#aaron loves angela
classicalallure · 2 years
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Kevin Hooks and Irene Cara in an on-set still from the 1975 movie Aaron Loves Angela.
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pygartheangel · 2 years
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Remembering singer and star of Fame and Aaron Loves Angela, Irene Cara, on the anniversary of her date of birth.
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flashfuckingflesh · 26 days
If Highschool Didn't Already Have Enough EVIL In It! "Homework" reviewed! (Unearthed Films / Blu-ray)
Purchase “Homework” Blu-ray Here! Highschooler Tommy can’t take it anymore.  His friends all talk about their sexual experiences and he’s still a virgin.  Talking to a therapist to help redirect his sexual energy into something else, Tommy becomes inspired with the idea to form a rock band with best friend Ralph.  The eager students secure three classmates from the student body to round out the…
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theflyindutchwoman · 4 months
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6.09 | The Squeeze
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watmalik · 7 months
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We better get a s7 announcement next week 😤
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kojo-is-adorable · 7 months
top 20 things to be excited for in episode 100
Chenford making up
Chenford fighting that dude to get the ring
Bailen wedding
A rookie wedding where we actually see a ceremony
Bachelorette party
Chasity and Randy
the 'big fight' thing which causes it to be the 'most dangerous wedding'
Celina talking to Nyla
Bailey being friends with our other lead girls
Celina and Lucy
chenford i love you
idk what Nyla and James ship name is but just them
Celina and Aaron being besties
Luna and Lucy chatting
Chenford heart to heart
Nyla detective-ing
bouquet toss???? i beg of you
all our favourites dancing
the dresses, need i say more.
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she-ismysun-archive · 7 months
the Road to Season 6
NOT MY EDIT!! @m1ss_lucy_ch3n on Instagram
PLEAAASE show them some love on Instagram - what a wonderful compilation of all the season 6 behind the scenes. IT'S ALMOST HERE!!
AND! Don't miss Melissa and Eric's Interview tomorrow on Access Hollywood 👀
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minyooon3012 · 3 months
Okay but like I shipped chenford since day 1 I am not giving up on them
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sisterofficerlucychen · 8 months
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crunchycrystals · 6 days
everyones names on the make some noise door !!!!!!! cute !!!!!!!!
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pygartheangel · 2 years
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Aaron Loves Angela (1975)
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Wishing a happy birthday to Aaron Loves Angela star Kevin Hooks!
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saralayne · 1 year
A Chenford Love Story🩵💜
Journey of Chenford
Chapter 1 ~ Tim’s Feelings
Lucy Chen, his rookie had slowly grown on him. It started out as how he usually trained any rookie. He was a hard ass. He honestly didn't have that much faith in her. He wasn't convinced she would cut it as an officer for the LAPD. Lucy didn't waiver. She endured all his 'Tim Tests'. Tests that would usually break his rookies. Even just a little, did not break Lucy...Not even in the slightest. Tim began to realize his newest boot was for real.
As he continued to be her TO. a friendship slowly started to blossom. Tim, of course was still hard on her but only because he knew she could handle it. He had no doubt in his mind she was going to excel as a police officer and he was dedicated to preparing her for excellence.
Through this time, with many reservations Lucy had become Tim's friend. Close friends even. She had wormed her way into his life much to his dismay.
That fateful day, where Tim pulled his 'friend' out of the barrel and breathed life back into her. This was a game changer. As Lucy was sobbing. He just held her tight up against his chest. Cradling his hand around the back of her head. He hadn't lost her. Thinking in that moment what she had just endured. Tim was angry, anyone hurting or even touching his girl broke him. 'his girl'. He realized in that very moment, she was much more than his friend.
"I can't have feelings for Lucy. How did this happen?
There wasn't anything he could do. He couldn't stop this wave of emotions that was hitting him. His heart belonged to her. The worst part was he knew nothing could ever happen.
Tim was by Lucy's bedside in the hospital all night. Even though, when she woke up, he played it cool and told her he hadn't been there all night. Lucy knowing her TO and friend did not believe what he was saying for a second. Lucy was safe and only staying in the hospital for observation , being released the next day. She convinced Tim to go home. She was OK.
"Tim, Go home. Shower. Get some rest and see our boy"
"OK. If you need anything, please call me. I will check in later"
Tim arrived home. He was excitedly met by Kojo. Tim changed his clothes and took 'their' boy for a walk.
"Well my boy. Mama is OK. I sure know now why you get so excited when you see her. She's something special, isn't she?"
"Woof! Woof"
"I feel the same. I love her just like you do. I can't act on those feelings. Not now, anyway but I sure hope someday. Maybe, one day the three of us will be a family"
Chapter 2 ~ Lucy’s Feelings
When Lucy realized her feelings for Tim.
There had been a few moments where Lucy's feelings were apparent. Definitely, after the harrowing Caleb ordeal and knowing how Tim saved her life, changed things. What really shifted her feelings was after her best friend Jackson, was killed. Her heart had been shattered. Jackson had been her best friend since the academy, He was also Lucy's roommate. Going on without him seemed daunting. Lucy and Jackson were rookies together, and had been through so much together. Not having that constant in her life seemed unimaginable.
After watching the video where he was killed. It was like living in her own nightmare. She was doing everything to not go home. Tim offered his place. Lucy, of course, did not want to impose. They were friends, sure they were. But she felt like she would be a burden. He reassured her that she shouldn't be alone and that's when she finally agreed. The emotions of the day were overwhelming. Lucy felt like she was going to break. Tim asked if there was anything she needed.
"A hug"
That alone made her nervous. Was this crossing a line? Friends hug each other all the time, especially when going through a hard time...Right?. Lucy was overanalyzing everything, which was just how she is. He also held her close after he saved her. They have comforted one another before. "Lucy...snap out of it" She thought to herself.
Next thing she knew, he was pulling her close to him for a hug. It felt electric. The comfort no one else could give her. The comfort she needed from the only man she wanted it from.
Chapter 3 ~ Denial
The power of denial for both Tim and Lucy.
As time passes. Both Lucy and Tim hit a wall of denial. To be fair, them being together would add complications to their careers. It would be worse for Tim as a TO and Superior Officer over many including Lucy. Eventually, they were able to bury any residual feelings for each other. It just wasn't worth the consequences. Neither confessed how they felt to one another so there was no awkwardness. They were able to build and maintain a close friendship.
As in staying in denial mode. Tim met Ashley who was the daughter of a retired police officer, Jerry McGrady. Tim had a lot of respect for Jerry. Ashley was a lifeguard. Tall, thin and blond. A strong resemblance to his ex wife, Isobel. They didn't have a lot in common. Ashley was easy going and fun. Tim was content to give their relationship a good shot and it just seemed to work.
Lucy had met Chris Sanford. An ADA lawyer. He was good looking, sweet and really cared about Lucy. They had a lot of fun together. Like Tim's relationship, they didn't have a lot in common but they gelled. He appreciated Lucy's true crime love and she genuinely enjoyed his company.
Both Tim and Lucy were settling. It became safe. Something they both convinced themselves was going to make them happy. The denial was a force. Neither of them was going to allow themselves to really feel their true feelings. Amazingly enough they were able to play the part well. Their significant others never saw through their denial. Even after the double date where it was apparent who really had a connection. Ashley and Chris were still oblivious.
Life was going well for both Tim and Lucy. They had built an amazing friendship. They had a shorthand with one another. There was no complications. Just a true blue friendship. They both cherished that, They always had each others backs. It was safe and comfortable.
Denial is a funny thing.
It eventually needs to be met on head on.
Chapter 4 ~ Tims MVP Angela
Tim's best friend sets him straight on his feelings. Brings Tim out of his denial.
Angela Lopez has been Tim Bradford's best friend for many years now. She had been there when his marriage to Isobel imploded. She saw how it broke Tim to the core. She saw him go through the darkness. Angela stood right by his side as he navigated himself through his heartbreak. She saw Tim at his best and at his worst.
Angela had always seen a big connection between Tim and Lucy. She didn't push things as she knew what a rule follower her close friend was. He would never cross any line while he is Lucy's superior. Angela secretly always hoped that would change. She always thought 'If Tim could see his face when he's around her or even when her name is brought up. His face literally LIGHTS UP like a Christmas tree'
When Tim started dating Ashley. Angela was a little disappointed. She didn't see Ashley being the love of his life. They had zero in common. Angela was truthfully surprised it had lasted this long. Sure, Ashley was tall, thin, a blond and blue eyed pretty girl. But in the long run that was not going to ensure Tim's happiness. Angela never made a real effort but she was cordial to Ashley. She would always stand by her best friends side even if she wasn't in agreement.
Even while Tim and Lucy were both in relationships. Angela couldn't believe the connection they still had with each other. She would take little jabs at her best friend, trying to get him to admit ANYTHING but could never get him to break. Although, she did notice his facial expressions and it was obvious.
On one occasion...
"Timothy, do you have feelings for Lucy?"
"NOOO. Lucy is with Chris. I'm dating Ashley. And I'm her superior officer...SOOO"
'All true. Not what I asked"
Still, not admittance. Just denial.
On another occasion...
"So tell me again. What were you doing at Lucy's apartment when you found Chris bleeding out?"
"Just dropping her off after we got back from Vegas"
Still, so much denial.
Tim an Ashley had broken up after his spinal surgery.
Finally, Angela had enough. She was going to get Tim to admit his feelings once and for all. Angela clicked on her and Tim's texting thread.
Angela: "Timothy, I need to talk to you. I know It's your day off tomorrow. Can you meet me at the food trucks?"
Tim: "Umm alright. What time? Is everything OK?"
Angela: "Everything is OK. Around 11:30?"
Tim: "OK. See you then"
Angela got to the food trucks at 11:15. Ordered some food. burritos of course. Found a seat. Shortly later, Tim walked up.
"Timothy, Hello there"
"OK Ang, This is ominous. What is this about?"
"Tim. I'm gonna get right to the point. I'm ripping the band aid off. What the hell are you waiting for?"
"What are you talking about?"
"Lucy...Tim, I mean Lucy. You know damn well your in love with her and If I'm being honest, you have been for a while now"
Tim sighed. Swiping the back of his hand across the forehead. Tim knew he couldn't deny it any longer. His feelings had become even stronger since their return from Vegas. It was just a matter of time before Angela saw through the denial.
"Yeah. Your not wrong. But she's still with Chris"
"Tim, listen to me. I and everyone else sees how Lucy looks at you when your in the room and when she's talking about you...which is often by the way. You have always voiced how you follow protocol and rules. Of course, she isn't going to tell you. She's probably petrified of being rejected and having her heart broken. She's still with Chris because he is safe BUT he is not the one she loves"
"Ang, your right. I'm a rule follower and I probably will always be that way. But when it comes to Lucy, I would gladly say 'screw the rules'. I love her so goddamn much. It literally hurts. I don't want to make any excuses anymore. I want to date her. I want to wake up to her everyday. I want it all with her"
"Go get your girl. Tell her all of this. I guarantee, Chris will be a thing of the past"
Chapter 5: Lucy’s MVP Aaron
Aaron of all people gets Lucy to see her true feelings.
Lucy was certain she needed to break things off with Chris. After feeling nothing but anxiety over him wanting them to purchase a house together. It was evident. She didn't love Chris, the way he loved her. After the conversation with Tim. He really struck a chord with her. Lucy had found herself stopping from letting her true feelings spill from her mouth.
"Lucy, you deserve someone who is worth the effort"
And then...
"Do you love him?"
"I feel like I should love him...It's just...he's NOT"
She barely was able to stop herself from uttering that three letter word...YOU.
Those feelings she had kept away so well, were being brought back up to the surface. There was no denial. Ignoring how she truly felt became exhausting.
Aaron, well relatively new to Wilshire, had become friends with everyone, including Lucy. Aaron had quietly seen the dynamic between Lucy and Tim. Having a chance to ride with both in the shop. After Tim's breakup, he saw the tension. He had always thought Ashley was not a good match for Tim and knew Lucy was never all in with Chris.
'When are these idiots going to just admit it'. This ran through his mind frequently.
As Lucy and Aaron were riding in the shop. Lucy came right out and told him she needed to break up with Chris.
Aaron, wanting to speed things along, even helped Lucy rehearse the breakup and what she might say. Lucy was so sweet and heartfelt, Even talking herself out of it on order not to hurt Chris.
Later, as they had a coffee break in the shop.
"Lucy, I know we haven't been friends a long while. But i feel I owe you some brotherly love. Chris is a nice guy, really he is. And if things were different he might even be good for you. But not when there is someone else who you CLEARLY love and who loves you too, by the way. Stop settling"
Finally, after years the gate opened.
"Aaron, I love Tim so much. I'm so in love with him. I feel so guilty I strung Chris along. I was just so scared at the consequences for us being together. I can't keep going on like this. I can't care about the risks anymore. Tim is my forever. All I want to do is hold onto him and never let him go. A fantasy I constantly have is laying in bed with Tim, snuggling and having Kojo at the end of OUR bed. The three of us. A family"
"Lucy, deal with Chris once and for all. Then, you go to Tim and tell him exactly how you feel. Trust me, he feels the same. It's as clear as day on how he feels"
Chapter 6 ~ Confessions
FINALLY. Tim and Lucy admit their feelings to each other.
Lucy had broken up with Chris. She felt bad especially seeing how hurt he was but also knew she had to be selfish, think about herself and think about the life she really wanted. She felt a twinge of guilt but it escaped quickly knowing how in love with Tim she was. All she really felt was regret for not being honest with her feelings until now. It was almost a sense of relief.
Lucy had asked Tim to have a talk with her after work. She suggested they take Kojo for a walk. Less pressure, nothing extravagant. Just somewhere normal to them where they can be honest and open with each other.
Lucy met Tim and Kojo at their favorite trail parking lot. As they made their way down the trail...At first, an awkward silence but leave it to Lucy to break any barrier.
"So, I broke up with Chris"
"Oh...How did he take it?"
"He was upset and shocked. But it was inevitable. The writing was on the wall"
"Are you OK Lucy?"
"That depends on how this goes"
"Huh. Lucy, What do you mean by that?"
"Tim, I'm in love with you. I'm sorry to be so blunt and forthcoming. But I can't handle keeping my feelings in any longer. I have loved you for so long. I know with our professional situation saying this could be a recipe for my heart to be broken into a million pieces. I just needed to tell you. If there was even a chance at getting my happy ending. It is worth the risk. I know this is heavy. I - I'm sorry Tim"
"Lucy...Stop just stop. Let me talk. Your heart is not in jeopardy of breaking because I'm so in love with you too. Actually, I'm sure you're the love of my life. You're it for me. I know I'm Mr. rule follower but somethings matter more. We will fill out paperwork, have interviews and whatever else. As long as at the end of the day...I go to sleep and wake up with you in my arms and I get to stare into those beautiful brown eyes of yours"
Lucy had tears swelling in her eyes. Her heart was bursting at the seams.
"Tim, where do we go from here?"
"I think we start by going out on a date"
"That sounds...PERFECT"
They continued on their walk with Kojo. Hand in hand.
Chapter 7 ~ First Date
Tim and Lucy go on their first date.
This didn't feel like a first date. They had already confessed their love for one another. It felt they were way past a first date. But even still, Tim wanted to take her on a date to remember. At first, Tim thought about a 'perfect date'. Soon, he realized it didn't need to be extravagant. He just wanted to do something romantic to show Lucy just how much he loved her.
He booked a reservation at a nice beach side restaurant and then he planned to take Lucy on a night stroll along the beach.
When Tim arrived to pick Lucy up at her apartment. Dressed in a nice button up shirt and black dress pants. Tim looked handsome. Lucy walked out in the famous green dress she wore to Angela and Wes's wedding that ended up never happening. Nevertheless, that dress drove Tim insane. As he stared into her eyes, he was literally speechless.
"Lucy, you look SO BEAUTIFUL"
"You look pretty damn handsome, yourself"
As they sat down at their table. Conversation flowed. There was no awkwardness. Almost felt like a married couple going on a date night. As they finished their meals, Tim was paying the bill.
"Tim, this is the perfect date. It was so us and just felt right. Thank you so much for a wonderful night"
"It's not over yet. We are going to go for a walk along the beach"
"Tim, You don't like the beach"
"Maybe, but you love the beach. Truthfully, I will go anywhere with you. Especially, If I can witness you lighting up and seeing that beautiful smile"
"Tim, You have turned into a complete softie"
"Only with you, Baby. I have a reputation to uphold"
As they walked hand in hand along the beach. A slight breeze, waves quietly crashing. It felt magical.
"So Tim, We have a couple days off. is there going to be a second date?"
"Well, I had a thought. I think we should go to your place, so you can pack a bag. You come home with me. Spend the whole weekend with Kojo and I. We can watch movies and cuddle all weekend. All I wanna do is keep my arms wrapped around you for 48 hours. Give or take a few hours to eat and take Kojo on his walks"
"That sounds PERFECT"
"I feel like the luckiest girl in the world"
"Oh BABY. I'm the lucky one"
Chapter 8 ~ Cats Out Of The Bag
Everyone finds out. Not such a surprise as Tim and Lucy thought it would be.
After their date, Tim and Lucy had a blissful weekend together. Heat, passion. Also, a lot of cuddling. They felt so free. Finally, able to express how they felt for one another. For years now. They knew they couldn't live in this love bubble forever.
As they laid in bed. Lucy wrapped around Tim's warm and safe body. It seemed magical and straight out of a dream.
"Tim, I'm so happy, I can't remember a time feeling this much happiness"
"Me too, Baby. I think the first thing on Monday is to talk to Grey. We can take our time with everyone else. We should start the paperwork. Because I want to be with you fully in everyway"
The next day, both Tim and Lucy knocked on Grey's door.
Tim started
"Sir, can we talk to you for a minute?"
"Bradford. Chen. This is ominous. Is everything OK?"
"Everything is more than OK. So, we won't go into all the details on how this started but Chen and I need to fill out paperwork. We are...Ummm...Seeing each other. We are dating"
"I see. OK, Here's the paperwork. All ready to go, with your names on it"
Lucy stepped forward.
"You already had the paperwork ready?"
Both Tim and Lucy had a confused expression on their face.
"You two didn't do as good as a job at hiding residual feelings for each other as you might think. I have seen this coming for a while now. I give you both credit. You lasted longer than I thought you would...You know living in denial"
As they left Grey's office. Walking together. Both were blindsided at their meeting.
"So, Officer Bradford. Apparently we didn't do a good job at hiding out feelings"
"Nope. We sure didn't"
Tim had a smile on his face that was reminiscent of a high school boy in love.
"Bradford, I think we should let everyone else in on our happy news"
After roll call, Tim asked everyone to join them in the break room, As he had some news to share. Smiles smeared across all their friends faces. As they all gathered.
Angela blew the whistle on their news.
"So are you two finally letting yourselves onto the big secret that we all have seen coming for years now? Did you finally get your head out of your asses and FINALLY admit how you feel about each other?"
In shock again, Tim and Lucy stood there completely still.
Tim began talking
"Well apparently, We can't surprise anyone today. Yes, Lopez. Chen and I are together. We are dating".
Clapping and cheering erupted from the break room. As Lucy left with her patrol partner, Aaron and everyone exited the break room. Angela stayed back.
"Well Bradford. I'm so glad you finally took the plunge. You deserve to be happy"
"Ang, I have never been happier. Not even with Isobel. I have never felt like this before. I love her so much. It's unreal. "
"Good. This transition, especially professional, might raise some challenges but always fight for your happiness. Fight for Lucy. She's worth it"
"I will. Yes. She's WORTH IT ALL"
Chapter 9 ~ The Three Of Us
Next big step. Moving in together.
Tim and Lucy have been together for 6 months.
Tamara was living on campus at college. She had a steady boyfriend and was very busy in law school but made a point to have dinner with Lucy once a week. Often, Tim joined them. Tamara always saw both Lucy and Tim as her unofficial parents. Officer Zaddy always stuck with Tamara.
Lucy spent most nights with Tim at his place. Just going home every so often when they would spend a rare night apart.
Lucy had passed her Detectives exam and was working alongside Angela and Nyla. Professionally, it became much easier as Lucy didn't report to Tim. They were now in separate departments. There were no HR issues. With this, they were able to really commit to their relationship with no outside roadblocks.
Tim seemed distracted on this particular morning. Lucy and Nyla were out on a case. Angela was doing some paperwork around the station. She saw Tim stewing at his desk.
"Timothy, What's going on?"
"Lopez. I'm fine"
"Mhmm, You should tell your face your 'fine'"
"Fine. I'm just contemplating something. I want to ask Lucy to move in with me. She spends most nights with me. I'm just nervous. I don't want her to feel like I'm moving too fast. It's just...I hate waking up without her beside me. My home was always my home but now it feels like OUR HOME. It feels empty and dark when she's not there"
"Timothy, Don't worry about rushing things. You two should have been together for years now. This is the next step and I'm sure you will be pleased with Lucy's response"
Lucy arrived at Tim's later as she was finishing up a case. As she walked in, something smelt delicious. On the table there were lit candles. Soulful music playing. Lucy thought 'Did I miss an anniversary?' which made no sense, given Lucy never, ever missed an important date.
"Tim, What's going on?"
"Welcome HOME, Baby. I wanted to make you a nice dinner and show my girl some romance"
"Ohhh. Thank You. I needed this. I am the luckiest girl to have such a romantic boyfriend. Careful though, Your reputation could be in jeopardy"
As they sat down to eat. Tim nervously started talking.
"Luc. I wanted to talk to you. I don't want to rush things or put any pressure on you. It's just...since we got together. You have spent most nights here BUT the nights you're not here...Well, I hate those nights. It doesn't feel like my home anymore. It feels like our home. It feels dark and empty when you are gone. I want my nights to consist of you, me and Kojo. Every night. Waking up to you is the greatest part of my day. There is an extra room for Tamara, whenever she wants. I love you so much. The three of us made this house home to me. I think Kojo would agree with me. Will you move in with me?"
Lucy had tears pooling in her eyes.
"Oh, Babe. I feel the same. The nights I'm away from you are the worst. I miss you when I'm in my lonely apartment. I would love to move in with you. Move into our home. Just you, I and Kojo. And Tamara too. Sounds perfect to me"
"We can move you in on our weekend off. Lucy, you make me the happiest I have ever been. I LOVE YOU, BABY"
"Sorry Luc, Not possible"
Chapter 10 ~ Down On Bended Knee
Tim pops the question.
It has been a year and a half. Tim and Lucy were full steam ahead. Their relationship had been blissful. It was pretty clear, no two people were meant for each other more than them. Lucy had become a full time detective which she absolutely loved. Lucy, loved working with Angela and Nyla. She was a great detective. Tim is now a Sargent. He oversees all the police officers. Tim always wanted the best for his girlfriend. If she truly wanted to stay on patrol, he would of found a way to make that work. Lucy didn't want to stay on patrol. She always wanted to be a detective. It was her calling, which pleased Tim. Lucy was doing something she truly loved. Also, being in a different department there was no issues with nepotism. Lucy moved in with Tim, 6 months ago. That next step transition was seemingly easy. Sure, they had arguments as every couple does but it was fixed as quick as it began.
Tim had the ring for a couple weeks now. He has been waiting for a perfect time. There was absolutely no doubt in his mind. Lucy is the love of his life and he wants to spend the rest of his life with her. Lucy has a complicated relationship with her family but Tim made sure to to talk to her dad and get his blessing. Lucy's family weren't very supportive of her being a police officer but started to accept her choices especially after she became a detective. They also saw how much Tim loved her and blessed their relationship after some time. Her father, after a long talk, gave Tim his blessing. Tim also had a talk with Tamara, he wanted her blessing as well given how much Tamara meant to Lucy and also Tim. Lucy's puppy had wormed into his life as well.
Tim made a lunch date with his best friend, Angela. He needed his best friends advice. Talking to her at the station was a risk as Lucy could walk in on their conversation at anytime. Burritos was their friendship love language. Tim walked up to the food trucks and saw his best friend sitting at a table.
"Hello there, Timothy. So your wanting to talk about something?"
Angela knew her friend so well and had a strong suspicion he was more than ready to take the BIG step with Lucy.
"OK, Lopez. I obviously can't get much past you. I can see that smirk you have smeared across your face that you already know what I wanted to talk to you about"
"I don't know what your talking about"
"OK. Games over"
Tim pulled out the ring to show Angela.
"Bradford. I'm so proud of you. This ring is beautiful. I'm so damn happy for you. I saw Lucy as your person years ago. I know you loved Isobel. Lucy is different. She is without a doubt, your true love. She has completely changed you. She pulled you out of the darkness and into the light. She is your forever"
"Thanks, Ang. I never thought I could feel this way ever again. I know I loved Isobel but the feelings Lucy gives me everyday is nothing that I ever felt before. I can't imagine loving anyone the way I love her. I wake up in the mornings and stare at her and think I am the luckiest man in the whole world. I want more than anything to spend the rest of my life with her"
"Bradford. Your such a romantic"
"Yeah. You can thank Lucy for that"
"So, What's the plan?"
"I'm going to propose on her birthday. We are having that dinner party. I want everyone we know and love there. Hopefully, She doesn't say no"
"Bradford. That's not even possible."
It was Lucy's birthday party. Lucy came out of their bedroom in a new red dress matched with light makeup and red lipstick. She literally took Tim's breath away.
"Baby. What are you doing to me? You look absolutely gorgeous"
"Thank You, Babe. You look so handsome yourself"
"Happy Birthday, My Love"
Lucy lips crashed hard into Tim's.
"Chen. Don't start something you cannot finish"
"So later, Then?"
"Yes. Definitely later"
Their guests started to arrive. Drinks were flowing. Tim had dinner catered from Lucy's favorite restaurant and it was delicious.
As everyone gathered in the living room. Tim clinked his glass.
"Thank You, Everyone for coming to celebrate Lucy, Who as you know is the best rookie I ever trained"
Laughter echoed through the room.
"Lucy, Tonight we celebrate you. You have literally turned my world upside down. You took me out of a dark cloud I was hiding under and brought me back into the light. You showed me how to love again and be deserving to be loved back. You are the love of my life. When I look into your beautiful brown eyes. I feel something I have never felt before"
As tears pooled in Lucy's eyes. She sees her boyfriend drop down to one knee with a beautiful diamond ring, shining brightly.
"Tim, Wh-What are you doing?"
"Lucy, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to spend eternity showing you the love you deserve. WILL YOU MARRY ME?"
"YES! YES! Of course I will marry you"
As Tim stood up, he placed the ring on his now fiances left ring finger and gave her a soft, passionate kiss.
There wasn't a dry eye in the house. For the next while, the engaged couple received hugs. Lucy was still emotional. She had never felt so much joy as everyone was gushing over her new piece of jewelry.
As the night winded down, their guests left and it was just the three of them again. As they relaxed on the couch with Kojo at Lucy's feet.
"Tim, You have made me the happiest girl in the world. Now, laying here the three of us. We are a real family. Someday, bring a baby into our family. Tim, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. I cannot wait to become Mrs. Bradford"
"Lucy, You have completely shaped my world. Before I wasn't really living, just existing. You came into my life as a spunky rookie and changed me, rocked my world. You made me a better man. Thank You for saying YES. I can't wait to marry you, My beautiful girl"
Chapter 11 ~ Not A Option
Countdown to the big day. Only a week away. Lucy finds herself in a harrowing situation. Tim is determined to get to her.
The wedding was a week away. Everything was planned and ready. Tim was beaming, he could hardly contain himself. He just wanted so badly for Lucy to become a Bradford. Lucy was so busy. Between cases and working on wedding details. She was constantly on the go but she knew it was so worth it. Pretty soon, she was marrying the love of her life. She was getting her happily ever after and just couldn’t wait to be Tim’s wife. After everything they have been through. They had beat all the odds.
A case had come across Angela’s desk regarding suspicious circumstances in a run down warehouse. They had multiple cases so she asked Lucy to go and do a initial investigation. There has been an explosion and a body had been found outside of the warehouse. Other than that, emergency responders could not piece together what had taken place. Lucy was leaving the station. She always stops by Tim’s office as she leaves or vice versa if either of them is there. It had become a tradition. They kept things professional at work but found ways to have little, subtle moments together. As she made her way into his office. She was smiling from ear to ear.
“Sargent Bradford”
“Detective Chen. Or are you going by Detective Bradford yet?”
“Not yet. You have to say I DO first”
“Ohhh. That’s not going to be a problem”
“OK. Babe. I’m off to investigate at this warehouse. I will either see you here or at home later”
“Sounds good. I love you Detective Chen and…STAY SAFE”
“Always do. I love you more”
As Lucy pulled up to the warehouse. She walked in, had put gloves on just in case she came across any evidence. Walking and searching through chards of glass and debris. This was going to be daunting, trying to find any clues. As she was searching. A square, small shaped box caught her attention. It had wires attached to the back. Lucy thought it could be the reason for the explosion. As she picked it up, instantly regretting picking it up.
This wasn’t the cause of the explosion. This was a device that hadn’t detonated. Now, she was holding it. Knowing if she dropped it, the device would explode. She got on her radio while holding the bomb.
“Lopez. Harper. I’m in a situation here. I need a bomb squad rolled to my location. I’m currently holding a device that hasn’t detonated. Please hurry��
As Lucy was pleading for help. Tim happened to be having lunch with Angela. He literally felt like throwing up.
“WHAT THE HELL! She’s holding a damn bomb. This can’t be happening”
Harper had called in for the bomb squad to get to Lucy’s location.
“OK. Tim. She’s gonna be OK”
“She’s holding a goddamn bomb. You can’t promise that. I CAN’T LOSE HER”
“Let’s go, Ang. I need to be with her”
As Angela and Tim arrived at the warehouse. Tim leaped out of the car. Nyla stopped him.
“So, the bomb squad is working at disabling the bomb. My gosh. Your soon to be wife is one smart cookie. It would have detonated if she dropped it. It’s a complicated bomb. It’s going to take a bit to disable it. Lucy is scared but she’s holding it together”
“I’m going in. I need to be with her”
No one was going to stop him. They understood. If it was either of them. They would want Wesley or James to be there with them.
Tim walked in. He first noticed two bomb squad officers diligently surrounding Lucy. As they broke away for a second. He saw her. His beautiful fiancé. His whole world. Love of his life. The woman who is going to be his wife in 7 damn days. Lucy, usually she had a beaming smile, looked bright and cheerful. This Lucy, looked defeated, broken and scared. This shattered Tim’s heart into a million pieces. Lucy was sweating and trying desperately not to shake.
“Hey. Baby” Tim softly said
“Ti-Ti-Tim…What are you doing here?”
“Are you kidding, Luc? There is NO WHERE ELSE I WOULD EVER BE”
“Tim, I’m scared”
“I know you are, my love. But listen to me. We are leaving this warehouse together”
Tim gently cupped his hands around Lucy’s.
“Tim, What are you doing?”
“Baby. If your holding a bomb, then I’m holding a bomb too”
“Babe. I don’t want both of us in danger”
“We are a team. You and I. We are doing this together”
“I have never been so terrified. I don’t want to die”
“Baby, Listen to me. Your not going to die. OK. Losing you. Losing us IS NOT A OPTION”
“I just want to be your WIFE. Get my happily ever after”
“Luc, You are going to get that. I promise. We are going to be so happy. You and I. An old married couple with Kojo and a couple of babies” winking at his soon to be wife.
The bomb officer, Mike had now figured out the mechanics of the wires.
“Tim, I need you to lift your hand and Lucy at the count if three, your going to let go”
“Ar-Are you sure?”
“I promise it’s OK. Just let go”
Lucy closed her eyes as she dropped the bomb. Almost preparing for the worst. As she let go. Nothing. She was safe. Opened her eyes. Sobbing, tears streaming down her cheeks. As she looked up. She saw Tim sobbing too. Tim grabbed her jacket, hard. He brought her in tightly, wrapped his arms around every inch of her body. Lucy was holding onto him just as tightly.
Tim cupped her face. Circling his thumbs over her cheeks.
“Baby. Are you OK?”
“I think so. I’m just glad to be breathing and in your arms. Just like I was 5 years ago, when you saved my life. Why was I such a idiot? Not telling you how I felt then”
Tim laughing
“Oh, Luc. You’re not the only one who regrets not expressing their feelings. But I believe we were always going to get to where we are now”
“Can we go home? I wanna go home. Give Kojo kisses and snuggle with my almost husband. That’s what’s going to make me feel better”
“You bet, Baby. Let’s go home”
Chapter 12 ~ I Do
Chenford WEDDING DAY!!!
The big day had finally arrived. Tim and Lucy had decided on a small, intimate wedding. Angela, Tim's best friend was going to be Tim's 'best woman'. Tamara was going to be Lucy's maid of honor. They had asked Grey who was ordained to officiate their wedding. Grey meant so much to both of them and had been one of their biggest cheerleaders. He also made sure, them being a couple did not hurt their careers in any way. After so many years, being scared of HR issues. Grey was not going to let some protocol ruin their relationship when they had finally realized their love for each other was worth the risk. Grey was honored to marry them.
They had picked a small venue on the beach. It was perfect for them. Even though Tim never really liked the beach. He had started to warm up to the sand and water...Why? Because of Lucy, of course.
Friday at roll call. Tim and Grey were addressing the group. Grey was speaking.
"Stay safe. Let's het through today. So, tomorrow we can celebrate two of our favorite people who are FIANLLY saying, I DO"
After shift, Tim and Lucy saw each other for the last time before he would see her walk down the aisle. Lucy wanted to keep certain traditions. Tim was going to spend the night at Angela's and Tamara was staying with Lucy. As Tim was getting his things together. Lucy was chilling with Kojo on the couch.
"OK. Chen. Soon to be Bradford. I'm ready to go"
As he walked over to her. Cupping her face in his hands.
"I will see you tomorrow, my beautiful girl. I cannot wait to see you looking all gorgeous in your dress, walk towards me and FINALLY become my wife. I LOVE YOU, BABY"
"I am so excited to see how sexy you are gonna look in your tux. You're becoming my husband. My dream come true. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH"
Giving Lucy a big kiss. Reaching down to give Kojo some love.
"OK. My boy. Make sure Mom and T behave tonight"
"Woof! Woof!"
"Tim, you have brainwashed our dog"
"Nah. He just knows what a trouble maker his Mom is"
"OK. Bye. Love You"
"See you tomorrow, Baby"
Tamara came over. The girls decided to just have a relaxing girls night. Watched some rom-coms. They were going to bed early. It was going to be a big day tomorrow.
Lucy was almost asleep when her FaceTime ringtone started ringing. She knew it could only be one person. As she answered.
"Tim. Babe. Are you OK? It's 10:30. Don't you know this bride needs her beauty sleep?"
"First of all. This bride is already the most beautiful girl in the world, sleep or no sleep. Second, I want the last thing I see before I fall asleep is your gorgeous face. You, have always been the last vision I see before I close my eyes.
"Well played, Bradford"
"Sweet dreams. My beautiful girl. I love you"
"Goodnight, handsome. I love you"
Morning had arrived. Lucy turned over to see the sun shining brightly through the window pane.
'Today. I'm getting married"
Lucy saw a text.
"Morning, beautiful. In just a few short hours, you're going to make me the happiest man on the planet. I love you"
"You're going to make me the happiest woman on the planet. I love you. See you soon"
Tamara, Nyla, Bailey and Luna all gathered together to help Lucy get ready. Angela stayed with the groom as she was his 'best woman'.
Guests arrived at the wedding location.
In the back, behind the altar
"Alright. Bradford. Are you ready?"
"SOOO, ready. I'm marrying the love of my life. I'm so ready for Lucy to become my wife"
"Hell yeah, you are"
As Tim and Angela stood to the side of Grey. The ceremony was about to start.
Tamara was walking down the aisle in a pretty, lilac dress with a beautiful matching bouquet. Tim just smiled. Thinking of when Lucy's puppy came into her life and how she became Tim's puppy too.
The music began. Grey asked everyone to stand to welcome the bride.
There she stood. Arms locked with her father. In a breathtaking, white gown.
Angela looked over at her best friend. Tears were pooling in his eyes. He was desperately trying not to outright cry. The love and admiration he had looking at his bride as she made her way to the front was breathtaking.
As Lucy walked towards Tim. Mr. Chen placed a kiss on her cheek and placed her hands into Tim's hands.
"Take care of her"
"I promise Sir, forever"
Before Grey began. Tim leaned forward.
"You look absolutely BEAUTIFUL"
As Grey began. Reminiscing about Tim and Lucy's journey.
"Tim and Lucy have written their own vows. Tim the floor is yours"
As Tim placed a diamond, studded silver wedding band over Lucy's finger.
"Lucy Chen. When you walked into my life as a stubborn, spunky rookie. I knew I was going to be challenged to train you to become a fine police officer. Little did I know, How you were going to rock my world to the core. I was a shell of a man when you came on the scene. You brought me out of the darkness and showed me a light at the end of the tunnel. You showed me how to love again and gave me the ability to be loved. Which seemed like an impossibility. Lucy, I have never known a love like this. You are the love of my life. My soulmate. My other half. I love you more than anything or anyone in the world. I'm so in love with you. I promise you, to spend the rest of my life showing you the love that you deserve. I love you, my beautiful girl"
Lucy had tears spilling from the corner of her eyes.
It was Lucy's turn to place a platinum, silver wedding band on Tim's finger.
"It's going to be hard to follow that up. Tim Bradford. As your 'boot' I didn't know how I was going to endure your 'Tim Tests'. I knew deep down you were going to shape me to become one of LAPD'S finest. I was bound and determined to be the best rookie you ever trained. Just for the record, you say I'm in the top three but I know I'm number one. Along the way, you became the most important person in my life. I truly never knew what being in love felt like, until you came along. You saved me in so many ways. You're my forever hero. You too, are the love of my life. I never thought I could love someone the way I love you. I promise to show you love everyday. I will always be by your side through life. I love you, my handsome man"
Sniffles could be heard through the ceremony.
"Tim, do you take Lucy to be your wife? To love and cherish her from this day forward, as long as you shall live?"
"I DO"
"Lucy, do you take Tim to be your husband? To love and cherish him from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"
"Heck. Yes. I DO"
Laughter erupted.
"I know pronounce you husband and wife. Tim, you may kiss your bride"
As Tim's lips crashed into Lucy's. Giving her the most passionate, loving kiss he had ever given her. he leaned his forehead against hers.
As everyone was standing and cheering.
"I Love You, Mrs. Bradford"
"I Love You More, Mr. Bradford"
The Bradford's made their way down the aisle. Hand in hand. Smiling towards everyone they loved.
"We did it, Baby" Tim whispered
"We sure did, Bradford. The happiest day of my life"
"It was PERFECT. You are PERFECT"
Chapter 13 ~ Babymoon
Tim And Lucy have a honeymoon getaway to the mountains. Lucy has news to share with her husband.
Lucy went from Lucy Chen to Lucy Bradford. Their wedding was perfect. Newlywed life was blissful. Being married suited both Tim and Lucy. After the wedding they went straight back into work mode. Tim being a Sergeant and Lucy a detective. You could say they are Wiltshire’s power couple. They had gone back and forth about to where to go for their honeymoon. Neither was wanting to travel far. They live in LA so going to a warm destination location wasn’t that important to them. Both Tim and Lucy loved to go on hikes in the mountains with Kojo. So, they decided renting a air b n b in the mountains would be perfect. They could also take Kojo with them. They had reserved a cabin for five days. It was going to be magical.
It was Tim and Lucy’s last day before they were going to be on vacation for their getaway to the mountains. Neither saw much of each other that day. Tim was very busy dealing with the mountain of paperwork he needed to finish and Lucy was out in the field finishing up a case. Angela spotted her best friend at his desk with his face buried in papers.
“Timothy. Are you ready for your getaway with your wife? Wife…I still can’t believe that”
Since the wedding. Everytime Angela sees Tim, she finds herself staring down at Tim’s left hand and admiring the silver ring that now occupies that finger. After Isobel, she never thought he would have that again. Sure, he loved Isobel but she was convinced Tim had never known a love like Lucy.
“I sure am Lopez. I am so ready to spend 6 days away. Secluded in the mountains with my WIFE, oh and Kojo”
“Marriage looks pretty good on you, Bradford”
“It feels pretty damn amazing. Lucy is by far the BEST thing that has ever happened to me. I am so lucky I get to call her my wife”
Lucy had come back to the station. The case was closed. She was debriefing with Nyla.
“Detective Bradford. You are done here. Now, get out of here and go enjoy some quality time with your new husband”
“Yes ma’am”
Lucy passed by her husband’s office before she left the station. They were still always very professional at work but still had soft moments with each other.
“Hi there, handsome”
“Well, hello there my beautiful wife”
“I just wanted to check in with you before I left. I have some errands to run and then home to finish packing. I know you’re just gonna throw some things in a bag but your wife doesn’t roll that way. So, I will see you at home later?”
“You bet, beautiful. Let’s be real Luc. I’m sure you will have my bag packed by the time I get home”
“You know me so well. Love you”
“Love you too. I will see you soon”
The Bradford’s which included Kojo left in Tim’s truck for their destination first thing in the morning. They had planned to get groceries as they got near the cabin. At the grocery store they had picked up supplies to make some nice meals and Tim also grabbed some beer and some wine for his wife. When he had asked Lucy what kind she wanted. He noticed she was a little reserved. She had ‘forgotten’ something and walked in the opposite direction. Tim ended up grabbing a bottle he thought she would enjoy.
They got to the cabin. It was a beautiful log cabin. Mountains in the near distance. A flowing river directly behind the house. It was quiet and purely magical.
As Tim was putting groceries away. Lucy and Kojo were relaxing on the couch. Tim had opened a beer for himself.
“Baby. Do you want a glass of wine?”
“I’m OK right now”
Lucy scooted up and grabbed her purse, she made her way into the kitchen. She had a very serious look come across her face. Tim, knowing his wife so well, could see something was heavily weighing on her mind.
“Luc. What’s going on? You have been acting off the whole way up here and then walking away from me in the grocery store. You have been so excited for our honeymoon up until today it seems. Are you OK? Are we OK?”
Lucy had tears forming in her eyes.
“Baby. What’s wrong? Please talk to me”
“Tim, I know we talked about what we wanted for our future before we got married. Sometimes plans change though”
“Luc. Your scaring me, what are you talking about?”
Lucy took a deep breath. Reached her hand into the side of her purse and placed a white stick on the counter. Tim looked down and saw a positive symbol on the small screen.
“Baby. Yo-Your pregnant?”
“I am. I have been feeling nauseous and a little off for a few days so I thought I would just pick up a test and make sure. I know this wasn’t in the plan. We just got married. We wanted time to be a married couple for a while. We wanted…”
“Luc. Stop. This is amazing. I would love nothing more than for us to bring a mini you or a mini me into this world. I love you so much. Maybe it wasn’t our plan right away but that doesn’t matter. I can’t think of anything I have wanted more than making you my wife and us starting a family”
“Oh, Tim. I was nervous about how you might react but as usual you knew exactly what to say to make me feel better. I’m so happy too. I am so ready for this. Starting a family with you is everything I have ever wanted”
They had a romantic dinner together and then moved to the couch. As Lucy laid her head over Tim’s chest. Tim had one hand around her shoulder, running his fingers through her brown, wavy curls and his other hand was rubbing her belly.
“Luc, we are having a baby”
‘Yes we are, Tim. Best honeymoon ever, or should I say babymoon”
Chapter 14 ~ Hormones
A hard case hits a pregnant Lucy hard. Tim is her rock as usual.
It had been a whirlwind few months for The Bradford’s. As they arrived home from their honeymoon getaway from the mountain cabin. It was all about finding an OB GYN, after Lucy’s pregnancy had been confirmed with bloodwork. At their first ultrasound, Tim’s emotions came flooding out as they heard their baby’s heartbeat for the first time. Tim had dreamed for so long of becoming a father. After Isobel, he had convinced himself it was just not in the cards for him. That was until Lucy changed everything for him. Now, she had not only pulled him out of the darkness but had made him the happiest man in the world. Going from his boot, to his friend, to his girlfriend and now his wife. Lucy was now gifting him a baby, their baby. Tim was on cloud nine and eternally grateful for his life now.
Lucy was also elated with their life. She had never felt complete in any of her relationships, never able to fully commit to anyone. As much as Lucy tried, she was never able to truly fall in love with anyone. Until, Tim. She had those butterfly feelings from the beginning. They never went away. Even when the idea of them being together felt impossible. It took a really hard time. A long time pining for one another, dating other people but in the end their feelings for each other would eventually not be denied anymore. Lucy had thought she could not ever feel happier than when she became Mrs. Bradford. It was matched at the sound of their baby’s heartbeat.
Now Lucy, 16 weeks pregnant. They had gone back and forth on whether they wanted to find out the gender or have it a surprise. After many talks, even small arguments. They finally decided to find out. At their ultrasound, the tech gave them the news. Tim and Lucy were having a baby GIRL. They were both so excited. Lucy immediately starting buying baby girl outfits. Tim tried to reign it in but in the end of the day seeing Lucy happy and smiling gave him literal goosebumps. Happy wife, happy life. As far as he was concerned, she could buy whatever she wanted for their baby.
Lucy was now 24 weeks pregnant and her hormones were in full force. She found herself getting emotional over virtual everything. It was a very busy day for Tim at the station. There was many calls he had to attend to as a Sergeant. He finally returned back to the station and went to check in with his wife. As he approached Angela and Nyla, who were sitting at their desks, there was no Lucy. As he saw Angela had a concerned look when he walked up.
“Hi Ang. Where’s my wife”
“Tim, we had a hard ending to a case. We found and apprehended the suspect but we were too late and found his little girls body. Lucy didn’t want to leave the little girl. I sent her home to regroup. I wanted her to rest. I’m sorry, Tim”
“That’s OK, Ang. I am going to head home and see my girls”
“Good idea”
Tim arrived at their house. He walked in and found his wife curled up on the couch with her knees resting against her chin. Sobbing. She had Kojo right beside her who as always was trying to comfort her.
“Hi Baby. I’m so sorry for what happened today”
“Tim, she just a innocent little girl. Like our little girl will be in a couple of years. I have seen these cases before in the job we have and it’s always hard. I’m so emotional. I couldn’t even gather myself to stay at work. I am such a mess”
“Luc. First. Our baby girl is always going to be unconditionally loved and protected for her entire life. Second, of course you are emotional. This case would affect anyone. Throw in, you being pregnant. Just give yourself a break. OK”
Tim crawled onto the couch beside his wife and held her. Having one hand on her growing belly.
“Luc. Listen to me. You can let out all the emotions you need to. I will always hold and comfort you. Smother you with kisses. You just concentrate on keeping a good home for our little princess”
“God. I love you. Tim Bradford”
“I love you more. Lucy Bradford”
Chapter 15 ~ Baby Bradford
Tim and Lucy welcome their baby GIRL.
Lucy was 37 weeks pregnant. It was her last day at Wilshire before she would go on mat leave. Lucy was very tired. She was feeling gigantic. Angela and Nyla arranged a little surprise celebration for Lucy and Tim. Lucy was overwhelmed with emotion. Lucy and Tim were always professional inside the walls of the station, even as a married couple. However, on this day. Tim didn’t even think about breaking any rules. Wrapping his arms around his wife giving her soft, little kisses. Tim was going to be having some paternity leave in a week, so he could be home with Lucy and his baby girl.
Tim actually hated leaving their home in the following days to go to work. He wanted to stay with his wife. Lucy reassured him to go to work and she would be ok at home. Tim was checking in either via text or phone calls every 30 minutes. No matter what he was doing, he was checking in like clockwork.
For weeks prior, they had gotten everything needed for their baby girl. They had settled on a simple nursery. A star and moon theme. Mint green and white. They loved this theme as they thought for their baby girl, as she grows up to reach for the stars. Crib, changing table, car seat/stroller combo and rocking chair. The mountains of clothes Lucy had purchased were hanging in the nursery’s closet. Baby girl Bradford was going to be a fashionista. Diapers, bottles, and many necessities were given during Lucy’s baby shower. Aunt Angela and Aunt Nyla purchased a bassinet for them to have, as their baby will spend the first little while with her mommy and daddy. They were ready for their baby’s arrival.
A few night later, Tim and Lucy were sound asleep in bed when Lucy was jolted awake.
“TIM! TIM! My water just broke. WAKE UP!”
“I’M AWAKE! I’M AWAKE! I will grab your hospital bag”
Tim stood still for a moment. Placed his hand over his wife’s round belly.
“Tim, what are you doing? Let’s go”
“Right. Let’s go and meet our little princess”
Tim had tears flowing down his cheeks. Smiling from side to side. He was finally getting the family he had always wanted. How did he get so lucky? After all the darkness and hardships. Tim was married to the absolute love of his life and was about to become a dad to their baby girl. He was about to have two girls, his whole world.
Later at the hospital. Lucy was rushed to labour and delivery. Doctor did an initial exam and had her hooked to a fetal monitor. Lucy was fully dilated and ready to deliver their baby girl. 3 hours of hard labour and she was here.
“It’s A GIRL. Ten fingers, ten toes and a full head of hair”
Then came the most wonderful sound Tim and Lucy had ever heard. Their baby girl started uncontrollably crying. A sound every parent wants to hear immediately after birth. Nurses took her over to the weigh scale, cleaned her up and do initial tests. Baby Bradford was a perfectly, healthy baby girl. As she was swaddled in a hospital blanket and brought over to mom and dad. She was given to Lucy where she held her baby girl for the first time. Tim, situated beside Lucy on her bed, felt like he had died and gone to heaven.
“Tim, she’s PERFECT. Our daughter is PERFECT”
“Luc, she’s GORGEOUS. I always knew she was going to her moms mini me. Luc, you were remarkable and amazing. I am so proud of you. We are a family. Just me and my girls. And of course Kojo. You and our princess are my WHOLE WORLD. Don’t you ever forget that”
“Daddy, why don’t you take our little angel to the waiting room so she can meet her aunts, uncles and Grandpa Grey. Announce her name, which is perfect and show her off. This kind of cuteness should be shared with everyone”
“I’m on it. Let’s go meet your family, baby girl”
Everyone was impatiently waiting. Tim emerged down the hall cradling their new bundle of joy.
I thought it was time for our new princess to meet her family. I want to formally introduce Wilshire’s newest boot”
“Lucy was a complete champion. She is literally my hero. She is healthy and resting”
Angela was sobbing as she approached her best friend with his new baby girl.
“You named her after me? Dammit. Bradford. You are not supposed to make me cry. That’s my job”
“Well we thought her namesake should come from her godmother. Angela, you have been a rock to me through all these years. You were also the one who set me straight to tell the love of my life I was in love with her. I have my perfect life and a lot of that is thanks to you”
Tim handed Sophia to her godmother.
“Oh Timothy. She is absolutely beautiful. I think she gets that from Lucy”
“Lopez. You are right about that”
All of Sophia’s family had a chance to hold and admire her. As she was handed back to Tim.
“Thank you everyone for being here. Lucy and I are forever grateful for all of you. Sophia is so lucky to have so many people that will love, adore and teach her. You will all play such an important role in her life.
“Ok. Baby girl. Let’s go see Mommy. I bet she’s missing you”
Moments later. Sophia was in her mommy’s arms and Tim laying beside them with one arm around his wife and the other gripping his baby girls hand with his one finger.
“Life is PERFECT. My girls. My world. I LOVE YOU BOTH more than anything in this universe”
“And I love you, Tim. Our family. Our baby girl more than anything in this universe. Thank you for saving me time and time again. Thank you for making me whole again”
“Luc, your stealing my lines again”
Tim gave a kiss to his wife’s forehead, followed with a kiss to his daughters. They were a FAMILY. The family, both Tim and Lucy had always dreamed of. Their dream had FINALLY come true.
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theflyindutchwoman · 2 months
Aside from each other, obviously, who is your favourite character for Tim and Lucy to each interact with? (So basically, your favourite non-Chenford relationship for each of them — platonic, professional, or otherwise.) And, who is the one character you wish they would each interact with more?
Ooooh… Well, that's relatively easy with Tim : Angela. I just love their dynamic. On the surface, it's full of sarcasm, teasing and playful ribbing but you can feel the genuine respect, admiration and love they have for each other underneath all that - no matter how much they might want to deny it. It's so palpable in the way they don't hesitate to have each other's back and are simply ready to drop everything for the other, even if that means losing their career. Like Angela said, they're BFFs… and the best part is that the show has never tried to change that or imply anything else - something that is all too rare. I do wish these two would be able to interact more often though… However, if I had to choose another character, I'd say Grey. I enjoy their mentor/mentee dynamic and how Wade is trying to look out for him, how Tim doesn't hesitate to seek his counsel, even confiding in him… and how Grey can still call him out when necessary. Now that Tim is fully back on patrol, I hope we get to see more of them.
As for Lucy, it's a bit harder, especially after this season. Jackson and Lucy's friendship was my all-time favorite dynamic, but alas… So I guess I would say Tamara. Their bond is so sweet. It shows us another side of Lucy. We get to see her caring and nurturing nature in full force and how it brought out the best in Tamara, how she was able to make her feel safe, to give her a place where she could be accepted… and considering Lucy's own background, I think that makes it incredibly moving and special. Especially since it's not one-sided : Tamara has proven on multiple occasions that she will have Lucy's back and that she loves her just as fiercely. I sincerely hope this won't be the last time we see Tamara!
And lastly, for who I wish she would interact with more : Nyla. I am incredibly sad and disappointed that these two didn't even have a proper scene together. Because up until this season, I absolutely loved their friendship. Or mentorship, I guess. It was so different than the one Lucy had with Tim, for so many different reasons. But the way Nyla warmed up so quickly to Lucy (seriously, it took one episode) and decided to take her under her wings, encourage her and tried to help her was so amazing. Even more so because Lucy didn't really get to have that before Nyla : we saw how she was looking up to Andersen but unfortunately, the Captain died… She barely got to interact with Angela… and don't get me started on her storyline with Talia. So seeing Nyla actively encourage and support Lucy was awesome and something that was so needed. And then, this season happened… The fact that we didn't have a single scene regarding the detective exam is criminal. Their interactions (if we can call it that) were such a letdown for me so hopefully, next season will course correct that.
What about you? Curious to read your answer :)
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I'M SORRY???!?!!?
Honestly I was wondering (half jokingly) if it would be a distraction but WHAT???!
And of course:
Happy sobbing lol
Anyway just AAHHHH all the little wopez moments were gets this episode :'D also of course they were solving a crime while Angela was in labor xD. And of course we love seeing Wesley being the best most supportive husband ever 🥰🥰. I just aAGH!! MY BABEYS :'DDDD ❤️❤️!! AND THEY HAD A BABY :'DDD!!!
I love them so much <333 :)) And I'm sure I'm gonna love their new baby girl :'))
Also even though I love the angst I'm so glad they weren't at home 😭❤️. It would've have been beautifully angsty but I didn't need that stress lol xD I'm just glad they're okay <33
Also I just have to mention: "you'd better not be having a stroke on me right now" SLKGJDHKGJDS XDDD I died laughing at that part LOL
Also the scenes of Celina sitting with him were just HEARTBREAKING 💔💔😭 :'((
They're besties your honor <33
Also slfkghdhkgs?? Can we talk about hat Chenford battle couple scene?? It was like they were in a zombie apocalypse or something xD. But they slayed SO HARD and I'm glad they're okay :'D
Speaking of AAAHHHH NYLAAA 😭😭. I am so glad Leah's okay <333. And James too of course :)). They're my babeys <33
Also as soon as I thought I saw that closet door move the tiniest I KNEW they were in the house being Bailey and I was RIGHT!! Still AH 😭😭 though. Anyway lol, glad she and Nolan are okay too :'))
And I'm glad Grey's okay too <33 I got a bit nervous at the end their till the others showed up
But oh gosh o.o this entire thing was wild and it looks like it's about to get even wilder xd
Super cool but crazy xD.
Also I assume some of might be dealt with on feds? But I'm not sure ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌. I figured there would be a bit of a segue cameo at the end if so, but maybe not ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠∵⁠ ⁠)⁠┌? It would make sense if they had their own plot and this was mentioned at the end though, so it can be a thing for the start of BOTH of their next seasons. Eh, I don't know! Anyway :)).
AAHHHHHHH I'm stressed xdd
But it was an AMAZING episode :DD
Such a good finale 😍😳🤩😩
I do live a bit in fear though xd :)
Scratch that, I just totally do xdd :')
Still, it was a great season :))
And it was a wonderful episode <333
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