#a stunt is a stunt is a stunt but if it’s all PR fodder for tiktok shit or smth bet i’m gonna be in those comments saying exactly how i
causticsunshine · 2 years
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hcfiles · 1 month
The PR stunt with the latest PR (used as a diversion) adopted many strategies present in the other PRs. But, I want to call attention, not exactly to strategies, but, to the reasons they have been adopting them. For so, I need to point out a fact.
But, before the fact, I need to say you won't like nor accept what I'm about to point out, 'cause it threatens your belief and the adoration (not admiration) you have for him, which makes you blind. But, once you realize it, this circus becomes weak, unsuccessful and loses its meaning. And NV will lose her latest popularity.
He was expecting just one more PR stunt as many others he had done before (Lucy, Gina, KC and you name it). But, someone made him a fool and used it on behalf of NV. Did he end up getting sexually involved with some of his PRs? Maybe. He thinks these deals are also a way he can bang women safely, without further headaches. For me, it's a glamorous way to practice prost****"***on.
She became the main character for having this intention all along (what he didn't realize until he was trapped) and that led to this shenanigan damage control, which he had a choice to avoid, but preferred to accept. - That shows how his moral standards work.
The entire time, NV was used as a shield, a cannon fodder, a diversion and a tool against fans, in exchange for a blue check mark on IG and easy popularity.
As the reaction they had of the PR stunt with her was overwhelming compared to their expectations and they had lost control of the idiotic fandom, damage control was imperative. The PR had already started her own self promotion and they thought that ending the plot would cause him much more damage. The Me Too Movement could accuse him of misogyny.
But, the strategies used to regain this control was to provoke animosity among his fandom. First, to keep a part of it believing his persona and also, to use this part against the others, who they called haters, toxic and accused of jealousy. They intentionally, put fan against fan, so a part could do their dirty damage control job.
Many fake fan pages and fake chats were created to influence and manipulate you. Pages started blocking and reporting each other. Many were the pages using NV as a target and diversion. She, actually, put herself available for that to save his ass. This was partially predicted and expected by whoever was supporting her, planned this PR stunt and had a certain control of his social media (with his consent).
The goal was to confuse and gaslight, to make you believe he was out of job, fired by TW production and not being called to big and iconic roles. Being out of service was a strategy. This way he would continue as a victim and that would motivate you to fight and ask for him in social media, to campaign on his behalf.
The rumoured articles about his behavior on set or against women were planted to generate algorithms, commotion and make fans fight for him so he could regain your sympathy.
That's why he has been avoiding social media and has only been in cameos and accepting insignificant roles. The goal now, is to recover the credibility of his old image, but slowly. Making you believe he's being unfairly treated by the industry is a strategy. This way, you would ignore his lack of morality while priotizing escorting.
But, continuing silent, with dubious and contradictory comments on interviews, such as the one about his IG being fictional and playing the fake paternity plot is not helping. On the contrary. Instead of damage control, he put more fuel to fire and discredited himself.
It is clear you are here to make his likes and algorithm grow, most, to portray him as a victimized boy used by a slut and rejected by the industry. That's a fallacy! That's why he's into and in agreement with everything. He needs to deceive and recover the fandom he despised back there.
Well, the problem with all this damage control was that they not only threw the PR under the bus. They threw him! They had the intention to cause rage against the PR so he would be protected, not criticized for his lack of morals and seen as her victim. But, the rage not only was directed to her, but to him, reasonably!
HE was the reason for all of this circus. This PR stunt was to boost his image as straight, self-confident womanizer man. But, it had a mandatory change (as damage control) promoting the PR as a diversion. It is IMPOSSIBLE to believe his team didn't see it coming. And I believe whoever is behind this PR plan had that intention all along.
He not only ended up being used by this woman and her troupe, but also exposed as a coward liar and hypocrite. Maybe this trap was a Me Too Movement set up. He lost credibility and the respect of fans. By accepting this damage control strategies he put himself in the place of a guy who sees his fandom as a step.
Fandom has been immorally manipulated, gaslighted and used in this dirty damage control. He's slowly trying to go back to the old AVATAR, expecting his fans will forget and ignore the fact he sacrificed them for spotlight, vanity and fame.
He staged this indecent plot, accepted the immoral strategies, is using a fake paternity as self-promotion, to promote movies and a woman .....let's say, of a bad reputation, to avoid being honest, to avoid accountability and afraid of the gay rumours and The Me Too accusations.
The fact is he's not the AVATAR you sigh for. Yes, "he's gorgeous as a God, sexy as hell, sweet as honey" (something I saw on an IG page). But, that's a mask. This self-confidence, moral, good family man AVATAR doesn't exist. He may have a few features of the AVATAR, but, he's not it.
This AVATAR is a character to gain your sympathy, your love and adoration so he can be famous, rich, make you ask for him in every movie and spend your money in box offices. He's giving the fandom a big f**k. So, before defending his integrity ask yourself: Was this circus dignified?
"Dignity comes before fame. Dignity always comes before fame". His words on a podcast. So, where is that dignity now?
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pop-punklouis · 11 months
i don’t get how taylor can write about things like this and them not be real? that’s the hard part for me bc you can tell there’s pain there and so much pint up emotions with harry
babe, she’s a natural-born story teller. she’s a great lyricist. she’s able to take very public parts of her relationships/narratives and wrap them up into these stories of love and heartbreak and betrayal. yes, she writes from the heart and draws from her experiences like all great lyricists do, but she also knows what to emphasize or what throwaway comments to use when necessary. all the songs and even the vault songs angled towards harry feature nothing but very public references that were tied to the timeline of haylor or harry’s public image. the yacht. her blue dress. the vehicular manslaughter. the slew of models he was always seen with. him growing his hair long. the airplane necklace. his “womanizer” ways as an 18 yr old boy lmfao etc. it all tells a very specific story and leads you to it like treats for a rabbit because the references are so easy to lead back to that time period.
you can write a good song about love or heartache but adding very superficial details that everyone can instantly pin to someone you’ve been seen with is easy tabloid and fan fodder. like a song could be about anything or anyone, but the moment you add “green eyes” or “the ship tattoo on your arm” or anything very significant to another person, it can easily be about them now. it’s storytelling. many artists do it. taylor is just a master at it. both with her real and PR relationships.
and if anything, folklore and evermore proved how easy and successful she is and has been at speaking through voices and experiences that are from others or are fabricated altogether. it’s fascinating when you jump down the rabbit hole of her lyricism.
but in sum: haylor was a 2 month PR stunt babe that did it’s job bc it still creates chaos and headlines over 10 years later. even when it seems they’re both at least friendly with each other now (me specifically thinking back to the grammys this year when harry’s entire AIW performance was messed up due to the wheel malfunction and yet taylor was one of the only ones standing and dancing and clapping for him and genuinely seemed happy when he won his awards and stayed standing as he made his speeches)
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twopoppies · 7 months
You know i feel that one of the reasons that may be harry also actively encourages PR relationships is that if he is publicly single people go crazy, literally crazy.. i’ve been here since holivia.. as painful as it was to see H with Olivia, i was shocked to see multiple articles each day linking him to multiple women even if he was minding his own business and multiple women popping up with pregnant stories across all the continents was crazy.. he was linked left and right, to ladies and men equally.. who would want to wake up everyday and be reminded of someone he might’ve met once in life instead of a controlled narrative and he can go about his day the way he wanted.
That’s a good point. If he’s single and visible, every person within 5 miles of him is fodder for the tabloids.
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The biggest issue with some people on here is that they spread their “opinion/hypothesis” as fact and then get angry when someone else either doesn’t agree or didn’t know about this opinion (because they blocked these blogs) or asked for proof (and clearly didn’t get it).
if an anon comes to your blog talking about something, one of these other blogs will likely pop up and angrily spout their rhetoric and say “how are you so stupid you didn’t know??”
Like. My question to them would be “and who told you what you think is right?”
Their current narrative is that the celeb resigned an extended contract that he was allegedly supposed to be out of last June and that’s because of the strike.
Nobody knows if this is true. Nobody including those blogs can provide actual proof that anything was signed in the first place. But they spout this assumption as fact then get mad when others don’t blindly buy into it. They’re hellbent on blaming the celeb for being stupid and signing himself into a marriage when there was never any proof he signed anything in the first place.
Imagine an impressionable anon on here (there are many of them) attending a comic con or even going onset to where this celeb is filming a movie and trying to ask him about his alleged contract. Imagine how bewildered the man would be, or if he’s getting tagged into hate posts that include his family, friends, business partners (even Disney and marvel) by hate accounts accusing him of being so “stupid” he signed his life and career away.
The problem with most ppl is that they don’t think past their own asses and they don’t know how to critically think and question anymore. That is the issue with far left and rightist thinking when it comes to social political topics.
But I also think it applies here even if this particular topic is hardly worth losing sleep over.
You are allowed to have questions about public relationships and ordeals to an extent since the information has been displayed for public consumption. I wondered if a celeb whose the new face of Dunkin’ Donuts and his pop star actress diva wife were real or if it was being really played up since he broke up with his ex Cuban born actress gf and immediately was seen with the pop star diva ex. Then they went onwards and have been on headlines ever since, and he almost always looks miserable. They play too much and I do wonder if it was all stunt that’s about to end since rumors of divorce are everywhere.
But I don’t have proof. It doesn’t make me lose sleep or have arguments with anons. It just makes me a bit curious and amused by it all and shows to me many things in HW, the entertainment, music, sports etc industries are fabricated, orchestrated, and also played up for attention. As someone who works in marketing and PR, my entire job is to sell my company’s brand and image 24/7. Most of the stuff we put out is fodder to a point and we get told what words and phrases to use to get attention and to sell a narrative. But BTS, we know it’s strategized and planned out weeks, months, and years in advance.
People who are industry adjacent have tried to telling these blogs but get ignored by the screaming minority.
Im absolutely sure a PR spin is being made about this particular relationship and I do think personally, some type of contract may have been signed. But I have zero proof what happens behind the scenes so I cannot sit here and say my assumptions are fact. If that makes some blogs on here think I’m playing “team middle” then so be it.
To me, it makes the most sense to be in the middle. There’s a saying that the truth often lies somewhere in the middle and I believe that’s likely true here.
I like your blog and your insight and I hope you don’t go anywhere!
you seem to have the right attitude, anon! thank you for stopping by and sharing your perspective; especially for appropriately identifying what is your own feelings and opinions.
i urge everyone to continue asking relevant questions. sometimes those questions won't or can't have public answers, but it is important to keep those looming in one's brain.
i hope that no one is asking or saying anything so outlandish to chris' face. even if it IS true that the situation is contractual (which we do not know!) he would absolutely NOT be able to discuss such things with random strangers. conversely, no one on the internet should be angry about receiving logical questions. if someone is going to claim something as truth, be able to back it up.
and don't worry... the principal has no plans to go anywhere! thanks for sticking around.
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alarrytale · 1 year
I fear too that Harry and Louis might never be able to CO due to image clauses from X Factor. But there have been people from X Factor who have CO and have said that they were pressed into the closet, but they're not near as famous. Maybe it's different for Harry and Louis as Sony was so involved in their closeting and they might want to cover their own back. When Harry started his solo career and recorded Medicine there were brief syndicated articles saying that he was CO as bisexual with the song. They weren't around long but it made me wonder if he had planned on CO as bisexual at the beginning of his solo career and then changed his mind or something came up. There was that stuff with Nick Grimshaw. Like the tabloids actually hinting at them being together. They were everywhere in the tabloids. Harry releasing Lights Up on National CO day. I'm just wondering. Could that all have still happened if there was an image clause that they could never CO. Unless it's something along the lines of them not being able to speak about it. I agree with you that a lot of bargaining goes on. Like Harry doing DWD so he can do MP. But Holivia did so much damage to his image. I have wondered if Harry is on purposely ruining his image in hopes that Sony allows him to CO. Because I think that would be better for his image. If the queerbaiting stuff gets too much then maybe they'll have to let him out. On the other hand he could go even deeper into the closet and try harder to make his pr relationships look real, which I fear too. If he knew that he couldn't CO until the end of his career then wouldn't he have stayed deep in the closet like Louis?
Hi, anon!
I do think it's different with H and L. Times were different back then. Yes, other txf contestants have since come out (or were out on the show). Christopher Maloney for example. They weren't marketed as heartthrobs though and weren't as young as H and L were. The image portrayals were very different, because H and L needed fangirls to fawn over them and crush on them.
I don't think H has ever been close to come out as bisexual (he's denied that before). If he comes out i don't think he wants to lie further. Hinting about boys (while also mentioning girls) in Medicine is how far he's allowed to go (gay wise). Harry and Nick were mutual promo. It was a pr relationship where they sold you friendship and not romance. Nick needed promo to get listeners as he started his job at bbc. Harry's fans were his exact target group. People listened to him on the radio because he told stories about his friendship with Harry. Nick is gay, so tabloids speculated abut them to make tabloid fodder. Nick was also a judge on txf.
I don't know where they'll go from here. How they'll manage H's image. If they push him back in or let him more out. We'll see. If he knew he wouldn't be able to come out before his career is over, i'm not sure it would look much different? I don't think Harry is someone who'd be able to stay deep in a closet. I think Louis manages that somewhat better. Harry would be deeply unhappy and needs freedom and to be allowed to be himself. He's pushed for that for years and he's been allowed more and more to do so. Hence 'the last two years is the happiest i've ever been' speech. But for him to be even more free, more gay, more himself he's being pushed harder to stunt for the hets. So maybe that's where we're heading. Going to extremes, maybe we'll get a full on gay Harry album and he'd have to get engaged in order to do so? It's push and pull every time.
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izacore · 1 year
This constant need for him to be in headlines is actually sad.it only shows how insecure he is that he needs to keep doing this lame pr stunts even if he is at the height of his fame and in the headlines every day.I feel sorry for both of them,they could have had it all…also this new girl is not it, olivia and emily were everywhere.she is unknown and as much as some bloggers are trying to paint her as good thing for him nobody cares about some new actress with one movie under her name
HSHQ still thinks Harry is a 16-years-old boy straight out of x factor who needs these bullshit tricks to get fame lmao. Imagine if they.... controversial I know, but bear with me.... had faith in his talent and relied on that??? But nooooo, being a cheap tabloid fodder is their aspiration I guess. It's always stunt, album, tour, stunt, rinse and repeat and it's so lazy and sad. They could do something great with him, he could aspire to be someone great but instead they're making him a copy of those who have been before him.
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enricocavillo · 18 days
Apparently, Enrico decided to use a circus of a paternity and a baby plots to promote himself and the promiscuous he chose to be his PR stunt. Despite looking miserable for over 3 years, he said he was happy in love and in life on a post addressed to spectators. Boy, if this is happiness, imagine misery.
His spectators were divided. Some were blaming Kat for making his life miserable, not believing the pregnancy. Others, were happy for the farce he created with Kat to make this baby birth unforgettable. Poor child. Used as a bitch coin even before coming to life. What kind of person uses their unborn baby for self-promotion? You gotta be very sick.
For that, they motivated hate on the internet, using Kat as a cannon fodder and teaser, while Enrico hid in a shell, pretending he had nothing to do with this plot. He always stood as a supporter of a lie, being dubious as always
Today, he does the same, posting as el chico de la propaganda as if there was no baby in his life. Meanwhile, he reminds of one of the first conversations he had with Kat.
Kat: Enrico, I'm so excited to be going on a PR with you? I wanna be seen and have my name all over the tabloids. After all, I'm mythological!
Enrico (A little worried to see Kat so excited): Easy, Kat. Remember, we have to be careful, 'because I don't want to expose myself more than necessary. I have an image to preserve.
Kat (Pitiful): And I don't?
Enrico (Worried): That's not what I meant.
Kat (Looking at him as a snake with a smile on her face): Can we, at least, have some night stands? I promise to make you a myth.
Enrico (Surprised): A myth? How?
Kat (Still with a smile): Well, first, I gotta be on my knees for you.
Enrico (Still lazy to catch things and in doubt to see if he understood): Oh, I think we shouldn't mix business with pleasure.
Kat (Maliciously): Too late. You're trapped by a mythological p**sy?
Enrico (As a dude, swings his head slowly and smiles as not believing what he was hearing)
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twelvedaysinaugust · 2 years
I don't know what the hell Larry was, but I don't think I can ever be convinced it was all just something the fans made up. I can objectively see that Larry Stylinson checks every box for being a conspiracy theory. I was a Larrie back in the days. I left the my beliefs and fandom around "babygate". It got way to fucked up when people started to claim Sony forced Louis to fake a baby to kill gay rumors, when Freddie truly looks exactly like Louis. I agree with many people that the whole pregnancy announcement and things that happened during and after the pregnancy was weird as fuck and should and could have been handled better by the PR-team of the worlds biggest boyband with a tween audience. It still baffles me to this day how it seems it wasn't handled by anyone.
I rejoined the fandom part of stan culture when Fine Line came out. I went down the Larry rabbithole again just to really convince myself that I was wrong about Larry. I deep dove into timelines for Larry, Elounor, Gryles, Xarry, Haylor etc and read every debunk and Anti blog. But for me, there is too much weirdness around Larry for it to be nothing. Maybe we all got played in a big PR-game and someone sprinkled nuggets of Larry even after their friendship supposedly ended and then they sat around a big board room and laughed at gullible Larries for taking the bait, once again. At the end of the day, Larries were a major part of 1Ds superfans(and now also the core of Louis fanbase). Those who spent a shit tonne of money on multiple albums and merch and stream their music and I believe they were important for the label to keep around regardless of how Louis or Harry felt about it.
Or maybe we all just connected dots that were never there. Confirmation bias is a real thing. I just don't understand how we all got it so wrong for so long. At this point I'm just in the fandom waiting for one of the boys to go broke and write a tell-all book with what went down in 1D and especially what happened when Zayn left and what happened to Louis and Harry's friendship so I can live in peace.
Speaking of tell-all book. I have an aquaintance who works in publishing who told me in spring 2020 that at some point an ex-boybander was offered a huge chunk of cash to write an autobiography with focus on his boyband days, but turned it down after some back and forth. I can't remember how she worded it but my impression was that she hinted at 1D and Liam Payne and she just smiled and shrugged when that was my guess. That's the closest I've been to any insider info in this fandom, lol.
Yes, yes, 100% yes to all the above.
My experience in the fandom closely mirrors yours. I was pretty firmly on the Larrie side for a while. After babygate - and especially after Louis and Eleanor got back together - I thought: "Okay, y'all... clearly we misinterpreted something." I went back and reviewed the evidence as an older and (hopefully, wiser) individual and I genuinely expected to see Larry as the product of conspiracy theory, fan fodder, fandom groupthink, etc. That's not what happened. I've decided the "stunts" were probably not all stunts. I'm also not sure that Modest!, Sony, and Simon had as big of a hand in closeting H/L as I once thought. Now more than ever, I believe that Louis is a father. But as I said in a previous ask, babygate confuses the fuck out of me. In addition, I genuinely don't understand where Eleanor fits into this. Even if Larry was never real, I'm still confused. And if Larry was real... 
I do see a precedent for closeting in the industry. But I can't think of a (known) example like Elounor and (especially) babygate. The thing about Harry's relationships is that most of them were short and not particularly serious. And just maybe, some were set up - like Emma Ostilly. As far as I'm concerned, you don't have to explain away every last one of the so-called “stunts” to still say Larry was real, in some capacity. (And Gryles? Like you, I went back and read those masterposts. Previously, I thought it was nothing more than a friendship. Now, I'm not so sure.) If H/L were together, I think it's likely they had other partners throughout and in between. But Elounor was always presented as long-term, serious, and monogamous. I agree that the start of that relationship was confusing and suspect, but if you told me in 2012 that Eleanor would still be around in 2022 I would have never, ever believed you. Yet, here we are.
I do believe that Larry was co-opted for PR and fan service, particularly during MITAM. I see no explanation where the bears weren't Sony-sanctioned promo and fan service, at least in part. But then again, the bears are another thing that confuse the fuck out of me when I really stop and think.
In 2022, I think Larries are more wrong than they are right. I recognize that Larry is - by definition - a conspiracy theory. But I don't know if I'll ever believe it was never real. Confirmation bias, strategic promo, and fan service aimed at gullible Larries - all of that accounts for some of it. But not all of it. And I've really, really tried to convince myself Larry was never real. But I still don’t think we were completely wrong for believing this. Like you, I've had the same thought: "I just don't understand how we all got it so wrong for so long." At Louis' shows, standing in a pit full of Pride flags and rainbow lights, I had a similar thought: "Is Louis really being misread this badly?" (And I promise my thoughts on Louis' LA shows are coming. I know I'm so, so late. I've just been super busy.)
And regarding your acquaintance who works for the publishing company. I actually remember some chatter not too long ago about Liam being offered millions of dollars for a tell-all book. Something about him spilling the tea about Larry on down. I also heard he turned down the deal, but I can't find any mention of this now. Was it on one of his lives? Did I dream it? Help!
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causticsunshine · 3 years
HEYYY!! since you’re a returning larrie, what are the proofs that made you realize they’re still together still going strong ? (see what I did there lol okay bye sorry 😭)
hello! (and yes i did thank you asjfkdkd) sorry this is going to be a bit of a Journey because my time in the fanbase in the og days was pretty isolating and i was going through some Shit for the latter half sooo it might come as a surprise how things turned around for me!
BUT when i came back last year, i started looking into everything from the very beginning because when i left, i completely left. like, didn’t check up on anything or anyone, was super embittered and unhappy and basically believed all the stuff i thought about harry and louis’ relationship was an illusion. so, i wanted to see if everything really was just something i believed because other people said they did, or there was actually something there.
like i won’t lie, i was already drifting in and out of the fanbase in early 2015 and then babygate took me super off-guard—somehow—and was kinda my last straw? so coming back i was thinking, “okay was i actually delusional for four years, or did i let something that was most definitely a stunt coupled with some feelings of resentment undo everything i believed?” because over the four or so years even as i’d randomly listen to some solo music and the old jams i’d get back to thinking about larry and well, after my re-education and some reading into the post-hiatus stunts? it was definitely the latter.
i guess coming back i was kinda on the fence about them still being together without ever having a hard break though, but only because i was still trying to make sense of the big stunt timelines—at least just for a little while—but it didn’t take long for me to make up my mind like “oh nah these bitches have been in love for a whole ass decade”. really, looking into everything from their music released post-1d hiatus to when they’d both seemingly disappear and then reappear around the same time (like i see you, jamaican holidays, and maybe italy too), anon receipts taken with both a grain of salt and a lot of wishful thinking, collectively told me they were together?
if i had to pick some key moments though, i’d definitely go for:
— harry’s “i fell in love to this song” before performing wmyb on tour and straight up not singing louis’ parts in some 1d songs
— louis back pedaling on his stories about listening to abba with his ‘best friend’ and jamming along to 1d on a drive with the same ‘best friend’....like you cannot expect me to believe when he hastily added in the OH AND ME GIRLFRIEND ELEANOR WAS THERE TOO with the latter that that wasn’t damage control, or that ollie was the one who was the supposed best friend in these contexts
— b-stage my beloved....i think about harry looking up in the stands with that special smile and blowing kisses and i know we don’t see him all the time or wholly know him like a friend but i have never seen him give anyone that kind of look before except for louis :’)
— “‘i went to amsterdam without you’ is about going to amsterdam with me girlfriend.....” bro why are you missing her if she’s right there....is it because you ditched her on her birthday to chill with some fellow homosexuals on the gay strip?? and/or because your real beloved actually wasn’t with you??
— ‘come so far since princess park’ aka is there a nonspecific heterosexual explanation for this because i will never believe his intention with that line was to showcase how much has happened to him personally since then, when he and harry were gushing over living together there years after the fact
— harry and kasey musgraves performing shania twain’s iconic love song and kasey changing the lyrics to ‘they’re still together’ to fit a third person narrative instead of just satisfying the role in the duet and harry’s knowing smile when she sang that line like....i guess i love to weep??
— aaaand the interview in which clifford—like audio ‘proofs’ are kinda hard for me to follow because i’m hoh but my ass definitely heard harry hissing something that sounded like ‘clifford’ so i’m counting it—totally gave harry away by barking like a maniac in the background before (presumably) louis yanked him into another room...i definitely think they’ve done video call interviews while the other one has been in the room watching the whole thing (i swear harry was in the room during louis’ hits radio interview for example)
there really are a lot of convincing moments when i really think about it buuut i’ll stop there, because it really was a combination of everything from delving into how some post-hiatus stunts were/are so obvious—louis clearly loathing danielle, eleanor following or preceding every louis post with a hashtag spon, holivia being dead obvious pr fodder while hamille was pointedly formulaic, the entire nonsense that is babygate—to very surface-level lyric analysis, rather than one or two specific events. some may speak louder or not require as much analyzing or investigating as others but all-in-all i think the collective is more reliable than one or two particular moments!
but yeah. there’s just so MUCH that while it’s not as obvious as the old days where we got to see them showcase their love even when they couldn’t sit next to each other in an interview or change lyrics to make their love songs more personal in front of thousands of fans—ie just being in the same vicinity and getting to watch them interact, really—the hinting is nowhere close to non-existent. it’s there, just less obvious and maybe better planned.
tldr; i came back, did some digging, and i’m still:
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every god damn day of my life
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hcfiles · 1 month
There's a peculiar detail about this HC circus that people forgot and has been ignoring. Amazing how people are easily manipulated. It would explain his lack of attitude (Shame) and the need to make this woman the target of attention.
For over 3 years all they have been doing is using NV as a DIVERSION, while he changes Character according to convenience and accepts being a muppet in the hands of his team. Just pay attention to the slight changes:
- He started showing in public events surrounded by female bodyguards and his male bodyguards disappeared as if trying to sell the image he deals well and respects women.
- His family started getting involved, apparently trying to defend NV, but actually trying to manipulate people to believe the date was real.
- Many clickbait paid articles with lies and rumours started popping up.
- He started naming NV in every interview, obviously for professional reasons.
- He changed the way he looks and dresses, giving an impression of an elder man.
- His IG, all of a sudden, became fictional - his words - after saying he would only surrender to social media if it reflected who he was. So, who is he?
- He started referring to himself in interviews as a respectful eldery.
- Subjects not directly related to the content discussed in interviews were brought up: A speech about him not being comfortable with sex scenes, as well as the gentleman image, brought up by GR.
The goal became selling a more mature image. It's like he was impersonating a defensive character. There's something there. There are probably other details you've noticed. Those are just a few examples. And, while his team motivates hate on the internet against NV, who accepted being his shield, cannon fodder and maybe more, you forget a very significant detail:
In the beginning of this PR stunt, a page exposing HC appeared on IG. The person behind it made it clear she (It seemed to be a she) had had an affair with him and gave the impression she was an actress or someone from a studio crew pissed for being mistreated. She brought juicy donuts and tea about his way of treating women. making him look like a sexual freak.
I'm not getting into details of those donuts and tea, 'cause they are irrelevant to what I'm calling attention to. True or false, the person seemed reliable but, that page could have been easily considered a page of one more "toxic fan", like many that are still on IG. But, differently from most "toxic fan" pages, this specific one was fastly taken down. Now, that was really an enormous reg flag!
Especially, because right after being noticed in IG, they (His team?) created similar pages (with similar names) to NV and DG, which are still there, but inactivated. Curious, isn't it? I suppose these two were also distractions to discredit the first. And, the narcissistic strategies inflaming people and motivating hate on the internet had the initial intention to blend this page in, until they could shut it down.
From where we stand, it seems that using narcissistic strategies to gaslight and confuse was the way they found to hide the juicy donuts and tea someone he knew well was spreading about him. Also, it was to make his fandom forget, ignore or consider it one more lie about him, looking the other way.
Got it, now?
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emisonme · 5 years
I've already stated, I think May through July, was rushed to make the narrative fit the album. You don't have to rush the truth. You simply allow it to happen. So, the fact (in my opinion) that all this shit was rushed, proves it all a bunch of fake bullshit. But, you know me. I like to try and prove my opinions, so here we go.
Let's get this out of the way. "Romance" is NOT about Ew, or Canada. Have you wondered why they waited to announce the "split" from Ew, until after Señorita was released? They needed to wait to fit the narrative of BKOB. It's that simple.
All of this shit has been in the works since BEFORE "Camila" was even released. Yeah, I said it. CC1 was completed long before it was released. When she finishes a project, for her, it's on to the next. She is always writing and planning for what's next.
It is pretty much fact, at least 6 of the songs on "Romance" was written and recorded during 2018. Those 6 are "First Man", "Living Proof", "Dream of You", "Señorita", "Should've Said It", and "Feel It Twice".
How do I know this? Because she said, FM was the first song she wrote for the album. The first snippet of the song was leaked in October of 2018. She also said she wrote LP and DoY, the same week she wrote FM.
She said SSI was one of the first songs she wrote for the album. If she started writing her album in, at the very latest, October of 2018, it's pretty safe to assume SSI and FIT was written around the same time FM, LP, and DoY was written. She also said, FIT was written the same week as SSI, and they are about the same situation.
We all know by now, Señorita was written while Camila was touring with Charli XCX and Taylor. That was during 2018, as well.
I'm pretty certain she had completed her album in April, early May, at the latest. I'm also pretty sure she had written and recorded "Liar" and "Shameless" BEFORE she left for Italy, in early May.
Why? Like I said before, she had at the very least started filming the "Liar" music video in late April. There was some internet chatter that she was seen filming a music video around that time. (I think it was either the 26th or the 27th)
It was also around that same time, she posted an insta story with a pic of her in her new house, along with the phrase from DoY, which was on the note in the video, and she also posted a pic of an interracial couple about to kiss. It's not a damn coincidence, she posted that particular phrase, and that particular pic, knowing her secret love interest in the video, was played by a (gay or bi) black man.
So yeah, "Liar" was definitely written BEFORE she PUBLICLY said it was. Since she wrote "Liar" and "Shameless" the same day, that means they both were written and recorded BEFORE the narrative said they were.
Yeah, I know there were a couple of videos, that mysteriously appeared, showing her "liar" shoot location, in August (I think). Haven't we learned by now, it's common practice for videos to be shot at one time, and released at another time...Like when THEY want us to see them, and think a certain way. THEY wanted us to think the "Liar" video was shot just after the "Shameless" video, because we are supposed to think they were written AFTER Señorita was recorded. Why? FOR NARRATIVE PURPOSES!!!
Hell, the damn duet wasn't even recorded when they want us to believe it was recorded. It was recorded in April, as well. One of Canada's people mention they had recorded his part of the song, during the European leg of his tour. That didn't even end, until April 19. They may have hit the studio in May, to tweak a few things, but that damn song was recorded BEFORE the narrative says it was.
She also said, "Used To This" was the last song, for the album, she recorded. We are supposed to believe, this happened sometime after July 12, and their San Fran stunt. That's bullshit, too.
She wrote that song with Finneas, and he has publicly stated he was in the studio with her in March. It was also stated in an interview, that he was in the studio with her, in April. I've seen some say, he was in the studio with her in May, but I haven't seen that stated anywhere, so I'm going to stick with what I can prove, and that's March and April.
OK, so I think I've established that her album was completed in April. (maybe a tweak or two in May) So, why did THEY need to condense the narrative, and give it a start date of May? Because Canada released "If I Can't Have You" on May 4.
That's the song, he supposedly wrote to her, to get this whole shit show started. The public narrative is... After he gave her a personal copy, and released the song, he "confessed" his true feelings to her. She wasn't happy, and it supposedly put a riff in their friendship. She runs off to Italy with Ew, because she needed time and space away from Canada. (The last time we see Camila with Ew is May 11.) On May 27, THEY release a pic of Camila and Canada having lunch. She don't look all that happy to be there. He is "fighting" for her. She still isn't having it.
Then, in early June, they start rehearsing for the duet video, and she starts second guessing her "relationship" with Ew. She hits the studio to write about it. (Shameless and Liar) On June 12, her twitter account posts a tweet saying, " The important thing in the end, is that you loved". (or something close to it) Bye Bye Ew!!!
The duet video comes out, the speculation starts to fly. They go to some party together on July 4, then on July 12 we get hit with the San Fran stunt. The rest is history....That's the PUBLIC narrative, and why everything was rushed. It's all total bullshit, as proven by the time line of her music. THEY rushed the narrative to fit the music...plain and simple!!!
Camila knew the concept for CC2, before CC1 was released. She damn near admitted it, herself. She has publicly stated, she knew the concept for CC2, like the day after she released "Camila". ( not her exact words, but close enough) Ew wasn't brought on board to help sell CC1, or even give cover to the songs on her debut album. He was brought on board to "solidify" her "straight" image, and give cover/fodder for CC2.
Canada was brought into the picture, when he was, because he was in desperate need of a damn beard and a career boost, and she needed cover for songs on "Romance" like BKOB, SSI, and FIT.
Ew could have covered most of the album, and the concept as a whole, but not those particular songs. The public narrative, is that "Romance" is about her first love, so THEY made Ew fit that bill. With some of the song choices for the album, she needed to leave her "first love" for someone else.
"Romance" isn't about either one of them. THEY have been carefully planning all this shit, for a while. Camila drug her feet, on agreeing to sign a PR contract with Canada, but in the end, she gave in. If she hadn't, THEY wouldn't have released "Romance", at all. THEY have no problem proving just how much power they have, and how little power Artists have. It's THEIR way, or no way!!!
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Of course, their past antics had (and still do) often angered me, but many were fodder for amusement or head shaking/scratching. This particular scene has hit a personal note with myself as an ex-Army Wife (details unnecessary as I’m not trying to garner sympathy as to what “ex” may mean; to say he is now peaceful will suffice). However, upon seeing this, I had to actually take some time as to not make this about myself. That’s difficult, I admit. To see her standing there, and probably thinking herself a Military Wife, as well…my God. With a hired photographer and videographer to boot, how can this be overlooked? The complete disrespect for the soldiers and their families was appalling to say the VERY least. My Military Husband defended his country (and the rights of others) in times of war and peace; in deployments and while home. With NO one keeping HIM safe, aside from his Brothers in Arms! To use the memory of his and many other’s service as a PR stunt is the most deplorable behavior I can see at this time, not only due to the disrespect represented to the UK but at a time when so many are suffering (COVID-19, war times…). To hear that they then merched her clothing directly after (as others stood outside cemetery gates to be allowed inside to show REAL love and compassion) took it, yet, another step too far. I can honestly say that now I not only hate their behavior as I did before, but the two as individuals are disgusting. Hate is a strong word, yes I know. But I must be honest here. I implore HMTQ to strip these disgusting people of titles undeserved (so, yeah- ALL titles), stop the monetary allowance and let them fall into obscurity. I understand, with personality disorders, they will never see the heinousness of every act they choose to make for fame, money and notoriety…however the enabling is becoming quite as bad. I can only wish peace to those that the ‘Sussexes’ disrespected that day by literally tramping over the remains of their HEROES and loved ones.
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mr-mr-ontheradio · 5 years
The fact that you think it is a good thing that LARRIES has been badgering harry, who was barely 16 about his sexuality for years is a good thing, step back and reevaluate everything. Respecting people and letting them come to terms with how they identify is the RIGHT thing, not harassing them to come out for a fucking 9 years. That is WRONG. Also, please stop with the biphobia. Harry said he has dated woman, that does not mean he is not queer. I hope you educate yourself & do better. cheers
being gay =/= larry being real. Also, you gotta let people self identify. It doesnt matter if you think Louis is gay gay gay , he says he is straight, then he is straight. If in the future he says he is gay, then he is gay. It is as simple as this. As we speak, Harry doesnt put a lable so he doesnt put a label. that is what it means respecting a person sexuality. You got to respect people to self discover and self identify and you should not step and cross the line and pretend to know more
I'm going to need you to take several seats. I have never once, nor will I ever "badger" Harry about his sexuality or anything about Larry. I would also never label Harry. I believe he was/is in a homosexual relationship but I have no idea how he identifies and I don't care. I don't care if he's been with women or is attracted to women or whatever. Do I believe he's been with any of the women he's publicly linked to? No. But not because I wouldn't like it it's because I can spot a publicity stunt from a mile away and knowing Harry I highly doubt he would allow his actual relationships to be used as gossip fodder for the masses to sell his album. All celebrities use PR stunts, most public relationships are fake as hell. That is something that I have mountains of evidence for completely outside of Larry.
Talking about Harry/Larry on social media is not the same as "badgering" him. No one is forcing anyone to come out. If Harry does see anything I say to him on social media, he'll see a long list of i love yous and compliments. If he looks at my acc he'll mostly see me tweeting cute pics and gifs and venting about being annoyed with his ugly merch, which would probably be more offensive to him than me talking about Larry bc believing two men love eachother isn't wrong or gross or offensive. In any case he has not expressed complaints about shipping culture and I believe he stays out of discussions about him on social media altogether. It's not meant for him and as a fan I'm perfectly within my rights to ship Harry with whoever I want and interpret his songs however I want. He has actively encouraged the ship over the years many times so at the very least he gets a kick out of it.
As far as Louis goes, there is really an astounding amount of evidence, some coming from his own mouth, that he did not have control over his social media. There's also so much precedence for boyband closeting that it's actually ridiculous some of yall are sooo ready to write it off because it's been denied. Of course they denied it. They were selling a marketed version of One Direction, not the actual boys themselves. That's not even touching on the fact that since hiatus,Zayn Liam and Louis have all talked about how tightly controlled they were in the band. Zayn said there was always someone off camera telling them what to say. we see evidence of this in videos. And if you can't recognize the enormous shift from Harry in 1D to Solo Harry, you aren't paying attention because if you had showed me a picture of him now in 2013 I would have said you had lost your mind.
So no, I could never believe that Louis identified himself as straight while lashing out at a reporter on twitter for writing an article about how he made a gesture of support for a gay man who just came out. Louis has never once in real life expressed any kind of discomfort with homosexuality or queerness in general and has even shown a great amount of acceptance and encouragement towards LGBT fans and has always encouraged harry to be himself long before we knew who Harry really was.
That being said, I am not a Larrie bc of the ship, or because I wish Harry or Louis were gay or whatever else antis tell themselves to sleep at night. I'm a Larrie bc a few years ago I decided to really look at it and separate facts from fiction, trying to debunk it once and for all, but the only thing that fell apart under scrutiny was the public narrative. On top of that, Harry and Louis have complementary tattoos, they both write songs about a love that started when they lived with someone at a young age, and the only person Harry has ever lived with is Louis. Louis' relationship with his girlfriend has fallen apart under the shittiest of microscopes since day one and is clearly a joke even to him.
This rumor has been 9 years running even after all the times it's been denied. For every one argument against it there's about 100 for it. At the end of the day if a rumor doesn't go away, it's not a rumor. And it's a massive stretch to think that the gay rumors that plagued ultra hetero womanizing Harry Styles during One Direction we're never true despite the fact that we're learning he's not ultra hetero after all and in fact very much attracted to men. Larries called it from day one when "gay" was an insult and they were bullied relentlessly for merely suggesting harry might not be straight. they called it simply because they could see he was in love with a boy. and now that he's confirming he isn't straight, and now that the 1D boys are confirming that they were heavily controlled during 1D, yall have got some nerve claiming Larries are still full of shit when they've been right all along about this.
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annashipper · 6 years
If anyone's blog deserves to be deleted, it's you lot hate blogs. Because that's what you run, not a gossip blog, a HATE blog. Anyone who can't even bother to show common decency to 2 young children shouldn't be on social media, they should be in therapy. The reason why Ben called you a crazy, scary, deluded stalker is because you are. You guys have spreadsheets ffs, how the hell can that not be considered stalking? Hate makes people age faster, you must look at least 20 year older than you are.
Cumberchicken, is that you?  It surely must be!
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Word to the un-wise:  Only idiots would care about other people’s blogs getting deleted by Tumblr when their own blogs or their friends’ blogs have already been deleted by the platform.
NOW!  I normally wouldn’t answer this ask, but I’ve been bored out of my mind with the Showmance From Hell(TM) and the lack of happy family sightings at London parks or during the happy family’s holidays abroad, so allow me to retort.
1.  I’m running neither a gossip blog, nor a hate blog.  I’m running an opinion blog, where I very clearly only use what Ben and his PR provide as tabloid fodder to discuss with my fellow Skeptics everything that I personally see wrong about the narrative that’s being pushed.
I have never body shamed anyone (unlike the Antis who did it to me when they first doxxed me)
I have never wished ill fate upon anyone (unlike the Antis who have done that to me repeatedly)
I have never stalked anyone (unlike the stalkerina Nannies who show up on all of Ben’s (potential) public appearances, while also making a point of walking around his old flat and the new property whenever they get the chance)
I have never created a map of all of Ben’s favourite haunts in London so that other stalkerina fans can stalk him at their leisure and posted in on Twitter (like Cumberchicken)
I have never told someone to kill themselves (unlike the anonymous idiotic Antis who’ve sent me countless such messages in the past)
I have never sent anonymous hate to anyone on Tumblr (unlike you)
I have never contacted any of Ben’s friends and colleagues on their social media to complain about other fans (unlike certain idiots in this fandom)
I don’t tag my posts with Ben’s, his wife’s or his pillows’ names to get maximum visibility on my opinions (like the Nannies do)
I don’t go out of my way to terrorize casual fans that are neither Skeptics nor Nannies to block anyone who doesn’t agree with me because I don’t consider them real fans (like the Antis and Nannies do)
2.  How, in your opinion, do I show common in-decency to Ben’s pillows?  I’ve never posted or reblogged a single picture of their faces and I’ve never linked to any of the high resolution pics that were up on sale for months on the agency’s site that was hired for the pap walk.  If anyone is not showing common decency to the poor pillows, it’s their parents:  Ben for setting up the pap walks and pap ops in the first place, and Weirdo for smiling straight into the camera lens as her precious family’s privacy was being violated.
If you think my conviction that neither of the pillows is real to be indecent, don’t blame me.  Blame Weirdo for being incapable of faking a pregnancy convincingly and Ben for acknowledging that simple fact and keeping her hidden for almost the entirety of her second “pregnancy”.
3. Technically, he didn’t call people who think his wife and child are PR stunts any of those things Nonny.  He called them conspiracy theorists.  Anyway, as I love that bit from the Vanity Fair interview, let us revisit the entire quote, to refresh everyone’s memory, shall we?
“There are people who believe that my wife is a P.R. stunt and my child is a P.R. stunt,” he says, unsure if he should even be bringing this up—he knows that there’s no arguing with conspiracy theorists. “I think really it’s to do with the idea that the ‘Internet’s boyfriend’ can’t actually belong to anyone else but the Internet. It’s impossible he belongs to anyone but me. And that’s what stalking is. That’s what obsessive, deluded, really scary behavior is.”
I believe everyone can draw their own conclusions regarding how desperate Ben is to convince people that his family is real versus imaginary based on that quote.  Let me put it this way:  I don’t think it’s a coincidence that my follower count and clickability went through the roof by Skeptic-number standards after that interview came out.  
4.  Having spreadsheets when documenting the Showmance From Hell(TM) is just common sense.  Especially when Ben can’t keep track of the timeline he himself has tried to push within the showmance narrative to save his life...
5.  The only one who exhibits hate within the confines of this blog are the occasional anonymous idiots such as yourself whose asks I post.  Going by your flawed logic, that syllogism would be easily proven by the fact that people mistake me for being in my early thirties, even though I’m 42 years old.
Take care Cumberbuddy, Cumberchicken, or whoever the fuck you are  :o)
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kaylorfails · 6 years
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@that-curly-haired-lesbian Girl pls! You harass, dehumanize and made the life of people you claim to love and respect into a conspiracy.
You’re on tumblr writing a wall of texts about her life. Her life! Something you know nothing about, but your “knowledge” comes from a group of tinhats? I can’t.
Since you lot are no different from larries, crisscolfers, Benedict Cumberbatch’s skeptics, Outlander’s tinhats and every celebrity tinhats out there, this is what will happen:
When they’ll legally tie the knots, you’ll all complain that you weren’t shown the marriage certificate, so the marriage can’t be real. The usual “it’s a stunt!” will be added into it. A few blind items will conveniently pop up. After the fact blinds are my favourite.
If Karlie has a kid, it will be called a stunt, doll and pr. There will be blind items about Josh cheating on her with other men, abusing her and being a drug addict. Same shit that will be used as fodder on how all tinhats are the same, will be said by you all.
This is to say, y’all don’t know shit. Never knew anything except stay on tumblr vicariously living through a fanfiction. I’ll be wishing for your swift recovery.
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