#a little fanservice goes a long way bro
lunarw0rks · 11 months
i'm really not trying to start an argument here (for the love of god don't) if you're going to be nasty/rude, please just move on.
but könig's VA — jim boeven — with all the "sigma male" posts on his twt/insta... and how he immediately shut down the idea of könig liking plus-size people, with zero hesitation.... and was kinda standoffish about it........
i'm not gonna say anything else..... but you guys know what i'm thinking....
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nijigasakilove · 9 months
Bro had like 10 opportunities to say he loved Hime before she left lmao. Just talk man. I love the reverse isekai into isekai set up, I just don’t like the MC so far. Gets way too flustered about every little thing especially since he and Hime have been so close for so long. But hopefully he’ll get out of that somewhat
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Little nip slip during the bath scene? Interest is even more piqued. Hilarious how Hime goes into Satou’s bath and then complains about him looking at her 🤦🏽‍♂️
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For it being his first time fighting, Satou did well against the one monster at the start, it’ll be interesting to see how things go against a full on assault. Looks like kisses act as power ups with the ring’s abilities
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Fanservice on point, character designs on point, good art, interesting story, I’m sold. Friend of mine been trying to get me to read this for a while just haven’t had the time. ED has 5 waifus so I’m hoping we get full on harem here. Has potential for sure. One of my fave first episodes so far.
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doctorofmagic · 3 years
My thoughts on What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?
The very title of the episode sends a shiver down my spine. And this is where we’re going to start.
~ long post under the cut ~
A year ago, I wrote this post as an attemp to dive into one of the most important traits in Doctor Strange’s personality: love. Stephen is a being made of love, made to love, no matter which interpretation you have when you watch Infinity War. If you don’t read comic books, you’ll understand the moment you meet Donna. You’ll begin to understand how her death reshaped his entire subjectivity out of fear of failing, being powerless and unable to control everything around him (especially death), thus the arrogant and yet a disaster of a man we all know.
Where do I even start? Stephen loved her sister deeply and felt responsible for her death. And then, slowly, he also lost his parents and his brother. He fell in love with Clea but he also pushed her away. He loved Zelma platonically and lied to her, which was enough for them to break their bond. He felt attracted to Kanna but screwed things up, even though they remain friends. He was forced to kill the Ancient One, the only father figure he had ever since his father died. And lastly, the only person who would never leave his side... also left. Yes, even Wong. Stephen has SO much love to give but he’s also afraid because he’s cursed. He truly believes his love in poison. And would you look at that? What If really delivered a story where this is actually true.
What If Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?
The level of understanding when it comes to the character is... inconceivable. What could possibly reshape Stephen into following a dark path but love? The very premise of the whole episode. This is so much more than a love letter. This is literally too much, in all senses.
Fine, let’s begin.
What if the best of intentions has very strange consequences?
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No. You used the word “strange” for the pun but this is not the word. Nah-ah. I’d go with ATROCIOUS, for starters. Things are gonna escalate so quickly, my friends.
Seriously, tho? Christine is SO SO SO SO beautiful, they’re so cute together. I have this feeling that MCU!Stephen was quite toxic because of his arrogance and this is why they didn’t work out. But WhatIf!Stephen???????? He’s always praising her, teasing her in a healthy way, respecting her and listening to her. HE TRULY LOVES HER, I’M GONNA CRY ALL OVER AGAIN, PLEASE, NOT THE CRÈME BRÛLÉE, PLEASE
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I’m going to leave this shot here because we need to go back to it later. Hold that thought.
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And bonus points to “Yeah, well, I would call that quite remarkable.” / “Well, I would say the same about you.”
So in this reality, Stephen didn’t caused the car accident because he was checking his phone while driving. Also it was not the reckless attempt to pass the truck. Well, maybe it was the consequence of this act? The fact is, the car behind them loses control, which makes them crash. Does it matter? We’ll learn later that no, it doesn’t.
And yep... Christine dies. Have you noticed the shattered heart? Ah, the pain only gets better and better.
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Again, Stephen blames himself. More than anything, this is so important because Stephen is all about guilt. We still need to meet Donna so we can add yet another layer of guilt. But the feeling exists. This is what corrupts Stephen’s heart and soul in all his iterations. This is what makes him the character I love so much. I love this SO. MUCH. In addition, his stubbornness to accept his condition. Man won’t take a no. This, this is Doctor Strange in character. Stop complaining about NWH Stephen, it’s pathetic.
Okay, “grief-stricken”, Stephen found the Mystic Arts and became a sorcerer. That’s when he learned about the Time Stone, the Eye of Agamotto and Dormammu. Nothing changes, he saves the universe. But time does not heal his deepest wound.
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I love Wong so much. Every time Wong does something, the world is healed. Really. We’re going back to him as well but for now I’ll just leave this shot.
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Aaaaaaaannnnnnd then he did.
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He goes back in time. It’s been two years since he lost Christine. I think he reacted pretty nicely, despite the circumstances. Now let’s go back to that shot I said I was saving for later.
Stephen is so light-hearted here. Also, during the first time he lost Christine, he had no idea what “The Price is Right” was. He knows now, which means he probably tried to learn more about the show because of her, because of grief. HAHAHA MORE PAIN
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I’M-- *ugly sobbing noises*
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Apparently, not.
And this scene when he simply... closes his eyes before she dies again...?
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This is where this episode had me in endless tears. It got me the four times I watched it. I’m dead serious.
Okay, so, next the Ancient One appears to Stephen, explaining that Christine’s death is an Absolute Point in time. It cannot be changed. Stephen needs the accident to become the Sorcerer Supreme and defeat Dormammu.
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And this is where Stephen starts his journey into darkness. “Nothing is impossible, you taught me that. I only require more power.” Disobeying the Ancient One, Stephen then travels in time, seeking the Library of Cagliostro. Now, if you’re not aware of that, Cagliostro was a sorcerer who studied time in comics, and later became Sise-Neg (there’s a recent post on this because of the new Defenders run). It’s funny to think that Sise-Neg also destroyed the world when he became a god, however he grew past his pettiness and remade reality. Stephen did not possess such power, as we’re about to see.
PS: “Stop torturing yourself, Stephen.” Naur but he should use this line like a mantra. Especially comics!Stephen.
Not gonna lie, tho. This place reminds me of the Temple of the Vishanti from T&T (of course I was going to insert T&T somewhere, it’s me).
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And of course they’d go for a pun with his name haha. I don’t know how to feel about this, tho. I feel like the episode is too heavy and dark for comedy. But it is what it is.
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Okay but why some books are in cages??????????? And wow, it seems Cagliostro also gathered knowledge about several fields of magic.
And then Stephen learns that, in order to break an Absolute Point, he needs to absorb more power. This is when I went “oh-oh, here we go”.
And for real, is this Shuma-Gorath? Why are they keeping his name a secret? Is this the same creature from the first episode with Captain Carter, right? RIGHT? It has to be Shuma-Gorath.
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Of course he tries to be polite and ends up all hurt haha. O’Bengh warns him about love but he will not listen. “Love can break more than your heart. It can shatter your mind.”/ “Is she worth the pain?”. Please, this is Stephen. He eats pain for breakfast.
Also, also, let’s take a break. We’re finally going to get monsterf0cker tentacle-lover Stephen Strange. It will cost us everything but here we goooooooooooo (yes, I went frame by frame for your more obscure fanservice needs)
Gods, I love this sequence so much it hurts. Okay, here we go.
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The grasp this man is holding on me right now...
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Some of you will understand. I���m with you.
And here are the grostesque ones. These are hard to take SS but I had to.
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Animation, sound effects, OST? CHEF’S KISS TO ALL
And lastly... the tentacles. Yeah, if you’re new... this is a thing.
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Fanservice. Fanservice everywhere. (low-key the reason I also waited to write this review, I wanted to enjoy this part so badly but I was too sad for that lmao)
Okay so. O’Bengh is suddenly OLD and DYING, until we realize that Stephen spent CENTURIES absorbing mystic beings. CENTURIES. WTF STEPHEN. He had nothing in mind but the goal to save Christine. And people wonder why he went insane???? I’m sorry, O’Bengh, but I can’t take you serious when you still call Stephen Sorcerer Armani. Oh, and also because you watched him absorb beings for centuries in silence lmao. But I guess I have to because you said that Stephen is split in two since the Ancient One cast a spell on him, splitting the timelines and making them exist in the same reality before he could travel back in time. I know, it’s complex. Anything for the plot.
And now good!Stephen has an evil!twin who wants to absorb him back in order to become whole and break the Absolute Point. Cool.
I said I wanted to talk more about Wong because I think people are not talking about him enough. Wong is so important in this episode. He’s the one who’s trying to heal Stephen after Christine. He’s Stephen’s anchor.
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So, for the sake of our understanding, I’m addressing the characters as evil and good!Stephen. Let’s go. Evil!Stephen summons good!Stephen and gods, he still holds such a strong grasp on me... unbelievable. THE DEEPER VOICE BENEDICT USES???? PLEASE, DIDN’T WE HAVE ENOUGH?
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Imagine his strength to hold so many beings inside him, fighting to control him. BRO, THIS IS TOO TOO MUCH
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Fine, I’ll not post SS about the fight because I’d be here all night long but I WILL say this: NOT CLOAKIE!!!!! NAAAAAAAAAAUR
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Also if you ask me if I recognize any of the spells? Maaaaybe the Flames of Faltine, the not-so-crimson Bands of Cyttorak and a little trick Magik does with her portals. That’s how far I go.
I’ll not comment on the “seducing yourself to stay in the trap”. I will not. I’ll just say that the first person Stephen thought of when “Christine” was talking about the crème brûlée was Wong. That’s it.
And finally evil!Stephen absorbs good!Stephen and releases... UNLIMITED POWER (I love when the stone goes red as if it was bleeding aaaaaaa)
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I can fix him...
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This scene here? Poetic cinema. (I love his wings so much)
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And when Stephen says her name and the other monsters’ voices echo “Christine”, AAAAAACKKKK
Oh, but it’s too late anyways because Stephen broke reality haha. This scene is interesting because Stephen is the only one who sensed and/or talked to the Watcher until now. I read an interview that the Watcher kinda showed up but it’s also about Stephen’s keen senses. Bit of both, let’s say. Still, man, 616-Watcher is not that cold. 616-Watcher would watch this and say “how about I intervene anyway?”. WhatIf!Watcher is brutal.
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The way Christine looks at Stephen one last time also KILLS ME, DESTROYS ME, BREAK ME INTO A MILLION PIECES.
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And this is where my soul left my body.
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This is how they end the episode. This is how you leave me speechless and with teary eyes. This is how you give me a whole existential crisis.
This... this was brutal to watch. Really.
What can I say after this? I’m used to reading painful things when it comes to Stephen. Aaron’s and Cates’ runs are heartbreaking on so many levels. Hickman’s New Avengers is not easier. Coincidentally, What If? Magik Became Sorcerer Supreme and The End. And now Death of Doctor Strange. And yet, after everything I’ve been through, I’d never expect to watch something so brilliant, so tragic, so heartbreaking and unexpected in the MCU. Never. This is top tier content and this is my favorite character with SO MANY LAYERS and SO MUCH UNDERSTANDING. I can’t put into words how meaningful this whole episode is to me, or how deep it touched my heart and soul.
I’ve been struggling to find the proper words since then, I still can’t. All I can add is, I cried for the 4th time now. This is too, too much, even for Stephen stans. Even for the ones who are used to pain, regardless of which media you’re into: comic books, live actions or animated movies. This is literally more than I can take and yet I’m so, so grateful. The voice acting, gods, how did Benedict manage to create a better Stephen than the one he’s literally playing in real life???????????? HOW
This episode really took the max potential Stephen had to offer as a character, added tons and tons of layers based on his grief, depression, arrogance and need to control everything and created a tragic masterpiece. In 7 years of being a Doctor Strange fan, I've never read or watch something that could go this deep into the character. The closest I can think of is Mr. Misery and the metaphor of Stephen's depression. This is a whole new level of respect and understanding. This is more than a love letter. This is peak maestry. It’s perfect, it’s heartbreaking, it’s... gods, I can’t.
Sorry for dragging you until this far. Before I wrap up this review, I just wanted to remind you all that Stephen will appear again, he will smile again, he will be surrounded by people again. So this is not the end. It was painful but be brave. We still have a few more steps to take.
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mankai-onlyfans · 4 years
first brush with fame - (TsuzuKazu)
It only takes Kazunari a few seconds to figure out how to set up the livestream, but as he double checks the settings, his heart skips a beat. This is so exciting! His fellow company members get to do what they love in front of their fans, and they’ll even get paid for it.
Sitting in on this first session is Kazunari himself, and Tsuzuru.
The reason being is that when Kazu was getting ready, Tsuzuru was the only one nearby who wasn’t busy (and can also be easily persuaded.)
Now, what to call this very first livestream...?
In a flash of inspiration, Kazunari types up a title.
Mankai's First Time All Male Super Hot Sexy Livestream !! 😘🔥
“There we go!” Kazunari cheers and takes a seat, checking out the different features of the stream while Tsuzuru withers beside him.
“Why did you call it that?" He asks weakly, already having doubts about letting Kazunari be in charge of this project. "It doesn't sound very professional... don't we want people to take us seriously?"
"It's clickbait! Just put in a bunch of keywords that'll make people wanna watch. It works every time." Kazunari smirks, the picture of confidence. He feels completely in his element. "See? It's already working!"
Tsuzuru bolts upright in his chair. "W-wait, it's live right now?” He asks nervously, his voice distinctly higher than normal.
"Sure is," Kazu replied, waving to the camera. "Look, people are starting to join!"
Sure enough the viewer count steadily goes upward, first two, and then five, and now it's at twelve.
"Alright!" Kazunari claps his hands. "We should introduce ourselves. My name is Kazunari Miyoshi, find me on InstaBlam." He winks and makes double finger guns at the camera. "You might also know me from my roles in Mankai's Summer Troupe plays."
He beams, watching as a comment appears, full of hearts, and then another one. They're at twenty viewers now. He nudges Tsuzuru, encouraging him to speak.
"H-hello!" Tsuzuru bows his head, a blush starting to dust his cheeks at the idea of being under scrutiny. "My name is Tsuzuru Minagi. I'm a member of the Spring Troupe, and the Mankai Company's amateur playwright."
Kazunari slings an arm around his friend's shoulders, much to Tsuzuru's annoyance. "Amateur? Don't be modest. This guy's a pro." Kazunari tells the camera, poking Tsuzuru's cheek before being batted away.
Kazu laughs, checking the status of the stream before continuing.
they seem cute lol
do you think they're close
I bet blondie is the top
Huh? He shrugs off the last comment and puts on a smile. Gotta focus on being entertaining.
"Okay, so now that we've made ourselves known. The rest is up to you guys! What do you want to know about us? Do you have any requests?"
Tsuzuru gives a start at this. "You mean you don't have anything planned?" He hisses, his cheeks really starting to flame now.
"That's the whole point of a livestream!" He grins in reply. "Anything can happen."
Kazunari turns his attention to the comments as more of them begin to roll in. Fifty viewers now.
He skims the first few question, skipping over a couple that seem a little weird.
"Do we like each other? Yeah, of course we do!" He says proudly. "Tsuzuroon and I go way back."
Tsuzuru makes a noise of protest. "Just because we've known each other a long time, that doesn't necessarily mean-"
But Kazunari interrupts him, pointing at the screen. "Oh my god, 'take off your shirt'?" he laughs and wiggles his eyebrows directly at the camera, giving it his most heart-stopping smoulder. "Such naughty fans... but I assure you, you would not be disappointed."
Tsuzuru roughly pulls Kazu back down into his seat. "What are you doing?! That's definitely not professional!"
"Fanservice, Tsuzuroon~" Kazunari laughs under his breath, thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to tease their fans. "Remember, we're supposed to be taking requests."
"Yeah, but that's a little too far, don't you think?" Tsuzuru pinches the bridge of his nose, already developing a headache from Kazu's antics.
"Come on, it's just a little teasing. No harm in that." Kazunari pouts. He grabs Tsuzuru by the shoulders, trying to convince him. "Don't be such a stick in the mud, bro. You don't want to end up all old and grumpy like Frooch, do you?"
This does grab Tsuzuru's attention. He looks like he wants to refute the point, but decides not to argue. "... No." He says with a sigh of resignation.
"That's the spirit! You just gotta lighten up a little," Kazunari ruffles his friend's hair and is quickly swatted away. He returns his attention to the screen.
Holy- 300 viewers?!
"When did that happen?" He mutters to himself, skimming through more comments.
did you see the way he HELD him??? so tender... ♡
omfg i ship it already 😍
what's their couple name?? sksksksks
Oh. The gears in Kazu's mind start turning. The flurry of activity and new viewers was sparked by... him giving Tsuzuru a pep talk?
More specifically that he held Tsuzuru for a moment.
Now, Kazunari may be dumb, but he isn't stupid. Even though it wasn't like that between them... maybe they could give a little more of that type of fanservice.
After all, he and Tsuzuru are close. They've shared a room before. They've seen each other in their underwear at various times during their high school and college years.
It wouldn't be weird, right?
His eyes catch on a comment.
he looked so cute when you touched him kazunari... do it again pls? ♡♡♡
Touch him? Well, that's easy enough. They didn't say he had to touch somewhere too personal.
A smile grows on Kazunari's face and he gives Tsuzuru a sidelong glance. "Follow my lead, Tsuzuroon?"
Tsuzuru, who is still trying to wrap his head around the fact that Kazunari might view him as a Sakyo-in-progress, brings himself out of his musings and finds these new words from Kazu to be just as confusing.
"What do you mean?"
"Fanservice," Kazunari replies, leaning closer to Tsuzuru.
Tsuzuru instinctively leans backward, gripping the arms of his chair. He doesn't trust the look in Kazu's eyes. "W-what do you mean?"
Kazunari makes a tutting noise. "They want to see how close we are, Tsuzuroon," he chuckles.
Before Tsuzuru can think, warm hands are cupping his face. He never thought of Kazunari as gentle, but that's exactly how the artist's fingers feel against his cheeks. Gentle, careful, practiced. As if Tsuzuru's face was just another of his painting projects, all fine brushstrokes and delicate linework.
Then the color must be in Tsuzuru himself, appearing on the canvas as Kazunari's thumbs brush against his cheekbones. Bursts of pink beneath his cheeks, racing red inside his chest, a curious purple filling the back of his mind, and many, many warm yellows, dancing through his body, reaching the tips of his fingers.
Kazunari's smile turns into a beaming one, and with a wink, he pulls away from Tsuzuru, severing the connection.
"See, that wasn't so bad," he whispers, then turns his attention back to the stream.
They gained another 500 viewers! And ten subscribers already? Wow...
While Kazunari is fixated on numbers, Tsuzuru is trying to remember every detail of what just happened, searing it into his memory in case it never happens again.
But why does he want to remember it that badly? Wasn't it embarrassing? Hundreds of people just saw Kazunari hold his face, and yet the shame he expects to feel just... isn't there.
It felt... nice. To be held. By him.
Tsuzuru brushes his cheek absentmindedly, watching while Kazunari entertains the viewers with one of his many overused anecdotes. His eyes light up as he describes the memory, and Tsuzuru feels a funny tug in his chest.
Maybe Azuma was onto something with this whole fanservice thing.
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Mankai Onlyfans
Do you love seeing shows at the Mankai Theater, but you're stuck at home? Never fear, now you can see exclusive Mankai content, right in the comfort of your bed! Tune in for exciting livestreams with extra special new shows just for you! Get to know our actors in thrilling and intimate ways like never before!
Send us your burning questions, your most desired requests, or just come to chat! Fanservice of your favorite actors** delivered right to you!
**Muku, Yuki, Masumi, Tenma, and Taichi are exempt from answering any questions or requests that their director deems too suggestive.
[ feel free to send the mankai onlyfans boys some questions or requests, the more crackheaded the better! thirsty, fluffy, off the wall, all are welcome here! ♡ ]
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shinrasfirst · 4 years
11, 14 and 19 gimme your salt, deliver it to me yum
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11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I mean.. Heidegger? Haha. And that is mostly your fault. Like I said, I liked him because I always like a good villain (and a tall guy in a uniform) but YOU really made me love him. I keep surprising random people by mentioning him in the same breath as canon characters. Why?? Because he’s super interesting!! And I love that dichotomy of him being all scary dangerous powerful man and pathetic broken lapdop at the same time. You made him such a multi-faceted character I learn new things every day <3
I’m not sure I know the fandom well enough to be able to tell who is unpopular and who isn’t. Outside the RPC I always felt that Rude was a bit unpopular and I really love him (before Remake came out, I suppose). I just love this bad boy with a golden heart thing he’s got going on. And I absolutely LOVE his relationship with Reno. This partners now and forever / parabatai trope always gets me. And he’s so mysterious too! I wish we knew more about him. At the same time I enjoy making up my own ideas about him :D Roche seems unpopular actually??? And I absolutely ADORE him. I’d pay extra money to have him in the Remake Part 2. I love everything about him; the way he talks, the way he just goes fuck my job I like this blonde boy I’ll help him because he’s MINE to fight? He’s straight out of One Piece and I’m so here for it.
Can’t really think of anyone else!
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
You know what seems to be an unpopular opinion around here? That everyone’s really good at their portrayal and at writing. I see so many posts by people being anxious about their writing and their particular portrayals EVERY DAY and I just sit here not getting it at all. You’re all so fantastic and talented and dedicated and passionate. What’s stopping you from seeing it yourselves? Sorry if that wasn’t salty enough for you, but wait for the next question, Han.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
The same I hate in all the fandoms I was in: the ship hate. It’s kind of subtle here, compared to other fandoms I’ve been in, but it’s there. Everyone is entitled to an opinion on any ship, everyone is free to hate what they want, I honestly don’t care if you hate all my OTPs. As long as you stay polite about it. I’m a little worn down from my previous fandom and probably extra touchy I suppose, but I just find making public posts calling people strange / sick / deranged because they ship something you don’t ship, really fucking unnecessary and rude. ESPECIALLY when you then tag it with the characters and/or ship. Just, don’t do that, bro. Don’t be like that. Don’t like it? Don’t follow those people. Don’t look at the tag. Blacklist it. Maybe stop being a baby. I understand if a ship makes someone genuinely UNCOMFORTABLE (because age gap, familial relation of any sort, dubious con/sent, you name it - there are plenty of things that make people uncomfortable) that they want to really not see it. But if it’s just something you dislike I find it a bit dramatic to treat it like the demon plague that needs to be exorcised from existence.
Actually I find the shipping culture here (and in other fandoms) wild in general at the moment.
I grew up during a time where fandom meant watch canon, ignore canon and write your own stuff inspired by canon. The ships we loved were never the canon ones and no one had delusions about them ever becoming canon. Ever. We all knew Harry would never bone Draco; we knew Aragorn would marry Arwen and not Legolas; we knew Naruto and Sasuke kissed because fanservice but they wouldn’t end up a couple. Therefore no one was weirdly offended when someone wrote a non-canon ship (in RP or fanfic), as if it was suddenly competition for the canon one?? Like, what world do you live in? This is FANON, RP, FANFIC. It’s not REAL. I mean none of it is real, but this is even LESS real than canon. Nothing that happens here is in any way a threat to canon, so why get offended over it? Also let’s put a general ban on hating m/m ships because they’re “erasing female muses” - no, they don’t. They all exist in our bullshit plane of fan creation, on the same level. Let’s stop hating f/m ships because they “get in the way” of your fave m/m ship - this makes no sense. The existence of one ship does not make another one less valid. I can ship Rufus with Tseng, Reno, Scarlet, Reeve and Heidegger in 5 different verses and love them all equally and it literally has no impact on anyone except me and my rp partners. And if another Rufus decides to ship Ru only with female muses, that has no impact on me and my ships. Neither of us have any impact on canon. Please just stop.
Let’s stop acting as if older characters/people can’t fall in love or have sex. Let’s stop as if age gaps are a wild bizarre thing that never happens anywhere ever. Look at your grandparents (or even parent generation I guess) generation - I bet you’ll find a LOT of at least 10 year age gaps. Are you disgusted by your grandparents/parents? [That being said, let’s please normalize women dating younger men as much as it’s normal if an older guy dates a younger woman. But that’s not a fandom problem, that’s a general society issue.] Let’s stop calling someone homophobic because they choose to play their muse straight. Not writing everyone as queer does not equal homophobia. Let’s stop acting as if people who write a lot of smut are somehow worse rpers than people who write little or no smut. At the same time let’s normalize not wanting to write smut. It’s not a requirement and not everyone likes it !!! Just talk to your partners and make sure everyone is comfortable and having fun with whatever you’re doing !! Stop judging each other and being so mean to each other, it’s awful.
Stop hating so much. Focus more on what you love and less on what you hate and you’ll immediately make life easier for you and for others.
It’s just shipping. Fictional fantasy shipping. It’s not worth getting so hateful over.
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paunchsalazar · 5 years
hey!! bro ur my number #1 source for lupin III content so can I ask like how in the hell I go about watching all the series / movies / etc for it in order??? I’m really pumped for the live action so I wanna at least dip into all the other stuff. thanking ya kindly //tips hat
hello!!! what an honor!! oh my… ok I’m so sorry in advance… I’ve gotten a few similar asks and I started writing out a list and it was getting over 1500 words long so I had to try to chill out…so…
I’m sorry that this is so long.. and consider I cut it down! but here is my intro because I know this franchise is huge and confusing!! (I’ve had multiple instances of friends being like ‘I tried to find that Lupin thing you like but I could only find the third one?’) 
I kind of liken it to Scooby Doo? it stretches some 60 years and has been handled by many different writers, directors, and animators across very different eras? most important to know! the order doesn’t really matter and things aren’t really sequential (save for where the three most recent shows) so you can jump in and explore whatever seems compelling! it’s overwhelming because there is so much but also nice because there’s something for everybody! if you like fun and pure, edgy, etc. etc. 
feel free to disregard everything coming… I will say my personal priority order is
- Castle of Cagliostro
- some episode of part 2
- part IV, ideally all of it! there’s filler but it’s hard to know which ones
- part I (or some episodes of it? up to you!)
- Fuma Conspiracy
- part V 
- part III (it’s great too!! just not as sequential as IV and V)
- First Contact… truly indulgent but its so cute!
(below I broke down a little about each and my favorite episodes, where to find them, etc. and there’s so much more but just doing everything below is a whole lot)
TV (All the shows except for The Woman Called Fujiko Mine are on Crunchyroll!)
Part 1 (1971) - crunchyroll!
The beginnings kind of a weird feeling because the first half was directed with one vision vs. the second half being co-directed by Takahata and Miyazaki, there’s a shift in Lupin’s personality and most significantly they sought to shed his ‘sense of apathy’ and make him more of a hero? something that’s echoed later on! honestly, I don’t think the transition is as dramatic as some people find it? but it does shift across the episodes and end on a sweet note!
truly they all have something to enjoy but I made note of 
episodes 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 23 
for some reason? really really suggest watching the last episode! but get a bit of the first and second half beforehand!
Part II/Red Jacket (1977-80) - 155 episodes - on crunchyroll dubbed and subbed
there are a lot so I tried to narrow it down to a few of my favorites/ particularly noteworthy ones? I bolded my absolute favorites! I’m sure I missed a few but save for a few two-episode arcs you can jump in anywhere and it’ll be fine.
episodes 1-79 are dubbed on Crunchyroll! In my personal opinion the script makes it worth it!! there are a bunch of non-dubbed episodes anyway if you want to get a feel for both
(these episode titles are often hilarious, misleading, and/or horribly embarrassing?)
1 - ‘The Return of Lupin the Third’ - just a good starting point!
5 - ‘Will the Leaning Tower of Pisa Be Standing?’
6 - ‘Tutankhamen’s 3,000-Year-Old Curse’
7 - ‘Venetian Super Express’ - I want to say this is a cute little road trip episode? it’s been so long
9 - ‘Steal the FIle M123’ - this dub… madness. very strange Christopher Walken impression for absolutely no reason?
10 - ‘Bet on the Monaco Grand Prix’
15 - ‘Crude Reproduction, Perfect Frame’ - Lupin keeps committing strange and uncharacteristic crimes, but he has no memory of doing so!
29 - ‘Fly Me to the Moon’ - Lupin has some mysterious Levitation Technique and everyone is after it 
32 - ‘Lupin the Interred’ A famed hitman is after Lupin!
34 - ‘But Your Brother Was Such A Nice Guy’ - this episode is one of the zaniest ones and that’s saying a lot… Vampires? Jesus? Really really funny moments though especially in the dub
42 - ‘Cruisin’ in Drag’ Lupin infiltrates the ship of a wealthy bachelor disguised as a woman 
45 - ‘Diamonds and Minx’ kind of a mess of people stealing from each other? 
46 - ‘The Island of Dr. Derange’
57 - ‘Alter-Ego Maniac’ - Inspector Zenigata goes criminal
62 - ‘Church of the Poison Mind’ - Jigen and Goemon stumble into a religious cult
69 - ‘Zenigata Getcha Into My Life’ - this title is awful but this episode is great. 
78 - ‘Ice, Robot’ - an inventor has made a machine that can cry diamonds!
79 - ‘Baton Death March’ 
81 - ‘Fujiko, Men are a Sorry Lot!” - Fujiko gets engaged to a Prince, the rest of the gang goes after the monarchy’s Golden Bell
96 - ‘Lupin’s Gourmet World’ tbh this is a vore episode but there are some great gang moments here and a really fun third act
99 - ‘Fighting Jigen’ - first anime episode (I think like in history? but I could’ve misread) in stereo! And I believe the first to air of the TMS staff’s work, you can tell because the style shifts to a more Miyazaki/Cagliostro look and this will keep happening for the rest of the show
101 - ‘Fervent Love at Versailles’ - a crossover episode with Rose of Versailles! 
103 - ‘The Wolf Looked at an Angel’ - Goemon is an angel I can say little else
104 - ‘The Most Dangerous Golden Bed’ - debut of perhaps the best opening! I love this episode?? so much?
112 - ‘Danger! Goemon’ 
122 - ‘An Unusual End to an Expedition for Napoleon’s Treasure’ 
143 - ‘The Miami Bank’ 
145 - ‘Wings of Death: Albatross’ - ah yes, one of the famed Miyazaki-directed episode, truly so worth it
151 - ‘To Arrest Lupin, the Mission at the Highway’ - another not exactly Miyazaki episode but a lot of the people he trained? They depart from the part 2 style(s) again but its a good bit of fun all around! Really lovely character animation
152 - ‘Jigen and the Hatless Pistol’ - Jigen loses his hat and thus his ability to shoot
155 - ‘Thieves Love the Peace/Farewell, Dear Lupin’ - the finale episode! Miyazaki-directed as well, and just beautiful 
Part III (1984) - 50 episodes - crunchyroll!
I’m still very early in this one so I can’t say much yet! But it gets a bad rep? Perhaps for being more inconsistent stylistically and a bit on the zanier end! But I really like it!! these drawings are such a blast! I think each bit has its merits and this one is no exception. Plus with all their freedom animation-wise they can do a lot of fun stuff!
The Woman Called Fujiko Mine (2012) - 13 episodes - on kissanime for certain and I think animetake?
this is the most dramatic departure from the rest of the shows/films/specials. Fujiko Mine is the star of this part! It definitely has less obviously plot-important episodes but it’s one narrative from start to finish. I must note that it’s by far Lupin’s edgiest, I think it’d be safe to deem this part as R-Rated. There’s sex, violence, sexual violence, abuse, bodily mutilation, obsession… a gay character who gets a pretty tragic fate (at first I was excited by the very existence of an LGBT+ character but he really goes through the wringer and never gets a resolution.. I don’t want to spoil). This is probably Lupin at his ickiest? I do like Jigen’s personality here! And his dynamic with Fujiko, but it’s a lot more disjointed than the other parts. She meets each of them separately and towards the end, Lupin and Jigen interact more but there’s barely a time when they’re all together. That’s not meant to be a deterrent but personally, I’m a sucker for their friendship and love them as a group so it’s a bit of a bummer. Sequential plot-wise though! This one is definitely captivating, a bit disturbing, and there is a plot-twist that really got me. The villain design is really cool too!
Part IV (2015) - 26 episodes - on crunchyroll, also dubbed on Funimation
This part is narrative-based and sequential! It still has some more standalone episodes but there’s definitely an overarching story throughout! I think they’re all worth watching and might leave little important bits that’ll be confusing later on. Essentially this part takes place in Italy for the most part and starts with Lupin getting married to a multi-millionaire heiress/model/celebrity who wants to get into the thief business. This one feels like a good combination of old and new, it’s not quite as silly as the earlier parts can be, but it’s full of nostalgia while still feeling original. I really had a good time!
This dub isn’t bad but!! It comes with a different opening and soundtrack, I guess Lupin’s pretty big in Italy and perhaps there were licensing issues? I’m not sure? But it’s a bit of a bummer to be without the Yuji Ohno soundtrack. The alternate opening feels more like a collection of stills and footage found throughout the show? It’s not horrible, just different! Regardless, the Part IV Japanese OP (vs. the Italian/US one) is worth a watch!
Part V (2018, airing on Adult Swim right now, summer 2019!) - 23 episodes 
I’m actually not done with this part but its good fun! more directly tied to part iv then the others are to each other. It’s more sequential as well with a few sub-arcs and since it fell on the franchise’s anniversary it has callback episodes with Lupin in various jackets in various tones. Interesting Lupin characterization here… he seems… sadder, wistful? and we get hints of Lupin lore! Lots of fanservice but… I love it! I still think they could’ve pushed it more? it feels somehow more reserved than part IV in some ways, which is already different from the 70s and 80s, but it’s got a lot of lovely moments!!
Films/TV Specials
From 1989 to 2011 they had a special every year!! So much!
Castle of Cagliostro (1979) - Available on Netflix! 
perhaps the best-known piece of media in the Lupin franchise? And rightly so. This film is Hayao Miyazaki’s directing debut and a blast from start to finish! This characterization of Lupin is definitely Miyazaki’s more than Monkey Punch’s but that seems to be the strange nature of the Lupin franchise! I could really go on forever… please watch it!
The Fuma Conspiracy (1987) - 
perhaps harder to find, but it’s on Kissanime! Goemon is getting married but before the ceremony is over the bride is taken by the Fuma ninja clan and the gang helps him to get her back as well as learn the story of a family heirloom? Really great stuff from everybody! Adorable Zenigata, the fluffiest and most handsome Goemon, cute Jigen, Fujiko, and Lupin interactions, a really really incredible car chase! Even with Cagliostro’s fame, this one has got some serious pizzazz
Episode 0: The First Contact (2002) - on Kissanime as well! 
A journalist asks Jigen how he met Lupin III, this is probably my favorite TV special? And features one of my favorite opening scenes in the whole franchise. The instrumental!! Perhaps each member of the gang at their purest, whatever that means, really great moments between everybody and peak Lupin and Jigen meeting and somehow signing up to be life partners
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oncloud999 · 5 years
Jikook - an essay apparently
Ok I have a lot of thoughts lately and no where else to express them. 
I’m a fairly new fan and while some of my friend irl know about this, its too embarrassing for someone of my age to still be into shipping or whatever, so no that’s not getting out there... 
anyway. So i only joined the fandom maybe mid last year and initially didn’t ship anyone cos I’m honestly over that. But then I thought V and kook looked cute together so I looked into their stuff a bit. I still didn’t really ship them but did have a preference for the two of them together, more like bros and bffs rather than anything romantic because i just don’t get that vibe from them. I do have a friend in real life (who’s actually korean... ) who was into JiKook being a couple which I thought was odd because a lot of the shipping things come from their skinship and I thought she’d be less affected by it cos she’s korean but.... 
anyway, even when i was more into vkook, i saw a lot of jimin and jungkook together that did make me raise my eyebrows. like their firework vid and the pics and vids of them spending time together after concerts. i also did come across some photos of jimin and jungkook hanging out. i also watched a few jikook analysis videos and scoffed at them because honestly, you can make them out of anybody if you focus on certain things. 
anyway, fastforward to a few days ago, i don’t even remember what i was doing, but somehow i started seeing jimin and jungkook together as something more than just friends or bros. I mean whatever relationship they have, it’s clearly very special. you don’t plan your world trip during your long awaited holiday around your friend’s bdays unless they’re REALLY special. Jimin flew across the world to be with jk for his birthday before the next leg of his trip. i mean, yes, you can argue that he needed to come back to pack or whatever, but there are easier ways to do it than coming back for 1 night and then flying off again. he could’ve flown from paris to hawaii directly. 
so to keep my sanity, i need to somewhere to write out why and why not i think they’re a couple or whatever...
Reasons why I think they’re a couple
- they’re super close. they definitely hang out outside of their group activities and enjoy spending time with each other. as previously stated, jk obviously means a lot to jimin for him to plan his trip around jk’s birthday. they always talk about hanging out late into the night
- their tokyo trip and gcf. i’m not even going to go into it cos people have already talked enough about it, including the two of them. it especially means a lot cos jk obviously doesn’t like travelling all that much
- even before a couple of days ago, i have noticed sometimes namjoon getting in between the two of them when they’re being a little too flirtatious
- their onscreen flirting is something else. like you can see it as fanservice, but the two of them get so into it and what gets me the most is when jimin gets super shy and giggly about it and then sometimes have to walk away from jk. there are also moments that are not specifically on screen that’s very odd. like when they were in that run bts ep in canada and rm suddenly asked them if they were a couple cos they’re wearing matching clothes. and it’s not even like that time jin asked where it was directly in front of the camera. they were literally having a conversation in the background when whoever it was was playing that keeping your eyes open game and they were just taking photos in the back. 
- they are way more into touching each other than any other members. like jimin especially will hug and touch the other members, especially taehyung, but it’s never the hanging off each other, purposely seeking each other out on a huge stage for some contact sort of thing. jin and jk are also really touchy but they’re so bro about it 
- taehyung... if they are a couple, i would peg tae and jhope as the two who definitely know. taehyung during that one vlive where he was like, jimin wants to come, but i think jk won’t let him... at 1 am in the morning. also see below the uncertain section
- during their earlier days, jm clearly seems to have a crush on jk and jk seemed to very purposefully avoid that. they seem comfortable with each other now but defnitely there was a time that it got awkward when jm talks about how much he likes jk or wants to kiss him or go on a date with him. it could all be for fanservice again, but then he was kind of hurt when jk would not play along. 
- jm softens so obviously when it comes to jk. it’s not just the occasional fan accounts or whatever, like when they say that jm is a hard ass until jk comes along and he softens. when he did that v live with rm, the moments when he’s softest is when he was talking about practicing with jk. the only other person he’s soft with is taehyung but even then it’s not that often
- jm sharing friends with jk. when they went out around town in london with jm’s friends. they are clearly jm’s friends and jk just tagged along... apparently, jm doesn’t like sharing his friends? but apparently it’s ok for jk. even if they’re like brothers, i don’t really take my brother around with my friends... and if jk wants to see london as well, i’m sure he could’ve gone with one of the other members or the managers like how they sometimes do when it’s just one of them going to do something. i would personally find it more awkward hanging out with my friend’s friends than people i already hang out with 
Reasons why i don’t think they’re a couple
- it’s all too in your face. if it’s real, i wonder if they wouldn’t try to hide it better. or maybe they think the fans just think it’s fanservice anyway... it’s hard to tell. if it wasn’t so in your face sometimes, i would be less skeptical
- they still seem very bro-y to me a lot of time. like jimin seems to take care of jk a lot and the way he takes care of him is far more motherly/older brother
this list seems short but i think they’re both very important points.
anyway onto points that are maybe... because it’s speculation
- they may both have girlfriend. there’s definitely been rumours about both. and some more reliable than others. the one thing that goes against either having a girlfriend more recently is.... jm going on a trip around the world with his friends. if he did have a girlfriend or partner, you would think he would want to spend whatever time he has off with them, especially cos their holidays are so infrequent. and if you want to make the point that maybe his gf was busy, well, you would still try to spend whatever little time you ahve with them rather than going around the globe (again) with your friends. the only reason you wouldn’t stay in one place to spend a lot of time with them is if... you already spend a lot of time with them when you’re working lol. jk did have that maybe-maybe-not girlfriend during that time. i think if it was something, then it’s probably over now (poor girl, she was bombarded...) and it clearly means jk didn’t have anyone at the time. or she really was just a friend and it was blown out of proportion (again poor girl if she was dragged into this for nothing...). long story short. they’re either a couple together or they don’t have anyone in the recent past at least. we don’t know. but also there’s that clip from 2018 where jm was trying to convince jk to go on a trip with him around the time of jk’s birthday but jk refused. lol 
- the whole jk/jm sharing rooms, hiding in each other’s room sagas... it definitely seems like there’s other people in the room when they do their lives sometimes. especially the ones that people have pointed out like osaka with taehyung and that one time after eat jin last year when everyone crashed the party when jk was throwing a fit. interestingly, that is also one of the most uncomfortable vlives i’ve seen when it was just jk and jm at the beginning. the chastised and shy look on jm when the camera first panned to him, the weird looks, the funny touches. like what, i felt like i had to give them their alone time. and then the doorbell. now going back to why i think tae knows. in both these cases and another one (that i don’t know the time of), tae comes and refuses to leave when jk clearly asks him why he’s there and when he would go. (the one last year especially makes me want to laugh so badly cos jm esp was trying so hard to get everyone to leave). he’s probably trolling them by giving them grief. anyway, there are a lot of analysis videos etc on youtube. i won’t go into it further
- them rings. the rings they apparently bought in tokyo and still wear together or separately to this day. they definitely have them and they definitely wear them. again it could just be “friendship rings” but... yeah. 
- sharing clothes. a popular trope of why people are together. i mean jk and tae actually seem to share the style of clothes more but they tend to have their own (like those modern hanboks, they both have them and don’t seem to be sharing). where as jm and jk apparently actually share clothes... again could be bro behaviour or whatever, but then why doesn’t tae and jk share? they’re definitely more similar in built and style. 
- lately there seems to be a lot of taekook. apparently i just read that there’s been a lot of noises from taekook fans and maybe homophobic fans to bighit to try to get jikook to tone it down. and obviously there’s been a few times that jk’s behaviour has upset taehyung’s fans especially (and tae himself lol) so maybe it’s to make amends for that... they were really going at it at the golden disc and grammys. but even their more touchy stuff on stage like during bwl perfs during the concerts, their touches don’t seem very flirty. 
as to whetehr i think the rest of bts knows... i think they suspect but as i said before i think only tae and jhope knows for sure. jhope cos he’s pretty close to both of them and tae because he constantly seems to be trolling. but jin, rm and suga... maybe they suspect or just think jk is that friend that hates people getting close to their best bud, but who knows. rm maybe knows more recently because he’s definitely coming between them more. 
will we ever know. probably not. not while they’re popular and not while their country (or the world) is still so homophobic and don’t like their 40 year old celebrities to be in a relationship. maybe one day, we’ll hear that even after they’ve stopped promoting as a band, they’re still housemates or whatever. but that’s probably the most “confirmation” we will ever get. but as long as they’re happy, i just really hate seeing them sad. i just wish the world was less toxic towards them. or the world needs to be less toxic in general. 
the relationship i enjoy the most within bts is actually the one between jin and jungkook cos they are actually hilarious and chaotic together, but somehow jikook seems to have more of a romantic edge to their interaction. 
even if they’re not a couple, they definitely have a very strong bond and very close. whatever it is, they’re clearly special to each other beyond being friends or bandmates. maybe it’s better if they’re friends because couples break up but friends rarely do... 
anyway, this turned out much longer than i expected but i’m glad to have put my thought into some kind of coherent-ness... and off i go onto the delulu train. 
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jessica-problems · 5 years
if you still haven’t checked out JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure(ongoing since 1987, by Hirohiko Araki, with an anime adaptation by David Productions), here’s the very basic pitch:
1.) it’s actually eight different parts(five have been animated as of early 2020), each one being a pretty much self contained story about a different guy named jojo going on a different bizarre adventure. If one part doesn’t catch your interest, feel free to skip to another one. There’s a slice of life part, a gothic vampire hunting part, an italian mafia drug war, a road trip with some bros, and an indiana jones-ish globetrotting adventure. It’s probably /better/ if you start at the beginning and go through in chronological order, but a lot of folks jumped on at part 3, which is where “Stands“ show up and things get really bananas
2.) it’s all about baddie-of-the-week action. if you’re not a fan of violence, jjba is not the show for you. That said, it’s not mindless punching and yelling. It’s almost closer to a game manga like hikaru no go or no game no life. There’s layers of mind games and feints and weird indirect strategies. Many of the battles are more like puzzles, with the whole conflict being an effort to figure out just what the enemy is up to, let alone how to stop it.
2.) the absolutely incomprehensible stuff that gets memed is usually related to Stands. They’re basically like Pokemon, but instead of wild animals that you befriend, they’re unique manifestations of a person’s soul with unique powers that reflect their inner nature. They range from fairly simple, to extremely niche and bizarre.
For example: 
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Jotaro Kujo and his Stand Star Platinum. Star Platinum is basically just a ghost that can punch things real hard, the simplest stand there is.
There’s standard-ish superpower ones like magnetism, stopping time, healing people, or being really good at fencing, and then there’s weird ones like Bruno Bucciarati’s Stand, Sticky Fingers. it can create zippers on stuff. This is actually way cooler and more useful than it sounds.
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4.) The other draw is the weird unique vibe. I think the best way to put it is that Araki is just a huge fan of men, like, as a concept. Not necessarily in a gay way, but this story goes out of its way to feature all sorts of different men, with all sorts of different concepts of masculinity, just being themselves and living their lives. it is, on occasion, honest and even nuanced with the ways the men related to their gender. With the above Stand powers being based on each characters internal psyche, we actually get both literal explorations of their psychology(i,e’ backstory, philosophical rants, etc), as well as metaphorical ones. Like, what does it mean that the truest expression of a guy’s soul is “he can put zippers on stuff”? Well, as it turns out, it means Bruno is quick to make friends and connections, but also easily able to break them off and separate if need be. It means he can easily connect two people or things together but can also just zip his way right through whatever is in his way. He’s clean and efficient, if a little simple, and he literally and metaphorically holds his team together. I am literally willing to bet five actual dollars that if you are into dudes, and you get into JJBA, you will get a crush on at least one of them. There’s something for everybody.  
5.) however, fair warning, the flip side of the focus on men is that the women characters are not remotely as well written. They are at the very best, underdeveloped placeholders. I would say that at least none of them are particularly offensive stereotypes, but I think that’s mostly because they don’t usually have enough character traits to qualify as any particular stereotype. The,“silver lining” to this is that the story regularly goes for long stretches where it entirely forgets women exist, so at least you don’t have suffer through these feeble attempts /too often/, but as far as silver linings go, that may be the feeblest one I have /ever/ seen. There is, however, no skeevy fanservice or “anime girl” weirdness. I think it’s best described as totally uninterested in women, for good or ill.
SUMMARY.) If you're looking for a ridiculous shonen battle of the week series that’s all about all sorts of manly men, you HAVE to check it out. It is, within that genre, hands down the pinnacle of the form. If you can overlook or suffer through it’s total disregard for women, I wholeheartedly recommend it, but that’s obviously a HUGE if. 
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 5 years
War of Underworld episode 9 was fine I guess. We got a really long fight between this Sheyta I believe was her name? An Integrity Knight with a sword that slashes through pretty much everything, has like top tier priority or something, and some Pugilist dude who just fuckin punches and kicks and shit. And honestly their fight’s pretty cool, she goes around fucking annihilating his army and there’s some really intense blood and gore and violence and all that awesome stuff and it’s all pretty well animated, and then when he fights her he’s able to tank most of her hits because that’s how willpower works in Underworld. Which like, whatever, it means he can still gradually be cut and that’s how he takes damage whereas Sheyta can still get hit every so often and uh, her armour, can get shattered, and we can get, midriff shots, or close-ups of her crotch in some tight leggings, or just general SAO fanservice stuff. Fuckin, whatever. The two of them also have some kinda fun-ish dialogue, dude’s kinda just a hot blooded shounen MC but a villain that commands an army so most of what he says is about what you’d expect, while Sheyta’s like, deadpan and disinterested, but also like, kind of airheaded, so I mean, eh, kinda fun. What’s cool is that the fight doesn’t actually end with either of them dying, they both get to live another day, so maybe what little characterisation they each got will get to be relevant for more than one scene. I’ll take that. Also Ronie and Tiese get to do something, kinda! Vecta’s bro whose name I forget starts going around a forest and slitting peoples’ throats, and it looks like he’s gonna get Ronie, but she catches him since her senpai taught her to use all her senses and not just her eyes, and she actually gets to fight against the dude briefly! She can’t take him, doesn’t die at least, but it’s nice to see these 2 characters who are actually trained sword users finally uh, using their swords? Well it’s only Ronie, but that’s alright, Tiese’s there and she has her sword. Also nice to see a villain have the upper hand against them but it not ending in rape. Anyway they’re saved by quite the Deus Ex Machina, because Asuna’s finally here, and she literally logged in as a god. More specifically, Stacia, the Goddess of Creation. About fucking time she showed up, I honestly don’t care that she’s a god but I hope they establish an upper limit on her abilities real fucking early so I don’t need to feel like Asuna can just, solve everything. Here all she does is open holes and ravines in the world and let gravity take care of the enemies standing on what previously was ground. Let’s not go too far above that, please? Also there’s a fucking cringy ass moment where Vecta’s bro who has been getting hyped about PK-ing this entire time, upon seeing Asuna, is like “this presence, it’s the KoB’s Lightning Flash!” and that’s fucking dumb, he brings up her hair and face which I’d say is fair enough if not for the literal godly light shrouding her, and then the presence? What part of Asuna way back in SAO had this godly presence about her? “haha Asuna goddess waifu” jokes aside she’s literally the Goddess of Creation right now, fuck off with that “presence” bullshit. Anyway that’s the episode, coolio. 
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK Chapter 115 Poll Results
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The chapter poll closed with 1,585 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,471 responses
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Isayama’s winning streak continues. Overall chapter satisfaction was up almost 10% over last month with the majority of fans (57.2%) giving it a 5 rating. Less than 5% viewed the chapter unfavorably.
Isayama is ruthless, my god.
We got an amazing chapter this month which came out of the blue, in my opinion. So many answers were given as well as many more shocking questions. Definitely one of the best
It was definitely more eye opening  and you could just feel the tension through the different scenes.
I loved this chapter, it was definitely one of the most compelling
This is a candidate for the greatest chapter of the manga, the last candidate was chapter 112 followed by 104 and there are a lot of them. Isayama-sensei is killing it. Every single chapter is either great, or a candidate for the greatest chapter.
Honestly, just incredible. Everything I could've possibly wanted. These kinds of chapters are why attack on titan will be my favorite for a long time.
It was an interesting chapter. We got to learn more about the PATHS and some parallels to older chapters were cool.
A bit of a rollercoster of emotions but, I’m putting my faith in Isayama he’ll do what’s best
Loved it, everything's insane and pulling at nerves. Eren is the best, hands down. He's got to have the best poker face. Neither side even knows what he's up to!
Masterpiece. Wanna know more about the girl who seems to be ymir, and Pieck’s intentions as well. Cuz idt she can even stand a chance against eren, imo.
1,457 responses
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Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Yeagerbro conversation was the most desired flashback and nearly 60% of the fandom were excited to see it. In second comes Zeke’s reaction to learning his father survived and continued on. The third place spot goes to Reiner and Bertolt as fans of the warriors were happy to see them again, even if for only a couple panels.
I'm a simple stan, I see Reiner and Bert, and I cry. 10/10 scene its about time we got more uprising arc warriors scenes but Isayama pls give us Reiner outside of a flashback again thanks
Finally, Jaeger Bros talk.
While flashbacks are nice, I feel like a lot of it was filler-esque and had hopped for more progress on what happened to Levi and Zeke.
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Attack on Titan is known for its plethora of disturbing imagery, and this chapter was no exception.  The majority of readers, at 32.3%, thought that a titan shoving Zeke into its stomach was rather unsettling.  16.5% were especially grossed out by Levi’s fingers being several yards from the rest of him.  Coming in third, 15.4% were disturbed by Levi’s face.
It might be the most disturbing chapter of the manga to date.
Floch, his presence and face is rather disturbing.
Yelena rape face
Ymir's soulless voids for eyes
The titan that vored Zeke was made of Flex Tape
I dont think you know what mpreg means...
The behaviour of the yeagerists towards levi which was once considered the hero of humanity
As a big Levi fan, everything that just happened to him in general.
Is everything an option? Because I am going with All Of The Above.
All of the above, tbh
all of them
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Zeke’s rebirth wins by a small margin with the mystery girl coming at a very close second. At an equally close third, people were happy to see Hange find Levi and protect him from the Yeagerists. Following these was Pieck’s sudden reappearance, and Hange taking Levi and diving into the water to escape.
i honestly can't choose one. everything in this chapter was A++, one of my favorite ones in a while.
that path thing that ymir seemed to be experiencing too
Eren looking at pieck blankly 0.1 seconds after being shocked by her pointing a gun at him
Zeke's grief when considering the pain his younger brother must have suffered.
Levi’s wrecked face
Titan putting zeke into its belly
For myself personally, I found most memorable two events. Firstly, was the revelation of paths as being a physical plane on which one can percieve and exist, as opposed to a merely transcendental metaphysical force. Secondly, most memorable alongside that for me was the whole scene of Hange protecting Levi from Floch's band of Jägerists, in no small part due to my lowkey shipping of Levi and Hange.
Zeke's flashbacks + Zeke's rebirth + Pieck appearance
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While most people (almost 90%) agree that the mysterious little girl Zeke encountered is somehow Ymir Fritz, there’s no shortage of other creative possibilities regarding her identity:
I wonder if this girl could be Maria Fritz, the hair and hairband are similar.
It’s P A T H S, whose power is even more immense than that of the Devil of All Earth and Ymir Fritz. Paths can take the form of anything. Paths just happened to take the form of a little girl during that moment.
A new important character
The titan that resurrected Zeke was originally that girl. Because the titan was closest to Zeke, Paths compelled that titan to save Zeke, whether it wanted to or not.
Original inheritor of the beast titan
An asspull
I'm not sure maybe but it can be the girl "Christa" from Frieda's & Historia's storybook too
It seems clear enough to me that this is at least outwardly Ymir Fritz. As for it being I wonder perhaps if this girl being Ymir Fritz and the Devil of the Earth isn't mutually exclusive. I have no evidence to substantiate such a claim, but recently acknowledged the possibility on part of the historical misinformation in regards to her origins.
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We got a pretty full view of Zeke’s new bod this chapter, and it garnered love, hate, and apathy; as only Zeke’s body could.  Most of you wanted to get a full view of that Eldian ass at 34.7%.  On the opposite end, 22.3% would rather get freaky with the sand that turned into the bod in question; and 25.1% don’t have a strong preference either way.  6.4% aren’t in love with either the sand or Zeke, and 11.5% enjoyed the view but would like that titan smoke to stay right where it’s at.
A complete chapter, with brand new information coming to us... and lots of monkey nudes. Zeke is the fanservice character of snk.
Thicc thighs won't make me forgive his sins
Everyone is seeing zeke’s dick but me
@ isayama: release zeke's n00ds.
No more naked Zeke plz.
I feel for him and but he's a seriously underwhelming antagonist. He's really nice to look at though.
I love him as a character; his motives, his history, his personality and his character design (not just because he is a sexy hunk of Edlian ass).
I know only three things
1. Levi is not dead. 2. Eren does not agree with Zeke. 3. Zeke is hot as hell.
I suddenly feel very sorry for the SC uniform - it’s being worn by absolute pricks. Please don’t let them cover Zeke’s ass with the cape.
my heart goes to THAT DUDE WHO CAN'T STOP STARING at Zeke's nekkid crotch. i feel ya man. that shit is weird.
Zeke has the big PP. Pieck has the biggest PP.
I don't like him because of sexualization and shipps.
Zeke's abs tho
So much Zeke nudes, we need more chad Eren (don't even need to be Eren nudes, just him shirtless is ok).
I wanted to see Zeke's beastly c-ck.
Zeke is pure. Pure SLUT
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A slight majority of the fandom believes Zeke’s rebirth is evidence that Ymir Fritz needs Zeke alive. Close to 50% believe Zeke will see it as divine approval. While a quarter of the fandom thinks this experience has changed him, only 7% believe he’s changed for the better.
Zeke's reincarnation is bs but if Ymir does have more plans for him, I'd like to see how it all turns out for the best.
I hope Zeke learns that genocide is never the answer.
I just hope we get some specific answers soon regarding how Zeke was reincarnated like that. Felt pretty off seeing Zeke revived like that, but I can understand the theory that perhaps Ymir Fritz wants him to live to save the Eldians (and perhaps this is where the "To you, 2000 years in the future" comes into play).
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The largest portion of replies indicate that the conversation between Eren and Zeke overall went as expected. But there were also many who didn’t care how it went and were simply glad to finally see their first talk together. Smaller portions were either more than happy with the conversation or found it a total disappointment. Certainly that couldn’t be all they talked about, right?
I knew they wouldn't be on the same side but didn't expect it to be so obvious Eren is lying to and manipulating Zeke. Zeke tearing up when Eren called him "brother" is the saddest shit, but also kinda hilarious considering how many people Zeke betrayed. Also, I wonder if we'll get more since Eren talked about how he learned a lot from Zeke.
Finally got confirmation that Eren played Zeke like a fiddle. Happy to see that lil bro backstab.
I expected something more grandiose tbh, when i saw the panel of zeke standing in front of eren, i thought that was a perfect tease to just end it there
It feels like Eren has Zeke eating out of the palm of his hand and it hurt more than expected
People who latch onto the belief that Eren's goal differs from Zeke are in for a disappointment
I am disappointed that zeke cares for eren and eren doesn't seem to reciprocate those feelings, and that he was trying to play the tough guy, it's annoying and i want wholesome jeagerbros!!!!
I didn't expect to be so short, and I assume we'll get more in the future, but this time from Eren's perspective.
I think it is too early to say one way or the other. We only truly got one side of the conversation.
It was good, but I hope it's not the only thing we see. I get the impression it was merely an appetizer. When I think about the brothers talking I always imagined it will be a full chapter. This was just their first conversation. Eren said Zeke told him many things, like the info about the Ackermans, so I am expecting a hell of a lot more dialogues between them.
it wasn't what I had expected. I also can't say yet if it is better or worse cause so much about Eren's true motives is still up in the air. Like originally I had expected Zeke to be the one to convince Eren of something, but clearly that is not what is happening here. Which, on the face of it, doesn't have to be a bad thing, I just need more info.
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Over half of respondents agree that there’s no way in hell that Eren is on board with Zeke’s euthanasia plan. 23% believe that he is in partial agreement with Zeke’s plan, while 10% don’t want to say confidently either way whether Eren is on Zeke’s side. A small sliver of the fandom are certain that Eren is in favor of wiping out Eldia.
He just said what Zeke wanted to hear from 'his brother'. From the start of his speech Eren expressed clearly his purpose, bonus showing sympathy toward Zeke. The way that Eren said some of his points of view and plan fits to me in what he truly thinks about, but the way he said it was molded in orden to manipulate Zeke and get his confidence
Eren is getting influenced and this 'external influencer' is manipulating Zeke. Double manipulation.
He agreed with Zekes ideology at some point before Historia saved him
Zeke told him about his plan to euthanize eldians, Eren agreed that not being born into the world is salvation itself. We all know Eren thinks the EXACT opposite of that. he's manipulating zeke, only wanting his royal blood. Zeke might be the KEY to Eren's own secret plan.
I don't think eren is the kind of person to blatantly lie to someone, especially about the force that has driven him his entire life. There are some truth to his words, yes, but i think eren is going to use the fact that he thinks he shouldn't have been born to try and change the world into a safer place for his people, whereas zeke will use that same reason to eradicate his people, not giving them a chance to feel a sense of belonging in the world
He's using Zeke for some goal of his, but has gone way too far. Both of them are twisted, and perhaps share some points of their goals.
He understands and agrees with Zeke on a basic ideological level, insofar as the suffering that Eldia, and by extension Titans, bring to both the world and themselves by inherent virtue of being born. I believe, however, that this is where the agreement in actuality ends. What Eren disagrees with is the method to solve this problem. Whatever other solution Eren may have thought of, it entails the end of the titans and the elimination of paths, while sparing Eldian's lives and allowing them to continue on and have families. How this would be achieved, I do not know; this is merely my conjecture on where the story might go next.
I think he agrees with Zeke's goal of not having any Eldians born into the circumstances they are, but not his methodology of euthanasia. I think he has his own plan which will somehow stop/rewind/erase the Curse of Ymir/titanisation, possibly through altering Eldian DNA to make them unable to be turned into titans.
He's being brainwashed/manipulated by having so many memories that belong to other people, he's not being himself; not his true self
I don't believe he agrees, but I like to believe he isn't simply using his brother without any regard for him...though I can't really tell anymore with 'this' Eren :\
If Eren truly agreed with Zeke, all his development will be for nothing.
Maybe eren does actually agree that the best salvation is to never have been born, but when has eren ever wanted "salvation"?
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Zeke’s been getting a lot of focus lately, and this chapter was no exception.  45.7% of you enjoy his character but don’t support his schemes, and 21.9% don’t like the man but can sympathize with him at this point.  Not all are as warm however, as 19% would like to see him burn.  8.9% love monkey boi and want to protect him with all you’ve got.
He's a perfect Grey character a villain and a hero depending on view point.
I’ve always loved him. Now I love him more
His plan is batshit and I don't really like him but I think he's an interesting character but he needs to burn
His plan is unethical & impractical, his methods consist of war crimes. I hope he's taken down *ideologically* & realizes he was wrong b4 he dies
I'm not for Zeke's plan but I want him to go out feeling like his life wasn't a complete waste.
I feel sorry for all kids who have shitty childhoods, but I don't then excuse them when they project their own hatred for life onto an entire race and try to take away their right to life. It doesn't matter how righteous or merciful he believes he's being, it's undeniable arrogance to decide you know whether another person's life is worth living or not.
I hate him as a character but his plan makes him more interesting/sympathetic
I like him but don't agree with him. I'm going to be depressed when he is inevitably stabbed in the back by his beloved little brother. I am also extremely hype for that to happen.
I like his recent character development, however I don’t really like him. Very interesting character though!
Interesting, complex character. I can understand his plan too. Overall a well crafted character.
I'm so so sad for Zeke, the way he genuinely cares for Eren and trusts him, how he tears up when he called him "brother"...It will be heartbreaking when he'll realize Eren's just using him (because there's no way Eren agree with his plan), this guy's been used and craved affection and understanding all his life.
I feel like I'm crazy one here but I'm actually on Zeke's side and not at all mad at what he did to Levi
He is cancelled to me since Erwin's death.
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Eren recalled back to a disturbing action is father took, and gave his thoughts on it, but does the fanbase agree?  44.7% feel Grisha made the right choice, as without it things would have gone as Eren laid out for Paradis.  37.8% were unsure, and only 14.4% agreed with Eren’s conclusion that it was wrong regardless.
I acknowledge it as a necessary evil. It goes against many of my moral principles, but it was a necessary evil in the face of the worst case scenario.
He could have found another way to keep the children alive. He was lazy and chose the most convenient option.
He was neither right nor wrong, as in he had little choice.
I don't think there's a right or wrong in this scenario. Grisha did what he thought was for the greater good. No matter what decision he made, though, people still would have died.
It was a necessary evil, both logically right and morally wrong at the same time
Immoral but beneficial in the long run
there are two sides to the moral scale! For the survival of his people, of course! Every threat needs to be eliminated, but it is quite painful to know that in reality, regardless of the bigger picture, he still killed children.
For me, this is a much too complex topic to be reduced to a categorical choice of right and wrong. I can't choose between this two options ("I'm not sure" neither because it's in the same line of though) because I can't think his action in that terms.
It was not nice
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Nice try, Hange. 91% of us are pretty sure that Levi still lives, and that he was only pronounced dead in the hope that his life would be spared. Not even 2% of us think that he is actually dead.
Oh, please. It doesn't take a Levi fan to know that Hange would immediately let Floch feel Levi's pulse if he was indeed dead - it was only worth potentially upsetting her guards if she thought there was a chance of his survival. Hange is one of the smartest characters in this series - she wouldn't act that way for any other reason.
Well wouldn't be reasonable to jump on a river with a corpse so i guess is the second option
I think he's alive, but it feels like Levi is being milked for popularity at this point. If he truly did survive, then I hope Levi will somehow maybe fulfill his promise!
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In contrast to the widely-held belief that Levi still lives for the time being, there is less agreement about whether that will continue to be true. Almost half of respondents think that he will survive his wounds. The remaining half is split between thinking Levi’s days are numbered (25.4%) and being completely unsure of his fate (25.9%).
Man, seeing Levi suffering really got me, but I hope hange manages to bring him to safety, cause I think his injuries aren't fatal and the only threat to his life now are the yeagerists
he's still barely alive, but he'll die in her hands once they're safe and have swam the river, the death was slightly delayed since this chapter was focused on other things, levi will give his last little speech to hange next chapter and die
I think Levi survived his injuries and Hange is lying about him being dead, but I don’t think he will survive. Part of me hopes (for his sake) that he doesn’t survive
probably but I'm in denial so i want to believe he's fine
Levi is on the edge of death, he will die next chapter after revealing Zeke's true intentions to Hange, which will ruin Eren's plan for the moment. At least, that's what I hope happens. Levi surviving and coming back to fight doesn't make sense and Levi surviving only to be out of commission for the next of the manga and to open a tea shop is disappointing, I would rather have him die now.
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41% of respondents believe that Levi is permanently on the sidelines due to his condition while 37% are feeling optimistic that he will find a way to keep fighting. ⅕ of the fandom don’t want to say confidently either way. Will Levi surprise us in upcoming chapters?
Dead my ass! I can't wait for Levi to appear again out of nowhere with a badass face scar and kick Zeke's ass AGAIN
I hope we still see Levi in action, even if just once, cause removing him leaves everything in the hands of ‘god-like’ characters who can control people. Now it’s just like humanity’s doomed cause the ‘gods’ decided so and I don’t like it. There is still Mikasa, but with Levi humanity had a better chance in this ever so uneven battle.
I think Levi is out of the fight (thanks to those godawful fingers on the ground ugh) BUT I think he'll have one last move, one last action in the final battle that will somehow deeply affect the plot, before dying (think Erwin cutting off Eren from Bertholdt after his arm was eaten). I want to be wrong because Levi has always deserved better, but I also want to be right because he needs to rest and the ignominy of humanity's strongest taken out of the fight like that is just. Too much.
Levi has to live and fight bc he needs to show off his new badass battle scar duh
I really love Levi, but I don't want him to be disabled so I prefer him to be dead. If Isayama can make him okay as before, I hope the story wont become weak.
I want Levi' s scarred face to be the last thing that Zeke ever sees.
I'm wondering what's worse, Levi dead or Levi hobbled and injured so badly that he can't fight anymore.  Robbing him of his identity is perhaps even crueler than death.  How awful, to linger and watch the rest of the battle unfold, knowing he can't even help because of his own careless actions.
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We heard from several sources that this was the most difficult question on the poll. Maybe that’s why it had dozens more responses than any other question. It turns out that Zeke getting shoved into a titan tummy and having a sandcastle body sculpted by a mystery child isn’t the most unrealistic save in this manga. “Reiner surviving everything” followed by “Armin surviving his fall and burns” were the top choices.
Zeke's resurrection is the most bullshit ass pull of all.
Erwin and Armin were the two less believable survivors. I can turn a blind eye on plot-armors when it involve Shifters or even Ackermans, but Armin and Erwin were simple humans.
Erwin surviving all the way through serumbowl with a partly missing abdomen while bleeding out is just as worthy of being there, no one mentions it because he eventually died but it's almost if not on the same level as Armin living long enough through serumbowl.
I feel tired of the whole plot armor some characters have. Reiner, Armin (even if he is one of my favorites), Levi and now Zeke. I just feel tired of seeing them dying and then being magically saved. Yes, some dots are connecting together, but the whole armor plot makes the story boring and unnatural. A lot of great and interesting characters died, but there are some blessed ones who will not die even if a large bomb will fall straight at their heads.
maybe Zeke transferred his consciousness to other parts of his body like Reiner did in the Return to Shingashina arc? That's the only other idea I can think of how Zeke survived in the end.
I can't believe Levi narrowly escaped death because the monkey dingdong was too shiny and hypnotizing
I can't believe it, but Isyama finally topped the plot armor Reiner had back in RTS. Holy shit. The first thought was no one could have more plot armor than Eren did back in Shiganshina, then it was when Rod Riese became that hideous nightmare enduing faceless titan and didn't try and eat Eren, then it was Reiner's plot armor in RTS that stole it with notable mention from Armin, then it was Levi as a notable mention. This resurrected bullshit that saved Zeke can't be outdone. There is just no way in hell. Like, you just can't out do it. No one does plot armor better than Zeke!!!
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The irony of Yelena immediately instituting armbands as a classification system wasn’t lost on it. 44% thought is was horrible and a wrong choice, 28% recognized it as gross but understood the need to organize, while 22% had no opinion
As a sociologist, it’s interesting. The reality is that society/social classes often create symbols to communicate their social status so if it’s not armbands it’d be something else.
As expected of Yeagerists they are true organized shits! Congrats!!
Isayama is very big on the 'history repeating itself' thing and without a doubt this is one of those things.
I feel as if he is being kept out of the loop by the Volunteers, due to his befriending and fraternising with Eldian's (Hange especially), in much the same way as Niccolo was. This makes me inclined to think that Onyankonpon would side with the established Survey Corps if/when he learns the full plan, and that Yelena knows this.
it's ironic and though it's wrong, i think it's also clever how no matter how hard the yelena is trying to break free from marley traditions, those traditions still come naturally to her them whether she realizes it or not
I have a problem with how she's using people, not how she's doing it
People make a mountain out of a molehill, it's not something bad, it's just practical. They need to know who drank the wine and who didn't. Their actions are bad, but not their way of organizing.
Regardless of anything, I'd let Yelena tie me up any way she likes and I think deep down Pixis totally agrees
You boors know nothing of fashion.
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Only 12.4% of the fandom believe Onyankopon is fully aligned with Yelena, A percentage more (13.9%) believe he’s on the Survey Corps side. The remainder of the fandom is either undecided or think that he is.
boi is lookin mad confused every time he appears now tbh
He might be on Yellena's side but I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to play a different game.
His arms are crossed and he's literally side-eyeing Yelena. He is not all-in with Yelena.
He said that he dedicated himself for "Eldia". I don't know why, but I have that weird feeling that he would help Eren and his group (Floch etc.) to make the new Eldia empire great again
I think he will help Hanji, he was always showed with them more than with any other person
Maybe he is working for someone else entirely. We still don't know if we have all the chess pieces on the damned board.
I really want an insight into Onyakopon's motives at this point. You can see he's not as enthusiastic about the situation, and I thought he genuinely bonded with Hanji.
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Nearly half of the fandom believes that Eren’s goal is to eat the remaining warriors and gain their powers. About ⅓ of respondents think his goal is to negotiate with them, while smaller portions of the fandom think he may just want to get them out of the way or fully ally with them. Hopefully his chat with Pieck enlightens us! Meanwhile here are some write-in thoughts:
That boy is an enigma wrapped in a riddle, i have no idea what he is doing
Either to unlock a new ability with the Founding Titan that might require all the other Titan Shifters to be present or to kill them for the eventual rumbling.
I dunno but he clearly needs them for something. I'm leaning towards him needing to collect all their titans to do some sort of Curse Reset.
I am not sure whether he wants to eat every single warrior, especially regarding the convo he had with Reiner in the Marley arc. He wanted to chomp Porco tho, so I am not sure.
he can only do so much by himself, he has gained reiner's sympathy so having him as an ally seems like an option
I'd like to believe that Eren is luring the warriors so he can ally with them but realistically, he's probably going to eat 'em all. It started with the warhammer titan and he was about to do the same to Porco back in Marley for his jaws (which he would need to crack Annie's crystal open) but I digress. It'll probably happen in that order. He'll get annie after eating porco and pieck. Fuck. That part's gonna suck
I'm not sure, but he definitely doesn't want them trying to stop him doing whatever he's planning to do.
Like he said, he'll keep moving forward until his enemies are destroyed.
He wants them to connect and give the 9 elements to original Ymir. Maybe this way eldians will be free.
I laughed at the negotiation option, because if Eren ever was capable of comunicate with anyone in Paradise this mess wouldn't be happening. Actually if any character comunicated this wouldn't be happening.
Eren playing 4d chess
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The big chapter cliffhanger this month was Pieck pulling a sneaky on Eren, as expected of her.  About two thirds of you, at 65.9% are guessing she’s there to talk with him; while 31.2% think she has more aggressive options in mind with that gun.
Pieck is smart. If she wanted to kill or capture Eren, she would've shot him without a warning. Clearly she wants something out of Eren, probably information, before neutralizing him
For the moment she's probably more interested in rescuing Gabi than doing anything with Eren.
Get information from him then kill him
Pieck most likely would want to talk about the jaegerbros sudden "alliance" She wants to know why Zeke used and betrayed her and their comrades.
Idk for sure, but I'm 120% sure she has a plan. Everyone is underestimating Pikku.
No clue. I don't hate her, but she's still complicit in war crimes, so whatever she's up to, it can't be good
To talk, Pieck is smart and if she wanted to kill Eren she should know that she had to do so earlier.
Probably a battle of wits, since Pieck is always exactly right and 19 yo Eren became very manipulative
Something tells me she's going to want Eren to direct her to Annie first. I mean, it's the final arc, and they still haven't resolved the Annie situation. I feel like this how Annie's supposed return will kick in: One of the reasons Pieck is in Paradis on reconnaissance is because she want to retrieve Annie from Paradis and bring her back to Marley. Maybe, she wants to do it with minimal bloodshed without making a scene.
Have a baby with him to cuck Zeke
EREN & PIECK - WHO HAS THE UPPER HAND? 1,480 responses
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About ¾ of the fanbase at 76.3% lean towards Eren and his three titans having the upper hand here, and 23.7% think Pieck’s planning will pay off exactly as planned.
Pieck isn't stupid and it's quite obvious to anyone that she CANNOT kill eren. She isn't very strong as a titan compared to him, nor in human form. She doesn't stand a chance.
She knows he is powerful, I doubt she'd be stupid to try to have a fight with a man who holds three titans.
Pieck will fix everything
Pieck knows Zeke best of the current batch of warriors- I HOPE TO GOD THAT SHE IS NEVER WRONG WITH PLANS.
Pieck certainty cannot beat Eren in her titan form without her men and big guns, and doesn't seem to be in great form physically, as she was on crutches until a short while ago.
Kinda want Eren to absolutely demolish Pieck, whether it be Titan-form or not, just so Gabi can freak out even more.
I want Pieck to beat the shit out of Eren, but I know it won’t happen
I fear for Pieck's life :( Eren's gonna Warhammer her ass against the ceiling before she can say 'Wuh'
WHO’S WITH PIECK? 1,443 responses
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Is Pieck alone, or does she have support?  The majority seem to think Reiner and Porco are accompanying her, with 64.9% and 63.5% respectively.  34% think Colt tagged along to help find his brother, and 18.7% think General Magath is there as well.  2.1% of you are holding out hope that our Ymir is still alive, and with the warriors in fact.  Pieck might be by her lonesome though, with 18.5% of you choosing that option.
It's been a while since we've seen any of the Warriors besides Pieck and it is the perfect time for Eren and Reiner to meet again.
I presume Reiner and the others are close by, but I still cannot see how all of them would be able to subdue or beat Eren, as he beat them all almost single- handily before he consumed the War hammer titan.
I have a strong feeling that Reiner's going to be the one to find the 104th and the Braus family in the cell. It will make for an interesting meeting, especially with Armin.
Freckled Ymir keeps getting indirectly referenced while highlighting her absence.
OwO best waifu Pieck returns all is well.
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Hange’s heroics netted them a giant surge in popularity (1004↑) while Yelena (755↓) and Floch (898↓) each took a hit. Pieck’s confrontation with Eren was appreciated (737↑). Despite being unconscious, Levi’s approval was likewise up (701↑). The debut of Ymir Fritz had the majority holding off on judgment, although 514 respondents where inclined to view her favorably.
Hange is the best human in this manga
Hange, a real champ. Zeke is a dumbass. The more I see douchebag Eren, the more I want to kick him in the balls. Floch, Yelena & Co (exclude Oyankapon, he is a good boi) can go shove fucking thunderspears up their arses...the deeper their devotion, the deeper the penetration.
hange's great - zeke's wack - eren's angsty - press f for levi
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We have a lot of differing opinions regarding how much of this story remains to be told! The most popular option for the final chapter of the manga is chapter 130 with 35% of respondents selecting that option. More striking perhaps, is that 86% of respondents think that the manga will continue to at least chapter 130. 50% believe that 134 is the earliest possible chapter for the story’s conclusion.
WHY is 118 an option for the conclusion of the manga? No fucking way we've only got three more chapters, surely? Don't fucking do this to me y'all
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The majority of the fandom seem to have had their fill of Zeke and the Yeagerists and are ready to focus on other characters. Topping our wishlist is a continuation of Eren, Pieck and Gabi’s confrontation (70%), followed by the seeing more of Levi and Hange (60%). Armin Mikasa and the 104th (45%) and Historia (40.4%) are also on many minds.
Can't wait to hear what Pieck and Eren have to say. I think this chapter has allowed for some development between them.
I have been waiting years to learn all that was in this chapter and the end has me dying cause I’ve been wanting to know what it’d be like if Eren and Pieck met. So awesome chapter! Can’t wait for next month!
I really fucking miss Historia.
after having so much mikasa since 102 i’ve realised that i miss her presence a lot in the last three chapters... so i hope she’s in 116
I hope mikasa and armin are ok and Levi I feel so bad for 😢
Annie day now
I miss Reiner ;___;
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Thank you Reddit 😘
Loved the realisation that we’ve already been shown a paths “dimension” preciously in the manga and anime.
Fucking crazy, on one hand is like Yams, please, slow down and on the other hand is like, yes, keep it going, you crazy bastard.
It had a lot of emotional impact. I hated it and loved it at the same time.
Needed more Floch, I live for Floch.
I hate sand. It's coarse, rough, irritating and gets everywhere
Some interesting parallels that relate very well to the chapter's title "Support": Ymir Fritz puts Zeke back together, Eren "appears" to support Zeke's plan, Hanji grabs Levi and saves him from the "traitors" (how dare they use Eren's surname, they're not worthy!), and Pieck arrives to save Gabi and Falco!
I love Eren more with every chapter. He's so fucking cool. He was startled for two seconds, then went back to apathy and is just standing there with his hands in his pockets while Pieck holds a gun to him. What a chad.
With how many weird turns this manga is taking, you really don't know what to expect next. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if in the next chapter, Eren asks Pieck to marry him, Zeke shoots himself to see if he'll get revived again (and doesn't), and Hange injects Levi with titan serum, but rather than helping him in any way, it just makes him 3 inches shorter.
Holy crap the art was on point 👌👌👌 plus I've been lowkey itching for some more supernatural elements so I'm pretty happy with this development
It made me more excited to see the conclusion and what everyone's true motives are.
I love the suspense each panel gives, I feeling of worry and excitement
Can Floch die? I mean seriously, can he just fall off a cliff and get impaled? Or get hit by a stray bullet? Because his superior attitude is grating on my nerves. I’m glad Hange escaped 👍🏿
Great to see how the different characters draw motivation for their different goals and I am hyped that the reader is not told what Eren is really planning.
I just want Armin to play a major role. He’s been put on the backburner for far too long and he actually needs to be using his brain to fix the situation that Eldia is in. Even now, I still have faith that Armin is going to be the one to save the people in the walls. I predict that Armin does have some hidden agenda up his sleeve that he hasn’t revealed yet that will change the game entirely. He’s as intelligent if not more so than Erwin is after all. I still believe that Armin is the true savior of Eldia and that he is someone that Marley and the world should fear.
Zeke's resurrection was probably one of the most bizarre moments I've ever witnessed in this manga and I've got so many questions now. The chapter as a whole, however, was still enjoyable and very thought-provoking. Seeing how close we are to the end, though, I hope we get all the important questions answered before it's over because I hate when things are left unanswered.
To me it's clear that Eren is playing Zeke, but I wonder how he knew exactly how to play him so well? This is basically their first face-to-face interaction, I don't think he took the idea from Yelena, because actually I doubt Yelena understands Zeke except through her own filter, and Grisha definitively didn't understand him, so he can't even have been relying on his memories. Not to mention Zeke is a notoriously closed off individual in general, so what gives, Eren?
I absolutely love the direction of the story even though so much is happening against the interests of the party I want to win. Exactly how Return to Shiganshina felt like. And similar to RtS, I feel we will have a lukewarm conclusion that'll make us feel all the emotions in existence all at once.
Can't believe there wasn't a question about Zeke's junk. Did he get his wish or not? I swear, the quality of this poll has gone down dramatically this month.
I honestly don't understand Eren in the Jeagerbro talk. He seems to be making contradictory statements - ""We'll keep moving forward... But only until we practically erase our race's existence in this world."" Zeke's plan isn't a move forward, isn't a step towards freedom the way we know Eren / Attack Titan crave freedom. It is tying and blindfolding the people of Ymir to metaphorical train tracks. Which is far from freeing them, and which is why I think Eren has his own agenda and is only pretending to go along with Zeke. Now I'm not saying Eren has some noble plan that will properly save all the Eldians, for all we know he still wants to go ahead with the rumbling. I'm just saying Zeke's plan does not seem to align with Eren or the Attack Titan's ideologies (and yes, I'm talking about post Ch 90 Eren).
I really love where this is going and in just 2 chapters he made Zeke become one of my favourite characters, - if not the No1. Poor boi, needs to be protected at all costs. Also it is so horrible to see that he was used by everyone around him, his father especially and now it looks like Eren is about to do the same. Poor fella just wants a family member who actually cares about him as a person and he never really got that. Also, showing a more human side to him when he worries about Eren and then tearing up when Eren calls him brother? Give me more please.
Floch is still my favorite character. Fucking fight me about it, try it, I've got a hairstylists' nightmare on my side who isn't afraid to shoot (don't worry he can't aim very well).
Floch you fuckin piece of shit. Such a good character but such a fucking bastard. I really love to hate him. Fuck you Floch, you magnificient bastard
Can we safely assume that Annie is actually in the paths realm?
Could Pieck be Kruger's daughter?
if Levi gets oofed I'll get oofed with him.
Thank you to everyone who participated. We’ll see you again next month! 
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Come at me with the lore, fam, after making my own overly complicated fanfic for almost more than a decade with its own magic system nothing surprises me
I’m putting it under a cut to save your dash. 
TW: A lot of stuff. Rape, sexual abuse, abortion, murder... just... just prepare for the worst. 
//Okay, so, Blazblue AU. 
Key characters here are: Kagura Mutsuki, Ragna the Bloodedge, Celica A. Mercury, my OC Riku Akasaka, and of course Ren and Goro. 
First off, in the BB world, there is a one-world government police state that’s currently been having a bunch of in-fighting and schisms since... forever. They had a civil war (the good guys in this fight lost 8( ), and Kagura has been trying to fix shit for uh... a long time. He’s got the true heir to the throne (Homura Amanohosaka, I think? Their name is long.) 
This is an alternate canon where Kokonoe decided to bring her dead aunt back to life like, 3 games early. So it diverges during Calamity Trigger, or The Only Game I Understood (tm). Celica has this power to absorb seithr, or magic energy that can also kill you. The main villain’s body is kind of MADE of seithr. The main villain, Terumi, had a plan to merge with his host and make himself unkillable by linking his life to Noel Vermillion’s. But because Celica decided to show up and cling to Ragna, plans did not go through, but the time loop didn’t restart. Ragna’s plans are at a standstill as well, and he gets attached to Celica, and... it’s complicated. 
To sum up Ragna’s story super quick because it’s side information-- He falls for Celica, they have twins, Ragna realizes that his soul-eating grimoire could kill said kids, gets Jubei to cut it off of him, and they live mostly happily for a while until Celica starts dying of seithr poisoning. Then Terumi decides to finally pay back for having his plans ruined, kills Celica, burns Ragna’s house down AGAIN (you know, for extra trauma), and kidnaps one of his kids. The other had a power like her mother so she didn’t get taken because being near her made Terumi sick. Ragna nearly died in all of this, spent years trying to make a decent life for his daughter, got arrested, and then after basically making prison hell for everyone else with his anger and violence, was basically given a plea deal by Kagura of “Look my dude, get on my side in this government coup I’m doing and we’ll basically give you your daughter back, a job, and a steady income. We cool bro?” Aaaand by the time Akechi is around he’s a parent with 7 kids, 2 who are the same age as Akechi and grew up being his friends. 
Kagura is the part where it gets relevant to Akechi. Kagura hears about this scandal with the Fumizuki family (long story short Shido is a Fumizuki in this case because it’s a Duodecim family they haven’t used yet, and it means “month of erudition” so I figured a focus on intelligence above all else would be fitting...) involving a bastard kid whos mom just died. Now the whole family is looking to basically throw this kid as far away from them as possible. 
Kagura, at this point, is a walking scandal magnet and has stopped giving a fuck. He married a woman literally nobody in his family liked, started a government coup, gave Ragna the Bloodedge the sweetheart deal of a lifetime and more. His wife is my character Riku, who uh... 
Goddamnit, another character break. You see why I said this would take a year and a half? XD Anyway, Riku. Riku is one of the last Japanese people in this setting. Japan got magic nuked in Blazblue, to put it bluntly. A giant world-ending monster decided to appear there first. Japan is *still* not inhabitable centuries later. The Japanese people are very few and far between, and Riku’s family is one of the last families that can boast a 100% Japanese heritage. Y’know. Except for Riku. Because her mom went and married an outsider without her family’s permission. Her mom doesn’t give a single solitary fuck what others think and does what she wants. So she’s actually only half Japanese, and her family treats her and her older brother like shit for it. They’re basically only cared about if they’re “useful”. Her brother went into the military academy to basically gain info for the family (they like to hoarde grimoires as well so the NOL and the Akasaka family kind of hate each other), but he “mysteriously went MIA”. I.e. was violently murdered and had his grimoire stolen. Riku went to the academy after to figure out what happened to her beloved onii-chan. It... did not go well for her. TW sexual abuse- she was raped in her freshman year, ended up pregnant, and when she went home in her third trimester, the head of her family forced her into an abortion that caused serious damage. They cut her hair off and basically sent her back to school traumatized and miserable. And now everyone in school treats her like a whore. She decides fuck it, if they’re gonna treat her like that, she’s going to use being a “whore” to her advantage. She slept her way to status, and, using her own special abilities, gathered a bunch of blackmail on literally everyone in the NOL. Nobody can mess with her, but she also has no one she can rely on. 
She was initially trying to use Kagura as well (trying to get put in intelligence so she could ruin the people who made her life hell), but Kagura noticed she didn’t actually seem to enjoy sex. He helped her get surgery to correct the damage done to her (he only convinced her to go along with this by saying it was for his own benefit. She did not trust him. He said basically he wanted to be the first person to make her enjoy sex.) She eventually began to open up to him and trust him when she realized they were very much alike. They both were isolated from their families for not following tradition, both had many enemies, and both genuinely wanted to destroy the government around them and create a better world. She joined him in the whole government coup thing, using her intelligence-gathering skills. They’re newlyweds when Akechi is a kiddo. 
Understandably, considering all of this, Riku doesn’t really want kids... the trauma of it all is a bit too raw. So Kagura wasn’t really planning to adopt him? He figured he’d give him temporary housing, then send him off to Ragna. Ragna would gladly adopt the kid after all. But he and Riku found out they were very attached to this sad little kid who didn’t understand why everyone looked down on him. Riku, in particular, could relate to his problems. 
So Akechi gets a nice, (mostly) stable family! He meets Ren in middle school. Ren outed a pedo teacher that was very well-liked by most of the students and staff, getting him fired and arrested. So, he was something of an outcast. Akechi, upon hearing this, decides that Ren is a hero. (And Ren p much instantly had a crush on him after that). The two grow up as childhood friends. They’re pretty inseparable. Ren doesn’t really like being at home with his family (they’re very much the type that says nothing to avoid being a target for potential assassination. The NOL has been legit very dangerous their entire lives, after all. So their outspoken, determined child causes them no shortage of headaches), so he’s always hanging out at Akechi’s place. 
You can probably guess that, actually knowing Akechi’s life story, Ren *actually* assaulted Shido when he saw the dude trying to assault another woman. He was genuinely enraged and just kinda lost it. >>; Thankfully connections save Ren. Kagura basically goes “Ok so enjoy going to the military academy as a reform school. Also you need someone to keep an eye on you. ....My son can do that.” Really... he just wanted Ren to look out for his son. 
See, Akechi in this verse is still very concerned with status? He feels that he owes it to his mother and father to live up to his family name, because they’ve done so much for him. He wants to be accepted by the Duodecim as a whole. Riku and Kagura tried their very best to keep him the hell away from all of that political bullshit, but the kid decided to go into the military anyway. He’s not physically the strongest, and he’s pretty naive and childish, deep down. His parents are pretty damned sure that Goro will be eaten alive if left on his own there. (The military academy is, for the record, it’s own massive city. So they wouldn’t exactly be able to keep an eye on him.) So, Renren gets asked to protect his friend. 
They also get chosen by two grimoires while there. These are the Rebel’s Grimoire and the Hero’s Grimoire. Grimoires are basically... to put it bluntly, training wheels for magic. Most people suck at magic by nature. Hell, most people don’t even USE grimoires. They use the even bigger training wheels that are Ars Magus. Grimoires usually specialize in a particular ability. They have their own rules, conditions for use, and often choose their hosts. People fuse with their grimoires over time. If the two become completely synchronized it’s called a Remix Heart. (This is the only important lore information from Remix Heart btw, I saved you from reading a crappy fanservice manga, you’re welcome.) 
The Hero’s Grimoire picks a host with a strong sense of justice. The Rebel’s Grimoire picks a host with a very rebellious spirit. The catch is, they always pick their hosts at the same time, and the hosts are always very connected souls, two sides of the same coin. The Rebel’s grimoire also likes to do this *wonderful* thing where it latches on your face and only accepts you if you rip it off. If you don’t, it kills you! Fun times. Goro turned around to look at Ren when this happened, and the Hero’s Grimoire embedded itself into his spine. (Ren’s looks like a pair of glasses when not in use, Akechi’s looks like a crow tattoo with a weird growth between his shoulder blades.) 
The two grimoires are sentient and talk to their owners while giving them similar but contrasting powers. Ren can use his Third Eye ability from the games, destroy barriers, teleport through shadows, and has very little presence-- almost nobody notices him around unless he’s pointed out or makes himself known. Goro has the same third eye ability, can create barriers/obstructions, can obscure his movements in bright light (either dazzling people or simply teleporting in light), and has a glamour that attracts others to him. (Ren uses this to basically cling to Akechi at all times while nobody notices him. He loves it. Akechi hates it, because PLEASE STOP HITTING ON ME I HAVE A BOYFRIEND HE’S RIGHT. HERE. ) 
The phantom thieves also still exist in this AU! They have a different MO but similar intents and goals. Basically, they steal back what the NOL has taken from others. Or, if said thing can’t be replaced (like, say, innocence, trust, etc) then they’ll take what they consider a karmic equivalent (status, power, etc). It actually all started because Ren wanted to get Riku’s grimoire back (Akechi was still vERY upset that the government had it, how dare they do that to his family). So Akechi is on the team from the beginning. Whether he wants to be or not. 
There’s a lot more but this is just the basics... @_@ I told ya it was a lot. 
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biconicfinn · 6 years
I had a lot of problems w loto too what were urs??
firstly, thank you for letting me know that i’m not alone in how i feel about loto because it seems to me that most of the rest of the fandom adores it and i liked it i guess? not as much as i love simon vs but enough to not say i absolutely hated it. secondly, these opinions i’m gonna share might be a little summarised/simplified for convenience’s sake 
before i start digging into what i didn’t like, let’s start with the pros:
first and foremost, i really liked the idea of visiting the simonverse again, especially since the last book had been so good and personally meant alot to me and i was excited to see these characters in the pages again! (extra excited after seeing them grace the screens)
general excitedness aside, i loved garrett so much! i think he is hilarious and i loved that we got to see more of him and how he kind of fit himself in with the squad (he is my Angel Bro and deserves the world)
SPIERFELD!!!!! i loved seeing more simon/bram interactions and that promposal! wow i love them so much
i liked the way that morgan’s racism was handled. it was handled well and not shoehorned in to seem Progressive
as a subpoint(?) to morgan thing, i loved that there was just this acknowledgement of the entire squad’s nerdiness. you think they’re that group of kids who hang out together just because? lol no they’re all major nerds and that’s why
leah’s experience with finding a prom dress was so relatable; especially the part where she keeps struggling to find one that fits and suits her. i went through the same struggles finding a dress for my secondary school prom and it was so accurate i loved it. 
now for the cons:
most of my issue with loto can be easily boiled down into a few reasons. namely, leah’s characterisation herself, the assassination of nick’s character, the way bisexuality was approached by the characters and the whole cal/nora thing 
leah’s characterisation: i know she is one of the most popular simonverse characters, but leah isn’t really all that imho? i feel like she is a caricature of what people perceive a fangirl to be, from the m/m shipping, to the active fandom participation and the love for anime among other things. and another thing; i get that she has issues with bottling up her problems and communication, and that is fine and completely normal, but it just culminates in a rally ugly jealous and possessive streak when it comes to her friends. evidence? see: her feelings towards simon coming to abby, nick and abby taking simon to midtown, simon spending time with a friend who is Not Her. she is also really mean at times and i don’t get it? why are you so mean, especially to your friends?? why leah? and why can’t you accept that simon felt more comfortable coming out to abby first than you? are you not bisexual? or even if this wasn’t established in simon vs, you’d think her extensive fandom knowledge and knowledge of gay relationships (that granted, comes from fandom which is sorely missing in nuance when handling lgbt issues at times, but certainly has How to React When Your Friend Is Coming Out 101 down pat) would be of some help? coming out was simon’s thing and i don’t think it’s fair to do that to your best friend, regardless of how you feel about the person he came out to. also she ships drarry and that is a no-go for me just saying why would you ship drarry when deamus exists????
the assassination of nick’s character: now, this one goes hand in hand with how by breaking up nick and abby, nick gets character assassinated and the whole leah/abby thing seems more and more like fanservice. first off, nick and taylor metternich???? he doesn’t even break up with abby for an extended period of time before he attempts to move on? are you sure?? he was all for abby up until the very moment they break up and then he drops her for taylor? i’m not saying that leah shouldn’t have been with abby, more like, nick doesn’t/didn’t have to be paired off with someone else to give him a happy ending. you don’t need a romantic partner to be happy, and with nick, this message could have been conveyed in a beautiful way. also, nick and abby are pretty much head-over-heels in simon vs and for abby to suddenly have a change of heart and fall in love with leah doesn’t make sense to me. maybe that’s just me, idk. in conclusion, taylor and nick was so unnecessary and just made the leah/abby endgame seem very fanservice-y and shat all over nick’s character in the process.
the way the characters approached bisexuality: i felt that the way abby approached her sexuality, while normal was still rather upsetting, specifically the ‘lowkey bi’ thing. i felt that this is something i personally have heard straight people, specifically straight women say, when they find other women even moderately attractive and yet shun the idea of two women in a loving and committed relationship. you can be like figuring yourself out and trying to find your label (and you don’t even need one) but the ‘lowkey bi’ just sounds like a classic case of straight women with one (1) #wcw they would ‘totally date if like they had no choice!!11!!1!’ i know that this isn’t the case with abby, i know she isn’t straight and that is totally fine and cool and really awesome! i love it! but i think it could have been addressed in a better way, especially since many bi woc, particularly black bi women, were looking to abby as representation. it also seemed rather incongruent with abby’s characterisation to me. again, it could just be me, but this is something that just rubbed me the wrong way. (don’t worry, i still love abby and adore her with my whole heart!)
the whole cal/nora debacle: this to me was really sketchy because cal used to have a crush on simon and asked him out in simon vs, but got rejected. we also know that nora and simon (book!simon at least) look really alike. it just rubs me the wrong way that cal gets together with nora, simon’s younger sister who looks really alike to her older brother, who cal had a crush on. does that not seem very sketchy and shady and not very good? or healthy? just me?
okay also last point but more of an unpopular opinion that you might not agree with but i felt that the leah/abby relationship was super fanservice-y. i know i briefly touched on this in the second point but i just… why did you need to break nick and abby up in senior year to give leah a gf? it doesn’t make sense to me. we could have had a new character or brought another of the supporting girls like anna or even taylor be leah’s love interest. i know that based on canon, abby and nick might not have survived through college realistically, because long distance relationships are tough, but the hope of ending your last year of school in love, with your friends, finally yourself seems to be an ending with a more bittersweet feeling as college draws near and time together runs out than awkward relationship drama at prom and tension everywhere. i know that it isn’t as realistic, but i think that the characters, having been through what they have, deserve a happily ever after. i think it also is a powerful message to teenagers that yeah, high school is rough and things get dramatic and confusing, but there are people who care for you and will be there for you and stand with you and these friends will quite literally change your life. i just want some happy endings for these kids okay? sue me, i’m a little bit of a romantic. 
please don’t kill me these are just my opinions
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themangaguide · 3 years
The severe overuse of wind
Tumblr media
There are not any obvious
The tale of hero i quit a long time ago adhere to a group of a number of teenagers. Beginning with the toughest, we've a quiet, Murao and also self centered lady that later on isn't for many factors barely pointed out, like this. As Kominato consists of a break on her part she's boring and also plain, but is just a primary little bit of the 2nd love triangle, and she's a break on Kou's bro, Tanaka-sensei. Kominato herself is a vibrant as well as positive man, absolutely nothing else to reveal about him, he is irrelevant whatsoever. Yuuri is just a good although reluctant lady that's a little bit of the main love triangular, nonetheless it feels as though she's only a story device threw directly into breakthrough the item. She's some kind of character and depiction nevertheless, so she is not actually a bad figure on its own, however absolutely underwhelming planning from the main mix. Tanaka- sensei is certainly a vital individuality in existence and also Kouis personal crisis and also manages to possess high quality representation in fairly brief display screen time.
And also below we've our key mix, making use of the key personality Futaba going. Futaba is simply a light as well as somewhat interested lady that has a break on Kou yet begins asking her sensations after she obtained presumably left by him many years in the past, and groups around Kou to uncover more regarding his changed character. As she's reasonably simple and also two-dimensional essentially Futaba isn't an exceptional character by himself, nonetheless the greatest part regarding her is the fact that she makes the remaining team as well as likewise some great personality connections with Kou. She's the one which goes the background onward entirely by himself, although there is absolutely nothing unique concerning her.
Kou is the best character within the series, incredibly given that he functions like a pseudo-piece gadget for Futaba. Personality change and their specific situation is done truly, very well and also it is the largest emphasize of the display. He's an "I in fact donot care" perspective and works just like a common moron, however for some cause in the place of making him alone the team continually attempts to be pals with him. Their story it is the location of the present that did not come down as dull and plain, and also was anticipated, but executed nicely in the end. (such as the remaining display screen).
To get a guomin laogong dai huijia character-driven display, just 2 figures are extremely relevant to the account whatsoever. And that's bad. In the beginning you would certainly possess some type of desire that you will certainly get to establish lots of fascinating character connections and numerous techniques to enjoy from various figures and just how they respond as well as produce from this nevertheless in reality, when you obtain acquainted with the numbers (around 50% of the display), them all, aside from Futaba and also Kou (and also plot system Yuuri) end up being totally unnecessary. Which's not its actors ought to be dealt with by an anime. A constraint is to simply just how much his story as well as Kou can have taken the rest of the display screen, and he could not really reach one of the most reliable.
For that humor, it's simple reactional product continuously once again. Anything occurs, heroes react as well as you're created to laugh. Because you possess some type of link to figures, straightforward, nevertheless it truly functions right here than exhibits & the majority of the humor originates from in some cases funny relationships in between Kou and Futaba. Thereis no fanservice to maintain you included, and also by existing, which is actually a favorable thing, although it usually does not damage the tale, the screen really got dull mid-way via therefore I have no idea, possibly they ought to have experienced that? There is less piece of presence to speak about, however Futaba's desire to not be called an outcast when she runs into that in middle-school is done extremely fairly as well as worth mentioning (along side Yuuri's circumstance, though she's just damaged after that).
There are not any obvious publishing errors, along with the severe overuse of wind in exceptional or limited circumstances, yet I 'd prefer to keep in mind the display quickly and also completely neglects a very remarkable piece system in "producing the primary actors the training course reps" that can have started even more interesting scenarios to take place. The anime did not use the potential of a few of the components that are launched and rather went integrated with the uninspiring and also several universal means possible - a completely vanilla love with other points for you really to worry about or no backdrops. You can take a look at as well as check out manga online totally free here. For more useful reference, kindly visit this link - https://findmangaonlinenow.wixsite.com/themangablog/post/p7puzfe0vcnhhfur69oeafk1646416102
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chest-mimic · 6 years
Long text post about putting Neo back in RWBY for a story arc
Been thinking about RWBY recently because of BB:CTB, and just some ways I would write the series. One thought came into my head that I figured was unlikely enough to actually happen to be worth sharing.
What if Neo was Jaune's sister?
As best as I can remember, there's nothing on screen that happens to make it impossible. The only times they would have met (during the tournament), Neo is in disguise. We know for a fact Jaune has seven sisters, and Neo's last name is currently unknown. She doesn't come up in conversation much, and team JNPR isn't involved in the Roman/White Fang stuff. And it's not out there to think any time Ruby or Yang mentioned Neo, the connection just doesn't click. Maybe she's got hair dye or dresses unlike what Jaune would have known. Hell, maybe Jaune did know and kept his mouth shut. Point is, it's possible with a little effort. And if the series can muddy how aura works, some rando on the internet can work with a contrivance.
So, fun fan theory with circumstantial evidence. What could someone actually do with this detail? The first thought I had was it provides a possible way for Jaune to have gotten through the vetting system, AND gives us a reason for Ozpin to have missed it, all in one go. With Blake, it's implied Ozpin let her in because her background and credentials were enough that he could trust her, and at worst he'd keep his eye on a potential spy. Jaune doesn't have the kind of history that would appeal to Ozpin's weird brand of preparation. And as funny as that Dumb RWBY comic is (http://eunnieverse.tumblr.com/post/123075118473/i-dont-care-what-his-transcripts-say-that), it's more likely that Jaune would have needed the help of someone with a reputation.
We know Cinder has ties to Lionheart, one of Ozpin's most trusted allies, early enough to pass as one of his students. So Neo slipping in a nonverbal "hey give my bro a letter of recommendation" (or convincing Roman to ask for it) with some implied violence thrown in isn't out of the question. Had Cinder found out, just pretend Jaune is a potential pawn with delicious blackmail attached. Leo writes something convincing about how grades aren't everything, Jaune is in with the knowledge that his recommendation had a moral cost, Team Kill All Humans has a potential mole that they never end up needing to use, and Ozpin is none the wiser. The series wouldn't need this specific of an explanation for what amounts to a bureaucratic loophole, but who looks at Jaune in volume 1 pinned to a tree and goes "yup that's super hero potential right there".
Incidentally, it could also provide a reason Tyrian singles out Jaune as an interesting person. He can't be a maiden and he's not a wizard (at least we all hope), but family of an ex-coworker in his line of work is worth keeping tabs on.
Okay, enough retcon work on logistics. Where could the series actually go with this? First and foremost, Neo has to show up for it to mean anything. Last we saw Neo, she was "gently" floating down from the sky in the middle of a Grimm attack. But any genre savvy supervillain knows that not seeing the body means they may as well be perfectly fine. In addition, Ozpin's initiation for the first year students is to launch them off of a cliff into the forest. Weird as it is, if he's expecting total newbies to survive the fall, why can't Neo?
With Roman gone, there's not much reason for Neo to stick with Cinder's group. The White Fang stopped working with our big bad, Neo isn't a faunus and can't expect any protection under Adam the Edgehog. Plus, she has no reason to actually go after Ruby or Yang. It's not like they're hard to find, and even if they were, Ruby's going off to pick a fight with Salem, the lady who is so scary Raven is afraid to openly confront her. Considering Neo's reaction to even seeing Raven, we can get a sense of scale for how strong she thinks Salem is. If revenge was a motive, from Neo's perspective Ruby's pretty much doing it for her. So Neo, surviving a brush with death and having a hand in the potential end of mankind, goes home to take a nap.
Team Ruby's friends, following the road to plot, wind up getting near Jaune's hometown. Because it was so conveniently on the way. How convenient. The writers can play it off as wanting to show how a non-huntsman supported town thrives. And since this is RWBY, the answer is probably big guns taped to things that probably aren't guns, so yay more anime guns. But now in the hands of a population with no idea that Huntsmen can be made bullet proof (recall Jaune had to be told what Aura is and how it worked after initiation began). Yeah, World of Remnant covered that, but that's a conversation for another day. Point is, we the audience get to see it in action.
The team exploring town eventually would get to Ruby and Yang finding Neo. Or maybe the whole team. I'm trying to keep this from being straight up fanfiction, but since this is a post about justifying a bit of fanservice, let's just say a rematch occurs because they can't escape from crossing fate. Jaune steps in before a winner is confirmed to point out they're fighting his sister, to which Ruby or Yang rebuts with a reference to the attempted murder.
Now the meat of the potential conflict. Ruby and Jaune stand on opposite ends of a very serious accusation. Ruby has to deal with the fact that one of her friends is related to someone who tried to kill her and her family, Jaune has to accept that his sister is part of the reason Beacon fell, and neither one is going to turn on their family for no reason. Any of what happens next depends on what kind of person Neo is.
Yang already had her lesson in forgiveness in V5, but Ruby hasn't been in the same boat. Weiss's reason for leaving the team was very different than Blake's, and Ruby seemed initially more open to forgiving what Blake had done. Having Jaune defend her assailant would be a betrayal of Ruby's trust, but she's fully capable of understanding wanting to protect your sibling.
The group travelling all have different ideas about dealing with dangerous opponents, but have all been more or less following Ozpin. Yet the limits of Ozpin's knowledge are vague, and whether he's willing to take that chance on someone who is okay at best is unlikely after Lionheart. Neo being relateded to Jaune could give Ruby an important moment of leadership by deciding if the two can be trusted. This might even lead to usurping Ozpin and Qrow's choices as the de facto correct path, or casting out Jaune and Neo as potential threats they can't risk having around. Depending on how it's done, it can even tie back to how Jaune's forgery making or breaking the final decision.
There's more I could write on the topic, but it's already pretty long and I just want to get across a couple possible writing choices that could be made with one additional character background detail. There's flaws in my proposal, like why would Neo have aura unlocked and not Jaune, but a decent writer could fill those holes with good character defining or world building moments. I like RWBY, flaws and all, but I'd love to see more use of side characters instead of just making a new one every time the writers needed more conflict. Maybe I'm making assumptions about characters that I shouldn't be making for this proposal to even work. But if the alternative is getting more new characters established for two scenes then never seen again, then what's wrong with a little bit of fanservice.
Tl;dr give us more Neo.
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sodapaladin · 7 years
PawelCyril’s Top 10 Games 2017!
Just like my good friend @shylax, I’ll be considering any game I played for the first time in 2017, not just games that came out this year, because I mostly play older games and can highlight some underrated gems this way!
10. Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge (GB)
Castlevania: The Adventure is not a good game. It’s slooow and missing many Castlevania staples, such as subweapons and stairs, of all things. Its sequel, on the other hand, is Game Boy Castlevania done right. Hot damn. The four castles can be completed in any order, so even if you forget your password, you aren’t stuck doing the same intro level a hundred times. The action and platforming is on point. There are problems, certainly, but unlike the first Game Boy outing, this one feels like a proper Castlevania. The soundtrack is also killer, as par for the series’ course. Interestingly, the Japanese and international versions have one different subweapon, the cross and axe, respectively.
9. Mobile Golf (GBC)
Did you know Mario Golf (GBC) had a sequel only released in Japan? It probably didn’t come over due to its relation with the mobile adapter which also wasn’t released outside of Japan. It seems odd to test mobile multiplayer with a golf game, seeing as I could get the same result by playing the game myself and then comparing scores with my friend. That gimmick aside, this game’s essentially an expansion pack sequel to Mario Golf, running on the same engine but with new courses. It also features Foreman Spike, from Wrecking Crew! When will he make another comeback?
8. Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt (PC)
I tried this adorable indie game thanks to @arkthepieking recommendation, and he was right, it was right up my alley. Everything about it is so charming, from the characters to the graphics to the music. The difficulty goes up at a good pace, and there are quite a few secrets to be found. It’s free and short, so give it a try sometime!
7. NES Remix (1 and 2) (Wii U)
The idea of sampling old NES games’ best moments is brilliant. Every once in a while, I think, “Gee, I miss Super Mario Bros. 2, but I’m only in the mood for a couple minutes of it.” Well this highlight collection has you covered! I appreciate Zelda II in theory, but I don’t have the patience to get through its slow dialogue and frustrating areas such as Death Mountain. Thanks to this game, I was able to experience the thrilling boss fights and memorable moments without hours of irritation. It’s also a great way to sample games for a younger audience who may have not even heard of some of these games. My biggest complaint would be how the first challenge for certain games (Kirby’s Adventure uuugh) forces you to sit through a tutorial every single time, making it annoying to replay those challenges for a high score. Some challenges are also scored in a strange way, leaving you wondering why you got 3 stars or only 1. Not every game is a winner, but there are enough classics to entertain any NES fan.
6. Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)
Mario Kart 7 was a bit underwhelming, but Mario Kart 8 brought back the fun. While some of the character choices are disappointing (waaay too many babies), we also got Isabelle, so it balances out. The zero-gravity gimmick is fine, although I don’t even realize I’m upside-down most of the time. Regardless, the new courses are a blast, and there are plenty of revamped retro courses that make me nostalgic and happy. The F-Zero and Animal Crossing courses in particular are full of love. I can’t get over the little details such as rupees replacing coins in the Zelda course, or how every Animal Crossing game’s theme is represented (ILY GameCube AC).
5. Final Fantasy V (GBA)
Being a huge Dragon Quest fan, I’ve held off on playing this for a long time, but I finally got around to it this year. This may just be my favorite main FF game. The story is simplistic compared to IV, but it’s still interesting enough for me. The best way to describe it is charming. The music is also lovely, especially the battle theme, which is my favorite in the series. I’m still not finished with this game, but it’s safe to say I like it a lot.
4. JGTO Kōnin Golf Master (GBA)
I bought this game just to add to my golf game collection. I did not expect it to be such an underrated gem. Easily my favorite golf game on the GBA, and one I still play from time to time. You can read my full review on it for more details. Overall, it’s a fun game with good pacing and a super catchy soundtrack. Technically this game came out in the west as ESPN Final Round Golf 2002, which took out the story mode and changed some graphics. The cartoony real-life golfers were replaced by realistic-looking fictional golfers, and a few other things such as the HUD are changed around, but it’s essentially the same game. If you want a golf game for the GBA besides Mario Golf, I highly recommend this.
3. Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (3DS)
Although I put Fates on my top ten list last year, it was a massive disappointment in many ways. Echoes blows it out of the water. Despite being a remake, it’s so fresh! It’s a remake of Gaiden in terms of story, but it’s a completely revamped game that takes everything you know about Fire Emblem and chucks it out the window. It took a while to relearn things such as inventory management and spells, which are now handled differently, but this breath of fresh air is exactly what this series needed. Easily one of the best Fire Emblem games.
2. Dungeon Travelers 2 (PS Vita)
Technically I bought this last year, but I put it on hiatus for a while and played a lot more this year, so I think it’s earned a spot. Not gonna lie, I bought this game primarily for the sleaze. It’s a dungeon crawler with cute girls. What else could I ask for? To my surprise, though, it’s actually a fantastic dungeon crawler in its own right. The difficulty can be quite tough at times, but that makes it so satisfying to overcome. There are tons of ways to build your party, with dozens of jobs that fit into various archetypes. I love the idea of the maid class, which isn’t too useful on its own, but has the ability to restore another party member’s MP for free. This is a fascinating idea, essentially sacrificing a slot in your party for an extra battery for your mage. The story is rather forgettable, but the characters are surprisingly likable and are more interesting than simply sexy ladies. Gratuitous fanservice is still a major part of the game, however, so it’s difficult to recommend this game to any RPG fan. If you’re into women and dungeon crawling, though, this game is way better than it has any right to be. There’s a free demo, so check it out!
1. Chrono Trigger (SNES)
Can you believe I played this for the first time in 2017? For years, friends have told me I’d love this game, but I didn’t believe the hype. Chrono Trigger is one of the best RPGs I’ve ever played. The story, music, characters, gameplay, and more are all incredible. The story was interesting throughout with little filler, and it moved from plot point to plot point organically without the need to gather seven magic crystals or the like. The party members felt like individuals with their own goals, not merely tagging along because you’re the protagonist. For example, having to fight Magus alone as Frog is you have him in your party was satisfying and made sense. I could gush about this game forever but RPG fans already know how great it is. I cannot recommend it enough.
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underthebluerain · 7 years
Watched Thor: Ragnarok yesterday. Some of it I liked, some of it I loved, most of it was a mess, some of it I hated. The things I loved made me really emotional and saved it from being a wholly bad experience. The things I hated are the reason I am really glad I didn’t spend money on it.
Fair warning, this "review” is as messy and disjointed as the film. Also long.
-The moment the movie started with Thor’s monologue it was clear it was 100% off tone with the Thor universe. Like what.
-The first woman we saw in Thor was Jane Foster doing scientific research. The first women we see in Ragnarok are two unnamed fanservice extras who are presumably skurge’s conquests and are there for the guy to show off to, with barely any lines, no important role and (I think) never seen again. Just a thought.
-I will admit, I did fid some moments funny and genuinely enjoyed them. Others were just ridiculous, a sign they completely ignored the kind of story and especially characters they were showing. And the moments that should’ve been dramatic but that were played in a funny way, even worse. Like Thor and Loki’s reunion. Thor thought he was dead, again. Honestly. Take away all the emotional depth why don’t you. (Yeah I still laughed but it was a Robbed Angst Moment).
-Not to be That Guy but... Loki’s in-universe The Dark World play has Lady Sif and the Warriors Three in a bigger role than they had in it (since they are present at Svartalfheim) and also has Jane in it so 1) it’s keeping both Sif and Jane UNLIKE THIS MOVIE and 2) how shitty is that the in-play acknowledges these characters and the film proper doesn’t. I am so tired of Marvel’s self-referential “haha let’s lampshade the fact that the women are missing but not actually do anything to remedy it!” also unashamedly used in AOU and Antman.
-The bit they showed us about the play I liked in general though, it had plenty of Bro Feels. And Odin!Loki mouthing “I didn’t do it for him” lol but also aww. Also interesting that Sif and the W3 were included (just like in his deleted TDW imagining. He really wants Thor’s friends to like him damn) worried about him and Sif was sent to get help...?? They are not helping me forget about sifki tbh
-Also I shouldn’t be surprised that something serious like Loki’s origins was mentioned only to be funny but like... what?? He seriously decided to let everyone know?? Really?? And is this play seriously how he decided to do it?? When was this?? Was everyone chill with it?? When did he become cool with it?? 
-Was Jotun!Loki called a blue icicle or did I hallucinate that
-Literally the only mention of Jane is of how she dumped Thor and him saying he dumped her instead. Besides Jane being missing, several reasons why this is shitty: 1) again, only one mention of her in the entire film 2) the only mention has her referred to only insofar as her relationship or lack thereof with Thor goes 3) Thor wouldn’t be trying to save face regarding the breakup, he’d just be sad about it 4) it isn’t a good enough reason to have her missing, fuck you.
-Thor to Strange: “Who are you and why should I care” lmao same
-Hela being Odin’s daughter is so out of left field. The backstory regarding her helping Odin win the realm even more so. What?? Just what??
-On the other hand, nice to see the fishiness about Odin and Asgard’s treatment of other realms acknowledged as shitty. But they still had Odin’s only scenes  being good to his sons...?
-I am conflicted about Hela’s design because on the one hand I am gay and find it sexy but on the other I kind of resent they gave her the Black Skintight Catsuit™ of Sexy Female Characters.
-The W3 didn’t deserve those sudden deaths and Thor didn’t deserve to not find out about them.
-I SO loved Thor and Loki’s interactions. I'VE MISSED THEM SO MUCH
-The mural with the family was nice. I didn’t like how frigga was depicted lower than her husband (and this even though she’s taller...) and looking at him/the ground while the men are looking forward, but it does make sense given Asgard’s sexism (as established in other movies, because apparently now they have an all-women army. Ok then why was Sif being the only female warrior a big deal?? Answer: this movie doesn’t give a shit about continuity)
-So... Odin was ashamed of how he got the realm... but he still made a hugeass mural about it??
-I do like hearing Odin get called out. also Odin manipulated history, who else isn’t surprised?
-Again with the humour being used to reference a tragic past event: Loki’s apparently telling the Sakaar gang (whom he barely knows) about how he let go of the Bifrost. As if it’s a funny anecdote. They all laugh. What.
-Just let Hulk stay there and rot Thor
-Hulk is an asshole, I didn’t need more reasons to hate him but they gave them to me
-They didn’t just made an AOU reference they actually had the gall to show me ooc!nat and fucking brutasha AGAIN EW EW EW WHY FUCK aaand I officially hate Taika Waititi. I am SO glad I didn’t go see this movie in a theatre can you imagine giving more money to be traumatised with the same shit again omg
-Lmao they literally threw in a line in just to give Banner more degrees than Jane, Phd’s actually, so his are more important right? The male ego truly is astounding
-I thought we’d see more of Valkyrie’s backstory and her grudge against Hela, but at least we got something. Also her name wasn’t revealed?? Was it in the credits? She is cool though. I liked that her introduction was not at all dignified (falling off the ship bc she’s drunk? lol. Wasn’t expecting it tbh) but she got her dignity back. I’ve seen it mentioned that her story of “badass warrior leaves after traumatic battle and becomes jaded drunk who pretends not to care about anything but eventually finds it in herself to come back and fight for what’s right” is a story usually reserved for men and it’s great that she got it.
-I feel so defeated that Asgard had to be destroyed.
-The rock alien was quite funny.
-Thor has literally lost his home, his girlfriend, his mother, his father, several of his friends (not that anyone told him) and his fucking eye give this boy a fucking break
-Thank god Thor didn’t end up believing Loki was dead again bc I would’ve gone there and killed him myself tbh
-I think one of my main problems with the film is that I actually enjoyed the adventure, some of the humour and few emotional moments, but it ignored and/or glossed over so much that was important that it’s not as gut-wrenching as its predecessors. To sum up: this movie was a good fic, but not a good enough Thor movie, you get me? Especially given how this is probably the very last Thor movie.
-Even without watching the Infinity Wars trailer it’s obvious Loki’s taken the Tesseract you little shit. I hope Thor knows and is like “take it out let’s see what we do with it hmm?”
-Fuck, I really enjoyed Loki and Thor’s relationship in this movie. On the one hand, the movie robbed them of several emotional moments (Thor finding out Loki’s alive, their reunion, a longer confrontation), but on the other the humour gave them several great scenes of sibling banter and backstory that I loved so much (even if some of it didn’t make sense like the snake anecdote: cute, funny but nonsensical). And despite the movie’s light tone not fitting with the other films’, I... feel like it did kinda fit their relationship here? The film made it work. I still wish we’d gotten more emotional scenes and arguing and angst, but I did like to see that it’s been quite some time since their grievances and that has sort of caused them to cool over a bit, so things are calmer, lighter. And that allows Loki to act less like a “I’m gonna betray you” (which is still there, but he doesn’t play it up so much), and above all allows Thor to say, “look, this has been fucked up for a few years, I don’t think trying to stay together will work”. Which I think is both sincere and reverse psychology. Sincere because Thor has been through a lot of pain and he knows Loki has too, so he doesn’t think he can handle having Loki there but not being able to trust him, and if Loki wants out he’s not gonna force him to stay. And reverse psychology because he’s hoping so bad that he’ll want to stay, that he’ll choose to. Freely. And he knows that the only way he will make a free choice is if he thinks Thor has made his and that it’s to stop pursuing him. I AM EMOTIONAL
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