#a lot of these ended up hotchreid this time
reasonablerodents · 5 months
prompt: hotchreid, puppy verse, set early on in their relationship as Spencer knows the rules but isn't very well behaved yet. Hotch is out for whatever reason, leaving Spencer home alone. He decides to have some ""alone time"" and we see all of his fantasies (all about Hotch ofc. maybe Morgan for a minute). literally AS he cums, Hotch gets home and catches him in the act. he's too late to stop Spencer, but not too late to punish him...
You know I LOVE this prompt so much!!!! I’m always down to write puppy!! I realise now that I only went for one fantasy really, but the temptation to include some of an idealised version of the miserable threesome was too strong to think of anything else haha. Might end up coming back to this one and making it proper fic length cause it fits in so nicely with puppyverse!
Thanks for the prompt!
Tired Of Waiting (E)
Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner/Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid (imagined) Masturbation, Puppyverse, Fucked Up Power Dynamics
* * * * * * * * * *
Hotch was supposed to be home an hour ago, and Spencer is restless. He’d tried to read but nothing could capture his attention, and after flicking through pretty much every show on the tv, had given up on that as well. And there’s the problem of that growing ache, the one that he’s blaming his current frustrated state on.
If Hotch was here, he’d make it better. Well, hopefully he would. Even if he ended up not being allowed to actually cum, though, it was still far better to get fucked or suck on Hotch’s cock as he worked than get nothing at all.
Well. It’s not like he needs Hotch to satisfy himself.
His desperation’s only growing, and Hotch could still be another hour away- he had such an irritating habit of working overtime, barely even noticing the time pass.
Spencer lays back on the sofa, hand trailing down to his crotch as he starts to flick through his mind for a good scenario. There’s a lot to choose from these days- this relationship was relatively new, but Spencer had already done a lot of things he’d never even considered before.
Like the whole puppy thing.
He’s probably breaking an unspoken rule right now, if he’s being honest with himself. Hotch never let Spencer touch himself- even when he was given permission, he’d only be allowed to grind on something for relief.
But Hotch wasn’t here now, and he’d never explicitly said Spencer couldn’t masturbate when he was alone. Sure, it was implied, but Spencer would have remembered the exact wording if it had been a rule. Besides, it’s not like Hotch needed to find out. He’d still be a while.
Spencer's stroking himself properly now, barely even noticing the way he automatically lets out little whimpers as his hand speeds up. He’s too busy thinking about Hotch to notice anything but how good it feels to finally have a hand gripping his cock. A conversation- well, not a proper conversation, considering he wasn’t supposed to speak without permission- from a few days ago slips into his mind.
“I’d quite like to share you, puppy. We could show off how well behaved you are, couldn’t we?”
Spencer whines as he presses his head into Hotch’s thigh, his stomach twisting a little even as his cock twitches. Just like everything Hotch does, this gives him such a conflicting feeling- the idea of being just a possession that could be shared is both degrading and painfully erotic.
“Oh?” Hotch continues, stroking his hair gently. “Don’t be nervous, I know you’d love it once there was a cock in your mouth. You’re easily satisfied, aren’t you? Perhaps I’ll have to talk to Morgan about it, I think he’d enjoy getting to see you like this.”
Spencer finds himself turning around so he’s laying on his front. Although it feels good to touch himself properly, he’s become far too used to humping things to be able to get off. As he starts to grind into the sofa cushions, he feels his face heat up even as he moans quietly. Even without Hotch there, he can’t help but slip into his pet headspace just from thinking about him.
What would it actually be like if Hotch followed through with his idea from the other day?
“He’s a good boy, isn’t he?” Hotch asks.
“God, yeah- look at you, puppy, taking it all down like that. Barely even gag, do you?”
Spencer can feel Hotch pressing up against him from behind, his cock just a thrust away from actually being inside.
“I’d say I’ve trained him quite well.”
Derek rolls his hips, slowly starting to fuck Spencer’s mouth. Each thrust makes him whimper happily around the thickness, drooling mindlessly as Derek holds his long hair back for him. And then Hotch is pushing in properly, each movement from him forcing him forwards onto the cock in his throat, Derek’s own thrusts pushing him back onto the one in his ass.
He’s never felt so used in his life and he loves it.
“You’re doing such a good job, puppy- this is what you’re meant for, isn’t it? Being my obedient little pet.”
“Pretty boy, your mouth-“ Derek gasps as Spencer swallows around him, tightening his throat as much as possible and looking up from under his lashes.
He’s so close now, the building warmth in his stomach nearly at its peak as he ruts into the sofa.
He’s so absorbed in it that he doesn’t even notice the sound of the keys in the door until it’s too late. Even when he hears Hotch walk into the living room, he can’t bring himself to stop- there’s no way he could give up now, not when he’s mere seconds away from the release he’s been craving.
“What are you doing, puppy?”
Spencer can’t do anything but whine apologetically as he cums into the fabric, Hotch’s voice acting like a trigger for his system. He can hear the older man move closer to him as he hides his face in the cushions, gasping as a sharp pull on his hair forces his head up.
“I’m not going to be able to trust you on the furniture any more, am I, you desperate little thing? Couldn’t even wait for me to get home and fuck you properly, you just had to rut on the sofa instead. Roll over, don’t try and hide from me. I know exactly what you’ve done.”
He does, of course, and as soon as he’s exposed, Hotch gives his softening cock a hard slap, making him cry out.
“No touching means no touching at all. I don’t care if it’s your hand or the floor, you’re not getting off until I give you express permission.”
Spencer looks down submissively, his post-orgasm clarity finally setting in. It was stupid to think that he could have gotten away with this and tried to find a loophole. Hotch would always find out- and he’d always make sure there were consequences.
“I think you need a reminder of why you shouldn’t do that. Go upstairs, and wait for me there. No, not like that- dogs don’t walk on two legs, do they?”
Of course they don’t.
Spencer crawls.
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jareaulover · 1 year
If I Can't Have You (Hotchreid fanfic, Chapter 1)
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Description: Spencer Reid left the BAU after Gideon. He just didn't want to be there without his mentor, and everyone was very understanding. Even the BAU's Unit Chief, who Spencer had been having sex with, was understanding of his situation. Years later, the BAU is called to help on a case in Las Vegas, one that... involves their former colleague. Stakes are high, but will Aaron and Spencer let their feelings get in the way, or will they ignore them all together. That's the million dollar question. ~~ This is heavily canon divergent. Spencer left the BAU in season 3, right after Gideon, so a lot of things that should've happened didn't. Also Hayley and Jack don't exist... Also, technically Alex Blake should be there, but I really wanted to include Emily and Tara, so as much as I love her, I swapped her.
Notes: Did I take my title from a Shawn Mendes Song? Yes Does it really have much to do with the story? No But I figured there's gonna be a lot of pining and trying to decide whether or not to be in a relationship and i just love the line "Everything Means Nothing If I can't Have You" so...
Warnings: A main aspect of this story is the case that they are working, so there will be talk of murder, kidnapping, sexual assault, and things of that nature, so please be warned. There might be smut in later chapters, but I haven't decided yet.
Full Chapter is below the cut
Read on AO3
Spencer folded the letter that he had received from his mentor and pushed it into his messenger bag. He was sitting at his desk, reading and re-reading the letter over and over. He decided to put it away, finally, after the 7th time through. He’d already memorized it and he had just made his decision. He pulled out a pad of paper from his desk and began to write his own letter of resignation. He tried not to think about the others… The group of profilers who would be devastated that he was leaving, especially since Gideon had just left.
He especially tried not to think about the BAU Unit Chief, Aaron Hotchner. He and Aaron had been having a physical relationship the past two years. It was completely unexpected, but oh so passionate. Spencer supposed another reason that he was leaving was because he had started to grow feelings for his boss and he knew that the older man would never feel the same way. He ripped the page out and headed to Aaron’s office.
Aaron was sitting at his desk, filling out some paperwork from their last case. Everything had gone pretty smoothly, they had saved the child who had been snatched and luckily they had done so before any harm could come to the child. He was happy that they’d had one with a good ending after so many losses. He had just signed the bottom of the last page when there was a knock on his office door.
“Sir, we have another one.” The BAU’s technical analyst said, peeking her head into the office, “And it's a bad one…” She sighed. Aaron nodded.
“Call everyone back. We’ll gather at the round table in 20.” He said. Garcia nodded and scurried away. Aaron leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath. He picked up his phone to check the case that Garcia had seen before him and looked over the files in the tiny screen of his phone. 
“So, we have three male victims. COD on all was exsanguination following a series of stab wounds in the abdomen.” Garcia explained, her disgust visible on her face.
“All of them were laid out with their hands folded over their abdomens, face up.” JJ pointed out.
“And they were cleaned and changed into the same white button up with khakis… They almost look ready for their funeral.” Emily said, flipping to look at all the crime scene photos.
“Yes. Each man was taken on a Monday afternoon and all were found the next Monday in the same place they were taken from” Aaron explained, “He then waits another week before taking another. We have only a few hours until he takes another victim. Wheels up in 30.” He said, standing and leaving the room. The others were quick to follow.
“Looks like we’re going to Las Vegas.” JJ teased Emily, bumping the other agent's shoulder. Emily raised her eyebrows at JJ.
“Maybe after the case we’ll get some time to play.” Emily teased right back. JJ smirked and grabbed her go bag. Emily picked up hers and they made their way to the elevators.
“So, will you be meeting up with the former agent that you told me about? Didn’t you say that he moved to Las Vegas?” Dave said, standing in the doorway of Aaron’s office. Aaron raised his eyebrows.
“Yes, he did move to Las Vegas but… I’m not going to see him, I mean… That was a long time ago.” Aaron said, looking at his tablet. He was looking at the photos of the victims and the medical examiner’s reports for the first two.
“Come on, you told me that you had a lot of unresolved feelings and this could be your chance to resolve them.” Dave stated, suggestively. Aaron kept his face hard.
“Maybe, maybe, I will call him.” Aaron spoke, putting a lot of emphasis on the second maybe, “I’m not making any promises.”
Aaron was preparing to go home, grabbing all of his personal items and shoving them into his briefcase. He was exhausted and ready to be home. As soon as he got his stuff together, there were three quiet knocks on the door of his office.
“Come in.” He said. The door opened and Spencer was there. He looked as if he was ready to get home as well. His jacket was on and he had his bag over his shoulder. His hair was in the familiar slicked back style, but a few strands had fallen in front of his face. Aaron felt his knees weaken just looking at the attractive man in front of him, “You’re still here? I thought you’d gone home.” 
“Yeah, uh, can we talk?” Spencer said, that’s when Aaron realized how nervous he looked. His fingers were drumming quickly on the strap of the bag and his eyes were darting, never looking directly at Aaron.
“Of course, is something wrong?” Aaron asked, his face turning more serious. He knew that the man was still hurt by Gideon’s departure, but he never expected to hear what Spencer said next.
“This is my letter of resignation. It’s effective immediately.” Spencer said, sitting the paper on his desk, “Here’s my gun and my badge.” He set them down next to the letter. Aaron looked at Spencer in disbelief.
Once on the jet, the team began talking about victimology. All the men had a similar appearance, so they figured that they were surrogates for the person the unsub truly wanted to kill. 
“Well, stabbing is typically a replacement for sexual penetration. Was there any sign of sexual assault on any of the victims?” Lewis asked. From the screen, Garcia responded.
“No signs of… that on the first two victims… The ME is still examining the latest victim.” Garcia explained.
“Well, that could mean that he’s impotent.” Rossi said.
“Okay, when we land I want Prentiss and Morgan at the latest crime scene. JJ and Rossi go to the medical examiner’s office and Lewis, you and I will set up at the local PD.” Aaron said, sitting back in his seat. The rest of the team nodded. JJ got up and moved to the back of the plane, clicking on the contact labeled ‘Spencer Reid’. The line rang twice and then a voice…
“Hello.” The man on the other end spoke softly. 
“Hey, Spence, I was just calling to let you know that we’re heading to Las Vegas for a case… Maybe after that we can get breakfast or something.” JJ said.She heard some shuffling.
“Yeah, I’d like that, JJ. Actually, I’m the one that suggested they call you guys. I’ve been consulting on the case.” Spencer told her.
“Oh, it’ll be great to work with you again.” JJ said while grabbing a water bottle out of the mini fridge.
“Yeah, I’m excited to see you guys.” Spencer said, “Listen, my class is starting so I have to get off the phone, but I’ll see you when you land.” the phone call cut off before JJ could respond. She made her way back to her seat.
“Well, I just talked to Spence and he said that he’s consulting on this case.” JJ said, “He said that he was the one to suggest that they call us.” 
“So we get to work with the boy wonder again?” Emily said, “I’m glad, I’ve missed him.”
“I think we all have.” Derek pointed out, “I was sad that he left, but I get it. Gideon was his mentor and it really hurt him when he left.”
“I can’t wait to meet Dr. Spencer Reid. I’ve heard so much about him and I think I’m the only one who hasn’t met him.” Tara said,
“He left before I joined as well.” Rossi said, “So I haven’t met the kid yet, either.” Rossi looked over at Aaron, but the man didn’t even glance.
“It will be nice to catch up, but remember we’re also working a case.” Hotch said. The others nodded and continued going over the case files. Rossi finally looked away form Hotch and back to his case files.
Aaron entered the local police station accompanied by Dr. Tara Lewis. The Captain met them at the door.
“You must be… Agent Hotchner.” He said, “I’m Captain Smith.” He said, offering his hand. Aaron shook the man’s hand.
“Yes, I’m Agent Aaron Hotchner and this is Dr. Tara Lewis.” He said. The Captain shook Tara’s hand.
“We’ve got you guys set up in the conference room back here. Dr. Reid set it up.” He said.
“Is he here?” Aaron asked.
“Yes, he’s setting up the evidence board you guys requested. Honestly, we’ve been stuck with this case and when he suggested calling up his old team I was definitely willing.” He said.
“It's a good thing you called us.” Tara said, “We believe that he will take another victim sometimes today if he hasn’t already. Has anyone been reported missing in the comfort zone?” The three approached the door to the conference room. The Captain opened the door and there was Spencer Reid, hanging another picture on the board.
“The lieutenant just informed me that there’s been another abduction. His name is Arthur Skinner.” Spencer started, “He was last seen in the lobby of the hotel he was staying at. Someone said they saw another man come up to him but they couldn’t give a description. We should try a cognitive.” Aaron watched the Doctor talk, he suddenly found himself distracted by the way Reid’s hair fell into his eyes, followed by Reid’s hands moving the hair away from his face.
“Ready to get going?” Tara said, looking at Aaron now.
“Oh, yes. Let's go… Reid, are you coming?” Aaron asked. He set his briefcase on the table and waited for the Doctor’s response.
“No, I’m going to stay and work on a geographical profile.” Reid said. He glanced up from the map he had just spread across the table and caught Aaron’s eye right before the man left the room. Reid gripped the pen in his hand and looked back down at his map.
“Are you sure?” Aaron asked, “I know that Gideon leaving has been hard on you, but you’re an asset to this team.” 
“I’ve been offered a position as a professor at a University close to Las Vegas… My mother has been getting worse and I just need to be close to her.” Reid told his boss matter of factly.
“I understand, Reid. I’m sorry to see you go.” Aaron glanced at the stack of files that had been piling up recently. Reid followed his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Hotch… I know it's going to be difficult for a bit, but I know you guys will find someone to take my place.” Spencer reached across the desk, resting his hand on Hotch’s own folded hands. Spencer wasn’t usually one for touching, but it was different with Aaron. Spencer tried not to think about the fact that he wanted nothing more than to kiss the older Agent, but he couldn’t allow himself to do that.
“You’re going to be a great Professor, Spencer.” Aaron told him. Spencer smiled, his beautiful, shining smile. Aaron wanted to pull him in and kiss him, but he knew he couldn’t.
“Thank you, Aaron.” He said, standing up and exiting Aaron’s office. Aaron sighed and leaned back in his chair. He hadn’t thought about it much, but he knew his feelings for the younger man had gotten to be… Almost too much. Maybe now he could get them to subside.
Next Chapter
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thesebright-lights · 1 year
Making a playlist for the most complicated Death Note crossover au ever. Tagging this like crazy because I feel like it would be fun to write, but I don’t know if there’s a ton of overlap with the people in these fandoms? It would mostly just be Death Note and Criminal Minds though, you don’t need to have watched/read the others necessarily.
Basically this au is built on the idea that those who use the Death Note can neither go to Heaven nor Hell- my idea is, what if they’re reincarnated instead?
I can’t remember if L ever used the Death Note directly or if he had another member of the task force test it, but for the sake of this story, he was the one to use it. Basically, Light and L keep getting reincarnated in different universes, and at some point, every time, remember their past lives. Misa is reincarnated as well, however they don’t meet her every cycle, if that makes sense, while L and Light almost always end up finding each other. The criminal minds idea I have doesn’t involve Misa at all, although that could change.
Keep in mind- L and Light don’t remember from the moment their born. Their memories return over time. This means their personalities change as they experience more and more different lives, but like they still retain their values (kind of?) so things might get a little ooc to stay truer to Death Note, but we’ll see.
I want to write Hotch as Light and Reid as L. This would be Lawlight/Heid (hotchreid wouldn’t come until after their memories return though). I feel like there’s a lot of potential for angst and also some funny interactions with the team.
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The Construct of Time, Chapter 05
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Pairing: HotchReid
Written For: The HotchReid Valentine’s Day Trope Challenge, Trope Assignments = Historical AU, Time Travel
Summary: The year is 1924, half a decade after the first World War, and a few years before the Great Depression would devastate the nation. It is a time of contradiction: the modernist uprising of science and innovation, met with a traditionalist, fearful desire to cling to the past in a fast-evolving, urbanist society. And on this morning in Washington D.C. an unmarked package is left outside the office of Aaron ‘Hotch’ Hotchner, P.I., with a note simply telling him to find the rest, and a substantial price tag attached. What he finds in this package is something he has never seen before, hundreds of years old, and he barely knows where to start trying to find more like it. Ultimately he is pointed towards someone that may just have a clue what to do with his charge: a Classics Historian working in the basements of the Smithsonian, Dr. Spencer Reid. Together, what they discover sends them on a break-neck chase across the city, searching for a mysterious collection of powerful artifacts, and the people that are trying to sell them. Forever changing everything they know about the world, the people in it, truth, lies, love, and the fragile construct of time.
Rating: Mature/Explicit (to be determined)
Chapter CW/notes: short chapter (gasp. shock. me?! couldn’t be). Lots more gratuitous flirting and suggestive things thought about because Hotch can’t control himself I guess. Some time-period typical misogyny here, but not a lot. A lot of talk of languages and linguistics, and some insanely incorrect translations. I’d like to thank my co-author: GoogleTranslate.
Word Count: 3,378
Masterpost Link
Ao3 Link
Chapter 05: Academic Sources
Hotch knows Washington D.C. like the back of his hand. Can navigate the streets and buildings, neighborhoods and transit systems, as easily as most can navigate their homes. He might not have been able to go inside all said buildings and establishments, or at least not most of them, but if someone asked for directions he could practically draw a map and label the train numbers to take. So when he and Spencer leave Smithsonian Castle, in the heart of the District, he knows the exact route to Georgetown even though he hasn’t stepped foot onto the campus since his early years as a prosecutor. They have one hell of a Law Library.
Georgetown is located just past Foggy Bottom and the West End, up along the Potomac where it monopolizes quite a few square blocks of the city. The buildings are about as grand and pretentious as you could imagine, with the same air and grace as Smithsonian Castle and the Library of Congress, but after visiting the other two such destinations Georgetown doesn’t seem as ethereal. Hotch is definitely getting a good sense of what the academic crowd are going for, though, when it comes to the nation’s capital. 
They arrive right after morning classes begin, students milling about laden down with books and papers; half with a frantic anxious energy and the other half too tired to care. Hotch certainly doesn’t miss those days, and he bets Spencer doesn’t either – although the other man blends into the student body near seamlessly. Once on campus the young doctor leads them through pillar-lined walkways and past vibrant green lawns, into the castle-like fortress where the hallways and hundreds of doors look more like a labyrinth than a university. But Spencer knows exactly where he’s going, just as before.
Hotch had half expected to be led into the Classics department, or history, and is surprised when they walk into the faculty offices for the Department of Linguistics. 
“You weren’t kidding about the translation, were you,” Hotch says with his usual even tone, dry humor that very few laugh at. It makes Spencer bite back a smile.
“As much as I am well versed in both modern and ancient Greek, I was a little… shaken and thought it best to get a second opinion.” 
“Good morning, Dr. Reid,” the receptionist greets, familiar and much like the employees at the Library. “Did you have an appointment with Dr. Blake? I don’t think I have you on our schedule–”
“No, she’s not expecting me. Is she in class?” he asks with a charming smile. “I was hoping to drop in and ask for her advice on a translation project.” 
Oh wow, Hotch had been right, his smile and sweet demeanor really could open doors. As the receptionist lets them sit in the professor’s office, despite the fact this Dr. Blake is indeed teaching a class, Hotch suddenly wonders what sway that sweet smile might hold under different circumstances. The academic world doesn’t appear to be as locked up and secretive as the crime beat is, but as he’s learned spending time with the young Dr. Reid the past two days – appearances can be deceiving. 
They don’t have to wait very long, barely enough time to settle into the chair by a very nice mahogany desk and for Spencer to skim through a book that the door opens to a woman just a little older than Hotch. She has a serious face, inquisitive eyes, and a firm set to her mouth as she takes in Hotch first before she notices Spencer is there as well. It lessens her squared stance when she catches sight of him. 
“Dr. Reid. I see you sweet-talked Ms. Reeves into access to my office,” she chastises, and Spencer lets out a sheepish smile like it’s something he can’t actually help. Being that charming and unassuming. 
“I hope we aren’t intruding,” he says in apology.
“Not at all, my day was actually looking to be rather dull.” She glances at Hotch, who had stood as soon as the professor entered the room. Chivalry ingrained in him nearly as well as the words of the Law. He also removed his hat, and if he spots Spencer smiling fondly at his gentlemanly attempts then Hotch doesn’t draw attention to it.
“Alex, this is Mr. Aaron Hotchner, a Private Investigator that has asked me for help with a case. Aaron, meet Dr. Alex Blake, the head of the Linguistics department here at Georgetown and one of my favorite colleagues in the District.” Hotch shakes her hand, the woman having a very strong, firm grip and commanding presence. Her penetrating stare is about as well masked as any lawyer or crook Hotch has ever met in his entire adult career, but he knows when he’s being sized up and judged. “We’ve worked together on some of my Classics projects and curations at the Smithsonian.”
“It’s a pleasure, Dr. Blake,” Hotch says politely, warm but only so much. Keeping it professional. That will get them much further in discussions. When he had told Spencer that he is very skilled at reading people, Hotch meant it. But the reading only goes so far without adaptable application. He needs to read what a person is like, and know how to best appeal to them. This woman lives and breathes her profession. She gives him a lukewarm smile in return, charmed, and then gestures for them to sit in the chairs by her desk. 
“What kind of case would require Dr. Reid’s assistance?” she questions, straight to the point as she seats herself in a neat perch behind her desk, hands folded on top and giving them her undivided attention. 
“Stolen museum artifacts,” Hotch says, just as plainly. “I was given Dr. Reid’s name by a friend in the police department. They told me he would be the expert I’m looking for. And they were right.” 
“Artwork?” she pries, with a tilt of her head.
“No, more like… relics. Jewelry, some pieces I wasn’t even sure what their purpose was for,” Hotch says in good humor, still on the fence if he should reveal just how calculating he can be, or if it would benefit them more if he played the fool. A smart man can learn quite a lot by playing dumb. If people don’t give you enough credit to understand a situation, they end up saying more than they probably would have meant to. “Hence the consult.”
“Well, that sounds very exciting.” She doesn’t seem to actually think so, oddly, and by the dismissive turn of her head she gives her attention back to Spencer. Hotch watches the interaction unblinkingly. “What brings you to my office?”
“I actually need your help with a translation,” Spencer says, and that calls forth the first real look of shock on the woman’s face.
Spencer shrugs, sheepish again. “I’m uncertain about the dialect, it seems distorted somehow. Almost as if it’s been mistranslated from the original to English and back again.” 
“How odd,” the intrigue is there, it shines in her eyes brighter than any other emotion, and relaxes her stance as she leans on her desk with her fingers near her chin in contemplation. “Show me.”
Spencer only hesitates a moment, and Hotch doesn’t miss that one bit. He’s not sure if this Dr. Blake notices it, either, but it’s as good as a confirmation to him in that moment. He’s never met Dr. Blake before, doesn’t know what about her behavior is just quirks of personality or tell tale signs of what he actually thinks is going on here. She’s hiding something. Or, more specifically, knows a bit about what’s going on. Feigning that she doesn’t. Not the only person in the room that understands the benefit of ‘playing the fool’.
Hotch would bet all the cash in that unlabeled envelope back at his office that Dr. Alex Blake could give them an exact address to the auction they are searching for, if she felt so inclined. 
But Spencer pulls out his research notebook, and turns to a page that looks fresh. Save for a string of Greek letters written there in his own hand. The actual stark white paper and message must be somewhere else in his notebook, and Hotch isn’t actually sure when Spencer had the time to copy it down. But he’s glad the young man thought ahead to do so, especially after that inkling of a realization they had back in his labs. Have you ever seen paper like this before? No, Hotch hasn’t, and neither has Spencer, because it’s not modern paper. It’s something else entirely –
Dr. Blake takes the notebook and looks at the words, reads them out loud, and even as she does there seems to be breaks in the words, “Poté min afíseis to méllon na se enochlísei. Tha to synantíseis, an chreiasteí, me ta ídia ópla logikís pou símera se oplízoun enántia sto parón.” She’s squinting hard at it, frowning, brow furrowed and murmuring a couple of the words to herself, correcting dialect and reaching for a pen on her desk – only thinking to look up at Spencer and ask quickly, “May I?” Spencer nods and then Dr. Blake begins to mark it up, fix certain words, circle others – and as she starts to translate what some could mean… she pauses.
“What is it?” Hotch asks before Spencer can.
“ – this is a quotation,” she says, suspicious and careful. “I know it.” 
Hotch and Spencer glance at each other, knowing without speaking that it must be true. The first message was a quote from a famous Greek Tragedy. It only makes sense that this clue is also from another old work. 
“So I was right?” Spencer asks. He probably doesn’t get to ask that question often, Hotch thinks with a smirk. “It’s a translation of a translation?”
“A very poor one,” Dr. Blake agrees. Abandoning the notebook, she stands and goes to her bookshelf. The tome she pulls is old, well worn, well read – and Spencer cranes from where he sits to try and read the title from across the room. “It’s Marcus Aurelius, from his Ancient Greek writings. Meditations.” She flips through the book, finds the page, and hands the book directly to Spencer. 
It’s in Greek, but Spencer finds the line easily after tracing his finger down the page. Eyes wide in shock, darting to Hotch in quiet meaningful glances, before he translates for him.
“Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.”
A chill goes down Hotch’s spine at the first line. Never let the future disturb you. It holds a completely different meaning to them after that morning. After watching Spencer disappear and reappear, slipping through subtle cracks in time. If the items could bring someone backward, did it also mean they could bring someone forward? To the future? ’Have you ever seen paper like this before?’ 
‘–he was gone. Not dead, Hotch, gone.’
Hotch is more spooked by the line than he even dares to admit.
While Hotch had latched onto the ‘future’ part of the quotation, Spencer has already moved past it to the rest. “Weapons. Arm. You don’t think–” his voice trails off, and he goes very still. Hotch catches up to the young doctor’s train of thought very quickly after that, and does his utmost best not to look at the satchel housing their two recovered artifacts. “ –could they be weapons of some kind?”
“That’s not what the translation means,” Dr. Blakes says, almost as if in reprimand. Like Spencer should know better.
“Yes, I know,” he defends, words spilling forth quicker as his brain tries to process everything faster than he can speak. “But the word choice in this quote can’t be coincidence for much else. Especially from Marcus Aurelius. Weapons. Reason. Arming oneself. Meeting one’s future. Virtute et armis.” That’s not Greek, it’s Latin, and that Hotch knows. 
“... by manhood and weapons?” he says, brain wracking for his own studies years and years ago. “Or – by virtue and arms.” That sounded more like a Roman proverb, and Dr. Blake nods. Spencer looks so quietly pleased and impressed that Hotch has to clench his jaw to keep a smile at bay.
Dr. Blake paces back to her desk. Elaborating as she goes. “Virtue first and foremost, but a person always has the tools of last resort.”
“A good man can also be a desperate man, under dire circumstances,” Hotch murmurs out loud, not so sure they should be picking this particular theory apart under the watchful eye of Dr. Blake. He glances at Spencer again, and reiterates, “-- this could have something to do with weapons.”
“But the translation is ‘weapons of reason’,” Dr. Blake adds without preamble, with a hint of something almost… defensive. “What if it is in reference to your stolen museum pieces? Perhaps the persons you are searching for thought they were doing something good. Keeping it out of nefarious hands – the act of a crime being the metaphorical weapon?”
“And take it where?” Spencer asks, “then it becomes a matter or moral perspective. Is their hands any better than the ones who would buy and sell it on a black market?”
“Not if they are returning them to their country or origin, to the ones whom it belongs to in the first place!” Dr. Blake insists. Her outburst like a shockwave, and Spencer looks stricken by it. Pieces carefully aligning into place. “There’s such an imbalance in the museum society, you know this Spencer, of artifacts and art pieces and culture that – belong to the people it originated from. It’s their history, their heritage, who are we to say it belongs in the Louvre or the London Museum? Or the Smithsonian?” It’s a sharp barbed throw, and Hotch can see her passion behind the cause, but he can’t help but think… how naïve one had to be, to consult with criminals to obtain such a result, and still think the artifacts won’t fall prey to those who would rather make a quick buck.
“ –Maybe,” Spencer says, slow and drawn out, also not convinced that this is what actually occurred – not with what they know – and Hotch thinks then that they have overstayed their welcome far past what could be considered safe and sane. Dr. Blake doesn’t appear dangerous. But knowing who some of the dark underground places this case has touched, the woman might not fully understand what she has put in motion. If Emily Prentiss had been involved and backed out due to it being too risky? Those dark places were the equivalent of pitch black. 
And yet – she doesn’t seem worried. As if it were already too late.
As if the artifacts have already reached wherever they were supposed to be. Dr. Blake doesn’t know they have the puzzle box, or the locket, and she didn’t much seem to mourn their absence. 
But Hotch doesn’t want to push his luck. They need to go.
He stands, then, hat in hand and the look of a man ready to be out the door. “Dr. Blake, thank you so much for your assistance. It has helped us tremendously,” he adds politely, taking her hand to shake again in parting.
“Of course, anything for Dr. Reid,” she says as well with a prim, concealed smile. “I hope you find what you are looking for, Mr. Hotchner.”
Her tone indicates that they won’t. 
Hotch keeps his face neutral, but he knows now without a shadow of a doubt that whatever else they had hoped to recover – they were long gone from Washington, D.C..
“Where do you think they are?” Hotch asks as soon as they are out of the offices of the department of Linguistics, one hand pressed lightly to the small of Spencer’s back to help lead him out of the labyrinth of hallways and keep him close enough to speak quietly. “Halfway to Europe by now?”
“By boat? Without a doubt,” Spencer murmurs, numb and so sad sounding. “By plane? They could be in Rome, London, Cairo, Madrid. Depends if we missed them by a single day or multiple.” 
Shit. Hotch knows that if he had been in such a position, plane would have been his first bet of getting the items out of D.C. and away as fast as humanly possible. And it wouldn’t be hard at all with academic resources as a cover, not with how much excavation was going these days. Egypt will have nothing left once the archeologists were done with it. Which is exactly what Dr. Blake was getting at – but to get involved with the criminal underground like this in the name of preservation? She couldn’t really think that she could somehow swindle real thieves and smugglers into returning priceless items, could she?
“How can someone so smart be so dumb,” Hotch mutters, shaking his head. He bets Dr. Alex Blake hasn’t been called oblivious a day in her life, but the term sounds much nicer than willful ignorance.
“She honestly thought she was doing the right thing, I think,” Spencer mumbles, his ears red and shame staining his cheeks. His head must be ringing with that shot at the Smithsonian. At his life’s work. 
Without meaning to, Hotch finds his hand pressed more solidly to the younger man’s back, as they make it out into the mid-day sunshine and side-step to a small alcove. Away from prying eyes and ears, surrounded by stone walls and pillars, able to breathe and collect themselves in their seclusion. Spencer still looks shell-shocked, trying to find his footing as he paces there.
“So what do we do?” he asks.
“Well, I’m not giving up this chase. Even if everything is halfway to Madrid.” Hotch says, and Spencer’s soft gaze near glows in admiration. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. I’m getting paid a fat wad of cash for it.”
“You don’t care about the money,” Spencer says, and it’s not a question. It melts the façade right off of Hotch’s face.
“No, I don’t. I also don’t care that everything might already be gone. Are you ready to give up and go back to your basement laboratory?” There’s a lilt to his tone, and brightness to his dark eyes that he doesn’t want to hide from the other man, because he already knows the answer. Enough he allows himself to hope. 
“Not a chance,” Spencer smiles.
“Good. So what do we do next.” Hotch hadn’t realized how close they were standing until that moment, curved towards each other, barely a few inches distance. With just a twitch of his fingers he could reach for Spencer’s waist once more, curl a hand around it, draw him closer still until they touch chest to thighs. “We can’t trust your academic scene any more, and we can’t trust my underground one by default – so where do we turn next?” 
Spencer chews on his lip. Hotch has to resist the urge to free it with his thumb. “Well… firstly I think we should find out if one of these artifacts is actually a weapon of some kind. I’d rather not be carrying around the equivalent of a live grenade as we go trapezing about the city.”
“So I’ve been told,” Spencer smirks, and it quirks surprise into Aaron’s lips. He knows because the action catches Spencer’s honey hazel eyes. “I – I have some friends outside the academic community we can consult. On the far side of town. I needed to deliver a book to him, anyway.” 
“Sounds like a plan,” Hotch smiles, small and sincere and it reflects in Spencer’s face tenfold. Bright and blooming. 
This was turning into the wild goose chase that Hotch had so dreaded just the following morning, but with the warmth of Dr. Spencer Reid’s brilliant adoration fixed solely on him – and another long day in his company awaiting them – Hotch finds he doesn’t mind the drawn out case any longer. Let it twist and wind for days, in his opinion. 
He hasn’t been this happy in years. 
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Tagged list so far: @physics-magic​​ @thaddeusly​​ @sideblogforcrimpy​ @anxious-enby​​​
(To be added to the taglist just send me a message via comment, reblog, ask, or DM!)
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tobias-hankel · 2 years
Fic Rec Friday! 🎉
These are some of my fic recs from April 30th, 2022 to May 6th, 2022! 
🖤 Past Is Prologue by @gaelic-symphony - WIP, Alex Blake/Erin Strauss, Lovers to enemies to lovers, Workplace Relationship, Office Romance, Angst, Smut, Betrayal, wlw relationship, Grief/Mourning, Past Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Internalized Biphobia, Exes, Lesbian Alex Blake, Bisexual Spencer Reid, Lesbian Emily Prentiss, she's only there at the end though, Strauss and Rossi are not an item in this fic, Blake-centric
Ten years ago, Alex Blake’s career was torpedoed by someone she thought she could trust. Since then, she’s kept her nose to the grindstone, slowly climbing her way up through the ranks of the FBI. Now, she’s made it all the way to the elite Behavioral Analysis Unit, but her past will still come back to haunt her in more ways than she can ever anticipate.
❤️ The Silence Drowns by @masterwords- WIP, Aaron Hotchner/Derek Morgan, Stabbing, Gunshot, Established Relationship, Hospital, Graphic Description, Serious Injuries, Major Character Injury, Hurt Aaron Hotchner, Protective Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds), Worried Derek Morgan, Attempted Sexual Assault, Gun Violence, Stalking, Past Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Tricksters, Serial Killers, ICU
Morgan interrupts Foyet in Hotch's apartment. Bad times are ahead.
🖤 Out by @justiceforralvez - 2.7k, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Hurt/Comfort, Episode: s08e12 Zugzwang, Spencer & Maeve friendship, Implied/Referenced Abuse, not really, Feelings, How Do I Tag, Not Beta Read
It's no surprise to anyone that Hotch is stronger than Spencer. Whilst this fact usually makes him feel safe, protected in the strong arms of the other, there is a moment when he only feels weak.
❤️  Owl Night by @empress-of-yaoi - .4k, Jason Gideon & David Rossi, Domaystic 2022, Friendship, Fluff, Soothing Forest, Jason Gideon/David Rossi if you squint enough, Prompt: First Night
When Rossi has trouble sleeping, he calls his best friend to help him calm down.
Tags and smut/18+ recs below cut. Click this link to send a fic rec or to be added to Fic Rec Friday Taglist.
🖤 Hook, Line, Sinker (High on Misery) by @artdecodyke - WIP, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Jennifer "JJ" Jareau/Emily Prentiss, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Drug Use, Drug Addiction, Drug Withdrawal, Everyone Has Issues, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Drama, so much drama, Post-Episode: s02e15 Revelations (Criminal Minds), Rehabilitation, Road Trips, forced road trips as rehab, Dubious everything, Sex Addiction, Gay Sex, Lesbian Sex, you might call this out of character, but they're addicted to drugs so
The FBI has turned a blind eye to the BAU and their misadventures ever since Reid was kidnapped. With no oversight, every member has slipped into their own ways of handling the job. Until there's one case too many and they can't hide it anymore. Needing to get the mess of a team home, Strauss comes up with the perfect plan: put them all on a bus home so they can arrive at Quantico detoxed and ready again. It goes about as well as you think it would.
❤️ It Never Stopped Being True by @wherethewordsare - WIP, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Friends to Lovers, Gratuitous Smut, more smut to come, Multiple chapters, Friends With Benefits, Porn with Feelings, Porn With Plot, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Frottage, almost desk sex, guilty Hotch, Possessive Behavior, but Reid is very much into it, Oral Sex, Oral Fixation, Barebacking, bratty spencer reid, honestly, bratty aaron hotchner too, they're both absolute shits in this, mutual pining even tho they're literally fucking, this got absolutely filthy
There were certain things that Hotch had told himself he was allowed. And the one thing, regardless of what happened that he told himself he couldn’t have was Reid.
🖤 Daughter by @sirmatthew1972 - .9k, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, 18+, mpreg, omega Spencer, alpha Aaron, past pregnant!Spencer, alpha/beta/omega universe, nesting, scenting, knotting mentioned, male lactation implied, fluff, cuteness overload (ao3 link)
In which omega Spencer embraces parenthood in the shape of his so precious firstborn pup as he feeds her.
Taglist: @ssa-sarahsunshine, @justiceforralvez, @brillianthijinx, @wherethewordsare, @lizzielovegood-blog, @merpancake, @sparklinspence, @spencersfunkysocks, @spencer-reids-adventures @castielryan
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hoe4hotchner · 2 years
One shots - More than 1k words
Just a little coaxing is needed
The reader and Aaron both have feelings towards each other, but don’t know how to tell the other. Hotch takes it into his own hands calling the reader different pet names throughout the day when they’re alone together, in an attempt to draw out a reaction of them.
It’s a start
Reader turns to alcohol as a coping mechanism after a tough case that hit too close to home for her.
Sweet Girl
Reader goes into subspace involuntarily while Hotch is at work. She doesn’t know why, but is scared and feels helpless about it.
Never gonna let you go
Hotch feels guilty that he always leaves you behind during cases and is scared that you’ll eventually leave him.
Reader keeps seeing the same case play over and over again in her head as she tries to sleep. She calls Hotch to make sure that he’s okay and feel him close to her body.
Dancing with a wolf
Reader’s personal life comes in close contact with her work, in a way that ends up revealing things about her relationship.
Before it’s too late
Fem!Reader + Jack Hotchner
Reader and Jack have been bestfriends since childhood. When Reader gets kidnapped Jack has Hotch and his team on the case.
A concerned colleague
Reader feels lost and hopeless and starts forgetting to eat, which inevitably turns into an eating disorder.
I hurt when you hurt
Hotch accidentally ignores Reader when he’s overloaded with work, which sends them into deep subspace of feeling neglected and wanting to make things better.
January Gloom
Reader tries to deal with her seasonal depression alone, but Hotch is worried about her.
Reader is studying for her last exam and forgets to take a break while Aaron is gone.
In the name of the lord
Priest!Hotch x Innocent!Reader
Reader comes to father Hotch about her sinning and he shows her just how much the devil has affected her body and helps guide her back on track to serve God
My pretty little puppy
CW: Pet play
Hotch makes you into his puppy after watching you get flushed at the nickname
Unleashed escapade
Hotch lets his possessive side show when Reader starts wandering off at a bar
You will be mine!
Dark!Mafia!Hotch x Reader
Reader rejects Hotch but he’s determined to get her.
There’s a lot of warnings on this one so please read them before reading.
Aaron takes his frustrations out on puppy after a tough and long case, with loving sex in the end and aftercare.
Staff need treats too | Part 2 | Part 3
Puppy!Reader x Mafia!Hotch
Puppy helps Hotch give his guard hybrids a treat because they too deserve them for their work.
Make sure to the read warnings on this one before reading (just in case :))
Reader is kidnapped and gets rescued by the BAU team, but not without consequences
One drink is all it takes
Mafia Hotch
Poker nights stirs up old memories
High school Sweethearts
Hotch doesn’t realize that his students are crushing on him before Reader points it out.
Angel of Darkness
Demons take humans as pets
The right moment
Spencer Reid x Reader
Reader and Spence visit his mother at the clinic.
Alpha and his Bunny | Part 2
Reader trespasses and werewolf!Hotch panics
Daddy’s got a gun
Dad!Hotch x fem!reader x TASM!Peter
Reader is dating Peter Parker and takes him to meet her dad Aaron Hotchner for the first time
Viva Las Vegas
Spencer Reid x Gn!Reader
Spence takes reader to the Las Vegas strip and let’s them gamble a bit although they have no clue what they’re doing
Eddie and Ivy
Country boy!Hotch x Gn!Reader
Hotch is excited to show you the new lambs on his farm
Pet play!Reader
Aaron treats his puppy to a reward and play time
She’s a keeper
Dark!Hotchreid x Fem!Reader
Reader is kidnapped and held as (sort of) a basement wife.
My pretty little puppy | Part 2
Pet play fic
Hotch turns you into his puppy girl
Old man problems
Reader helps to sort Hotch’s back out
Real men
Aaron shows you how a real man treats his woman
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sasarahsunshine · 2 years
Totally gonna write a kinda-sorta Princess Bride-inspired Hotchreid AU (Omegaverse of course).
Spencer is the youngest son of a "wealthy" farmer, his father owning the most land outside of the village for their sheep and their cattle. He's doted on by his two elder sisters, encouraged to learn to read and write, encouraged to expand his language, his knowledge of all things. His parents adore him; he's his mother's pride and joy, for being such an intelligent and beautiful boy. His father teaches him how to run the farmstead, how to tend to the animals, to manage the family's wealth and income. He learns to ride horses and hunt with a bow (though he would much rather read poetry and romance stories in the library, but he agrees when he is 14 that it doesn't hurt to know these things. You never know if someday you will need to hunt for survival, after all).
Even as an Omega, he is treated with respect and like he is part of the family--something a lot of Omegas don't have the privilege of in the city (so he's heard).
His father has a small sum set aside to hire some farmhands once Spencer is 16 years old. He's not as young as he used to be, he claims, even though he knows well enough that Spencer and his sisters could tend to the farm just fine on their own--"But your sisters will be off to marry soon, and then so will you in a few years. I better hire some men to help now, so they know the lay of the land before I lose you kids to your own lives."
Spencer... hates this. He doesn't plan to marry. He doesn't plan to leave the farm to anyone else. He wishes to take it over the moment he can, to take care of it like his father showed him how.
(more under the cut)
The land is gorgeous and green and thriving. The animals are healthy and happy, and even though Spencer is loved by his sisters and his parents, he never really had friends growing up. The animals are his friends--he can't just leave their care to anyone.
He's rather rude to the few farmhands who his father hires. They're uneducated, boorish, and filthy, in his opinion. He doesn't mind, of course, getting his own hands dirty, but at least he has a warm bath to turn to at the end of the day to clean the sweat and the mud and the grass away. The farmhands wear the same clothes as yesterday, most times. And they can't even read!
One of them, a young man hardly older than Spencer (maybe by a few years), never speaks when spoken to. It's irritating and infuriating--especially when Spencer finds the man tending to HIS horse, brushing the knots from her mane from being in the pasture all morning. When Spencer growls, baring his fangs and telling him to leave, the man--an Alpha--only bows his head, just slightly, and does so. Without a word! Not even an apology!
Spencer races after him, catches him by the arm outside of the stables, furious at the disrespect--
They both freeze, staring at each other, Spencer's fingers wrapped around the forearm of the farmhand (whose name he never bothered to learn). Something like a shock of lightning had erupted from the touch, hot and quick, a spark of bright blinding light traveling through his veins to his hammering heart, leaving him breathless and speechless.
The farmhand must have felt it too, for he is just as still, just as shocked, and just as breathless as Spencer, gazes locked.
Spencer yanks his hand away, turns, and hurries back to the stable.
After that, the farmhand starts to talk to him. Sort of. When Spencer sees him in the stables or tending to the animals, he lifts his chin, straightens his back, and speaks with all the authority he can. "Farmboy," he calls him, feeling heat on his cheeks and in his ears when the Alpha looks at him, dark hair settled over his brow, skin tanned and shimmering with sweat under the summer sun. Spencer swallows, averting his gaze to avoid looking at the farmhand's dark chocolate eyes, "Fetch some water from the well for the stables."
The farmhand bows his head, as he always has, but instead of silence he responds, "As you wish." His voice is deep and rich; a rumble of far-off thunder that leaves Spencer breathless, the hair on the back of his neck standing on end. His lips thin as he gives a curt nod, turning on his heel and walking away almost as quickly as he did when he ran before.
After that, those words become the only thing Spencer hears from the other man. "As you wish," always with a polite bow. And no matter what he was doing, he would drop everything to perform the command Spencer gave him.
And days of this turned to months, turned to a year. Another summer after a harsh winter, and Spencer's father finally retires to stay in bed most days. His sisters both leave home, one after the other, marrying to good men who will take care of them. His mother hires a nurse to help her care for his father.
It's raining, small streams trickling down the pathways turned to mud and wet clay. The stable smells of damp hay and sweat and dust, humid in the heat and the wet.
Spencer doesn't know why he's in here. He should be in the house, reading to his father or tending to the finances from the month. But his feet brought him to the stall where a new colt was born a few weeks back, seeing the farmhand within and tending to the mare, feeding her oats from his palm. He looks up when he hears Spencer, their eyes locking together for a moment. Those eyes, Spencer noted long ago, always seem to be a little bit... sad. Faraway.
He clears his throat, feeling how his hair sticks to the back of his neck in the humidity. Some curls cling to his forehead, a stray strand dripping water down the side of his face. His clothes are soaked. The farmhand, although dry from the rain, is damp from sweat and the misty air.
After a moment, the Alpha drops his hands and faces Spencer, eyes drifting over his form--though not in any malicious or snooty way like Spencer is used to from those in the village. The farmhand almost looks as though he is trying to memorize how Spencer looks, like he's... pleased, with what he sees.
The farmhand finally takes the three steps that separate them, eyes back on Spencer's, and then they're standing almost chest-to-chest, breathing in sync. And Spencer wonders if the Alpha can hear how quickly his heart is pounding.
"Farmboy," he near whispers, his voice a little shaky, his face heated like with fever, his eyes darting back and forth between those so dark they reflect the night sky. He swallows, his mouth dry, and he asks, "What is your name?"
The farmboy inhales slowly, blinking, almost shocked at the question, before his hand raises gently, fingers brushing a damp curl behind Spencer's ear in such a tender and intimate action, it draws the breath from Spencer's lungs.
"Aaron," he replies, just as quiet. And when Spencer finally breathes again, he smells the rain, the wetness of the grass, the ozone of the storm, the heat of lightning, and the intensity of thunder. He smells leather and sweat and mud and damp hay. And he smells the interest of a compatible Alpha; one with dark eyes and dark hair, who has only ever done everything Spencer has ever asked of him without complaint, without argument, without reward.
"Aaron," Spencer repeats, the name tasting of rich apples and cherries and wine, of honeyed bread and sweet rolls and sugar. It's deep and dark and light and wonderful--
"Spencer," Aaron says in turn, the corner of his mouth curving up just a tick. And then Spencer pushes forward, closing the gap between them, lips on lips to see if the Alpha tastes as sweet as his name did on his tongue.
He did.
And does, still, three years later when Spencer feels the tears running down his cheeks as he kisses his Beloved goodbye. Aaron has a bag over his shoulder, his horse waiting a few paces away, another farmhand holding the reins. The stallion has sired two young colts with Spencer's mare, both as handsome and strong as their father, both selling for just enough that Spencer had been able to keep the farm running for a little longer--but it wasn't enough.
After his father passed, his mother soon followed from heartbreak. They left the farm to Spencer, and he ran it just as his father taught him--but the city did not like an Omega running such a wealthy farm. They pressured him, put him in the corner, and forced him to sell land, to sell animals, to part with the green meadows and rolling hills of his childhood.
They pressured other farmers in the area. "Going to build a road through here," they said. They took and took, and after a year of taking, Spencer is at risk of losing the home and the stables and the horses too.
So Aaron signed up to join a shipping vessel.
"I will only be gone a short few months," he whispered against Spencer's lips, pressing another chaste kiss against them, "I'll be home before you know it. And with enough money to buy them out, to keep the land you have left. I won't allow them to take your home from you, Beloved."
Spencer tasted the salt of his tears as he sniffled, kissing Aaron again before pulling away. He wishes, oh how he wishes, he could go too. But as an Omega, he can't. He has to stay, to tend to what's left while he waits for his Love to come home. It feels like he's sending Aaron to war.
Aaron chuckles and kisses his cheek, "Don't fret. I'll be back before you know it. Wipe your tears and smile for me, so that your smile is the last thing I see before I leave."
Spencer sighs, pressing his face to Aaron's neck. He inhales his Alpha's scent: rain, damp earth, leather. Home. He licks over the scent gland, the eventual place where he will bite once they are married, to bind them together forever.
And then, finally, he pulls away, wiping the back of his hand over his face to clean it of his tears. When he looks up, he smiles, and Aaron smiles back.
Aaron turns and climbs his horse, settling in the saddle and taking up the reins. His smile doesn't falter, his eyes bright in the midday sun. He has grown up in the past few years, grown into a handsome young man with broad shoulders and a lean body: a handsome and strong Alpha, with eyes only for Spencer.
And Spencer has grown too; lean and thin, shoulder-length brown curls that frame his angular jaw and gorgeous hazel eyes (well, that's what Aaron says, anyhow). With slightly wider hips and a curvier body like most Omegas, though he hides his figure under clothes too big for him most days, using a belt across his middle to keep his shirts from billowing around him.
Spencer can feel his smile is small and sad, but he tries. He crosses his arms over his chest, holding himself, and he says, "You come home to me. You come home, no matter what happens, and you marry me like you promised, okay?"
Aaron's smile softens, his eyes fond and full of adoration for the young Omega who had stolen his heart all those years ago. He gives a polite bow of his head, and he replies, as always, "As you wish."
Tagging: @kuolonsyoja @tobias-hankel @finitegrayfics @bau-gremlin @kittykatspence @physics-magic @thesilverqueenlady @mintphoenix @brillianthijinx @marvel-ous-m @zoeschnauzi1 @aaron-hotchner187 @hothotchner @cl0wnb0yyy @opheliaaurora @astoriaandromeda @soyduckie @sweettoothlolol @castielryan @perseus-jackass @m-mhotchner @heart-strong
Broken Tags: @nervous-impossible-possum
Click here to be tagged in my future Hotchreid content
Dudes I didn't actually go into this post with a plan, I just kinda started typing, and whoops look where we are now. Wild. Now I might like, actually have to make this into something--
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morelikehoetchner · 2 years
Dance Lessons
So I have like a billion little HotchReid burbles that the amazingly wonderful and endlessly patient @spencersfunkysocks has had to put up with for the last couple of months. So I might start posting some of them here between bigger fics. They're not really edited and just really fast drabbles more than anything super expanded on. If anyone has any interest though, I might elaborate on a few <3 hope you enjoy
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Before they're together. There's this function and Strauss told them they'll all have to play nice. "Hotch. I don't want to do this. I don't even dance." "Alright alright. Calm down. C'mere."
There's a lot of stepped-on toes and a lot of cussing on Reid's part but Hotch just grins and tells him it's alright. Take a breath and they'll take it from the top. "I'll take you from the top" Hotch's mouth gets the better of him. "I think we both know that's not true"
He misses his next step and ends up stepping on Reods foot. "Oh my God. I am… so sorry." And he's pulling away as quickly as he can cause ooops. But Reid is biting his lip. "You know. I've seen others dancing. Usually, it's a little more…" and he's pulling Hotch a bit closer, putting his head on his shoulder and they both relax into it.
The song ends but they're still spinning slowly. When Reid tilts his head back, Hotch is already looking at him. "If you want me to stop…" Reid just shakes his head and leans into the kiss, letting himself be crowded back onto Hotch's desk.
It's very smiley and soft and Reid is chuckling a little. "You know for someone who's pretty good on your feet, your hands get a bit clumsy when you're nervous," "Reid not now"
Reid makes a smug sound and only pulls Hotch a bit closer.
"So still thinking about skipping the event?" Hotch asks with a smile. "Would be easier to go with a date," Reid asks, and there's a sudden hesitation there that… well. That won't do. So Hotch leans in and kisses the corner of his mouth. "Would you like to go with me this weekend?" "As long as you don't mind having a crap dance partner." Spencer smiles a little. "You'll catch on. We can practice." Author's note: They don't practice. Not even a little bit.
By the time Hotch proposes 2 years later, Reid is a fantastic dancer. But they're dancing at another event when Hotch asks and Reid missteps and lands on Hotch's foot, only making Hotch laugh.
"It's been 18 months since you've stepped on my foot…" "20 months, 1 week and 3…. that doesn't. Yes." He's got his face buried into Hotch's neck grinning like mad.
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spencerlouis · 2 years
A sequel to the HotchReid one with them at the banquet, but none of his formal clothes fit
Part 1
It was two weeks before the banquet and Spencer was searching through a few of his formal clothes that he didn’t wear often for what he should wear. Spencer pulled out a nice suit he had, thinking this would work. He slipped on the pants, brows furrowed when they felt tight around his thighs. He jumped and pulled to get them on his waist, but when he looked down he realised there was no way he would be able to button them. His belly was poking out and the button was a few inches away from the opening. Spencer blushed in embarrassment but went to try on the shirt and jacket, finding they were also too small. The buttons on the shirt strained against his midsection and the arms on the blazer were very tight. 
Spencer pulled the clothes off and tried his other suits, but they were all the same. He felt tears prick his eyes as insecurity coursed through him. He could, of course, buy a new suit but it was humiliating that this was going to be his and Hotch’s first date and he had to buy new clothes because he was too fat to fit in any of his formal clothes. Spencer shoved the suits to the back of the closet, put on some baggy pyjamas, and wrapped himself up in his fluffy blanket, trying to ignore how tubby he had gotten. 
Two days later he was standing in a tailors shop with Morgan and Rossi. Rossi had unknowingly solved his problem when he insisted on getting everyone custom made suits and dresses for the banquet. The girls had insisted Hotch go at a different time, so they could be completely surprised by each other's suits, Garcia in particular going on about how it was more romantic that way.   
When it was Spencer’s turn to be measured, he felt his cheeks heat up as the woman measuring him wrapped the measuring tape around his plush waist. He resisted the urge to suck his tummy in, knowing it would make it so the suit didn’t fit right. 
After they were all measured, the woman, who he discovered was named Susan, brought out different fabrics and a catalogue so they could look at different styles they liked. 
“Oh!” Susan exclaimed, “we also have a lot of good plus size options,” she directed at Spencer, as she brought out another catalogue. Spencer felt his cheeks heat up, embarrassed that he was considered plus size, as he took the catalogue to look through. Spencer eventually found a suit he really liked though, a brown one with a vest that would be paired with a blue shirt and darker blue tie. 
The day of the banquet finally arrived. Spencer stood in front of the mirror dressed in his new suit. He liked the suit, it was comfortable and fit him right but it still couldn’t disguise his plump belly and thick thighs. He took a deep breath, reminding himself that Hotch knew that he was chubby and wouldn’t have asked him out if he cared. 
When he arrived at the banquet Hotch was standing outside waiting for him, “wow,” he breathed out, running his hand down Spencer’s side, “you look incredible.”
Spencer ducked his head and blushed, “thanks,” he replied, “you do too.” Hotch did look good, he was wearing a classic black suit that perfectly showed off his features.
“Well, I guess, we better go in,” Hotch said, taking Spencer’s hand in his. 
The night went wonderfully, and ended with Hotch driving him home and dropping him off with a kiss.
If anyone wants to send me chubby Louis Tomlinson or chubby Spencer Reid concepts, ideas, and requests you can. The only thing I don’t want is anything with full on s3x and outright f33derism. Any ship is fine as well.
Also feel free to ask me questions as long as they are respectful
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masterwords · 3 years
I am a strong believer that Hotch has scars from what his father did to him when he was a child. I would love to see you write something about the team or one of it's members noticing and asking about it, if you could imagine that. If you do, thanks, you rock!
For this image, friend, you rock! <3 I wholeheartedly agree, I think he has a lot of scars that the team know about and quite a few more that are a mystery. I felt like this was a sweet moment for a little Hotchreid, but if you would prefer a non-shippy one you can definitely let me know, I will not be offended! I did have another idea that I would be more than happy to write up. (@olivinesea I did it!) Please forgive the shittiness and lack of editing, I wrote this a little too fast before everyone in my house woke up.
Summary: Reid notices a scar on Hotch's back and has questions. Set partially in the early days, partially in the hospital after Hotch's "Route 66" surgery.
Pairing: Hotchreid
Words: 2272
Under a Safe Roof
With every ounce of strength he possessed, Aaron stood beside his bed and worked at getting his dress shirt off. One after another, trembling fingers worked at the buttons until he reached the last one and began the arduous process of shrugging himself out of the shirt without the ability to lift his arms, to do the work. His shoulders screamed for mercy, ribs creaking like broken floorboards until the shirt fell to the floor. He could feel the heat of Spencer's eyes on the other bed, dashing to him and back to the book but he didn't have the strength to offer for conversation, not now. Sinking down toward the bed with hips protesting the movement, he worked at getting his shoes off, gritting his teeth and holding his breath until he was red in the face. The t-shirt he wore lifted up his back as he leaned over, exposed bare skin and Spencer's eyes lighted on a scar that ran at least four inches from the small of Aaron's back and up his spine. It was twisted in places, like a root, and thick. Not a surgical scar, a thing of rage, and he wondered if it had come from this job too.
“How'd you get that scar on your back?” he blurted out, regret immediately flooding his entire body. His face went hot and he buried his nose back in the book, as if it would rewind time, erase the stupid intrusive question he'd had no right to ask. Aaron froze, groaned as he reached behind him and tugged the hem of his shirt down over the softly rounded flesh at his hips. His fingers stayed there a minute, playing with the hem.
“I wrecked my bike when I was nine,” he replied softly, never turning around to look at Spencer. He pulled his aching body into the bed and slipped beneath the covers, keeping his back turned to the other man. The only light in the room came from the lamp between their beds, and Aaron closed his eyes, knowing he'd need to go to sleep with it on so Spencer could read. He was exhausted, his entire body was pain after a long day of abusing it and all he wanted to do was sleep. Spencer had no proof, nothing to base it on but a feeling, but he knew Aaron was lying. Still, he let it drop.
“Are you okay?”
“I'm fine,” Aaron muttered, pressing his face into his pillow, warm cheek against cool linen. “Morgan used our car as a battering ram, I'm just sore. Goodnight, Reid.”
“Morgan, has Hotch ever lied to you?” Spencer sat, feet tucked under him, at the back of the jet. Beside him Derek was readying his headphones for the journey home while everyone else settled themselves in toward the front. Aaron set his box of files down and busied himself immediately with paperwork, getting it out of the way as quickly as he could.
“Not that I know of...why?” Derek toyed with the cord of his headphones, willing the conversation to end so he could put them on and lose himself for a couple of hours in sound. No thought, just music.
“I just...I asked him about a scar on his back last night and I'm pretty sure he lied about it.”
“Well, I'm sure he had a good reason if he did,” Derek offered, shrugging. He knew exactly what Spencer meant, he'd had a feeling for a long time that he'd find some skeletons in Aaron's closet if he went digging but he valued his own privacy so he respected his friend's. There were a lot of things about Aaron that didn't sit right with him, things he learned from his days as a cop seeing inside of those homes, things he'd learned in his profiling classes. Sean had told him enough over the years, a pitcher of beer deep, that helped him piece things together, gave him what he thought was a pretty deep understanding of his very private friend. But he wasn't going to say that to Spencer. “Or maybe he was telling the truth. Either way, it's none of your business kid.”
The calendar pages flip and years speed by. Aaron wasn't shy about danger, made it his mission to accumulate more scars. Some of them he couldn't hide, soft lines on his jaw or gauges on his chin, one small fleck above his eyebrow. Spencer knew them all, inside and out. He sat there beside Aaron's hospital bed, folded up like a praying mantis in his small chair and reading while Aaron slept. Routine, it was what they did. Aaron had been in the hospital for days and Penelope took good care of him, but the team were back now and Spencer was keeping the room quiet, watching him sleep between flipping pages. When Aaron woke, said he needed to use the bathroom, Spencer didn't question him though he knew that wasn't it, he had a catheter and he hadn't eaten anything in days – he just wanted to be out of that bed and he didn't want to argue. Watching in his usual way, out of the corner of his eye, muscles ready to twitch and leap into action if there was a problem, he waited. Aaron pulled himself to sitting, the IVs tape pulling at his skin and he adjusted the tubes and wires over his lap before sliding his legs over the side of the bed and letting them dangle there for a minute. That much movement was all he was capable of at the moment, he needed time to breathe.
“Can I help?” Spencer asked, trying not to look too eager. Aaron shook his head, softening his features, releasing the tension in his brow.
“'M okay,” he mumbled, using his arms to slide his hips forward until his feet landed against the floor and he stifled a groan at the way it pulled his muscles, tugged at the staples. It hurt but it wasn't as bad as Foyet, not even close, so he stood there for a minute and caught his breath. Splaying the palm of his hand against his stomach, he pressed gently against the incision, applying enough pressure that it gave him the impression he was doing something, keeping his insides from falling right out. One foot in front of the other, he shuffled toward the bathroom with the IV pole gripped tight in one hand and Spencer set his book down, watching the labored movements. His gown hung open, tied loosely behind his shoulders and cascading to his knees, just above the waist of his sweatpants was the scar he'd asked about years ago. It looked exactly the way he remembered it. His finger twitched, traced the shape in the air involuntarily, he knew it so completely by feel alone. Aaron didn't make a habit of taking his shirt off with the lights on, it had been off-putting at first and Spencer wondered if it was him, he Aaron just didn't trust him with those secrets but he'd grown to understand that it went deeper than he could understand and Derek was right, it was none of his business. He doesn't need to know anymore, he'd moved past that childish fantasy of knowing his partner inside and out, understood that there were just some things that needed to stay locked away and it didn't mean he didn't know Aaron. It didn't mean they didn't love each other.
Privacy wasn't a lie.
Sometimes, though, Spencer couldn't control his mouth. Like the connection between brain and lips short circuited, and he found himself blurting out words with immediate regret.
“That bike scar looks like it really hurt,” he announced and Aaron paused only for a moment, foot skidding against the linoleum floor. He said nothing, just made a low humming noise in the back of his throat before. “Aaron?”
“Not now, Spencer,” Aaron grunted breathlessly, focusing so entirely on staying upright when his legs wanted to give out. The IV pole squealed on its wheels behind him, helped him stay upright. He shut the bathroom door slowly, with as much strength as he had left and breathed a sigh of relief at the small, empty room. No beeping machines, no watchful eyes. Just him and his pole, the bags of fluid dangling beside his head. He was supposed to use the wheelchair, wasn't allowed to be on his feet by himself but Spencer knew better than to try and force Aaron into submission. He'd survived worse than this, he had his own way of doing things and if he felt capable of walking it wouldn't do any good to stop him. Getting himself down to sitting on the toilet was fine, getting back up was going to be a near impossibility. So he stayed there, sitting on the creaking plastic toilet seat – he didn't need to use it, he had a catheter, he just couldn't take lying in that bed any longer. Being there on those cold flat sheets, people poking at him, treating him like he was so fragile. Jessica was going to bring Jack in soon, he would have to go back but the seat was so nice and cold. Just a breather, just some space, that's all he needed but Spencer's words played over and over in his mind. He slipped his arm around, drug his fingers along the jagged edge of the snarled old scar and he struggled to bring the memory of it into focus. It pulled at him, frayed the edges of his resolve and he wrestled with whether or not Spencer should know these things, if he could really love the other man and hold these things under lock and key. He pressed his palm to the counter beside him, used it to leverage his weight, push himself up to standing using his upper body only. His stomach muscles had been sliced open, were utterly useless. He hadn't seen the scar yet but he could feel it, the twisted smile stapled across him, an angry red river flowing between the peaks of his hip bones where once it was just a smooth valley.
“I left my bike in the driveway,” he said, in a low voice as he slipped out of the bathroom. Spencer looked up from his book immediately, his full attention on Aaron as he shuffled his way back toward the bed. He didn't walk right, couldn't really lift his feet off the ground but the little hospital booties with their grippers made a funny squeaking sound, it was almost childlike. “My father didn't see it there,” he stayed standing, it felt good, the pressure in his belly intense but not painful like lying down. Spencer was standing before him now, his book neatly placed on his seat and he was so close, shaking his head.
“You don't have to,” he whispered. “I understand. I'm sorry for bringing it up again, I don't know why I said it.” He circled his arms gingerly around Hotch's waist and let his lithe fingers trace the expanse of the mysterious silvery scar, wondering what the new one looked like under the thick gauze packing. He'd spent every moment he was allowed memorizing every single scar with his fingers, he could close his eyes and point each of them out though he'd never seen most of them. He'd sketched them, kept it hidden away from everyone, painted a picture of his lover's life splayed over the expanse of his torso. Some of the stories he knew – there was no avoiding what was left behind by Foyet's knife, they were angry and jagged and he felt electrified when he touched them. Those scars, terrible as they were, had brought the two of them together, fit their broken pieces together like a puzzle. There was a knotty scar on his shoulder where he'd been shot, small chaotic things all over his back from shrapnel. Others, small perfectly round things, the size of the blazing cherry on a cigarette, frightened him when his finger accidentally grazed one. Those stories were not for him. “You deserved better.”
“Everyone has their lot,” Aaron replied softly, relenting, letting Spencer hold him. He was tired, too tired to invent a story or pretend to be brave. “Jessica and Jack will be here soon. Help me get into bed? I don't want her to see me standing, she'll have a fit.”
“She's a little scary,” Spencer muttered, smiling. He placed the palm of his hand against the small of Aaron's back, feeling the heat of the scar and the story he would never know and he thought about the power of imagination. Guiding Aaron toward the bed, letting him dictate the speed they moved, when they paused so he could catch his breath, he drank in the proximity. They stopped just short of the bed and Aaron rested his head against Spencer's shoulder, content to stand still just a moment longer in his partner's soft embrace, avoiding the bed and the way it made his hips ache. Spencer let his eyes drift shut while they stood, locked together, and he saw Aaron at Jack's age, smiling, riding his bike through town, the elation of freedom on his features and he let the image fade out there, the little boy pedaling as fast as his legs could carry him. He didn't need to know what happened, all he really needed to know was that boy kept on pedaling that bike and now he was here, in Spencer's arms, safe and alive and loved.
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glowingspence · 3 years
hotchreid-90 or 32, or just, anything hotchreid , not established relationship preferred 💜💜
"Hey" Shyly Reid looks at the man standing in front of his door, late in the evening. "What are you doing here?"
"I just- you seemed off today- do you mind if I-" Without waiting for permission Hotch steps into the apartment, pressing himself through the small crack Reid had opened the door to before looking at him properly.
Spencer had already changed out of his suit and into more comfortable clothes, the thick soft socks reaches partly over the end of his sweatpants, the stained hoodie he almost always wears at home covers his hands.
"I am worried" Hotch admits, "We have been- we started spending so much time and we went on those dates and I am worried I overstepped because now you are shielding yourself away. Not only from me. I got Morgan on speed dial- I am- if I made you uncomfortable- he will come over and you can talk to him- or me- it's just- I am- I am really sorry" He brings out pressing his lips together as he looks at Reid who takes a moment and then frowns at him.
"You didn't do anything wrong" Hesitantly he backs away even further from Hotch, "I thought we are- you know- doing pretty good."
"I thought so too but ever since three weeks ago, you have been quiet and when I try to ask you out, you are reclining everything I suggest and that's okay. We don't have to go out. But at least drinking a coffee together would be nice, you know." He explains, "I miss you"
Spencer seems to think about it for a moment, picking at the dry skin around elbows underneath the loose sweater as he does before his facial expressions slightly changed, like it does when Hotch watches him cracking a code on cases and he encrypted a little piece of it. "What is it?"
"Nothing. We can go out, it's not you." He assures him, looking down to the floor. "We can grab coffee tomorrow after work."
"If you don't feel up to it we don't have to."
"I do. I do. Everything is okay" Spencer insists and starts rocking back and forth on his feet.
"Did something happen three weeks ago?"
"No" Spencer quickly answers, a bit to forcefully to make it sound true. "No, nothing happened."
"Why don't we sit down?" Comforting Hotch tries placing a hand on Spencer but he flinches away, "I am sorry. Can we sit down? Is that okay?"
While he has his lips pressed together Spencer nods and walks first towards the couch, sitting down at the end. He crosses his arms in front of his stomach and presses them against his stomach before he leans forward far enough that it makes it comfortable to rock back and forth.
"Do you need anything?" Hotch questions worried. "Do you want your blanket?"
Spencer shakes his head but keeps on rocking back and forth.
"Did something happen with Jack? Did he say something?" Hotch asks trying to figure out what has him so upset but he shakes his head, "Did someone on the team say something about us? Did Morgan not like that we went out?"
He shakes his head again before taking one hand away from his middle and starts tapping his head with his palm in a steady rhythm before he speaks, "Morgan said he will kill you if you hurt me, Morgan likes you, Morgan likes to know I am safe. You can keep me safe. Morgan likes that."
"I am glad he does" Hotch answers and figures he is not the problem. "You can tell me anything"
"Not this thing" Spencer tells him and Hotch raises one eyebrow. "Not this thing. Not this thing."
"Why not?" He interrogates with a soft voice, "Spencer why can't you tell me?" He repeats when Spencer doesn't answer.
"It's a secret"
"It's a secret?"
"Not my secret." He explains and a tear rolls down his cheek, "It's a horrible secret."
"It is?" Hotch questions with sympathy in his voice and Spencer nods and sobs ones, holding himself again but signaling with his position that he doesn't want Hotch to touch him, "Is that why you have been so closed up? Does the secret do that?"
"It hurts."
"It hurts?" Hotch repeats waiting for Spencer to elaborate.
"Makes me feel sick and sorry." He tells him before adding, "It makes me feel really bad, like I did when Emily died. When my chest really hurt like someone is tying it but my stomach feels all empty"
"Do you mean grief? Are you grieving?"
"I don't know." Spencer sobs again, new tears running down his face as his body shakes, "It feels like when Emily died."
"Maybe it's grief we don't need to identify that right now, it's okay." Hotch tries to keep Spencer's frustration low. "Can you tell me who told you that secret?"
"Okay, that's okay." Hesitant Hotch scoops closer, "Come here" After a moment of hesitation Hotch scoops into the corner of the couch and Spencer follows him, climbing into his lap and curling himself up in a way that can hide his face against Hotch's neck as he cries. His hand gripping his shirt, as muffled sobs fill the apartment. "Okay, okay you are okay."
He waits for him to calm down until only sniffles fill the room, Spencer still leaning against him but being more spread out over the couch as he plays with Hotch's fingers.
"We are gonna try something, okay baby?" The nickname falls so naturally from his tongue, both men don't notice, "Why don't you tell me the secret. But you tell me with the TV-show we watched all day at my apartment? You remember the one Jack wanted to watch?"
"The one with the friend group?"
"Yeah that one"
"I am no allowed to tell you."
"If it makes you this upset you can tell me. It's okay. Nothing is gonna happen to you." Protectively Hotch places a hand on Spencer's cheek, making him feel shield away from the world around him.
"I am Jess." Spencer starts, "And the person who told me that secret is Cece."
"Cece who is together with Schmidt? With the little daughter?"
"Alright, I can follow." He assures him.
"And Cece had been sad and hurting. Like something really terrible happened. So Jess waited for her in front of the bathroom for a really long time. Because Cece also had a injury on her hand, like she had been punching something, but there is no one she should be fighting with." He stops and presses himself closer against Hotch, "So Jess waited and when Cece finally came out, she asked if they could talk and Cece eventually agreed and they went into an empty room and Jess asked what is going on. But Cece wouldn't tell her and told her- and told her that she should stop being so worried and stop being so her." He presses himself against Hotch again while he rubs his feet over the couch.
"It's okay, it's okay, you are doing good." Hotch tries calming him and slowly he stops moving im his arms again, "go on when you are ready"
"Jess told her that she can't help it. You know, because Jess was really worried and Jess sometimes doesn't know where personal boundaries are. Jess just wants to help and people think she is being nosy."
"Well Nick loved that about her"
"Not important" Spencer states, "Cece told her that not even she could come up with the word for what she feels. Because Cece has PTSD because she was in a terrible accident."
"She was?"
"Mmm Jess knew that and so Jess kept pushing and didn't read the signs and then Cece told her that she was pregnant when the accident happened-" Again Spencer breaks into a sob and moves in Hotch's arms again,
"You are okay, it's okay, it's okay, you did so good by telling me." He assures him and grabs both of his arms slightly leaning down on him, "Keep talking, you are almost done. You did such a good job."
Spencer by now lays with his back on Hotch's thighs, his eyes fixed on the ceiling, as he tries hitting his hands together and Hotch realizes what he tries to do, let's go and let's him hit his knuckles together.
"What happened then? What did Jess do?"
"Jess had to keep the secret. Nobody knows."
"Does Schmidt know?"
"No, Cece was working abroad when she found out and when she lost the baby. Cece was all alone." He tells him and hits his knuckles together harder.
"How does Jess feel now?"
"Jess would have been godmother to a second child. Jess doesn't know what to feel because she never even met the child and didn't know about it but now feels like something is gone from her heart. Jess is sad."
"Did Jess ever talk to Cece again about it?"
"Jess found a way for Cece to say goodbye to the man who did this but she is worried she won't be able to heal." They stay quiet for a long moment, Spencer hitting his knuckles together, until Hotch holds his hand between Spencer's two fists who can't stop.
"I think JJ loves you so so much, and I think JJ is the strongest woman this earth has ever seen and I know this must be terrifying, to see her like this but she is going to survive it and she knows that she has you to lean on when times get hard and she has Henry and Will and I know that when she is home she has all the love and understanding around her she always wished for." Gently he moves his other hand up to Spencer's head, "And as in for you, it's okay to feel whatever you feel right now and I am so so proud of you for taking care of her. She maybe said those things but she probably felt a little bit crowded by you. You know that feeling too. You sometimes say those things too and then mean it. But in the end, I think she is gonna feel a lot better knowing someone knows. And knowing someone is watching out for her."
[Prompt list]
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softhairedhotch · 3 years
aaron hotchner team ships + how they spend time together/what their dates are like!
i don't ship all of these but i didn't wanna miss one <3
aaron x spencer (hotchreid):
they both love to go to the library :))
spencer loves to sit in the corner and read as many books as he can, and aaron likes to pick the book that most interests him only to read a whole two pages because he keeps getting distracted by how pretty his boyfriend looks when he reads (and just in general)
he does often pick out some old law books to brush up on his knowledge though, as well as anything relating to criminology or history
they both love being surrounded by an endless supply of books, encased in silence, alone together
they sit at the farthest end away from everyone so that they can have privacy
oh and so that spencer can freely sit on the table with his legs crossed and the mountain of books around him without the librarians bothering him (they've all learnt to leave them alone at this point anyway)
they also love to go to the book store (because they both obviously need more books)
and they like to go regular grocery shopping together, spencer makes all the lists and aaron picks up everything (spencer keeps getting distracted)
after the library they stop at the coffee shop, aaron ordering a black coffee and a bagel, spencer ordering the craziest coffee he can and donuts with sprinkles
they eat and drink whilst discussing through what they just read, meaning spencer talks the most and aaron leans back with small smile to admire him
he loves the way spencer talks so animatedly, so passionately, it makes his heart swell and he never wants him to stop talking
they walk home holding hands
aaron x derek (hotchgan):
they definitely spend a lot of time watching movies, either in the cinema holding hands with the other hand in the popcorn box or cuddling up on the couch with an abundance of blankets and ice cream
they alternate between movies each time; derek picks a movie then aaron picks and then derek and so on
derek picks all the action and horror movies he can--john wick, the matrix, jigsaw, it, stuff like that
ever since he's had jack, aaron has become obsessed with superhero films--marvel films, spider-man specifically, wonder woman, the batman films--but he's a sucker for musicals/theatre films (although he keeps them at a minimum for derek's sake)
they talk about the movie afterwards, rating and reviewing it, derek speaking about it at length and aaron dropping a few words here and there but mostly agreeing
unless they disagree,, which sparks an argument between the two, not one of anger or hatred but one of curiousity and passion which then ends in a "oh come on, man, shut up!" "hm, make me." "oh, i'll make you shut up, alright." "good."
they also go on daily runs together!! and sometimes go to the bar :)
aaron x penelope (gotch/honey):
they make a bunch of cookies/cupcakes, every flavour they can think of and all different sizes with all different types of toppings
they decorate them very poorly,,, well, aaron does at least
penelope adds the cutest designs and always makes them so colourful and stand out and she loves to make them the best they can be
aaron likes cutting the cookies up into funny shapes with all the oddly shaped cookie cutters he has lying around (they can thank jj for that)
the radio is on and either on a random music station or playing one of their CDs
they both hum along to the music when they're not talking about random things, penelope often stops mid sentence to belt out the lyrics and aaron stops to watch her with the smile of someone who's so immensely in love
there's lots of smiles, giggles, laughs, the two of them dancing to the music or throwing sprinkles and chocolate chips at each other in an attempt to annoy the other or have them catch it in their mouth
they end the baking session by eating as many cookies and cupcakes as they possibly can (putting the rest away for the team and family), cuddling on the sofa and watching a random disney movie or a live action musical
they fall asleep in each others arms, penelope on her back and aaron snuggling his face into her neck and arms wrapped tightly around each other
other dates include: going to the theatre, going to a theme park/carnival with jack, baking bread (they love to bake, okay??)
aaron x dave (hossi):
expensive dinner dates, no doubt about it
dave likes to share his wealth even though aaron has plenty of money himself, he takes him to the fanciest restaurants and buys him gifts
they drink a lot of expensive whiskey and scotch together, sharing obscure stories from their past or planning future scenarios
they end the night by strolling through the park and holding hands, just enjoying each others company
when not going to an expensive restaurant, dave cooks meals for aaron
he prefers to cook alone so that he can make sure he's got everything prepared and ready but he makes an exception with aaron, letting him do as little or as much as he wants
they leave the record player on in the background, quietly humming along as they cut the onions and season the meat
they end the day with a glass of whiskey (seriously guys calm down) and share a kiss before going to sleep
aaron x emily (hotchniss):
i actually struggled with this one so i made a post about it and asked for ideas, here's the post so you can read them, thanks to the people who responded! <3
they both love to read and so they enjoy cuddling up on the sofa or in bed with a glass of wine and their favourite books
they read to each other, aaron does his accents and emily enjoys reading them out in a different language
aaron obviously doesn't understand what she's saying but he's either heard/read the book so many times he just knows what's happening or he's too busy admiring the way she pronounces the words to pay attention
they also just talk about everything and anything when the words on the pages start to bounce around
they talk about their childhood (the good and bad, but they prefer to talk through the happiest memories), their reckless college lives (emily doesn't believe a word aaron says and always assumes he's making stuff up until she mentions it to jessica and she can confirm with a retelling--if she was there--or even a picture), what pushed them to where they are now, past relationships and awkward moments, everything
it's just a nice way to relax and destress after a long day of work and taking care of jack
and in the morning they both grumpily sit at the kitchen table cradling their piping hot black coffees, sitting in a comfortable and understanding silence (which is inevitably broken by the loud energetic voice of jack, but they can't stay mad at him for long)
aaron x jj (jotch):
i feel like they'd try to have some alone time but it ends up with then going to the zoo with the kids or having a family picnic
they pack the picnic basket full of sandwiches (ham, cheese, pb&j, chocolate, literally everything) and take a walk filled with laughter and obscure conversations to a nice grassy area in a park
jack and henry bring their footballs and rugby balls and everything else they can grab, running around and tackling each other to the ground ("play nice, you two!" "sorry!") before begging their parents for ice cream ("you just ate six sandwiches between you!" "yeah but that was for my sandwich stomach, now i need to fill my ice cream stomach!" "uh huh, and what about your water stomach?" "that too!")
whilst the boys are being their energetic selves nearby, aaron and jj are conversing softly as they make their way through their own food, michael crawling around and switching between each of their laps
they both find it peaceful, finally having time off work and being able to spend it with their family
jj gets amazed at the butterflies, trailing off whatever sentence she was saying to the admire the pretty creatures swiftly passing by, and aaron will stop whatever he's doing to smile at the expression on her face, even bringing out his phone to take a picture of her to treasure forever
the two of them definitely take a lot of pictures of their family outings
candid shots of michael stumbling around on wobbly feet, jack and henry racing around or play fighting, aaron being too engrossed in his sandwich, jj smiling up at the sky with the sun beaming down on her perfect skin
and then the posed photos where aaron leans over to kiss her cheek and she makes a duck face and throws up a peace sign, or when jack and henry run back over sweaty and hungry and are dragged into a photo full of pleasant smiles and sparkling eyes
the two of them take turns joining in with the boys, aaron plays an intense match of football with them and jj plays tag
there's a few rounds of hide and seek but aaron and jj have simply seen to much in their line of work and don't want to push their luck
after the eventful day they all head home, sweaty and exhausted, clambering into bed
even though the two kids claim they're too old for it now, jj reads henry to sleep and aaron reads jack to sleep
and they both read michael to sleep, taking turns and making the other laugh
once the kids have settled down and they both get into their pajamas and brush their teeth, they crawl into bed with a soft kiss, wrapping their arms around each other and drifting off to the memories of one of their best days yet
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Fic Rec Thursday
5 Fics
come as you are by @thesunlightmuse - 2.7k, 1ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Autistic Spencer, Established Relationship, Spencer Reid Needs a Hug, Love Confessions, Cuddling & Snuggling, Crying, Protective Derek, Protective Team, Hurt/Comfort, Ableism, Virgin Spencer
A local cop makes Spencer doubt his and Derek’s relationship. Derek is determined to show his boyfriend that he has nothing to fear.
You Make Waking Up Worth It by @guccifloralsuits - 2.1k, 1ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Good Things Happen Bingo, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Established Relationship, Morning Routine, Season 4, Hurt/Comfort
“Morning sweetheart,” Derek says, pausing briefly to ruffle his hand gently through Spencer’s hair. The genius nuzzles into the touch but doesn’t reply. It’s too early for conversation, Morgan knows. Pretty boy may get up earlier than he does, but it takes the younger a lot longer to really wake up.
Take a walk with me by @angelswithcigarettes - 2.9k, 1ch, Luke Alvez/Spencer Reid, Fluff, Angst, Ableism, Autistic Spencer, Spencer Reid Needs a Hug, Anti-Team
When Luke joins the team, he realises right away that Spencer is autistic. When he brings it up to the team to ask about accommodations, however, he learns that it goes unmentioned and un-assisted in day-to-day life. He promptly makes a significant effort to improve that.
Exact Moments by @ssa-noa - 1.2k, 1ch, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Vampire AU
Reid is a Human in a Vampire dominated field, and Aaron - a Vampire - finds out. (This one's kind of smutty/nsfw so be warned!)
The Last Time by @drivingmishcrazy - 2.7k, 1ch, Tara Lewis/Emily Prentiss, Friends With Benefits, Fluff, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Getting Together, Romantic Gestures
Emily always tells Tara that it’s the last time, and Tara finally has enough.
Marked For Later
better with three (series) by @thesunlightmuse - 13.2k, 4 works, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid/Penelope Garcia, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Autistic Spencer, Established Relationship, Polyamory
Derek, Spencer, and Penelope are in love. Nuff said, really.
Took You Long Enough by Captain Violet - 6k, 1ch, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Fluff, Confused Hotch, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers
Hotch really doesn't like Reid any more than he likes his other team members. At least, that's what he tells himself.
My Recent Fics
The One Constant - 4k, 1ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Temporary Amnesia, Insecure Spencer Reid, Dad Hotch, Flirting, Getting Together, Appendicitis, First Kiss, Angst with a Happy Ending, Misunderstandings, Domestic Fluff
Derek wakes up after having his appendix removed with temporary amnesia from the anesthesia, and Spencer certainly isn't prepared for the man he's pined after for four years to a) not recognise him, and b) start flirting with him. It all works out in the end, with a little help from Hotch.
I'll Never Know What It's Like Not to Love You - 1.3k, 1ch, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Reflection, Past Mutual Pining, Past Hurt Spencer Reid, Cuddling & Snuggling, Domestic Fluff, Canon Divergence, Late Canon
Spencer finds his old journals in the attic, and he and Derek reminisce on the days they used to pine for one another. Luckily, those days are over, and they have forever ahead of them.
The Colour of Hope is Red - 8.4k, 2ch, Gen/Aaron Hotchner & Spencer Reid, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, 5+1 Things, Hurt Spencer Reid, Recovery, Injury Recovery, Protective Aaron Hotchner, Found Family, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Triggers, Caretaker Aaron Hotchner, Whump, Insecure Spencer Reid, Platonic Cuddling, Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, Comfort, Dad Hotch
Five Times Spencer Panics Around the Team & One Time He Finally Relaxes or; Spencer's recovery from his physical assault, told through stories of interactions with his family
if a multi-chapter hotchreid fic interests you...
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gublersbooblers · 3 years
hotchreid headcanons to soothe the soul
- i think this goes without saying but aaron is SO protective of spencer! the stuff that happened with haley combined with spencer's complete lack of self preservation causes him to feel like he should fold spencer up and put him in his pocket and keep him safe forever because that's his boyfriend and he loves him 🥺 spencer knows he can take care of himself but will humor him
- spencer got on with jack right away and they are buddies!! spencer teaches jack magic tricks as a way to try to connect with him and they end up putting on magic shows for aaron sometimes and it takes everything he has not to cry watching the people he loves most be so excited and have such a good time together
- when they move in together spencer wants to get a cat and aaron says no because he's allergic but somehow they end up at the animal shelter the next day and aaron has to add allergy medicine to his collection of medications that keep his body functioning
- one of aaron's hidden talents is cooking. that man can THROW DOWN in the kitchen! except for grilled cheese. he always burns the grilled cheese and so spencer is the official grilled cheese maker of the house
- spencer is always cold but that's fine because aaron is a human space heater and he secretly loves when his boyfriend's toes slowly creep over and slide under his leg while they're watching a movie at home
- when they first get together, spencer is excited on the first case they go on because he thinks they'll get to share a hotel room but aaron pairs him with morgan and he pouts. a lot. but aaron won't budge because he refuses to be seen as unprofessional and is lowkey afraid that if records show that they shared a hotel room strauss will fire one or both of them
thank you @hotchseyebrows for pointing out that i posted this on the wrong blog at first hahahahaha oops
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17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
Oooh this is difficult, because I have my fic WIP, and my novel manuscript WIP. Hmm... Okay, if you want to hear the novel manuscript one send me another ask 💕 I'll answer it twice. But for my current WIP, I'm (finally) finishing The Construct of Time, my HotchReid "valentine's day" fic contribution. That has nothing to do with Valentine's day. And will end up being finished by the end of this month, September. I'm a work in progress myself, okay.
Lore, history, details: here we go. I'm doing a STUPID amount of research every single chapter for the smallest things. Pictures of the Smithsonian in the 1920's, the history of alchemy, time travel and science fiction, Enstine's theory of relativity, the invention of the rubix cube, maps of Georgetown from the 1920's, and jazz/big band Spotify playlists are just some of the tabs I have open next to my Googledocs.
Usually when I write I'm watching a Humphrey Bogart movie (alternating between Casablanca and The Maltese Falcon) or The Mummy (1999) -- for the vibes. This fic is a conglomerate of everything I've ever loved all rolled into one, and written way too fast so it's a little too flourishy and melodramatic, but it's so fun.
And it all started with this in my brainstorm notes: (it's going to be different in the story now, because a lot has changed and progressed in the published fic, so it's not technically spoilers anymore)
I want my damn Casablanca moment on a flightline. They stop the shipment/stolen goods/whatever. They are there windswept and looking at each other and Aaron in all his time-period-correct slang says ‘If you were dame, I’d kiss you.’ And Spencer’s soul cracks in his eyes, a broken thing that has him drawing back, and it’s so tragic and heart-breaking Aaron mutters, “To hell with it all.” Tosses his hat, pulls Spencer in so close his spine arches into a dip off his feet, and Aaron kisses the absolute breath out of him. Full on Scarlett O’Hara style. Soft lips and strong mouth, broad hands curving around Spencer’s frame the same moment artisanal, scholar-bound fingers catch and snag in Aaron’s coat and hair. They kiss like the world is ending, like no one is watching, without a care to if either of those things actually happen or not. The music swells, the vignette fades in, I want all the tropey cinematic moments.
Ask Game
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tobias-hankel · 2 years
Dare to Know
Summary: Hotch moves in with Spencer and finds out a lot about the young man, including who he has a crush on. 
This fic was written for the CM/MGG Roommate Challenge by @imagining-in-the-margins​
Prompt: Person A finds out more about person B since moving in with them than they ever had through years of working together/friendship.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Aaron Hotchner - hotchreid
Content Warning: Brief mention of underage gambling and getting a tattoo underage.
Word Count: 3425
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Hotch groaned as he got up from his office sofa. His back yelled at him, popping several times as he stretched.
“I’m too old for this,” Hotch mumbled to himself, looking back down at the sofa he had slept on.
Two months ago, Hotch had come home to find Haley and Jack gone. Haley had packed up their things and moved in with her sister, leaving Hotch in their house alone. Hotch tried to reason with Haley, get her to come home so they could be a family again but even he knew it was a lost cause. Their marriage had been on the rocks for some time, and they had thought that the arrival of Jack would repair things but being parents only highlighted their issues as a couple.
After filing for a divorce, Hotch decided that Haley and Jack should move back into their family home and that he would be the one to move out. The problem was that Hotch got too caught up at work and apartment shopping completely slipped his mind, and by the time he started looking around, nothing was available for at least a month.
That is how he ended up sleeping in his office. It wasn’t permanent but it worked until he could get into an apartment. Hotch always stayed late and got to work early, so no one should notice. Being a workaholic actually helped out this time.
The only problem was that the team had one other workaholic, Spencer.
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