#a lot of confusion on both sides
veryaren · 3 months
reaction image for when short fur affinity kleptomaniac won't put your cravat down
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amethyst-halo · 3 months
im noticing as i watch twt for the trillionth time that cooper moves his ears up n down but none of the funk trolls do, n i think that's a cute lil thing from being raised a pop troll bc pop trolls' ears are very expressive and funk's tend to just droop down naturally
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buttercup-barf · 4 months
Under the cut are mostly self-insert doodles of decreasing quality. Again, not much directly tied to Team Fortress 2. Might as well toss these out while I have no access to my puter. Much yapping under the cut and in the tags incoming.
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Another self-insert, this time less of a "here's me as a tenth class" and more of a "here's my game experiences translated into the class I would take the place of". The Cleaner. Although I guess they could still be wearing either suit. It doesn't matter that much.
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That one Convict's Case taunt with Backup would be extremely funny, because the man would be on the verge of a breakdown (he does not want to go to jail so bad you have no idea). The second image- I owe no explanation. You know what I am. You see the pattern with my favourites.
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The duality of the man. Resting face versus "just heard you express interest in religion/Russian folklore" face. He's not that hard to make friends with, when you pull him away from all the explosions.
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Some doodles of trying to figure his face out. Unfortunately, the more I stare at him, the more I worry that he looks like A Certain Guy With The Last Name "Kazarin", and the fear of never being original in my life caught up to me.
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Don't look at me, don't perceive me, I refuse to explain any of my actions to you.
#team fortress 2#tf2#that's it that's the only tags i am putting this in. maybe someday i will have the balls to do more but for now that's about it#while i have the chance - and since posts with more of my yapping in the tags don't pop in people's feeds much - i might as well ramble-#-about these guys here. self-inserts or not i'm projecting only half of my bullshit on each one of them. creativity 👍#backup is tall and pale and has sharp canines and more of a dull brown hair colour with tired grey eyes. no amount of babyface or soft-#-hands can really help a motherfucker when he's grimacing so much because he just Hates being around half the people on the team.#cleaner meanwhile is on the shorter side and has constantly flushed skin and brighter colours and whatnot. you can't see it because of the-#-mask most of the time but they do smile a lot more and have a more cheery disposition towards life and see the whole team as their friends!#backup transitioned fully (albeit not very legally lmao) and is scared shitless of not being seen as a man although the last time that ever-#-came up was years ago. he holds onto his last name as part of the heritage he loves and loathes at the same time - attached to his culture-#-and religion and bloodline while also resentful of his family and the regime he knows someone else on the team suffered under.#cleaner just kinda binds and calls it a day. he only does it to confuse the team because while he doesn't identify with being a girl he-#-loves the confused looks his epic gender reveal moment gets. they do not remember their family name or where they grew up or what even got-#-them to this kind of mental state. and he's chill with it he values the here and now way more than some dark edgy backstory.#backup despite trying to be an honest man is afraid of vulnerability as well. he stubbornly refuses to express love towards certain people-#-lest they feel disgusted and turn away. he's afraid of consequences afraid of losing the people he loves afraid of his ''interests'' being-#-what drives them away. it doesn't by the way and he just wasted time being a cold indecisive loser for several months lmao#cleaner wears a suit that hides all of them yes but they pretty much never lie. he is always his truest self and he can always just burn-#-people who don't like him enough to make it a problem. they are a lot more comfortable indulging in their interests - be they innocent-#-and juvenile or violent and dangerous. he is quite open with his affection and his fascinations that backup would rather keep secret.#i want to establish that these two can only exist in separate universes because they both have feelings towards the funny assistant lady-#-and the funny inventor guy (selfshipping for the winnn) and would fight over those two. cleaner would win by the way#it's also a really funny point of comparison. cleaner is objectively more fucked up than backup and still managed to be more normal about-#-their feelings and live as a healthier and happier person than that guy. comedic gold honestly#OKAY I'M DONE if you read up to here you get uhhh a cookie :-)
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vaugarde · 3 months
man i clicked on crow callers “unwind” video expecting some cathartic justice for not liking what i read of book one back in middle school, but now they have me wanting to give it another chance (really confused and botched reproduction rights discussion and anti native racism aside)
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wesavegotham · 11 months
The different parts of Gotham War not lining up at all in terms of plot, character motivation and characterization is bad enough, but now that DC is suddenly trying to explain when other titles like Detective Comics and Batman and Robin are taking place in relation to Gotham War it gets even worse because now all of these storylines make so much less sense too.
#Gotham War#Listing all the reasons why Gotham War and Ram V's Tec run don't fit together would be complicated#Because they are doing similar things with a similar cast of characters but in extremely different ways#And I don't have the energy to go through both storylines to get the details right#But Batman and Robin is simple#You can't have a cozy father-son-story and Bruce going insane and shoving all the parental responsibilities onto Dick#to be a brooding loner again taking place at the same time#Is the entire Batman and Robin book supposed to take place during the few days that Damian was the only one on Bruce's side in GW#Before Bruce abandoned Damian?#Because unlike when Death in the Family happened you can't even use the excuse that Damian changed his mind#And decided to stay with Bruce even though dinf ended with everyone including Dami not showing up at the talk Bruce wanted to have with the#Which was what they did in B&R 2011#Because back then it was the family that decided they didn't want to work with Bruce anymore#In GW it's Bruce who tells them to leave him alone#He very explicitly abandons Damian despite the fact that Damian didn't betray him and stayed loyal#So this time Damian can hardly change his mind and decide to stick by Bruce because it's Bruce who rejected him#I'm still so confused by Zdarsky putting that in the story in the first place because he clearly has very little interest in Damian#Out of all the male Robins he played the smallest part in this#It probably would have been better for B&R if Damian had been somehow absent for Gotham War like in a lot of previous batfam events#And left the time B&R takes place unspecified#So that it just takes place in its own bubble#I'm usually all for DC telling us how things fit together but for that to be good things need to actually line up#And not outright contradict each other
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cabeswaterdrowned · 6 months
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was bored and did this ya books tier ranker … this is like the only ranked like this I’ve seen include individual books from series rather than just the first idk if I like that more or less
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lunar-years · 8 months
I love your insight into Roy and Nate and think there could've been some great stuff there, but I disagree about Roy thinking Nate has to be protected or at least caring about protecting him. Roy only sticks up for him because of Ted and the book from Ted. Roy was ignoring the bullying of Nate for 6+ months. They barely interact in season two other than when Nate kisses Keeley and Roy doesn't care.
ooh i think this is partially a case of me thought dumping in my post and not exactly being the most clear or concise, lol, because I mostly agree with you about all of this!
I don't think Roy cares about protecting Nate until the time it becomes convenient to him/his journey (hence my line about Roy swooping in when it fits his agenda, and not a second before, lol. Nor does he make any attempt to actually connect to Nate or help him find new footing with the team afterwards. It's very much 'well they've stopped putting their hands on him everyday in the locker room so that's my job well done. back to paying no attention to him!').
I think maybe we're meant to believe that Roy was just sooo checked out as Captain that he wasn't being the leader he *normally* was/had once been, and the book/Ted are what prompts him to reconnect with that part of himself and start caring enough to finally do what he's long known needs to be done.
But I think it's only partially that, and partially that Roy IS a hotshot who generally doesn't pay attention or give a shit about the kitman, and also that there's a very real part of him that thinks Nate is sort of pathetic for not standing up for himself. So when I say "Roy thinks Nate needs protecting" I mean that in a "Roy is being very patronizing" kind of way. I think it is very connected, honestly, to Roy's experience as a young boy at the Academy. I can't remember if there's actually a line about this in canon, so this may be verging into headcanon territory lol, but it feels at least strongly hinted at (imo, given how strongly he hates phoebe's and henry's bullies) that Roy was bullied as a kid by virtue of being the youngest kid there, which contributed to both his early anger and his learning to fight back. He had to harden himself to survive, and he did so by quickly becoming competent at making himself intimidating and unafraid to give as good as he got, making himself the bigger threat by overt macho bravado. I think with Nate in season 1, there's definitely an aspect for Roy of like, "I could stand up for myself when I was 9, and here's this grown man who can't stand up to other adults. how sad."
Him barely interacting with Nate in season 2 despite them literally having the same job and that job being one of collaboration at that is all a part of it! Nate thinks Roy brushes him off and doesn't pay him the time of day because Roy's an arrogant famous asshole who had the job handed to him by virtue of being rich and famous and ted liking him, rather than real merit. Which is sort of true (until the last part!) But Roy's problems are also much deeper than that and are rooted more in insecurity and self-hatred than his ego (he hates his anger, for one, and the ego is largely a mask for the self-hatred). And he tells Keeley openly in s3 (in the scene where they tell Phoebe they broke up) that he doesn't feel competent with the strategy side of things as a coach now that Nate's gone, which is surely something he's also had brewing in season 2.
It's like, Roy doesn't respect Nate because he thinks Nate is spineless and sort of pathetic (an unkind and unfair judgement, because it's not coming from a place of trying to actually understand Nate, but rather projecting his own insecurities), and he justifies that unfair judgement with Nate's very real actions, such as Nate ratting on Ted, running out on the team and going to Rupert, etc, (fully valid reasons not to respect Nate). On the other hand, Nate doesn't respect Roy because he thinks Roy's got this amazing life handed to him, whether it be by luck and innate talent or whatever (looks, money, a great career, a gorgeous girlfriend) and Roy is too stupid to even appreciate that he has any of it (again, an unfair and unkind judgement not coming from a place of trying to understand Roy or where he's coming from, but rather projecting his own insecurities into the situation). And he justifies the unfair judgement in fair criticisms of Roy's actions, like Roy not treating him with equal footing at work and Roy's micro-aggressions in the scene about the Keeley kiss.
I don’t any of these judgements results in overt hatred for one another, either. Obviously that’s not what we see on the screen. It’s more like, indifference/distaste on Roy’s part and stewing bitterness he can’t quite name on Nate’s part. Idk.
So I do think there was enough set-up there for them to do something interesting with them in season 3, even though yes they absolutely don't interact much onscreen.
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strewbi · 10 days
you’ve heard “my white family thought I was a different black girl in the hotel lobby and called out to her” this time here’s “my black family looked at a photograph of my current day white mother kneeling down next to my six year old niece and seriously asked if it was me. And I had to say “first of all I’ve never been a little white girl.”
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ilikeyoshi · 1 year
hardest thing about Controversies is you'll almost always have two sides, each full of reasonable people with compelling and frankly not even conflicting opinions—but most of what each side knows about the other is their insane subset of totally deranged idiots who want to burn everything indiscriminately.
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squidult · 2 years
warp event that turns admech characters into necrons, and vice versa, GO
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Okay. Now that I feel comfortable talking about it. I can 100% believe that Kazuaki THINKS he's in romantic love with Hitori. But imo he's just. Not. He finds someone who is nice to him while he's adjusted to feeling only numb, depressed, or panicked. But he feels happy around Hitori (and Hitori is actively manipulating his attachment) and Kazuaki mistakes the subsequent mix of joy/confusion/finally feeling understood for butterflies
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hopefulstarfire · 1 year
I was watching tiktoks and one brought up people named Richard being called Dick. Right. Okay so my Grandpa's name was Richard and was sometimes called Dick, though he hated it; usually I heard it when my Grandma was trying to get him to hear her and go "Richard. Richard. DICK!" And it took me until I was a teenager to know that wasn't her calling by his name at that point.
His mom, my Great Grandma, typically called him Dick though. Which, she was this very like prudish, proper Norwegian woman, I don't think anyone ever heard her really even curse. I certainly don't remember her doing that.
Anyhow, she took this a step further.
On a drive home one day from church, she's sitting in the car with my Mom's cousin and her husband. They get to her house and see my Grandpa's car already there, because the whole family was supposed to get together for like Sunday dinner per usual.
And this woman very casually exclaims, "Oh look, the Dicks are here!"
Not Dick and his family. Not, oh look your uncle and everyone are here. The Dicks are here.
Anyways the temptation to get this on like a door mat for my grandma or for myself grows more and more every time I think about it.
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munamania · 2 years
ok had another ‘deep’ convo or whatever with this girl (until 4 in the morning amazing since i had to be up early today) and she really is a lovely person. and i still like her so much. but i feel like i had this sinking feeling of oh jesus christ i don’t know if i can ever say something to you about this
#i mean. we talked about a Lot clearly and i feel like. idk if she is really truly just straight and im an idiot#or if she’s maybe. bi and not willing or needing to like worry about it. yk#and i’m genuinely so happy after everything we’ve talked about that she’s in like a good place and i really#do adore just. this strange dynamic we’ve built. but how much did i overestimate how much it meant to her?#ok well hang on. how much did i possibly mistake tension for… well idk. her just being someone that likes attention and us both enjoying#just talking about whatever. lol#because she is very kind and even if i am mistaking the feelings she’s still very thoughtful toward me and i appreciate that#like she’s a good friend. that unfortunately i’ve had the thought of. oh no if we keep talking am i gonna fall in like one sided love here#hopefully i can keep that under control if i can keep the expectations managed lol#i don’t know what to think whatever!!!!!!!!!!!!#film girl saga#like it feels like we’re building this foundation of trust and comfort and we’ve talked explicitly about sexuality and perception and#idk a bunch of shit. idek how many times now. and i just don’t. sigh#i don’t think she would stop being friends with me but it’s the classic well great now i don’t want it to be weird#and maybe we have a strange enough dynamic that it could easily pass lol idk.#she unfortunately knows how overthinky i am now and i know a little more abt how her thought process works#and it’s like we’re circling these conversations and i’m petrified to know if she ever. has Perceived the feelings. and either#gotten caught up in that and confused or still just enjoyed the conversation enough to look past it. or whatever another altnerative could b
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dragpinkman · 2 years
ive seen adult eat the "carnivore diet" aka meat and dairy products only and thats whatever. i mean its definitely not good for you but you're an adult so. but i just re-download instagram and saw on the top a post about this lady feeding her kindergarten aged son like that. insanity what
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.vents#okay i shld rlly be more mindful of like my warning signs bcs talking a bit w one of my irls rn with apollo in our gc n#TIME IS REALLY NOT ON MY SIDE RIGHT NOW BUT#tmrrw i rlly want to write smth more for them bcs i think she's not rlly doing well rn n we touched on that a bit earlier but#i want to say more. i really do#usually i still manage well on my own but i'm human too n i really realize how my mood gets. like. i feel sad n all when i#don't talk to ppl for a while.#NOT THAT IT'S ANYONE'S FAULT THOUGH OKAY 😭#wait my mind is rlly a mess rn bcs i'm both distressed n at peace right now n it's confusing but i'm#genuinely fine n i genuinely don't have resentment towards anyone even though it may seem like it.#i hate idolizing others or being too idealistic though sometimes i get caught up in it but i'm aware when i do n try to fix it?#so. from my perspective#though i try to be objective n. separate n be aware of what is subject to me#i'm aware of my own self so. i think i'm decently aware of my own friends too#like their faults n strengths but i love them as a whole n want the best for them. if that makes sense#i really don't know how to describe it right now n that incapability to word it well enough distresses me in this particular yeah but#in my head i really do know n that gives me peace at least n#I'M SORRY I'M REALLY JUST RAMBLING A LOT RN I'M DUMPING N I'M NOT THINKING TOO MUCH OF IT I CRIED A BIT N THEN#it's so hot here i don't know why i'm not turning on the fan n then sorry to my friend ily /p but my energy is low rn n#yk what i'll just do more tmrrw. but my responsibilities w school r fucking me up i think weekends shld be 3 days fr so i can rest#rlly comforts me though when i think of. the complexity of life n. how humans are like. like. more like on how#yk normal stuff abt being human like we all have struggles n i rlly love thinking of how each of us loves differently w different ppl n#how we think i want to learn of all my friends' beliefs n philosophies n ideals n i want to just understand sm okay hdfaljsdkf#i find each of them so interesting but yk personally i have struggles w actually initiating that connection bcs of anxiety n then#it's rather comforting isn't it knowing how others have their own struggles too right? but we still connect. n. yeah#but i shld sleep soon so i'll shut my thoughts off now n priv these posts later bcs i am Genuinely just rambling i'm not thinking too much#GOOD NIGHT <3 ILL FIX MY TUMBLR TMRRW 😭
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sysig · 2 years
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Pet names (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#Solitaire#12 Names: Side B#The other half <3 Though ♥ is now no longer included because his were all handled last time lol#That's the thing with being first! Everyone else has the opportunity to show you up after the fact haha#Nakamura continuing the trend of at least Attempting to be professional calling Stellat ''Spear'' - pointed ✨#Stellat actually has a specific nickname for Nakamura that all three have adopted into their own languages which Slightly changes the tone#Its translation is ''Strike of the Vein'' but the implication is basically calling him Adel's lapdog which - he is but still lol#Nakamura is indifferent to it (from Stellat) so he doesn't particularly mind but he does consider it slightly unprofessional#Which is better than Completely Unprofessional lol - ♦ will try to pick up nicknames in their own languages to cut right to the quick#So he learned how to call him ''Neko'' and knows that it's also a double-entendre lol - better than what he calls him in Italian haha#Stellat is basically the only one who can get under Nakamura's skin lol#He's still well-liked! (Kind of lol) Enough that others take influence from him - if nothing else he's usually forgiven the easiest#Everyone knows he's a flirt#Nakamura is returning with his cutesy nickname for Stellat which is ''Sparkle'' haha ♪#Nakamura's and Noirceur's is probably the most chill-tense - like ♥ and ♠ are bombastic and loud so their tension is right to the surface#But there's a lot of quieter feelings between ♣ and ♠ - somewhat affectionate somewhat betrayed just a lot of little pieces#Noirceur is calling him a traitor haha and Nakamura returns with ''Beloved/I miss you'' which ♠ picks up on eventually but is still confused#Thus him trying to better understand him in his own language - he asked once and got back ''Puzzle'' - they're both puzzled by each other!#Nakamura's final name with the * is for ''Spade'' but is also pronounced ''Suki'' - again with its implicit double-meaning#He's a very private person so he's less inclined to explain that one haha#And lastly the most openly flirtatious lol ♪ Stellat is a flirt and Noirceur is surprisingly receptive! As much as he is also flustered lol#It wouldn't be nearly as fun if he wasn't! ♠ is the only one that ♦ refers to with English nicknames#So things like ''My pet'' ''My dearest'' ''My darling'' are commonly employed in whisper just to get him to blow up about it haha ♪#Noirceur is actually calling him by a nickname in return! Stellat without the t - Stella is star ✨ Just as sparkly haha#Their last is again in their own languages - ♠ calls him a ''Scary Incubus'' in French lol and ♦ returns with Italian ''You're such a tease'#Noirceur was also the first to pick up Stellat's nickname for Nakamura and Adel picked it up from there hehe#Also I didn't do it on purpose (obviously in some cases) but most of these have the symbol on the side they're standing :0#I didn't plan that! I just doodled as I wanted lol
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