#eating disorder mention
positivelyqueer · 10 months
Pro-tip: You can lie to your disordered thoughts and urges.
“We should stop eating forever” Cool, we’ll start that tomorrow (grabs a bowl of cereal).
“We should run away and upset all our friends” Alright, just let me take a shower first.
“We should key that stranger’s car” Sure, but on our way home, we’ve still got that bus to catch.
You never have to do these things, but if procrastinating and kicking the can down the road causes you less distress than outright saying no, there’s no harm in that.
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vamprisms · 18 days
i'm sure frankenstein's monster had it rough but he could never know what it's like to have a mother who was so skinny before she had you
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systlin · 1 year
ACTUAL buck fucking wild diets that I've lurked in forums for which reject all reality and are honestly thinly veiled eating disorders or moral crusades;
political/ethical veganism
the fuckin 'lion diet'
The Zero Carb diet
Raw veganism
the Master Cleanse bullshit
Whatever the hell the Liver King asshole has going on
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wiisagi-maiingan · 11 months
No lie, learning about BMR (how many calories your body burns just doing basic functions like breathing, circulating blood, and maintaining brain activity) completely changed my mindset regarding calories. It was something I struggled a lot with even after recovering from my ED and getting more involved in body and food-positive communities, but researching BMR really drove home how much work my body does just by existing and how dangerous calorie restriction actually is.
If you count or restrict calories, PLEASE look up information on BMR that does NOT come from diet or weight loss companies. See how much energy your body is using just to keep you alive and what it means to be eating 1500 calories a day (or even less) when your body is burning 1400-1700 just by existing. Calories are not the villain, they're the fuel that your body desperately needs.
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jayninjago · 3 months
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I was so sure i posted this???? I even tagged it n all, chat did i delete this on accident?
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just-antithings · 8 months
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Proship propaganda💀
This person writes rape smut
This person wrote a rape smut fic about a creepypasta character that is a canon a pedo
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I love Seadall. A male character with an ed is so uncommon, even though stats show that the gender disparity for people who suffer with eds is almost 50/50.
I know its played as a joke in a bunch of supports, but there are a select few which tackle it with surprising sincerity and gentility for a FE game (they aren't the best with mental health historically)
The wake up event where he asked Alear in the middle of the night for help with his ed was what sold him to me as rep that's not played as a joke.
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hometownrockstar · 3 months
anything about eating disorders that does not include or integrate fat people & fatphobia (both individual and systemic) into it's understanding is, imo, inherently flawed. Fat people are the main scapegoats of diet culture, in the fact of fat people with eating disorders are completely ignored and not believed, while fat people as a whole are meant to be denigrated, dehumanized, and bullied to perpetuate diet culture and to instill fear in people to develop an eating disorder in order to not become "like them" (ugly, unlovable, and bullied and dehumanized by everyone)
I obviously have understanding and sympathy for people with eating disorders, but to just not acknowledge that they can also be stringent perpetuators of fatphobia further ignores the core reasons why eating disorders develop, really. There is plenty of fatshaming and body policing in ED spaces because it is completely encouraged by society, and it hurts everyone even when its "meant to" hurt fat people the most. Dismantling fatphobia is key to getting rid of diet and ED culture.
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sandersstudies · 5 months
Very disappointing that 90% of Diet Coke memes are produced by pro-anorexia blogs and Facebook almond moms. I just wanna celebrate the crispiness.
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felixcosm · 2 months
i wish there were more realistic fucked up characters in podcasts. characters with eating disorders, characters who self harm (ie cutting, burning), characters who lose their cool when they get overstimulated, characters who can't get out of bed, characters who are paranoid and anxious about things that aren't there
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tea-and-secrets · 2 months
would it be ok to ask that this one is posted soon? i could use reassurance about it if thats alright? things are just... really hard.
im trying to come to terms with the fact that im going to be disabled for the rest of my life. i accept that im disabled *now,* but i have a degenerative disease, its not going to just stop being there. its going to keep getting worse slowly over time.
its especially hard because... even now i cant do my favorite hobby, rockhounding, because i cant bend without risking falling, i cant get on the ground to pick things up and/or dig because i wouldnt be able to get up on my own, and i cant navigate most off-road areas where the rocks im interested in are most often found.
i also desperately want to be a geologist. but i wanted more than anything to be doing fieldwork, like going out and taking samples from various areas, making maps of what could be found where based on my samples... that sort of thing. but ill never be able to do it and i have to come to terms with that.
it will get bad enough that i will need a wheelchair at some point in my life too. like, at some point within the next five to ten years.
ill also never be able to pick people up again. my whole life ive prided myself in picking people i love up during hugs, spinning them around, that sort of thing. i especially loved picking up my best friend.
they understand that i cant do that anymore and theyve never expressed sadness over it, but i cant help but think about how delighted theyve always been about me picking them up and spinning or wiggling them during hugs, and how they used to ask multiple times each hangout to be picked up and hugged.
and even if they arent upset about it, *i* am. i want to be able to do what i used to be able to. but i cant. and i never will again.
its just hard, knowing ill never be able to reach my dream career, continue my favorite outdoor hobby, continue giving love to my friends in the ways i like to... theres so much i can no longer do, and so much ill never be able to do again.
its just really hard. i dont want to be this way. but i am and i always will be, and it will get worse even if i do things like meds and physical therapy. those would just delay the collapse of my disease.
im just sad. i dont want to have to come to terms with it. but i have to or else im setting myself up for even more grief.
and its all because my mom wouldnt get me treated when i was injured in my teenage years. that injury going untreated for so long is what caused my degenerative disease to start so early. my mom has it too but she didnt start developing it until her fourties.
and then for years after my injury when talking about my back pain she just kept saying it was because im fat and that it would stop hurting if i lost weight.
which of course sparked the eating disorder i had previously recovered from.
which ive been struggling with now again for years because of that. but i was getting better again.
until now. because my body hurts too bad to get out of bed often enough to eat a healthy amount so im rapidly losing weight and my brain is saying i have to keep going and going.
and, the wheelchair thing... all my friends live and are going to live places with a lot of stairs. and *i* live somewhere with a lot of stairs too. and the doorframes in all these places arent wide enough for a wheelchair, nor are the bathrooms large enough.
its just all so hard to think about. i hate it. i want to get better and heal like a normal person would, not be in pain constantly and get worse like my body is going to.
thank you for listening. sorry for how long this is.
if i could get reassurance in tags or replies that would be really nice. this is all just so hard and i only have a few people i can confide in about it.
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3liza · 9 months
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speaking of superficial physical appearance, I was trying to figure out why Jane Krakowski is bright red from the neck to the shoulders for the entirety of 30 Rock and discovered that when white people go in the sun enough sometimes we just stay red permanently. this is called Poikiloderma of Civatte, which would be a great name for a dark souls character. it could also just be blushing/flushing, she is very pale naturally I think. a lot of my relatives look like that because they moved to Hawaii in the 70s and it's pretty dire. please wear sunscreen and hats and coverage, you don't get the leathery skin and cancer until 50 years after you got the sunburn and by then it's too late. I'm still not sure why they didn't give her some dermablend but maybe the color grading and broadcast compression made it look worse in the show than it looked in camera and editing. more recent photos of her have it either covered or she's lasered it off, dpending on what was causing it in the first place
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the girl who plays George in Dead Like Me is also red and raw looking on her hands especially but based on her frame I think that's probably just cardiovascular effects of underweight, you see a lot of anorexics with reddish, purplish or mottled hands like that. could be reynauds of course but it's pretty uniform so my best guess is poor circulation from actress ED, combined with her spray tan wearing off on the fingers. spray tanning natural redheads is such a terrible idea. this woman is a member of both Mensa and Intertel and for some reason also went to a car racing academy?? anyway in case you were wondering why some TV people are pink
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ashleyrguillory · 2 years
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A comic about lesbian gender feelings featuring @redgoldsparks​. Originally posted on my patreon.
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wiisagi-maiingan · 11 months
Your body is working so fucking hard all the time in ways you cannot imagine.
Keeping your heart beating costs energy. Circulating your blood costs energy. Digesting food costs energy. Breathing costs energy. Growing your hair and nails costs energy. Growing new skin costs energy. Producing things like saliva costs energy. Maintaining brain activity costs energy. And that's just the tip of the iceberg!
There is not a single point in your existence, from the moment of conception to your very last breath, where your body has been truly inert. It is a hugely complex machine that never takes a break and that needs a constant power supply to keep everything running.
That's one of the reasons why fatigue and hair loss are some of the first symptoms of extreme calorie restriction; your body is struggling to maintain even its most basic functions and it's starting to sacrifice things that are less necessary, like hair growth.
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jayninjago · 6 months
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I love self projection on the blorbos
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copepods · 1 year
thinking about...cwilbur.... i think he collects most of his body fat on his stomach and upper arms. and i think he gets that from phil. phil is naturally more heavyset and for a long time wilbur tried to combat those genes in himself and stay thin, but it wasnt healthy for him and post revival he finally lets himself eat and sleep as much as he needs to and discovers that he does have thicker arms and a bit of a tummy and it feels like hes finally at home in his own skin!! like he doesnt have to pretend to be someone else anymore. and he has to buy new clothes once he starts gaining weight and it feels so nice to get rid of everything he was before-- that self back in pogtopia that didnt really feel like him-- and he starts wearing dresses more and more sleeveless shirts and crop tops and wears trenchcoats less because his body finally feels like his own and the impulse to hide it isnt as strong as it used to be. EXPLODES i love him so much!!!!!
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