#abaddon x reader
yanandreckless · 8 months
Everybody Likes Kyle
You were woken up by a loud blare of guitars along with drums that sounded like they were urging you to jump right out of your skin.
Since that was an understandably tricky thing to do and you were not normally one for tricks, you merely jumped right out of your bed. Or well, attempted to, the mass of blankets you had wrapped yourself in like a burrito proved to be rather effective restraints, leaving you sitting upright with various fabrics coiled around your legs.
The loud groan as you rub your eyes does nothing, it neither alleviates your frustration or dispels the disoriented feeling as you try to get used to being awake in your own bedroom.
The screams then start.
Not from anyone in the building, there is no need to panic.
From whichever blasted machine that was playing the guitars and the drums at this unholy hour.
Who even manages to take a turn so far left from music to end up at… that?
Who is so rude as to play it at this ho…
You scramble for your phone. Promptly knock it to the floor. Sigh. Detangle yourself from the blankets. The screams seem to be urging you on in this totally attractive mockery of a butterfly getting out of a cocoon, weirdly enough.
Once you finally reach your phone, your knee cracking as you need to nearly crawl under your desk because why wouldn’t a completely non-spherical object tumble as far away from you as possible, and you realize it’s 11am, you feel no less irritated.
In fact, you feel more irritated. With yourself. You couldn’t even be irritated with someone else in peace.
Alright, so it wasn’t at an unholy hour that this… cacophony, because it sure as hell wasn’t music, was being played.
It was at a perfectly… holy hour?
It just still did happen to wake you up.
And for what? Who the fuck was even playing that? That never happened before, this building was rather quiet.
As if the cacophony wasn’t enough, loud thuds that sound suspiciously like heavy steps and furniture being moved around are now shuddering through the thin walls and floors and that is when you realize that 16B is finally getting a tenant.
Oh no.
Messy bun? Check.
Leggings? Check.
Oversized T-shirt without any breakfast stains on it? Check.
Teeth brushed? Uhhh… Mouthwash gargled? Check.
Hunting down slippers that belonged to the same pair was more challenging than it had any reason to be having in mind that you possessed no canines or felines who would mess with your footwear, but once that was finally done, too, you tried not to stomp (the effect would be ruined in soft bunny slippers anyway) angrily as you went to ask your new neighbor to tone down their… music.
You nearly fell over a huge box as soon as you stepped out of your apartment. Looking down, you jumped away as a sheen of fur alerted you to the fact that this might be a pet whose temper you do not know…
Except the fur wouldn’t move. And was a giant pelt. Suspiciously looking like it used to belong to a wolf.
Then you look around the assortment of boxes, trash bags, furniture pieces, and just… stuff lying all around the hallway. The questionable taste in music your new neighbor undoubtedly had seemed to extend to furniture as well.
You were staring at a gigantic Edwardian sofa that has been through what its owner most likely considered a genius furniture flip, its upholstery a shiny black and its wooden trim an offensive gold complete with… spikes. The sofa had spikes on the top of its backrest. Cushions were strewn on it, in shades of black, gold, and red and the similarly dated cabinet with glass doors had odd symbols painted in gold on its doors, like… a circle with a bunch of arrows pointing out of its center.
Another box near the one with the wolf pelt contained leather-bound books. So far the least visually offensive or odd thing here.
And then another… was full of skulls. Fucking sk-
The man who popped out of the ajar door of 16B had to bend to walk through.
He promptly pushed aside a heavy wooden treasure chest with his foot. The chest clanked like it was full of metal.
Once fully upright, he was… terrifying.
7 feet of broad, muscled, tattooed mass.
His head was shaved on the sides, with the hair on top dyed the same offensively flaming red his sofa cushions were. It was held in a high ponytail with what looked like a metal cylinder, ornate and as edgy as the rest of him.
Piercings (yes, several) on his brow and ears. Tattoos on his entire body, including the sides of his head. Nails longer than yours on his right hand, filed into points and painted black. Short and black on his left.
He looked like one of those thirst trap alternative guys on TikTok. You always weirdly assumed those guys weren’t real.
With a slight jerk of his chin toward his new apartment, (oh lord, this is your new neighbor! Is he going to sacrifice virgins on Saturday evenings? You worked on Sunday, for fuck’s sake!) he boomed, voice deep and rough:
“Haarken, turn the music down to 16.”
Huh. 16. The music became barely audible in the hallway instantly. He renamed his Alexa into… Haarken? Could you even do that? Also, he set up his Alexa before he unpacked?
“Hello there.” The TikTok demon grinned at you, revealing a row of straight teeth with suspiciously sharp canines, like they were modded. Of course they were. Half his books are probably what sells as occult at the same stores that sell crystals to heal cancer.
“Did I wake you?”
You smooth down your hopelessly wrinkled loungewear T-shirt, a ratty piece of crap that’s gray instead of black now, with some band image that you never recognized or cared about as you dug the garment out of a bin at a thrift store ages ago, when it was still black and whole.
“Is it that obvious?” You toss back and he chuckles. He sounds weirdly menacing as he does.
“A little. I suppose you’re next door?”
He jerks his head toward your unit and you nod.
“I’m Kyle.”
He extends a shovel-sized calloused hand for a handshake. It’s very warm and just as rough as it looks.
“Kyle.” You repeat dubiously. You expected him to introduce himself as a Samael or an Asmodeus or at the very least a Constantine. Nope. Kyle.
He raises both pale eyebrows at you (Kyle is apparently a natural blonde) and you realize that he’s expecting to hear your name in return, so you provide it.
“Nice to meet you. And I apologize for waking you. If you wish to keep me company as I take all this stuff in, there will be a homemade steak in it for you.”
It’s your turn to raise both eyebrows. Kyle looks frightening but he’s apparently polite. And you can’t remember the last time you ate steak. Let alone a homemade one.
“Do you always bribe people into hanging out with you?” You sass him jokingly and a deep line forms between Kyle’s eyebrows. You weren’t able to determine his age up until that point but you suspect he may be older than he looks anyway:
“I like to think of it as an enticing offer. Works better than force or a sense of obligation, don’t you think?”
You feel a bit shitty, since you tried to make a joke but Kyle seems genuinely miffed, his large nostrils a bit flared. So you just nod.
“That’s true. I do like steak. I just hope I don’t end up in this box.”
You point at the box with skulls and the deep line between Kyle’s eyebrows disappears. Your second attempt at a joke is more successful as Kyle barks an unattractive little laugh, one of the ones that sound like a pig:
“No, those belonged to enemies. Plan on not becoming an enemy.”
It’s mighty stupid to think Kyle is kind of cute. You do so anyway. 
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ilisteria · 14 days
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This is primarily aimed at the Horus fuckers - y'all know who you are
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luxthestrange · 3 months
WHB Incorrect quotes#50 IT ENDS WITH ME-
Sitri*Looking around for You for tea time when he spots Satan and other demons looking out the window*Your Highness have you seen Solomon?-
Satan*Smacks while growling*SSSSSHHHH...they can't know we can see them-
Sitri*Blink, already bruising on his cheek and looks out the window to see you...having a fight?...with air?*
Mc*Squints at the reflection and in a swift movement takes out a fork and aims it at your gut*-Then I'm going to stab this body of mine you clearly love until I bleed!?
-Silence...only a soft breeze and the calming sound of water-
Mc: W-WHAT YOU THINK I WON'TDO IT!?-*is bitting time and bluffing*IM DOING IT!?...HERE I GO!?*Pokes the firk to your side and you whine in pain...a bit too dramatically and rub your side* AH-
Gehenna Demons*Worriedly looking at you, Satan has to physically restrain Sitri from coming to your aid*
Foras*Who is spying live to the Hades demons, is...very disturbed and worried of what he is seeing*...
Mc*Raises fork again and glares at the pond*-THIS TIME IS FOR REAL!?! I WON'T STOP TILL I SEE BLOOD!?*goes for the kill...but gently poke again and falls in pain* AHHHH!?-
Satan:...Paimon go check on them now, they will accidentally hurt themselves at this rate
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My dramatic ass in WHB ... I just wanna go home guys-
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envyland · 3 months
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. ⊹ .asmodeus𝜗𝜚⋆₊˚🫀🎠:)))daddy is home ₊˚⊹♡....🐇🧇I can't wait to he added to whb🥀𖤐𖦹₊⊹
Asmo is my #2♡
Sooo...dantalian....I hear your dad is single...I just want to say if you want a new mom I'm here for you♡
Make that heart red🎠🫀𝜗𝜚⋆₊˚
Please repost my post🧇🍮₊˚⊹♡ִ⊹ ࣪ ˖ִ࣪𖤐₊ ⊹
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r0-boat · 5 months
Whb Asmodeus prediction headcanons + rambling about abaddon
I am not basing this off of the asmo in love unholyc I never played the game because the app never worked on my phone 😭
I mention the natural pheromones headcanon
Cw: heavy dubcon
(@luceafarul-de-dimineata) here my friend here's your food
Asmodeus truly does not care who you sleep with, to be honest he wants you to tell him all the juicy details of what it's like with the other kings.
Asmo has mastered shape-shifting; I bet you 1,000 rings that in the story, he transforms into Minhyeok to have sex with you. Asmodeus values love just as much as he values lust He would think Minhyeok's puppy love is so cute. He loves the both of you and wish you could keep the two of you as cute little concubines.
Asmodeus is not allowed in the human world for many reasons. I fully believe Asmodeus has a breeding kink, hahah I think you can pick up when I'm putting down.
Asmodeus' scent is a natural aphrodisiac. It takes the scent depending on the favorite smell of the person smelling it; he can make it as strong as he wants. He wears perfume to mask it entirely because it's kind of hard to do business when everyone is horny around you.
Devils from Abaddon love humans a little too much, on the verge of over-sexualizing. To them, humans are weak cute little fuck toys. Their holes are nice, tight, and soft. It wouldn't be surprised if having a human partner is considered something of high value or status.
Asmodeus ADORES humans, Thatv devil has a borderline human kink.
Can you imagine what would happen if you started ovulating in Abaddon That's a sweet smell that already drives devils crazy. If that mixes with the energy from Asmodeus, I don't even think those demons will be anything more than just rutting animals.
Abaddon uses forms of chastity and something that binds the arms as a form of punishment for its devils. Pleasure is a reward unable to receive pleasure is a punishment. Devils not native Abaddon or angels get the Pillory.
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devilmen-collector · 4 months
Took me an eternity to finally send this ask cause I'm so shy (•-•)
But please, justice for the Abaddon boys, I need hcs for them 🙏🙏
Can be either sfw or nsfw and I'm a legal adult, tyvm
Also have a good day and I wish you happiness for everyday 🎉
Thank you for the well wishes :3
We don't have much info on Abaddon boys, so I don't think I'll have tok many hcs for them. But I hope you like the few ones I have :D
Warning: some dark demonic stuff
Some Headcanons for Abaddon Devils
Having a big collection of body parts, Ronové knows many ways to preserve them. So he's actually an expert at embalming dead bodies. He's very meticulous when it comes to preserving or embalming a body. The devil considers it an art. Though very few have seen his collection. Consider it a great privilege if you are ever invited to look at his collection. That means he sees you as someone important.
If you ever choose to have Ronové embalm your body after death, he may ask for an organ or two. But don't worry, you still have the option to refuse, unlike the enemies he has killed.
Sometimes, Phenix brings the body parts he chopped off to Ronové because he hopes Ronové can grow his collection. Though not all of them make it to the collection room as they have not been preserved very well by Phenix. However, Ronové appreciates the gesture and counts Phenix as one of his trusted partners.
Dantalian is considered "fashionable", not because he loves fashion itself, but because his weak-looking outfits keep getting damaged or destroyed during his quest to satisfy his kink, so he keeps buying new ones.
Dantalian was gifted a pink bow by Eligos once because the latter learned that the Abaddon devil bought a lot of cute (more like weak-looking) clothes (he didn't know the whole story behind it). Though Dantalian treasures the bow and never worn it to the battlefield to prevent it from being damaged.
Whenever Dantalian goes out to find a way to satisfy his kink, Ronové and Phenix secretly follow him. They care and want to protect Dantalian. It's totally fine to seek pleasure and orgasm, but it's another matter to get yourself killed while trying to seek pleasure. What's the point of pleasure when you are dead?
Phenix wears a special kind of underwear that won't make him feel uncomfortable whenever he has orgasm.
You have to be careful when approaching Phenix. Call out, wave or say hi first, you don't want to make Phenix moan or reach orgasm when you tap on his shoulder while reaching out for him from behind. There's a place and time for that, just not a random saying hello moment.
Although Phenix doesn't seem like it, he cares for those he loves a lot, especially you, "His Majesty Asmodeus", Ronové, and Dantalian. He will chop off anyone who dares to harm you.
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imagine-darksiders · 1 year
Finding Inglenook
Chapter 1: An Unhappy Reuinion.
Darksiders: Abaddon X Reader
Tags: Enemies to friends, Unrequited crush, One-sided admiration, Post-resurrection, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Protective Abaddon, Explicit language, blood, injury, threat, combat.
As a rule of thumb, the back alleys of Haven City are a region that are best granted a wide berth, although, one could argue that the same principle could be said of any back alley. Even after Humanity's unexpected but much appreciated resurrection, the majority of humans still retain their relative distrust of the dark, narrow crevices that cut between the towering skyscrapers and winding streets of the city they died in.
As you meander slowly through the alleyways yourself one cold, winter evening at dusk, you begin to realise that the majority of humans are right to avoid these in-betweens, these through-roads.
Of all the potential shortcuts you could have explored on your way back to your newly-built home near Haven's outskirts, it would be your shoddy luck that you'd stumble upon a squalid and unscrupulous arcade that had – once upon a time – served as the side entrance to a bustling shopping centre. Now, however, there stands nothing more than a derelict thoroughfare for Haven's less than savoury residents.
Shards of glass from discarded bottles crunch under your shoes, the smell of booze saturates the air like a miasma, inescapable no matter which direction you face. The bad air is trapped down here between the buildings where the low sun rays can't reach, much in the same way you are.
“Oh, you've got to be kidding me,” you whine under your breath as you squeeze between a pair of staggering men, doing your utmost not to let your thick hoodie brush against their sweat-stained shirts.
They, like the other several dozen people that have formed a rambunctious crowd across the middle of the arcade, are far too busy whooping and jeering to notice you slip by.
With your head tipped towards the ground and your hood pulled low over your eyes, you can't see what they're hollering at, but from the sounds of grunting, snarling, and the telltale crash of knuckles striking against flesh, you'd bet your last rations you've walked right into a fighting ring.
It's the only likely source of such rowdy excitement. Hardly the kind of place where the 'Horsemen fraterniser' ought to be seen alone without one of the dreaded Four guarding your flank...
Swallowing back a nervous lump, you tug on your hoodie's drawstrings and duck your head, sidling your way through the crowd, desperate to escape to the other side where you'll be home free, provided you can find your way out of this maze of backroads.
Nose scrunched up to defend against the invasive smell of freshly-spilled vomit, you keep your gaze fixed unwaveringly on the sea of boots shuffling along the ground around you, picking your way carefully through them and trying not to think about how furious War would be if he were to ever find out you strayed away from the relative safety of the streets.
All of a sudden, you're torn from your worries by someone knocking into your shoulder, hard enough to send you stumbling sideways into another person before you manage to right yourself, thoroughly startled.
“Hey!” comes a slurred shout from behind you, nearly lost amongst the noise of the crowd.
'Oh no...'
Your heart shoots up to sit on your tongue when somebody – you suppose whoever you've just bumped into - grabs your shoulder and jerks you to a rough halt.
You don't dare turn around to see who has snagged you by the hoodie. The only thing plaguing your mind is the thought that you've been recognised, and now you're about to get a fist to the back of the head for any number of reasons.
As it turns out however, this altercation only seems to have come about thanks to your bungling feet, not your face.
“Watch where you're fucking going, bitch!” that same voice snarls, and before you can even attempt to simply pull yourself out of their grasp and carry on, you feel an unforgiving fist connect with your spine like a battering ram, knocking the wind right out of you as you start to fall.
Stunned, you lose your footing and topple forwards between another pair of strangers who leap aside to let you land jarringly on your hands and knees, feeling flesh tear open on the rough concrete beneath your palms.
Through gritted teeth, you exhale a slow, uneven breath instead of all the uncouth words you want to spit out onto the ground like venom.
You're really beginning to regret not turning around as soon as you stepped into this Creator-forsaken alley.
The crowd around you hardly seems to have noticed your stumble, still caterwauling as you draw your head up... only to find the path ahead of you unobstructed.
Seconds later, you realise why.
You've fallen at the edge of an open space, with the crowd itself forming a ring of people that serves as the threshold for a makeshift, fighting arena.
At its centre stand two figures.
The first and largest has their back to you, and they're the one that draws your attention, yet it isn't their size that holds your gaze, though that in itself is exponential.
No. It's the bedraggled and begrimed wings that dangle limply from the figure's spine, dragging along the ground near a pair of leather boots.
Your eyelids burst open in surprise.
It wouldn't take a scholar to know the creature at first glance.
But what the Hell would an Angel be doing in a place like this?
Your unspoken question is swiftly answered when your eyes drop to the second figure, flitting like a gnat from side to side in front of the angel's impressive bulk, fists raised and purpled with bruises.
You recognise her as well, by name if not by species.
Ivy Harris – Just another human, like you, but with a temper that's as perilous as her tongue. She lives at the end of your street, and she is not shy about her outspoken, visceral hatred of all the other species who have come to share the realm of Earth.
Some humans just... can't get past what was done to them during the End War.
Ivy is one such person.
You always guessed that she was a severely troubled young teen, especially given the trauma of waking up to find that her entire world had fallen apart around her, but to try and take on an angel in hand-to-hand combat?
She must be utterly and thoroughly mad.
Or at least, that's what you assume, until she darts forwards and the angel makes a sloppy strafe to the left, far too slow to avoid the curled fist that socks them squarely in the jaw. Their head snaps up towards the sky, and the crowd around you roars triumphantly at the stolen blow.
Rather than cheer alongside them, you can only stare in bafflement, incredulous than an angel would allow such a wild swing to land. They hadn't even raised their fists to defend themselves.
On hands and knees, you let your jaw hang ajar, gaping up at Ivy as she circles the angel, slowly drawing him around to face you.
Sweat drips from her brows and into her lashes, prompting a rapid shake of her head to clear her vision.
“Had enough yet? Huh? Pigeon?” She spits the insult alongside a globule of saliva near the angel's boots before wiping at her mouth with the back of a wrist. “You think you can just do what you did and get away with it? You fucking wank-splat! I'll cave your ugly skull in and turn it into a fucking plant pot!”
A charming girl, really.
You have to wonder what on Earth this angel did that could piss her off enough that she'd hurl such creative insults and threats his way. More pressingly than that however, you wonder whether you should tell Azrael about this.
Or, perhaps Usiel.
You know the commander is operating in the shipping district, and from the size of this new angel, they could very well be a member of his troop gone astray, if they're even here of their own free-will at all.
You've learned a lot about the theological and physical doctrine of angels, predominantly taught to you via an over-eager Azrael, or through the odd lecture from Jamaerah, the Scribe. One of the takeaways you got from such discussions is that an angel's wings are an extension of their very soul, something you only started paying attention to after you learned the fact.
Jamaerah seldom leaves his station at the Crystal Spire's extensive library, and as such, his wings never really grew from the vestigial state they were when he was a fledgling, many eons ago.
Azrael has always leaned more heavily on his magical abilities rather than take up a weapon in battle. And as a result, his sweeping wingspan grew large and wide over time, losing their bulk but gaining great length in his primary feathers, each of which boasts a soft, blue sigil that reflects his most frequented spells.
This angel however, the one slowly turning to keep Ivy in their sights, looks to have lost every trace of life in their wings at all. It's heart-breaking to look at, now that you're aware of how closely those wings are tied to an angel's health and well-being.
You couldn't fathom why any of the proud beings of Heaven would let their wings fall into such disrepair.
Thin, wispy feathers have been stained almost entirely brown by the unmistakable, rusty tint of long-dried blood, leaving just the barest glimpse of ebony to peek through in sparse intervals, and even that is an unusual coloration to see, far afield from the hue of a typical angel's feathers.
They wings are wide, and you imagine they must have once been very impressive, but now, you can actually see the glistening pink of tendons through the meagre feathers that have somehow managed to cling to the bone of the ulna.
“If only your blows struck half as deeply as your words,” the strange angel thrums in a gravelly voice that pricks your ears for a reason you can't quite wrap your head around, “Perhaps you might actually leave some lasting damage...”
Ivy's response is to thrust her hands into the air, both middle fingers lifted proudly towards the sky.
It would be the perfect opportunity for the angel to get in his own strike, and in fact, you actually wince on behalf of Ivy. But as the seconds pass and she returns to her fighting stance, you realise that the angel has just allowed that moment to pass them by... something unheard of for the strategically gifted species.
What the Hell is going on?
Sitting back on your haunches, you ignore the wayward foot that treads on the back of your calf and instead crane your neck to catch a glimpse of the angel's face as Ivy finally circles to stand in front of you. Perhaps if you can take away a defining feature or two, you could describe them to Usiel so that he can shed some light upon why they might be here, or how an angel might fall from grace to land in one of Haven City's seediest back alleys in the first place.
But it's at that moment that you finally lay eyes on the angel, and all thoughts of solving this mystery fly out of the proverbial window.
Once you look upon the face of what had only moments ago been obscured by Ivy's spry figure, any and all traces of pity or compassion that have gradually been swirling behind your ribcage promptly evaporate in the blink of an eye.
Sweeping in to take their place comes a rancid, bitter hatred and the foul chill of shock that twists your face into a horrified and open-mouthed expression, all within the span of a single second.
The face that looks back at you – or rather, back at Ivy – is one that you recognise, but also one that you'd hoped never to see again, not for the rest of your life, and well beyond that.
Everyone in the alley falls silent, though you're almost sure people are still hollering. It's the ringing in your ears that has drowned out any other noises surrounding you.
You want to throw up. You want to run. You want to call for War and hope the Horseman is somehow, miraculously within earshot.
You must have gasped, or made some kind of sound, though you don't hear yourself make it, because at that moment, a single, pale eye tears itself from Ivy and swivels down to land on your face. The other eye remains obscured behind an all too familiar plate of solid gold and onyx that serves as a circular patch, fused into the angel's skin but doing little to hide the scars that stretch halfway up his forehead.
You know from Death's many stories that there isn't an eye beneath that patch, just an empty hole that's as dark as the weapon which stole half of the angel's vision millions of years ago.
Your blood turns to ice in your veins as his remaining eye finally locks onto yours and grows wide, perfectly reflecting the same kind of shock you must be displaying on your own face.
Slowly, your mouth drops open of its own accord, and before you can realise what you're about to utter, you've already croaked the name of humanity's most hated angel.
At this point, asking his name is entirely redundant. You'd recognise that face anywhere.
Abaddon – former leader of the Hellguard. Destroyer.
The very angel who owes his continued existence to you, and you alone.
You watch the recognition flash across the ex-General's face, and then you watch his mouth fall open and form the shape of a single word, spoken in a hushed, gravelly murmur, yet somehow it rings as loud as a thunder clap in your eardrums.
With the utterance of your name, the noise of the crowd comes surging back to you all at once, and with it, a sudden rush of adrenaline that kicks your brain into gear and sends you scrambling upright onto your feet.
You hear his voice – that awful voice – calling your name again, much louder this time, almost a shout that's half drowned out by the people around him, but you're already turning on your heel and shoving your way back through the ocean of people, this time being far less precious about who you bump into or blunder past.
Another call of your name, accompanied by boos and jeers from the crowd, who're more than likely upset that their evening's entertainment has been put on pause.
Someone elbows you in the ribs as you knock into them, yet you only give a muted grunt and twist your head over a shoulder whilst you run, feeling your heart lurch in alarm as you see Abaddon staring down at you from over the throng of humans.
He'd always been enormous, from what you recall, even when he wasn't trapped in the form of a fire-breathing dragon who attempted to swipe both you and War out of Ruin's saddle that fateful day so many months ago.
You're reminded of the angel's gargantuan stature now. While he's not quite the height or width of a maker, he certainly stands several feel taller than War, and at least two metres higher than your own head.
A thin line of blood trickles from the angel's nose, but that's all you catch a glimpse of before you burst through the back of the crowd and hurtle forwards into a dead sprint, your shoes kicking up stones and grit in your haste to retreat.
As suddenly as you arrived, you vanish back down the alley you'd only just ventured through, with the eyes of a ghost burning holes in the base of your skull.
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unikron-kitten-kat · 2 years
Please, do enjoy! Motivation and her older twin Ambition were such lazy bitches, and by Zalgo am I glaadd this thing is done!!
(smut under the cut!!)
The Closet Night 1
Slenderman x Male reader
. have no idea what kinks are in here ngl
To say you were embarrassed was an understatement. He was so close.. You could reach out with your hand and touch him. The closet was so small compared to Him. How you got so close was simple, really. Your Boss, the infamous Slenderman, had chosen you to come with him to scout out an old, ramshackle manor on the opposite side of his forest that was rumored to house a potential threat. Well, apparently the rumours were true. Slender had pushed you both into an open closet before closing it quickly. He had sensed a faint presence within the same area as you both, and it wasn't a friendly one. He was so big compared to the tiny wall compartment he loomed over you. His upper arms being above your head, propping himself against the wall didn't help either. Your face was flushed bright red. Your eyes big with embarassment at the position. You hoped staring at the door would be just enough to shield your flushed cheeks.
You are hot. Your backside is squished against the rounded edge of what you assume to be some sort of nightstand or small drawer set. Your arms folded against the top, to keep yourself from bending at very uncomfortable angles. You couldn't help but glance. Fuck, why did Slender have to wear such tight clothes? You could just barely see the roundness of his muscles through his suit jacket, which also flowed with his body. You wanted to touch. To trace along the lines of his muscles the suit marked.
"Is.. Is it gone?"
You cursed inwardly at yourself. The waver in your voice was so obvious, it was painful.
"I do not know, (Name). I cannot even sense its presence much. It was only luck I felt it when I did. Whatever it is, it is impossible for this reality, as it has no soul. If it has no soul, I can't even track it.."
His lower arms lowered, and he placed his hands on either side of the drawers. You noticed him relax a little. You can't. It needs to come off. You desperately, frantically nearly rip your hoodie off your dreadfully hot body. You shuddered with relief. That was much better. You tied your jacket around your.. Shit. No. You tie it so it hopefully isn't visible. Why now? Why now of all times did you have to get a boner? You hope Slender didn't see it.
But oh he did. He certainly did.. Little did you know he made the rumours. He set this up. He set this up because he wanted to be truly alone with you, so he could absolutely ruin you for hours to make up for all those times he hadn't. He has been here before. He saw it, and new it was the perfect place. He found the basement. He saw everything already set up there. All he had to do was swap a few things out and he had the perfect place to toy with you, use you, make those oh so erotic dreams of yours come true. But first...
You inhaled a startled gasp, his leg slipping between yours, rubbing against the embarrassing erection you have. You brought up an arm, to hide your face, and you squeezed your eyes shut in shy want, as his hand crept slowly up your thigh. He squeezed your thigh when his hand rubbed against your crotch. There was no denying what he was doing now. A shiver slithered up your back, shaking your body against his touch. His thin, cold fingers found the button of your pants, undoing it, and dove inside. His palm rubbed your erection through your boxers, from the base to the tip. Your whimpery moans quickly filling the small space. Another hand slithered up your stomach, resting just below your ribs. He traced a line with his finger. His voice rang out, making you shudder so, knowing what he was reffering to.
".. Right about here.. Is where the bump would end... And the bump.. Would be big.." You shuddered, the area he was marking with his finger certainly made it feel big already. It most certainly wouldn't fit.. At least not very easily. You had a feeling he'd make it fit either way..
His fingers, cold, long, with thin claws, traced your muscles. When his hands traveled up, they squeezed your pecs, his thumbs rubbing over you nipples. You whined when his hands left, and he chuckled. "Can't stand my touch leaving you? How whoreful of you~"
You shivered. His touch alone was addicting; burning your skin while sending electric pulses through your body at the same time. Slender pulled your shirt off, pausing after doing so. "This may not be the first time I have seen you shirtless..", He leaned down so his face was almost touching yours, "but I never thought I'd see it off like this..," he trailed off, one hand roaming your body, rubbing and feeling you all over, his head coming to rest in the crook of your neck, "You really should pay attention to your windows.. (Name)..," you shuddered, his voice was low and husky, the idea of him watching you do those things to yourself.. "listening to you get off to me was.. Interesting~" you whimpered, his mouth was open, his tongue wet, he licked and sucked on your neck, his cold breath sending shivers down your spine, making you arch your back into him. Your breathy, shakey moans sounding in his 'ear' sent warm pangs of arousal down to his crotch, which you felt harden against your thigh.
"By the way... There is something I am... Irritated about.."
You keened as another hand dipped back into your pants. His voice was right in your ear, and God was it hot. Even with your shirt off, you were starting to heat up to unbearable temperatures again.
"S.. Slen-" A lower hand covered your mouth.
"I am irritated that you insist on calling me Slender, or Slenderman. I have told you, countless times that my name is Abaddon..", he hissed, rubbing his body against yours, his fourth hand groping your ass as one palmed your erection and the other two roamed your exposed skin, allowing your breathy moans to continue filling the small space, "yet you insist on thinking otherwise.." Fuck it was euphoric whenever you were in trouble with him. The fear always went straight to your crotch.
Something about how helpless you were against him, knowing you could do nothing to fight back against him. Like a predator toying with its prey..
"M' s-sorr..", you gasped loudly and exhaled a breathy moan, your back arching, as a wet, slimey tentacle wrapped around your erection.
"... Oh, you will be Very sorry..", Abaddon's hand swept through your hair, pulling at it when it reached the back of your head. He used his long, thick, tentacle-like toungue to lick from your chest, all the way up to your jaw, a thick trail of saliva left from it. He used the chance of your open mouth from your breathy moan to shove in his tongue and mash your lips together. His tongue was so long it was down your throat. Your lips moved together, and his tongue deliciously ravaged your mouth. The hand gripping your hair keeping your head in place. Did he have more tongues!? Two more smaller tongues wormed their way into your mouth. God you felt like some sort of Xenomorph was making out with you. You couldn't breath. The kiss absolutely draining your lungs, which begged and ached for air. You tried getting him off. It wasn't until you nearly passed out that he withdrew his tongues. You gasped despertely for air, your entire body trembling, and knees buckling, from not only loss of air, but almost passing out too.
".... So weak.." Abaddon's voice rumbled, amused. His words went straight to your dick.
Abaddon used an arm to lift up onto the drawer set to sit you on it. Tentacles found their way to your thighs, spreading them nice and open as more tentacles wrapped around your wrists, pinning your arms above your head. He chuckled at how pretty you looked, sweaty and flustered, spread deliciously for him. He was quick to move in between your legs after admiring you, rubbing his clothed erection against yours. He loved the desperate face you were making, rubbing yourself against in tandem with the movement of his hips against yours. His hands gripped your hips in such a tight grip, making them still. The tentacle wrapped around your erection squeezed before pumping you, moving in other ways to make you feel every inch of its savory touch as it climbed up and down your shaft, the tip of it sending jolts of plessure through your body when it rubbed your tip, smearing the precum beading at your tip.
Finally, Abaddon ripped your pants to shreds, the scraps falling from your unclaimed skin. His upper arms gripped your hips, and his lower hands ghosted over the tender, soft skin of your thighs. Your eyes barely open from the savory friction of the tentacle jacking you off. He brought two fingers to your mouth. He didn't have to say anything, you opening your mouth when they came up. While his fingers were inside your mouth, they played with your tongue, pulling it and just barely scratching it with his claws. His fingers left your mouth with a quite popping sound, a thick trail of your saliva stringing thinner as they left. He slipped you off the drawers, quick to turn you around and bend you over them. His fingers rubbed around the rim of your quivering hole, one finally entering it. It started slow, his other hands exploring your body as he readied you to take him. The tentacle that was wrapped around your aching, precum weeping cock had left, leaving you to whine.
"S..." You gasped as a second and third finger entered your ass, "A-ab-ha~!" His touches were so sensual, his hands squeezed and pressed harder in all the right spots, and the pace of his fingers inside you quickened. "Abaddon, siir, please.." You begged. You needed his touch on your cock. He purred, the sound low and rumbly, sounding more like a growl, but not quite. He pulled his fingers out, reviling in the whimper you made when your hole was no longer filled. You heard shuffling, and your body twitched when a blindfold was placed over your eyes, and a tentacle slipped itself into your mouth. The tentacle in your mouth was also wrapped around your neck. You felt Abaddon's lips on your shoulder. You felt him litter them all over your back. He came back up, this time sucking dark bruises into your skin. The sensations made you shudder. You yelped around the tentacle when you felt his lips on your neck. You whimpered when you felt his warm body move away. You heard quite rustling.
His closed mouth rubbed against your skin again as he rubbed his now exposed chest against your back, his crotch coming to grind against your now aching ass when he rubbed forward. God he felt big.. You gasped around the tentacle in your mouth as a particularly thick one circled your hole. It teased and rubbed a portion of itself up and down your ass, teasing you with its size. More tentacles came to wrap around your legs, keeping them nice and spread for easy access. Muffled broken gasps left your throat as the tentacle slipped its tip in, pulling back out and repeating the process, teasing you more cruely. He was holding you down, you shuddering at the comparison of his hands and your back. He could very easily wrap his fingers around your arms and legs.
You let out a moan of surprise as the tentacle slipped in rather quickly, making you squirm slightly, which in turn made Abaddon tighten his python-grip on you. You let out a slew of broken moans as his tentacle filled you up, your body shaking at the pain and pleasure. When his tentacle filled you enough to cause a noticable bulge in your belly, it stopped. One of Abaddon's four hands wrapped around to rub your stomach. With his mouth, he made you shudder with gentle, and quick kisses to your neck, speckling them everywhere, even trailing them down to your shoulder blades. The one hand that was pinning you down was the only one not roaming your skin, or squeezing sensitive parts of your body. The tentacle started pulling out, until its slightly thicker tip hitched on your ass, and it then thrust back in. Your stiffled moans were loud as it stretched you, filling you back up. Within a minute or two, it thrusting into you with such a pleasurable rhythm, it had you falling apart quick, with your legs trembling in the pincer-grip of the tentacles wrapped around them, and your moans being loud despite the tentacle stuffing your mouth and throat. The tentacle in your mouth had started thrusting too, thrusting the tip against the back of your throat. A couple tentacles wrapped around your wrists and pulled your arms against your back. Like slimey handcuffs. The tentacle thrusting into your ass speed up as another slithered around your cock. Your moans increased, and you felt his grip increase for a moment.
Oh you have no idea how much Abaddon is enjoying this. Your slightly muffled moans sent tingles through his body, and more hot pangs too his erection. God, it hurt how hard he was, nevermind how hot and fucking tight his pants felt now. He groaned quitely at the pretty scene below him. You shuddered as his demonic yet godly voice rang out, "You look so.. What's the word..?", his mouth tested against your neck again, licking it, and then sucking a deep bruise into your skin, "Delectable? Definetly delicious~" You whimpered at his words, squirming slightly, and groaning as you suddenly felt your orgasm hit you like a train, painting the drawers with your semen. The tentacle that was in your mouth slid itself out, and wrapped around your neck, not enough to suffocate you, but enough to keep you aware of it. He purred, almost growling. Or maybe it was a growl. You heard clinking, and the sound of a zipper. He dug his claws into your hips, and you shivered while whimpered as you felt him rub his length against your ass. You heard what sounded like scrapping. His upper claws were scratching into the top of the drawers.
After wetting your quivering hole with his precum, grinding roughly against your ass, he lined himself up. You let out a squeaky gasp as his tip slid into your ass. You gasped, arching you back, letting out more loud moans as he filled you, even more than his tentacle did. God was he girthy, you let out a whine as he bottomed out, he was just soo long and so big. He stretched you warmly, and his length reached places none of the toys had used on youself ever did. The claws digging into your hips lessened their grip, and his hands then wrapped around your hips as he 'hugged' you. The hands scratching at the drawers grabbed your sides. The base of his cock was pressed cozily against you ass, and you could feel not only the harsh fabric of his pants, but also the soft skin of his balls against your ass. Abaddon buried his head into your neck with a quite groan. "Fuck... Your tight (name)~"
You whimpered at the 'compliment'. After allowing your body to adjust to his size, he leaned upward, leaning on his upper arms which rested on the drawers. He gave an experimental thrust, pulling out slow, then shoving himself back in. As a loud moan left your mouth, Abaddon propped himself up on his hands, his lower ones still gripping your hips. He thrust again and again, albiet slowly. He didn't want to ruin you too quickly after all. After a few minutes of him allowing your body to get used to his size moving in and out, he couldn't help it any more. His pace quickened slightly, as did the strength with which he pounded into you. Your moans falling freely from your lips, drool dribbling down your chin. You keened when you felt his claws dig and scratch, and his tentacles tighten their already tight hold. You gasped when you felt his tentacles sucking onto your skin, like they had suckers, and you moaned particularly loudly as he found your sweet spot. The tentacle around your neck did the same. You yelped slightly as two attached themselves to your nipples, leaving them to circle them and rub them. The stimulation was too much already, and he was barely started. Your felt the grip Abaddon had on your hips change, and every thrust was suddenly hammering into your sweet spot. With the moans you made, and the reactions your body gave him, Abaddon was loosing it.
Abaddon was so close to snapping. So close to letting go. And he did. His thrusts speed up, and the strength he thrust into you increased. God it felt good. His girth stretched you in ways you didn't think you would be, and his length rubbed areas that were oh so sensitive to his ravaging pace. He moved one of his hands down to your stomach, softly holding it. "There it is~"
You whimpered a moan. "There's the bump~"
He pressed against the area of your stomach that his dick made a bump in, which sent heat and pleasure coursing through your body, even more so when he pressed harder when he rammed hinself back inside.
You were so stimulated, and were experiencing so much pleasure that it had you melting under him. The tentacles gripping your soft legs and his hands digging their claws into your hips and the drawers were the only things holding your up. Tears of burning pleasure painted your cheeks. You whimpered, and tensed, letting out broken moans as another orgasm crept up on you. "Cumming again are we?" His hand found your head, his claws raked against your scalp, sending shivers and drawing whimperes in between your loud moans, his fingers grabbing your hair, pulling it, "Look at you.. So fucked out.. But you want more.. Don't you, you little cock-whore?"
His words sent over the edge, more of your cum painting the dark drawers. You felt his hold on your body tighten for a moment. How could he not? You tightened so much against him, and fuck did it feel good. He groaned at how tight you suddenly got, though his pace did not waver. You were spent, and now feeling the overstimulation. You tried telling him it was too much, pleading for him to be gentler.. But it felt so good, and when you did try to speak your speech was broken by your loud moans. "Aww, can't speak can you? Good. Keep singing that pretty tune like a good slut, okay?".
His words were met with another orgasm from you, which led to him chuckling, muttering about how slutty of you that was. He continued his harsh pace, being fast, and his hips pushing you foward with the force he was slamming into you. You were overstimulated, falling apart, and Abaddon was looving it. Because only the side of your face was against the drawers, he could see your face, and the pleasured, overstimulated expression you have, coupled with the drool and tears streaking your face was such cute fucking look on you. It took a fourth orgasm from you before Abaddon filled you. When you squeezed him again, the pleasure it gave him triggered his high. You moaned at gasped at the sudden hot filling you. His seed was hot, and sticky. You tembled when you felt a few drops leak down your legs. He thrust into you more as he rode his high out inside you, pushing his seed further in as he did. God did he fill you, there was so much, some was leaking out as he thrust in. You were spent. As he brought you up, you collapsed against him, and he chuckled. "Aww, all spent are we?" You felt him pull out as you blacked out, "We have aaalll week to do this~"
@mythicalmyles wanted to be tagged!
179 notes · View notes
yoru-no-seiiki · 1 year
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tw/cw: everyone’s gender is up to interpretation (if there are any discrepancies in the pronouns let me know). murder. this happens around the middle of the first part not after it, just in a different perspective.
[ first part ]
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It was bit of an understatement to call Abbadon your servant. They were your most loyal aide. Known as the harbinger of death to those that defied your rule. The Abyssal Advisor. It was through their work that you were able to grab ahold of your destiny.
They tortured, maimed and murdered for you. Countless of lives were destroyed by their hands. People with names, families, dreams — all gone because they simply failed to meet your expectations. They have conquered massive plots of lands and achieved many things that will never be put under their own name, but yours. They were with you every, single step of the way.
But you never gave them more than an ounce of your attention.
Many thought you were bloodthirsty, feral and an absolute nightmare. But to Abbadon you were anything but. You were simply a victim to the times. A soul bound for hell. Your ambitions were righteous in a way, but in execution not.
They did not care about that at all.
It was the way you’d annoyingly fixate on the person meant to kill you.
Did you not trust them?
Sure, every person that attempted to battle fate’s design failed abysmally but they were different. From the very beginning Abbadon was born, molded, put through fire and oil to be your perfect right hand man. Every order you’ve given was executed perfectly. Every task they have completed exceeded your expectations with its results.
So why wouldn’t you let them take care of Cassiel?
That annoying brat never seemed to die. Abaddon only saw them as a cockroach at most. A kid who had no right to share the luxuries you were afforded. Yet, they were never allowed to harm your sibling in any way.
And so they could only shove more tasks for you to do, distract you from what they saw as increasing affections towards your sibling and force you to leave Cassiel be.
But when they finally got the chance to kill the roach, you stood between them.
“Abbadon. Stand down.” You warned. They had flooded you with paperwork that day. Too much paperwork. You should have known it was due to ulterior motives. Trust slowly become something you could never afford.
“But—“ They protested. They were an inch away from beheading their target — Cassiel, who was now on their knees right behind you. They did not mind the dagger you had inches within their shoulder blade. But your eyes, Abbadon knew that look. It was the look of utter disappointment. They could not bear to see it any longer. “Understood.”
You sighed as your loyal servant tried their best to hide their anger, yet storming off the moment you dismissed them.
You knew how much that devil loathed failure above all else and who were you to make them go through that?
Cassiel sighed, maybe even moaned, in awe and ecstasy as they witnessed you defending them for once and asserting your dominance to your subordinate.
Oh, how they wished they were Abbadon.
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©️ yoru.no.seiiki - yun | 2023
taglist: @the-dumber-scaramouche @justkouisenough @rxflen
2K notes · View notes
wandabear · 8 months
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Summary: Your duty is to watch her 'till Chton comes for her, even if you hate it, but do you really hate it? Especially when you start to get to know Wanda. The bond begins to torment you. But, oh Lord, you've never been so in love. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
chapter one chapter two chapter three chapter four chapter fivechapter six
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ tw: angst, fluff, angst with a happy ending. ㅤ
Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. Here.
Florence + The Machine - Mermaids
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤchapter one
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
ㅤㅤ ㅤ Six thousand years ago, after the beginning, there was a malevolent and ancient demon that plagued the face of the earth for a long time.
Chthon, one of the most powerful deities among the demons as he was one of the firsts to exist, managed to maintain control until he was banished. Unwilling to give up power, created a castle on top of Wundagore Mountain, carving his dark magic into the walls with evil spells prophesying the existence of a sorceress. The most powerful being, the Scarlet Witch, who would end up freeing him from his eternal exile.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Chton was gone, but his followers remained over time, as did his sacred book: ‘The Darkhold’.
Demons roamed the earth, but not as everyone thought.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
The sound of gunshots echoed,  stinging and destructive; soldiers on one side and rebels on the other shooting and falling to the ground. The fire in the streets, terror had an exquisite scent for beings like her.
Civilians hid to avoid being caught in the firefights, trying to live as normal a life as possible in what they believed in was hell.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Suddenly, the gunshots stopped, exposing the sound of those combat boots against the dusty ground.  That woman came out of that dark alley, there was no fear in those deep eyes. Her hair and clothes were immaculate, there were no traces of gunpowder on that leather jacket, nor dust on her perfect hair.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Sighing, Y/N walked towards that street but in matter of seconds she appeared on the terrace of a building. Seemed that they would soon fall apart, the dim lights just showed the power would go out soon.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Oh, she hated those places and at the same time she loved them. Chaos always had an exquisite flavor.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
But Y/N just smiled, her eyes changing color to a yellowish tone. Her pupils were vertical, like those of a cat or a snake.Those were her true eyes. She was a demon, of course, and not a very young one.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“What a turmoil, huh?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “The US Air Force will launch the bombing soon…” someone said behind her, watching as the planes hovered over the city.   A sensual and deep female voice. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
A red-haired woman stood next to her, watching that beautiful city be devoured by fire and violence. It was scary, but for them, it was perfect. Chaos was something they needed, they fed on it. It was no coincidence that she and a demon like Abaddon were there.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ Abaddon was a demon of a much higher rank, more dangerous, and much more loyal to Chton, for a reason she was his second.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “Why have you summoned me here? Lots of work?” Y/N tilted her head, watching the redhead. She looked like a sharp-tongued woman. “I mean, this place looks really bad and it’s kinda my specialty, but I'm a little busy with a war between-.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “Leviathan.” Abaddon said her name, making Y/N stop. That was her real name, not Y/N. Although Y/N was the one she chose to feel part of the… world.Names had power and Y/N knew that if Abaddon said it, she had power over her.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “She’s here.” The voice and the way Abaddon said it made her blood run cold. Y/N frowned at her, that could only mean one thing and it was impossible. Millennia waiting for that moment, so much so that now it seems so distant and impossible.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “Who?” She played that game, naivety, and she was so good at it. A nearby explosion caused the ground to shake, but neither of them flinched. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “Who Chton has been waiting so long for.” Abaddon smiled proudly, finally happy to say those words.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “The Scarlet Witch.” Y/N gasped, couldn't believe that was true. “But…” ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Although that was good news for any demon from the depths of hell, Y/N didn't seem to think the same.
That meant the end of a world she became accustomed to, the end of comforts, the end of hedonism. Goodbye New York Pizza, goodbye to the sunsets in the Maldives, goodbye to good movies and good music.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Despite that, Y/N tried to fake her best mischievous smile. “Are you sure?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“Yes… Thanks to you, we found the place where the Darkhold was buried, and now... You need to take care of it.”  Abaddon pointed towards one of the buildings in front of them, through the window you could see an adorable woman lying on an old sofa, with her two little ones. “That’s her.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“The woman?” Y/N asked curiously, tilting her head. Her hair was brown, had a charming smile and big eyes although you couldn't distinguish their color. A happy look despite the tragedy surrounding her family.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “No.” Abaddon rolled her eyes and pointed at the little girl, cuddling next to her mom. “The girl.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ But Y/N took a moment before speaking, her brow furrowed in confusion, she took a better look at the little girl.
Without a doubt, she had an undeniable resemblance to her mother.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“But she’s a kid.” Y/N mumbled, somewhat confused. “They’re children.” ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“Yes, and?...” Abaddon raised an eyebrow, already more annoyed than she expected.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ After a few seconds, Y/N just wrinkled her nose and shook her head.  “Yeah, no, I don’t mess with the tiny ones.” ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Surprised by her rejection, the higher demon turned to see Y/N, who was still looking at the little girl curiously. How come something so powerful was so small and insignificant?
Abbadon could tell a hint of pity, perhaps sympathy, something that shouldn't have been there but Y/N had always been a pain in the ass. Y/N had spent more time with humans than she had in hell.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“Your job is to do what Chton ordered you to do.” The redhead growled, showing those terrifying red eyes. Abaddon was superior to Y/N, just because Y/N had screwed up a few times.
The truth is, Y/N didn't want to be a 'demon', like it was a big deal.
She always repeated over and over again that she was only there because of a mistake, Y/N -or Leviathan-  didn't mean to fall, was a high-ranking angel, she just hung around the wrong people... wrong time! ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ Therefore, she has always been a ‘bad’ demon. Cruel sometimes but morally decent. And the children, well, it was something she was never going to be able to understand. She would never attack children. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “But they’re kids-”   This time, she seemed more confident in her words. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ Fed up with her rambling and babbling, Abaddon quickly cut her off. “We don't need you to kill her, just... make sure her destiny continues as it should be. Watch her, do not intervene.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“And I’m not a fucking guardian angel or something, I fell for something- ”  Y/N growled.
ㅤㅤ “Do as you're told.” Through her teeth, Abaddon grabbed the collar of Y/N’s shirt, showing  why she was superior now. She was much more aggressive and volatile.  “We're not playing… he’s not playing.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
After a few tense moments, Abaddon released her and took a few steps back. Annoyed, Y/N simply sighed and shook her head.
“Take it as a promotion for such good work on your… what do humans call it? Red Room.” Abaddon hissed with an evil smile before completely disappearing from that place.
Sighing, Y/N stared at that place, knowing that it wouldn't last long if Chton needed that girl to exploit her potential. Three hours later, she witnesses a missile destroying Wanda Maximoff's home, beginning the chaos and pain in the girl’s life.
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2014 HYDRA Research Base
“Hail Hydra!” One of the soldiers yelled, stepping aside, letting the woman in. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The cold, musty dark walls of the place seemed depressing to Y/N, her combat boots echoed down that hallway until she reached that horrible man's office.
She had known this man for fifteen years and there wasn't even a moment where she didn't want to rip his head off. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Hail Hydra.” Baron Von Strucker said quickly, but Y/N didn't return that greeting.
Y/N wasn't interested in having any kind of contact with Hydra, especially with the ‘leftovers’, but right now it was a necessary evil. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“We found two volunteers for the tests, as you said… I must say that the results have been extraordinary.” Strucker smiled brightly, more than the demon expected.
Y/N frowned, walking through the office until she reached the window, a beautiful view of the lake and the forests of Sokovia. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I know.” The woman murmured somewhat thoughtfully. “How is she?”  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ She didn’t expect Wanda and Pietro to seek refuge in Hydra, but the girl's resentment grew more and more. Something Chton and Abaddon believed was essential, Y/N had never taken the time to know or care about Wanda either. Despite knowing the girl for fifteen years, she had always been distant, fearing 'closeness' or as Abaddon would say: 'attachment'. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“How do you know it's a 'she'?”  Von Strucker asked, raising an eyebrow, quite confused. No one but him and some soldiers knew that they were twin brothers, a boy and a girl. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
But Y/N's glare made him reconsider his words. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I know everything, don't forget who has helped you all these years. I am your superior, I am your god.” she said through clenched teeth. Suddenly, those human eyes changed to yellowish serpent eyes. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
But before Y/N could say anything, a screeching sound and the red lights indicated the alarms were activated, they were being attacked.
The Avengers crossed the walls that surrounded the castle, ready to take back Loki's scepter.  ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Growling in annoyance, Y/N walked towards the door. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Attack the city, split them up.” Y/N said to Strucker  before disappearing from that place. She needed to look for Wanda, needed to get her out of that place before the avengers found her but an empty room answered everything the demon needed to know.
Screaming in frustration, the demon disappeared from the scene. How could she have lost her?
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“How did you lose her?!” Abaddon shouted, violently approaching to Y/N.  Her face was as red as her hair, and her eyes threatened to pop out of their sockets soon. There were very few times that Y/N had seen Abaddon like that. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Both were in an office in one of the tallest buildings in New York, close to the Avengers Tower.
It was no surprise that a demon like Abaddon had a firm like ‘Hogarth, Chao & Benowitz’ in her hands. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Y/N squeezed her fists preventing herself from exploding. She didn't like being reprimanded by Abaddon at all, much less in front of other demons.
Things in Sokovia had gotten out of control.
Wanda and Pietro escaped, first manipulated by Ultron and then by the fucking Avengers. As a result, Pietro died in Sokovia trying to save the world. That would have been great if it served its purpose, but it didn't.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “She lost her twin brother in that battle, her potential has not been unleashed yet.... but is there, I know is in there.” Y/N was quick to say, then clenched her jaw. Abaddon was about  to lose it until she heard the last thing.  “The Avengers took her, she's with S.H.I.E.L.D. now.”
Those words managed to appease the redhead's anger, who sat back down in her huge chair. Some of the demons around her whispered a few things, good or bad, but good enough for Y/N to stay alive.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Go with those 'Avengers' or whatever. Do what you must, don't let her out of your sight.” The fierce-eyed woman said, raising an eyebrow. “Chthon will destroy you if you don't, he needs the girl alive.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Clenching her jaw, Y/N just nodded.
She decided to turn on her heels and walk towards the door but the war spirit inside couldn't leave it just like that.
Why? She spent fifteen years making sure that stupid girl was suffering to fulfill her own destiny. Through suffering, Wanda Maximoff would transform into the Scarlet Witch, taking on the mantle that belonged to her.
Should she keep doing it now? Even more? ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“If she's so powerful, why should I take care of her? I’m not a fucking angel anymore.” Y/N complained, looking at Abaddon one last time. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The demons around them closed their eyes in suffering, they knew that later they would have to suffer and endure Abaddon's wrath because of Y/N. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Just do as I say, Leviathan!” Abaddon hissed through those white teeth and then glanced out of the corner of her eye at one of the demons. It was a woman with black hair and brown eyes like a puppy. She was wearing a white shirt buttoned all the way. Her black hair was tied in a tight ponytail. Looked like a secretary or something like that. “And take this useless spawn with you. I'm sick of her.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Sighing, Y/N just shook her head and left the office, quickly followed by that girl.
“Stolas… what did you do now?!” Y/N asked, pressing the elevator button, noticing how the brunette next to her finally untied the collar of that perfectly ironed shirt. Y/N knew that if Abaddon kicked her out was because she was fed up with Stolas, a rather young and troublesome demon. Had some important hierarchical level, but not as high as Abaddon or herself. She this big problem called: being naive.  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Stolas was going to speak but Y/N stopped her. “You know what? I don't wanna know.”
Once both entered the elevator, they remained silent until Stolas couldn't take it anymore and blurted out everything. “I fucked up in the Red Room, big time.”
“I told you I didn't want to know!” Y/N growled and then shook her head, thinking that maybe now with Stolas it would be a lot harder. After a few seconds, the elevator reached the ground floor but before they got out, the brunette turned to look at her.
“Lev?” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
At that 'nickname', Y/N turned to look at her and noticed the concern in those brown eyes.
“You don't want to disappoint him again.”
And those words chilled Y/N’s blood, not just because of the way Stolas said it, with so much fear. But because they both knew that disappointing Chton was a direct ticket to nothing, to the abyss, to be thrown into a black hole never to come out again.  That was much worse than hell.
If that sounded bad, betraying or disappointing him was much worse. Frowning, she just shook her head. “I won’t.”
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“Thank you for this, Ma'am. You won't regret it.” Y/N said with a kind smile. She was wearing a dark combat suit, typical of a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
After the fiasco in Sokovia, Y/N used her tricks to stay on S.H.I.E.L.D as an agent. She couldn't just walk in and take Wanda away like it was nothing, it would alert the Avengers and the demon didn't have time to unleash chaos like that.
She needed to be sneaky, and passing as an agent and keeping an eye on the Sokovian was the best idea in mind. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“After what I've been told about how you've performed in Sokovia, I know you'll do very well here.” Maria Hill smiled and shook her hand.
Maria was an excellent agent, but she could not overcome a demon’s manipulation. 
After half an hour talking about the job they would have at the Compound, that of course working with Avengers was much harder. The missions were much more complex, dangerous, many times with risk of losing their lives and it was a responsibility that they had to assume, if they wanted to be there.
She also explained to Y/N and Stolas that their superior, Natasha Romanoff, would look for them later to meet them.
After five more minutes, both left Hill's office walking through the hallways, greeting some agents who passed by them.
“So… What’s your name?” Stolas asked curiously. “Your human name, I mean.” ㅤㅤㅤ
“The same as always, I get confused if I change it too much.” Y/N wrinkled her nose and then held out her ID. ㅤㅤㅤ
“Y/N Y/L/N?” Stolas read slowly and then handed back the ID. “Cool name.”
“I've been using it for so long that I already forgot mine.”  Y/N shrugged as they left the elevator and walked towards the room they would both share.
“It’s Leviathan.” Stolas said quickly and in an overly naïve manner, causing Y/N to let out a confused giggle.
“... It was a joke.”
“Oh.” The brunette nodded slowly, surprised. Of course this was all new to her, she had some 'jobs' on Earth but not much to socialize with humans. After a few seconds she took out her ID and showed it to Y/N proudly. “I’ll be Julia Hale. I’m an agent.”
Y/N watched with curiosity as the girl smiled seeing the ID and then put it in her pocket. “Why are you so excited? We're supposed to hate them, you should hate this like you all demons do.”
“Well, I haven't been around here much...” Jules shrugged.  “We're supposed to use them, I'm more excited to experience new things and I like to hurt them sometimes over there, in hell. Working with Abaddon was… awful and boring. Mostly awful, so this is better.”
But Y/N just listened to everything carefully, noticing that she was telling the truth. In a way she thought that perhaps Abaddon sent Stolas to spy on her, but Stolas - or 'Jules' now - was telling the truth. Abaddon just wanted to get rid of her. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Once they finally arrived at the training area, both walked through the gym, approaching a more private training area where only the Avengers and some agents close to the group trained.
In the distance, you could see how a brunette and a redhead battled in a ring to maintain control but the widow defeated the sokovian easily.
Y/N tilted her head, noticing that Wanda didn't seem bothered by hitting the mat again and again, but rather tired, staring blankly waiting for it to finish.
"That's our best weapon?" Jules frowned looking at Wanda.
“That one is interesting.”  Y/N referred to Natasha.
The woman was very skilled, fast, and of course even if Wanda tried hard, she would never make the widow fall without powers. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“The Black Widow. Dangerous. One of the best weapons in the Red Room for a long time…” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Come on. Jab, Wanda!” Y/N muttered under her breath, trying to encourage her 'protege' but once again, Natasha ended up making Wanda fall. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The demon just shook herhead, how was it possible that that girl ended up being the Scarlet Witch? She could barely stand up. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“At least she’s pretty.” Jules mumbled, breaking Y/N out of her thoughts.
“You shouldn't think that.” Y/N frowned.
But the brunette just shrugged. “Come on… Like you never fucked humans.”
“I did, but I don't worship them, I just use them.”  As if she was seriously offended, Y/N just grunted and rolled her eyes.
“I just said she's pretty... it's not like you thought that too.” Jules rolled her eyes too. She didn't know why there was such a scandal in liking a ‘human’, without a doubt seeing them was better than some infernal beast in the depths of the darkness. “Anyway, that's all we can do, she’s Chton’s pet.”
Y/N didn't say anything, just stayed silent as they watched the blonde and brunette fight one more time.
Wanda just sat far away so she could drink some water, but although the demon thought it must be tiredness, the sokovian seemed down. You could tell in her aura, something wasn't right about her at all and it stirred something in Y/N, something she couldn't identify.
“Do you already know what will happen to her?”Jules asked curiously, watching Y/N who kept her gaze fixed on the sokovian.  “... that makes her... You know, change?”
“No one knows... I thought it would be Pietro's death, but apparently it's something more devastating.” Y/N sighed. “Just that it will be painful enough to break her whole world.”  
Although she didn't know it, those words would weigh heavily in the future. As if it were a revelation. Wanda got up again but this time she walked away from the gym.
“Who’s the golden retriever?” Y/N asked as she watched the brunette fall to the mat once again, the blonde seeming to be winning once again.
The blonde raised her ice-cold gaze and collided with Y/N's for a moment, like she knew something wasn't right, until returning to Kate it softened.
“Kate Bishop… and Yelena Belova, she is the widow’s sister.”
“Mh… interesting. Maybe we should start there, Kate looks like a weak point and desperate for a friend.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
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That day passed slowly, first day at the Compound had been quite tiring. As if interviews with Maria Hill weren't stressful enough, briefings between Avengers were worse. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Do we really have to do this?”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Yes. We have to.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The sun finally hid behind the huge treetops that surrounded the place. 
Y/N and Jules were returning from a long training session, and although they had much higher stamina than a human being or a superhuman, it was quite boring doing things that you could easily overcome as a demon.
Once they reached the rooms, they bumped into a redhead who was waiting outside with crossed arms. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“You must be the newbies.” With a smug smile, Natasha greeted them both.  “Shame I wasn't at your training today, but someone told me you both are deadly.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Y/N didn't say anything, she knew that if she drew too much attention it could complicate things. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I spoke with Maria and now you both will work with us-” 
ㅤㅤㅤ Before Y/N could say anything against it, Natasha continued speaking since she was her superior.  “You can dine with us if you want. Meet the team... there are just a few of us now.” ㅤㅤㅤ
Jules's eyes widened excited while Y/N remained the same, of course she didn't feel like socializing with those people but couldn't arouse suspicion either.
Y/N just nodded slowly, giving a fake kind smile.
ㅤㅤㅤ ‘I'm not hungry now, but  thank you. Maybe another time.’ It was something she would have said but ended up saying:  “Sure.”
“Great.” Natasha exclaimed, winking flirtatiously. The three walked together to the kitchen while chatting pleasantly, it was a more private area where the other agents wouldn't be snooping around. ㅤㅤㅤ
At the table were Kate Bishop and Yelena playing some video games, Steve was chatting with Bucky and Bruce, who was cooking. Wanda was on the couch far away, trying to read, and Vision was looking out the window with a thoughtful look.
“Hey.” Natasha caught everyone's attention.  “This is Y/N and Julia, they are new and tonight they are going to have dinner with us.”
Y/N felt everyone's gaze on her and could feel the heat on the back of her neck. She had never felt so exposed, and above all, she had never felt so uncomfortable in centuries. ㅤㅤㅤ
Everyone greeted them kindly, Steve was very kind to come over and shake their hands. Yelena just nodded her head saying 'hey' and Kate looked like an adorable puppy excited to meet the new agents, which made Y/N slowly walk away. Feeling deeply uncomfortable. ㅤㅤㅤ
Bruce was quick to say that dinner was ready, and everyone seemed happy about it, willing to help set the table, but something caught Y/N's attention.
Sighing, Wanda walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water and instead of returning to her seat, she walked away. ㅤㅤㅤ
“Where is she going?” Y/N asked as she watched the sokovian disappear.
“Wanda doesn't like spending a lot of time outside her room. She's having hard times, the girl lost her twin brother recently.” Natasha wrinkled her nose as she helped carry the salad to the table. ㅤㅤㅤ
“In her Emo era, huh?” Jules joked but Y/N nudged her. “Ouch.” ㅤㅤㅤ
“You know, I think… I want to take a shower first, I'm not that hungry anyway but thank you.” Y/N said as she walked out, finding the perfect reason to leave and not have to socialize with them. That job was tedious enough without having to listen to Bruce Banner or Kate's jokes. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
She decided to go up to their room, taking a nice hot shower and read a nice book until the clock struck midnight.
Jules was snoring on the next bed, really tired. Frowning, Y/N wondered if perhaps it was because that young demon didn't have any experience on Earth. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Her belly growled saying that despite being a demon, she had some basic needs like eating. Sighing, Y/N got up from her bed and left the room to attack the kitchen while everyone rested.
And it would have been a magnificent plan, the kitchen was empty which made her smile victoriously as she opened the fridge. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Taking some bread, chicken salad and some cold cuts, the demon made herself a huge sandwich to satisfy the hunger.
Of course, she accompanied it with some spicy fries that the package clarified were 'property of Yelena -AND ONLY Yelena Belova-’' ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Not caring in the least, Y/N was about to take a bite when a soft voice interrupted the moment. She knew how to recognize that Sokovian accent perfectly, even though Wanda tried hard to hide it. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Yelena doesn't like people eating her chips.”  Wanda said from the other side of the kitchen, slowly approaching as if she were a grieving ghost. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I'll deal with her later.” Y/N shrugged. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Convinced with that answer, Wanda just ignored her and went to the kitchen so she could make herself some steaming tea. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“My name is Y/N.” She looked at Wanda but the brunette didn't even look at her.  “What's yours?” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Of course the demon knew everything about Wanda, even the things that not even the Sokoviana knew. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Why are you asking something you already know?”  Finally, she lifted that completely blank green gaze. Y/N could see the deep sadness behind them.
That made Y/N stay quiet and surprised. How was it possible? How did Wanda know that-? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Oh. How silly.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Of course she should know, she’s an avenger, right? EVERYONE knew who Wanda Maximoff was.
Shrugging, Y/N just sat down at the table so she could eat her sandwich. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
That was strange to the Sokovian, who perhaps was expecting a sarcastic response or something like that. Perhaps a curious mind asking about her powers or about Sokovia like everyone else, but Y/N just kept eating.
Taking the warm cup in her hands, Wanda was about to leave until she stopped in front of the table.
The silence was so pleasant that she couldn't help but end up sitting too. A bit surprised, Y/N decided to share some sandwiches.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I’m Wanda.” The Sokovian finished by saying, taking a chicken salad sandwich. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The demon looked up, colliding with those beautiful, huge green eyes and all she could felt was terror. Not because of the fear of knowing who Wanda was or being recognized, but because there was something about them, something different, perhaps attractive. She really liked those eyes. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I’m Y/N.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “I know, you said it before.”ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Finally they both smiled.
And maybe the demon let loose a little more. And perhaps the Sokovian smiled a little bit more, almost in an imperceptible way. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Silence reigned again and both decided to enjoy it, keep eating without needing a word other than the sound of the clock hands.  Although it seemed like a pleasant coincidence, it became routine.
Every night, Wanda and Y/N decided to have dinner together at midnight, avoiding the 'avengers' reunion. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The talks were usually short, they enjoyed the company without needing to go further. Or so they wanted to think. Wanda was not going to admit that Y/N slowly made her forget the pain and that normous invisible wall was beginning to fall, and Y/N was not going to admit that she liked Wanda's presence, but they were always together sharing that sacred moment. Y/N tried to ignore all those thoughts that reminded her that she should NOT maintain any ties with the witch and it wasn't easy at all.
Some nights Wanda would cook something for both of them, other nights Y/N would bring some Chinese food or pizza.
But one night Y/N just didn't show up. That Friday night, a storm was hitting the Compound so hard that the treetops were moving violently. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Wanda excused herself from dinner saying that she wasn't that hungry cause in one of their ‘small talks’ with Y/N, both agreed to make some pasta on friday night. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Does anyone know where Y/N is?” Wanda asked, trying not to look too worried. Of course Natasha noticed the concern in her voice, but she didn't say anything.
Nat was a very good spy and confirmed it when she found both girls having dinner together, but neither of them noticed it. The redhead was happy for both, especially for Wanda who was beginning to open up a little bit. Natasha respected Wanda's silence, although she made her pay for it in training.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Noticing that the hours were passing and Y/N didn't return from that mission, Wanda walked back and forth with her arms crossed as she watched the furious wind move the treetops through the window.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Why hasn't Y/N come back yet? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The only thing she knew – and thanks to Natasha – was that Y/N was on a mission in Norway. Things had not gone well at all, but they would soon return with the news and information they needed about the last remnants of Hydra.
But that storm was bringing out the worst in the Sokovian, who seemed to relive the worst thoughts over and over again.
Why was she so concerned about Y/N?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Well, maybe because together they managed to establish a small friendship or bond without saying much.
After half an hour and a lot of tragic thoughts, the door to the room opened, letting in this woman in a bit of a hurry carrying a package on her hands.
Y/N's hair was wet as was her clothes, but the package seemed intact. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “I'm sorry., I'm sorry, I know!” The demon said, approaching Wanda and stopping right in front of her. The drops of water were falling down her face, she didn’t even stop to go up to her room or change clothes. She knew Wanda would be waiting for her, and knew she might be worried. “I really couldn't do anything, the mission got so bad in a blink.”  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Lost in those eyes, Wanda's heart skipped a beat. Couldn't even say a single coherent word. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “We were trapped, the agents were waiting for us but we managed to overcome them-” Y/N said quickly, babbling as droplets fell from her hair.  And at that very moment, Y/N knew that something wasn't right with her. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Frowning, the demon rethought all her actions that day. Why was she explaining herself to Wanda? Why was she so worried about being on time and not standing her up? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Because she knew that Wanda created a routine with her, because she knew that Wanda  lost her brother a short time ago, and that she fled any kind of ties with the Avengers but not with her. Not with Y/N. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Because she cared, because it mattered. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Suddenly, Y/N remembered that she was still holding that package and decided not to let go. Without further ado, Wanda came to hug her tightly. Closing her eyes, the Sokovian let herself get lost in that warm sensation. Oh, she was so happy to see that Y/N was okay. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The fear she felt at the thought that she could lose Y/N, even though Wanda barely knew her, was overwhelming. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Completely shocked, Y/N didn't know what to do. No one had ever held her before, she had never before allowed anyone to touch her so intimately.  Much less hug her like that. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Are you okay?” Wanda asked quickly, breaking away to look at her. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ “I- I'm fine.” Y/N stammered, feeling the heat in her ears. She was definitely blushing and no one, no one had ever managed that. “Some bruises… but we’re okay.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Is your girlfriend okay too?” Wanda lowered her head, somewhat embarrassed but perhaps also jealous. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Girlfriend?” Y/N frowned quite confused. “Oh… no! Jules is… my friend. Just my friend.” She stammered quickly, nodding. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Oh, great.” And as if her soul returned to her body, Wanda just smiled and nodded too.
Finally, the demon smiled slightly without needing to fake it.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “What’s that?” The Sokovian looked at that perfectly wrapped package.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Remembering it, Y/N opened her eyes wide and handed it to her. “I brought pasta from Sicily!”  
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ That took Wanda by surprise, who just let out a small, confused giggle.
Noticing her mistake, Y/N blinked quickly and added babbling: “I mean, not really Sicily but the place called ‘Sicily’ in Little Italy. I know it’s not chicken paprikash but…” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Taking a huge breath of air, Y/N seemed about to explode but Wanda simply stopped that bombshell with a small smile and a soft voice.  “Thank you.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ And that's all they needed, to share a moment together. After Y/N took a quick shower, both finally sat down to taste that exquisite pasta together. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Why don't you have dinner with them? I'm not saying it bothers me, I’m flattered. I like this.” Y/N said curiously as she devoured that delicious pasta. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “It's different… with you.” Wanda whispered, watching her face in detail. Y/N was strangely unique; those lips, her nose, how adorable her slightly blushing cheeks were. Although those eyes... they made her feel different, weird but good at the same time. She knew they were hiding something. How strange. “You are the only one who doesn't torment me with loud thoughts.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Oh, how curious that was. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Why couldn't she hear Y/N’s thoughts? That question was haunting the brunette for weeks but then she came to the simple answer: did it matter?
Y/N made her feel comfortable, who cares why she can’t? She had to learn to trust Y/N, it was exciting. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Everyone here does it, and I can't help it. It’s driving me crazy…” Wanda lowered her gaze for a moment, embarrassed.  “...like I don't have enough pain in my heart. I must deal with anxiety and other people's pain too.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Staying silent, Y/N completely understood Wanda's reasons for distancing herself from the others.
Even though she pretended not to care and even though she should NOT care, Y/N  was beginning to make a bond with Wanda and it was inevitable not to feel… empathy.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ It was inevitable not to feel appreciation for those sad eyes, wasn’t that the reason for all this? To create the Scarlet Witch, to forge the most powerful being in existence through pain. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I won't tell you I'm sorry, everyone does it and it doesn't seem to help you at all.” Y/N barely said, she knew some things about torture and pain. Many, but she had never experienced it that way. “I know some stuff about pain… and if you need me, and want to talk about it... I'm here.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Pursing her lips, Y/N just tried hard to smile and shrugged, showing for the first time who she was.
And maybe that was what Wanda valued most, that she didn't need to make her feel better with empty words. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ The Sokovian nodded. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “How is your ravioli?” Y/N finally asked, taking a bite.  
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “It’s good.” Wanda smiled widely, taking another bite as well.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “I’m glad.” Y/N smiled tenderly, wiping her lips with a napkin.  “The owner told me it was late but that she only made an exception because I was soaked.”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “You did that for me?” Those beautiful green eyes shone with some hope. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Of course not, I did it because I was hungry!” Y/N joked. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Stealing a giggle from the Sokovian, they kept enjoying for a while until the clock invited them to retire to their rooms before Natasha found out and kicked their asses.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Y/N?”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Yeah?” As she finished putting the dishes in the dryer, the demon looked up to see Wanda in front of her. She was playing with her rings, something she did when the girl was nervous and it looked adorable. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Thanks for coming back safely.” After saying that, Wanda walked away slowly, feeling her heart racing and her cheeks blushing like a teenager in love. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
And the demon's old heart gave signs of life, jumping when she heard that. Joy could be seen in those 'human' eyes. Oh, what was she doing? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Look, you’re a sea beast! … What’s that? A whale?” Jules asked excitedly as she looked at the screen, searching for information on some random pages about demonology.
Since she arrived on Earth, Stolas was fascinated with all the technological advancement and the knowledge that humans had of them. Some are totally wrong, according to her. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “A snake! I'm not a whale, I'm a snake! Just- … Can you stop looking for us on the internet?”  Y/N growled as she changed into her pajamas so she could lie down on her bunk. “If someone see you, they'll say you're crazy and you'll ruin our plans.”ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “No, I wanna see-” The brunette tried to continue but Y/N took her phone from her hands in annoyance and then threw it away, pointing at Jules. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “You're a gay owl with skinny long legs.”  Y/N hissed, arching an eyebrow. “You teach about astronomy and herbs when you are summoned! Happy? HERBS! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, a demon teaching about herbs!” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Hey! that’s not me.” Jules stood up to grab her phone to look for the picture, it clearly looked like an owl exactly like Y/N described it. “I don't look like that. I know a lot about astronomy tho.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Rolling her eyes in disdain, Y/N laid down on her bunk so she could rest.
Every night, it took an hour to find sleep. Her body was never so tired as to fall asleep easily, and  thoughts came to her to haunt her one more time.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Y/N sighed thinking about her once again, but Jules' voice saved one more time, something the demon didn't think could be possible.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “How is everything going? With Wanda…”   Jules glanced at Y/N, who seemed to focus her gaze on the ceiling. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “It’s okay.” Y/N shrugged. “Like a hurt beast, but nothing that indicates… you know.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ The brunette turned to see Y/N with a mischievous smile. “I know you both have dinner together at midnight. I can hear her heart pounding fast in the distance.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ How dare Stolas offend her like that? Watching her with a murderous look, Y/N growled: “I never said that you should follow me. And you shouldn't get involved in other people's affairs.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I didn't do it!” Jules quickly defended herself, a bit scared. “I just… noticed it. Abaddon didn't say anything about you having to bond with her.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “I like to have things under control.” Sighing, Y/N kept staring at the ceiling. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Or you like to spend time with her.” Of course Jules was more astute than she looked, despite being naive she was no fool. Jules was a high-ranking demon, with the brain and body of a woman who had never experienced anything more than torture her entire life.  “Time is something so simple for us, Y/N, we are eternal… We have seen empires rise, we have seen empires fall. We have seen great people and many other people so horrible that hell was not enough for them... all thanks to time. For us, it is nothing more than sand, but for her it is important, and you like her to enjoy it with you.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Y/N turned to look at Jules, who didn't seem to say it in a mean or judging way.
The brunette just blinked slowly, a little thoughtful, maybe even relaxing between those huge pillows.
She wasn't trying to attack her or use it as an advantage, Jules seemed rather curious.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “And I’m saying: mind your own business.” Y/N narrowed her eyes and grabbed one of the pillows, hitting Jules. “Sleep now, Stolas.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “It’s ‘Jules’ here!” Rolling her eyes, Jules settled on her bed and Y/N did the same after turning off the lights. Silence reigned for a moment until the voice of the demon brought Y/N out of her thoughts again. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Y/N?” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Sighing, ready to get up and hit her to shut up, Y/N opened her eyes.  “What?!” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “If you think the girl needs to clear her head or feel better or... if you want to share your time with her, I think it's the right thing to do… that’s why you’re so much better than Abaddon.” Jules said in a whisper as she rolled over and settled down to sleep. “And you don't hit me all day long, that's good.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ And perhaps those words finally managed to steal a small smile from Y/N. The urge to hit Stolas or -Jules now- wasn't far, but she understood the demon's relief at being away from someone like Abaddon.
Although demons had an evil nature, they were not all exactly the same. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Many of them had previously been kind beings who ended up falling. Some with reasons, others not so much. Some were cruel, others were sadistic, and others simply existed. But Abaddon was different, if demons were chaos, Abaddon was cruelty and malice. She was a cruel general, addicted to blood, hungry for violence and that was why Chton had considered her over Y/N.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ There was no room for cruelty in Y/N, except for beings that were truly malicious. Y/N loved giving them what they deserved. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Yeah…” Y/N sighed. “That's why I'm not where she is. In control.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ And although the demon tried to sleep and clear her head, it was difficult not to think about that girl all night. The way Wanda looked at her, or the way she cared for her was so…disgustingly nice.
She had to do something to stop it, and she had to do it soon or everything would become even more complicated.
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Well, I hope you like this new story that is running through my head and is saving me from the daily stress in which I begin to die. But a beautiful song made me think about that story, so why not? In my defense, watching 'Good Omens' helped a little. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ I'm sorry for leaving you for so long, my life is getting a bit complex these days… The economy in my country is burning and I try to survive by working hard so writing was difficult for me. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ If you want me to tag you in the next chapters, just comment and I will. Thank you very much for reading me, honeybee! It means a lot! 🐝 ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Do you want to help me? Wow, that's adorable and means a lot. You can buy me a coffee here!
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aftermidnightspecial · 2 months
⛧Demons of Abbadon⛧ - Male Demon (Raumael) x GN Chubby Human Reader
Wordcount: 3,573 Summary + warnings: Smut with plot | size difference | You are an aspiring demon lord and intend to summon a strong demon. But when things don't go to plan, you get more than you bargain for when Raumael answers your evocation. Coming to an agreement, you seal the contract, paying the price with your soul and body. ⛧ A/N: Shout out to the anon who requested a demon fic. C: And special thanks to @sea-stone for beta reading this for me and letting me know I needed to add more smut.
You steadied your breath, fingers trembling over the spine of the ancient tome that rest in your hands. Your skin was drained of color and clammy in the candlelight. The sheen of your skin glistening in the low illumination of flickering flames that lapped hungrily at the wicks of the wax pillars. Each candle you had painstakingly lit till the room was bright and the temperature had risen substantially. The shadows that quivered and jumped along the walls tauntingly made you wince. Even your own traitorous shadow took part in this hellish provocation.
The chalk circle and neatly drawn sygils were scrawled over the floorboards in curious flowing patterns woven around your bare feet, where the same symbols and patterns were mirrored on your flesh. You close your eyes, desperation creasing your brow. Without further hesitation, despite your own wavering spirit, you parted a remarkably dry mouth and read. The ancient words spilled from your lips like boiling water, hissing and bubbling forth. The wooden planks beneath the chalk enchantments shuddered and began to quake angrily, the patterns on the floor rolling like the waves of the ocean. 
This didn’t deter you, despite the roiling of your stomach, you continued reading, steeling yourself to this unsettling exhibition of power. As you continued to speak the words, the pages of the book ripped themselves free, and like a flock of doves, took to the air. A maelstrom of yellowed pages swirled around you. The paper flew past you violently, lightly slicing your flesh with each pass. You stared ahead, the page you needed to read from hovered in front of your face, bound by your speech, transfixed even as every object around you seemed to come to life by your words. 
You faltered momentarily as the sygils that you’d drawn on your skin began to burn, but nothing would stop you now. Speaking the words that were on the page and in your heart, having memorized them prior to the evocation you were relying on. The final moment was upon you. Summoning forth the infernal being from the depths of the eternal burning pit to break free from the chains of Abaddon and do your bidding. 
Hesitating for a moment, you revel in the power that surged around and through you. The same that had lifted up the books and pages, even your desk chair was spinning throughout the room.
Suddenly, the candles died, flames extinguished. It was now the sygils you’d drawn on the floor and on your own skin that glowed brightly in unholy illumination.
You let the demonic name roll off of your tongue in a smooth chorus, your voice powerful and commanding despite your normal demeanor. The floorboards cracked open, splintering and peeling back upon themselves. Dark smoke billowing from the gaping wooden maw, the large hole the magic had created was vomiting out ash and brimstone debris, sounding like a rumbling freight train was coming through the floor. 
You tumbled backwards, taking deep, gasping breaths of air as you caught the briefest glimpse of the dark silhouette through the smoke. The figure that had emerged felt every bit as evil that you thought It might. Though instead of a disgusting monster as you’d expected, It seems you have evoked something else. Someone else. Rising from the hole, was an imposing, masculine figure, cloaked in smoke and shadows, but Its glowing eyes were on you, now examining you with dour displeasure and a furrowed brow.
"Oh no." You swallow, frozen in place.
There was an awkward stretch of silence as the smoke was beginning to settle, but It was the demon who decided to speak first. "Why am I here?" It drawled as It scorned you with, glowering with boredom. You could hardly process what was happening, merely in shock, suffering from both excitement and horror from what you’d done.
"A-Agannud?" You managed to ask, your voice only quavering slightly in Its presence. That is, you assumed the demonkin standing before you was the one you’d summoned.
The monstrous creature scoffed, as if he'd been insulted by such an accusation. "Wrong, wrong, wrong.” Its scowl turned Its lips down, serrated teeth on display. 
The Hellspawn stood amongst the rubble of the room, the gaping hole in the floor having sealed itself at some point. You were now utterly alone in your bedroom with a demonic entity that was contained only by the chalk sygils you’d scrawled on the floor earlier. At least you hoped that the sygils were containing It. But you were no longer so sure. 
It was something of a beast, but also had enough human qualities to give you pause. A human-like face, though… Its neck was perhaps slightly too long, even if the neck was thick with muscle and sinew. The facial features were obscured as Its coal black skin absorbed the light, made looking at the demon for too long a troubling task. It was also larger than you expected, perhaps seven feet tall, with muscular arms that were also perhaps a bit too long to be human. As It shifted Its weight and moved, you could have sworn Its shape changed, but It could be the low light playing tricks on you in a most unsettling way. Its lower half was still obscured in shadows and smoke, drawn around It like a cloak made of oblivion. For a moment, you could have sworn that multiple sets of eyes opened elsewhere upon Its body to observe you before they closed.
"N-no?” Unnerved, you pressed on regardless. You had studied this, you knew how to talk to demons. “How? I summoned Agannud? And, well, that has to be you?" 
"You sound unsure. Are you positive it was Agannud you called forth from the pits of Abbadon?" Its voice rumbled in such a deep register that you felt the vibrations from your perch on the floor. Quickly you stood up but it did little to fortify your nerves. This demon was still towering over you, Its lips twisting into a smirk, serrated teeth gleaning in the light of the sygils.
"Well yes? But-" You were saying but, It cut you off before you could work through your logic.
Its glowing abyssal eyes were on you now, there was no escape from their scrutiny. “There is your answer. You're not confident enough to summon anything, so you could not know who you called forth. It's not a game you know. There is a price, I have a price.” The demon paused as It lowered itself to Its haunches so that they were eye level with you now. With little pause, It rest Its elbows on Its knees. “The price is high." It growled. 
You froze, frightened of what was going to happen now. You had played with the darkest of magics and now there would be a tremendous penalty. Your life? Your soul? Could there be anything worse than losing your soul? You considered how to release him back to the depths of Abbadon, but would you ever get an opportunity to have summoned such a powerful demon? You had heard of Raumael and there was a reason you had not named him. Some entities were simply too strong to be controlled.
It continued to speak, "You are so very fortunate, because you've managed to catch my attention instead of that nobody, Agannud.” A toothy grin stretched Its maw, bringing no comfort to you, unable to partake in Its amusement.
“Though I have to admit, I'm rather embarrassed on your behalf. Despite how strong your evocation was, the fact of the matter is that your prompt was untethered, open ended, very erratic, and poorly executed.” An unnerving chuckle rumbled from the breadth of Its chest. “And that is exactly why your evocation normally would have gone unanswered. Damn my curiosity." It chastised you endlessly, sounding like a disappointed teacher rather than an infernal spirit here to do your bidding.
Its cutting remarks did nothing to fortify your will to speak out against that of which you’d summoned. But this was a demon you had called upon, sort of, and while it was an imposing figure with a crushing demonic aura to match, you had to take control. You took a step forward and steeled yourself for what came next. 
 "I don’t think so, demon. Tell me your name?" You commanded It with the same self confidence you had used to summon the creature itself.
It looked terribly unhappy with your renewed disposition, but It didn't have much of a choice and was forced to answer. "Raumael." It replied with contempt.
Flashing Its sharp, wolfish teeth your way was likely meant to scare you, but instead you found that the demon Raumael may actually have something of a nice smile. So much so that your cheeks began to feel warm, something that had little to do with the hellfire that radiated off of him.
“Then Raumael, you will do my bidding.” You commanded.
"I don't really feel like it. Maybe some other time." Raumael snidely remarked.
You balked, “What? You’re my demon! You have to?” baffled, you continued. “Those are the rules.” 
“Not without a contract they aren’t. As I already told you, my price is high.” Raumael drawled, bored by you it seemed.
You clenched your jaw, aggravated. 
He began to laugh, the deep rumble echoed throughout the small room. While It was unsettling, you didn’t find It unpleasant. “Hmm. Perhaps you will be the one following my orders and I’ll have your soul anyway.” The demon stepped closer to you, on the edge of the circle, towering over you, peering down over the ample curvature of his pec muscles. Perhaps Abbadon had a gym, you considered as this demon was fit.
You swallowed and shook your head, not so sure things wouldn’t wind up that way. “You aren’t leaving until you sign my contract. You get to walk around up here, but will do as I ask.” 
The demon tilted his head, “Will I?” his tone mocking.
“You will.”
“Then you will pay my price.” Raum said as he stood and towered over you.
“Which is?”
“Your eternal soul. When you die, I will drag you down to Abbadon.”
You swallow, uncomfortable. “Anything else?” 
“Your body.” 
“My body?!” The suggestion was unthinkable. “Demonic possession is out of the question!”
“That is not what I’m asking for.” Raum said as he beckoned you to come into the circle with a crook of his claws.
You stayed still, the request unclear. 
Obsidian eyes pierced yours, “I want to seal the contract with your body.” The demon parsed out, and as if sensing you were still dumbfounded, clarified, “Not possession.” 
This was an uncommon practice, but not entirely unheard of to seal a demonic contract with a sexual act. This seemed to be the case here. But with a demon as powerful as Raumael at your command, you’d accomplish everything you had set out to do. What was a bit of sex and your immortal soul in exchange for unlimited infernal power at your fingertips?
Steeling your nerves, you step into the circle with the onyx skinned demonkin, your body tense, moving with all the flexibility of an eight hour old corpse. He clicked his tongue disapprovingly as his claws circled the nape of your neck, the other prickling at your hips as he reclined you within the illuminated ring of sygils. The glow from the enchanted glyphs better elucidated the demon’s features, a handsome, masculine face, you thought. Though the longer that your eyes roamed his features, the more things you found were not quite human. Like your sight was playing tricks on you.
The ashes and debris surround your head like a corona of chaotic wreckage, but it did nothing to dissuade your demon from sealing your contract. Raumael languidly climbed atop you with his long limbs on either side of your smaller, human body. His dark, substantial frame absorbing the light, as if his flesh was made from the abyss itself. Intense mercurial eyes stared down at you, lips parting as he lowered his head, his warm mouth brushing your shoulder.  You clench your fists and tense up, waiting. 
"This doesn't have to hurt, little Master." He advised, claws tracing the length of your arm with surprising care. 
"I'm not your master yet." You manage.
"Per our agreement. You'll be my Master while we're under contract. You may not find the other monikers used for mortals so flattering.” 
You nod with hesitation, continuing to observe the way he moved, his larger body engulfing you, knees pushing your legs apart. A razor sharp claw cut through the fabric of your shorts to expose the tender flesh of your lower torso. A shudder wracks your body, feeling wound as tight as a coil while the warm air of the room washed over your bare skin. 
“Calm yourself and you just may enjoy this.” He said gruffly, his large body pressing down on you. Suddenly, distinctly male anatomy prodded at the cleft of your rear, his other claw slid down the length of your spine, careful not to shred your delicate human skin. 
You nod your consent, trying to relax as he licks two of his fingers before reaching down to get you slick with saliva, mindful of his claws, he avoids penetrating you with his digits. The pads of his fingers firmly rubbed the tension from the tightly clenched flesh between your legs. To your surprise he moved back, his lips kissing your collarbone and down the center of your chest. Raum’s hand released your nape and was instead put to work as they began to fondle down your torso, sliding over your chest, his mouth descending to take a pert nipple between his lips, rolling his tongue over it. You cried out, surprised and trembling as his serrated teeth brushed the tiny bud of flesh, sending a jolt of arousal through your entire body. 
Raum’s lips moved onward, kissing and nipping their way southward as you squirmed under his attention, he couldn’t have looked more pleased. You considered him as you peeked through your lashes at the immense demon, long talon-like digits tracing down your ribcage before settling on either side of your hips, squeezing your padding as they explored your body. Raum wasn’t complaining about extra flesh, if anything, the demon seemed to enjoy touching and squeezing you like a glorified stress ball. 
Everywhere Raum’s skin grazed yours was left warm, as if his pleasure was dependent on your own arousal, reveling in your soft frame. He left you trembling, arching into his caress as he seemed to want to cause more of your wanton behaviors. The way you mewled and tensed and shuddered for him. You entirely went stiff, physically aching for more than delicate touches, you wanted so keenly to be filled.
 “Please.” You rasped, muscles all over your body clenching and unclenching with need.
This plea only slowed the demon, who now seemed to be moving at a glacial pace. He was in no hurry to take you, to penetrate you and seal the contract. Your impatience would be your downfall, clearly. In a desperate attempt to take what you needed, you foisted your hips upwards at him, but not quickly enough. He pulled back, his cock still out of your reach. “Not yet.” He said, watching as your face contorted, awash with lust.  
The head of his length pressed firmly against you, parting your flesh indelicately, but went no further than the tip of his colossal length pressing at the tender split at the apex of your legs.. “Is this what you want, Master?” He asked as claws circle your waist, your belly compressed underneath razor sharp nails. His lips curl as he elicits a gasp from you as his cock throbs with need against you, precum dribbling into your hole. 
Nodding eagerly, your shoulders pinch together as you twisted beneath the weight of him, a moan slipping past your lips, surprising you as you thought you’d sealed yourself against enjoying the act, but you’d fallen so far so fast. Raum had seen to it that your body would enjoy itself whether you liked it or not. 
Raumael slanted his slightly too large mouth over yours, sliding his hips forward so that your bodies were pressed hard against each other, his talons gripping tightly at your nape. It was a possessive hold, a possessive kiss. 
Your lips softened and gave way to his tongue, tilting your head upwards to receive more of his heated kiss. Your breath escaped as he folded atop you, his hips finding their rhythm quickly as your flesh parted for his ample girth. You groan as you’re stretched, your tender flesh splayed wide to accommodate his fat cock as he rocked your body against his, his claw firmly on your lower back holding you. His rock hard length slid deeper inside you, knocking the air from your lungs with each bone-rattling thrust. 
You cry out, every part of you feels like it's on fire, your hands clawing at the massive pecs that hovered above your face before finding purchase on his broad shoulders. You weren't sure when you stopped thinking of him as It and more as a he. Perhaps when his cock barged its way inside of you, or earlier even when you'd noted his physique and handsome face.
Squirming underneath his weight, the heat of his skin warmed you to your core, as he pushed into your body, all of your nerve endings suddenly at attention as the burn of his hellfire washed over you. You wrapped your legs around him, welcoming the heat as you felt yourself unfurling, digging your nails into his shoulders as the glow of your orgasm was building. Your thighs quivered as your body seemed to have a mind of its own.
You gasp, mindlessly as his breath stirred against your shoulder, serrated teeth and warm lips pressed on the soft skin there. The demon’s hard length thrust into you, hot like coals and smooth as silk, as the base of his mound crashed against your hips. Slick with precum and fluids mixing in an obscene union. Your body was raw and pulsing as you tensed with every thrust, toes curling in pleasure, nails raking over his obsidian skin. Your breath hitched as every part of you felt as if you had shattered in that moment. Your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks, your eyes rolling back as you silently clenched, holding onto your demon for dear life.
Raumael held you in a bruising grip, pumping furiously into you, every muscle tense and strained. You felt him swelling, growing harder, filling you more than you ever could have anticipated. He lifted you by your pelvis off the floor, angling you higher to meet his fearsome thrusts, his face contorted with evident focus. The demon’s dark brow furrowed, lips curled in a snarl as a spasm began to shake him. With a guttural hiss, his body jerked as he suddenly flooded with you what felt like an endless supply of hot, slick fluid, flooding out of you as you were filled to capacity as it smeared your inner thighs and trickled down the cleft of your bottom.  
Suddenly then, the illumination of the sygils stopped. The only light that was cast upon you was the tiny sliver from beneath the closed door and a pair of dark eyes reflecting that miniscule glow back upon you. Your body was numb, like it was made completely of static and you felt utterly drained, slick with sweat, a mixture of yours and his. 
There were several minutes where both of you only focused on breathing, the demon still having pinned you beneath him, his cock stuffed inside of you as cum gushed out and pooled on the floor. A terrible mess you both had made. 
"Is that it?" You asked, breaking the silence, your breathing unsteady.
All the candles flickered to life suddenly and your demon peered down at you, quite offended. "Did you not cum too?" Raum scowled as he sat back on his haunches, carefully releasing you from his grip as his erection slowly dissipated.
"Oh! No, I did!" Your face turned scarlet at the questioning and you realize how that may have been misconstrue. "I meant...our contract is sealed?" 
"You can't tell?" Raumael scoffed, unimpressed as he observed you closely now. 
"It’s just that you're my first." You explain as you sit up, gesturing to the sygils and then to him.
"First?" Raum perked up, as you seemed to summon every ounce of his attention. 
"Yes...first demon and..." You trail off. 
He glanced down at you for a moment, "Oh, that makes things interesting. You should have negotiated our contract, Master. I would have given you a better deal." He chuckled, but very tenderly began to clean you up. This bit of information seemed to garner a modicum of sympathy from the devil. 
Perhaps it wasn’t too late to renegotiate?
“No.” He said simply, as if he was reading your mind. This did not stop him from examining you for damage. How cute he was concerned, but there was a very legitimate reason for it. You shouldn’t confuse his concern for care. It was contractually his job to make sure you’re okay. 
Raum shook his head. “Absolutely not.” He reaffirmed. 
Original works Masterlist
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sulumuns-dootah · 23 days
Good boy! - sub!Beelzebub x dom!Reader (18+)
⟡ Masterlist ⟡ 
A/N: It's subby Beel hours and I'm working overtime ^^
Word count: 1335
Warnings: Submisive Beel(ofc), Reader is a mean dom + is called mommy at the end, but if that doesn't vibe with you, feel free to ignore it/replace it with what you're comfortable with
‎‧₊˚✧ 18+ Minors Do Not Interact‎ ✧˚₊‧
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The bed slightly shakes as two strong inked arms tug on specially enchanted handcuffs, so no demon no matter how powerful or strong can get out of them. You've custom ordered them from a store in Abaddon, so you were sure they would truly fulfill their intended purpose. Though, the store assistant did seem to freak out a bit when you told them on who you're intending to use them.
But they seem to be working just fine. Otherwise, you'd doubt you'd be able to have such sight in front of your eyes. The demon's inked-up torso bare, his horn already leaking, making his hair messy. His cheeks flushed as he attempts to wipe some of the sweat from his forehead onto his biceps, both beside his head as his wrists are securely cuffed to the top of the bed's headboard.
You'd barely stripped him of his clothes and restrained him, yet he's already breathing heavily. Partially due to your credit, but also due to the chase and playfight you've both indulged in just moments prior. From the look in his eyes, you can tell it's his first time feeling fully helpless. His muscles tense and jerk at the cuffs.
Licking your lips, you trail your hand from his ankle all the way to his underwear, which at this point might as well be ripped off by the sheer force of his proud boner. You can't help but chuckle to yourself. Seeing Beelzebub in this state is a feast for eyes – pun intended.
A low groan comes from the demon under you as he tries to free himself by tugging on the restraints. Thankfully, the enchantments include the inability to break whatever they're attached to or he'd be surely quick to switch your positions.
“What a bad little impatient demon have I got here? I've barely touched you and you're already pathetic.” you seat yourself on your feet between Beelzebub's spread thighs to keep them apart. They're slightly trembling from the adrenaline of being fully captured.
“Huhu – must be different demon. Ugh, I can't get out of these. Where'd you get them? I'll obliterate that place. I don't want Bael to get hold of these.” Beel tries to pretend to be unbothered, but just from the sight alone you can tell he's lying more to himself. Pretending like he's still secretly the one in charge in the situation.
“Oh, don't worry your pretty little head about that. They're custom and and with the price they cost, I'm not letting anyone borrow them ever.” you laugh and move your hand to teasingly dance around the demon's clothed erection, purposefully evading the spot he needs touched the most.
“Y-Y/N~... C'mon, you can let me out. You know I'll be good. There's no need for these.” sweet pleas come from the demon below you, but you only dismiss them with a shake of your head. Slowly crawling up his body until you come face to face with him, you can feel the hot breath on y our features. With a teasing look you whisper to him:” I know you will be good. That's why you're also gonna take this like a good boy without complaining.”
A mixture of anger and desperation fills up Beelzebub's face and his hips try to buck upwards to meet up with your pelvis. When they fail to do that a frustrated cry leaves his lips. He's so pathetic you can't help but to chuckle again. This time the laugh comes out more dark, almost like you're the demon and not him.
“Please...” a small, broken whisper catches your attention as you're moving back to your previous position between his legs. You slowly let out a deep breath, relishing in the pathetic mess below you and thinking about what your next move will be. He didn't go easy on you during you playfight, so why go easy on him now, right? You bite your lip and move back so your face is close to his throbbing dick.
“Just wait when I get out of these. I'll have all my clones make sure you regret this.” he grits his teeth as you grab his still clothed cock with one hand and start nuzzling your face into it. “Now why would you do that, when you're clearly enjoying this just as much as I do.”
“N-nah... I don't... Nngh!” a whine escapes Beelzebub's lips as you finally free his boner and start giving his tip small licks. You've gotten his hands out of the picture, but his hips are still free to start thrusting up to try and get you to take him fully in. That action makes you pull back and hold his dick painfully in your hand. Giving the demon an irritated look, you pointedly breathe out. “And here I thought you wanted to be good. Keep this up and I'll keep you tied up like that overnight.”
“Ha~... You wouldn't. Please, just...!” he's stumbling over his tough-guy facade. Okay, you admit you might be a little bit too mean now, so you lower your head back down and start taking him bit by bit into your mouth. Both of your hands are firmly on either side of the king's hips to remind him to keep his movement in check.
Once you're satisfied with how soaked with your saliva, his cock is, you pull off and replace your mouth with your hand. Now you get to fully appreciate the moaning mess you've made Beelzebub into. To think that this man is the strongest demon in Hell, and now he's fully at your mercy. The moans coming from him are nothing like you've heard before. You'd never before even imagine that he can get this whiny.
Beel's eyes are starting to roll back and he doesn't even need to voice that he's getting close to tell you that. You can also tell by how sensitive he's becoming. His hips are thrusting up to meet your hand. Still, you're planning to punish him for that small mistake in the beginning and so you slowly start to slow down.
“N-No... Why are you..?” he instantly notices the lack of friction, delaying his orgasm. “I want you to beg for it, baby.”
The mischievous green eyes, now teary with few drops threatening to spill any minute, widen and Beelzebub's mouth falls open. “You heard me. You gotta let me know how much you want this, babyboy.”
“Y-Y/N~! I need it so bad! Please, oh pleasepleasemommyohplease!” he starts begging between whines as your hands starts to move again. The closer he gets, the faster you get to go thanks to his precum helping to lubricate his cock.
As the demon gets closer and closer his sobs and whines get louder. The bed is also getting really loud from him tugging on the cuffs and making it shake under the both of you. To help fully finish him, you decide to join with your other hand. All this added stimulation pushes Beelzebub over the edge and amidst all the cries and moans you can even make out few words:”Thank you mommy, thank you so much! Feel's s'good mommy!”
You can't help but smile at the new nickname while Beel fully paints his abdomen and your hands white. Feeling a bit mischievous you draw a heart in the puddle of cum on his lower belly once all of it comes out. The slight scratch of your nail against his skin helps bring him back to reality from his surprisingly intense orgasm.
“Fuck...That was...” he starts to catch his breath. Once he sees you start to move, he doesn't even finish his sentence. Slowly you crawl back to be face to face with him, trying to avoid the milky puddle as much as possible, you plant a kiss on his forehead. “You did good, baby.”
“So will you undo the cuffs so I can return the favor now?”
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envyland · 3 months
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⋆˚࿔ dantalian𝜗𝜚˚⋆ Shotacon🎠🍮um...I like him but I can't have sex with him....because he's a baby boy omg so cute >ᴗ< 🦷🫀𖦹
Also.... I love he's dad🗿
Make that heart red♡
Please repost my post🐄𖤐ᝰ.ᐟ𖦹₊⊹
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yo wtf?Next is asmodeus:)
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gretavanlace · 1 year
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Through the Looking Glass
Jake Kiszka x reader
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: graphic sexual content, language, dirty talk, pet names, fingering (fem rec), Jake is a cocky fuck, etc
Okay, just something quick because I’ve been terribly busy, but I loved this ask! Thank you, anon! Please keep those requests coming, everyone, they feed my devious brain. Also, I just wanted to say I have merely borrowed ‘bunny’ as we all know that our dear @garbagevanfleet and Abaddon Josh owns. that. shit. Flat out. Period. Alright, on with the show……
“I told you to sit still,” his voice is silken warmth against your throat as he licks over your riot of a pulse.
Your response is a timid, wilting, “I’m trying.”
“Try harder.” His teeth drag over the curve of your flushed neck, light as the wings of a butterfly. His demand is quiet, and yet, it bears a stern weight.
He waits until you’ve settled your twitching, writhing muscles, and then presses a kiss to your cheek in reward. “There’s a good girl. Suck on them for me.”
Your lips part, welcoming his fingers into your mouth. Pillowing them with careful devotion against your curved tongue, loving them as you would his cock…if only he would let you.
“You see, bunny?” He swirls his touch further back, searching, until he is greeted with a gentle gag. “You can behave when you apply yourself. You can sit so pretty for me. Look at you being just the best little listener.”
You don’t have to change a thing to follow his directive, your eyes are already honed in on the reflection of the beautifully debaucherous stage Jake has set.
He sits behind you, fully dressed in tattered jeans and a worn, stretched out T-shirt, sleeves cuffed and showcasing his arms in a manner you know wasn’t intentional. Silver necklaces rope around his neck glinting and winking as he moves, brushing against one another and sounding faintly of metallic bells. His gorgeous face, dewy with a sheen of sweat, is twisted into a devious mask of bliss - drunk on lust soaked power.
And you, splayed out on the bedroom floor, bare aside from your drenched panties. Back pressed to his chest, legs hitched and spread wide over his thighs, breasts peaked and achingly on display for him, though his gaze remains trained on your pleading eyes as they drink him in from the immense, ornate mirror resting in the corner.
Jake is an exhibitionist in the worst way. Nothing gets his blood pumping and his cock throbbing like being watched and wanted. Nothing aside from being the one who watches.
He loves to study you this way; slightly removed and voyeuristically. Loves watching your entire body dissolve into an itch you just can’t scratch, all because of him. Loves to watch you shiver and beg with your pretty, needy pussy, and your doe eyes pleading for him. Only for him. Always for him.
His fingers are still stuffed into your mouth, slipping over your tongue, nudging into your throat, until a trail of saliva drips from your chin to roll between the valley of your breasts.
“Messy,” He taunts, admiring the trail it blazes, tracking its glistening path down to your belly button. “Why do you look so fucking whiny, pretty girl? Is there something you need?”
“Touch me,” You whimper, muffled around his digits.
His free hand lands a swift smack against the inside of your thigh. “Manners, bunny.”
“Touch me, please…” the plea mumbles out pathetically as he continues to tease past your lips.
“Yeah?” The tip of his nose nuzzles your cheek so sweetly, in such contrast to his insidious touch and bullying words. “Touch you where? Where does bunny rabbit want my fingers?”
Eyes locked on the amorous display he has created with his nefarious hands, the breath catches audibly in your gasping lungs as he reaches down and tugs your panties up, dragging the satin across your clit.
“I can see it, you know,” He whispers, lapping over your flesh like you’re a heroin-laced lollipop and he’s in shaking need of a fix. “How swollen that sweet little clit is. Look, baby…can you see?”
You zero in on the tiny bump that hides behind your shamefully wet panties, and offer a bashful nod.
“Aw,” he clicks his tongue, tenderly scolding you. “Don’t be shy, bun…it’s only ‘cause she misses me. Is that where you want me to touch you? Do you want me to spoil this greedy little cunt for a while? Push your buttons just right?”
“Yeah,” Your nod against his shoulder is too eager. You should care about that, right? You don’t.
“Yeah? Bunny wants to ride my hand so she can see how delicious she looks cumming for me dirty?” He’s pulling at your panties rhythmically now, as your hips begin to rock, keeping time.
But just as quickly as the relieving friction came, he lets go of your panties, and it’s gone.
Another kiss against your jaw does little to quell your pathetic whimpers for more.
“Pull them to the side.” The softer his demands come, the faster they unravel you, and this particular one came barely a whisper.
The moment your fingers hook into the sodden fabric, his hand is there too, spreading you apart. “Poor baby girl. Look how badly you need it…squeezed up so nice and tight. Spoiled little brat.”
At long last, you’ve got him where you need him. His touch circles and strokes over your entrance as your hips chase after his touch subtly enough that he decides against chastising you for it.
After all, it’s his fault you’re such a mess and so completely far gone, and this is his favorite game to play.
He dips inside, but just barely. Two fingers indulging you only to the very first knuckle. “Shh, settle down and relax, bun…” he hushes, mouth hot and sweeping over the shell of your ear, “Let me in.”
You will your muscles to comply - body opening up for this man you can’t imagine you deserve like the evening primrose loosens her petals to greet the moon.
“That’s my girl,” his praise brings to life an arch in your back as he delves into the warmth of you…his most beloved place to be
“You’re so wet,” his words carry a blip of a tremor now that he can feel you from the inside. “Naughty fucking cunt is crying all over my hand already. Give me some more.”
He crooks his fingers, punctuating his filth…grinning wildly at you in the mirror when you moan through a frantic exhale, shaking in his grasp, biting out his name through clenched teeth.
You tug harder on your panties, yanking them aside further until they threaten to rip and tear away from your body, and thrust yourself into his touch over and over. Grinding and hunting for the release you just need so fucking badly.
Fingers winding into your hair, he guides your line of sight back to the mirror when the back of your head meets his shoulder. “Nope. Want you to watch that sweet little cunt take my fingers. Fucking take them, baby. Doing such a good job, aren’t you? Nasty fucking girl using my hand.”
“I need to cum…” whines out of you, vibrating with a hungry longing that makes his cock twitch.
“Yeah?” He clicks his tongue again, tsking as though you’re an overly indulged little girl demanding a pony. “Does baby need to cum for me just so, so bad?”
Your nod is feverish as your eyes burn into his through the glass - willing him to find grace in his heart.
“You’re just a desperate bunny, huh? My desperate bunny. My lovely, greedy whore just wants to cum for me, doesn’t she? Just wants to soak my hand with her pretty pink cunt. C’mon then, be a good girl. Give it to me. It’s mine, and I fucking want it.”
It explodes through you. Blasting fervently into your very soul like a blue flame wave; incinerating you right down to the ashes even as your phoenix wings stretch and ache to kiss his sky.
It’s a sobbing, gushing, perfect release…made sweeter still by the filth he groans out like wanton lullabies. A chorus of ‘yes, yes, yes, just like that,’, a melody of ‘that’s it, bunny baby, that’s it,’. Praises that come tender and quiet as he strokes your hair until the fog in your mind lifts enough for you to find your way back to him.
Taglist: @gretasintrees @greta-van-chaos @celestialfauna @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @seventieswhore @jake-kiszkas-smirk @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @alisonwonderland29 @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @tbagggvf @obetrolncocktails @tripthelightjaketastic @jakeslovehandles @poofyloofy @70sgroupielovr @heatmyfleet @age-of-nyahh @sammiboo162 @gretasmokerising @spicedandicedtea @jakekiszkasleftnutsack @saoirsemaeve @mywickeddivinity @thelvnternskeeper @paintmyhouse @tripthelightfandomtastic @tripthelight-fanfic @mckenna4 @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @thewritingbeforesunrise @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @rhythm-of-space @profitofthedune @highladyofasgard @jordie-gvf-admin @calumspretty @sunfl0wer-power @sad1lynn @demolitionndann @gvfpal
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r0-boat · 5 months
Master list 4
🔪-Yandere/obsessive behavior.
🧨-darker kinks/dead Dove
(What the 'hell' is bad)
Juno P. NSFW alphabet hcs🌹🍷
Belial NSFW&SFW hcs🍷
Leraye NSFW&SFW hcs🍷
Paimon streaming drabble🍷🌹
Gehenna demons wholesome headcanons
Foras NSFW&SFW hcs🍷🌹🧨
Mammon wedding headcannons
Naberius NSFW&SFW hcs🌹🍷
Paradise Lost
Lucifer breeding fic🌹🍷
4Kings in rut hcs🌹🍷
5Kings Somnophila 🌹🍷🧨
5Kings dick hcs🍷🌹
Levi&Beel threesome🌹🍷
5Kings natural pheromone hcs🌹🍷
Kings masturbation hcs part 2🌹🍷
Kings s/o getting stuck reaction🌹🍷
Gamigin x reader x Leraye 🍷
5Kings celebrating your birthday
5 king dating headcanons
Kings as fathers
Five Kings react to affection MC
5kings react mc emotional breakdown
Whb Omegaversus au 🌹🍷🧨
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Masterlist 2
Multi-Part fics
Tired dad! Lucifer: Intro Part 1 Part 2
Asmodeus' trip to the human world: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Whb thoughts and analysis
Leviathan with an angel kid
Leviathan and his relationship with childhood
Tf did they do to Asmodeus???
Pb please make Dantalian being Asmodeus' kid canon
What nobles parented the kings
Whb x reader headcanons
Making a pokémon team for the kings (+Gamigin)
Some whb characters reacting to being called coaie
Whb characters seeing MC pace around to music (MaDD edition)
First time meeting Gamigin
Gamigin lover headcanons
Showing whb characters animated movies
Whb nobles seeing MC with a random demon
Whb kings comforting MC after a wax
Marbas friendly firing
Avisos cuddle pile (fic)
Mc teaching whb characters a cultural dance
Satan comforting sex repulsed MC
Mc an Minhyeok being siblings (fic)
Paradise Lost misadventures
Mc wants a baby
Gamigin realises that Mc is mortal
Mc that has a plushie collection
Gamigin and Mc both having autism
Gamigin and death once more
Kings when MC dates one of their nobles
Whb kings when Mc gives them a heart-shaped necklace
Dantalian doesn't get his dick distroyed today :(
Nobles getting baby fever
NSFW and darker posts
Lucifer NSFW alphabet
Gamigin NSFW alphabet
Zagan NSFW alphabet
Dark headcanons
Being Asmo's fuck toy (dark hcs)
Platonic yandere Lucifer x Gamigin (dark hcs)
Raiting whb kings based on how much experience they have with humans
Show don't tell (Lucifer x Afab!Mc x Gamigin)
Asmodeus NSFW alphabet
Miscelanious whb hc
Lucifer is Satan's dad ?!?!?!?
Bael is done with Beelzebub's bs (Teambuilding edit)
Pokémon team for whb characters
Random headcanons about some whb characters
Gamigin calling Lucifer dad
Rating Paradise Lost demons on how safe you are going to them
Paradise Lost is so silly
Whb characters' opinion on manele: Gehenna
Lucifer x Gamigin platonic hc
Paradise Lost nobles being called babygirl
Avisos nobles being called babygirl
Marbas and Buer being silly (tw: romanian)
Rating Avisos nobles on how eadible is their cooking
Lucifer's experience
Asexual hc for whb
Tartaros is Romanian inspired
Mammon x Mc propaganda (Emirate edit)
Jjyu getting burned
Abaddon headcanons
Why Satan hates Asmodeus
Leviathan lost his uncle priveldge
Not now sweaty, mommy's cyberbullying
What social medias do the kings use
Raphael's a gamer
Asmodeus visiting Eater in the human world
Dantalian being a prince hc
Dantalian need a new suit
Paradise Lost hcs
Meeting with all the kings
Levi trans real
Lucifer being orthodox on main
Paradise Lost nobles when Gamigin draws them as dragons
Relationship between Dantalian and the kings
Shipper Au
The nobles being wingmen for their kings
Average ship war in the MCxking community
Mc trolling the shipping forums (and getting doxxed in the process)
How the kings would react to seeing the ships about them and MC
Ppyong posting ship art of him and Paimon
Kings reacting to King x Seraph fics written by MC
Shipping tier list
"I owe Bimet so much money"
The Seraphs reacting to King x Seraph fics
Morax being a supportive older brother
Nobles reacting to their ship coming true
Nobles reacting to Mc being in a poly relationship with all the kings
Kings reacting to Mc shipping their nobles with angels (or themselves)
Bimet selling merch
Shippers when Mc x Sitri is trending
Mc that wants a secret relationships due to the shippers
Mc that ships the shippers with their king
Mc x Glasylabolas gone wrong
Artist!Mc drawing ship art of the kings
Lucy Dulap (my Mc)
Double standerds
Gabriel's priorities
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