#about kyoshi and yangchen!
aether-link · 6 months
Howdy, hope your day is goin well! ❤︎ Ty for the ask ~ I could literally talk about Sasuke all day!! Same goes for Atla! I agree I love the water tribes, their culture is so fascinating and the sub bending is awesome- tho I do love me some fire benders too! if you don't mind my asking, do you have an Atla au for any Nart characters and or OCs?👀
Sasuke positivity squad!! YES. Started recently getting back into atla, there’s nothing quiet like it these days. THANK YOU FOR THE ASK! AH, VERY APPRECIATED✨
I’ve always genuinely liked water theme things (I blame pokemon). The others are just as cool too, they all have there good and dark sides, what makes it interesting to me. Even the podcasts with korra’s va and Dante zukos va, they do interesting stuff that I like to listen to :’). One of their recent eps is about sub classes from the main types and one was of cause blood bending. Everyone thinks dark thanks to the shows, but the guests they had up brought up a good point. You can or could use it for good things, to also save lives like normal water bending healing. (I to could legit talk about this for hours!!)
And YES, fire benders are wonderful! As quoted from Dante nearly all the time “THERE ARE GOOD PEOPLE IN THE FIRE NATION🗣” he’s precious for that. From watching the og series once again, I STILL think it’s a crime that zuko’s fire not being rainbow from the masters. (My crime list grows) I just think that be neat. He’s a bean in my house along with sasuke.
I do have OCs yes! And I remember when I was making them, one of my main ocs, I remembered Iroh and lowkey applied hes wisdom/vibe to her. Her name is Minami Uchiha. She’s now elderly now, I had to redraw her due to someone stealing my oc and making her…well…bad. I also have Suzume, Kano and now my new oc named Malice. Suzume is a yokai sparrow, while kano her son is half yokai who is a water spirit. Malice is also half yokai and shinagami. Kano and Malice fathers are Tobirama and Madara 😭 (their lore is all over the place and too long).
I haven’t got any atla au yet but, if my oc where benders, Suzume - air. Kano - water. Malice- fire. Minami - fire.
I do have a hc for Zuko having a baby lion turtle after war. (They’re my favourite hybrid animal other then turtle ducks). The new fire lord is a bit baffled for this creature being in the royal pond with his duckies!
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ghost-dusk · 1 month
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Just avatar shenanigans
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kurolini909 · 22 days
Some Avatar favs!
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I love these four and needed to practice some action poses, soooo.... Figured I might as well.
Individual close ups for better resolution :)
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 29 days
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Was just going to do an edit of Yangchen, but then I decided add Kyoshi so I could have all three of "Girlies be suffering" trio~! uwu
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thenadnerb02 · 1 year
Katara: Long ago the four nations lived together in harmony 🙂
Anyone Who has Read the Kyoshi and Yangchen Novels:
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mah-o-daryaa · 9 months
Spirit World Shenanigans
Kyoshi: Guys, there’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly. Wan, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, f*ck you.
Roku: Many people are mildly dehydrated and don’t realize it. You should drink at least six glasses of water per day. Korra: No, eight glasses! Aang: I heard ten. Kyoshi: You need to drink at least five glasses of water per minute. later… Wan: Okay, I just read through every study I could find to try to figure out whether low-grade dehydration is even a real thing. Roku: What did you learn? Wan: If you spend all day doing research and forget to eat or drink, you start to feel pretty bad. Korra: I’ll get some water. Wan: But how many glas–whoa, feeling dizzy. Kuruk: Maybe you should just drink straight from the tap.
Rise of Kyoshi be like: Yangchen: Well, Kyoshi, is there anything you would like to say to Kuruk? Kyoshi: How do I put this delicately? You’re a horrible Avatar and nobody likes you. Yangchen: How about we frame our statement with “When you do this, it makes me feel this”? Kyoshi: When you exist, it makes me angry. Because you’re a horrible Avatar and nobody likes you.
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desnaa · 1 year
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realized that all of aang’s, korra’s, and kyoshi’s father figures and closest mentors were airbenders 😭🥺
it makes sense because i think airbenders are the more kind and gentler spirits whose selfless principles involve knowing how to take care of others and to give so much without expecting anything in return. i think that's why gyatso, tenzin, and kelsang were so effortlessly nurturing: despite these kids being strangers, they offered their love and support to them as if they were family. so it feels very natural that aang, korra, and kyoshi connected with and looked up to them, especially as avatars who strived to be as selfless as their mentors.
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shellomantic · 3 months
the yangvik agenda is getting to me... (wip)
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bluespiritshonour · 2 months
I started Reckoning of Roku against better judgement and I have to say: does ATLA want me to suspend my disbelief a la monarchy or not?
Like, Zuko being crowned Fire Lord was considered to be a good ending—whereas through real world logic, toppling the monarchy would've actually been more egalitarian.
So I've always suspended my disbelief with regards to that—and now Gyatso actually confronts Roku about it. He also says there have never been female Fire Lords and how the word Fire Lord is inherently masculine (so Izumi becoming Fire Lord is actually very real world equivalent of, say, a woman becoming chairman/woman).
But I'm just really hung up about the monarchy aspect of it: because if we were to apply real world logic to it a traumatised 16 yo being crowned a monarch of a post-war nation that should (again, realistically speaking) take years to stabilize is tragic, not happy.
But if I do apply real world logic to ATLA world as Reckoning of Roku wants me to?—then I'd say I LOVE GYATSO!!! HE'S A RIOT!!!YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE WHERE AANG GOT HIS SASS FROM!!!
And everything Gyatso says about class difference and autocratic governments is so correct and valid of him.
He served cunt.
Also, the Air Nomads being accepting of gender fluidity? Amazing.
While I still think gender segregation of the temples wasn't a good thing let's get this straight: victims don't have to be perfect. We can consider it a flaw of Air Nomad society, that is no justification for Sozin going genocidal on them!!! And you know that's not the reason he did for duh 😒 (as if anyone colonises anyone because tHey'Re bAckWArd) It's very similar to how South Asia has a gender segregation culture, but we have very rich trans history. Which, again, in no way means we're free of transphobia. (Although Air Nomads do not feel transphobic from the text) It's nuanced.
As for Fire Nation culture being so militaristic at this point. It makes sense. (I wish I had read Kyoshi novels first so I'd know what Fire Nation was like during her and Rangi's time, especially because ATLA tried to hammer in how Fire Nation has lost a lot of its real essence to imperialism too).
My reading of this is: Sozin didn't just wake up one day and decided to colonise the world. It must have happened gradually, especially the cultural shift. Roku lived on the precipice of the war. He was the reason it didn't break out even earlier. So it makes sense that we see these tendencies in the Fire Nation already: political atmosphere was already shifting. Gyatso sees it too and he doesn't like it. Remember how the Air Nomad council was debating whether to tell Aang he's the Avatar?
Because they anticipated a war was coming.
Another complain I have is Gyatso using language that, say, in a few years Fire Nation is going to use for Air Nomads after they genocided them. Words like ‘backward’ and all. Because everything Gyatso means to say is RIGHT—making him use that language was a wrong writing choice.
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yell0wsalt · 3 months
The range is incredible, really...
On just how well the Order of the White Lotus keeps. on. missing
Shall we talk about the Platinum Affair, Project Unanimity, and them being aware of Yangchen's gift? Can we?
What about the whole "who's really the Avatar fiasco?" when Kyoshi was Avatar?
Then during Aang's era, their goal was allegedly to end the war, but how they claim that when they only showed up at the last minute ???
The war was overall still left up to children ???
They kept Korra in the compound during her developmental years, hindering her freedom and consequentially, her air bending and spiritual side.
Get. It. Together.
bonks all their heads with paper towel rolls
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dartalias · 6 days
Im re reading Rise of Kyoshi again and i just read the talk Lek and Kyoshi have after Xu
Now is the time to stop reading and live in denial for a while
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evilkitten3 · 1 year
literally every avatar is trans. korra used to be aang. roshi used to be kyoshi. kyoshi used to be kuruk. kuruk used to be yangchen.
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mal3vol3nt · 3 months
it can’t be a coincidence that all the air nomad avatars we know of serve so much cunt. like yangchen, aang, and even kyoshi (who’s half air nomad) all received their masters in cuntology from the university of servington
this can’t be a coincidence like their genes are too powerful i fear
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 months
Ngl, at this point I'm starting to think that if an Avatar's name starts with a "K" they are going to have the sloppiest and/or most messed up/questionable love life imaginable. TT0TT
Cause the top three offenders are: Korra, Kuruk, and Kyoshi jasklfdja
I'mma call it the "Kurse" at this rate jfkdasljf TT0TT
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creampuffqueen · 3 months
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Safe Ship, Harbored as The Szeto Fallout Trio
aka i was listening to this song and trying to decide if it fits as a yangchen song (because everything in my brain is about her) and realized it fits perfectly as a song for Yangchen, Kuruk, and Kyoshi
so let’s break it down so y’all can be obsessed with this song like i am
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this opening line is very much what it feels like to Be The Avatar. “wishing upon ourselves?” imagine being the avatar and you’re just a person but at the same time PEOPLE PRAY TO YOU. but you are also a person!!! who else is there to pray to but yourself???
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again, all three of them. yangchen, kuruk, and kyoshi all constantly feeling like frauds as the avatars and like people shouldn’t worship them like they do because they don’t have all the answers
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can be all three, but this part also is Very Kuruk to me. all three of these avatars felt very insecure about their jobs, but kuruk was literally considered a failure by the general public as well
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i hear this line and think about the szeto fallout trio and go actually wild. they all lost so much time and childhood and innocence in their jobs as the avatar!!! they all did so many things they weren’t proud of!!!!
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i largely associate this part with kyoshi and a bit with yangchen. kyoshi with being born into poverty “wasn’t born a safe ship” and yangchen struggling with the burden of avatarhood since childhood
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and this just screams kuruk to me. he sacrificed his life to uphold the legacy of the avatar. there are so many places he never got to see. AGGHHH
in conclusion: listen to this song because it’s so good and think about yangchen, kuruk, and kyoshi while you do it. thank you and goodnight
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hermy-97 · 1 month
random atla hot take: i dont think that all the avatars just talk to each other like inside aangs head or whatever while aang does random stuff since theyre like all the same soul? i think its more like aang can talk to one at a time and he can just switch whenever like in the lion turtle ep
imagining conversations like
aang: kyoshi i have a question
kyoshi: you should prob consider murder
aang: *switches to yangchen* yang-
yangchen: idk what kyoshi said if youre coming to me now but have you considered murder
aang: *screams in pacifist*
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