#a night in bowser city au
sketchedboba · 7 months
The Night in Bowser City
Part 2
The two were enjoying the personal ship ride to the city, a territory off the coast of the Darklands Bowser often avoided. He was well aware of the organized crime in it and had sent troops to try and crack down on the boss rings running the inner city. However he had already spent too much time on it when there were more important matters to attend to.
One of them sitting right beside him:
His little husband.
He had taken months planning this especially since Luigi had constantly asked him about the city. On top of that, he wanted the trip to be two days where they could take their minds off of finalizing the peace treaty. Their union hadn't suppressed the tensions, but Daisy insisted they begin easing it through talk of a treaty. He was still unsure of it, but was trying to trust her judgement for his husband's sake.
Luigi turned to his stiff partner and patted his arm, "Everything ok? If you're worried about my brother, I think he'll balance Daisy out... maybe."
Bowser shook his head, remembering that this wasn't the time to worry about those things. "Yeah, right. If those two get each other riled up then it'll be easy to do so with the kids... Hopefully the walls are still intact by the time we go back."
"Hopefully- A-Anyways, we should focus on tonight. Of all the land you own, Kamek rarely mentioned the city.", he pondered.
"That's because I've ignored it entirely.", Bowser muttered feeling a little slap on his arm. "Hey!"
"Why?! They're your citizens!"
"It's complicated."
And he always got, "It's nothing, I'll take care of it."
He hated when he said that, despite spending years with him and finally getting him to speak his mind freely, Luigi picked up that Bowser never discussed too much of his political stances.
He always had to follow up with, "What does that mean?"
Luigi sighed and turned his attention to the window to clear his head. The blue accents electrify the city, the dark storm clouds accompanied the atmosphere, and the karts were as small as ants yet glowed so brightly. He smiled watching them as he tried to get his mind off of the awkward air filling the room.
Bowser watched him then lowered his head and gave his little husband a kiss on the head.
"I just want to know a bit more.."
"I know, but let's discuss this later, ok?", Bowser purred.
Luigi scratched under the large lizard's chin with a grin, he knew he was weak to his purring and agreed to leave the conversation at that. Bowser smiled as his tail swished slightly from the scratches.
"Your highnesses, we're descending to the port. I'll check with the posts here of any further reports about-". Kamek got cut off with Bowser's tail covering his mouth. His gleeful Express turned sour as he glared at the magikoopa.
"Everything's fine, right?", he growled as his tail lowered.
Kamek gulped, "Yes sire... Everything is fine, w-we'll have some paratroopa escort you to-to the hotel.."
Luigi looked up at him, pissed. "Bowser..", he said irritated.
Immediately he knew he'd have an earful about how he handled this, but it was worth not letting Luigi worry too much about their trip. The last thing he wanted was to spend more than a night here especially with knowing his husband's attempts to fix everything.
A goomba painted in black ooze and glowing purple eyes scurried down a neon blue laced hallway, "Boss! Boss!!"
The guards slithered in front of them just before they got to the door, "What's your business?"
"I have an urgent report for the boss!"
The two looked towards each other then back at the goomba, "Wait here."
One slithered inside while the other waited patiently for his partner to return, a few minutes went by and the large tech doors holographically glitched away.
"Go ahead", said the other guard.
The goomba nodded and scurried along into the heavily wired corridor, "Boss! The King! He's here in the city!"
"Oh? He's finally reared his head again in MY domain! What a treat~"
"It also seems that he has brought someone with him this time, a human."
A long slip of silence let itself in, what followed was the scrape of metallic shelling on the desk before him. "A human... It's been a long long time since I've had the pleasure of eating one... How long ago were they spotted?"
"About an hour ago, boss"
"Have they landed yet?"
"They should be, on the west side of the city, boss. Should we raid the port?"
"No, We know too well Trixie owns that port. Look, find out what hotel they're at. I won't let this one slip like the princess did.."
"Y-Yes boss!", the goomba grinned. "We won't let you down!"
She scoffed and waved her tail away signalling them to leave her. The goomba nodded and ran out as fast as it could.
"Humans.... How I've missed the taste."
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lunareel · 11 months
A Heads Up
Hello everyone, I hope you all are having a great day or night, whatever time it is for y'all.
Making this post to explain and elaborate on some parts of the recent AU (Bowser's Bodyguard AU, which I'm thinking of renaming) I've been working on. This is going to cover the general story idea, overall vibe, and the games I'm covering with this along with questions I think people may have about the general au.
Don't worry I'll always have this AU tagged, so if you don't like it you can block it easily.
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So as stated above this is more of a clarification post and just generally covering my plans for this AU just so people know what to expect.
So I want this AU to be around 6 to 8 main chapters, where I will see if I can combine the Paper and Mario & Luigi universes into one. The first chapter will be on the Mario Movie.
What games will you be covering?
So below are games I definitely want to cover, please note the games are listed in no particular order at the moment.
Super Paper Mario
Paper Mario Thousand Year
Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga
Bowser's Inside Story
Dream Team
All games are going to be rewritten within mind of the character/setup changes. I'm not a huge fan of just writing something that is a paint-by-numbers retelling of the original story; if that's your cup of tea more power too you this is not to throw any shade on that!
For both Superstar Sage and Inside Story I do want to include the side stories the remakes added.
I will say Bowser's Inside Story will be heavily rewritten and I plan on calling it "Fawful's Revenge." The two main reasons are that I'm having Luigi prevent Bowser from eating the vacuum shroom which prevents a lot of the original plot, and I just don't want to draw the inside of Bowser. I don't know what else to say here.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Games that will either be short stories or I'm torn on covering:
Super Mario 2
Mario Galaxy (combining 1 and 2)
Mario RPG
Mario Odyssey
Origami King
Mario Sunshine
Luigi's Mansion 1 & 2
Rabbids Spark of Hope
Paper Mario 64
Super Mario 2 is going to cover Luigi's history with the Shy Guys, particularly with him usurping King Wart. This one might become a full/long chapter.
Mario Galaxy is one that might become a full chapter. It depends on what I end up covering. For instance, at the moment I'm debating on whether to have a semi-character death in it. It's weird because on one hand I don't fully consider this a character death, but it also kind of is because they leave the comic at this point and this does heavily impact the cast. So I'm unsure how to fully label this yet.
Mario RPG is a game I am very intrigued by and I would like to incorporate it into the story, but I do not know the plot of the story so it is on the fence right now. I do have at least a few short comics planned for it.
Mario Odyssey is just going to be a few short comics.
Origami King is where I don't know the full plot, but I'd like to do a comic about Shroom City just for some fun world building.
Mario Sunshine I am so torn on whether it would be a full chapter or just a short. I'm going to have to see where I go with it. Whatever it becomes I do plan on calling the chapter/comic "Obligatory Beach Episode."
Luigi's Mansion I'm going to be combining the first two games. I really want this to be a full chapter, I have just been struggling to plan out a full story for it along with fitting it into the rest of the games. I do want to try, but just in case I can't I'm slapping it into this category.
I need to give Rabbids a Spark of Hope a comic or two as Luigi and Bowser have a mission in there that is solely tied to their characters called "The Brains and the Brawn" which helped me think of their setup in this.
Paper Mario 64 will be another backstory one where Luigi attempts to use the Star Rod to send him home, to mixed results.
Games I am not covering:
Please note the games listed below are NOT because I think they are bad games, it's more because I haven't played them and/or I just don't have good ideas for how to fit them into the story.
Color Splash
Sticker Star
Paper Jam
Partners in Time
For Color Splash and Sticker Star, I just don't know the full plots of these games. Though I might do the train scene that occurs in Color Splash when Mario talks to that one Shy Guy.
Paper Jam is similar to the two listed above where I just don't know the plot and I don't want to deal with the multiverse. As in this I'm trying to combine the Paper universe with the Mario and Luigi universe into one.
Partners in Time could change, but at the moment I'm counting it as not covering as I'm just using the concept and the machine E Gadd builds. It won't deal with time travel, but instead the concept of looking into someone's memories. I don't like covering time travel so I'm just skipping it. Like I said I might cover the Cobalt Star and Princess Shroob, but I don't have a lot of ideas going for this so it might just be skipped entirely with her and her sister as villains.
Will there be shipping?
No, I'm sorry if you were hoping for anything. The most there will be is probably implied Peach x Mario, but that's it for the moment. If any of this changes I'll give a heads up just so no one is caught off guard. But romance isn't really the focus of this comic nor do I want to write romance. Listen just trust me on this you don't want me writing romance, I'm not good at it, this is for the best.
Just in case I am also just going to flat out say this so no one gets mad or feels misled when reading these comics. There will be no Bowser x Luigi in this story. Listen it's a funny and shockingly mostly wholesome ship, but it's not happening here. So I'm sorry if you were hoping for it, but I'm not doing it.
There might be some one-sided Luigi x Daisy (honestly thinking about doing Daisy x Waluigi because their Mario Party team name is Awkward Date and that is hilarious), and/or one-sided Luigi x Peasley, but in this Bowser will be majorly crushing on Peach. Bowser and Luigi are just platonic co-parenting the koopalings (think the Dungeons and Dragon movie with Sofina and Edgin). I just wanted to state this here so everyone is on the same page.
Quick side note: This isn't about shipping, but character-wise Donkey Kong and anything related to his games will only be in the first chapter. I struggle to write him and I don't know how to involve him in the other storylines so I'm just gonna have him chill in his kingdom. He will probably be making a reappearance in Dream Team as that is where I plan to end the comic.
What is the overall story/vibe of the comic?
The main story is going to focus on adventure and learning to love yourself. That's really the main premise. The story itself is going to focus on Luigi learning how to like himself for who he is and reconnecting with Mario and others while going on adventures. The big overall conflict will be the Chaos Heart itself. In this I really want to play around with the concept of the Chaos Heart and what if it didn't just go away after Super Paper Mario. I don't want to say too much about it at the moment as I don't want to spoil that part of the plot.
I feel bad because with the initial comic/sketches of this au, I made it seem a lot more dramatic/angsty than it will be. Sure there's going to be some drama but it really is more focused on the fun of the world, the adventures the characters go on, and the friendships that form out of them. I swear it's not as angsty (or I guess edgy, not sure if it was or not??) as the original comic made it seem so I apologize if that is what you were looking for.
Why I am calling Luigi Mr. L in this?
So in this, I am having Mr. L be more of his 'work mode.' It is designed to be more of a persona he puts on so he can do his job more effectively, but it is also still a part of his personality. I want to include more of his temper which is often portrayed through animations in Mario & Luigi (you know his stomping tantrum animations). Along with a few other notes, like how in the first Luigi's Mansion you kind of find some pretty sassy/sarcastic remarks through the pictures he takes with the Game Boy Horror, along with some of his dialogue in the Paper Mario games. I also want to play into him having a bit of an ego as well (playing more into the Mr. L in Super Paper Mario).
However, at the core, I do want to keep him a more socially awkward, easily frightened, and a very kind person outside of the mask/persona. At the end of the day he really just wants what is best for his friends and family. And that he is always ready to help someone even if he is scared out of his mind (though he might complain about not getting paid, or take a bit of convincing when it comes to dealing with ghosts.) I am also keeping the self-esteem issues, more so dealing with the fact he feels like all he has done is stumble through life making one mistake after another, and never being enough for the people he cares about in his life.
What are the inspirations for this?
Ghibli movies, particularly Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, and Spirited Away. I love their world building and how they handle character stories.
Magical Girl animes, I cannot stress enough how much the masks and his powers/setup are based on the magical girl shows I grew up on.
Majora's Mask, I want to do quite a bit with the masks themselves in this setup. I'm not going to elaborate much on them yet, because I prefer to reveal how they function in the comics than through this ramble.
Funnily enough, the character design that kicked off this au, or at least Mr. L's design was Death from Puss in Boots the Last Wish. I can explain, it was his cloak and his whistle. I've been playing through Super Paper Mario and I kept wondering what if they incorporated references to Luigi's Mansion more like maybe putting in his whistling, or going with a more horror aesthetic for him. Or even goes more into the concept of shadows as well, playing not only his ties with ghosts but also how Luigi feels like he is constantly in Mario's shadow. And when I saw the Mario Movie and that he was captured by the Shy Guys I was like hey wait a minute, I can do something with that.
So this story is just me playing around with those thoughts. Don't get me wrong though, him building robots to fight you along with the absolute banger of a jazz theme, and his cocky/petty attitude I have no notes and I like how he is done in the game.
So yeah this pretty much covers everything, if you read all of this kudos, I know this was long, but I hope I clarified what this comic is going to be like. Though please note that I have a job and I'm going through school, so this is going to take a bit to get going. I'm still writing out the base story, and I like to have one or two chapters fully drawn before I start posting it. I do plan on posting some of the short comics and doodles while working on the main writing.
Thank you for reading my rambles. I hope you all have a good one! : D
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batneko · 1 year
Okay I was trying to come up with a sugar daddy bowuigi AU and I ended up spending so much time thinking about the setting that this is gonna be another long one
So! It's modern day, big city. I prefer to think of it as still a world full of magic and mushrooms and monsters but if y'all want to picture this as a human AU feel free. In this world instead of a king Bowser is the third-generation owner of the biggest demolition company in the city. They took a slight dent lately because Bowser doesn't exactly get along with the city planner... but the company is still best in the business and not hurting for work.
Then there's the Mario brothers, who run a tiny independent plumbing company and by sheer coincidence have a phone number exactly one digit off from Koopa Demolition. They're good at what they do but because they can only take at most two jobs at a time they sometimes struggle. And they can't cut costs (any more than they already have) so the only leg up they have on the competition is promising to be faster than anyone else at the same price. It means they have to work a lot harder (and will definitely backfire sooner or later) but right now they're doing pretty well. Reasonably well. They're doing okay.
Having nearly the same number as a different business means that occasionally both groups will show up somewhere thinking they're about to negotiate a contract only to find out they just wasted their time and gas money. Hard feelings build up. Once, when the bros actually managed to convince a building owner to replace the lead pipes instead of tearing everything down, Mario and Bowser very nearly got into a physical fight. (It doesn't help that Mario is dating Bowser's ex though neither of them will admit that's part of it.)
And then one night Bowser goes back to a demo site to check on something, ends up getting hurt, and Luigi happens to be working late on a job nearby and comes to his rescue. He insists on accompanying Bowser all the way to the hospital, and while he's waiting with him mentions that it turned out to be a good thing the van broke down because if he wasn't walking back to the subway he might not have heard Bowser cry out. Bowser asks how Luigi is going to get home now, since it's so late the subway isn't running anymore, and Luigi says "I'll... I'll figure something out." Bowser calls one of his people and makes them give Luigi a ride. It's awkward for everyone.
The next day a tow truck shows up to take the Mario Bros' van to a mechanic. They're like "we didn't order this??" and the driver just says it was paid for in advance. Luigi realizes what happened and, thinking about the bad blood between Mario and Bowser, tells him the client last night was really grateful for him working late. Mario says they should thank him and Luigi says he definitely will.
So he goes to see Bowser, who is still laid up with a broken foot, and brings him a fruit basket. Bowser is like, I will absolutely eat this fruit but fixing the van was supposed to be payment for Luigi's help. He doesn't like feeling indebted. And Luigi says it was too much! There must be something Luigi can do to thank him properly.
Well... there's this stupid local businessman dinner that Bowser really didn't want to go to. Having somebody to talk to will make it more bearable. Luigi says sure, and the day of the dinner Bowser picks him up two hours early to go out and buy him a suit. Top to bottom, shoes and all. Luigi is a little offended Bowser didn't think he had nice enough clothes... but once they get to the venue and see what everyone else is wearing he can admit he did not have nice enough clothes.
The dinner goes well. Luigi IS a local businessman and nobody questions what he's doing there, even if they haven't heard of his company. Talking with Bowser is surprisingly easy, especially since plumbing and demolition have enough overlap that they can chat about work without having to explain much. They have a lot of similar gripes about clients and contracts and tools.
After a pretty nice evening and maybe one too many glasses of wine, it's all too easy to forget this wasn't supposed to be a date-date and fall into bed with Bowser. When Luigi gets home, rumpled and dressed in clothes he didn't leave in, Mario just congratulates him on what looks like a successful night.
A few days later there's a delivery. A brand new set of the power tools Luigi had mentioned he daydreamed about. Luigi calls Bowser and says this is too much, he can't accept it, and Bowser just says, "keep 'em or throw 'em out, I'm not taking them back. Already wrote them off as a business expense."
Luigi keeps them, but he can't explain this one away. He tells Mario that the person he went out with last week is... from a different socio-economic bracket. (Mario is not allowed to judge, Peach pays for most of their dates too.) They both avoid using the S-D words, but Mario says he feels too weird accepting work equipment from a stranger. Better tell the guy to stick to personal gifts.
So with something like brotherly approval, Luigi starts dating Bowser. He gets clothes, a new phone, fancy dinners and nights at expensive hotels. Bowser is not a bad date (except for when he is) but Luigi always feels a little weird knowing that their relationship is transactional. Even though Bowser clearly likes him and wants to make him happy, Luigi feels like he can't speak up about Bowser being demanding or talking down to people. Because if he's not agreeable enough Bowser will just find somebody new.
Meanwhile, Bowser has NO IDEA that Luigi thinks this. Somewhere along the line he got it in his head that his affection is a burden. He hasn't thought about this enough to put it into words, but he feels like he needs to reward people for being around him or they'll leave. He's not even trying to be a sugar daddy, he treats all of the (few) people he loves like this.
It's not until they've been dating long enough for Luigi to meet Bowser's son that anything changes. Luigi immediately sees that Bowser is pulling the old "new toys make up for not actually being around, right?" and can't stop himself from telling him that NO it does NOT make up for it. Your son wants your TIME.
He's extremely surprised when Bowser listens. And after Luigi tells him that asking Junior about his day and his hobbies will make him feel more cared about, Bowser starts making an effort to ask Luigi those things too.
Eventually he starts to think that... maybe? Bowser has just been romantically incompetent this whole time? So he tests it, and the next time Bowser tries to demand he take a week off to go on a boring business trip with him, Luigi (calmly but firmly) says that he can't possibly miss that much work but Bowser can call and talk to him every day. Bowser goes for it. He actually seems really excited that Luigi is "allowing" him to have so much of his attention.
Oof. Now Luigi feels bad.
After a couple more weeks of trying to wean Bowser off buying his affection (except paying the phone bill because Luigi seriously couldn't afford to do that himself) Luigi asks Bowser if he can officially call them boyfriends?
Bowser practically falls all over himself to agree. Everything is good, they understand each other, Luigi even has his own section in Bowser's closet. He could see this relationship lasting for the rest of his life.
Now he just needs to figure out how to tell his brother...
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https://www.tumblr.com/brave-little-pauper/714711313069244416/what-if-kamek-was-successful-in-kidnapping-baby I love this AU idea but how about an AU where the bros grew up separately? How would that affect the game and movie events if they grew up separately but met again as adults with this strange feeling they know each other?
Apologies for the delay. Now that the comic is done, we can begin!
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(Strap in, folks. This is gonna be a long one)
In my take of the Mario Bros origin story, game and movie elements are combined, so I'd imagine the separation would occur at the end of Yoshi's Island. The divergence starts when Kamek does not take defeat lightly and decides to try kidnapping the babies just one more time.
The stork is on its way to deliver the twins, and Baby Mario peeks out from the cloth. Suddenly, he sees Kamek flying towards them. Without Yoshi to help him this time, Baby Mario makes a choice.
He leaps off.
Having gone through a dangerous journey to save Baby Luigi, he is willing to become a prisoner if it means his brother's safety. And it works. By the time Kamek sees and catches the baby, the stork has already escaped with the other. Kamek begrudgingly accepts that he can only get one child and hopes keeping them separated will be enough to stop the divination.
I don't know if the bros' parents were expecting twins, but if it were the case, they would be devasted that one is gone. They shelter Luigi as a result. Growing up, Luigi tries avoiding trouble whenever he can. If he gets bullied, he stays quiet. Perhaps he was told about a twin, but he wouldn't bring the subject up for worry of upsetting his parents.
On Mario's side, this becomes Minion AU adjacent as he grows up training to serve Bowser. The difference here is that without someone close to hold him back, Mario, or rather "Red", is more impulsive and bullheaded, constantly trying to prove himself worthy much to his fellow soldiers' chagrin. Being the sole human in the Koopa Troop, he feels lonely (not that he'd ever admit it).
Years go by and we cut to Luigi ending up in the Mushroom Kingdom (how he got there is a spoiler for my Origin Story plotline). He is absolutely lost. When he makes it to the village, he asks where he is and accidentally bumps into the toads and their property, making a scene that gets him taken to the castle by guards for questioning. Luckily, Peach doesn't see Luigi as a threat and says he can stay the night and she'll send a guide to take him back to the city in the morning.
However, news of a mysterious human spreads to Bowser's castle. This upsets Kamek in particular for reasons he refuses to explain. Hoping this could get on his King's good graces, Red sneaks out and searches for this human to capture them.
As Peach shows Luigi around the Kingdom, Red dashes for him, ready to strike with his hammer. Just like with Wario in the latest comic, Luigi's hat is what throws Red off. He becomes so focused on it that he doesn't register Luigi cowering and completely misses his shot, fumbling onto the ground. He shakes it off and the two look face to face. Red feels a tear going down his cheek and his heart aches, baffling him. He runs off without a word.
"Do you know him?" Asks Peach, pulling Luigi up. "No, but he looked at me like I was familiar.." Luigi feels a tug at his heart too, though he interprets it as being homesick. Since this would-be assailant was masked, Luigi doesn't notice the resemblance.
Seeing that he's targeted by Bowser's army, Peach decides to train Luigi on the obstacle course, taking him on her journey for aid.
For failing his mission and making his presence known to the enemies, Red dares not to return to the Troop and face punishment. He goes into hiding, believing he can redeem himself by learning the heroes' plan and reporting back. He follows them and observes Luigi from afar, looking for whatever makes him so special and, more importantly, why he teared up at the sight of him.
In reminiscent of the campfire scene, I picture Luigi looking out into the sky, the others having fallen asleep. This is where Red comes in, threatening to attack his sleeping companions unless he answers this one question:
"Where did you get that hat?"
"I-I was born with it…?" Luigi sheepishly answers.
"Mock me all you want, but I don't think Lord Bowser would be pleased."
"What do you want from me? I'm not a warrior. I never even met this Bowser guy. How am I a threat?"
"Exactly! While it'd be fun to see, what point is there in him curbstomping you just like that? At least learn how to put up a fight!"
Red offers to teach Luigi a quick lesson in hand-to-hand combat. Maybe he even lets him hold his hammer, which Luigi proves to be a natural at since he's part of the wrecking crew.
For a moment, it seemed less like enemies quarreling and more like a boy teaching his little bro how to stand up to a bully and that heartache comes back…
Aaaand that's where I left off. At the moment, neither know the truth about each other. Maybe in terms of the movie, Luigi accepts the deal in fighting DK with his new skills, which would make the hidden Red facepalm…which would then prompt him to question why he cares all of a sudden.
Anyone is free to add their own take or build off of what I wrote. I don't know if I'll make this its own AU, but I had a lot of fun brainstorming this concept.
Thanks for reading!
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lumpyrock · 2 years
(Based on a fake music video/movie my mind thought was real when I was 5)
I tried to write a fanfiction, I really did, but I need to do one of these first. So, AU. You know the song Torn by Natalie Imbruglia? Well this is based on that! Again, interpretation comes from 5 year old me.
So, you know New world by transluigi on ao3? Similar sort of premise but in my Glass Wall universe and it starts out as kids.
Enough set up, let's get to the God damn plot! Luigi's a kid, his family live out in the country, and there's this big hill in his backyard with a tree on top. One day, a portal (aka glass wall) shows up in his back yard and his parents keep him and Mario inside so they don't get iseakied (I hope that's how you spell it).
Well, one night, Luigi sneaks out to investigate. He goes out and goes to touch it when out of the portal pops a kid Bowser, who lands right on top of him. Cue portal closing up behind him, cue Bowser getting upset, cue Luigi comforting him. They get to know each other (E.T. but less ailen), and Luigi gets really attached to Bowser.
That is, until one night another Glass Wall opens up. Bowser hops outta there with not even so much as a goodbye and Luigi gets really upset, thinking that Bowser ran away from him, when really he just went home.
So, the Bros grow up, move out, and go to the city. One day they find a glass wall and stumble their way into it. Luigi relises that this could be his chance to see his childhood friend again! Cue Peach stealing and subsequent "that's not my Bowser... right?"
Well, the bros go to rescue Peach, all goes according to plan, Princess, rescued. After about a week, Luigi goes up to Peach and asks her if there are maybe other large turtles with the name Bowser that are royalty? Peach says no, none that she knows of.
Well, Luigi has to know if it really is his Bowser. He goes to Bowser's castle and at the door he says, "My name is Luigi Mario, I used to live in a house by a hill, and I think I knew you 20 years ago."
They re-get to know each other, and they set up another get together. Before you know it, they start seeing each other every other week. It's like they're kids again.
That is until life hits, and Bowser steals Peach again. Luigi feels betrayed. When the bros go to rescue her, Luigi gives Bowser a piece of his mind. Cue the actual song.
Cue something from the RPG games happening and Luigi having a "we'll talk about this after we save the world" moment.
I'm sorry if this isn't up to par, I just had this idea.
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coffeecat1983 · 1 year
“All He Deserves” Mario Bros AU fic pt 1.
(short intro piece to my AU fic, where the bros didn’t have a way back to Brooklyn, and Luigi has to find a way to survive without his brother. CW! adult content, smoking, language.)
   Luigi quietly slipped out of the bed and gathering his clothes off the floor, he crept past the other two sleeping figures and to the bathroom. He sighed as the hot water hit him, washing away the evidence of last night. He thought over how things had changed after just one year. In one last battle, Bowser killed Mario and had taken over the kingdom. Luigi had fought beside his brother, but had fled when he saw Mario's throat slit open. He had hid in the woods after their home had been burned by a group of Koopa Troopas. The castle was no option, as Bowser's troops covered the place. He had been on the verge of death from exposure and starvation when the Hammer Brother approached him with the offer. Food and shelter and the money he would need, all in exchange for the only thing he had left. Tearfully, he agreed. After a while he ended up attracting repeat clients, and they paid well. Did he enjoy it? He wasn't sure. And yet, at times he felt like he did. Getting dressed, he slipped out of the motel room and into the cool morning air. He jumped slightly as someone spoke. "Wait, you forgot this." He turned and saw one of the Koopa Troopas standing near, holding a bag of coins. Luigi accepted it with a soft 'thanks' and tucked it into his coat pocket.      "No prob." The Koopa lit a cigarette. Since the takeover, the kingdom had vastly changed to mimic a seedy city. Motels took the place of the mom-and-pop inns, large buildings to house the many Troopas now towered over the little mushroom houses, blocking out much of the sunlight. Broken roads lay strewn with trash and weeds.      "Can I ask you somethin'?" the Koopa said as he offered a cigarette. Luigi nodded as he accepted one. Another change he had made.      "Why do you do this?" he asked, flicking the lighter under the cigarette. Luigi took a deep drag and exhaled. "It's a job."      "Yeah, but this? I mean, kid, I know who you are. Why'd you fall into this racket?" he coughed, a wet, raspy sound. He was older, late forties, with a greying beard and mustache. A new client, but Luigi found himself hoping he'd stay on as a regular.      "I mean don't get me wrong, you're damn good at what you do." Luigi couldn't help but smirk at this. Look who's talking, he thought as last night flashed through his mind.      "But still," the Koopa drew on his own cigarette. "back in the day you always seemed like the clean cut one."    Luigi dropped his cigarette stub and stomped on it. It was beginning to rain and it pattered on the overhang of the motel.      "This is all I deserve." he finally said.
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avatarskywalker78 · 2 years
Fic Masterpost
Active Series:
Nicky Connors, Cobra Adjacent - focusing on my OC Nicola ‘Nicky’ Connors, who befriends Johnny and the Cobras in 1981 and becomes an honourary Cobra. She’s especially close to Johnny, but this relationship becomes increasingly fraught in the run-up to KK1, as he gets deeper into Cobra Kai and she can’t see a way to get him out. Will be an eventual AU, and currently has 3 stories.
bad boy (no more) - one-shots focusing on a redeemed Mike Barnes, his wife Leah, and their three kids Sarah, Elaine, and Alex. Will be (mostly) unconnected, currently has 6 stories.
The Shieldmaiden Saga -  my longfic Flash AU series featuring Steph Taylor, Eddie Thawne’s childhood best friend who gains force-field powers the night of the accelerator explosion, learns about the truth of the particle accelerator, and plots to bring down Wells with a help of a friend or several, all while also trying to help the metahuman community in Central. Currently has 2 stories.
Cobalt Blue and The Flash - Flash AU where Malcolm Thawne (Eddie’s estranged younger brother) and Barry Allen are best friends, and both get struck by lightning the night of the explosion. Malcolm wakes up five months later, reconciles with his brother, and on discovering his powers becomes Central City’s first hero. But there’s a lot of questions surrounding that night, and he doesn’t really think Wells’ version of events is the whole story, and this is before he finds out superspeed isn’t the only set of powers he has. Currently has 1 story.
On Hiatus:
Niamh Cassidy - Once Upon a Time AU featuring Niamh Cassidy, Neal’s 8-year-old daughter, which will focus on her adventures after her grandfather, her half-brother, and her dad’s old girlfriend (who is her half-brother’s mother) show up on the doorstep looking for her dad, and she finds out that all the weird and wonderful tales she’s been told are true. Currently has 1 story.
The Adventures of Eliana Kent - my Supergirl AU focusing on my OC Eliana Kent, Clark and Lana’s daughter from an alternate universe who was forced (along with thousands of others) to flee from her home universe to Earth-38 after the anti-alien government wipes out most of her family. Suddenly starting to come into the rest of her powers - after 17 years of only having flight and supersenses - following Cadmus’s debut, she soon becomes National City’s newest hero, which brings her face to face with her family’s doppelgangers. Currently has 1in-progress longfic, with 3 chapters.
to fix the timeline (or make it better) - my Krypton AU featuring my OC Ashley Tanner, a friend of Adam’s since high school who was accidently transported alongside him to Rann, and has had many space adventures since then, before deciding to help him save Krypton (as well as the timeline) from Brainiac. But things turn out to be a lot more complicated than they realise. Currently has 1 in-progress longfic, with 8 out of 11 chapters.
emerald legacy - Arrow AU where Oliver is the one who dies in the S1 finale, not Tommy, and as a result it’s up to Tommy to take on the vigilante mantle with the help of his friends and family, with all the problems that brings after an old enemy of Oliver’s decides he’ll just switch his focus to Tommy instead. Currently has 2 stories.
legends of earth-4 - a literal Legends AU focusing on what the Legends of Earth-4 could look like, featuring my OC Brianna Thawne, Eddie’s distant descendant and the Cobalt Blue of her generation, who joins the Legends after she causes a rift in her Team Flash following her attempt to stop an Allen from changing the timeline. Currently has 1 story.
Tales of the Koopalings - my FFN imports focused on the lives of the Koopalings (who in my ‘verse are Bowser’s children). Currently has 2 stories, focused on Ludwig Von and Wendy O. Koopa.
Complete Series:
Cobra Kai Mini Rewrites - unconnected fix-its for Cobra Kai, mainly Daniel and Johnny focused, with a couple ones from Miguel’s POV and one from Tory’s POV. Spans from S1 to the first half of S4, in no particular order. Has 18 stories.
flufftober 2021 - my collection of (mostly) short oneshots for flufftober 2021. Multifandom, has 31 stories.
flufftober 2022 - my collection of (mostly) short oneshots for flufftober 2022. Multifandom, has 21 stories.
Other Fics:
of legacies and lies - a oneshot set post-Winter Soldier featuring my OC Alex Thompson, Jack Thompson’s granddaughter, who has to go on the run following the SHIELDRA revelation, intending to get back to the US to clear her name while dealing with the fact that everything she’s worked for has been a lie.
a god’s reflection - a rewrite of an FFN story set post-Avengers from Loki’s POV as he thinks about what led him to his prison cell.
you’ve always been (a part of me) - a Krypton AU set 40 years post-canon, with Seg and Adam having gotten together not long after S2 and had a family, and focuses on Seg coming to terms with the fact that he’ll long outlive Adam.
right here (is where I’m meant to be) - a short, fluffy, post-canon Segdam story as they share a lazy morning together.
to new beginnings - a Westhallen (and Eddie Lives) AU, written for last January’s Polyam Shipping Day with the prompt ‘Resolutions’.
the future (is ours) - a Flash AU where Iris became the Flash and Barry and Eddie were the ones who got together, but even though Eobard is dealt with without any casulties, Eddie can’t help but wonder what his place in Barry’s life is know, knowing what he does of the original timeline.
now we have (the freedom to choose) - An AU of the Legends S1 finale, as Carter talks about destiny with Sara, and realises he wants to branch out on his own as well now that he’s not constantly fearing for his life.
the truth (long overdue) - Spider-Man 2 fix-it where Peter actually explains things to Harry, and unknowingly averts catastrophe.
Ambiguity - FFN import of a story I wrote for the web series Stupid Mario Brothers, showing the events of the Movie Act 2 Part 4 from Mr L’s POV (with a twist)
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mystic-panda-4 · 3 months
Bungo Stray Dogs:
Good Tonight (Currently 1 Chapter at 12,989 Words Long)
Yokohama has been plagued with the fearful fivesome as long as they can remember. Citizens cower in fear wherever they go, and where one is spotted, the other four are never far behind. An unstoppable team able to commit whatever crime they put their minds to, Chuuya, Akutagawa, Gin, Kouyou and Higuchi are known far and wide, simply as - The Bad Guys. However, when the new Governor Dazai comes into power, aided by his trusty assistant Atsushi, boldy declaring that he'll be the one to put a stop to these so called "bad guys", it drives the gang into an impossible job, one that winds them up in a situation where The Bad Guys are forced to go good. Will the five of them really be able to change their ways in time for the annual fundraiser for the Special Division for Unusual Powers? Or will their failed heist be their last? Aka, the gayest Port Mafia members in an AU that roughly follows the plot of the animated film The Bad Guys, based off the Australian children's book series by the same name. (Rated Teen and Up for language only)
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Living On (The Second Fic in the Unfinished Business Series), Currently 0 Chapters at 0 Words Long)
Currently not started, but will pick up where the fic Partners In Crime (5/5 Chapters posted at 30,593 Words Long) left off, who's description is as follows:
Four years ago, Soukoku was let loose on the city. Two years ago, they disappeared, never to be seen again. Today, Atsushi is a starving penniless orphan, who knows nothing of the mysterious Double Black, but is grateful for the meal offered to him by the man he was trying to rob on the riverbank. After offering Atsushi a place to stay, he grows curious as to how exactly these two strange bickering men that call themselves partners ended up living such an odd lifestyle in the city of Yokohama, and thus their tale begins to unfold. Or, four years ago, Chuuya caught Dazai strapping bombs to his car and proposed they flee the Port Mafia together instead of letting Dazai run off on his own and the ensuing tale of events that lead to Atsushi meeting Dazai on that fateful day. *** Dazai took his hand, but used it to pull Chuuya close to his chest instead of accepting the gesture for its intended purpose. "Partners on the run together? How romantic." Chuuya stomped on his foot. And while they knew things would be different for them from here on out, there was no doubt that Double Black had a truly unbreakable bond.
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Scum Villain's Self Saving System:
Fortune (Currently 1 Chapter at 5,164 Words Long)
Shen Yuan is sick and tired of his life as a fortune teller. In fact, he'd really rather be anything else, except destiny has told him that he is destined to spend the next 63 years in this hole in the wall, telling people futures they don't actually want to see, until one day he'll up and die. No matter how much he hopes he'll be able to do literally anything else with his life, he knows, more than anyone else that he cannot change his fate. Everyone thinks knowing the future is so great until they have to experience it for themselves. However, everything changes the day one Luo Binghe shows up outside his door, begging Shen Yuan to tell him if there's love for him in his future. Much to his chagrin, the remainder of Binghe's life seems to be fairly short and misfortunate. But then why does Binghe keep showing up at his doorstep? Wasn't he supposed to have died by now? Or, a look at what happens when you risk defying fate for the promising allure of the unknown.
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Super Mario Bros:
Dance With Me (Currently 1 Chapter at 5,555 Words Long)
When Luigi shows up at his favorite karaoke bar for a much needed night off in his drag getup, the absolute last thing he expects is to see the recently escaped Bowser of all people. Torn between self preservation and finding out whatever Bowser has plotted next, Luigi has no idea just how much trouble he'll find himself in as he journeys through self discovery and his own self worth as someone who is more than just Mario's brother. Aka the crack idea my friends presented to me in the middle of the night on a Discord call and I fucking ran with it and now the rest of you get to deal with the results.
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sunlitmiracle · 1 year
I dreamed about Sumabura Gakuen / Smash Academy last night and man. There was a special kind of chaos in turning every Nintendo property into a high school AU RP. like my dream was mostly based on scenes/interactions that never happened (in short “what if I re-applied to the RP today?” even though in reality it’s ended) but loosely inspired by stuff that did happen, like Bowser becoming a teacher and openly having beef with all the Mario RPG characters who happened to be his students, and not a single character stopped to think that maybe they shouldn’t make archnemeses sit in the same classroom or that it might be inappropriate for the teacher and his students to start insulting each other’s mothers. Or some of the absolutely wild crossover ships that made sense within the RP because we all got to see these characters bond with each other and we knew why they’re such a good match together, but if you told someone outside the RP about your ship you would be called insane.
I know I ghosted the game near the end (I think it was right before it retooled into a general city setting?) and I’m sorry for that. But I still have a lot of fond memories of that time and I’m happy for the times we had.
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colscomicsandstuff · 2 years
Princess Amethyst the "Purple Menace": A New Hope Arises - Chapter 2: Curiousity
If you have found this before reading the first chapter, I recommend reading the first chapter of this story, as well as my Amethyst the "Purple Menace" AU post, first to have knowledge. Anyways... let's-a go!
(the next morning, we see Slog grabbing a bagel and a cup of coffee along with a bag to collect parts, preparing to leave)
Slog: Dudes, I will see you two later. I have a certain place to go to to learn more… yes, I promise I will bring you more parts, Pegacorn.
Pegacorn: (neighs)
(Slog pets Bowser, as he then rides on his hoverboard to Gemworld. When he got there, he hops off)
Slog: (to himself) Two goals for today. One… collect the parts like you do everyday. And two, learn more about Gemworld before its fall.
(Slog then looks around for parts to collect. As hours go by, he has been grabbing parts… however, he ends up seeing a stone tablet lying around)
Slog: Huh, dude… (grabs the tablet) Where did this come from? (looks around) I have a feeling that this tablet may have fallen here while Gemworld fell apart. I might have to translate this later, dude. (puts it in the bag)
(as he looks around, he sees some furniture)
Slog: Huh?
(he walks into what appears to be a outdoor camp with a hammock as a bed)
Slog: I feel bad for someone living here, dude. Especially since they would always get wet because of rain. You know… I am curious to explore this place.
(as he explores around, he sees a picture of Princess Amethyst and Prince Topaz in their prom-like attire)
Slog: Huh? Is that… Princess Amethyst and Prince Topaz? Apparently, their death apparently impacted them so much that they wanted to collect pictures of them. I hope no dude can mind while I take this… (grabs it)
(he notices some machine parts)
Slog: Perfect. I need more-
(a whoosh is heard)
Slog: …what the everloving hell is that, dude?
(he follows where the whoosh came from and he walks to a grave with all of the fallen citizens and heroes that died during the Gemworld Purge as a hooded person walks to it)
Slog: (quietly) …The Gemworld Purge Grave… a lot of people died. That’s very harsh, dude…
(the hooded person unhoods herself, revealing herself to be… Princess Amethyst, who is in tears)
Slog: (quietly) …The Purple Menace… (makes a shocked face) is Princess Amethyst?! This is insanity! I thought she died during the purge!
Princess Amethyst: (sniffs) Hey, friends… it’s been a whole year since that dreaded event and here I am, exiled and powerless. (sheds a tear) I am sorry that I was UNABLE to stop Dark Opal in time… and citizens think HE is the good guy and I am the villain, which is OBVIOUSLY isn’t true.
Slog: (quietly) Wait, dude… is she saying she is never a bad guy and that Dark Opal dude lied to us about The Purple Menace, which is her, dude- (sees robots flying to her)
Princess Amethyst: (notices the robots) …oh, come on…
Robot: There you are, crook.
Princess Amethyst: Crook, huh? The real crook is your stupid boss. (prepares her weapons)
Robot #2: Talking trash about the ruler of this world, you whiny bloody brat?
Robot #3: Rule Number 1… always say good things and be royal to- (gets impaled in the head by Princess Amethyst using a scythe)
Princess Amethyst: Never.
Robot: Robots… exterminate her.
(the robots start attacking Princess Amethyst, turning into an intense fight)
Slog: (amazed) Wow… no wonder why the city would do curfews every night. She’s deadly, dude.
(an oil-drenched Princess Amethyst uses her axe to behead a robot, and then shows the head into the other robot’s head, destroying it instantly. However, a robot then grabs her neck and its hands turn into a knife, preparing to stab her in the heart. Slog notices, and looks around to see a spear lying. He grabs it and throws)
Robot: Any last words, menace?
Princess Amethyst: … (sniffs) At least I get to join the rest…
(the robot then moves his arm to stab her. However, just before he could do so, the spear goes through the sides of the robots’ torso, destroying it instantly)
Princess Amethyst: Huh?
Slog: (sighs) Wow- (sees Amethyst saw him, panicking) H-HUH?! SHE SAW ME, DUDE!! I GOTTA RUN! (runs)
Princess Amethyst: Wait, I am not who you think I am!
(she runs to chase Slog, ending Chapter 2)
Princess Amethyst (c) DC Comics
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mariofallenstar · 4 years
Super Mario Bros.: Fallen Star AU (Part 3)
Part 1
Part 2
Luigi’s deepest and most desperate wish was to keep his niece safe.
So, when she agreed to give up adventuring and remain in hiding indefinitely,
It was a huge load off his shoulders.
But there was one fact that Luigi couldn’t change through tears or pleading:
Luigi was now in his forties,
And as much as he tried to hide it,
The truth was Mr. L was slowing down.
It happened during a mission seemingly no different from any other.
Luigi, as Mr. L, broke into a weapon factory in the conquered Mushroom Kingdom to free the Toads enslaved there and help them escape to another country.
But, he miscalculated a jump over a spiked shell spinning his way
And fell on his shoulder.
In his younger days, perhaps he would have been able to quickly recover from such a slip-up,
But the jolt of pain he felt now was enough to leave his gasping.
The Koopa Troop used his moment of vulnerability to capture him.
Bowser’s forces were excited.
Though Mr. L had never been the powerhouse Mario had been, he had been a thorn in the side of Bowser’s empire now for many years.
When they informed Bowser that they had captured Mr. L, Bowser flew into the kingdom to unmask Mr. L personally.
Years of grief had aged Luigi, but without his mask, Bowser recognized him with a satisfied smirk.
Luigi, for his part, had been careful to avoid directly confronting Bowser all this time
And was shocked by how he had changed.
Bowser had not aged gracefully.
His once muscular, imposing frame seemed to have been shriveled and curled over itself, like a fruit piece left to dry in the sun.
But his emaciated appearance made him no less frightening.
Quite the opposite, actually.
Bowser had traded in his bombastic demeanor for something slier, more predatory. 
He was less a dragon and more a serpent. 
Was this change also due to Mario’s passing?
As long as Mario was alive and Peach was within reach, there had been a net to prevent Bowser from sliding into full monstrosity.
But, after eighteen years with no Mario, no Peach, 
Bowser’s remaining scruples had slowly peeled away.
He’d been aware of what was happening to him,
But he didn’t know how to stop the twisting of his own heart,
And he finally gave up trying.
“If I’ve already killed Mario, I might as well keep going.
“There’s no stopping this now.”
Such were his thoughts.
Bowser now had Luigi, the prince consort of Sarasaland.
Bowser contacted the king of Sarasaland,
Daisy’s father,
And told him his intentions.
Luigi would be publicly executed on the spot where Peach’s Castle had once stood in one week,
Unless either Sarasaland or Luigi himself told him exactly where to find Peach.
If Sarasland made a move to rescue Luigi from his capture,
Bowser would take that as a declaration of war
And unleash the full power of the Havoc Star on all four kingdoms of Sarasaland.
Bowser’s announcement threw the Sarasaland government into an uproar.
Daisy pleaded with her father to launch the military for a rescue.
Wasn’t Bowser’s execution of her husband a declaration of war in itself?
But Daisy’s father wouldn’t budge.
He did love Luigi and didn’t want to leave his grandchildren without a father, 
But he loved his country more.
The Havoc Star had to potential to wipe Sarasaland off the face of the earth.
News of Luigi’s capture reached Peach and Stella.
Like Daisy, Peach and her daughter were gripped with fear.
Peach regarded Luigi as one of her dearest friends,
And Luigi was the closest thing to a father Stella had ever had.
Stella spent a restless night wrestling with the promise she had made to Luigi.
She would stay in Sarasaland with her mother. She would stay safe.
That’s what she had promised him.
But if nothing was done, she would lose Luigi, her zio.
And she remembered the stories she had heard of her father, who’d risked his life again and again to save the country and his loved ones before paying the ultimate price.
Luigi may have been willing to trade his life for Stella’s,
But she was not.
She told her mother where she was going, not knowing whether her mother would try to stop her.
Peach was deeply grieved as she looked at her daughter.
In truth, she had always known this day would come.
Stella was too much like her father, too much like her mother, to be satisfied with her life of idly safety.
Furthermore, Stella was eighteen years old.
She couldn’t spend her whole life hiding away from the world.
Peach said only this:
“If you go, you need to understand that there’s a very large change you will never come back.”
She said this solemnly.
Stella said she understood.
Peach held her close for what she feared would be the last time.
“I’m so proud of you,” she said, and she meant it.
Peach prepared Stella the best she could for the journey.
Many years had passed, but the kingdom was still mapped clearly in her memory.
She showed Stella the route Mr. L had taken to sneak over the border and gave her detailed directions and instructions.
Luigi, in an attempt to starve his niece’s wanderlust,
Had deliberately hid details about the current state of the Mushroom Kingdom from her,
But Peach had been able to learn more from Luigi and Daisy about how the cities, terrain, and people had changed.
The last thing she said before Stella left was,
“If you can’t save him, I want you to come home anyway.
“No one will blame you.”
Stella reassured her mother that she would definitely return and with Luigi in tow.
She set off.
“Wish me luck, Dad.”
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dragonkeeper19600 · 5 years
Super Mario Bros.: Fallen Star AU (Part 1)
This is an AU I’ve been developing for a while. It’s basically my take on the stock “Bowser defeats Mario and conquers the Mushroom Kingdom” scenario. I haven’t decided if I want to do this as a fan fic, a series of fan fics, a comic series, whatever, so I decided I might as well lay out the basics here. 
The name “Fallen Star” is a double entendre. The first meaning refers to the weapon Bowser uses to conquer the Mushroom Kingdom: a star that fell from the sky. The course of history in the Mario world is often determined by the presence of stars and other celestial bodies on Earth, the Power Stars, the Beanstar, the Dark Star, the Shine Sprites, the Cobalt Star, etc. All of these entities contain great power and great capacity to be used for either good or evil, but one star proved itself more devastating, more uncontrollable than all the others. This was the Havoc Star, which fell to Earth in a fiery blaze. 
The Havoc Star crashed into the ocean, and the force of its impact was so great that it caused flooding in coastal cities around the world. Bowser’s forces found it smoldering in the sea depths, the water around it broiling to a white heat. They managed to contain it with Kamek’s magic and unleashed it as a weapon on the Mushroom Kingdom.
All stars are living beings, but this star seemed heedless of any attempts to communicate with it. It couldn’t be controlled or reasoned with, the only voice it had seemed to be a scream. Bowser didn’t see it as a sentient being and instead as an infinite energy source to be pointed in the general direction of a target.
The devastation this thing wreaked on the Mushroom Kingdom was total, and there was a lot of collateral damage even among Bowser’s own forces, as Kamek’s attempts to wrangle it relied a lot on trial and error. Even Bowser grew uneasy at the extent of its power, but he was far too prideful to admit to his fear and carried on laying waste to the Mushroom Kingdom. 
Mario and Luigi had no way to fight this thing. They decided to focus their efforts on evacuating as many of the Toads out of the Kingdom as possible, hoping to buy time for the Star Sprites to find a solution. But, they are only two men, and the star was more powerful than both of them. Luigi is captured, and Mario and Peach are forced to go into hiding. Bowser takes the opportunity to install himself in the now vacant Peach Castle.
Alone together, Mario decides to make one final bid to stop Bowser. Peach will run for the border while Mario takes one last stand against Bowser.
And this is the second meaning of “Fallen Star” because Mario never returns from this encounter.
Mario throws down with Bowser inside of Peach’s Castle, but when Mario gains the upper hand, Bowser orders Kamek to unleash the Havoc Star on the castle with the two of them still inside. 
Kamek is alarmed and refuses at first, but Bowser is seeing red. 
He’s basically razed the Mushroom Kingdom to the ground and still Peach eludes his grasp?
The only thing left for it is to burn everything.
So, the Havoc Star is set loose upon Peach’s Castle, where it proceeds to tear it apart. 
Bowser manages to escape by the skin of his teeth. 
But, Mario is pinned under falling rubble and unable to get away,
So the castle collapses with him inside it. 
When the smoke clears, and there’s nothing left of the castle but blackened stone,
Bowser is in a state of shock. 
Somehow, he didn’t expect Mario to actually die. 
The reality of it is only now sinking in.
And, he doesn’t know what he feels.
Meanwhile, Luigi is being held prisoner in the dungeon of Bowser’s castle
Because he’s too dangerous to let loose.
Bowser actually gives him the news in person.
He’s halting and awkward with it. He doesn’t attempt to console Luigi, but there’s something almost regretful in his words.
Luigi’s brain is a blank.
He can’t comprehend what’s being said to him. 
All he knows is that Bowser must be lying.
He sits in that dungeon for months, waiting for Mario to rescue him.
And as each day goes by without any sign of his brother, 
A horrible, all-consuming terror takes hold of Luigi’s soul.
What if it’s actually true? 
Three months go by of Luigi trying, with increasing desperation, to stamp down the awful possibility.
But then, finally, one day, there’s chaos up above.
Someone is storming the Bowser’s Castle. 
Luigi hears crashing, blasting, all kinds of foundation-rocking noise
Before a masked person drops into his cell. 
The person with the mask blasts a hole open in the wall,
And pulls Luigi out into a waiting airship.
Only when the airship is flying away does his rescuer remove their mask.
It’s Daisy. 
Daisy is overjoyed to see Luigi, but Luigi only has one question:
“Is Mario with you?”
The look on Daisy’s face says it all. 
For the first time in three months, Luigi breaks down completely. 
Everything, everything is gone.
Everything has lost its color.
Daisy just holds him as he cries. 
When they arrive back in Sarasaland, they are greeted by an anxious Peach.
She made it out. 
She, and the other Toads that managed to escape, are hiding out in Sarasaland. 
Daisy and the rest of the Sarasaland nobility have been spreading rumors of Peach taking refuge elsewhere. 
They have most of Bowser’s forces convinced that Peach has run to the Lunar Kingdom with plans to head deeper into the galaxy.
Only Daisy, her father, and the other four kings know that Peach is actually in Sarasaland. 
For the first few weeks of his own exile in Sarasaland, Luigi doesn’t see much of Peach.
He seems to be numb to the world. He sleep walks through his day. 
At night, he’s wracked with sobs and can’t catch a single wink.
Daisy, to her credit, doesn’t leave his side during all this time. 
She spends all day with him, she encourages him to eat, she lies next to him at night.
She feels overwhelmed. 
She’s grieving for Mario, too, but she knows Luigi is feeling an anguish beyond her comprehension.
She feels inadequate. 
But, Luigi clings to her desperately each night. 
After a month, Daisy tells Luigi she has to tell him something important. 
It’s a struggle for Luigi to hear what anyone else is telling him.
But Daisy has such a serious look on her face that Luigi summons the effort to pay attention.
“Maybe we should’ve told you sooner, but we didn’t want to overwhelm you with so many things at once.
“Peach is pregnant. 
“You’re going to be an uncle.”
Shock. Even greater than the moment in the cell. 
When? How?
Daisy admits she doesn't know all the details.
“After all. I wasn’t there.”
But, apparently, that last night before Mario left to fight Bowser,
Peach and Mario knew there was a decent chance they might both die.
They didn’t want to leave anything unsaid or undone.
Daisy wonders if perhaps a baby was the outcome Peach was hoping for. 
To carry on his legacy, you know? 
Luigi is distraught. 
It’s Mario’s baby. He should be here.
Daisy agrees. Mario should be here.
But, Luigi is here. 
Peach needs him.
Daisy takes Luigi to see Peach immediately after.
Her smile is apologetic. 
She asks Luigi how he feels.
He says he doesn’t know.
Which is fair.
It’s a lot to process.
Peach says the baby is doing well. 
Toadsworth was evacuated too, and he never leaves her side.
Luigi doesn’t need to worry.
She tells Luigi the baby will probably have a lot of questions about its legacy.
Luigi will be able to answer questions that she doesn’t know the answer to.
Also, she wants the baby to know Italian.
Mario taught her some things, but she isn't fluent. 
She doesn’t want the baby to lose that part of its heritage.
She’s gushing, saying too many things at once. 
She’s wrought with emotion, too. She hardly knows what she’s saying.
But, the last thing she says is,
“I’m so glad you’re here, Luigi.
“I give thanks everyday that you’re here.”
It’s strange, but the news of the baby seems to rally Luigi.
While obviously still grieving, the darkness that had weighed him down seems to lighten somewhat.
He seems more awake, more alive.
Whenever Peach asks for something, its practically a race between him and Toadsworth who can get it to her first.
Luigi, as the younger, has the advantage. 
He holds her hair back when she needs to puke, he gets up in the dead of night to make her food.
Though she knows it isn’t fair, Daisy grows jealous. 
Luigi is spending so much time with Peach, and the baby seems to unite them in a way that leaves Daisy feeling left out. 
Besides, she knows that Luigi never really stopped being attracted to Peach.
But, Daisy is enough of an adult not to go to Peach with these feelings.
Instead, she communicates them to Luigi in a very apologetic, mature way. 
She admits she feels like a failure. She wasn’t able to help Luigi like Peach was.
Luigi is surprised that she thinks of herself that way.
He tells her he’s immensely grateful for how kind and patient she has been with him.
How patient she’s still being with him.
Daisy saved his life. He’s never forgotten that.
Daisy presses her hand to her mouth to hide her smile.
But, she can’t hide her tears.
She though she hadn’t been able to help Luigi with his grief.
But all this time, Luigi thought of her as his hero. 
The months pass, and the time comes.
In a cottage hidden away from the world, Peach goes into labor.
Luigi and Daisy wait outside while Peach is attended to by a doctor.
After a while, Daisy is called into the room.
Peach has asked for her.
Daisy is taken aback.
“Why me!?”
The nurse says she doesn’t know. Peach asked for her specifically.
Daisy heads inside nervously.
She don't know nothing about birthing no babies.
Luckily, Peach just wants Daisy to hold her hand.
She tells Daisy she didn't ask for Luigi because she didn’t want him to panic.
Daisy laughs nervously.
Joking around like this, it almost feels like old times.
Eventually, Luigi hears the baby cry.
Daisy comes outside and gives the thumbs up.
It’s all good.
In the months leading up to this moment, when Peach and Luigi were discussing names, Peach admitted she didn’t want to name the baby after Mario.
Mario’s name would already be a huge part of the baby's life. 
Peach wants the baby to have its own identity.
Luigi is touched that Peach understands.
Anyway, it’s a moot point, since the baby is a girl.
The doctor tells Luigi he can go in and see them.
He goes.
Peach looks exhausted, but happy.
The baby is sleeping. 
Luigi can’t believe how beautiful the baby is.
Peach agrees.
“We did good, huh?
“Would you like to hold her?”
Luigi is nervous.
He’s afraid he’ll drop her.
Peach says she trusts him.
Luigi takes the baby.
She’s so light. 
She doesn’t wake up, only stirs under the blanket.
They’re a banished princess and a disgraced hero, both living in exile,
But home is right here in his arms. 
The Italian word for star is stella.
It seemed like a perfect name.
“Hello, Stella.
“I’m your uncle.”
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taco-night-frenzy · 5 years
Stuff I wanna write
I’m pretty tuckered after writing so much, but I want to blab about other ideas that have been floating around for months and months that I still wanna do some day maybe. 
Obviously lots of F/F and short Trails in the Sky fics (maybe one medium sized one) and then one big Luigi and maybe a few Sonics. Anyway here’s the list because I just... I want to write down ideas and put stuff out there. It’s what I like doing. Support me and tell me I’m great if you want, I love that, but don’t feel you have to. I'm full of myself and love compliments and nice words like “Wow that sounds cool, you should do this idea!!” Or maybe like “I also like that pairing, here’s what I’ve always thought about that too!” And just you know, nice interactions are cool.
Estelle/Dorothy. Wanna do another NSFW one that takes place in Zeiss. Would technically be right after Estelle/Josette fic but I wouldn’t tell you that really shh. Estelle gets a “quest” from a mysterious sender, turns out to be Dorothy because Dorothy spelt her name completely wrong. Dorothy wants to take pictures of Estelle, and Estelle’s like FINE SINCE I’M HERE. Anyways, Dorothy makes Estelle feel really good about her body and takes great pictures and ... you get the rest. 
Another Estelle/Anelace (Possibly just Estelle & Anelace). SFW this time. I have much less worked out on this one, but I want Estelle and Anelace to go on a mystery together and solve a murder or something. Not super romantic, but a few light touches here and there and some fun plot. I’ve not nailed it down well..
Schera/Aina. Maybe spicy? Maybe NSFW? Who knows. I want to write something with them. Maybe about the time they’re on the run from that weird Mafia that actually happened and they had to spend the night in an abandoned home together. Lots of talking and developing feelings... or maybe another idea completely but with a similar preface.   Estelle/Female!Joshua genderswap I GOTTA do Estelle/Joshua!! They’re a good ship! I just wanna make Joshua a girl for my own needs. Been struggling with a plot on this one. Maybe Joshua finds out he likes dressing up like a girl more than he realized (I always loved that Estelle called him beautiful and seemed genuinely attracted to him when he crossdressed.) Maybe while he’s been out on his own exploring ancient ruins something turns him into a girl and its a weird experience and he’s feeling vulnerable and strange and calls to Estelle to help him work it out and then you get some nice romantic hurt/comfort...  And last but certainly not least...  Detective Luigi 2: Hotel Wario
I have already written like 10k+ of this one and written down the basic plot and all that. It can be a real struggle writing such a long thing again, though, but for the most part this one takes place a year later from the last mystery. Daisy and Luigi are invited to Wario’s brand new hotel with a bunch of other fancy rich or famous people like Bowser, King Boo, E. Gadd, Prince Peasly, Lord Crump disguised as someone else... and Booster and Valentina and... A lot of others. Have plans for Goombella and Toadette to return and help and also Vivian now too. Basically general plot is someone steals Wario’s ancient relic, and Dr. Crygor’s automatic defense system locks EVERYONE in until they can find who did it. A locked box kind of mystery with a lot of Mario RPG characters and decent Wario world/ware theme. 
I wrote it actually before Luigi’s Mansion 3, but it’s been good inspiration. It continues where it left off where Luigi is learning to be his own person, learned how to say no to when people ask him for things. But there’s more to life than just saying no all the time and Luigi still has to struggle finding a good balance.
There’s a lot going on and a lot of people have different motivations and feelings that have stayed the same or changed over the past year. I think I’ll just post what I got on Tumblr sometime later if I can get myself to working really hard on another long fic. 
And I do have one idea that I’ll probably never do but have always sort of daydreamed about...
Chaotix Mysteries starring Vector and Knuckles. I really don’t think I’ll do this one but who knows. Station Square city and Team Chaotix already lend themselves really well to doing mystery AUs. Wanted it to mostly be Vector as the main detective and his partner Knuckles with occaaaassional Espio and Charmy help. Been a lot of gem thefts in the city and a lot of trouble in general, and it’s definitely not Rouge because that would be really obvious and boring, but they’d be asking around with Rouge and Shadow first thing and.... well again it’ll be YEARS if I ever ever ever get to this one...
I have a lot of Sonic Mania stories I started and never finished too. 
Knuckles first person journal as he explores Mirage Saloon. I actually wrote some of this too years ago. Knuckles keeps a journal around and gets lost in a desert and finds himself in a crazy weird saloon with Fang/Knack and tries to get to the bottom of it by like punching stuff. Also Knuckles tries to write down rap lyrics a lot because he thinks they’re cool. (They’re not.) 
Another one I started with Sonic Tails and Knuckles at flying battery... Sonic has to fight Mecha Sonic and tries his best to keep it away from Tails and Knuckles. It doesn’t work well and he’s losing a lot and he learns (probably doesn’t) that it’s okay to rely on Tails and Knuckles a little sometimes. Remember, this is Classic Sonic, so he’s still young and kind of rude and thinks he’s all that. I started this one too like a year back. It was mostly Sonic getting beat up and Knuckles shittalking to Tails how Sonic’s a jerk, and Tails is just like trying to live his life and find Sonic. About halfway through, Mecha Sonic goes Super and Knuckles has to fight him again. Mecha Sonic is way stupider than Metal Sonic and way more basic, so Sonic has trouble with that. Knuckles is better at fighting against brain dead idiots. Sonic’s able to keep up with Metal Sonic since Metal is more advanced and has Sonic’s thoughts and feelings kind of programmed in there. 
Then one at Titanic Monarch... I also barely started this one... Just wanted it to be Sonic running off ONCE AGAIN on his own to fight Eggman. The illusions are strong, it has like every last boss all at once. Metal Sonic, Mecha Sonic, Big Arm, al lthat... Tails and Knuckles show up and are like GOD you IDIOT let us fucking HELP and Sonic’s like o, sorry. 
Another Sonic Mania one with Studiopolis where Amy’s just watching TV at her apartment and its mostly from her perspective. Eggman hacks the TVs and turns the world into weird illusions and makes everyone watch his broadcasts as he spreads propaganda about how Sonic’s evil and bad, and Amy’s like NO!!! He’s NOT BAD!! Anyways, you only see what Eggman shows you, and Eggman like kidnaps news anchors and forces him to say how great and good he is and Sonic is bad, but then Sonic saves the day anyway and Amy’s watching the whole thing like SEE I TOLD YOU and just screaming and being a maniac. 
ANYWAYS THAT’S ALL MY IDEAS I’VE GOT PROBABLY. I want to write them all some day, but it’s tiring...
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colscomicsandstuff · 2 years
Princess Amethyst the "Purple Menace": A New Hope Arises - Chapter 1: Slog
The first chapter of Slog's story in the Princess Amethyst the "Purple Menace" AU begins.
(our story begins at a metropolis-like city with flying cars and taxis roaming around)
??? (VO): This is New Copperopolis, dude. The greatest city ever built to mankind… a futuristic-like one I might add, dude. 
(we then cut to a frog citizen riding on a hoverboard, spraying graffiti on walls)
??? (VO): Who is this handsome dude you are looking at, dude? Well, my name is Slog, dude. 
(he sees the cops and hides from them. After cops look around, they shrug and leave as Slog unhides)
Slog: (looks at the watch) Well, it’s about to go back home anyway.
(he starts riding all around the city)
Slog (VO): How this city came to be you may ask, dude? After a tragic incident within Gemworld… Dark Opal has built us this beautiful city to move in. Why, dude? Well, you see, dude… we are told about The Purple Menace dude. From what we have heard, she will kill anyone in sight and shows no mercy and is said to come to New Copperopolis every night, so they implement an every night curfew that goes from 7 pm until the mornings. Crazy, right dude?
(then, he reaches to a building and enters via a window to his room, showing it as a lab-like bedroom)
Slog: Ah… home sweet home-
(then, a pig-chameleon hybrid pet comes and runs and licks Slog)
Slog: Whoa! Bowser! Chill, dude! 
(Bowser does so and wags his tail, as Slog grabs a bag of bacon)
Slog: Here’s your bacon, dude!
(he throws a bacon at Bowser with him eating it, as then a frog lady comes)
Frog Lady: Slog! Where have you been?!
Slog: (lying) I was… taking a nap, dude. Yeah, I felt tired so I took one.
Frog Lady: (believing his lie) Oh. Naps are good… I ordered some pizza, it will arrive before the curfew starts. Your ass better be there when I call your name.
Slog: Okay, mom dude.
Frog Lady: Just mom.
(she leaves. Then, Slog gets startled by a familiar horse noise)
Slog: Huh?! (sees) Oh! Hey, Pegacorn.
(we see Pegacorn, now being a head being stuck in a container with liquid)
Slog: Don’t worry, dude. I have gathered parts to continue on your new body. But I will wait until I finish dinner before I can do so, dude.
(Pegacorn neighs as he glares at him)
Frog Lady: (offscreen) Slog, the pizza has arrived!
Slog: Coming!
(Slog then leaves. At the dinner table, they are seen eating pepperoni pizza)
Slog: So… dude… My curiosity is getting the better of me. I know for sure that Gemworld is in ruins, dude, but… I wonder… What did Gemworld look like originally before The Purple Menace let it in that state?
Frog Lady: From what I have heard, it used to be like a forest. A beautiful looking forest with clear ponds and villages.
Slog: Like a… beautiful looking forest you’re describing?
(she nods)
Slog: If there are any pictures, dude… I do want to see what it looked like, dude.
Frog Lady: It will take a lot of time to learn what Gemworld used to look like.
Slog: Alright.
Frog Lady: Let’s just focus on eating dinner.
(Many hours later, we see Slog preparing to go to bed)
Slog: (yawns) Welp… a new day tomorrow, Bowser and Pegacorn. Good night, you two dudes.
(he thinks about the past of Gemworld and sighs as he then falls asleep. Then, in the window, we see a shadow of The Purple Menace as the chapter ends)
Princess Amethyst (c) DC Comics
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