her shop. She had never really felt anything for anyone.
While love wasn't really in the picture, attraction was. Attraction that her family was very much against. The youngest child, the only daughter, in the Eastgate family, could not prefer the company of women over men!
It was bad enough that Aziraphale was pushing her luck with wearing trousers and clothing more inclined for gentlemen than ladies, if she were even to feed her appetite for the fairer sex, she'd be sent to a nunnery!
Or she'd be forced to marry someone her brothers picked. Michael had threatened her with this when he had spotted her being a bit too friendly to a young woman in town some years ago. And Michael's threats had the power of a military captain behind them, considering that was his rank.
Even if she didn't have feelings for women, the thought of arranged marriage was always looming over her head. Gabriel and Michael had been talking before the eldest Eastgate had left for the United States. They had been discussing Aziraphale's age, and how she was practically a spinster.
They had talked about marrying her off to someone.
She had nearly burst into the drawing room of the family's estate home, nearly screamed and shouted and acted like a child.
But she held her tongue, and continued to eavesdrop.
Until she heard a name of a potential suitor and she left.
Mr. Salt, her brother's main business partner, after Jim. He was smarmy man with gold teeth who liked to be a little too close to Aziraphale's seat whenever he came over for dinner. She hated him more than she had ever hated a person.
He was a constant in her life, especially right now, with her brothers away. He was running the business from its main base here on Tadfield Isle, and he was constantly over at the family home. Practically moved in the day her brothers left the port! Michael and his wife, Uriel, were not thrilled, but put up with it due to Gabriel saying it was perfectly fine.
Aziraphale stopped living at home two months after this, and had been living in the flat above her bookshop just to avoid him. Except for Wednesdays and Sundays, when she was required to attend family dinners at the estate.
Mr. Salt did not like her living at the bookshop, in fact, he was quite vocal about how she shouldn't even own the place.
'A young lady has no need for a job! Her place is at home!' He had told Gabriel, who nearly agreed, especially to the idea of selling it. But Jim had put his foot down, saying that it was Aziraphale's, left to her by their grandfather, who loved books just as much as she did. It was in her name, it was hers.
Jim was always in her corner, he was a good man, even if he could sometimes be a dim as a dying oil lamp.
With a sigh, Aziraphale pocketed his letter. The one from Gabriel was held between her fingers before she let it go, watching it fly away with the wind.
She stood silently on the beach, watching the piece of paper move through the air, as if it were dancing.
The beach was her quiet place, like her shop. Only it didn't have the occasional annoyance of a customer, it just had birds that sometimes tried to eat her nibbles she'd bring. It was a small cove a distance from town, a private place that no one ever came to because it was hidden away, ugly and rocky, but it had a charm to it that Aziraphale liked.
Like the cave hidden in the cliff side nearby, the tide pools, the cute crabs she liked watching.
And the quiet, peacefulness of it, where no one could bother her.
She watched the paper as it landed on the water's surface, near the end of the line of weather-worn rocks that reached into the sea.
And that's when she saw it.
Something red and black, right at the furthest rock. Curiously, she watched it, what was it? Debris? An article of clothing floating on the water? A fish of some sort?
No... it looked like hair, with some sort of strange, black plant coming out of the tangles.
The black things fluttered as the paper drifted closer to it, and then something grabbed a paper.
A hand.
Aziraphale's eyes widened and she found herself moving close to the shore.
"H-hello?" She called out.
She watched as the red thing tore into the paper, then suddenly made a harsh sound. Paper was spat out, and what was still grasped was snarled at.
"Hello?!" Aziraphale called out again, now worried, but her curious nature was getting the better of her.
Could this be someone in danger? The hand certainly looks human, even if the skin seems... strange. And the red stuff does look like hair...
But there was a rumor going around town, told by the salty, old sea captain with a weird hatred and fascination with witches, Shadwell, that he had seen and captured a mermaid. Until this 'mermaid' fought back and escaped his fishing boat some weeks ago when they had that massive storm.
Adam Young and his little group of friends had even claimed to have seen the 'mermaid', but they could just be messing with Shadwell, as they tended to enjoy getting him riled up.
Aziraphale was open minded to the wonders of the world, there was always a kernel of truth to folklore and myths, but a mermaid sounded so... outlandish.
And yet...
The strange thing in the water moved fast when it finally heard her, hiding behind the rock.
"Oh, oh please, don't hide! It's... it's okay!" She said, removing her shoes and her stockings, moving to climb up on the rocks. They were a long line, a bit jagged, but flat enough that she could, carefully move across them. She'd done it tons of times over the years, she'd be fine.
Aziraphale got near the last rock, watching as the red stuff drifted through the water, it was hair, beautiful, bright red hair, darkened by the waters. A hand grabbed the rock, long, black claw-like nails scratched as it. She could see a strange thing between the fingers, a blushing red, it looks like very thin skin.
"It's alright, I won't hurt you." She said softly over the waved, though she felt ridiculous, sounded like she was talking to a scared dog.
Aziraphale got down to sit on the stone, looking at the hand and the hair, hearing something that sounded oddly like clicking and chirping.
The figure then slowly moved, letting Aziraphale see their face.
The figure was a deathly pale, with freckles scattered over their cheeks and nose, a mouth that was frowning, but the thin lips parted just enough to show unusually sharp teeth.
The black things from before were thin, like the skin between the figures, fluttering around what had to be ears hidden behind them and the red hair.
And eyes, golden and snake-like, stared at her in a way Aziraphale had never been stared at before.
Then they moved, and Aziraphale suddenly found herself on her back, staring up at the slightly gray sky, and the stranger.
The beautiful, frightening stranger, who continued to look at her with large, golden eyes.
And the frown became a smile.
A smile of shark teeth.
Aziraphale had found the so-called mermaid.
Aziraphale, meet your future wife, Crowley. :)
Yes, Jim is now a character in this, the only brother that actually likes Aziraphale. He'll be in support of his sister being in love with a monster, because Crowley makes her happy. And yes, Jim and Beelzebub are a couple in this.
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Falling (Part 4 - finale)
You finally face the punishment for finding love, but can you be saved before it is too late?
(Yes, this comes many years after the other parts, I kinda forgot about it. Suprisingly interactions with this fic are on a rise, so here you go.)
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The ringing in your ears is nothing compared to the agony which curls its way around your spine. You feel light, entirely too light, whether from blood loss or the gory sight of your once pristine wings splayed on the floor before you.
Gabriel had long since removed your gag, you wouldn't scream now, what was the point? The last vestiges of your fight fell with the last shining feather. He sat before you, almost smug in his victory. You had no choice now but to accept your fall. A bloody Halo traded for Horns.
"You brought this upon yourself, you know." Gabriel simpered, crouching to look in your defeated eyes. "Michael thought that you might repent, but that demon has sunk himself too deep into your heart."
Silence is his only answer.
If only you could have seen Crowley one last time, perhaps it would be a fitting end for you. Silence is almost a comfort at this stage, nothing but silence... silence... silence...
... and a blaring car horn.
From there things get a little confusing. Lots of crashing, lots of shouting, no more silence. You feel cold, but it will be okay, it has to be. A familiar voice cuts through the haze of your addled thoughts. Something about madness and delusion, the soft spoken toneseemed to suggests it was Aziraphale. Of course he was clever enough to figure out where you were.
Whilst attention was drawn to the rather unconvincing scolding - it isn't really Az's fault if his scolding feels a little forced, he's just rather nice. The perfect Angel, you reflect almost bitterly on your own position mere months ago.
As your thoughts consume you the loosening of your binds escapes your notice until lithe fingers wrap around your wrists, kneading at the red marks. You gasp in shock at the feeling of lips brushing over the harsh lines and almost recoil if not for recognising the striking shock of red hair at the periphary of your vision. Crowley.
Carefully bundled up in his arms you fight the urge to cry. Golden eyes meet yours and you feel swept away by the sheer emotion that you are met with. Now Aziraphale just has to keep Gabriel distracted. Sneaking past an Angel is difficult enough already, but sneaking past an Angel while carrying a second, smaller Angel can only be impossible but Crowley manages to make it work. Blood drips a slick trail to the floor and the sound of muffled steps and angry voices lull your mind away, into dreams of viscious violet and gentle gold.
When you do finally wake again you find yourself cocooned in pristine white blankets, smelling of fresh cotton and surrounded by grey concrete walls. Hunched in a crimson chair lined with gold sits Crowley, very dishevelled but no less welcome to your panicked self. Looking down you find his hand twined with your own, carefull of the bandages but tightly gripping you as though you may just vanish again if he loosens his hold.
"Crowley" Your hoarse voice struggles to find the sylablles but you prevail, not that it matters much as he snaps to attention. Arms are quick to encircle you as Crowley buries his face deep into your hair with a sigh. Finally you are home.
Little Bonus:
It's a little while later, as you are still curled up with Crowley who refuses to release you from his coils that you think to ask, "Where is Aziraphale now?"
A simple grin does wonders to lift your spirits as Crowley shuffles even closer whispering, "Looking for a way to return your wings."
"Shouldn't we go and help him then, he's already gone to so much trouble for me, you both have." Already attempting to swing yourself up from the bed you are met with resistance.
"Not yet," Crowley murmurs softly, "I've just got you back and I intend to savour as much time together as we can." You relax into his hold. you can always go and help Aziraphale tomorrow, right now you should enjoy the love of your clingy demon.
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