#about: Sera
spn2006 · 5 months
the fact that eric kripke isn't even christian really adds something to the way christianity is depicted on supernatural. because its really not about being christian at all, but about living in america, a country dominated by christianity, and having to decide for yourself how to handle that. faith is huge in supernatural, and the mythology of the show is very bible-centric, but notably, christ is never there. even sam, who starts out revering the angels, who once said he prays every night, doesn't actually call himself a christian or imply that he believes in jesus--the show is steeped in christianity and biblical lore and yet neither sam nor dean are christians. in fact, over and over again the church itself is depicted as a haunted house that sam and dean will only ever enter as strangers, as outsiders. priests, preachers, faith healers, chapels, crypts, etc. are all just iconography that create an intense sense of unease that sam and dean respond to instantly. as a jew, its very relatable. an essential part of living in america when you're not christian is that exact sense of unease, of knowing that the culture of your country has ensured that you'll get knocked over by christianity no matter where you go, that you'll see hundreds of people truly believing they're good people while doing awful things in the name of their god, and you have no choice but to confront that. kripke gets it
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
So, just curious how many writers and creators will have to be forcibly outed by relentless harassment before we acknowledge that "This queer characters was written by a cishet person and that's why they're bad" is not good criticism.
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froxyisapotato · 4 months
Sir Pentious's death reminds me of something.
In North mythology, warriors that go into battle and die in glory go to Valhalla, which is like heaven. It's a glorious place where fallen warriors can enjoy endless drinks and food. Sir Pentious was a victorious warrior.
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Pentious (probably knowing the consequences) made his last fight a victorious one. It was meant to be comedic, but he still had the intent on protecting his friends and the hotel. He did and died an honorable death.
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Seraphim could also be seen as the Valkyries that lead fallen warriors into Valhalla. Valkyries go to the battlefield and choose who is worthy of entering Valhalla. Sera and Emily probably didn't know he was killed in battle, but Emily is extremely happy to see him. While Sera is extremely shocked.
I'm probably over analyzing this, but the gears in my head keep turning.
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rvdispatch · 1 year
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Welcome to another installment of Dispatch’s bi-weekly update on important news regarding chart placements, music show wins, and other accomplishments from your favorite stars! Click the read-more to find out what’s gone down between January 1-14!
Rewind’s White underperformed as it was released out of season, but still did fairly good numbers
Terra’s Hula Hoop was a shock to fans, as it was more reminiscent of Hi High than it was their more recent sound, but still performed well regardless
Midnite’s Got That Boom topped 5/8 major Realtime Charts
Reign’s Pretty Savage achieved a Perfect All Kill
Venus’ Doughnut was hampered by Pretty Savage’s success, but was a close second on all charts.
Dr Bebe by Juno won on:        -The Show on January 3rd        -Show Champion on January 4th        -M!Countdown on January 5th
Baby I Hate Me Now by Sera won on:        -Inkigayo on January 1st        -Music Core on January 7th
White by Rewind won on:        -Music Bankon January 6th        -Inkigayo on January 8th
Hula Hoop by Terra won on:        -The Show on January 10th        -Show Champion on January 11th
Got That Boom by Midnite won on:        -M!Countdown on January 12th        -Music Bank on January 13th
Pretty Savage by Reign won on:        -Music Core on January 14th
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allykatsart · 3 months
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Missing You Something Terrible
Sera has some complicated feelings on Emily's fall. She's not heartless. Sera knows where Adam is going to strike next extermination, and she loves Emily. Despite it all, she still loves Emily.... so she calls for a cease fire.
Adam is fully convinced he's in the right, meanwhile. Anyone who stands against him is the bad guy, even if they used to be 'good'. However, he's not the one in charge, and he often forgets that...
Commission me!
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shakooo · 2 months
HIIIII GUYS i bring you something different about the onceler skkdjsj this time a small animatic of Hazbin Hotel with one of my favorite songs, i couldn't get this idea out of my head for days and now i was finally able to finish it i hope you like it :33
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420technoblazeit · 4 months
sir pentious showing up in heaven in front of emily and sera is so much funnier when you remember that their only impression of him is when he completely struck out with cherri at the club. they literally only know him as angel's cringefail loser friend with no game
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loserifer · 26 days
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i survived another week under capitalism's thumb. w me. anyway, here's some Tension >:)
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sacchiri · 19 days
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So @lesmismignon wrote a delightfully quirky Hellsing-in-One Piece-universe oneshot that I thought would be really fun to draw (I was right).
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What a lovely crew they would make :')
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lucdoodle · 1 month
(song: Waltz in E-Major, Op. 15 "Moon Waltz" by Cojum Dip)
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carpp · 4 months
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more emilute sketches
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
chaggie worrying about their ascended snake boi like
Charlie: "Vaggie you- I'm saying this with love by the way- you look terrible this morning. Still beautiful! But yikes."
Vaggie: "Thanks sweetie love you too."
Charlie: "Bad night's sleep?"
Vaggie: "More like no night's sleep."
Charlie: "Well you don't HAVE to tell me why, BUT if you WANT to, I'm here to hear it!"
Vaggie: "Babe. That was horrible."
Charlie: "Heh!"
Vaggie: "... ugh this is so stupid... remember how Sir Pentious used to sneak in at night and stand there, watching us while we slept?"
Charlie: "No. But I remember waking up to your spear stuck in the door sometimes, like maybe you'd thrown it in your sleep again."
Vaggie: "It was at him mostly."
Charlie: "And you did it last night, even though he wasn't there..."
Vaggie: "Yeah. Well."
Charlie: "Aww Vaggie! Are you missing him~?"
Vaggie: "Just wondering how he's adjusting to life up there."
(up there)
Sir Pentious: "I wasssssn't trying to be creeepy!!"
Sera: "I woke up to you standing at the foot of my bed. STARING."
Sir Pentious: "Yesss, welll... I have, trusssst isssues..."
Sera: "And now thanks to you, so to I!"
Emily: "Okay- let's all take a deep and calming breath-"
Sir Pentious: "Ssspeaking of- Emily, did you know you ssssnore?"
Emily: "I, excuse me?"
Sir Pentious: "It sssseeemed to be disssturbing your ssssleep. Perhapss you ssshould get it checked out, yess?
Emily: "......"
Emily: (takes a deep, CALMING, breath)
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teddie-bear420 · 4 months
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Emily! You naughty thing heheheh
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More of teddz thoughts and feelings under the cut
So I think Emily is the cutest gal ever, I like her design in the show (kind of… not really) (I just like princess) and I really hope she gets to do girl best friend stuff with Charlie in season two. They are my most vanilla crack ship. (The evil one is Charlie x lute)
So I really like the idea that both Charlie and Emily have very little to no friends, at the start of hazbin Charlie only has vaggie and angel, but gains more friends as the show goes on. She beats people with the power of friendship, music, and this gun she found.
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Note the pastel baby blues, and big ass eyes
Girls is bugs
Emily however, has none, she is socially inept just like charlie and I think they bond over that. And princess x princess is really cute. Like I have them both solid pupils for their innocent personalities and all I can think of is Charlie having 2 angel girlfriends! If Emily ever falls to hell due to her support of Charlie’s dream I am positive that Charlie will catch her in her arms,
Hrmmmm I think Charlie would start dressing to look masculine so she could impress Emily. Gay prince and princess!! Yesssss.
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Emily x lute is cute too, a princess and her knight in shining armor, though I can also see tha angst that comes with lute. Like lute can pretend to be this chivalrous knight that saves the princess but her betrayal of vaggie keeps pushing itself to the surface and she starts going a little crazy!
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Idk if there’s a vaggie x Emily swing to this maybe I’ll think of something
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rvdispatch · 1 year
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DECEMBER 18 - Juno Make Last Comeback of 2022 With Dr Bebe
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DECEMBER 21 - Rewind Celebrate The Season With Christmasssy
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DECEMBER 26 - Iris’ Sera Has Emotional End-Of-Year Revelations With Comeback Baby I Hate Me Now
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thenameisgul · 18 days
Holy shit the conventions after season 6 and when the cast had only read the first few episodes and Castiel was dead dead are sooooo awkwarddddd
Misha is like I’ll be polite and hilarious but you killed me so idgaf
Fans keep asking about Castiel and how much we’re gonna see him and how’s his story gonna go
Sera keeps trying to justify killing him off without actually saying anything
And Jensen is just pissed that they’re killing off his and dean’s bestfriend 😂
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catboy-bride · 1 year
realized that even after luis shoots the knife away from krauser he doesn't lower his gun... like even though literally takes all of his strength to stay upright he has to ensure that leon is no longer in danger before he collapses.
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