#absolutely insane I cannot believe they did that. IT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE???? LIKE
housewifebuck · 11 months
I love the show too and usually I can watch it, but some episodes. There's a firefighter on tiktok who has talked about how the emergencies would actually be handled. My favorite is when they do the whole poking the ceiling with a sharp stick to try and find the brother stuck in the attic, lol.
that scene literally made me froth with rage
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bobosbillionsknives · 2 months
(not shipping content)
It's one of my biggest headcanons ever that Vash does NOOOT like his birthday dude I just can't believe it...Knives however. Biggest birthday enjoyer ever. He is the special birthday boy. 🤗🤗🤗
Knives usually leaves Vash alone but Vash KNOWS Knives is going to make an effort to show up on their birthday and it stresses him out so bad. Especially if the July incident was on their birthday...that would leave horrible memories for him. 😭 Not to mention how painful remembering his first birthday with Rem would be. Plus Knives would act so bitchy about it like wooow dont even want to see your own brother on your birthday wow. I get it I'm just the worst ever ..🥀 Vash would be so over it.
I feel so strongly that Vash is the introvert while Knives is the extrovert. Knives self isolates out of fear and disgust of humans but he secretly thrives while talking to others. Especially if they have strong opinions he can argue against (definitely a debate bro). If Knives had a normal childhood he would've loved big crowds, he has absolutely no social awareness or shame . Or filter. He'd talk to anyone who'd listen. Knives drives himself absolutely insane with his own isolation. All he really wants is social connection, something he's convinced himself is impossible with humans. That's why he's so fixated on getting Vash to stay, he feels Vash is the only person he can actually talk to. Vash on the other hand, would do anything for 5 minutes alone. He is constantly pushing away Milly, Meryl, and even Wolfwood. He cannot let anyone know him beyond his silly guy persona. He especially doesn't like being celebrated (doesn't think he deserves it. 😂😂😂) He is constantly trying to skip out on the parties towns people throw for him, leaving without saying goodbye. (He does like getting drunk tho...makes talking easier) He'd never EVER share his birthday with anyone. Especially not Wolfwood or the girls. Knives however, would tell EVERYONE !!! (like how the entire Gung Ho Gun knew Knives had a brother, but Meryl had no idea Vash did. I think Knives loves talking about himself and his tragic past, painting himself as the forever victim to absolutely anyone who'd listen. To Vashes absolute horror 😭.) Vash is constantly drained from forcing himself to perform socially. He loves people and talking to them but he just needs like. 8 hours of alone time to properly function. That's why he gets so bitchy with everyone sometimes lol. She just needs a naaaaap omg 🤦‍♂️. But he feels guilty for being snippy and tired so he'll force himself to be social anyway. Which makes it worse. Love hiiim !!!! 😍 Either way they're both hurting themselves when they behave like this.
Knives is definitely the yapper while Vash just listens. I feel like Vash would appreciate not having that pressure to constantly respond. Even if Knives can be overbearing, I do think they enjoy each other's company. When they aren't... trying to murder each other. Nobody knows him like Knives does, it would almost be relieving not having to pretend to be happy all the time. He can perfectly morally justify being as mean to Knives as he wants to be !! And he wouldn't admit it, but he does enjoy listening to Knives complain about nothing. He thinks it's funny. Knives is just happy to be with someone he's deemed worthy of his time. He views Vash as his equal, someone he actually trusts to confide in. They are the opposite and also the same in every way life is so beautiful I love these guys.
It would also just be such a cute subversion of audience expectation if Knives, the self proclaimed people hater, was a people person. I think that's sooo interesting and makes so much sense with the context of his desperation for the approval of humans when he was a child. I think kid Knives would've tried to argue that celebrating something everyone goes through is pointless, but would love all the attention anyway. Even be a bit resentful that it was Vashes birthday too if he didn't seem to appreciate the attention as much. As he got older hed mellow out and warm up to the idea of having a birthday and sharing it. Mostly as an excuse to talk to Vash and make everything about himself again. Lol. Plus I think he likes organizing parties. His dream is to have that sweet 16 fantasy the humans in the old world used to have. He actually wants to be normal is the thing. They both do.
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teecupangel · 2 months
Hi! I really enjoy your Desmond gets turned into random creatures, and I was wondering if you've done a sphinx? I have a sphinx Desmond, and a very loose plot idea. Instead of dying from the apple, it turns him into a sphinx, and now he's stuck in a lion's body, disoriented, in pain, probably a lot of dissociation because everything is just so wrong. And he isn't exactly small, so Shaun, Bill and Becks have to hide this giant creature and it's a struggle because he can't really move properly and he's heavy so they take way longer than they'd like to get him out of the temple before abstergo gets there.
I think the artifact also affected his mind in a way that, he has the sixth sense, knowledge I think? So he can access an insane amount of isu knowledge, but he can't quite control it, and it causes him massive migraines when he tries to dig for it.
On the other side, sometimes he'll just correct things people say randomly, without even thinking about it, then he just pauses and frowns like "how do i know this?"
you can do time travel with him and interactions with ancestors and such, i just wanna know your take on a sphinx Desmond :3
Oooohhh, I love your sphinx Desmond so much. I’m kinda imagining that he doesn’t really like riddles. Tried them more than once but he just gets a headache and wished people would stop being cryptic.
So he absolutely hate the curse inflicted upon him:
Whenever anyone asks him a question he himself does not know but he ‘knows’ via Isu bs, he’s forced to ask a riddle that must be answered correctly before he could access the answer.
He can try and force it, of course, but he’ll get a growing headache the more time he spent trying to understand it. So yeah, it’s honestly better if people just answer his riddle.
And Desmond’s ‘criteria’ for correct answers isn’t just one specific answer.
To be more exact, Desmond’s affinity to someone makes it ‘easier’ for them to give bullshit answer.
For example:
Rauf definitely needs to answer correctly the riddle given to him but Desmond would be able to give him a riddle that wasn’t that difficult.
Malik gets super difficult riddles because Desmond totally believe there is not a single riddle Malik cannot solve.
But someone like Altaïr?
Desmond could ask something like “what is better when broken?”
And Altaïr could answer with some shit like “a Templar’s neck”
They’d stare at each other for a moment before Desmond a cat-like shrug and go “Yeah, sounds about right.”
While Desmond is explaining the topic that caused his riddle trait to trigger, everybody else is just staring at Altaïr because the favoritism is so blatant it’s ridiculous.
Unorganized Notes:
It took a while before Desmond could get used to his new body. The first few days were the worst. His human experience did not mesh well with his sphinx instincts but it got better the more he realized that, yes, this is his new body now and he has to accept that.
Once he got used to his body, he liked to take naps where there’s warm sunlight or in freshly dried laundry.
When he stretches (like a cat), his wings flutter and shake slightly.
When someone annoys him but he doesn't feel the desire to maul them, he sits on them.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE *  assorted (and slightly adapted to suit this meme format) dialogue from the book by casey mcquiston, adjust as necessary
on purpose. i love him on purpose.
i've always thought of myself as a problem that deserved to stay hidden.
i'm going to have you offed. you'll never see it coming.
take anything you want and know you deserve to have it.
get in there.
you're literally putting your dick in the leader of a foreign state.
before you, i was all right letting everything happen to me.
i can't believe even mortal peril will not prevent you from being the way you are.
sorry, are we not? did i skip ahead again?
you've been warned.
he died as he lived: avoiding plans and sucking cock.
my life is a cosmic joke and you're not a real person.
hey, have i told you lately that you're brave?
i honestly have never thought i deserved to choose.
we're gonna make it work. you and me and history, remember?
if you finish that sentence, i'm gonna spend tonight in jail.
but the truth is, also, simply this: love is indomitable.
i actively wish for the sweet release of death.
yes, good, carry on.
i won't hear a word against it.
we're gonna do it together.
i said you look great, baby!
i meet you in every dream, and when i wake i cannot close my eyes again for ruminating on your sweetness.
i'm so in love i could die.
you can take your legacy and your decorum and you can shove it up your fucking arse.
i wonder if it's too late to swan dive off the roof.
i'm learning all your hidden depths today, sweetheart.
you must invent an entirely new system.
a curious thing about grief is the way it takes your entire life, all those foundational years that made you who you are, and makes them so painful to look back on.
he's proof that it doesn't matter where you come from or who your family is.
i've bloody well had it!
we can unpack the ironic symbolism later.
that's beyond our sense of decorum!
i'm not afraid of anything i feel. i'm afraid of saying it. i'm only afraid of what happens when i do.
aw, you do care.
if there's any legacy for me on this earth, i want it to be true.
straight people probably don't spend this much time convincing themselves that they're straight.
the moment you first called me a prick, my fate was sealed.
you are the absolute worst idea i've ever had.
should i tell you that when we're apart, your body comes back to me in dreams?
can you perhaps stop putting your sodding life in danger now?
what are we even defending here?
history will remember us.
when i sleep, i see you.
i hate this so much.
every person who bears a legacy makes the choice of a partner with whom they will share it with.
we're just gonna fucking fight.
he is my choice.
i can appreciate that maybe this isn't your fault.
i've been gay as a maypole since the day i came out of mom.
when i wake up in the morning, it feels like i've just been with you.
i can feel your skin against mine, and it makes every bone in my body ache.
your spine's a ridge i'd die climbing.
for a few moments, i can hold my breath and be back there with you, in a dream, in a thousand rooms, nowhere at all.
the phrase 'see attached bibliography' is the single sexiest thing you have ever written me.
i promise you, one day we'll be able to just be, and fuck everyone else.
give yourself away sometimes, sweetheart. there's so much of you.
i want to set myself on fire, but i can't afford for anyone to see me burn.
you see, for me, memories are difficult.
never tell me the odds.
i wish there weren't a wall.
jesus christ, it's like they can see into your soul.
you're it, okay? i'm never gonna love anybody in the world like i love you.
i'm finished. i don't care.
god, i want to fight everyone who's ever hurt you.
the whole world watched, and history remembered.
are you quite finished?
just so we're clear. i'm about to have sex with you in this storage closet to spite your family.
you insane, hopeless romantic little shit.
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novakaiserart · 5 months
Rebirth Broke Me
i jusr finished rebirth and oh man i fucking love this game, it embellished the relationships between every character to well. worked on the plot so naturally and beautifully. i especially love how much they portrayed aerith and tifa, gave yuffie more of a connection to the group. i also adore how they explored the gi story and made it so much more relevant. i love how they worked out barret's struggles. absolutely in love with vincent, but i always did so lol. i saw some people complaining about cid, but imo i think he's putting up a good guy front just so he doesn't lose any business after his attempt at being a shinra pilot failed. i fully expect them to cover his story in part 3 and explore it more like they did with everyone else. im soooo happy we got to see cissnei, but so sad aerith and her didnt speak of zack :(. it's also cool we got to see some midgarian faces again even after the crew left. the trials had me actually crying, it was stunning. they really cooked
i was very confused with chapter 14 until I reached the end, but it makes sense to me. spoiler warning ahead ofc i believe aerith died. i also believe cloud is incapable of coping with the fact that she's dead, so he sees her still present with them. but i also believe she won't stay dead either, i think she was really there with cloud when they fought sephiroth. her line of "i'll pray to stop the meteor" tells me she'll come back. being a cetra and all, i think she'll find a way to return to the earth through the lifestream
my leading theory for the trajectory of the games currently goes as following; i believe that sephiroth went back in time to when it all started (crisis core time) in the hopes of changing how events played out, my biggest proof of this is his attempt at killing barret in remake and tifa in rebirth. he underestimated them in the og timeline and only took out aerith as he viewed her as the only threat, but he needs the others out the picture too sooner than later. especially tifa. hence why he constantly gaslights cloud about her being a fake or not being trustable; she's the only one that can help him put his mind back together. without her, cloud will always view the world through clouded lenses. but one thing changed about my theory with the whispers now being white and black; aerith followed him to stop him. she sacrificed her memory and recollections of events to make it back. the whispers were sephiroth and aerith's will fighting to keep the timeline intact, but they evolved and split into two factions. i also think aerith's white materia being hollowed out has something to do with that. i think she saw what he was up to from the lifestream (since shes dead in og timeline), sacrificed her memories to stop him once and for all. for a while i thought aerith was the one going back, but it wouldnt make much sense for her to undo what they did just to save herself and zack. it's possible this is an entirely different sephiroth, but i believe it's the one from the og timeline trying to reunite every world possible to make sure he wins everywhere.
it's hard to say for sure whats going on and we're only going to know once part 3 drops, but i know one thing for sure. neither cloud nor sephiroth are relliable narrators and their interpretation cannot be trusted. cloud's mind is still scattered, he's divided between denial and obedience to sephiroth. anything he says cannot be trusted. sephiroth is bad shit insane, he only accepts his view of the world. his vision is the only valid one, therefore what he says cannot be taken as matter of fact.
one final footnote i want to comment on is the "date" aerith and cloud had. yes, im a big cloti and aerti fan. also believe zack is the only right person for aerith, so maybe im coping but idc lol. i think it was all a dream or at least an altered vision of events. i firmly believe aerith still loves zack. she wrote to him for 4 years while he was taking a mako bath, waited for him endlessly day and night. she loved him dearly. but aerith is also one hell of a loyal person. i doubt she would ever be able to brush off zack like that. she also doesn't know if he died in the remake timeline. i think she projected her love for zack onto cloud; to relive the happiness she found with him one last time. she's been holding on to her grief for years, she still thinks about him. he dropped in one day into her life so suddenly and changed it for the better. as did she for him. he vanished the same way she found him. so when another soldier falls into her life the same way, carries the same sword as him, has similar mannerisms, reminds her so much of the man who she fell in love with; can we really blame her for wanting an escape of how much sadness she felt from zack being gone? i also dont believe for a second she used cloud to feel better about herself, i think she just wanted to feel the love he showed her again before she had to pass on. but cloud isn't zack, cloud could never love her the way zack did. aerith grew up without any real friends, no one that accepted her for being her. everyone viewed her as different or weird; but not zack. he was the first person to show her genuine care (besides her mothers). she misses him, as much as she's happy with all her new friends who also accept her for her; she wishes he was there too. i also don't believe that the real cloud has any romantic feelings for aerith. again, he took on the life of zack in his head. he feels drawn to her because of how much zack loved her.
it's really such a tragic story full of nuance and hurt. i noticed that zack and tifa are great parallels; both of them are the only ones truly capable of reaching inwards towards their respective partner. zack understood aerith much better than cloud ever could. tifa can touch cloud in a way no one could. but that doesn't negate the fact that cloud cares for all of them just as much. they all mean a lot to him and he means a lot to them.
also really appreciate how the devs still kept the canonity of tifa and cloud, but also gave the chance to fans of other pairings to be happy with the outcome and choose their path. its always been a divisive thing in the ff7 fandom, so its cool of them to try and make everyone happy
overall, im super excited for part 3 and i think i might recover from this by the time it comes out
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eemcintyre · 6 months
"Seawolf: The Pirate's Curse" (2005) review
Surprisingly, honestly... why did I enjoy this? I guess after a couple of major misses for me in the form of "The Kidnapping" and "Beyond Forgiveness", my expectations were appropriately low, but this one actually had some likable characters and humor, and that always manages to rope me in. I have a soft spot for fun, silly action fare like this bc of childhood shows like "The Greatest American Hero", I think.
So, the title never makes any sense... what was it supposed to mean? what curse?
First and foremost, I must say TIG is looking oh-so-very pretty and rugged here- the necklaces, the bandanas, the curly-q hair, the tank tops, the sweaty, the ARMMMSSSS 😩
Initially had absolutely no clue what was going on in the beginning; a bunch of people with weird ass outfits in the dark and I was just like please no don't let that be him in the damn fucking cape and eyepatch and o n e l e g; I was like he can't possibly have one leg the whole time, right?? 🤨
But yeah I was definitely experiencing the "dear God what did I get myself into, cheers to another awful mess" 🫡🥂
Why does half the audio sound dubbed (particularly everything that comes out of Rachel's mouth)? Also props to Rachel for being the most emotionally unaffected person ever bc her reactions were so disproportionately calm to what would happen if my bf was constantly disappearing overseas and totaled my gorgeous pink car
We're getting some very Max Parrish-type hooting and hollering up in here; a concise summary of Thorpe is that he's basically if Max had a boat and was an alcoholic instead of a drug addict
We get another hallmark of TIG's movies with a slew of incredibly cringe one-liners that elicit a physical reaction of pain from me, but for every few there was actually a genuinely funny one here and there, so I'll allow it this time...
The whole "I'm a pirate, my father was a pirate, etc." speech had me ROLLING and NOT IN THE WAY THE WRITERS INTENDED I THINK BC HUH??
When he met Helene in that random room full of paintings I was sure we were supposed to take it that the mission was smth art theft-related. but no she just has a passion for maximalist design ig.
Why does the camera get randomly shaky for no reason? Very avant-garde of them
Am I the only one who thinks that Carlos looks like a Walmart George Clooney? Someone else pls tell me I'm not insane
Always throws me off-guard but it's such fun to see TIG in an uncharacteristically light scene like the one where he's dancing in the parade and surrounded by the circle of dancers in the bar. At least he seemed like he was having a good time in this movie 🎉
Ramon and his lil book and the bar scene of Thorpe and Helene drunkenly arguing w each other and sitting on the side of the road was what really started to sell me
Plus I cannot go without mentioning my appreciation for the way he was holding her knee 👀💕
Love how he spends the majority of this movie just dressed like someone's hot dad who works out, in his cargo shorts, tank top and goatee- oH WAIT IT'S BC HE IS A HOT DAD WHO WORKS OUT IN REAL LIFE
Love how Carlos and all the other villains are devoid of personality or motive except for ~money~, like "the Colonel" doesn't even have a name!!!
Was genuinely stressed that my boy was going to clock himself in the head when he was swinging that rope trying to scale that building
When Helene straight-up PUNCHED HER SISTER IN THE FACE like these ladies have some beef and I need to know where it stems from
This film is another great example of TIG's grossly underutilized comedic potential- a là the map reading scene
Hilarious how Carlos just shrugs like "I don't care, whatever I guess" when who he believes to be Marlena says she wants to say a dramatic goodbye to Thorpe
Ok but how did he not die?? Thank goodness but how??
Even more hilarious how the Colonel, who has had nothing but hatred and murderous intent for Thorpe throughout, is just so touched by Thorpe's being a ✨ big softie with morals ✨ that his vengeful compulsions are soothed and he's content with taking the gold like "hey bro, we're square now <3" and just fuckin walks away
Good on them for giving the treasure back to Mexico
Was legit concerned for too long there that they weren't actually going to end up together and I was screeching
Honestly, I think they could have leaned even more into the humorous aspect and the treasure hunt part of the film; made it a bit more of a National Treasure/Indiana Jones sort of thing, and I definitely would have liked some more character development, esp. for the sidekicks and villains, but overall, I award this film an unexpected 6/10. I had a good time 🙃🩷
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seldaryne · 7 months
overall i think i enjoy the multiple protag au stuff even if it's making me go back and forth on some of my preferred worldstate choices.
however, it also kind of makes that decision for me in some areas i think?
in general, the characters i've ran so far & have been the loudest in my head, don't neglect that part lmfao have tended to stray more to the side of letting shadowheart's parents die in her personal quest. she's ended up leaving shar each time, yeah, but that's been consistent. with haelryne, she felt so weird about overstepping like that. her personal relationship with her parents is... pretty fine? but as a general rule i think she's someone who leans towards a more hands-off approach with everyone's choices. yes, she's got opinions & will voice them if appropriate, but she's acutely aware that it's Not her or her life & she doesn't entirely trust that she can have some of those opinions with her context as an outsider. she's not part of that family, how is she supposed to form a rebuttal when they ask shadowheart to let them die?
velrith is kind of the same, except oh my God the choice paralysis in this moment. absolutely insane. because up until then she's been relying heavily on her oath & if not that, pure pragmatism. usually a combination of the two. but this feels like a no-win situation to her & it's not one that's covered by either of her typical decision-making mechanisms. she's also personally just got a lot of baggage surrounding family, despite not remembering it actively or being aware of it (something about cell memory or stains on the soul, take your pick). she also feels deeply out of her element here & can't even begin wrapping her head around a choice like this. because letting the die for the sake of freeing her friend from shar makes sense to her! they're telling shadowheart to do it & it seems to come from a place of love, she can see that her mother is actively deteriorating, and it also takes care of that wound on her hand. but she doubts herself, because she can also see how emotionally taxing this is even if she lacks that frame of personal reference & that feels bad. maybe the logical choice on paper isn't actually What she should allow here, even if it seems to be better on an individual level...? she killed her parents, even if it was compelled out of her. she doesn't think this should be up to her & ultimately finds that she's unable to say anything at all.
and then tertiary to all that, you have ashlanna, who is Fully acting on a selfish impulse when she's like '??? are you serious? get them Down we can solve your hand later, i refuse to believe there isn't a loophole & it's not worth letting them go after everything in your life you've suffered.' like. she loves shadowheart & yes she is notably vain & selfish and doesn't apologize for this, but she's also surprisingly family-oriented. she loves her own father so damn much & wouldn't hesitate or feel the need to ask the audience if she were in shadowheart's position. it seems like a no-brainer & i honestly can't see her being able to keep quiet while this conversation was happening. unlike the others, she's not hung up on making choices for other people; she runs theatrical productions on a regular basis. if she's not in charge, she's probably incapacitated because other people simply Cannot get anything right, not without heavy guidance from her anyway. which absolutely Can get annoying at times & i think there's probably also a part of shadowheart that's even miffed in the moment but also like. thank god for Someone at least feeling an appropriate amount of 'what the Fuck?' towards the whole thing & sure yeah maybe she's smug about what she did but it's coming from a loving place.
so i think yeah this is definitely something that changes wildly depending on who's there. sometimes you need your unhinged theatre girlfriend to cut you off mid-sentence to shake you out of your emotional ruminating, consequences of your actions be damned.
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earthgrudgefear · 8 months
hidan!!! for the ask game
YES right to it
obviously this is going to be a long post
you've been warned !
favorite thing about them: oh man. i think he's a really unique character. he's only like 2% justified in his anger and he makes it everyone else's problem. he's never depicted as anything BUT evil. the shinobi world is insane right? toddlers are raised as soldiers the second they can hold a knife. and so was he, no different from the rest of them. and the series Doesn't like to push that blame onto people, really early on you hear about all the awful things zabuza did and at the end of their battle he still dies as a respectable shinobi. BUT from start to end with hidan he is ONLY bad. he's doing this for FUN he's not doing it for a mission, he's not doing it because he needs to do it to survive like it was NEVER in question that this guy is JUST EVIL. but you CAN find these human sides to him. he has a Real bond with kakuzu, like they Actually are concerned for each other. in Akatsuki Hiden he meets a kid and he forms a bond with That Kid to the point of giving him funeral rites (burial rites?) when he dies. not as a sacrifice but as someone he cared about. when his village turned on him and he felt REAL betrayal. if he didn't care about them to some extent, he wouldn't still be mad about it. it's just FASCINATING.
least favorite thing about them: i don't even think there's anything i don't like about him. he's so fucking annoying and if i had to deal with him i'd try to kill him too BUT because i don't have to deal with him he's my best friend i like him SO much
favorite line: to be so transparent i like when he's picking on kakuzu for keeping the headband for him.
AND if i can use the book - i like this, it's less about the line itself but more about the repetition of it. like this is how they start every fight and i just think that's delightful
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brOTP: y'all already know it's kisame. my defense for this has absolutely no basis in their interactions because honestly? kisame doesn't care for him too much. HOWEVER kisame is the easiest akatsuki member to get along with and hidan is basically impossible to get along with. i think it's a good match.
OTP: kakuhida, motherfuckers. they're everything to me. they were on screen for all of three seconds and i already knew that was it. i haven't been normal about them since. and they're canon as far as i'm concerned. stated or not they were Something.
nOTP: k*nan (sorry for censoring you name queen i don't want it to be searchable) i have such a Visceral reaction to them together i Cannot stand it. their characterization is so BUTCHERED for that ship that they become Unrecognizable. and i don't fucking get it like ??? yes they're both hot PICK ANYONE ELSE. also shipping him with any of the kids. like. that's not cute. he's young but he's not that young also holy shit they don't deserve that anyway
random headcanon: i probably mentioned this somewhere before and it's so easy but i think his favorite color's pink. like red sure because i mean look at him but also. Pink. i like pink for him.
unpopular opinion: i've touched on this before i don't think jashinism is real. i think he made it up and i think maybe he's convinced himself it's real. but i don't think there is a single other person who's ever heard of or tried to join the religion before. there's the kid i mentioned from the book but he learned straight from hidan, and then goddamned ryuki from boruto who i swear to God the writers wanted him to literally be hidan but they weren't allowed. neither of which really compel me to believe it. it just doesn't make tons of sense
song i associate with them: ouuh choke on one another death spells. that's been a big one recently
favorite picture of them:
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favorite's a big word but i had this one saved to my phone which is probably good enough
OKAY 10000 points if you made it to the end you win idk what you win but you win
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roalinda · 1 year
good day! hope you're doing fine! canon gave us prongsfoot shippers little, but my god the quality… today i'm fixated on how Sirius was gushing about James. Something so simple and raw about it. 'You fly as well as your father did, Harry' he said in Shrieking Shack about only highlight of that mad post-Azkaban year. He reminiscented with affection how James used to mess up his hair [while Harry was angsting about swm honestly the timing]. 🤦😅 [1/2]
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Hi anon! 
I'm doing fine. 😊 and prongsfoot asks always makes my day shine brighter. ♡ 
You are absolutely right! I don't want to sound biased or anything (because what I'm going to say is a simple reality) but the only pairing that actually makes sense for Sirius or for James (not taking Jily which is canon into account here) is prongsfoot a.k.a themselves. I have never understood the point or the logic of lots of other James or Sirius fanon pairings. True, prongsfoot is fanon as well but it is - oh, come on, of course they were together! - kind of fanon based on what we get in the book. If one doesn't ship them romantically, the platonic soul mate love is undeniable. Problem is that a lot of people ignore canon as if it doesn't exist in favour of works like ATYD (which I respect the writer and the people who enjoy it of course) or somehow just make up random excuses about James and Sirius' relationship. I don't want to start a ship war or anything here, so I guess I should stop ranting about it. I understand that it's a fictional world, so ships can exist with the policy of - what if - in shipping but to be honest these what ifs have become kind of ridiculous.
Sorry, I strayed from the topic. Canon gave us little quantity but a great quality, not to mention Sirius always mentioning James' name in every topic that comes up, from quidditch to bravery (probably even James' tooth paste flavour behind the scenes). 
Sirius is one awesome character. He was so passionate, so full of life, so bright and it was stolen from him all in one night. I believe a part of him died with James for good. A part that even if he was a free man would remain dead. Some may think it was rash of him to go after Peter, seeking revenge but I think he did the most logical thing, (may or may not on purpose). Yes, he was angry and vengeful to the point of insanity but if he had managed to catch Peter, it would prove his innocence. But I believe the most painful part of this tragedy is that James Potter and Sirius Black, the ones who Peter always hid behind them and were the strongest pillars of the marauders, fell by the hands of the one they put their trust into. The guilt is more suffocating for Sirius because James kept wanting him. He wanted Sirius to have his life in his hands and only agreed to switch the secret keepers because Sirius said so. 
James trusted Sirius with his life, literally and practically. Not only his own life, but his wife and son's life as well. He was putty and trusting in Sirius' hands, and I believe if Sirius was in James' situation, he would trust no one but James and his words as well. This is the broken part inside Sirius or at least one of them. To me, he was in a self-induced guilty coma all the while in Azkaban, trying to keep himself sane until he saw the danger which burned him awake to get to his godson.
He is so proud of Harry, of the way he flies, of how brave he is, how similar he is to James. Molly Weasley (and others) can say whatever they want, Sirius doesn't see Harry as James though. It is disrespectful to what he shared with James. Sirius is sarcastic and cruel and arrogant, but not to the people whom he holds dear. He has a heart of gold with them. I cannot help but to feel really emotional over the first time he saw Harry ( when he was angrily leaving his aunt's house ) and then remembering how it was similar to the way he ran to James' arms house. Like imagine the comfort he found there. The home he found there with James. They would watch the stars together and Sirius would talk about ancient astronomy while James would come up with the strangest yet the most complicated magical theories based on them, something like turning Slytherin's common room golden and red under Venus' orbit; an essay or the runes macabre.
If Sirius remained the secret keeper and died for James, I think it would drive James insane with grief as well because he too would blame himself. The fandom is going to obliterate me for this, but maybe he did agree to switch secret keepers to keep Sirius safe. James was a kind soul who cared for all his friends but Sirius was just another level. Sirius was half of his soul and we all know that James can be arrogant and self-centred (affectionate) . It is just a very cruel HC of mine though. But he didn't know that he sacrificed and crushed Sirius' soul in the process.  (as I said HC ) 
But beyond the veil he stands, after years of watching Sirius from afar and longing, and receives Sirius into his arms as he sobs along with him, both asking for the other's forgiveness.
Sorry for the dramatic last part and thank you for the ask. ♡
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wordtotherose · 11 months
"Stop walking away from me!" Elizia takes a deep breath, doesn't close her eyes or frown or furrow her brow, she stays perfectly still. "Listen to me for Hell's sake and stop lying. You aren't fine and frankly, if you couldn't tell, neither am I."
Astarion is a breath away from her face, fists in her nightshirt, holding her close without a care for the pull of the collar around her neck. His breath smells of wine, the bad stuff he only drinks when he's upset. And right now, he's furious. Incandescent with his rage. She cannot show how much his wrathful accusations hurt her, because he will fold into himself, he will crumple and this conversation won't have a chance in hell of progressing. It needs to happen, she knows it does, she's been putting it off and throwing herself into everything and anything to avoid talking to him. Because it's insane, what she's dealing with, absolutely batshit insane and if he doesn't question her sanity after she tells him then…then…well, then she won't know what to do. And that's terrifying. Far scarier than the vampire threatening her. Letting him win is the only way forward or they will be back to where they've been for the past however many days since they moved into this house. It's not yet a home, maybe one morning soon she will wake up and it will feel safe, it will feel like a refuge from the world and all its problems. It doesn't yet. It certainly won't if this is how they're going to be the entire time living under the same roof. And whilst it is entirely her fault right now, she wouldn't lie to him. She is fine enough.
"Astarion," she keeps her voice level, tone as clear of judgment as she can manage in this situation, "I am not lying to you."
He shakes her harshly before pushing her away with an aching look of disgust. "I don't understand, Tavaril. I cannot see what it is I have done between then and now, maybe it's just time. Maybe you've just finally realised the- the reality of chaining yourself to a vampire. An, in your defense in this, admittedly messed up vampire spawn. It makes sense. After all, this cannot be what you want. This perversion of a life. You are miserable, it hasn't escaped my notice that you can't stand to be in the same room as me let alone look at me or, gods forbid, touch me! This is the first time I've seen you in three days, Tav, and you're already leaving again."
Continue Reading on AO3 or under the cut.
He stops abruptly when she flinches, dismay breaking through her mask. He only calls her that when talking about her to the others. It is always, always an endearment or the full versions of her names when speaking to her directly. Never Tav. Not once since they met. She can't get herself together again quick enough to say something before he's back on his roll.
"What?" He snaps. "The truth not meeting your expectations? Lie to yourself, Tav, but don't you dare lie to me, I've had enough of that in my life. I know you're still not sleeping, I can hear you through the wall and yet you make me listen unable to do anything to help. You say you are 'fine' and you send me away. What changed? What did I fucking do? I thought- Gods! I honestly let myself believe you when you said you wanted to live with me, that you wanted our future. Together. But no. Of course not. Why wait until now? Why now, after everything?"
"I haven't lied to you," she repeats, knocked off balance by just how bad she has let it get, just how much she has hurt him, and, because she can barely find the courage to look at him with the guilt on her shoulders, she falls back on cursed old habits. "Astarion, my love, I have been busy, too busy, and I am sorry about that but can't we just-"
"Busy? Busy? With what, Tav? What could there possibly be left to do? What is more important than even just saying a gods damned cordial hello in passing? You know Gale came by trying to find you earlier? 'Where's Tav?' He asked and I looked like a fucking idiot without a clue because my own lover won't look at me let alone talk to me. 'Apologies, Gale, I haven't the faintest idea where Tav is-!' He was sympathetic, he was pitying, do you have any idea how mortifying that was? He's going to ask about it, Tav, at-"
"Stop it!" The shout is nearly a scream of frustration and she cannot regret it even when he looks feral in his own damned vindication in getting a rise out of her, she's playing right into his hand; deep down, she's grateful that he can do this, that he isn't afraid to do this. "Stop fucking calling me that. You never call me that. I'm sorry I've not been around, okay? I miss you, I miss you, you fucking idiot, but I have been trying to process the fact I died and that I have nothing left! I just keep losing everything. Not for one second have I wanted this, you're right, I have imprisoned you in this house and I- I have nothing left… nothing to give you, no leads to follow, nothing but my own trauma and my own gods damned ghosts. Can you honestly say this is what you signed up for? To have to look after me when I cannot think, when I cannot even get out of bed because of the pain? In the space of so many months I have lost everything I had. I- You all were a family to me, you became everything, I would have done anything for any of you and now where are they? I'm alone, again. And I didn't even get to say goodbye."
She squeezes her eyes shut against the prickling of tears, hides in her hands and drops into a crouch right there on their upstairs landing outside their bedroom doors. Breathe. Breathe. Just breathe.
"Nothing." Astarion's echo of her is empty, cold as the void of the Astral Plain. "Well. At least you're not pretending anymore, I suppose."
She scratches her fingers into her hair, forehead to her knees, and digs in with her nails to the short hairs that are doing a horrendous job at growing back. She honestly has forgotten about the sensitive scars until they sting and she's already letting go but Astarion is faster. He's on her in an instant, yanking her wrists away in a vice grip as he holds them to his chest. She glares up at him as he crowds over her, lips pulled back over his fangs in a snarl.
"Stop it, you fool!" Astarion yanks her into the curve of his body, twisting her to wrap his arms tight around her, back to his chest, wrists pinned to her own chest now in a cross.
She grunts and kicks her legs out in front of her, wriggling to try and break free but he has no problem holding on. He continues growling into her ear telling her to stop, to relax, to get it together. There's been moments, like this, since she woke up with half a brain still mush and a body lethargic no matter how much she sleeps. Moments when she cannot do it, this thing called coping or living or surviving, when she's fighting for her life on a brain above the sea again. When she wants it to just stop and that means winning the fight. Sometimes it's darker. A desire heavy and thick like wading through treacle in her mind as she craves and end to sensation, no more thoughts, no more arguing, no more having to try because if she doesn't try then who is going to try for her? No one. No one will. No one ever has.
Astarion is normally softer, more patient, gentler when he has to hold her still. Normally the words he repeats are comforting promises of peace. Normally he isn't accusing her of getting bored of him, of wanting to leave him. Normally…normally she trusts him not to leave her in the aftermath.
"Let me go, Astarion, let me go, please, if you're going to do this then just go, I don't want to do this to you, to us. If you want to go it's okay, I promise, it's okay, you can just tell me. Please just tell me," she begs, chin to her chest.
He exhales heavily and it flows through her. "You know I hate being the sensible one but since you're not stepping up, I guess you leave me no choice."
A sob escapes her as his chin drops onto the top of her head, at the start of her scars.
"When did you last sleep?"
It's not what she expects. Maybe that's why she tells him the truth.
"I can't."
"Right. And where have you been?"
Another sob. "I- it's stupid-"
"Tavaril," the edge is back in his voice, she buckles instantly.
"I can't find his grave," she cries, shaking in his hold as he settles more comfortably around her, legs cradling around her own; he starts to rock them ever so gently back and forth, like she does for him after a nightmare or memory. "I don't remember where they said they would bury him, I didn't go, I didn't- I didn't and all I could see when- when I was dying was him and he's lost. He's lost and he's haunting me, I can't let him go again."
"Oh darling…"
"I can't be- be happy, Astarion, it doesn't work that way. It has never worked that way. I lost him, I let him die whilst I fucking /slept/ and then you- I've ruined you! I've made you just as much a slave to me and my protection as you were to him after promising you what you wanted and then I died and then- then it hit me that I'm going to die again, Astarion, again and there won't be any coming back from that one!"
"...I forgot how much you can talk. It's all absolute shit, of course, but you can really keep it up when you get going."
She screams in frustration and tries to fight her way out again but he holds her tight until the energy seeps away once more, leaving her boneless and cold. After a moment Astarion clears his throat.
"It seems I owe you an apology, my dear. I may have let my own…insecurities," he says the word with a frown she can feel but not see as he hides his face in her neck, "rule my judgment. Though I am not alone in that, it seems. You are nothing like him, my sweet, and it…it pains me to know you think that about yourself. You have your ghosts and I have my own, seven odd thousand of them are in fact actually possibly looking for me so I think I have you beat there."
"I'm not lying," she whispers.
"No, you're not, are you? You damnably honest thing."
"Let me go…"
"You don't actually want me to, do you? Tell me you want me to leave, all else and I will stay. I will stay and you will sleep, in my arms, on my chest or on your own and I will lie on your back as you like. I- We will look together for his resting place. And you will eat. You will rest. You and I will stay here in this frankly hideous house and redecorate to make it liveable and you will remind me that if nothing else, I can protect you from yourself. We have time, Elizia. I promised you we would give planning our next adventure before diving into it a go and I'm not one for breaking promises. You don't have to do anything but rest and recover right now, darling, we will go looking for trouble and artifacts or spells or scrolls when we are both ready."
She shudders, curling her legs up and pushing back into him, reassured by his strength of presence. His words are honey sweet and missing all of the insincerity she used to be so used to. She's an idiot. An exhausted, forever in physical pain nowadays, self-sabotaging idiot.
"Why are you laughing, you weirdo? Do you have a single sane emotion in you at the minute or do I need to take you to get looked at, not that I imagine much can be done that hasn't already."
"I once thought," she says even though she probably shouldn't, "that we'd never get here."
"Yes, I know, you thought you were going to die. It was only a month and a bit ago, darling. You truly have a knack for making a painful conversation worse."
"No, no, I thought we'd never be here. Where I'd- I couldn't say what I want and you'd know anyway. You'd hear me anyway."
He scoffs and prompts her to turn around. She goes, lets him manouver her to face him and he immediately crawls into her lap, straddling her legs. He's taller than her already but like this he has an extra inch or so. She wraps her arms around his back tentatively, tears drying on her cheeks until he brushes them away.
"I'm not leaving. So don't leave me either, Elizia, please. I'm not above begging for this. Not anymore. I spent too long thinking you died because of my monstrous needs to think I could ever really want to be parted from you. Self-sacrificing moron that you are trying to be."
"I don't know how to keep you, how to fix things," she says pitifully, looking up into his earnest expression like a penitent searching for absolution in the idol of their god. "I couldn't face leaving but I couldn't tell you to go either, even to save you. It's been so long since I remembered him so clearly and now I can't stop. He's driving me to destruction and I don't want to ruin you anymore than I already have. I promised you sunlight and I'm breaking my promise."
"Stop saying you've ruined me, would you? You're giving yourself far too much credit for everything that happened. I made my choices, you played a part, yes, but they were my choices, my actions. And you don't need to fix anything. Nothing is broken. I've lived two hundred years in the dark, in far, far worse conditions than this. You know that. You saw the state of the palace. You read their shitty little diaries, heard what Bodey said. Elizia, we have a home, we have…ugh friends, don't tell Gale I said that. I have a lover, a partner who is my equal and who I know, moments like this aside, has seen me at my worst and still trusts me, still cares for me."
"Loves you. Who loves you."
For the first time in so long she gets to see his smile, genuine and soft.
"Who loves me, yes."
"I shouldn't have said what I did. You're right. I have so much…so, so much."
"And just to check, you are including me in that, yes?"
She swats his arm before holding his hand, blushing a little when he presses his thumb into her palm like she does for him so often. "I don't know, that depends on if I'm still wanted. Screwed up as I am after everything. You've…I've been making you carry more than your fair share of all of this since the move. I should be pulling my weight better. I want to pull my weight, not just chase after one of my problems to avoid another."
He quirks a brow and she backpedals gracelessly.
"No! That's not what I meant. Stop being a bastard, that's not what I meant and you know it. You're not a problem. I promise."
"I don't know, I thought you rather liked how much of a bastard I am," he teases, pulling his most offended pout even as she swats at him again.
"Shut up," she grumbles, dropping her weight back to flop onto the floorboards fully. "See if I apologise again."
He runs his fingers mindlessly over her ribs, up around her chest, grazes the skin on show but retreats to the safety of fabric. "I accept your apology, my cantankerous darling. And I apologise too for assuming the worst of you. That was…"
"Understandable, it was understandable, Astarion. I needed pushing. Gods know how long I would have kept it up if you hadn't."
"Can we talk about the rest of it tomorrow? I am actually exhausted."
"Sulking your way round the city on your own does tend to have a depressing effect on a person," he muses, not making any start towards moving. "I've heard it's less so with company though."
Elizia drops her hands on top of his thighs, just resting them there as she looks up at him, apparently puzzled by his obvious offer. "You truly want to go traipsing around graveyards all day- night, sorry? You?"
"I am a vampire if you'll remember, I've done my fair share of graverobbing."
"You have not."
"Have too." He retorts. "People get buried with all sorts of treasures. As you well know, darling."
She yawns unexpectedly, her eyes stay closed afterwards. Like this, with the comforting weight of Astarion above, she feels like a cat luxuriating in a sunbeam, utterly drained of all the tension of the past couple days. Well. Months. "You can prove nothing in a court of law," she says sleepily.
"Not without indicting myself, I suppose."
"My point exactly. Can we sleep here tonight? I don't think I can move anymore."
He shifts his weight and she swears if she could purr she gods damned would be as he carefully settles himself on top of her, head tucked under her chin, legs entwined sort of awkwardly with her own.
"Only so long as it doesn't become a habit. We finally have actual, honest to god, good beds and you still want to sleep on the bloody ground."
"Just leave me here when you get uncomfortable or bored if you're not gonna sleep."
"Yes because that will be so good for you, darling."
"Carry me then, I don't care. I'll be asleep."
She cracks an eye open, concerned, and buries a hand in his curls, petting them as soothingly as she knows how. "Astarion," she repeats, softly pressing for him to continue.
He clears his throat to put it off a moment longer. "I simply meant to ask whether we are…okay?"
"Whether we're okay?"
"If you could refrain from the mimicry for the current moment, that'd be much appreciated."
She winces. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just…how do you mean? I think we're okay. I'm okay, well. No. But. Right now, I'm alright, honestly. Are you?"
"Fine. I'm fine. Just…not used to… Getting things wrong used to be much more dangerous. For me. It wasn't…well, it certainly never ended with a cuddle and apologies, that's for sure."
"Oh… I… I see. Do you…" biting her lip, she gently untangles a snare in the curls by his ear. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"No. Not tonight. Can we just…" he doesn't finish, falling into his own thoughts, beyond her reach; she lets him go, trusts that he'll come back, when he's ready, when he can.
She can't remember falling asleep but when she stirs sometime later, still half in a dream, she turns over in her own bed and finds red eyes glinting in the candlelight shining from her bedside table. They're perusing a book but drift down to her as she blinks slowly, ever so slowly, fighting off the cotton clouds of rest long enough to shuffle closer to Astarion. She wraps herself around his nearest leg and clumsily moves to rest her cheek on his thigh, ready to go back to sleep. Cool fingers stroke across her braid and stay there, supporting her neck in her awkward angle of choice so she doesn't slip back down at least while she's conscious enough to grouch about it. She thinks she mumbles a thank you but can't be sure before she's floating away again, peacefully content.
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alelelesimz · 1 year
here's a long and non exhaustive list of things i want to see in a totk dlc (big spoilers btw)
i want to learn more about the zonai. people in hyrule spend the entire game trying to learn more about them and in the end when purah sees the temple of time and says "just when i thought i started to figure out the zonai!" there's still sooooooooooo much we don't know about them that i wish we could learn somehow.
ganondorf and the gerudo. in the story we learn that he is the king of the gerudo, he's evil, he wants power and loves darkness. that's all. i want to learn more about who he is in this story, his motives, his relationship with the gerudo, etc. are ALL the gerudo of that time with him? are they all evil? do they leave him once he becomes the demon king? when he gets the secret stone we don't see the gerudo warriors anymore, what happened with them?
KASS. WHERE IS HIM???????????? IS HE OKAY? ARE WE GONNA SEE HIM AGAIN? MY BOY MY DARLING PLEASE COME BACK. i truly can't believe nintendo would leave out such a beloved character without an explanation. even his family is still there. i would've preferred him having a minor role than completely disappearing :(
the connection between ganondorf and calamity ganon. are they related at all? [tangent warning] my guess is that ganondorf/demon king happened first, from there god knows when ganondorf's evil leaked in the form of malice (in botw it's said that he came from the depths of hyrule castle so that checks out) then creating calamity ganon (the one 10000 years prior to botw), which is evil in its purest form, from there he gets sealed away and 10000 years later he comes back and the great calamity happens which destroys hyrule castle and that's what weakens rauru's power therefore gloom spreading more and more and making people sick, and then totk happens. [tangent end]
who's the ancient hero??? okay hear me out here's another tangent: the ancient hero set is a reward after a huge task, so it definitely cannot be only a fan service, right? it is the look of the hero that defeated calamity ganon 10000 years ago. he's obviously not a hylian, at first i thought he might've been a zonai but he doesn't quite look like one? granted, the only zonai we've seen are rauru and mineru, maybe the others looked different, BUT if he's a zonai then calamity ganon must've happened BEFORE ganondorf??? bc by the time ganondorf appears the zonai are pretty much extinct so my theory above would be wrong. BUT if he's not a zonai THEN WHAT IS HE WHO IS HE I WANT TO KNOW! ofc 10000 years is an insane amount of years, that's longer than the entire documented history of humanity, so maybe he's a completely different race that disappeared long ago and hasn't been mentioned yet. if that's the case i wanna know about that too.
naydra, farosh and dinraal. i actually don't think this one's gonna happen lol, but i'd love to know more about them. we know that they represent the triforce and in totk we learn about dragonification. i've seen theories of them being zonai sages who swallowed their secret stones long ago. it would be so much fun to learn if that's the case and why they did that.
what happened to the sheikah technology that was so prevalent in botw? it would make sense that all the guardians in botw just died after ganon is gone. their parts were used for the skyview towers and i saw someone making the argument that they do explode when they die, so that would explain how they were completely erased from the world, although it still baffles me how despite most of the world is still in ruins, there's absolutely no trace of the decayed guardians ANYWHERE not even in the most remote parts of the world. what happened with the towers? they raised from the ground, we see the one in the gerudo canyon came all the way from a chasm which we can now explore. i wish we had more of an explanation of what happened to them.. and as for the divine beasts, it is implied that they've stopped working in the end of botw, but these machines were huge, where are they now? did they bury them again? so many questions that are probably never gonna be answered honestly :/
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shutupdevvie · 1 year
Tell me all about your love for Josh
there is so so so much to love about josh where do i even begin
first of all the way he loves people. and i mean the way you can tell he loves his family and friends ofc but the way he loves the fans and people in general. he pulls back when he sings with jake so that people can hear more than just him. he, as he has said before, is ready and willing to defend danny at the drop of a hat. he jokes around with sam in a way that i think makes him feel like he belongs there. obviously idk how sam feels but we've heard the "people wanna know what i play?" clip and i just. i feel like josh just wants them all to feel like they belong on stage. josh may be the "frontman" but they all deserve to be there. i feel like this also ties into josh giving the other boys roses to hand out this tour. they're all moving around now meaning that he gets to share that feeling and that ability to hand those roses out with his brothers.
and then the way he loves the fans. they all pour their heart and souls out on the stage and it's just so wonderful to watch. you can see the joy on josh's face on stage and when he gets to hand things out to the crowd and interact with people face to face. josh is always sunlight but the way he glows on stage is just a whole other level.
the way he manages to be this confident frontman guy on stage and then he comes off and he's just. he's just a shy guy. it's so endearing to see him meet people. when he doesn't know how to accept a compliment and he's. he's just a guy when he's offstage. and how he gets ready so early before shows :(( his jumpsuits are his armor and i just. i love him for it.
and we cannot forget how beautiful his brain is. i know sometimes josh speaks in absolute riddles. no one really knows what he's saying (same with jake sometimes what is it about the twins and not making any sense) but he has such a lovely view of the world and i love love love getting to hear him talk about things. he makes me see things in a way i hadn't before. this whole band has changed how i view things and i mean that in the absolute best way.
speaking of listening to josh talk. his voice. he genuinely could read the dictionary. the phone book. the bible. i don't care what. i could listen to him talk for hours and hours about anything.
and actually that too. his passion. his passion for music and his passion for film making and his passion for art, in general. anytime we get an interview where josh gets to talk about his love of film and how it's tied into the music. anytime we get to hear the boys geek out about music in any capacity is just so wonderful. i love hearing them talk about the creation of their music or music they love or about their instruments literally anything. they love music so much and i just cannot get enough of their love and passion for it. and josh being involved in his own outfits and makeup and everything !! idk how involved the other boys are but we've seen josh drawing out his rhinestones and his makeup and his jumpsuits. he really cares about things and whether that's passion or him just being particular, or both, it's so awesome to see him so involved in the process of getting ready for the shows.
okay and then josh. he's beautiful. we know this. i could write a whole novel on his nose alone. his eyelashes. his smile. he's just. he has a sort of ethereal beauty about him that i have ALWAYS been in awe of. i know i make jokes about not believing the boys are real but there are pictures and videos of josh where i just. i genuinely am a little confused about how he's a real person. and he just looks like that. i don't believe in god but if i did then i would say god handcrafted josh because holy fuck (literally holy) he leaves me breathless.
and more about being in awe and revisiting the topic of his voice. he is. so fucking talented. his range is INSANE. his strength is INSANE. he forgets the lyrics sometimes but it's OKAY he figures it out. anybody who doesn't think josh is a fucking crazy talented vocalist is batshit insane. he deserves his roses and i am willing to give them to him.
and his humor !! he's so silly goofy. he's funny. he makes me laugh. even when he isn't really trying to. it's great !!
also. i know i haven't been a fan for the longest time, but even in the period of time that i've been here it's been so so wonderful to watch josh blossom on stage. we know that sacred the thread is about josh's jumpsuits and him finding himself and god i have loved watching him switch between outfits and trying new stage makeup and wearing it out casually. he's so confident now !!
and finally. josh is just very important to me. as i talked about before, josh is essentially an outpouring of love. he seems to love everyone all the time and i. it's just something i need to hear sometimes. like i am loved ! and i am home ! and i am accepted here ! it means a lot to me ! and not only that but now knowing josh is queer is just. the fact that i can somewhat connect with him in that regard. josh just means a lot to me :)) he has a special place in my heart
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snortingcocacola · 1 year
I've had Human Resources ships on the mind today so I thought that I would compile and post some of my thoughts both on canon ships and some that I would like to see in cannon, also just a couple crack ships I think would be funny.
Rochelle/Dante: I liked their arc in the first season but I wish they had gotten at least one more episode pre-get together because as is, it felt a bit rushed. Dante being into Rochelle makes enough sense, she's beautiful and sees through his bullshit which is probably very refreshing, but I think he should have had to work harder to impress Rochelle. Rochelle had seen how terrible he can be and that little wedding speech he did was NOT good enough to erase that. I know Rochelle can be selfish but she isn't stupid by a long shot, I don't buy that her feelings would turn around as quickly as they did. Definitely rooting for them to break up in season two. I feel like they both rushed into saying they love each other; Rochelle out of guilt and wishful thinking and Dante because he seems like he doesn't have much experience actually caring about his partners at all so the first taste of genuine connection feels like true love.
Pete/Rochelle: These two are cute and I could definitely see them having a very sweet relationship but I do wonder how much they actually have in common. Not that people have to have all of the same interests but I could see them struggling to connect in an actual romantic situation. That being said, I like Pete and would like to see him get a win.
Rochelle/Emmy: These two are not love interests as of yet but they could be! Season one was very kind to the lesbians and I believe Rochemmy has the power to become canon. Emmy and Rochelle had their ups and downs over season one but at the end of the day they love, respect, and admire each other. Most importantly, they make each other want to be grow and be better and that's what love is all about baby!!
Emmy/Cat Stevens: I don't have extensive thoughts on them but I want to see more
Simon Sex/Walter: another couple that I'd like to see more from but if not, at least we'll always have the Radisson in the sky over North Korea
Connie/Maury: My OG ship from this franchise, I love them; they're funny, they're sexy, they're an absolute mess. I really loved their arc throughout season one but I hate that they resolved Maury's pregnancy in Big Mouth instead of waiting for season two of Human Resources. I get that they wanted to use Montel as a character for Big Mouth season six but they treated the conflict between Maury and Connie entirely as a joke and just really dropped the ball imo. It was funny in Human Resources too but it was ALSO a legitimate character conflict and we lost that in Big Mouth.
Petra/Lionel: Okay hear me out, this one is insane but I think they could be fun. Petra could absolutely destroy Lionel and he would love it. She could also help him grow a backbone and with that he could become an absolute powerhouse of a shame wizard. In turn, Lionel could team up with her to shame and bust their clients balls into conquering everything. This one honestly doesn't even have to be romantic I just want to see them interact more.
Pete/Dante: They would be so toxic lmaooooo this is mostly born from the most caveman part of my brain going "kiss? They're gonna kiss???" Everytime Dante feels on Pete's abs or when Pete pulls Dante out of the hole and he lands on top of him. I cannot see these two in a relationship but I crack up thinking about them both sulking in the bar after getting dumped/rejected by Rochelle and then having a drunken one nightstand and then never speaking of it again. Or possibly Pete attempting to never speak of it again and Dante rebounding hard and trying to cling to him, even platonically, because he's never been dumped before and can't handle the idea of being rejected twice in a row. I don't see this going canon at all but it's entertaining to think about.
That about sums it up, I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on these or other ships. :P
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egg-emperor · 2 years
sorry can you tell that I've had enough and that this was kind of the last straw lol
first of all: what the actual fuck
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second of all: this was my response that's long enough that I look insane in my YouTube comments but it's just normal for me here lol
The small moments of humanization for Eggman in previous games were so much lighter and more in character because they didn't try to apply things that were impossible for the type of character he is to feel or change to do so reasonably. So it feels jarring and forced in this game for them to suddenly play it up so much. This kind of stuff doesn't work for every kind of villain that exists and some of them should just be allowed to be evil, expected to be what they were created to be without wanting to change every single thing about them and make them into a different person, taking away all the things that are appealing about them as evil characters. Evil can be fun and entertaining and characters don't always need a good side.
You can believe we need more villains that are humanized to the point they're redeemed and aren't so bad and stuff but... I have absolutely no idea how people are thinking that this works for Eggman, I can't fathom it. The whole point is that he's a deeply selfish self centered egotist, which is exactly why he wants to take over the world. He shouldn't be expected to be able to care for others because his core important character trait is literally against the entire idea and that's why they didn't show that before now. They really tried to disregard the defining traits of his entire being to try to make this happen and I don't think this is a good thing.
Also we definitely shouldn't want to become Eggman and he's not the type of guy we should redeem. The guy that carelessly harms animals and the environment, manipulates and gaslights people into getting what he wants, is carless towards innocent people getting hurt and sometimes even tries to target them intentionally like when he tried to blow up Station Square in Adventure, tries to kill Sonic and friends who are children sometimes as young as 8 and saying it will be "[his] pleasure" to do so, enslaves other beings to force them to work for him and keeps them there by causing them pain and fear, mistreats his creations and other robots severely by yelling insults and hitting/destroying them, has no remorse or empathy for all the people he hurts in any way, terrorizes the world to try to get what he wants- a world where he rules and forces people to worship him with no sense of self and freedom ever again. I can go on and on. There are some characters that have gone so far that you cannot convince me that after all this time and all they've done, they'd very abruptly change in heart like that.
Eggman isn't a flat or boring villain just because he didn't have a good soft side and empathy and he doesn't need to be given one. Eggman isn't someone they should use for us to try to be inspired by and want to become, not every villain needs to be to be great characters. He's a monster but he can be funny and he does have feelings and passions but just not ones that involve caring for others. Humanizing a villain, fleshing them out, and making them feel real can be done without suddenly implying that this character can suddenly change in 5 mins after 30+ years. It's very poorly done and I can't understand how the English version's lazy cheap attempt at forcing a dynamic to try and get emotions out of people is actually working. But then I remember it's because people don't actually like real villains and want all of them to change. Sigh...
I'm so glad that this was toned down severely in Japanese and presented in a way that feels so much more like him and actually adds up with his behavior and actions in other games and actually considers and respects them, instead of forcing a huge drastic change of entire character at the end like they did in English.
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koreandragon · 2 years
what do you think about the new one dollar lawyer ep plotwise? considering how much there's left to deal with do u think they'll set it up for a s2? it would make sense since they probably wanna milk the success. i feel like it wasn't really necessary to have jihun leaving for an entire year to reflect and everyone grieving it just for him to come back and everything's fine again lol. i'm scared the ending will be rushed. the fact that ep 9 was sorta filler and the whole series being cut short doesn't help :/ two things i will never get with this show is why the flashback had to be that long and then then deciding for less episodes right after that
but then again this ep did give us so many good mari/jihun moments like omg the way she hit him with the flowers like a lover who got ghosted skwidjs i also missed them getting into each other's personal space so much 😭 AND THE HUG??? i cannot believe that their chemistry is so good that this show has all of us wearing full clown attire every week even after his literal dead ex-fiancee who he's barely over got introduced 🙉
i really loved this episode actually. and if you guys know me you know i'm generally very against kdramas getting a second season because most of the time it's unnecessary but i think this show would benefit from a season 2. it has a format that is suitable for more seasons, kind of like a sitcom? i wouldn't be surprised if they went for that considering the little stove league jab in one of the episodes lol
tell you what, people usually hate time jumps, i eat them up. why? because i love reuinion scenes. love being like "ohh how are they going to meet again, what's the other person gonna say when they see them" that stuff is very fun to me. i just think it was funny how he was like "i'll be back soon" then they didn't see him again for a year lmao?? i also like that it gives the characters time to think about what the other person means to them, how their abscence or them leaving them behind makes them feel like how mari was incredibly hurt over it. and you see i don't think she forgave him that easily, she gave him a run for his money first.
they said they wanted to preserve the quality by cutting the episodes so i hope they're gonna do that and it won't be rushed.... i am pretty annoyed now that the flashback was so long like i've never seen a whole flashback last EPISODES. especially if you're gonna cut the show short.
it wasn't just me who noticed the the crackling electricity this episode like the pent up tension from him leaving and mari being mad at him but also being worried about him and wanting to forgive him was just *chef's kiss*. so much personal space invasion and casual touching and just...idk...longing?? call me insane like call me absolutely off my rockers but i'm still gonna be sitting in the front row of this circus. especially when they parallel mari with juyeong or juyeong in a flashback says something that can be applied to mari and his relationship like i just wanna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways i'm normal. let's see how they wrap this up.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 3 months
okie dokie, thank you again very very much for letting me ramble<3 also my apologies if I end up getting slightly unhinged for a sec lol (i shall also blame the demons -them- but SHH lolol)
*deep inhale* Sunwoo. The man, the problem for me getting wayy too weak sometimes (still blaming Honey), the way he's BITING that friggin bandage cvjxuhf likE i can't even fully see his lips and they still look so so good! The eye contact with the camera is making me absolutely swoon cuz its carrying this pure sense of calm confidence that looks so incredibly good on him. So I'm equal parts flustered and proud lol
*flustered incoherent keyboard smash here that's wayy too long* Chanhee<3 His hair looks absolutely incredible and i have the urge to ever so softly run my fingers through it to help soothe his nerves. There's always this calm elegance in the way he poses for pictures whether it be professionally or him taking the picture himself. I genuinely admire the way that he's always able to bring his own subtle touches to things. The look in his eyes is making me want to gently tell him that I believe in him (and that no matter happens, I'll always believe in him<3 ). I also wanna take off the weird metal chords things cuz they look uncomfortable as heck but that's just me being protective lol Would definitely give a kiss for 'luck' if I could<3
(It took me a lot longer to get back than I thought but ebhbhbha here I am) No you're good we welcome unhinged here- I am vv insane about these demons 😌 we shall happily blame them- and they'll happily accept the blame ofc 😌💖
I absolutely understand- he's got you wrapped for sure hehe~ [BUT OKAY BHEBHABHABH SPEAKING OF HONEY!! Have you ever seen the dance practice for it?!?! Because when they do the "That's what I need" foot stomp part- he does this little cheeky smug look on his face and for my biases' sake- I cannot watch it more than once a week- 😭 it's just too good for words-] pls lmk if you've been affected by that too- That man knows how to work his lips and it kills me- I couldn't imagine the irreparable damage it to you- The eye contact is sth else- He really does!! That calm confidence just works too well for him- To the nth degree I understand the equal parts flustered and proud- that's behbabha- felt it in my bones-
You def should- his hair would just be so soft to run your fingers thru- prolly uses the best products on the market tbh- His calm elegance? kills me everytime- it's been taking me out too much lately- it must be hard to bias him ebhbhabha- I love that sm- he has that sincerity in his eyes that would make you believe him no matter what~ They look uncomfortable they also are so badass imo- he looks so metal- ofc you gotta have your protective moments and would prolly take the weight off his back *literally* could you imagine his little giggles if you did?!?! 😭😭😭
Juyeon looks so badass- like when I first saw his solo teaser image *which is just a bigger version of the one was saw* my brain was like "That's not Juyo!?" AND OMG?!?! 😭😭😭 He looks like he's kicks ass and takes names- it had me horribly down bad- Him wiping at his lips- has me 🫠😵‍💫🫠💖 And the way he's acting unphased as if he doesn't know the camera is there- had me cooked absolutely done for- but the way his eye looks busted... oh 🥺🥺🥺 makes me want to take care of the little buddy and make sure it heals effectively-
When I say I didn't survive Younghoon- I truly mean it- I was 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫incapacitated seeing him with his arm kind of peeking out- knowing he's broad & has more muscle now is killing me- because even with the shoulder pads he's ?!?!?!!?! I'm helpless 😵‍💫🫠💖 (every other day of the week I'm in the mindset of, "he's just a little tiny sweetheart- he may be 6ft+ but he's a baby and short"- these teaser images dropped and I'm ��😭😭😭💖) he sincerely looks killer in it- The way he looks at the camera as if he's saying "yeah... uh huh- wtv you say sweetheart" 😭😭
Ji Changmin- looked so tiny and cute but also so vv much "I call the shots" and hebhahba it hurt my heart- but he also looks like a little hockey announcer- and I just want to tell him he's been calling the plays correctly (to my heart)- his duality always and I mean always gets me- and this is one of those times- he's just- yeah- 😭😭
[It just hit me what Q reminded me of- idk if you've ever watched Jooheon's Psyche (I'm don't think you can watch it now tho... because if I rememebr right it has flashing in it 😖) but he goes into an old school mic that's hanging down- "All of the world- pay attention" part- is exactly what the energy of Changmin having that megaphone with the red receiver to his mouth reminded me of-] and now my brain is going "I'm paying attention to q ebhhba"
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