#accelerated resolution therapy
whatsnewalycat · 6 months
Hi! I just saw an ask where you said you were doing EMDR. Can you tell me a bit about your experience with it? My therapist has also been recommending EMDR to me and I am very intrigued but also kinda cautious because the premise sounds absolutely ridiculous. Has it helped with trauma responses? Do you feel any better?
It has helped so much. Like I know it’s just a stupid brain trick, but it works.
Most of the time I do ART (accelerated resolution therapy), which is very very similar to EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing).
EMDR utilizes bilateral stimulation (with eye movements for visual stimulation, headphones for audio stimulation, or taps/vibrating paddles for touch stimulation). The therapist asks you to recall the traumatic incident while doing whichever method of stimulation you choose. I don’t know the science exactly, but the L-R stimulation does something to your brain that makes it easier for memories and associated memories to come forward. You allow your thoughts wander wherever they do and see what comes up and communicate it with your therapist. Your therapist guides you through the process of reframing your traumatic memories and the thoughts you have about yourself because of those traumas.
From what I understand, ART is very similar, but the reframing you do is basically recording over the traumatic memories with a memory of something more positive. We do the eye movement thing and I think about the memory, letting it play through and allowing anything else that comes up to play through. Once we get through that shitshow, he asks me to “rewrite the scene with what I wanted, needed, or deserved.” So I play the memory over again and again the way I think it should have been until, when I think about it, my rewrite is what plays in my head. If anything residual comes up, we do some visual imagery stuff to cover it and burn it and blah blah blah.
I hate it and I love it.
Throughout this process, I’ve had a few memories come up from my childhood that my brain completely blocked out but my body still reacted to. When this happens it’s fucking upsetting and earth-shattering, but finding the root of my trauma responses helps me understand myself more, and the therapy blunts the effects of the trauma and how I react to triggers.
My trauma responses have improved markedly. When my children cry or get upset, or when men raise their voices around me, or when my husband tries to initiate sex, I don’t get triggered. I can’t remember the last time I had an episode of derealization. Not only that, but I can recognize why I had those visceral reactions to whatever stimuli triggered me.
It has changed my life for the better and as someone with c-ptsd I 100% recommend trying either therapy. It helps in a way that CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) never did—although CBT definitely helped with my anxiety, depression, and intrusive thoughts.
If you want to learn more about EMDR and how it works, there’s this book “The Body Keeps The Score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk that dives heavy into it. This dude is like the Forrest Gump of trauma work and is suuuuper insightful in the results of ppl with ptsd/c-ptsd doing EMDR.
ANYWAY SORRY THIS WAS SO LONG. I’m just real passionate about mental health. I encourage you to try EMDR and/or ART if you struggle with ptsd. Every time I go it’s like FUCK OK FINE I GUESS but I am so so so glad I started because I’m miles away from where I started.
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cyb3r-mutt · 5 months
Have to go see my father again this morning I really really really don’t want to
#but I can’t cancel cuz I actually have to return his birth certificate#cuz my younger sister needed it to apply for her uk passport cuz she wasn’t born there like me and my older sister#but she has even less contact with him than i do#well none actually and even though I am extremely low contact with him I am an anxiety and guilt ridden people pleaser f#rant incoming sorry#also she’s being so rude to me about it even though I did it for her??? i didn’t go for coffee with him so we could have a relationship#I went so she could move to Scotland like she’s been planning for years#and I don’t even talk to her about it because it’s not something im like holding over her head??#I fully volunteered to do it to be a nice sibling#I didn’t even tell her about how it went cuz I knew she didn’t want to hear about it#the only updates I gave were im going to get it and I got it and now giving it back#so why is she attacking me and asking why I want a relationship with him????#I never said that and I fucking don’t??????#i did years and years and years of therapy to not get physical reactions to him sending me a random text#so yeah im able to receive a text from him without it triggering a panic attack#but only because I’ve been through extensive trauma therapy like emdr and art#not art as is like drawing art but as in accelerated resolution therapy#anyways hes an asshole that I know will never be the dad I wanted#and im glad i did it cuz im excited for my sister to move to Scotland cuz i want a reason to visit all the time
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pathologising · 2 years
just got back from A.R.T. therapy was epic
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Guanyin temple thoughts (AKA nothing can stop a dramatic bisexual)- spoilers!
I'm reading the Guanyin temple scene in MDZS at the moment and LORD none of the media censoring Wangxian's gay relationship will ever be able to convey just how much Jin Guangyao got upstaged by them here-!!!
Especially comparing this whole fiasco with the one that went down in CQL, every few lines these 2 are doing SOMETHING really gay, usually also really funny because of the timing, while everyone else is paying attention to the plot. In CQL, this whole arc felt like a culmination to Jin Guangyao's and Lan Xichen's subliminally gay plotline more than anything, but the great thing about the novel is that Wei Wuxian especially just keeps stealing Jin Guangyao's thunder. First they have to deal with Wei Wuxian's obliviousness, then Wei Wuxian confesses, then Wangxian have their really sweet moment and spend every moment hereafter making their gayness known to all in a 5 mile radius (case in point: Wei Wuxian taunting Su She and making Lan Wangji laugh, Wangxian hugging and being super loud about it because of Wei Wuxian's trauma-induced cynophobia and then Wei Wuxian covering Lan Wangji's ears from the wrongly-played guqin)...and THEN Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian have THEIR moment while Jin Guangyao is discovering his mother's body is missing. Jin Guangyao's antagonism almost means nothing anymore.
Not to mention, Jin Guangyao is barely an antagonist for over half of this entire scenario. Even though he's keeping them all hostage, it's not like some of them have better things to be doing really (read: Wangxian and Nie Huaisang). All the catharsis they'd desperately needed for years, they're getting that here anyways. Jin Guangyao literally joins in on getting Wei Wuxian to realise his feelings, almost like it's a casual gossip sesh giving life advice to your (gay) sworn brother's son-in-law-to-be:
Wei WuXian glanced at him before turning to Lan XiChen, “It’s like this. I couldn’t sleep tonight and took a stroll outside the inn. I only came here accidentally. HanGuang-Jun’s in another room. He doesn’t know I went out.”
Jin GuangYao found this strange, “You two got two rooms?”
Wei WuXian, “Who told you we’d definitely get one room?
Jin GuangYao smiled, but said nothing. Wei WuXian, “Oh, I know.” Lan XiChen told him. Wei WuXian, “You two really do talk about anything and everything.”
This does NOT feel like a hostage situation- this just feels like a gathering of people who would be happier with extensive therapy. And...I have nothing useful to say really. I just think this is really funny. Especially when you consider how Wangxian's presence in the farce that was the Second Seige of the Burial Mounds (that legit just happened) derailed how THAT was supposed to go too, with Wei Wuxian solving the mystery of the gravedigger guy in live-time while Lan Wangji silenced anyone trying to argue with his bf.
Jin Guangyao and Su She are being sidelined hard in their own plot, and not just by the oriole to their mantis AKA mastermind Nie Huiasang. Even though they are supposed to be the main antagonists facing a climax, the real climax is the resolution of emotional conflict between the hostages they've taken. As for their fate, that was decided years ago when Jin Guangyao accelerated Nie Mingjue's death. The actual plot, interesting as it is, was barely ever in question because of the constant background presence of this mastermind, who's trapped Jin Guangyao exactly where he wanted to. There is no real defeating of the villain, because Jin Guangyao is made to be at his weakest in the temple, and his strongest before Wei Wuxian was even summoned back yet. It's so strange...it really sets in stone that in the novel MDZS, there is no real villain. There are people who learn from their mistakes, people who don't, and people who judge them as if they're any better. Nie Huiasang is Jin Guangyao's retribution for his continued crimes and Wei Wuxian is the person Jin Guangyao could've been if he stopped blaming others for said crimes...both of them, subtly or unsubtly, dominate his hostage attempt completely. Maybe that's what I'm really trying to say here. I do feel quite bad for Jin Guangyao though, having put his entire life into building up a reputation knocked over in 1 fell swoop, and having to watch his only true remaining friend lose trust in him in real time. All this additional conflict just further emphasises how Jin Guangyao's fall from grace has really already occurred.
Sidenote: Everyone becoming homophobic effective immediately after Wei Wuxian's ill-timed confession is also just really funny, they were so mad at his obliviousness like 2 seconds ago and now they're edging away from him (maybe to give them space, sure, but still)...Wei Wuxian, in all matters, is the epitome of "damned if you do, damned if you don't". Except for Jiang Cheng, in which case he's just straight-up damned (/lh).
Also the way they're yelling (it doesn't say they were yelling but I picture them yelling this) about hugging when Jiang Cheng shows up and while everyone else is like, "What's Sect Leader Jiang going to do? Will he beat Jin Guangyao? Will the plot advance?"
Wei WuXian, “Hug me!”
Lan WangJi, “I am hugging you!”
Wei WuXian, again, “Hug me tight!”
Lan WangJi, also, “I am hugging you tight!”
Managed to upstage not just Jin Guangyao but Jiang Cheng too, effortlessly, as Wei Wuxian always seems to :,) Take that, Jiang Cheng's pride! /lh
These guys have been separated for 13 years, ok? They deserve to have this.
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dhampir-dyke · 1 year
Had a kinda shitty therapy session w my new therapist and man. She wants me to try 'accelerated resolution therapy' to like. I guess rewrite my traumatic memories? But the absolute fucking fear I feel about it.... Literally everything in my body is telling me NOT to fucking do it. I don't even wanna go back.... idk what to do. I want to get better and not have a panic response every damn shift I work, but something is telling me this is a bad idea.
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vmures · 9 months
The Profound Beauty of Being Able to Visualize Your Older Self
The above may be a head-tilting title to some. US culture treats aging as if it is something horrific in a lot of ways, and many people actively avoid thinking about themselves aging. Many more do their best to slow the visible signs. But until recently I honestly could not picture myself older, probably because I expected to die young (mostly thanks to C-PTSD and severe depression and anxiety).
So I made it to my forties and have tried to celebrate every grey hair and laugh line as signs that I survived and am doing well. I'm out here living my life and that is awesome. But I still found it a struggle to truly envision myself older. The future just seemed impossible to visualize.
However, I recently tried a new therapy modality, Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART). It's similar in a lot of ways to EDMR therapy, which I had heard of but never tried. Most of my previous therapy was talk therapy or cognitive behavior therapy.
ART was really strange and I had to actively work on letting go of my desire to overthink and logic the hell out of everything. But I decided to give it an honest go and was really surprised by how effective it was. It definitely gave me some handy new tools to use going forward.
But honestly one of the most profound aspects for me was the moment when I realized that I could see myself older--by days, by weeks, by years, by decades. And there is something so profoundly beautiful in being able to imagine that, in being able to see a future for yourself. Maybe it's a vague future, but it's still a future. For me, the inability to see myself old wasn't related to fear of aging. Nor am I blinded by a romanticized idea of aging. I have paid too much attention to my loved ones as they've aged to think it will be all great. But I also know from those same observations that it can be wonderful even with all the failings our bodies and minds can experience. We can still experience so much and I certainly have cherished the moments I've had with older friends and relatives. Life keeps going. We keep learning. We keep loving. And while I've always tried to believe that, it wasn't until recently that I could actually see that for myself.
And I can only hope for that for everyone. May you be able to see a future for yourself. May you see yourself growing, learning, and loving for decades to come.
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ruthannabelleckl · 10 months
How can crowdsourcing aid in battling the COVID-19 pandemic?
What is Crowdsourcing?
Crowdsourcing is a distributed online problem-solving and innovative sourcing paradigm where participants of online communities collaborate to accomplish a common objective (Vermicelli et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2022). It supplements conventional data gathering by collecting massive amounts of data and information from individuals worldwide.
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Crowdsourcing Initiatives for COVID-19 Pandemic
An endeavour spearheaded by the scientific community with the intention of mobilizing all accessible resources to combat the COVID-19 pandemic (Vermicelli et al., 2020). It is designed for COVID-19 researchers who wish to submit a brief description of their inquiries or projects. The request may involve anything from a straightforward but time-consuming task (e.g., data transcription) to the resolution of a technical inquiry that exceeds their area of expertise or the establishment of a collaborative relationship. Further, another scientist within the community will try to comprehend and fulfill the demand.
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COVID Near You
Created by Harvard Medical School and Boston Children's Hospital, which allows individuals to report symptoms in real-time by ZIP code (Zhang et al., 2022). Using crowdsourced data, it maps existing and future pandemic areas to help local, online communities and public health organizations track disease progression. Public reporting of COVID-19 signs may supplement public health monitoring and assist people in determining where symptoms are happening in their community (Fliesler, 2020).
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Open Innovability - Call4Ideas COVID-19 Challenge
The crowdsourcing platform Open Innovability by Enel hosts the Call4Ideas COVID-19 Challenge, launched by Marzotto Venture Accelerator and Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome (Vermicelli et al., 2020, p. 186). This is an open invitation to everyone within the online communities who has innovative projects or ideas that could potentially turned into an entrepreneurial endeavour to assist the Italian system in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. This challenge encompasses various areas, including medical and personal protective equipment, telemedicine and home care, diagnostics, therapy and post-therapy.
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Types of Crowdsourcing
While there are four main types of crowdsourcing, this blog will specifically delve into one of them, which is crowdfunding (Cricelli et al., 2021).
Crowdfunding: Soliciting financial contributions and investments for charitable endeavours, initiatives, and entrepreneurial ventures, without the intention of providing monetary returns to the contributors (SendPulse, 2023).
Crowdfunding Campaigns for COVID-19
The objective of the campaign was to generate financial resources for Mercy Malaysia's COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan which offers crucial assistance to Malaysia's healthcare system by providing medical supplies and other vital necessities (Maybank, 2020). Additionally, it aims to support frontliners and volunteers, who are actively combating the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, it would furnish vital provisions and support to marginalized factions within the community, guaranteeing their access to aid throughout the MCO. In only two weeks, Maybank and Mercy Malaysia received almost RM300,000 for their ‘COVID-19 Pandemic Fund’ after public support. Donations are processed via the online banking platform Maybank2u.
Asnaf Care
Lembaga Zakat Negeri Kedah (LZNK) developed Asnaf Care, a virtual crowdfunding platform that was introduced on March 26, 2020, to raise money for asnaf (have-nots Muslim) in Negeri Kedah who suffered from the COVID-19 pandemic. Since 18 March 2020, Asnaf Care has asked the local and online communities to help distribute food to individuals experiencing food shortages under the Restriction Movement Order (Eldersevi & Muhammad, 2021).
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Crowdsourcing Initiatives to Combat Infodemic during COVID-19 Pandemic
The proliferation of misinformation persisted without restraint on publicly accessible social media platforms such as Facebook. In Malaysia, Facebook, and Twitter have spread the misleading concepts that alkaline foods may treat COVID-19 (Yang, 2021). In response to the difficulties posed by the infodemic, crowdsourcing endeavours have prioritized the development of websites containing reliable data and information about COVID-19, with the backing of established fact-checking efforts.
CoronaTracker.com was established in late January 2020, during a period when widespread reports of COVID-19 compelled communities to attempt in comprehending the situation (Yang, 2021). Malaysian data scientist utilized LinkedIn, Facebook, and Telegram to recruit individuals from online communities to cooperate on pandemic remedies, receiving responses from across the globe. The site shows worldwide COVID-19 outbreak statistics, including reported cases, recovery, and fatalities in impacted nations.
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KawalCOVID19 is another crowdsourcing initiative that adopts data-centric methodologies to provide precise and reliable information about COVID-19 in Indonesia (Yang, 2021). Its webpage has current information on confirmed cases, medication, recovery, and mortality. Notably, KawalCOVID19 reviews its portal content with medical community including doctors, virologists and epidemiologists to assure accuracy. Moreover, KawalCOVID19 provides links access to the authoritative sites of World Health Organization and official Indonesian government site. In an effort to counteract falsehoods associated with the pandemic, KawalCOVID19 and the Indonesian Anti-Slander Community (Mafindo) collectively gathered deceptive information from unidentified volunteers to verify its accuracy.
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In conclusion, crowdsourcing has been shown to be a crucial asset in combating COVID-19 in physical and online communities, providing a wide range of viable alternatives. It facilitates the accumulation of real-time information and the development of innovative approaches by enabling global community collaboration through online crowdsourcing initiatives such as Crowdfight, COVID Near You and Open Innovability. Additionally, the ability of crowdfunding initiatives such as MaybankHeart-MERCY and Asnaf Care to amass financial backing for COVID-19 is underscored. Concurrently, crowdsourcing effectively negates misinformation through the provision of accurate information within online communities, as exemplified by initiatives such as KawalCOVID19 and CoronaTracker.com. Fundamentally, crowdsourcing manifests itself as a complex entity, capitalizing on collaborative endeavours to efficiently address the obstacles posed by COVID-19.
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List of References
Cricelli, L., Grimaldi, M., & Vermicelli, S. (2021). Crowdsourcing and open innovation: a systematic literature review, an integrated framework and a research agenda. Review of Managerial Science, 16, 1269–1310. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11846-021-00482-9
Crowdfight. (n.d.). https://crowdfight.org/
Eldersevi, S., & Muhammad, M. (2021). Asnaf care: A case study of the Malaysian-based charity crowdfunding platform to combat the impact of COVID-19. Indonesian Conference of Zakat - Proceedings, 615-626. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.37706/iconz.2021.309
Enel. (2020). CALL4IDEAS COVID-19 challenge-campus bio-medico university of Rome and marzotto venture accelerator. https://openinnovability.enel.com/challenges/call/2020/4/call-4-ideas-covid-19-challenge
Fliesler, N. (2020, April 9). Crowdsourcing COVID-19. Harvard Medical School. https://hms.harvard.edu/news/crowdsourcing-covid-19
INCEIF. (2023). Asnaf care: A case study of the Malaysian-based charity crowdfunding platform to combat the impact of COVID-19. https://inceif.edu.my/2022/12/20/asnaf-care-a-case-study-of-the-malaysian-based-charity-crowdfunding-platform-to-combat-the-impact-of-covid-19/
Maybank. (2020). Generous donors raise over RM300,000 in MaybankHeart-MERCY crowdfunding campaign against COVID-19. https://www.maybank.com/en/news/2020/04/07.page
SendPulse. (2023). Crowdsourcing. https://sendpulse.com/support/glossary/crowdsourcing
Vermicelli, S., Cricelli, L., & Grimaldi, M. (2020). How can crowdsourcing help tackle the COVID‐19 pandemic? An explorative overview of innovative collaborative practices. R&D Management, 51(2), 183–194. https://doi.org/10.1111/radm.12443
Yang, J. (2021). Crowdsourcing during the infodemic: Technology and ground-up initiatives during COVID-19. Medium. https://medium.com/digital-asia-ii/crowdsourcing-during-the-infodemic-technology-and-ground-up-initiatives-during-covid-19-603e6d1fb792
Zhang, S. I., Meng, J., & Huang, R. (2022). Reporting COVID-19 via crowdsourcing: The US vs. China. In Xu, X. (Ed.), Coping with COVID-19, the mobile way (pp. 119-138). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-5787-1_6
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mcatmemoranda · 1 year
Small bowel obstruction (SBO) occurs when the normal flow of intestinal contents is interrupted.
●Initial management – Patients diagnosed with acute SBO should be admitted to the hospital and evaluated by a surgeon. The initial management includes volume resuscitation, correction of metabolic abnormalities, bowel rest, and gastrointestinal decompression (with a nasogastric tube) for those with significant abdominal distension, nausea, or vomiting (algorithm 1).
For most patients with uncomplicated SBO, we suggest not administering prophylactic antibiotics (Grade 2C). However, we administer standard perioperative prophylactic antibiotics to patients with suspected bowel compromise (ie, ischemia, necrosis, or perforation) undergoing operative exploration, depending upon the expected wound classification.
●Definitive management
•Indications for immediate surgery – Patients with clinical (fever, persistent tachycardia, focal or generalized peritonitis) or radiologic signs of bowel compromise (ischemia, necrosis, perforation) require immediate surgical exploration. By convention, timely surgery is generally also offered to patients with SBO caused by one of the surgically correctable causes, except adhesions.
•Patients without an indication for immediate surgery – These patients are managed nonoperatively with serial abdominal examinations and laboratory and/or imaging studies as indicated by clinical parameters. In industrialized nations, adhesive SBO is more prevalent than nonadhesive SBO. In the setting of adhesive SBO, nonoperative management is overall successful in 65 to 80 percent of patients.
For patients with adhesive SBO, we suggest giving a hypertonic water-soluble contrast agent (eg, Gastrografin) as a part of nonoperative treatment (Grade 2C). Limited data suggest that a Gastrografin challenge can accelerate the resolution of SBO and reduce the length of hospital stay. However, there is also evidence to suggest that it does not reduce the need for future surgical intervention. Therapeutic use of Gastrografin has not been studied for nonadhesive SBO, is not effective against postoperative SBO, and may not be safe for pregnant patients.
The optimal duration of nonoperative management is uncertain and largely depends on the patient's clinical status and situation. For most clinically stable patients with SBO, we suggest that nonoperative management not be extended beyond three to five days given the increased morbidity and mortality associated with this approach (Grade 2C). However, there are some clinical scenarios in which prolonging nonoperative management may be appropriate. As an example, those with early postoperative SBO can be managed for a longer period of time (eg, up to six weeks) in the absence of clinical deterioration.
●Nonadhesive SBO – SBO can also be caused by nonadhesive etiologies (eg, inflammatory bowel disease, infection, radiation, malignancy), against which targeted therapies are paramount for the resolution of the bowel obstruction.
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thebadassromanoff · 2 years
No one warned me that my skin could hurt for no obvious reason after an intense session of accelerated resolution therapy. I was fine before this. Sure, I’ve read the body keeps the score and it makes sense that this would happen after working on deep trauma. I looked it up online and it legit reads that this can be caused by the brain overacting to external stimuli. So yeah that’s a thing. It fucking hurts.
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bambirattnerna · 3 days
Innovative Intensive PTSD Treatment Offers Rapid, Deep Healing
Healing PTSD: How Evidence-based Methods at Intensive Therapy Retreats Address the Mind-Body Connection
Northampton, MA – The innovative approach to trauma therapy at Intensive Therapy Retreats, Northampton, is offering a beacon of hope for individuals struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The intensive PTSD treatment program provides faster and deeper healing for those suffering from the effects of trauma.
Addressing the Need for Intensive PTSD Treatment
PTSD affects millions of people worldwide. It causes symptoms such as flashbacks, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about the traumatic event. PTSD can have both psychological and physiological impacts, making it crucial to address both aspects for effective recovery. Individuals can also experience symptoms like chronic pain, muscle tension, and cardiovascular issues.
By targeting both the psychological and physical impacts of PTSD, Intensive Therapy Retreats aim to promote comprehensive healing. This holistic approach ensures that the PTSD treatment not only addresses mental distress but also alleviates physical symptoms, facilitating a more effective recovery process.
Traditional therapy methods, typically involving weekly PTSD counseling sessions, often require a long-term commitment and can take months or even years to achieve significant results. The PTSD-intensive treatment at Intensive Therapy Retreats addresses this need by offering a concentrated form of therapy that can yield quicker and more profound results in a period of about 3-5 days.
Therapeutic Methods Utilized
The program utilizes scientifically proven therapeutic methods to ensure effective treatment. Among the primary techniques employed are Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Internal Family Systems (IFS), and Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART). These methods are well-documented for their effectiveness in treating PTSD and trauma-related conditions.
EMDR: This therapy helps individuals process and integrate traumatic memories, reducing their psychological impact. By focusing on specific memories, EMDR enables patients to reprocess these experiences, leading to reduced distress and improved mental health.
IFS: This approach helps individuals understand and heal the different parts of themselves that may have been impacted by trauma. IFS is particularly effective in helping patients address internal conflicts and build a sense of inner harmony.
ART: Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is a brief, exposure-based therapy that helps individuals quickly resolve traumatic memories. ART uses rapid eye movements to facilitate the reprocessing of distressing images and sensations, enabling patients to replace negative experiences with positive ones, leading to a significant reduction in PTSD symptoms.
Benefits of Intensive PTSD Treatment
The benefits of this intensive PTSD treatment approach are substantial. One of the most significant advantages is the speed of recovery. Participants often experience noticeable improvements in their symptoms within a matter of days rather than months. This rapid progress can be life-changing for individuals who have been struggling with PTSD for years.
Additionally, the immersive nature of the program allows participants to break through emotional barriers that may have been holding them back in traditional therapy settings. The continuous focus on healing without the interruptions that occur in weekly PTSD counseling sessions fosters a more profound and lasting impact.
What to Expect During the Intensive PTSD Treatment Program
Participants of the PTSD-intensive treatment can expect a structured daily agenda that includes multiple therapy sessions, self-reflection time, and other supportive activities. The program is designed to be a safe and nurturing environment where clients can fully immerse themselves in their healing process.
During their stay, participants will work closely with experienced therapists who specialize in trauma treatment. The therapists provide personalized care, tailoring the treatment to meet the specific needs of each individual.
The intensive PTSD treatment program at Intensive Therapy Retreats, Northampton, represents a significant advancement in trauma care, offering a concentrated approach that facilitates rapid and profound healing. This program acknowledges the crucial mind-body connection of PTSD, providing a holistic path to recovery. As PTSD continues to impact countless lives, this innovative treatment offers hope and a promising avenue for those seeking comprehensive relief.
Take the first step toward healing from PTSD with their PTSD-intensive treatment program. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Intensive Therapy Retreats at (413) 331-7421 or email [email protected]
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hackoftheyear · 6 days
Have any of you tried accelerated resolution therapy I ask because I’m starting it next week
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likita123 · 21 days
The Role of Generative AI in Healthcare
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In recent years, generative AI has emerged as a groundbreaking technology with the potential to revolutionize various industries, and healthcare is no exception. By utilizing advanced machine learning algorithms, generative AI is enhancing the accuracy of diagnostics, personalizing treatment plans, expediting drug discovery, and improving patient care. This blog explores the transformative role of generative AI in healthcare, highlighting its diverse applications, benefits, and the challenges it faces in ushering in a new era of medical innovation.
Revolutionizing Diagnostics
1. Medical Imaging
Generative AI is making significant strides in the field of medical imaging. Algorithms like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) can generate high-resolution images from low-quality scans, enabling more accurate diagnoses. These AI models can identify patterns and anomalies in medical images, such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, that might be missed by the human eye. This technology aids radiologists in detecting diseases like cancer at earlier stages, improving patient outcomes.
2. Predictive Analytics
By analyzing vast amounts of patient data, generative AI can predict disease progression and potential complications. This predictive capability allows healthcare providers to develop personalized treatment plans and take preventive measures. For instance, AI can forecast the likelihood of a patient developing conditions like diabetes or cardiovascular diseases, prompting early intervention and lifestyle adjustments.
Enhancing Treatment Planning
1. Personalized Medicine
Generative AI plays a crucial role in personalized medicine, tailoring treatments to individual patients based on their genetic makeup, lifestyle, and medical history. AI algorithms can analyze genetic data to identify mutations and predict responses to specific treatments, enabling the development of customized therapies. This approach increases the efficacy of treatments and reduces adverse effects.
2. Surgical Assistance
In the operating room, generative AI assists surgeons by providing real-time guidance and simulating potential outcomes of different surgical approaches. AI-powered robotic systems can enhance precision and reduce the risk of complications during complex procedures. These advancements lead to shorter recovery times and improved surgical success rates.
Accelerating Drug Discovery
1. Identifying Potential Compounds
One of the most promising applications of generative AI in healthcare is drug discovery. Traditionally, developing a new drug can take years and cost billions of dollars. Generative AI can expedite this process by simulating millions of chemical compounds and predicting their interactions with biological targets. This capability helps researchers identify promising drug candidates more quickly and cost-effectively.
2. Optimizing Clinical Trials
Generative AI can optimize clinical trials by selecting appropriate patient cohorts and predicting their responses to treatments. By analyzing historical trial data and patient records, AI can identify patterns that increase the likelihood of trial success. This optimization reduces the time and cost associated with bringing new drugs to market.
Improving Patient Care
1. Virtual Health Assistants
AI-powered virtual health assistants are transforming patient care by providing round-the-clock support and personalized health information. These virtual assistants can answer medical queries, schedule appointments, and monitor chronic conditions. By offering continuous care and timely interventions, they enhance patient engagement and adherence to treatment plans.
2. Mental Health Support
Generative AI is also making inroads into mental health care. AI-driven applications can provide cognitive behavioral therapy, monitor mood changes, and offer personalized coping strategies. These tools help bridge the gap in mental health services, providing support to individuals who may not have access to traditional therapy.
Challenges and Ethical Considerations
1. Data Privacy and Security
The use of generative AI in healthcare raises concerns about data privacy and security. Protecting sensitive patient information is paramount, and robust measures must be in place to prevent data breaches and unauthorized access.
2. Bias and Fairness
AI models can inherit biases present in the training data, leading to unfair treatment recommendations or diagnostic errors. Ensuring that AI systems are trained on diverse and representative datasets is crucial to mitigate bias and ensure equitable healthcare delivery.
3. Regulatory Compliance
Healthcare is a highly regulated industry, and integrating generative AI requires compliance with stringent regulations and standards. Ensuring that AI systems meet these requirements is essential for their safe and effective deployment.
Generative AI holds immense potential to transform healthcare by improving diagnostics, enhancing treatment planning, accelerating drug discovery, and providing better patient care. While there are challenges and ethical considerations to address, the benefits of generative AI in healthcare are undeniable. As technology continues to evolve, generative AI will play an increasingly vital role in shaping the future of medicine, ultimately leading to better health outcomes for patients worldwide.
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def-talent-gold · 25 days
just for my own benefit, I’m going to list the help I’ve received and what actually worked.
State 1:
psychodynamic which did not help me. I know somebody said later, if you had good grounding and understanding of how different events can affect people, then maybe psychodynamic isn’t really necessary.
exposure and response prevention which made it worse
regular CBT
trauma focused CBT*
art therapy group*
solution focused brief therapy*
State 2:
Somatic experience*
hypnosis which was more like inner child*
cancer caregiver group with mom*
generic med challenges group /
MB-SR group /
biofeedback which did not help me
DBT group /
Grad support group /
understanding self and others group racial diversity theme *
Bereavement counseling with mom /
Retreat program which was not therapy /
this is where I saw other people’s issues:
-coming out of addiction and substance use disorders
-people leaving a bad relationship.
-infidelity where the woman cheated. None of those relationships lasted. For one of them her older sister ended up committing suicide. I remember her being very anxious in the program. She remarried and moved to Arizona for a fresh start.
-trauma affecting relationships. Both of those have lasted.
RAD self defense class which was also not therapy /
Clarity free module which was led by a therapist but is not therapy *
State 3: Coherence /
Multicultural counseling *
Did grad group but this one was not helpful
Prozac again
returned to EMDR and IFS and ACT with DBT informed and trauma focused *
RRT/ART which is short for rapid or accelerated resolution of trauma. TBD.
blind and visually impaired resources: TLOS, DBVI, Lime connect, APHA disability, and blind academics both the listserv and actual people. * and damn I wish I had had this earlier. My whole life would have been different.
I haven’t had AEDP or full relational therapy. I probably need it. I know there are offshoots of IFS that wind up being used in relational therapy and I think I would do well with that.
I’m not sure lifespan integration is needed, but I could see where it might help if ART isn’t an option. I feel the same way about CPT. Perhaps “some CPT” and “some RO-DBT” would be the best way forward on the behavioral side.
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ms2253 · 25 days
[read] Biotechs take multiplexing into animal models to accelerate drug discovery | nature
'''Companies like Gordian have already shifted gears to move such in vivo screening to a high-throughput format, deploying DNA barcodes to track different therapies directly in the tissues of live animals and with single-cell resolution. The barcodes make it possible to pool and administer hundreds or even thousands of interventions to a single animal at once and then track their biological effects on individual cells while also directly linking these to the agent that produced them. Tracking these many outcomes can be challenging, but artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and other sophisticated computational methods make it possible to deconvolve the complex biological data produced by these assays.
The goal is to reduce the time, cost and failure rate of preclinical drug development by shifting animal testing to an earlier stage in the process, while also relying on far fewer animals to obtain potentially clinically informative results.'''
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holisticrecoverybali · 2 months
Bali Drug Rehab Tips: How Early Do You Need To Go To Rehab Center?
Do you or someone you know struggle with drug usage and are unsure about whether to get treatment? Although it might be difficult to acknowledge you need expert assistance, it is a necessary first step toward recovery. Your health, psyche, and social life may all suffer greatly by delaying therapy. But when should you start rehab after alcohol consumption? One does not want to wait till the issue worsens. As soon as you see anything is amiss, you need to get assistance. This article will explain why early aid is crucial and show you the indicators that it's time to consider recovery—ideally at a Bali drug rehab.
Absence of physical fitness
One of the first indicators that it could be time to consider rehabilitation is clearly declining health. Drug addicts commonly lose weight, have frequent illnesses, and generally have declining health. Someone you know exhibiting these symptoms could require assistance from a Bali drug rehab treatment facility.
Issues with mental health
Drug abuse may aggravate mental health issues already present or bring new ones like psychosis, anxiety, or depression. Getting assistance from a luxury drug rehab might provide the support and therapy your friend or relative needs if their mental health is changing significantly.
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Relationships: Challenges
Those living with addiction can have strained relationships with colleagues, friends, and family. Should your drug usage make it difficult for you to keep up with friends and colleagues, you may choose to seek treatment at a drug rehab facility in Bali.
Legal and financial concerns
You should seek professional assistance if the drug usage is causing problems with your money or the law—that is, if you find yourself jailed or paying fines. The skills and support rehabilitation provides will enable you to handle these issues and lead a healthy life.
Stopping further medical issues from arising
Early assistance at a high-end drug rehab may prevent the worsening of mental and physical health. If you get care immediately away, you have more chances of preventing long-term health issues.
Enhancement of Recovery's Outcomes
Early aid seekers demonstrate greater outcomes for their recovery, according to studies. Quick resolution of the problem increases your chances of long-lasting healing and reduces your risks of recurrence.
Early intervention may also assist in repairing strained relationships. Rehab is a secure environment where you may concentrate on repairing connections and building a strong network of individuals who can support your recovery.
Making the courageous and required decision to seek treatment for drug misuse can assist one in recovering. Early recognition of the symptoms and selection of Luxury Drug Rehab in Bali will significantly affect your healing speed. Early action helps individuals come back together with their families, slows down health issues from growing worse, and accelerates recovery. Recall that you are always free to seek assistance whenever needed. You ought to visit treatment if you know you have to.
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ilmemcmi · 2 months
Spatial Omics Market Increasing Adoption of Spatial Omics in Drug Discovery and Diagnostics
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Spatial omics refers to technologies that help localize gene expression and other molecular information in cells and tissues at subcellular resolution to analyze biological systems. Spatial omics allows simultaneous mapping of multiple targets in intact biological tissues to understand complex biological processes and disease pathogenesis. The technology helps obtain genomic, transcriptomic and proteomic details from specific cell types or structures within tissues. This provides better insights compared to conventional bulk-omics techniques that generate averaged measurements from biological samples containing mixed cell populations. With its ability to generate molecular spatial information while preserving tissue architecture, spatial omics is finding rising application in drug discovery, diagnostics and clinical research. Global spatial omics market is estimated to be valued at USD 315.5 Mn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 9.4% during the forecast period (2024-2031).
Growing use of spatial omics techniques like spatial transcriptomics, mass spectrometry imaging and others in academic and pharmaceutical research is a key factor driving market growth. Spatial Omics Market Growth is being widely adopted by pharmaceutical companies for target identification and validation, biomarker discovery, toxicity prediction and drug efficacy evaluation during preclinical development. It is also finding increasing use in clinical applications like cancer diagnostics, immuno-oncology and neuroscience research. Spatial information helps gain a better understanding of tissue heterogeneity, cellular interactions and biomarker correlations, fueling demand for spatial omics technologies. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the spatial omics market are Gilson Company, Inc., Russell Finex Ltd., Retsch GmbH, Lao Soung Machinery Co. Ltd., Endecotts Ltd., Bionics Scientific Technologies Ltd., and Thermo Fischer Scientific, Advantech Manufacturing, Dual Manufacturing Co., Inc., and GKM Siebtechnik GmbH. Key opportunities in the spatial omics market include development of spatial omics assays and kits specific to various disease areas. This will help facilitate broader adoption of the technology across diagnostic and clinical settings. Growing investments by pharmaceutical and biotech companies in spatial biology startups is another opportunity area. Globally, North America currently dominates the spatial omics market owing to significant research funding and presence of major market players. However, Asia Pacific is anticipated to emerge as the fastest growing regional market over the forecast period driven by increasing R&D spending, biotech investments and focus on precision medicine in countries like China, India and Japan. Key players are also expanding their geographical presence across emerging markets through partnerships and new facilities. Market Drivers and Restrain The key driver for the spatial omics market is increasing focus on precision medicine. Spatial omics techniques help gain molecular insights from individual cells and regions within tissues to better understand disease pathogenesis, predict treatment response and develop targeted therapies. This supports the underlying goal of precision medicine to provide personalized healthcare based on individual patient profiles. Another major driver is rising funding for spatial biology research from government and private organizations worldwide as spatial omics holds potential to accelerate drug discovery processes. The high costs of instruments and software tools required for spatial omics experiments act as a key restraint. Spatial profiling techniques currently generate large datasets requiring costly infrastructure for data analysis, storage and sharing. Limited availability of trained professionals with expertise in spatial analysis also poses a challenge. Standardization issues associated with sample preparation, data acquisition and software tools can hamper wider adoption of spatial omics methods. However, technology advancements are expected to progressively address these restraints over the coming years.
Segment Analysis
Spatial omics sub-segment dominates the market currently. Spatial omics techniques help analyze the expression of genes and proteins at a spatial level within a tissue sample. These techniques can capture molecular information from a whole tissue slice or a tissue section in its native spatial context, enabling the visualization and mapping of molecular landscapes with cellular resolution. Advances in spatial omics techniques like multiplexed ion beam imaging (MIBI), multiplexed error-robust fluorescence in situ hybridization (MERFISH), and spatial transcriptomics are driving the growth of this sub-segment. Global Analysis
North America is expected to be the fastest growing as well as the dominating regional market during the forecast period. The presence of leading spatial omics players and availability of research funding for spatial analysis from government as well as private organizations are driving the growth of the market in this region. Asia Pacific is also expected to witness high growth rate owing to increasing research activities in countries like China and India. Research institutions and pharmaceutical companies in Asia Pacific are widely adopting spatial omics techniques for applications like biomarker discovery and drug development.
Gets More Insights on, Spatial Omics Market
About Author:
Money Singh is a seasoned content writer with over four years of experience in the market research sector. Her expertise spans various industries, including food and beverages, biotechnology, chemical and materials, defense and aerospace, consumer goods, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/money-singh-590844163)
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