#aaron going to see sebastian
bobbie-robron · 10 months
Look… Aaron, I can’t help it if I’m not ready for kids.
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Mini set
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kevinsdsy · 1 month
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all for the game social media au — the summer olympics edition (pt. 7): EVERYONEEE the sebastian & aaron tweet is inspired by @minyard-05’s fic called golden on ao3 and y’all should DEFINITELY read it!!!! it’s genuinely so beautifully written so yeah 🙂‍↕️ would 10/10 recommend + ENJOY SOME SEBASTIAN HEADCANONS WHILE WE’RE AT IT 🫶🏼
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another disclaimer: would jean ever offer to go to marseille?? no, i know he wouldn’t. BUT for the 2024 summer olympics he ended up in france anyway and can’t a girl (me) be all about healing and romanticising life? can’t i just believe if he did end up in france anyway he might have realized maybe it isn’t so bad after all— and maybe this place does not have to haunt him forever if he just has the right people with him??? no??? okay well IM SORRY
also if u made it this far to my notes WE’VE DONE IT ‼️ IT’S THE END OF THE TROJANS AND OLYMPIC SOCMED AU will maybe do another post to tell y’all so it’s not hidden all the way down here or put it in the masterlist but oh well we’ll see
please feel free to keep sending me inboxes about things that remind y’all of the trojans hehehe and PLEASE feel free to grab and take any dynamics/characteristics for your own work/thoughts if you’d like
ALSO if you’re really sad about the socmed au ending I CAN PUT YOU ON TWO OF MY FAVOURITES SOCMED AUS RIGHT NOW:
@jeanmoroses: MASTERLIST — tsc social media au
hmm thinking really hard if i missed something but i’m sure this is about it— once again THANK Y’ALL for making this such a fun time for me and for letting me be silly about these characters i love y’all it’s been a BLAST
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mrs-stans · 8 days
Meet Sebastian Stan, the actor who plays Donald Trump in The Apprentice
From Gossip Girl to Marvel Studios, to more independent productions: Sebastian Stan's career has been a roller coaster ride. During his visit to the Deauville American Film Festival, Vogue met the actor, who at 42 years old won a Hollywood Rising-Star Award.
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On October 9, Sebastian Stan will be Donald Trump in The Apprentice. Some know him for his role as Carter Baizen in Gossip Girl. Others, for that of the Winter Soldier in Marvel productions. But recently, the American actor, of Romanian origin, has ventured into more independent fiction, which sheds a new light on his career. At the Deauville American Film Festival, he came to present A Different Man by Aaron Schimberg, in which he plays Edward, a young disabled actor who decides to change his appearance to, he believes at the time, improve his life. On the contrary, this transformation marks the beginning of his fall. An antagonist role such as he has long played on our screens, and which he continues in The Apprentice, presented in May 2024 at the Cannes Film Festival, and directed by filmmaker Ali Abbasi. So many elements that made us want to talk with the 42-year-old actor during his visit to Normandy, where he was awarded the Hollywood Rising-Star Award. As proof of the new direction taken in his career, today considered by the proponents of European cinema, perhaps, let's confess, more snobbish than their American compatriots.
Vogue. Gossip Girl, The Covenant, The Apprentice or even Captain America: The Winter Soldier … Your filmography is full of antagonists!
Sebastian Stan: A lot of things came to me, other roles, I pursued them. What I am certain of is that I never wanted just one type of role. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I refuse the more traditional hero roles, which I also find very interesting, even difficult in some ways. But it's true, I've always been curious about the idea of playing complex characters, full of flaws. Sometimes, they are the antagonists. Often even! What interests me in human nature is the duality. We can be extremely good to each other, as we can become horribly evil. Life is more complex than that, there are not good guys on one side, and bad guys on the other. Each of us is capable of the best as well as the worst. The antagonists, in my films, offered a great potential for acting that I enjoyed exploring.
Even Edward, your character in A Different Man, seems consumed by envy.
Probably the most complicated character I've ever played! But he's still so realistic in so many ways. I was just talking about this: I hope a lot of people get a chance to see this movie because it's really about acceptance and truth. Someone asked me what I think are the most important human characteristics. I said: values, the relationship we have with ourselves, and how we treat others. When I look at younger generations growing up today, especially with social media, people are almost forced to be followers. Fewer and fewer people are brave enough to express their voices in a unique way to fight against conformity. When you look at a character like Edward, you understand that better. We've all lied to ourselves at some point in our lives. We've all wanted things we couldn't have. We've all envied the person next to us. I wouldn't go so far as to say that this film is a fable, but it has this ability to make us look inside ourselves, and ask ourselves: "What makes me different?" Rather than trying to be things that we are not.
For the first time, with A Different Man, you are putting on the producer's shoes. Why?
I found myself much more invested in the film. It was a very unique experience, which I had not anticipated, I must admit. When I met Aaron Schimberg, the director, at the very beginning of the process, we formed a great connection, and we tried to sell the film together here and there. He welcomed me with open arms in this collaboration, included me in all the conversations about the feasibility of the project. For example, I was the one who suggested that he watch the film Julie (in 12 chapters) because I think Renate Reinsve is incredible in it. I was even able to help with the prosthetics that are used in the film, as well as on the shooting. Let's be honest: it was a complicated shoot, to do in a very short time. Only about twenty days. As an actor, I worked harder, I didn't count my hours. As a producer, I helped Aaron Schimberg make the film as he had in mind. I learned a lot from A Different Man, that's for sure.
Does this mean you're going to try it again?
Oh yes! There are several projects that I have my eye on at the moment… But it’s very difficult to make films, which you probably know here in France. A film like A Different Man, honestly, if A24 studios hadn’t intervened, I’m not sure we would have managed to make it. The United States is not like France or the rest of Europe: there is not the same support allocated to the film industry from institutions. There are no dedicated funds, it’s up to you to manage on your own. When you fight for a film, in addition to playing in it as an actor, it’s both exhausting, but terribly rewarding.
It’s a role for which you were awarded a prize at the Berlinale , and tonight, you’re going to receive a Hollywood Rising-Star Award here in Deauville. At 42! That’s joyful!
I know! I'm a 42-year-old emerging actor, I should say that in my speech... The thing with this industry is that you're constantly growing. It's true, I'm 42, but for the first time, I feel like I'm learning very important things, that I wish I had known much earlier! It was a strange year for me, between the Berlinale, the Cannes Film Festival, Deauville ... For my two films, The Apprentice and A Different Man, I felt real support from the European festivals, very prestigious ones at that. It was very special for me who had never experienced that before. And then I have immense respect for European cinema, which for me is synonymous with real work and authenticity. Here, if people don't like the films, they're not afraid to say so! So that my films have been so well received here, it means a lot.
You are European yourself, you grew up between Austria and Romania…
That’s right. I lived in Romania for the first eight years of my life, and then in Vienna for four years. Coming to the United States in the mid-1990s was a turning point in my life. There, I had opportunities that I would never have had in Romania. That’s why I’m so interested in the idea of the American dream, which is reflected in many of my films. A Different Man and The Apprentice both explore it, in their own way. I think the central question of both of those works is: “When is enough enough? How far can we go to get what we want? Why do we always want to win?” Coming from Europe, where the philosophy is almost the opposite of that, helped me in many ways. I don’t know if I would have approached my roles in the same way.
In A Different Man , you don't speak much, but the physicality of the role is evident. How did you work on it?
Luckily, I was there from the beginning of the shoot. Our makeup artist, Michael Marino , who was working multiple shoots at the same time, would put the prosthetics on me very early in the morning. So I had this time before the shoot where I would walk around the streets of New York with this face that is not mine, and see the reactions of the people around me. It was scary, and enriching in many ways. It helped me understand what it meant to live in the shoes of a man like Adam Pearson, because I wouldn't have been able to realize it otherwise. Adam was very honest with me and talked to me a lot about his experiences, which helped me a lot. And then as an actor, I myself live this strange phenomenon of being recognized on the street every day. I don't have a private life. I sometimes feel like I'm some kind of public property: people can film me and do pretty much whatever they want.
Let’s talk a little bit about the Donald Trump you play on The Apprentice . How does one prepare for such a role?
Playing a real person has its pros and cons. The advantage, with people as famous as him, is the amount of archives available. Videos, articles, documentaries… you have plenty to study the character! But there is a problem: you have to find a place to insert yourself, as an actor. A real challenge, which I like to welcome without really knowing if I will succeed. That is part of the problem that faces me! But that is precisely the reason that makes me want to take on this kind of challenge. Telling myself that I can't do something only redoubles my desire to succeed. When you play a completely fictional character like Edward, it is up to you to build his story. How did he get there? That is what I am constantly looking for.
The Apprentice by Ali Abbasi with Sebastian Stan and Jeremy Strong, from October 9, 2024 in theaters.
A Different Man by Aaron Schimberg with Sebastian Stan, Adam Pearson and Renate Reinsve, coming soon.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 3 months
So...when is Ryan Hawley rejoining Emmerdale? We need a Robron Reunion soon right? Seb is growing up without his Dads, Aaron is stuck in the village and Robert is stuck on the IoW! Of course, when Robert and Aaron come face to face, they will not see eye to eye. So, what would you prefer? A massive blow up like Chrissie and Robert causing havoc in the village or a slow burn like before the 2018 reunion - but obviously with a sane, Maxine written SL? If RWRB fans can manifest a sequel into reality, 911 Buddie fans have the Buckley-Diaz family within reach, we can dream about a Robron wedding in Las Vegas right? 😝😂
lol I don't think buddie fans are really the best example here.
but yes, he's done the guest parts on other shows, he's done voice over work, he's made two kids - time to go back!
Though Maxine isn't a writer on emmerdale anymore (something about rats and sinking ships) but since we're fully 🤡🤡🤡 here maybe she'll do a guest ep for a special occasion!
Like Aaron being shifty for weeks, secret phone calls and texts, snapping at Vinny when he tries to look at his screen. Telling him it's none of his business when he asks what he's hiding. And then one random tuesday he'll announce he's going away for a couple of days and no, he won't tell where to.
And then we get Aaron getting in his car and adjusting the mirrors For Reasons and we see he has one of those picture key chain thingies hanging from his rear-view mirror with their wedding pic with Seb in it and he drives away (this would actually work with the bts pic Danny posted where he's filming with/in Aaron's car!). And there's a few shots of him driving until he pulls up to a random house somewhere. He parks his car and gets out, walks up to the house and rings the doorbell, a person we don't know opens the door. "Hi Aaron. He's waiting for you."
Aaron goes in and we see a little boy watching tv and clutching a giraffe plushie, and a packed backpack next to him.
The person tries to get the kid's attention but he's focused on the tv and they sort of apologise to Aaron who just shrugs and sits down next to him.
"Hey mate, what are you watching?"
And the boy quickly looks at him and smiles and then starts telling him all about the thing he's watching.
And Aaron just lets him ramble and just has this *fond* look in his eyes the whole time.
*some other stuff happens, tom is still abusing belle, everyone is miserable*
When we come back to Aaron and the boy, the show he was watching has ended and he's sitting next to Aaron who has his arm around him.
"So are you ready to go home?"
the boy nods and we see a shot of the person who let Aaron in smiling at the two of them.
"Alright, lets go then. Go say bye."
The boy walks up to the person and says bye and they bend down to hug him.
"Bye Sebastian, it's been a pleasure having you here but I'm sure you'll be very happy back with your dads again."
*gasp* *shock* The boy is Seb!
They leave and we see Aaron strap Seb into a car seat and triple check all of the straps and buckles until he's satisfied and he gets behind the wheel and starts the car.
He tells Seb to wave at the person as they drive away and we see them round the corner and disappear from view.
Then there's some more shots of Aaron driving but it's notably a very different road/route than before and we see him maybe check google maps on his phone a lot, indicating that he doesn't know the road where they're going.
It's implied they've been on road a long time and they stop at a mcdonalds or something to get something to eat and Seb gets to play in the ballpit for a while.
Aaron is still on his phone A LOT and texting someone until his phone rings in his hand. He answers in typical Aaron style with a few one word answers and then hangs up, and tells Seb they have to go again.
When they get into the car he tells Seb it's only short drive now and we see them drive to a bus station and pull over.
Aaron smiles at something in front of them and gets out of the car, standing by the door, not quite believing his eyes.
"You took your time." someone out of view tells him and he laughs.
"Shut up and get over here you."
And we see him stepping away from the car, walking towards someone, and when the other person is within reach, he grabs a suit jacket and the camera focuses on his hands - fists balled into the fabric.
"I've missed you mister Dingle."
And the camera *FINALLY* pans up and we see Robert half smiling, half crying, pulling back a little to REALLY look at Aaron.
And he cups his face and wipes away a stray tear with his thumb.
"I missed you too mister Sugden"
*credits roll, the nation rejoices, all is right in the world again, robron are reunited*
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exposedfm · 3 months
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Meme nights are some of our favorite nights, which is why we're thrilled to be presenting our first one to you lovely people. But before we get started, we just wanted to go over a few ground rules to ensure this is done as fairly as possibly. We know it's super easy to get wrapped up in the excitement of all the questions coming in and preparing your answers, but please don't completely ditch your replies in favor of only responding to memes. There is not set time limit on the duration of this meme, so if a few days from now you still have some unanswered questions in your inbox, feel free to answer and post them! In an effort to keep track of everyone that would like to be included, we will keep a running tab of everyone who reblogged this post underneath the cut. This will make it much easier to quickly access everyone's blogs and send out asks more efficiently. One last thing, anything that is "confessed" or answered in these memes is fair game for the gossip blog to comment on. Have fun and we can't wait to see what unfolds with your celebrity's answers!
Send 💬 + a rumor and my muse will react to it.
Send 🎶 and I’ll arrange a playlist of 3-5 songs for our muses’ relationship.
Send 🍿 and my muse will tell yours exactly what they think of them at that moment.
Send ☕ and my muse will talk about someone they don’t like and why.
Ask my muse “Have you ever _” questions.
Send me ‘What If’ scenarios for my muse to answer.
Send "FMK + 3 names" and my muse will answer.
The following accounts have reblogged this post. Please send an equal amount of asks out to everyone to keep things as fair as possible!
Taylor Swift @taylorexposed
Olivia Rodrigo @brutaliv
Pete Davidson @petesdavidscn
John Krasinski @jkrasinski
Harry Kane @hurrikaneharry
Travis Kelce @travisklces
Emily Blunt @bluntexposed
Ariana Grande @grandeexposed
Cari Fletcher @cfltcher
Nick Jonas @njcns
Hailee Steinfeld @hsteinfld
Aaron Taylor Johnson @atjay
Jacob Elordi @elcrdi
Niall Horan @flickerhoran
Florence Pugh @miss-fl0
Lewis Capaldi @divinelycapaldi
Dove Cameron @doveexposed
Hayley Williams @hayleyexposed
Sophie Turner @sphietxrner
Ryan Gosling @goslingexposed
Blake Lively @livelyexposed
Margot Robbie @margotexposed
Sebastian Stan @sebexposed
Tom Holland @tomsexposed
Glen Powell @glenexposed
Renee Rapp @remajara
Emma Stone @emilystonc
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darerendevil · 8 months
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Aaron Schimberg kept it brief in his introduction before A Different Man had its world premiere January 21 at the 2024 Sundance Film Festival: “This is the one time I have to be able to show a film without anybody knowing anything about it.” A hush fell over the Eccles audience as the writer-director said that. It’s true. There’s before you see A Different Man, and then there’s after. The before is full of anticipation for the complex drama starring Sebastian Stan, Adam Pearson, and Renate Reinsve. The after is a rush of heart-clenching realizations about your own sense of self-worth, the true values of society, and questions about the ownership of your identity and story — even if you aren’t sure you want to own it yourself.
Edward (Stan) is an actor...
with a facial disfigurement who sticks to himself, doesn’t fix the leak in the ceiling of his apartment, and books parts in training videos for companies to learn how to treat people with disabilities just like everyone else. When his doctor tells him of a new experimental procedure that can “cure” his appearance, he decides to try it so he can be treated normally, like the people in the horrific training videos he shoots.
As Edward’s facial growths start to peel off — in a scene one can only describe as a moving Francis Bacon painting — instead of feeling relief, he still feels the need to hide who he is from everyone. That includes his playwright neighbor Ingrid (Reinsve), who has thrust herself into Edward’s orbit without fully letting him into hers.
His solution? To fake his own death and reemerge as a new “normal” guy hastily named Guy. This shedding of his skin seems to be working — he gets a new job as the most shiny of real estate agents and has a new, fancy loft apartment — until he sees that Ingrid has followed through on her goal to write a play with a part for him. Unfortunately, the play is about him, her dead neighbor, and their relationship through her eyes.
This is where A Different Man starts to fold in on itself in a brilliant meta statement about representation and authorization within the entertainment industry.
“[The film] is playing with various disability tropes,” explains Schimberg during the post-premiere discussion. “Like the sad disfigured man in his apartment, and playing around with those elements.” Since Edward’s story starts with that trope, it leaves the viewer uncomfortable and upset when we see Ingrid using these same tired storylines. It proves that she never really knew Edward, but had no problem using his disfigurement to push through a play about her being a “good person.”
But, wait, weren’t we introduced to Edward in the same fashion? The film doubles down on this complication by having Edward-presenting-as-Guy beg his neighbor to let him play her version of himself within her off-Broadway show. Even with the face of an actual Hollywood movie star, Edward is bending his life around the preconceived notions of others. His desire to be both the before and after Edward is complicated further when Oswald (Pearson), an effervescent and charming man with similar facial disfigurements as the original Edward, enters the theater during rehearsal and proceeds to take his role and his relationship with Ingrid away.
On the subject of casting this complicated weave of an identity story, Schimberg recalls how thorny that was even within his own singular vision: “I thought you’re caught in a bind because some people said that casting Adam was exploitative, and then on the other hand casting a Hollywood star and putting him in prosthetics is also the opposite of what we think of as representation, even though it’s still very commonly used. So I was caught in a bind and I just thought: I’m going to do a movie that does both. I’m going to have a Hollywood actor in prosthetics, I’m going to have Adam be Adam and see what comes of it and build some kind of path forward.”
That path forward is a masterful film filled with tension. But while it might seem like the struggle is going to be between Edward and Oswald, A Different Man’s only true tension is within Edward himself. Stan excels as he wrestles with embarrassment and longing for his former face. Every time someone comments on Oswald’s appearance to Edward while he’s passing as Guy, you can feel the hot anger within him because they assume he agrees with their vile opinions. “Suppression is a really bad thing,” Stan says, passionate about his character and this creative journey. “That was my take on [why Edward hid his true identity]. But I think, sometimes, when you spend so much time denying yourself you don’t have the courage in those moments to speak up.”
“That was kind of the hook we gave to Sebastian,” Pearson continues. “Yeah you don’t know what it’s like to have a disfigurement, but you do know what it’s like to not have privacy and to have your life constantly invaded, for better or worse.” Stan nods his head emphatically, “Public property, right?”Pearson nods back at him down the line. “Yeah, those are the kind of chats we had to get it right.” He pauses and chuckles.
“I’m glad it wasn’t a physical battle because I would have lost that one.”
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xerith-42 · 8 months
Some Slightly More Coherent Thoughts about Void Paradox
Riveting title, I know, but this is the quality content I'm sure... 50 of you signed up for? When the fuck...? How are there so many of you?? And in spite of that title, this post is still long as fuck
Anyways I finished Void Paradox and it sure made me feel a certain way. [Cut to footage of me literally screaming anytime Laurance showed emotion in the series]. Gotta say, as a long time Laurance fan, this is really nice to have. I've been going on my tirades about how Jess ruined Laurance for the sake of Aaron, and how Laurance never really bounced back from this character assassination, but I wasn't entirely right. He sort of bounced back?
Well, we got this. I still would have liked Laurance in Love-Love Paradise but I guess I'll take him in this series. And honestly, it's the best Laurance content I've gotten that isn't fan content since... well, since I first watched the show back in 2015 when I was a literal fetus. Every time after I've gone back and watched as Laurance got written poorly from honestly really early episodes sometimes (looking at you Episode 65), and had to deal with the unfortunate truth that he was essentially unimportant to the story Jess decided to tell with both her series, despite being the main character of one of them.
It's so refreshing to have quality Laurance content, and we got a variety of it in this show. He's so expressive, so alive, so emotional. I've always loved Laurance because surprise surprise, the men in my life weren't always the most emotionally vulnerable, so I latched onto fictional men who were as a coping mechanism! Yayyy! And Laurance has always been a very emotionally vulnerable character, at least in the beginning. It's part of the tragedy that is his character arc in Season 2. That Laurance is usually vulnerable, that he's the one who's always willing to talk about his emotions, but the calling is making it harder to open up, and the world has only become crueler to men like him who dare to feel too much.
Wow I just keep sliding into depressing content in this post, I'm trying to praise Laurance's writing in this series. Because it's good. I have my problems with Void Paradox as a whole, but as a showing for my favorite character in the entire Aphverse, a chance at redemption, it's fantastic. As I said Laurance is so expressive in this series, largely thanks to Sebastian Todd being an absolutely phenomenal voice actor who clearly knows and cares about this character. His performance is absolutely excellent and a great high note for this character to go off on.
I cannot emphasize how much I adore every little thing about Laurance's portrayal. The flirtiness, the smug bastard energy, the very sincere and open care, that one scene where he gets super embarrassed and then whimpers that I haven't listened to like eighteen times. The whole thing is great. His dynamic with this alternate version of Aphmau is so good, it's so great to see him bounce off of other characters. I just love it so much.
That scene where he realizes that he's in a similar scenario to the Nether and literally instantly jumps to "If it comes down to it, let me sacrifice myself," I SCREAMED AT THIS. The whole series whenever he angsts over his old world I scream, but that line really hit me. Fuck whatever you say about Laurmau in every universe, the universal truth of Laurmau, nay the universal truth of Laurance is this;
"I would sacrifice myself so you could live in every universe."
That's Laurance! That's Laurance with literally anyone you want!! This is the best characterization Laurance has ever gotten. It's consistent with his character, and I love the fact that Mod Aphmau doesn't even let him finish his consideration of self-sacrifice, she just shuts it down and it's a great contrast to what Laurance is used to. I adore how that's what he jumps to, I adore the fact that he's as clueless as I am about the lore this season, I love the rivals esque thing he's got going on with Jaiden, that was fun. Lotta potential there. This was just a good time. I cannot emphasize how delightful Laurance was in this series. How his delightful presence is the most enjoyable thing in the series, and a literal blessing unto us all.
Wasn't it nice to feel good about an Aphmau series for like.. two minutes. Anyways here's the part where I get a little salty with Jess, as per usual. I'm not going to go too in depth on my problems with Void Paradox as a story because it's mercifully short and a lot of my complaints did come from a standpoint of not knowing any of the lore of Mod Mod World which might have hindered my full ability to understand the larger story.
I can however get VERY salty about the fact that I didn't even know Void Paradox was a thing that had Laurance in it until 2024!! It came out in 2018! How did this happen? Well the answer is very simple, the cause is the bane of my very existence. My Street Season 6 When Angels Fall. [I am shaking with rage]
I know you've likely read how much I can tear into season 2 Episode 95, and oh my Irene can I tear into that episode, but there's a similar but differently visceral emotion When Angels Fall makes me feel. Let's call it a sort of divine rage. And now, I have one more reason to hate it. Because Void Paradox, a series with actual quality content, was released at the same time as whatever the fuck that was, meaning it never had a chance.
For a bit of personal context, I briefly became active in the Aphmau fanbase when this season came out and during the time leading up to it. I had seen every season of My Street, and despite not being the biggest fan of where Jess took the series, I liked a lot of the characters and was invested in where they would go from here. I was knee deep in the My Street trenches when the many many different bombs dropped. Melissa dying but then she didn't but maybe she did and I literally spent hours arguing with people on this, Ein is turning everyone evil, there's a doomsday device, forever potion nonsense is happening, Travis' dad is evil maybe, Aaron is going insane, the multiverse is falling apart, and then Jess just killed the best character in the entire series, dare I say the entire Aphverse, dare I say the entire universe of existence as we know it--
It was a lot. And in all the chaos Void Paradox just... came out. It came out right before episode 9 of When Angels Fall came out. And anyone else who was there during the war... they know what that episode did to us. What it did to me. I wasn't the same after that episode came out. I felt like I had lost a part of myself. Something I wasn't sure I'd ever be able to get back...
And as a result, I and a lot of people didn't see Void Paradox. Looking at the numbers, Void Paradox struggled to get above 1 million viewers for most episodes, while the lowest viewed episode of When Angels Fall sits at a cozy 2.9 million as an established series. Void Paradox is objectively better as a series and deserves to have a second season. We deserve to explore more of the weird ideas Jess clearly had while making it, we deserve to know if a cure can be found, and we, or maybe just me and I'm feeling selfish here, deserve to know if Laurance is okay.
Jess has already taken one comfort character away from me. I'll be damned if she takes another.
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libraryofloveletters · 10 months
holiday extravaganza 2023!
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hi besties!! those of you that have been around for a while now that the holidays are my favourite time of the year; christmas, new years, and my birthday. 
so in honour of my favourite season, I bring to you; the holiday extravaganza 2023.   
it's a bit different this year, I've picked out prompts and drivers/players that are attached to each. they are meant to be blurbs so they vary in length but aren't very long :) - I hope you guys enjoy these as much I did! - as always, thank you to @diorleclerc the beautiful banner :)
running from: December 20th to December 29th. // 4-5 blurbs a day :)
tagged under: holiday extravaganza blurbs 23
December 20th
Sebastian Vettel - The Right Way To Do It 
Sebastian is the most meticulous person you've ever met in your life, and yes, that also translates to Christmas tree decorating.
Rodri - Don’t Fall
It was safe to say the man who comes from sunshine had yet to ice skate in his life. You made it your mission to change that; he was in Manchester,  after all.
Carlos Sainz Jr - Always You 
The infamous Sainz Christmas party. Every year your parents dragged you along and you only went to see one person. Your motives for going haven’t strayed despite growing up.
John Stones - Sing It With Me
John’s Christmas parties were famous for being crazy and unhinged, much like their host himself; because who else would end up drunk on a table, singing Christmas carols?
Jack Grealish - Made For You
His favourite time of the year; when you suggested the idea of matching pjs, Jack was all over it.
December 21st
Aaron Ramdale - Messy 
Aaron can’t help himself when he comes home from training and finds you baking Christmas cookies.
Mick Schumacher - Say Cheese  
Angie, much like her human father, hated to sit still for photos. Imagine the struggle to get both Schumachers to sit for a holiday card.
Paulo Dybala - Sweet Like Candy 
You had started making holiday treat bags for your class with the help of your boyfriend, who seems to be puzzled by the long curved candy you put in the bags.
Charles Leclerc - Stuff It
Charles goes a bit over board seeing that it’s your first Christmas with him, as his girlfriend that is. He revives an old tradition you two had as children.
Max Verstappen - Gimme A Smooch 
He was never one to indulge in things like mistletoe but since he begun to date you, he didn’t have much of a choice. 
December 22nd
Lewis Hamilton - The Art Of Wrapping
As he does every year, the house is filled with shopping bags and Lewis struggles to wrap all of his gifts. This year, he has a secret weapon; you.
Christian Pulisic - A Solid Foundation 
You and Christian have a contest to see who can build the best gingerbread house. Safe to say, you both went a little overboard
Kevin Magnussen - Something Doesn’t Taste Right 
Your husband convinces you that he knows how to make eggnog, no need to buy it from the store. His father’s recipe is the best of the best.. that’s if Kevin can figure it out.
Yuki Tsunoda - A Sweet Treat
Over your years at Alpha Tauri, you developed a habit with your driver; a sweet treat left behind as a peace offering when something went wrong. This time, Yuki was the one leaving the sweet treat.
Fernando Alonso - Wrapped Up 
Yet again, Fernando has forgotten to buy his Christmas gifts but there’s only one person that he cares to get something for.
December 23rd
Pierre Gasly - The Christmas Market 
You were missing home quite a bit and Pierre decides to indulge in one of your favourite holiday traditions.
Jenson Button - Jingle Bells 
The kids are convinced that they hear the bells on Santa’s sleigh, and Jenson is the exact same way. 
Darwin Nunez - Burnt 
Darwin suggests you host a dinner party at your place for a few of his teammates before you all head out for the holidays. He seems to have underestimate how much work goes into said party.
Son Heung-Min - Rudolph, The Red Nose Reindeer 
The winter fair was in town and Sonny decides that you two should go pay the reindeers a visit, because that’s what Santa would want.
December 24th
Jude Bellingham - A Visit To Santa
Jude decides now that you two are back home in England to take his brother to do the one thing they always did as kids; visit Santa.
Virgil Van Dijk - Holiday Oopsies
A snowstorm hits Liverpool and Virgil decides it would be good to take the kids to the park. Even with a warning from you, someone ends up in the hospital on Christmas Eve.
Daniel Ricciardo - Holiday Tunes
He insists on making a playlist for the holiday party, picking the worst possible songs on the planet.
Ibrahima ‘Ibou’ Konate - Movie Stars 
Ibou decides it would be a good idea for you two to make a vlog over the holiday break, just so he can keep his teammates updated.
Ruben Dias - The Lights Shining Down On You 
The people of Manchester love Christmas, just as much as you do. Ruben makes it his mission to ensure that you get to see every single Christmas display there is to see.  
December 25th
Antonie Griezmann - Glues Sticks and Pom Poms 
Every year since moving to Atletico, his girls have helped him to make Christmas cards for his teammates; this year was no different. The three of them covered in glitter, glue and pom poms.
Dominik Szoboszlai - I Spy With My Little Eye
This Christmas was different. Dom made you work for your gift rather than giving it to you; following the clues through the neighbourhood to your final gift.
Erling Haaland - Moo-rry Christmas
Erling insists that Santa has to get cookies and milk for his journey to Norway. Now where you got that milk? Erling the Farmer was on the job.
Trent Alexander Arnold - Christmas With The Robertsons 
Andy and Rachel have a holiday date night and call their two favourite people in the world to come babysit for them; auntie y/n and uncle trenty.
Andrew ‘Andy’ Robertson - Bumps and Bruises 
You convince your boyfriend that it’d be perfectly safe to go down the massive hill.. except it wasn’t.
December 26th
Jordan Henderson - Chocolate Doors 
Jordan buys your children a Christmas advent calendar, but they don't exactly understand the concept.
Jobe Bellingham - Must Watch 
His training took over most of his time so now that he was on break, you insisted you two do nothing but laze.
Yassine Bounou - The Mystery Gift
The Sevilla players have a tradition of playing secret Santa amongst themselves. You're a bit confused when a gift ends up on your desk.
Achraf Hakimi - Unwrapped
Kylian invites a few friends over to celebrate Christmas with him and his family. You can't quite remember what happened the night before you know you don't remember the events leading up to this morning.
December 27th 
Sergio Ramos - Christmas Cookies 
The kids insist Santa must get cookies when he drops off his present. Sergio make sure they know that Santa stopped by during night.
Pato O’Ward - Roll Over
Home for the holidays and cooped up inside due to the rain, both puppies and Pato go a little stir crazy.
Sergio ‘Checo’ Perez - Work Place Friendly 
RedBull hosts their annual holiday party, everyone sprawled out through the factory and you two ? Well.. that was a different story.
Thiago Alcantara - A Countdown To Midnight
Thiago insists on a new way to do the new years kiss, because waiting hours for one kiss wasn’t good enough.
Richarlison - A Brazilian Christmas
Rich stays in London for the holidays but he’s feeling bit home sick. You try your best to work with what you’ve got to cheer him up. 
December 28th
Kylian Mbappe - Ho Ho Ho 
When Santa’s elves weren’t at the workshop, his niece and nephew were a bit disappoint. Uncle Kyky finds a way to cheer them up, even if it earns him a few teasing comments from you.
Kostas Tsimikas - Mountains of Snow
Kostas insists that you two should go out into the snow and make a snowman. When you say no, he uses his skills of persuasion to get you to change your mind.
Mark Webber - Snowed In 
It wasn't even his idea to go to Switzerland, and now he was stuck on New Year's Eve, in the worst place on the planet; the airport.
Esteban Ocon - Behind The Curtains 
A school boy crush on his teammate; all it takes is a few sips of liquor and a photo booth to reveal his true feelings.
Lucas Paquetá - Box It Up 
As long as it takes to put up, it comes down in half the time. Lucas doesn't understand the delicate process of re-packing your ornaments.
December 29th
Giovanni ‘Gio’ Reyna - I’m Not Wearing This 
Gio tells your aunt that he loves the sweaters she knits.  So when he's gifted one, you make sure that he wears it.
Joe Gomez - Stuck 
You and Joe take a week off before Christmas hectic-ness to go up to the cabin and relax. The last thing you expected what to get snowed in.
Marcus Rashford - The Time For Giving 
The last place you expected to bump into him was the exact place you seem to find him.
Kimi Raikkonen - New Years At Home
From partying to parents; you and Kimi celebrate your first new years with your baby girl.
Lance Stroll - Choo Choo Trains 
Uncle Lance promised his nephew a toy train and when he remembers, he scrabbles last minute to find something.
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sweet-villain · 4 months
You Had Me~ Sebastian Stan/ Aaron Taylor Johnson series ~1
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Summary : You are into your best friends, but there is some secrets to recover. What happens when he finds the truth? What happens when the best cure is the man that's into you?
Sometimes you thought life would throw you a curveball or give you a magical moment where you shake that good luck ball and it would give you a message.
A message that would change everything. 
Your world did a whole 360 when you were casted as Lighting Shadow, your character Erin Wallace, as a child you were in an electrical accident.
Your character has the ability to control electricity and as for the shadow part, you use it to hide yourself from enemies or use it for a source of transportation. 
You play Pietro’s love interest in the movie. Before also in Captain America, being Bucky’s love interest. 
There was no secret behind it that you and Sebastian had a spark on set. Everyone could tell but you were oblivious to it. It was him being friendly.
But Aaron wasn’t a stranger either to you. The two of you met on the set of Kick Ass, where he grew fond of you and the two of you became close.
Not too close as Aaron had hid the fact that he got married. He was terrified to tell you as every time he looked at you, he had this feeling.
He called it a funny feeling. It’s silly, he thought when his eyes peered over at you and his heart skipped faster. Aaron shook it off as a small crush he had developed and it would go away. 
You were too fazed in your head to notice that Aaron had sat on one side while Elizabeth “ Lizzy” Olsen.
Your best friend whom you couldn’t hide anything from her as she discovered you were into Aaron.
But that puts you into a bit of hot water because Lizzy has kept her mouth shut on Aaron’s secret.
She knew it would hurt you, but she thought it was for the best since you would have Sebastian by your side. 
She knew what she was doing. 
Questions were coming here and there, to you about your character and to the others. Then one person stood up from the crowd dressed as you from the movie. 
“Who did you like kissing better? Pietro from Age of Ultron or Bucky from Captain America?” She asked. Aaron turned to you, a slight smirk on his face, he wanted to see what you would say. 
The crowd “ ooh” and “ Ah” at the question. Lizzy giggled as she waited for your answer as well curious who you’d pick. 
I rather not choose” You simply said leaning back in the chair. “ Awe…” The crowd pouted and wined. “ Oh Come on Y/N, it’s easy. Just pick me..” Aaron said, chuckling. 
“ I don’t want to upset Seb“ “ Oh? So I’m a better kisser than you?”  Rolling your eyes you pushed his shoulder. Aaron puffed his chest out as his smirk widened and then he nodded, “ Of course it’s me.” 
“All I am going to say is I love working with you and Sebastian but come on give a girl a break here?” The cast laughed along with the crowd.
The rest of the panel went great. When you stood up, Lizzy whispered in your ear, “ You have the hots for him.” She sang. 
Looking at her, you shrugged. Aaron was gorgeous, how can you not think he’s not? He was sweet, adorable and a total dork as well. “ You can’t like him though” 
Lizzy decided upon herself that she would tell you what Aaron has been hiding.
You are her best friend and besides, this would have Sebastian coming to the rescue and comforting you. She knew Sebastian had a thing for you. 
At this new information, you frowned following her out. “ Why not?” She sighed knowing this was going to come but she had to tell you if Aaron wasn’t going to.
 “ He’s married” Shocked at this information, your eyebrows frowned together as you took a glance at him.
Why didn’t he tell you? Being hurt by this, you avoided his gaze as he glanced at you, sending you a smile.
His smile dropped when you didn’t return it and avoided contact. 
His eyebrows knitted together in confusion as he tried to move in between people but he couldn't catch up to you in time as you already had left.
He sighed to himself. 
Weeks went by and you were ignoring Aaron the best way you could. Ignoring his calls, text and when he came to your door knocking on it. You changed the locks, he had a key.
When he found out that you changed it, he banged on it. He begged you to open the door, you stood on the other side of the door hearing his pleads. 
“ I miss you!” 
“ What did I do ??” 
Those were the only things he would say on the other side of the door while banging on the door and running a hand through his hair. He was upset and frustrated, trying to understand what he did wrong.
He doesn’t realize how much he hurt you with his secret. 
Your eyes were closed with your back against the door, every bang he would make caused a tear to shed down your cheek. Your heart felt like it was ripped into a million pieces. 
“ Please” he begged. 
You tried so hard to not open the door, you wanted to but this was for the best. 
“ I don’t understand why he never told me. Why did he keep me in the dark about this? It’s not like I was going to get mad but now, I don’t know how to feel. I mean, the way he looked at me on set.. It was like there was something there… or am I being delusional about this?” you asked Lizzy sitting across from her at a table in her kitchen. 
She sighed and grabbed onto your hands. 
“ You’re not. He was giving you those looks when you look at someone and feel like they are right for you.. You know?” you shrugged not really knowing the look or how it really looks.
You don’t even know if it was the look that Aaron was giving you, honestly. 
“ I’m sorry,” she added. “ You don’t deserve it” 
You shrugged. 
“  At least now you and Seb can get closer” your head shot up as you heard his name. “ Sorry?” you asked. She rolled her eyes, knowing you. 
“ You can’t tell me there is something there between you and Sebastain. Everyone could see it. He’s so into you..” she says.
A huge smile lights up on her face. Maybe steering away from Aaron would do you some good, she thought. 
“ I don’t know what you're talking about Olsen, but there is nothing there” you lied.
You knew something was there between you two. You can tell from how his eyes light up every time you two were in the room together, how he talks about you to others, and the way he would look at you and listen to you.
Even if it’s nonsense, you have his attention. 
She sighs, “ Whatever you say, sunshine. “ 
“ I can’t be friends with Aaron anymore” you stood up from the chair you were sitting in and put your hands on your hips. “ It’s not right, I need to get over him…” you mumble. 
“ He misses you.. Ask about you.. He’s been super moody…” she says. “ Do you want tea?” she asks. 
“ No, thank you. I don’t really care if he misses me, he hurts me and I don’t know..I can’t be around him.” 
A car pulls up to the house, Lizzy knitted her eyebrows together. She was not expecting anyone. 
“ You invited someone over? She asks, putting down her cup and heading towards the door. You shook your head, knitted eyebrows and followed her down the hallway to see who it was. She peers behind the curtain and see��s Aaron’s car. 
“ Huh, Aaron is here…” she says, letting the curtain go and turning her head towards you. “ You didn’t tell him you were here, did  you?” 
You shook your head. 
“ I haven’t talked to him in weeks. Why is he here?” She shrugs as she heads toward the door but you grab onto her wrist in time to stop her. 
“ What?” 
“ Don’t tell him I’m here” you whispered to her, eyeing the door. “ He can’t know…” you dropped her wrist before heading to the kitchen. Lizzy sighs and heads towards the door and throws it open since she knew who it was. 
“ Aaron! What a pleasant surprise” she says. “ Didn’t know you were in the neighborhood.” Aaron stares down at Lizzy and then looks over her shoulder at the hallway that leads to the kitchen.
She swallows the lump in her throat hoping he doesn’t walk into her house, uninvited and searching for you. 
“ Is she here?” he asks meaning he’s asking about you. She shakes her head. 
He tilts his head to the side inspecting her, the smell of your perfume hits his nose and it flares up in disappointment. He knew she was lying to him. 
“ Tell her to call me…” he turns to walk back to his car but not before turning around, looking at her over his shoulder as he adds, “ Please.” 
She closes the door after he leaves and turns around to jump, holding onto her heart as you stand there giving her a sympathetic look that you were sorry you scared her. Your eyes go to the door. 
“ Is he gone?” She moves away from the door. 
“ You need to stop acting like a child and talk to him. He’s a person, with feelings like you. He’s not a robot where he can turn his emotions off and on. He cares about you and I can tell it’s hurting the both of you being away from each other…” 
“ I can’t talk to him… no” you shook your head. She rolls her eyes.
“ You’re so stubborn” She notices he’s still there, sitting in the car and waiting. Waiting for what though? 
“ He’s still here, go talk to him” she turns you around and pushes you towards the door but you manage to grab onto the wall and refuse to move with your feet digging into the carpet. It moves away and slides with your feet. 
Lizzy gives up and throws her hands up in the air. 
“ Fine, I’m talking to him” 
“ O-okay.. What are you going to tell him?” 
“ The truth” your eyes widen and before you get a chance to hold her back, she is already making her way to his car with your hand on the door looking, eyes wide as she approaches his car. 
Lizzy knocks on the window startling Aaron and he rolls it down, wiping away his tears. 
“ I was just about to leave….” he says, starting the car. “ Sorry” he adds. Lizzy shakes her head and walks around the car to get into the passenger side. 
“ She knows” is the first thing Lizzy says to him. Aaron turns the car off and looks over at her, confusion is written on his face. “ What are you talking about?” He asks. 
“ She knows you're married” Aaron’s eyes got wide. “ How??” He asks.
Guilt crosses her face as she glances down at her hands. She didn’t need to answer him, hearing him groan as he threw his head back into his seat. 
“ Why did you tell her?” 
“ Because she needed to know before it got worse” At this information, Aaron turned to look at Lizzy. 
“ Got worse for what? What does that mean?” 
“ You don’t realize that maybe… just maybe the girl cares about you more than you know..” she doesn’t want to say the exact words to him but paint him a clear picture on what she means.
It doesn’t take long for Aaron to understand what she means, his eyes get wide and his head shoots over at the house. 
You are still standing there. 
He gets out of the car and you notice this, fearing he would be angry with you, you were closing the door when his hand happened to stop it.
He ran to the door blocking to make sure you were not going to hide from him.
Not this time. 
“ Stop, we need to talk” he says as he pushes against the door. The door opens to reveal you face to face, eyes glossy as you wait for him to yell at you, to laugh at you and worse, to tell you he hates you. 
But those words never came. 
“ I’m sorry” He started to say. You snorted, he was sorry. Sorry was a word you didn’t want to hear. It was overused with everyone that told you from Lizzy to your parents and now hearing it from Aaron. 
“ I don’t have romantic feelings for you Y/N. I am happily married, I didn’t tell you because I wanted it to be a secret. My private life is my life. But you're my best friend, I want it to be that way. We have been through a lot together and I can’t lose you. Our friendship means to much to me” 
Your mouth forms into a thin line where you weren’t going to say anything.
But he knew from your glossy eye, one tear shedding down your cheek that he had hurt you.
The truth did hurt and he finally told you what he wanted. Right? Aaron ran the words over and over in his head as he continued to wait for you to talk.
It didn’t make sense in his head. He feels like an idiot. 
He can’t go back though, he has done the damage. 
“ We can’t be friends anymore,” you tell him. His eyes sadden at your words and shake his head. 
“ That’s not true, we can get past this and it’s just a silly phase. I need you to be my best friend. I want you to be my best friend. “ 
“ Things don’t work the way you want them too, sorry” you shrugged. 
“ I care about you way too much to throw this friendship away” 
“ Go…” you said through your tears as they were streaming down your cheeks like waterfalls.
“ You better go” Lizzy tells him from behind, she walks over to you and pulls you into her, rubbing your back in comfort. 
Aaron looks at you one more time before he sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets as he heads towards his car. 
He knew the truth now. It hurt. He looks back to see Lizzy has closed the door.
He gets into the car and starts the engine, giving the door another look. His own heart sinking into his stomach. He feels like this wasn’t the end of what’s to come. 
You were laying in Lizzy’s lap as she stroked your head, singing softly while the tears were no more left to shed and you stared into the tv of the show that was on.
You didn’t pay attention to it. Your mind was racing. 
The doorbell rang. You didn’t even move to see who it was as Lizzy headed towards the door. She had to call him. She had to have him come over.
He’s been away filming and he's back now. 
You heard talking in hushed tones but paid no mind. Footsteps could be heard as they came closer.
Someone kneels down on their knees in front of you. 
“ Hi, buttercup,” they said, greeting you. Your eyes widen as your eyes set on a familiar face.
A smile spreads across your lips as you throw yourself into his arms, breathing in his scent.He squeezes you tight against him, chuckling as he feels your smile against his shirt. 
Maybe this day wasn’t so bad afterall.
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bastardtrait · 8 months
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Scooter Legacy 2020 - generations 1-9
ya know, I was gonna make individual posts about the old generations of this save, since they're coming here from their old home on dreamwidth, but I'm really lazy so we'll just go with the one. a primer post. why not.
for a bit of background, I started this save in the middle of the start of the pandemic, right after completing another legacy, and I blasted through this thing in like, 2 years? I had never felt so fuckin productive. let’s ignore the fact that stopped playing for 1.25 years after generation 8 though. okay.
to the shock of nobody, each colour-coded generation had some story that eventually just devolved into pure gameplay. listen when i tell you i'm a one trick fuckin pony, i mean it. here's what happened:
Generation 1: Percy Scooter and Sebastian Park. my founders. Percy was the sheltered only child of a rich old Chinese woman who hired Sebastian to be her butler and personal service worker. awkward enemies to lovers plot ensues. they had 2 kids: Ollie (who died as a child) and Josie.
fun fact: I was looking at my timeline and it makes perfect sense that Percy's mother, Francie Chen, would've been the younger sister of Chen Ruiyang (Lucky Legacy). they even had the same last name. so I made that canon. duh.
Generation 2: Josie Scooter and Matangi Silva. childhood friends. Mat left town to become a vet, and Josie tracked him down to continue their fledgling romance they had as teenagers. they also had a fuck ton of animals, one of which was the iconic Mayor Whiskers. they had 1 kid: Randy.
Generation 3: Randy Scooter and Collin Pix. Randy, Collin and Ripp Grunt from TS2 were roommates at a college that psychologically broke down students before selling them to aliens for Nefarious purposes. it was kind of a lot. they ran away to Sulani and had 3 kids: Willow, Xander and Landon.
Generation 4: Landon Scooter and Toro Katalunan. childhood friends that reunited as adults that tackled off the grid living together. their friendship and eventual romance persisted through awkward misunderstandings and island ghosts. they had two children: Kai and Sully.
Generation 5: Sully Scooter and Ori Delgado. Ori guided Sully through the jungle in the search of a cure for the genetic condition they were born with (I also brought this up during my flop reclaimed roots legacy). kissing ensued. they had three children: Luca, Brianna, and Damián.
side note: I also started a side story about the Strangerville mystery that coincides with this generation. this family went on to spawn Dakota Dinh, co-founder of the Lucky Legacy. it's all circular y'know?
Generation 6: Damián Scooter and Hari Rotan. I fucking hated this generation because it was Eco Lifestyle. I don't remember the story and I don't want to. they had two kids: Laila and Yasmin.
Generation 7: Laila Scooter and Kawahara Koichi. Laila, a giant fucking twat, goes to university and makes enemies with everyone except the anti-social weirdo that loves robotics. then they terrorised Evergreen Harbour together. they had one child: Xavier, who they sorta neglected ngl lmfao
Generation 8: Xavier Scooter and Fayrouz al-Dimashqi. my FAVOURITE! generation. Xavier, a traumatised individual, moves to San My and has his icy heart opened up by the warm and welcoming Fayrouz. unfortunately, he died before his time, leaving Fayrouz a widow. they had one child: Kaleb.
Generation 9: Kaleb Scooter and Natasha Deleon. Kaleb and his gf Jaesha, family vloggers, are pressured into a wedding for their viewers, which is being planned by Natasha, Kaleb's childhood friend. they run away together from Kaleb's livestreamed wedding. they had three kids: Aaron, Evan, and Naomi.
which leads us to where we are today, with Naomi and Taryn forming Generation 10, and Dexter about to launch Generation 11. let's see where this goes next!
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bobbie-robron · 7 months
Is rob ever coming back
Simply response? One can only hope.
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The long response? I really hope we do get a return of the one and only Robert Jacob Sugden simply because of the vast stories that are just waiting to be told (and completely ignored by the various producers that were and still are in place on the show). Before he was dumped into prison hell:
The very early missing years after Jack kicked him out of the village (you can’t tell me all those years were with that terrible family)
The Jack secret. It was brought up during SSW2016 more of a mechanism to explain Robert’s behavior but other than that? Nada. I need his sister to realize that her father is not this man that should remain on a pedestal but one that did indeed was not perfect and did cause Robert scars that he continues to hold close to the vest
His poor self-view/self worth. This was touched on, on and off, but after reunion 2.0, completely discarded (if 2017 had been done differently… it would have been the perfect time to truly focus on properly). This would undoubtedly have become worse since his many years of incarceration.
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Moving forward post-prison:
What the affect of being incarcerated for so many years have had on Robert. If he doesn’t come back with some type of mental health problems (PTSD, anxiety, depression, etc) then it’ll be down to lazy writing and still holding on to the same post-its ideas they were using from before. It was reiterated on and off he couldn’t handle prison but that’s where he landed
Sebastian. Will he even remember him or have been told that Robert was his father (are any of the Sugdens even in contact with him)? What affect will there be reconnecting with him (hopefully with his mother gone never to return)
Aaron. This will be a big component of his story. How will the dynamics play out and what state of mind will they be in when they see each other for the first time and where does it go from there? will Robert actually want to return to the village and dampen any ‘happiness’ Aaron may have now (more interference from Chaddy off screen).
Is there still residual bad feelings with his sister over what happened that last year and her still allowing the stalker/fake nurse to stay in her life
His reactions to BOTH his gran Annie and Liv’s deaths.
I want Robert to have an actual platonic friend or two that he can sound off on (think of how different 2017 would have been if he had been allowed a friend rather than his own self)
Two things I do want to point out. I hope when it is time for Robert to return, the dire duo are on their way out. From what I gather, things are still not great on the show and it really needs fresh blood that will steer it away from plot focus (since late 2016) to one that is character-driven (as it was prior to IM). And another, I hope it’s the devil Ryan Hawley that returns (but that is really up to whether he wants to actually return or do gigs as he has over the last few years). Chemistry cannot be manufactured or forced and we have seen the unfortunate result in those cases. Danny and Ryan had it in droves. If there was a recast, I cannot see it working (it rarely if ever does) or bring me back to the show. Robert!Ryan and Aaron are it for me.
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abbatoirablaze · 2 months
Behind Closed Doors, Chapter 11
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: implied smut/teasing.
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“So tell us, who is the real Sebastian Stan?” the writer asked, posing the question while Sebastian simply smiled at him, “we know very little about the personal life, you know, our readers want to know who the man behind the television show is.”
Sebastian chuckled and crossed one leg over the other, “well that’s on purpose Aaron.  I don’t let anyone into my personal life, because it’s personal.”
“Our readers are curious,” the writer pointed out once more, “you’ve done roles in Gossip Girl, Kings, and now Once Upon a Time.  You’re becoming a household name.”
“Well, I’m sure that you know by now, that I don’t really like to talk about me or my life outside of my roles, and maybe that’s why I’m becoming so popular.  But, I-“
“We know that you have a twin brother who’s not in the spotlight,” the writer pointed out once more, cutting him off, “we know that your assistant is dating him, and it looks like she’s got quite an intimate relationship going on with him.  Paparazzi have caught photos of the two of them when he comes to visit set or in New York City.  He’s obviously growing his family.  Do-“
“My assistant’s personal life is none of my business,” he shrugged, cutting the writer off without a second thought, “yes, she and my brother are having another child, but that hasn’t distracted her from her duties in making sure that my schedule is properly maintained.  As you’ve pointed out, I’m becoming a household name with all of the shows that I’m in.  So maybe we focus on that.”
“And there’s nothing more than-“
“My assistant’s personal life is not any of my business,” he repeated, cutting him off once more with a stern look, “look, I’ll be honest, when I decided to pursue acting, my brother and I agreed that I wouldn’t drag him into this.  I know that sometimes the media likes to chase after a celebrity’s extended family when they don’t get the stories they want from the person of interest, but I really need to draw the line here.  His wife happens to be experienced in-“
He frowned, knowing that he’d slipped up.  He gave you a sad look and bit his lip.  The writer’s gaze turned to the engagement ring that you were wearing on your finger.
“People are starting to become more suspicious…”
“Well, what do you want me to do about it?” his manager asked, “you and your fiancé are always together.  After she gave birth to Jack, you two went without seeing one another for almost two months, and I haven’t seen you apart since then other than to pick up the kids from your mom.  And now she’s pregnant…again.  So-“
“Jennifer…” you gasped, the thought coming to your head in an instant.
Sebastian’s brow furrowed as he looked at you, “What about her?”
“She let it slip to me the other day that she’s in the closet, but that if she comes out then it might potentially damage her career…” you admitted, “I know that a lot of times celebs will get into a PR relationship if both of them are single or have been single for a while, whether it’s to promote a show, or just to get nosy writers off their backs.  What if you and her pretended to be engaged?  It could free questions about her life up, and allow us to keep on living the way we want to.  People wouldn’t even question my life anymore or our relationship if they saw you with another woman.  And if the two of you pretended to be engaged…everyone would eat that up.  They don’t know much about you and Jennifer…but that-”
Sebastian’s manager put her hand on her chin, “it might work.  Let me get in contact with her people and we’ll have something drawn up.”
“Look, what you should be talking about is Sebastian and his engagement,” you smiled, nudging your fiancé, “not me and my husband’s child.  We’re nobodies.”
The writer lit up, “engagement?”
Sebastian gave you a practiced look and you bit back your smile even more, “Yes.  He’s too private to admit it, but he’s been seeing one of his co-stars since the two of them had their screen test to check out the chemistry they would have.  Needless to say, they are a perfect match.  On and off screen.  Bastian and I were just gushing over how we can’t wait for their wedding when he flew up here last weekend.”
“A co-star?” the writer repeated, “you’re engaged?  To who?”
“Jennifer Morrison,” Sebastian admitted, pretending to breath an annoyed sigh at you before turning his attention back to the writer, “the actress playing Emma.”
“But a year prior there was an interview by the writer for-“
“I know, I know…she had said that I was gay, but it was because she’d asked me out and I’d turned her down,” he chuckled, “what’s the saying.  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?”
“So, the writer slandered you…and you just let it happen?” he asked curiously.
“Look, like I’ve said, I’m a very personal person,” he shrugged, “my family knows the truth, and my girlfriend knew the truth, at the time.  None of the words that writer wrote really mattered.  And it got a lot of people off of my back.  They left my relationship alone, because they wanted to give me some space.  They thought this woman had outed me.”
“So, you just went along with it.”
He shrugged, “it had nothing to do with my work, so I didn’t see how it was relevant.”
“Tell me more about your relationship with your co-star, Jennifer Morrison,” he grinned, biting into the piece of information like he was getting the story of the century, “how did the two of you end up engaged and working together?”
“Well, like my sister-in-law and assistant informed you,” he grinned, going along with it, “it was for the screen test where I was auditioning for the role of the Mad Hatter…”
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“Oh my god, that worked beautifully!” You smiled at Jennifer as she wrapper her arms around you, “thank you so much (Y/N).”
“Hey, it worked for Sebastian and myself too,” you pointed out, “it frees up a lot of time for the two of us, and they’ll be looking for the two of you now instead of wondering if I’m sleeping with Seb and Bastian.”
She laughed, “you don’t understand how happy my girlfriend is now that the paparazzi have stopped harassing her.  She’s a kindergarten teacher.  Her boss was worried that they were going to have to let her go because those photo hounds were showing up at her work and taking pictures of her with the kids.”
“Well, now they’ll be trying to get photos of you with Sebastian…”
“This guy?” she laughed, “They won’t get anything juicy I’ll tell you that much…”
“What, not your type?” you teased.
She messed with his hair and shook her head, “not in the slightest.  But you know, if you ever get tired of him…”
“What, I’m just telling your gorgeous, significant other that she has options, Stan.”
He pouted, “she’s my only one.”
“Aww, honey…just in case you were wondering, you’re my type though,” you smiled as you walked up to him and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips, “my perfect man.”
He smiled happily, “you know…this perfect man was thinking…about his dream woman…”
“Okay guys,” Jennifer laughed, “saved the PG 13 stuff for when I leave.”
“Oh, it’s going straight past PG 13,” Sebastian teased as he swept you up into his arms, “my mom flew up and she’s watching the kids for a few days.  It’s about to go from G to X really quick.”
“I want to be like you two when I grow up and get married!” she laughed, shaking her head as she waved the two of you off. 
Sebastian braced his forehead against yours and you sighed happily, looking into his pale blue eyes, “I love you, Sebastian Stan.”
“And I love you Mrs. almost (Y/N) Stan…” he growled huskily.
You bit your lip and looked over his shoulder to make sure that Jen had truly left the apartment that you and he had rented while he was shooting, “so, Mr. Stan…it appears that we have the whole place to ourselves…”
“Mmmm, that we do…”
“What do you suggest we do with all this free time?”
“Well, if you weren’t already pregnant, I’d say give me a shot at making baby number four,” he smirked, “but since you are…I guess we could start getting some early practice in for baby number five.”
You squealed as he put you down and playfully grabbed your ass.
“Sebastian Stan.”
“Can you blame me?” he smirked, “I’m the luckiest man in the world…living out all my fantasies with my dream girl…”
“Speaking of fantasies…” you teased, biting your bottom lip, “you know how you got a new costume the other day for the scenes you’re shooting next week.
“Well, one of the girls in costuming made me something…something that I think the Mad Hatter would like very much.” You giggled, sauntering towards the bedroom, “that is…if he can catch me.”
You giggled as you turned, running towards the bedroom, behind you your fiancé’s footsteps echoed.
Chapter 12
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mrs-stans · 8 months
Sebastian Stan Confronts an Actor’s Worst Nightmare in A Different Man
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The actor completely transforms in this strange new A24 film. But it’s when we see him without any prosthetics at all that things get wild.
When making an indie, you do what you can when you can—there’s not enough money or time for a flexible alternative. For Sebastian Stan during production on A Different Man, A24’s trippy dark comedy, this meant getting into the makeup chair at 5 a.m. at times, before prosthetics designer Michael Marino had to run to his other job on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. By the time they were finished—with Stan, portraying a man named Edward who lives with an acute facial disfigurement, completely transformed—the actor still had a few hours to kill. He’d use that time to venture into the world. He’d go to his favorite coffee shop, and to put it mildly, no one would recognize him. “You’d see the reaction immediately, and then they suddenly feel compelled to be three times as nice,” Stan says, “You feel this shift.”
A guide to Hollywood’s biggest races
This was a useful way to get into the headspace of how someone like Edward moves through the world. But that’s only the starting point of A Different Man, which writer-director Aaron Schimberg (Chained for Life) fashions into a dizzying meta-commentary on exactly Stan’s experience as a handsome actor playing a loner living with disability. “I was born with a cleft palate, and I view the world through that lens. And it’s a precarious position, because a film’s commercial viability is dependent in large part on stars, and we don’t have stars with facial disfigurements,” Schimberg says, “Then if you cast people with facial disfigurements, which is what I’ve historically done, besides the risk of marginalizing the film, some people may call that out as inherently exploitative, which seems to run counter to the whole conversation about representation.” He takes a breath, clearly having struggled with coming to terms with this no-win situation: “This is a subject most people just want to avoid.” ( X )
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I have finally read Blue Wraith and Dark Fortress and I literally do not understand people who think Fenris was out of character, or had regressed in his character development throughout the comics.
Firstly; mages. Yes, when Fenris first meets Francesca he is weary of her, but I wouldn't say Fenris ever truly got over being weary of mages in da2. He came to understand that some mages can be trusted (Hawke, Bethany) but was willing to fight for the innocent circle mages (dependent on Hawkes choices) but he ALSO saw a close member of his friendship group blow up a chantry, and he perceives that what happened to Merethari (and possibly the whole clan) as Merrill's fault for her blood magic.
Besides which, Fenris is shown to be WAY LESS weary of mages than he used to be!! He begins to trust Francesca almost immediately, is telling her she has a good heart by the end of Blue Wraith, defending her when she needs it. He does not look at her and see "evil mage" or even "dangerous mage" like he would have about a mage of her power from TEVINTER no less, at the beginning of da2. Instead he gets close to her rather quickly.
Secondly; I know people get upset about this panel:
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But Fenris has legitimate reasons to feel prickly about joining a new friendship group. In his old friendship group, he found love and friendship in Hawke and Isabela, in Varric, Aveline, Donic, Sebastian, Bethany and even perhaps Merrill, Carver and Anders. And then that friendship group ripped itself apart from the inside out. It exploded into chaos taking Fenris's home which he had built for himself; the first true home he could remember, with it. Fenris has every right to feel anxious about getting involved with new people. He has every right to feel "used" in some ways, particularly if he was brought on any of the "Justice" quest lines in Act 3 of DA2.
Fenris isn't a static character who's fully healed by the end of da2. He deserves to feel upset that he and his friends had to go their separate ways. He deserves to feel betrayed by what happened, by the destruction of his home.
And besides that, Blue Wraith and Dark Fortress both showed all the ways Fenris has grown. He has the same emotionally maturty he would display in da2, quickly apologising when he needs to. But he ALSO directs that sort of emotional maturity outwards now. He is not directly antagonistic to mages, or to those who defend them, like he was with Anders and Merrill. He offers comfort to those who need it, particularly at the end of the book, and seems to fill a "tired Dad/Older Brother" energy.
Also I cannot believe people don't see what happened with the Person He Does Not Kill in Dark Fortress as showing his character development throughout the end of da2 and blue wraith, when its basically an exact parallel to what happens in A Bitter Pill except he MAKES A DIFFERENT DECISON THIS TIME. like!!! Come on!!!
Overall this duo of comics was wonderful! I haven't even touched on the extra characters who I would 100% die for (particularly Sir Aaron and Francesca). I seriously recommend it and am just ??? At anyone who thinks it does Fenris dirty. I thought it was a perfect depiction of Fenris, I could even hear his dialogue in Fenris's voice it fit him so well.
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mxssingmemories · 1 year
julian's masterlist !
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Chris Evans
❁ Making Magic
Y/N is an equestrian, and has been for years. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are her mentors and father figures. It's Y/N's first horse show-what could go wrong? Or, in her case, what could go right?
❁ It'll Be Okay
You just started a new job and have started getting bad migraines. Chris just wants to be there for his daughter.
❁ A Fresh Start
Y/N is finally moving out of her childhood home. It's a big decision, but she knows she's got Chris and Sebastian in her corner.
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Sebastian Stan
❁ Making Magic
Y/N is an equestrian, and has been for years. Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan are her mentors and father figures. It's Y/N's first horse show-what could go wrong? Or, in her case, what could go right?
❁ A Fresh Start
Y/N is finally moving out of her childhood home. it's a big decision, but she knows she's got Sebastian and Chris in her corner.
❁ Back to School
It's back to school time for Y/N, how much chaos can this possibly cause in the Stan household?
❁ Paparazzi Sucks
On a father-daughter date, paparazzi do their best to ruin it. Sebastian doesn't let it get to you too much, though; lots of fluff <3
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Tom Holland
❁ Best Friend Ever
You found out some news about yourself and you really want to tell your best friend Tom. You're really worried about how he'll react, but he comes through like the amazing person he is.
❁ Not A Girl
Y/N is trans male, and after a fight with his mom, he goes straight to the person who knows him the best-Tom. They've been best friends for years, and Tom's happy to help his favorite person however he can.
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Tony Stark
❁ Burgers
You're sick, and you scare the shit out of your dad. Fluff and burgers ensue.
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Jensen Ackles
❁ Go Fish, Bitch
When Jensen gets bored, he tends to cause chaos. Today, he brings Y/N into the chaos, and she loves it. In which a card game commences, and Jensen loses by a long shot.
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Harry Styles
❁ That Just Happened
You've known Harry since you've been in high school-little does he know that you see him as a father figure. After a really rough day, you accidentally call him dad. Love ensues.
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I Write For:
M A R V E L:
>Tony Stark
>Bruce Banner
>Black Widow
>Pepper Potts
>Steve Rogers
>Peter Parker
>Tom Holland
>Chris Evans
>Sebastian Stan
>Chris Hemsworth
>Anthony Mackie
S U P E R N A T U R A L:
>Dean Winchester
>Sam Winchester
>Jensen Ackles
>Jared Padalecki
>Misha Collins
M A R A U D E R S:
>James Potter
>Lily Evans
>Sirius Black
>Remus Lupin
>Peter Pettigrew
>Jake Peralta
>Ray Holt
>Terry Jeffords
***I am only on the first season!! I'm not familar with the characters, but I'm really loving the idea of writing for some of em :)
>Spencer Reid
>Aaron Hotchner
>Derek Morgan
Please keep in mind that I am currently only writing platonic fics! I'm writing teen!reader, daughter!reader, best friend!reader, or sister!reader. I am comfortable writing pretty much anything, so please feel free to send in a request.
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Request Status: Open!
major thank you to @aadapaadakaunpaada who helped me figure this whole thing out :)
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steelbluehome · 3 months
January 22, 2024 2:30am PT
‘A Different Man’ Review: Is Sebastian Stan the Right Person to Play This Part? You Decide in Daring A24 Drama
Featuring boundary-defying performances from both Stan and 'Under the Skin' actor Adam Pearson, director Aaron Schimberg’s dizzyingly rich think-piece raises bold questions about representation.
By Peter Debruge
Here we are, three weeks into January, and the Sundance Film Festival has delivered what promises to be the year’s most uncomfortable date movie: a grubby New York-set fable about a facially distinctive actor (modeled on Adam Pearson) who undergoes an experimental procedure that leaves him looking like Sebastian Stan — presumably an improvement, until he realizes that under the skin, he’s still the same miserable loser.
The kind of oddball satire only indie studio A24 would dare to produce, Aaron Schimberg’s “A Different Man” asks what it means to be “normal,” and whether, if we could wave a magic wand and “correct” those same aberrant qualities which set us apart, that’s really something we’d want. “Twilight Zone”-level weird at times, “A Different Man” suggests the bizart-house version of a Woody Allen movie, wherein traditional jokes have been axed in favor of long, cringe-inducing scenes between a nervous shlub named Edward (Stan, disguised to the point of unrecognizability) and the out-of-his-league neighbor on whom he has a crush (Renate Reinsve of “The Worst Person in the World”).
If you’ve seen Schimberg’s previous feature, “Chained for Life,” or Jonathan Glazer’s out-there “Under the Skin,” then you’re already familiar with Pearson, a British actor whose unique appearance — the result of a condition called neurofibromatosis, incorrectly associated for years with “Elephant Man” Joseph Merrick — made him just right for a handful of incredibly specific film roles.
Now comes Edward, the character Pearson was born to play. Except Schimberg casts Stan instead, hiding him behind an elaborate mask for much of the film. Makeup pro Mike Marino’s mostly convincing prosthetics replicate many of Pearson’s signature features — the asymmetrical brow, swollen lips and loose jowls — which inevitably invites the question why Schimberg didn’t simply ask Pearson to play Edward.
“Exactly!” the writer-director would surely reply, pleased to see that his thought-provoking project has audiences engaging with the kind of issues the looks-conscious film industry is still trying to wrap its head around. Here’s one, straight out of Schimberg’s script: “Do you cast someone with a condition even though it’s not the right fit?” And who gets to tell such stories anyway? (Schimberg, for the record, was born with a cleft palate and focuses much of his work on shifting cultural views of such conditions. To his credit, he imbues even the smallest supporting characters with the sense that their lives continue off-screen.)
With “A Different Man,” Schimberg attempts — and mostly succeeds, with deliciously awkward results — to cram a lifetime of thoughts about beauty and ugliness, attraction and disgust, identity and performance into a postmodern meta-film mold that few (apart from Charlie Kaufman, perhaps) have managed to make tolerable. Add to that Schimberg’s Brechtian way of cueing audiences to interrogate his choices as they go (the makeup is deliberately imperfect, the script brazenly self-conscious), and you get an exercise more appealing to film critics and academics than to an amusement-seeking public.
Embodying an aspiring playwright and not-especially-good actor, respectively, Reinsve and Stan could be two sides of the self-loathing character Nicolas Cage plays in “Adaptation”: artist and muse, splintered into separate personae, both struggling to find the appropriate/ethical/respectful way to communicate the experience of someone with a conspicuous physical deformity. Expecting the pair to also be romantic partners is asking a lot of a movie that crams a seminar’s worth of representation issues into two hours (which can feel like years, the way Schimberg draws out the discomfort).
“A Different Man” shares how it feels to be ogled and avoided by strangers as Edward rides the subway home, relying on Umberto Smerilli’s score to amplify our uneasy sense of identification. He startles Ingrid (Reinsve) the first time she sees him, moving in next door to his filthy apartment (there’s a disgusting black leak in his living room ceiling). But she shows no sign of unease when she stops by later that day to borrow detergent, which Edward isn’t sure how to interpret. Stan’s body language — stooped shoulders, hesitant gestures, ducked head — positions Edward as a pitiful character, which in turn is how Ingrid depicts him in a play written expressly for him to play the lead.
But before she can finish, Edward agrees to participate in a medical study that could potentially reverse his condition. (In reality, there’s no known cure for neurofibromatosis, and it’s a smart move on Schimberg’s part to keep the science/sci-fi to a minimum.) Soon enough, Edward’s face starts to peel — a gory process that involves stripping away Stan’s makeup to reveal the conventionally attractive mug underneath.
Suddenly, Edward has no trouble picking up women. He tells people that Edward died and invents a new name, Guy, landing a lucrative job in a real estate office. When he learns that Ingrid finished her play, he shows up to audition, bringing a mold of his old face and wearing it as a mask. The lead role was literally written for him, but he’s no longer right for the part. And then Pearson shows up, playing an upbeat, outgoing guy named Oswald who is the opposite of “Guy” in every way except one: He has the same face that Edward did, only more expressive.
“A Different Man” could have ended there, but Schimberg digs deeper, embracing the increasingly unhinged, high-concept absurdity that follows. Judging by the one screen credit pre-transformation Edward had to his name — a sensitivity-training video about working alongside people with facial differences — acting is not this guy’s calling. The audition finds this movie-star-handsome man going out for the same role that people with unconventional features seem ideally suited to play.
Whereas the cultural conversation can be suffocatingly one-sided on these issues, Schimberg invites all perspectives in a movie that risks offending so-called political correctness. “A Different Man” finds room for both Stan and Pearson to play characters with the same physiognomy, and it takes the bold route of making both men insufferable in different ways. Oswald is charming and charismatic to a fault, insinuating himself into the stage role Guy hoped to play.
Meanwhile, Reinsve delivers on the promise of her “Worst Person” performance, playing another casually seductive young woman with a capacity to hurt the things she loves. Shortly after meeting Guy, Ingrid throws herself at the actor (who’s the same person he was before in all but the most superficial sense). Once she gets him in bed, Ingrid asks Guy to put on the mask, adding still more layers to the film’s most vulnerable scene. Things get a bit more confused as “A Different Man” enters its final stretch, effectively testing the limits of Stan’s acting ability — whereas no one but Pearson could have played the doppelganger smiling him in the face.
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