#about ( rem ).
Things to know about me Tumblr #1 :
💜I only read ship fanfiction under "fem!reader" only because I'm afab. It depends on my mood to read "male!reader" content.
💜Im neither left nor right and I don't take stances on alot of things. I choose to be indifferent because at the end of the day it'll give me a headache and nothing will be accomplished. Plus I hate politics. Too much b*tchin' and not enough action.
💜"If you support xyz, block me" ok? Why would it matter if I did? Also I saw this alot on Twitter so don't expect me to follow along with any bs like that on here.
💜I like cane toads. Australia and Florida shut your mouth. dni if you don't like them. They are adorable!
💜I'm late to team cat but cat videos have been the best therapeutic thing I could ever watch during any sickness. Little meow meow kinda alright!
💜If I don't like something I'm just gonna block. No reasons. Just block. If you bringing bad vibes I'm blocking. Period.
💜Until I'm able to im not going to spend any money on commissions from other artist or writers. And no I will not turn my hobby into a profit. I'm good.
💜If I say something that ooc do not read too much into it. If I choose not to share, do not press me. All you will get is silence. Ty 🙏🏽
💜Green is a beautiful color. Especially emerald. I love it. If you don't, why is your life so sad? /lh
💜After spending years on Twitter I do not tolerate negativity of any kind. Sorry but I'll have to block that. Also lmk if I already posted something like this in the post.
💜✌🏽🙏🏽👍🏽 I am a poc. But that shouldn't matter. Im just like every other autistic person with mental issues out there. Sometimes I'll use the default yellow emojis cuz I'm lazy 😛
💜I like to write and draw mostly. Poems have been my thing now.
💜Also if you like anything that's a negative setback for me I'm going to assume you did it out of spite and I'll block you. Who likes post like "I spent a day in the hospital because people on the internet made me want to unalive myself" and thinks thats acceptable???? So if I post something like "the internet ruined my love for my one passion in life" there better be no likes. Especially if that's all you're going to like!
End of rant
💜I write fanfiction. It was mostly nsfw stuff but kinda took a break after an accident I had where I stayed in the hospital for two months. I also draw but since the internet DID ruin that hobby for me I probably won't post anything for a while :/
💜my music taste vary. Rn I'm into Eminem. He's just a vibe rn.
💜I've been having sleeping problems since I got back from the hospital. So if you see me up past 5 am... Hello :3
💜when you actually get to know me I'm pretty chill.
💜while looking into things like daoism and Buddhism it made me appreciate atla/tlok even more. Eastern culture is very beautiful!🙏🏽
💜I love people unconditionally like I love myself. Always.
💜I like cane toads and any frog or amphibian as pets. I don't like seeing them hung up as trophies or made for taxidermy. I will shut that down asap.
💜sometimes I message random people. But if I message you it's for a reason. Especially if it's a commission. Like I said I don't need any commission rn but just in case.
💜I'm also prone to make hella typos! Check my hashtags.
💜I go from ghetto speak, to proper, to old english, to vague all in one. Or manic. Manic is definitely one of those typing types I have but can I tell you how it looks or describe it idk. But I guess manic pixie naive positive speak is one way to describe it?
Ngl that's all I can think of now. I'll post more if I can think of anymore. Same with hashtags. I'll keep you posted.
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myuminji · 1 year
Just a comic about Rem Saverem.
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Nai loved his mother, he truly did. If not, why would he grace her mercy to escape the ship with them? Why wouldn't he kill her himself, and instead left fate to decide upon her demise?
He loathed the Rem he sees in Luida, the Rem he sees in Meryl, the Rem he sees in Vash; he hates the 'Rem' that was crafted in his mind over the years, haunting him wherever he go. But would he hate the actual Rem had he seen her again?
Nai loved her just as much as he hates her, and he hates that he loved her, just as much as he hates the humanity both his loved ones had chosen over him.
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ruporas · 2 years
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please be true
[ID: Digital Trigun Stampede fanart of Vash and Wolfwood cradling each other. Vash is facing the viewer with his face buried in Wolfwood's shoulder, one hand grabbing at Wolfwood's neck and the other grabbing his arm. Wolfwood is facing away from the viewer and is slightly leaned away, one arm wrapping around to Vash's back, but his hand is hovering, not touching. The background is black with white and red confetti-like and petal-like shapes falling around them. ID END] ID CREDIT
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ilbee-tk · 9 months
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happy 1st birthday trigun stampede 🎉
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monstrousparalysis · 7 months
Estrogen could not save her, but it would make her look much hotter while she's covered in blood.
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seasononesam · 2 months
when people call sam the number one dean misunderstander it's just like ... no I don't think that's true I have definitely seen bigger dean misunderstanders. on a place called tumblr dot com
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darkfluffydragon · 5 months
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Woo! Phantasmagoria! Shadow Milk Cookie :D (also known as Phantas when it comes to AUs)
It may be messy, but I've spent too long trying to come up with a design for jester man over here. Let's just embrace the chaos SMC style. This is also the guy who designed Pure Vanilla and Wind Archer's outfits by the way. He does not like his hair.
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All for you
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Its important to me that Trigun is, fundamentally, at it's heart, about restorative vs retributive justice.
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firethekitty · 8 months
i'm glad studio orange showed off the models not just bc it's really cool but also because we can see the skin tone they chose for wolfwood without any environmental lighting and see that it’s almost the exact same as tri98 wolfwood’s. which proves my theory that it’s not intentional colorism on their part but just that their lighting system desperately needs to be improved to make it so he doesn’t look like a sickly victorian boy when he’s in the sunlight
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bobosbillionsknives · 6 months
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Autism mom doesn't know she's also autistic .
I can't imagine Knives being the easiest kid to raise 😭. Thers no WAY anyone on that ship was qualified enough to properly care for two autistic alien children !!!
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rayactive-factory · 11 months
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Little Things About Light Yagami That I Love
He almost always leans on his hand while sitting.
He isn’t quite fond of guns.
This is anime-only, but he likes walking around with his eyes closed.
Despite how the fandom seems to believe he’s ambidextrous, I think he’s right-handed. He wears his watch on his left arm and uses his right hand to write when he has both of his hands available. Him being able to use his other hand when necessary does not make him ambidextrous.
He’s rather quiet. He doesn’t engage in conversation a lot.
He likes video games.
His room is usually dim-lit.
He uses the subway to go to To-Oh.
He has his own stupid little tv in his room.
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ruporas · 2 years
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post ep 11
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siriuslygay1981 · 9 months
James who has never seen a mistletoe before - You know what they say... we have to kiss under the mistletoe now little black
Regulus- .....Potter, that's a lettuce leaf
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buccellato · 2 months
Going a little insane thinking about how from Knives' perspective, his olive branch for Rem was rejected by his childhood perception of her loyalty to humanity, but Rem was assessing the situation as both a ship official and a parent and definitely making the choice she thought would maximize his and Vash's survival chances...like, if she was following duty as a crew member first and foremost, she'd head immediately to the bridge and tell the boys to head to the escape pods via comms or something. But instead she spent valuable minutes ensuring that Vash and Knives were safely strapped in and ready to escape, and then turned around to minimize the ship damage. Plus she had no actual way of knowing whether the plant ships were on a crash course, either—and while tristamp Nai can survive completely without food and water, no version of Vash has been shown to be able to do so completely (plus all other versions of Knives are shown at least drinking lol). So from her perspective she didn't just need to save both her kids and the humans on board, she also would've needed to save as many dependents as possible just so the boys had a way to stay alive.
She did the best she could do as a parent in that scenario, and Knives forever locked himself into a traumatized child's reasoning for her actions and blamed her to cope with it and then never reassessed from the perspective of an adult due to his, well, issues with everything. That's rough buddy.
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