#absolutely... horrendous
merrysithmas · 1 year
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seancefemme · 9 months
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yeah well you want to fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid
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risibledeer · 2 months
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I think I draw too much of him... I should really stop lol
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bellamer · 1 year
Hobie getting Miles a bonnet because Miles is just out here sleeping with no protection for his hair.
The first time Hobie sleeps over at Miles', Hobie's putting his hair up in his bonnet and when he looks over at Miles, Miles is just... straight up laying there. No bonnet, no turban, no nothing. And he just stares at Miles.
"...What are you doing ?"
"Where's your bonnet ?"
"My what ?"
"So you just go to sleep with your hair all naked and shit ?"
"Hobie, what are you talking about ?"
"Nothing. Night."
But Hobie doesn't sleep because the fact that Miles is just sleeping soundly with no hair protection and the next morning, he's just staring as Miles struggles to detangle his hair.
So the next week, Hobie drops a present off at Miles' with a note attached to it
"Took me forever to find one that you'd like, but I feel that this one is perfect for you. Wear that shit. I'm serious, Miles. I cant sleep at night knowing that you sleep like that. Hair protection is no joke. - HB"
And Miles takes Hobie's present out of the box, and there's a satin bonnet with sunflowers on it. Miles puts it on and it feels... really comfortable and is amazed when he starts waking up and his hair is less frizzy and that there's way less breakage and that he wakes up with less knots and tangles and doesn't have to spend all morning detangling his hair.
And the next time Hobie comes over, he's so proud to see Miles wearing his bonnet, even in his downtime.
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tainebot01 · 2 days
So… how we feeling about these new names?
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emblazons · 3 months
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Cloud Strife & Tifa Lockhart + Beautiful Final Fantasy VII Remake + Rebirth
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deaduris · 3 months
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something something framing choices
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welcometogrouchland · 5 months
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I've been binging Batman Beyond recently (Terry ily so much) and thought about how- bc of the JLU twist which I think isn't even canon to the comics BB verse but shhh bare with me- he'd technically be Damian's half brother??? Which is just so ridiculously soap opera to me. I need them to interact in a silly time travel adventure so bad you don't even understand (ID in alt)
#dc comics#damian wayne#terry mcginnis#batman beyond#batman and robin#mine#also feat the mild damian uniform redesign i like playing around with. it's fun i like her. i love u classic robin colours#the backstory for this image in my mind is that Terry knows of Damian/has maybe met him#in the future (whether we're going w the rebirth ''damian rejoins the league'' angle that i. don't love conceptually but can't judge-#-bc i haven't read. or if we go w/ some other potential future route for damian) and Terry is like. experiencing whiplash at meeting him-#-as robin. like you are 5 feet tall why r u so bossy. where is your dad good god. this is why i don't have a robin (?this is pre matt-robin)#but Terry's in an unfamiliar time trying not to cause a paradox so he puts aside his indignitude(?) at being bossed around by a kid#just long enough to make sure nothing goes horrifically wrong. hence this image takes place#<- i could've been a lot more eloquent explaining this but it's very late and i should've been asleep ages ago#anyway. absolutely crazy to me that Damian has had multiple flavours of secret brother plots and terry is a potential addition. rip damian#(also in my ideal future damian took up the nightwing mantle (EVERYONE READ NIGHTWING MUST DIE!!!) before retiring(#idk what his future career is. lowkey hes a webcomic artist in my brain but that's so horrendously self indulgent i can't condone it#also i decided to try my hands at lineart again. evil. how are you so stiff looking and difficult to do. waughh#anyway if things look weird. no they don't
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papertowness · 7 months
i’m so sorry but comedy peaked when the shameless writers made lip gallagher have anger issues and then decided he was absolute shit at fighting like you can’t get any fucking funnier than that
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tamrielic · 7 days
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i’m thinking about JIYAN and his long, gorgeous hair. how he’s touch-starved ⟮you can’t convince me otherwise⟯ and that he loves when you sit behind him, gently removing his hairtie to let his locks tumble down his back before slowly running your fingers through the sleek strands. the way he’d sigh and close his eyes, leaning back against you as you treat him so gently and lovingly. he’d let you braid his hair, no protests from him at all; he’ll do anything if it means that you’ll keep touching him so softly and adoringly. like you love him.
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7greentears · 4 months
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The gang.
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sunny-sainz · 2 months
twin…where have you been
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thegayestdiaz · 9 days
i hope they genderbend sophie beckett as well just so i can see the homophobes lose their minds even more
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sweeetsh · 2 months
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“In all of his worst nightmares, she’s dying. She’s fading away in his arms, helpless and whimpering, while hot, dark blood spills over his fingers.”
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imaybe5tupid · 21 days
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Traveling alone is quite dangerous for a girl.
(my toshiro overcompensating trans man hc)
bonus 1
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bonus 2 ft. toshiyuki (middle brother) grown up a little but still a menace
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#toshiro nakamoto#shuro dungeon meshi#my comics#i feel like when he announced himself everyone in the household was really excited his dad especially#1) now there’s an heir 2) cause he finally thought his kid was starting to be interesting and for a short time it was kind of novel#he thought it was so cool and edgy to have a son like that but then that quickly wore off#since toshiro didn’t start becoming like him or stop being a boring person to him#and lowkey the little inheritance competition where toshiros peers are like. a bratty 14yo and an 8yo.#is his way to walk it back that he should be the heir#even though he already got acknowledged and everything#meanwhile hien trying to be a woke affirming queen and just feeding his insecurities unintentionally “you’re a man aren’t you”#their friendship changes and they try to slot each other more into their gendered expectations and drift apart#toshiro compulsively works out and trains and carries himself and acts in certain ways#to be masculine in this very conventional way to affirm himself as a man and as the heir of a samurai family#and as a counterpoint to his wastrel layabout father#he becomes the kind of stealth trans guy who lives in constant state of fear and stress. to the point his little brothers have no idea#-> creates that distance emotionally from them#dungeon meshi#i think his relationship with his dad is absolutely horrendous hes a scummy guy through and through#but i personally enjoy bad relationships in fiction where there was something good to lose in the first place#and despite everything he does still care like in the first comic hes genuinely trying to be mindful#in his own condescending thoughtless way which like confirms all of toshiros worst fears about how his father sees him#like he really got assigned the retainers who are 1) 2 teenage girls one who wants to escape the other whos lowkey scared of him#3) his ex childhood best friend who things are weird with currently 4) random woman whos never even met him ONCE before#5) his smothering nanny/teacher ALL OF WHOM dont really respect him as a leader at all or have a professional rapport with him even😭#in his dads pov he was like okay ill assign women retainers so he won’t hide from them (wrong). also ones who wont intimidate him (wrong)#damn im smart! meanwhile toshiro having a breakdown over it
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fridaythelilguy · 1 month
I got inspired by drawfee and decided that I also wanted to draw 100 Garfield’s so here are the results!
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btw for every reblog this post gets I will line and color 1 garfield.
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