#a lot of people seem to forget that he was kind of an asshole lol
shinewerst · 27 days
Here I will leave some of my thoughts, guesses and headcanons. Some of them may be stupid and unreasonable, but I will share them with you anyway.
I've noticed that a lot of people headcanon Earth and Moon or Earth and Venus as siblings. And I partially agree with this. But here are my thoughts on this matter: They are cosmic bodies and they do not have siblings in the usual sense, but since they live for a very long time, over billions of years of being close to each other, they can develop family feelings for each other. But only if they are always close. Therefore, most often this occurs between a planet and its moons or between several moons of one planet. This is unlikely to happen between planets, since each of them is in its own orbit, perhaps double planets are an exception. Therefore, I headcanon the Moon and Earth as brothers, Phobos and Deimos too, and Mars as their guardian. (Earth and Venus may be somehow connected, but not family) It's more difficult with gas giants. I believe that when their moons are too numerous and constantly increasing in number, they stop keeping track of them and treat them more like decorations. But Idk.
In the Solar System, having life is supposedly cool and the Earth is proud of it, Venus dreams of it, etc. but it seems to me that in other systems the attitude towards this may be different. For example, I have an oc exoplanet and in her home system this was not considered something cool. They literally treated it like lice lol.
Planets/stars/satellites do not speak any of the earth’s languages, but their own. But different systems have something like their own accents and dialects. So my oc speaks a little differently from them.
In different parts of the universe, the appearance of the planets changes and what the planets will look like usually depends on the star (I'm talking specifically about planethumans).
For the planet/star and satellites, love is something deeper than for earthlings. This is very strong, sensual.
I also noticed how in many fanfictions characters call Proto-Earth that way. But it seems to me that the term “Proto-Earth” itself appeared after his death, namely the collision with Theia and the appearance of the “new Earth”. Before that, everyone simply called him Earth.
Each of them has its own axis tilt, right? They don't really follow it, especially in the planethumans format, so I made a headcanon about them sleeping on their slants. So, Venus sleeps upside down, huh?
The Earth speaks all earthly languages and knows the stages of evolution of almost every creature on his surface, although sometimes he himself may be confused about this. His past memories are slowly fading. He does not remember how he and the Moon appeared, he does not remember that there could have been life on Venus before. I imagine him periodically reading a book about dinosaurs because he doesn't want to forget about them.
I like to think that Mars used to be a bad-tempered asshole, but Earth doesn't remember that. Mars himself does not want to remember this at all, since he has already grown out of it.
Probably the Earth became the way we see him because of humans. Perhaps he was different before. I imagine him as a sweet and kind planet who does his best to care for his friends and his little brother. But when he changed, Luna continued to love him like a brother and care for him in return.
Earth usually tells others only the good side of earthlings, but usually he complains to the Moon about how much he is hurt, about how they are starting another war and doing other terrible things. Therefore, the Moon is much more tolerant of the Earth; he must be the only one who knows how hard it is for him.
Venus is jealous of the Earth and everyone has already understood this. I like to think that Venus, after losing life on its surface, feels the need to protect Earth and its inhabitants.
Luna is aroace. Just because for some reason it seems to me that dating someone just doesn’t suit him.
That's all for now. Maybe I'll create a second part cause I might have forgotten something :p
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dxwnfxll · 10 months
I luv your blog!!
I wanted to request Simon Glass, Alto Clef and iceberg with a reader that is litrealy a walking heater? Like their skin is very warm!
Please and ty!
If you can't, thats fine to!
(p.s: keep up the good work!)
Omg tysm!!! I'm so happy you luv my blog 😭
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Here's those fellas with the walking sun/j
-So Clef likes being near you, as much as people try to warn him about how 'hot' you are he never listened.
-the two of you actually get along well, sometimes casually bumping heads.
-a lot of people compare you to Iceberg (Clef included) it was fine at first but now it's kinda annoying.
-unlike Iceberg though Clef doesn't pile work onto you, in fact he kind of throws it onto Iceberg without your knowledge half the time 💀
-Clef is one of the only people in the foundation that touches you to, due to his anomalous effects he's luckily able to!
-Clef likes to wrap an arm around your shoulders and casually drag you away elsewhere, especially if you're having a nice conversation with someone. He's just there tp ruin the day LOL
-Glass tries to stay away from you but he can't, he thinks your probably just like Iceberg and need all the help available!
-he tends to wear summer clothes around you since just being near you makes it feel like he's in a sauna
-he mistakingly tried to give you a pat on the back once forgetting about your 'hotness' and burned his hand pretty bad.
-bro had to have his hand wrapped for the next month or so, but he learned to not touch you anymore💀
-he enjoys your company though and considers you a good friend, he just tries to stay 6 feet away from you at all times
-So funnily enough when he had heard about a new 'hot' person in the site he was giddy, everyone was talking about you after all.
-he eventually found you and the minute he got near you he had to immediately run the other way.
-not cause you're ugly or anything but because of how actually HOT you were, he couldn't be near you.
-you and Iceberg don't get along at ALL.
-since he has to stay at a specific temperature he avoids you at all costs.
-he especially doesn't like how people compare you two and even make jokes around Christmas time with him being 'snow miser' and you as 'heat miser'
-whenever y'all have to have a meeting together he or you have to attend the meeting through zoom.
-whenever he is actually able to talk to you he's an asshole
Sorry if this seemed rushed as i wasn't sure where to exactly go with this LOL
But i hope you enjoyed!
Requests open!!
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I see you asking everyone about their opinions about spamton so here’s an ask for you about him! What’s your head cannon on how he got all puppet like (or he was always one? I see that around some times). Do you think he always had his voice glitches or was something post corruption kinda thing? Also like what do you think his personality was before his fall? Also like any general headcanons? (Sorry if these just seem random I’m bad at questions lol)
hii!!! thanks for the ask!!
OKAY. i usually follow the line of "what would be the most fucked up?" for my head canons. That being said, i have a couple different ideas for what i think would be The Worst on him. One idea is that it was the deliberate and malicious action of whoever was controlling him during his bigshot days. maybe any time that he didn't perfectly follow orders, he was turned a little bit more puppet-like. I think that this would be worse (scarier, more suffering) than if he was turned into a puppet through other corruption, or by actively following instructions because i think as he realized he was being transformed he would struggle even harder against it, and hence making it worse. lol! Another idea that i've seen around is that the appearances of darkners are kind of tied to their self image, and the reason he looks like that is largely due to his own poor self image, as well as the years of wear and glitches and corruption on him i've also heard other people say their ideas that addisons have internal articulation that just kind of looks like a doll or puppet (usually paired with Acid Theory, where spamton has a horrific skin melting jokerification process), which i think is interesting, and under that particular line, i think that the sort of articulated internal structure in addisons would probably be pretty similar to human skeletons where they are Smaller than you'd Think and kind of weirdly proportioned because of how bones tend to be shaped to accommodate anchor points for muscles and other stuff. so getting melted would probably not only make him smaller, but also account for his wacky proportions. Something else i'm fond of is the headcanon that he has a plush torso, like a doll, and while a lot of people like to have his ball joints start at his shoulders and hips, i'm of the opinion it would be more accurate (in terms of that style of doll) for him to have a plush body that extends to his mid thighs and middle upper arms, perhaps with armature wire articulation to give him some flexibility. I don't tend to thin down my head canons to have one specific line of thought, unless i'm having to write a story about it, so take this stuff with a grain of salt.
I think that his voice probably glitched out very occasionally before his corruption, like how people can have typos or stutter or mix up their words, but i think it got way worse post corruption
before his fall, i think he was probably a lot less lonely, but still kind of isolated. i think that even when he was famous, he was still probably deeply insecure and afraid of being seen as a fake and he was probably an asshole about it, lashing out at other people. in spite of this, i still think he was likely a lot less anxious and not exactly suffering from any hyper vigilance until his fall forced him into pretty much total isolation and survival mode.
hmm. i can't really think of that many general heacanons right now, but something i was thinking about a while ago, is that if spamton got thrown into the magnus archives universe after the world ended, he would probably end up in a domain that combined the lonely (personification/god of the fear of isolation, people forgetting you exist, that you will never be able to connect to anyone, that there's nobody else) and the spider (also sometimes called mother of puppets (i mean come on) and is the fear of being manipulated, led into a trap you can't see, getting tangled in a web that chokes you and makes you dance to the song it plucks on the strings). Thanks so much for the ask!! i really enjoyed answering it!
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shy-marker-pliers · 2 years
What about a funny lupin gang x reader (jigen centered if possible) where they accidentally walk in on Y/N changing? I think that would be really funny lmao
lupgang accidentally walks in on you changing (SFW)
makes this exact face
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
he’s the most likely to walk in on someone changing. mans does NOT knock, he just throws open the door and waltzes in
yes this includes bathrooms. so you’d better hope you’ve got a lock or else this bastard is gonna walk right in there while ur pissin or whatever and start brushing his teeth
doesn’t understand boundaries so he just assumes everyone is as comfortable as him when it comes to stuff like that
bro will walk around the house after a shower wearing a towel on his head and nothing else
man got his ass out strutting down the hall to get a drink from the fridge
“hey lup do you wanna put on some clothes or??”
“nah i’m good 😌”
he also will walk around in just undies a lot but that’s not as bad
so yeah basically if he walked in on you changing he’d just start a conversation like nothing is going on, maybe he’ll compliment u
if you’re equally casual about the whole thing then it won’t be that big of a deal
if you tell him to leave he’ll do it tho. lup is a weirdo but he’s not an asshole
he’d totally wolf whistle at you though
second likeliest to walk in on you
she knocks when it comes to bathrooms but any other unlocked door is fair game
yes even peoples rooms
honestly fujiko seems like the kind of person to walk into your room two seconds before your fall asleep and just starts spooning you out of nowhere
every member of the lupgang has been subject to fujikos weird sleep habits. yes even jigen. she’s a really good snuggler okay??
so the most likely scenario would be her walking into your room while you’re changing into pajamas
one of the ppl who treat it casually because it’s not that big a deal to her
if you don’t want her there she’ll just go “oh lol my bad” and wait outside until you tell her she can come in
third likeliest to walk in
he almost always knocks. mans polite
if he thinks there’s a chance you’re changing he’ll definitely knock and ask to come in
he’d probably accidentally walk in if it was really late/early and he was super tired.
sometimes when he’s really drowsy he forgets what door is his hehe
if he walks in on you changing though? he’s now WIDE awake.
his ass literally goes like
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first he turns beet red, then he goes “OHMYGOD IM SO SORRY” and slams the door behind him as he runs away
doesn’t talk about it. ever
and he never forgets to knock ever again lmao
honestly he’d be more embarrassed than you. we’ve seen how he is
definitely the least likely to walk in while someone is changing. he ALWAYS ALWAYS knocks.
the only scenario where he wouldn’t would be if he forgot zantetsuken in your room or something.
or if your door was open a crack ig he might assume it’s safe to come in?
literally shrieks. acts like he’s committed a terrible crime and tries to repay you
after running and hiding for at least an hour anyway
he’ll be red for at least the next 24 hours.
never mentions it again
yeah you’re gonna have to stop him and say it’s ok before he hyperventilates
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forcebookish · 9 months
I'm convinced the only reason mew gets "bad friend" allegations is bc they want their fave character to be coddled and enabled. now if he did THAT then he would be a shitty friend but he is telling ray exactly what he needs to hear. especially after years of the same exact cycle and nothing changing. and even then mew is way too forgiving imo bc if someone did half the shit that ray did to me I would walk away for good. and I think a lot of this fandom forgets that trauma can be a reason for things but it's not an excuse especially when you are grown and know exactly what you need to do but still refuse to do it. (sorry if this seems unsympathetic or whatever I'm just very tired of the babying of a certain character)
you said it, anon!
ray is an adult who is responsible for his own actions, full stop. and the craziest part about all this is that mew does kind of enable him: he goes drinking with him and forgives him even when he crosses lines he never should have crossed. i agree that mew is too forgiving, and it looks like he's going to forgive him again. not only did he ruin mew's birthday by sharing the audio, ray then yelled at and talked shit at all their friends (while high) and accosted/physically threatened mew's boyfriend and other "best friend" (😒). mew only punched ray because he was picking a fight with everyone and threatening to out top, again, in front of all their friends and on his birthday - and he wouldn't stop after being repeatedly told to and asked to leave.
and same, anon, if my friend did that to me i'd cut him out. the only way that i would let him back in my life is if he got 100% sober, and he'd have to be for a while. as far as i'm concerned, ray burned the bridge himself. i'd tell him, "this is your rock bottom, finally do something about it." and often, cutting someone off is the wake-up call they need to figure their shit out. (but it looks like ray's car crash in the next episode is going to be his wake-up call.)
but you're right, mew keeps telling him he shouldn't day drink, do drugs, and drive while under the influence.
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side-note: when boston agreed to take ray home and therefore ray was actually his responsibility, he abandoned him and fucked off to have sex with a stranger lol
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i mean, i'm not saying that anyone who thinks mew is a bad friend automatically thinks that boston is a good friend but still. (tbh another reason people may say mew is a bad friend is to make themselves feel better about how his shitty friends treat him lol this fandom looooooooooves to say, "everyone's an asshole" and that means everyone can do anything to anyone else and therefore it's fine actually lmao) (not how that fucking works)
but apparently mew's a bad friend because he lets ray make his own shitty ass decisions, like an adult? because he can't drive him home????? i'm sorry, should mew get a driver's license and car just so he can drive ray home when he's drunk? mew has to be his fucking nursemaid in order to be considered a "good friend?" not even going to get into how gross it is that they hate mew for not liking ray back.
above all, mew values autonomy. he makes his own decisions and he expects others to live the same way: this includes ray. he wants what he thinks is best for them (and he's usually right), but he believes they should think and act for themselves.
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(you know, even when he, ah, incentivizes them, re: top's drug use lol it's still top's decision. mew doesn't want a boyfriend who does drugs and he wants to have sex. two birds, one stone.)
we're years into their friendship now, and ray has been an alcoholic and drug ab/user since they were twenty, maybe even earlier if he was drinking underage. the flashback where mew saves his fucking life (oh, it's only good when sand does it?🙄), ray already has a drinking problem and has gotten himself into trouble because of it, having to lean on mew multiple times to the point that mew is obviously frustrated about being called in the middle of the night after the umpteenth time. which is understandable! it's not mew's job to be at ray's beck and call; he's not his dad, he's not his boyfriend - and even then, that's a lot to put on anyone when you don't even seem to try to be changing (he's literally drinking in the next scene! okay!!!!! is mew supposed to smack it out of his hand in order to be a "good" friend? again, autonomy!!!!). ray says he's a burden but he doesn't do anything about it. mew's been his dedicated "emergency staff" again and again, and it's not his responsibility to take care of ray all the time.
ray's biggest problem is that he thinks he doesn't have a problem: he'll get so drunk (and high) he can barely walk and he'll say he's not drunk and then try to drive!!!!!! that shit isn't okay!!! in fact, it's inexcusable!
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you know, i was thinking that the "superiority complex" allegations against mew were about his being (slightly) judgmental about boston sleeping around (which mew obviously only says because he wants him to be happy. even if he has a narrower idea of happiness, he just wants what he thinks is best for boston - but he doesn't shame or even tell boston he should settle down, even while boston is constantly saying that mew should lose his virginity to the point of obsession🙄 anyway), but it might have more to do with ray, and mew having a problem with him drinking himself to death lol
mew is the only one to tell ray he should stop drinking and using drugs and... that means he has a superiority complex? being worried about his alcoholic friend whose mom died of alcohol poisoning? he's the only person who tells him to stop drinking and using - that doesn't make mew a bad friend, that makes him ray's only good friend. even sand, who has had to physically struggle with ray to keep him from driving under the influence, LITERALLY SUPPLIES HIM WITH ALCOHOL AND DRUGS OH MY GOD
all this to say, you're so right, anon. wayyyyy too many folks in this fandom will find any reason to excuse ray's behavior, no matter who he hurts or how bad it gets. nothing is ever his fault despite making his own decisions and taking his own actions and facing his own consequences.
thanks for stopping by, anon!💖💖 you weren't unsympathetic, you were real. more people in this fandom need to talk about and realize how fucked up all of this is - especially since it's so realistic. he's a pathetic little meow meow, yes, but that doesn't make the way that he treats his friends and endangers others automatically okay. and you can like him as a character without blaming others for his own issues and acting like he's a fucking baby who can do no wrong! he's doing plenty of wrong!!!
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coffeecat22 · 2 years
While Farah was always my favorite character by far, I was also very interested in the golden trio, Rosalind and Andreas as well. Their past, their personalities, the relationships between all of them (and between Sky and his 2 dads) were fascinating to me.
Season 2 didn't really deliver on those fronts; I never let myself forget that the adults were not the focus of the show but I'd say they still had a fair amount of screentime in s1, and what we got of them was very good. S2 was focused on the teens a lot more than s1 imo and it's a pity because the older characters had a lot of potential. Maybe they didn't have enough time to explore them while trying to tell the story, after all 7 episodes isn't much, but I'm still sad about it.
Random thoughts and takeaways after just finishing the season:
Ben: I expected him to do Rosalind's bidding for the sake of his kids but something about the way he alerted her of Saul being at the school felt weird to me. IIRC Roz didn't know that Saul was there at all, could he have gotten in and out without her knowing if it wasn't for Ben? Did Ben help Saul get inside the school just to turn him over to Roz? It felt more like a betrayal than a situation where Ben had no choice but it also seemed like Saul understood 🤷🏻‍♀️ and then Ben left, even though it meant leaving Terra behind with a headmistress he'd been trying to protect her from.
Andreas: he was as much of an asshole as I thought he'd be lol. Dissapointed we didn't see a confrontation between him and Saul. I saw people theorizing Sky would kill his dad in s2, maybe in a fit of rage, maybe to protect Silva, maybe because mind control was involved... they were right for the most part 😂 I didn't feel like much happened between Andreas and Sky before they killed Andreas off. Sky said a couple of times that he was getting somewhere with his dad but all I saw was a proud look ONCE and that was it. Andreas definitely cared for Beatrix, but he seemed to have no interest in Sky. I think he knew the people of Aster Dell were BW but maybe he thought it wouldn't make a difference if he told Saul because he'd still try to stop Roz. Was Bea really from AD? Or did Andreas lie to her about it?
Rosalind: so she was a total zealot trying to start a war with the BW by stealing the Dragon Flame and destroying AD. I liked this Rosalind more than s1 Roz, idk if it was the writing or the actress but it worked better for me. The scene in front of Andreas' grave was interesting and at first I thought she really cared for him but by the end of the scene I had the impression she cared in the way she would for a possesion, something that was of use to her. And was obviously sorry when she lost it before she was done with it, which is how she feels about Bloom. It was a shock to see her die so soon, but I loved that Luna used her death to justify going to war and getting people to agree with it. There's probably more to say about her but after 7 hours of staring at a screen, is all I can remember now
Saul: funnily enough this is how the show disappointed me the most I think? He just didn't feel like an actual character to me. He's the only one of the adults who is still alive and around at the end but he feels almost 2dimensional. He wasn't allowed to react to anything or it felt a bit superficial. I was laughing by the end of the season: 1) no resolution with Andreas, 2) loved the conflict with Sky but it was kind of forgotten after Andreas' death (it would've been nice to see the immediate aftermath of that for Saul and Sky) and the one scene where they discuss it Saul says some things that sounded weird, but I can't explain why, 3) Saul and Farah seemed close in s1 and yet if you told me that s2 Saul didn't know her I'd have believed it. It was hilarious to see that Saul never asked about her, probably thought she was actually on the run, didn't seem slightly concerned that Sebastian might be telling the truth about her death, etc. I love silrah no matter the nature of their relationship so maybe I'm biased? it seems Bloom told him she saw Farah again, yet it didn't seem to affect him at all. He seems unaffected after losing both Andreas and Farah. I guess it was weird to see him like that all season, almost like he was going through the motions.
Farah: I was fully prepared for anything the writers decided to do with her, so I'm not surprised. I thought I might feel sad but it actually felt like a hole opened up in my chest and sucked in all emotions. So I guess it's a good thing in a way but it also feels empty. The way she died just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, it was really stupid. While I agree that the rules of life and death can't be broken at all or at least not without consequences, this show is not known for making sensible choices in terms of storytelling, but they had to pick this hill to die on 🙄 I'd have happily waited until s3 to bring her back if it meant she could stay but whatever. There's also the possibility that Eve couldn't or didn't want to come back.
I'm kind of mad that they gave us these characters and then took them away like this but I've always enjoyed fanfic and fan theories more than the show itself anyway. This is what I get for getting attached to the adult (side) characters on a show about teenagers 🤦🏻‍♀️
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For the choose violence ask game: 1, 7, 14, 23 :)
OMG - thank you so much for indulging me haha pretty long answers below, be warned -
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥 1. The character everyone gets wrong:
Uuuurgh this is tough!
I think as far as andor goes, everyone is a bit too harsh on Vel? I think she did the best she could in the circumstances she was put into - especially for the Aldani mission - she seems younger than a lot of her team, but she managed to keep them afloat pretty well, and she was a solid leader - the mission was a success after all.
I think as far as the MCU goes.... I have an entire desseration written about tony stark lol - like seriously SO MANY PEOPLE get him wrong! They either write him too arrogant or too lovey dovey - but forget the angst?? I'm not talking about the smaller bits of angst - I think it would be utterly scary and worrisome and MISERABLE and sad to live in his head.
Where is the angst?! Where are the daddy issues? Where is the "I was better than my dad since I was 4 so he HATED me and would have maybe even killed me so I latched onto to the other father figure, turns out he also didn't really like me that much, he was an enabler looking for a meal ticket?" where is the UTTER existentialism?! Where is the Cassandra levels of depressed screaming at the tower, chained, DOOMED to know the future but never to be believed?!
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how the fandom acts about them? I don't know if HATE is the right word, but there are way too many dean stans in the supernatural fandom lol - the whole point is that they are all fucking fucked up beyond repair - Dean IS an asshole, and selfish a lot (in my opinion) - and he expected way too much of Sam, and Cas, and he was kind of an asshole sometimes - not to say that he didn't also suffer but yk - just opinions. 14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
3 letters - OOC.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
I would have to say I'm a bit boring when it comes to ships lol - I tend to ship the ships that are a little bit more obvious? and easy? like most of my ships have been pretty popular ones, I'm not sure if there's an answer here - I used to never really read destiel until Nov 5th, but I got it? Sambucky seems to be the closest, but even then I get it? most of my shipping opinions are pretty basic I think lol.
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relax-and-read-on · 2 years
I just found your Tumblr and I love your content of W40K
Can I request the primarchs getting tattoos?
Primarch, but they are getting tattoo
Fulgrim: canonically love that shit. He gets normal ones that are "temporary" due to primarch healing, because he just can't CHOOSE just one design!!!
Ferrus: probably get a few small meaningfull tattoo on his chest, all done personally by Fulgrim. Things like name and place, pretty boring to look at.
Lorgar: .... Do I need to say anything lol??
Vulkan: not into tattoo, but LOVE scarifications!! Has some beautiful pattern on his skin! Especially a dragon across his hips.
Magnus: mf can just CHOOSE to have one some days or not. Lucky Asshole. Change idea as much as Fulgrim,
Perturabo: that involve getting out of armour and have someone touch him. Disgusting. He would probably like one to remind him of Calliphone.
Sanguinius: Get a matching one with Horus, because he's a romantic like that, it's probably a dual symbol, like an union of their insignia or a winged wolf. Get it covered during the Heresy with something baal themed, maybe that great leopard.
Horus: matching tattoo with Sanguinius, and a few more that remind him of his sons. Probably even has a bunch of shitty tribal he got as a kid on his arms.
Rogal: crest of the Dorn family, on his back. He also has that infamous Imperial fist brand lol.
Konrad: That involve people touching him. Bad. Would doodle on his arms lil bats and dead things with sharpies. He's a terrible artist.
Corvus: She has quite a few aesthetic tattoo, think goth style and line work, all in black ink, no colors. Very pleasing to look at. Probably has lil black wings on her shoulder blades, because she's a dork.
Angron: he has his own form of ritual scarification. Would not sit still enough to be tattooed.
Mortarion: No one is touching him. Would probably like watercolor tattoo.
Alpharius Omegon: no one is sure what tattoo they have, it always seem to change. They actually apply Fulgrim technique and just go with temporary stuff.
Lion: has rather beautiful tattoo of the beasts of Caliban.
Leman: his tattoo may look like shit and the kind of stuff you find on asshole frat bro, but they are VERY meaningful to him. Has the names of his og wolf family tattooed in runic on himself.
Jaghatai: So. Much. Tattoo. Lot's of geometric forms and patterns, that actually are an elaborate visual language that tell the story of his home and legion. They go up to his knuckles and finger and look very good as he move them around.
Roboute: He got the cliche mom tattoo in a heart. Probably never really thought about him, but got a few after waking up. Things that reminded him of his life, 10 000 years ago, and that he did not want to forget.
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pixies-and-poets · 1 year
Hello Brambi, how are you and Victor? I hope all is well with you? I want to ask you something very dark and that is all about the Lumas and the Sparks:
We don't know if there are any Lumas left and if they are really extinct and became the Sparks, would you support the unmerging of the Rabbids and Luma? If so, then you would be a genocidal asshole and I would block you, the universe cannot suffer two Janeways here! I will never forget what she did to Tuvik and doing the same to the Sparks is just evil, and I would boycott the franchise if they would do this!!!
Ok that came of strong, but would it not be unethical to kill someone just because they were created through merging two people and now became one happy and in the case of the Sparks a cute one?
So if the Lumas aren't out there anymore, should we accept the Sparks as their successors? I think so, but what about you, would you accept that fate for the Lumas?
We are doing quite well, thank you! He's a huge Zelda fan (I am too, but not as much as him) and just beat Tears of the Kingdom; I was waiting for him to finish before I started playing so I will do that tonight :> He's really excited to talk about it with me!
Now, there's.... a LOT to think about here lol, so let's dig into it!
The Sparks are interesting and somewhat freaky to consider from a philosophical and existential standpoint no matter what. Most merged Rabbids were made from a Rabbid and at least one inanimate object. The only other one I can think of right now that was made from two living beings would be Pirabbid Plant, and piranha plants' level of sentience is kinda up for debate, plus they unmerged anyway.
But in the case of Sparks, we are talking about two living and sentient beings who got merged into one. You could say that both basic Rabbids and Lumas are kind of "blank slates" personality wise, although we have seen there are some capable of developing more individuality. Still, the thought of two beings becoming one is existentially heavy, to say the least! That said, the Sparks seem to become more than the sum of their parts, with each one gaining more of a personality, individuality and unique abilities, perhaps based on the unique potential of the Luma and Rabbid each one was made from. Like a chemical reaction.
We know that certain merged Rabbids have already unmerged, like the aforementioned Pirabbid Plant, Finn, and Side-Eye. This does come off a bit tragic, as the persona created is dying in a sense. I like to believe that the longer a Rabbid has been merged, the less and less likely it is that it could be undone, but I wonder if it's something that i.e. the Heroes worry about sometimes. Could something happen that would cause them to lose who they had become, and turn very simple-minded again? Would they retain any memories of who they had once been?
But unmerging the Sparks... I don't think it's necessarily morally straight-forward; on the one hand you would just be letting them be two creatures again, but on the other you'd be destroying the newly created entity. But does the new entity have more value than the two separate ones, just because it's more unique? I would simply say that what's done is done, and probably at this point can't be undone, and that it would be wrong to try and purposefully unmerge or destroy a Spark, but rather it would be best to let fate run its course. They are what they are now.
Like Random said, who knew Rabbids could be so complicated!
To answer the part of your question about if Sparks have completely replaced Lumas... it would be quite bold for Ubisoft to just proclaim that they had replaced the entirety of one of Nintendo's original species, so I think that could only possibly be true if we consider M+R to be an AU or alternate timeline... which I believe Davide has stated was the intention before, haha. So, it's surprisingly possible... but even so, I don't think Lumas would be wiped out entirely because 1) I doubt every single Luma in the galaxy/universe was at the observatory when that whole thing went down, and 2) I assume Lumas are born/created from natural processes in the universe just like stars, so they will continue to appear.
Transformation/rebirth is part of the Lumas' destiny, as we know they transform into new planets and the like, and can even be involved with recreating the universe. So I guess, when thinking about it this way, their transformation into Sparks isn't necessarily as existentially perplexing as I was considering before. They give themselves up to become something new. Lumas are potential energy given a bit of sentience. The whole thing is kinda poignant and bittersweet and maybe hard for us humans to reckon with.
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can-i-be-your-blue · 8 months
This is based of @djarincore 's The Sea Beneath a Radiant Dawn. Just a little idea I had after reading it. It's not going to follow the plot of their story so take it like an au of sorts. Me just making diluc a shit dad lol. This is soooooooooooo late lmao been sitting in drafts for months
Ok so what is reader was actual in love with diluc but kept it under raps. The boys are 18 when reader dies
So time skip to the future, when they have kids. Twin boys Ares (oldest) and Adonis (youngest) who look just like diluc. No joke a copy paste kids is what they are, same red hair, eyes, face, body, It's almost scary. Im a firm believer they would be mommas boys, like they love their mom so much. They have a lot memories with her where with diluc they don't at all. But reader gets deathly ill and passes away. Diluc doesn't seem to care and finally marrys Jean, that piss off the twins and they leave to sumaru to learn shit about business and other things that diluc failed to do in that regard. All diluc did with the boys is train them to fight. So they come back after like 4 years after their mom passed, visit her grave and talk, give flowers. Diluc trys to talk to them and they give him dirty looks and just be overall assholes to him and Jean (who may be preggy idk, I love Jean but I'm mean to (un)intentional homewreckers). They don't care at all about him and start up a mafia like business or something.
So on to personalitys of the boys
Area is cold, calculating, uncaring of what others say to him. He is very smart for being 21, like it's almost scary but he's very sweet to those who are there for the long run with him. He much like his brother loved their mom so much. Like they knew their father was having an affair with Jean and wanted to beat the shit out of him for it. Ares loves to paint and draw, along with training and fighting. He has long red hair some what styled like blades from hsr (I forget if reader of from inazuma or not lol so they would probably wear inazuma Japanese like outfits or really fancy suits)
He's very manipulative and cruel but can be kind and honest to those he and his brothers believe deserve it. He's is very emotionally in tuned with everyone and "sees" what people truly want from them. He loves to write, read, and do dirty work. Also has long read hair but styled like either Jing yuan or loucha
I believe Ares and Adonis would have a pyro vision and they hate that. But they have the passion to protect, treat people better then what their father treated their mother like. They want to be better than diluc in every way possible. They also have a passion to get revenge and make diluc life miserable.
Some what of an example of the flames
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threadsun · 9 months
i think your nap was just the amount of time i had before class lol {/not mean}
nickname is tho! i just think it's cute :)
oritho usually hangs around bars and people-ie place so it's easier to slip out with a drunk under pretenses of spending the night together {which i mean. they do ha}
gets paid by the site it uses, tip functions by its audience, and does actual commission work so it doesn't seem weird he's home all the time and has a stable sense of income {from a different set of freaks than his usual snuff audience}
there are three main reactions he has to someone he's caught: if they're really freaking out and stuff he's in business more, if they're aggressive he gets short quick and gets harsher, but if they're basically unresponsive and deactivated he'll feel a little bad. not much, but enough it's like sympathy
doesn't usually get mad. he'll get agitated, or upset, but he is scary when mad because he doesn't just 'get mad' he gets irate and looks it. if someone gets him pissy during streams he'll be an asshole and make their short-term pain last longer
pretty jokey at times, very go with the flow and chill. can be mistaken for tired
mother taught him how to hunt and listen to his gut, animal things, while his dad taught him how to burn cd's, pirate, and human society {and technically the dark web} he also introduced tho to all kinds of music!
with the heat/rut and aflux stuff, he doesn't really plan on having sex. like if he does cool but he doesn't really plan on it, he likes being sexual though. gets aggressive during both times like tearing at pillows with his teeth and throwing shit since he's upset
likes cooking and cleaning! finds them calming :) general household chores are nice, likes sweeping the most
needs control in their own life or they will lose their mind
loves being outside {sketching, eating, sleeping, anything}
lives kinda in the middle of the woods, far away enough that no one can hear any screams but close enough to get to the nearby city via car, but tho prefers to walk everywhere
loves leaning into his animalistic side a lot more than his human side, but likes both
has probably eaten a part of someone on stream for enough money, before or after death doesn't matter
loves bugs! he looooves creepy crawlies :) thinks of them as his little buddies
however if oritho has something like mice in its house it'll just take care of the problem by eating them lol
usually drifts between aroallo and alloace since he uses the split attraction model, has a secret side that really wants romance but he doesn't pay much attention to it. and by the time he can he's drifted back into being aro lol
likes to put on music while working, so if someone is crying oritho will shove the back end of a hammer into their mouth and go 'shut up the good part of the song is playing' {the songs while working are sexual, he finds it funny to be ripping someone to shreds while it's playing} sometimes he does gay little dances!
forgets to shower and brush his teeth sometimes. he wants to do it more, he likes the hot water but just kinda forgets to
doesn't have many friends, prefers solitude but sometimes it does get to him which is sad :(
on a final note... i forgot tho's eyelashes. the thing that makes them look more femme while wearing their mask. augh _| ̄|○ he has them, they're long
{hope everything is going okay, you're awesome!!}
~ }i{
Ooooh I love them so much!!!!! Just a silly slutty murder lad :3c
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bitchin-and-bustin · 2 years
It's me again lol. I have no idea whether to put this in your asks or just message you, but... how the hell did you get Billy so right? And fit him within your story even if it was just two parts. I'm currently writing my own and would love some advice because everything I write for him just comes out as garb
Asks are fine, but I don't mind either.
As for Billy...I honestly have no idea. I lowkey surprised myself a little bit, especially with the first part. But I think I just thought about how Billy is this tough dude who pretends not to care even when he really does and wrote "Girlfriend/Boyfriend" based off that. The whole part was really about how badass new boy billy sees a girl getting harassed and rather than driving by like everyone else he stops and helps, because he's an asshole but he knows when something's crossing the line - and that was definitely crossing the line. Of course, I couldn't forget the savage insults and cussing, and the "I want people to think I'm too cool for Hawkins but I'm really just a desperate meow-meow" facade. Really I think you should focus on keeping him reserved but also opinionated. Like his temper is a big part of his personality, and usually gets the best of him and influences his actions a lot. But he's reserved in the sense that he can be calm and bored seeming too, like he's trying to get people to think he doesn't care about anything. But every once in a while a bit of his soft puppy dog cute smile side will slip through and you get the "Girlfriend and Boyfriend" part. In those moments i think it's especially important to keep him calm and confident, but also cocky and flirty.
I hope this helped a little bit, I'm kind of bad at giving advice lol
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msfbgraves · 1 month
Do you think Daniel still has this naïve air about him even in CK? I’ve come across several comments saying he still had this “innocence” to him even as an adult. This “cuteness” about him. Also this “cluelessness”. Not to say that he cannot be sharp and snippy and shrewd as well, but I’m surprised at how often I’ve seen these comments. I do think there is something…cute? youthful? about Daniel as well. I can’t place my finger on it. Maybe it really is the eternal doe-eyes lol.
There's been a lot of philosophers, over the centuries, convinced that when you strip away some veneer of civilisation or comfort, people are all self-interested and rather nasty. Expecting good in people is naive, because at their core, people are honestly a bit shit. Look at the world, ey, and what evil we do...? Would that be happening if people were genuinely nice? Kindness and altruism is simply delayed self-interest.
People who say that often feel like A, they've uncovered some hidden truth about humanity which other people are oblivious to, and B, it absolves them from having to behave because why pretend when we're all potentially assholes anyway?
To such a person, like Ayn Rand or Schopenhauer or Joss Whedon or Stephen Moffatt or Benioff and Weiss or Charlie Broker, of course Daniel is naieve because he assumes goodness until proven otherwise. To go up to someone and genuinely expect them to be decent and not out to get you, that's just dumb and if you still think that in your 50's, after all the ugliness you've seen, I don't know what to tell ya, you must be a bit simple. Childlike.
Except, who says that's true?
It conveniently ignores that there are a lot of people who want to be nice. To whom it feels good to be nice. Which makes them do nice things for the sake of it. Because to them being nice is pleasant. Now Daniel is no saint, he enjoys being a little shit to people who have been shit to him, and sometimes he likes being a brat, but for all the times he's been betrayed, he's also won a lot of love and friendship: his coworkers, friends, family, Amanda,Ali, Kumiko, Johnny, Chozen, Mike Barnes(!) even Terry Silver going by Thomas Ian Griffith, and of course Mr. Miyagi, who, though very kind, had mostly become a lonely old man until Daniel went: you fixed my bike, you're my Dad now! That's not because he doesn't know people can be shit, but why assume that? Why should they want to be? And a lot of the time they're not, and isn't that nice? But when they are shit, he's unlikely to forget, and especially when it comes to Kreese, he's never trusted that guy. Not one second. Or anything Cobra Kai. With Terry there's some back and forth, like there was with Chozen. Kreese is simply an asshole to him.
But Daniel is simply nice, kind and a bit of a tease, and that only reads as innocence when you believe true kindness doesn't really exist. And it seems to me that a lot of men in our world especially, though of course women too, actually believe that.
Their loss, I'd say.
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mlobsters · 6 months
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supernatural s12e20 twigs & twine & tasha banes (w. steve yockey)
upside to netflix having the recaps again? s1 snippet and i can coo over baby sam and dean. downside, they start bringing in references to witches, crossroad demons, ketch and his fact finding mission, baby lucifer with joseph!cas and mary!kelly and i'm already exhausted and want to do something besides watch the episode.
hope racist asshole grandma gets her just deserts and wasn't just in here for kicks (yes)
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i'm digging the witch lady accessories. so this is mom of those random hunters we met briefly in asa fox? i know the recap was a couple minutes ago but i don't retain names very well
realizing i am expecting sam to be (at least acting) cool, calm, and collected about everything so seeing him kind of looking worried (briefly) about what's going on with cas got me a little more concerned too.
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DEAN How? Seriously I mean up until now if Cas messed up, if he did something wrong, but he thought it was for the right reasons, I got it. Right? But last night, when I looked at him, I did not recognize the guy staring back at me.
the lighting is doing good things for him so far. saw it's another richard speight jr directed episode. dean's capacity for baggage stowing when it comes to cas is pretty expansive
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SAM Their mom's on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a week.
so that's why we got that little pilot bit in the recap. thanks for the reminder, show
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DEAN Mom. Hey, uh, just wanted to let you know that, uh, me and Sam, were uh, we're heading out on a case with those witch twins, uh, Max and Alicia. Um, I'll text you the info, but, uh…I know the Brits have got you running nonstop. So if you can help out, that'd be great. Um… and even if you can't swing by, can you call me back? Just some stuff going down that's… kind of got me spun out. Be good to talk to you.
oh, dean. and us with the fakeout torturing mary, no it's just a shifter taking mary's appearance, of course. hokay
ALICIA Nah, I don't have it. It's just kind of a lot of noise to me. Magic is definitely their thing, you know? SAM Yeah. When I was growing up, Dean and my dad had the same thing with hunting, that bond.
oh, sam. and the awkward talking about mary because he still barely knows her because she's never around!
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the dialogue that didn't make it into the episode, okay then. that interaction definitely did not make it clear that they knew mary was dead even though it seems logical of course hunters would know since sam and dean are hunter-famous
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LOL good for you, sam. returning that awkward energy to the creeper coming out of the cellar
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a) personal space who needs it b) why is dean doing this. must be a jackles choice. his humor seems to go broad with dean. anyway he held a wine glass like a person who has been around wine glasses before in 11x12 🤪 (and he does indeed later in this episode too. shouldn't have let him get away with that :P)
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spn s11e12 don't you forget about me
(pining for some of the monster of the week episodes like this one in s11, hit my sweet spot of domestic family goodness in all the right ways)
mary finding out mr ketchup is a torture happy emotionless ass, blah blah. gets interrupted so she doesn't call dean after listening to his rather vulnerable message.
TASHA Yeah. Family's always complicated. Parents always seem smart and strong and perfect. It's only when you grow up that you realize that they're just people.
dean getting life advice from the twig monster wearing a tasha suit? and leaving his phone in the room while he goes off a-huntin' - where's the pocket patdown, dean-o? phone keys wallet phone keys wallet. and now you missed mom calling back of course. at least she left a nice message
well this scene having one of the kids finding the body of dead mom is awful. and it just keeps going.
and mary finds out mr ketchup's true colors and they got to have a brawl. mary brought brass knuckles to a taser fight, boo
um. surely they didn't just kill the sister??
SAM You did the right thing. You saved him. DEAN Yeah. Yeah, he seemed super saved. You know, I was watching them, this loving family. The kind we should've had. And now just like that, it's gone. SAM Dean, you couldn't let Max make some deal for his soul. DEAN Sam, we do terrible things all the time to save each other. I mean, that's what you do for family. Who am I to stop him? SAM Well, he's strong. He'll be all right. DEAN Yeah, I'm not so sure.
lol okay, show. see, what sam and dean do for each other is just regular sibling things! max giving up his soul for the witchy power and stick doll sister because it's better than her being totally dead. now she's just his doll he can control but otherwise she's mostly herself? sounds reasonable. also, is it better to have had the happy family and lose them or never at all?
ALLso, i guess that's the only episodes alicia and max are in? wtf. just for the parallels of it all? fucked up, man o.0 but where do you go with sold your soul for some unknown period of time to live out your days with your twig sister that isn't even more miserable. i guess that's their happy ending 🥴
shocker, evil bmol "rogue agent" torturing lady is back on the job to do some enhanced interrogation to mary. insert eyeroll
what a random episode to have so close to the end of the season. i guess this writer also did the asa fox episode
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zalrb · 9 months
My roommate invited me to watch Gen V with her, and I just hated it. So I’ve never seen The Boys, but I know that the supes are the bad guys. So I didn’t get Marie’s ambition to be a part of them either.
It’s cold of me, but I do not care about any of the characters. It all seems very Riverdale right now, but at least Riverdale was funny in how bad it was. Gen V is all dark ambient lighting and perfunctory drinking, vaping, and sex. I’m not even opposed to any of those things, but none of that seems natural or organic; it’s like the show is screaming that it’s edgy because we got to see a real penis. Wow. What an accomplishments
My roommate says I’m too critical and she’s probably right, but I have zero hopes for this show.
Yeah, it's exactly what I expected it to be. Because it's a spinoff from The Boys, which shows some pretty weird shit like a Supe who can get really small crawling up his hookup's asshole and then sneezing while still inside him thereby killing him because the Supe returns to normal size when he sneezes so his hookup explodes, I expected edginess for the sake of edginess in Gen V and it was pretty tame. I guess because they're university students so I just kind of shrugged like, OK she's small and hanging off his penis. Sure. I just felt like when there was all of this build up of the graphic weird things Jensen Ackles would have to do in season 3 of The boys and all it was was him having a fetish for older women so you see him jerking off in front of two older women and I was like ... I mean that's it? Chace Crawford has to pretend to fuck an octopus in the next scene, guys.
But in terms of the characters, again, when I answered that ask and said I don't care for current shows with young casts, I was prepared when I did watch the episodes to find the acting subpar to mediocre and for everything to feel contrived and manufactured and cold with some virtue signalling sprinkled in and The Boys did exactly that. Even the way their powers can mirror true-to-life issues that teen dramas would deal with was done n a clunky way to me. Jordan is probably the character I am vaguely invested in mostly when played by the actress because they're the ones with the most conviction and personality outside of their motivations but with Andre I was just like ... I don't know, I just met you and you seem to care a lot about these white people to the detriment of your own well being for ... why? And him sleeping with his best friend's girlfriend is so typical that I was like I would just rather it be all three of you were in a relationship from the get-go. Marie's whole thing just doesn't make sense to me as we've talked about. Emma, the actress tries too hard to be the quirky roommate with deep-seated issues to me so when she's supposed to be just nice and likeable, I was like I get it, but your energy annoys me. We're supposed to see that there's some rage with the girlfriend person I forget her name but again, I haven't been given a reason to care.
There were a couple of lines here and there that made me chuckle because they were actually sardonic but I mostly just got a kick out of seeing the peripheral characters in The Boys have peripheral roles here so I would be like, lol ofc the director dude is here etc.
So I just kind of shrugged at the whole thing.
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queen-haq · 9 months
"For a moment he shifted his eyes to Cat. Despite all the shit they put each other through the fights, the cheating, the manipulative head games they still had each other's back. Cat understood loyalty, which was more than what he could say for Sage. A simple fuckup on his part and she'd already kicked him out of her life."
Ok, I hate this. (NOT YOUR WRITING LOL) I hate the fact that Aidan thinks this way of Sage, that she doesn't understand loyalty. I wish he'd snap out out of it and realize what his mom and Cat did to Sage, and that's why Sage is acting like this. I know that Cat and Aidan have a history, but I can't help hate the fact that he still sticks up for Cat ughhh 😭 this is so frustrating!!! Cat is a bitch and I hope (even though, I doubt he will) he cuts her off after he realizes what she did. Also, the way he thinks that he just made a tiny "mistake" and Sage should just get over it!!! He's such a douche. Also, during the present, I hate how Aidan is acting, he is such an asshole. I feel like he almost undermines what Sage has been through and he seems so condescending??? I honestly don't know the right words to describe how he's acting, but I just can't stand him. 😭😭 And the fact that he thinks Sage has turned so cold-hearted??? Like really??? He and his fucked up family weren't so cold-hearted to Sage??? I can't wait till he figures out what really happend and why she left. He better be on his knees groveling.
Anywayyy, excuse my rant, I hope you don't mind hahaha! And I'll shut up with the the "I hate" now lmaoo! I love Alive so muchh, your writing is so amazing! I can't wait for the next chapter to see how this story unfolds! 💕💕🥰
He absolutely has a skewed perspective on how things are, and it's frustrating as hell. This doesn't justify his actions, but a lot of it has to do with the abusive house he grew up in. HIs father did horrible shit, said horrible shit, and then next day everything was fine. Same thing with his mother. He's used to his parents doing/being absolute worst but then being normal the next day. So he's used to bouncing back quickly (or so he thinks) and thinks that kind of response is normal. He doesn't understand how fucked up that is, that when someone does/says hurtful things you don't just move on from it without repercussions. So the fact Sage hasn't gotten over it, that she can't just forgive and forget, he genuinely doesn't understand why. And his relationship with Cat emulates his relationship with his parents as well. The break up, they fuck around, they get back together, they fight, break up... the cycle is ongoing.
Part of his growth has to be recognition of that pattern and realizing how fucked up his perspective is. That Sage had every right to be hurt and angry. It'll happen, but not yet.
I'm glad the story elicits such a strong reaction in you :) It's supposed to. These two people are extremely hurt and angry at each other, and now they have to raise a child together. It's definitely not gonna be easy.
Thank you so much for the thoughtful feedback :)
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