#ac characters as biblically accurate angels
teecupangel · 1 year
Same person who asked Angel! Altaïr
What if Ezio and Connor turned into biblically accurate angels? (And maybe Haytham or Edward for fun-)
Hi, nonny! Thank you for making Altaïr suffer as a biblically accurate angel yesterday (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
Now... Let's screw up Desmond's other ancestors' lives XD
Well, Ezio would definitely have a hard time doing anything else because he’s just become a biblical-accurate angel in one of the most religious parts of the world during his time. Like, if this was set during AC2, Ezio would probably run to Monteriggioni to escape all the worshipping and falling into the ground to pray and stuff, unintentionally turning Monteriggioni into a religious location.
A… holy land.
If this is the middle of AC2, Rodrigo Borgia wouldn’t be pope yet so his power will be limited and it’s really, really going to be easy for all of this to go out of hand and, honestly, Mario Auditore doesn’t strike me as the religious type but he’d definitely try to spin this entire thing to their advantage while worrying on how to get his nephew back to human form in closed doors.
Oh god.
If they hear about Ezio’s mother and sister…
Maria Auditore might be considered a holy woman!
Oh shhiiittt. Claudia might actually milk this entire thing and do a Jeanne d’Arc in this setup.
And Ezio would be stuck in Monteriggioni because he can’t be an Assassin now, EVERYONE is looking at him.
And now… Claudia Auditore takes centerstage. This time, it’s Ezio’s turn to take care of the books. XD
Honestly, Ratonhnhaké:ton wouldn’t think of himself as an angel. He would believe that he had been touched by the spirits or something similar so he may protect his village. Redcoats would definitely see him and think that the end times have come. They have been judged and proclaimed as sinners. This would actually be the most dangerous setup because Ratonhnhaké:ton doesn’t necessarily have a good support system in place. Achilles is an old jaded man who can’t easily come to his aid. All of his white allies have their own desires and they wouldn’t mind using Ratonhnhaké:ton to achieve their goals. Then… the siege of Yorktown becomes the battleground of two heavenly beings as Haytham stands in front of Charles Lee… and turns into an angel as well.
You know what would be funny… if Edward turned into an angel during the webtoon part. Like, just think of Noa’s “what? WHAT??? WHAT?????” reaction to watching as Edward suddenly becomes an angel and he gets desynced there and then because “holy shit, what???” and everyone in the room are just like “???????”.
In the Gray:
“Reader… Reader… you have to stop this.”
“I can’t… I’m connecting to Desmond Miles’ ancestors and this automatically happens. I cannot stop the connection.”
“Reader, if you keep doing this…………… You might have to pretend to be ‘God’.”
“………… what kind of logic did you have to jump thru to get to that idea???”
“Is that sarcasm I sense in your voice? Is this making you human again???”
“Focus, Layla!”
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killjoyconstruct · 5 months
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is this anything
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the-babygirl-polls · 9 months
Vash Stampede - Trigun, Trigun Maxima, Trigun Stampede
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He's just such a bleeding heart, has sad backstory with sad downsloped eyes and dramatic fashion sense. Loves too much and pays the price for it. Just so loveable, one determines he's babygirl on sight.
he's a blonde twunk with a slut waist and skank legs. and he's suffered more than jesus <3
He’s the most wanted man on the planet and he serves CUNT doing it, especially in the original manga. He’s also a biblically accurate angel-type-thing and an ace gunman who refuses to shoot back at the people who want his bounty :]
He's this super cool legendary gunman who terrifies everyone on the planet because he leaves destruction in his wake BUT it's not his fault because he's literally just chilling and everyone wants him dead for something he didn't do. He doesn't even like shooting people he just wants to maybe get some donuts and take a nice nap but nooo he walks into town and everyone decides "let's bullet hell this guy, cause massive property damage, and say it's his fault!" Also he's horrendously doomed by the narrative and the prettiest boy you ever did see. Look at those big ol blue eyes and tell me he's not babygirl. You'd be lying.
Other Additions:
The 2023 version is more babygirl but his manga version is also very baby and very girl. Would put both images of him together since the design is different.
pleeeeeease include a picture of maximum or 98 Vash and not just stampede Vash. theyre ALL babygirls, not just the stampede redesign. i wanna see his ugly ass broom hair on a poll too
He's simply THE baby girl, you know
Please tag both "Trigun" and "Trigun Stampede" for the fandoms!
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
Hi, hi! I've been a longtime follower of your blog, but this is my first time sending in an ask because of anxiety. You're the most consistent blog that keeps up to date with Viv and her work. As someone who first saw Viv through the Die Young animation, and watched the HH pilot when it was first released, I grew disillusioned as s1 of Helluva Boss slowly aired. It was mostly because I didn't really enjoy the Stolitz ship and I believe the Erin Frost drama had come out (god bless Erin - she, Ken and everyone else deserved so much better). Plus the world-building and character development was just so off.
I know people have said this before: the concept Viv has is good, but the execution sucks. There's a vision but the product is so damn juvenile. I'm ace, and I became attached to Alastor due to him being ace as well, but we all know how Viv responded when the ship wars were happening. I couldn't stand the constant sex jokes or swearing in HB since when was it required for an "adult" show to have that?
Thank you for the episode leaks. Only got to see ep 1 before they were removed. The only thing that made me laugh out loud was the Niffty gag where she stared dead into the camera. I also liked Adam a bit? Sure the "original dick" thing went on way too long, but he was funny too. I surprising enjoyed his song - the lil fist bump he did with Lute was cute, and I like Lute but knowing Viv's record... eh. There was this cool shot where Adam flew up and Lute and those golden angels go behind him and spread their wings making Adam look like the biblically accurate angel. Except Adam himself ruins the effect because what the ever-loving heck is he wearing? I hate it.
In terms of shipping, I wasn't into the Huskerdust interactions. Angel wasn't flirting, that was sexual harassment. In the pilot it was okay because their interaction was brief and Husk pushed Angel off. Chaggie was... something. I genuinely feel that Chaggie could've worked had they not been established as a couple in the first place. The reason why Charlastor (and I guess Charlentious?) happened is because they had chemistry and their interactions could be read as a romantic interest. Since Chaggie was already established, there was an expectation for them to have those, but they weren't delivered and we know well that they weren't supposed to be a thing in the first place. Have Vaggie still be her bff and bodyguard, but show those moments where she genuinely cares for Charlie's well-being that indicates she's in love with her, yet Charlie is completely oblivious to everything. Actually, reverse harem Charlie sounds pretty funny to me.
Btw, armchair psychology anon, as a person studying psychology in my final year of college, dw about people taking issues with your speculations. NPD and other personality disorders are ego-syntonic, which means that the individual's behaviours line up with their beliefs, hence why PDs are only diagnosed during adulthood once brain maturation and personality development is reached. The only exception to this is ASPD (which NPD shares a category with called Cluster B along with histrionic and BPD) as you can diagnose a child with conduct disorder that can become ASPD when they're adults. Cluster B PDs are terribly demonised by media and the public despite the volume of research (I blame misunderstanding and ignorance). Viv could have it or could not; it's just that she shows signs of having it, and that's it. Even if she doesn't, she's still an awful person. Idk what happened in her childhood or some point in her life for her to become like this, but it doesn't excuse treating people like crap - oh wait, ain't this her characters in a nutshell?
That's all I gotta say for now. I hope it's okay to send more like this in the future; I'd love to be a specific anon but idk what's already taken lol. Take care, Chai, and I hope you have a good day/evening.
By all means, send as many as you've got! Because this was a delight to read.
Let me know when you come up with a name. I'll give you a placeholder one for now.
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cypress-punk · 1 year
Handler "Dipshit" Walter sending his only fucking AC pilot into a one man assault on a heavily defended compound guarded by the dude that killed a bunch of his old pilots and the mech equivalent of a biblically accurate angel and also almost getting you killed in a huge explosion of Fossil Fuel Allegory is about as in character as I could have expected. All as a "favor" lmao.
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goblinbugthing · 11 months
ok so there’s stuff in my brain again. thoughts
basically i have this group of 7 ocs that i originally made during my dra phase and haven’t touched in years, but ive been thinking about them a lot recently and ive started to feel like revamping their characters, giving them a good old redesign, and rewriting them and their story.
ofc im gonna remake them so they’re less. yknow, really terribly written. but when i say i wanna rewrite their story i mean i wanna turn it into a fic, instead of just remaking them and leaving them alone and rotting again.
im gonna ramble more under the cut, but that’s the basics of what’s happening in my brain rn
(cw for mentions of cults, human experimentation, death/murder, and implied abuse)
anyway, these guys are pretty old characters — i made the first two of them when i was like 11 — and so of course, they are. Not Good. and its gonna take a solid amount of work to actually fix them up and make them decent. but i really want to.
lemme introduce their dumbasses real quick:
first of all, we’ve got jay! real creative name, i know (/sarcasm). they’re 16, agender, intersex, and bisexual, using they/them pronouns, and they’re a human experiment. they were abandoned when they were 6 by their (super religious) parents who thought they were a fucking demon, and they got picked up by some cultists that claimed to work for an orphanage. spoiler alert, they did not work for an orphanage, and those fuckers grabbed jay, dragged them to a facility, and experimented on them for the next 10 years. those experiments turned them into a shapeshifter. dont ask me how because i dont know. they’ve also got several very badly written mental illnesses, as is the usual with creepypasta ocs. oh yeah they were a creepypasta oc btw
then there’s jay’s gf, willow. she’s 17, cis, pan, and ace, using she/her pronouns, and she’s just a normal human girl with no special abilities. but she does have a shitty dad and a dead mother. she and jay kill her dad after a bunch of Wild Shit. violent revenge, yay!
aaand cora. she’s 17, cis, bisexual (i think, i cant find her info anywhere), and uses she/her. she’s jay’s identical twin, and also a normal human, but she has psychokinesis. like she can move stuff with her brain. cool
next on the list is sigasi. she’s 21, cis, and aroace, using she/her pronouns, and she’s also a human experiment. jay sees her as an older sister, but they’re not actually related. she’s not a shapeshifter like them, but she’s got weird void claw hands and some fucked up wings that don’t work.
and then oh dear god, delta sun. he’s 26 (i think), cis, neptunic, demiromantic, and asexual, using he/him pronouns, and he’s in the same boat as jay and sigasi. instead of being kidnapped, though, he was given to the cultists by his mother (who thought he was a demon) and was raised in the experimentation facility. also, he’s half angel. his dad is an angel while his mom is a (super religious) human.
and SPEAKING of delta’s mom, it’s hope! she’s technically in her 50s but she died at 27, cishet and uses she/her pronouns. she’s essentially just hara before hara, but she is SO MUCH MORE INSANE. LITERALLY. she’s super religious and superstitious, she’s scared of everything, she’s been gaslit and indoctrinated into the same cult that the human experimenting fuckwads are in, she’s dead, she’s fucking crazy, she’s so badly written. i love her.
and as for delta’s dad, that would be ea. he’s 427, completely genderless, and doesn’t label his sexuality. uses all pronouns because fuck it, and they’re a somewhat biblically accurate angel. i dont have much info on him unfortunately, and what i do have written down is unimportant.
as you can see, three of them are human experiments. this is because i had a phase where i was obsessed with human experimentation. i thought it was so fucking cool.
anyway! the lore behind these bastards is super complex and ive been hyperfixating on that for a few days. i dragged some old shit out of the abyss to actually remember stuff about them, and uh. god theyre so badly written it hurts me.
fuck it im making a lore doc
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reviewsthatburn · 2 years
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HELL FOLLOWED WITH US is the story of a trans boy during the apocalypse, trying to avoid turning into a biblically accurate angel; a creature of such mind-bending grotesquery and body horror that any conversation is required to start with “be not afraid” so that the other person hopefully doesn't run away screaming.
For some people there is body horror inherent in transness or in dysphoria, in the inexorable change of flesh into a form you’ve seen elsewhere but are utterly unable to recognize as yours. HELL FOLLOWED WITH US deals with themes of monstrosity and transness by embracing their connections during an apocalypse launched by evangelical Christians (a horrifyingly effective homophobic/transphobic/misogynistic death cult). It stars Benji, a teenage trans boy who is uninterested in most of the superficial trappings of masculinity because he’s going to be a decaying monster within a month anyway, his form utterly distorted beyond anything even the best binder could contain. 
There are strong themes of religious abuse, body horror, transphobia, and dysphoria. The short version is I love how HELL FOLLOWED WITH US engages with these topics, but please take care of yourselves. 
(Full Review at link)
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dolb · 2 years
I made some new characters for my comic with demons because OBVIOUSLY I need more characters than just 3🙄🙄
Finally some angels and yeah I can't really draw wings I'm sorry🤧🤧
Etienne aka "The Devil" is Aces parent👀
And uhm I wanted to draw biblically accurate angel so here's another angel for my plot!!
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And this is the three main characters!! I think I already posted them some time ago..well who cares here's all of them for now
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teecupangel · 1 year
Was at work when I had a funny thought, what if Altaïr was corned by templars somewhere no one can see them and just when they were going to kill him a bright flash appears and suddenly Altaïr turns into an Angel, but not the beautiful ones dear no! He turns into the biblically accurate angels so all the templars are scared and confused on what to do because this is an Angel! ...On the other hand he is also an Assassin who they were just about to kill so yeah...
Not sure if he can turn back willingly or something has to happen first but one things certain is people are probably going to find the Angel so they can hear his message or something similar
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad…
Altaïr “I long for the day when men will turn away from invisible monsters and once more embrace a more rational view of the world” Ibn-La'Ahad…
Altaïr: the only Assassin that is pretty much confirmed as an atheist…
Gets transformed into a biblically accurate angel…
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Oh my god, nonny.
I love you and this ask soooo much.
This is the kind of fuckery I am 100% behind with.
I mean, if we make this an Altaïr that has already written this part in the Codex:
I long for the day when men will turn away from invisible monsters and once more embrace a more rational view of the world. But these new religions are so convenient—and promise such terrible punishment should one reject them—I worry that fear shall keep us stuck to what is surely the greatest lie ever told. (Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's Codex, pg 20)
Which cements him as an atheist by this point in his life…
I’m just imagining how annoyed Altaïr would be because of this.
And! He’d still be stubborn enough to try and explain this without admitting that this was divine intervention in the veins of “can’t say I don’t exist now, can you, bitch?” and be like “No! You don’t exist. This is the power of the Apple!”
Which he might not be totally wrong, all things considered.
Like, if we go for the idea that this is an older Altaïr, that part in the Codex (page 20) is written before page 24 which has this line:
Some day I will have a child—such is the way of our Order.
BUT this after page 16 which talks about the Apple then we can safely assume that page 20 was written after he got the Apple and was able to study it BUT before he had a child.
Which meant this is an Altaïr who is still in the middle of his unpaid vacation leave, on a road trip with Maria so this could be after Maria and Altaïr had a debate about the existence of a divine being and they’re so annoyed with each other’s stubbornness that they took a break by walking out and that’s how Altaïr gets into trouble.
Oh god.
Just imagine Maria seeing him in that form, the grin on her face and Altaïr’s multitude of voices just going “Don’t. Say. Anything.”
Back in the Gray:
“………… Oh.”
“What’s up?”
“Use your words, Reader. We talked about this.”
“I… may have accidentally… connected with Altaïr.”
“That’s a good thing?”
“And transformed him into an angel.”
“Okay… hey, man, I’m not gonna jud- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT???”
“… A… biblically accurate angel?”
“Oh my god. Why does it have so many eyes. Jeeesssuusss.”
(I headcanon that Altaïr’s angel form is the multiple wings with eyes on the feathers type to show his desire to know things as his form of knowledge is usually thru the eyes via books and his Eagle Vision but feel free to choose whichever biblically accurate angel you’d like. :))
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teecupangel · 1 year
EziAlt where they both turned into biblically accurate angels after they died and just stays together keeping the brotherhood intact and killing templars
This is most probably related to these ideas of Altaïr becoming a biblically accurate angel and the idea of Desmond’s main ancestors becoming biblically accurate angels.
Ngl, when I first read it, I thought we were fusing Altaïr and Ezio into one biblically accurate angels like something that has one body but two heads (maybe two eagle heads with wings for a body). Then I realized you wrote ‘angels’ and now my brain is going “does EziAlt mean they also know each other in a biblical sense or is this meant to be gen?” so I’m like… okay, either way, let’s see how this would work.
Since they stay together after death, let’s set this during Ezio finally accessing the library underneath Masyaf.
The chair is empty but there is a memory seal lying on the floor next to it.
The same thing happens as canon but Ezio is weirded out because the last memory is Altaïr taking his last breath on the empty chair.
So… where’s the body?
Was it possible someone was here before him?
As far as he knew, this would be the first time the library was opened since Altaïr stayed behind in Masyaf.
Another mystery that Ezio would never solve, it seemed, and Ezio left after delivering his final message to Desmond, planning to live a life as simply a man.
Not knowing that something had followed him out of the library.
That clear day, as Ezio watch Flavia and Sofia check the stalls, he felt someone sit next to him.
There was no one there.
“Today will be the day you die.”
Ezio heard the voice yet he could not see where it was coming from.
“I cannot stop it any longer.”
Ezio could feel it. Death’s embrace slowly wrapping around him.
“I’m sorry, akhi, I wished I could have given you more time with your family.”
His lips curved into a content smile as he stared at the woman he loved and his most precious daughter.
“It’s alright. It was a good life.”
And Ezio closed his eyes for the final time.
Only to open his eyes once more.
All eight of them.
Unorganized Notes:
I like to imagine Altaïr’s form to be three pairs of wings that have eyes all over with the center being either just a ball of bright light or ever-circling scrolls creating a ball in the middle.
Ezio, on the other hand, I imagine being more of the usual description of cherubim, an eagle head on the top with the head of a man below it with a lion head on the right, and an ox head on the left with a human-like body with wings.
They cannot be seen by normal human eyes BUT they can be seen in the Eagle Vision which, yeah, would scare the crap out of anyone.
They can, however, affect the mortal plane if they focus hard enough, even appearing to everyone for a minute or two. They usually use this to frighten the Templars.
Sometimes, they manage to scare them to death even.
Other times, they are able to whisper to those who have mastered the Eagle Vision well enough, to warn them or to guide them.
Most of the time, they use their invisible body and the ability to make contact with the mortal plane by focusing really hard by taking out Templars.
Ezio’s lion head likes to bite heads’ off. It always disgusts the other three heads.
Altaïr usually uses his wings to smack Templars off buildings and other high places.
Edward thought they were part of his drunken haze.
Haytham does not like seeing them at all and they have tried to kill Haytham before. They can’t though, for some reason.
Ratonhnhaké:ton always thanks them when something ‘lucky’ happens (even if it wasn’t them). He doesn’t necessarily think they’re truly angels but spirits sent to protect the world.
Shay sees them. He always goes the other way. His senses are so intune with the Eagle Sense that he could hear them as a multitude of whispers unlike the soft whispers he would hear whenever there was an Assassin waiting to ambush him.
Arno only saw them once he became an Assassin and they scared him so much it took a while before Arno started using the Eagle Vision again.
Jacob and Evie have heard the legends, of course. They didn’t believe it, of course. They were proven wrong… of course.
They appeared on the Farm the day Desmond was born and they stayed. Desmond grew up seeing them even though he couldn’t use the Eagle Vision. Everyone just assumes they’re his imaginary friends but Desmond knows they’re not. Because of their guidance, Desmond doesn’t leave the Farm and becomes an Assassin, although his relationship with his father was… ‘strained’ to say the least. In Desmond’s eyes, the two ‘monsters’ (as everyone like to call them whenever Desmond describes them) acted more like his fathers than Bill ever did.
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