#a lot of. My songs are supposedly 'hers' lmao
dilfsuzanneyk · 1 year
hehe time for more about my beloved Ace O'Spades:
she kicked off as a musician in the 80s when she was 23 (fresh out of uni)
she's singapore-born but moved to the US to study, and eventually migrated to live there for good
Ace is afab and gnc!! but she doesn't use that word to describe herself. she doesn't like putting a label on her gender and sexuality, and when asked about it she often dismisses it with a funny answer. she once said that she likes to think she's a big messy pile of every gender.
she picked the name "Ace" because she felt drawn to it, and her last name "O'Spades" solely because she thought it'd be funny to connect her last name to her first name
she has a bass named Andromeda!! she bought it with her own money when she was 17 and it means a lot to her
she has a bachelor's degree in art history
she's known for her bright pink hair and undercut. she dyes all of her hair except for the undercut!
she is married to someone named Nikolaus Haas, but Ace calls her Niki
the drawing i posted is meant to be a casual picture of her from 1984! that is how Ace dresses normally, her cropped sleeveless shirt being a trademark. she usually wears that along with bright patterned pants, her crust pants (which were also considered a trademark during the beginning of her career) or a skirt!! in more formal settings (like interviews), Ace liked to wear the brightest patterned button ups, or a simple shirt with a patterned tie.
most of her music starting out was all her. all the music and lyrics were written by her, and if she could help it, performed by her too.
as a result a lot of her early music featured mainly synths, guitars, drums and bass. the drums in her songs were usually simple and easy since she was self taught and not very good at it
she's mainly a bassist too, so she tends to go a little crazy and silly when writing basslines
eventually made a few friends and found some connections and got herself a band!! she's been playing with the same people since (except for her drummer who unfortunately passed away in 2001)
her songs are usually humorous and comedic, as Ace believed more than anything in "spreading joy, at least in one person". but she has quite a number of songs written about herself and her struggles too
she has one ep that are made up of five previously unreleased songs written about herself. three of them were written a long time ago, but she decided not to release them because she felt no one needed to be brought down by her own struggles
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
So Raph finally, once again, straight up admitted he's not an SA victim.
I have to give him credit for being honest. Lying about SA (which sadly does happen and I know people don't want to think about it, but it does happen) is a very disgusting thing to do. Like Viv lying about Raph being an SA victim!
What I can't him credit for, is putting his fetish material in a fucking show made for millions on Amazon Prime with no trigger warning.
Raph said that he could practice his kink safely and privately with other people. That would be totally fine and cool, if he didn't put his fetish material in a fucking show made for millions on Amazon Prime with no trigger warning.
He boarded Poison. He choreographed for it. His dialogue from his fucking Valangel rape comic was used in the scene. Viv clearly has a noncon/rape kink. She wrote and directed it. Which, again, would be fine if she didn't put their fetish material in a fucking show made for millions on Amazon Prime with no trigger warning.
It's extremely disgusting to have 2 people who have not been SA'd (Viv has not publicly come forward about supposedly being SA'd herself, and is now straight up liking posts saying you don't need to have trauma to like certain fetishes. Hmmm.) write and board a scene and plot like this. I know Sam Haft said he was a victim (and if that's the case then I am truly sorry) but he also said he wanted Raph, who clearly has issues and has a fetish for this (and also sexually harassed a 15 year old child) to come back to twitter. Also, what the fuck was that tweet about Fizz being a "baby slut"? I've seen Viv like particularly cutesy art of Fizz that's um... pretty gross and borders on fetishistic a lot of the time (mainly wearing children-esque clothing and acting cutesy). You can't have someone who clearly has issues to work in a professional environment.
I'm into noncon and have read hundreds of fanfics like ep4. It's clearly a noncon fanfic with a massive budget. Jesus Christ, I write fanfics like this, but I at least tag and rate everything and always state in my notes that I don't condone the actions of SA. And when I saw ep4... it's clear to me what it was.
Amazon needs to get this show pulled. It's insensitive and frankly sickening to a CSA victim like me, who also happens to be into noncon.
There's nothing wrong with practicing kinks with partners and keeping what you like behind closed doors, but it's another thing to disregard victims and survivors all for the sake of your wank off material that's being broadcasted to millions of people (with no trigger warning).
Oh, and then singing an extremely insensitive song about how if you're SA'd, that you're not unique and to continue to be a "coked up dick sucking ho!" That's right, you're a loser baby! A whiny fucking loser for being raped and abused! It's all your fault, you fucking moron! But hey, I have a gambling problem so we're both losers and we can eat shit together!
Seriously... how the fuck aren't people pissed about that song??
Also, Raph sexually harrassed a 15 year old child and Viv victim blamed the child.
How is this woman still a professional showrunner? Why hasn't she fired Raph? (Oh wait because she said she wouldn't on Threads lmao) Why aren't more people outraged?
The rose colored glasses need to come off at some point, people. Your objectively shitty demon shows aren't worth it.
Viv and her cronies are bad news from a professional standpoint, a marketing one, a decency one. They sprung a rape fetish scene on their entire audience and then laughed in the faces of the survivors who criticized it. They don't deserve a platform, and never did.
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heda-heather · 8 months
I don't live in America so I hadn't heard of Taylor Swift until lockdown because that was the first time I was chronically online. Fell down a rabbit hole of english songs (by english I mean the language english not the brits) and came out a swiftie. So anyways, I didn't know about Kaylor back then and Joe was the first person I saw her in a "relationship" with. I was completely unaware of the Gaylor and Kaylor community. Last year I came on tumblr, that was also the time when Taylor and Joe supposedly broke up and a lot of things didn't make sense to me, like the songs, the timings, their whole dynamic and how everybody just believed it, like what? And then I discovered the Kaylor swifties and the way it all fell into place like dominoes, my god it felt good. I just wonder sometimes how swifties can't see past it. Like dude I didn't even know about Kaylor and still figured that something's not right, how do these people manage to be so inherently oblivious?
Well you know, people see what they want to see, and they’ll say the same of us.
It’s actually pretty sad because Taylor is so much more than what they make of her. She’s really deep and thoughtful and she clearly researches the hell out of historical occurrences and influences that she incorporates into her work.
And yet these people obsess over this false idea of her. And I sometimes think that’s why she goes so over the top on the other end. “Oh you think I’m just some dumb girl who fawns over a boy? Well here, I’ll give you the most dramatic version of that ever. See you at the Super Bowl.”
But the problem is, they become obsessed with it and they go all in on it when she does.
And who catches onto that facade and thinks “hey wait a minute this seems weird?” Two sets of people: the ones who see her (us) and the ones who hate her (ex. far right psychos). And since the other side of the fandom will never want to hear from either group of us, they go to bat to defend this facade.
It’s actually insane. And they’re probably all gonna need therapy if she comes out one day 😂
But anyway, glad you see it too! Once I saw how deep the Gaylor/kaylor evidence was I was screwed lmao. There was no going back.
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spade-riddles · 2 years
Okay this might be a little of a longer ask but bear with me cause I haven’t seen anyone talk about this so far.
Midnights might not seem at first listen or even after several listens as a coming out album, but it actually is. It’s one step outside of the closet.
Midnights surprisingly has BARELY any male pronouns in all of Taylor’s true romantic songs. On the contrary, all the male pronouns are included in a derogatory and humiliating way. All the men mentioned in this album are all put under a very dark and negative light. Let’s go over the tracks.
Lavender Haze = A song that is 50% about bearding and 50% about hating the marriage rumors, which paint Toe in a negative light and put him in a bad position. She broadcasted her refusal of his proposal, basically.
Maroon = No male pronouns AT ALL. All “yous. A bonus: no man has scarlet lips.
Anti-Hero = All “yous” so far.
Snow on the Beach = The most pure and romantic love song on the album; has absolutely no “hes”.
You’re on Your Own Kid = A song that has a lot of “coming to terms with your sexuality” hints. Also the “hes” are painted in a negative light; how she never found comfort in or with men, not in romance or work.
Midnight Rain = A song about literally not wanting to marry a guy, lmao. I see this song as a way of telling the world that she refused to suppress who she is.
Question = A song that Taylor made in a very ambiguous way to not make it clear whether she is singing about a guy or a girl. Also the men in the song painted in a negative light. “Sad boy” and “dickhead” guy. Yet there are a lot of “hers” and it isn’t in any negative way.
Vigilante Shit = Do I have to explain anything? Lmao
Bejeweled = Also, do I really have to explain this one?
Labyrinth = NO male pronouns. Yet, the “yous” continue.
Karma = Hating men continues 😂 and the whole “Karma is my boyfriend” is a metaphorical phrase, but also who doesn’t call their girlfriend sometimes “boyfriend”?
Sweet Nothing = NO male pronouns, still. One of the sweetest and most romantic songs on the album. All “yous” baby.
Mastermind = SAME THING.
The Great War = No. Male. Pronouns. Ha.
Paris = Still going with the YOUs. Also the lyrics of this song 😏
Glitch = We still going. No male pronouns. Also “dudes who give NOTHING”. Can we be more obvious here?
High Infidelity = Also the way she paints both men is very negative and bad. The other guy supposedly “saved her”, yet the speaker in the song talks about how she used him in a dark and hard situation to get over how bad her at the time boyfriend treats her. Both are painted negatively.
Would’ve Could’ve Should’ve = Surprisingly has barely any male pronouns too! The “promising grown man” line only and it is a very negative line too.
I haven’t actually noticed how LITTLE Taylor used male pronouns even tho she used to force them into her songs until Evermore. I sat with the album for a while and just realized. Wow. This is very promising. She could’ve sneaked some in, yet she didn’t.
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yelldeadcellvrremix · 1 month
1 or 12
I'm choosing tripple violence for this one since there wasn't a fandom specified, so I'm doing THREE fandoms at once
1: The character everyone gets wrong
Devil May Cry: Ironically enough, despite being the literal main character, it's Dante. Everyone wants to keep this idea of him being just silly and dumb but they completely forget that it's just a front. He's definitely carefree and laid-back, but he isn't stupid. He knows what he puts himself through, he knows when to be serious. Even when he is joking and making quips and one-liners, Dante is still stressed about the situation he's in. Hell, he makes those jokes BECAUSE he's stressed, as confirmed by series creator Hideki Kamiya.
Going on a bit of a tangent: Lots of people complain about his theme song, Subhuman, supposedly not fitting his character because it's "too edgy" but they're dead wrong lmao. It's a PERFECT song that showcases just how much pressure he's put under and that it's incredibly easy for him to go berserk at any moment, so be glad he's choosing to use his powers to help humanity rather than harm it.
Sly Cooper: I'm with the rest of the fandom when I say that Penelope becoming a twist villain in Thieves in Time was an ass pull for the sake of a cheap twist, but honestly, it isn't like there's 0 chances of her doing something like that. While under her Black Baron persona, she brought on on pilots who'd commit awful acts like stealing parachutes and sneaking rat poison in the coffee machines. She basically brushed over all of that, and only really brought attention to the fact they were doing it at night, since that was when she'd take her disguise off and thus be exposed. Even if Penelope didn't encourage or participate in it, she doesn't seem to have issues with doing something worse than what the Cooper gang would allow themselves to do. At least, as long as she's not the one being harmed.
We also know nothing about her upbringing or why she's like that, so there's definitely room for interpretation and thus you can definitely write something that shows a logical progression for her becoming a villain. The problem is that it happened in Thieves in Time of all games.
12: The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Devil May Cry: Put Lucia in a better game. Even though I agree on DMC2 being the worst mainline game, Lucia makes the story absolutely worth it. Her story of having to come to terms with being a demon made to serve another is incredibly compelling and it sucks that Capcom barely acknowledges her. Like, seriously you'd think that she and Trish could have a few scenes with each other considering their similar backstories, but no. Even if you don't wanna play the game, watch the cutscenes. For her.
Metal Gear Solid: IF ROSEMARY HAS A MILLION FANS, I'M ONE OF THEM. IF ROSEMARY HAS 10 FANS, I'M ONE OF THEM. IF ROSEMARY HAS 0 FANS, THAT MEANS I AM DEAD. I'm just gonna link this video by Futurasounds Productions on why Rosemary matters so much. My only issue with it is that it paints Raiden as self-absorbed for rightfully not wanting to open up about his trauma. I will have to address this one complaint though:
"She cheated on Raiden while he was away!!" Honestly, I have to agree that this was bad...
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bisluthq · 1 month
When it comes to the *alleged* Taylor hook ups, how do you generally differentiate between tabloid fodder and people she ACTUALLY dated to some capacity? Also, why the fuck are people SO set on Matthew Gray Gubler and Alexander Skarsgård as "confirmed" things? Those are honestly two that I'm like the least sure of.
Alex Skarsgard is not a thing at all. They worked together on a movie where they didn't even share any scenes, the only pics of them are at group dinners with the rest of the cast, he was partnered at the time, she was like obsessed with Jeff Bridges on set (not romantically lmfaooo but like in terms of asking him about how to be a better actress and shit) and spent most of her time hanging out with him (per Jeff Bridges and other people involved) and she was also spotted flirting with Brenton Thwaites (who's a lot more age appropriate lmao and actually kinda more her type) and I don't think anything happened there either but Brenton's gf hated the absolute fuck out of her so I do think there was yk flirty vibes going on. The only reason people say it's a thing is because the WD MV is set on a film set in Africa and they filmed The Giver in Cape Town but like lmao working in Cape Town really (I would know) looks nothing like that vibe and she's explicitly said it was inspired by old Hollywood and her grandma and I guess Alex Skarsgard is "so tall, and handsome as hell" but so are many, many men and she's said the song is about her very pessimistic stance on relationships at the time and how everything's gonna end and nobody's going to take it seriously (see Douglas Booth lol who is also so tall and handsome as hell and had more of a WD storyline with her BUT I don't think the song is "about" him either).
MGG went to her Fourth of July party and they were rumoured to be talking. She supposedly reached out to him, they talked, he demonstrably went to her party, then it didn't go much further. I kinda buy they may have talked for a bit and like seen where it went idk but it was obviously not super serious ever.
In terms of how to tell bs from stuff with credibility, I look at the following things personally: 1) does the TL line up? Like were both people single/mostly single at the time? Were they in the same places, so is it even possible? 2) ideally, are there pics of them together (my best is blurry potato pics lol because that means they were trying to go unnoticed) and are these 1:1 or small hangs (so for example Dougie and Taylor sitting with Lena at a Fun. concert only really caught by other concertgoers or Hozier and her walking out a restaurant with just her security - if it's a big group of people then odds are they're all just friends lol because why bring your situationship to a HUGE hang?) 3) if there aren't pics of them together, who else has talked about this and what have they said? And what have they themselves said? Like I buy the Evan thing because of the expose of him mentioning it right? And that said it wasn't deep either and never a formal relationship. 5) on that same note, are they still friends lmao? Like Garrett and her aren't (well they were through Joe for a bit there but they don't have their own friendship as far as we can tell, despite both being close to Tim and Faith and having hung 1:1 in 2011). Hozier and her also aren't (despite hanging 1:1 for a while in like 2014). Douglas and her def aren't. If you were casually hanging with someone a bit and then you stop hanging with them and there are rumours you were hooking up, I don't think they did anything wrong but you probably - after realising you don't want to date them - don't see much point in hanging out 6) again, what have other people said and what have they themselves said? Like one of the reasons I truthered Tatty 1.0 is he'd said he'd been to most of her houses. Weird thing to do if you're just sorta friendly especially since they stopped being friendly when she got with Calvin. Or like Ashley Tisdale mentioning Martin and Taylor lol like weird thing for Ash to make up for no reason.
Basically exercise media literacy and common sense and also check the dates and see if it's even possible or if it's contradicted by a whole bunch of other stuff.
And my thing is also the simplest explanation is usually the best: so for Alex Skarsgard to "work", we have to tie ourselves into pretzels for it to be a possibility. Theoretically weird shit is possible, but it's highly unlikely. For her to have gone on a few dates with Garrett in 2011 when both were in Nash and were set up by mutuals and given she was sad about Jake and they were both single and the rumour mill says like they tried but just weren't really hitting it off like that makes perfect sense. So yeah. Kinda assess each thing case by case.
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textilesimp · 2 years
reflecting/brain dump thoughts as allo person in a relationship with an aroace partner
over the past year that we’ve been together i’ve undone a lot of my preconceived notions about what romance and sexuality and love and relationships are
and i still have a lot of undoing to do
i remember maybe a few months into our relationship my therapist asked about how i felt being with an aromantic partner as a person who does feel romantic attraction - as in how i felt being in a relationship with unreciprocated romantic feelings
i still don’t really know how to answer that question
i don’t really understand what romantic feelings or romantic attraction or romance are
frankly nobody seems to really know either
in all the conversations i’ve had with people in my life with varying degrees of romantic attraction
those that didn’t experience it could speak to many of the things they couldn’t relate to in romance focused society, but couldn’t say what it was that they didn’t experience (..because they didn’t experience it, which is fair lol)
and the people who did experience romantic attraction took that for granted enough that they couldn’t explain what it was either
(i got the same results from internet people and internet articles/resources btw)
which honestly has led me multiple times to the conclusion that romantic attraction is fake and there must be some other phenomenon or placebo effect nonsense that has caused all this romance hubbub
but i’m pretty sure that that can’t be it, because i’m pretty sure i experience romantic attraction
i don’t know what the fuck it actually is though and it’s lowkey driving me insane lmao
i want more concrete answers than “oh it’s when you really like someone and want to spend a ton of time with them” ok and? i like my mom and i’m pretty damn sure i’m not romantically attracted to her
ennywheys i’m asked about how i feel being in a relationship with unreciprocated romantic feelings
and i don’t really know the answer
partly because no one has a good explanation or definition for what romance is
but also because i don’t feel like there’s anything i’m supposedly missing out on
i feel loved and supported and cared for
my partner and i are open and explicit in communicating our needs and wants in a relationship and what we’re ok with to make each other happy
i don’t think i need romantic love to be reciprocated as long as the ways my partner’s love manifests itself fulfills my desires for a relationship (and vice versa)
at the same time, and this is definitely due at least in some part to my societally ingrained aphobia (arophobia? words hard help), i still wonder if there is something fundamentally different that our relationship doesn’t have that i want
i don’t know if it somehow feels different for someone to hold my hand because they innately desire it
instead of holding my hand because they love me and want me to feel all the happiness in the world, and they know it makes me feel loved
or maybe those two things are inherently intertwined
in stories, there’s something tragic about unreciprocated love
i don’t know if i believe that it’s truly tragic
nothing feels missing, it’s the hypothetical “what if” worry that buzzes around the back of my head
i have everything i need and i’m happy, i’m really, truly happy
i’m a swoony romantic. i want the good morning texts and the passionate kiss and the stargazing dates and the loving gaze. the stupid homoerotic flirting. i want her to call to say she misses me and listen while i tell her about all the wonderful and terrible things that happened today. to get rid of spiders before i see them because she knows i’m scared of them. to twirl me in the kitchen when my favorite song comes on. to remember facts about my hobbies and loved ones because i talk about them so much. to wonder with me about what a future together would look like, what furniture we’d buy, what jobs we’d have, what we’d do together to wind down in the evening before a good night kiss on the forehead
she does all these things and more, and i know she’d do just about anything i asked
she means the world to me
i love her
i love her so much
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citrusreadstoa · 2 years
Reading The Hidden Oracle: Chapter 34 (SPOILERS)
"His face was withered, as if every bit of moisture had been squeezed out of him." Oh yeah, they were about to try to set a water god on fire, weren't they? That is messed up on just so many levels. "a mental list I was preparing: Ways to Torture an Emperor in the Fields of Punishment." Can other gods add or suggest punishments to Hades? Sounds like it here.
"I don't get it . . . You're Apollo? Like, the Apollo." Oh yeah, they don't know yet. They've been tied up for days. Oh no, they were tied up for days! They probably think they've just been either saved by a loony or a charlatan.
"Hold up . . . when you say Nero..." Apollo has A LOT of explaining to do. Literally everyone here is out of the loop and half of them don't even know Apollo's human now. Also, "Austin raised his fingers like goalposts" has me cracking up for some reason.
"I thought the Colossus was destroyed centuries ago." "Supposedly, so was the Athena Parthenos. Now it's sitting on top of Half-Blood Hill." LMAO every ancient statue and piece of rubble is gonna be pulled out of the woodworks by the time Rick Riordan is done with the PJO series. "When a child of Ares makes a valid point, you know the situation is serious." Hey! Again with the assumptions based on godly parents! See, this is why the Ares kids always look grumpy. 'Cause of misconceptions like this.
"From somewhere in the distance came a rumbling sound like a battleship scraping over a sandbar." Um, is the Colossus just coming marching in like it owns the place? (I guess Nero acts like he already does own it, sooo) Sounds like an ineffective bulldozer if it's human-shaped, even if giant. "a big automaton wading ashore about half a klick from here." Children of Ares can sense attacks that accurately? See! They need more appreciation!
"I don't suppose any of you can fly?" "'I can cook,' Cecil offered." Oh Cecil, you precious pancake. What did you think that would achieve? "His job would be to shimmy back and forth and wave his hands, which he did with the enthusiasm of a tent-revival preacher." Again, I love Cecil. He just... idk. Also, "enthusiasm of a tent-revival preacher" is a perfect mental image for this comparison.
"I launched into 'Mama'" The only song by the title of "Mama" that I know is the one by My Chemical Romance from the album The Black Parade and I don't know if the lyrics "We'll let the fires just bathe us" are appropriate for this situation or if the campers can come close to mimicking the beat of the song.
"bonus ants is not a term most people would like to hear." It really isn't.
"safer than the sun chariot!" That's a really, really low bar. "Didn't the sun chariot almost destroy the world once?" Kayla knows what's what. "Three times, if you count the day I let Thalia Grace drive" And Apollo just reinforced her idea. He isn't helping his case. Also, pretty sure Thalia renounced her last name, as was mentioned in The Titan's Curse, but correct me if I'm wrong. I guess Apollo hasn't been updated on that. He didn't know "Nicholas" preferred to be called Nico until he was corrected.
"she smashed through the trees, leaving a thousand wooden splinters embedded in my back." Still safer than the sun chariot. Low bar.
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transmascblueblur · 2 years
9 People You Want to Get to Know Better
@nateriverswife Thanks for tagging me! Sorry this took me so long to get to!
1. Three ships
So I'm not really into shipping? Maybe it's my arospec-ness but it just isn't something I do really, so instead of a list of "ships I think would genuinely work" or whatever, have a list of "ships that just make me laugh to think about":
Boom!Sonadow. Other people have pointed out that they act like a divorced couple and it's so true. Shadow calling Sonic a disgrace to all hedgehog-kind for not being able to put up IKEA furniture is the moment I'm thinking of.
Lawlight. Imagining those two having feelings for each other is hilarious. They literally want to kill each other.
Beyond x Misa. A terrifying combination.
2. First ever ship
Oh god. Probably Cielois back when I was heavily into Black Butler as as 13 year old. (Again, more because it was funny than anything else.)
3. Last song
Little Pistol by Mother Mother.
4. Last movie
I'm not a film person I'm afraid. I've been watching lots of Secret Sleepover Society on YouTube (would highly recommend watching their Hitman playthroughs, Jacob and Julia are a delight), but I'll probably watch The Shining with my girlfriend tonight.
5. Currently reading
I'm physically incapable of reading just one thing at one time, so...
Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake (rereading for the second or third time, excellent if you enjoy extremely detailed purple prose and a really in-depth world, and general weirdness)
The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie (reading for the first time, and really enjoying it so far! transmasc protag ftw! also super interesting worldbuilding)
The Romanovs by Simon Sebag Montefiore (I'm writing a fantasy novel at the moment and imperial Russia is my primary worldbuilding inspo, so this is research)
Blood: An Epic History of Medicine and Commerce by Douglas Starr (medical history is an interest of mine, so yeah)
6. Currently watching
It really isn't my thing, but my girlfriend is currently on a South Park kick, so I've been watching a few episodes of that here and there with her.
7. Currently consuming
Water. Supposedly. I mean there's a bottle on my desk so?
8. Currently craving
Tea. I'll probably make a cup after I post this lmao
Tagging: nobody lmao. there's a few people I had in mind but I see they've already been tagged so I won't do it again for their sakes
This was fun! Thanks again nateriverswife!
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shakebelton · 1 month
tbh adam levine's songwriting output... they don't make 'em like that anymore. song after song is just like i'm digging my fingertips into the inside of your thighs, arching my back, breathing ragged while coming inside you, oh and also i'm crying, on my knees begging for help, running away to escape this toxic relationship, oh and also then becoming stronger and healing and rebuilding myself. in a lot of the music videos they make him the toxic one and the female actress suffering but like lol the songs are from his pov? kinda gay lmao. like the hurt heartbroken horny loser of it all is really both very sexy and ngl kinda queer (also why i vibe with blake shelton's 'pure bs' the most of all his albums tbh. it's unfortunately not sexy but very Loser). and then these days the hip-hop-inspired "i'm drowning in pussy" pop output is so whack. confidence should be more sexy than loser shit but they are failing miserably somehow. "oh did you hear there's more than one song on the charts about lesbians eating each other out?" yeah? so uh did you put your fantasties and lived experience in the lyrics or did you just chatgpt all synonyms for sexual verbs and phrases and copy paste them in the song? slap it smack it lick it whack it. am i supposed to be turned on lol? maybe there's something wrong with me. maybe i'm too much of an r&b girlie. or god knows older rock at least had orgasming guitar riffs. but then of course on the other end of the pop spectrum we've got pop country and its 10,000,000 songs about seeing a woman in a short skirt in a bar and buying her a drink being apparently the height of love/sexuality. i don't know, remember lust and murder? wasn't that sexy. 'shit damn motherfucker' could go on a sex playlist... 'lunch'? idk. if you listen to people online, shit today is supposedly the gayest, most sexual its ever been and yet it does nothing?????? don't you wanna feel something, don't you wanna have visceral images in your head? vroom vroom bra mountain! where's the blood, where's the hand imprint on the back, where's the rain soaked clothes. we used to have shit about something
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logosbot-tm · 1 month
Funnily enough, I've experienced more people being weirded out about me happily reacting to the band on their shirt, than I've ever experienced anyone questioning me when wearing a Nirvana or Ghost shirt (which have been the only two of my band tees to receive a reaction)
When I've worn Nirvana or Ghost ppl have gone "Oh! You listen to that band? Me too!" (BTW, this has been random ppl on the street)
Whilst when I've done that, the conversations have gone:
Me: Oh! You listen to that band! So do I! :)
The person: ...no???
Me: Oh. Uh...
The person: Why are you asking?
Me: Because you're wearing that shirt???
The person: * Looks at me like I'm being weird *
Those times have always felt very disappointing, and those ppl haven't even been strangers! They've been my classmates, and well, they have been those ppl who I've later realised doesn't like alt ppl, but I've just been happy about the fact that they're wearing a shirt w a band I like. Idk, it has made me feel really stupid lmao
That and the fact that the republican trump supporter I had in my class (he also spoke about how much he wanted to buy a gun) used to wear a Nirvana hoodie is why I feel iffy about ppl wearing band tees that have bands they don't listen to on them.
Sure, do what you want, wear what you want, but don't treat me like I'm the weird one for reacting the way you do when someone wears band merch. Also, maybe be a bit nicer to alr ppl if you're wearing a fucking mcr hoodie without listening to the band (that scenario was really weird actually.)
Also, do those men who supposedly say, "Name five songs?" Actually, exist? Are they actually common?
My sister listens a lot to Metallica, and she looks like any basic girl ever, with blonde hair and blue eyes.
And occasion she wears one of her mant Metallica t-shirts.
To my knowledge, I might be wrong, no one has ever questioned her. Instead, they've done the same thing I've experienced, asked if she likes the band and/or if she's been to their concert.
My friend tend to often wear a t-shirt of a band she doesn't listen to, but no one has questioned her either.
Like majority of ppl genuinely don't care if you listen to the band on the t-shirt or nah, but if they do listen to the band as well, there's a chance that they're going to react, so idk, be kind to them?
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vawsculturecorner · 9 months
My Musical 2023: Musings by a girl who can't stop getting high and tweeting
PART 2: Seriously are you fucking stupid this year was great for music.
Relentless Replays:
These albums could have made the all-star list because I played them enough for it. Consider these projects as taking the silver medal on the podium; albums absolutely worth listening to and if I could chuck everything into the all-star list, I would. Alas, artificial limitations.
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Antarctica - Bayang (tha Bushranger) Not content to leave 2023 without spoiling his fans, Bayang makes his catchiest, most optimistic project yet. "GANGA" is my favourite song he's released period and it sits aside a bevy of songs where you can hear how much fun went into it. Give it a bit of time to process (it was a December release after all) and this could easily be my favourite Bayang project and definitely the one that will get the most playtime because of how accessible it is.
I Was Mature For My Age But I Was Still A Child - Grouptherapy Do you also miss BH because they were formative to your growth as a person and all the allegations coming out against them have you down? If so boy howdy do I have the album for you! IWMFMA reels you in by reminding you of the Saturation era (in particular the first instalment) but doubles down on the fundamentals, swapping DIY coarseness for polished technical prowess. Bombastic, chock full of personality and incredibly versatile, there is a track for every person and every occasion here.
Beloved! Paradise! Jazz!? - McKinley Dixon Mckinley Dixon made For My Mama and Everyone Who Looks Like Her, so I should not have been caught as off-guard as I was when this project was released. And yet, the first time I heard this album I was already convinced it was practically flawless. In its brevity, BPJ doesn’t skip a single beat nor miss a lick of detailing and polish, as each song feels vibrant and full of the essence of living.
April Mixtape 3 - Snow Strippers I have never been an EDM girly, but this album makes me want to go to raves, drop a tab and just space out for hours. Endlessly replayable with beautiful vocals soaked in distinct internet electronics, this album will make even the most intense introverts want to take caps and stare at glow sticks for a night. The Aux - Blockhead A cavalcade of creatively assembled instrumentals featuring a highlight reel of the underground hip-hop elite. Blockhead casually reminds you why he is one of the best producers working right now. 
Shapeless - Daine I read a lot of think pieces about the death knell of hyperpop in 2023 but with releases like Shapeless, I think people are opting to be wilfully deaf. Daine puts their whole chest into every hook on this album with beats that flutter with technological clangs and heaves. Exhilarating hyperpop euphoria Quaranta - Danny Brown Danny Brown returns with an album that has supposedly been finished for a few years - telling, considering that the emotional poignance of the album feels very specific to a point in time. Fantastic and highly consistent, it is a much more mellow album for Danny but no less quality than what we have come to expect. Guts - Olivia Rodrigo You motherfuckers tried to write this girl off as making teeny-bop music and I won't forgive you for it. Olivia Rodrigo is one of the most promising pure-pop artists of this generation. She says it on the opener - she knows her age, acts like it, and makes music that perfectly encapsulates it to boot. Sundial - Noname Lmao im sorry fuck Fantano, Noname is one the most important artists of the current day and Sundial is a testament to both her intellect and spirit, with words that prick the conscious like spears. I genuinely do not have the words to describe the beauty of a track like gospel?, nor her second verse on "balloons" which tactfully breaks down the voyeurism of black art. You almost have a responsibility to sit with this album properly.
Bite-sized Brilliance
2023 was the year of the EP and I'm so glad because they are great introductory pieces to artists or just compact packages of enjoyment.
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Violet, Zion Garcia, Darling - LITERALLY EVERY FULL CIRCLE RELEASE For my coldest take so far, 2023 was the year of Full Circle. With growing attention on Western Sydney, this clique absolutely spearheaded it. Every single release from every single artist was fantastic and at least one song off each made my year favs. (there is another project that Im gonna mention in my all-star list hehe). If you want grungey RNB with vocals that smother in sensuality, listen to Dylan Atlantis. If you want creative Jazzy hip-hop from one of the brightest upcoming rappers in Aus, Zion Garcia. If you want a digital genre collage dedicated to the sounds of the city, FRIDAY* is your man. Anticipating everything this group does for the foreseeable future. GUILD I - SEVY x GRASPS x BAYANG x UNCLE KAL They really got Kal rapping again - with tracks that are this undeniably infectious, I can see how! Feel-good fun for late-night activities Another Triumph of Ghetto Engineering - Open Mike Eagle and Lilac Diesel - R.A.P FERREIRA A couple of short but sweet releases by two underground hip-hop legends that should keep fans satiated until their next major releases. Reflections on the Water, ONE7OVE, Michelangelo - Gian Santorno One of the most promising discoveries I made this year, Gian raps on the perfect instrumentals to suit their vinyl-crackle rapping and the unashamed self-dissection of themself is enthralling.
The Singles!
There were a lot of good single tracks this year! Here they are below! Yes, it's a tidal playlist - if you actually want to download it I might port it to Spotify but we really gotta stop using Spotify gang it's a 2024 out.
VAWS 2023 TOP PICKS The bolded ones are my all-stars for 2023 Again - Snow Stripers Babylon by Bus - hot take, its the best song on the standard version of Maps Be Like U - Sidney Phillip Among many of Sidney’s strengths is her ability to be so fucking endearing jesus fucking christ this song is so cute Black Knight Croatia - Too Birdz Blocked call - ARMAND HAMMER MY HEART PUMP KETAMINE Blood on my grails - Goyard Ibn Said
Bring Wet Cunt - Zheani bugging! - brakence Burn City Linkup (Hell) Butterflies- Skrillex, Four Tet, Fred Again CARDIO - 1300, SOLLYY Celibate - Danny Brown featuring MIKE The Cellar Dwellas Knew - Blockhead featuring Quelle Chris Dang - Caroline Polachek Mother made a beautiful tropical album and said hey you want some of that PC music shit too? DELRESTO (Echoes) - Travis Scott x Beyonce Dexamphetamine - BAYANG x NERDIE Double Trio - By Storm Dying in the City  - FRIDAY*  Technologic disassociation and the city’s chaotic casing as you miss your last bus out for the night ealthystay - lil ket featuring Sidney Phillips A certified hood classic banger. SELLING PGR BUT IM SMOKING MEDS ON MY OWN
Effy - Sidney Phillips I really do be Effy, I really do be Cassie.  Eternally Hateful/Young Drunk Drivers - Kirin J Callinan I could not pick because both of these songs are weirdo pop bangers and I love him for it. Fried Ice Cream - Wiki and Tony Seltzer featuring ZelooperZ GANGA - Bayang (tha bushranger) featuring LIL PIXIE I fucking love Bayang (tha bushranger) - BOYS BE YELLING GANG BUT STILL TOO BITCH TO HANG WITH GANGAS GIMMIE UR LOVE - GUILD God Loves You - Danny Brown x JPEGMAFIA The Gods Must be Crazy - ARMAND HAMMER El-p must be crazy for this beat YOU FEEL ME
Got Me Started - Troye Sivan Fantano made me mad when he said this was a cheap interpolation it's brilliant and much like the other singles from this album, quintessential summer hits for your inner gay  gospel? - Noname featuring $ilkmoney and billy woods Half-Life - Slauson Malone Homeostasis - Gian Santorno He left Nothing for the Swim Back - SKECH185 x Jeff Markey The first single I heard this year, I told you then that nothing was going to top this. Cataclysm rap for a dying century.  how i'm feeling - grouptherapy. Pretty good hbu I Believe - Caroline Polachek Rest in peace SOPHIE - I love you, thank you. I Know? - Travis Scott I'VE BEEN YOUNG - George Clanton Lethal - Frost Children Living Curfew - Aesop Rock featuring billy woods An all-star pairing with a witchy, woozy and lingering fear that tiptoes through the instrumental. Those haunting background vocals make me forget I'm even listening to a song. One of my favourite songs by both artists.  Love is Embarrassing - Olivia Rodrigo She's right you know. What's not embarrassing is singing this on top note in your car to get over your ex Making the Band (Dainty Cain) - Earl Sweatshirt Acid Hip Hop draws Earl into an era of cosmic future hip-hop - the upcoming album is shaping up to be something special Mungu (God) (Remix) - Blu, Notzz, Black Shakespeare, Bloodmoney Perez No Assumptions - SOLLYY Featuring Dylan Atlantis OPPBOY DOW - OPPBOYZ Pits of Hell - JSV The strength of empire at odds with maniacal chaos. Machiavellian rap perfection plz don't cut my wings - MIKE stuns with tragic, breathtaking beauty. The instrumental is a matrimonial fit for both his style and more solemn emotional side and he glides gracefully on this track like an angel on ice skates. An earl feature doesn’t hurt anyone either.
Prim Proper Freestyle - Zion Garcia A perfect introduction to one of the most promising rappers in Eora, if not Aus. RENO - Teether x Kuya Neil The Roach - Genisis Owsusu Running Out of Time - Paramore An ode to perpetual lateness but making your best attempt anyway Satisfy - Dylan Atlantis The sensuality of this song drips from every word like beads of sweat. An incredible song by an incredible artist Scandalous - Kavi This song could literally turn you into an internet micro-celebrity you can just breathe the controversy. Vibrant and fun as fuck, stream Kavi cause this boy is a future icon. Slap (Telegram) - Sidney Phillips, lil ket, Skracha This song is like a hybrid of three completely separate strains of internet music smashed together and turned up to 11 and its fucking beautiful and I love it So You Are Tired - Sufjan Stevens The fatigue of love in all its terrible beauty. A quiet whisper for love that lingers through the toughest of times. I hope you are ok Sufjan. START A RIOT - Breakfast Road Stay Close - Daine stunt - (when I see u) - They Hate Change The future is offering you a sneak peak, don’t avert your gaze
Sucker Free - Key Glock Sunset - Caroline Polachek Take Me There - Fielded featuring Teether Take Off - Breakfast Road That Cunt - Bootleg Baby, lil ket, Sidney Phillips Touching Yourself - The Japanese House Intoxicating sapphic serenade about women loving women (ME AND FUCKING WHO) Track one from the new Andre 3K record These song names are fucking ridiculous and I'm not as sold on this album as the rest of you but fuck me if this opener isn't soul-affirming. Troy (Cover) - TROPHIE Trophie is another artist I discovered this year and I’ve seen her perform this song about 5 times live already and it Is awe-inspiring every time I hear it  Tyler, Forever - McKinley Dixon
The Well - Behind You featuring Rako, Teether and BAYANG) where's my head at _ Basement Jaxx x 100 gecs I can’t explain to you why this is quintessentially Australian mid naughties electro-pop if it was brought screaming into 2023 but it sounds way too fucking good
You Can Be Mean to Me - Indigo De Souza Men suck and ex's also suck and we girlies deserve better. A perfect encapsulation of the part of moving on where you just roll with the gut punches, absorbing power in passing politeness
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starshinc · 9 months
💿 u know who this is for lmao
send me a 💿 and i'll shuffle my music and write a starter based on the first song i get - accepting!
song: over my head (cable car) - the fray.
everyone knows i’m in over my head.
this had been a common theme throughout the boy’s life. from the moment he was first diagnosed as quirkless. at first, izuku had done his best to carry on as if everything was fine, and he would still achieve his dreams of being a hero. he could become the first quirkless hero! that is, until the world started giving him harsh realities. the first instance the look of pity in his mother’s eyes, the whispered apologies - i’m so sorry, izuku! - which wasn’t what he needed in that moment. he needed her to believe in him, but maybe things would be different at school? perhaps-
the second harsh dose of reality, thrown over him like cold water - the flashing target that was constantly fired at. eventually, as a result, izuku made that decision to simply make the target as small as possible by opting to switch to silence. signing or writing his way through communication, not engaging with his peers or mother alike. that was fine, he simply wouldn’t draw much attention to himself. if he couldn’t be a hero this way, he’d simply become one through the support course. he could build, create - and these would absolutely make sure other people, quirk or not, non-offensive quirks - could become heroes.
i’d rather run the other way than stay and see, the smoke and who’s still standing when it clears
then disaster struck. as katsuki was taken from his class during that supposedly routine training camp. what followed after - desperate struggles to track the movements of the new “ground zero.” walking stupidly right into the fire and flames, risking it all to bring katsuki back from the depths of conditioning - away from the league’s clutches and have recovery period started. in a way, this recovery period seemed to be for the both of them, despite izuku never truly understanding it. a lot of his energy went into kacchan, after all. still, at least in the beginning - and still now, taking the time to think about it - their relationship was still extremely rocky.
i won’t let it go down till we torch it ourselves-
of course, izuku couldn’t give up - even when reversing the conditioning was providing extremely difficult. at times, the only people the blond seemed to tolerate in his room were his parents, aizawa-sensei and maybe izuku himself. though this appeared rare, the atmosphere frosty at best and straight up explosive at worst. it was difficult, too, with izuku still getting used to the hand now covered in scars and sometimes limited movements, a souvenir from his attempt at bringing katsuki back. still, he was absolutely determined.
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Good Morning, Kacchan. His signing is awkward, favouring his left hand over the over. How are you feeling today?
He’s way in over his head here, but he wants to keep trying. Katsuki deserved to be a hero after all this.
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bilbao-song · 9 months
hello again! secret rocker santa here - the weekend totally got away from me. i hope yours was good! i don't have a ton of holiday or end of the year activities planned but i am excited to go get the christmas tree particularly bc my cat loves it and thinks it's a little forest sanctuary just for her and that makes me so so happy! i don't have a ton of decorations but i have some from when i was a baby that my mom saved for me and stuff like that, so it's kind of nice. and i love my stocking - it was made by a friend of my great grandmother for my very first christmas. what about you? any exciting activities in the next few weeks?
i love how bands and artists can just feel so much a part of the fabric of you and your life like the way you describe ELO and jeff! from your tumblr i can also see you like elton john and marc bolan among others. what other bands or musicians are you listening to a lot? do you listen to any music outside of the classic rock genre (i don't even know what counts as supposedly classic rock anymore so take this to mean however you cut off classic rock i guess???)
hope you have a great week!!!
yaaaay hi :-) ooooh do you get a real tree every year? in my family we've only ever had fake ones (but it's okay bc we always do more than one!! this year we have four) (also pleeeeeaaaase tell me more about ur cat <3 i hope she enjoys her tree)
i don't really have any particular plans at the moment!! i'm supposed to go to some kind of fancy holiday dinner thing this weekend so i'm looking forward to that, but otherwise nothing in particular?? i will probably make christmas cookies this week though lmao
umm! well yes elton john and marc bolan are definitely some favorites of mine :-) beyond that i also like the bee gees, the beatles, cat stevens, donovan, todd rundgren, jim croce, simon and garfunkel........there are lots more tbh but those are the ones that come to mind first!! i feel like there's not a ton of variety represented there haha but i do like almost anything :')
i mostly listen to classic rock/classic rock-adjacent things tbh. i'm definitely open to newer music but there's not really much that ranks among my favorites so far, really. there are some individual songs i like/enjoy hearing when i'm out in public lmao but not really any artists i'm particularly into. what about you??
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spade-riddles · 2 years
Glitch is such an interesting song. It is one of Taylor’s most Kaylor songs ever.
We were supposed to be just friends = I don’t see how this could be about Toe? She supposedly met him in the Met Gala was eyeing him, THEN hooked up with Tom? Also decided to hook up with Toe in the way? How were they supposed to be friends when in High Infidelity she said she was aiming for a hook up with Toe to forget about Calvin’s behavior (even tho the truth is, she actually did that with Tom not Toe lmao). How was she aiming for a friendship here??? Like if they work colleagues, maybe. The narrative isn’t even making sense.
You don’t live in my part of town/ But maybe I’ll see you out some weekend = This lyric clearly means this person lives in the SAME country but not the same town/city/area. It doesn’t mean that this person is from another country all together. Also the maybe I’ll see you out some weekend. Toe is based in London, how, at the time, would she randomly see him out some weekend? Like how did she know this could happen, if it depends on whether he is actually in the US or not.
You have to be living in the same country/area or someone who moves a lot like T&K to cross paths with people. Also you’re likely American if you move between NY, LA and Nash. Toe was/is still a very small actor and I don’t see him going from NY to LA to Nashville? Lmao, I can’t see how this is directed at him at all. On the other hand, Karlie and Taylor are people that could VERY likely cross paths and meet.
Another very important point. Taylor was traveling the world with Tom at the time. I know she was just getting those pap pics and moving on with her day, BUT, how did she even manage to see Toe around anywhere? Like HOW? She was all over the world. When did she make the time for him?
There is this myth of Taylor living with Toe in London even tho this has no concrete facts. It is way more convenient for Taylor to be based in the US as she mainly works and records her music there. I don’t see why would she do that. On the other hand, we have ACTUAL proof of Karlie convincing Taylor to move to NY to be closer to her. “You don’t live in my part of town” so what she did is she moved to her lover’s part of town.
When she says “our love black-out”, it’s such a tricky lyric and she put it there to make it go with the public narrative (that doesn’t even make any sense) but the people who care to know are aware of what it means. BUT when Jack in the background sings “our love is blacking-out”… it just doesn’t make sense. It can’t be about Toe.
Blacking-out definition is = to become unconscious suddenly but for a short period. A love that became unconscious suddenly (2016) but only for some time. How can this apply to her relationship with JA? They are in a public relationship, she is “supposedly” writing songs about him left and right. How is their love “blacking out”.
When someone blacks out, it means they are completely unaware of anything that happens around the time they blacked out. All they see is black. It means something or someone is gone for sometime then they are back again after a while. Ehm.
Glitch/System is breaking down = who is a model that is involved with coding/creating systems? Bruh.
A love that is suddenly unconscious but for a period of time. God, how can she be more clear?
Good post. I interpret the love black-out to mean the public black-out of Kaylor's relationship. They went dark (out of the public eye).
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gladiolidiaries · 11 months
omfg freddieismyqueen!! did she delete her channel i see reuploads though kinda want to rewatch just to feel something. my insta username was derived from her user 😭 (it was so easy to hack me i can't believe, my password was louis insta user lmaoooo)
yeah adding eleanor to the mix makes it so confusing. i mean they reunited after babygate and were together for a while (i think they broke up again?) maybe she became a vv close friend 😭, but idk i should look at everything again. even young me didn't believe the triplet theory, what did u think about it? do you remember that kiss they had at a sport event where she had her eyes open (idk if he did too) that one haunted me lmao
i was more of a louis girl so i remember more about him and his things. plus as a youtube larrie i dont think i ever heard about harry living with many ppl i def need to read more because i def missed many things because i was an idiot child 😭.
i remember the triplet theory 😭 honestly its true that eleanor used to look different on a lot of pictures back then but i think its just bc they were editing her nose lol. and then when people would see clip and see her nose they'd think it's a different girl.
i remember most eleanor/louis moment a bit too vividly cause they were analyzed so extensively lol. honestly it just never felt organic to me. and its funny that the story of them meeting up was supposedly cause she worked at the bakery harry worked at lmao.
tbh i just believe the theory that she was the daughter of an exec (rich) and it was convenient because she wanted to be a model. definitely became friends over the years. if it turns out that he really dated her then he seems like a pretty cold and emotionally detached guy. every time he's been asked about her in interviews he seemed so annoyed by it. and she doesn't really fit in most of his song lyrics (maybe i'm still delulu)
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