#abigail's reviews
5thelement · 4 months
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Kevin Durand as ‘Peter’ aka Terrence Lacroix in Abigail (2024)
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tinkerbitch69 · 5 months
Just watched Abigail and it’s kind of a sleeper hit. At least for me. The movie manages to combine the best kinds of suspense you get in both horror and heist films and even manages to flesh out a surprisingly likeable main cast to get munched on. Seriously builds a great atmosphere of paranoia, suspicion and mistrust all through the film. If it sounds like you’re thing I’d highly recommend checking it out. Was not expecting it to have such a good time and I’ll sing this film’s praise if no one else will lol.
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i-didnt-hate-it · 5 months
I didn't hate Abigal, it was a lot of fun!
I was sick the week Abigail released, so I'm just watching it now because I'm not going to see the new Planet of the Apes, I haven't seen any of them yet.
Now THIS is how you do a Dracula's daughter story.
If you know anything about the movie going into it, you know what's coming, but they make you wait for it to actually happen. Making Hitchock's bomb a cute little girl? Bloody genius.
Abigail is a fun, exciting, bloody vampire movie. It's got to be hard to make an original and unique vampire movie these days, but I think Abigail did a good job of blending a Gothic tone with a modern gorefest vibe.
The soundtrack was pretty good, not quite outstanding, but not bad. The use of music (a la Tchaikovsky) was fun and really set the mood.
The casting was great. Giancarlo Esposito was very Giancarlo Esposito-y, Kathryn Newton was funny and made me want to watch Lisa Frankenstein even more (new horror queen?). Kevin Durand was great as "the muscle." Dan Stevens looked like he had a lot of fun. William Catlett and Angus Cloud were both solid. But of course the standouts are Melissa Barerra, definitely a horror queen, and Alisha Weir in the title role. It takes skill to make an audience believe a 12 year old girl is actually a centuries old vampire, but Alisha did it.
Spoilers below.
I feel like others might disagree, but I honestly loved the pacing of the movie. With how long it took for them to show Abigail as a vampire, it really gave time to get to know the characters.
The way they set the tone really somehow made it feel like a classic Universal horror, but it also felt fresh and modern too. Little things like the creepy basement, the rats(?), the big library, the statue garden thing. It really felt like they were in a house that someone had been living in for a looooong time.
I honestly love how two people died before Abigail ever bared her fangs. It really helped sell the idea that she was just playing with them. And the black guy didn't die first! It is kind of sickly ironic that Angus Cloud's character was the first to go (RIP), but I mean, bro was an absolute idiot.
I'm still not sure who my favorite character is, I really just loved the ensemble. I will say, I figured out the Rat Pack joke before Peter, not too long before, but still before.
I love when modern monster movies reference the lore, but make it their own. Like they reference all the stuff that kills vampires but only a couple of them actually work, the rest are just part of the legends.
I wasn't expecting to actually root for Abigail toward the end, but I loved the respect the was shared between her and Joey.
Those Ready or Not guys really love making people explode like bloody water balloons. I mean, what a way to go, I guess.
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mortalbumblebeecat · 2 months
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Just watched “Abigail” on Peacock and it is one of the best horror movies of 2024 I have ever seen!
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dee-the-red-witch · 5 months
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"What are we talking about, like an Anne Rice or a True Blood? You know Twilight? Very different kind of vampires."
Let's talk about Abigail, on the latest Mediavoring: https://www.patreon.com/posts/mediavoring-2024-102989780
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bookguide · 6 months
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Gideon the Ninth
Author: Tamsyn Muir
Book: 1/3
Genre: science fiction, fantasy
Summary: Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Reverend Daughter of the Ninth House, needs a swordsman to accompany her when she is summoned by the Emperor. Gideon, eager to flee a life of servitude, agrees to this one final task before leaving the Ninth House forever. The Emperor offers Harrow and the necromancers of each house the chance to achieve Lyctorhood and become his immortal servant. However, they each need their cavalier to ascend.
Review: This book was unique and exciting; I had never read a book that seamlessly combines fantasy and sci-fi the way Muir’s Locked Tomb Series does. I loved the world-building and plot development, and Gideon’s narration was always funny and entertaining. The beginning was quite slow, and there were also some slow parts of the story that dragged on between key plot points. Otherwise, Gideon the Ninth was a great read and I would recommend it to anyone interested in books with sci-fi, fantasy, necromancy, and a spicy sense of humor.
Rating: 4/5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Keep reading💀
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littlealeta · 4 months
Abigail Review (Spoilers)
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We haven’t had an evil child film since uh… Annabelle Creation? So, I was excited to see how this movie would play out.
Unfortunately, it’s like every other evil child film.
So… the positives?
The actors are excellent. They fit seamlessly into their roles. Their comedic timing and wits are great. Abigail’s actress is adorably sweet and innocent and portrays her manipulative split personality naturally. Everyone looked like they were having fun and were really into their roles, which was always entertaining to see.
Some of the scenes are entertainingly quirky. Like Abigail using Sammy as a puppet, while cliched, was humorous and fun with the intercut shots while this wildly unfitting song is playing. The scene is melodramatic but it somehow comes off as ironically humorous (in a good way). Abigail dancing to classical music with Dean’s beheaded body is another moment of good creepiness. And the entire scene with Puppet Frank was interestingly disturbing and sometimes funny. It was crazy.
Rickle was a likeable character who the film, unfortunately, had the misfortune to kill off early on because… I guess they didn’t know what to do with his character.
And… that’s about it.
Like I said, the story, besides a few scenes, doesn’t really do anything special with its concept. It had a good concept (ballerina who just wants to play and can turn people into her slaves), but it never really goes that far with it. Instead, it’s just another horror film where a group of people are being chased by a monster.
The ending is a total wtf mess. Joey gets her heart stabbed and twisted and somehow survives because the protagonist's gotta have plot armor. Abigail turns a 180 and starts protecting Joey for some reason. Lazaar appears and…we don’t know what he’s about, besides the fact that he’s creepy. He and Abigail let Joey out because the movie has to end.
The cast is an entire mixed bag. The only one I liked was Rickle because he seemed like the most decent in the cast. But instead, they write him off, leaving us with a group of ignorant scumbags for the rest of the hour. We don’t even really get much time to know Rickle because he was killed off so soon. I feel Dean had more personality than him. I don’t remember much about Rickle other than he was the nice guy. And Dean has the same problem. The film fucks him over too early so we don’t have time to find a reason why we should care about these two characters.
Besides Rickle, the cast are all unsympathetic people. Luckily, some of their actors are good enough to make them appealing. And they DO have their moments where they are funny and badass, but when they’re being serious and/or trying to make a decision, they’re just your average dumb horror movie character. Some of the dialogue that they make is on the nose, notably right before they die, they do the cliche “I will always be there for you” kind of shit. 
Joey (seemingly our protagonist) is revealed to have been a deadbeat mother who dabbled in drugs and a life of crime. One poor decision she made was betraying the group over killing Abigail despite knowing she was Valdez! She is also apparently psychic (as she can read other people), but is never said to be so because the film is too lazy to. Dean is the dumb horror character who somehow just has no brains. Implicitly, he seems to be on drugs, but they don’t do anything to make his character likeable, nor do I believe it was stated that he WAS on drugs.
Sammy is my least favorite. Not only do I hate the way her character is designed, but she’s just a total whiny bitch who often has something annoyingly smug to say. Or she just gets pissed off for no fucking reason, like when she finds Dean’s body.
Peter and Frank? They’re on the more likeable side, but they’re not too great either. Peter, for example, makes the dumb decision to kill Abigail before knowing she was Valdez and almost released her from her cage at the expense of his group. Frank is the only sane man, I probably tolerated him the most, considering he was the only one with a brain. However, he can often be harsh and insensitive (like about Joey's troubled life) and, he too, threatens Abigail, screaming at her when for all he knew at the time, she was just an innocent little girl. And then, he just turns completely against the group because the writers LOVE making these characters impossible to care about. He has a similar past to Joey because the writers couldn’t come up with something different.
Last but not least is the titular character Abigail, who apparently has some dark past, but still manages to be a bland villain. She’s your typical horror movie character out for revenge and to kill the main characters. Her ballerina moves can hardly make up for it. Despite having a backstory, her development still feels shallow. There’s a whole slow ass scene where she monologues about how everyone came to be the way that they are. Number 1. How do you know who anyone is? Number 2. SHOW DON’T TELL, MOVIE.
Abigail gets 3.4 bells out of 10
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Actors feel natural in their roles and are hilarious with their humor. The concept is a tad quirky, and there are some scenes where they run with that, but they are few and far in between. Plot feels mostly like your average horror film and is slow at some parts, especially at the beginning. Characters tend to make some horrible and appallingly dumb decisions with Rickle being the only nice guy in the group. If the characters are not horrible, they are shallow, like unfortunately our almost one-note villain. Dialogue sometimes feel so obvious, it’s unnatural. Ending feels very lazy due to the shallowness of the characters and their development.
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Aleta Rewrites: I would make Abigail a playfully eerie child, like a Chucky kind of situation. Like, obviously, I think the movie tried to make her out to be this playful, quirky ballerina kid. So, I would lean into that more. So, it doesn’t seem like she’s just some generic character hell bent on revenge, but rather a lunatic with a morbid fascination with gore and death. So, the only reason she’s bodying people is so that she can play and mess with them, like in the scene where she’s dancing with Dean’s beheaded body. Maybe she can kill her victims while she’s dancing/playing, that would be funny. Lean in more into the horror comedy instead of making it a gritty drama about corrupt people.
I would also develop Lazaar more. Maybe make him the final boss of the film. Or preferably, do a twist where it shows that HE was the one possessing Abigail and everyone in the film, so when he's killed off or his magic is wrecked, Abigail will be free and THEN will team up to fight Valdez.
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idpreferyoudead · 4 months
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There’s a lot of movies I haven’t seen yet this year because going to the cinema is bloody expensive and you can have a couple of months of nothing grabbing your interest and then suddenly 4 movies come out in the same week and somehow I’m meant to choose which movie I want to see the most? Well last month I didn’t pick Abigail and I’ll admit that was solely on the fact the film was by Radio Silence and the focus was on Melissa Barrera. I thought Ready Or Not was a great film but I hated what they did to the Scream franchise. I haven’t really seen Melissa in anything else but I just hate her character in Scream so much it’s hard to separate her right now. So with Abigail hitting streaming services, I finally gave it a viewing.
Now we all know what this movie is about thanks to the trailer: a little girl comes home from what is presumedly a ballet class, is kidnapped by a group of criminals and she turns out to be a vampire. That is basically the extent of the entire plot. Six completely random crims, where none of them look like the type capable of pulling off something of this magnitude even if it is just glorified babysitting, but it only takes Joey (Melissa Barrera) 30 seconds to prove she’s incompetent for the job when she believes everything Abigail tells her. The second hand embarrassment was real when Joey did this not once, but twice, then stands there saying how smart Abigail is for manipulating them. I feel like Joey would be really susceptible to TV advertising. The kind of person to believe something on wikipedia because nothing on wikipedia is ever wrong – and it is, you should look up the plot to Robert the Doll on there. It’s hilarious but oh so wrong! They all realise this little girl is a vampire and stand around discussing the ways to kill a vamp. Of course, Twilight is mentioned. Garlic, sunlight and holy water are the obvious answers, 2 of which are useless to them at 3:30am barricaded inside a large house but the dumb got dumber when Sammy (Kathryn Newton) runs out of the kitchen with a bag of garlic and she gets a quick lesson on what an onion looks like. I wish I could say the movie gets better, but for me, it didn’t.
Early on with teaser trailers, people were very quick to make comparisons to M3GAN – all because of a young girl and a dance routine – and that’s not much of a comparison. Honestly it’s kind of insulting to compare a Tiktok dance to ballet. Though for a kid that’s been around for a few centuries, I’ll guess ballet is a relatively new hobby for her but her ballet skills are better than whoever was in charge of giving Sammy tattoos. I don’t know what is going on in Hollywood right now where every ‘edgy’ character that exists in a movie must have some of the absolute shittest tattoos that ever existed. The kind of tattoos that look like they were done in your mates crack den with the tattoo gun he bought from Temu. Harry Styles is not the poster boy for how to look cool with tattoos, okay? Just employ someone from Ink Master, they could draw you up something real nice compared to the random black drawings that look like were done with a felt tip pen.
Plot wise I was mostly pretty bored to the point where I started wondering if I should count how many times the word FUCK was said in the movie, because that one word is definitely like 30% of the script. Total overkill, just like that time someone let Chris Rock near a Saw film. Even the way some of them were dying – just fully exploding bloody messes – was straight out of Ready Or Not and didn’t feel very imaginative.
I’m sure to have no fans with this but Melissa Barrera’s acting just doesn’t do it for me. This was just another character I couldn’t stand where she was gullible at every turn while also being holier than thou. Can we normalise not praising a movie just because some actor/actress you’re fangirling over is in it? Let’s raise the bar a little!
Any rating I give this movie is going to Alisha Weir. She pulled off playing a terrified and vulnerable little girl, a vampire child who likes to play with her food and she was definitely the smartest person in the room. Her ability to switch between meek child to ruthless killer and back again makes her someone to watch – I’ll be interested to see what she does in the future!
Lastly, I’m saddened that after hearing ‘Tiny Dancer’ a few times in the beginning, not once was Elton John played in the movie. What a missed opportunity.
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unchartedmusings · 2 months
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I’m a blossoming horror fan. Growing up, I was the biggest fraidy cat and afraid of everything sometimes my even own damn shadow. So it continues to shock me when I seek out the thrill of horror films.
Abigail is an ode to several peak moments of horror culture that at least stand out to me. I think it generously falls in the good for her category in so many ways. Strong female leads, little details that come with just being a girl, as well as what happens with when women team up.
This movie felt felt like the directors knew the history of horror and of the unsettling in both more recent and older horror iconography.First of all the young actress/ ballerina was astounding. She was like channeling the energy of Claudia from Interview with a Vampire. This curious being with the porcelain doll face of a child, but all the experience, cunning and perspective that can only come from a woman that’s lived many life times. Among other things her comedic timing and performance was simply worth a standing O.
The bumbling band of crook goons was so well cast. Each personality of the team so wonderfully complimentary and contrasting at once. Their unlikely and anonymous gathering feels like the echoes of Clue. While we try to figure out who’s who along with the characters. It’s such a fun game to play. Is there cheese? Of course. The best horror can have Olive Garden sized portions of cheese and still terrify and amaze you. As Abigail does from start to finish.
The house feels like a love letter to house on haunted hill and thirteen ghosts. A dungeon of ghouls, ghastly traps, and giggles for the hosts. Such a fun adventure and so carefully and aesthetically filmed. Some scenes feel like they live in the border of dreams and nightmares. The color choices and camera angles all effectively tell this very feminine story.
Highly recommend❤️
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I just finished Wrath Of The Lamb, for the very first time, after binging the series over the course off and on from like, spring to now... the last day of summer, of 2023. Tomorrow, in this timeline, it will be the very first day of the season of Autumn. I say binge, because I would hyperfixate and binge it in three segments. Season one moved a tad slow for me, as I was developing my interest, being courted and romanced by the format and unique design flavor of the show, and meeting the characters (I didn't really care much for Garrett Jacob Hobbs tbh, so that took a bit for me to want to get through), and I wanted to see more of Hannibal most of all (whom I loved and knew previously, through the movies), so I ended up taking a lil break about halfway(?) through the first season. But ohhh... like all of us, it consumed me whole, and I came willingly. Then after some months(?) (Like Will, I lost time a lot during my consumation of HANNIBAL, so I lost time. I'm not sure... its all a blurr how it came about, then to now), I came back, and got to season 2, and then I didn't stop. After season 2, I took a small break to try and pace myself... draw it out a bit more. Relish in the sweet savor, before everything was gonna heat up again. I went on an adventure across the world for a month, so, my binging was also stiffled during season 2, then. And then I went hard, again. Hannibal hannibal, I am a cannibal...
I lingered there... in the moment mid-season, before the three years later. Before the Red Dragon. When Hannibal and Will were on Verger Estate, and the last they had of one another... before Will moved on. I relished in that taste, of THEM. Out and about. Then I went back in, about a few days later. Every episode had ads throughout, long ads (thanks, hulu), so often I didn't sleep all night to watch just two or three episodes, then sleep during the day.
And I finally, made it here. The Finale, ended.
I do feel that the end was... sudden. A simple way to lay out the complexity of it. Quick, feeling. It was beautiful, but unfortunately thanks to the internet, reading show analysis as I went that would mention ending spoilers too, and being on twitter and tumblr... coming avidly to the party with cake, ready to dance, ten years late... I have seen and knew plenty well, what was to come. I recieved the impression that "will and hannibal die at the end" and "will got married" and "alana changes her look drastically, and is a lesbian" (but she's actually probs bi?) and of course, seen over and over, gifs handed right to me... of the cliff fall. Them holding one another close, covered in blood. Then... drop.
But here's the thing. The direction is clear, they didn't die. And its just as tragically poetic, in both ways. Now, if its going to forever be left here, its just fine to leave it open to your own opinion, but I do see the intent here. Bedelia's acting was rather framed odd, through, as she was confirmed to have *NOT* cooked her leg, and it was Hannibal, and there are THREE place settings, because I did at first get this weird impression from how quick it all flowed and how it was framed, that she was eagerly cracked (mentally, by hannibal, and given in to her fate) and waiting... which would be very likely for this show and an interesting route to take. But, I digress gladly, as I am very happy this WAS intended to be confirmation that Hannibal and Will made it... and though they were not in the picture, they were running that show, even in the end.
That dive... was symbolic. Like everything about them, it was multi-dimensional. Will, holding on to his last bit of justice and avengement and revenge (for his family, for Abigail again, for Hannibal drilling into him, just... everything), taking the last of Hannibal. In multiple ways. It was his... reconciliation. His final move, his forgiveness and peace, all in one. Then there's the "can't live WITH him... can't live WITHOUT him" dilemna line, this moment showing both the confliction and resolve of that for Will AND Hannibal... and also Will's conflict and impulsive resolutement to solve that tug and pull he will forever live with... just as Hannibal's impulse to free himself of it, was absurdly actually allowing himself to reach a point of desparation when he felt the need to eat will, as the final and only way to be free from his pull and hold on him.
Hannibal's love for him, all consuming. Will's obsession for Hannibal, all drowning. Will was later than hannibal, to realize, and allow himself to realize and admit, that its love for him, too. Hannibal surrendered to Will fully and accepted and stepped into being fully consumed by falling in love willingly, when he realized, "Will I'll wait for you. I surrender. At last, I allow someone else to control me, wholly, and fully I relinquish all of my control to you. Forever, its yours." Will still was confliced and feeling both love and confusion and complete decided resolve, and fighting that dilemna of truth he knows, but is not willing to face or embrace all the way(?), and facing/embracing his becoming, the whole time.
The fall, for Will also, was him fully surrendering himself as well, to Hannibal. He both took the plunge, to sacrefice them tragically, sacrefice their love FOR them, on an altar of their own design, ("this is my design"), for the greater good of all. For the greater good of them, too. And let destiny intertwined with fate, decide what came after... if they live or die from it all. Sacrefice HIMSELF, and put BOTH of them down. But also... more poetically, its when he fully embraced and also surrendered himself to fully leaning into accepting his becoming. He was one with Hannibal. He knew he loved Hannibal at this point, and he finally not just accepted it, but leaned into it... just as Hannibal did by surrendering all of himself, *for* Will, *TO* Will.
And it was so tragic, Will also knew that they must do this. Together. Just like back in the house... at the finale of season 2. Kill together, was Hannibal's plan with him. They must, again, die together. END, together. Their beginning, their End, them. Their becoming. Immortally... tragic death. Together at last, fulfilled.
I can almost envision their smiles, as they held onto one another... finally complete, as they fell. They knew what was coming, but they knew what they were. Every question for one another, and for themselves internally, together answered. All at once, laid to rest. Finally surrendered and fully open to one another. United, soul-tangled. That was everything, for them. Even as they fell, they were willing. Surrendered. In a state of total serene vulnerability, after the intimacy and climax of fighting and killing, vanquishing the beastly dragon, together. (Yes, that was a symbolic innuendo). They were happy. It was now, both Hannibal's becoming for them, and Will's becoming for them... unified as one...
If they survived, then, (which they did, its confirmed) its clear then, what waited for Will on the other side. He is fully Actualized. They both are, together. For both of them, its... new life. Born again, poetically... for they are one, together. They survived and thus have been given their new lives, surrendered to one another, happy, free. Everyone thinks they are dead. Everyone thinks they are gone. Their families mourned and release them, laid them to rest, with their fate. And they are... they've run off. The transformation, has completed itself. And there will be no more attempted killing one another... its... complete. The courtship, the contrasting and fighting back against togetherness, the tension, and reconing of figuring out their dynamic, and what it means to THEM, as individuals and a duo... and what it will be, after all. They are now in the next moment, together.
Which brings us... to Hannibal keeping his date with Bedelia. Post credits. He always keeps his promises... even death cannot deny Dr. Lecter being a man of his word. For he is neither of heaven nor hell's forces, and will not be denied. After all, its Hannibal's world, and we are all just living in it. That's why the show is called "HANNIBAL". And Will and him shall feast, and survive, together. All is right in the world, and everyone simply knows what they need to know. They finally go off together. And all is finally even... forgiven. All jabs taken, all shots, all stabs and slashes... its all even, all complete in its phase, now. ("Even, Steven.") Will and Hannibal, are one. One couple, a united team. A marriage. And they have both, surrendered to it, and chosen to embrace it fully, with open arms. They *are* Actualized.
This keeps going through my head... "see you on the other side." That expression. They needed to plunge, that was Will's final step. Now, everything is... evolved. Completed. What lies on the other side, is a new chapter in their stories. The past, their lives before, laid to rest. The future, now theirs only, to write. They've stopped running, from one another. And are now ironically more free and themselves and fulfilled, on the run, than they ever were before. They's stopped fighting destiny, and embraced it.
Its quite beautiful and poetic... as it always has been.
Now... The Silence Of The Lambs. I have faith that somehow, in some way in the future, we WILL see season 4. And they will succeed in its creation, and maybe even season 5 or 6, EAGERLY, once it gets back in motion. I do strongly believe that. Somehow in some way, it will happen. It feels... right. And with everyone still so driven, its only a matter of time, now. Its something time cannot outrun. Its a canon event in our timeline, I would bet a fortune on it. Someone will pop up and be the final key deal to setting the prepped lumber to burn, ablaze. And it will go like wildfire and everyone is going to be ecstatic. The show will have been revived. Have new life... and so will Hannibal and Will. Everyone will.
But I've seen a lot of takes, where people are afraid of Clarice coming in; when she can, and when she definitely will. This has all led to this, too, just as everything before it continued to build to every moment and landmark in their stories, ALL of the character's stories, thus far.
Its been ten years and I've never seen this take, so here's mine.
We have nothing to fear. Will and Hannibal are not just *ONE* and avoiding it or scared to face it, they ARE an item. They are at last, complete. That is FIXED in the story from this point on... its all led to this. Just as they are fixated, now, their stories together are a fixed point, too. Now I say, the show made us fall madly in love with Will Graham. And Will Graham, with Hannibal Lecter. Would the excellence of the show, not also make us fall in love with Clarice Starling? The only other, worthy of Hannibal Lecter in every iteration? And if Will is his beloved, as Hannibal is Will's, finally... I present a third, very excellent, very untapped but high potential dynamic. That could be juicy brilliant, compelling, conflicting. Hannibal and Will having their time together, just them, complete gay romance and marriage... just them. While Clarice develops as a character, parallel to them, on her own journey with them on theirs, just like Will was when HANNIBAL began. And they have their blissful murder husband honeymoon phase, they never had yet. Its poetic and beautiful... and on the side, we get to know Clarice... and where she fits into this post-fall (falling in love, falling for love, literally and tragically and physically), FBI situation. But I reckon, what if it comes to her pursuing them, and they pursue and play cat and mouse with her, too? The same push and pull tension, in the same brilliant way, and we get to see all of it happen with them together. And I present... what if she? Became *THEIR* obsession? Their destined third. The trifecta... the symbolic, holy trinity. We know Hannibal (character, book, and show) loves his biblical proportions symbolism and analogies. Murderous threesome soulmates... a polycule. Now that... can take this flaming titanic on a whole 'nother next level of WILD mad love. Brilliance.
Hannibal, Will, Clarice. It could have even been foreshadowed, all this time... that they were destined to have a third. Be a "family", complete together, with a younger female counterpart, of SOME kind. But she would not come in the form of a daughter... no, we've seen that. We've been given Abigail, and her time has passed. Micha, and she was laid to rest. They have healed from the loss and position of that dynamic in relation to them. No... she would be theirs, their third, in a new way. Different than Alana ever could be.
How bloody interesting.
If I was one of the writers for Hannibal, that personally would be the route I would pitch and lean to take, as both the shocking turn and sinker, that consumes us all. I think it could be so thrilling. So excellent, dynamic, new, yet iconically perfectly them, somehow. Its their next chapter. She is their next development. The final dynamic... peices, falling into place. The idea may be a love it or hate it for some, but if the show did take that route, I just know they would behold it to us in a way that would make all neigh sayers, and those hesitant of it, fall madly and utterly captivated. Just as it always has... in the disturbingly beautiful, all consuming influence, of HANNIBAL.
"I believe... that sentence, is what they would reffer to, as a 'Mic Drop'. But you've picked the Mic up again, Will."
Any direction we are shown next, will be excellent, and not one to fear. But one that will be beheld, and beloved, just as brilliant as all previous, in the end. Trust Fuller!! Mads and Hugh ♡ and everyone in love with laying out its creation perfectly and intricately.
It will be beautiful.
(Please do share any thoughts or ideas or responses in the comments or reblogs!! I would love to see what you think.♡)
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thecinemacritic · 3 months
REVIEW: Abigail is a very entertaining, enjoyably silly, funny, and well directed horror with a great cast.
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moviewarfare · 4 months
A “QUICK!” Review of "Abigail (2024)"
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Abigail has such a ridiculous yet fascinating premise and completely succeeds in delivering it. 
The characters are all pretty flat and one dimensional but they are carried by the great cast and writing. The constant tension between them all and the charismatic performances elevate the story. Alisha Weir is one of the most phenomenal child actors I've seen as her performance as Abigail is stellar! 
This is such a fun, entertaining film. The gore is enjoyable and the comedy works well. The 3rd act is a little messy but it does have a pretty heartfelt conclusion. I highly recommend avoiding any marketing for this one!
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lauraagrace · 5 months
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Needing some family-focused manhwa?
Let me HIGHLY recommend Not-Sew-Wicked Stepmom! 🤩🤩🤩
I am SO thankful that IZE Press physically printed this series because each volume is such a joy to read!! It's fun, emotional, and heartfelt! SO GOOD!
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moviesandmania · 5 months
ABIGAIL Vampire horror from Radio Silence - First reviews
‘Children can be such monsters.’ Abigail is a 2024 horror film about criminals who kidnap a young girl only to discover she can turn into a fearsome creature. Plot: After a group of would-be criminals kidnap the twelve-year-old ballerina daughter of a powerful underworld figure, all they have to do to collect a $50 million ransom is watch the girl overnight. In an isolated mansion, the captors…
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reviews-sky · 8 months
New book review!
Lullaby and Other Stories From Lidian by Abigail Hilton
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thekimspoblog · 4 months
Amanda the Jedi called "Abigail" (2024) stupid, and it was, but I actually really enjoyed it!
The cinematography was good.
The titular character and the actress who played her were really good.
The plot had a lot of fun twists and turns. Stuff that you must admit, love it or hate it, has never been put to screen before.
I'm glad I watched the movie before seeing any reviews of it. Because there was a lot the trailer had the restraint not to give away.
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