simplepotatofarmer · 2 years
phil asking techno if he's worried and techno vehemently denying it only to turn around two seconds later and be like,
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prisonpodcast · 1 year
1, 2 and 13 for the artist ask game :0
1. I have IBIS paint bc I used to use it but I haven’t in like 2 years
2. It’s much easier to draw someone facing left idk why. Forward is really difficult for me bc of the nose (unless it’s my pig Techno design)
13. I’m actually confused about the phrasing for this one, I’m assuming it means artwork that’s not the same medium that you do? If that’s the case then I really like loyal (simplepotatofarmer)’s AAC au
(Ask game)
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audioapostles-blog · 6 years
Audio Apostles Likes War Sun by ASHE on Soundcloud, check it out!
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teddy06writes · 4 years
Platonic ranboo x enderman/human hybrid reader, two bros bonding over being half enderman
platonic! ranboo x enderman hybrid!reader
trigger warnings: none
premise: one day while wandering the forest you stumble into Philza, who upon seeing you immediately decides you need to meet Ranboo, and takes you back to the AAC to meet him
{also my basic thinking for an enderman hybrid would be: also bad at eye contact like Ranboo, (wears goggles to combat this?), can teleport but only small distances usally does acidently when startled, purple enderman like eyes, has the same silk touch thing as ranboo but like, half, so it only applies to certain things, also water doesn’t bother them as much, its like a minor inconvenience}
{also I know Edward is dead now, just let me have this}
“blep” talking
“Blep” Ender speak
You hummed quietly to yourself, watching the fat snowflakes drift through the sky as you moved through the forest.
Shivering you tugged at your overcoat, peering around to try and find more berry bushes, Enderpearl, your arctic fox, following along, hoping you would find more food.
A few minutes later you found another bush, quickly stooping to fill as much inventory as you could with the berries, ears seeming to prick up at the sound of someone walking through the snow.
Standing up fully you adjusted your tinted goggles, looking around to try and find the source of the noise, still shivering at the cold.
“Are you alright mate?”
You jumped, purple particles surrounded you as you teleported a few yards away in surprise.
“Woah! How did you do that?”
You turned to see a blond avian hybrid, dressed mostly in green, “Oh- uh- h- hello.”
“How’d you do that?” He repeated, still looking a bit in shock.
“Why?” You asked, quickly defensive, you may have been a good 9 inches taller than him, but you weren’t too keen on fighting him.
“Oh- hey- hey, it’s alright mate, I just meant it was cool,” He held up his hands, as if to say he meant no harm, “Are you a hybrid too?”
Slowly you nodded, Enderpearl quickly running over to you, and you quickly scooped her up, holding her close to your body, still trying to keep the both of you warm.
“I’m Phil.” He offered, smiling.
“(y/n).” You were nearly stuttering from the cold.
“Are you cold (y/n)? You don’t seem very prepared for the climate.” Phil observed.
You nodded, “Enderpearl and me, we normally don’t come out this far, but Enderpearl likes berries and they only grow here.”
Phil nodded, “Are you an Enderman hybrid, by chance?”
“Y- yeah.” You said, reaching up and adjusting your goggles again.
“hmm, I know another enderman hybrid. You seem very cold (y/n), I don’t live to far from here, if you’d like to come warm up. It’s not very safe for you to stay out here.”
You bit your lip, wary, but looking down at Enderpearl, who was trying to curl further into your jacket, you didn’t want her to be cold, “Uh, sure, I guess.”
Phil nodded, turning and motioning for you to follow him, “Come on, You can meet Ranboo.”
“Ranboo?” You questioned, following him through the snow.
“He’s the other Enderman hybrid I know- well, part enderman part something,” Phil explained, “But that parts not important, I don’t think he can teleport but other than that he seems a lot like you.
“I’ve never met someone like me before.” You mumbled.
Phil smiled sadly, “I think that's the case for a lot of hybrids. Come on, it’s just past this clearing.”
A few moments later, as you emerged from the clearing, a rather large cottage came into view, smoke rising steadily from the chimney.
Phil gestured to the small building beside it, “That's where Techno keeps the hound army, Ranboo normally lives in a house he built just past it, but it’s far too cold for me to let him stay out there.”
You nodded, still looking around in slight awe as you followed Phil up the front steps.
“Tech!” Phil called, swinging the door open, “I’m home! I brought company!”
There was no response, and the man sighed, stamping snow off his boots and motioning for you to come all the way into the room, “There probably downstairs messing with the villagers. You can sit by the fire to warm up, I’ll go get them.”
You nodded as he went to climb down the ladder attached to one wall, slowly moving over to the fire and sitting down, Enderpearl on your lap.
“Young one.”
You jumped at the voice, turning to see an Enderman sitting in a boat in the corner of the room, “Oh- uh, hello. Are you- Are you Ranboo?”
The enderman shook his head, warbling, “I am Edward. Take off your coat child, it is far too wet to do anything but dry.”
“I’m (y/n).” You said, quickly shrugging out of your jacket.
~~ “You found another kid?” Techno crossed his arms, “Phil you’ve gotta stop bringing home strays.”
“Techno you can’t even say that, you’re the original stray.” Phil argued.
“He just doesn’t want to be replaced,” Ranboo quipped quietly, pausing to look up from sorting through a chest, “Wait- does that mean I’m a stray?”
Phil chuckled, “Yeah, it does.”
Technoblade groaned, “Phil you can’t just keep bringing kids into my house!”
“Well at least come meet them before you throw them out?” Phil asked, “And let me find them a better jacket. Its too cold for them out there.”
Ranboo watched as they had a silent staring contest, a silent discussion passing between them, until eventually Technoblade relented, grumbling something incoherent.
“Well come on then.” Phil said, motioning to the ladder.
Ranboo stood up, already starting to climb as Techno said, “I hope I don’t regret letting you do this Phil.”
“You won’t.”
Phil’s voice was partially drown out as Ranboo reached the main floor, his ears now filled with the sounds of warbled enderspeak.
He turned to see Edward deep in conversation with someone sitting hunched in front of the fire.
“You speak end?” He asked cautiously, almost hearing Phil chuckling from below.
The person jumped, purple particles flying around there head for a moment before they were gone, reappearing across the room, now next to Edwards boat.
Edward made a noise close to a chuckle, reaching one long arm out of his boat to grab your shoulder to stop your trembling, “That one is Ranboo.”
You nodded slowly, as Ranboo seemed to study you, “Your an enderman hybrid. That's so cool! I’m an enderman hybrid too! I can’t teleport though- its really cool that you can!”
You pushed your goggles up a bit from where they had slipped in the teleport, “Your eyes- why is that one red?”
“Oh- I- we think its whatever my other half is. Are your eyes green too?”
You shook your head, “Purple. How’d you mean you can’t teleport?”
“Haven’t figured it out yet- who taught you?”
You shrugged, “Just kinda knew. I usually only do it when I’m scared though.”
“Maybe you could teach me?” He asked excitedly.
Smiling you nodded, “Sure.”
It was a while later, after the snow had stopped falling, and the sun had partially come out, you and Ranboo headed outside (not before Phil supplied you with a thicker coat), to try and teach him how to teleport.
Phil turned to Techno, who was watching from the window as you and Ranboo were running around laughing, trying to figure out the best way to teach him, “I know what you said about endermen in the house but we could help them with a different house, or they could stay with Ranboo proper-”
“They aren’t staying in the house,” The piglin interrupted, “Well- maybe when its cold- but other than that- not in the house.”
Phil smiled, “I knew you’d come around.”
Technoblade huffed, “I mean it’s probably safer for them here. Besides the kid needs someone like him besides Edward around here.”
The enderman in the corner nodded, also observing you and Ranboo from out the window.
Phil nodded, “Sure, sure.”
Outside you laughed again, “No! Not like that! You’ve gotta feel where you are, and where your gonna be and then just...” You trailed off, particles flying around your head again as you disappeared only to pop out on his other side.
“Okay okay, I think I get it.”
Ranboo squeezed his eyes shut, trying to do what you’d said.
You watched as the faintest of particles began to appear around his head, growing stronger- stronger- and then he fell face first into the snow.
“I don’t think this is working.” His response was muffled by the snow.
“Just a bit,” You said helping him up, “Here, hold onto me, and I’ll teleport. That normally works with Enderpearl.”
He nodded, grabbing onto your coat sleeve.
You concentrated, focusing on a spot on top of the dog house, slowly particles filled the air and then- pop! you were both standing on top of the house.
“Woah!” Ranboo exclaimed, looking around, laughing, “That felt weird!”
You nodded laughing, “Now try to teleport off the roof.”
After a while longer of failed attempts, and after being side tracked by Ranboo’s ability to move more than just dirt blocks, the sun began to set, and you headed back inside, still laughing as he recounted the time that he and Techno had spent a whole day wander around collecting spawners.
Sometime later, after dinner, both you and Ranboo had ended up sitting next to Edwards boat, the three of your quietly talking as you started the drift off, Enderpearl back in her spot on your lap.
Phil chuckled, looking over at the three endermen crowded around the boat, two mostly asleep.
Edward looked at him, noding once and warbling out something Techno couldn’t understand, “What’d ‘e say?”
Phil smiled, “Family.”
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honkster · 4 years
January 6th - Dream SMP
Timing the streams
Little summary (spoilers)
<_><_><_><_><_> <_><_><_><_><_>
Fundy snaps (Niki and Eret agree with him)
The plan is for Dream to set up TNT redstone above L’manburg while Techno and Phil stall for time with withers and The Hound Army.
Tommy speaks with Tubbo and they both apologize. Clingy Duo is back!
Tommy also talks to Sapnap and gives him Mars back.
Quackity reads Ranboo’s Memory Book and that changes his mind about leaving L’manburg.
L’manburg is blown to smithereens by the combined powers of Technoblade and Dream.
Niki burns L’mantree.
Ranboo gets his Memory Book back.
Tommy, Tubbo and Quackity stay hopeful about their fight with Dream, and aren’t giving up.
Dream says that he is going to go away for a bit, to escape the consequences of the destruction.
Ghostbur wants to be resurrected. He first thinks Dream or BBH can do it, but Phil sounds most likely since he is the one who killed him.
Ranboo puts all of his pets in his Panic Room.
Phil and Techno bring back what’s left of the Hound Army to the Antarctic.
Ranboo is allowed to stay in the Antarctic with the AAC (Antarctic Anarchist Commune).
<_><_><_><_><_> <_><_><_><_><_>
Little rules to make it easier for me to timestamp
^_^ after a quote - a joke conversation.
:| after a quote - a serious/lore important conversation.
|_| - banter on top of something plot relevant/Something plot relevant in banter form.
Usually if I write *someone* logs on, that means that there's either a little interaction or something that happens when they log in. If something isn't that important, or doesn't relate to any of the SMP lore/drama, I'll usually just leave it out.
Hope that these help get a better picture of all the drama!
The streams that I chose to take timestamps from:
Tubbo – FIGHTING TO SAVE L’MANBURG (dream smp) – (25 seconds behind Tommy’s stream, 55:50 ahead of Ghostbur’s, 21:25 behind Philza’s, 05:20 behind Ranboo’s)
tommyinnit – The end – (25 seconds ahead of Tubbo)
Philza – Dream SMP – Chaos is a constant. - (04:10 ahead of Techno’s, 21:25 ahead of Tubbo’s, 01:09:35 ahead of Ghostbur’s, 16:05 ahead of Ranboo’s)
Technoblade – It ends today. [Dream SMP] – (04:10 behind Phil)
WilburSoot – [Dream SMP] First Time Ghostbur Live - (55:50 behind Tubbo’s stream, 01:09:35 behind Philza’s)
Ranboo – NOTHING WILL BE FINE || Dream SMP - (05:20 ahead of Tubbo’s stream, 16:05 behind Phil’s)
Niki – [Dream SMP] the biggest lesson yet – (Just a few seconds ahead of Tubbo’s, like 5 seconds ahead.)
Fundy – DREAM SMP – ITS OVER – (28:35 behind Tubbo’s)
QuackityHQ – THE FATE OF L’MANBURG – (07:20 ahead of Tubbo’s)
Eret – DREAM SMP! DOWNFALL! - (01:25 ahead of Tubbo’s)
JackManifoldTV – DREAM SMP | THE BIGGEST FIGHT YET!!! - (3 minutes ahead of Tubbo)
Fundy’s stream (It was much earlier than the rest’s streams… but it is pure plot.)
00:06:10 Fundy starts talking.
00:17:20 O_O
Fundy snapped guys…
00:27:50 Niki and Fundy get into a vc. (Niki O_O)
00:37:40 Eret joins the vc… (Eret O_O)
00:40:55 The Wall Of People That Need To Learn.
00:42:35 Ponk joins the vc…
Fundy says he’ll see Niki in two hours and then ends stream.
Tubbo’s stream (55:50 ahead of Ghostbur’s stream, 21:25 behind Philza’s, 05:20 behind Ranboo’s)
00:06:50 Tubbo logs in.
00:08:15 Tommy joins the vc. :’)
00:11:50 Tubbo and Ranboo get into a vc.
00:14:00 Niki and Puffy join the vc.
00:15:00 Eret and Jack Manifold join the vc.
00:17:10 Tubbo and Quackity get into a vc.
Tommy – 00:19:25 Techno joins the vc.
00:21:50 Tubbo joins back the vc with Tommy, Eret, Jack, Techno, Phil, Quackity, Ponk, Sapnap, Punz, Niki, Ranboo, Hbomb.
Uh oh.
00:43:15 Tubbo, Quackity and Tommy get into their own vc for a bit.
00:45:20 Tubbo and Tommy get into their own vc again.
00:49:40 Dream joins the vc.
00:52:20 Ghostbur and Quackity join the vc.
00:58:30 “I heard there was a special place…” D:
Tubbo’s stream cuts off just as Quackity is speaking.
But we continue on Tommy’s stream.
(He is 25 seconds ahead of Tubbo)
01:00:00 They finish singing the anthem and talk.
After the lightning strikes, it turns into more of a bantery plot.
01:07:30 Ghostbur asks Tommy to do something important.
01:15:10 Tommy leaves the call to monologue for a bit before ending stream.
(A little thing that happened on the stream – 00:11:00 Tommy leaves Tubbo to go look for Mars, Sapnap’s fish. 00:15:50 Sapnap and Tommy get into a vc.)
Philza’s stream (04:10 ahead of Techno’s, 21:25 ahead of Tubbo’s, 01:09:35 ahead of Ghostbur’s, 16:05 ahead of Ranboo’s)
00:03:20 Phil logs on.
00:03:55 Techno :D
00:12:50 Dream D:
00:33:20 L’manburg infiltration.
00:41:15 Techno and Phil join the main vc.
Uh oh.
01:04:40 Tubbo and Tommy leave. The chaos continues.
01:07:15 NIKI?!
01:19:00 Dream D:
01:21:35 Phil deafens to monologue (and to try and get a good screenshot with shaders).
01:24:15 Phil talks to Ghostbur alone.
01:33:10 “How is Pokimane totally untouched?” ^_^
01:34:00 Phil turns on shaders (L’manburg is a wasteland O_O).
01:35:50 Phil and Techno get into their own vc.
01:48:15 “I’m gonna find the rest of my dogs and bring them back” |_|
01:53:25 Phil joins Ghostbur’s vc.
01:57:10 Phil rejoins Techno’s vc.
Technoblade – 01:49:15 Phil leaves the vc.
02:04:05 Phil tells Techno about Ghostbur.
02:07:40 CARL! :DDD
02:21:40 Techno leaves and Ranboo joins the vc. (The entire chat devolved into ADOPT RANBOO and I for one agree)
Ghostbur’s stream (55:50 behind Tubbo’s stream, 01:09:35 behind Philza’s)
00:04:00 Ghostbur logs on.
00:04:50 He notices the destruction…
00:06:20 He sneakily joins the vc with Tommy, Tubbo, Quackity and Dream.
00:12:50 The L’manburg anthem.
00:16:40 Ghostbur talks to Phil.
00:20:00 Ghostbur joins the vc with the L’manburg Cabinet. (The lightning strike :D)
00:29:50 Tommy leaves, plot-important conversation ensues.
00:32:35 Fundy joins the vc. (Uh oh Fundy snapped)
00:37:50 Eret joins the vc.
00:42:30 BadBoyHalo joins the vc.
00:46:20 Phil joins the vc.
00:51:00 Ghostbur monologues a bit before Wilbur ends stream.
Ranboo’s stream (05:20 ahead of Tubbo’s stream, 16:05 behind Phil’s)
00:01:50 Ranboo is in game, already monologuing.
00:06:30 Ranboo tries to get pets out of his house. (All the while breaking down D:)
00:17:10 Ranboo joins Tubbo’s vc.
00:19:50 Ranboo writes in his memory book.
00:22:50 Niki and Ranboo get into a vc.
00:30:40 Ranboo joins the main vc.
Uh oh.
00:56:20 Ranboo puts on shaders to look at L’manburg.
01:13:50 Ranboo writes more in his memory book and then walks around the wreckage staring at the destruction.
01:22:15 Ranboo joins a different vc with Quackity, Tubbo, Ghostbur, Fundy and Jack Manifold.
01:28:10 Ranboo joins Fundy’s vc.
01:36:25 Ranboo joins Quackity’s vc.
01:43:45 Ranboo starts monologuing.
02:05:45 Ranboo joins Phil’s vc.
02:20:40 Phil mutes to end stream.
02:23:05 Phil leaves for real and Ranboo just chills in the AAC (Selling out a bit in the process)
02:26:05 End of selling out, return to monologue. (And Ranboo fangirling like the Techno stan that he is)
02:32:10 DAWN OF 16TH!!! (And yes Ranboo is very excited that he is in the animatic :)
02:44:45 “How you doing Ranboo?” |_|
Ranboo hunts for a disc, contemplates getting his pets into the Arctic and listens to Ward before ending stream.
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dykeza · 4 years
In a perfect world the Antarctic Anarchist Commune consists of Techno, Philza, Ranboo, Eret, Fundy, and Sapnap.
Techno: he’s literally the founder alongside Philza and you are more certain to divert a river from its path than see me write them as anything but Besties4Eva
Philza: same as techno and also he’s the best Fuck Da Haterz. Fucked up evil dad is fucked up and evil.
Ranboo: mans needs a stable family and while the AAC has its Downfalls, its a good environment for someone like Ranboo. Tommyinnit DNI.
Eret: Their dynamic w Phil and Ranboo out weighs the fact that “no kings allowed” is an official rule. Philza is just old sometimes he forgets his two closest allies are Literally Always Wearing Crowns. Also I think she’s neat :)
Fundy: Antarctic Prince Fundy!!!! Yes Ranboo is Awkward around him and Philza is Like That but I think Fundy would have a good time trying to prove himself and vice versa. Also Winter Coat Fundy Yes? Pog?
Sapnap: He has the Axe of Peace and I think his dynamic with Techno is fucking hilarious. Sapnap attacking Techno at random and screaming “FIGHT ME!!!” Or “LET BE BEFRIEND YOU!!” Is very good. Also I think he’s neat :)
Honorable Mentions: HBomb, Niki, Alivebur(?), Awesamdude.
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foryouthegays · 3 years
I remember you taking about a piglin language once, do you have any ideas?
yeah!! so i have a cypheresque thing that is kinda my current piglish, but here are actual ideas!!
- they don’t really have a concept of vowels in their spoken language, like there are words with vowel-y sounds but they aren’t required. this is because it’s just pig noises!!
- pretty much all herds have a separate dialect or accent, but for the most part it’s pretty similar and you can understand most herds if you know one dialect
- piglins can’t learn to speak ‘proper’ english because their vocal cords just. don’t let them. (techno uses an aac. no this is not projecting /hj. he also has a a few crows from phil’s chat who follow him pretty often and can interpret for him (crows can mimic human voices and like. i think they’re cool))
- in a similar note, only endermen can properly speak piglish without outside help, but there are whistle like things that make it possible to imitate and communicate with piglins
- songs!!!! piglins have work songs for everything and it always sounds intimidating but for the most part it’s like. ‘doin the laundry with my buds yeah i’m doin the laundry with my buds we put it in the soil and shake it around and that’s how you do laundry with ur buds’
- they Kinda have a written language? some herds more than others, but it’s mostly like pictionary but more complicated
- yes they can talk to pigs
- they can also imitate things really well, mostly ghasts, endermen, striders, hoglins, birds, and mobs, but with a ton of practice they can kinda imitate human speech and sounds
- there’s a base form of the language, and then there’s a ghast form, which is used when hunting to herd animals into smaller areas. this makes it easier for them to communicate without being fully recognized as piglins
- the ghast form echos everywhere and it is terrifying
- they absolutely use it to scare travelers into thinking there’s a (what’s the collective name for several ghasts. a haunt?) of thousands of ghasts
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shoezuki · 4 years
'ranboo is replacing tommy!1!!11!' discourse except its abt niki replacing techno as the aac's resident girlboss
Niki girlbosses better so she can steal the title as much as she wants. Techno can back to the gnc pig of the anarchists
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sp-ud · 3 years
Dipshits: Techno betrayed Tommy, he's evil, he's emotionless.
Techno when he's cold in the AAC cabins: Phil can I sleep with you? You have the comfy blankets.
they've never watched the turtle stream and it shows.
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 years
holiday gift giving in the aac au would be wild.
techno would jokingly give michael underscore beloved a weapon and then be like 'nah that's crazy who would ever give a baby a weapon?? here's your real present lil' spud' as dream slowly pushes his present under the nearest chair because he got michael a fully enchanted netherite axe because 'you never know!' and ranboo just gives a very weak, questionably charitable, 'well, it's true, i guess you do never know' while phil and niki look on in horror.
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joshy-tomato · 4 years
Random thought:
What if Dream use the favor to get Techno in conflict with Badlands. AAC and Badlands are right now the most powerful factions, and if Dream wants total control of his server he would have to get rid of both, but without get himself directly involved.
(Althought I doub it, right now Badlands are more focused in the crimson plot, but anything can happen)
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mtdreamcatcher · 4 years
More Dream SMP Headcanons. This time it’s Technoblade.
-Techni is a piglin hybrid. His lower canines are rather big, they poke out of his mouth, like mini tusks. They don’t impread his speech because he’s had them all his life. Pale pink skin, his hair is slightly darker version of an overworld pig’s skin. Pig hooves, long tail with floof at the end. Five fingers, normal hand structure except for the tough hoof-claws on his fingers. From the middle joint of his fingers up is his hoof-claws.
-Lots of jewelry, his fancy crown, a jewelry cuff on his tail, bedazzled with gems like the ones on his crown. Earnings and earing chains hangs from his ears. He wears a few gold and silver rings, studded with precious gems.
-His eyes are blue but with his mask on his eyes are a solid yellow.
-Long hair, stops just at the base of his tail, usually in a braid. When his hair is up in one central braid he has a smaller braid that hangs down below and behind his right ear, tied to the end is one of Philza’s feathers. Even when his hair is down that extra braid is there. He even adds a braid behind his left ear, a small disc shaped bead attached the band holding the braid together but he removed it when Tommy and Technoblade split.
-He’s huge, really tall, broad shoulders, skinny but muscular. I’d say about 7’3, man is imposing, even more so with the cloak and armor making him look even bigger.
-His pig mask has built in glasses lenses, when it’s off he wears regular glasses. Black frames, real simple.
-Plenty of scars. He’s done a lot of fighting.
-He was found by Philza when he was about four, a group of adventures wanted to kill lil piglin hybrid Techno. When Wilbur was born the lil guy, being the child of a fae and a shapeshifter, he shapeshifted to look like Techno. They’re “twins”.
-When Techno was in his teens he decides to strike out on his own to discover his place in the world. During his travels discovers a small nation, immediately faces discrimination for being a hybrid, a piglin hybrid to make it worse. He enters the big fighting tournament he wins his crown. He then takes down said corrupted government, cementing his anarchist ways.
-Like in my Ranboo post, Techno also found little Ranboo, taught him to fight, gave him a crown, and they went separate ways. Techno continuing his nomadic warrior wandering.
-His travels yield experience, both worldly and fighting, scars, and a ferocious reputation.
Antarctic Anarchist Commune:
-Techno will curl up by the fire place and reads. Phil will often join him.
-Everyone in the AAC have a personalized AAC sigil. Techno’s has boar tusks jutting out from under it.
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robotic-poet · 4 years
eret and slimesicle for the asks
Oh, those ones are good! Eret- Thoughts on the betrayals?
Okay okay. I’m going to divide this on the betrayals I remember ! I’m going to leave out a few simply because oh my god. So many. Eret betrayal- Look. It was an extremely evil thing to do and Eret was obviously in the wrong, but this is probably my favorite betrayal! The fact that it wasn’t scripted makes it even better. “Down with the revolution boys! It was never meant to be” I am losing my shit. So good, one of the most iconic moments of the whole dsmp and definitely one of my favorites! Schlatt betrayal- Another fun one! I love how it started off as a joke but Schlatt is a great actor and definitely played his part! Quackity betraying Manburg is definitely one of my favorite moments of the server in general as well :).
Pogtopia (Against Techno)- I dont reallythink it was a betrayal tbh. All of the viewers and all of the characters were aware that Pogtopia fought to reinstall Wilbur as president. I remember a good post talking about how WIlbur misleaded Techno saying they all were going to destroy the goverment, so there’s also that! In general one that angers me simply because of how often it’s used as an excuse for Techno’s actions in the finale. But it was definitely unexpected and cool to see!
Wilbur- Iconic and cool and didn’t expect them ONE bit. We can’t have nice things in L’Manburg :( Wilbur why. I think it’s great and emotional and marked a before and an after on the dsmp storyline,,, I like it but GOD it hurts
Tommy (against Techno)- I can see it as a “betrayal” in the sense that he left the AAC faction, but I don’t think Tommy was in the wrong at all and would have had way worse consequences if he hadn’t done it. It was meant to happen to be honest and I don’t know how anyone was shocked abt it tbh.
Niki and Jack- I mean they’re both in the wrong because yeah... Killing kids is wrong sadly U-U. I can see the reasoning behind their actions even if I don’t agree with it and I just HOPE that this is a “they realize they’re in the wrong and stop before people find out” kind of deal.
Slimesicle- Which character do you think is underrated? Oh man how could I choose 75% is underrated! Jack Manifold is one of my favorite streamers in general and GOD would I love for people to notice him more. Purpled, Ponk, Hannahxxrose and Foolish are all SUCH great creators and I wish I could see more of them!!! There are also lots of characters that I don’t think are (completely) ignored by the fandom but def need more recognition such as Fundy, Niki, Puffy and Eret who are AMAZING and deserve way more love!!
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brookreda77105-blog · 5 years
Convert Speex (.spx) Files Made By Recorder To Mp3
OGG is an open, free container format for digital multimedia, but the term is commonly used to imply the excessive-high quality lossy , size-compressed audio file format often known as Ogg Vorbis (Vorbis-encoded audio inside an OGG container). A: You possibly can convert your WAV information to the popular SPX format. Many individuals discover iTunes exhausting to make use of. Now, it would not allow you to create playlists or arrange your tunes by the DJ like you possibly can with iTunes 10. Furthermore, the number of supported codecs is not that massive. Speex could be distributed as a single stream (where it usually was givenspx extension in the occasion being saved to disk), and inside an Ogg container.
three. Change a tag (or the remainder) on an mp3 file on one pc. This trace does NOT WORK AT ALL for mp3 recordsdata which are of various bit costs. Just about all fashionable avid gamers know to disregard garbage in the course of the file, but some older (particularly hardware based) gamers could either chirp after they get to the merge factors or simply stop taking part in all together. LameXP : is a graphical shopper-interface - desgined for House dwelling home windows XP - for probably the most properly-liked open-present mp3 encoder. AlternativeTo is a free service that helps you uncover higher alternate choices to the merchandise you need and hate. ID3 tags are preserved throughout conversion; furthermore, you could change the ID3 tag data for MP3 recordsdata (title, album, artist, yr, style and so forth). Any Video Converter Closing is educated CDA to MP3 Converter which allows you to extract audio tracks from CD and convert to MP3 format. So do you must uncover a current cheaper worth from a web based totally retailer on an comparable, in-inventory product, inform us and we'll match it. See extra particulars at On-line Value Match. How the hell do I try this including changing the bitrate of the mp3 i must create. Ease Audio Converter can convert audio codecs MP3, wav videos to spx converter online, WMA, OGG, AAC ,APE,FLAC,MP2,MP4, wav videos to spx converter online M4A,MPC(MusePack),AC3, TTA,ofr(OptimFROG),SPX(Speex),Ra(Actual audio),and WavePack from one to a different. Free download and set up the skilled APE to FLAC Converter-iDealshare VideoGo ( for Dwelling windows , for Mac ), install and run it, the next interface will pop up.While merging audio files in several formats, MP3 Joiner performs automatic format conversion, decoding, resampling and re-encoding files if required. Even if your supply recordsdata have a special format, recorded with completely different pattern fee, and encoded with completely different bitrates and completely different codecs, MP3 Joiner will deal with the conversion utterly robotically and with no hesitation. Simply specify which format, bitrate and pattern charge you need your output file, and MP3 Joiner will do the rest! As an added bonus, you should use MP3 Joiner to simply convert file codecs. Merge" a single MP3 file into an OGG track, and your MP3 tune will likely be converted to OGG format momentarily.L'Audio Interchange File Format ( AIFF ) a été développé par Apple en 1988 et est le plus souvent utilisé sur des ordinateurs Apple Macintosh. C'est le FLAC d'Apple (vous l'avez compris : une techno type et chacun pousse son commonplace…) ce qui pourrait d'emblée donner des boutons à certains, et pourtant choisir le format audio Alac aujourd'hui n'a rien d'un non sens car il dispose de toutes les qualités du FLAC + le fait d'être suitable avec les produits de la pomme, ce qui fait de lui finalement le format le plus regular.FLAC, quick for Free Lossless Audio Codec, is a form of lossless audio format, which implies it affords the same high quality as the original audio file. The FLAC audio file takes up a lot less space on your laborious drive than the unique audio file but it isn't appropriate with every kind of gadgets. So the following converters come into being to fix this downside.I seen that when using this app it tends to crash when including files. I really don't look after this, over all it's easy to use, however nonetheless annoying when it crashes. Free Audio Converter is straightforward to make use of, helps a wide range of file codecs, and is sufficiently configurable to ensure that you get the precise audio high quality settings you want.Click on the hyperlink to get extra particulars about listed packages for convert wv file motion. To trim WV, you just want to maneuver the sliders to specify start and end time, then hit OKAY; to split WV, merely enter the value you want, click convert wv to wav on OKAY. If you want to merge several WV recordsdata, you solely should tick the field before Merge all data, all the WV recordsdata will be merger after conversion.I am absolutely constructive that SoundMAX three.0 can efficiently drive any PC speaker set. While the examined board came equipped with a single AD1885 CODEC (which suggests it supports only 2 channels), it may be configured up to a 5.1 (6 channel) output by way of a CNR audio riser (which can have 2 addition AD1885 codec). Output quality throughout our assessments might have been even better if the AD1885 was put in on a CNR board resulting from much less electromagnetic interference.
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honkster · 4 years
January 7th - Dream SMP
Timing the streams
Little summary (spoilers)
Tubbo wants a fresh start, a chance for a place to become a nation.
Tubbo is halfway through building a house when Tommy comes to speak to him and they both move in to Tommy’s old house.
They also rob Ranboo.
Ranboo loots the L’crater, builds a shelter for himself and a cow farm for the AAC.
Little rules to make it easier for me to timestamp
^_^ after a quote - a joke conversation.
:| after a quote - a serious/lore important conversation.
|_| - banter on top of something plot relevant/Something plot relevant in banter form.
Usually if I write *someone* logs on, that means that there's either a little interaction or something that happens when they log in. If something isn't that important, or doesn't relate to any of the SMP lore/drama, I'll usually just leave it out.
Hope that these help get a better picture of all the drama!
The streams that I chose to take timestamps from:
Tubbo – Goodbye L’manburg (dream smp) – (01:16:00 ahead of Tommy’s stream)
tommyinnit – I am so upset – (01:16:00 behind Tubbo’s stream)
Ranboo – Exploring the ruins || DreamSMP
Tubbo’s stream (01:16:00 ahead of Tommy’s stream)
00:05:20 Tubbo logs on.
00:09:35 “Anarchy is not the way to do it” |_|
00:16:05 Tubbo finds a place to build.
00:22:00 DAWN OF 16TH!!!
00:29:00 Tubbo starts building.
01:19:50 Ranboo joins Tuboo’s vc.
01:36:45 Tubbo joins Tommy’s vc.
Tommy - 00:20:45 Tubbo joins Tommy’s vc.
01:38:30 “Yesterday we lost” :| (I recommend watching the lore bits on Tommy’s stream actually, Tubbo just has slightly immersion-breaking music in the background XD)
01:44:00 “Do you know the thing that tore us apart?” :|
01:47:15 “Fuck the Blade” |_|
01:53:00 “You’ve got a future ahead of you” :|
01:56:50 Ranboo joins the vc.
02:01:20 Tommy and Tubbo abuse Ranboo’s memory problems. (With a side serving of Ranboo being utterly confused.)
After the realization that the Prime Button has been yeeted Tubbo ends stream.
Tommy – 00:56:30 PRIME BUTTON IS GONE. (Twitch has a breakdown.)
Tommy – 01:05:50 Techno joins the vc.
Tommy - 01:07:35 Sam and Tommy get into a vc.
Tommy - 01:09;10 Tubbo joins the vc.
Ranboo’s stream
00:03:00 Ranboo starts playing the game.
00:10:55 Ranboo questioning Phil and Techno after having let him stay in the AAC.
00:17:00 Ranboo arrives at L’manburg to loot the crater.
00:21:40 Ranboo explains that he doesn’t like eye contact.
00:26:20 Bathew :D
00:30:20 “Whatever happened to that egg?” ^_^
00:31:30 “I can deliver Squeeks to where Tommy and Tubbo live!” ^_^
00:35:25 “I was wondering why I decided to choose Techno and Phil” |_|
00:41:05 “L’manburg was a weird experiment” ^_^
00:48:00 Ranboo looks at L’crater solemnly.
00:57:45 BUNNY :’) (Ranboo builds a little camp for himself)
01:23:00 Ranboo makes a wittle farm.
01:41:10 Ranboo returns to L’crater to farm squids.
01:50:50 Ranboo starts talking about his stay at AAC.
02:01:55 Ranboo starts a cow farm.
02:09:20 Dono:”Is your character a Ghast/Enderman hybrid? If not what is the other half of your skin?” |_|
02:21:50 Retirement arc Ranboo.
Ranboo hangs around a bit more before ending the stream. (50k viewers and a thousand subs in one day! Go enderboy go!)
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katieemma909-blog · 5 years
Alt CDA To MP3 Converter 7.3
CDA file doesn't contain sound. Click the "Setting" button to select a folder for saving the output files within the dialog that opens. You can even adjust the audio settings when you convert utilizing the Encoder Output settings button. Click on the tab that claims Quantity to make audio adjustments to your files as they are being transformed equivalent to Normalize, Amplify and cda to mp3 ripper mac os Noise Reduction. Nicely if you need more functionality and features then you should use these free CD Ripper instruments or CDA Converter Softwares to transform cda to mp3 ripper mac os to MP3 and other audio codecs. The information will likely be added to the venture. You can repeat this step as many times as you must (for example, should you select and your files are in numerous folders). To work with music tracks on your CD you want first to transform them toWAV,MP3 or another file format that computers perceive. That's what a CD ripper does and that's why you should use a ripper before you may work along with your music recordsdata on a pc. Simple as that. When you can not see the menu bar in Windows Media Participant, hover over the top area of the interface to access the menu bar. Now select Instruments Choices to bring up the Choices dialog box that you may see in Figure 1. four) what's the finest answer I can have for my software , I've around one hundred Kaorke CD's in CDA format. which format should i convert to MP3 or WMA. For around 1200 songs what capacity Ipod or juke field I would wish, in order to not lose the audio quality. They modify over sound documents in addition to they allow us to alter over video and picture recordsdata. At any rate, a sound transformation is accessible for nothing. If for some cause the MP3 files will not be playable or if you happen to're unable to make use of Windows Media Player to convert your CMA recordsdata to MP3, proceed down to Technique three. It is ready to altering CDA to MP3 simply and quickly. It might be a part of CDA information to one huge AAC, ALAC, FLAC, WAV, M4A, M4B, MP3, OGG or WMA. CDA to MP3 Converter converts CDA files cda convert to mp3 online to MP3 and completely different codecs just like AAC, M4A, WMA, OGG, and so forth. In order that you would hearken to the audio in iPod or MP3 Participant. While holding down the Possibility key (Mac) or Shift key (Windows) in your keyboard, choose File > Convert > Convert to import choice. The format shown is the one that you simply chose in step four. For example, for those who selected Apple Lossless Encoder, choose Convert to Apple Lossless. When Asunder is finished with ripping your Audio CD to MP3's, you may discover a folder with the title of the album, created in the folder you previously chosen as Vacation spot folder". Nero recognizes and convertscda to various formats when ripping a CD. The simplest methodology is using Burning Rom, Extras, Save Audio Tracks. Sincecda files contain no audio, you will need to rip the disc that they're on. I'm not exactly a techno-wizard, and nor do I wish to obtain something if I can avoid it, I have had a number of trouble with free downloads earlier than. Any assist could be appreciated. I am so unbelievably offended that the recordsdata, for no obvious motive, have modified frommp3 tocda. Also, if anyone knows methods to avoid this happening once more the long run, that'd be very useful. This user friendly information will educate you how you can rip your Audio CD to MP3 with DiscRipper at superb ripping speed and with excellent output quality. Warning: AuI ConverteR 48x44 Free permit to rip the primary CD-audio monitor in the "Supply information" listing of the software program main window with full audio high quality. Step 3: Click the Rip button to set off CDA to MP3 converting course of. CDA is an acronym for CD Audio files and they are shortcuts created by Home windows for all of the tracks situated on the CDs inserted in the CD-ROM. Left-click on the 'Rip' button to begin the conversion process. The converted files will likely be saved in the Music Library folder by default. Think about this. CD audio knowledge takes up roughly 10 MB per minute. So check the filesize of your CDA files. In the event that they're around four kB every, you've got shortcuts. If they really take up 10s or 100s of MB, you have PCM data. Click Rip CD. It is a tab at the top of the Home windows Media Participant web page. Home windows Media Player will begin ripping your CD's information. Press the MP3 button on the Convert Tab to set the format to which you want to convert your audio. The explanation folks use a DVD ripper is often to take away copyright safety in order that the films or information on the DVD will be played on their laptop. DVD rippers also generally permit users to vary video format and compress the data so the movies or films can be performed on the small screens of sensible phones and tablets. Leawo Music Recorder can routinely download and add music tags to your recordings. Nevertheless, you too can manually modify music tags by going to Media > Library and right click on the recording to decide on "Edit music tags" to switch music tags like title, artist, album and style.
Android supported audio formats embody MP3, AAC, AMR, FLAC (Lossless), MIDI, Vorbis and WAV. The file extensions of Android audio can bemp3,.aac,.amr,.flac,.wav. Observe: Free Audio CD to MP3 Converter automatically fills the tags and the paintings, which may be seen in iTunes, Winamp or just a Windows Explorer folder. The Audio House Recording Act explains the legalities concerned with recording audio from streaming companies. Mainly, it's authorized to file a streaming service if it's finished at your home and for non-business use. This text summarizes the regulation's definition and what it means for someone who buys audio converter software program for that purpose.I talked to the senior audio software engineer answerable for Switch and requested him why you need to pay for conversion software. He told me, Reliability, stability and quality." He pointed out that NCH Software has consistently up to date and improved Change for more than 20 years, and every time a new version is released, it passes by a variety of intensive internal testing procedures." In case you are serious in regards to the high quality of your music assortment and different audio information, it is price spending a few bucks to ensure the software would not impart unwanted artifacts or noise during the conversion course of.
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