#aaarrrgghh troll hunters
gentle-giant-swag · 1 year
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Aaarrrgghh’s propaganda masterpost
Delta’s propaganda masterpost
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po1sonpod · 4 months
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I have started so many things and have finished nothing.
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ksiondzkanexkiii · 7 days
I'll never leave you again
Find story on Wattpad, Neobook or Tumblr. Links on my profile
Next chapter (1) *Soon*
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The crackle of branches interrupted the peaceful silence of the forest, quiet footsteps and quiet humming accompanied the figure that moved in the shadows of the forest. She couldn't go out into the sun unless life was unkind to her and she wanted to turn to stone, the quiet humming of a song came out of her dark blue lips and her green eyes looked down intently to find what she was looking for.
Healing plants, flowers with which she could heal the sick. Plants that would speed up the healing of wounds as well as disinfect them.
The forest around her consisted only of massive oak trees with thick bark partially dried and ready to be stripped off to be used for making houses or other tools. She made a mental note to tell the local blacksmith about the readiness of the trees to gather the needed wood from them for harvesting, her fingertips sliding over the rough texture of the wood.
A gentle smile adorned her face as she felt the power flowing through the tree.
The power of life
The power of life that everyone has, plant, troll, shape-shifter or even humans or... Gumm Gumm, the latter she dreamt in her worst nightmares. No matter what she was doing or if she was having a successful and nice day always, when she closed her eyes all she saw was Gunmar who would attack her village destroying everything she and the other trolls had created.
Her smile dropped and worry almost immediately flooded her thoughts. A heavy sigh left her lips she would give up her birthstone to protect her village even better... she would give up her soul for everyone living in the village hidden at the edge of the lush forest.
She wanted to protect every young troll hide her from the war that was beginning to take its toll and come dangerously close to them, but her husband believed that Gunmar or the humans would not dare attack them. They probably don't even know of their existence, the Troll market would never betray their location
And in a time of crisis, they would surely come here to ask for help and they would give it.
Crops are more lush than they have been in recent years, crops are surplus to the point where they can rot in sacks. Trade between the village and the stone-hearted Troll market is thriving very well, when she thought about it now her smile returned
The birds were chirping over her head as if they were happy to see her, the pleasant song you birds chirped was like honey to her ears. She loved it when birds sang a happy tune, she loved birds she always dreamed of being able to fly among them and feel that freedom that birds only knew. She gently tilted her head as she watched the birds fly over her head.
She felt calm, her thoughts were simple and carefree. Everything around her was so peaceful at the same time it was dark, her bare feet touched the soft grass that tickled her she let out a quiet giggle as she felt the tickle of the grass on her stony skin, the basket, made of sticks she had on her back was loaded to the brim with flowers and other herbs
Even the best stacked ones were gently sticking out of the basket's construction. Her steps were heading towards the village already she could see a mountain on the horizon that had a large mine entrance in it, one of the many entrances to the village of Rot. She couldn't wait to set the heavy basket down on the desk, come the basket filled with herbs and other flowers might seem light however it weighed its own.
Especially after walking for several hours
She was also looking forward to seeing her husband, although she would not have to look for him, as she was probably worried again about the war, which instead of going north was coming dangerously close to them, Gunmar's army could find them any moment, but Anoana did not yet feel the danger it could entail
She was calm, but Angor however was not calm, he had increased the number of patrols around the village to know where the armies of Camelot and the armies of Gunmar were, two camps that were fighting a battle towards the victory of the humans, but it was for now a matter of time when Gunmar would win and bring eternal night.
Angor feared this, but a small spark of hope burned within him that no one would find their village. They were really far set from the war yet he still felt this uncertainty, war was never predictable and this irritated Angor
He liked to plan. He liked to know everything. 
He wanted to take care of his people like the good chief that he is, his father had always taught him that , ‘Planning is important, but even more important are the trolls in the village for them you must first ensure their safety before you go into battle’.
His father was wise, Angor had always admired him when he was still young. He had even made a vow to himself that he would be the same leader his father had been and maybe even better, time was to verify if his vow spoken at night in the moonlight would fully come true.
He had an even more important task on his shoulders, not only the defence of his people was paramount, but also that of his beloved.
He had and even had to defend her from the war lest even she hear of Camelot's or Gunmar's advances, he treated her like a little troll who didn't necessarily need to hear of bloody battles somewhere beyond the village's borders, he would have been happiest to lock her within the four walls and not let her out.
Of course he knew she could handle a weapon like a bow or a dagger, but he had always worried if she would return safely from her expedition or if Gunmar would catch her or if people would catch her and lock her up somewhere in the cells of Camelot, that fear bubbling through his veins since he had not seen the end of the war.
Even if he told her not to stray too far from the village she would not listen to him
She was too stubborn
At the same time, he loved her more at the same time he hated her.
Even if she had elongated ears like an elf's, he feared whether she would hear the enemy approaching in time or whether fear would cause her to panic and fear would cause her to freeze in place. Therefore he liked to test her
Just like now
When she was returning to the village there was no way around Angor's prank as he leapt from tree to tree branch to branch of another tree doing it as imperceptibly as he could, at the same time not taking his eyes off his victim who was walking smiling and unaware of the impending attack.
Before he attacked he liked to watch her, he even loved to see how she admired nature approaching each tree to check the protection spells while admiring the magic coming out of the tree bark. How gently she handled the flowers, which she later used for decoctions to cure sick trolls or to create clever traps for dwarves.
Maybe the dwarves were useful for the hairier trolls, as they effectively ate parasites out of their fur at the same time they were very annoying, constantly tangling under their feet or making some kind of prank. To the displeasure of everyone but his own.
He always loved how carefree his wife was and yet smart. But in her own way. She wanted to protect the people from war, but thought war would never come to them, they were too hidden. Only from the top of the tree did he watch her hips sway as she walked and her blue skin contrast with the green of the grass. Her skin colour would match the sky perfectly and the pale horns on the top of her head resembled a deer, if she ventured too close to a human village some hunter might kill her by accident. Her horns resembled those of a deer, it's easy to get confused especially when her antlers are sticking up behind a bush and her body is hiding behind a bush.
He leapt onto another branch, which creaked under his weight alerting the troll beneath him, her eyes widened and her muscles tensed as she turned on her heel to check what was hiding behind her back. She saw nothing suspicious, yet she sensed a presence. Someone was nearby, but her eyes couldn't find anything suspicious
Maybe because the scarf she had tied on top of her head and whose tassels fell over her cheeks and eyes gently obscured her vision while hiding her beautiful green eyes, but the tattoo came out from under the tassels of the headband she always wore tied on the back of her head and going behind her ears, the tattoos were straight lines coming out from under her lower eyelid crossing her blue cheek ending in a sharp line, also a black line was on her lower lip following evenly on her chin.
She muttered something under her breath - Maybe it's just an animal - she muttered to herself, she might not have noticed the deer which are famous for their skittishness. She shrugged her shoulders as she was about to move towards the village again Rot noticed a strange shadow appear on one of the trees, as if something was watching her from a branch. As she looked more closely though a slow smile appeared on her face
- It's definitely an animal - she spoke louder, she spoke loudly and it was special she knew who was sitting in the tree watching her by the way trying to scare her. In her own way to tell her not to stray too far from the village even if she knows she won't listen to him - There is nothing to be afraid of - she spoke into the deaf forest as if the trees were going to answer her
And that was not the case, the silence was eerie nevertheless a shiver ran down the Troll's back as she looked deep into the dark forest, the sun was slowly setting and growing darker. She may have been a troll who would be turned to stone as soon as she stepped out into the sun, but she liked to watch the sun set, when she looked up into the sky which shimmered with familiar oranges and yellows and some of the clouds were pink she let out a breath of air - I'm late - she whispered, every evening she went out to the mountain where the entrance to the cave where the village is located
She had never missed a sunset before, her eyes dropped to the ground and her stone feet were tickled by the moss. She shook her head and moved on towards the cave entrance - Are you going Angor or not? - she spoke up suddenly not paying attention to what was happening behind her back
And this could have had disastrous consequences.
- Behind your back - spoke a deep voice behind her back, he always knew how to make shivers run down her spine. She hated him for it and fell even more in love with him, one of the reasons why she wears the amethyst carving ring on her ring finger on her left hand and still carries the dagger he forged for her at her breast.
- ‘You know how to scare me,’ she muttered, glancing over her shoulder to look at the tall troll, who could be said to be three metres tall-come on, he was a little shorter, she barely reached his shoulders and yet they fit together like lost two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. A rough giggle left Angor's lips as he looked down at her and she had to lift her head to look at him in all his glory
- I guess that's my speciality - He murmured smiling at her while tilting his head, his ram's horns making his face resemble the shape of a skull. He loved to blend into the shadows to suddenly jump out and frighten her when she least expected it, they loved this kind of fun it made them laugh maybe they were brave leaders every day but when the door closed they loved to mess with each other. This is what their marriage was about he leads and protects the village she is his right hand and helps out
Large black eyes that had gold glittering pupils watched her as she pulled a glowing stone from her pocket and began to draw an arc on the wall leaving a blue outline, just as she was about to touch the centre of the drawn arc she felt her husband's rough hands encircle her waist to draw her close hiding his face in the hollow of her neck
He humped considerably at this, his nose gently inhaling her scent of lilac and gooseberry. He could inhale it all the way to his death, his fangs gently brushing against his beloved's stony skin and the distinctive vines emerging from his arms and legs stood out against Angora's grey skin. A soft giggle issued from Anoana as she gently lifted her hand to place it on his jaw, which gently brushed the skin of her neck
- Do you know that we will have time for this in the evening? - she asked quietly, but the smile did not disappear from her face, he did not answer only winked something under his breath snuggling tighter into her neck to which she replied still with a soft giggle
- The evening will come soon Angor - she reminded him finally pulling out of his embrace - You will survive until then - she sent him a flirtatious smile, when she put the piece of stone heart back in her pocket, he sent her a gentle smile and nodded his head - she was right, later there will be time for tenderness now they had to finish their work
However, they both did not know what fate would befall
What the Norns had planned for both Trolls
Their love was strong, but would it survive even the darkest times?
He could only ask the gods that the love he had bestowed on Anoan would never fade away
When they both passed through the portal previously drawn by Anoan they knew they were finally home
But even at home it can be dangerous 
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winter-leftovers · 3 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter twenty six: Becoming a Troll And Hunter (26/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Jim learns to live with the consequences of the elixir.
Word count: 2500
Warnings: no!
(Season 3 Episodes 11)
Song?: Creep by Radiohead
Spanish Bonus track: No Te Dejes Desanimar by La Maquina De Hacer Pájaros
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Y/n laid in the couch of her house with a transformed Jim on her lap. She whispered a lullaby lost to time as she moved the hair away from his crunch up blue face. From the kitchen, she could hear her mother threatening her father but she ignored the screams, trying to make her lullaby the only sound her brother could hear in his slumber.
“Uuhm…guys he’s waking up” called Claire as soon as Jim started moving.
Jim groaned, taking his hands to his head, quickly standing up when he realized where he was.
“Honey, do you feel okay?” Barbara ran to his side.
Y/n stood up giving Jim space to come to.
“He’s fine” Merlin screamed from the dining room, annoyed with all the fuzz surrounding Jim.
“We’re not asking you” Blinky said.
Barbara grabbed his son’s face, trying to send him some kind of peace through her soft hands.
“I’m fine” Jim grabbed his mother’s arm. Jumping back into the couch, screaming in horror when he saw his hand was no longer pink and made of flesh “Ah! What’s wrong with my hand?” Jim observed his hands, his once rosy, five five finger extremities were now blue, four fingers trollish hands.
“Nothing’s wrong with your hand…It’s just a little…meatier” Claire explained with a smile.
“In a good way” Toby chuckled “It’s like you leveled up”
Aaarrrgghh walked forward, sniffing Jim, shaking his head at the new smell:
“No like. No like Troll Jim” he pulled away.
“My elixir transformed out trollhunter into something not quite human, not quite troll” explained Merlin.
“Like a changeling?” Asked Toby.
“No” Strickler examined Jim’s face as Y/n and Barbara helped him get down from the couch. “Changelings switch from fully troll to fully human. Jim is…neither”
Jim ran to the kitchen, jumping through the table, grabbing the toaster to observe his new appearance in the reflection.
“This isn’t so bad” Toby followed him “You know, after a little haircut, we’ll find you some sunglasses, maybe a good dentist, huh? I know one” he pointed to his teeth “You’ll be right back to normal”
“I’m hideous” Jim kept looking at his reflection, mourning his human face.
“You’re really not” said Claire with a sincere smile on her face.
Y/n pulled back from the scene in the kitchen with a smile on her face, glad for the friends her brother had.
“Hhm. Troll. Jim is troll…like Aaarrrgghh” Aaaarrrgghh laughed, happy at the realization, running laps around the house to release the happiness that his body couldn’t contain.
“Forgive Aaarrrgghh he’s emotional and I'm at lost” Blinky pointed his finger to Merlin “Why would you do this to him?”
“To prepare him for the final battle. He is now capable of feats we never thought possible” Merlin explained.
“Like what?” Jim turned, interested in Merlin’s words.
“Let’s go outside” Y/n grinned imagining the range of Jim’s new abilities.
The night was warm. Y/n and Merlin stood with their backs to the warm wind, arms crossed observing an excited Aaarrrgghh prowling a transformed and excited Jim.
“Now then, we don’t know the limits of master Jim’s…or should I say “Troll Jim’s” new form, so let’s try to take this slowly” Blinky warned as he observed Aaarrrgghh and Jim boxing.
“Good one” Aaarrrgghh chuckled after Jim landed a punch “Troll” he punched him back sending him flying back through the fence.
“Are you even listening?” Blinky scolded.
“Sorry” the bigger troll stopped laughing.
“Master Jim” Blinky called into the night.
Jim jumped out from between some bushes
“I didn’t feel a thing!” He ran back, charging at Aaarrrgghh.
“I like new Jim. Troll Jim” Aaarrrgghh got ready to receive the attack
Jim jumped in the air grabbing Aaarrrgghh by the neck, pushing him to the ground. The troll was surprised by the force his friend had but was able to stabilize himself quickly.
“I got you” Aaarrrgghh held Jim in his arms.
Jim easily escaped the bigger troll’s grip.
“Troll Jim strong” observed Aaarrrgghh.
Jim punched Aaarrrgghh in the face without feeling a thing.
“Troll Jim fun” he grunted, slapping Jim’s stomach.
“Half troll, full hunter” Merlin pointed out to Jim and Aaarrrgghh wrestling in the ground “You’re welcome” he pated Blinky’s shoulder before disappearing into the house.
Blinky threw the wizard a dirty look and looked back at the younger sorcerer.
Y/n lifted her shoulders and followed her father into the house. She carefully placed her feet on the ground every time she stepped, afraid that the wood would creak under her weight. She didn’t want to be heard. She had one objective: to find Morgana before her father.
The floor didn’t betray her once but the doorknob squeaked when she tried to open it. Her breath got stuck in her throat. She turned around, her wide eyes finding Strickler’s curious ones.
“Y/n?” Merlin’s voice echoed through the house.
Y/n’s legs started to shake like a childhood nightmare had come to life. She looked up, her mouth open but her voice died on her throat.
“No, Merlin. It’s me” answered Strickler.
Y/n frowned.
“The door is open. I’m closing it” Strickler opened the door giving her the opportunity to leave “I don’t know what happened”
Y/n nodded. She took the opportunity without thinking twice. She ran before Merlin could appear in the living room.
Arcadia’s park was almost empty. Y/n stood close to the entrance as she observed the only visitors left: a group of teenagers and an elderly couple watching the scenery.
“You’re late”
Y/n looked around. The owner of the squeaky voice was nowhere to be seen.
“Over here!” Whispered impaciantly.
Y/n looked down at the bush next to her, between the flowers there was a familiar brown mouse. She crouched down, moving the leaves to observe the creature from up close.
“Finally!” He stretched his hands up to the sky.
Y/n frowned. She knew this mouse.
“Who else?” He cocked his head.
“I didn’t recognise your voice. You never…mouse up?” She picked him up from the dirt.
“The gates of hell are open. I have to hide”
“You felt it too?”
He nodded.
“Father made Jim into a troll” she confessed.
“Merlin? He’s all in” he played with his tail.
Y/n nodded.
“I want to find Morgana”
“What?” Alfred’s hair stood up “No”
“Maybe if I talk to her…”
“Let me try…I’m the only one she won’t hurt”
Y/n and Alfred stared at each other. They both knew that the girl was right. That somewhere in all that madness, in all that anger, the wizard had a soft spot for Y/n, for her little sister, for the one she has to protect. They also knew that Morgana still had the hope that, one day, Y/n would betray her father and would join her in her crusade.
“Fine” he whispered, not happy with the idea.
Y/n looked up. The old couple was still looking at the passers by, the teenagers were still talking amongst themselves. No one was watching. She took Al into the deep of the bush and walked a couple of steps back.
“I do not completely approve” he walked out of the bush back in his cat form.
“I know” sighed and started walking.
Alfred jumped to Y/n’s shoulder and said:
“Do you have any idea about where we are going or it’s just vibes?”
“I’m thinking about Morgana and letting her magic take me there” she said, focusing on the thin golden string “Also, vibes? I don’t like that you’re spending too much time with Douxie’s band members” she joked.
“You just described a mix of vibes and magic. Am I wrong?”
Y/n rolled her eyes.
She pulled on the hot string through all Arcadia until she found herself in an all familiar path.
“Trollmarket” she looked down at the canal.
“Let’s get down” Al jumped down from her shoulders.
They started climbing down when Alfred stopped on his tracks “Y/n?” He looked down
“Yeah?” She jumped down to the floor and shook the dirt from his palms.
Before the cat could speak his mind the floor started buzzing quickly escalating into an earthquake that threw Y/n to her knees. Al ran to the wizard’s side and clinged to her jeans.
The earthquake ended as abruptly as it started. The wizard and the familiar shared a look before sharing their suspicion.
They both started walking to the entrance to trollmarket when a familiar clanking of an armor made Y/n stop.
“Father?” She frowned when she saw Merlin with his ear glued to the ground “What are you doing?”
“Looking” he mumbled as he walked to a wall and smelled.
“Insane” whispered Alfred.
Y/n bitted her lip and looked at the pink sky trying not to laugh.
“Do you need help?” She asked, hoping he wouldn’t ask why they were there.
Merlin kept walking around in circles, his mind lost in thought.
“You! It’s all your fault” Claire appeared in front of the older wizard in a fit of rage, her shadow staff pointing to his throat.
“What’s going on?” Y/n took a step forward while her father wouldn’t move, his hands resting on his hips.
“Jim vanished. Now my shadow staff can’t find him” Claire screamed without turning his gaze from the older wizard.
Y/n sighed.
“Mmh” Merlin scratched his beard.
“Are you even listening to me?” Claire insisted, shaking her staff.
“You can’t find Jim because there is no Jim. At least not the one you knew” Merlin grabbed the point of the shadow staff and inspected it up close.
“Listen up, puzzlemaster…” Toby screamed, losing control of his bike.
“I’m sorry, Claire…” Y/n started.
“I don’t know what you did to him” Toby regained control and rode up to them “but when this is all over, you’re turning him back” he pointed to Merlin with a nuggat nummie.
“Back?” Merlin grabbed the sweet from the teen’s hand “there’s no “back” he took a bite “It’s permanent” he walked away leaving them with the heavy knowledge.
“What?” Y/n’s voice was softer than she expected.
Merlin looked back at the frown on her daughter's face. Confusion and hurt merging together, he hasn’t seen such discomfort since the day Morgana was declared enemy of Camelot.
“You can’t leave it like this” she said. Half a plea, half a demand “He’s my brother”
In a lot of ways, Y/n was still the girl that grew up too fast. The prodigy of Camelot. The daughter of the greatest wizard to ever exist. The girl that Camelot had clawed her open and forced to be women with no time to be a child. But time away from eyes that need too much and give too little has made her grow. Grow stronger. Grow tired. In Arcadia, she could occupy space without having to kneel.
“He’s half troll, half brother”
Y/n had to consciously keep away her nails from impale her palms. She looked at the sky once more and among the clouds imagined herself in another universe.
“Look down” Al pulled her pants.
Y/n sighed, lowering her head to see her father kneeling down on the floor.
“What are you doing?” She frowned, no humor in her voice.
“Mm yes, yes” Merlin licked the floor.
“Gross! What’s your deal, dude?” Complained Toby “You trolled Jim. You lick cement”
“Amazing” Al couldn’t believe what he was seeing, he wished Archie were here to share this moment.
“Are there any other secrets you’re keeping from us?” Toby continued.
“Oh, plenty” Merlin licked the floor again.
“You can always assume he is hiding something from you” Y/n added, arms crossed.
“Tell us” said Claire.
“But then they wouldn’t be secrets” Merlin stood up, half a smile on his face.
“But then they wouldn’t be secrets” Y/n quietly mocked at the same time the wizard spoke.
Al giggled at the boldness of her friend. He had heard Y/n asked her father to let her in once too many times and he had heard as many times the door closing.
The ground started shaking again. Al jumped to the safety of Y/n’s arms. Toby hugged Claire for stability and comfort. The shaking stopped even faster than the last one, worrying the older wizards.
“Are those quakes coming from Trollmarket?” Claire asked, looking down in worry for the place she once knew.
Y/n and Al shared a look.
“Worse. Morgana” Merlin turned to Claire “We need to find the Trollhunter”
Y/n ran through Arcadia to the rooftop of the school when she got Toby’s call. She followed the voices until she saw her brother surrounded by the people he loved.
“I can’t live in your world anymore. I can’t be in the daylight” he cried, walking backwards to the edge of the building “I can’t eat dinner”
“Who cares about all that stuff” Y/n said out of breath “Your essence hasn’t changed. Your soul hasn’t changed”
He kept backing away from the world he once knew.
“Let us help you” Barbara reached out but Jim pulled back, he kept walking until he reached the edge of the building.
“Master Jim” Blinky appeared out of thin air.
“Ah!” Jim screamed in terror.
“Where are you going in such a hurry?” He stepped out of Aaarrrgghh’s hand and walked forward making Jim walk away from the edge, back to his friends “There seems to be something different about you. Why, with a few more eyes and arms we could be related” he gave him a friendly punch in the arm.
“Troll brother!” Aaarrrgghh tried to reach the top of the building.
Jim chuckled.
“What am I Blinky?” He asked, seriousness returning to his face.
“When I gaze upon you, do you know what I see?”
He shook his head.
“I see a champion. A friend. A son. A magnificent son” Blinky took him by the shoulders and hugged him
“I’m scared” Jim said into the hug.
“Goodness gracious, who isn’t?”
Claire and Toby ran to hug his friend and Y/n closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, thankful that Jim was able to find a center in his new form as quickly as he did. A slow clap made her open her eyes.
“Splendid” Merlin said “Team trollhunter is back together. I knew you would figure it out”
Y/n rolled her eyes.
“Ah. This has been rather heartwarming,” he continued.
“Why don’t we treat it as such?” Y/n put her hand on her father’s shoulder making him turned to her
“Unless you plan to hug Gunmar to death…”
Jim rolled his eyes.
Merlin turned back to the trio:
“I advise we make ready because, as you say these days, “the fight is on”
“We didn’t practice this” Y/n sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
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A/n:*Douxie will return in the next chapter*
aaaah we are so close to the end of trollhunters!! Are you excited for wizards?!! 🕺
I’ll see you next week!!
remember to leave love letters and death threats!! 💖
And listen to the bonus track don’t make me mad🔪Charly Garcia is one the best musicians in the world
<Taglist: @douxiesaurus @fandomobbsessedb @queteimporta-99 @adrias23 If your url is crossed it means tumblr didn’t let me tag you> want to be tagged next update? Let me know! 📩
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theographos · 5 months
They all became what everyone said they couldn't be. All except Toby that is...
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Once again i'm sharing my Trollhunter propaganda onto my loved ones, and by that I mean trapping them in the same room as me and forcing them to watch the show. (with consent) And this time, it's my bestie who has to go through that. And as I rewatch the show, I think about what I see and compare it to the rest of the franchise.
Jim, despite everyone and himself telling him he couldn't, became the Trollhunter in his very own way.
Claire, despite Morgana saying otherwise, became the new owner of the Shadowstaff in her very own way.
Blinky, despite Vendell and overall the whole Troll market telling him otherwise, became the mentor of a brilliant Trollhunter in his very own way.
AAARRRGGHH!!!, despite the Gumms Gumms and Queen Ursuna saying otherwise, became a fighter for the right cause and left his role as Gunmar's spawn for good. Or in other words, he learned how to be a fighter in his very own way
Toby, despite the plot telling him otherwise, became a hero fitting the common standards of heroism in medias and a hero fitting the Tales of Arcadia's standards.
But wait... Toby's character development doesn't really make sense with the rest of the main characters now, does it ?
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No it has nothing to do with the fact that Toby is a "fleshbag"
So I already discussed on how the screenwriters could have given a more interesting role for Toby in another post, but I didn't deeply explained why in terms of storytelling.
First and foremost, no I do not think that Tobias would have been better if he wasn't a human, this post is more because I believe that Aliens and Toby lack "plot important" features (except for the movie) (waiting a whole franchise to give that kind of feature to a character or an important specie in your story isn't something we should acclaim). So I thought of ways to kill one bird with two stone, and give plot-interesting features to both the race and the character. Plus I think it's more interesting to think of solutions that fits the already established universe, and then think of solutions that fits my way of writing stories.
Second of all, yes the human bestfriend of a character can be wonderfully done, like in Teen Wolf for example. From the start we meet Scott McCall, the main character, and his bestfriend Stiles Stilinski. Throughout the whole show they are exposed to supernatural phenomenon, the entirety of the cast becomes linked to the supernatural world either by being hunters or by being a supernatural being. Everyone except Stiles.
And despite being human and a comic relief character, he is relevant to the plot. He is the "detective" of the group, he is always the one noticing strange things and finding a solution to the current threat they're dealing with. He is also incredibly funny, voluntarily or not, and the screenwriters take their sweet times showing how hard the plot is taking a toll on the characters through Stiles. Which means we see him having panic attacks, doubts, nightmares, etc.
And guess what ? He is the fan's favorite character ! In the last season, when Stiles's actor couldn't be more present due to an injury, it showed. You could feel the lack of Stiles in most the scenes, and the bestest parts were the scenes in which he appeared, also because they came up with an excuse to explain why Stiles isn't as much present as before.
But that excuse is so well done that when you see Stiles again, you're not only relieved to see him well, but also very interested because suddenly the plot drives forward so quickly. If you take away Stiles, the plot isn't going anywhere (because he was the one investigating most of the supernatural threats), and even the serie isn't that interesting anymore : it's less funny, less human and even.
Heck, the plot wouldn't even exist without Stiles ! In the beginning of the show Stiles takes the main character in the woods because they're looking for a dead body (dumb teenager idea)(his dad is the sheriff so it's not that weird). And in those woods, the main character ends up lost, gets bitten by a werewolf and the story starts.
So yes, a human bestfriend can be interesting in the story in an emotional point of view, he can be relevant to the plot and have an interesting dynamic within the main group.
Dreamworks isn't good with "bestfriend" characters
Trollhunters is in many ways similar to How to Train your Dragon. While Hiccup is trying to protect dragons following his own morals even if they differs from the rest of his village, Jim is trying to protect trolls following his own morals even if differs with the rules of Trollhunting. Of course both franchise have their own identity, and not everything is similar to the other. But they do share the fact that they're both animated by Dreamworks.
Yet I see one major problem that the HTTYD franchise had who's also present in ToA : The bestfriend character has nothing more than a "helping hand" kind of role. Astrid is interesting and has plot relevance, just like Claire, but they're more the love interest kind of person. Stoik, Valka and sometimes Gobber have plot relevance as Hiccup's parent figures and/or mentor, kind of like Blinky, Strickler and Barbara. I think I could compare AAARRRGGHH!!! with the dragons in some way. He has a link with the main bad guys of the show, just like the dragons (dragons and dragon hunters) he has that loveable side like the dragons and big fighting skills like them. (I'm not saying that AAARRRGGHH!!! is similar to an animal, i'm saying that his role plot-wise is similar in some ways to the role of the dragons in HTTYD)
But when we take a look at Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Fishlegs, even if they have distinctive character traits from one another and some sort of character development in some episodes of the shows, in terms of plot their role are basically "well the main character cannot do everything on his own, plus we need humor". Some episodes are based around them, just like for Toby, but no villains are directly linked to them, no plot points are directly linked to them. They're only in the plot because they are the friends of the one who's relevant to the story, whether it's the dragons, Hiccup or the rest of the Trollhunter team.
Toby, just like Snotlout, Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Fishlegs is a supporting character. Yes he has helped a lot but more because they needed a third hand more than because they needed his specific competences. And no Warhammer isn't what I can call a competence, since Jim's status as a trollhunter works with and without his weapon, and Claire's shadow magic has been awaken by the shadowstaff and even when it ends up being broken into pieces, she is still relevant without her weapon.
Warhammer was something that Toby wanted a lot, couldn't use, so they put a curse on it to kill two bird with one stone. The biggest competence that he had so far in Trollhunter was his dental problems. Without that, they wouldn't have meet Gladys the changeling or they wouldn't have found the Janus order. Because the rest of the time it's just luck. Luck isn't a competence, it's literally just luck.
In terms of a fighting team, Toby doesn't have a distinctive role.
Jim is the front fighter. He is the one that is going to go straight to the enemy.
Claire is the mage, even if she knows how to fight, her main feature in combat scenes is her magic.
AAARRRGGHH!!! is a tank. He is strong and big, and is able to take on bigger enemies and take a lot of damage upon him.
Blinky is a councellor, he might not be the best at fighting but he will be able to come up with a strategy based off his knowledge as an historian, and also serve as some sort of therapist and moral compass, giving back faith and the will to fight to his comrades.
I have a hard time understanding Toby's role is this team (combat-wise) other than "the helping hand". The moral compass is already occupied by Blinky, he is hardly a tank since AAARRRGGHH!!! can take upon the offensive and defensive aspects of that role. He cannot be the "troll-nerd" one who knows everything about troll culture since Claire and Blinky already take upon that role. The best I could come up with is either the one who deals with humans, even if when it happens it's always more or less accidental and he is not comfortable in those situations (or not good, like when they had to exchange the formula with Vendell's staff), or again a helping hand, a sort of plus one in case there are a lot of ennemies or everyone else has a task and that problem must be taken care of right now.
That's why I proposed that he could be a healer. Not a very good one, since that would just make the team invicible (most of the times their difficulty comes from injuries or being tired, if you have a character that can fully help those problems there is not a lot of hardships).
Truthfully I have a hard time thinking of an actual role he could have within the team. Because being the "plus one" is already the role of the Creepslayerz.
It has to fit with the serie's message
Like I said in the introduction a recurring theme for the main characters is that people around them do not believe they are fit to become what they're supposed to be or what they want to be. A some sort "against all odds they managed to become [insert role]" if you'd like.
As I have established before Tobias is more of a "helping hand" kind of role, and no one has ever kept Toby from being a helping hand other than him. (Meanwhile every other main characters in Trollhunters doubt themselves because of everyone telling them to do so.)
The only thing he has been kept from doing by other characters (especially the villain) is to be the hero. He is only a human with nothing else, he can help but he can't make a difference on his own. But if we continue to follow the story's theme, he would need to become a hero in his very own way. To claim that title and to use it in a way that is most definetly his, whether with his own competence or his own moral compass.
Toby doesn't have that, since he became trollhunter after Jim, after Jim proved that humans can be trollhunters. He would only be repeating Jim's story with some differences, but the struggles would be the exact same. Meanwhile Claire is having her very own difficulty because she has her very own role as a hero. Her struggles are similar, but not completely the same.
See, when I talked about alien!toby it was because it was easy to tell yourself that aliens might not recognize Toby as one of their own, which could create some sort of "you want to be like us but you'll never be, you're just a human/too bad at it". It's also easy to imagine Toby having trouble with that part of him, either physically or mentally. After all he always thought he was a human, learning that you're part alien is a whole pre-written identity crisis.
And yes even his sacrifice at the end of RotT doesn't really fit the story's themes. Yes Toby saved the world in his own way, but what I don't like about it is the fact that he is considered a hero because he sacrificed himself.
He is not a hero because of who he is, he is a hero because of what he has lost. This is a one time kind of heroism, because as you might guess you do not come back from the dead every so often. I am not saying that he shouldn't have sacrificed himself, i'm saying that every main character became a hero before trying to sacrifice themselves. You saw a big part of their competences before that, but like I said Toby doesn't have particular competences in the show.
It still fits the theme "don't think, become" of the show, but if we look on the plot from afar it means that Jim had to fight to become a hero, Claire had to fight to become a hero, same for AAARRRGGHH!!!, Blinky had to lead to become a hero and Toby had to die.
This is quite a horrible thought don't you think ? That the only way for one of the main character to be fully recognized as a hero in the plot is to die. It worked in some shows, especially for morally grey characters, but throughout this whole post I showed you how Toby had nothing meaningful given to him, and the only thing he always had was ripped from him.
This is not something carefully planned, it's just that they did not cared.
Nothing in the whole franchise justify the tragedy that is Tobias's character arc. Changelings became heroes, Gumm gumms can be heroes, humans too, except for Toby.
Toby is left with crumbs. No magical ancient weapon, just a warhammer that doesn't even have a story worth mentionning in the show. No cool and original duty, just the one that his bestfriend had and who decided to give it to him to make him happy. A big act of heroism, that only Jim will ever remember because this happened in another timeline.
His role as trollhunter, his warhammer, his role as "protector of arcadia" at the end of Trollhunters, even his dynamic in the group is merely a pat on the head in hopes that it will make him shut up and comply. And while some characters are beautiful tragedies, Tobias is not an intentional one. If it was one, you would have seen it coming. If it truly was meant to be a tragedy, the writers would have dropped signs, they would have portrayed it in a particular way.
Even if they lacked time in the later seasons of Trollhunters and Wizards, they had time in 3Below. They had 2 seasons to give anything to Toby, whether tragical or magical.
But they didn't, so nothing shows that they intentionally did it. I even think that they did realize what they had done at some point, and their only way to arrange things was to make him die so that he could finally be a hero.
A hero that only one character will ever remember in the show, because they couldn't even give him that glory, it had to be reaped away from him in one way or another. Because at the end of RotT, in terms of timeline, it never happened, or at least it didn't happen yet.
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In conclusion to all of that, I will repeat what I have said a thousand times in this post : Toby wasn't done justice with this movie. He didn't have the ending he deserved, and his story arc in my opinion isn't really a story arc. It's more like him complying and shutting up about his situation because he was given something that looks shiny, but holds no real importance nor deep meaning (or some twisted meaning).
The writers did not want to include Toby in the plot for most of the franchise, and when they did it was in the only way they knew of : something that looks shiny and cool but is in reality just a way to shut everyone up and move on.
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The saddest deaths in Troll Hunters are Toby, AAARRRGGHH!, and Draal. I hated their deaths and cried so much.
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blaiseking04282004 · 6 months
Miraculous Hunters Rewritten: Book 1
Miraculous Hunters Rewritten: Book 1
by DragongirlFury28, Aemon_Targaryen13
Jim and Marinette are half siblings, and are seemingly normal teenagers. They go to school like everyone their age, have friends and do normal teenager things… but that’s not the whole story. They have the responsibility of keeping the world safe from dangers that threaten it. Jim is the eldest out of the two, and is the Trollhunter, who protects the surface lands from the evil Gumm-Gumm trolls, and their leader; Gunmar. Meanwhile, Marinette is the youngest, and protects the city of Paris, from supervillains empowered by magical butterflies, that are sent to those who feel negative emotions, but the evil Hawkmoth. Follow along on their adventures in keeping the world safe from evil.
Words: 401,555 Chapters: 60/60 Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Tales of Arcadia 
Ratting: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Jim Lake Jr. (Tales of Arcadia), Claire Nuñez, Toby Domzalski, Nino Lahiffe, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Nathalie Sancoeur, Lê Chiến Kim, Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine, Luka Couffaine, Blinkous "Blinky" Galadrigal, Aaarrrgghh (Tales of Arcadia), Master Fu (Miraculous Ladybug), Vendel (Tales of Arcadia), Bular (Tales of Arcadia), Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Barbara Lake, Alya Césaire, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng, Steve Palchuk, Eli Pepperjack, Nomura (Tales of Arcadia), Draal (Tales of Arcadia), Chloé Bourgeois, Max Kanté, Ivan Bruel, Sabrina Raincomprix, Trolls (Tales of Arcadia), Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Lila Rossi, Original Akumatized Character(s), Wayzz (Miraculous Ladybug), Nooroo (Miraculous Ladybug), Original Characters
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Jim Lake Jr./Claire Nuñez, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Sabine Cheng/Tom Dupain
Additional Tags: Jim and Marinette are siblings, Miraculous Love Square, jlaire, Jim knows Marinette is Ladybug, Marinette knows Jim is the Trollhunter, Toby is like a brother to Marinette, Oblivious Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Jim and Marinette are each other’s wingperson, Jim knows about Marinette’s crush on Adrien, Marinette knows about Jim’s crush on Claire, Adrien thinks Jim is Marinette’s boyfriend, Everybody in Arcadia knows Marinette and Jim are siblings, Co-written with Aemon_Targaryen13
Read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42317163/chapters/106261860
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lightfin · 1 year
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Troll hunters AU, where everyone is anthropomorphised. Humans are demestic animals called demestics, but are known by the magical world as fur times instead of flesh bags, trolls are preastoric creatures, like dinosaurs. They are known as fossils and the sunlight rule still applies, but they turn into fossilised skeletons rather than stone.
Blinky is a pachirinosaur, Aaarrrgghh an argentinasaurous, Toby an African wild dog, Claire a Maincoon and Jim an Alaskan Malamute. Fossil Jim is half malamute half Dilophosaurous half breed, and his beast form a more powerful version of his Dilo half.
Story is relatively the same up untill Wizards, where Claire becomes hit instead of Jim but Jim is able to share her pain using the absorption magic he gained from being a hibrid, Clare is freed from the curuption and gains a better understanding of herself and her fears, but as a consequence looses the inocence she once had due to the things she did within the time having the shard. Jim shearing the pain causes a defence mechanism in his own body causing him to turn into the beast. Jim is also more feared by the demestics of Camelot and confusion from the fossils of Deoza, as he is what’s classified as a sharp tooth, a carnivorous focal with a natural instinct to kill. Jim does not have that desire due to his demestic side but they fear him anyways as Gunmar, Bullar and most of Gunmars fleet are also sharp tooth, this is what causes Arther to sentence him to death. The amulet gets destroyed but not in the same way as befor. In order to stop the green night both her and Douxie are forced to destroy it with there own magic. Also because I thought it would be ironic Arther ends up being eaten by rage mode beast Jim as a consequence of calling other fossils beasts for so many years. Jim does not realise this until after Claire wakes him out of it. They end up comming out of it with more scars, no amulet, powered up Claire and a permanently beast Dilo Jim. But they work through it.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 2 years
Miraculous Hunters Rewritten: Book 1
Miraculous Hunters Rewritten: Book 1 by DragongirlFury28
Jim and Marinette are half siblings, and are seemingly normal teenagers. They go to school like everyone their age, have friends and do normal teenager things… but that's not the whole story. They have the responsibility of keeping the world safe from dangers that threaten it. But they keep the world safe from different threats. Jim is the eldest out of the two, and is the Trollhunter, who protects the surface lands from the evil Gumm-Gumm trolls, and their leader; Gunmar. Meanwhile, Marinette is the youngest, and protects the city of Paris, and the world, from supervillains, empowered by magical butterflies, that are sent to those who feel negative emotions, but the evil Hawkmoth. Follow along on their adventures in keeping the world safe from evil.
Words: 14393, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Tales of Arcadia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Jim Lake Jr. (Tales of Arcadia), Claire Nuñez, Toby Domzalski, Nino Lahiffe, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Nathalie Sancoeur, Lê Chiến Kim, Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine, Luka Couffaine, Blinkous "Blinky" Galadrigal, Aaarrrgghh (Tales of Arcadia), Master Fu, Vendel (Tales of Arcadia), Bular (Tales of Arcadia), Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Barbara Lake, Alya Césaire, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng, Steve Palchuk, Eli Pepperjack, Gnome Chompsky, Nomura (Tales of Arcadia), Draal (Tales of Arcadia), Chloé Bourgeois, Kagami Tsurugi, Max Kanté, Ivan Bruel, Marc Anciel, Markov, Manon Chamack, Mary Wang, Darcy Scott, Sabrina Raincomprix, Trolls (Tales of Arcadia), Trixx, Tikki, Plagg, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Pollen, Lila Rossi, Original Akumatized Character(s), Wayzz, Nooroo, Duusu
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Jim Lake Jr./Claire Nuñez, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Sabine Cheng/Tom Dupain
Additional Tags: Jim and Marinette are siblings, Miraculous Ladybug Love Square, jlaire, Jim knows Marinette is Ladybug, Marinette knows Jim is the Trollhunter, Toby is like a brother to Marinette, Oblivious Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Jim and Marinette are each other's wingperson, Jim knows about Marinette's crush on Adrien, Marinette knows about Jim's crush on Claire, Adrien thinks Jim is Marinette's boyfriend, Everybody in Arcadia knows Marinette and Jim are siblings, Over at Paris only Nino knows, Hawkmoth/Gabriel is an idiot, But he is still a threat and will get better, Co-written with Aemon Targaryen13, Co-written with Obloquy
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42317163
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diobresercar1985 · 3 months
troll hunter 2
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troll hunter 2
Die Netflix-Serie "Trolljäger" ist für ihre fesselnde Handlung bekannt, die Zuschauer aller Altersgruppen begeistert. In der zweiten Staffel entwickelt sich die Geschichte zu einem noch fesselnderen Abenteuer.
In "Trolljäger" dreht sich alles um den jungen Jim, der zum Beschützer der Trollwelt wird. In der ersten Staffel entdeckt Jim einen magischen Amulettstein, der ihn in den Trollmarkt führt, eine versteckte Welt voller Fabelwesen und dunkler Gefahren. Zusammen mit seinen Freunden, dem schlagfertigen Toby und der intelligenten Claire, stürzt sich Jim in den Kampf gegen die bösen Gumm-Gumms und andere gefährliche Kreaturen.
Die Handlung der zweiten Staffel von "Trolljäger" setzt unmittelbar nach den Ereignissen der ersten Staffel ein. Jim, Toby und Claire müssen sich noch größeren Herausforderungen stellen, während sie versuchen, die Trollwelt vor der Zerstörung zu bewahren. Neue Verbündete und Feinde tauchen auf, und die Helden müssen ihre Fähigkeiten und ihren Mut unter Beweis stellen, um das Gleichgewicht zwischen den Welten wiederherzustellen.
Die zweite Staffel von "Trolljäger" bietet eine noch tiefere Einblicke in die Trollwelt und ihre faszinierenden Bewohner. Die Animation ist atemberaubend und die Charaktere entwickeln sich auf vielschichtige Weise weiter. Die Serie bietet eine großartige Mischung aus Spannung, Humor und Emotionen, die sowohl Kinder als auch Erwachsene anspricht.
Mit ihrer packenden Handlung und der hochwertigen Animation hat "Trolljäger" eine treue Fangemeinde gewonnen. Die Serie wurde von Kritikern gelobt und hat zahlreiche Auszeichnungen erhalten. Die Kombination aus Fantasy, Action und Abenteuer macht "Trolljäger" zu einer der beliebtesten Animationsserien auf Netflix.
Insgesamt ist die zweite Staffel von "Trolljäger" ein absolutes Muss für Fans der Serie und alle, die spannende und unterhaltsame Geschichten lieben. Tauchen Sie ein in die fesselnde Handlung und begleiten Sie Jim und seine Freunde auf ihrem epischen Abenteuer durch die Trollwelt.
Die Besetzung der zweiten Staffel von "Trolljäger" hat die Fans der beliebten Animationsserie mit Spannung erwartet. In dieser epischen Fortsetzung der Abenteuer von Jim Lake Jr. und seinen Mitstreitern gibt es einige aufregende Neuzugänge und auch altbekannte Gesichter.
Als erstes kann man sich auf Anton Yelchin freuen, der die deutsche Stimme von Jim Lake Jr. ist. Anton, der leider 2016 verstarb, hatte bereits in der ersten Staffel brilliert und seine einzigartige Stimme ist nach wie vor ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Serie. Die Fans werden sicherlich froh sein, ihn wieder in der zweiten Staffel hören zu können.
Des Weiteren kehren auch bekannte Charaktere wie Claire Nuñez, Blinky und Aaarrrgghh!!! zurück. Claire wird erneut von Lexi Medrano synchronisiert, während Blinky von Kelsey Grammer gesprochen wird. Die Fans werden sicherlich erfreut sein, dass die beliebten Charaktere ihre Stimmen behalten haben und weiterhin die Geschichte vorantreiben.
Neben den altbekannten Gesichtern gibt es auch einige aufregende Neuzugänge. So wird beispielsweise Emile Hirsch die Rolle von Steve Palchuk übernehmen, der in der ersten Staffel von Steven Yeun gesprochen wurde. Emile bringt sicherlich eine neue Dynamik in die Serie und die Fans dürfen gespannt sein, wie er die Rolle interpretiert.
Auch der Bösewicht Gunmar, der in der ersten Staffel von Clancy Brown gesprochen wurde, erhält in der zweiten Staffel eine neue Stimme. Mark Hamill, bekannt für seine Rolle als Luke Skywalker in "Star Wars", wird die Rolle übernehmen. Mit seiner charismatischen Stimme wird er dem Charakter sicherlich eine furchterregende Präsenz verleihen.
Die Besetzung der zweiten Staffel von "Trolljäger" ist also eine perfekte Mischung aus altbekannten Stimmen und aufregenden Neuzugängen. Die Fans können sich auf packende Abenteuer und spannende Charakterentwicklungen freuen. Es bleibt abzuwarten, wie sich die neuen Stimmen in die Serie einfügen und die Geschichte vorantreiben werden. Die zweite Staffel verspricht auf jeden Fall ein episches und actiongeladenes Erlebnis zu werden.
Die beliebte Animationsserie "Trolljäger" hat die Zuschauer mit ihren spannenden Abenteuern in den Bann gezogen. Mit dem Erfolg der ersten Staffel warten Fans gespannt auf die Veröffentlichung von "Trolljäger 2". In diesem Artikel werfen wir einen Blick auf das erwartete Veröffentlichungsdatum.
"Trolljäger 2" ist die Fortsetzung der fantastischen Geschichte des Jungen Jim Lake Jr., der zum Trolljäger auserwählt wurde. Gemeinsam mit seinen Freunden und den Trollen kämpft er gegen dunkle Mächte und schützt die Menschen- und Trollwelt vor dem Bösen. Die erste Staffel der Serie wurde von Guillermo del Toro entwickelt und erntete weltweit großen Anklang.
Leider gibt es bisher noch kein offizielles Veröffentlichungsdatum für "Trolljäger 2". Die Macher der Serie halten die genauen Details über die Fortsetzung gut unter Verschluss. Dies sorgt bei den Fans für Ungeduld und Vorfreude zugleich. Doch es gibt Hinweise, dass die Produktion bereits in vollem Gange ist.
Die gute Nachricht ist, dass die zweite Staffel voraussichtlich noch im Jahr 2022 erscheinen wird. Die genaue Veröffentlichung des neuen Kapitels der Trolljäger-Saga wird jedoch erst später bekanntgegeben. Fans sollten daher die offiziellen Kanäle und Social-Media-Profile der Serie im Auge behalten, um keine Neuigkeiten zu verpassen.
Bis dahin können sich Fans die Zeit mit dem Schauen der ersten Staffel vertreiben oder auch die Trolljäger-Bücher erkunden, auf denen die Serie basiert. Einige der Bücher bieten zusätzliche Einblicke in die Welt der Trolljäger und sind definitiv einen Blick wert.
Insgesamt können wir uns also auf "Trolljäger 2" freuen, auch wenn das genaue Veröffentlichungsdatum noch nicht bekannt ist. Die Fortsetzung verspricht erneut spannende Abenteuer und fantastische Animationen, die Fans jeden Alters begeistern werden. Also bleibt gespannt und verpasst nicht die Ankündigungen zur Veröffentlichung von "Trolljäger 2".
Der Trailer für "Trolljäger 2" ist endlich da und die Fans können es kaum erwarten, die beliebte Animationsserie weiterzuverfolgen. "Trolljäger" ist eine von Guillermo del Toro produzierte Netflix-Serie, die sich um den jungen Jim Lake Jr. dreht, der die Verantwortung übernimmt, die Menschheit vor den bösen Trollen zu beschützen.
Im zweiten Teil der Serie werden wir erneut in die spannende Welt der Trolle eintauchen und mitverfolgen, wie Jim Lake Jr. mit neuen Herausforderungen konfrontiert wird. Der Trailer gibt uns einen Vorgeschmack auf die Action, die uns in der nächsten Staffel erwartet. Mit atemberaubender Animation und einem mitreißenden Soundtrack scheint "Trolljäger 2" ein weiterer großer Hit zu sein.
Neben Jim Lake Jr. werden auch andere beliebte Charaktere wie Claire Nuñez und Toby Domzalski zurückkehren, um Jim im Kampf gegen die dunklen Mächte zu unterstützen. Der Trailer zeigt uns auch einige neue Figuren und Orte, die in dieser Staffel vorgestellt werden. Es wird interessant sein zu sehen, wie sich die Geschichte weiterentwickelt und welche Abenteuer unsere Helden diesmal erleben werden.
Die Fans der Serie freuen sich besonders über die Rückkehr der Originalstimmen, die den Charakteren Leben einhauchen. Die Synchronisation der deutschen Version hat ebenfalls großen Anklang gefunden und trägt wesentlich zum Erfolg der Serie bei.
Insgesamt verspricht der "Trolljäger 2" Trailer viel Spannung und Unterhaltung. Die Serie hat eine treue Fangemeinde gewonnen, die mit Spannung auf die Fortsetzung wartet. Mit der bewährten Kombination aus Humor, Action und fantastischer Animation wird "Trolljäger 2" sicherlich nicht enttäuschen. Seien Sie bereit, in die aufregende Welt der Trolle einzutauchen und mit Jim Lake Jr. in den Kampf gegen das Böse zu ziehen!
Trolljäger 2 Rezensionen: Eine fantastische Fortsetzung
Trolljäger 2, die lang erwartete Fortsetzung der beliebten TV-Serie, hat endlich das Licht der Welt erblickt. Diese actiongeladene Animationsserie, die von Guillermo del Toro geschaffen wurde, hat bereits in der ersten Staffel eine große Fangemeinde gewonnen. Nun kehren die tapferen Trolljäger zurück, um erneut gegen düstere und gefährliche Kreaturen zu kämpfen. Hier sind 5 Rezensionen zu dieser aufregenden neuen Staffel.
"Noch spannender und actiongeladener als zuvor! Trolljäger 2 liefert von Anfang bis Ende atemberaubende Unterhaltung. Die Animation ist atemberaubend, die Charaktere sind einzigartig und die Handlung ist mit unerwarteten Wendungen gespickt. Eine absolute Empfehlung für alle Fantasy-Fans!" - Petra, Fantasy-Buchbloggerin.
"Trolljäger 2 ist eine ganz neue Stufe der Animationsserien. Die Macher haben es geschafft, die Zuschauer durch eine fesselnde Geschichte und eine beeindruckende visuelle Gestaltung in ihren Bann zu ziehen. Die Charakterentwicklung ist bemerkenswert und die Spannung bleibt konstant hoch. Eine großartige Serie für Jung und Alt!" - Markus, Comic-Enthusiast.
"Für Fans des ersten Teils ist Trolljäger 2 ein absolutes Muss. Die Fortsetzung erweitert das Universum der Serie, bringt neue Charaktere ins Spiel und vertieft die bereits bekannten. Die Mischung aus Humor, Action und Fantasy-Elementen ist perfekt ausbalanciert und sorgt für Spannung bis zur letzten Minute." - Lisa, Serienjunkie.
"Trolljäger 2 beeindruckt nicht nur mit seiner durchdachten Handlung, sondern auch mit der Tiefe der Charaktere. Jeder Charakter hat seine eigene Geschichte und Motivation, was die Serie noch fesselnder macht. Die Animationsqualität ist erstklassig und die Dialoge sind witzig und clever. Eine herausragende Fortsetzung!" - Nicolas, Filmkritiker.
"Trolljäger 2 ist der Beweis, dass auch Animationsserien für Erwachsene sein können. Die Serie jongliert gekonnt mit Themen wie Freundschaft, Opferbereitschaft und dem Kampf gegen das Böse. Gewürzt mit einer ordentlichen Portion Action und Humor ist diese Serie ein wahrer Genuss für Fans des Fantasy-Genres." - Sabine, TV-Redakteurin.
Trolljäger 2 hat die Erwartungen mehr als erfüllt und liefert eine spannende und aufregende Fortsetzung der beliebten Serie. Mit einer packenden Handlung, beeindruckender Animation und cleveren Dialogen ist diese Animationsserie für Liebhaber des Fantasy-Genres definitiv ein Muss!
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gentle-giant-swag · 1 year
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jey-draws · 4 years
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Wizards is on Netflix now! Here's a celebratory screenshot redraw from 3 below.
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winter-leftovers · 7 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter fourteen: How To Steal A Bridge (14/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Y/n, Claire and Toby steal Killahead bridge. Al and Y/n have a little fight
Word count: 2358
Warnings: no need
(Season 2 Episodes 1, 2, 3)
Song?: He ain’t heavy he’s my brother by The Hollies
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Y/n was at the grocery store when she got Toby’s call. The boy sounded desperate, he pleaded her to come to trollmarket, fast, something had happened with Jim.
She dropped her groceries to the ground and ran to TrollMarket, forgetting all her responsibilities like the apples on the floor.
“Where is he?” Y/n jumped over the small stairs in Blinky’s library “Where’s…Jim?” She panted.
“He was right there” Toby caressed the amulet, he looked defeated.
“Why is the amulet here?” She walked to Toby. Next to him stood Claire cradling a baby.
Tears pooled in Y/n eyes “Who…is that baby?”
“Jim…He got him back. He kept his promise” Claire gave her a half smile. They didn’t have to explain, they knew the sacrifice Jim had made.
Y/n’s bag fell to the ground, she shook her head. It couldn’t be. No. Not her little brother.
“Has…has the amulet called for anyone?” She whispered, afraid of the answer.
Toby shook his head.
“So, he’s alive”
“They destroyed the bridge. This is my fault. I could’ve done more” Blinky was turned to an Aaarrrgghh made of stone.
“We can do more! There has to be a way” Toby slammed the amulet on the table “There has to be something we haven’t thought of” Toby scratched his head “You said it yourself. As long as the amulet doesn't call to anybody else, we know he's okay”
A strong blue light started to pour from the amulet, lifting itself from the table.
“James Lake” called.
Y/n got close to observe the amulet, but before she could get to the table, the amulet went flying to Aaarrrgghh and started to speak in trollish.
The four of them surrounded the bigger troll.
“I don't understand. It's not making any sense” complained Blinky.
“What’s it saying?” Asked Claire.
“‘The troll is the key, the key to the hunter’ Over and over. It must be a glitch”
“Is it broken?” Asked Claire
Toby got closer to the amulet “No. They’re helping us!”
“Who?” Asked Y/n.
“The voices in the amulet. The ghost council” Toby turned to her.
“Well, what are they trying to say?” Asked Claire.
“Aaarrrgghh is the key?” Y/n tilted her head.
“But that's impossible, he's...” Blinky was unable to finish the sentence.
“...gonna get us Jim back! Did you hear that? If we save Arrrgh, we save Jim!” Toby jumped.
“I don’t believe it” Claire smiled.
Y/n laughed and hugged her. She didn’t have any other option but to believe. She couldn’t lose her brother. She would hang on to any hope the world would throw at her no matter how small.
“Now, that is some glitch!” Blinky screamed and joined Toby's celebration.
“Still no sign of Jim?” Asked Claire.
“Nothing but barren Darklands. And I'm running out of nougat nummies” Complained Toby as he threw a new nougat nummie through the small portal.
Y/n, Claire and Toby were looking for a place deep into the forest to hide the Killahead bridge from the troll council.
A couple hours before, the teens went by the store with the news that the council had signed Jim's death sentence by getting rid of the bridge in a dark and far away place where no one could find it against the complaints of the trollhunters, and a plan. Claire had sent Not-Enrique to hide with the pieces of the bridge so she could have an anchor to make a portal and steal the bridge back.
“You think this is secluded enough?” Y/n moved her flashlight around seeing only trees and darkness.
“For a magic bridge? This far out, we could hide a few dead bodies” Toby joked.
“Okay, let’s do this quick” Claire took out the shadow staff.
Y/n sighed. After seeing it so many times, she had learned to handle the strange grief that would bring her seeing the staff.
“Making portals is exhausting, and I don't know how many I've got in me” with a quick move Claire made a portal.
“Wow! You're turning pro with that magic shadow stick” Toby complimented.
“Well, it's powered by emotions. Getting the guy I like out of the Darklands? Plenty of emotions” Claire took a couple steps but stopped when she realized Toby was following her “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like? Helping” he lifted his shoulders.
“I have no idea where we are. I need you here, to be my emotional anchor”
“But what am I supposed to do?”
“Get ready to catch” Y/n smiled and jumped through the portal.
On the other side, she hit herself on the chest with a box. The place was dark and narrow. The only source of light were the flashlights they had brought.
Out of the corner of her eye, Claire saw a box starting to move. She looked at Y/n in panic. Y/n stood in front of Claire and the box quickly opened.
“Took you long enough” Not-Enrique jumped out of the box
“What are you doing in there?” Claire relaxed.
“I…uh, Suzy's a little scared of the dark. And, with all the freaky noises, this place is giving her the heebie-jeebies” Not-Enrique lifted his stuffed bunny.
The girls chuckled.
“All right, come on” Claire put her flashlight on top of a box and Y/n did the same “Where are we?”
“All I could make out was someone saying "starboard" or "captain." We could be on a spaceship, for all I know” Not-Enrique explained as he helped the girls push a box through the portal.
A siren made the three of them stop.
“Yeah, yeah, the paperwork says dump it here” said a man.
“Dump it"?” Y/n looked at Claire with her brows furrowed “We're on a cargo ship! They're dumping us into the ocean!”
The movement of the container made the three of them fall to the ground.
“The ocean?! But I-- But Suzy can't swim!” Screamed Not-Enrique.
“Hold on!” Screamed back Claire.
“You never said nothing about no water! I knew this idea was lousy!” NotEnrique folded his arms.
“Let’s just stick with the plan and let's get the pieces out of here before it's too late” Said Y/n. If she let the changeling keep complaining he would drive Claire crazy.
“The metal can't hold for long! The water's going to pour in at any minute! Hurry!” Claire screamed.
The tree of them tried to take the piece out as fast as they could but the movement of the water wasn’t helping. Claire was losing strength from the amount of portals she had to make.
“Oh, no! The portal” screamed NotEnrique as the portal disappeared.
‘You’re a wizard. Use your magic’ the voice of her sister came back to her.
“I think I have an idea” Y/n shook her hands “Claire, can you open one more portal?”
“I can't. It won't work. I got nothing left” Claire’s arms could barely hold the now white staff.
“Right. I knew you'd get us killed!” Said NotEnrique.
“What?” Claire and Y/n screamed at the same time.
“You wanna know the truth? Fine. About to die, anyway. I decided to stick around 'cause you're a pushover. I can do whatever I want, and you're too weak to stop me!”
“Excuse me? How dare you!” The shadow staff was turning black again.
Y/n smiled. They really were siblings.
“I use your toothbrush to clean me ears. I steal cash from your purse. And you know your lucky Papa Skull jacket? I like to call that my snot rag! Hilarious!” NotEnrique continued.
“Ugh, why, you... you...” Claire realized NotEnrique was trying to help her “you baby genius!”
“Yeah, I know. Now, come on! We've just got a few more!”
Claire opened a new portal.
“Okay. Move” Y/n lifted her arms and focused her eyes on the portal.
“Woah” said Claire and NotEnrique.
Suddenly, the boxes were illuminated one by one by red light. They lifted themselves from the ground and flew through the portal.
“Wait a minute. You didn't really do that stuff, right?” Claire turned to NotEnrique.
“Uh, don't use your toothbrush” he answered “Whoa!”
The pressure started to wear out the container making the water start to pour in. Y/n tried to throw the last box through the portal but the shock made Claire close it.
“C’mon” Y/n complained to herself as she lowered her hands.
The three jumped on top of the last box that didn’t make it through the portal.
“We're never gonna get 'em all! Time to bail out of this death trap!” Screamed NotEnrique.
“No! We lose the bridge, we lose Jim. We need this last crate” Y/n screamed back.
The water started to rise up. Soon the box where they were standing wouldn’t be useful anymore.
“Come on, kid. Last pice!” Cheered NotEnrique
“Oh, I can’t! I’m exhausted!” Cried Claire.
“Yes, you can! You have to!”
“It’s not charging! Ugh! I can't get it to work.”
“Claire, look at me!” Screamed Y/n. Claire was panicking, she couldn’t look at her in the eyes “Take a deep breath. Come on”
The three of them took a deep breath together.
“Anger isn’t the only fuel to magic. You must find a stronger emotion and use it” Y/n looked down. The water was almost at their necks.
“I can do this. I can do this” Claire said to herself.
“Yes! You can!” Y/n looked at her hands “Make the portal and I’ll guide us through it”
They took a last deep breath and they submerged.
Claire tried and tried to open a portal but she couldn’t. Her body was exhausted. She felt her arms loosen up and started to sway to the current but then, she saw among all the darkness NotEnrique lose consciousness and Y/n grabbing him. That’s when she did it.
Suddenly, Y/n felt like she was falling. She looked down and saw a familiar darkness, a portal. Y/n smiled. Claire did it. She closed her eyes and protected NotEnrique from the fall.
When Y/n opened her eyes, they were back in the woods. She turned to her side to give the changeling space to breathe.
“Hey?” She whispered.
“NotEnrique?” Claire crawled to him “Ah! Toby, Y/n he’s not breathing!” Claire scream.
“Oh no! NotEnrique” Toby ran to him.
Y/n sat up and saw Toby giving NotEnrique CPR.
Quickly, the changeling regained conscious.
“Ah, thank you, Ms Janet” Toby lay down.
“I told you I can’t swim” NotEnrique complained
“Claire! You got all the pieces! We did it! We stole an entire freaking bridge!” Toby threw himself at Y/n making her laugh.
“Yeah. Don't let Jim ever say we never did anything for him” Claire panted.
“Thank you. You did good back there, kid. What emotion did you use to get us out of that tin can?” NotEnrique panted.
“Fear. I was afraid... I lost you”
Y/n felt a tear fall down and quickly wiped. She understood.
“I'm the king of the ocean” Steve mumbled.
“What are we gonna do about him?” Asked Claire.
The sun had long set in Arcadia. Y/n sat at her desk, her eyes glued to the old book Douxie had borrowed her, but her mind was unable to follow the stories, it had drifted somewhere else. Her sister.
Who was she? Did she have a sister? Was she real or just an invention of her mind to keep her sane in the last couple of months?
“I don’t think that’s good for the water” Al stretched his front paws.
“Huh?” Y/n look away from the book and realized she had been changing the state of the water “Oh. I didn’t realize” she stopped her hand from moving.
“Is the book any good?” He jumped to the desk, almost dropping the glass of ice.
“Uhm…I don’t know” she mumbled.
Alfred twisted his head to the side.
“I’ve been thinking” Y/n closed the book.
“Oh” Al sat down and looked at her.
“Do you…” she took a deep breath “Did I…have a sister? You know…Back in my old life”
Alfred's jaw fell open, his pupils shrank in surprise.
The cat shook his head “Why…Why you ask?”
“I’ve been…seeing”
“Seeing?!” He stood up.
“Well, yeah…when…”
Al stood with his front pawn on her shoulders “You been seeing Mor…” he jumped back to the floor and lay down “Oh lord. This isn’t good”
“Al, you’re scaring me” Y/n kneeled down next to him.
“You’re not supposed to see her. Maybe dream of her BUT SEE? No no” he lifted his front paws.
“Where did you see her?” He stood up on his back legs “What’s she planning?”
“Planning?! What are you?! What?!” Y/n sat on the floor and grabbed her head “I’m just having visions of this woman that calls me sister”
“Visions? Oh…that’s good then…” he jumped onto the bed and lay down with her back to her.
“What do you mean ‘that’s good then’ “she stood up “Explain and don’t you dare say I can’t” she point a finger to him
“But I can’t” he turned.
“This is getting old” Y/n stood up and grabbed her bag.
“Where are you going?”
“To fix my problem once and for all” she closed the door behind her.
Blinky’s library was deserted, not even Aaarrrgghh statue was there. Y/n looked at her phone to see if she had missed an update from Toby but no new messages appeared.
Y/n looked at Blinky’s books, one of them had to have at least a clue about her sister, about her old life. This time she was going to follow her sister's advice from the start, she was going to use her magic. She closed her eyes, stretched her arm and with a deep breath she called for the right book to come to her. A big gray book flew to her hand. Y/n smiled, satisfied with herself. She opened the book and the title caught her attention: The Pale Lady.
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A/N: Season two is here!!!
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jun00ix · 4 years
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duskwingarts · 3 years
TrollHunter Amulet Sets Based on the Netflix series "TrollHunters" the TrollHunter's amulet. You want to be a hero well then for the glory or Merlin, daylight can be yours to command with these great sets. For good fans of this interesting and cool show. Size: 2.25 inches (Please read the selections carefully) Available On Etsy Set 1: https://www.etsy.com/listing/663323282/troll-hunter-amulet-setset-of-2-buttons?ref=shop_home_active_1 Set 2: https://www.etsy.com/listing/753602101/trollhunters-amulet-eclipsed-setbonus Set 3: https://www.etsy.com/listing/821127003/trollhunters-claires-amulet-setsingle @DuskWingArts Twitter Tumblr Pinterest DeviantArt Instagram Facebook @talesofarcadiaofficial https://instagram.com/talesofarcadiaofficial #troll #hunter #trollhunter #trollhunters #amulet #trollhunteramulet #merlin #gunmar #jimlake #jim #arcadia #duskwingarts #etsy #toby #claire #GuillermodelToro #blinky #aaarrrgghh #bular #trolls #red #blue #magic #clockwork #Morgana #getyourgeekon #eclipsed #clairesamulet #purple https://www.instagram.com/p/CPCptRyDQ0p/?utm_medium=tumblr
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blaiseking04282004 · 25 days
Miraculous Hunters Rewritten: Book 2
Miraculous Hunters Rewritten: Book 2
by: DragongirlFury28, Aemon_Targaryen13
Picking up right after Volpina, things start to get tense as Marinette and Jim are pulled further into their respective responsibilities. With each sibling’s lives becoming more and more challenging as the threats they face grow bolder, a plethora of changes become more apparent when a mysterious link to the Bourgeois and Agreste’s joint past decides to make themselves known, and when certain allies’s true allegiances are revealed.
Words: 15,992 Chapters: 24/? Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Tales of Arcadia 
Ratting: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Jim Lake Jr. (Tales of Arcadia), Claire Nuñez, Toby Domzalski, Nino Lahiffe, Alya Césaire, Gabriel Agreste, Nathalie Sancoeur, Akuma Class, Blinkous "Blinky" Galadrigal, Aaarrrgghh (Tales of Arcadia), Draal (Tales of Arcadia), Master Fu (Miraculous Ladybug), Vendel (Tales of Arcadia), Bular (Tales of Arcadia), Walter Strickler | Stricklander, Barbara Lake, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng, Steve Palchuk, Eli Pepperjack, Gnome Chompsky, Nomura (Tales of Arcadia), Trolls (Tales of Arcadia), Original Characters
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Jim Lake Jr./Claire Nuñez, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Sabine Cheng/Tom Dupain, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Jim Lake Jr.
Additional Tags: Jim and Marinette are siblings, Miraculous Ladybug Love Square, jlaire, Jim knows Marinette is Ladybug, Marinette knows Jim is the Trollhunter, Toby is like a brother to Marinette, Oblivious Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Jim and Marinette are each other’s wingperson, Marinette knows about Jim’s crush on Claire, Jim knows about Marinette’s crush on Adrien, Everybody in Arcadia knows Marinette and Jim are siblings, More people are starting to find out in Paris, Hawkmoth/Gabriel is still an idiot, But he's going get better overtime, Co-written with Aemon_Targaryen13
Read Here:
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