#a narnian look about them
You can associate each of the eight British Narnia protagonists (seven friends + Susan) with a particular fruit of the Spirit.
Peter=Peace. In both LWW and PC, his work is to bring peace both within his own family and in Narnia.
Susan=Gentleness, obviously. It's her royal cognomen and one of her defining traits.
Edmund=Faithfulness. He was faithless to his family, but through Aslan's sacrifice he mended and became faithful.
Lucy=Joy. She frequently experiences unique moments of joy, wonder, numinous delight, and inarticulable happiness.
Eustace=Goodness. Transforms into a person capable of true, heroic goodness when Aslan tears away his scales.
Jill=Patience. Must remember the signs, a task requiring great patience at which she fails repeatedly. However, she learns, and when she goes back to England she prepares for her return to Narnia.
Digory=Self-control. He fails in this by striking the bell, but makes amends for his actions and ultimately grows into the wise, discerning Professor Kirke.
Polly=Kindness. Reaches out to Digory, then a stranger, when he is suffering and invites him into her life. Forgives him easily and helps him in his quest.
This leaves Love, which is of course Aslan.
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tending-the-hearth · 3 months
thinking about how canonically the pevensie siblings are 13, 12, 10, and 8 in "the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe"
thinking about how lucy needed a stool to be able to get up onto her throne, how peter's sword is a little too large for him, how susan's bow is a little too difficult for her to pull back, how edmund's shield nearly covers his entire body.
thinking about the pevensie siblings and their first few months in narnia, getting to know their new people, and half the narnians sitting there horrified because WHAT have these literal babies been through to give them such traumatized, old eyes, and the other half of the narnians are preparing to adopt them, no it doesn't matter that they're the rules, they're children who are being put in charge of too many things, and if peter looks at the old man council long enough he's going to cry, so someone needs to give him paternal support while aslan is off doing Lion Jesus Stuff™️ and whoops oreius is being nice and encouraging and now he's adopted his kings and queens they're his kids now he doesn't make the rules.
just the narnians and the pevensies being thrown into it together, and just as the pevensies will do anything to protect their new kingdom, the narnians will do anything to protect their rules, because let's be honest, these children have no sense of self-preservation, and are far too overprotective of each other and their people to take into account their own safety, so a lot of battles it's just one of the pevensie siblings running headfirst into danger with oreius running after them because his kids are feral and don't know proper royalty manners and won't threatening old kings from different countries because they're being assholes and the last time one of them tried undermining the queens susan called him a self-righteous asshole and lucy tried to stab him SOMEONE help him corral his children please
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fairmerthefarmer · 3 months
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Susan Pevensie comes back from Narnia and tries to forget, not because she doesn't believe in Narnia anymore, but because it hurts too much thinking about what she lost.
In Narnia, she was revered, respected. People wrote songs about her, asked for her hand in marriage. She was with her siblings, and she was free, and she could finally stop worrying about her brothers dying in an air raid. She had a people she protected, a land she ruled, and family to look after. She was respected in courts and battefields alike.
Narnia brought other problems, of course. Not all her suitors were kind about her rejection, and Peter and Edmund were expected to lead armies, which meant they were always in the line of fire. More than once had they come home with grave injuries that took months to recover from, even with Lucy's secret potion.
It is this Narnia Susan vividly remembers just aftee she comes back, a wild and savage land where magic roams free, but evil roams free too. It is the Narnia of eternal winter, of giants and ogres, of Aslan dying on the Stone Table. The Narnia of Telmarines, of dead friends, of failed sieges.
England forces her back into obedience, into a mold. Tells her to behave in a way expected of a young lady. Lucy can stay wild a little longer, but Susan has an education to focus on, men to impress. England tells her she is below her brothers again, should get married and have kids.
So Susan tries to forget, convincing herself that the stiff upper lip, tight collars, kneelong skirts, ridicule from adults when she speaks her mind and forced silence is better than the freedom she had in Narnia.
For that freedom had to be paid for in blood. At least in England her family and friends don't risk dying, not after the war.
She alienates from her brothers and sister further. She tells them Narnia was a game, a fantasy. But the difference in faith is also due tk the way she has to hide how it changed her. Peter, Lucy and Edmund do not have to. The boys write long essays about justice and religion, join the fencing team. Lucy dances everywhere she goes and is known to never wear shoes if she can help it.
But the archery club at school will not accept Susan. Neither will the debate team. Her teachers are annoyed with the fact she never slips up, disgruntled at the fact a woman runs rings around them intelectually. Susan is a young woman after a time of war, and all of society would rather she shut up and do what she is told.
Soon, Susan has new friends, new things that matter. All these adult thoughts she can only discuss with her brothers and sister drive her crazy, and there is no one around that takes them seriously. And so she tries to grow up as fast as possible, get to an age where people listen to her again. She forgets so that she doesn't have to deal with the feeling she was meant for much more, to ease the mourning of all that she lost when she kissed Caspian goodbye.
All the Pevensies start forgetting Narnia slowly, the memories fading. Soon none of them remember the names of their generals at Beruna. They forget the smell of battle, the weight of an iron sword in their hands. But they all still walk as if their crowns are on their heads, and ride horses in a way none of their instructors understand. It takes a while before they are back to their Narnian levels, but it is clear to them someone has instructed them before. None of them can figure out what commands they use, however. Is it western style, perhaps? Or maybe rodeo? They cannot have been taught in England, not with the amount of control they can exert with and without saddles, the sense of balance. Some of their teachers are astonished by their academic growth, but others attribute it to the lax education standards after the war. Susan is sold short most often, but all the Pevensie children suffer from arguments with teachers and attitude problems. Teachers generally don't like it if you behave like you are older or more important than them. It's worse because they are almost never wrong, even though all of them feel the effects that having a teenage brain has on their speed of thought and the coherence of their arguments.
The Pevensies deal with these remnants of Narnia in different ways. Susan becomes an actress. She picks West End over Oxford because the stage is a place she is allowed to be free. And since Narnia, dry textbooks don't thrill her like they used to, while the fantasy concepts of spirits and courts and magic and other things thespians work with entince her all the more. Inside her is a longing to become someone else. She knows where it comes from, but she doesn't want to acknowledge it.
Susan plays a queen often, or a diplomat, or a model. Something about her performances have audiences hooked, convinced she was royalty in a different life.
Remembering Narnia hurts. She scolds someone for being reckless with the stage props while teaching them the correct way for a full minute before realizing the person in question is older than her, and doesn't listen to a young woman. He has the same name as her younger brother.
So Susan forgets. But as she carves her way into the elite of old Hollywood, years later, she begins to remember as well. What it's like to have a voice. How it feels like to have people listen.
When Lucy, Edmund and Peter die in the train accident, Susan weeps for days. She knows what she has lost in them. She is now the only person fluent in their interpersonal language, the only one that still remembers the mating call of the centaurs, what jokes a forest spirit makes. She is now truly alone in the world.
Narnia comes rushing back to her during this grieving period. Eventually, she remembers that she used to have a voice, a crown, lovers of whatever gender she wanted. And also how Narnia would have you pay for freedom in blood. They gave up on that freedom to protect her siblings. only to lose them anyways. Suddenly, Susan remembers how Narnia was fair, how a bargain struck was a bargain kept. She remembers the nymphs, the trees in spring. She remembers the beauty of it all.
Later, when Susan is a grown woman and an arrived actor in Hollywood, Aslan begins returning to her dreams. He never speaks to her, but the sight of him gives her strenght. She was once Susan the Gentle, who accompanied Aslan to his death. It is time she returns to being that person.
After the Stonewall riots and during the AIDS epidemic, Susan is the only actress willing to make a public stand. It costs her 2 box office hits and a 3 month ban from the tabloids. But she remembers justice, and the price of freedom. Others start looking to her for wisdom, just like they did all those years ago. Susan feels her quiet strenght returning, her faith slowly coming back.
She stops wishing she could forget Narnia. The magic that was responsible for the memory faded with time. Maybe it was just to protect her from mourning a world where she was so much more.
When Susan looks at the boys coming back from wars in Korea and Vietnam, she recognizes the look in their eyes. Reflected in their behaviour is a maturity that shouldn't be present in teenagers. The loss of innocence, the unrepairable damage to their childhood illusions. It is a look she spent her twenties avoiding mirrors for, because she knew what it meant. No matter what she told herself then, she believed in Narnia. She still does now.
She knows her siblings are in a different place now, and that she revoked her faith in that place, but slowly, as the years grey her hair and wrinkle her face, she begins to believe she may one day join them there. She remembers Aslan as a kind lion, even if he wasn't a tame one.
She grew old in Narnia once, after all. She hopes to die there.
Once a queen of Narnia, always a queen of Narnia
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caelestisregina · 9 months
Starter for @iustusrex takes place during the Dawn Treader
Diane had been at the Scrubb residence for a few weeks. After begging, nearly on hands and knees to visit Edmund and Lucy during the summer. The spring break during the year not nearly enough time. She promised she'd be safe. As that was the main thing her grandfather had asked as Mrs. Macready helped her into the carriage. She had been rooming with Lucy, but would sneak into Edmund and Eustace's room at night to spend more time with Edmund. She was sitting next to him on her bed in her and Lucy's room, staring at a painting of a ship at sea. Sometimes when she stared at it, she felt like the boat itself was moving, and it felt Narnian to her.
"There were once two orphans and a strange girl who talked of nursery tales of a place called Narnia." Eustace's voice rang as he barged through the open door, causing Diane to narrow her eyes, clenching and unclenching her fist that sat in her lap. "You sure I can't kill him?" She whispered lowly, looking over at Edmund before glowering back at the younger boy. Who decided it was best to continue egging them on. "Who thought pretending they were kings, queens, wives and husbands were better than living with facts in reality." That's what made Diane snap. Her lips pursed into a thin line as she stood up, walking closer to the blond. She towered over him, even if by a few inches. "What gives you the right to talk to us, especially ladies, in such a manner? I would watch your mouth if I were you. Otherwise I'd give you something to actually talk about." Her relatively calm demeanor gone as she inhaled, letting it out in a shaky breath. "You are so ungrateful. If you took a moment to look at what you have instead of complaining about what you don't you wouldn't be so much of a brat."
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Dating Edmund Pevensie Would Include...
From my Wattpad!!
warnings: sexual allusions, not proofed
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- your sassy King - Edmund is sooooo possessive of you - Between Caspian, Peter, and all the other horny Narnian boys, he has to be - Sitting by the water and reading together is your favorite thing - Dressing in his blouses... - ...and him taking them off of you;) - You love running your hands through his hair - He slaps them away but - He secretly loves it - Him sneaking into your bed chamber at night - Wrapping his arms around you - Or you sneaking into his after a looong day of "kingly" work - Calming him down after an argument with Peter or while negotiating - Sex after too - Watching him train - He is sweaty... - and tries to hug and kiss you - You try to fight it, - But you always end up losing... - Maybe on purpose - He loves kissing you - Anywhere - And everywhere - He gets a little scandalous too - He has definitely made you squirm under the dinner table a few times - You scolded him that night - "Edmund! You will never do that again!" - "Well, did you enjoy it Darling?" - You didn't reply which only aided in the boosting of his ego and the wide grin on his face - Lots of kissing in the corridors. - And let's just say Peter is very annoyed at how thin the walls are - He has a pretty dirty mind but he won't pressure you into doing anything - He keeps his fantasies to himself - Until you find out... - Shushing him when he whispers dirty things into your ear - Yelling for you in the middle of a battle - "Y/N!" - "Edmund! Are you hurt?" - "No, Love! Just wanted to say I love you!" - "You're an idiot!" - He's usually stressed after a battle - Naturally, you "calm" him down - Not to mention how damn good he looks after a battle... - messy hair, his dark eyes flaming, sweaty, a little bloody, pale skin flushed - you trace his freckles while laying in bed <3 - hugs from behind - he also loves your hair - mostly when it's down - when you're talking on the shoreline? he will reach behind you and take it down - making out? your hair is coming down - even in battle one day. - Your hair was in a loose knot on top of your head - "FOR NARNIA!" - Peter had led the rest of the Narnian soldiers into battle - Before you could go with them, Edmund pulled you back - "Stay safe. If you die, my Love, I'll kill you." - He kissed you quick and ran off into battle - It wasn't until he'd gone that you realized he had taken your hair ribbon with him
- def started as academic rivals - you'd constantly catch him looking at you... and vice versa - he surprised you by asking you to the school dance - you surprised him by saying yes - when he saw you in your dress, he swears his heart stopped - he kissed you that night and from then on, your heart was his - still academic rivals, tho - the two of you sit in silence reading all the time - in the library - in his room - at the park - you form a lovely relationship with Lucy, oftentimes going to the Pevensie residence to spend time with her and not Edmund - His siblings love how you bring out his happier side - His nice side too - You like to watch him study - His lips pull into a small pout and sometimes he whispers aloud and you think it's the cutest thing - whenever one of his sweatshirts goes missing he calls you - "No Ed, I don't know where it is." - But then you show up at his house wearing the same sweatshirt he was asking for - "You cheeky little liar." - He's shyer in the real world about PDA during the beginning of your relationship, something about being in Narnia gave him more confidence - When you're walking together he will link his pinkie with yours - whenever you kiss his face, cheeks, nose, and forehead, a deep blush crosses his face - especially in front of his family - but any moment you are alone, his Narnian confidence comes out - His kisses are sweet and gentle - Until they aren't... - "Darling, you have to be quiet, don't want anyone to catch us, now do we?" - if you call him "king" or "your majesty" in the real world, you're done for - "say it again" - he goes feral - he loves it when you read to him - the way you get so concentrated on the words and so into the story - his favorite memories with you are when his head was in your lap, watching you intently as you read him your favorite books - for some reason, edmund is always cold??? - but that's ok because it means he always needs you to warm him up - snuggled up together by the couch? yep - sitting on his lap while reading? been there. - your body draped over his while watching movies? done that. - he is so touchy as time goes on - he always has to be touching you - is sad when you aren't touching - you read a lot, sometimes indulging in "spicy" books, which naturally, you hide from him - one day, he walks into your room while you are reading one. - "Hello, darling." - you snap the book shut, a blush already fanning your face - "what are you reading there?" - "nothing..." - your attempts to keep the book from him fail miserably, as he is a strong soldier and king - you hide your face in your hands as he reads over the pages, grinning - "Darling, what is this?" - you are mortified - he pulls your hands from your face and you look at his cheeky, handsome face - "are you reading porn?" - you scream into his chest while he laughs - he pulls your face to his and kisses you - "would you like me to do that, my love?" - he's a book boyfriend FOR REAL FOR REAL - pet names pet names pet names - darling, my love, princess, m'lady, sweetheart. - he's just so... - cheeky - and the sass follows wherever he goes
hehe i love him
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booklovingcreechur · 2 months
I love hearing ideas on how the Pevensies need to readjust to Earth when they get back from Narnia the first time, but what about them having to get used to living in Narnia when they become kings and queens?
The children having to discover how to lead an entire country.
The Pevensies having to learn how to ride horses because they grew up in the city.
Peter and Lucy taking to it pretty easily but Edmund and Susan having a bit more difficulty at first.
The talking horses trying to give pointers but Edmund ending up falling off multiple times anyways.
On a cold winter's day, Lucy coming into Cair Paravel chilled and wet after having a snowball fight and wishing nothing more than for a hot bath only to discover the amount of time and labour needed to warm a tub of water without electricity.
No toilets. Just, no toilets.
Susan trying to write a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Beaver and getting frustrated because her quill pen keeps tearing the paper and blotting.
Peter accidentally knocking down a candle while looking through papers and nearly setting the whole table ablaze.
The Pevensies slipping occasionally when it comes to mentioning things about Earth to the facination of the Narnians.
Edmund trying to explain Earth being round to a group of curious yet politely confused creatures and eventually giving up when a young faun asks if everything is upside-down on the other side of the world.
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heartss4val · 1 year
𝐞𝐝𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐞 𝐡𝐜'𝐬
summary. headcanons of your relationship with edmund pevensie before dating. (fem reader)
— straight up fluff, nothing else. PART 2/2 [ link to part 1 here ]
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— Reciting Shakespearean quotes to each other. You two can have a whole conversation with just quotes from Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, or even A Midsummer Night’s Dream. But the quotes just keep getting more and more suggestive until you're both just absentmindedly flirting with each other without even realizing it because it just seems so natural.
— Both of you staring at each other's lips while talking. Like his eyes dart from your eyes, to your lips, to your eyes, and back to your lips AGAIN because he just finds your lips looking so kissable. — (Expanding on the above ^) Close proximity between the two of you whenever he has the sudden urge to kiss you, (though that urge doesn't get full-filled for a while..) and INTENSE eye contact paired with soft murmurs. — BONUS: If you speak another language, use that to your absolute advantage. Just imagine.. (using French because that happens to be the language I speak, but just imagine it as whatever other language you speak.) Y/N: Je crois que je suis amoureux de toi. (I think I'm in love with you.) Edmund: What? Y/N: What?
— Brushing hands!! All the time!! Him grabbing your hand to lead you through a crowded hallway so you "don't get lost", but really it's just an excuse to be in contact with your skin. ^ (adding onto this) Making excuses along the lines of, "Your hands are cold.. let me warm them up for you." despite it being SUMMER and no where near cold.
— Tending his wounds after battle. At first he tries to hide his injuries from you, but he ends up failing miserably. You do end up scolding him for his reckless behavior while cleaning a cut right above his eye, but he doesn't even take in any of the words you're saying to him, for he's far too busy admiring how stunning you look when you're concentrated.
— Reading together all the time!! You've both read all the Narnian classics, of course. He always takes out two copies of the same book, in case you want to read the same book with him as well, so he can talk about it with you later. He loves when you read to each other as well, usually under a tree or shade of some sort, his head on your lap while you're gently running your fingers through the his hair. Your voice is the most beautiful thing he's ever heard, I swear, he could fall asleep to it. He also loves how your face contorts into different expressions as you're processing the plot, and how you bring the characters to life through changing your tone or pitch. He just thinks it's the greatest thing ever.
— Continuously denies whoever makes the assumption that he fancies you, despite him following you around like a love-sick puppy. I mean, seriously, a blind man could tell that he likes you. Peter is so sick of it.
— He gets so happy when he successfully makes you laugh out loud, because your laughter is like music to his ears. He immediately looks at you after making a joke in hopes to see your smile or hear your laugh. It's adorable, honestly.
— Awkwardly laughing to try not to malfunction when you give him a compliment. — Slow dancing in the dark when neither of you can fall asleep. The curtains are just slightly ajar, and everything around you is dead quiet, no words exchanged. He twirls you around just to hear your quiet laughter that is quickly muffled by your hand, not wanting to risk waking up anybody and getting caught. Your bodies are in absolute sync, and he's just praying that you can't hear his quickening heartbeat since the space between the two of you is almost nonexistent. — Dancing in the rain as well, laughing and clutching onto each other as the rain pours down, splashing in puddles as he twirls you around, both of you laughing like little kids. He couldn't care less if he wakes up with a cold the next day, (which he probably will considering the fact that his blouse is absolutely SOAKED in the rain.) because this is the happiest he's ever been in a while. — Sword fighting!!!! And once he finds out about your expertise with swords, well, that's just another thing to add on to his never-ending list of why he likes you. But his favorite part is when he eventually knocks your sword out of your hand, pinning you to the ground in the process. — And the first kiss... was something else. It all started with just one small kiss, pulling away instantly. But then it escalated VERY quickly. His hands cupped your face, but slowly moved down to your waist while one of your hands were tangled in his ebony locks, the other resting on his neck, his lips flush against your own. You slowly pulled away, but only when you absolutely needed air. Both of you were unable to open your eyes for a few seconds after the kiss, but you couldn't hold back the words that tumbled out of your mouth. ∙ "You kiss by th’ book" You spoke quietly, your voice still hoarse and breathless from the actions before. He rolls his eyes playfully, running his thumb over your bottom lip. ∙ "Now is not the time for Shakespeare, Y/N." He whispers, smiling down at you before leaning in once again. ∙ yoo pt 2 is out! ok so if u noticed, the 1st paragraph (the shakespeare one) kinda foreshadows the kiss so if u noticed that ur cool. ∙ wanted to get this 1 out quick bc finals are coming up on friday and ill be too busy studying.
∙ ok byebye! drink water.
valerie x.
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wrenwreads · 8 months
hidden treasures
Edmund discovers something new in Narnia. Or is it new? Lucy seems to be just unimpressed.
pairing/s: edmund pevensie x fem!mage!reader
warnings/other info: reader is implied to be also human but has magical capabilities? edmund a bit of an ignorant (lucy calls him one + an idiot). edmund bumps into reader. usual pevensie sibling banter. the fic itself might be a bit shit too, sorry
genre: fluff, strangers-to-friends
word count: 1,183
a/n: this is just something to get my writing brain working after going missing for ages lol (sorry) i got so so so caught up with my final exams n everyone leaving for uni and skdhkjgasjkdda but i'm better now and have more free time so hopefully i don't abandon you guys again (not gonna promise anything tho) - requests and questions r open!
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Edmund remembers the day so vividly.
Susan had just been berating him about his king-ly duties. Almost demanding him to finish them. If Edmund's being honest, he would say she probably was. And he was growing sick — annoyed, actually — at Susan’s constant reminders. And it’s not like he doesn’t even finish them on time. He simply has his own pace.
He was getting close to snapping at his older sister, and from what his brain allows him to remember — snapping at now Queen Susan was worse than Finchley Susan.
So he simply scoffed, standing up from his seat, heading out of the castle — desperate for some fresh air.
With his satchel with him, he decided to walk around town. Greeting Narnians here and there, occasionally stopping by stands to feed his own curiosity. He even remembers picking up another book, one he now keeps on his nightstand to read when he can’t go to bed.
What had been so significant about the day was stumbling onto something — someone, rather — who he swears he had not met before.
“Oh! I sincerely apologise your majesty. I wasn’t looking where I was going. Although, I am in a rush so... I’ll see you around!”
The moment was too quick for Edmund to register. Only a couple moments after did he realise the voice that had just spoken to him. Accent almost too familiar to just be Narnian. He whipped his head around, watching as the same person rushes through the busy workings of the town, impressively dodging obstacles along their way.
Now on present day, his attempts at convincing his siblings that there is a new citizen in town are going nowhere. Peter seems to have just started ignoring him, Susan the same, and Lucy… Lucy is just unimpressed.
“Have you really just met the healing mage, Ed? Really?”
“I swear Lu she’s— wait, healing mage?”
Lucy sighs, looking at Susan for back up. The older girl only shrugs, leaving her to herself and when she looked at Peter, the man was already chuckling.
Edmund observes the exchange happening before him, confusion clouding his mind.
“Can someone just catch me up on what’s going on? Please?” he practically begs.
“That’s Y/N you’re talking about, you ignorant idiot. And she’s not new. She moved here — appeared rather, a few months ago when you were out for diplomacy. I guess you really just haven’t bumped into her before.”
“What do you mean appeared? Is she a daughter of Eve to—”
“I think that’s a question for you to ask her Edmund. It seems you have been ignoring the sole person keeping Narnians healthy.”
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The next day, Edmund woke up early to deliver a basket of herbs. It was meant to be Lucy’s job, one that she personally does every week and the same job Edmund questioned but never asked about. Well, now he’s about to get his answers and Lucy argues it’s an excuse for him to finally meet the mage.
He follows the path with white lilies per Lucy’s instructions.
“Y/N loves lilies, especially white ones.” She had added.
As soon as he felt that he was getting lost, a small cottage appears just a few more lilies away.
He had to pause in his step. It was quaint, the cottage looking like it was out of a fairy-tale the way nature surrounded it. Not that Edmund can say that anymore, the way he and his siblings made it to Narnia proved too good to be true at first.
His admiration was cut short when he heard the door swinging open, revealing no one else but the same person he had bumped into the day before. Only this time, Edmund can see her clearly and she is no longer in a rush. He continued watching, his presence seemed to be unknown as Y/N continued fussing around her front garden. Her mouth was moving, seemingly talking to the greenery.
Edmund takes a step forward, slowly making out the words coming out of her mouth as he gets closer.
“Come on Thistle! We haven’t got all day! And Lokas, please tell me that’s not a ruby in your hand?! Oh please, I already told you—”
The young girl’s erratic dialogue came to a stop. Her body looking like it froze in place as she gawks at Edmund. The creatures below her were no different. Edmund had just realised she was surrounded by not only nature, but creatures alike — faeries and pixies, gnomes of almost all ages, and pixies.
She blinks. Once. Twice.
Finally gaining her senses back, she straightens herself up and smiles. “Good morning, your majesty! I wasn’t expecting you today.”
Edmund could only smile, raising the basket he still had in his hold. “Neither did I. Unfortunately, Lucy had some emergency duties to run this morning so I offered to do her plant delivery.”
“Oh! That’s very thoughtful of you your majesty, but you shouldn’t have. I would’ve picked it up myself at the castle anyway.”
She had now gotten closer, leaving her front gate open as she accepts the basket from Edmund, a sudden gasp escaping her lips as she does so. “Oh! Where are my manners. I’m Y/N, your majesty. I should’ve done that sooner.”
“Consider us two even. After-all, I am the one here only just hearing about you and your job as the kingdom’s healer.”
Y/N laughs. “And oh, please, just call me Edmund.”
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“Is that the king I see again?”
The faery’s question had Y/N looking up from her cauldron, confused. After making sure her current concoction was not going to blow up anytime soon, she pats her hands dry on her apron as she makes her way to the same table where Thistle was currently hovering. Her brows furrow as she makes out Edmund walking towards her cottage.
“It sure is Thistle. I wonder what he’s here for.”
She exits her own home, a smile – although a bit sceptical — forming on her face. Edmund smiles back, walk turning into a slight jog as he gets closer. “I didn’t think you’d be back so soon, Edmund. I hope everything’s alright at the castle.”
Worry replaces her confusion. The only reason a member of the castle, the king rather, would personally pay her a visit would be because something had gone wrong and they needed her help. “Oh! Don’t worry. Everything is well in shape. I was just… bored. Yeah, bored.”
Y/N nods, sensing the growing nervousness of the young king.
“Bored, you say?”
“And you decided to come here?”
Is it bad to tease your royal highnesses a bit?
“To my small cottage?”
Surely not.
“Where you could have easily done, I don’t know — fencing or riding on your horse. You know, like what other kings do?”
Her smile turns into a smirk, finding amusement in the way Edmund began questioning his own answers. She chuckles, allowing Edmund to relax — a nervous laugh escaping himself. “I’m only teasing. Would you like to come in, Edmund?”
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promptthebear · 9 months
🐰 Edmund Pevensie #14 please
Edmund Pevensie x Reader- "Please, tell me this is not why you woke me up.”
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Part 1/2 <- ***UP NOW!!!!***
Summary: Soulmate AU. Set during the "Golden Age", Edmund thinks he's doomed to be alone for the rest of his life. Until his fated match appears in the most unlikely of places. 2nd person, reader is written as "you"
A/N: Hey guys, sorry I've been go so long. Part two for this is literally being written right now and will hopefully be up very soon. I just thought I should give y'all SOMETHING to end the dry spell. Enjoy!
TW: None that I know of, but please message me if you need something tagged.
Rain was falling in sheets outside his study window, and the sound of the drops against the panes had soothed Edmund into a light doze. It was late, most likely past midnight, and his candles had burned down to almost stubs in their holders. He’d been reading for hours, lost in tomes of Narnian history and retrospects on ancient magic traditions. As fascinated as he’d been, he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes from growing heavy, and the blue velvet chair felt almost like a lover’s embrace.
Not that Edmund would have any idea what that actually felt like, though he could muster up a pretty good guess. Over the years, he’d watched his brothers and sisters find partners, wed, and have children of their own. Even little Lucy had been married last summer, leaving Edmund as the last bachelor among the family. That was one of the many reasons he’d been taking solace in his study over the last few weeks. He was plenty used to being alone, but there were only so many nights in a cold bed one could take before it started driving him a little mad.
Another man may have sought out comfort in the village pubs, but the idea of a hot, stuffy room and the press of drunken, sweaty bodies held about as much appeal to Edmund as driving straws under his fingernails. So, instead, he filled his waking hours in the company of books, often choosing to fall asleep among them than make the long, solitary walk back to his dark and empty chambers. This would be the third night in a row he’d spend here, and regardless of how Susan chided him that sleeping in his chair would ruin his back, Edmund also knew it wouldn’t be the last either.
A sudden, sharp rap at the door startled the young king from his near stupor. With a snort and a grumble, he rose from his chair, rubbing at his stiff muscles and silently cursing whoever chose to disturb him at this hour.
The hallway felt far too bright after the dim, golden light in the library, and for a moment after he opened the door, Edmund stood there, dazzled and blinking away stars from his eyes. When his vision cleared, he found himself staring into the face of one of the city guards. The young man seemed nervous, shifting from side to side and not quite able to meet Edmund’s gaze. Aside from the familiar uniform, the young man was little more than a stranger to him, and Edmund wondered why the captain would have sent someone so young to speak with one of the high kings.
“Your majesty. I beg forgiveness at the disturbance, would this matter have waited until morning I assure you I would not be here now.”
His voice betrayed his age, confirming Edmund’s suspicions that he was a new recruit, barely older than sixteen and almost twelve years his junior.
“Speak your piece and be on your way,” he replied, running a hand over his face to try and clear away any drowsiness that still clung on “It is far too late for either of us to be away from our beds”
The guard jumped at the sound of Edmund’s voice, and did some sort of half nod, half bow that made him look like a fish jerking around in a net.
“Again, my most sincere apologies your majesty. Once more, if it were not for the urgency of the situation I would not have caused you upset. My captain insisted that you be spoken with directly and that this message reach no ears but your own. I tried to tell him you’d be abed by now but-”
“Out with it, lad. The longer you speak, the longer the hour grows and the more weary I become.”
The edge to his words almost made Edmund wince. He hadn’t meant to be so sharp with the boy, but Susan had been right. Spending nights in his chair had made him incredibly sore, and had kept him from having a decent rest for far too long. The combination of both was not providing him with an overabundance of courtesy.
“We caught a pick pocket, your majesty. In the market, earlier this evening.”
Edmund reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying desperately to ease the throbbing that was starting to grow behind his eyes.
“Please, tell me this is not why you woke me up.”
Yes, Edmund acted as the King’s Justice and presided over all cases brought into court, even trifling ones like pick-pocketing. However, as far as he could tell, there was no reason something that simple would bring a guard to his door in the middle of the night.
“It is, your majesty”
“And? Have you all suddenly forgotten how to do your jobs? The thief can spend the night in lockup with your other petty criminals, and I’ll be there to preside over their trial in the morning. If that’s all you came to tell me, then I suggest you be on your way before I take it upon myself to serve you with a demerit and suspend you from service for the next week.”
The door was halfway closed when the young guard’s boot wedged itself between the door and the wall. Edmund stared down at it for a moment, trying to process the sheer gall of this otherwise seemingly placid young man. Nobody, in his recent memory, had ever kept him from closing a door when he wished. If he wasn’t contemplating sending this man to scrub out the barracks privvies for the rest of his natural life, he almost would’ve been impressed at his tenacity.
“Alright, that does it, I’m giving you until the count of three to get out of my sight and if you aren’t gone by two then so help me-”
“She has the mark, your Majesty”
It felt as though someone had just dumped a bucket of freezing water upon Edmund’s head. For a moment he stood, still as a statue while his mind raced at frantic speeds to try and make sense of what he was hearing. The lad had to be joking, there simply was no other explanation. This was all part of an elaborate prank someone was pulling on him, like Peter maybe, and Edmund would walk all the way down to the dungeons only to find a sow or donkey painted with a mark that matched his own rather than the girl he’d been promised.
He opened his mouth to tell the young guard he was a liar, along with a few other choice phrases, only to find his voice had left him. What was the worst that could happen, if he followed this boy? Experience told Edmund that he could end up being the kingdom laughingstock the next morning, but what of it? Most of his subjects, noble and common alike, either ridiculed him behind closed doors or pitied him to his face, which was somehow worse. The Lonely King, they called him. A solitary man in a world where everyone was fated to find their perfect match at some point or another. Would a lifetime of isolation be truly worth avoiding a few moments of ridicule?
The carved animals in the wooden door stared blankly back at Edmund, and though the flickering candlelight made their faces seem to dance and move among the shadows, they had no more answers for him than the young King had for himself. With a sigh, he clasped the edge of the door and pulled it open. It creaked loudly, a sound made louder still by the otherwise hushed air in the sleeping castle. The young guard waiting beyond started at the noise, and took a step back towards the far wall as though he expected Edmund to leap out and bite him.
Now standing in the full light of the hall, Edmund saw in earnest how young the guard really was. He may have been a youth of sixteen, but he had the face of a twelve or eleven year old, making him look like a squire rather than the soldier he was. A light dusting of fuzz across the boy’s cheeks, a hint of a beard, was the only thing to suggest he was near manhood and it made Edmund feel all the more guilty for being so hard on him.
“Come on,” he said, clapping a friendly hand down on the guard’s soldier as he moved past him “Let’s get this over with.”
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thedawntreaders · 2 years
for their service, narnia blesses the pevensies with hidden powers to carry back to earth.
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peter used to hate prophecies. it's what dragged him and his siblings into a war his parents wanted him to avoid. but when the feeling of deja vu turns into experiencing brief visions that predict the following events here on earth, he can't really mind. the only strange part is that his ability is exclusive to events revolving around his siblings. he gives susan extra cash in her purse to take a taxi because she'll miss the bus, drives to lucy's school to drop off the homework she forgot in her room, tosses edmund an umbrella that the boy insists he won't need, except he does.
when his parents ask about it, noticing how their eldest son manages to be prepared for nearly everything, peter replies with 'gut instinct'. his siblings know better. they leave his knack for prophecy unmentioned in their conversations, since the memory of leaving home is still fresh, but edmund, susan, and lucy are aware of how much this ability means to him. he has always been trying to look out for them and protect them. in this way, thanks to narnia, he can.
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there is a newfound power in susan's voice that wasn't there before. aside from her siblings, people listen to her intently, much to her curiosity. from the strict professor who provides her an extension despite not having an extension policy to the boy who backs off when she tells him no, susan finds that her words fall easily on their ears and they receive it graciously. she doesn't know how to feel about it. she's grateful, of course, but such a power can be dangerous if exploited. she shudders. she would rather perish than be caught abusing her voice and power, as strange as that sounds in her time.
luckily, as aforementioned, her siblings are immune to her ability to charmspeak, and they gently encourage her to use her gift to become the harbinger of change she was always meant to be. the sociology major is now somewhat easier to endure, what with her peers and professors starting to be receptive to the fresh, new ideas she introduces, ideas that worked in narnia and would work even better here. she considers edmund's suggestion to become a public speaker.
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after having fallen to temptation with the white witch's enchanted turkish delight, edmund can ingest any poison without experiencing its effects. he learns about this ability when he confronts a man for spiking a woman's drink. the man insists he didn't, so to challenge him, edmund spontaneously grabs the glass from the lady's hand and tips it up. he meant to feign the drinking; however, when the man shouts in alarm and attempts to slap the glass away, the liquid ends up sliding roughly against his throat. judging from that reaction alone, edmund knocks him out cold and calls the police.
it's an awkward ride with the paramedics. aside from the very brief choking for a drink he didn't mean to down, the lack of reaction baffles all of them; nonetheless, his idea to accept medical attention wasn't entirely unfounded as they did detect the toxin in his body. the doctor tells him he's lucky to even be alive. edmund smiles. nothing he hasn't heard before.
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lucy's kisses are healing, as if laced with the juice from the cordial she carried in narnia. her mother always planted small pecks on her injuries when she was a child and the practice carries over to her for her siblings. when peter runs into the wrong sort of folk in the alleyway, she doesn't hesitate to kiss the cuts and bruises on his knuckles over their bandages. they heal within two hours. this ability remains largely undiscovered until one of peter's friends ask him how he always manages to heal so quickly. peter is quick to trace it back to lucy.
the youngest pevensie is delighted to learn that a part of narnia came back with her and it takes a great deal of convincing to prevent her from running to injured children and kissing them. narnians would welcome such affection, but humans of this world aren't so nearly understanding. so lucy comes up with what she believes is a good solution. she becomes a babysitter for a bit, then a daycare worker. giving kids kisses shouldn't be too much of an issue now, right?
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
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a Narnian look about them
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witchthewriter · 2 years
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Neutral Good
Aries Sun, Pisces Moon, Scorpio Rising
⭑ You’re a part of his council; always being present in the meetings. 
⭑ You’re never silenced, and your opinion is the most valued. You’re his person, and you’ll always be above any other,. 
⭑ You take your role as a monarch very seriously. Caspian and yourself are a literal power couple. 
⭑ Everyone feels comfortable around you because you want to hear what they have to say. 
⭑ Your wedding day was a big event. All of Narnia gathered to celebrate the union between you and Caspian. 
⭑ There were parties in the streets, flower petals all over the ground, candles were twinkling in windows and even Aslan was there to officiate. 
⭑ It was the best day of your life; your outfit was handmade, pearl white with iridescent hints within the layers.  
⭑ You were crowned Queen/King and the cheers could be heard nearly from the human world. 
⭑ Caspian had a smile on his face for a week leading up to the wedding and a week after. And as he saw you walk down the aisle, he started to cry. 
⭑ You believe in equality and justice issues are close to your heart. So that was your aim in Narnia - for everyone to feel included and important. 
⭑ If Caspian was ever called away then you were in charge. The first time this happened was absolutely nerve-wracking. And you thought you would have a full panic attack until Caspian returned. But you had brilliant advisors. 
⭑ You love visiting the forests that are full of fawns and talking animals. You even pay respect to the trees. 
⭑ With you and Caspian as rulers, it’s like Narnia glowed. The water was always cold, flowing and shimmering. The crops flourished and there was never a shortage. 
⭑ You missed the Pevensie’s as you were there when they came back. 
⭑ Lucy was your great friend and she shared a lot of wisdom with you. 
⭑ You always treat your servants with respect and share your food with them. You hate having to be served. 
⭑ Narnian baths are amazing; the bath itself is deep - holding a lot of water. It’s gold with opal legs. 
⭑ Caspian likes to spend all his spare time with you. As King he has a lot of duties, as do you. But time together is extra special with him. 
NSFW🔞minors dni!
⭑ Caspian is hot-blooded, and that doesn’t change within the bedroom. 
⭑ He’s very sensual; liking to savor every part of you. He loves seeing your naked form on the bed, ready and waiting for him. 
⭑ At times he can be fast - in a ravenous fashion. Biting your bare skin, pulling at your clothes so he can feel you against him. 
⭑ He’s more into giving than receiving. 
⭑ Caspian loves when you grab onto his hair and pull
⭑ Oh and making you moan fills him with such pride. As if he alone is enough to bring you to orgasm. 
⭑ Rarely do you feel jealous because Caspian has no other desire for anyone but you
⭑ But he does get jealous a lot. Not because you stray, or your head turns for anyone. No, it’s because even if someone dares look at you with lust in their eyes, he’ll remind them who you belong to.
⭑ Likes to tease you, and hearing your whines is his favourite noise. A part from the moans... and he loves your moans. 
⭑ He whispers dirty things in your ear all the time. He loves seeing you wriggle in your seat. 
⭑  And biting is a BIG thing with Caspian. He absolutely loves biting your earlobes, bottom lip, neck, and nipples. 
⭑ Very into aftercare. He loves looking after you. He has so much love to give. 
⭑ Caspian will clean you up, and make sure you’re comfortable before even thinking about himself.
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pinievsev · 3 months
All That I've Done
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Edmund Pevensie x GN!reader
L I S T E N T O: River - Ochman
Warnings: crying, very short, implied relationship, probably like really bad but we're getting there.
Genre: reverse comfort, fluff, angs-ish
Synopsis: Here.
A/N: When I tell you I actually screamed in joy when I saw this request I'm not even exaggerating. Tysm anon for this, hope you enjoy!
Word count: 1,022
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Your surroundings were way to quiet for your liking, the atmosphere way to solemn and even breathing felt hard. You stood a few meters away from the pevensie siblings surrounded by the remains of what used to be your home.
Exactly how long had it been? You knew time went by faster in Narnia than back home but you didn't expect it to have been so long, however long it's been.
You snapped out of your thoughts by Edmund's voice calling your name, you turned your head to see him standing right in front of you. "Here, I believe these are yours" he said handing you your old weapons and clothing. You took the daggers and fabric ,that looked untouched by time, no different from when you last saw them a year ago, from him gratefully and nodded in appreciation.
You'd been walking for some time, everything seemed so different, so quiet, the once lively kingdom now only a fraction of what it used to be.
The five of you came to a halt, taken aback by the scene unfolding Infront of you, two men in foreign armour atop a small boat in the river not too far away carrying a dwarf, gagged and tied.
Susan was quick to act, aiming at them with her bow "Drop him!" She commanded and ironically enough that's exactly what they did, dropped him in the river.
One of the men readied his crossbow yet before he could even aim he was pierced by Susan's arrow while the other cowardly fled. Peter quickly jumped in the river, saving the dwarf while you helped Edmund get the boat to shore.
Lucy used her dagger to cut the dwarf's restraints. "Drop him?!" Was the first thing he said directed to Susan "is that the best you can come up with?!"
"A 'thank you' would've been appreciated" you defended hearing Edmund snort beside you.
You laughed at the dwarf's expression when he put the pieces together "You're it?! You're the kings and queens of old?!".
It took some time to get him to trust you but it worked out after a short duel against Edmund. You learned that his name was Trumpkin and that it's been over a thousand years since you disappeared.
Trumpkin told you about prince Caspian and how he was trying to help the Narnians, how he was the one that had called for you using Susan's horn.
You spent most of the time of your journey walking by Edmund, you tried starting a conversation multiple times but he looked uninterested, trapped in his own thoughts, giving you short answers and not bothering to continue after that so you simply gave up and stuck to quietly walking by his side.
It was starting to get dark, the sky turning a beautiful indigo colour, full of bright starts, the starts you would admire at every night for 15 years. You decided to set up camp in a small clearing, you'd continue your journey early at dawn.
As you sat with Lucy and Susan quietly, you noticed Edmund out of the corner of your eye, a bit further than the rest of you sitting alone on a boulder.
Using your hands to assist yourself, you stood up, slowly walking towards him. He looked sad still like he's been for the whole time you've been back. The sound of your daggers clanging together as you walked made him turn back in alarm, visibly relaxing once he saw who it was.
Not speaking a word you sat by him for a minute or two before finally turning to look at him. "What's up with you?" You asked making him turn to you with a confused expression.
"Whatever do you mean?" You rolled your eyes, knowing very well he knew what you were referring to. "You've been looking all solemn since we got here. Are you not happy to be back? What's the matter?" He shook his head and faced Infront of him "of course I'm happy to be back it's just." He paused for a moment "it's so different, too quiet, too eerie" he explained, his gaze directed to you once more.
You nodded and moved slightly closer, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder "I understand, and I completely agree with you, but we have to keep our heads up. We need to be strong for our home, I'm sure we'll fix this." You reassured him, or tried your best to.
Your expression turned from that of compassion to one of panic as you noticed the tears making their way to his eyes. "I just can't stand to see Narnia this way, after all that I've done, all that we've done. Why did we have to leave? Why didn't we stay?" He cried with a shaky voice.
You opened your arms for him and he gladly accepted the affection, wasting no time to move into your embrace and cling to you, his handa gripping the back of your shirt as he hid his face in between your neck and shoulder.
You ran a hand through his hair, the other rubbing comforting circles on his back "it's okay. Let it out" you spoke softly to the sobbing boy in your arms.
He sobbed for a good 10 minutes before letting go of you and wiping his eyes "I'm sorry." You shook your head, your hand remaining in it's position on his back. "It's okay to cry, even as a king. You have nothing to apologise for"
He smiled slightly at your words, placing his hand atop your own which had moved from his back to his shoulder as you spoke.
"Thank you. For always being there for me." You smiled and placed a quick yet soft kiss to his forehead "you can always count on me to be there whenever you need me to, I promise" without further words he returned to your embrace a content sigh leaving his lips.
Knowing his has you by his side, always there, makes him feel invincible, like nothing could ever harm him. You can and will save Narnia like you did once, together.
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The Pevensie kids are otherwordly in more ways than the naked eye reveals.
For starters, with all the years they have spent around great cats, they are absolutely silent when they walk. They can stalk and prowl like no one's business, and once, when a girl pissed off Lucy, she showed her her teeth.
When a shrink asks her why she is scared of cats, so many years later , she remembers the white flash in the schoolyard, the sudden certainty of death.
Second of all, they don't seem to leave footprints in snow. In the winters of Narnia, magic was all around Cair Paravel, benign spirits showing them how to leave no traces, go unseen in the great white. Some swear they move without touching the earth. No one is sure enough to rebutt them.
The Pevensies are unbeatable in snowball fights. Especially Susan can throw like a honkball pitcher, able to single out and pick off targets that should be out of reach.
When the boys drink alcohol for the first time, at ages 17 and 15, they turn out to have great tolerance, something no one their age should have. Yet Peter and Edmund can beat anyone in a drinking game. Narnian spirits were strong (pun intented), so they do not find this feat particularly challenging. And no one understands how Susan puts away bottles and bottles of wine without ever slurring her words or losing her razor sharp mind.
The boys that keep pouring her more wine, hoping to take her home drunk, leave disappointed every night. Susan knows what's up. She's been forced to sit through boring diplomatic dinners with alcohol as her only interesting companion, is used to men trying to take advantage when she drinks. She will not be tricked by school boys.
They have a tolerance for other substances, too.
When someone gets the bright idea to roofie Lucy at age 16, he ends up with a nail through his foot, hanging from the highest tree in London.
Lucy shows up the next day with dirt under her nails and a hammer in her backpack. The teachers take one look at Peter, who stares back with a glare that could refreeze Narnia, and decide not to say a word.
They're all insanely strong swimmers. Susan won prizes before, but now she's breaking records. Edmund saves a man twice his weight from drowing, dragging him along across a cold lake for half a mile.
No one understands how the scrawny, 5"9 kid pulled that off. Or how he manages to hold his breath for so long.
And then there is the question of their minds.
Suddenly, Edmund can beat even the most experienced men in chess. He goes on to become champion of the region and then of the whole of England.
Peter, once a mediocre student, is now a stunningly good writer. When his professor reads his essay for Ethics, he weeps, something that has never happened before. Many see a future in academia for him.
Susan becomes known as the best problem solver in school. She's able to resolve many conflicts, not in the least because she's so attractive men stop thinking about fighting the second she steps into a room. But underneath the beauty resides a smooth operator. Her professors don't doubt for a second she'll be a brilliant politician.
Lucy no longer has the child like innocence from before the war. Her sense of wonder never left her, though. The centaurs have taught her astronomy, and looking at the stars reminds her of Narnia, one of the few things that are the same. The boarding school telescope goes missing an awful lot, as does she. Often, her brothers and sister come along, especially on bright nights. They never get caught.
They've changed. And they hold onto these pieces of Narnia, because it is all they have left.
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pevensiegiigi · 9 months
My problem with the Prince Caspian movie
The reason i love CN:Prince Caspian is because of how Andrew Adamson squeezed the emotions out of Peter. From the frustration of being an adult locked in the life of a child who wants to return to his land/country, the happiness of returning to that place he loves so much, the sadness of knowing that it was destroyed, the anger of knowing that a descendant of his destroyers would be the one who would ascend to king of his country and the guilt for being forced to leave Narnia again with no possibility of return.
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My post is not to talk about those emotions, but i wanted to mention them anyway.
My post is to talk about my dissatisfaction with how everyone in the movie mocks Peter's words and orders, ignoring the title of high king. Except Edmund and Reepicheep; the rest, from Lucy and Susan, who are his royal sisters, to Trumpkin, Caspian, and Glenstorm, who are his subjects, disrespect his title of high king.
First Trumpkin by not addressing him with respect throughout the film, mocking his nickname, berating him for "leaving Narnia" and then making a fool of himself in the Stone Mountains when they searched for Caspian.
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He is followed by Caspian, who equally disrespects Peter's position. Caspian is a prince from distant lands who intends to rule lands that he does not know, wanting to review the words dictated by the great king.
There's that scene where Peter suggests infiltrating the Telmarines' castle and Reepicheep asks, "What do you suggest, Your Majesty of him?" and both Peter and Caspian respond at the same time, a staring match ensues between the two which Peter obviously wins. The thing is, Caspian shouldn't have answered Reepicheep's question in the first place because the rightful King of Narnia was present let alone challenge him with his eyes because, I repeat, HE IS THE GREAT KING OF NARNIA and, not least, peter is Older than him. . . Maybe he didn't know it or maybe he did, but humanly Peter at that time was 31/32 years old although he would look like a child and as if that were not enough in the years of Narnia, Peter is 1300 years older than him, while Caspian was around 17 Just years, so...
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Peter's plan to infiltrate the castle would have worked if Caspian had followed Peter's orders and we all know that, but no. He completely ignored Peter's order to go to the door and Susan supported that disobedience, don't get me wrong, but i'll tell you how it is. It's not just Caspian's fault that the infiltration failed, if Susan had supported Peter instead of Caspian, everything would have worked out and Cornelius would have been released at the end of the infiltration.
Caspian's most obvious disrespect towards Peter was challenging him to a duel in front of his people when Peter called him a usurper and it's not entirely a lie, he really was a usurper. From the moment he thought he was the leader of the Narnian rebellion, even knowing that he had called the old monarchs, he became a usurper, or at least it was for me. I understand Caspian will get mad at being called a usurper, but he called Peter irresponsible as if Peter wanted to leave Narnia when he didn't and then dared to duel him on HIS EARTH!?!?!?! The least he deserved was execution.
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Third, Glenstorm. The mere fact that he was looking at Caspian as if he was waiting for his orders to follow the ones he received from Peter is disrespectful.
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Lucy when she pretended to embarrass him by reminding him that it was Aslan who defeated the white witch, not him. I UNDERSTAND that being her sister he has every right to reproach her if she disagrees with something because he is also Monarch of Narnia, but why didn't she do it in private? At that moment, she took away from Peter part of the authority over the others.
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I'm a little glad that at the end of the film in a scene they let us see how Peter showed that his title of Great King and his nickname of magnificent, he didn't have them just for decoration. However, it bothers me that throughout the movie they tried to make him look stubborn when he was just angry and outraged.
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Peter is the character in the entire saga that carried the most weight and yet he did not complain about what Aslan gave him, his greatest wish was to return to Narnia and stay there for the rest of eternity, which he achieved.
That's why i love the movie 50% and hate it 50%.
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