#a well-ventilated tumblr post
twilight-blaze · 10 months
brain suddenly feels really bad tonight. not depression bad or self-esteem bad, another kind (like fibro fog but not fibro fog.) bad at make sentence (bad at find word for concept, bad at link words), really bad at sensory everything (not overloaded or understimulated, just. a lot)
should sleep probably. will do that now
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verrixstudios · 3 months
CashApp, Paypal, Venmo, Zelle
My dog has been rushed to the emergency vet and is struggling. So far he’s been on a ventilator and now they’re trying to go for an MRI and I’m trying to make up the money for the vet bills so we can give him a fighting chance since he hasn’t even turned a year old yet.
However, I’m on the verge of moving out for my first year of college in a month since i just graduated hs, and I don’t have money to offer, so I’m going to try commissions. Advice or help would be greatly appreciated, but I won’t say more so I don’t make this an even longer post than it will be.
ART I CAN DO: Digital, Animation, Traditional, Sculptural (I am still learning digital sculpting so I don’t think I can do model commissions)
I draw characters the most, and love making bases for people to color as well. I’m not the greatest at backgrounds but I can do them. I also do art of people pets.
NOTE: These are just the prices of each example. Similar comms might vary a little in price depending on character details.
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Animated emotes for 18$
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Normal emotes are 5$ or 5 for 15$
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Rendered creature art 50+$
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Character pages 15-75+$
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Rendered banners 100+$
I have more art upon request, I just forgot that tumblr limits how much you can add. As shown, these are all examples of complete finished pieces, some even rendered. Prices also vary whether you want: Sketches, Line art, Flat Color, or rendered.
To see more examples and more specified prices, check my Carrd:
It is a little outdated and needs an update on the examples, but it does have more information!
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friendemmett · 21 days
Heat Wave - by friendemmett
A heat wave has hit Gravity Falls. The only solution? An oscillating fan.
Word Count: 456
Pairing: Fiddleford McGuckit & Stanford Pines (Fiddauthor / Ford²)
Author's Note: Hi everyone! As AO3 is currently down, I'm posting this fic straight to Tumblr! Please enjoy! (And yes, this will be on my AO3 account as soon as the website is up and running!)
I'm also currently taking emergency commissions! If you like this fic and would like to see your headcanons come to life in your own personalized fanfic, please consider sending me a request!
Check out my post about Commissions and check out the Terms of Service!
Ninety-eight degrees fahrenheit. The middle of the day. Ford and Fiddleford couldn’t stand much more of this heat wave.
They had called off work for the day. Trapped in the basement deep underground with no real ventilation or cooling systems… Well, Ford couldn’t imagine a more miserable situation. Instead, the two men opted to lay on the floor, arms and legs sprawled out as much as possible, with a fan oscillating at one end of their living/research space and blowing hot air in their general direction while also disturbing the various papers around the room as it did so. Half of Ford’s mind was screaming at him to at least sort the papers before they had turned the fan on. The other half really didn’t seem to care. 
So there they laid, sweating through the thin layers of clothes they wore and listening to the faint sound of the fan mixed with the rustling of papers, wishing that the heat would break. 
“... Aren’t we inventors? Can’t we… I don’t know. Build an air-conditioner?” Fiddleford finally asked over the white noise as the slightly-cooler breeze enveloped them for a short moment. A smile spread across his face as the words came out of his mouth, wanting to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. 
Ford, however, did give a tired laugh. “Sure, we can build one. The question is whether we feel up to the task.” He rolled onto his side and propped himself up on his elbow to look at Fiddleford, who was laying on his back and staring at the ceiling, wearing one of his white tank tops and his faded blue boxer-shorts. “If you feel like building one of those today, right now, be my guest. As for me… I will be staying right here. On the floor. Where it is scientifically proven to be the coolest.” Ford laid on his back again, and flung his arm toward the fan. “And with this disgrace of a fan spreading hot air around the room until the sun goes down!” 
Fiddleford chuckled, then considered for a moment if he did want to try his hand at putting together an air-conditioner from scratch. It certainly wouldn’t be difficult for him; after all, he had built much more complicated things in the past, but… 
A flash of heat ran through Fiddleford’s body, persuading him to stay where he was on the floor. He shut his eyes for a moment, exhaling deeply as he waited for the fan to face him, praying for the air current to wash over him again. 
“Well I reckon that is a fair point, Stanford Pines,” Fiddleford replied, smiling mischievously before he said, “But I think it’s your turn to get us water.”
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bitchfitch · 1 year
Stained glass tutorial bc the birds are good for it.
The tldr with more resources and a few video tutorial links is here (link)
this is our target and this is our pattern:
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if you're wondering why I'm just handing out the pattern to a piece i plan on selling, the answer is because all stained glass pieces are their own pattern. By posting the image of the piece i already gave you the pattern to it.
What you need:
1 sheet of printer paper,
glue stick or a washable marker that works on glass,
grozier pliers,
curved jaw pliers,
glass cutter,
flux and something to apply it with,
60/40 acid free solder,
copper tape,
eye protection,
soldering iron with stand and rheostat,
water proof sand paper or waterproof nail file,
black patina or black acrylic paint,
some kind of heat proof surface to work on. I use asphalt coated compressed fiber board because it was cheap and easy to get at the hardware store
a well ventilated area to work in. or a table set up outside, which is the most well ventilated area you probably can access without a key card to a chemistry lab.
finally: 1+ panes of translucent/cathedral glass.
if something is not pictured in the below image it's because getting it meant fighting my cord management or standing up to go get it. The white waffle grid thing is not necessary. It just makes clean up easier so I'm using it and also i was too lazy to move it. a box of nails is pictured, they are also helpful but also not necessary. especially if you are not using something you can easily push them into as a work surface
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I'm just using my normal glasses for eye protection, you don't need anything super fancy but you do need something to stop any flying shards.
Anyways. Soldering and finishing is in a reblog of this. i needed more pictures than you can put in a single Tumblr post
Step 1 Pattern Prep
print your pattern out. once if you are just going to use a marker to copy it onto your glass, twice if you are going to glue it down to use that way.
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you may notice my pattern is backwards. That's because i printed it out wrong and can't be fucked to go fix it. Anyways.
Number your pieces in the same order on both copies if you are using the glue method, for such a simple pattern it's not uber necessary but it's a good habit to get into. Larger and more complicated pieces rapidly become broken glass jigsaw puzzles if you don't.
Step 2 putting the pattern on the glass
the way you make the glass the right shape is by using a glass cutter, that bronzy thing with all the tape around the barrel to make it easier for me to grip. the way it works is it holds a very thin metal disk that you press into the glass to introduce a fault line the glass will hopefully want to break along. I said hopefully for a reason.
All cuts have to go from one edge of the glass to the other because that's what the crack will do when you break it. Keep that in mind while you lay down your pieces. I've used a marker to show how i plan to cut this pane but unless you're doing a tricky cut order you don't really have to do that
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I'm using what i have on hand so how you lay your pieces out will probably be different if you've bought whole panes to work with. This is a much more wasteful way of doing it than i normally would, but the goal with this one was to produce a piece that doesn't require a glass grinder as those are an expensive thing to get when you're just starting out.
Also plan to cut on the Less textured side of the glass, the texture can get in the way. if you would like the texture to be on the front of your finished piece simply glue your pieces upside down onto the smoother side. also know that less textures glass is easier to use
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I didn't have any more of that darker grey blue so I'm using a light bluish lavender piece instead. it looks brown because of the the yellow underneath it
step 3 cut the glass
take a piece of preferably translucent glass and practice this step a few times before doing it on your project.
Press the wheel at the end of the stylus firmly against the glass at one edge, the keep pressure as you push or pull your line. you will know if you're using enough force because clear glass makes a very specific noise when it's being scored. I can't describe it but you'll know it when you hear it. you'll also be able to see the score line from some angles, it should look like a very fine crack in the glass. I've also heard it described as "like a white hair has been set on top of the glass". do not stop, lift your cutter, or go backwards over the scorline you have already made. The crack is a Lot more likely to go off course and destroy your piece if you do.
do only one line at a time before using the grozier pliers to break the glass.
there should be a line on the silicone protector things on the edge of you pliers, hold them so that that mark lines up with your score line and apply pressure , start light and slowly increase until it begins to crack. If the crack immediately runs the whole length of the pane then your done, if it doesn't, rotate the pane and do the same thing on the other edge of the glass until it starts cracking from there too. if it Still doesn't meet in the middle help it along by tapping along the uncracked part of the score line with the tip of your pliers handle until the crack finishes the job. If it's a very long straight one you can also use the edge of a table to encourage the crack to form in the right place.
if the crack decides to go off your scorline just finish breaking that score line and then peel off your pattern piece and reposition it to try again. if you used something like an Elmer's glue stick you can reactivate the glue with a Small amount of water dabbed over the pattern piece with your finger.
Once you have most of the glass broken off use your curved jaw pliers to very carefully nip away at any extra bumps. like half a millimeter at a time, don't just bite into a big chunk, itll shatter the piece. The flat side of the jaws is used to leverage the piece against to break it that way. it's helpful to pick an orientation for your pliers and just commit to always holding them like that. with the flat jaw either up or down. It'll help you build the muscle memory and learn to use them faster.
enjoy your pile of broken glass and dream about the grinder that wouldve made this easier.
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Step 4 grinding deburing.
use your water proof file or sand paper to to knock any little bits of broken glass off. it is Vitally important that you do this with the file Wet. glass dust likes to float on any little draft and it's Super not good for your eyes lungs throat or nose.
You can also take the time now to refine the shapes and sand off any little nubbins that are in the way.
once you're done use a little dish soap to remove the pattern and any grease or glue left on the piece. if you need to re number the pieces.
Step 5 Foil
foil comes in a handful of sizes, and in silver, black, and copper backed. The sizes determine how thick your leading will be, thinner foil, thinner lines. With art glass or very textured glass you may need to go up a few sizes to make it fit. The color on the back will be visible through clear glass so you might want to pick one that vibes with your colors. I'm using what i had, so i don't actually know the thickness. It is copper backed tho.
take your piece and your roll of foil and place the edge of the piece in the center of the tape so that there's an equal amount of hangover on either side. then carefully roll your piece to wrap the edges in tape. being sure to keep it centered the entire way around. when you get back to where you started let the tape overlap itself by at least a quarter of a centimeter or like 1/8th of an inch. then cut the foil.
use your fingers to smooth the foil down over either side of the glass. and then the handle of your scissors or any hard plastic object to firmly press out any creases in the foil. The smoother you can get it the better. because that will make the solder sit flatter.
use the second/primary copy of your pattern for reference and lay out your pieces on top of it. If you're using nails and and a softer work surface you can press them into it around the edges of your pattern to keep the pieces from shifting. for a piece as simple as this it's not necessary but it still might help.
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Soldering is next up but I'm posting from mobile and have an image limit to keep in mind. so that will be posted as a reblog in a bit.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 2 months
Karma. "The World is Hooked on Kate" - Daniela Elser by u/Von_und_zu_
Karma. "The World is Hooked on Kate" - Daniela Elser Good job Megsy and hateful minions! You have become denizens of the sewer and all your nasty plotting and machinations have propelled Catherine to the position you desired most. Hoisted by your own petard. Waaaugh.The Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales takeover is here.I’ve had a busy morning with the calculator and can tell you that the three videos released by Kensington Palace of the princess this year have hit more than 165.8 million views.Her reappearance on Sunday for the mens’ finals at Wimbledon, only the second time the princess has been seen in public this year, offers us some cold hard proof of this, with the outing triggering a wild response on social media. 41 million – that’s the number of times that the videos of Kate at the tournament shared by the official Wimbledon and Kensington Palace Instagram accounts have been viewed. Add in the numbers from X, formerly Twitter, and the total across both platforms and both accounts is just shy of 50 million views. Now sure, these are not so stratospheric that they would force Kris Jenne to defy the powers of her filler-ed forehead to raise even a single, cursory eyebrow of approval but what they point to is Kate going global in a way that she never has before.\*\**Kate was dumped as one of the front row players in the biggest soap opera in the world. Post Megxit, the Sussexes’ eagerness to ventilate their feelings – and the events that had transpired behind palace gates – brought Kate to life in a way, fleshing her out as an actual person, taking her from being something of a very pretty sphinx to rendering her in colour in a way she had never been before.\***Posed perfection was replaced with realness and, courtesy of the Sussexes’ revelations, her being freighted with a cultural resonance and weight she had not previously. In 2021, her launch of The Royal Foundation Centre for Early Childhood started to add real substance to her image and public standing too. And then came 2024 with a great crashing, cacophonic bang. The first few months of this year were wholly consumed by the utter fruit loopy Kategate madness, the princess suddenly becoming the 21st century’s answer Ameilia Earhart. The Wales'’ Adelaide Cottage became social media’s grassy knoll as much of the world underwent some sort of deserves to be studied collective hallucinatory experience. Then with the revelation that Kate has cancer, a moment that demanded even more vehement synonyms than ‘shocking’ being hauled out, the princess took on a certain tragic- yet-brilliantly-brave, heroic quality.****Like her late mother-in-law Diana, Princess of Wales, she has morphed over the years from liked in the UK and Commonwealth, to adored in the UK and Commonwealth, to global celebrity, to mythical figure. Which, I reckon, is how we land at than Kate videos being viewed more 223 million times in 2024 so far. (That is, across official royal and Wimbledon accounts, across X and Instagram and of her cancer announcement, Trooping outing and appearance at the tennis. And it’s worth pointing out here we have not even factored in numbers from TikTok, where Kate and royal content is rife, because none of the royal offices have accounts on the platform.) 223 million times. That number does not speak to cursory interest or mild curiosity but the Princess of Wales having become an object of pervasive, global fascination to an unprecedented degree. 223 times. The world is indisputably hooked on Kate.Eat your heart out Megs.https://archive.ph/WoLGp​ post link: https://ift.tt/TVPIGEg author: Von_und_zu_ submitted: July 17, 2024 at 12:42PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
How much better is the galra sense of smell than humans? I remember you mentioned it once but as tumblr is a barely functioning site I can’t get to the links on mobile. I’m asking bc it would create a pretty funny/painfully awkward situation if Keith and Lotor were like returning from a quickie or something way in the future looking put together but the those in attendance are like… Sa save me from having to be here
It took me a hot minute to find, and frankly I don't blame you for being unable to locate it if you're on mobile, rip, but this is the only post (I think?) in which I've notably addressed the galra sense of smell!
While I do think of the galra having a heightened sense of smell in comparison to humans, it only really comes into play for stronger scents, such as that triggered by the fight or flight response; pheromones serve as an early warning sign to nearby galra that there is a potentially dangerous situation afoot, assisting them in locating the distressed individual as well as preemptively protecting those members of the group who may not be able to protect themselves. So while I suppose you could argue that this means the galra can “smell fear” as it were (though technically these pheromones would release due to arousal of any kind: be that horror, anxiety, surprise, excitement, or -yes- sexual stimulation), they cannot smell moods/emotions as a general rule of thumb.
So, yes, your funny/awkward situation of Keith & Lotor being betrayed by their own scents technically //could// happen lmao, but probably not if they actually had time to -ahem- calm down afterwards, and properly put themselves back together.
Though pheromones can linger for around 6-8 hours after being released, a great deal of this would be dispersed into the air—and given that the galra do have a somewhat decent sense of smell, they'd likely invest in ventilation of equal quality for enclosed areas—and therefore be too weak to really pick out the nuances of who exactly they belonged to. Those pheromones that were applied directly to skin, clothes, or various surfaces would, naturally, stick around that bit longer, but these would only really be detectable up close; it's less a case of Keith & Lotor walking into a room and all it's occupants immediately Knowing™, and more that of someone who leans over to pass something directly into their personal space that might get a hint of their scents being intermingled... though even that wouldn't be particularly surprising. The galra are, remember, an incredibly affectionate people (Zarkon's inner-circle notwithstanding) and given that Lotor so obviously values Keith's council and companionship, it would be far weirder if they //didn't// smell a little like one another.
Of course, this is all dependent on them having a respectable amount of time to compose themselves. If they failed in this regard—by which I mean if it was more an unexpected knock on the door that barely allows more than a dobash of hasty scrambling to look halfway put together—then all those pheromones from their canoodling would only be exacerbated by a healthy dose of adrenaline,,, and that wouldn't be subtle at all.
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ckao03 · 11 months
Okay, I could talk about each of these topics in greater depth, but I'll keep it boiled down or else I'll be typing for a loooong time. If anyone wants elaboration on the following steps or on any particular pieces I've done, let me know and I'll give more tips and tricks later :) Apologies for the formatting, I'm still getting used to posting on Tumblr
Step 1: Clean up and prep I start by sanding down leftover pieces and flaws in the model caused by the production process. In traditional model kits, these are pour tabs, flash and seam lines. For 3D printed, these would be pits or bumps left behind from supports and layers lines.
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The arm and boots on the left are from a traditional model kit, and have visible tab chunks that will need snipping then sanding. S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N on the right needs his supports removed, then sanding. Every piece (minus those with fine texture) gets buffed with 240, 320, 600 and 1000 grit sandpaper/sanding sponges (clear parts and any pieces intended to be painted with clear paints, such as character skin, are additionally polished with a melamine sponge, also known as a magic eraser).
This is to make sure the surface is level and uniform. Any bumps or scratches that aren't removed will show up in the final paint job.
(Note for beginners: It's fine to just remove production remnants and do a little clean up before going to the next step. All that prep is tedious! Just have fun with it for now!)
Step 2: Make sure the model parts fit well together. It's very common for a model to not fit together perfectly right away. Dipping the model in hot water to soften it, then pressing the pieces together usually fixes this. Be careful not to burn yourself! Sometimes drilling and sanding is required. At this point, larger model kits will require drilling and pinning, though most are fine being assembled later just with glue.
Step 3: Primer
I secure the pieces on clips to keep them elevated, and spray them in thin, even layers of primer. Primer is essential, as it is what makes the paint stick to the model. - White primer: Best for anime and cartoon figures, makes colors pop - Grey: For realistic characters, dulls colors down a little. - Black: For metal or specialty products, like Armored Komodo pigments
Primer will make any unresolved blemishes become more visible, so I usually go back to step 1 until I get them all.
Step 4: Clear coat
For an even, level paint job, I spray a layer of Gloss clear coat on every piece, to smooth the surface even more. I skip this for finely textured pieces, so the details don't get filled in. Spray in a well ventilated area with protection!
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There are many brands of clear coats. These are my favorites!
Step 5: Paint
I use three kinds of paint:
Lacquer: Expensive, take a little while to cure, must be thinned with a solvent. Sometimes hard to find. Offers lovely effects, is durable and sticks very well. Can be difficult to correct if something goes wrong. *HAZARDOUS, use in a well ventilated or outside area and use breathing protection!*
Enamel: A little easier to find, takes a long time to cure, which sometimes is a benefit, as it can level itself and provide a smoother surface. Must be thinned with a solvent, sticks very well. Most importantly, enamel can be used on top of lacquers and erased without damaging the lacquer layer. *HAZARDOUS, use in a well ventilated or outside area and use breathing protection!*
Acrylic: Great, vibrant colors, easy to find, very affordable! Dries very fast, even faster if you lightly use a hair dryer. Very delicate, prone to scratches and chips. Can be easily stained by other acrylic color. You only need water to thin it!
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Left to right: Creos Mr Hobby Lacquers, Tamiya Enamel, Vallejo Acrylics
I usually start with the character's skin first. This is because I paint skin using built up layers of clear colors, to get a sort of 'glow' that shines through to the primer and differentiates the skin from clothing and hair pieces.
Afterwards and throughout the project, I 'save' my work by spraying a layer of clear Gloss or Matte spray. I use an airbrush, so to further protect other parts of my work, I cover the finished pieces in masking liquid and/or masking tape, before spraying the next color. Because Enamel can be easily wiped off of lacquers without affecting the lower color layers, I use this type of paint second. If you use Enamel first, you may run into issues with the underlying lacquer causing paint cracking in the future.
(Note for beginners: Using just acrylics is fine. :) I have painted entire models with acrylic paints obtained from craft stores and Walmart, and had very good results.)
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Despite my masking, some enamel paint leaked through on Casey's neck. Masking is rarely perfect, so expect to do touch ups after removal.
Step 6: Face eyes and details
...this is an entire essay on it's own, which will require another post. But I use layers of enamel for eyes, water color pencils for eyebrows, chalk pastels for makeup/shading and acrylics for eye lashes.
I have shaky hands sometimes, so the ability to erase my work and start again is very helpful here, hence why I don't use lacquers for this part.
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There are... So many products and colors in this one piece... Step 7: Touch ups then gluing
I typically do touch ups as I go, but now is the last chance to correct anything. Once it's ready, 2-part epoxy or crazy glue (sometimes both) will be enough to get most models together entirely.
That's a basic breakdown for my process, though for things like effects, clear pieces and fancier/realistic models, it can get quite elaborate. I don't want to scare anyone away from the hobby, so I'll just say this...
You don't have to do allllll this stuff!! Find a model you love (repainting dollar store figures is a great place to start!), prime it, and slap some paint on it! Just have fun, and then go from there!! My first model was lumpy, and looked like she was painted with nail polish, but I kept going and just enjoyed myself, trying new tips and tricks along the way. The point is to have fun! Make sure to take proper precautions and read product instructions as well, if you choose to use the more toxic products.
If anyone decides to give figure painting a shot, send pics of your projects my way, I'd love to see them!! :D It's always great to have more people in the hobby! And I'm always up for more questions, they might just take me a little while to get to replying.
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viaravt · 2 months
Meowdy, y'all! I know I haven't been around for anything other than posting going live messages recently, but that's because I'm currently going through it... TW: sick and dying pet, loss, grief/grieving, terminal illness (cancer)
... I'm sure you can tell where this is going, and I doubt anyone will even read this, but my soul needs it to exist in the universe even so. I'll try to be brief, but I've always been a verbose bitch.
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This is Copernicus. I named him after the ancient astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus, who discovered that the earth is *NOT* the center of the universe. And of course MY Copernicus knows this because HE is the center of the universe.
Copernicus quickly took on the nickname of "Pooka" because he was such a mischievous little brat
My ex and I got Pooka my first year of college, in 2005. The Humane Society said that he was roughly 1-3 years old at the time. Fast forward to about 4 yrs later and we adopted a kitten together, only to break up about a year after that
When that relationship ended, my ex took Pooka and I kept the kitten (who was named Arcturus, after one of the first stars to appear at night)
Fast forward another few years and that ex is going into the military. A mutual friend asked if I would like Pooka back, and I OBVIOUSLY said "YES!!!!" That was about 2014
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Since then, Pooka has moved with my current boyfriend and I into about 5 different apartments. He has been my rock, my one constant in the sea of changing friends and partners (we're poly) and professions. Through all my mental and physical illnesses, Pooka has been my rock. My current partner, of course, has been as well.
July 28th, they started renovations on the apartment upstairs. This included using some chemicals to reglaze their tub. They didn't set up proper ventilation, so Copernicus, my partner, and our other cat Nugget went to stay with my partner's Dad.
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When Pooka came home 3 days later, his eye was a little crusty and winky. We just thought it was him having gotten into something at Pops's place. When it persisted into the next day, we called the vet.
Many vet visits, uncomfortable tests, and anxiety later, we had a small answer - there is a mass in his face causing that eye to be unopenable. We get it punch biopsied - inconclusive, but there are some bad cells in there - squamous cell carcinoma.
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We've started him on chemo, but the vet informed us under no uncertain circumstances that this is The End. Our goal now is to just keep him comfortable. The eye will never open again, and this aggressive cancer is what will take him out of my life.
There's so much more, of course, but a Tumblr post will never do a life justice.
If the Humane Society was right when we adopted him, that makes Pooka about 19-21 years old. I'm 37. That means he's been in my life for over half of it. I'm not sure what I'll do without him.
I don't want to know.
But I'm going to have to find out.
If you've read this far then you're either a hero or doom scrolling. Either way, here's an embarrassing clip of me poorly signing Hadestown and ugly-crying on Pooka. He always loves it when I sing.
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dreamworldportal · 4 months
this tumblr is for my friends/mutuals to interact with and stuff since i'm lame on the main one i guess
you might have noticed like why doesn't this blog have an espurr pfp like the other two?? well. because it's a little different in the sense that i'm just gonna be yapping on here LMAO
a bit about me: i'm Salem i read stuff on the internet and collect physical media i organize and archive cool shit on youtbe i draw funny silly men (AND women!!) i like music i like movies i'm an alien (Totally)
SALEM TRIVIA (Learn The Lore):
fish are my favorite animal
i am neurodivergent³ (multiple)
arab mmmm
i like purple
i SUCK at math
i Am Young (opposite of old)
21% ringo starr lookalike
thomas jerome newton <--> sarah williams of labyrinth / salemhood is a spectrum
i Liek a man called bavid dowie very very very very much ☺︎ (new fact)
#sketches tag for sketches
#yapping tag for yapping
#vent for ventilation and aircon
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geronimosothercadilac · 6 months
Analysis of a plot summary
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*This is the full document, as I decided to release my finished document as a Tumblr post for no reason.
The summary - Longing to be taken seriously as a journalist and move beyond the cheesy puff pieces he’s usually assigned, Geronimo stumbles onto a conspiracy far bigger than anyone expected. He’s out of his league and with his eccentric family always up in his business, Geronimo’s problems seem insurmountable. But, working together, they might stand a chance as long as they can stay one step ahead of his foes in this explosive game of cat and mouse.
Text analyzed and revised - Trying to be recognized as an important journalist and move beyond the poor quality and unimportant articles that emphasize useless topics he is usually assigned to, Geronimo mistakenly enters inside a conspiracy that is bigger than anyone has ever imagined. He is out of his job (The Rodents Gazette) and with his ‘oddly behaved’ family always intruding his business; Geronimo’s problems appear to be impossible to overcome. But by taking action and working together, the family might expect success as long as they can think ahead and avoid danger from his (Geronimo’s) enemies in a strong and violent conflict of deceiving tactics.
What We Can Learn, Think and Guess (WWCLTG) – Geronimo Stilton (the main character) is struggling to become internationally acclaimed and famous and to do this, he must report serious matters (such as war, food insecurity and pollution) rather than often ignored ones (celebrity gossip and reviews for new books). While exploring someplace all by himself (as the original text suggests), he appears to have followed someone (possibly an entirely different thing such as an anthropomorphic animal who is not a rodent) and ended up confined in a world where he explores all by himself leading to his realization that a massive conspiracy exists but is known to many, however it is not well known. As we can learn from the original plot summary (‘text’), Geronimo is fired from his job at ‘The Rodent’s Gazette’ as a result (what usually happens after information from a company one works for is leaked or information from some other business by the worker himself/herself). The aftermath is his family always intruding him and his tasks to survive jobless while Geronimo is failing to overcome his tragic misfortunes. However, if he works together with his family: Success may achieve as long as everyone thinks straight ahead and escape dangerous conflicts from his enemies using methods of tricking and deceiving them.
* This passage may give headaches to some people. I apologize to those who suffer from reading this. There also could be grammatical errors.
What I have found (SPOILER WARNING!):
After years of being in the fields of journalism and publishing, Geronimo Stilton has finally realized that he will never be a great journalist just by revealing small or globally unrecognized scandals, writing about his own personal life and doing other stuff (as we all know from the books and animated television series).
To achieve this, he unfortunately has to encounter topics that make him paranoid, emotional and sensitive (e.g.: Global issues, wars and their consequences, global crime rings and trafficking of sentient beings). 
He has to get away from his duty to please children but still try to make the world a better place! 
In the original plot summary, he has stumbled onto a conspiracy bigger than anyone expected. This implies he has tried to do something alone somewhere not mentioned (somewhere unknown).  He may have also followed someone as well.
Another point is that he has probably ended up in a dangerous situation (like being confined in a almost dark place).
He has probably got information by hearing or peeping through (such as a ventilator).
Geronimo Stilton on returning (after being rescued or managing to escape) is fired. And is no longer trusted by everyone, his high popularity falls down into extreme obscurity and financial losses are borne.
His strange, dysfunctional family is always trying to be in every part of his work (thinking they would help him).
Another reason why Geronimo’s problems are impossible to repair is due to he refusing help from his family or the family is poor in mental skills.
The only way to end his problems is that he and his family must work together (which in common sense, are often exploited in films where the main character takes this decision as a last resort. An example is Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul (2017)).
Again, as repeated a few times. The family for a lengthy duration has to stay one step ahead in an array of near-violence between cat and mouse (possible reference to the Pirate Cats – villains who attack the world of mice and rats. They are absent in all episodes of the animated television series).
The movie, despite what the director and producers have said about it, appears to be of a more serious context (not considered kid friendly). It is most probably suitable for children 12-15 and up. However, it is an upcoming film so we can’t make sure everything stays the same. In my opinion, the plot summary is reminiscent of certain dramas that air only on TV (e.g.: soap operas) and touches of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865).
There is also a suspicious theory about the conspiracy in the film being of a similar vein like Zootopia (2016) or Illuminati references with Occult/Satanist themes. It is not confirmed yet as there have not been any updates since the film was announced on Monday, February 13, 2023.
Other things that are currently unknown include the budget, the cast, the animation studio currently involved and several other things we cannot know or locate unless someone leaks data from there.
There’s a domain purchased last year and there is nothing to find. However, you know what I am meaning (do not visit it till the near future):
One very important thing is that, the franchise itself is somehow, very underrated but some fans (often those who grew up reading the books or watching the television series) are booming it’s popularity like I do.
So far, there have not been any further updates apart from a poster uploaded to IMDb and other similar sites in June 2023. I believe Radar Pictures is using a tactic (the same they used for Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017) and a few other movies). The animation style is currently unknown but looking at the mentioned poster since June last year, it is definitely going to be in the styles of Spider Man: Into the Spider Verse (2018) and some adult animation? 
The upcoming new plot summary could be the same as the one I have covered or in fact, it could be something totally different. The project for the movie could even be cancelled due to issues (unfortunately) or with supposed ‘surprise-tactic’ going in progress.
As we know, the troubles Geronimo faces in the plot summary may sound familiar. The plot may be totally different.
As more updates come, we will be able to get a full idea on the entire film even before the trailer comes out with the help of Atlantyca Entertainment.
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okay, unless any other roaches feel like crawling out from where they're nesting in our tag's ventillation, i'd like for this to be my last direct interaction with this situation on here.
i haven't been hugely vocal about it on tumblr, but i've been quite active behind the scenes on discord during this whole mess. i was the person who took the screenshot of the now-deleted blog that prompted a fair amount of discourse and the revelation that two less active skittles squad members were pr0shippers (yes, they have been banned). i think a screenshot of one of my discord messages was also knocking around on here.
to paraphrase something i already said on discord, in a slightly more eloquent form:
the fact that some people have tried to defend the accounts being referred to as p3dophil3s and pr0shippers is bleakly funny. the people coming after vry yesterday were almost all adults, and while the majority of them meant well they were outside of the situation. the people coming after the pr0shippers are either minors who have interacted with them directly or people from the skittles squad server who have seen many screenshots of their past behaviour on tumblr and in other servers.
i do not question the motives of the vast majority of people who have spoken about the situation, regardless of their side in it. as i stated in my previous, equally obnoxiously wordy post, it's clear to me that aside from the pr0shippers everybody here is concerned about the safety of minors in our community. however, if your intention is to "protect the kids," please listen to what we say.
most of the adults in the community are absolutely fine. they seem like lovely people from the interactions myself and other minors have had with them. even if they aren't they have presented no behaviour to us that suggests otherwise, and if they ever did they would be swiftly removed from the server and blocked by us on tumblr. we've done this multiple times over the last couple of days. there's no need to be suspicious simply because adults interact with us.
some of the adults in the community (and people who say that they're minors; whether you believe them is up to you) are, to put it bluntly, fucking creeps. we know them when we see them. we block them, and we share the warnings on the server so that others can block them too. if one of us makes a post saying that an account is a p3dophil3 or a pr0shipper, this is information sourced not only from their own actions, but from how they make us feel. that is to say: creeped out as hell.
the point of callouts like this isn't to categorize people as a certain label of fucked up, the point is to express the fact that we, as the minors who are supposed to be protected here, are made extremely uncomfortable by these people and their actions. if your response to that is to debate the definition of a p3dophil3 or a pr0shipper or to argue over the morality of depicting teen sexuality then the you aren't just missing the point, you're actively repelling it.
these people make us extremely uncomfortable. their words and actions make us feel disgusted and victimized. their presence and behaviour, regardless of what dictionary definition it best matches, makes the community feel like an unsafe space to minors.
please, if you see somebody getting called out by a minor over p3dophilic or pr0shipping behaviour, block them. or don't, it's your internet experience, you get to police it however you want. just don't try and defend them to us. it will not change the fact that their actions have made us feel unsafe.
this isn't directed at anyone in particular on here. it's in vague response to some things i've seen said, but i have no idea what the bulk of the discourse or public opinion looks like on tumblr. it's more of a general appeal.
if you value our safety, value our opinions on what people and behaviours are threatening it. thank you.
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twilight-blaze · 1 year
so fucking sick of my chronic illnesses and all the bullshit symptoms that come with them
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fourseasonsfigs · 2 years
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A-Han and Xiao-Zhe Drinking Wine
Ah, to lounge around, mellow and relaxed, drinking wine on a warm summer's day - that's the good life!
I'm going to skip my usual introduction to the JZEUniverse since I just posted about it yesterday, so catch up if you want first and come back, it'll be worth it!
Yesterday I posted about A-Han and Dashixiong, and I promised you an A-Han video in this post. Without further ado, here it is, patient and lovely figthusiasts, credit on video:
Very inspirational indeed. See what I mean when I talked about the anklet yesterday? Cities would crumble.
I regret that Tumblr only allows me one video per post, which means I can't also post a Xiao-Zhe video, because you absolutely deserve it. You can always go further refresh your eyes on my previous Xiao-Zhe post, but in the meantime, here's more fig inspiration:
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Nice white pants, Xiao-Zhe. You won't be seeing those in this fig set!
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These beautiful figs arrived safely in a plain white box, lounging around in their little carved-out polystyrene foam.
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Here's the full set. The table and drinks are one piece, as is A-Han and his cushion. A-Han's insouciant lounging pose is so delightfully long and languid that it can't be supported by itself, even though he's sitting on a cushion. He just topples right over just by himself.
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But he doesn't need to! The fig maker included this mini-lounging stand, so he can drape himself over the furniture as beautifully as he likes. You can see where the little tab on his sleeve fits into the matching indentation on the carved stand.
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And ta-da! Here we are! Beautiful. All the better to show off that long expanse of leg and the golden anklet that could launch a thousand ships.
As you can see, this is a strictly pants-free summery magical world we're now in. The heat, understand. It's TOO hot to wear too many layers!
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A better view of that casual lounge, and their beautiful hairstyles. Getting quite the breeze there, Xiao-Zhe!
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Look at the 3-D effect on Xiao-Zhe's bangs! Very cool. Speaking of cool, looking very leggy there, boys. The details on the little table here are also very nice, and echo the drinking table at A-Han's Koi Mountain Manor.
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Hard to see much in the way of detail from the shot from above, but that's some beautiful glossy hair there, Xiao-Zhe.
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Speaking of detail, it's time for an extreme closeup so you can see all the gorgeous gold jewelry and the draping of A-Han's robes. Such a beautiful, elegant fig.
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Our lotus spirit is looking big (heart) eyed and beautiful in his extreme closeup. Here's a nice view of the jade drinkware as well as well as the detail on Xiao-Zhe's robes. They don't drape quite as nicely as A-Han's, but are clearly providing superior ventilation.
Xiao-Zhe is quite the little nudist under his robes - he's got a full moon going on under there as well as the world's smallest unit. Lotus spirits just have to be wild and free, you know?
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These two didn't come with box cards and there was no box art, which is too bad because I would have loved some art of these two beauties. It's far too pretty of a set to leave you without at least one more full angle, so here you go.
Speaking of full angles, I may be the only purchaser of this fig set that didn't realize I had also purchased the full show - I turned the figs over to take pics from the underside (as I do, very innocently, I might add!) and got quite the 1mm surprise. When I was done laughing my head off, I was faced with the question of whether to likewise share with my fellow figthusiasts.
So in the interest of full disclosure (ha!) for anyone that might wish to purchase these figs in the future, I will simply continue to place any vaguely spicy material or any portrayal of basic lotus spirit anatomy under our patented figthusiast Spice Stars ***** after the fig count. Anyone who is not in a place or time where they can explain why they are giggling at the screen can simply skip on by.
Material: PVC
Fig Count: 184
Scene Count: 14
Rating: Fresh as a cool breeze
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
Per usual, I'll talk a bit so even those with the largest phones or computer screens are spared the sight of any incriminating paparazzi pics. I mean, Xiao-Zhe is hanging out (ha!) in the privacy of his best friend's manor, and if a lotus spirit can't be ready to skinny dip at the whim of a moment there, where can he? I mean, a koi pond is literally right there.
A good philosophical question, thoughtful figthusiasts. One that similar minded people might be inclined to ponder on a lazy summer day, relaxing around with a pitcher of wine and a good friend. However, it occurs to me (a little too late!) that rather than reading me rambling on, a large picture might be literally worth a thousand words here, so let me find a new one I haven't posted yet to take up some space:
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I was trying to find one where he was (rightfully) giving me the side eye, but this will have to do.
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Dare I even mention to add this is a nice view of A-Han's anklet from the underside as well?
Well now you know, if you choose to purchase this set! And I would recommend it if you can access Xianyu (or there may be remainders on the docket, I don't think I've seen any announcements come through for it), it's really very beautiful.
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rosepetalexotics · 2 years
I'm quite tired as I just got back from Reptile Super Show. It was a fun show! This is my second time going and there was a lot more variety this year. I got to see and hold some really cool stuff which I'll make a post about later. I however wanted to show tumblr my newest additions. 3 Psuedocreobotra wahlbergii aka Spiny Flower Mantises! 2 are looking female and one is looking male. If all goes well hopefully I'll have some baby spiny flowers available in about 5 months.
Spiny Flower Mantises get their name from their spiky appearance and bright white/pink & green coloration as adults. They're a very small mantis reaching about 3.5-4cm usually (1.4-1.6 inches). They usually eat mainly flying prey but can eat non flying prey if tong fed. Mine will be eating flightless fruit flies and once their big enough (pieces of) waxworm moths. They're considered an intermediate species due to their high humidity & ventilation requirements. They can be kept in a 32oz deli as adults due to their small size but I recommend a slightly larger acrylic habitat for better ventilation and viewing as well as to give your mantis a little more room.
Here they are!
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eufiemoon · 2 years
Making Of: Caitlyn Kiramman (Arcane) Hat
Hi there!! I'm finally trying to use Tumblr properly after people said on my IG story vote that I should post my cosplay tutorials here!! I'm starting off with the hat I made for my Caitlyn Kiramman cosplay from the League of Legends series, Arcane. mainly because it was the first part of the cosplay I made!
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I used MellowmindCosplay's Officer Hat template, which has sadly been taken down from their Etsy but this pattern from them could likely be altered for the hat! I may also try to repattern the hat myself if people would be interested.
5mm 45* Eva Foam from https://www.tyges.co.uk
2mm 45* EVA Foam from https://www.tyges.co.uk
Drill Poly Cotton Fabric in Navy from https://fabricland.co.uk
100% Cotton Drill Fabric in White from https://fabricland.co.uk
IMPACT Contact cement adhesive from Amazon
Woodglue from Amazon
Gold Acrylic paint from Amazon
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Hat Base Construction
I decided to make Caitlyn's hat with a base structure of EVA Foam. A lot of cosplay companies tend to just use fabric and interfacing but I knew going into the build that I wanted to have the hat fully structured with the ability to keep its shape whilst still being lightweight, considering it would be on my head for hours.
For those familiar with EVA foam patterns, they're fairly self-explanatory, and usually, the pattern creators include instructions on how to construct them. The pattern I used mainly just required me to attach numbered sides to each other and then reflect that for the other side. I ended up needing to alter the pattern slightly to fit my head with a wig on and I also slightly changed the height to be more proportionate to the original.
just remember when using contact cement to use it in a well-ventilated area!! and to always wait for the glue to be nearly dry on both sides you're trying to connect before putting them together!
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Patterning the Fabric
now, full transparency, the way I drafted my pattern for the first part (the white top) was absolutely not the most efficient or cleanest method, it actually didn't occur to me that I should use the EVA pattern as the fabric pattern until I got to the main body of the hat, so please feel free to ignore how I did the white part, it was primarily pattern drafting, similar to how you would do it on a mannequin for clothes... if the mannequin was a foam hat.
It was incredibly fiddly and needed lots of careful pleating to get the fabric to fit the weird shapes but once I had it fitted, I tacked the pleats down with some small hand stitches and ran around the white edges with some very messy hand sewing, it ended up being covered by the blue fabric and then the gold decal.
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After Struggling with that part I switched over to using the EVA patterns as fabric patterns, I just made sure to add seam/hem allowance to it all. the final Navy Drill parts were all sewn together on my sewing machine and then slipped around the hat and handsewn down to the foam.
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the same technique was used for the hat brim, though I sewed the top edge of the brim and bottom edge of the main hat body fabrics together on my machine and sewed them on as one piece. the edges were just folded under and glued down. If I were to go in and improve any pieces of the cosplay it would definitely be adding a lining even if just to the brim to make everything a little cleaner looking under the hat.
after this I eyeballed the general shape for the gold decal, reflecting it to make the symmetrical pattern, and then extended the 'legs' to wrap around the hat. I then popped the pattern onto my 2mm foam, primed with wood glue, painted with gold acrylic paint, and then contact cemented onto the hat!
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Special Touches¬
By this point I had a fully made hat that looked fairly similar to the hat Caitlyn has in Arcane, with a few exceptions, but I wanted to add some pizazz and had some very lovely gold braided trim that I was gifted last year by a very lovely lady at Fantasy Forest, sadly meaning I can't actually say where to get this specific trim from, though I'm sure places like ebay or etsy have similar types!
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With that...the hat was entirely finished! this was a super fun project to start off this cosplay build with and the results definitely helped with my motivation to finish the rest of the costume before the con I was wearing it for!
I do hope this tutorial is helpful or at least interesting for someone! I really enjoyed writing this all out and seeing my process written down so please prepare for more! I'm going to write the guides for the other parts of this cosplay and then hopefully I'll have started my Kindred build and can start updating people on that!
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abybweisse · 2 years
Wow. I did random kuroshitposting, rp kuroshitposting, some off topic stuff, and still managed to answer an ask with a (hopefully) sufficiently intelligible (and long) reply. I feel almost accomplished today. 😐
But I think my brain has had it for today. I spent all day at work dressed as a red cardinal. No, really.
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All while prepping water samples for HAA5 analysis (I wore my lab coat over this, including short wings and tail)... and trying to fill out financial forms for my mom's upcoming move to the "independent living" community she plans to move into next month. Honestly, I'm probably going to have a mental breakdown just trying (long distance, by calls and text) to get my mom to acquire enough moving boxes. I really doubt the whole "independent" thing is gonna work very well; she keeps talking about wanting to have Home Depot, Lowe's, or U-Haul deliver moving boxes to her. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I don't think they will do that, or if they do the delivery fee would likely be ridiculous. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️
Tomorrow, I'll wear some other onesie costume. Yesterday I wore a two-piece Sam (from Trick 'r Treat) hooded outfit.
Let's see how many asks I can get through tomorrow....
Idek if I'll be working Friday because -- did I tell y'all that we aren't doing anything official for Halloween at work this year because we are having electrical shutdowns this Friday and then again for a week early next month? The building is swarming with electricians who weld randomly throughout the day and fill the ventilation system with the smell of burning wires. They installed a temporary air-handler that is blocking us on the 7th floor from being able to get to our lockers in the hallway. And they have the parking lot at the front of the building blocked off and filled with their vehicles and all the new/replacement equipment they are going to install. My team lead, who doesn't work there on Fridays, isn't sure we can even work in our other building that day. The power there might also be down?!?? 🤷🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️
Wearing silly outfits is about the only thing getting me through this week. 🫠
Shit, I nearly forgot I'm leaving work early tomorrow because of a small music festival. I'm seeing The Jesus and Mary Chain... an early "alternative rock" band that I mostly remember from "Head On" and "Blues from a Gun". You'll have to look that up in YouTube. Tumblr is crashing in that special way where it won't let me add links to the post. They formed in Scotland in 1983. There are other bands on the bill, too, but I don't recognize them.
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