#a really necessary transition back to calmness for sure lol
want to get nerdy really fast about all the cool little concepts and ideas that went into hallowed bodies because I fell into the trap of Hating It Until It Was Over & nowwww I remember that I specifically chose to write 90% of it in vignettes to capture a feeling of stunted listlessness in the narrative, that I literallyyyyy kept a character unnamed as a way to thematically emphasize the omnipresent anonymity of men in Lonan’s life (his father, god, Harrison), that I leapt off the ending of BODY BACK that ends in a church (HB starts in a church), that both first chapters in BB and HB have the protagonist yearning for someone to lead VS someone to follow, that similarly, both books delve into the same premise but with vastly different circumstances, that the ending was designed to also be a foil of the end of BB (Harrison walks INTO a church, Lonan walks OUT) & yeahhhh it’s pretty cool lol
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blitzgamev · 19 days
hi hey hello here are some of my fav spies are forever london bits in a random order :) i am going insane about this :)
Never done a read more! Surely this'll work first try!
- The Deadliest Man Alive stinger. Him coming back on stage just to say it again for the stinger was top tier and the fact Everyone looked into the audience when it played!!
- The fact they had enough cast now to have DMA stand there visibly not enjoy his time at the ball except when people talked about pulling toenails off??
- No seriously doing an extra Owen there when Curt said it and not just having him to the lil pose but also walk across stage, look around, notice what's going on AND DOING THE GUN SHOOT WITH DMA HELLO CAN ANYONE HEAR ME
- The wolf whistle during That part of the stairway scene? Whoever did that is my hero that was hilarious
- Managed to get past the booking agent for the banana yippee
- Speaking of the emoting between Curt and Owen during the slow motion fall was top tier love these actors
- The DMA into Owen reveal was so funny because Owen walked on before The Line to stand behind DMA so you couldn't even hear it over people cheering and laughing
- The slow turn while Joey narrated and the little low walk for the trap door?? Top tier
- Vanger visibly cringing every time someone said something negative about the prince was hilarious but also the implication they aren't even trying to keep it down...
- Facial expressions! Some very very good ones between Curt and Tatiana in not so bad
- DMA being like "yeah I did that look how cool I am cheer for me" at Some Point I Don't Remember like I love how the actor played him
- The deafening cheering whenever Mama Mega showed up was the most based we ever got as an audience let's go Mama Mega
- This did lead to the cheering being so much that we didn't stop when Joey came on to do the scene transition and him having to go calm down guys just doing the next scene lol
- That was definitely not helped by the insanely funny Vanger bit to start act 2 like the cyber bullying in the 60s?? Every cosplayer (pog shoutouts btw) being him??
- The little acting choices Tatiana made in general?? The suspender bit in particular
- Speaking of acting choices. The Whole of Owen's appearance at the end felt like a performance for the audience to me and I need to know if that was A Choice or if I imagined it
- Seperate but related point but spies are forever reprise being on the programme... All I've ever needed now add it to the album smile
- Argh the staircase scene... To see that in person is to be alive I think. The shaking on the gun arm on That Bit. How close Owen looked and sounded to crying during the reprise. MOVING ON OKE KING
- Barb
- Did the informant just not die here??? Good for him maybe don't get into the song next time yeah?
- Curt hesitating to take the first shot is also gonna haunt me that's always been the one issue I had with one more shot
- All the little extra flourishes in the songs were very fun love actors making it their own
- The henchmen!! They lived! I don't know that tickles me no quick changes needed so they get to Vibe and giggle
- BARON'S DEATH SCENE "ouch my back *turns around* ouch my front ouch my self *dies" <- he bows after this btw
- Joey shouting out people who were at the matinee but not the evening show was not a planned bit I bet but it Was funny
- The band!!! Hearing overture In Real Life rewired my brain
- Also a shout out to the stage hand we cheered on before the show and act 2 started
- Everyone's faces but especially Tatiana when Sergio was doing the plead reprise were top tier "what are you DOING get away"
- YOU GOTTA y-you GOTTA :) the whole song was really good loved this Cynthia
- The one handed moves for eyes ii was necessary but also just fun
- Also DMA making curt move the whole chair over and him refusing for a while for realism
- The way Curt kept sputtering and touching his lips way after Tatiana got over it and also agreed it was shit way more
- Prisoner of my past is haunting In Real Life holy shit
- One step ahead :) that one moment they kept getting closer to eachother until they did the hand thing again and it looked like Owen was leaning in completely to the hug. Hey you can't do that. I wish I remembered who pushed the other away to mirror the opening betrayal line
- The final pose was so so good to see I adore spy dance and getting to stand up and clap for it was an out of body moment (I hurt my ear cheering)
This turned into a non chronological recap of the show but whatever I wrote all the energy and memory out that I had so good night tri state area . tri london area
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dailysuna · 4 years
Hello again! Thank you for answering my questions so quickly and thoroughly, but now I have even more questions! Could you go into more detail on the political relationships that had to occur between the Kazekage's children and the rise to (and first years of) Gaara becoming Kazekage? You mentioned that the council would have to do the heavy lifting while Gaara listened and learned, but it seems to me that his naivety would put even more strain on the council during this time. Do you think that
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Yes, of course! I'm always more than glad to get specific questions I can just go on forever about!
The fact that they were the previous kazekage's children already gives them a leg up. From what we have seen of the previous kazekage, none of them are necessarily related. From other kages we can see it isn't always some sort of monarchy and rather is power based, so that can be applied somewhat to Suna as well. While the previous 4 kazekage had to build up their own reputation in the council, the council would have already been familiar with Gaara, especially because he was the feared Jinchuuriki. Unlike Naruto who was just shunned and given mean looks without knowing why, Gaara was very aware of the beast inside of him and the discrimination went as far as people attempting to murder him at any given time out of fear. The council despised and feared Gaara, even his own siblings did, so while they knew of him he lacked any sort of respect and bond.
From the glimpses we get, Gaara explains that building up trust and bonds with the people of Sunagakure has been his main goal and has been hard, Kankuro even says, or thinks I cannot recall, that he was proud and amazed at all Gaara did. So, with Gaara wanting to pursue the position of kazekage, the council while wanting to say no would very likely be too afraid to deny the position to him, reluctantly letting him have the spot. They would also thus pile all the work on themselves for they did not trust Gaara not only due to his lack of skill but because of what they knew his nature to be. In glimpses of the council after this transition has been made, we see the council still does not all like him, they constantly bring up the idea of him being killed, but they at least respect him enough to interact with him and call him kazekage.
Without any sort of direction or help, Gaara would not have gotten far, so I do believe Baki had a very large hand in making sure Gaara was learning and being guided. Having been in the council for a while himself, Baki had likely made relationships with the other members (and we have headcanons on how this happened I will share in the future) which could inevitably help Gaara. I do think educating Gaara enough on basic manners, because frankly he didn't have any as a kid, and basic knowledge he would need to run the village would be the top priority. This boy was literally just a boy, a meager 14 years old, I could barely keep track of my homework at that age let alone an entire village so man did they have their work cut out for them. Once Gaara knew the necessary etiquette and information, he could then start to approach or interact with council members and attempt to form relationships. If he didn't spend the time before so preparing, I'm afraid they'd still look at him as the out of control beast, but now that he was holding himself in a completely new manner, speaking more intelligently, and appearing calmer, they would have a hard time turning away instantly with some excuse of fearing for their life or not wanting to waste their time on a mere child.
As far as Baki goes, aside from teaching Gaara, cause man no one else is going to be willing to do so, I don't think he would make any major moves to assist in bettering Gaara's reputation. We can clearly see that while Gaara accepts help, this is something he wishes to do, and really only can do by himself. Instead of trying to preach to the others about Gaara's good qualities, Baki would support him. For example, if Gaara says something at a meeting and the council doesn't seem too thrilled about it, Baki may back Gaara up by pointing out a few things he knows the council would like Gaara's idea could create. By showing Gaara has Baki's support with his ideas alone, that may make council members a little more prone to believing in Gaara if Baki, who they respect, believes in him. In addition, Baki's knowledge on the council and experience in general would help fill out any gaps or problems the council may find in whatever Gaara suggests. So, in summary, Baki would not use his influence to move Gaara's position/transition along, but rather to thoroughly support him through it. I hope that makes sense lol.
Overall, yes, the council, and especially Baki, would really have to pull double their normal weight in order to keep the country afloat, after all, they were barely doing so before the shift in power. Once Gaara was ready to step forward into that place, they could let go of the reigns a little easier so he could start easing his way into the seat of power. He could start taking on more workloads, start learning more advanced things, and start building up respect as the others realized he wasn't all emo tanuki and was actually a competent young teen. First comes education, then relationships can come next.
In fact, we see that this transition took about two years to complete. The time jump from Naruto to Naruto Shippuden is about two years long and in the first arc of Shippuden, we are introduced to Gaara as the Kazekage. We also get to see scenes of the council. Clearly they all tolerate Gaara and have a little respect for him, and Gaara has turned into a mature and calm person. The first stage, educating Gaara, had been completed and the second stage, generating respect, was actually still in the works. It isn't until the end of that first arc that we see Sunagakure actually cares for Gaara and has seen how valuable and wonderful he is, thus sort of signaling the end of the second stage, although it will likely never be possible for him to have everyone in the council's respect. They are all old musty men from Old Suna times so some of them really aren't going to ever fully accept him.
I hope I answered what you wanted to know! It was long winded as usual but I think I managed to cover most of the bases. As far as Baki goes, I have PLENTY of things for him so I will gladly share that through requests as well as just in general. I've been really busy and dead lately but I think I'm finally able to squeeze in answering all these requests as well as getting back to posting content a little more regularly, so everyone look forward to that!
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Episode 27! It’s a transitional episode and I have Thoughts but nothing major really happens until the very last second :P
Cap of the day!
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You know what they saw about the megane shine... next season’s villain is Jou-senpai!!! you heard it here first!
More below!
no but SERIOUSLY... so glad to have the rest of the team back. They really do make EVERYTHING better. Taichi and Yamato, yeah they’re cool, I love them, but they just don’t carry the show by themselves. And in a similar vein, the rest of the team needs Taichi and Yamato too. Otherwise they have no reason to be all dramatic and show off their cool sides.
(other than Koushirou of course who was just born Cool but it’s the kind of cool most people don’t recognize until you literally own the entire world Koushirou’s three steps from becoming Seto Kaiba except NICE)
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ok back to business... last week we left off with the team finally reuniting and bringing Hikari along. For some reason the two groups both decide to stand in a straight line like two baseball teams about to shake hands. Leomon’s team still looks fricking ridiculous
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Sooo jury’s out on how Taichi’s gonna react to Hikari! Yamato’s been so chill with having Takeru around, I started to wonder if we’re gonna see super over protective big bro Taichi instead this time! But for the most part he’s just surprised that she’s not surprised by the Digimon.
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Hikari is creepy. lol. She’s very much the “cute little sister” type and this episode, at least, we didn’t see any kind of initiative from her, which is to be expected, I mean give the kid some time to adjust. We don’t see a lot of personality though either... I guess we can say she likes cute things, and she’s pretty darn calm... I don’t really like her voice though. It’s a perfectly fine little girl voice, but she always sounds like she’s about to doze off...
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Obligatory “cutest couple” pic
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The group then basically recaps what’s been happening in the human world recently. Which is all pretty important stuff. But for some reason Taichi and Yamato don’t fill them in on what they’ve gone through?? They have to explain Takeru and Patamon because well there’s a surprise but then they’re like “oh yeah Patamon’s the holy Digimon” and I’m like WHOA. DUDES. IT’S THE HOLY DIGIMON. THE THING Y’ALL RISKED YOUR NECKS FOR. Shouldn’t there be a little more interest, both in the telling and the hearing?? XD
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Koushirou’s most excited to update their digivices.
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Taichi: Why so blue, Agumon?
Agumon: I shouldn’t have had so many Hawaiian blue energy drinks... but how else did they expect me to fight non stop
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Koushirou even has handy dandy charts and images to illustrate. He’s going to get hired somewhere and immediately promoted to CEO, by the CEO.
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Patamon: “Hi! I’m the Holy Digimon! Bow before me!”
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Jou introduces himself to Takeru and Hikari as the “leader” and tries to convert them to his religion (No-play-only-study-ism) to make them his first acolytes when he inevitably becomes the season’s true final villain. But Gomamon’s all over it.
Gomamon: “You can’t have acolytes until you master maniacal laughter, Jou, didn’t you read ‘Villainy for Dummies’ like I told you to??”
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Agumon adorably walks right up to Hikari and asks her if she’s okay and if she feels scared. Hikari says “Agumon’s cute!” Taichi’s face is like “cute? cute?? he’s a dinosaur! dinosaurs are cool!” but he wisely says nothing because you cannot argue with girls about what we think is cute you just cannot
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Then Hikari notices something even cuter! Patamon!
Hikari: So cute! I want ten!
Takeru: Sorry, he’s one of a kind and mine!
Hikari: *looks at him* So cute! I want ten!
Takeru: Wait... of me?
Hikari: (u3u)~♥ チュ
Takeru: (o///o)~♥
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love at first sight???? lol
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In a nod to the original series, we get a scene of Taichi asking Hikari if she has a Digivice and her being like “oh that thing, I filled it with catnip and gave it to Miko”
Taichi: No digivice! Well I guess this means there’s no way she’s a Chosen Child like us!
Agumon: Infallible logic
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Meaning the Zurumon are on the move! this time to FREAKING NASA
Taichi: *most unimpressed voice possible NASA??
I thought hey, it’ll be fine, we’ll just have to fight some more... but
Nasa: *launches a rocket*
The internet:
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it’s all just variations of people oh-no-ing in Japanese. A little further down someone just writes “Explosion” in English lol
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Due to the weirdness in the digital world that is affecting the human world, a bunch of waterspouts appear in the ocean. Eldradimon’s like “oh bother”
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he protec!
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Mimi and Palmon rush to comfort each other with a hug.
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Jou... immediately gets seasick.
Gomamon: So how’s that maniacal laughter coming along?
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Awwwww. Point of interest.... Koushirou is barely larger than Hikari x’D
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Leomon, for some reason, decides now we must part. He doesn’t think these kids can survive this storm and offers to protect them as they escape. The kids are powerful against evil monsters but weak to weather lol. I’m sure the actual logic in no way was “Now that the rest of the team is back from their pointless stint in the human world we no longer need Leomon to play back-up”
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They don’t agree without an argument, but Leomon insists, because he believes the Chosen Children have other important things they are meant to do. We get a cool scene of everyone making their escapes. Sora takes Mimi with her
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Taichi and Hikari join Koushirou
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And Yamato and Takeru “join” Jou (but really Yamato’s the one calling the shots because Jou’s busy struggling not to pee his pants)
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It’s just in the nick of time... before a giant whirlpool seemingly sucks Leomon and Eldradimon into the sea.
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Taichi: Oh my god did they just DIE??
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Kabuterimon: Don’t look back!
Taichi: I know... we have to respect their sacrifice...
Kabuterimon: Well, that and you might be scarred to see Leomon’s reenactment of Ariel at the bottom of Ursula’s whirlpool
Taichi: huh
(look I think I’m funny and that’s what counts)
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Getting all split up like this made me think they were gonna end up split up for reals, but the team manages to stay together for now.
They arrive at a new continent covered in weird spikes! Yamato picks up his digivice like a walkie-talkie and says one word: “Taichi”
it amuses me that he could only bring himself to say “Yagami” for a good while in the beginning but then he finally started saying “Taichi” and now he just can’t stop!!
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Anyway he’s alerting the others to the fact that some? of the spikes on the island are actually Tortomon about to attack them. Before going to join Greymon’s attack, Taichi flings Hikari at Koushirou “HERE PROTECT MY SISTER SINCE YOU HAVE NOTHING ELSE TO DO”
jk but seriously... why does Taichi need to be all up in the action? Until now I thought it was something they all had to do to help their partners, because they usually ride on them during battle, but this episode seemed to suggest that Taichi goes out of his way to do it even more than is maybe necessary. Which doesn’t exactly come as a surprise, but xD
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Reason #1229345894 why the team is better when they’re all together: Mimi is hilarious and SORA HAS A GOSH DARN PERSONALITY. She DOES, folks. We hardly got to see it recently -____- this episode at least lets her react to the others. Ugggh. Irony of ironies, Sora needs more love.
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It’s a stampede! Simba! NOOOOO!
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Sooo... the battle with the Tortomon goes pretty well but then this guy called Groundramon or something appears and uh... starts to eat them... like it’s pretty visceral y’all o_o le eugh
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Taichi is shocked and recalls last episode when he saw Seadramon power up and evolve after eating Ebidramon. He does not choose to mention the time he was eaten by Devimon. EH IT’LL BE FINE I’M SURE THAT WASN’T IMPORTANT ANYWAY
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Greymon: Don’t get eaten.
Garurumon: lol same to you
The Agumon/Gabumon bromance is honestly one of the best things about this season. Not that we get a ton of it, but when we do we do I always feel like “yes, that’s Digimon, that’s it right there”
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The Digimon rev up to face off with their cannibal and Groundramon quickly decides Ikakkakumon looks the most nutritious. He probably has lots of blubber and meat on him so I guess I’d go for Ikkakumon first too
Ikkakumon: Don’t eat me!
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Jou: Wait don’t! He was teaching me how to be cool!!!
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Taichi: Eat him! Eat him Groundramon! I can’t let Jou be the cool one!
Yamato: Are you two fighting to see who can reach peak villain status first?
Taichi/Jou: I’m naturally competitive
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Our heroes are blown back by. Takeru quickly runs to check on his big brother who seems to smack his head on a rock...
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Yamato: It’s cool. I’m cool. The definition of cool. Ishida Yamato. That’s me.
Sora: Oh no, I think he’s got a concussion.
Takeru: No, that’s how oniichan is on a normal day.
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The team starts to feel overwhelmed! That’s when a fire ignites in Taichi’s eyes and he announces the next siege!
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Yamato: Taichi...
no but okay what even IS this moment. The episode goes out of its way to show us Yamato reacting to Taichi not giving up. This is a Thing. I don’t know what he’s feeling here - impressed? Happy that Taichi’s able to bring everyone together when they’re feeling defeated? Or is he also recalling how that same desire to never fail almost got him killed and his partner transformed into an evil evolution a few episodes ago?
So like I keep saying I don’t see why we had to split up the team for so long, and for now I stand by that. But one thing’s clear: the show wanted only Yamato around to witness what happened to Taichi. (I mean, Takeru was there too, but he’s a baby xP) And even Yamato doesn’t know everything - we don’t know how much he was actually conscious for. But I feel like, if there was any point to the separation at all, that was it. I hope so anyway. I like the idea of Yamato grappling with how to know when Taichi’s going too far while at the same time really valuing the way Taichi’s able to push them to victory.
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Turns out Taichi’s new plan is... even bigger guns!
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Pointed directly into Groundramon’s mouth!
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Yamato: This is madness.
Taichi: No! This! Is! DIGIMON ADVENTURE:!!!!
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Everyone attacks poor Groundramon in the mouth x’D im crying
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The combined attacks seem to overload Groundramon and then MetalGreymon launches missiles down his throat, which cause these internal explosions. Uh, gross... like if there’s any time Jou should be puking it’s now
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we won by being even more violent than normal! yay us!
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Not that this means we get a break because Darknightmon chooses now to make his dramatic return!
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They get blown back again
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... but I love how adorably protective the big brothers are whenever it happens <3
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Yamato and Taichi finally remember they never told the others much about what they’ve been up to recently, other than “we found the holy Digimon.” Now they add “and we found Darknightmon too.” Wow what a level of detail.
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I honestly... expected Darknightmon to be interested in Hikari instead of Takeru xP It was a little too predictable so I was glad when he seems to go right for Takeru and Patamon after all.
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Patamon, who’s recent hobby has been watching musicals, begins to sing:
Don’t ever kick a dog
because he’s just a pup!
You’d better run for cover
when the pup grows up!
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Taichi: Uhh did he not see the part where Gavroche dies??
Yamato: He fell asleep before we got that far.
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Honestly... as a fan of 99 Adventure, Angemon there was SUCH a dramatic thing and... this isn’t. I know, I know, it’s a different show, we do things different in 2020... I just remember the excitement I felt about Angemon’s first apperance though. But, to be fair, although it takes a long time before his second appearance, once it happens Patamon always evolves to Angemon without all the fanfare and it’s just a normal evolution. So... yeah, this all makes sense xP
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At least we end on a cliffhanger! What’s gonna happen?? Tune in next week!
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So I guess I wasn’t that off about the team splitting up again, I was just wrong about when... next week it looks like they’ll be separated, which, although we just got everyone back together, I’m not upset about as long as each group gets focus. Now that they’re back in the digital world, there’s potential for stuff to happen. But it depends on the groups as well. I do sort of expect this is mainly a “put Taichi and Hikari” on their own maneuver.
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Oh, was right about Darknightmon going for Hikari after all xP
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My guess is... Angemon’s gonna fight but just not have recovered enough to stay in that form for long, and somehow that results in everyone separating... we’ll see. More importantly...
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My relationship with this guy is love-hate! I love to hate him x’D So I’m glad he’s back! Still want to see Piximon and Whamon the most but I’ll take it!
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Title: Rumor Has It
Chris Evans x Famous Reader Uriah “Riah” Tyler
Warning: Cursing
Word Count: 1.7K
Summary: Inspired by a video of Chris and his co-star Ana De Armas on their press tour for Knives Out at where she kept touching his chest and face standing about five inches apart while talking to him. This was not asked for, just something I thought up because of it. Also, I don’t know what this is. LOL
“Come on, Riah; you need to be in front of that camera in five!” Your personal assistant/ cousin, Zora's voice, was loud as hell.
   You rolled your eyes and walked out the bathroom where you were checking your messages trying to get some time to yourself. It had been a long ass day. You’d been awake since four in the morning, and it was nearing six, and still, you were doing this photoshoot. When you walked into the room you passed the wall-mounted flat-screen TV to get to your makeup artist/best friend, Kizzy. You glanced at the TV as you sat down and did a double take.
   “Turn that up.”
   “You saw it here first guys. This is exclusive footage caught by someone on the set. This is Chris Evans and his co-star Ana De Armas who he stars with in their new movie Knives Out. As you can see, Ana is touchy-feely. She touches his chest several times before his face and beard. Onlookers on the set said the two laughed and joked nonstop and had an easy sort of air around them, an air similar to those who’ve either been best friends for life, married or who’ve been intimate. As you guys know Ana and Chris have said they didn’t know each other before filming of this movie, so that leaves two other possibilities,” Harvey gossiped on the Thursday evening episode of TMZ.
“I mean, does it really? The guy is married to none other than fashion model turned actress Uriah Tyler. So, we know that he and Ana aren’t married,” Shavonne, another commentator at TMZ added with her hand out to say, “hold on now.” She was the only black girl there.
   “That only leaves one other possibility,” Dax reported. You knew all their faces well. You’d spent some time becoming familiar with them from your PR team when you were single, so you knew who to throw fat ass lawsuits to when need be. They all gave each other the eye as if they were implying something.
   The video played again on a loop, and your eyes zeroed in on her hands and every touched seared into your memory. “What the fuck? Riah, are you seeing this shit?” You held up your hand to silence her and leaned closer to watch the video again. The commentary of the asses at TMZ was working your nerves. If one wasn’t flat out insinuating that your husband Chris was fucking this woman they were hinting at it. Looking at the video it looked suspicious as hell.
  “Don’t jump to conclusions Riah, it’s a gossip show, and they always blow things out of proportion. Take a beat and think clearly,” Zora cautioned trying to reason with your logical side, the side that knew what it was like to be in the public eye. The side that knew shows and mags liked to cause problems where there weren’t any just for ratings and copies sold. You heard her, you did, but you also had eyes and what you saw before you was not platonic. What you saw before you was a plain as day sign that something didn’t meet the eye.
   You jumped out your seat, grabbing your phone from the table before you and scrolled through to your husband’s contact and hit the green dial button. Pacing the room, you pressed the phone to your ear and waited for him to pick up. One ring, two rings, three rings. After the fourth ring, you were pissed beyond belief.
   “Hey, this is Chris you got the beep you know what to do. I’ll get back to ya when I can.”
   The tone sounded, and you squeezed the phone. You desperately wanted to cuss him the fuck out, but you also didn’t want to get loud and ignorant in this room knowing outside there were countless set workers. You loudly groaned. “Christopher Robert Evans, what the actual fuck am I watching right now? What the fuck is this? I can’t believe this shit!” Your words were tight and controlled though you felt anything but. Ending the call, you bent, rested your hands on your knees and took a few breaths.
  “Riah, calm down. Looks can be deceiving,” Zora added.
   You wanted to say some slick shit. This was not the first time you’d seen some shit with him and his female co-stars. There was Scarlett, but that was before you guys got together. There were even rumors about him and his Defending Jacob co-star. It seemed wherever your husband went the thirsty ass women followed and didn’t know where the fucking line was drawn. He was a fucking married man. Then the thought hit you that they are half the problem; it is your husband’s responsibility to stop the pussy train from trying to make him a passenger. That made you even angrier.  
   The knock to your door signaled you had to get your ass to the call spot now. Standing you took a few final breaths and composed yourself. You didn’t want to give anyone any reason to gossip even more than necessary. When the doors opened, you walked out and down the hall with your head held high. Taking your spot in front of the decorated set you lowered your robe revealing the sexy designer gown you wore. As the shoot began you tried to remain as focused as possible, but you definitely weren’t on your A-game. Your heart was heavy.
  By the time you made it home, it was after one in the morning. You were exhausted, and all you wanted was a bottle of wine, a hot bath and the dim-sum from the Japanese place in Beverly Hills. You walked through your dark house, past the modern and traditional mix decorations in the halls and to the kitchen. You didn’t need light to know where you were going. You and Chris had lived here for almost five years now, so you knew every nook and cranny with your eyes closed. Scanning the contents of the fridge you grabbed a bottle of your favorite Moscato and the leftover dim-sum.
   While you waited for it to heat in the microwave, you opened the bottle of wine. When the food finished you made your way upstairs deciding against a glass. You knew you’d finish the entire bottle; there was no need to front like you’d only have one glass. You’d never been a “one glass of wine” type of girl. Why have one when the whole bottle was meant to be consumed?
   Walking into your master bedroom you sighed, you could still smell him everywhere. He’d been gone for two weeks now, and still, his scent lingered. You walked into the ensuite and turned on the water to the giant tub and walked back into the room. Tossing your bag on one of the couches in the room you didn’t budge when your dead phone fell out. Usually, you’d have rushed to plug it in to get some juice, but you didn’t give a flying fuck about a phone right now.
   Once you’d undressed, tied your hair up and made it back into the bathroom, the water was high enough. Turning it off you added some bath oils and three bath bombs before grabbing your favorite soap. Chris always said you smelled good enough to eat after you showered with it. So good that he usually always ended up spending half the night with his head buried between your thighs. When you sank into the hot water you sighed and stretched allowing your muscles to elongate. Reaching for the bottle of wine and took a few gulps before dropping your head back to the cushion.
  Your head was still spinning from that stupid TMZ report. Shortly after you called Chris, your phone died. Zora made a move to charge it, but you fanned her off. You didn’t want to talk to him. What more could he say? You’d had this discussion before, not about Ana but other overtly friendly co-stars. He always said the same thing “it’s nothing, I’d never do that to you.” You believed him, believed him enough to marry his ass after four months traveling the world together after he finally took a break between Avengers films.
   Everyone said four months wasn’t enough to build a whole lifetime together. Everyone said why rush, take your time, date. You and Chris always repeated the same thing; “When you know, you know.” You loved your husband, you loved him with everything in you, but you hated everything that he came with. In your career, you’d known fame and pressures from the tabloids but with your first line of work you weren’t hounded like crazy. It was only when you made a transition into acting after your wedding did that attention pick up. A huge part was because you were now Mrs. Chris Evans, thee Captain America, the almost lifelong bachelor. Apparently, there were plenty of bets he’d never get married and even more jokes that when he did every woman in the world dedicated a full ten minutes of silence as they wept. It was ridiculous.
   You knew the rumors came with the territory, but you hadn’t been prepared for all of this. It was stressful. You groaned out loud and rubbed your forehead.
   “He wouldn’t, right?” You doubled down on your guzzling of the wine and kissed your teeth. “Oh, I’m sure she would though.”
   Focusing on a spot of color in the bathwater you scowled. “He wouldn’t throw away everything we’d built so easily, would he?” Realizing you were sitting there talking to yourself, you rolled your eyes and dropped your head back in frustration.
   When you made it back into the bedroom, a few hours had passed, you decided against turning on the TV not wanting to see any more potentially upsetting stories. So, you sat in the bed and ate the dim-sum staring at Chris’ empty side. You tried not to wonder whose bed he was in tonight; if it was his own hotel bed or hers. By the time you finished the bottle of wine and the food, you’d pushed those thoughts aside and moved on to hopeful thoughts that your husband wasn’t a complete asshole and actually loved you. The last thought before you drifted off to sleep was that you were going to cut his dick off if even a single theory of yours was true.
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murasaki-murasame · 4 years
Thoughts on Fruits Basket 2019 2nd Season Ep17 [”You Will, I’m Sure Of It”]:
After last week’s super emotional episode, this week we get an episode that’s only kind of sad, but mostly just warm and fun and atmospheric.
Thoughts under the cut.
First things first, this episode covers chapters 76 and 77, continuing the recent trend of the anime being pretty well-aligned with the manga. Which should keep going for at least a couple more episodes, if I remember right.
They did technically cut a couple details out, in spite of how faithful the episode as a whole was, but I don’t think it was a big deal. Aside from a few random jokes, the main two things I can think of that they cut were the foreshadowing about Kakeru being at Kyoko’s funeral, and the bit where Tohru dropped her wallet when she was with Kyo. I can see a lot of people disliking that they were cut, but I think it was an understandable choice.
With the Kakeru thing, I think they just wanted to avoid being super obvious about inserting that kind of blatant foreshadowing. They still included the bit where Yuki points out how Kakeru keeps asking about Tohru, so they’re still going through with that whole story-line, but they’re being a little more subtle about it than the manga was, which I think is fine. Though i can’t really bring myself to care much one way or another since that whole sub-plot is so forgettable anyway, lol.
I think the wallet scene being cut was also it’s own case of them wanting to be more subtle with stuff. The whole point being made with it in the manga was almost *too* on the nose, with Tohru unintentionally letting go of her mother’s picture because she’s too busy thinking about Kyo. It’s such a straightforward metaphor that it feels a bit inelegant, writing-wise, so I think they just decided it wasn’t worth keeping. And one way or another I think this episode still makes it extremely obvious that Tohru is thinking more and more about Kyo and developing feelings that she hasn’t figured out yet.
Anyway, this was a really warm and fuzzy sort of episode, even though there’s still all sorts of complicated emotions and problems lingering under the surface. This is the sort of episode where that takes a bit of a back seat, and we get to see everyone hang out and be teens. There might be a bit less to talk about with these types of episodes because of that, but they’re really necessary to keep a good balance with the story, and to keep it from being non-stop drama and misery.
I don’t usually comment on the art and animation and whatnot, as much as the writing, but the art in this episode was extremely pretty. All of the background art for the Kyoto scenes and all the different environments gave this episode a really warm atmosphere, and there were a few highlights of really nice animation, like the bit with the leaf where it transitions from the school trip to them being back at school.
Most of this episode was about everyone being normal teens on their school trip, and the stuff with Yuki was probably my favourite part of that. It really goes a long way to show how he’s becoming more casual and sociable, and how he’s letting himself be a more ‘normal’ person. Even if he sometimes gets self-conscious about it, lol.
There’s probably a lot more I could say about this episode, but that’s all I can think to say, lol. Next week we should start getting Rin’s backstory, so this episode was basically the calm before the storm.
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euilse · 4 years
⟨ ZION MORENO. TRANS FEMALE. SHE/HER. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, ILSE VASCONCELOS is actually a descendent of H E R M E S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-THREE year old ART HISTORY MAJOR from PUEBLA, MEXICO has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite EMPATHETIC & IMPULSIVE.
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hey hey! ella here, resident trash, here all day and night. have no life. soon won’t have college because i will fail due to my eonia addiction. oh well 
.basic info
NAME: ilse maisy vasconcelos bernasconi
GENDER: trans female
PLACE OF BIRTH: puebla, mexico
DATE OF BIRTH: june 26, 1997
AGE: twenty-three
MAJOR: art history
COURSES: combat tactics 2, elemental studies 1
EXTRACURRICULARS: poetry club, sports editor in the school paper, traveling club. visual arts club vicepresident, volunteer service and charity club president
SPORTS: captain of the volleyball team
tw: depression mention, bullying
Ilse Vasconcelos was born in Puebla, Mexico to Pilar Vasconcelos, a former Olympic medalist (diving). Her mother met Hermes at the 1996 Olympic games and they started a relationship shortly after. After almost a year together, Ilse was born and the three of them got to be a family for about two years before Hermes left. Even to this date, Ilse isn't quite sure why he left but she doesn't really care.
At the next Olympic Games, Pilar met another athlete: an Italian swimmer. From the start of their relationship Matteo became a father to Ilse and up until now she considers him her best friend. Matteo and Pilar married when Ilse was five and she took his last name, but kept her mother's last name as first.
Having grown up in a sporty family, it wasn't a surprised that Ilse was as athletic (although only her mother knew why she was a bit better than the rest). She practiced a bunch of sports and she would go every other weekend to football matches with her father. She took diving and swimming lessons from a young age, but when she discovered volleyball when she was ten she decided to focus on that one.
Ilse came out as transgender when she was ten years old and started transition when she was fifteen. Her parents at first had problem accepting it, but they eventually come to terms with it. Her classmates, on the other hand, were not as open-minded and she was bullied a lot which caused her to fall into a deep depression. Her parents were so worried that they decided to homeschool her instead which kinda help but also alienated her from people of her age.
She came back to school when she was seventeen and this time it went better, she also felt a lot more confident. She joined the volleyball team in her new school and pretty much her last two years of high school were good.
From a young age, Ilse found her true love in art. Her mother took her to painting lessons and from that moment on she was hooked. On her birthday, she would ask her mother to take her to 'La Capital' (Mexico City) to visit a new museum.
Hermes claimed her when she was fifteen years old. It was pretty weird to her. This guy or god, whatever, came to her life claiming to be her father and with the silly story that she was a demigod. It took her mother's confirmation for her to believe what seemed like a fantasy. Hermes offered to take her to the summer camp but she never went.
It wasn't until she turned eighteen that she began to be more curious about her powers and because she wanted to learn more she enrolled to Eonia.
Ilse has always been a very individualistic person. Growing up as an only child, she was left with no choice but to find ways to amuse herself. She’s most comfortable when she’s on her own, painting in her bedroom. She plunges into her world when she is in the middle of artistic composition. She paints, sculpts, dances, writes songs, and makes recipes simply because she feels the urge to do so as she processes information based on how it makes her feel inside. Although she often likes to be alone to create her art and may appear to be very calm, she is quite impulsive. She lives in the moment with little to no planning. Ilse is a free spirit who becomes immensely unhappy if others try to control her. Likewise, she will never try to control others, instead, she will encourage others to be free.
Inwardly she is competitive and a perfectionist, with her art and with herself. She is especially sensitive to pain and suffering and sympathizes with the pain of others. She has a remarkable gift with children, and almost always chooses to adopt the role of the ‘mom friend’. Ilse has a tendency not to express herself verbally but through her art. She might not be the best talker but she’s a great listener.
natural athletic abilities. from a young age, ilse discovered her love for sports. it started with her stepfather taking her to football matches and eventually, she found her true love in her school’s volleyball team. because of her height, she quickly became one of the best in the country. while she loves watching any sport, her heart is true to volleyball. she’s always had an instinct to move and staying active. while her athletic abilities are thanks to her godly parent, her interest in sports come from her mother who was an olympic athlete.
enhanced thievery: while she doesn’t really use this power in her daily life, ilse discovered it when she was a child. it was rather innocent. she wanted a hello kitty box of crayons one of her classmates had and after her mother refused to buy for her, she decided to take it and that was the start of her career as thief. as she grew up, she decided to only use this when it’s strictly necessary like when she wants a dress and it’s too expensive. however, she often dreams of breaking into the musée marmottan monet and steal her favorite painting: impression, sunrise. maybe one day she will.
chrimatakinesis: ilse adores gambling and of course she’s really good at it. she used to play poker every night with her stepfather and that only enhanced her skill. since arriving at eonia, she really hasn’t gambled that much but when she needs easy money she organizes an underground casino on the hermes premises. she doesn’t have savings lol, she just spends money as if she was jeff bezos’ child.
Speaks fluent Spanish, Italian, Greek, English and some Portuguese
Her favorite painter is Claude Monet and her dream is to steal as many paintings of him as she can to put them in her house.
She’s an excellent cook, unfortunately, she only cooks Mexican and Italian. 
Back in Mexico she has a white persian cat named Nube. She facetimes with her and misses her so much.
Writes poetry but unlike her paintings she has never showed them to anyone. 
Works at the Grecian Gallery. 
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gnot-that-gender · 5 years
29th February 2020
Hey all. 12 weeks on T now. Time for an update!
Content warning of below for mention of genitals, bodily fluids, description of sexual activity/reactions and general body ickiness.
General Stuff
Usually seem to start with a comment on my weight. I won’t include the chart. I’m overweight by BMI standards now, which will likely affect my chance of getting top surgery. I’m extremely dysphoric and stressed about this.
Sex Drive
My sex drive has settled now. Ish. I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve begun habitually masturbating but highly likely. Although the lack of sensual feedback one gets from it has made me crave physical contact. I wonder if this is a thing teenage boys get into? That the hormones released from coming make your body more aware that you’re not being cuddled? So you desire it with people rather than just with your hands/toys? Maybe.
Genital Stuff
The little guy is still growing steadily. The head peeks out of the foreskin quite clearly at rest. I can pull back the foreskin all the way though a little uncomfortable at the moment. But actually this is necessary. I’ve seen too many disgusting cis foreskins to let mine turn out that way. The first time the head fully popped out I was having a clean and out it came. (This is gross) It was covered in a white film. I describe it as akin to vernix but those of you who haven’t given birth or been around someone who has (which will probably be most of you), will not know what that is. Basically, what it actually is, is smegma. A build up of oils and just general body stuff. It is important to clean!! For cis and trans peens!! Clean your dicks folks!!
Menstruating still exactly as normal. Accompanied by a boost in oily skin at this time to a higher degree than before. Spots come more around this time.
Sexual Genital Stuff
Despite being told my vagina would die, lubrication is... more than usual. I had a lot of general discharge when I started T but that has stopped now and I’m generally pretty dry on the day to day. When I’m aroused, it gets wet as previous. But weirdly it just...gets so incredibly wet when I come.
Talking about coming. Ejaculating is different when you’re on T. Not sure if I mentioned. But it is SO different. I’m getting the hang of it now.
My skin has calmed its oiliness a bit now, aside from around menstruation. My skin is rougher now, especially on my face. I have some spots on my back and face. Nothing too much.
Hair is doing well, less greasy than before but a bit still. Not really falling out or anything worrying happening there.
Body and Facial Hair
Nothing really to note aside from pubic hair. It’s spread a bit but also seems...less dense? And by spread I mean it has moved to my inner thighs and around my bum hole (lol sorry I can’t seriously type bum hole XD).
I am definitely stronger now. I don’t struggle as much with my back. Still not great at bending down, but I’m definitely more mobile. I can carry my child now?? Who is 6 years old.
This is the reason I wanted to update. My voice has started to drop. I had a bit of an itchy throat last week and it’s just... grumbly. I thought it could be results of a cold, but it seems happy. And I’m happy. I wasn’t sure much had happened but my boyfriend commented on it?
The most notable is my singing voice. I have been struggling to sing higher notes, but I have gained some deep notes. There isn’t a lot of documentation out there for guys singing through the voice drop and comparison of results etc so I want to keep an eye on this and record it for people to hear. I was going to record some songs with both voices, but I guess it’s too late for that.
I haven’t gained as many low notes as I’ve lost high ones. My singing voice was never particularly high anyway, and I have been practicing for a while to bring my range down, which I’d managed to a degree. But notes I’d been having to work hard to hit are suddenly incredibly easy.
I’ll post a comparison singing voice clip soon.
I can’t believe how much the voice drop, as little as it is, has affected my confidence. Honestly I thought I would have to mourn my old singing voice and I would struggle a lot more with this part of transition but I’m genuinely very excited. I don’t know where it will settle. I’ve been so anxious about ending up with a half-broken “Mickey Mouse" kind of voice.. but even just the small change in tone I have now I love how it sounds. It’s sexy and kinda smokey and those low notes feel soooooo good!
Til next time!
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raspberryparker · 6 years
Your writing is so good! 😍 I loved the first part of chocolate orange! I’m probably being stupid but could you help me understand the a/o/b a bit more? Like do they transition into other forms or are they just who they are but with heightened senses/emotions depending on if they’re alpha etc.? I’m really into it and don’t want to miss something important in the story by not really understanding the concept fully if that makes sense 🙈 so excited to read the next part!!!
anon i am so glad you asked, i have been dying to post something like this for the longest time and now i finally have a reason to. also you’re not being stupid at all, i had the same questions when i started omegaverse fics too. i’m more than happy to help 💕
a/b/o is very animalistic and very primal. allow me to explain:
so basically, a/b/o is usually connected to werewolf au’s and the like because it’s based on how actual wolf pack structure and dynamics work and that’s where the alpha, beta, omega titles come from. if it’s just straight a/b/o or omegaverse (which is the same thing) though, there doesn’t have to be any shift. it’s just more of a social structure and kind of a ‘hierarchical’ system if you will.
writers call them secondary genders, presentations, classifications, natures, etc. so there are lots of ways to go about explaining it but basically people have biological roles depending on what they are. omegas are usually at the bottom of the food chain, for lack of better terminology, but in some cases they are rare and prized. it just depends on the writer. in simplest terms an omega’s biological role is to breed and have ‘pups’ or children. betas are in the middle, subordinate to alphas but usually more accepted than omegas and they may or may not be able to have children depending on the details of the fic. and lastly, good old alphas, whose biological job is to breed the omegas.
and to break it down even more: omegas are submissive, alphas are dominant, and betas are the closest thing to “normal” that you’re going to get. they’re in the middle.
alphas usually have characteristics such as strength, speed, reflexes, height—anything that might make an omega go “oh, they’d make some healthy babies.” omegas are usually quiet, gentle and caring, which makes alphas go “oh, they’d be a good mother to my children.” betas are just betas lol.
usually people form pair bonds, or mating bonds, which is basically the omegaverse equivalent to marriage. kind of a big deal. the same way wolves mate with each other. we always go back to that. it’s almost always an alpha/omega bond since they’re the most compatible, but (and again it depends on the writer) sometimes people can bond with whoever they want.
to answer your question about heightened sense/emotions, usually only alphas and omegas are able to pick up on each other’s emotions via scent. scent is a HUGE deal in within this trope. people have scent glands which secret pheromones. these are usually found on the side of the neck and/or the inside of the wrist. each person has their own unique scent that smells either really good or really bad depending on how they are perceived by someone else. scents change depending on mood. distressed omegas smell the worst and the purpose of that is to make everyone in the vicinity try to make them feel better or calm them down. angry alphas smell like death itself and it’s basically a big “back away or i’m going to rip your head off” to everyone around them. usually only an alpha’s bonded omega can calm them down when they’re like this. again, very animalistic. when people are bonded, their scents kind of mix to let other people around them know that they are bonded and not to try anything. 
and now for the nitty gritty: sex. it’s basically established that within every single a/b/o verse, omegas go into heat and alphas go into rut. yes, like animals. once again we come back to the wolf thing. betas don’t get anything. during heat omegas are extra fertile and incredibly likely to conceive if they don’t use any kind of contraceptive. same for alphas in rut, they’re extra likely to get someone pregnant during that time. the time between them and the length of them differs from writer to writer, but the one i’ve seen the most is usually a week long heat/rut every three months. heat is the equivalent to ovulation in women, so if the omega doesn’t conceive, their period follows shortly after. and lastly, though maybe most importantly, and probably the most animalistic trait of the whole trope: alpha dicks have knots. yup. like a dog. the point of it is to make sure they don’t pull out and to make their chances of breeding even more likely. during an omega’s heat, the only thing that can make them feel better is a knot and again this comes from the very primal instinct to breed. 
usually people use a/b/o to just straight up write smut that’s very bdsm-y, very dom/sub. personally, i’m into that so that’s why i like a/b/o but i also like the social structure aspect of it and the biology part of it i guess. that’s where the idea for ‘chocolate orange’ came from.
peter has the personality of a classic omega but his powers are all very alpha-like traits. i got to thinking what would happen if he was in an omegaverse and here you have the result of that: this fic. 
anyway this was WAY too long but i hope i was able to help you out a little. all this information is important for my fic and i tried not to go off on topics that aren’t too necessary for my fic but i do suggest checking out some other works within this trope to get some better understanding of it! ao3 is where i find all my good omegaverse stuff, the a/b/o community on that site is  w i l d.
lemme know if you have any other questions!
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batandwire-blog · 6 years
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This is a request fic! Ask Box is open. :)
A huge thank you to @shipping-starker-like-im-fedex for supplying the idea! <3
Pairing: Winteriron (Bucky x Tony)
Rating: Mature (Mild!)
Request: it takes place during CA:TWS. instead of hiding out with Sam, they go to Tony. and of course, tws comes for Steve, but With Tony's help, they manage to capture him. and then they work on rehabilitating him...  and eventually Bucky gets his memories back, but he's definitely more WS than Bucky so they have to adjust to that. Steeb is mopey, Natasha is wary, and the only that makes him feel like he's his own person is Tony. my idea also branches off into pet play with Tony as the pet to give Bucky a sense of control, but that's not really necessary to the first part lol
Pain. Confusion. Anger. 
They were emotions that the Winter Soldier felt on a day to day basis. He didn't exactly understand why he felt them because he had no reason to feel them. He was an agent of Hydra, Lord knows how many assassinations he had been credited with doing over the past years. He sure didn’t know, but he had been given a new mission. ‘Destroy Captain America. Kill everyone who gets in your way.’ His mission rung in his head, almost taunting him as he sat in the empty tower with Tony at his side.
He had gone to carry out his mission to destroy Captain America, who he had learned had taken refuge with Anthony Stark at Stark Tower. He went there, of course, taking all of the proper precautions to not be detected by the security and it was all going well until something went wrong. He still wasn’t sure what exactly it was, but something went wrong. Maybe it was Captain America refusing to attack him? Claiming that they were friends and that he was Bucky, not the Winter Soldier. It had to be that. It had thrown him off. He had failed his mission. He assumed that someone had knocked him out since he woke up in a cell strapped to a chair.
That had been months ago and he still couldn’t tell someone what had fully happened that night. The Avengers were working hard along with S.H.I.E.L.D to rehabilitate him and it was working. He had learned that his name was James Buchanan ”Bucky” Barnes and with a quick trip to the Smithsonian Museum, he learned about his past. Steve also helped him fill in the blanks, joke around with him and help him remember things. Steve looked so happy when he corrected Steve on a particular story he was telling. “No, you’re the one who tripped over your feet while dancing with that girl. You were too drunk to stand, Stevie. I had to carry you home!” What came after was a series of chuckles and a grinning Steve. That didn’t last for too long.
If three things were clear about Bucky, it was that he was far calmer than he had been before but still unstable. The next thing being the most important, Bucky was more Winter Soldier than Bucky Barnes. That was very clear. No matter how much Steve tried, Bucky was still more Winter Soldier. He had gotten most of his memories back and most of the time he was calm, but the would have episodes, moments even when it was truly evident that the Soldier was ingrained in him so deeply that he would never leave. Bucky had told Steve that himself.
Steve become quite mopey after that, residing in Natasha who was already wary of Bucky. It only made that worse. Bucky felt like everything was falling apart, he no longer had the Brooklyn accent that made all of the ladies swoon back in the day. Instead, there was an easily understandable, yet slightly thick Russian accent in its place. He could tell that Steve wasn’t used to it. 
There was only one person who actually made him feel like he wasn’t a monster and believe it or not that was Tony Stark. They had formed an interestingly close bond over the months of Bucky residing in Stark Tower. Tony resented Bucky’s presence there, but slowly over time it transitioned. Tony became Bucky’s escape, he became his control. He needed control, it was something that he had to constantly battle for himself. It wasn’t until five months after Bucky being there after they had shared quite a passionate kiss in the empty lab did Tony suggest the idea.
“Buck, what do you think about some pet play?” Tony knew that Bucky liked being in control since he felt like it was something he had lacked. Bucky didn’t know what it was. Once Tony showed and explained what it was Bucky was into it. 
They only really did it whenever they knew for a fact that they were alone. Tony would sit naked on the floor in front of wherever Bucky was sitting with a butt plug that had a tail attached to it. Bucky had a leash that he would tug whenever he would want Tony to be somewhere, to be a good little pup. Whenever Tony was a bad boy there were punishments and when Tony was a good boy there were rewards.
It was a particular and lonely afternoon, the Avengers were doing whatever they were doing. Tony stayed behind and so did Bucky to do some ‘work’ on Bucky’s memories. They were in the living room, Tony on the floor with the same get up. He was whimpering, nudging at his master’s leg to get off. You see, Bucky had been whispering quite dirty things to Tony all day. His accent didn’t help, as it only made Tony feel even hotter. 
Bucky adverted his eyes from the TV down to Tony with a smirk. “Нет.” He gave a tug to the leash, causing Tony to come closer. “Look at you.. such a mess.” He growled, tugging at the leash again. “You were quite a bad boy today, so you’ll just have to be patient.” He switched the vibrations from the butt plug to a higher level, stimulating Tony even more.
“Maybe if you’re a good boy I’ll let you cum.” He smirked, the vibrations causing a wave of whimpers and moans from Tony.
Bucky liked being in control. 
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vorthosjay · 6 years
Let’s Talk About Return to Dominaria Episode 9
This one is a fast one, because it’s late, but I feel like there’s a lot to talk about. Here’s the story link. I got exactly what I wanted from Jaya and Karn, but the compressed timeframe for the story and some transitional problems become apparent here. Sorry it’s late, but it’s been a super busy week at work and I wasn’t able to fit it into my usual lunchtime routine.
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Chandra’s Outburst by Yongjae Choi
Chandra paced back and forth on the loose dirt near Karn's crater, waving her hands. "Are you kidding me? You've been lying all this time? Why?" They were surrounded by piles of smoldering trees and pieces of wrecked automatons, the air heavy with smoke. Furious, she faced Luti. Or Jaya. Or whoever this was. "Why would you do this to me?"
"Not everything is about you, Chandra." Jaya was annoyingly calm.
I already love Jaya. I’m very, very happy with how this reveal was pulled off, and I’m glad Jaya is way more than her Mother Luti persona.
Jaya sighed. "A long time ago, I went to Regatha, helped a few people, got drunk, talked a lot, apparently did some very impressive pyromancy, then left. Two hundred years later, I went back and found they'd started a religion based on me." She folded her arms and admitted, "It was all a little embarrassing, frankly."
This is quite possibly the best quote ever.
"I didn't want to be a religious icon, but I had to make sure they weren't misrepresenting me!" Jaya said, as if it was obvious. "And I thought I owed them a little guidance. Where do you think the monastery kept getting those 'long-lost writings of Jaya Ballard' from?"
This is EXACTLY what I called out in Jaya Ballard Returns. I love that this blows Chandra’s mind.
Jaya laughed. "Oh, don't look like that." She sighed and her expression turned serious. "I felt guilty. I never meant them to take me that seriously, but there they were, years later, treating me like an all-knowing deity. But I liked the work they were doing, helping young pyromancers. I'd been aging for sixty years, and I wanted to do something worthwhile for what was left of my life." She eyed Chandra. "You have some idea of how hard it can be to help those kids. They're impatient, reckless, refuse to listen to anyone . . ."
THE SHADE. Jaya is like
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"And now I'll let you tell me what I need to know to be a more powerful pyromancer."
Jaya took the goggles, and her expression turned hard as stone. "Absolutely not."
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"When I was Mother Luti, you dismissed me as a useless old woman. As Jaya Ballard, suddenly I'm worth listening to."
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"What are you digging for?" She had been so busy arguing with Jaya yesterday, she hadn't even thought to ask.
"The Cylix," he told her. "It was created by Urza to help defeat the Phyrexians. I intend to take it to New Phyrexia and detonate it there."
"So it's like a bomb? A giant bomb?"
"Exactly like a giant bomb," Karn said.
A couple notes here.
Urza did not create the Golgothian Sylex. I can absolutely see why history would think he did.
“Sylex” is not a real word. Everything after antiquities has used Cylix. This is not an error but the fixing of an error.
"Yes, to help protect the excavation from Multani's attacks. In his semiconscious state, he senses that the Cylix is being uncovered, brought closer to the surface, and he fears it. For good reason; it caused great damage to him.
Ha! I apparently called this one, almost exactly, last month.
"Yeah." Still watching Karn, Jaya shook her head a little. "Everyone I've talked to thinks the Phyrexians aren't a threat anymore, but . . . He needs to do this. I just wish he didn't."
Chandra frowned. "They destroyed a whole plane, so why is destroying them a bad thing?" The problem with interplanar threats was that by the time you realized you were in danger, it was generally too late to do anything about them. Or that was how it had worked with Bolas on Amonkhet.
"Because it means he'll have to go back there." Jaya grimaced. "And that could be a disaster for a number of reasons."
It could be! We don’t know what effect it will have on New Phyrexia. A mission to New Phyrexia, in general, is fraught with dangers, not the least of which is Karn’s recapture.
But Chandra looked back at Multani. Karn had said he was semiconscious, that he would never do any of this if he was awake and aware. She didn't want to leave him like that. And she thought she knew a solution. "No, you two go. I want to try to fix this."
"Fix it?" Jaya asked, startled. "How?"
"Something a friend of mine showed me."
They’re leaning into Gruulfriends here a bit, aren’t they?
She said, "I know you can hear me. I know you don't want to be like this, you don't want to hurt people. That's not what you are. Think about water, still cool water. Flowing over your skin, your bark, into your branches and leaves. You're a light, floating on that water."
Just saying the words like Nissa had, visualizing them, made Chandra feel calmer. I miss her, and I don't know if I'm ever going to see her again. Chandra imagined the light floating on the water herself and let her emotions still into a calm sadness. She remembered what Jaya had said about knowing your true self and added, "I know you don't want to hurt anyone. Sink into the water, find your true self waiting there. Remember—remember who you are . . ."
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"I don't want to fight with you, Jaya. I'm sorry about how I treated you and I understand why you don't want to help me. I wouldn't want to help me, either. But I hope we can still be friends."
Jaya eyed her, a small smile tugging at her mouth.
Hey, more character growth for Chandra, that’s not all that common so I’m happy with this.
Teferi lifted his brows. "Karn could help. But you forget, I'm no longer a Planeswalker. Unless Bolas comes here . . ." He trailed off as Jhoira lifted her pendant and opened it. His eyes widened.
"I'd never forget that," Jhoira said, watching him gravely. The Powerstone in the locket was reflected in Teferi's eyes. He had recognized it immediately, felt its call to him.
Karn leaned forward to look. "It's your spark?"
Teferi's brow furrowed. "How?" he said.
"The Mana Rig." She held it out to him. "Will you take it back?"
Lol, okay, so this makes it pretty clear we’re not getting the metaphysics for how this happened. Just accept that it did. That’s fine, I doubt any attempt to explain the metaphysics of it would actually help in any meaningful way.
Teferi expended his spark on Shiv to restore it. I’m sure that if Jhoira could detect the dispersed power, she could charge a powerstone with it somehow. Not a big deal.
"He didn't tell you about the Black Blade," Liliana said, with an irritated glance at him. "It's a sword that slew an elder dragon, and Gideon is too delicate to allow us to use it."
I’m pretty sure this ends with Gideon using it (which we know from the flavor text) because he doesn’t want anyone else to make that sacrifice.
A thump of displaced air made him flinch, then with a sudden blaze of blue light, someone else stood in the compartment.
Gideon shoved out of his chair and grabbed for his sword. Jaya was already on her feet, Liliana threw herself back against the wall and lifted her hands to cast a spell, and Chandra vaulted on top of the table, fire already crackling around her hair. Then Gideon froze, recognizing the aether trail almost before he recognized the newcomer's face. "Jace!"
This is heavily incongruous with the time frame presented in the Ixalan story, where Jace has been for about five months.
The time from HOU to this story, as presented for Chandra, is less than two weeks.
That’s not a small discrepancy. A few days are whatever, a few months are... significantly confusing. 
I talk a bit about my unhappyness with this continuity error here.
Basically, I’m of a few minds about it. I don’t like being the continuity police, and I’m willing to overlook quite a bit. Dominaria is weird because there is a lot of deliberately misremembered history, too, so it’s not always clear whats a continuity error and what characters don’t actually have their facts straight.
I think what happened here is the timeline for developing Dominaria and Rivals of Ixalan’s stories overlapped, and some details were lost in translation. It’s entirely possible that, simply, no one realized the timelines didn’t match up. Ixalan was a labor of love by Kelly and Alison, along with editor Gregg Luben. Those credits show an incredibly short staffed creative team that’s only gotten more so. It’s possible that simply put, no one had time to triple check for continuity errors like that. The Jace scene, as written, isn’t a big deal because that kind of thing happens all the time in serialized stories like this, but there are a few other questionable bits of continuity in the stories for Dominaria that I’ve mentioned in this series as ‘huh?’ moments.
Ultimately, I’m going to chalk it up to growing pains. I’m looking at getting an interview with the new Senior Narrative Franchise Designer so we can get a better idea of what the story development process looks like these days.
And honestly, I’ve thought about it a lot, and you need to understand how much of a continuity clusterfuck most of Magic’s history is, especially regarding early Magic history. The difference of a few months is a big continuity error to us today, but that really just speaks well to the current creative team because once upon a time timelines didn’t line up, characters existed in different forms across different novels centuries apart, and the same location existed on completely different continents, among other shenanigans.
Dominaria’s issues are incredibly minor by comparison.
Jhoira smiled faintly. "I don't know what the future holds, and this might be a moment we both regret later. But this is a weapon you should have." She pulled the pendant off her neck and dropped it into Teferi's waiting palm. "Welcome back."
How does he get his spark back out, though? Does he eat it? I imagine this is going to be another one that’s just not explained.
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shouldwefall · 7 years
ur blog is goals and lol at that svt mtl for the gory horror movie XD ik requests aren't open for this but could you do like svt's ideal types? maybe one for bts too? feel free to delete this ask it goes aganist ur guidelines but like ur ships are so accurate... i ship them myself after reading ur reasoning lol (ooh is it alright if i become glasses anon?? soybean anon is already taken)
BTS’s Ideal Types
Glasses anon?? OMO HOW CUTE WELCOME TO THE MINI FAN CLUB lol no this blog is nowhere near that popular yet and of course I could; thank you for asking so politely! I was thinking about doing this a few weeks ago but decided against it after so many asks started popping in my inbox heuheu
Rap Monster: Namjoon’s ideal type, when discussing personality, would be someone who’s mentally intelligent and able to start an interesting conversation; either on worldwide affairs or facts about the last book you two have both read plenty of times. He’s all for an open-minded person, and would cherish a partner that respects his complex thought process. His partner themselves should be able to understand his random ‘facts of the day’ moments, and still love him even after the daily “oops! I broke it…” line.
When it comes to appearances, he would prefer a fiercer look, something more bold and suggestive. It’ll attract him right away, and he’d want to get to know the person better almost instantly. Heads up, Namjoon stans! If you use makeup, striking colors like red and gold would appeal to him, but lay off the excess makeup. A nude lipstick could work too as it contrasts against all those shades. As for clothing, a tank top that shows off your biceps would work just fine; being physically fit is a plus!
Rap Monster’s ideal type would be someone who’s mentally captivating, and clever on first glance. They may even have a rebellious spark in their eyes; it’ll draw him in.
Jin: Jin’s ideal type, in terms of personality, would be a mature person that understands situations quickly and frequently makes correct choices morally and when it comes down to split-second decision making. He’d love someone who can cook AND eat well, since he very much loves food himself. When it comes to dating, I see him as a pretty traditional person, but because he’s unpredictable, I think it’s safe to assume that he would venture out of the path a little to change some things around.
In a much more shallower perspective (not stating that Jin is shallow in the least), he may be drawn to girls (or boys) that have softer features or someone who appears younger than they actually are, such as singer IU or Korean actress Park Bo Young. As long as their choice of clothing and makeup is down-to-earth and nothing too extravagant, it’ll be a ‘yes, i like what i see so far’ from him.
Jin’s ideal type would be someone who’s mature, warm, and motherly; they should be able to handle themselves well in public. He would prefer softer features over sharper ones, basically someone who’s good-looking themselves.
Suga: Personality-wise, Yoongi might go for a calm and patient lover, one that’s able to handle his sassy remarks and lazy habits of his. I mentioned before in one of my mtls that to me, he seems like the most versatile out of BTS; his tastes probably changes a lot in a person. I’d love to see him with someone nearly just as sarcastic and laid-back as him; but it’s not too hard to imagine him being together with a fluffy, peace-loving unicorn either though.
If we’re going to go by appearances, Suga would probably prefer a more ‘swag’ rather than a polished/cute choice of clothing on his significant other, however, the curious eyebrow cocks up only if the certain s/o suits the ‘swag’ look. If the amount of bling-bling is blinding and way too unnecessary, it’ll decrease the chances of him asking them out and make his potential lover look like they’re trying too hard. Makeup isn’t necessary, but if you want to flaunt your good looks, go all in. Purple lipstick, blue eyeliner works perfectly; just remember not to look like you’re trying extremely hard to impress him!
Suga’s ideal type would be someone who’s laid-back and prefers to stay out of drama/gossip. He’d like it if they dressed similar to his style; ripped jeans with a checkered shirt around the waist would be smiled upon.
J-Hope: If we’re going to go by personality, he’ll go all for a smiley, funny significant other. Hoseok, in my opinion, prefers to be surrounded by positivity rather than negativity, so a pessimistic person wouldn’t exactly click with him, romantically speaking. Sure, he’s easygoing and extremely fun to be around with, and doesn’t select his friends or future lover, but a pessimistic person as his partner in life wouldn’t really be his first choice. Hoseok himself is emotional, so I think he’d do well with a caring lover that is able to comfort him effortlessly.
Regarding appearances, Hoseok would be the hardest for me to decide. I don’t think he has a specific preference of clothing or makeup; he’s just as likely to enjoy seeing his lover wearing jeans and a sweatshirt as he is when his lover’s in a tank top with dangerously short shorts. He also wouldn’t mind the body type of his significant other; Hoseok would like chubby people just as much as thin people. It wouldn’t hurt if his partner could dance though; work them moves J-Hope stans!
J-Hope’s ideal type would be someone cheery and has a positive outlook on life. He’s really open-minded, so he most likely doesn’t have a preference to how his significant other should look like.
Jimin: Jimin’s ideal type would be someone who’s extremely thoughtful and generous; someone who’s polite around adults and mostly places themselves second in most scenarios. They always have someone else on their mind when making decisions, and often is concerned about others’ emotions and physical conditions.  His ideal type wouldn’t be the ones that are easily pushed around though, they should be able to have a voice when unjust actions are committed against them, or someone else.
Appearance-wise, he might like a more subtle choice of clothing on his partner, one that he can compliment on and isn’t too extravagant or revealing. I totally see him loving a mature, sexy look on his significant other though! He’d be really aroused by it, and would give them nonstop kisses on the lips or neck.
Jimin’s ideal type would someone thoughtful and generous, who always thinks of others first before themselves. He’d enjoy seeing his partner in formal wear; whether they decide to go the ‘casual’ way or ‘sexy’ way is up to them.
V: V’s ideal type would be a person who enjoys laughing, and has a beautiful smile. He would be instantly attracted to them, as he’s a sucker for charming and sweet people. He would adore a cute and childish partner that he can frequently spoil and coo over too, and since he’s especially sweet with kids, he would want a partner who’s quite good with or loves children also.
When it comes to appearances, V might like a softer, more ‘girly’ style on his significant other on a typical basis, although he would be (pleasantly) shocked if they dressed slightly more revealing once in awhile. He’s the type that wouldn’t really mind how his partner looks like early in the morning; he’d still enjoy giving kisses to them even if they had bad morning breath and would find their disheveled hair adorable.
V’s ideal type would be someone who has a beautiful smile, and frankly, someone who loves laughing. He’s quite flexible with whatever his partner wears, cute clothing might appeal the best to him, however.
Jungkook: Jungkook’s ideal type would be someone who’s flirty but also mature. He would like being teased a little, so out of all of BTS, he may be the one who’s completely unbothered by the fact he’s dating a noona, and instead may even enjoyed being playfully pushed around because he’s younger. His partner should be patient with him; I see it being a problem relationship-wise if they’re not. Jungkook’s around the awkward transition of adolescent to adult, and he’s, frankly, still slightly impulsive. His significant other taking a few cautious steps to being understanding with him would create a stable and healthy relationship that would last a long time.
When considering looks, Jungkook has made us all aware that Korean singer IU is one of the female idols he really admires. He might prefer a taller partner, but don’t dwell on height too much! As long as the gap between his lover and him isn’t too large, it’s not difficult to imagine him leaning down to kiss the top of his lover’s forehead. Regarding the sensitive topic of makeup, Jungkook would probably choose a lighter makeup-look rather than to a heavy one, but of course, he wouldn’t stress over it much.
Jungkook’s ideal type would be someone who’s patient and playful, in addition to being mature when dealing with decisions that could affect their relationship. He would prefer a taller partner, but wouldn’t mind how they dress, unless they reveal a little too much in public (he gets jealous and possessive quickly).
This piece of work is based off my personal opinion. Feel free to disagree with it, as long as aggressiveness is kept at a minimum ^~^. Keep in mind that we, fans, have no to little idea of who BTS actually looks for in a partner so don’t get discouraged!
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