#abundance of the marketplace
mialzo · 10 months
mialzo #innovation #vertrauen
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fatehbaz · 2 years
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Why should low-carbon projects be permitted to destroy legendary Native American sacred sites? Yakama elders witnessed the construction of The Dalles Dam that flooded and silenced Celilo Falls on the Columbia River. Since time immemorial, Celilo Falls was one of history’s great marketplaces. Multiple tribes had permanent villages near the falls. Thousands of people gathered annually to trade, feast, and participate in games and religious ceremonies over millennia. During spring, this natural monument surged up to 10 times the amount of water that passes over Niagara Falls today.
What must Indigenous people continue to sacrifice for energy development? The Seattle Times editorial board recently announced support for the Goldendale pumped-storage hydroelectric project to benefit the state’s clean-energy portfolio [“Goldendale energy project can help meet state’s clean-energy needs,” Sept. 2, Opinion]. The board constructed an alternate reality where tribal nations could find common ground with the developer and resolve objections to project construction. The board wrote, “A compromise that would allow the project to go forward while respecting tribal concerns would be a benefit for all.” The board ignores the realities of Native American history and the history of this project, which the Confederated Tribes and Bands of Yakama Nation (Yakama Nation) have objected to from the initial development proposal at this site.
The project site is situated on Pushpum — a sacred site to the Yakama Nation, a place where there is an abundance of traditional foods and medicines. The developer’s footprint proposes excavation and trenching over identified Indigenous Traditional Cultural Properties, historic and archaeological resources and access to exercise ceremonial practices and treaty-gathering rights.
Notably, the project site covers the ancestral village site of the Willa-witz-pum Band and the Yakama fishing site called As’num, where Yakama tribal fishermen continue to practice their treaty-fishing rights.
Yakama Nation opposes the development. The developer proposes two, approximately 60-acre reservoirs and associated energy infrastructure within the Columbia Hills near the John Day Dam and an existing wind turbine complex. The majority of the nearly 700 acre site is undeveloped; the lower reservoir would be located on a portion of the former Columbia Gorge Aluminum smelter site. The tribe’s treaty-reserved right to exercise gathering, fishing, ceremony and passing of traditions in the area of the proposed project has existed since time immemorial. The tribe studied mitigation; it is impossible at this site.
Columbia Riverkeeper, and more than a dozen other nonprofits, stand in solidarity with Yakama Nation and oppose the development: The climate crisis does not absolve our moral and ethical responsibilities. Both tribal nations and environmental organizations have worked tirelessly to stop fossil fuel developments and secure monumental climate legislation in the Pacific Northwest. But we refuse to support a sacrifice zone to destroy Native American cultural and sacred sites in the name of combating climate change.
Environmental justice is on the line with the pumped-storage development. Seventeen tribal leaders sent a letter to Gov. Jay Inslee, urging him to reject development permits. The leaders explained, “Our ancestors signed Treaties with the United States, often under threat of violence and death, in exchange for our ancestral lands and sacred places. Through these treaties, we retain the rights to practice and live in our traditional ways in these places. Yet, the promises made by the government have been broken time and time again.”
Earlier this year, the Washington State Office of Equity, located within the governor’s office, released the state’s inaugural five-year Washington State Pro-Equity Anti-Racism Plan & Playbook. Gov. Inslee stated, “We will no longer replicate and reinforce systems, processes and behaviors that lead to inequities and disparities among various communities.” Now is the time to apply the playbook to climate change and energy siting.
There is no room for compromise. The choice is stark: Continue to advance our nation’s and state’s history of sacrificing Indigenous resources through broken promises, or work with tribes committed to tackling the climate crisis while, at the same time, protecting the last remaining sacred sites.
Text by: Jeremy Takala and Lauren Goldberg. “Stop sacrificing Indigenous sacred sites in the name of climate change.” The Seattle Times. 25 September 2022.
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jo-harrington · 3 months
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Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 4 - Eddie
Summary: A Day in the Life of Corroded Coffin's Frontman: Eddie Munson
Word Count: 990 - damn, cut it close
Rating: T
Warnings/Themes: A tiny bit of angst, protective Eddie, probably bad representation of playing guitar--I don't know much music lingo.
Check Out the Main Post for @corrodedcoffinfest here! Even if you didn’t start on Day 1, you can still join!
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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An average Saturday in the life of Eddie Munson.
It could be the title of a magazine article all about him.
But no.
It was some creative writing exercise that his English teacher assigned. Something about understanding character development? And a chance to know themselves a little better.
“It’s not like I don’t already know how to write about characters,” he grumbled as he scribbled his pencil across his notebook. “The NPC’s don’t create themselves.”
This assignment would be easy.
Eddie Munson starts his day with a well-balanced breakfast and some light exercise.
He rummaged through the kitchen for something that tickled his fancy; Wayne had just gone grocery shopping so he had a good selection to choose from.
He could make eggs and toast and have it ready and warm for when his uncle got home from his shift.
Or have some good old cereal and milk while he watched cartoons, and then offer to do a load of laundry that consisted of his band tees and Wayne's work shirts.
He chose the latter.
And the balanced breakfast--juggling several boxes, a carton of milk, a bunch of bananas, and two bowls and managing not to drop a single thing-- was coincidentally also his exercise.
His afternoons are often filled with adventures of varying degrees. Most often, he ventures around marketplaces, perusing the wares of the merchants, and showing his companions how to haggle for the best deals.
"There's an art to it," he explained to Gareth as they strolled aisle by aisle. "You can't just go for the obvious choice. Sometimes you need to see what fate has in store for you."
His friend stopped in his tracks.
"We're sneaking snacks into the movie theater," Gareth stated, voice heavy with confusion. "It's not a life or death situation. Let me just get my damn Raisinettes."
He reached out to grab the desired box off the shelf and Eddie's hand clamped around his wrist to stop him.
"First of all," Eddie got right up in his face. "The raisinettes aren't even on sale, my very young apprentice. So you might as well just buy them at the theater. What are you gonna save? A quarter?"
"It's just a quarter."
"And it's in a box. Not a bag. It's gonna rattle. Old man Miller is gonna catch you immediately and then you can say goodbye to the rest of your money."
"So what would you suggest?"
Eddie's smile grew wide and feral as he directed Gareth's attention across the aisle, where plastic-wrapped pastries were displayed in abundance.
"May I introduce you to the two-for-one Hostess snack cakes?"
Occasionally, he finds himself in dangerous situations...
"Do you think they're going to see Ghostbusters too?"
"I dunno Gare, just ignore them."
"They're looking at us."
Eddie stared at the showtimes above the box office window so he could avoid the stares of the boys in letterman jackets standing at the side of the lobby.
"It's a free country," Eddie's shoulder quirked in a shrug. He kept his calm so he wouldn't scare the younger boy, but he was entirely aware of their surroundings. "That's what my uncle always says, they're free to look."
"What if they say something?"
"First amendment, freedom of speech."
Eddie was about to continue, to tell Gareth that there was nothing to fear, and that they couldn't go about avoiding all the nice things in life just because they were afraid.
...perilous, even...
But he finally looked at the younger boy.
Really looked at him.
Gareth was pale and his eyes glassy. He couldn't stop himself from staring back at the jocks who watched them and whispered and snickered. His one hand was clenched in a fist, and the other was clasped around his wrist, rubbing circles into the joint nervously.
And he was shaking.
...but he knows how to pick his battles, especially to protect his friends.
"Hey," he knocked his arm into Gareth's, pulling the boy's attention from the jocks. "If you don't want to stay, we don't have to. We can swing 'round Family Video. See if they have Monty Python?"
Gareth's eyes strayed towards the jocks again, but Eddie's words stopped him.
"I'm pretty hungry too. I don't think twinkies are gonna cut it," he patted his stomach. "We can order a pizza. Whatever toppings you want."
And Gareth couldn't help but nod and follow Eddie out of the movie theater, grateful for the boon that was offered.
No conditions.
No judgment.
At the end of the day, although his dreams might be fantastic, he is anything but that.
It was late, later than his uncle would be happy to hear about if this came back to him. The neighbors weren't fond of his music but he couldn't help himself.
He had his stereo cranked up, as loud as it could go, so he could hear the intricacies in the recording. The soft, almost imperceptible rasps of fingertips on guitar strings.
And he tried to emulate those notes on his own guitar, as he pressed his own fingers against the fret board along with the music, without strumming. He'd have his chance.
He isn't a hero.
He didn't need to hear it. Not until he was confident he had the passage and the technique down.
He didn't have music lessons or books or sheet music.
This was how he learned. Through sound, and touch, and intuition.
And once he was ready, he slammed his hand against the stereo to silence it, then started playing.
His head bobbed to maintain the tempo as his fingers flew across the frets and he strummed rapidly.
He isn't a rockstar.
He echoed back the bridge almost perfectly, wincing as he heard the mistakes, and then circled back again, fixing those mistakes.
Rewind then play, rewind then play.
Again and again.
Til he could hear the roar of a crowd as he got it right.
He's just Eddie.
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ezekiel-krishna · 6 months
✧ 2nd House Ruler known for (WEALTH & Family) in All Houses
Part 1 ..
{ Vedic Astrology }
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⇝ Your Guide to Check Your Placement (Vedic Astrology)
1st Step ⇨ Go to Vedic Astrology Calculator
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2nd Step ➚ Enter Your Details & Press { Calculate Sidereal Chart }
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3rd Step ⇨ Find the Second House Ruler as per the {Sign & Symbol}
"Example here , 2nd House is Ruled By Capricorn & Its Lord is Saturn which is in 3rd House thus Your [ 2nd Lord is in the 3rd House. ] "
Now Lets Move on ..
2nd Lord in 1st House
This position can make you very wealthy not only will it expand the storage capacity in your life, but it will also pave the way for a prosperous future for your children. This position holds the power to create a generational legacy, where each successive generation builds upon the wealth accumulated before them. As the first generation to embark on this journey, you have the opportunity to lay the foundation for a lifetime of abundance, while your children will take it even further.
This placement make you the employer or the boss who provide & generates job opportunities. The first house presents an exceptional position for anyone venturing into the world of business. On the other hand, the second house represents the importance of family. When the second lord enters the first house, it signifies that you will eventually take charge of the family business and revolutionize it to reflect your unique vision. This is the house where the second lord yearns for a vision. In the 1st house , self-belief is paramount, as it can be tested by the highs and lows of life. Hence, it is vital to constantly question yourself when doubt arises: "Do you truly have faith in your own vision?"
This query holds immense value, as the 1st house represents your true self. Consequently, your prosperity will define you, bestowing upon you prestige and significance. The lord of the second house is a lord of family and when in 1st house, you're likely to have a strong desire for a big, loving family. You enjoy being in control of your household, taking on the role of a nurturing figure like a big daddy or a big mommy. Your home becomes a haven where people depend on you, much like pets and children, creating a harmonious and fulfilling atmosphere..
The bigger the household the happier you become the issue is however that you're quite controlling with the money itself you're even controlling with your family members spending, you get angry with family members when they are wasting resources, money, food etc.. This can cause contention in your life, you don't like to spend too much and giving back to community outside of the family however benefits in the first house or aspect here will help to keep that money flowing outwards which will always increase wealth in any case..
One thing to watch out for , though the lord of possessions (2nd house lord) has gone into your house(1st house) & aspect directly at the seventh house of partner, thus can make you possessive of any kind of partner causing difficulties in relationships. The aspects on seventh house brings forth numerous positive effects too, particularly when it comes to your business endeavors. It acts as a marketplace, attracting the attention of influential individuals who are eager to collaborate and support you. Even if you're not an entrepreneur, your colleagues will be enthusiastic about joining your team for any projects.
2nd Lord in 2nd House
This placement give you the ability to manage your finances, giving you control over your money. While you work hard to build wealth, This position may bring challenges with your children or dependents. You possess a slight inclination towards being controlling, especially when it comes to overseeing the actions of others. Wasting anything, particularly money, is something you strongly dislike.
Occasionally, this controlling nature may create challenges in your interactions with your children. The placement of the 2nd lord in its own house can make you excessively proud of your family traditions, which can result in problems. It's important to be mindful of this tendency and make a conscious effort to avoid being haughty or stuck up.
The lord of the second house assumes the role of a natural protector within its own domain, much like a vigilant guard dog. This becomes particularly evident when the ruler of the second house is a malefic planet such as Mars or Rahu[North Node]. In such circumstances, any encounter with loss triggers a surge of anger within you. However, it's important to clarify that this anger doesn't translate into violence. Instead, it ignites a fierce determination to acquire and safeguard your possessions..
You become unwavering in your efforts to hold onto your wealth, resorting to any means necessary to shield yourself from further losses. Your bank balance becomes a constant source of concern, as you diligently monitor both incoming and outgoing funds. Seeing more money coming in than going out is what you should strive for. It's a reassuring sight that brings a sense of security. However, if you don't witness this flow of abundance, it's natural to feel a bit insecure. The key lesson here is to embrace the concept of letting go. Loosen your grip on money and allow it to flow through your fingers, benefiting others. Remember, the opposite house(eighth house) represents sharing possessions, and by embracing this concept, you'll attract greater wealth karma into your life..
Stay Tuned For Part 2...
Remember This is a General Analysis , Whole Chart is to be consider for Accurate Personalized Predictions..
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stitchy-face · 7 months
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Paekick Marketplace, Day
This is the day version of my new print series for Calibreon! It will be a semi choose-your-own-adventure like project showcasing the history and denizens of my headworld. Here, we start in Bronze Age Calibreon.
Winds blow outward towards the shore, bringing with them warm air and the smell of building rains in the distance. Paekick, as always, is alive with the chatter of people from all across Calibreon, who travel here for commerce, religion, and socialization. Here, an abundant center of civilization and culture has arisen around a fold in reality, where individuals can reach out into the Realm of the Weaving God, and the Weaving God can reach out in turn. 
Staeus Ginnan (center, Gehen) glides across a large stone relief that features the Weaving God granting the Needle to the Formless – a common creation myth in Calibreon. In the streets below, many inhabitants are beginning their days; two students dash through the crowd, already late for a class. 
Another couple of marketgoers are heading to the market to purchase produce, while scholars are conversing while they walk, and traders are hauling their wares.  In this ancient era, it was common to see every species of Calibreon living together – even the ever-reclusive Shapeshifter, who today reside within the swamplands of Talis, and the Vampyre, who in modern times mostly inhabit only the furthest, frozen tundras of Desilan.
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kayhi808 · 5 months
More Than Our Scars - Florence Italy
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Series Masterlist
It's been a while since I wrote for these two. They're my favorite couple. Murder Boyfriend & his Brave Girl. 💕
The culinary course that Billy enrolled you in is so challenging yet so rewarding. This was your dream and the amazing thing is now you have Billy by your side to share the experience. You thought champions & heroes only belonged in fairytales and comic books, but you found one of your very own. Not only did he save you from The Kingpin, but he also taught you how to love again. He built up your confidence and made you believe in your dreams. He adores you, his brave girl.
Billy found the most charming apartment with views of the Duomo, the 3rd largest church in the world. It's not a luxury apartment like his loft back in Manhattan. It's charming & quaint & old world. Turning into the courtyard, it's a 3 story walk-up that you don't mind at all. Letting yourself into your home, you dump your keys on the entry table. Hanging up your jacket, you make your way to the kitchen, to place your bag on the counter & go in search of Billy. "Billy? I'm home."
"Hey, babe!" Dressed casually in a dark green sweater & jeans, Billy walks out of the room he set up as his remote office. He envelopes you in his arms & drops a kiss on your lips. "How was your day?"
"Good!" Squeezing him around the waist, "better now that i'm home.
Billy walks you backwards to the kitchen, stopping by the bags, "What have you brought me to eat?" Letting you go, he rummages through the bag. Whatever you learned to cook that day, you brought home for Billy's lunch for the following day. He always looks forward to it.
"Cacio e pepe."
"Nice! Thank you." Cracking the lid of the container, he smells it & puts it in the fridge. "That's going to be good." Turning back around to you, "What do you want to do tonight? Want to wander?"
"Sure! Let me get changed." To change into something warmer. March evenings are still chilly in Florence. Matching Billy with a sweater & jeans, you apply some lip gloss & re-braid your hair, you're ready to go.
"All set?" You excitedly nod. Bill helps you on with you jacket & you leave to go exploring. Hand in hand, you make your way out to the cobblestone path. You've visit marketplaces in the neighborhood, grabbing fresh produce, bread, cheese...and an abundance of wine. It's such a great feeling to be out in public. You were kept prisoner by Kingpin for 3 years and spent months in hiding with Billy while he plotted your freedom. You had a small taste of freedom when you and Billy spent a couple days in Beacon, NY after James Wesley's murder. But this. This was amazing! Now you're in Florence strolling through markets, fingers entwined with Billy's, living the life you only dreamed of.
The sky starts to darken on your way back home, as you pass Osteria del Flore, Billy's new favorite restaurant. "Do you want to stop for dinner?"
"Bill, we just bought a bunch of groceries"
Wrapping his arm around your shoulders & leaning down to press kisses into your neck, "But you've been cooking all day. Do you really want to cook again?" Billy already starts steering your towards their doorway, even before you can get an answer out.
"Signore Russo. Signora. Bentornato (welcome back)." The hostess greets you upon arrival & leads you to a table. The food has been incredible since you got to Italy. Billy jokes about the weight you guys will be gaining. It's almost sacrilege to have anything but wine while in Italy, but the beer selection here is excellent. Bill is so American. So New York. He wants his steak & a beer. You can't help but give him a besotted smile. You like seeing him so relaxed and happy. You both suffered so much, you deserved this blissfulness.
Full bellied & a little tipsy, Bill's arm is thrown around your shoulders. Your fingers intertwined with his. Leaning into his side, you make your way back home. "Once your classes end & we return stateside, what do you want to do?
"What do you mean? I'll look for a job. I can't keep mooching off you."
"Shut up!" Curling his arm, bringing you closer so he can kiss the top of your head. "Where do you want to work?"
"I haven't thought that far yet. I'm concentrating on doing well here." Mulling it over, "I guess it depends on whoever hires me, that's where I'll go," you shrug.
"I'll make sure you have a driver available to take you to & from work."
"What?! I can get myself to & from work."
"Remember the last time you walked home from work?? You're getting a driver." The last time you walked home, Kingpin's men snatched you off the streets.
You whisper a soft, "thank you."
"What about private chef?"
"Those are long hours. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner? I'll never see you." You hear a low growl, which makes you smile.
"Or maybe I can buy you a restaurant."
"Are you crazy? No, Bill." You stop in the middle of the sidewalk, letting go of Bill's hand. "I'm serious."
Bill laughs, hitching the tote full of wine & groceries over his shoulder. "You can be your own boss. Make your own hours. Have plenty of time to spend with me." He tugs your braid, wrapping it around his fist, pulling you closer to him, to capture your mouth in a kiss. He only stop when he hears a soft whine escape you. "Don't you like the sound of that, sweetheart?"
Burying your face at the base of his throat, inhaling the smell of him, "I know nothing of running my own business. I'm still learning to be a chef."
Wrapping you in his arms and swaying with you in the moonlight, he dances you into the courtyard. The unevenness of the cobblestones makes you clumsy, but Billy doesn't let you fall or falter. "One day when you're ready, I'll help make it happen."
Laughing, "You spoil me."
"Anything for you, my brave girl."
@imagine-a-fictional-boyfriend @e-dubbc11
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three-dee-ess · 3 months
Do you know where would be a good place to get a 3DS cheap 😭
nonstickyglue here! (i help woolie with asks and posts)
i'll give some tips but it comes down to buying second-hand and luck (OR if you know anyone willing to give you their 3DS. highly recommend this option if you can).
the old 3DS systems (those released before 2014) will be cheaper and more abundant, but i think it's worth to find the "new" models for their performance and emulation capabilities. i love my o3DS to death but she can be quite slow :')
a lot of DS consoles sold online are from Japan, and have been region unlocked. from what i know, region changing makes system transfers impossible (as well as anything to do with ur NNID). if that doesn't concern you, carry on!
first recommendation: facebook marketplace.
you will need a facebook account in order to message people on the marketplace, and the sellers are usually people in your community trying to sell things they don't need anymore. this can be hit or miss, and i recommend checking the listings every now and then. it's a good place to scroll when you're bored imo
i managed to get my 2DS XL for $100 from facebook marketplace :D
second recommendation: ebay
this is the site i am the most comfortable with, as (good) ebay listings will have helpful information and the vendor will have good reviews. if you just search "n3DS" on ebay, the first listings you'll see are those where there's a buttload of DSs next to each other / stacked. those listings have been there for a WHILE, and those aren't the listings you should go for.
listings with only the DS listed for sale are preferred. make sure to check what condition the DS is in--there are some listings that sell them for parts only, so make sure to read each listing that piques your interest.
also, don't do auctions--someone will always outbid you at the last second. just scroll past.
remember: a lot of this comes down to good timing / luck. don't get frustrated, and make sure to be completely confident in your purchase. good luck!!
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evilsoup · 2 days
there is a sense in which marxism is an attempt by materialists to create a kind of society where idealism is correct. like once you've created a society which has general abundance of goods and in which big decisions are made by a democratic process which is embedded in everyone's everyday lives, to a large extent it really will be something like "the marketplace of ideas" which shapes society
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Title Prompt: I'll drop a few below and you can choose whichever gives you inspiration. And I'll let you choose SFW or NSFW, whichever suits your fancy.
- Intergalactic Tango
- Up All Night, Neon Lights
- 79s: Crash & Dash
Feel free to adjust the title to fit whatever inspiration you get. Have fun! 😘
Up All Night, Neon Lights
Summary: A night out with your friend leads to a daring rooftop fling.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, Fives x reader, gn!reader so can be read as M/M or M/F, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it folks), marking, creampie, exhibitionism, writer got caught up in the 'neon lights' part of the title prompt my bad, uhh I think that's everything?
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: I had so much fun with this!! This is my first time writing Fives so I hope I did him justice. Thanks for the prompt, @523rdrebel <3
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You have no idea what’s gotten into you tonight.
But you don’t really care. 
Giddy laughter bubbling up in your chest, you stumble as the trooper tugs you along by hand. He throws you a charming smirk over his shoulder. Cold rain pelts down on the two of you as you sprint through puddled Coruscanti streets, plastering your clothing to your body, seeping into your bones. Despite that, and despite the odd looks thrown your way as you push past pedestrians who were sensible and brought raincoats and umbrellas with them, all you want to do is stop and turn your face skyward, catch the rain in your mouth, bathe in the distorted neon reflections. 
Because tonight has been nothing but neon. First the bar that your roommate had dragged you to, the giant LED screen emblazoned with a technicolor 79s, the inside as richly lit with oranges and pinks and whites; then the second bar you hopped to, a small company of clone troopers following like groupies, illuminated by vivid reds and blues; and now, sprinting through this side-street marketplace, aqua and magenta lights dazzle your eyes. You feel just as multicolored on the inside, a riot of sensations and emotions and needs. 
“C’mon, mesh’la,” the trooper says with a deep chuckle. “Let’s get you out of the rain.” 
“But Fiiiiives,” you whine, just the slightest bit tipsy, pouting your bottom lip in a way you hope makes you look cute and not like a mess, “I like the rain.” 
He glances back to you, the neon shining in his dark eyes, black curls slick with rainwater. A devilish grin tugs at his lips—lips you’ve been trying not to stare at all night, trying not to imagine what they feel like against yours, on your skin, between your legs. The look he gives you is inscrutable, a mask of bravado and sex, one that you’re desperate to rip off and see what he’s hiding underneath.
Yeah. You really don’t know what’s gotten into you. 
When your roommate convinced you to go clubbing with her tonight, you’d been a little skeptical. Bars are most decidedly not your scene. But she had come prepared with receipts: the immense amount of stress you’ve been under at work, even in a low-level senators’ office; the messy breakup you survived just a few months ago; and the fact that you promised her a night out. With all the evidence stacked against you, there really hadn’t been any other answer but, “Where are we going?” 
And when you’d arrived at 79s, hours ago now, you’d been a little overwhelmed by the abundance of clone troopers in attendance. Sure, you’ve interacted with a few clones just by virtue of your job. But in those instances, they always had their helmets on, and you most certainly tried to avoid attracting attention in your day-to-day life. The goal, your friend assured you, was to attract as much attention as possible. She’d styled your face and clothing in a way that drew the eye exactly where she—and you, you supposed—wanted people to look.
It had worked. You hadn’t paid for a single drink all night, not that you had many. Multiple troopers took their shot, but really, it was the cocky, self-assured one with a ‘5’ tattoo and goatee that caught your eye. The one whose half-smirk over the rim of his glass promised no-strings fun, if that’s what you wanted. He’d drawn you in with those dark, shining eyes, and now, gazing into them with rain pouring into yours, you swallow against the rush of arousal that surges within you.
The rain subsides; for a moment you think the storm has passed. Looking up, you realize you’ve moved under an awning, the corrugated metal drumming loudly in the downpour. Panting, you squeeze Fives’s hand as you slow to a walk, and finally to a halt, to catch your breath. 
You give him a breathless smile. His teeth flash in the technicolor lights as he smiles in return, pushing his curls off of his forehead. Your heart skips at the sight, like a lovesick teenager. Biting your lip, you shuffle your feet, butterflies beating their wings against your insides.
“Kriff, mesh’la,” Fives chuckles. “You’re dangerous, you know that?” 
Blinking in surprise, you quirk an eyebrow. “Is that so?” 
He nods, sliding an arm around your shoulders. “Fun, charming, attractive. I like that.” 
“Good,” you hum. His body heat is a welcome respite from the clinging cold, and you boldly snake your arm around his waist and pull him closer. “But I think all of those words describe you better.” 
He tips your face up with one gloved finger under your chin. You gasp at how close he is, his face inches from yours—and this close, you think you can see past the cocky mask he wears, glimpse the man beneath, the one who dreams and wants and needs and cries and loves. Gulping, you can’t help the way your eyes flick down to his lips. 
You know he noticed, his mouth pressing into a small smile.
“I know they say opposites attract, but...” He trails off. His dark eyes study your face, tracing every feature, before settling on your mouth. “Well, personally I’ve always preferred someone like me.” 
“And what are you like, Fives?” you breathe, tilting your head, drawing closer to him. 
He grips your chin between thumb and forefinger, nostrils flaring as he takes a breath. “Insatiable.” 
A noise escapes you, somewhere between a moan and a gasp. He leans down, eyes never leaving yours until your noses bump. He holds there, his breath fanning your face—giving you a chance to pull away if you want. 
You don’t. Tightening your grip around his waist, you slot your lips against his, eyes sliding shut with a proper moan. His hand cups your face, holding you against him. You lick his bottom lip and nudge his mouth open. Droplets of water kiss over your skin as you nearly devour one another, tongues meeting hot and wet. Stabilizing yourself on his chest with one hand, your knees quake at the vibrations of his growl against your palm. 
When he breaks the kiss, he pants, resting his forehead against yours, a surprisingly bashful smile gracing his features. “That was...wow.” 
You can’t even form words, simply giggling in agreement. He looks gorgeous like this, a blush high on his cheeks and wet skin shimmering in the light of neon. Your hand wanders from his chest up, up, up into his hair, still soaked and dripping, your nails lightly scratching over his scalp. With a shudder, his eyes screw shut. 
“You wanna get outta here?” 
“And go where?” You swallow, trying to think through the haze his kiss brought on. “I’m not even sure where ‘here’ is.” 
He chuckles. “Well, the barracks are too far, and I’d bet my entire pension that your friend has one of my brothers back at your apartment.”
“I thought clones don’t get pensions?” 
There’s that smirk again, the one that makes you feel like only you and him are privy to an inside joke. “Exactly.” 
You snort in what you’re sure is a very unattractive manner, but Fives’s smirk broadens to a genuine smile. His thumb rubs circles on your back. 
“My question still stands, then,” you say. 
He hums, the sound rumbling pleasantly under your palm, sending tingles up your arm. “I have an idea. Can I show you something?” 
The way he asks it, like he’s asking permission for something beyond kissing you again or even fucking you, makes your stomach flip. “Of course.”
That roguish glint in his eyes once again, he removes himself from your embrace and, taking your hand, steps back into the rain. You gasp at the shock, the water feeling even colder against your heated skin. You follow him wordlessly as he wends his way around midnight market-goers, tramps through puddles, and finally pushes open a creaky door at the base of a skyscraper. 
“We can take the lift,” he says, “but we have to climb a few floors first.”
So, a few flights of stairs later, you stand winded in a lift, soft music chiming from hidden speakers. As soon as the doors slide shut, you lock eyes with Fives, fluttering your eyelashes at him. 
“Are you gonna kiss me or what, trooper?” you ask, voice pitched low. 
He closes the distance in two long strides. Back pressed flush to the lift wall, you gasp as he braces one arm above your head, his other hand hiking your leg up over his hip. “Thought you’d never ask.” 
His mouth is on yours before you can even think of a response, wiping all thought from your mind. You grind your heated core against him. When he licks into your mouth, you whimper, core throbbing with desire. Your hands can’t find a spot to rest, gripping his biceps, squeezing his ass, tugging his hair, cupping his half-hard dick. He bucks against your hand, groaning into your mouth. 
Neither of you break apart when the lift dings and the doors slide open. Only the sound of someone clearing their throat, obviously annoyed, jolts you out of the lustful daze you’ve sunk into. Face growing hot, you lower your leg back to the ground and keep your eyes down as the other person steps into the lift. Fives shoots you a smug wink; you cough to cover the giggles that rise up and try to escape.
The rest of the ride to the top floor is silent and awkward, but Fives’s finger tracing mindless patterns on the back of your hand makes it hard to care. As soon as the doors open again, you’re pulling him out of the lift and into the hallway. 
You’re both laughing before the lift even closes again. Doubled over, buzzing with embarrassment and desire, you slump against the nearby wall until the fit passes. Fives wipes tears from his eyes. 
“Did you see their face?” he asks.
“No,” you groan, burying your own into your hands. “I only saw their shoes.” 
He guffaws. “I get the feeling this isn’t the first time they’ve witnessed, ah, certain activities in their building.” 
“That doesn’t make me feel better,” you say. “But enough about them. What is it you wanted to show me?”
Eyes twinkling with mischief, Fives gestures down the hall to the door labeled ‘ROOF ACCESS.’ With a grin, you dart to the door and shove it open. You take the stairs two at a time and emerge, breathless, to a rain-slicked rooftop.
You move to the edge without thinking. Leaning your forearms on the permacrete wall that lines the edge, you crane your head over to look down. The vertical drop to the streets below makes your head swim, but you find you like the sensation, falling without moving. The rain has begun to lighten up, coming in a drizzle now. From this height, the glow of neon lights melds into a smooth gradient, like someone took a giant brush and blended the colors together. Lights flash and strobe and glitter as far as you can see, stretching to the horizon. 
Fives wraps his arms around you from behind. His warmth is welcome, and you lean back against him. 
“It’s gorgeous up here,” you say. “Thank you.” 
He hums. “Not as gorgeous as you, mesh’la.” 
You laugh, squeezing his hands where they rest over your waist. “Please. Look at all that.” 
“I am,” he says. “I see it. And I see you.” 
Breath hitching, you turn around in his grasp until your back presses against the low wall. Peering up into his dark eyes, you catch another glimpse of the softness he’s hiding, and it makes you melt. You caress his face, relishing in the way he leans into your touch, his eyes shut, brow smooth and unworried. 
“Fuck me,” you say, bolder than you expected of yourself. 
His eyes fly open. “Here?”
“Why not?” 
His chest heaves with sudden excitement, and against your thigh, his cock stiffens again. “Yeah. Yeah, okay.” 
He helps you shuck your clothing until you’re both completely naked under the clouds. The distant lights glisten on his damp skin. You rest your palm over the handprint tattoo on his pec, and he shudders. His eyes rake over your body, drinking you in, as you do the same to him. Water collecting in droplets on his skin, you trail your eyes over his toned abs, powerful thighs, veiny forearms, and heavy cock. You lick your lips in anticipation. 
His hand is scorching against your skin where he thumbs over your hip, pulling you closer. Bodies slotting together like two halves of a whole, you sigh in contentment. Slinging your arms loosely around his neck, you press your chest to his, your stiff nipples sensitive where they graze his skin. 
“Fives,” you plead. You don’t even know what you need, but you need him, need him to do something, give you his cock, give you his kisses.
“I’ve got you.” With a half smirk, he caresses your aching core, fingers nimble and firm against you. 
You keen brokenly, emboldened by your distance from the ground, letting your pleasure take control. Fives drops his head against your shoulder, pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses to your neck, as he works you up to the edge of bliss. Blindly, you reach for his hard length. You are rewarded with a deep groan as your fingers find purchase, wrapping around his velvety skin and pumping him slowly. 
“Fuck, mesh’la,” he whimpers. “Gonna make you feel so good.” 
“Yes,” you gasp. “Please, Fives, please.”
He bites down at the juncture between your neck and shoulder, sucking a mark into your skin as you writhe against him. Pleasure cresting within you, a thin wire pulling taut and molten in your belly, you moan to the sky. 
“Gonna- please, Fives—” 
His hand withdraws and he chuckles as you whimper at the loss. “Not yet,” he croons. “Need you to cum on my cock.” 
“Fuck, yes.” You hitch your leg around his waist again, presenting your neglected entrance for him. He prods against you, his tip flushed and leaking. Desperate, you spit into your free hand and coat his length with it, eyes locked on his. 
“Just like this,” he murmurs, and then he’s pushing into you, splitting you open at the seams and sewing you back together. Your head falls back, nails digging against his back. Your body tenses at the intrusion, but you love it, love the burn of the stretch, love the way that he fills you so completely, love the way his hand feels plays at your core as he gently rocks his hips up against your ass. 
“Kriff, mesh’la.” He presses his forehead against your chest, gripping your ass so tight you know you’ll have bruises that match his fingerprints. “So tight, so needy.” 
Shifting in his grasp, careful to not let his cock slip out, you prop yourself on the wall with your elbows, your upper half dangerously close to hanging over the edge. The danger makes your chest heave with excitement; the safety of Fives’s arms makes your core clench with need. His eyes find yours again, and he looks absolutely debauched. 
You tilt your head and catch his bottom lip between your teeth. His groan vibrates into your bones, slowly pulling that wire inside you tighter again. 
“Please fuck me, Fives,” you moan. “Please, need you to fucking ruin me.” 
Hips snapping against yours, he fucks you into oblivion, cock dragging against that shattering shard of heaven deep inside you. You cling to him, blinking away the rain, and scream your pleasure. The harder he fucks into you, the more your vision goes fuzzy, bursts of aqua and magenta and white neon blinding you to everything except Fives. His name becomes a chant, a prayer, tumbling from your lips in reverence. 
“Gonna cum,” you whine.
“Where should I—?” 
“Inside,” you cut him off. “Please. Need to feel your cum in me.” 
He bites you again, the pain blending with the pleasure so intensely that it shoves you over the edge of orgasm. Your entire body locks up as the cord inside you breaks. Molten, white-hot pleasure pulses through you, and you nearly black out, your release coating you both. 
Only Fives’s strong arms around you keep you upright as he ruts into you, chasing his own release. “Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck—” He stills, shuddering, panting into your neck as his cock throbs in your tight heat, warmth blooming from the inside. 
“Yes.” You card your fingers through his hair. “Thank you.”
He chuckles, breathless, his eyes glazed as they meet yours. “I should be thanking you.” 
You grin, kissing him. “I can think of a few ways for you to do that.” 
“At least let me buy you dinner first.” 
You laugh morphs into a whine as he slips out of you, his cum dribbling down your inner thigh. “I thought you’d never ask.”
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Taglist: @thorsterstrudle @anxiouspineapple99 @deejadabbles @starrylothcat @blueink-bluesoul @idontgetanysleep @wolffegirlsunite @wings-and-beskar @mandos-mind-trick @moonlightwarriorqueen @sunshinesdaydream @starqueensthings @littlemissmanga if I missed anyone pls lmk!
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jaegerjackoff · 2 years
The Doctor | Part 1 | The Mandalorian
> Part 2
summary: When the Child falls ill, the Mandalorian seeks a familiar doctor.
pairing: eventual Din Djarin x OC afab!reader (no physical descriptions; reader has relatives, a surname, and backstory/personality)
word count: +1.3k
a/n: I actually pulled myself out of a seven-year fic hiatus to do this. My writing is rusty™, so please be kind! And title suggestions would be stellar. 🥴 That one detail aside, I have a lot of backstory in mind, honestly to the point that "reader" is really just an OC who I'm writing in second-person. Debating third tbh. I'd love for any feedback (esp on Mando) and I hope to have a writing masterlist & another installment up in the near future! eta: thanks to local-fanfic-addict for the name suggestion!
warnings: rated T, minor descriptions of illness, referenced character death
A petulant cough from Din Djarin’s side cuts through the hiss of the gangplank rising behind him, a smoked visor tilting downward to regard the small lump in his knapsack. It hides the grimace upon his lips, the crease in his brow, at how miserable the Child seemed.
“Hang in there, kid. Not much longer,” Din murmurs, more to himself than the feverish body at his side – to steel his normally calm nerves – orange-tipped gloves passing in comforting strokes across roughened duraweave.
When he accepted a job on the last planet, the Child seemed fine, with a sniffle that could have been written off to the perpetual cold both aboard the Razor Crest and the planet they were on. Nearing the mission’s end, however, the Child was sweltering and had a deep, wet cough that obviously racked his tiny body.
First, panic. 
Din hadn’t the slightest idea as to how to care for a sick child. He hardly cared for himself properly and was only getting a feel for this bizarre parenthood. Of course, he was unprepared – utterly helpless to soothe the Child’s fitful crying. Din couldn’t help but shout while digging through the storage compartments at the paltry medical supplies upon the ‘Crest, which included a few tiny bacta pads and untouched nausea medicine (which, if he were honest with himself, had probably been aboard since the ship was manufactured).
Then, a realization.
Upon a moon several hours away by hyperspace was an old acquaintance. One who had saved his hide many years before, who would be safe for the Mandalorian and his foundling.
With much haste, Din concluded the mission – handed over a quarry (whose horror was suspended in carbonite), accepted payment, and quickly departed the frigid planet. Where he touched down was quite its contrary; verdant and temperate, known most predominantly for its abundant botanicals and as a picturesque, if underdeveloped, retreat. Warm air rushes beneath Din’s helmet as he treks through the streets of the quaint port town.
It had changed since his last visit, years ago, but remained relative enough that his memory could guide his measured footfall. He didn’t allow himself a chance to reminisce, carrying onward through the central marketplace to the edge of town, where sat a modest building labelled simply in Aurebesh:
doctor  apothecary open
Beneath the sign, the door is set open, voices carrying faintly from within. Two feminine and the grate of a masculine-programmed droid.
Days on Chaira were slow – simple. (Save for the occasional excitement from its residents, most often the arboriculture and logging industry nestled in the nearby mountains.) Once living there full-time, you’d quickly learnt why your father decided to settle down on this moon, of all in the galaxy.
Following the morning’s appointments, you slipped into the minutiae of managing the small clinic, bottling or compounding common medicines, writing up orders for a future supply run, and preparing files for appointments in the coming days. All the while, your resident 2-1B unit went about sanitizing surfaces and tools and tidying up.
Settling in for a late lunch at the front desk (just to be safe), you called your mother via holopad, through which you updated one another daily. You detailed your morning thus far and – for the systematic difference – your mother her entire day.
“Is 2-1B around?” Your mother’s query causes your eyes to flit upward in time to see the droid round the corner. Just how she always managed to ask of him right as he entered each time was beyond you.
“Yeah, right here,” you hum around a mouthful of peppery herb salad, pushing the puck transmitter closer to his side of the desk so he can wave an appendage to your mother. Meanwhile, you shovel another forkful of salad into your mouth.
“Salutations, Sola. I hope you are well. Isn’t it,” 2-1B pauses thoughtfully. “A bit late on Yavin 4?”
“Oh, please, 2-1B,” grouses your mother, and you can see the smile in her projection. “I’ll go to bed soon; I just had to check in with you two.”
Your eyes wander while they chit-chat, gazing out the door for several moments before you notice the head of a shadow pause just within view. You crane your neck and lean forward on your elbows to get a better idea of who (or what) is lingering outside, which 2-1B catches on to and turns as well.
“Mom, I think we might have a walk-in,” you share quietly, pushing your bowl off to one side.
“Alright, my loves. Talk to you tomorrow.”
“Love you, mom; talk to you tomorrow,” you reply gently, and 2-1B pipes up in a farewell of his own. Just before the gracious image of your mother’s expression blinks away, the stranger finally crosses over the threshold (a wall of metal – beskar), commanding your attention, and your jaw falls momentarily slack.
But not in the mottled hues of flaking paint and common metal you so distantly recall. Instead, the portion of armor you can see from the drape of his cape is brilliant silver.
As you slowly rise to a stand behind the desk, you stuff down your awe, a spume of trepidation releasing in your chest.
(You can’t help wondering if this is the same one–)
“Pardon the interruption, but I need to see Doctor Vancil. Urgently.”
“I–” It takes everything in you not to crinkle your nose and press your lips thin at the assertion, at the underlying desperation that still finds its way through his vocoder. This wasn’t a spiel you’d had to deliver in some time. Allowing your eyes to close, you draw a deep breath before regarding the collected but imposing figure in your lobby.
“My father, Doctor Vancil, is one with the Force,” you answer, noting how the shiny helmet rears back slightly. “In his stead, my– his droid and I have been continuing his practice. 2-1B can check you out, and I’ll see to it that you get any medications you may need.”
You swear you catch the quietest, clipped end of a curse from the man before you, whose helmet slowly turns toward 2-1B. A slight, terrible cough followed by a coo emanates from somewhere at his hip level, causing your eyes to widen. 
A child? 
In a bag?
“I’ll accept your help – but no droids.”
Along with his dry declaration, the Mandalorian idly gestures two orange-tipped fingers toward your companion, and you nearly feel offended on his behalf. Yet the temperate droid, having gleaned much of his personality from your father, with whom he had been partnered almost all of his existence, understood your capability and responded with a “very well then” before toddling down the hallway at his back.
“Very well,” you parrot with an inkling of uncertainty. You collect your datapad as you round the desk to the same side as the Mandalorian stands, a small sweep of your arm beckoning him to join you, “We’re going into an exam room two doors down on the left. No droid.”
A modulated hum is nearly drowned out by the heavy trod of the Mandalorian’s boots as you shut the door gently behind the two of you and go to wash your hands at the small counter basin. He occupies the space almost uncomfortably, T visor sweeping its primitive decor of jars of cotton buds and tongue depressors, and a hanging plant with cascading purple leaves.
“So, what brings you in?” You glance over your shoulder and draw from your usual repertoire of starters, unsure how to address the child noise at his hip – which was now a soft babble.
“My foundling,” he clarifies, brushing aside the weathered cape to reveal a knapsack at his hip. From within it, he produces a wrinkly, green-skinned creature with large eyes and ears unlike anything you’d ever laid eyes on. “He started getting sick two days ago, and I’m not sure what to do.”
You nod slowly, contemplatively, trying to school your expression into professional impassivity. Although not a species you’d helped yet, it was a baby. (Probably.)
“Okay, I should absolutely be able to help. I just have a few questions to begin.”
> Part 2
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reasoningdaily · 6 months
50+ African gods names and meanings - Tuko.co.ke
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African communities have so many gods and goddesses, and each one has its own role to play in life. Some gods and goddesses are for wealth, war, health, healing, protection, death, evil, creation, and so on. Africans who believe in these gods consider it essential to worship and adore these gods and goddesses to have a good and smooth life.
Even though the larger religions such as Christianity and Islam have made big inroads in the African continent, the African gods and goddesses are still worshipped today. Here are the names of African gods:
African god of war
Ogun - Ogun is a god of war who defends the Yoruba tribe and is depicted wearing armor and red eyes.
Kibuka - Kibuka is the Buganda god of war who secures victory in war by taking the form of a cloud, which hovered above his enemies and rained spears and arrows.
Age-Fon - During the days of wars and battles, Agé was called upon to protect and give strength to the warriors, leading them on which paths to take.
Menhit - The war goddess was believed to advance ahead of the Egyptian armies and cut down their enemies with fiery arrows.
Tano - He is the goddess of war and strife for the Ashanti people.
Apedemak - The Nubian lion-headed warrior god.
Takhar - He is the god of justice or vengeance. He is a demi-god in Senegal's Serer religion and is worshipped to protect believers against injury, bad omens, and abuse.
Maher- Ethiopian god of war
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Shango - Shango is the Yoruba god of war and thunder. Oral tradition describes him as powerful, with a voice like thunder and a mouth that spewed fire when he spoke.
Oya - She is the wife of Shango. Oya is a ferocious and protective deity worshipped by the Yoruba. She is the goddess of wind, thunderbolt, and fire.
African god of wealth
Mukasa - He is the brother of Kibuka, the god of war. His main oracular sanctuary was found on an island in Lake Victoria. This god provides rain, food, and cattle.
Oko - Oko is the god of agriculture and fertility. He came to Earth and lived on a small farm, growing some of the most beautiful and delicious fruits and vegetables.
Olokun - Olokun is believed to be the parent of Aje, the orisha of great wealth. He gives great wealth, health, and prosperity to his followers.
Aje - Aje is a traditional goddess of abundance and wealth, often associated with the business of the marketplace in the Yoruba religion.
Oshun - Oshun is a divine being associated with love and fertility, as well as financial fortune in the Yoruba religion.
Ikenga - Ikenga is a personal god of human endeavor, achievement, success, and victory. He is grounded in the belief that a man's power to accomplish things is in his right hand.
Anyanwu - This is the goddess of the sun. She is revered as the goddess that promotes productivity, hard work, and overall positive well-being.
Njoku Ji - This is the guardian deity of yam in Igboland. She is prayed to for productivity during the farming season.
Mami Wata - Mami Wata is famous as the African god of money. The goddess has the power to bestow good fortune and status through monetary wealth.
Wamala - He is the god of wealth and prosperity.
Anayaroli - He is the god of wealth.
Ashiakle - She is a famous goddess of wealth and prosperity in West Africa.
Abena - She is known as the river goddess. Her name is associated with gold, brass, as well as with other wealth symbols.
African god of healing
Agwu - Nsi - This is the god of health and divination. This god is one of the basic theological concepts used to explain good and bad, health and sickness, poverty, and wealth in Igboland.
Osanyin - He is the Yoruba Orisha of herbalism, and he possesses the powers to cure all diseases.
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Xu - He is the sky god of the Bushmen in South Africa. Xu is usually invoked during an illness.
Aja - Aja is a powerful healer in Yoruba legend. It is said that she is the spirit who taught all other healers their craft.
Babalu Aye - Babalu Aye is an Orisha often associated with plague and pestilence in the Yoruba belief system. Just as he is connected with disease and illness, he is also tied to its cures.
African evil gods
Amadioha - This is the most popular god in Igboland. He is the god of thunder & lightening. Amadioha is considered a gentleman among the deities and the cruelest when annoyed.
Adroa - Adroa is the god of death with two characters: good and evil. His body is split into two. One half is short and black, which represents evil, while the other half is tall and white and depicts goodness.
Gaunab - He is the Xhosa and Khoikhoi evil god. He is responsible for all misfortune, disease, and death.
Modimo - He represents all the good things. Yet, in the same breath, he had the power to destroy things and bring about natural disasters and devastation.
Ogo - He is the chaos god among the Dogon. Ogo is a horrifically awful trickster god, the embodiment of chaos, and a rebel of horribleness.
African god of death
Anubis - Anubis, the guardian of the dead, is one of the most well-known Egyptian gods. He's mainly depicted as a dog-like figure and leads the dead to Ma'at, where their hearts are weighed.
Ogbunabali - Literally meaning "the one that kills at night." He is known as the death deity. Ogbunabali is known to kill violently.
Gamab - Gamab lives in the sky and directs the fate of mankind. When it's time for someone to die, Gamab gets out his bow and shoots them down with an arrow.
Oya - She is also a goddess of death. Oya is the guardian of the gates of death, as she helps the dead in their transition from life.
African god of creation
Mbombo - Mbombo is the creator god in the mythology of the Kuba people. It is believed that Mbombo was alone, darkness and primordial water covered all the earth. He felt an intense pain in his stomach and then vomited the sun, the moon, and stars.
Olorun - He is the ruler of the sky and the creator of the sun.
Obatala - He is the creator of humans, mountains, valleys, forests, and fields.
Unkulunkulu - He grew from reeds and brought with him people and cattle. Upon his own creation, he created the earth and all of its creatures.
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Ra - The sun god arose from Nun, a chaotic body of water that was the only thing in existence. He independently gave birth to Shu, the god of air, and Tefnut, the water goddess. They then produced Geb and Nut, the god of the earth and the goddess of the sky, respectively. The first humans to exist were from Ra's tears.
Kaang - He is the creator god of the universe, according to the San people.
Nana - Buluku - Nana Buluku is the mother of Mawu-Lisa and the goddess of creation. She is associated with the sun and moon.
Odomankoma - This is the name Akan-language speakers use to describe the eternal entity who deserves the credit for the work of creation, including creating the concept of trinity.
Modjaji - She is a South African goddess of rain whose spirits live in a young woman's body. The goddess is considered a key figure as she can start and stop the rain.
African god of fertility
Ala - She is the most respected god in Igboland. The goddess represents the earth, fertility, creativity, and morality.
Oshun - She is one of the most powerful of all orishas in the Yoruba religion. She is associated with water, purity, fertility, love, and sensuality.
Asase Ya - Asase Ya is the Earth goddess of fertility of the Ashanti people of Ghana. She is the wife of Nyame, the Sky deity, who created the universe.
Mbaba Mwana Waresa - She is the Zulu goddess of fertility.
Denka - He is the Dinka god of fertility.
Yemaya - She is the childbirth goddess in the Yoruba religion. She is considered the mother of all since she is the goddess of the living ocean.
Who is the most powerful African god?
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Oshún is a Yoruba orisha, daughter of Yemoja, a Nigerian river goddess. She is the protector of the family and pregnant women. Oshun is typically associated with water, purity, fertility, love, and sensuality. She is considered one of the most powerful of all orishas in the Yoruba religion. She possesses human attributes such as vanity, jealousy, and spite.
There you have it. A comprehensive list of African gods' names and meanings. With the introduction of larger religions such as Islam and Christianity, the concept of African deity is slowly losing its meaning. However, some ethnic communities still believe in and worship these gods and goddesses even today.
Tuko.co.ke published an article about the list of major religions in Africa. Before the white man came to Africa, the African people had a doctrine. Little is known about the ancient African religions. However, it is a fact that all doctrines have common features such as belief in a supernatural power, the belief of life after death and the beliefs surrounding burial.
Research shows that the majority of citizens in Nigeria and Africa as a whole are devoted Christians. The African continent has a variety of religions practised across all regions. In Africa, religiosity has a big influence on arts, culture, lifestyle and traditions of its people.
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
Please...please...just a crumb of Koridai (fuck the other one). I'm starving, my crops have wilted, I miss my little stink stink, I want to ruin his life like he ruined mine 😢.
I GOTCHU THO BRO- this is set before the duo meet Courage btw ~~~~~~~~~~
The streets were bustling with people, calls echoing from the market about produce, children laughing as they played and fishermen either hauling in their catch of the day or setting sail for fishing- Koridai’s hometown looked to be pulled right from a fantasy, which was no surprise seeing as this entire scene to you was literally a fantasy come true!
Even so, you were in wonderment, holding onto Koridai’s hand, his grip firm (already 3 close calls of you wandering off had put the fear of the Goddess into him) as he manoeuvred through the people, mouth moving miles a minute as he spoke.
The Kingdom of Koridai practically bordered the Kingdom of Hyrule, only split by the seamlessly never-ending tides, so after a day’s journey by boat you had entered the country and the hero had practically dragged you to experience his hometown. 
“-you should have seen the guy's face! He stunk of fish guts for weeks! Serves him right for messing with my brother!” Koridai laughed, merry and light as you walked through the marketplace, your eyes wandering to each stall “Golly, it’s been so long since I’ve explored this town! The last time I was here I was setting towards Gamelon!”
“Shame, this place is beautiful.”
When he glanced back at you, his mouth upturned in his familiar little smirk you rolled your eyes. “Not as beautiful as you~”
“Damn, flirt.” Lightly you pushed his shoulder, nothing much happening with his hand still tight around your own and he tugged you back to him with a laugh, your head falling to his shoulder. “Lay off, will you.”
“Awh but you’re too cute!”
“Yeah, well, you’re not too bad looking yourself, pretty even.”
“Pretty enough for a kiss?~”
He deflated like a child, whining your name with puppy-kicked eyes while you laughed, eyes creasing in joy when your gaze met a small stall sitting in the corner, a lone old lady patiently waiting for a customer with her abundance of stock, your sight catching a beautifully made ring that shone in the light of the sun. Hypnotising in a way, your feet gently brought you towards the stall, Koridai following along when he perked up.
The older woman’s pointed ears twitched, old eyes narrowing before she seemed to light up in a similar way. “Oh, Link! It’s been so long.”
The small woman waddled to meet the man halfway, their hug a gentle one as you watched from the sidelines, intrigued and intruding all at once as the two conversed like old friends.
It was nice seeing Koridai like this, the hero persona pushed aside to show the kind young man behind it. No smug playboy, but a mature hero who knew where his roots stood, it was like looking through the walls of a tiny old shack to see the happy and content family within- the phrase “you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover” came to mind as they continued to talk until finally, Lynne turned to you.
“And whose this, Link? Your lover?” You tensed, your face growing in warmth as she gently grabbed your hand, looking up at you brightly. “You possess such kind eyes, my dear, I hope Link is treating you well.”
“I- We- He’s actually-”
“Oh, you bet!” He grinned, arm wrapping snugly around your waist and bringing your closer to his side, nuzzling against your cheek as a sign of affection. 
It…it felt nice, your face heating with a more adoring flush as your hand fell to hold his still against your hip.
You only felt (very) a little giddy when he grinned against you.
“Oh, I’m so glad, such a handsome couple, here-” She reached forward, grasping the ring you had been eyeing in interest earlier and handing it towards you gently. “I could see you were looking at it. Please, take it.” 
Your heart skipped at the pure gesture. “But I couldn’t just take it, at least let me-”
“Oh, no, no, consider it a gift.”
She gently laid it in your hand, the small jewellery still sparkling even as you protectively curled your fingers around it, looking up at the woman gratefully.
“...Thank you, Ms Lynne.”
“Lynne is fine, sweetheart.” She smiled, her wrinkles adding a motherly touch “Off you go now, if I know Link he still has much to show you of the town. Go on!”
She waved you away, the both of you yelling your farewells as you disappeared deeper into the crowd until Lynne was no longer in sight, you still tucked firmly to the taller man’s side as you walked, his thumb rubbing at your hip over your clothes.
“She’s sweet…” You mentioned after a few moments, still flustered over her mistake.
Koridai’s ears flickered happily at the words. “The sweetest! She used to cook dinner for the kids on our street so that our mothers could have a break! Haha!”
You chuckled at that, studying the beautiful ring once more before slipping it onto your finger, rubbing gently at the crested gem before looking back at Koridai whose eyes were already settled on you.
The bustling town never felt so empty when staring into those eyes of emerald green, the calls of the people never sounded so quiet as you put on your focus on him. You couldn’t deny that Koridai was handsome, beautiful, the best of every compliment that came to mind and the same giddiness from earlier came to hit you hard as he leaned closer, looking at your lips and then at your eyes.
So cliche, but even a cliche like this wouldn’t stop the pounding of your heart.
“So, about that kiss?” The man’s voice was a whisper, soft against your ears but still filled with his usual eagerness. 
“What about it?” Cursing mentally for sounding breathless, you settled your hands on his shoulders.
“Think you could spare your hero just one?”
…Hell, what was one kiss?
Your mouth moved to answer, both of your just a breath away-
When someone shoved past, your yelp comical as you felt your body begin to drop only for Koridai to tug you back towards him, his pout cute as he yelled out a frustrated “Hey, watch it!” back at the man who brushed him off, vanishing behind a wall of people.
The blonde turned back at your giggle, hand moving to cover your mouth to muffle it when it got a little too loud.
“God, that was so fucking cliche.” You were yanked back up, still against the hero’s chest as you chuckled. “Of course, just as we’re about to kiss someone has to ruin it.”
This whole world was just full of these things, huh?
“I-It doesn’t have to be ruined!” He stammered, not wanting the moment to end. “Listen, it was just a small fumble but-”
You held his face when you kissed the edge of his lips, soft, sweet but lingering as the man relaxed against your palms, ears flapping rapidly with hearts practically dancing in his eyes when you finally pulled away, once again giggling at his face.
“Golly~” The sigh was breathless, similar to your own voice not even a moment ago. “I think you missed~”
With a smirk, you pulled away. “Eh, maybe next time.”
“H-Huh?! Not, wait, (Name)!”
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lovelaurs · 3 months
could you perhaps write a he/him lesbian Laurance and aroace Aphmau fic with them in a queer platonic relationship?? set in diaries pretty please
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pairing : mcd laurance x aphmau (qpr specifically) synopsis : laurance and aphmau go back to their home after a long and tiring day of helping out the village. however, the two aren't just going to lay about and do nothing for the rest of the night! both of them begin messing with each other as they attempt to make their dinner for the evening! tags : pre-established relationship, cooking together, cuddling, platonic, romantic, both? yes, they are not friends nor are they dating (they are a secret third thing), he/him lesbian laurance, aroace aphmau, queer platonic relationship word count : 1.7k a/n : first off, this request is by far the best thing i have ever seen. it feels so catered towards me that it drives me crazy. this really is how i see them in my headcanons!!! i love them so much. - i'm going to write this based off my own experience from being in a qpr, so it may be different from someone else's experience! queer platonic relationships can be different in all sorts of way, as it is not a clear cut relationship in any form! in any case, i hope you enjoy!
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It had been a long day of patrolling around Phoenix Drop.
As usual, Aphmau and Laurance had made their way across the whole village, making sure nothing troublesome was occurring while also helping out anyone who needed it.
From Nana baking far too many pastries, to Emmalyn fainting in the marketplace due to staying up for the past three days reading, and Logan missing a crate of his products? They for sure had their hands full for the day.
After delivering the abundance of sweets around the village, carrying Emmalyn to the nearest doctor, and scouring across the nearby forest to find the crate… the two were more than tired.
Laurance and Aphmau groaned as they slowly made their way to their shared home; their bones aching from all the work they went through over the course of the day.
As soon as they walked through the door, Aphmau spread herself out on the nearest chair, letting out a satisfied sigh at the soft cushion beneath her.
“Oh Irene, how I’ve missed you, chair.”
Laurance chuckled as he placed down his sword sheath and began rifling through the cabinets. “Is this your new version of the table?” He asked as he began setting down dough on the counter.
With her most dramatic gasp, she responded, “No! Nothing will ever replace that table.” Aphmau repositioned herself so she was leaning over the back of the chair, looking at Laurance. “What are you doing?”
He pulled open a drawer and began picking out utensils, giving Aphmau an amused look. “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m making us dinner.”
“How can you even bring yourself to make something after today? I was just planning on passing out early.” As if to taunt her words, Aphmau’s stomach growled. She turned to her stomach, frowning. “Okay, that was uncalled for.” She poked her stomach before turning to Laurance with a grin. “What are we having?”
Laurance couldn’t help but scoff. “We? Well seeing as I’m making this all alone I was planning on making it for myself…”
She pouted at the idea of not eating tonight. “You’re cruel, Laur.”
“Maybe if you helped…” He began.
Aphmau practically threw herself off the chair, stumbling as she stood up and walked towards the brunette. “I’m doing this for the food, not because I like you in any way.” She dramatically pouted, grabbing the dough from Laurance’s hands playfully. “So, let me ask again, what are we having?”
Laurance grinned, as he had been cooking up this idea in his brain since they first woke up.
A simple meal to most, sure, but to Aphmau? This was everything to her. That one word had her practically floating in the air.
Since the first day Laurance moved in with her and their curious relationship began, Aphmau had become obsessed with the way this woman cooks and bakes. Ever since they ran out of the bread he had made a week ago, Aphmau has been begging for him to make more. So now? Her wish was finally granted.
She started to jump up and down, before hugging her partner close. “I take back what I said about not liking you. I now tolerate you at a high level.”
Laurance giggled at the comment. “What does that even mean?”
“It means let’s start baking this bread!” Aphmau grabbed the bag of flour from one of the cabinets before slamming it onto the counter. “So, what do we do first, boss?”
“Well, first…” Laurance grabbed the flour Aphmau had not so graciously placed, moving it alongside the dough before walking behind Aphmau. He gestured to her with his eyebrows raised. “May I?”
Aphmau nodded, allowing him to grab her hands and began to knead the dough. “We need to knead the dough in order to help the dough’s gluten bond together to make sure it holds its shape and rises correctly when we’re baking it.” Laurance furrowed his eyebrows, focusing on the dough as he spoke.
Aphmau tilted her head up to look at her guard, smiling. “You really know your stuff, huh?”
He nodded. “Yeah. I’ve been baking my own bread since Joh took me in from the orphanage.” The comment made his mind start to wander back to the memories he shared as a kid, his hands releasing Aphmau’s subconsciously.
A sinister smile grew on her face as a plan came to fruition. “Oh? You’ve been baking for that long?”
A fond smile grew on his face. “Yep… He taught me everything I know-”
As Laurance was focused on talking; distracted by his memories, Aphmau took the chance to take a handful of flour and throw it in his face.
He began to cough, a cloud of dust appearing. His face was covered completely with the white powder, so that when he opened his eyes, the light blue stuck out amongst the snowy plain that was his face.
“You’re joking.”
“No, no, I take my job as a flour thrower very seriously.” 
Laurance coughed again, this time sending excess flour towards Aphmau’s head; lightly dusting her raven hair with white.
He moved to place his hands on Aphmau’s again, guiding them to the bag of flour.
“Laurance, what are you-”
Before she could finish, Laurance had used Aphmau’s own hands to throw flour in her own face. 
“There. Now we’re even.” Laurance chuckled.
Like clockwork, she began to cough at the powder as well.
She turned around to face him, her face the same powdery white landscape his own appearance shared. “Okay. I deserved that.”
Laurance took one look at her and…
He laughed.
He laughed hard.
The look of her powdered face in contrast to her dark hair just sent him into a giggling fit.
Laurance released her hands, falling back against the cabinets, holding his abdomen as he cried out laughing.
“Hey! Stop laughing at me!”
After a few moments, his laughter started to die down, before he took one more look at Aphmau and simply lost it once more.
Aphmau pouted, crossing her arms and sticking her head up in an act of defiance. “You know, you look exactly like I do right now, right?”
The thought of that seemed to make matters worse, as the woman Aphmau called her partner was now wheezing through the powder, almost seemingly in pain from how he gripped himself. “Oh my Irene-”
Aphmau raced around the kitchen, before her eyes landed on a cloth, quickly using it to wipe her face, before throwing it at the brunette. “Laurance, you are unbelievable, you know that?”
Laurance’s chuckles had died down as he caught the cloth, allowing him to take much needed breaths, his stomach aching from laughing so much. “Says the girl who started this in the first place!” He yelled as he used the other side of the fabric to clean his own face.
“Well excuse me for being joyous and whimsical!” She huffed. “Now come on, let’s go back to baking this bread!” Laurance rolled his eyes before the two went back to their earlier position; with Aphmau slowly applying the flour to the dough and Laurance helping her knead it.
Things went smoothly after that, as they had put the dough over the fire to let it rise.
They both sat on the chairs across the room, waiting for the bread to finish cooking while they sat on top of each other.
“Is it done yet? I’m bored.” She whined, lightly kicking Laurance as they were spread across the sofa.
He pushed her foot away with a grin. “Any minute now, my Lord.”
Aphmau groaned, rolling her eyes so far back that one would think they’d get trapped behind her head. She brought her hands up, doing quotation marks. “My lord.” She mocked, sticking her tongue out. “Laurance, I do hope you see me as more than just a lord. We are quite literally partners.”
Laurance gasped, bringing his hand to his mouth in a state of fake shock. “Really? I had no idea!” 
Aphmau kicked him slightly harder, with Laurance trying to shoo away her boot. After a silent playful fight between the two, Laurance pushed Aphmau off of him to get up and check on the bread.
As he approached the fireplace, he placed a knife in the bread, testing to see that no dough came out. He had to make sure it was baked through thoroughly. 
After taking the knife out and finding nothing, he smiled and grabbed a cloth, carefully pulling the tray of bread out.
With a sing-songy voice, he called, “Oh Aphmau…”
That was all she needed to hear to jump off the sofa and head straight towards the Shadow Knight.
Laurance held the bread out of reach as she made grabby hands at the hot tray. “My lady, please wait! It’s still hot!”
She groaned before stomping herself over to the table, sitting down with a pout. “How long do I have to wait now?”
Laurance placed the tray on the countertop, allowing it to cool down. He approached Aphmau, sitting himself on the table in front of her. “About five minutes.” He leaned in closer, a mischievous smile growing on his face. “And I know just how to preoccupy our time until then.”
A chill shot down Aphmau’s spine at those words. She knew what was coming.
Within seconds, Laurance pounced towards her, his hands immediately tickling her in all her sensitive spots. This was her one weakness… and that bastard was using it against her.
Aphmau could hardly breath, wheezing and coughing as her partner relentlessly attacked her with tickles. If Laurance wasn’t so aware of how to mess with her, maybe she would have won this battle long ago.
After a few pleas from Aphmau, Laurance finally moved back with a sigh, as if he was the one getting tickled in the first place.
What a drama queen.
Aphmau held her hand to her chest, feeling her own heartbeat as she let herself recover from Laurance’s tomfoolery.
“I… despise… you…” She panted.
Laurance smirked. “Oh really?” He jumped off the table and approached the counter, pointing at the now cooled off bread. “How about we see how you feel after we eat, okay?”
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@lovelaurs, 2024. do not repost this work in any way!
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ancientmyth · 29 days
The Lands of Erdemir
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THE OVERGROWN: abandoned center of Erdemir
ㅤㅤmany ages past, the land of erdemir was comprised of only one kingdom whose name is forgotten to time. this was a vast and rich kingdom, spanning almost the whole continent. but the people of this kingdom grew too greedy, seeking to dominate nature instead of living with it. the old gods of the forest were angered by this, as they had charged these people with the caretaking of the earth. in their wrath, they destroyed this old kingdom… where it once stood is now dense forest and overtaken ruins, inhabited by strange creatures of varying temperament. once grand palaces now lie in ruins, their marbled columns entwined with the creeping vines of the encroaching forest. once bustling marketplaces are now silent, save for the eerie whispers of the wind. it is a stark reminder of the consequences of hubris, a testament to the power and fury of the old gods.
ㅤㅤinhabited by the wildlings; descended from those who lived before the overgrowth. known for their skills as hunters, survivalists, and warriors, the wildlings alone keep the creatures of the overgrown in check.
ㅤㅤKALDIRAN, THE NORTH: the northern coast of erdemir, arctic tundras and taiga forests inhabited by the kaldish warrior clans.
ㅤㅤMALKIAR, THE SOUTH: the southern coast of erdemir, grasslands and alpine plains inhabited by the malkiari monarchy.
ㅤㅤARLENDA, THE EAST: the eastern coast of erdemir, wetlands and tropical forests inhabited by the arlendese river-walkers.
ㅤㅤSAHRADAN, THE WEST: the western coast of erdemir, temperate grasslands and deserts inhabited by the abundant sahradanian tribes.
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cyanobotcodes · 3 months
I make RimWorld mods. Most notably I am the author of Toddlers, a reasonably popular Biotech add-on that lets 2-3 year old pawns be ambulatory problems rather than just noisy furniture.
This is a place for me to talk about what I'm working on, share updates, and maybe talk about the process. Feel free to get in contact, ask questions, etc, but please keep bug reports to the Steam page of the mods in question.
I also take commissions! Find me on the Mod Marketplace (ping me or I won't see you trying to communicate) or get in touch here on tumblr if you'd like to pay me to write code for your mod.
Or if you'd like to just toss some money at me...
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Published Mods
Check out my workshop page here!
Commissioned Mods
Anomalous Joy A drug based on Joy from LISA: The Painful. Fairly abundant but cannot be crafted. Gives substantial benefits including mood stabilisation and temporary regeneration, but withdrawal results in sickness, mutation, madness, and eventual death.
Jaguar And Snow Leopard Xenotypes C# only! Art is not mine. A companion mod for Just About: Lions and Tigers that adds two new pantherine xenotypes based off jaguars and snow leopards.
In The Works
I am incapable of sticking to one project at a time, so I have a number of projects on the go. Check them out here.
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theink-stainedfolk · 4 months
Find The Word Tag
Thank you @drchenquill for the tag
I'll be making up random paragraphs from my story Quill & Court because the words given to me matches the story.
My words are: Fame, greed, gold, shine
In the sprawling metropolis of Wadiyya, fame was a coveted currency, traded among the elite like precious jewels. Within the glittering halls of the royal palace, whispers of ambition and desire echoed through the corridors, as courtiers vied for the king's favor in hopes of ascending to greater heights of renown. Yet, beyond the gilded facade of the capital, fame took on a different guise, sought after by artists and artisans whose creations adorned the city streets. Among them, a humble poet dared to dream of etching his name into the annals of history, weaving verses that spoke to the hearts of all who heard them. But in a world where fame could be both a blessing and a curse, he soon discovered that the true measure of his legacy lay not in the adoration of the masses, but in the sincerity of his words and the depth of his convictions.
In the shadows of opulent palaces and bustling markets, greed lurked like a silent predator, ready to ensnare the unwary in its grasp. Behind the façade of camaraderie and camaraderie at court, whispered schemes and clandestine dealings festered, fueled by the insatiable hunger for power and wealth. Within the heart of Wadiyya, amidst the glittering treasures and lavish displays, lay the temptation to grasp for more, to hoard riches and influence without heed for consequence or compassion. Yet, as fortunes rose and fell like the shifting sands of the desert, those consumed by greed found themselves ensnared in a web of their own making, their ambitions ultimately leading to their downfall.
In the sun-drenched streets of Wadiyya, the allure of gold shimmered like a mirage, tempting even the most steadfast souls with promises of untold riches and boundless opulence. From the gleaming treasures hoarded within the royal vaults to the intricate jewelry adorning the necks of nobles, gold held sway over the hearts and minds of all who walked the city's hallowed boulevards. Yet, amidst the dazzle of wealth and abundance, some discovered that the true value of gold lay not in its luster, but in the joy it could bring to others. For in the giving of alms to the needy or the adornment of sacred temples, the true richness of gold revealed itself, shining not only in its brilliance but also in the compassion and generosity it inspired.
In the bustling marketplace of Wadiyya, the morning sun cast its golden rays upon the city, illuminating the myriad treasures on display with a radiant shine that seemed to beckon all who passed by. From the polished gems that adorned the jeweler's stalls to the shimmering silks fluttering in the breeze, every corner of the market gleamed with an irresistible allure. Yet, amidst the dazzling spectacle of wealth and opulence, there existed a beauty far more profound – the shine of genuine laughter, the sparkle of heartfelt camaraderie, and the gleam of kindness reflected in the eyes of strangers. For in the heart of Wadiyya, it was not just the treasures that shone brightest, but the intangible moments of connection and joy that illuminated the city like a beacon of hope in the desert.
I'll tag @finickyfelix @willtheweaver @ascotwriting @sshawthorne
Your words are: Serendipity, Ephemeral, Labyrinthine, Radiant
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