#about candace
adeadlysong · 19 days
OOC: I have the mental image of Tahirah, Araceli and Candace singing "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls, including all of them going back and forth with the intro part, and it honestly would fit them for a shared musical number. XD
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Trope: Alpha Bitch
This are more Adorable Alpha Bitch, but... Candice McCall and Rebecca Stark!
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astralberserker · 3 months
Literally, I do not understand making something inspired by and based on different real cultures and then refusing to actually create characters inspired by the people IN those cultures. No one forced Hoyo to make regions based on Africans and Latin/South Americans. No one held them at gunpoint to make a character based on the Kandake. So WHY, if you're so scared of the color brown, are you using inspiration from predominately brown nations?! Damn, at this point you should've just stuck to Northeast Asia and Europe.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 6 months
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me, hearing that we are getting two new seasons of PnF almost a year late:
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mammalsofaction · 3 months
Something incredibly annoying when dealing with non-pnf stans when discussing with PnF is discussion of Candace being accidentally gaslit by her mother. In that they assume everyone is in on the fact to make Candace feel like she's crazy. NOBODY ELSE is doing that. In fact, nobody BUT Candace seems to understand the whole brunt of the situation.
The backyard gang are not "bullying" Candace or keeping her from telling her mom. In fact, they tell Linda about it themselves MULTIPLE TIMES. They talk about it off handedly a bunch of times too. Theyre just also 10, and Linda thinks it's part of the "games". She thinks theyre being imaginative. Theyre NOT. The backyard gang is NOT lying to her, and they are NOT perpetuating the assumption that Candace is crazy. Linda just doesnt believe them. The backyard gang doesn't KNOW this. THEY ALL THINK LINDA KNOWS.
LAWRENCE is not perpetuating the idea that Candace is crazy. He ALSO thinks Linda knows. HE HAS SEEN the backyard projects a bunch of times, and HE TELLS Linda about them TOO. However, and this is important, he only ever sees the cute, relaxed and sweet projects, and never the potentially dangerous or fatal ones, so he thinks Candace is being anxious and overprotective. Which she is, but that's a separate issue. LAWRENCE is not lying. HE thinks Linda knows.
JEREMY has seen the projects and parties. He talks about them at length, and how cool Phineas and Ferb are! He's never lied. He thinks Linda knows.
STACY has seen the projects and parties. She FREQUENTLY vouches for Candace. But shes Candace's best friend, so of course Linda doesnt believe her.
Linda isnt doing it on purpose. NOBODY is lying.
DO i think Linda should believe her daughter now and then? And should Lawrence stick up for her more? Of course I do. But it's not malicious. Just....a bit neglectful. But Candace's assumption that everyone is against her is largely perpetuated in her own head and anxieties and miseries. She ISN'T alone. People ARE on her side, and she has more allies than she thinks. There are MULTIPLE episodes where Phineas and Ferb try to bust THEMSELVES (AKA attempt to show Linda their project with her own eyes) when she simply asks them to. A lot of people think she's really cool, and caring, and her brothers think shes unironically, absolutely AWESOME. Which has been the point of many episodes, AS WELL AS Candace against the Universe.
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doctorsiren · 11 months
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Thinking about how Iris knew Feenie, who was all 💖🥰🤭🤪 and then she sees him again 5 years later and he’s all 💀💥🫵😠
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Thinking about that one joke in the Book of Bill that implied Bill might be the biological father of the Flynn kids. Thinking about how Linda Flynn had a secret career as a famous astrophysicist at one point. Thinking about how we don’t know exactly what Bill was doing in the 90s, and how he seems to want to skim over that part of his life, after Ford broke up with him for good but before the twins showed up in Gravity Falls.
Thinking about how Bill frequently hung out with famous musicians. Thinking about Linda, a brilliant young woman fresh off a bizarre pop star career, wanting to make a name for herself that ISN’T Lindana, might have found a new direction with an old friend (before he showed her his true colors.)
Thinking about Bill, fresh off a devastating breakup, trying again one more time to get SOMEONE on Earth to make him a portal. Trying to make the plan WORK. Trying to get a home for his friends in the face of a home dimension that was being destroyed (again). Having someone who’s COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the man he was obsessed with, but who was no less brilliant and no less capable. (But, unfortunately for him, MUCH less gullible.)
Thinking about how Linda doesn’t want people to know about her former career as a famous astrophysicist. How she keeps this secret, even better than she did her past as Lindana. How she keeps the lid on this even TIGHTER. How she’s almost bitter about it. As if something HAPPENED.
I’m not saying Bill Cipher WAS Linda’s partner of at least five years, even going so far as to start a family with her before she saw his true colors and filed some sort of Uber-effective inter-dimensional restraining order against him, one-upping him so hard that he doesn’t even wanna think about it, but. Holy shit. Imagine
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boxur · 1 year
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reality-detective · 11 months
Gotta love Candace 🤔
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wynsvre · 10 months
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marenwithanm · 5 months
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I've been rewatching phineas and ferb, and there's one episode where they build a translator so they can know what perry is saying, and this idea popped into my head so I just had to draw it
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adeadlysong · 2 months
Me realizing that the Melodian nobles all have some pretty freaky battle techniques: aaaaa
To explain, well...All of them are fairly powerful in their own right. Specifics will be given under the cut as this will be a fairly long post. Also, I'd love to use this as reference for combat scenes for threads and verses where they can fit, so yeah).
(Also this post doesn't include Tahirah's own forces because that'll be a whole post on its own but hey at least you get info about Araceli, Candace and Ariel!)
Araceli's signature battle techniques involve poisoning her enemies. She might poison blades and use them against said enemies by stabbing or slashing at them, waiting for the effects to kick in. She also is a fan of using poisoned arrows too.
And then there's also her wind magic, which she can use to try to actually make others lose their breath/choke them if used in specific ways. And then there are also the snakes she has on hand most of the time, which she'll use to surround and bite/poison individual enemies.
Candace relies on illusions, and will often personalize them to her enemies - she'll make them feel like there's less vision in the area surrounding them, or that there are way more soldiers against them than there actually are.
She'll also make good use of Usama and Luciano so they can either hit the enemies with the earth somehow (Usama's power) or burn them to a crisp with fire (Luciano).
Ariel, though he has no magic, is basically the 'tank' when it comes to attack and defense - he's great at enduring a lot of attacks, defending, and counterattacking on his own with various weapons (including gloves that have short claws that can extend out of them as extra blades). He has enhanced physical senses due to his cannibalism and battle skills learned over the years, and he can even sense whether someone has magic by their scent. And once he gets a taste of their blood, he can immediately track them down more easily too.
Sometimes he'll rely on mages to do the distance-related attacks for him, other times he has archers. But at the very end, when it's obvious that the enemy's about to completely lose for sure, Ariel's more than happy to let his (cannibal) troops feed on them for dinner as a reward for their efforts.
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I see hearts, I think about Jess lol. But this actually doesn't fit her vibes.
This is more Juniper White, Bailey Marsh and Candace McCall vibes.
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lunaria7 · 3 months
Not surprised with the lack of melanin coming from hoyo with the new natlan characters lol
Now tell me why Simeon, who is a freaking angel (spoilers: well not anymore) from Obey Me, which is originally a dating sim has an actual dark brown skin tone compared to the majority of the genshin cast where it's supposedly inspired by cultures or cities with a lot of dark or tan skinned people. Skin Representation IS IMPORTANT 🤗 cause look at this:
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I have a beef with solmare especially with how many dumbass decisions they've made but I'll give them credit where credit's due
Guess I've glazed twst a lot when it comes to character designs but damn at least they TRY to be somewhat accurate and at least HAVE more than 1 characters with REAL MELANIN😭 I know it's not a perfect game as it has problems and flaws (Whoever approved of Leona's whitewashed liongarb groovy card I will haunt you, especially since the cloud calling festival event is happening in english server) but you can see the creators actually try to properly portray representation in-game unlike SOME COMPANY
Exhibit A:
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Anyway twst >>> hyv game designs
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shima-draws · 2 years
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"The I don't even drink Coffee I can't do anything right" line is both so funny, but also drives me insane.
Candace is cripplingly insecure. This is of course, obviously part of her busting motivation. But it also informs a lot of how she interacts with Jeremy, particularly early in the series. She is super cool, but she's constantly living in the shadow of her little brothers so none of her accomplishments seem significant. But for all of Candace's bravado she feels she has to prove her worth.
So this mug?
Candace this is a gift for you. It is supposed to be something YOU appreciate. It is a gift. No strings attached.
Phineas and Ferb didn't HAVE to make her something of course, but as a gift it is on Phineas and Ferb to get something she likes. But it doesn't even cross her mind that Phineas and Ferb could have done something wrong, but that the problem lies with HER.
She does often lash out her brothers. She usually does blame them for her problems, even when it doesn't make sense. So it's not that it never occurs to her to blame Phineas and Ferb. But it's also kinda clear its not what she truly believes. It's easier to pretend that "Phineas and Ferb ruin everything" than acknowledge that "I'm pathetic and worthless". Just like its easier to pretend "Phineas and Ferb are super annoying" than acknowledge that she's proud of them and that she thinks everything she does is horrible anyway.
She literally sees something Phineas and Ferb did for her as something she is responsible for reacting to correctly. There's lots to be said in regards to Candace and positions of authority. But in some ways sees everything Phineas and Ferb do as something SHE is responsible for, even when its explicitly not. To some extent the fact that she can't keep her brother's under control is something that she sees as a personal failure.
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