#aaaaaaahhh it hurt so bad
kookydoodleky · 5 months
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I could use a friend
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grigori77 · 1 month
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 103
Shoot at Sam? Count me in. Even if it's just a NERF gun ... Sam: "Aaaaah! In my cancer!" Oh boy ... XD ... and Adhley got him RIGHT IN THE TIT just as she intended ... ah yes, Sam Riegel, living in fear ... LOL ... yup, Ashley's just lying in wait ... oh there we go ... Liam: "All right, let's graduate to D20s." Whoa, wait a minute ...
Marisha: "All our UK viewers are thinking 'fucking Americans'." Well ... YEAH ...
Yes! Always credit the artists ... thank you, Liam!
Yes, that's right ... we're in the home of the Shadowgast ... O.O
So could this FINALLY be it? Are we FINALLY gonna get rid of that egregious BITCH?!!!
Ooooooooh ... fancy ritual ... cool ...
Laudna's terrified ... of course she is. She SHOULD be ... if this goes wrong ... after last time I'm scared too ... and even if this DOES go right, there's no guarantee she WOULD definitely survive this ...
Wow ... way to stoke out morale, Essek ... but yeah, he does mean well, I guess ...
In theory, then ... if this DOES work then Delilah will, ESSENTIALLY, just become a magical battery ... oh yeah, I don't doubt that would be the most delightfully irksome punishment for that evil bitch ...
A natural vibe? Are you sure, Chet? "Dr Chet"? Oh, that might work better, yeah ...
Keep Braius' freaky hoof fingers away from this stuff ... XD ... essentially Braius instead just stands behind Dorian and encourages him to do everything right, while passive-aggressively judging him. Dorian: "So just like my dad, then."
Great ... time to roll to make sure we get this right ... NO PRESSURE, then ... O.O
Laudna: "You guys have already been through so much with me ..." Fearne: "Well why would we stop now?" Laudna: "Ooh ... my stomach hurts." Fearne: "Do you need to poo?"
Cheddars? Oh yeah, I like that ... way to accidentally belittle the ancient gnome ... XD
And now Chetney's getting naked ... of course he is ...
Fuck ... here we go, then ... oh boy ... aaaaaaahhh!!! O.O
A multi-stage ritual ... crap ... that's never a good thing ...
Laura: "I say GUIDANCE!!!" XD
Chetney: "Don't worry, you won't feel ... you're gonna feel a lot." Oof ...
No pain-killers? Really? Laudna: "I have dogs leap from my chest from time to time." Oh yeah ... that's right ... O.O
Oh yes, so she just does that RIGHT NOW ... and now her chest is gaping wide open ... okay, that'll probably help ... and now Laudna's just given herself afull-blown Y-incision ... yup ...
Hold her hand, Imogen ... HOLD THAT HAND ...
Did Chetney just SNEEZE inside her? O.O ... yeah, that's just an INSTANT staph infection ...
And so we begin ... oh boy ... and so we begin to hold our breath ...
A Blood Maladict? Hmmmm ...
Wow ... oh, yeah, that soul-cage in the chest idea ... that's kind of beautiful in a really horrifying kind of way ...
Great ... just what we need right now. Fuck off, Delilah. Don't you DARE interfere while we exorcise you, you monstrous demon bitch ...
That almost went SO FUCKING BAD ... O.O ... phew ...
Laura Bailey channeling Imogen getting SO FUCKING ANXIOUS right now ... this is SO TENSE ...
Do something, do something, help her guys ... Ashton burns a Rage ... oh, this is interesting ... fascinating new way to use his Dunamancy powers ... and clearly this is gonna cost him ... but OF COURSE he's gonna fight through all the same ... that's a pretty sweet move, Ash ...
Orym you sweet selfeless little cinnamon roll, I love you so much ... HEX THAT BITCH!!! YES!!!
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet ... between them Ashton and Liam succeed SO BEAUTIFULLY in what they're doing right now ... THAT'S A CRIT!!! Damn fucking RIGHT it is ... O.O
Yeah ... in your face, Delilah! Yes! Take that!
Is that it? Is that done? Yes ... nice ... first part successful, then ... so what's next?
FUCK!!! Jumpscared by Matthew Mercer! Damn it!
Imogen's turn, then ... go, go, GO!!! Save you honey, girl! Yes!
The Ruined Sun Tree again? Aaaaaahhh ... not good! I hate that image just as much as before ...
Imogen: "There's only two ways for this to end." Delilah: "You can't have her!" Oh fuck off, you evil bitch ... EDUCATE HER, Imogen!
This may be Laura's most important roll of the entire campaign ... but YES!!! THAT'S RIGHT!!! Marisha does indeed have a say in this ... Laudna fights back, then ... PLEASE let this work ...
Void Puppet? OH NICE ... O.O
Nice ... the other poor souls murdered and hung on that tree are coming to her aid ... that is SO FUCKING COOL ... O.O
So here comes the roll ... make it count, Laura ... 21! Okay ... is that enough?
Oh my fucking gods ... EVERY SINGLE PERSON that died in Whitsetone because of Delilah is now coming to claim their vengeance ... this is JUST FUCKING INCREDIBLE ...
Holy shit ... this has GOT TO BE a success, right? This CLEARLY fucking worked ...
Matt: "She's there, but ... she's YOURS." Holy fuck ... YES!!! It really did fucking work ... Delilah's nothing but a magical battery now ... that is pure fucking poetic justice and I love it so much ...
She conjures Pate ... and it no longer COSTS HER like it once felt like ... oh, yeah ... that's so cool ...
Oh yeah ... that's right, Pate doesn't know Braius ... DO NOT attack the bone rat, Braius ... oh shit ...
Fuck ... yup, that's right, INSTANT KILL on the bone rat ... great ... thanks for that, Braius ...
They're holding each other ... that's so sweet ... the Imodna's STRONG right now ... :3
Flashlighting the balls ... oh boy ... Matt: "A lot of us grew up before the Internet." LOL
Liam: "Bony Stark" OH SHIT!!! YES!!! XD
Insight check ... oh, this should be interesting ... NAT20?!!! Fuck, Marisha ... wow ... so Delilah's, like, GENUINELY restrained ... nice ...
Laudna: "She won't be ... she won't be watching us anymore." YES!!! And Imogen kisses her! Of course she does! My shipper heart is beating SO HARD right now! :3
Chetney is CARVING HIS INITIALS into her ankle ... "I sign all my best works!" Laudna: "You know, only you would I allow to do that." Awwwww ... that's so sweet in the most disturbing way possible ...
Laudna thanks Essek, as she should, and he's most magnanimous ... nice ...
Celebration time ... YES. Definitely.
Oh wow ... is Essek's inner party-planner coming out right now? Caleb's got him trained so well, clearly ... or maybe this is more Jester and Veth's doing ... XD
What ... invite the Nein? REALLY?!!! That would be so cool and WAY too much to hope for ...
Yes ... OF COURSE there will be LOTS of Lionett wine ... definitely ...
Liam (as Caleb): "Why would I buy it when I can get it for free?" XD ... indeed ...
A toast! Yes! "To new beginnings, and a bunch of losers winning" ... YEAH ... definitely ...
Ashton: "I think it's time for a round of What the Fuck Is Up With You?" Oh yes ... spill, Braius Doomseed ...
From the Platinum Dragon to Asmodeus, the Lord of Lies ... so Braius is, like, the Exandrian equivalent of turning from Catholic to Satanist, then ... cute ...
Wow ... Jester Lavorre was LITERALLY responsible for Braius' fall from grace ... oh boy ... EXCOMMUNICATED? Proper? Fascinating ... Laura's scrambling so hard to dig her little blue Tiefling out from this deepening pit ... XD
That freakish fucking stein thing ... Sam, that thing is UNNERVING ...
OF COURSE Chetney fell asleep during the movie ... XD
Yeah ... might be a good idea to keep an eye on the minotaur moivng forward, then ...
Yes, that is correct ... Orym has a somewhat complicated but still very profitable relationship with the Wildmother ... and she DID just come through in clutch, clearly ... might be Laudna's got a god on her side right now ...
"To my favourite war criminal." Signed: Beauregard Lionett. XD
"Blue beauty"? XD ... Braius is flirting with Dorian, now ...
The talk is turning HEAVY, clearly ...
Sam: "Taylor Swfit?" Taliesin: "How DARE YOU?!!!" Matt: "Do not call that following down on us!"
Oh shit ... the pipe ... CAREFUL there ... O.O
Spin the Bottle with a D10 ... this should be interesting ... who's gonne risk frying their mind?
Braius? Oh, this should be interesting ... and it's fate, really ... wo what does HE think is the most heroic thing he's ever done?
He killed "Stanley"? Whos was Stanley?
A "Laudna bong"? Your mind goes to some weird places, Riegel ... we really havew missed you ...
So ... Stanley was his friend, but then betrayed him? A secret follower of the Dawnfather? Hmmmm ... oh dear gods ... the mug is the flayed skin and bones of Stanley ... wow ... this is all kinds of fucking wrong, Riegel ...
OF COURSE Laudna finds a potential future partner in arts & crafts in Braius because of this ...
Ashton has disadvantage on EVERYTHING ... Travis: "A double-handed abandonment of the roll!" Taliesin: "Why do I bother?" XD
Wow ... they really are picking his story apart a whole lot ... as the minutes tick by Braius is looking increasingly poser-esque ... I'm actually starting to feel a little sorry for him ...
Wow ... a gory painting ... cute ... like a particularly monstrous Jackson Pollock ... O.O
Ah, so we're all passing out in a stupour in the wee hours ... of course ... and it's time for a break ...
No, Matthew Mercer you WILL NOT torment us like that! O.O
Ah yes ... so Laudna and Imogen had a room to themselves ... XD ... I mean OF COURSE they did ...
Chetney attunes to the fancy demon armour ... that is some FREAKY SHIT ... does it expand when he wolfs out? LIam: "You're gonna be like Omar in a turtleneck." XD ... oh sweet ... he's COMPLETELY SILENT ... that's so cool ... he's literally wearind "fiendish essence". So it's, like ... DAMNATION, by Calvin Klein ... LOL
Oh thank fuck Chet isn't TECHNICALLY waving his wang about right now ...
Dorian punches him ... yup ...
"RELEASE!" Oh boy ... Matt: "It just ... fills the suit." Ewww ...
Chetney terrorises Essek's neighbours. With his cock out ...
Imodna eventually wake up ... as they would ... basking in the afterglow ... XD
So ... Laudna can hold onto a magical item ... and no longer feels the burning desite to DEVOUR IT with her chest ... nice ...
Amulet of Cursed Life? Hmmmm ...
"A Counterspell on a chain"? Oh nice ... that's seriously powerful shit ... VERY useful ... oh, and it renders corpses into a major problem for the wearer ... hmmmm ... maybe LESS useful ... it's kind of a bit of a mixed blessing kind of thing ...
Orym uses the Sending Stone to send a message to Caleb ... interesting ... and he replies! That's a little meta again ... O.O
Oh yeah, Essek is TOTALLY up for taking a look at Ashton's head ...
Essek: "Huh ... you are something ... very new." Okay ... O.O
A black marble ... interesting ... hopefully it'll be helpful for Ashton in future to focus his powers ...
Oh, so we're making a move, then? Okay ...
Seth's back ... yup, that's smart. Essek is a wanted man, after all ...
Back to the Hellcatch, then ... teleportation ... is this gonna work, then?
They're in a warzone! Crap! What happened?
Crap! That's the bad guys! They don't wanna be here right now! Imogen casts Sending to Keyleth ... SHE'S ALIVE!!! They're in Vasselheim? Okay ... pass it on to Essek! Quick!
A slither? Three feet away? Crap! Get the staff! Quick!
That ALMOST went to shit ... oh fuck, where the hell are they now? Is this a bad place to be?
That's a VERY angry leylined sky ... it's cold, they're in tall pine forest ... near a stone wall, a really BIG one ... if I had to make a guess, looks like they're on target after all ...
Oh yeah ... Braius' gear probably wouldn't go down well here ...
Another Sending to Keyleth ... she tells them to come to the Platinum Sanctuary ... ah ... yeah ... Braius gets VERY fussy with his appearance now ...
Heading to the gates, then ... funny burnt smell ... hmmm ...
Oh, so this is the stink of burned undead, essentially. Yeah ... so there was some kind of "uprising", probably ... charming ...
Okay, so they get in easily, then ... despite Braius being a bit of an idiot ... XD
Vasselheim ... it's been a while ... but it's as gorgeous and majestic and DRAMATIC as ever ...
The Sanctuary ... but OF COURSE it is ...
The Dark Bloom?
Oh fuck! Yeah! The Titan corpse! Nice callback to the grand Campaign 1 climax ... and now it's literally BECOME part of the city ... which makes perfect sense, of course ... that's like SERIOUSLY AWESOME ...
Vanguard prisoners in gibbet cages? Lovely ...
Yes. Essek is VERY deserving of their thanks for EVERYTHING he's done for them recently ...
It's cute that he calls them "bastions of goodness" ... XD
Yeah! Vox Machina callback! WOOP WOOP!!!
The Duskmeadow? Fascinating ... a massive gothic cathedral? Definitely the temple to the Matron ... it's very beautiful ... RAVENS!!! AWESOME!!!
The remains of the recent undead outbreak and their resultant pyres ... charming ... yup, it was the Solstice as we expected ... oh, good point Orym! Thank fuck the Titan didn't stir ... that would've been a NIGHTMARE ...
So it literally WAS Night of the Living Dead ... lovely ...
This is where the survivors of that recent battle have retreated to, then. Hmmmm ... the Heaven's Stair Mountain ... fancy ...
Imogen charges up, starts looking POWERFUL ... hmmm ...
Oh, they're expected? Well that makes things easier, then ...
Escort or police action? I wonder ...
Nice view ... this is still one of the most beautiful places in all of Exandria ...
The Abundant Terrace! Yay! I remember that place very well, that was so cool ...
Ashton: "This whole city is a temple to hubris." Hmmmm ...
Oh, the Dynasty's here? Yeah, I can see how that could be awkward ... so Essek's bailing? Crap ... oh well ... at least they can say a fond farewell, and they know how to get hold of him again ...
Robbie: "You can look at the menu so long as you order from home." WOW ... XD
Officially arriving at the Sanctuary, then ...
Orym leads the way perched on Fearne's shoulder ...
"Professor Emperor" Fearne Calloway ...
Well Grog definitely ain't got any smarter ...
PIKE!!! Yay!
Travis is having an out of body experience right now ... XD
Oh yeah, if ANYONE can clear a path through the crowd right now it's Grog ... LOL
Earthbreaker Groon! Yay!
Allura Vysoren and Lady Kima! Also yay! And Uthodurn are here! Nice ...
Oh hell ... they're all RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE and everybody's looking at them now ... and THIS is where Matt calls it a night! Fitting ...
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perhaps one where our yautja just got their gender affirming bottom surgery and it falls on us, their human beloved, to take care of them?
Yautja vs Bottom Surgery Recovery part 2
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Trans!Yautja x GN!reader Reverse Comfort
Word count: 1528
Warnings: mentions of surgery, anesthetic, and bandages. Yautja in pain, and injections
Summary: Your trans yautja lover must go and stay on their host ship for gender affirming bottom surgery, and subsequent recovery. Luckily they have you to take care of them (to the best of your ability)
A/N: AAAAAAAHHH This is SUCH a cute idea! This came out a bit longer than I expected, but not in a bad way. So… Here we go!!
The decision to get bottom surgery was one that your lover did not take lightly. It meant taking several weeks off of hunting. It meant willingly submitting to the care of others. And it meant they would need to stay on their host ship for a while. But every time your lover looked at their body, they couldn't stop their gaze from drifting downward. They knew they could not continue the rest of their life like this. Thankfully they had you with them. 
Your presence helped to put them at ease. They always felt stronger when they were with you. However, they were worried about you on their ship. So about a month before the surgery your lover took you onto their host ship for dinner, to meet their elder and some members of their clan, before staying the night (Stay tuned). That really helped to quiet their doubt. 
The day of the surgery came, and you followed them through the woods to where they hid their space plane. Once again they flew you through earth's atmosphere and up to their host ship, docked safely in earth's orbit. Once again it was dreadfully hot on the ship but this time you were more prepared. 
You and your lover were greeted by the surgeon and guided though the ship to the infirmary. Your lover and the surgeon spoke to each other in their native tongue, though you did pick up the gist of it. Once arriving at the ship's infirmary you and your lover were settled in a room and waited for the anesthesiologist.
Despite their big tough nature there was one thing that still scared your lover. And that was being vulnerable. Especially around their own kind. They didn't have to worry about you. You couldn't hurt them even if you tried, not that you ever would, but being vulnerable with other yautja was a different thing entirely. They began to worry, their mind swirled with ways this could go wrong. You could see the way their muscles tensed, and the way their mandibles twitched and knew they were stressed. You propped yourself up on the comically large and tall bed, needing to stand on your toes just to look your lover in the face. You pressed a hand into their chest and slowly rubbed in small circles.  
"It's ok," you spoke with absolute serenity in your voice. "You have survived so much in your life, and you will survive this just fine." A shudder rippled through their body as your kindness shocked their system. But soon enough they relaxed again. They took a few uncannily long and deep breaths before placing their hand on top of yours. 
Shortly thereafter the anesthesiologist came in and put your lover under, before taking them to the operating room. You were instructed to stay where you were and wait. As you did, the clan elder stopped by to visit. She was just as regal and imposing as she had been a month earlier at dinner. She shared in the earthly custom of small talk before presenting you with a wrist gauntlet. Your lover had taught you to read and write yautja so you had very little trouble using it. And it was youngling sized so it fit you well. The elder told you that this would help you around the ship. It would open doors, turn off and on the lights in a room, and control the temperature. There was even a map. Something you were especially thankful for. You expressed your gratitude, and with that the elder left you. 
Not long after the surgeon returned. As he pulled the bed back into the room you noticed your lover was still asleep. Once the bed was back in place he sat with you and went over the recovery procedure. You would need to watch your lover carefully to ensure that they didn't have any tearing along their scar. And in order to keep the scarring down it was imperative that they keep movement to a minimum for the first few days, which meant you would need to pick up their meals from the mess hall and bring them to your lover's chamber. 
Once your lover awoke their apprentice showed up to take you two to your lover's room. The apprentice helped your lover into their bed and left the two of you to get settled in. 
Your lover was wiped after the surgery so they immediately fell asleep. You made yourself comfortable. A little too comfortable. You didn’t realize you fell asleep until your wrist gauntlet buzzed. You popped it open, and once you deciphered the lettering you realized that it meant dinner was ready. Your lover was still passed out, so you pulled up the map and went to grab it. You soon found the trays, the food, even the silverware were incredibly heavy. You would have struggled to carry just one of the trays back to your lover's room, let alone both. Thankfully the clan Elder was looking out for you and offered you a cart. It was jarringly low tech given the setting, but you wouldn't complain. Once you returned you gently woke your lover. To no avail. You rolled your eyes and climbed into the nest bed with them. With one hand on their face and another tangled in their locks you tried increasingly invasive methods of waking them up. Almost to the point where you felt guilty. That guilt immediately evaporated though, when their eyes opened, and their stomach growled. 
They attempted to maneuver out of bed, but a sharp pain between their legs stopped them in their tracks. Your empathetic ooman heart couldn't help but feel their pain. You encouraged them to stay in bed, and helped them sit up. You tried and failed to lift the heavy tray to your lover, so you just pulled the cart close to the bed and ate off of that. 
If nothing else this was a lesson in yautja biology. It was also a lesson in patience and learning to live in extreme conditions, but mostly yautja biology. You have gotten to see more of your lover's body than ever before. Walking them to and from the bathroom, helping them to keep themselves and especially the scar sight clean, and easing any pain they had via injection allowed you to explore more of them than they had previously let you. At first they were shy as they always had been, but your innocent curiosity, and endless adoration put them at ease. You had no concept of yautja gender, or yautja sex for that matter. All you knew was that your lover felt more at ease now that the surgery was over
You did worry though. Your worrying was something that your lover had gotten used to. They understood that it was just the way for your prey oriented brain to keep yourself alive and safe. But they didn’t like you worrying about them. They hated the thought that anytime they were away for a hunt that you were back home worrying about them. There was nothing they could do to stop you though. Every time they moved you worried, every time they tried to stand you worried, even as they slept you couldn’t stop yourself from worrying. 
Your fears did fade as time went on though. Three day cycles later, the surgeon made a room call to remove the bandages, and to assess the results. With the amount of confidence you had instilled in them, your lover could hardly wait for you to see the finished product. You didn’t have much of a reference for what it was supposed to look like, but you still thought the results were beautiful. It was only out-shone by the look on your lover's face as they beamed with pride. 
Two weeks after surgery your lover was cleared to return to earth, which you were both very happy about. Speeding back down to earth in the space plane your lover was desperate to get back to the comfort, safety, and familiarity of your couch. But in their haste to get back they ignored their body and pushed past their limits. You could hardly stop them from falling as they doubled over in pain. For a moment your lover was scared of your reaction. They knew that if they had shown this kind of weakness back on the ship, they would be ridiculed for it. But you were as calm as possible, despite your worry. You asked if they were ok. Your voice was even and free of malice or smoke. You were eternally gentle. That was one of the things they loved most about you. 
The rest of the walk home was slow and easy. Making it back, your lover b-lined for the couch, and all but collapsed. It was already past dark, you two had eaten dinner on the ship, and it was thoroughly time for bed. You grabbed a blanket and got cozy with your lover. You both knew that there was more recovery ahead of you. But you would face it together. And you two could face anything together.
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andvys · 1 year
ANDYYYYY BESTIEEEEE. How I missed your angsty writing and the way you break my heart. No but like honestly, I just caught up with the last 3 chapters of We'll burn the Sky and bestie, I wasn't readyyyyyy for the pain you were going to put me through.
I have a lot of things to say so sorry if this is long.
Well first of all, I LOVE petty reader, I can't express how much I gasped when I saw the whole breakfast gate and Chrissy's reaction was just AAAAAAAHHH, she truly is an inspiration. I love that from the 3 series that I've read from you, they are so different. First we have LWTUA Reader, a strong, brave but also really broken girl that just has so much trauma but also so much love to give which is precisely what makes her the fiercest of fighters for who she loves; then we have Everlong reader, heartbroken, insecure but also strong in her own way, is no easy feature to see the man you love break your heart thousands of times and still be able to love him; and now we have this Reader, also traumatized, maybe not in the same way as LWTUA reader, but in a more realistic setting, everything about suicide, an abstent mother but just the lack of love in her life just creates a character that has to have a tough side to survive AND THATS WHY THE PETTINESS WORKS SO GOOD.
(This is more to share my personal experience relating to the part where she remembers what her mother taught her of not letting them see her cry or broken cause I also have that bad trait of not allowing/want to let people see me crying which has led to a lot of difficulty expressing my feelings and somehow I see this reader struggling with everything inside her, yes she is telling eddie how heartbroken she is, how hurt and betrayed he has left her but I also feel the hesitation and how much it would hurt to be betrayed in such a way by the one person you have allowed to share your heart with, idk I might be talking out of my ass here but that's how I interpret it)
Moving on with Steve... oh Steve, beautiful, innocent Steve. GET THAT DICK GIRL. I'm glad it happen, and I'm more glad that Eddie saw it, fuckkkkkkk himmmm. The fact that he didn't like immediately broke up with Chrissy when she showed up left me speechless, men really be telling you they love you like no one else but they'll let their gf (they didn't tell you they have) parade around their relationship and let her cuddle with them and also go to breakfast expecting everything is good and well???? I'm living for the Steve drama here, like he's just so nice, funny and understanding but also good at fucking... HERE YOU GO KING YOU DROPPED THIS 👑
I love Eddie's suffering but it still comforts me this will have a happy ending. Anyways, I know this is already long enough but I just had to say it, I most likely will come back to say more stuff but right now is all I can think off.
As always, love you ANGST QUEEN, you are an amazing writer and I can't wait to read more of any of your stories ❤️
Hiiii! Oh my god 🥹 thank you so much for this! You made my morning 🥹❤️ (and never apologize for long messages/asks, i love them so much)
Petty reader is what we needed in this fic! I didn’t want her to seem like a weak and broken girl, I wanted her to show Eddie that she can be a real bitch!
LWTUA reader will always be my baby, she was so badass and sacrificial but I love her.
And you are 100% right about reader from this fic! She definitely struggles to express her feelings or show emotions in front of others! It’s a bit different with Eddie cause she can’t lie to him about her true feelings but even he gets confused by her cause she keeps jumping back and forth between being vulnerable and acting completely unbothered, he can read her but at the same time he struggles to do so.
What Eddie did with Chrissy was messed up, he wanted to break up with her and yet he made no move to do so when he had the perfect chance to, he is a dumbass. No one can blame reader for not trusting him or believing any of his words.
You will definitely get more of Steve soon! Reader and him will spend a lot of time together 🤭
The happy ending is what we always need! Can’t go without it! Eddie is a dumbass but he will make things right again 🥺
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harajukudivision · 3 years
ARB Event: In Fantastical Slumber
Act 1 | Act 2
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— ??? —
As birds chirp in the distance, a slurred voice sounds as if someone had just woken up.
??: Mmmmm. . . . . . Stop. . . . Stop. . moving, that’s. . . . . .
??: . . . . It’s . . . . . so bright. . .
??: *yawns* Pardon . . me. . . . Did I, fall asleep?
??: Hmm. . . .
Hiroshi: The library, was never this bright. . .Tch. My head. . . . What on earth is—
Hiroshi: ? ? ?
[his eyes flutter for a bit before they open fully, revealing a trail in big green valley with large trees sprinkled around]
Hiroshi: Huh. . . When, did I. . . . . .
Hiroshi: But, I’m not. . in the city. . . . . . . . .
Hiroshi: ? ? ? ?
Hiroshi: A-A-A horse?!
[now realizing he was sitting atop a regal white horse, it panics at Hiroshi’s outburst and tries to throw him off the saddle]
Hiroshi: Whoa! Ngh! Easy! Easy! Calm down! Calm down I say! [struggling to hold onto the reins] Calm down! I didn’t mean to—
[he was suddenly thrown off the horse, and lands into the river nearby. Hiroshi, now fully awake, storms out of the water as the horse stands there idly.]
Hiroshi: You foul filthy disgraceful animal!! How dare you!!
Hiroshi: Whoever raised that thing clearly lacks the discipline to train it!! TCH. I oughta ring it by it’s neck.
Hiroshi: Now look. My clothes are a mess and I’m entirely—
Hiroshi: Soaked? . . . . .
Hiroshi: But how on earth did a horse get here? And my clothes. . . . .
Hiroshi: Hmmm, if I weren’t soaking wet right now these wouldn’t look half bad. 😏
Hiroshi: But I don’t see any other people around. Am I really outside of Tokyo? But, how did I even end up here in the first place? That wouldn’t explain my change of attire anyways. Other than that, where’s—
Hiroshi: ! ! ! !
Hiroshi: Emiko! Seiichi! Where are you!! Hey!! Are you two around!!
Hiroshi: . . . . . .
[he waits and waits but still no answer from his teammates]
Hiroshi: No answer. Is there really no one out here? Honestly I’m not how to process any of this. 💦
Hiroshi: ? ? ?
Hiroshi: SEIICHI!! [he runs off towards the forest]
— ??? —
??: . . . Awww man. . . .
??: My neck hurts. . . .
??: *yawns* Did I fall asleep? Maybe. . I slept wrong.
Seiichi: Hmm?
[as his eyes fully open, Seiichi sits up and finds himself lying against large a tree]
Seiichi: ? ? ?
Seiichi: Hey. . . . Where’s. . . .
Seiichi: Are those. . . thorns??
Seiichi: . . . . . .
[he scrambles up from the ground and finds himself in a dark forest blanketed in large thick thorns]
Seiichi: W-What? How did—?!
Seiichi: Shitshitshitshit!! Where’s my Mic! I-I can’t find it!!
Seiichi: Okokokokok breathe! Just. Breathe. *inhales deeply then exhales*
Seiichi: Okay. People always say that the best thing to do whenever you’re lost is to remain calm. Stay where you are. That way, it makes it easier for others to find you.
Seiichi: But, I don’t know where everyone is. Or how I even got lost in the first place!!! Or where I even am!!!
Seiichi: Uuuuuugh!! I’m gonna die out here!!! 💦
Seiichi: ? ? ?
[The rustling from the trees gets louder]
Seiichi: Who’s out there!!
—To Be Continued—
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Tumblr sucks so I had to post this twice but you should still read it because I had a lot of fun writing it xD Yamato is so easy to tease omg
Today’s Digimon Adventure: 2020 episode is entitled, “Time To Bring Back Visual Kei Bands,” because that’s pretty much where WereGarurumon belongs. I know what you’re thinking, he’s a wolf man in jeans with a kind of grungy rock n roll cowboy theme, how is that visual kei?
My friend, it’s all about the NAILS.
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Those perfectly manicured, PINK freaking nails.
Tto start I’ll say this episode lowers the tension significantly compared to previous ones. That’s to be expected, and doesn’t mean it’s boring. It does a lot - it lets us confirm some things about Yamato, and a couple things about Sora and Jou in relation to him as well. It is otherwise a carbon copy of episode 8 in terms of story arc. More below as usual
So this ep is Yamato/Sora/Jou main inside a Taichi/Koushirou/Mimi sandwich.
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We are starting to see more of Mimi Herself, complaining and whining about the unfairness of it all. Taichi appears to have scaled this wall by himself and Mimi’s like “YOU HAVE TOO MUCH ENERGY, YOU’LL PUT THE ENERGIZER BUNNY OUT OF A JOB, DO YOU WANT TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HOMELESS BUNNIES?? HE HAS TO PROVIDE FOR HIS FAMILY”
Adding salt to the wound, Koushirou then zips up the wall like this..
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The good thing about Mimi is, though she’s emotional, it’s easy to lift her spirits. She’s very in the moment. And fortunate that she has a partner who is both very patient and useful in these circumstances.
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Meanwhile the slightly-less-energetic group has put their heads together and decided to fly first class to their destination. I would ask where they got the basket but I’m sure I’d get the same answer as Taichi’s raft from episode 4 and Jou’s pergola from episode 7: these kids are extremely good at woodcraft and speedy
(or maybe Sora just had a giant basket in her bag, which we all understand by now is really a Bag of Holding)
While airborne they are Attacked!!! by SandYanmamon and not one but two tornadoes.
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Jou: Wonderful!
(for a hot second there I mistook this for Birdramon’s line and was like “??? birdramon’s unusually sarcastic today” but of course it’s the king of morbid humor kido jou)
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These Kyaromon appear out of nowhere to show off their dramatic eyeliner. Work it baby
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Just when you think SandYanmamon and TWO FREAKING TORNADOES are enough, turns out there’s another threat lurking below the sand for the sole purpose of reminding us yet again “Pokemon this is not!”
SandYanmamon: Aaaaaaahhh nooooooooo i had so much living left to doooo heeeelp mommyyyyyyyyy
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Cool-headed Yamato figures out that the new monster is able to track their movements under the sand. He sends the others away while he stays behind to hold off the bad guy.
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The Kyaromon lead them to a cave where they meet...
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ewww uuggghh noooo I hate them aaaahh make it stoppp
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and also Neemon! and I’m just going to assume this is a parallel universe version of Frontier’s Neemon because it tickles me to think this is what he actually sounds and acts like and is just riding Bokumon out of pure spite
also Bearmon’s cap says “Bears.” Not bear, bears plural. I believe he’s an outcast former member of the Gummy Bears.
The Labramon look like Rainbow Brite rejects
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Pictured above: First lovers’ tiff!
Neemon doesn’t know about the holy Digimon and tells the kids he is leading his group of perfectly helpless Digimon across the monster-infested desert because of the dark forces taking over everywhere. They will seek asylum with Leomon! We got our first mention of Leomon! Quick, cast your bets, how long till he dies? My guess is sooner rather than later because this seems like the kind of show that likes to kill your darlings.
Sora takes one look at this pathetic group and goes “We must go with them to protect them!” conveniently forgetting that she just got her ass kicked, but hey it’s the thought that counts
Yamato is quick to disagree.
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Yamato: Did you forget that I stayed behind while you RAN AWAY? When you say let’s protect them, you mean I’M gonna be protecting them, right? RIGHT? That’s what you mean RIGHT??
(he thinks, but doesn’t say. that wouldn’t be Cool)
Yamato doesn’t want to lose sight of their mission, which is to fix things in their home world. He’s already at his limit hanging out with other human children who don’t know what they’re doing, he doesn’t want to be slowed down by freaking Bearmon. Wishy-washy Jou is like “Eh, either way sounds like death and torment to me, so...”
The interesting thing to me here is that no one’s upset. A bit surprised, I think, but Sora just stands her ground, Jou wibbles but eventually gets pumped up enough by Gomamon to decide to help her. They don’t even try much to stop Yamato from leaving which I think is what surprised me the most. I would have expected at least a vibe more like “We shouldn’t split up!” or something. If Taichi were there, maybe we’d have seen more conflict... but I’m really not sure. So far, conflict among the kids has been very low key. Even last week, the first time we saw Taichi and Yamato butt heads, to the other kids it was shocking but to a 99 Adventurer like me it was barely a kerfluffle xP
Well, anyway, the result is Sora and Jou stay with Neemon, and Yamato goes off on his own, and there is surprisingly little bad blood about any of this. They are all just getting to know each other though, so maybe that loyalty’s not quite expected yet.
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Same as episode 8, Gabumon hints that there’s more to Yamato’s behavior than he lets on. He’s not just coldly abandoning his friends... except that he totally is >_> (As an adult, I don’t exactly think Yamato is wrong. I’d be more likely to agree with him than the others probably xP But these are children in a show for children, so Protecting Others and Following Your Feelings get a boost over cool rationale.)
Gabumon says Yamato should open up to the other kids. YEAH RIGHT. Yamato says “You’re all I need.” AWWWWWWWWW this wont backfire on them in a way that will wrench out my heart and tear it to a million pieces in forty episodes or so, no way
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Ikkakumon becomes a Sand Boat while Birdramon covers the sky. At first I was like “hey! not a bad plan!” If they can help Neemon’s group get across the desert faster, it will be a big help even if they can’t take them further.
Of course, first they have to deal with the SandYanmamon.
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Ikkakumon: Why does everyone go straight for the horn!?!
Oh, and also the two tornadoes.
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Sora, standing on Birdramon’s leg: don’t look down don’t look down don’t look down
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And now Sora’s on fire! That is it, I’m headcanoning it that the kids are basically invulnerable as long as they are touching their partners. THERE’S JUST NO EXPLAINING THIS
The flaming elementary school child does well until her partner is snared by the same monster from before, who turns out to be Scorpiomon. But this ain’t your momma’s Scorpimon from 99 Adventure, who was really Anomalocarimon but that was too hard to expect kids to say. This is the real Scorpiomon who is much scarier.
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All of a sudden, from above!
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Yamato and Garurumon, both physically incapable of doing anything normally when there is a cooler, more awesome method available, drop into the battle from the air and start burning shit up.
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They stand, bodies licked by blue flame, piercing eyes bright with the fever of battle, the sound of swooning fan girls echoing into the night
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Garurumon does his best but Scorpiomon is a level higher so, duh, he doesn’t stand much of a chance. WHAT WILL OUR HERO DO.
Well, first, same as in episode 8, he flashes back to each of his newfound friends, gaining strength from their memory. Yamato is so sentimental it Hurts
Then his mind flashes to someone else...
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... his favorite bobble head doll. No wait, that’s his round-headed baby brother, Charlie Brown.
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he is infused with the power of Friendship!!!!!!!
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Garurumon: What... is this feeling... so passionate... so... powerful... FFFRIENDSHIPPPPPP IS MAGIC
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He then evolves into a brony into a furry in the coolest freakiest way he knows how.
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WereGarurumon is basically everything the creators thought little boys like besides dinosaurs (because Taichi’s got that one covered) thrown together to make the ultimate little boy dream action figure: wolves, leather, hardware, piercings, brass knuckles, belts, skulls, scars, dog tags, and fuchsia stiletto nails
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Ikkakumon: Sugoi... so shiny... oooh... blinding me...
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WereGarurumon kicks Scorpiomon’s ass, it’s a cool battle scenes complete with kicks so fast his foot appears detached from his body. He then gives Yamato thumbs up.
Yamato: With nails like those the brass knuckles are kind of overkill...
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Yamato dodges apologizing for going off on his own like that by saying he only came back because it’d be useful to him to have the others around as a decoy. Jou’s like FRIGGING DECOYS AGAIN??
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But his dedication to remaining cool and aloof falters and he ends up telling them he’s just extra pressured to get their mission handled because he has a little brother, Takeru, living in Tokyo who is probably very scared stuck in the blackout. Sora and Jou are like “Oh, that makes sense, that’s why you’re so high strung.” They don’t point out the obvious, which is that they also have families affected by the blackout... >_>
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Jou passionately thanks Yamato for being so forthcoming so early in the season and looks forward to telling Yamato about himself in the future.
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The others: “But we already know all about you.”
Jou: “But HE doesn’t!”
xD look forward to it, Yamato...
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It’s episode 11 and Yamato can already smile like this... I had to cap it.
Yamato: Ahh, I’m finally getting used to wearing this purple shirt. Still can’t get quite suppress the urge to cut off the sleeves though...
The other slice of bread completes our sandwich when we shoot back briefly to Taichi/Koushirou/Mimi’s group.
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Taichi gets annoyed with Koushirou for the first time because of how much time Koushirou spends taking pictures of everything. Koushirou is that kid on the museum field trip who holds up the entire class reading every last word on the exhibit plaques while everyone else groans ‘cmon dude I wanna get to the dinosaurs before we go extinct too!!’
fyi I, Fizzing Wizard, was and am that slow ass kid
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Mimi’s even more impatient than Taichi and in her boredom she starts touching things, because she’s never seen The Mummy.
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Next ep’s trailer includes:
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And Lillymon!!!
Oprah voice: You get a Perfect level and you get a Perfect level and you get a Perfect level and you get-
Yeah so, clearly everyone’s gonna get to Perfect level much quicker than in 99 Adventure, which again, it’s good they’re mixing things up. The question is, what’s next? My guess is down the line everyone will get Ultimate levels and of course, at some point we’ll see Omegamon. I wonder if there will be other Jogress possibilities? Just because it’s hard to believe evolution will stop being important, but if they’re going through both Adult and Perfect so fast it doesn’t leave much left for the rest of the season...
I give this ep a 5.5/10 for being basically a remix of episode 8, and I’m looking forward to getting new stuff for Yamato eventually. Next week’s looking to be Mimi-centric if Lillymon’s any indication, but I’ve got my fingers crossed for a few Taishiro moments anyway.
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trans-darkwing · 5 years
"i’m going to go ahead and cut you off right there, because i don’t give a shit." Donald @Gladstone?
The rocks settled after sliding through the mouth of the unseen cave, a cloud of dust and debris bloomed in its wake. They’d walked right onto the unstable ground and went tumbling down, with a mess of rocks and dirt following after. 
It was dark in the cavern save for a few stray beams of sunlight shining through. Gladstone could make out Donald’s silhouette, shoulders hunched and shaking from hacking coughs as he breathed in the dust. Luckily, when Gladstone had tumbled he’d rolled far enough in that he wasn’t in the thick of it like his cousin was.
He stood up slowly and sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth, “bad luck,” he observed.
Donald whirled on him, “and how is it that the luckiest duck in the world fell in here with me?” he demanded furiously, seeming to have taken the simple phrase as a personal insult.
The goose raised his hands in surrender. “That’s not what I meant, Donaldo. Only that this situation is kinda bad. Even my luck isn’t perfect.” He gestured towards the cave they were currently trapped in to demonstrate, though Donald wouldn’t really be able to see him do it.
“Whatever,” his cousin muttered, turning away.
Gladstone’s eyes began to adjust to the darkness, his perception of Donald shifting from hazy outline to the haggard visage of his cousin, though still draped in shadow. Gladstone really had been lucky it seemed, other than the soreness of falling down with a rock slide, he hadn't been hurt. Judging from the way Donald was clutching his arm, the same could not be said for him.
Gladstone winced at the thought and turned away to glance around the cave for anything useful. When he saw nothing but more darkness he plopped down, leaning back against the cave wall.
“Della!” Donald screamed towards the minuscule opening where light was just barely making its way through. “Scrooge!” he tried again. And a few more desperate times after that.
When there was no answer, his shoulders sagged. 
“Just sit back, D-nomite. They’ll come looking for us soon enough,” he advised easily from where he sat.
Donald turned on him again, squinting in the darkness, “What? And wait down here with you until we go mad with hunger and start trying to eat each other?”
Gladstone’s brow furrowed. “I don’t think we would resort to cannibalism that fast.”
“If it was you, I would,” Donald grumbled to himself in a low tone that he may have thought Gladstone wouldn’t be able to understand. He rolled his eyes.
Donald turned away again, this time not bothering to call for help. He crouched down and started to toss rocks away from the entrance and further into the cave. He was grunting in pain every time he lifted one though, exerting that wounded arm with each one he picked up. 
Gladstone scrunched up his nose as he watched him, cringing as his cousin let out a particularly strangled breath.
“Donny, you’re working too hard,” he started, stretching his legs out languidly as he spoke. “if you would just—”
“I’m going to go ahead and cut you off right there, because I don’t give a shit,” Donald spoke harshly not even turning to look at him this time. “Not everybody always gets a solution handed to them on a silver platter. I’m trying to get us out of this damned cave. And I don’t need your commentary.”
Gladstone was stunned to silence by the outburst. He knew perfectly well Donald harbored some anger towards him for his good fortune, but he’d always thought it was just a petty resentment, due to his own bad luck. Did Donald really always work this hard?
“Now get up and help me move these rocks or I really will eat you!” He punctuated this sentence with a grunt as he threw another rock, but this time in the other direction— towards Gladstone. He yelped and dove out of the way as the rock bounced off the wall beside him, not close enough to hit but enough to make him jump.
“Alright, alright!” He relented, feeling affronted he pushed himself up to walk over beside Donald.
Gladstone had never been the type to ‘put-your-back-into-it’. He’d never had to, so he was a little lost as he looked down at the sizable rocks at their feet. Worse, there were even bigger boulders ahead of them.
Donald groaned in pain again as he lifted another. Then he seemed to catch Gladstone looking lost and paused with a sigh.
“Okay, you want to bend your knees and get a good grip on the rock. Then let your legs do the heavy lifting or you’ll throw out your back,” he explained, demonstrating slowly as he spoke.
Gladstone watched him throw another rock away before tentatively looking back towards the stone, with a knit to his brow.
“Go on,” Donald encouraged, suddenly sounding in a much better mood, almost amused. Gladstone glared down at the stone, resolutely ignoring his cousin for the moment.
He bent his knees, crouching down and grabbing hold of the rough surface of the rock, he pushed himself up then with an effort, stumbling backward as he finally heaved the weight up.
“It’s kinda hard on your hands, huh,” he said, he hadn’t been expecting the harsh edges of the rock pressing painfully into his hands. In truth, it was sort of unexpectedly hard in general, but he wasn’t planning to admit that Donald had made it look easy.
“Uh huh,” Donald agreed, placating him patiently, “you can just drop it over there now.”
Gladstone turned around slowly, struggling to keep his grip on the rock. Before deciding a step away was good enough and dropping it unceremoniously—directly onto his own foot.
“Aaaaah!” he shouted in agony, falling backwards as the pain hit him. Behind him another rock dropped onto the ground with a thud and Donald was rushing over to him to lift the stone off of his foot.
“Are you okay?” he asked frantically, eyes wide with concern.
“Sure, I’m fine,” he answered sardonically, “it just hurts like hell!” He curled in on himself now, clutching onto his inflamed foot.
Donald drew away from him, his expression becoming guarded, “Well, why don’t you just sit there and I’ll get us out of here.” He didn’t sound angry this time, instead, his voice was even and calm. But somehow he seemed so far out of reach now.
Gladstone watched him curiously for a moment as he turned away from him once again and resolutely focused on moving the stones. He was sort of surprised Donald hadn’t just laughed at him for it. His shoulders drooped as he forced himself to do the hard thing because it was the right thing. He started to push himself up.
“You kidding?” he asked, managing to stand and balancing his weight on one foot. “We’re gonna get out of here together, Don.” That got him to stop, glancing back now to give Gladstone a look as though he thought he’d also managed to conk himself on the head with a rock.
“And we match now, besides,” Gladstone added, trying to lighten the mood.
“What,” Donald asked flatly, still defensive.
“Your arm— injuries?” he spoke looking at his cousin’s torn sleeve pointedly.
Donald glanced down at the wound like he’d forgotten it was there. “I… I didn’t think you even noticed,” he admitted.
Gladstone had very little to say to that, unsure whether the discomforting pit in his stomach was disappointment that his cousin thought that of him, or disappointment with himself because that was what he was like. He shrugged helplessly, “I noticed,” he countered weakly.
Donald nodded slowly, “okay,” he said, almost, sort-of, maybe smiling. Gladstone quirked his mouth in return. 
“But seriously,” Donald started again, his expression quickly turning strict once more, “sit back down or you’re going to hurt yourself again.”
“What?” he splayed his hands, grinning. If there was one thing he and his cousins had shared over the years it was jokes, “What’s wrong with that? The more hurt I am, the easier it will be to kill me when we go mad with hunger.”
“Gladstone, we both know I don’t need any advantages to beat you in a fight.” Donald shot back easily. “Now sit down.”
Gladstone snorted and did as he was told.
Donald had just begun to reach for another rock when they heard a faint voice calling.
“Donald!? Gladstone!” Della’s voice sounded distantly from above.
Both of them perked up at the sound.
“Down here! We’re down here!” Donald belted earth-shatteringly loud. He always did have a pair of lungs on him.
Gladstone silently leaned away from the noise, not that it did much good.
It wasn’t long before she was close enough to see the wreck of earth where they were trapped. “How did you get down there?” she called.
“We fell!” Gladstone answered.
“How did you know to look for us?” Donald asked his sister.
“We heard this scream of pain, like ‘AAAAAAAHHH!’” she mimicked what was— in his opinion— a very exaggerated version of Gladstone’s yell.
“Well, that’s pretty lucky,” Donald spoke, glancing over his shoulder at Gladstone. There was half a smile pulling at his bill as he quirked an eyebrow.
“Yeah, I guess it was,” Gladstone agreed, smiling carelessly once again. Then Donald was holding out a hand for him, he took it and let the man pull him up. His cousin looped an arm around his shoulders to keep him steady.
“Now, how about getting us out of here before I’m forced to eat Gladstone to survive!”
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clublilac · 5 years
every sakura/saki interaction in zombie land saga rated part 2/2
WE’RE BACK AND THIS TIME WITH MORE PICTURES!! it’s gonna be a bumpy ride kids so let’s get going!!
part one here
episode 7:
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this opening scene is The Literal Cutest. also You Will Notice that they’re sitting/standing next to each other a lot more and since i have a degree in ships standing next to each other i can say this is Good. also saki’s Disaster Lesbian title comes out here but like. specifically the Disaster part because she has No Idea what to do but i’m still proud of her. not much actual interaction tho, it’s more like an open group discussion minus ai & junko. 7/10 it makes me smile 
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this isn’t Really an interaction between them but like. Sakura Is Saki’s Right Hand Man. ai acknowledges this and So Do I. also they’re standing next to each other again. 6/10 this is actually an exchange between ai and saki i just wanted to say again that sakura is saki’s right hand man thank u
episode 8: 
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i missed the part where she pointed out where they were in the magazine but this is a super small thing (which is fine bc these episodes are focused on the other girls) but it’s really cute nonetheless i love how excited they all are!!!!! 3/10 i’ve seen better 
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What Did I Tell You. they stand next to each other and hang out on stage SO MUCH now!!! i truly adore these little things so like. 7/10
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RIGHT. HAND. M A A A N N N . also saki just straight up assumes this man is yakuza and i love her. it’s also a whole ass conversation!! wow!!! 8/10
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this is really small but it’s important that sakura actually like. i guess scolded? showed disappointment? in saki at her reaction to finding out about lily. it was still a shitty reaction tho. 4/10
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Let Her Use Her Nickname For Her Little Sister. 3/10
episode 9:
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simple interaction that demonstrates their moods on the situation, but They ARE standing next to each other again. 2/10
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they way she says the second line in the japanese is so fucking cute.... nothing else to say here about these two but i’m gonna say right now that Maria Is A Cutie and leave it there. 4/10
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personally i like that in the english dub here she says “do you know those girls?” bc it’s like she’s saying “i want to know more about you” and i Love That!! 6/10
also an episode 9 bonus that i just noticed after watching it this time around:
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1. LITERAL R I G H T  H A N D  M A N 2. all the other girls have like their default happy faces on (other than ai when they focus on her she’s just so bouncy and happy in this number) and sakura’s??? got her Full Dorami Face ON she’s IN IT FOR THE LONG HAUL. gotta say i relate!! 20/10
episode 10:
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she look UP!! sorry sakura just possessed me or a minute. this is really cute!! i love that saki immediately asks sakura for clarification it’s like “yeah? explain??” and i’m dying 6/10
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SHE! WAS! THE! FIRST! TO! NOTICE! that something was wrong!!! also she’s worried we stan a caring legend!!! 9/10 we LIVE for this shit
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one thing doing this has showed me is that saki says “you wanna die” a lot more than i remember and this is one of those instances. nonetheless, saki, knock some sense into ya girl. 7/10
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THEY SURE ARE STANDING NEXT TO EACH OTHER!!!! idk man i just love when they hang out 5/10
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Poor Dumb Bitch Doesn’t Understand What Her Girlfriend Is Talking About: a memoir. 3/10
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saki please!! she’s literally In A Hole she knows she’s stupid alsdhfasklj.... 4/10
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QUEEN OF CATCHING HEADS. if i were sakura here i would be GRATEFUL and not just because my pretty groupmate was the ONLY ONE to go out and try to save my head!! also baseball/softball terms? i don’t want to perpetuate lesbian stereotypes but.... lesbian stereotype. 10/10 i want saki to catch My head
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“sakura what are you thinking about?” *don’t say boobs don’t say boobs don’t say boobs* BUT IN ALL SERIOUSNESS this poor bitch. she just wants to fucking practice and now her head is in someone’s arms and her body is wherever the fuck it ended up. but anyway 7/10 even tho it’s One Line
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“i could tell that you weren’t yourself” BITCH!!!! YES!!!!!! i know saki doesn’t say or do much in the next couple episodes regarding trying to help sakura but LIKE. 9/10
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CARING SHOULDER TOUCH 10/10 this was also just a really cute group scene before sakura went and got trucked again... which brings us to...
episode 11:
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skdfaskdkfsakjsdkl i have. NOTHING to say here. iconic honestly. 7/10
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My Blog Title Is Based On The First Pic. THIS SHIT HURT SO MUCH YO!!!! the way she’s REACHING OUT?!?! JUST FUCKING KILL ME. and sakura’s so scared........ oh my g o o o o o d d d d d d oh my god. 100000/10 this shit hurted yo
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her marbles have always been lost there was no way for her to lose them again
but also yes. 4/10
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i decided not to include the shot where saki’s actually shouting out to sakura to get her to stay but This. This Picture Right Here, Officer. i’m in PAAAAIIININNNN she looks so hurt... so disappointed...... aaaaaaahhh.... 9/10
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i’m sad x100000000 the way saki reacts to this is with anger and that’s very on brand for her. i think she doesn’t know how to process her feelings about this whole situation, which is what’s making her so frustrated (along with sakura’s stubbornness), and she’s taking it out on sakura. i don’t have much to say about sakura here other than she’s just tryna be depressed and all these scary ass bitches are yelling at her!! i would snap at them too tb fucking h. also i will argue with you that saki cries after this scene in the japanese version (caitlin didn’t have the range). 100/10
episode 12:
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STARTING THIS EPISODE OFF STRONG but there’s so little in this episode. anyway i Love this whole scene because 1. saki’s super fucking upbeat and it both feels like she’s trying to compensate for sakura and like she’s showing sakura how much fun she’s having to give sakura an idea of why she likes being in franchouchou!! 2. we actually meet some number 1 fans!!!! hard same!!! i too would like to shake sakura’s hand!!! and 3. sakura blushes after saki says that and i’m getting Very Specific vibes from saki that i can’t explain. 9/10
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THE funniest part of the episode HANDS DOWN every time it cuts to sakura’s face i burst out laughing and i’ve seen this episode one million and one times 1000/10
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saki’s way to help comfort someone is to just tell them “don’t worry about it it’ll be fine” and as much as i relate to her being bad at comforting her friends it’s still a no from me. 5/10
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SAKURA SHE JUST PUNCHED A MIRROR FOR YOU, GIRL. I FUCKING WISH A GIRL WOULD DO THAT FOR ME. OH MY GOD. also saki here has Big Dyke Energy but also when does she not,,, 10000000/10 i’m losing my marbles
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hopeful but not too hopeful i love her. 7/10
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translation: you had me worried! jk i know saki was aware of how worried everyone else was but like. Let Me Dream. 8/10
and that’s the season!! i cannot WAIT for season 2 so i can make another one of these because when season 2 comes out i WILL make another one of these and maybe make notes at their growth (if there is any... MAPPA if you’re out there-) 
anyway ya!! i hope u enjoyed!!
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thepallas · 5 years
⛓ [:thinking: brainwash/mind control perhaps ;3c]
Send ⛓ to capture my muse  
 Purple eyes glanced at the clock.. `Hmm.. he’s late.`  The sun was already setting, yet since demon could sense lovers  presence getting closer little by little, Pallas stayed calm. He usually got worried if Varus came home late unannounced, yet today it actually gave him some extra time to finish cooking the dinner and setting the table.  Yes, a dinner. It was clear for both of them that Pallas shouldn’t even get close to the kitchen. However, since Varus had tried to teach him how to cook this specific Ionian dish, he wanted to try again and make it a little  surprise. Pallas untied the apron and sighed. It looked nothing like the time when they cooked together, but it was that bad. He still tried  to make it look a bit more appetising, yet figured that there’s no use. He just hoped that it was edible and maybe tasted.. not horrible. Pallas didn’t forget any steps did he? Speaking of it.. He remembered sensing  something strange some time ago... Demon couldn’t quite figure out what that was, but it didn’t seem to pose threat to the sweet Arclight, so he had brushed it off. `Hmm.. must ask him about it.`
 As if his thoughts could summon, Pallas heard the front door open. All the worries had vanished from his head as demon visibly lit up and hurried to greet the man of his life.
 “Welcome back, Love!” he wrapped arms around Varus in a tight hug and leaned in for the usual kiss, without even thinking of it. “Huh?” he frowned as neither the kiss nor the greeting were  responded to. “Is something - !” Pallas could’ve never predicted any of the following events.
 Bright light filled the room as holy threads had wrapped around his body. Out of the sheer shock for second or two Pallas stared at the lover, wide eyed. His mind simply couldn’t  comprehend what just happened. It didn't take long until the burning pain paralysed his body.
  "Agh.. Aaaaaaahhh!!" He couldn’t do anything but scream in agony. "Stop! Aaaagh... Aaah get it off!!" Groaning he stumbled and hit a wall. Pallas clawed at the shackles attempting his best to escape the pain, yet only got his hands burnt. "Varus! Please! Get it ooooff!!!" Demon fell down to his knees wheezing, gasping for air. His inhumane groans and screams reminded of his true nature while proving how severe the pain was. The corruption was literally fuming under the holy magic. He couldn't think, he couldn't move. The mere attempts to break free costed more energy than he could've predicted. He never imagined an Arclight could posses such pure, intense power. “Aaaagh! Aaahhh...haah..” All demon was capable of was trying to stay still, yet even that wasn't an easy task. His whole body trembled due to the pain, unfortunately, hurting him even more.
     Purple orbs rose to the face that he loved so dearly.. to the face of The One he would die for... The One who had condemned him for this torture, making demon question everything that he deemed to be indisputable.  He was confused. Confused like never before. Pallas held back a pained whine as shaky lips muttered.
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jainarepellista · 6 years
Tower of God S2ch314 Rough Translations
How dare you come to my floor and hurt my people.. // Are you out of your mind-
The Floor of Test Evankhell’s Hell Ruler
Or are you that confident that you can beat me?
High Ranker Rank 60 Evankhell
After cruelly killing the ruler that Zahard-nim appointed to the Floor of Tests // She became this place’s ruler..!
An unruly and violent High Ranker who continues to disobey Zahard-nim’s orders..!
I heard you denied Zahard-nim’s summons // and that you left to somewhere far away and never came back..?
Aah, yeah that’s right. But I’m back now. // Of course I never went to see Zahard-nim though.
How impertinent!! I am here to deliver the King’s commands!! // Stop fooling around and greet me properly!!
I wouldn’t have killed this place’s ruler if I cared about that in the first place. // Besides, aren’t you the one who should show your courtesy to the ruler of this Floor?
That’s right, so.. I think offering your life would suffice.
That’s enough. Evankhell-nim.
No matter how high your ranking is or that you’re the ruler of this place // that is not an appropriate way to treat the King’s herald.
...Who the heck are you.
I am Tinker Yolche
The 4th Unit army commander of the troops directly under King Zahard and a faithful servant of Kallaban.
Kallaban’s 3rd Tier Servant Ranker Tinker Yolche
??F Hell Train - The Three Commands - 06
As in that famous “human collector”..? // Did he join Zahard’s army? [Bunny: Just in case, Kallaban’s gender is still ambiguous at this point]
I don’t care who your master is.
If you are here to kill my people
I will also kill you.
So decide whether you want to get out of here or die.
You’re not getting out of here, huh!!
Don’t think you can do anything with those cheap tricks!
You stopped that attack..
Who’s behind you?
You’re sharper than I expected.
For you to notice that I’m the one manipulating the shinsoo.
You’re not just some simple lunatic as the rumors say.
It’s an honor to meet you.
4th Unit Royal Bodyguard Kallaban’s 2nd Tier Servant High Ranker Yulker
Are you that Kallaban person?
No. Kallaban-nim is not here. // He has important business at the last station of the Hell Train.
What!? So he sent only you guys to deal with me // while he goes on his merry way to play around with regulars?
Well.. we did not expect you to come back, Evankhell-nim.. // But it’s fine. We’re good enough to deal with you.
Good enough?!
The last station..?
You know who I am yet you’re saying that?
We know. That you have the power of the ancient species. // But on board our floating castle are two High Rankers, including me, and approximately 30 rankers.
30…? Wow-
That’s some laughable number.
I’ll show you how meaningless your numbers are before me!
Ruler Evankhell.
I cannot sleep because of all the ruckus.
(Did you happen to catch chuunibyou or something?) [Bunny: not sure how can I accurately translate this either.. just google “chuunibyou" or you can go with “putting up a show like a teenager”]
Floor Guardian-nim!
You have disturbed my sleep with your noise // The price of messing with the floor that you are administering is very high.
As of today, you’re-
..G-geh!! Floor Guardian-nim!?
What do you mean I’m fired!!
We’re teleported..?
This place is..
A “warp gate”..
Where does it lead?
I.. don’t know but // it seems the Floor Guardian is trying to take us somewhere.
Perhaps it’s to the “last station”.
So we’re going on a quick trip
I didn’t have to get fired for all that though.
(It would pay me well for doing a half-ass job)
Maybe this means we’re never coming back.
(And you doing nothing but playing around is the exact reason why you got fired.)
Oi, don’t say something so ominous.
We should begin
Our trip.
Hell Train
So annoying..!! // I wanted to eat you when you’re still at your freshest..
But looks like I have to beat you half to death..!!
...Why are you here alone..?
I have a favor to ask you.
Asking for a favor out of the blue. Do you suddenly yearn to be eaten by your majesty now? // Sorry but I don’t eat filthy souls like yours.
I’m aware of that.
From the beginning, I came here to ask you this favor.
Have you noticed that I have started seeing the paths in the Train?
...Yeah so?
According to the path I’ve seen // we will face a huge ordeal at the last station.
I will get your final clone back to you. [zumi: I still don’t like using clone ahah]
And in exchange, please lend us your strength to tide us through this crisis.
“Slayer” White-nim.
...What? // What did you just say, Rachel?
The reason you were trapped in that cave.. // Aren’t you curious.
What are you talking about..! You told me you didn’t know why!!
I lied. // I didn’t want to tell you the truth.
Did you think you were born to become a hero // who will come here and defeat Zahard to change the Tower?
No, Baam. You were not born for that. // You are not saving this Tower…
You were born // as a “monster” who will curse and devour everything in this Tower.
Arlen herself..
always called you a monster.
Rachel.. how..
Do you..!
That’s all I’m telling you today.
Traveler-ssi..! [zumi: finally, traveler has a use] [Bunny: stealth 12/10]
Too bad, Baam..
Now you have a reason to chase after me now that you have come to dislike me.
!! Black Turtle!!
Shit!! They escaped!!
How do you know.. My mother…?
A few months later // Road to the last station
[Bottle label: Shake it! / Quanta / You’ll get screwed]
(Ah f*** off)
Aren’t you excited, Hatsu!! // We’re meeting our friends again after a long time!!
I’m so proud that we’re going to greet them before anyone else!!
..It doesn’t seem like.. we’re the first to arrive though?
Huh?! // Someone came before us?
Yeah. And it’s not just one or two people.
..Something doesn’t feel right.
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Markiplier Reaction Compilation Starter Sentences.
"Oh hey! Party down here!"
"Aaaaahhh my voice is gone!!!"
"But I suspect that there might be some deadly creatures in this dungeon..."
"...I suspected correctly!"
"That seems like something that WOAH HO ho ho ho ho-kay!"
"Oh God! What do I do?!"
"I'm not Benedict Cumberbatch, I'm me!"
"____, is a big bag of dicks!"
"Da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-nun! Ballora. Da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-nun! Don't kill me!"
"Don't mind me yelling! I YELL WHEN I'M NERVOUS!!"
"These casual bongos have turned sour!"
"I was wabble jabbling!"
"Why is it wet?"
"Oh! I got my exotic butters!"
"____, no! ____!! ____, no!!!"
"Woah! Oh God, you stupid pig!!"
"Wait...Why'd you just scream?"
"Oh my God that was so stressful!"
"Why would you do that?"
"Why is dog no come protect me?!"
"Okay, so the first night is never usually that bad in any of the games, so I'll play through- AAAAHHH FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK?!?! AAAUUGGHHHHH!!!"
"Why does a child's life have to be a hell hole?!"
"I saw a beak, thrusting at me from the darkness."
"Aaaaaaahhh I think I might have heard something!"
"Hoooo I see you there!!!"
"I don't wanna say anything in case I miss something and I don't wanna do anything in case I do something!"
"Take your cupcake, and ram it up your BUTT!"
"This is going to be an ass-blasting bitchloid!"
"YEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!! WOO-HOOO! I did it, I did it! With skill and triumph and vim and vigor!"
"I'll buy that crown back for, like a dollar."
"Mommy's here to throw you in the closet and never remember you."
"You thinking about boobs too?"
"I am the King of Five Nights at Freddy's!"
"I'm so boned."
"I'm alive?!"
"Remind me to punch you in the face 10 times more than usual."
"What are you going to do to me when you find me?"
"No, close the door! Close the damn door!"
"Are these the sexual anomalies?"
"They are trying to stab me in my patootie!"
"Oh hello! AHH!"
"Die?! I picked up a piece of paper and you tell me to die?!"
"Isn't that a little extreme here?"
"What was that?"
"AHHH! Fucking crimeny Christmas!"
"Good God your smile is awesome."
"Come on! He's coming!"
"It'll work eventually!"
"Oh no!"
"Oh he's coming!"
"Just don't hurt me!"
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nebula-horizon · 8 years
.... [ RIP ] for the dying ask meme if ur still accepting it
Send “RIP for a drabble of my muse dying [Accepting!]
{This is bloody cause I love making my ocs suffer :-)}
If she hadn’t cared this wouldn’t have happened. If she just ignored the screaming and mind her own business, then she wouldn’t be spitting up razor blades in front of this guy. Though it’s not in her nature to just ignore a murder and not do anything about it. Celeste could barely hold herself up as she gasped for air, leaning her weight against a wall. Her pink eyes glared up at the man who stood before her. His sclerae were black, matching the cold and unfeeling stare he gave to Celeste. She gritted her teeth and tried to scream out for help, maybe Dove was nearby the spot they were going to meet at.
Maybe–just maybe–she could get out of this alive.
However, as soon as she opened her mouth to scream, razor blades spilled out causing her to cough and cry. Though she tried to not show her tears in front of the bastard that did this to her, it was clear to see that she was weeping. Her legs were shaking and her tears mixed in with the blood that dripped down her chin. The white haired man just stood there, hand on his hip as he watched Celeste scowl at him with such malice. The purple haired girl tried so hard to drag herself across the wall to the stranger, but ended up falling to her knees. “You should probably learn to not intrude on important gang business next time, brat.” The stranger said apathetically. His voice was gruff and sent shivers down Celeste’s spine.  “Though I doubt there will be a next time since you’ll be like my friend over there.”. He gestured over to the dead body of the very man that Celeste came rushing in to defend. The body was limp against the wall, needles and razors sticking out from it’s chest and face.
Celeste turned her gaze from the body back to the stranger, a glowing aura surrounded her as Crystal flickered into existence. She pointed at him weakly yet defiantly. “Crystal, Meteor shower!” She shouted, a few razor blades flying from her mouth.
Crystal stumbled forward a bit before thrusting it’s palms forward, a flurry of stars shot out, but not enough to really hurt. The stranger grunted as the stars hit him hard enough for him to fall onto his back. Crystal hanged it’s head as it faded away, leaving it’s user defenseless once more. Celeste cursed under her breath; She was hoping that would cripple him, but now he was probably annoyed and pissed off with her even more. And he was. Getting up and furiously kicking Celeste in the chest, he growled “I knew it–you’re a stand user!”. Celeste keeled over when his foot met her chest, her breathing becoming ragged and even worse than before. “And a pretty strong one at that if you weren’t about to die.” The stranger spat. He watched Celeste’s body convulse as she let out choppy sobs. “It’s a shame really..” He said, regaining his composure. “Passione could use more strong stand users. Too bad you were an idiot-”In a swift motion, Celeste stood up and her fist collided with his chin. For a moment, the stranger was stunned, but that moment quickly passed as he became enraged again. He grabbed Celeste’s wrist and yanked her limp body towards him and glared at her. Before he could yell at her, Celeste interrupted him
“Risotto Nero..” she said with ragged breath. “That’s what this guy called you before you killed him, right?”. She felt the grip on her wrist tighten, but she kept talking anyways. “You’re a fucking monster! What did that guy ever do to you?!”. Celeste watched Risotto grit his teeth, a low and subtle growl coming from his mouth. “All you gang members are the same! Taking the lives of innocent people–not caring about who’s going to miss them!”. In her mind, images of her family flashed in a hazey blur.. and then there was Dove. Tears started spilling over again as she tried–with the little strength she had left–to push Risotto away from her. “You heartless bastards! What do you know, huh?!”Her eyes met with his, filled with vengeance and fury. “What do you know about losing a loved one to such a cruel fate!?”. Risotto snapped his fingers; His stand filling Celeste’s heart and lungs with needles and razors. Her body went limp in his arms as he watched the light from her eyes fade. Even though she had finally shut up, he couldn’t help but feel hollow. Risotto dropped her body to the ground, her long purple hair fanned out messily on the floor. For a moment, he stared at her–eyes appearing downcast and filled with a mixture of anger and despondency. “I know a lot more than you think, kid..” he muttered.
The sounds of rushing footsteps snapped him out of his thoughts. He quickly ran to the other end of the alley way and hid behind the wall. Risotto should have just kept walking away; just forget everything that Celeste had said to him, but instead he peeked back into the alley way and saw a young man dressed like some kind of magician. He ran in, taking in the scene in front of him before falling to his knees, unable to form words. Tears streamed down his face as he held Celeste in his arms. The young man shook her, as if he thought she was just asleep.
“C-Celeste..? Celeste! Aaahh…” His brittle voice wavered as he tried picking out the razor blades and needles, pricking and cutting himself in the process. “AaaaAaahhh.. Cel..este…Celeste? Please wake up…?”. Risotto bit his lip as he forced himself to look away. He started walking, but could still hear that young man cry out. “Celeste…! Cel….aah..Reyna! No! Aaaah!!!”. His choked sobbing and screaming rang in Risotto’s mind. Something felt so familiar about his cries and it would continue to haunt him for a while.
And those words Celeste said to him…he’d never forget them or her face. He could only hope that the young man he made suffer that day was over it; that he would’ve moved on with his life by now, but how could he? Not even Risotto Nero was over Celeste’s death.
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sarahgirl1998 · 5 years
Making Tootie Sneeze
Vicky was sitting on the couch in her living room as she thought about what to do. It was a Saturday, and she didn't have to babysit for the Turners' child, Timmy, but that was why she was so bored. She had always enjoyed torturing Timmy since the day they had first met. Every bad thing she had ever done to him, as well as every insult that she had ever called him, just made her feel good inside.
But if she couldn't make Timmy's day miserable, maybe there was some other kid's day that she could ruin...
Vicky saw that her younger sister, Tootie, was sitting in front of the TV and watching something. She was aware that she could torture her whenever she wanted to, but she wondered if she could do that without being noticed. Vicky then looked over at the coffee table, and then she saw it: a pepper shaker, which she had brought into the room before she had eaten her lunch. That was when she got an idea. She could make Tootie sneeze, something that she had never forced anyone to do before.
Vicky took the pepper from the table, put the shaker in her pocket and looked around for any other sneeze-causing objects. On a shelf on the other side of the living room, she saw a bouquet of pollen-coasted flowers in a vase, and a duster. She removed a feather from the duster and a flower from the bouquet, and then she walked up to Tootie. She made sure to put her inducing tools in her pockets, just out of Tootie's view.
"Hey, Tootie..." Vicky said in an unconvincingly friendly way, which was part of a ruse.
"Yeah?" Tootie immediately responded as she turned her head to look at Vicky.
Without saying anything in response, Vicky lunged at her sister and pinned her down to the floor. The little girl tried to get up, but she couldn't move her arms since Vicky was holding them down.
"Vicky! What are you doing?!" Tootie asked in worry.
"Oh, nothing." Vicky pulled a lie. "I'm just gonna have a little fun with you, heh heh!"
"What do you mean?" Tootie didn't know what Vicky was talking about.
Again, Vicky didn't say anything. Instead, she reached into her pocket, pulled out the pepper shaker from earlier, and began to shake it into Tootie's face.
"Aah!" Tootie cringed, and her eyes began to water, mostly from the pepper that was irritating her nose, but also because of having to inhale it in the first place. "My nose, it hurts!" She wanted to rub her nose, but she couldn't, and she could feel a pretty big sneeze beginning to build. Her nose twitched and her breath hitched slightly. "Aaah..."
Quickly figuring out that Tootie was going to sneeze soon, Vicky switched from shaking the pepper into her face to shaking it right into her nose. She smiled evilly as the helpless little girl's nostrils flared up, and her nose reddened slightly and continued to twitch.
"Aaaahh... Haaaaah..." Tootie continued to inhale as she tilted her head back slightly. She tried as hard as she could to hold her sneeze back, but it just wasn't working. It probably would have been easier if she weren't being held down. Her body, let alone her nose and nostrils, just couldn't handle the amount of pepper that Vicky was using on her. "Haaaaaaah... I, I think... Aaaaaaahhh... I'm... haaaaaaaaah... gonna...!"
"Wait, don't tell me. You're gonna sneeze?" Vicky asked, taunting her sister.
"HaaaaaaaaaAAAAHHHHH..." Tootie couldn't say anything or even nod her head in response. She had already realized that she couldn't fight her sneeze, so she had no choice but to accept her fate. The pepper was just seconds away from finishing her off, anyway. "AaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH... AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!" Tootie made sure to turn her head as far away from Vicky as she could. As much as she needed to sneeze, she really didn't want to sneeze on her sister, no matter how much of a jerk she was towards her.
Tootie finally released her sneeze, and a pretty large amount of saliva escaped from her mouth. The sneeze was much bigger and louder than she had been used to, but it wasn't enough to blow all of the pepper out of her nose. A split-second after she started to recover from the sneeze, she needed to sneeze again. This time, it didn't take nearly as long as the first one.
Vicky looked on in fiendish delight as her sister sneezed. In fact, she even wondered why she hadn't made anyone sneeze before. Maybe there was something else that could make her victim sneeze as much as she was, or at least as hard. She removed the pepper shaker from her sister's face, put it back in her pocket and took out the flower.
Tootie was about to rub her nose with her hand, which Vicky had momentarily let go of, but the evil teenager quickly grabbed her hand and removed it from her face. She then held the flower directly under Tootie's red nose.
"Vicky, please don't make me sneeze..." Tootie said as she sniffled a couple of times. Her nose was still slightly itchy, but the most she could do was sniffle repeatedly. "I don't feel so good..." She sniffed deeply, but didn't notice the flower that Vicky was holding under her nose, and a small amount of pollen got sucked into her nostrils.
"Haaaaah... Aaaaaaahhh..." Tootie's breath immediately hitched again as the urge to sneeze returned. She could feel her nose twitching and her nostrils flaring up. "Oh, my... Haaaaaaaaaahhhh..."
Vicky continued to smile evilly as she began to rub the flower under Tootie's already-irritated nostrils, intensifying the urge to sneeze. It wasn't just the petals tickling her nose that did that, but the amount of pollen that scattered onto her nostrils. It didn't leave as much of a burning sensation as the pepper did, but it was just as effective. And she wasn't even allergic to it.
"Haaaaaaahhhhh... Heeeeeeeehhhhh...!" Tootie sniffled again, but ended up sending all of the pollen that was on her nostrils into her nostrils, forcing her to release the sneeze. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEH-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-CHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!"
Tootie again turned her head away from Vicky as she sneezed loudly again. Her nostrils hadn't had enough relief from the pollen, however, so she entered another sneezing fit.
"Man, this is awesome!" Vicky said to herself. "I've got to do this to Timmy sometime!" When it seemed like Tootie had recovered from her sneezing fit, she removed the flower from Tootie's face, put the flower back in her pocket and pulled out the feather. She began to tickle the outside of Tootie's nose with it.
"Vicky, stop it!" Tootie begged. "You've made me sneeze way too many times already..."
"Don't tell me what to do!" Vicky said as she continued to tickle her sister's nose.
"But, Vicky..." Tootie couldn't finish her sentence as she could feel another sneeze coming on. "Aaaaaah... Aaahhhhh..."
Quickly getting impatient, Vicky inserted the feather into one of Tootie's nostrils and started tickling the inside of her nasal passage, drawing out a couple more pre-sneeze gasps.
"AaaaaaaaaAAAAAHHHHH... HAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH..." Tootie inhaled twice, but then released much faster than the two of them had thought she would. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH-CHEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW!"
It was a comparatively smaller sneeze than the last several that Vicky had caused her to release, but it was enough to blow the feather right out of her nostril. And this time, she didn't manage to turn her head as she sneezed right at Vicky's face.
"Ugh! Dang it!" Vicky said in irritation. She did enjoy when anyone else was suffering, but she hated getting sneezed on.
Barely a second later, Tootie started to inhale again.
"Haaaaaaaaahhh... Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh..."
"You know what?! Fine, I'll stop!" Vicky said as she let go of Tootie's hands, and then wiped the saliva off her face with her arm. "But I'm not finished with you, you little brat..."
Tootie could only sit up and tilt her neck far back as she prepared to sneeze again.
Tootie shot her neck forwards as she released a final sneeze, not managing to cover her mouth but aiming her head downward. She then sniffled repeatedly and rubbed her nose on her forefinger while looking up at Vicky.
"Why did you do this to me, Vicky?" she asked, still rubbing her nose and sounding like she was on the verge of tears.
"Because I wanted to!" Vicky answered.
She then walked out of the living room, laughing evilly to herself. She had had a great time, and she needed to make others sneeze more often. Tootie, however, stayed in the living room as she cried over what she had been through. It might have been over now, but she was worried about when Vicky might make her sneeze again. It could happen at any time, on any day... quite a scary thought, but definitely not much better than the first time it had happened, at best.
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