#a recreation of my fave set of her
sthenosims · 11 months
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I like the way you taste.
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
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colouring before and after tag game ♡
tagged by @parksunghoons and @seonghwaminho tysm ♡♡♡
the only consistent thing abt my colouring is that i like red and saturated black/saturated colours generally and like thats literally it KLFDSKL i’m not the biggest fan of her but she gets the job done <3 i never save any of my psds so i  colour everything from scratch so nothing is ever the same but that’s like half the fun u kno 
tagging: @taeyeobs, @sanchelinz, @yeonjune, @wabisaba, @kyubins, @chwejongho, @kdongyoung, @jjongho, @jeonwonwoo, @starhwaz, @dazzlingkai, @minzbins, @strhwaberries, @heeseunq, @hwanwooyoung, and @ashisland !! only if u wanna ofc ♡♡♡
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gogandmagog · 5 months
Guys! Yesterday I had a book-shaped piece of mail, and inside of it was my copy of Children and Childhoods in L.M. Montgomery: Continuing Conversations being returned, from another very dear user here! I bring this up only because some-months-ago I promised to copy out a particular article from this book, for yet another user here, who was interested! Interested because it’s on the the subject of a Fan Favourite thing... fan fiction. And better still because some of our (basically famous) mutuals here are mentioned by name! If you’ve ever wondered if the Montgomery scholarship is reading your fan fiction... the answer is yes, they are! They totally are. More than that, they also have some thoughts to share… as well as recommendations of their faves too! This article even covers the F/F and M/M fan fiction presented by fans in LMM’s universe, and I’m personally super excited to be able to begin reading these works, as soon as I can find them all. I’ve done my best to link what I could immediately find, but some of the mentioned stories were unavailable... potentially due to changes in usernames? (That said... if anyone knows of the works indicated here, that I haven’t provided a link for, please do share!)   This article, by the way, was written recently... in 2020! It’s very current, and it covers a few stories that were still being actively updated during the pandemic. The focus of this article is less so on canon (or really just the Anne/Gilbert pairing), though, and seems to prefer demonstrating the versatility of mixing relationships (Anne and Emily, for one!) and the wider more general universe-building aspects (the entanglements of future generations/Anne’s grandchildren) that fans have been expounding on for nothing less than decades. 
Okay, here we go! xx
Continuing Stories: L.M. Montgomery and Fanfiction in the Digital Era by Balaka Basu
Fanfiction – the recreational (re)writing of texts – is a literary genre of rapidly growing significance. Abigail Derecho in her brief history of fanfiction identifies it as “a genre that has a long history of appealing to women and minorities, minorities, individuals on the cultural margins who used archontic writing as a means to express not only their narrative creativity, but their criticisms of social and political inequities as well.”
Insightfully defined by Francesca Coppa and Mary Ellen Curtin as “speculative fiction about character,” fanfiction can be even more precisely understood as fantasies about the diegetic positioning of characters in the context of various settings, communities, relationships both textual and paratextual, and eventually all manner of cultural mythologies.
Kristina Busse and Karen Hellekson describe the production of fanfiction as “part collaboration and part response to not only the source text, but also the cultural context within and outside the fannish community in which it is produced.”
They point out that the shift in the method of dissemination of fanfiction from newsletters and zines to internet archives means that “ever-younger fans who previously would not have had access to the fannish culture except through their parents can now enter the fan space effortlessly; financial resources have become less of a concern because access to a computer is the only prerequisite; and national boundaries and time zones have ceased to limit fannish interaction.”
The nature of fanfiction allows participants to cross-generational and socio-economic boundaries in an ongoing exchange of responses to a source text with which they share a fascination, developing new texts that in turn elicit their own responses. While the creation of fanfiction is evidence of an affective, loving, communal relationship with the source text, this genre of writing is still dismissed in many quarters as overly emotional, purely erotic, and even perverse, a type of amateur and immature engagement with popular texts that produces writing necessarily divorced from literary significance. Produced in staggeringly vast quantities by subcultures with complex vocabularies and traditions that can intimidate the casual reader, fanfiction is perceived by many to be more of a cultural practice than a literary genre, variously denigrated for its pornographic potential and its lack of originality. However, close examination reveals that fan writers are able to create a critical dialogue with the originating author in acts of communal storytelling that incorporate allusions and reference points to which other dedicated fan readers and writers may respond.
In this chapter, after examining how L.M. Montgomery and her writer heroine Emily themselves engage in practices now associated with fanfiction, I survey four forms of fanfiction that remove Montgomery’s novels from her seemingly idyllic and timeless island settings, contextualizing her characters and plots within history and other genres: the sequel set during the Second World War, the modern AU (alternate universe), the gap-filler, and the slash fic, all of which allow the young readers who grow up with her novels to engage in dialogue with the stories they love, a type of literary conversation that Montgomery herself models within her texts. Emily’s reading, which is active rather than passive, resembles twenty-first-century fans’ ownership of the texts they love, provoking creative responses. For instance, after reading works by Lord Tennyson, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and Matthew Arnold, Emily writes, “Teddy lent me 3 books of poetry. One of them was Tennyson and I have learned The Bugle Song off by heart so I will always have it. One was Mrs. Browning. She is lovely. I would like to meet her. I suppose I will when I die but that may be a long time away. The other was just one poem called Sohrab and Rustum. After I went to bed I cried over it. Aunt Elizabeth said ‘what are you sniffling about?’ I wasn’t sniffling – I was weeping sore … I couldn’t go to sleep until I had thought out a different end for it – a happy one.”
The reactions Emily catalogues are those of the fan; they are viscerally felt in the body and attempt to dissolve the boundary between author and reader, producer and consumer. She inscribes Tennyson within her heart in order to possess the poem she loves; she creates a relationship between Barrett Browning and herself; and, most significantly, she interjects her own desired happy ending into Arnold’s tragic narrative, a corrective desire that is at the core of many works of fanfiction. Emily’s diaries and her story reflect Montgomery’s own experiences from childhood to adulthood as reader, writer, and reader-turned-writer discussed in the introduction to this volume. Depicting Emily as a voracious reader and a life-writer like herself, Montgomery places the child Emily’s voice in conversation with that of the narrator through Emily’s letters to her dead father in Emily of New Moon and through her diary entries in Emily Climbs and Emily’s Quest, creating a form of joint authorship that is referenced explicitly in “Salad Days,” the second chapter of Emily Climbs: “book is not going to be wholly, or even mainly, made up of extracts from Emily’s diary; but, by way of linking up matters unimportant enough for a chapter in themselves, and yet necessary for a proper understanding of her personality and environment, I am going to include some more of them. Besides, when one has material ready to hand, why not use it?”
The narrator’s willingness to use the “material” that is “ready to hand” reflects Montgomery’s and Emily’s practices, and also validates other writers’ use of the material Montgomery places at their disposal. As with many fans, Emily’s reading frequently makes itself felt within her writing.
Like Montgomery, Emily learns her trade through mimicry, from her first poem in blank verse inspired by James Thomson’s Seasons to her unwitting imitation of Kipling that is pointed out by her teacher, Mr Carpenter, in his review of her work. Like Sara Stanley of The Story Girl, whose compelling and fascinating stories are rarely if ever original, Emily is a fan of the oral traditions of her community, incorporating and building upon them in her own writing, transforming and recreating, for instance, the story of “The Woman Who Spanked the King” in Emily Climbs.
The retelling and versioning that Emily practises signal her immense admiration for the source texts she adapts, just as the creation of fanfiction does for Montgomery’s readership and fans. The possibilities inherent in versioning and adaptation are illustrated in Emily’s Quest. When Montgomery depicts Emily undertaking the reworking of someone else’s narrative, she is adapting an episode from her own experience while working for The Echo in Halifax, which she records in her journal. Montgomery, like Emily, was asked to create an ending for a serialized story, “A Royal Betrothal,” after compositors had misplaced the original text.
Like Emily, she claims that her “knowledge of royal love affairs [was] limited,” and that she was unaccustomed “to write with flippant levity of kings and queens.” Nevertheless, Montgomery manages to create a conclusion that passes muster, since “as yet nobody has guessed where the ‘seam’ comes in.” She is, however, curious about the original author’s reaction to her unauthorized adaptation, and while she never discovers this in real life, she does imagine it in her fiction when she introduces Mark Greaves, who is horrified by Emily’s new ending for the story but enchanted by its author. Neither Montgomery nor Emily engages in this sort of writing from a place of fandom; they have no previous attachment to “A Royal Betrothal,” and both are writing professionally. Nevertheless, the ability to solve the puzzle of the story and the weaving of their work into an already extant text are the very project of fanfiction: ludic narrative composition that recalls the way children play make-believe with the narratives they love, reworking and extending them. It is telling that Montgomery uses the metaphor of the “seam” to describe this particular craft. Jane Dawkins, writing about her fanfiction, which is inspired by Jane Austen, describes her fan novel Letters from Pemberley as “an old-fashioned patchwork quilt, where in place of the scraps of fabric reminding one of the favorite frocks or shirts whence they came, there is a line or a phrase or a sentence from one of [the original] books or letters stitched alongside the lesser scraps of my own manufacture.”
Montgomery’s final book, framed by the two world wars, is just such a patchwork sequel, albeit providing only brief glimpses of the characters that readers met as children and who have now grown older. When a version of the book was published in 1974 as The Road to Yesterday, these glimpses, lacking the interstitial materials, became even briefer, mirroring the more forced insertion of beloved characters that the two earlier collections, Chronicles of Avonlea and Further Chronicles of Avonlea, display. Only two of Anne’s grandchildren – Gilbert Ford and Walter Blythe – are obliquely referred to, in the story “A Commonplace Woman,” where an unpleasant young doctor reflects on both of them as potential rivals for the affection of a beautiful girl he himself hopes to pursue.
However, the full novel, The Blythes Are Quoted, published in 2009 and comprised of short stories about the people in Glen St Mary and over the harbour, is interspersed with poetry by both a young Walter and an adult Anne. The poems are cut with tiny slices of dialogue that suggest the continuing lives of fans’ favourite characters and how they might have developed. In “‘Dragged at Anne’s Chariot Wheels’: L.M. Montgomery and the Sequels to Anne of Green Gables,” Carole Gerson notes the mixture of feelings from pleasure to frustration that Montgomery records in her journals as she prepares to write her first sequel.
While Montgomery wrote the first installments of her various series out of inspiration, she was certainly aware of what her market desired from subsequent installments. She often regretted the necessity of marrying off her characters, but was aware that her fans demanded this conventional outcome for the characters they had come to love; these traditionally romantic endings, when not offered by Montgomery herself at the instigation of her publishers, are regularly deployed by contemporary fanfiction authors building on the source texts.
Indeed, long before the original structure of The Blythes Are Quoted was revealed to readers in Benjamin Lefebvre’s afterword, fanfiction writers were spinning off lengthy narratives that included a third generation of young Blythes, Fords, and Merediths dealing with the onslaught of the Second World War. While earlier installments in the Anne series – such as Anne of Green Gables and Anne’s House of Dreams – depict the deaths of Matthew, Anne and Gilbert’s first daughter (Joyce), and Captain Jim, Walter’s death in Rilla of Ingleside is somehow more striking. Unlike Matthew and Captain Jim, he has not yet had time to grow old; unlike Joyce, readers have had opportunities to get to know him as a child in Rainbow Valley and as he grows into young adulthood in Rilla of Ingleside. His death is unnatural and, therefore, all the more horrifying. These two aspects of Rilla of Ingleside – the evocation of history by a nostalgic fictional world that is still tied to real time and the use of high drama, tragedy, and romance – provide fanfiction authors with a model they can use to appeal to the emotions of those readers who are immersed in the next generation of Montgomery characters.
The Second World War, then, provides an entry point into the series for fanfiction authors, who can deploy real history coupled with beloved characters to create a tale that feels absolutely authentic. One example of this is a short story, “The Pen and the Sword,” written in 2007 by MarnaNightingale. Here, mimicking the style of Dorothy L. Sayers’s The Wimsey Papers (a series of Spectator articles published between 1939 and 1940, which interestingly also continue the story of First World War–era characters during the Second World War), MarnaNightingale employs epistolary excerpts and newspaper articles to tell the story of a family going through the horrors of war for a second time. Grounding her fragmented story – like The Blythes Are Quoted, a mixture of genres – in the accounts of novelist Mollie Panter-Downes (1939) and war correspondents Ernie Pyle (1940) and Ross Munro of the Canadian Press (1941), whose articles are attributed to Kenneth Ford, she offers a story that, like Rilla of Ingleside, is anchored to the historical moment, while also nostalgically focusing on the character development that comes from Gilbert Ford’s death, Rilla’s and Faith’s reactions to the war, and the lives of their children. Here war also serves as an opportunity for new experiences, particularly for women and children: Rilla takes a factory job as a machinist, liking it better than working in Carter Flagg’s store; one of Anne’s grandchildren, Susan, plans to be a doctor; and Faith, who worked as a Voluntary Aid Detachment nurse in the First World War, mentions how she can sympathize. As well, the daily tidbits that flavour the pages of Rilla of Ingleside are there: one article, attributed to Anne, includes the recipe for Susan Baker’s war bread, reminding readers of the problems of wartime rationing, even in the Americas. Real life events – like the Canadian forces trying (and failing) to make a beachhead at Dieppe – arouse the passions of the reader. Unlike Austen – who also famously wrote of three or four families in a country town, but kept the Napoleonic wars firmly in the shadows – Montgomery brings the passions and high drama of the world stage into the sleepy villages of Prince Edward Island, which inspire fanfiction spinoffs.
The long novel Cecilia of Red Apple Farm, by a fan author who posts under the pseudonym ruby gillis, also directly reworks passages and scenes from the whole range of Anne books, set in the late-nineteenth century, to The Blythes Are Quoted, set in the early years of the Second World War, to highlight the similarity between her new generation of characters and their ancestors. Cecilia is the daughter of Una Meredith and Shirley Blythe (characters often married off in fanfiction). Like MarnaNightingale, ruby gillis provides period flavouring in the styles of dresses and behaviour and in references to 1940s popular films and songs. Simultaneously, this setting offers new opportunities to her female character: Cecilia wants to be a doctor, and rather than staying in Canada, she joins up to be a nurse in England. She has a series of romances – one with Sid Gardiner (before he marries May Binnie), and one with her cousin Blythe Meredith, who is this generation’s poet – before finally ending up with Marshall Douglas (the son of Mary Vance). Just as Anne initially refuses Gilbert Blythe in favour of Roy Gardner’s resemblance to her ideal man in Anne of the Island, ruby gillis’s Cecilia is fooled by the allure of Sid and Blythe as Roy Gardner–like romantic heroes into believing that she does not truly love her fun, practical, “Gilbert-esque” friend. Published in 2004, Cecilia of Red Apple Farm further illustrates the opportunities presented by reusing and reworking a body of texts through its incorporation of Montgomery’s poem “I Wish You” as the work of Blythe Meredith. Montgomery includes this poem and attributes it to Anne in The Blythes Are Quoted, although ruby gillis could not have known this when writing. The repetition of names and circumstances might seem derivative, but for readers who have read and reread the original books so many times, the extension of the story world is prized, even if – perhaps even because of – its callbacks to the original text. Due to the tendency of fans to fixate on “the good bits” in a reread, these parts can be taken for the whole.
Austen fanfiction demonstrates this aptly. Indeed, Helen Fielding’s second Bridget Jones novel, Bridget Jones and the Edge of Reason (1999), illustrates just such a reading of Pride and Prejudice: she shows Bridget, a fan, watching the scene from the 1995 mini-series in which Darcy, dripping in a wet see-through shirt, exits the lake, and then rewinding and rewatching the scene multiple times. How many times might a similar fan reread Walter’s letter from Courcelette? This repeated reviewing of selected portions can replace the amplitude of the original novel. With this delimited focus, narrative is no longer seen as a progression, but as a single moment of pleasure, sustained as long as possible. Reading the Second World War as a repetitive sequel to the First World War further highlights this possibility.
Even Montgomery seems to do so, as demonstrated in The Blythes Are Quoted, with its new generation of characters confusingly named after the old: Walter, Jem, Rilla, Di, Anne, and Gilbert. A variation on Marah Gubar’s kinship model, this kind of continuation highlights the blurred boundaries between child and adult characters who are literally related to one another and whose adventures mimic one another.
In a third example of fanfiction set during the Second World War, Weeping May Tarry, a long novel by ElouiseBates, Meggie, the heroine, is Shirley’s daughter (and also, surprisingly, Paul Irving’s granddaughter). In this story, which like Cecilia of Red Apple Farm is an installment of a longer series, Meggie is sent off to a conservatory of music to study singing, aptly combining the traditions of the nostalgic boarding-school novel with “Girl’s Own” wartime fiction. Following the tradition of Magic for Marigold, which explicitly suggests in its second chapter that the Murrays of Blair Water and the Lesleys of Cloud of Spruce exist in the same universe, @e-louise-bates (like many other fanfiction authors, including ruby gillis) suggests that all of Montgomery’s characters exist in a single universe: Meggie partners briefly with the grandson of Sara Stanley (The Story Girl and The Golden Road) and is close friends with Jane Stuart (Jane of Lantern Hill).
Going even further, @e-louise-bates introduces the grandchildren of the What Katy Did series as friends for Meggie and includes Betsy from Dorothy Canfield Fisher’s Understood Betsy as Bruce Meredith’s wife, creating a world where all the characters of early-twentieth-century girls’ fiction seem to have truly lived, where their descendants must cope with victory gardens and dances with soldiers at the Exhibition Grounds, and where kisses are much more commonplace than they once were.
These particular continuers of Montgomery are also desirous of membership in the community of her fans, seeing their literary endeavours as productive of approval from a fellow readership. Likewise, the novels are notable for their sociality – they seem to offer the reader not only a fantasy friendship with the characters themselves but also the very real society of fellow readers of the works. Thus, these fan authors attempt to diversify their stories so that they represent contemporary beliefs regarding multiculturalism; ruby gillis, for instance, introduces into the family by way of marriage a French girl who has had to flee the Nazis due to being Jewish, a situation Montgomery and her contemporaries might have had some difficulty accepting, considering early-twentieth-century attitudes toward interreligious marriage and Montgomery’s othering of the German-Jewish peddler who sells Anne green hair dye.
The Second World War thus offers writers of Montgomery fanfiction the loom on which to weave new, more diverse stories, even as The Blythes Are Quoted, which also traces the characters’ reactions to this new war, demonstrates how these readers-turned-writers followed Montgomery’s own trajectory, not knowing that they were doing so. On the subject of fanfiction, young-adult author Patricia C. Wrede writes: “The thing that fascinates me about fanfiction, though, is the way that it models the decision tree that writers go through (whether consciously or unconsciously) to get to their final product. For those of us who do this part mostly unconsciously, it can be interesting and instructing to see the multitude of alternate paths that a story could have taken, all laid out more-or-less neatly in different authors’ fanfics [… taking a slightly different fork in the road] resulting in the plot veering in a completely new direction. Friends become enemies; enemies become friends; goals and objectives and results shift and change.” Within these pieces of fanfiction, then, fan writers are able to follow these decision trees with subsequent generations of characters as well.
Another avenue of access occurs when fan authors transpose historical narratives into the contemporary moment. Perhaps the best-known example of this modern alternate universe [AU] conversion is the television program Sherlock, which takes Arthur Conan Doyle’s Victorian detective into the twenty-first century. While new cultural contexts appear, the essence of character is meant to be retained. Just as Sherlock uses text messages and blogs to substitute for telegraphs and handwritten journals, fans of Montgomery reimagine the relationships between her characters as if they were taking place online.
For instance, “Work in Progress” (2012) by verity postulates a friendship between Montgomery’s most famous heroines, Anne and Emily. In this piece of fanfiction, Emily circumvents Aunt Elizabeth’s injunction against fiction during her time at Shrewsbury High by becoming a blogger who is restricted to the “truth.” The story’s online summary, a part of which reads “Anne rolls her eyes. ‘Is your aunt really going to know if you cheat on your nonfiction with some hot prose on the side?’” shows how the story preserves the character qualities that Montgomery laid out, complete with references to the Murray pride and Anne’s orphanhood. Mr Carpenter’s admonitions are spelled out at the beginning of the story:
“Emily Byrd Starr has a sticky note on her desktop. It reads:
It is almost like having Mr Carpenter in the room with her.”
Verity creates humour through the juxtaposition of contemporary social media and allusions to Montgomery’s source text. Another story by verity detailing Rilla’s romance with Ken Ford and her friendship with Una Meredith, “Rilla of Toronto,” takes place mainly through instant messages. In this story, Rilla reflects on her life from eighteen to twenty-five, tracing a continuum from her child self to her new adulthood, underscored by verity’s translation of Montgomery’s work into contemporary millennial language.
A third type of fanfiction narrative, the gap-filler, focuses on and expands the implications of the source texts. Moira Walley-Beckett’s Netflix/CBC series Anne with an “E,” as Laura Robinson shows in chapter 12 of this volume, is somewhat fanfictional in and of itself: as Robinson points out, the show fills gaps by bringing to the fore the darker currents that have always been beneath the seemingly untroubled waters of Anne of Green Gables, including Anne’s potential post-traumatic stress disorder from the disturbing life she led before coming to Green Gables. This kind of versioning and adaptation tacitly permits fan authors to feel that their versions are just as valid as those produced by professionals. Gap-fillers frequently expand on romantic pairings and in fandom are often referred to by portmanteaux of characters’ names that perpetuate some inside joke or work as puns. “Shirbert” – a moniker for Anne and Gilbert – is the latter, and demonstrates how fans posting on sites like Archive of Our Own (Ao3), Fanfiction.net, and Wattpad (this last generally populated by younger fans) develop their own language to identify their stories within the community for which they write.
One such story, “You caught me staring, but I caught you staring back,” by Anuka, clearly inspired more by the television series than the novels, begins with an author’s note that reads, “I decided to write some fluff for these two, because I need more Shirbert moments, and season 2 is so far away. I added gifs to make it more vivid.” Here, the romance between Anne and Gilbert as depicted by Montgomery and Walley-Beckett is not sufficient for the reader-turned-writer. Anuka wants the gaps in the narrative to be more fully explored than they are on either page or screen and to be made more “vivid” by the inclusion of images that help make the story come alive.
Similarly, “Rilla Blythe’s Wedding: A Not Entirely Comprehensive Account” by Scylla also fills a gap: Rilla and Ken’s wedding day, a scene that Montgomery leaves to the reader’s imagination at the end of Rilla of Ingleside. Modelled upon other accounts of weddings within Montgomery’s fiction, the story also suggests that accounts of Walter’s death have been gravely exaggerated, as he makes a stunning appearance at his sister’s wedding. In order to align her work with Montgomery’s novel, Scylla ensures that Little Dog Monday’s awareness of Walter’s death remains, but makes it only a technicality, writing, “His heart had stopped for a full ten seconds – long enough for his Captain to feel for his empty pulse and for Dog Monday to be jolted with the fullness of his death. Little dogs, after all, can only have tender dogs’ hearts. Grief to Dog Monday was an all-consuming thing, and when Walter’s heart began to beat once more, he was deaf to its spark of joy.” After meeting with his eldest sister, Joyce, in heaven – which is, as he had always hoped, Rainbow Valley, Walter is returned to life so that he may write of peace as well as war (as he did when he was a boy), marry Una, and repair the broken hearts of readers who did not want to lose him.
While heterosexual pairings are the most prevalent in Montgomery fandom, there is room for queer imaginings as well.
This very popular genre of fanfiction, known as “slash,” is generally defined as stories that centre on samesex romances between characters, particularly between men. Montgomery slash fiction usually stars Walter Blythe.
One slash story, “but i don’t know who you are” by @freyafrida, imagines a bisexual Walter. Told in an enduringly popular sub-genre of fanfiction often referred to as Five Things Plus One (which involves a series of thematically linked but not necessarily chronological scenes), the story is summarized by @freyafrida as “Five people Walter thought he wanted, and one person he didn’t notice until it was too late.”
This last person is original to Montgomery’s text: Una, whose apparently unreturned attraction to Walter is woven through Rilla of Ingleside. The other five potential partners are all alluded to as Walter’s close friends, beginning in childhood with Alice Parker from Anne of Ingleside and Pat Brewster from The Blythes Are Quoted and then carrying on through adolescence and young adulthood with Faith Meredith, Ken Ford, and finally Paul Irving from Anne of Avonlea. While his feelings for Faith and Ken are clearly unrequited, Alice, Pat, and Paul all express their own desire for Walter. The inclusion of the famous poet and Walter’s “model” uncle, Paul Irving, in particular, particular, illustrates how traits of sensitivity and aesthetic appreciation that challenge traditional ideas about masculinity are frequently interpreted as queer by fan readers and writers.
In another slash fiction, cero_ate’s “The Moving Finger Writes, and Having Writ Moves On,” Walter discovers his homosexuality while fighting in Europe:
He wrote half truths and lies once more, when he wrote his Rilla that he could not form poems of the depths of the war. For who could write his sister of the phallic love he had found? He had found his reason in a tow-headed American boy. He meant so much more to Walter than mere friendship could explain. He wanted to write, as sweethearts write, of the tempest of joy in the darkest night. But how would they understand? How would they even try to understand he sought not the Dark Lady of Shakespeare but the youth, fair and Wilde? When he was presented with Una’s faithful heart, he spurned it. When his tow-headed darling presented his own, Walter took it, greedy for him. His grecian style love, the boy who’s [sic] eyes danced, even in the darkest of days. He would do anything to keep him safe. But he could not present him to his family, for their scorn or pity. War had broken him, but made him as well.
While male/male pairings are generally the most popular stories in fandoms, Montgomery’s novels, peopled as they are by communities of girls and women, require that readers who want to queer the text must explore what is called femslash (that is, slash fiction featuring two female characters).
Such relationships have been explored within the academic setting. For instance, Laura Robinson remarks in “Bosom Friends: Lesbian Desire and the Anne Books,” that the relationship between Anne and Diana uses “the language that readers associate with adult romantic love rather than girlhood affections,” even as it is expressed through the heterosexual paradigm of marriage.
One fanfiction author, ArcticLava21, makes it clear that such fan written stories are not speculation but instead address key issues of representation. The author’s note to ArcticLava21’s short Anne/Diana story, “Nature,” reads, “Hello everybody! Hope your [sic] having a wonderful day. Before anyone yells at me for ‘sexualizing platonic friendships’ please note that this is for all those queer kids who grew up pretending. Pretending that he ended up with him instead of her, or desperately wanted representation. Are we good? <3 Enjoy yourselves lovely people.” The intended audience of the story, “queer kids who grew up,” again establishes the transgenerational kinship between Montgomery’s child and adult fans.
All fan fiction, shared on the Internet, exist in dialogue not just with Montgomery’s fiction but with the author herself, and between the fans who read the novels as children and adolescents and the adults that these readers become.
Whether fan writers extend the narrative or fill gaps, transpose chronology or to queer the text, these pieces of fanfiction allow fans not only to insert themselves into the narrative, but also simultaneously to revivify the original novels, published a century ago. In performing interventions to the text, Montgomery’s young fans grow up to reply to the discussions that she began long ago in the pages of her journals and stories, ensuring that all three – author, reader, and text – are continually reborn into a conversation that will never end.
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lostcrossing · 3 months
This is @spoofaloofa's sideblog for their newest and probably most niche project in the world: recreating the entirety of the Island from Lost in Animal Crossing!!
This project was made on nothing but spontaneous whim. Enjoy!
Tag rundown:
#The Island.jpg = Includes screenshots from The Island
#The Island.gif = Includes gifs from The Island
#The Island.mp4 = Includes videos from The Island
#The Island.txt = Textpost
gets regularly updated
more under the cut (Warning: batshit insane rambling. this is in no way organised.)
Okay lets do this shit
*cue The Eyeland*
PART 1 - The Bare, Bare Bones
Okay so I have a very general idea of what kind of stuff I’m going for so far.
The entrance is going to be the bamboo forest that we see Jack waking up in during the Pilot episode. Ofc imma put the tennis shoes there too 🗣️‼️‼️
The path’ll kinda curve to either the left or right side of the beach (maybe both?) and then BAM. BEACH.
I honestly don’t know what I’m gonna use for the fuselage. I might find something later tho lol
And there’ll be like, tent items and allat there’ll be an actual tent that has a bunch of medical supplies and magazines and stuff in it when you go inside of it. Cause guess what?? THAT TENT IS GONNA BE SAWYER’SSSS RAHH and another actual tent thats SAYID’S TENT THING THAT HE SET UP FOR SHANNON cause he was SO like… he was so… omg theres no word to describe how MMMPH that was it was just so AUGH
And just before the fuselage the bamboo will shift into normal trees and there’ll be a couple nooks and crannies you can sift upwards through to get to the pascal flats that lead to… THE BARRACKS!! I’ll add the pylons too ofc (which will not be very good for my character since he’s supposed to be Mikhail 😭)
and oh boy. oh boy oh boy the BARRACKS are where its at omg. This is where all the villager houses are going to be!! And do not even get me started on the AMOUNT OF ITEMS THAT PERFECTLY FIT THE BARRACKS. IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE. ITS SO CRAZYYYYYAHHHHHH
there’ll be 2 exits to The Barracks: One thats like a dedicated path to the Submarine Dock (which leads to the actual dock in game!) and a hedge thing off to the left of the barracks with a semi hidden gap in it, similar to the bushes that Sayid, Locke, Danielle and Kate peeked through whilst trying to “rescue” Jack from the others. This will lead to the Pneumatic tube dump, and reenter the Pascal flats.
Okay last night I went feral and kind of made a scrappy plan in the whatsapp draw thing whilst trying to explain what I mean to one of my friends
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I’ll put this into the Happy Island Designer sometime later 💀
sorry guys i blacked out and woke up with 35 nook miles tickets. I am going villager hunting
- Klaus (Polar bear vibes. Would go for Tutu but I feel like she’s too happy to be on The Island 😭😭)
- Boris (He’s a boar. what more can I say)
- Roscoe (As Kate’s horse. Also cause Roscoe is one of my all time faves lol)
- Goldie (Vincent!!!)
- Punchy (Nadia, cat version. He’s the closest I can get to her tbh 😭 I would have chosen Lolly but her expression is too cute to fit Nadia)
- Ruby (As Chester! At least I think that’s what Ben’s rabbit is called? not too sure.)
- Peck (He kinda looks like a Eurasian tree sparrow and since those are like literally everywhere it could technically be an island animal. idk I got him in the 3 plots part of the storyline and I just want to keep him 😭)
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j4m3s-b4k3r · 7 months
Little Mansion on the Prairie
We have been sketching from TV shows, and a recent fave is Downton Abbey, starring the wonderful Maggie Smith. In my opinion, she steals every almost episode as the dowager Countess, Lady Grantham. Inflecting every line with subtle flaring of nostril, tilt of head or withering stare, that imbue her character with equal part haughty snottiness, dry humour, and wry wisdom as the scene requires. She is so much fun to watch. This sketch here was my attempt at a straight portrait with my left hand, but my cartoon roots betray me. Try as I might to deliver a faithful representation, my version of Maggie Smith ends up looking like a pug dog in a fur coat.
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Downton Abbey is a glorified soap opera about the privileged British aristocracy (written by the real-life Baron Fellowes of West Stafford, no less). So, why should an uncouth Australian like me care two hoots about Lady Rose's utterly spiffing debutant Ball at Buckingham palace? Or whether Lady Mary can ever live down the beastly scandal of finding a dead Turk in her plush 4-poster bed?
A big part of the appeal for me is the beautiful recreation of period detail, which British TV shows do so convincingly. Leaving me with a nostalgia for a past that I would have most certainly been shut-out of, had I been there. This fascinated ambivalence is best represented in the show itself by Tom, the lefty Irish Chauffeur, who started out reviling the CrawIeys but is now one of them. Sort of.
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I grew-up wondering whether the impoverished Walton family, or the equally desperate Ingals family, could make enough to survive their next winter. Now, for better or worse, I watch each week to see the tribulations of the 1% Crawley family. Will Lord Grantham find enough money to run his 80 room country Mansion and his opulent London Townhouse? Can he keep his pampered family in hot-and-cold running servants, and multiple changes of posh evening wear and diamonds? "I say, frightfully desperate times, what?"
This soap opera about the two communities living side by side in an early 20th century British mansion– upper class aristocrats and their working class servants– may be an obvious choice for a country with a history of an ingrained class structure, such as England. But I think it’s interesting that American shows don’t do this more often.
In an American TV show about a legal firm we only follow the lawyers and never meet the people in the mailroom. If a show is set on a Starship, we will meet only the bridge officers and not the tech support dweebs on lower decks. If it is set in a hospital we only care about the doctors, and not the orderlies or the folks processing the stool samples in the lab. Come on America, where’s your sense of upstairs/downstairs 1%/99% camaraderie? The fantasy here in the USA is that it is a completely egalitarian society, but the not-so-simple reality is rarely examined on TV.
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As much as I enjoy the milieu of DOWNTON ABBEY, after several seasons the show is not as interesting to me as it once was. Simply because a status quo is maintained episode to episode and season to season. There’s always something just about to happen. Someone is about be accused of murder. Someone is about to be disgraced by scandal, and someone is about to leave the family. Inevitably, most of these things work out and are back to approximately where we’d started.
The series’ first season, set in 1912, started off strong, with boyfriends dying during covert sex. Their corpses secretly carried through the mansion by candlelight in dead of night. There were revelations about this servant or the next, and mini scandals always a-brewing with the aristocrats upstairs. And we were constantly warned that the modern world was about to change everything.
Then of course there was WW1 to deal with. But in hindsight, the only true drama in the entire series happened when a couple of the real life actors tired of the corsets they had to wear and the scripts they had to read, and decided to leave the show. Which forced the writers’ dramatic hand, and some characters had to actually die to be written out of the series.
DOWNTON ABBEY promised to be a chronicle of a time of great societal change in Britain. Strange then that so little of that real-life drama is in the show. The most recent season is set in 1924, and the only dramatic change in circumstances was the death of the dog in the title sequence.
I could hold on a few more seasons till WW2, just because I know that eventually Hitler can be relied upon to force some drama, the bloody trouble maker. But any time that you see Fascism as a solution to your problems, it’s time to re-examine your priorities.
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doridoripawaa · 7 months
Revue Starlight for the ask game!
THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! Revue is 1 of my 2 biggest comfort series and I don't talk about it enough!!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Nana. Definitely Nana. I already am weak for lonely, big sister-type characters (to nobody's surprise) but after her backstory? WOW. She is so mentally ill (/pos) and I adore her.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Karen immediately comes to mind as so squishable and cuddly and I'm gonna tackle her with affection. She works so hard! She struggles but she overcomes! She probably needs a nap! She's gonna fight a giraffe!
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Futaba feels so underrated to me! She is loyal and tough, and her growth into self-confidence is delightful to watch!!
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Does Mr. White count? I get so excited every time I see a new piece of merch that Hikari has. I live vicariously through anime girls with a clear special interest.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Nana definitely hits for "problematic" but let's not forget about Hikari being a self-sacrificing disaster who literally flees halfway across the globe to avoid her crush. Peak theater lesbian. Iconic. I love her.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Kaoruko... teasing the bratty ones is always pretty fun 🫣
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): I want to say I'm sending both Claudine and Maya so they can recreate the revue of souls. but in reality I'm setting the giraffe on fire... again. wakarimasu.
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gracielbas · 7 months
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It's 2024 and who doesn't succumb most of their days scrolling in their phones, typing away in fb messenger, making tiktoks or just laughing at cat memes. Of course, as a Gen-Z-er, I'm part of the digital native population or basically you can call me—chronically online because let's be real here I basically grew up with the internet. That is why I cannot imagine a life without technology, I feel like life would be 100x harder than it is today.
If you were to ask me how deeply integrated technology is to my daily life then I would tell you I am living in a "Cybereal world" and what is that you ask? It's a word I just made up to describe an interconnected world of technology and real life. Now, to get you a look in my daily life in the Cybereal world, let me show you how my day usually goes.
First, in the morning I consider my phone as my lifeline. Why? because as a student who's always tired and sleep deprived I find it hard to always wake up on time so I set up countless (and when I say countless I really mean infinite number) of alarms with 10 to 20 minute intervals. Sometimes, my friends also call me via Messenger or through my phone number to wake me up which I really appreciate so much 'cuz nothing beats starting your morning with some good vibes from your friends right?
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After waking up, I start preparing for school. My school schedule is divided between online and offline setup. So on days where I have to go to school, I get ready with music playing in the background. I stream music from youtube 'cuz ya know I have to support my fave kpop group by streaming their music video or I use spotify as I have a subscription (thank god for student discounts it's like the only best thing I have received for being a student) ehem, anyways I usually just play music in my phone or my laptop (mp3 and CD players are so out of trend) . Then after getting ready, I chat my schoolmates and my beloved friends that I'm on my way to school and we decide on where to meet up for breakfast. Once I arrive school, the most important feature in our entire university campus is the elevator. I would not climb up 9 floors of stairs just to get to our room everyday. My weak body cannot tolerate that so praise whoever made elevators.
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Online classes are like the best example of how internet and technology has changed this world like can you believe you can get proper education in the comfort of your homes? I really cannot grasp that idea at first but due to the pandemic that happened and the rise of digital world, it just became normal for me. Therefore, my online classes are just me (staring) listening attentively to my professor and taking down notes in Google Docs (PRO TIP! its easier this way).
After classes, I usually go out with my friends to go eat or visit some recreational spots just for leisure and enjoyment 'cuz we always go by the saying "You're never this young, so enjoy your life to the fullest." Of course, we cannot go anywhere without our phones 'cuz how are we going to navigate our way there without google maps? Or how can I go home without the use of transportation booking apps? As someone who sucks at directions google maps and online transportation booking apps are my holy grail.
Everytime I hang out with my friends, I always and I say ALWAAAYS end up with a hurting stomach because of excessive laughing and of course these moments are the moments we want to cherish and keep for the longest time. There's no better way to capture such wonderful moments than with your very high quality phone camera.
After spending a healing moment with friends, I'm back to being a fulltime student as I open my laptop and slave away to finishing school works. During exam seasons, I spend the rest of my week cooped up in my room in front of my computer reading transes for my exams. I also search more information on our topics and lessons in the internet. I also want to give a very special shoutout to Nurse Sarah and her youtube channel for carrying me throughout my college years.
Sometimes, I hop on discord call with my friends and we study together and teach each other concepts and lessons. I appreciate the rise of online calls through various platforms as it really makes it easy to communicate with people even without leaving my home.
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A little bit about me is that I am diabetic so I have to take note of my blood glucose. There's this device called glucometer which lets me take my blood glucose level at home—which saves me lots of money as I don't have to go to the clinic and pay for professional fee just to get my blood glucose checked. Aside from that, I have to be active to stay healthy or else I'll have complications with my health. Therefore, I keep track of my exercise activity which I do using my phone and this app called health tracker.
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I agree with what Ms. Ariana Grande said in her song 7 rings "whoever said money can't solve your problems must not have hadenough money to solve them" and so, I tend to reward myself by spoiling myself with my favorite things like buying kpop photocards and merchandises. I usually buy them online through applications or platforms like Shopee, Lazada or through twitter, which is now known as X. Whenever I buy online, I use this mobile money transferring app called GCash to pay for my items. I do agree that this form of e-wallet made purchasing items faster and more convenient as I don't have to frequently withdraw money from my bank account. If ever I do need to transfer money from my bank I can do it online through money transfer from bank to e-wallet. I would like to say that this also made me more impulsive in my buying decisions though. Luckily though this easier method of buying and paying is now applied in offline stores as I can pay my items through any e-wallet. All of this leads us to the equation of more things bought + more items gained = happier me
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After doing all of these mentioned above, I move on to completing other house chores like washing my clothes like my uniform and then cooking food using our electric stove or the microwave if I'm feeling lazy. Being done all that, I end my day by listening to music again or watching k-dramas to put me to sleep. (i often forget to set my alarm again but I wanna thank whoever made scheduled alarm setups). All in all my cybereal world is full of living life with technology to accompany me in every step I take. Starting from waking up to ending my day, I need technology to back me up. Yes, I agree that I can do these things without my phone, laptops, etc but aren't traditional alarm clocks, cars, and even our doors are form of technology too? I believe that technology came to fruition to be a support for our everyday world. It's just up to us to control the way we let technology control our every day life. That ends this post, if you want to share your application of technology in your daily life then feel free to comment below your own version of your CYBEReal world! Thank you for reading~
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chysgoda · 1 year
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so this was completely accidental but I am please with it non the less. I was setting up to get some reference pics and saw this right before i set my lizard girl to vanish. The first time round I had Art in a casual glam but that just wasn't going to work. So i popped out of gpose put her in my fave PLD gear and hopped back in to recreate this.
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thoughtsbyharu · 1 year
Born Pink Album Thoughts
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My thoughts regarding Blackpink's 2nd Full Album
Hello and Hi!
A little bit overdue but this is gonna be a short review of Born Pink album.
Born Pink is the second full album of Blackpink, a south korean girl group under YG entertainment.
Just a PSA: I'm a Blink so I might be a bit biased with my opinions ><
I remember the hype of this last year because they rarely release comebacks! The moment I heard there was a FULL album, I immediately pre-ordered all versions.
Anyways, this review will be super short compared with the one I did with Olivia's Sour album so without further ado, let's go!
1. Pink Venom
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Rating: 8/10
Ok don't be mad but on first listen, I absolutely hated the chorus. I love everything except that chorus. But well since I keep streaming, it kinda grew on me 😂 Now it's my freakin anthem lol.
JenLisa rap parts were fire and ChaeSoo bridges were amazing! The "Blackpiiiink" chant was amazing as well. We sounded like a cult when we were chanting it on the concert ><
2. Shut Down
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Rating: 9/10
I LOVE this song no matter what anyone says. For me, it's one of their best title songs Jisoo's chorus part is fire, what a bias wrecker. I like the mix of classical La Campanella strings and modern beats. Also, the MV gave me goosebumps and made me cry a little. I've been a blink since their debut and seeing them reference and recreate their previous MV scenes made me realize that they made it despite all the hate that they got. My girls came so far 🥺
Also the lyrics?? Like hello! It's obviously for those who are dragging them down. My favorite lines are "Bunch of wannabes that wanna be me, me three of I was you" and "Praying for my downfall many have tried baby" like yes girls tell 'em!
Whip it whip it whip it is hard to pronounce tho haha
3. Typa Girl
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Rating: 8/10
This song has been stuck in my head for months. I lost count of how many times I had this on repeat haha. I absolutely love the beats and the line, "I bring money to the table not your dinner".
Lyrics is a bit of a pick me girl moment but eh, it's good and catchy 🤷‍♀️
Also, has anyone watched their Coachella set for this song??? The choreo? The creative direction?? EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT. Blackpink headlining Coachella is well deserved 👏👏
4. Yeah Yeah Yeah
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Rating: 7/10
A song written by Rosie and Jichu! Finally members getting credited amirite?? I actually like it. It's kinda perfect for encores and ending their concerts. Has a retro vibe.
GIF is from yours truly~ They sang this song in Born Pink Bulacan!
5. Hard to Love
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Rating: 10/10
My absolute favorite. This is what I expected Rose's solo to be like haha. OTG and Gone are good but Hard to Love is THE song for her. This song is stuck in my playlist for months. The guitar is just ❤️❤️
Please Rosie sing this on your tours or concerts I'm begging you.
6. The Happiest Girl
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Rating: 7/10
It's a pretty...sad song. The lyrics hurt my heart and soul. Maybe it's a song when you are going through a breakup.
I was shookt when Lisa sang! She has such a pretty voice.
I gave it a 7 score bc well it's not really my cup of tea (don't attack me pls). It's good tho don't get me wrong but personally won't have it on repeat.
7. Tally - 10/10
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This song is one of my faves. It has a pretty great message about just being yourself and never minding what other people says.
For me, this song reflects them SO much. Let's be honest here, they've been through so much unneccessary hate. Everything they do, no matter how small, is just always under scrutiny. Like, give them a f**cking break 🙄 So yes, I imagine that this is THE comfort song for them. We say f*ck when we feel it \m/
8. Ready for Love
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Rating: 7.5/10
I actually like this song why do other Blinks shade it so much 😅
The bridges are probably my favorite! Jisoo + bridges are such a good combination
Top 5 Songs:
Hard to Love
Typa Girl
Shut Down
Pink Venom
Overall Score: 8.3/10
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
My media this week (9-15 Apr 2023)
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ᵍᵘᵉˢˢ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᶦ ᵇᶦⁿᵍᵉᵈ ʸᵉˢᵗᵉʳᵈᵃʸ
🥰Love Exactly (darter_blue) - 64K, zimbits AU - fluffy AU with a chance meeting in a bar and instalove - fun read, like wrapping a warm blanket around yourself
😊👂‍Death Beside the Seaside (Lady Hardcastle Mysteries #6) (T.E. Kinsey, author; Elizabeth Knowelden, narrator) - Emily & Flo try to take a holiday at the seaside but there's no sea and a surprising number of internal spies. -
😍Wish Granted (ambut) - 40K, stucky no powers AU - reread of this fave D/s getting together fic
😊👂‍A Botanist's Guide to Parties and Poisons (Saffron Everleigh Mystery #1) (Kate Khavari, author; Jodie Harris, narrator) - entertaining enough cozy mystery set in 1920s British academia with the standard 'plucky & smart-but-also-foolish' amateur detective (newly minted botanist) trying to exonerate her mentor from murder charges. I enjoyed it enough that I might read another but I'm not feral for it
🥰Winter's Children (Neery) - 66K, stucky - "When their attempts to recreate the super soldier serum failed, Hydra started trying to breed Captain America clones from his genetic samples. Unfortunately, the serum's effects aren't passed down genetically, so instead of an army of tiny Captain Americas, they get a bunch of tow-headed, asthmatic, allergic, immuno-compromised little Steves. And then the Winter Soldier stumbles across Hydra's failed experiment…" - just a great fucking fic. I stayed up until 1AM to read and I am too fucking old to be doing nonsense like that, but it was totally worth it.
😍Fourth Floor (dirtybinary) - 41K, stucky modern magic AU - "The one where Steve is an angry millennial wizard, Sam is a Disney prince, Natasha is a shapeshifter, and Bucky is a spoiler."
🥰👂‍Rattling Bone (OutFoxing the Paranormal #2) (Jordan L Hawk, author; Tristan James, narrator) - another enjoyable & spooky ghost hunting adventure with the OutFoxing The Paranormal found family, this time dealing with Oscar's actual family history/trauma.
🥰You're the One That I Want (PR Zed (przed)) - 53K, stucky modern no powers AU - reread, angsty arranged-marriage-for-insurance that is so satisfying
💖💖 +203K of shorter fic so shout out to these I really loved 💖💖
toasty warm heart (wearing_tearing) - Stranger Things: steddie, 9K - TOO FUCKING CUTE AND WARM AND FLUFFY
as sunshine falls on the wretched (KivrinEngle) - The Hobbit: gen, 18K - a very sweet canon-divergent AU where bilbo adopts a lost little dwarf baby
Handy (softestpunk) - The Sandman: dreamling, 3K - ceramicist Dream lusts after handyman Hob, doesn't make his move, is sad but is saved when he meets the hot professor he's giving a guest lecture for - short and sweet!
the game is on again (ReinventAndBelieve) - The Witcher: Geralt/Jaskier/Eskel, 7K - hot and tender af!
Dirty Laundry - s2, e5-7
Ted Lasso - s3, e5 [x2]
The Brokenwood Mysteries - s9, e1
Uncommon Comfort Reads with Malka Older, Martha Wells, KJ Charles, and T Kingfisher - super fun panel
Schmigadoon! - s1, e1-6
Schmigadoon! (Schmicago!) - s2, e1
99% Invisible #316 - The Shipping Forecast
The Sporkful - Bill Nye, The FOOD Science Guy!
Big Gay Fiction Podcast - A Trip to the Ballpark with KD Casey
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Places Our Families Took Us
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Ashley House
The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Fairy Circles
Vibe Check - A Satisfied Geriatric Millennial
99% Invisible #532 - For a Dollar and a Dream
⭐The Atlas Obscura Podcast - Fun and Funny Science with Mary Roach
Off Menu - Ep 187: Lily Allen
Into It - Are We Into Taylor Swift's Breakup, Lofi Girl, and a Baby Shark Podcast? {worth a listen to hear whatshisname Alwyn described as 'sentient mayo'}
You're Dead To Me - Al Andalus
ICYMI Plus - Meet the Internet’s Princess
Welcome to Night Vale #226 - Creditors
⭐Hit Parade Plus - The British Are Charting Edition
CREDITS: Burt Bacharach
AM In The A.M.: '70s Pop Morning
Classic Sunny Afternoon
Best Of '81 To '85 [Ratt]
Essential Glam Rock
Ratt radio
"Summertime Girls" [Y&T] radio
The Fixx radio
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b3balancedsims · 2 years
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Alright I don't own the game yet. I might need to buy a windows computer. I use Linux. I want it to work via steam.
I played simcity long ago along with the sims 1 and 2 in college. I had children started a few businesses, got a divorce. Just life stuff. A few months ago my 13 year old son discovered he could get the sims 4 on his 11 year old brothers Xbox.
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Down the rabbit hole I leapt. It is winter so not much to do but watch YouTube. I started with my old fave pleasant sims because we have similar play styles. I was thinking I might have build wars with my son.
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After watching sims 4 videos for like two hours I was over it. I was more interested in the sims 3 open world. I vaguely remembered being excited for its release. But then I got married and had some kids. You know, I got side tracked.
In the beginning:
I played an uberhood in sims 2. I loved how all the playable families got to know each other plus I didn't have to marry too many townies. My goal was to get everyone related by the tenth generation. I made it to six before real life.
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Sims 3 seemed so perfect except no open for business, as I loved interacting with the customers, it was my favorite part of the game. Hey I am a home based business owner in real life so it was the best in sims 2 hands down. Granted sims 3 has a less hands on version, which will allow more time to do other things, I think I will love Sims 3 more.
Hail great modder simstatedude.
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I initially wanted to go back to sims2 but the open world was calling me. Story progression is awesome from what I can see. All the mod creators have outdone themselves. Now I can afford to pay you all. EA is not worthy
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So after going back and forth between should I go back to the Sims 2 or should I play The Sims 3 I finally landed on I want the open world in The Sims 3 bugs be damned. Plus of course I haven't had a Windows computer in about 15 years so I just realized that my ultimate collection through origin won't launch anymore and I really don't feel like going through all of that to make it work. Maybe one day long long in the future when I decide that you know, since I paid for that game like six times, I want to play it again.
I have all the files!!! And discs!!!
I'll just play The Sims 3. But I need my uberworld. I have searched high and low on the internet and I have not discovered an Uber world that comprises all of The Sims2 hoods. I found large custom worlds that had all of the terrain that would allow me to have all of the hoods in one place but they didn't actually look the way that I wanted them to. Then I found Tedhi's Tumblr after I looked at one of her YouTube videos and as a construction manager myself, I really enjoyed her architectural style. We have similar ideas on planning builds and worlds. When I saw her new pleasant view video, it was just like she was in my head and added a few things, like her pool I never thought of, that's what I wanted.
Now when it comes to the Sims 2 world and having all of the premade Sims, Pleasant Sims was in my head. I don't think I will have the time to recreate them all but I want a place for all the Sims 3 versions to move to in order to play out their stories.
I took pleasant Sims idea on how the military base is up on the ridge and I was like oh this is perfect that's where I can have strange town, veronaville, and riverblossom hills. You know Verona ville is a mythical town so it would be perfect to have it up there next to strangetown as if the aliens terraformed the area created some test tube Sims and let them grown as they observed them. Riverblossom hills has the bridge that connected to the top of another mountain and I was like oh my goodness Blue water village has that large mountain at the tip of the peninsula that it sets on and my brain just went crazy as the map puzzle pieces fell into place. I was like oh my goodness I could literally have all 7-8 hoods, to some degree, in one place. Obviously I'm not going to make them as big as they were initially meant to be because I don't want to have like 80 billion lots in one Hood but I could have that feel of all of those lots like Tedhi did. she made pleasant view with a couple of extra lots in it but she had the most important ones so I want to have the feel of those neighborhoods like the strange town crater and have it be like arid and desert cuz it's going to be on top of a mountain obviously and then Verona ville is going to be where the fairies live cuz I mean they were honestly fairies in the first place. I don't have any idea what it's going to look like in CAW but right now I think I'm going to have the two Bridges I'm going to have what I'm going to call crater falls coming from strange town crater through veronaville since it has that River and it's going to go past River blossom hills to make the waterfall between the two Bridges.
I was initially going to call it SimCity but then I figured that would be copyrighted so I decided well two Bridges and a waterfall - Twin Bridge Falls.
I did a search online and I haven't found anything that says twin bridge falls so I was like let me put this up here on the internet as public notification of copyright, before somebody comes up with it and then my world will be lost forever to oblivion. This Tumblr is going to document my foray into building Two Bridge Falls for The Sims 3. My Uber world homage to The Sims 2.
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cgi-term-2 · 5 months
Computer generated imagery - week 12 - 3d character
SHES DONE!!! My character is completed and textured and I absolutely love it. The texturing went so well. I started off by isolating my hard surface areas which i am very proud of and importing them into substance painter.
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I followed the original theme of making them look steampunky through rusting and the fading away of metalic paint with rubber padding and I absolutely love how it came out. I added a lot of dirt and mud to add context that she is in the forest scene i put her in which came out incredibly, i truly amazed myself by how good this character would be.
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The way it renders on the character looks so good! It really firs the vibe and worldbuilding through these textures, I genuinely have no idea what else i can say other than i love it! Here are some renders in maya
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I truly have done what i set out to do and that was create a steampunky archer, i love the model much more than i couldve imagined, the textures didnt carry through 1-2-1 but thats probably an issue with how i implemented them, the dirt really makes this character seem alive and as though they exist outside the render.
The last thing i needed to do was pose her, i decided to recreate the pose from the concept image and it was very difficult, for this i had to learn rigging and weight painting which both deserve some strong words im not going to put in this blog post, but i got it done and it was worth it as the pose really make it even better! Overall this runs the interactive pretty close for my fave project this year, i learned so much and am super happy with how it turned out!
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todaysbiggesthits · 2 years
The Exam
Best Music Moment of 2022
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JD: February: Had some time to kill in LA before the Mrs. arrived that led to a surreal first spin of the Beach House record that started while waiting at a crosswalk next to a guy in a bush smoking crack in front of a gas station pumping at six bucks a gallon and ended when I gave up trying to drag my roller bag up the Runyon Canyon dirt path past a cadre of influencers shooting workout content.
Code: playing on-theme firepower jams* out of the new deck's new outdoor speaker while taking in new views. full blast stones on 16th street for the first time in ages. hearing heckler spray live. jonas crumbling to the beauty of ceremony.while slurping down 20 dollar ipa's *
Best Shows Seent in 2022
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Code: alien boy - lincoln hall pavement - chicago theater new order - northerly island
JD: 1. Animal Collective at Brooklyn Steel 2. LCD Soundsystem Original Lineup Set at the DFA 20th Anniversary Party at Knockdown Center (the 3am Black Dice set should probably be #1) 3. Wild Nothing and THUS LOVE at Le Poisson Rouge 4. The War on Drugs at Madison Square Garden 5. Automatic and Horsegirl at a very jank mini-fest in Rockefeller Plaza
Confession of 2022
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Code: i think i like country again?
Biggest Disappointment of 2022
Code: i played the same four mixes for the entire year 
JD: Adieu, Kanye.
Most Overrated of 2022
Cig: that alex g album that ppl really liked wasn't all that cool
Make It Stop 2022
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JD: Whatever’s going on with concert ticket prices.
Code: i am repulsed by the motomami album art. the reaction was immediate and has only increased after more exposure. (editor’s note: Good news, it appears Tumblr has blocked it.)
Biggest TBH Regret of 2022
Codemin: not sending a single recommendation to the thread.
JD: Missing Devo, Aldous Harding, Jenny Hval, P.E., New Order and Pet Shop Boys, Turnstile, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Smile, et al. in the big post-lockdown rush.
Detective Murtaugh of 2022
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JD: I ate tickets to Colleen Green because I fell asleep at 8:45.
Code: in an effort to recreate her album art, willow performed the most impotent guitar smash during her snl performance. i rewound it four times and haven't stopped talking about it. 
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Resolution for 2022 Status
JD: Got rid of the news, time to work on the podcasts. How It Went: Felt very proud of myself for skipping “The Keanu Reeves Hall of Fame” today.
Code: -make just one classic playlist How It Went:  i made two. one curation of my tbh singles submissions:
and another of my fave pitchfork singles:
-listen to more oral histories of bands I like How It Went: i read a kids book about Elliot Smith
Resolution for 2023
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JD: More Lou.
Code: -pony up and go see a show at salt shed. fever ray? -load neil's discography onto my phone. i'm too often humming his tunes and then can't play powderfinger on the way home from the office.
Most Anticipated of 2023
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Codeman: i think dom has something coming out, lol.  i'd like to hear a new alien boy and krakow loves adana.
JD: Yo La Tengo, Yves Tumor, The Golden Dregs
(very important editor’s note: ?!?!?):
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0 notes
Casey & Janis Pt.7
Casey: [‘take him when you go’ meaning Chubby cos another piss pause won’t hurt and neither will more exercise, and we all know he feels bad that the baby pup is stuck in this crappy hotel for now so]
Janis: [raising our brows like oh, you’ll be staying here then I take it lol but we’re obviously actually pleased because resting until you’re patched up again is the better option ‘don’t start the party without me’ like he’s gonna invite the other divorcees in whilst you and Chubby are gone]
Casey: [‘[the name of the film that was her fave that they said they’d watch to recreate the vibe of the icecubegate day]’ll be on pause til you’re both back’ like duh obvs Chubby needs to see this classic for the first time from the start ‘you’ll wanna pick up [whatever her fave takeaway is] though’ like if we’re doing all your faves this time and I’m spoiling you]
Janis: [‘spent some time with them, probably memorized their rating scale’ @ Bobby and Libi because we know you’re those sort of nerds about film and it amuses me to think of Chubby being a little critic because he’s such a fool ‘can get both’ like I don’t mind because we just love spoiling you boy; before we’re getting Chubby on his lead and finding our phone and whatnot, we do need to rebandage you and we’re doing them tighter than before for the extra strain that has accidentally occurred on this day ‘still feel alright?’ because okay is not possible but can you breathe, is the vibe]
Casey: [he’s absolutely making faces @ Baby Jac re bibi in the vibe of what are they like + Chubby better not take after them anymore than you do hun cos he loves to shade those nerds and then obvs doing a big deep breath 1. because he needs one after your domestic and 2. to prove to her he can like don’t worry gal it’s fine]
Janis: [grinning at you because you’re such a nerd but also because any step towards you feeling better is what we want and need thank you ‘now, do you want [one of his fave movie snacks] or [another option]?’ Setting up these pillows behind him so he can get comfortable whilst he waits for you to return, turning to Chubby to put his lead on but also ask him the same question]
Casey: [not him picking whatever movie snack she likes more, we all see you sir]
Janis: [a nod and a slightly apologetic look like I understand, it’s me that’s meant to be being spoiled rn ‘you can give me a massage, don’t have to use your hands’ like there’s plenty of ways to get creative in looking after me]
Casey: [giving her a LOOK because they were both so turned on by reminiscing before he got annoyed and it never takes long for y’all to bring that vibe back ‘stay here and let us then’ despite knowing she can’t cos Chubby has his lead on and everything]
Janis: [shaking your head so you can do your own thinking and 😳 without fully LOOKING back at him because you have to go ‘was on a promise first’ at this dog who is ready to go, getting up and off this bed]
Casey: [giving Chubby a look like he’s so fuming at him for this but that dog is such an adorable baby fool he can’t keep it up obvs, play fighting him in the softest and most adorable manner though]
Janis: [when this pup inevitably starts barking because he’s too excited, clamping your hand over his snout like hush sir because you’ve probably been snuck in and out of here lowkey and we don’t need kicking out, gently pushing Casey back onto his pillows like behave and saying ‘five minutes’ as you seal this move with a forehead kiss]
Casey: [not this boy bringing back the counting to 10 move like that’s how long you’ve got to leave before I change my mind and simply don’t let you]
Janis: [let him get to three before you’re reaching the door and one before you actually shut it behind you to go, has to be done]
Casey: [love how deliberately fine she was cutting that]
Janis: [who are we otherwise]
Janis: [send him a picture of Chubby with a stick when you get to the park for his walk]
Janis: not that he’s rubbing it in or anything
Casey: [‘Nor you’ with the tone of voice of him oh so fondly remembering branchgate]
Janis: Sure I’ve got no idea what you mean 😇
Casey: [‘that you admitting he’s badly trained enough with you to have smacked you over the head with it?’ amused by that mental image]
Janis: Oi, I’m the former expert here
Casey: [‘there you go, got you admitting instead to what I wanted you to, you’ve every idea what I mean’]
Janis: There you go, can’t help but give you what you want, me
Casey: [‘expert at it too, yeah’]
Janis: one of the only things I’m still properly good at, yeah
Casey: [‘bollocks’ with all the feeling ever cos she’s good at lots of things thank you]
Janis: don’t take that from us or I’ll stay here pissing about playing fetch with this dickhead forever
Casey: [‘you’re only debating it ‘cause he’ll take it from you, too young to know better about all that shit you’re chatting on yourself, and I’ll not and ain’t never been that young’]
Janis: I could block you, you used to be that young
Casey: [‘not since you’ve known us I’ve not’]
Janis: Lucky I can hack you and what you’ve got to say
Casey: [‘just about’ in his tone is that he’s thinking about the domestic y’all just had and how he couldn’t hack what she didn’t even say but he thought she did ‘shame I ain’t no expert but’]
Janis: Hey
Janis: we’re alright, aren’t we
Casey: [‘can’t cross my fingers either way’ injury bants lol lol]
Janis: [selfie of your own 🤞]
Casey: [‘I dunno, I thought we wouldn’t do this, I wouldn’t, with you’]
Janis: what’s that if not chasing perfect
Casey: [‘it’s bare minimum not to treat you like every other dickhead when you’re not’]
Janis: we’re both just stressed about it, it’d be mad not to be, it’s a totally new thing for us both, already knowing what’ll be said about it by everyone else
Casey: [‘How can I reckon you should shut up and trust me if this is the first thing I go and do? That’s mad an’ all’]
Janis: You’ve not done anything, we talked, we should be talking
Casey: [‘I’d have a job to, feeling like I’ve done another rib getting out the bloody bath, wouldn’t I?’]
Janis: I know, the ice’ll help and you can have more meds when I’m back too
Casey: [‘when you back?’]
Janis: [give him a more realistic timeframe than five minutes because you have a few errands to fit in with this walk and getting food as well as]
Janis: quick as I can, don’t get in your head about shit I’m not even thinking about, alright
Casey: [‘alright’ and sending her her own fingers crossed pic back cos he can’t do his own]
Janis: If you reckoned we’d never argue, you’d got the wrong bitch, ask anyone
Casey: [‘no need, know what you’re like’ but more playful than that sounds written down by me lol]
Janis: Can’t invite anyone decent enough to bother back to that hotel, no matter how fit you are
Casey: [‘you’ll be dead chuffed I’m getting you out of it then, quick as I can’]
Janis: you got a housewarming guestlist already?
Casey: [‘course, and you know who’s on it already’ cos blatantly it’s just her and Chubby and this bub, we all know that]
Janis: It’s mutual, in case you needed reminding
Casey: [‘I’m alright with whatever reminders you wanna chuck while I’m lay here with nowt else on’ already bored, could never be me]
Janis: bored or naked, this park is nothing but reminders of you
Casey: [‘least it makes up for how much of a pisstake it is I ain’t there with you’]
Janis: we ain’t made enough memories in that room for you
Janis: have to remedy that before your icepacks melt
Casey: [‘be lying if I said anything but no, can’t get enough of you ever, like’]
Janis: don’t, I’ll always want more
Casey: [‘you can always have it’]
Janis: We can work through anything you know, don’t have to be scared
Casey: [‘it only scares us how right you are’ when you’ve never had something to lose that you care this much about before, it’s fine, we’re all fine]
Janis: you’ll have to learn to love how right I always am, babe
Janis: but, really, I’m just not used to having someone who wants to talk about things, especially if I close up first, I’ll try and get better at it, okay
Casey: [‘I’m not used to having someone, I’ll try and get my head round that he’s not gonna come through the door and take you off me like he did before’]
Janis: I reckon it’ll take us both time to stop waiting for that but it isn’t going to happen
Casey: [‘all that matters til we sort our heads about it is neither of us want it to, you as much as me’]
Janis: I want you, Casey, a life with you, one where you never have to doubt that
Casey: [‘I don’t wanna doubt it, you heard when I said it’s not you who makes us’]
Janis: it was a decade
Janis: time will be what it takes, I know that, it’s not like there’s any track record that works in my favour
Casey: [‘you’re alright, we’ve already promised each other longer’]
Janis: I’m sorry for all the times you felt alone, I know how shit that is
Casey: [‘yeah, you know, firsthand’ not him just being like I know you basically have felt alone as often, it’s true but sir you don’t need to hurt my heart like that]
Janis: yeah, well
Casey: [‘it’s in the past and that’s where we can both leave it’]
Janis: Don’t wanna be those sad sacks, do we
Janis: not when commiserating with a bottle is off the table for me, be rude
Casey: [‘your pick of hotels keeps on fucking it for me an’ all’ cos the mini bar always either doesn’t exist or sucks lol but we all know he’s just being bants]
Janis: you can have a fully stocked bar as long as you invest in high shelves or kidlocks 
Casey: [‘she’ll have a job to give me a hand without reaching nothing’ but again he is only playing, despite being a nerd who will teach baby Jac how to make all sorts of drinks soon]
Janis: you just reckon she’ll be a faster learner than me
Casey: [‘What I reckon is no daughter of mine’s touching up footballers, don’t care if it is the other side of her family business’ shoutout to that not at all being what Grace does haha]
Janis: You’d be fucked if I wasn’t as good at touching lads up as I am, think on
Casey: [‘have to medicate myself, just as well I’m good at it in my own right’]
Janis: oi, I don’t say you flirting with half of Dublin on a night out is gonna drive me to drink
Casey: [‘you don’t have to say it, girl, I know what you’re like, remember’]
Janis: No, sorry, got no clue what you’re on about again
Casey: [‘drive me to drink missing you, sod the rest’]
Janis: [show him that you’re making this pup leave the park so you can go to the shops/takeaway etc, because Chubby is always pouting honey so he’ll look so forlorn about it]
Casey: [‘looks how I feel, him’] 
Janis: 😖 baby
Casey: [‘you’re gonna have to go back to work, mate’ in such a tone like ugh it’s no use because he feels so hurty rn and like it’ll be forever and ever before he can]
Janis: yeah, be screwed if Gracie saw me rn, sick doesn't usually mean covered in bruises
Casey: [‘Gracie’s usually only after queuing in [whatever takeaway she’s going to] when a lad’s had enough of her, got about a 20% chance of missing each other’ the shade, the absolute shade]
Janis: 😏 having nowt to say has never stopped her running her mouth and I ain’t after consoling anyone that ain’t you today
Casey: [‘I don’t fancy you being kept out til our tea’s gone cold or the dog’s nicked it neither’ and obvs sending the fingers crossed pic again like let’s hope Grace isn’t heartbroken for once]
Janis: I will go back, tell me how much time you want before I do
Casey: [‘you can’t leave it up to us, I need all the time you’ve got’]
Janis: I can’t decide when I’m missing you this hard after [however many minutes its been exactly] 
Casey: [‘painkillers won’t touch that and it hurts loads more than owt he’s done’]
Janis: 🥺 I’ll hide you in the cupboard, I want you with me always
Casey: [‘lock us both in it, when she has to call a fireman she’ll have forgot what for by the time he’s there’]
Janis: least she can do is fuck her way through my client list for me so I can be focusing all my attention on you
Casey: [‘we can’t have every footballer doing a runner, our poor kid’ll starve’ again the shade, but you do kind of repel men Grace, soz hun]
Janis: I like it when you say ours, or yours
Casey: [‘I get it’s something else you need time to get your head round but I want you to get used to it’]
Janis: being turned on is more fun though
Casey: [‘I dunno about that, how far away you are at the minute’]
Janis: you can touch yourself, I can’t
Casey: [‘only just’ with a sigh like ugh these stupid injuries]
Janis: I wish I was there to be your hands right now
Casey: [‘so do I’]
Janis: I’m going fast as I can, you don’t need telling to know that
Casey: [sending the Chubby pouty lip content like yeah but be here now please]
Janis: you make me act like such a dickhead but I love you more
Casey: [‘oi, don’t be blaming me for your hormones’ but again so playful and affectionate with this]
Janis: but it’s all you and all your fault 🤔
Casey: [‘my fault if I’m jealous of a baby how you are the dog and I would be if it were really her doing it’]
Janis: there’s a lot to be jealous of, however shitty a person it would make me to want to keep all your love all for myself
Casey: [‘it is yours, I didn’t want him for myself, for when you piss off, you’re not gonna, it’s for you as much, everything I’m trying to do here’]
Janis: [voice note because swoon ‘I love you, I want you to be as happy as is possible’]
Casey: [‘I love you, Janis, and I am as happy as is possible’ saying her name cos of how much he means it, we see you]
Janis: [another ‘you can have as many dogs as you want for me to be jealous of’ the people around you like hello ??]
Casey: [‘he’ll do for us til the kids fancy picking a best mate of their own’ we also see you plural-ing kids there for baby Jameson, shoutout gal]
Janis: 🐶👶🏻🏡👶🏻🐶
Janis: like you said, drew on me
Casey: [‘unless I have to keep going to give you a brown eyed one’ so serious as if it works like that]
Janis: tough job but its yours
Casey: [‘you can have all the babies you want, I’m not short on love even if we might be on space and cash’]
Janis: [‘we’ll give them everything they need’ because love is the most important and we believe in you and us to make this work but also because we’re gonna be sounding indecent so you need to hear]
Casey: [he’s just here thinking about his blatant breastfeeding kink don’t mind him ‘all they’ll need is us both for ages’]
Janis: could proper lock ourselves away, no one or nothing else
Casey: [‘tough job to keep every dickhead from coming to see you all when every one of you’s too cute, but it’s mine’ indecent sounding about this, excuse us everybody else who could be listening]
Janis: [‘we’re yours’ as the * you must make as a voice note, of course]
Casey: [‘but we’re so fucking lucky to have you’ so much feeling and indecency in this one sentence because we really need this gal to know she’s gonna be the best mother ever and how hot we think it is]
Janis: [‘promise?’ because we wanna believe you badly]
Casey: [‘who knows you better than me?’ because yes ‘the sort of mate you’ve been to us is the mum you’ll be to them’]
Janis: There’s too many people in this fucking shop 
Casey: [‘piss off out of it, we don’t need none of that as much as you need to come here’]
Janis: you sound too fucking convincing 
Casey: [‘do as I fucking say then’]
Janis: I’m paying for the ice
Casey: [‘you should steal it’ like the person can’t fully hear you sir but we get what you’re saying, she’d love to have to put it against her skin to do that rn]
Janis: [pic of you doing just that ‘cos we get what you’re putting down, good thing it’s winter so they won’t melt before they can be of use for you, boy]
Casey: [imagine, I know you don’t care atm cos you’re being horny af on main as usual but you do actually need that, hun, the shameless reaction to that he’s sending like anyone and everyone can’t hear it and the fact it’s purely an indecent sound is actually too much for me, I’d simply pass away and not in a cos I think it’s hot manner]
Janis: that’s how you’re gonna sound when you feel this
Janis: Jesus, boy
Casey: [again he’s just now reminiscing about icecubegate in all the detail like anybody else wants or needs to know about this, there’s no chill, pun intended
Janis: no one can walk in this time, you don’t have to hold back
Casey: [‘I won’t be able to from the second you walk in’ could not sound more !! in case she thought he was exaggerating even slightly there]
Janis: I’d be really mad if you did
Janis: 😡
Casey: [‘fuming’ like a * but just purely so he can say it indecently at the thought of her being]
Janis: [do your best fuming face but it is not convincing and you just wanna send him a selfie, blatantly]
Casey: [‘now I am that you still haven’t done what you’re told’ like GET HERE NOW cos duh he’s !! about that selfie cos we all know she looks amazing in it]
Janis: Good
Casey: [‘is how you need to start behaving’]
Janis: I will when you’re close enough to make me
Casey: [‘can’t go nowhere, you, I’ll be sorting that lock and key out soon as you are close enough’]
Janis: to you
Casey: [‘too right to me, baby’]
Janis: [just the audio of you and this dog blatantly running through these streets]
Casey: [audio back of him slowly counting to 10, number by number]
Janis: say I don’t have to be anywhere you’re not
Casey: [‘we’re staying together’ could not be more sincere ‘I’ll stand out in the fucking rain if it means not scaring the footballers off, I’m not bothered about sod all but being where you are’]
Janis: I don’t want normal, not yet, I want to live inside each other until it makes up for all the time we missed each other before
Casey: [‘I promise’]
Janis: [say it back, also spitting on the ground which you can hear to seal that deal]
Casey: [unnecessary af audio of him also spitting because she’ll be into it, soz this hotel room but not really cos they’ve done worse]
Janis: 😻
Casey: [‘I can’t do normal, I dunno what the fuck it is’]
Janis: I’m less sure these days
Casey: [‘you’re sure of what I need you to be, I ain’t asking for more off you’]
Janis: you can ask for anything, you know I’ll do everything I can, like you do for me
Casey: [‘words are getting harder to put together with everything you’re doing already’]
Janis: I can hear it, getting distracted is tempting but not enough, I need you
Casey: [‘it’ll give me something to hear, you getting distracted for a bit’]
Janis: [just breathing even though you’re fit so you won’t be as out as breath as I would be lmao but you get the point, we’ve stopped running momentarily]
Casey: [his own back which is almost as dramatic even though he’s just lying there cos !!]
Janis: [‘it’s been hurting, ignoring how turned on I am’]
Casey: [‘don’t ignore it no more’ the levels of indecent this sounds]
Janis: [‘tell me what to do’ after what is just pure noise at the indecency for a minute there]
Casey: [‘what I would, be my hands for me, how you said’]
Janis: [‘your hands have been everywhere on me and in me… it’s like the best montage in my head right now’ as we’re clearly getting comfortable somewhere we’ve found, doing a shaky sigh when we do finally touch ourself]
Casey: [‘mine an’ all’ cos ofc it’s mutual and of course he’s then reminiscing out loud about every single time as it comes to him to give her a lil soundtrack for this, despite and because of the words literally getting harder to say as he gets more and more wound up by these mems]
Janis: [just hear our movements getting more frantic here nbd with every word you barely say, whimpering his name ‘I’m just thinking about every time I heard you’ banging, masturbating, both]
Casey: [meanwhile just hear him trying to fuck the sheets she lovingly tucked him into before she left because he can’t touch himself properly or enough in this moment, with the vocal equivalent of 🥺]
Janis: [‘baby’ in the same tone because it’s too damn cute ‘I’m gonna take care of you properly’]
Casey: [incoherently telling her how much he misses her cos he’s making too much noise about how much he needs her back to do all that TLC]
Janis: [‘it’s been too fucking long since you choked me with your dick’ because how else would you propose taking care of him ‘my hands will be way too busy’]
Casey: [telling her exactly how long it’s been because y’all are extra so of course you know that and there’s nothing you love more than a reminisce, sounding vaguely accusatory probably like yeah how rude of you bitch lol, but I doubt it even has been long it just feels it to y’all cos you’re so feral]
Janis: [‘why haven’t you let me?’ so sad throwing that accusation right back as if it was a conscious decision on either of y’alls part and you haven’t just been wilding in so many other ways lmao]
Casey: [‘you never needed my help to throw up this morning, or gave us chance to offer it’ likewise as if he’s so sad about it, you two really crack me up, we’re just here throwing the blame on baby Jac now, soz hun]
Janis: [‘I do now’ 🥺 vibes only ‘then you have to bath me again when we’re finished playing’ casual evil plan]
Casey: [doing his own ‘baby’ cos she is ‘course I’ll take care of you proper too’]
Janis: [‘I love you, daddy’ in the most indecently happy voice ever because we’re thrilled but also doing the most to ourself at the same time and you can hear that]
Casey: [the d word just always makes him feral and she’d be hearing that in his ILY back and everything he’s up to]
Janis: [you’re definitely going to have to tell Chubby it’s alright and you’re okay because he’s going to be like hello but we’re still not letting this fully stop us, why would we ever do that]
Casey: [poor Chubby, soz baby boy, they cannot be tamed, he’ll be doing an audio of his click trick or whatever it was that he taught Chubby when he wanted him to calm down, idk my memory is the worst, adding to the daddy energy though so not soz he’ll be making that happen even if he breaks another finger in the process, plus giving all the praise that could be for him but is shamelessly as much for her and everything she’s doing]
Janis: [taking the shakiest video of this dog being adorably excited to recognise Casey’s voice and tone and that he’s talking to him, of course it’s shaky because the effect is also not lost on us and there’s nothing we can do to avoid that, also not soz]
Casey: [I could sob, oh this dog, I would DIE for him tbh, just doing a big whistle like when your dad wants Reggie to come in as if he’s calling this dog and also her, obvs, back home to him, cos can’t cope with how adorable either of them are]
Janis: [get up and tell this dog you’re going home before ending this video vibe because you must right now immediately]
Casey: [stop distracting her boy and just let her run back as fast as she can, we all know it won’t take her long if you can calm down enough to do that]
Janis: [you can’t have been too far, run girl run and bust in this door with all the urgency you feel, the drama please, come at him with these ice packs you’ve had up your top and tucked into your leggings, before he can do anything else because this will help you lots and it is important, but we can straddle you to cover your whole body in said icepacks so hi]
Casey: [everyone including Chubby just like !!! it goes without saying he’ll be kissing her with all the urgency ever cos simply must]
Janis: [‘miss me’ not as the question it would usually be with that grammar, just a full statement and demand lowkey that’s being spoken into your mouth]
Casey: [definitely taking it like a demand and showing her how much he has been with yet more kisses + the obvious which is how turned on he was and still v much is]
Janis: [‘I’m sorry’ like it was such an oversight to leave him to get this turned on without you being here, which lowkey but also lol you two are just ridiculous, we are doing this icepack treatment properly because serious so you’re gonna have to stay laid where you are boy but that doesn’t mean we can’t be kissing down your body because did promise something specific]
Casey: [they are ridiculous and it’d be even more difficult how impossible it’d be for him to lie still, literally ever, but especially here and now when he has missed her this much and wants to be this extra about it, soz sir but you gotta, thank god there’s nothing stopping you being as vocal as you want cos can and will be moaning like it’s his job]
Janis: [won’t be messing about teasing you right now, even if we needed the encouragement you’re blatantly giving us, acting like you fully was out there for as long as you should’ve been to complete all your errands and thus have to be giving you exactly what you want as fast as we can, nbd]
Casey: [I cackle at the fact you weren’t gone for long at all, you tried though lads, and you can always order food if and when you’re ever done being feral so no harm done, she got the ice and that’s the main thing]
Janis: [and we are being as firm as is necessary holding this ice in place so you get the full effect of the cold on your aching muscles as they’re repairing this damage, meanwhile, as we’re keeping our hands fully busy we’re just here showing off how we can do this much with just our mouth]
Casey: [he would not know what to do with his hands rn cos not trying to get them too in her hair and look like he’s trying to direct what she’s doing hardcore cos would much rather let her do her thing when she’s gonna slay at it this hard but also can’t just be doing nothing when you’re this !!  at least y’all’s bodies are covered with all kinds of marks by this point so there’s always gonna be some he can reach to touch even when he’s supposed to stay still]
Janis: [in my head the position is straddling over your torso with our butt/back facing you and our head where it is in your lap obviously so yes, you can definitely pull up her top and down her leggings, whatever takes your fancy, boy because stay still just means keep this ice on you or I swear to God lmao]
Casey: [there’s so many iconic new ones thanks to branchgate, which you do still need to antiseptic for her I must remember cos now is not the moment lol, he would not have the concentration]
Janis: [end up using the entire tub and she’d only have to go buy more and can’t have that, you needy bastards lmao, but we’ll be here showing you we’re appreciating the attention you are giving these injuries by doing the humming thing as well as not being able to keep still any better than you are]
Casey: [ngl I was tempted to have him at least try and do it here and now cos that’s so y’all’s vibe to be feral and taking care of each other at the same time but yeah, don’t be wasteful and cause more required shopping trips, you can do it after she’s fully killed you with these endeavours]
Janis: [you did promise massaging of some kind so absolutely, when we’ve killed you and killed ourself in the process because always]
Casey: [you’ve got nothing but time to keep on living your best lives lads, you’re welcome for that]
Janis: [doesn’t give us a concrete place to end this convo though, at some point you’re going to have to touch base with Jimmy again, at some point you’ll have to go back to work too but you can probably keep this vibe going undisturbed by either of those for a while longer unless I’m forgetting something vital… maybe Libi will come at you when she finds out, because that’s inevitable?]
Casey: [and unless I’ve got myself muddled we have mentioned her bday coming up, cos they were gonna get Peach for her so if nothing else that could be a reason y’all can’t just keep hiding away forever maybe?]
Janis: [Libi’s bday is 27th Feb and yes, that’s deffo the time period we’re in and what was planned, never has a gift been so ungratefully received ‘cos like what are you doing, everyone’s gonna be like girl because you look like you’re behaving insanely, honestly lmao]
Casey: [lowkey you both are behaving insane but we get it, I agree though, I doubt Libi is gonna just hush her mouth and it makes sense she’ll come at y’all cos Janis just had that convo with Bobby so]
Janis: [mhmm and basically once you try and give her this dog as a peace offering for her bday, it alerts the whole fam and you’re going to have to deal with everyone so that’s on that, hi everyone, the marriage has fallen apart and yep, so that’ll be the next logical drama, whenever Libi next tries to talk to/see Bobby and inevitably finds out, which we could potentially try and do, to move on, doesn’t have to be now though]
Casey: [thank god you can keep the baby secret a bit longer cos it’s going to be a lot already as is, ugh fun, soz we’ve ruined your bday Libi, we struggled with bibi before but I’m always down to try, even if we have to do a bit of brainstorming about y’all or whatever before, and yeah, doesn’t have to be now if we’d rather do some past JC like we said about]
Janis: [ah the drama of it all lmao but I’m always down to brainstorm, working things out is doable]
Casey: [I just vaguely remember you saying you might wanna change her vibe and who she is, so no need to jump into doing bibi related stuff until you’re ready to]
Janis: [lemme get in chat so I can post this, already annoyingly must be in two parts but I have some ideas]
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imvusimblr · 2 years
how big is your mods folder? idk in the 1000's prbly,Idk how to check how many files I have and I am not counting them....
how would you describe your style? lol as someone who has OSDD that is a hard thing to differentiate...I don't have a set style, Sim or otherwise.
what is your favorite challenge? I've only done 2 challenges. The Zodiac one (which was being buggy so I quit) and the crybaby whims one which I am on currently. Unless you count Random Genetics. I am planning on doing the Teen Runaway and Whimsy Stories.
do you make cc? if so, what kind? No Idk how.
what type of cc do you hoard? Mainly CAS items and Clutter. But lately I have been downloading alot of Mods.
what default eyes and skin do you use? I don't really pay attention.
how many urls have you had, and what are the meanings behind them? For The Sims? This is my only one.
who is your favorite gameplay blog? I prefer watching on YouTube. Like Syd Mac and LivingDeadGal Sims.
who is your favorite storytelling blog? Again YouTube. Some of My current faves are MissLollyPop, Draeyad, SilverhairSimmer, Neecxle and Ligayatrait.
who is your favorite cc creator? Of all time? @noodlescc or @noodlessorbets as well as @remussirion and @pralinesims. I also really like @aharris00britney @simpliciaty-cc @serenity-cc Lumpinou, MissyHissy, @ratboysims @trillyke @thepeachyfaerie @kawaiistacie @mechtasims and @sims41ife to name a few lol
how do you edit your photos? I just use my reshades and Microsoft Image editor.
what is the last screenshot you took? I will show you. A random Sim I made that I thought looked like Naomi Campbell.
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what do you do when you are unmotivated? Create Sims via random genetics or decorate via generators.
who is your current favorite sim? I should probably say one My Alters I made lol But rn it would have to be these two cuties, that are the kids of My main in the crbaby whims challenge. They are twin preteens. Marigold and Mabel. idk why there shirts look blurry they are fine in game. Also ignore the out of order numbers in this survey, that's what happens when I add pics.
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who is your current favorite sim that is not by you? That I've downloaded and have a screenshot of...Probably Raina from Mokah
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recreate someone else’s sim in your style. I gave other outfits to them if that counts and hairstyles. Here's a couple. Like Raina and My Artsy Sims by Mandy Sims
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do you talk about sims with people in real life? Not unless they play.
how many of the packs do you own? All except Moschino (which I'm planning to buy) Star Wars, and most of the kits.
how many posts do you have on your blog currently? idk alot of reblogs lol
how many drafts do you have on your blog currently? 0
how many posts are in your queue currently? 0 I never use that.
have you ever moved blogs? No
are you in any sims related discord servers? No
what are your thoughts on the most recent pack? (WereWolves) I wasn't too impressed after I bought it, it actually annoyed me that you couldn't do anything while being one (as a Beta anyway) but after watching others play I've started appreciating it more.
how many hours have you played sims? 5 or more.
if you play gameplay, do you play with mods? Yes always it's boring otherwise.
what’s the farthest you’ve gotten in a challenge? Currently with My Crybaby Whims Challenge, Delilah had twins with her husband but also her ex (twice which was an accident) So now she has 3 sets of twins which was a nightmare until I aged them up. Victor and Liliana know about the affairs (I also think they may like each other) so now I'm just waiting for Delilah to age up so she can get a divorce, move out with the kids and become a politician. I might have her become official with Lorenzo but he's kind of a tool...so...
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ohcanadashop · 2 years
My Favourite Canadian Clothing Brands for Kids || OhCanadaShop
A roundup of my favored Canadian clothing manufacturers for kids which are sustainable, ethical, and made for kids to stay in!
If you’ve been following Simple & Sage for a while you’ll know that choosing Canadian apparel brands anywhere I can is critical to me. For me, helping brands that pick out sustainable & moral substances is a small manner to lessen the harmful impact of speedy style on the environment and the lives of garment workers.
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What makes me SO excited is that THIS topic is what brings plenty of you here – lots of you moms searching out clothing brands for your kids that you can trust! Music to my ears. Last 12 months I shared 10 Sustainable Kids' Clothing Brands and it’s a favorite! Today I’m once more rounding up my favorite Canadian clothing brands for kids that are not the only ones I love, and so do Amelia & Theo!
Check  www.ohcanadashop.com to discover our wide range of classic Canadian Kids T-shirts For Sale and style them in the ways we mentioned above or any way you want!
We hope that you got inspired by our outfits ideas and that you will have fun experimenting recreating them with our hoodies. Let us know how you like this post!
Os & Oakes, based on a mama and her brother, create high-quality, durable, and current unisex apparel crafted from sustainable bamboo and ethically made in London, Ontario.
The Kindred Studio is the maker of not one however TWO apparel brands for kids. Little & Lively is a line of apparel in colorful, energetic prints to allow your kids specific joy & their persona via their clothes and Pretty Laundry is a line of pajamas and lounge sets. Both lines are ethically made in Canada from bamboo & cotton.
Jax & Lennon Clothing Co., named after mama & founder Kelsie’s children, create a line of apparel for kids that is supposed to be lived in and finalized so portions may be passed on. I recognize I have bought apparel for Amelia that Theo now wears from Jax & Lennon. Pieces are ethically made in Canada with the usage of sustainable materials like bamboo & natural cotton.
Petit Lem designs normal essentials from sleepwear to garb for each stage. Made from sustainable natural cotton their apparel is so soft, and durable, and is derived from the sweetest prints. I additionally love the seasonal strains for not the most effective Christmas pajamas (a fave tradition of ours) however Valentine’s Day and Easter.
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Mini Mioche makes simple, comfortable, unisex staples for kids. Think your favored romper which you skipped down from baby to infant or your favored t-blouse you purchase year after year in a brand new size. Pieces are ethically & sustainably dyed and made in Canada from the beginning to complete with natural cotton.
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Visit Our Website- https://www.ohcanadashop.com/
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