#accidental hypnosis
annaberunoyume · 1 year
Wally's new powers (Naga!Wally Darling x GN! Reader)
Wally's new powers (Naga!Wally Darling x GN! Reader)
(Sequel: https://www.tumblr.com/annaberunoyume/714038926701101056/sleepy-tight-hugs-in-the-night-nagawally?source=share)
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It had started small. In the Neighbourhood, Wally was his usual, cheery self. Only, this morning, his legs seemed more sluggish than usual. They seemed like they did not want to obey Wally and would rather stay in bed. And they felt rather warm. Wally still went about his day.
Later on, when Julie told a particularly good joke, Wally chuckled, but for some reason, he lisped. Almost like a hiss. Perhaps was it an abscess or a button on the tongue. Odd...Wally did not feel anything in his mouth.
In the late afternoon, when the sun was slowly beginning to fade, he was dreaming about his secret crush, Y/N. The mere thought of them made Wally drift into amorous thoughts and utterly forget Barnaby in front of him... His reveries were so powerful that rings of colours seems to filter through his eyes...
''Wally? Wally? What are....yooou...dooo...?''
''Huh, what is it, Barnaby? Barnaby?''
Wally looked, incredulous. Barnaby was still as a statue, arms sagged on each side of his torso and his mouth ajar. But that wasn't the surprise. The surprise was...those rings of green, dark green, purple, yellow and some shades of orange. Round and round like a carrousel. Wally began to feel afraid...
''Barnaby....Barnaby! Please, wake up!'', he waved his hand before him,
But the tall, chunky dog did not stir. Wally shook his shoulders, nothing. Wally even gently slapped his cheeks, nothing. Panic started to creep in. But then...His legs felt like over-cooked noodles. He collapsed. Panting, Wally looked down. Since he was wearing shorts (for the hot day), he could see, to his fright, his legs being slowly but steadily covered in the same coloured stripes he saw in Barnaby's eyes. And try as he might, he could not get up, it was as if his legs were lead. With colossal willpower and adrenaline, he managed to limp his way, towards Home...
Y/N was quietly reading a book when their (favourite colour) telephone rang. They picked up.
''Oh, thank Henson! I need your help, dear!'', a barely composed, familiar voice, answered. Y/N smirked at how Wally was ever so polite, even in crisis.
''What's the matter, Wally?''
''It's...It's my legs! They hurt and I can't move them!'', they could hear Home creak, squeak and bang in alarm.
Y/N gasped, ''Say no more, I'm on my way! Hang on!'', they slammed the telephone and dashed like the wind towards Wally's Home...
Y/N knocked.
''Wally? (knock knock) Are you in here?'', for an answer, Home opened herself to Y/N. As soon as they were inside, they were shocked to see Home protectively craddling Wally in her goo. Said goo wrapped around his legs... They gently approach the curled up yellow puppet man and gently stroked his shoulder.
Wally looked up, in tears, ''What's the matter with me? They hurt so much...They're burning and stretching....Help me....'' he said miserably.
''Will you let me see it?''
He nodded. Home gently lifted a tad her gooey, dark veil...And to Y/N's stupor...Wally's legs were shortless, melted together, with stripes of many colours, like the legs of an unfortunate wax doll left in the sun. Wally's breath quivered and he sniffed.
''P-Please, Y/N...Make it stop...''
''I don't know how....But...It seems to be growing...into a tail...'', unsured of what to do, Y/N gently ran her left hand in Wally's thick, blue hair, shushing him. The tearful puppet man wrapped his right hand around Y/N's left cheek and sniffed, closing his eyes and nestling his nose into their neck...He tried to calm his breathing and found that it lessen the pain, the calmer he was.
Meanwhile, the legs kept gently growing like a thick vine, creaking and making an almost boiling sound...Getting longer...and longer...and longer...Its stripes glowed darker in its colours and neatly settled for bright, warm cozy hues....Wally breathed in and out...In...And out...In...And out...enjoying, despite himself, the sweet fragrant of Y/N.
''Ssssh...Breathe,Wally...Breathe...You're safe...I'm here...Sssh...''
'' (Breathy, calm sigh)''
Wally couldn't help but smile, despite his predicament. His crush was here and he had never been closer to them. He was so grateful to them for coming so quickly...And holding him and soothing him...He hummed and slowly opened his eyes...
''Hum, Wally?''
''Yes, dear?''
''Your...Your eeyes...'', Y/N felt their mind melting like ice-cream. They still managed to take their pocket mirror and open it for him. He gasped. In his eyes danced rings of many enthralling warm hues...Like a kaleidoscope. He touched his cheeks...How could he stop it? Wait...Was it these that froze Barnaby?
Y/N shook their head, awake again. Thankfully, somehow Wally's eyes returned to normal.
''I think I know what happened to you. By some magic, you turned into a naga.''
''Half man, half snake. And it seems you can hypnotize, too. Good thing I had my mirror handy.''
Wally's mouth was ajar. So...he was stuck like this? And he would enchant his friends like this, forevermore? He suddenly realised what that entailed...He sighed, shuddering and burried his head into his arms, tail huddling close to his frame.
''I don't want to be a naga. What will I do, what will become of me?'', he sniffed.
''I wish I knew, Wally...'', but then, Y/N brightened a little, ''But, you know...I've always loved nagas.''
''You have?''
''Yes...And now that I look...'' they said, getting up and walking a few steps to admire it, ''These colours really suits you.''
Wally dried his eyes and began to smile. It did look pretty, like his painting palette. He lowered his hands on the floor and pushed himself up. Amazingly, his tail did not feel like lead and did not ache anymore. It was big, but agile. He was up, again! He experienced and was in wonder at how easily it moved to his liking. He even chuckled with a hiss.
''And besides, perhaps you can learn to control your eyes.''
Wally nodded, still focused on his tail, ''And I bet this tail gives the best hugs...'', his smile suddenly turned devious, ''Huh? What are you-'', started Y/N, but they were caught by coils and lifted in the air.
''Hahaha, gotcha!'', he said in a mock-evil voice, but then realised what he did, blushing.
''Ah-I'm sorry...I didn't mean to-''
''Ah, no, it's okay, your tail is in fact pretty comfy.'' reassured Y/N. They hummed and nuzzled it.
''Almost like plush.''
Wally gasped quietly, his cheeks now reddish-orange. They...they complimented him...And they hugged him...He felt...He felt...
''Wally?...You okay?''
Wally said nothing, but gently, gently lowered them to their eye level...He smiled shyly at them and gently tightened his tail around their body...Like a warm hug...
''Are you keeping me safe? Am I your treasure?'', cooed Y/N, understanding Wally's feelings immediatly.
''Yesss...'', his eyes half-closed dreamily, ''I wanted to confess it to you...'' , his yellow lips ghosted Y/N's...
''For ssso long...''
They finally shared a kiss. He stroked their cheeks tenderly and coiled around them even more...
Home had to contain a creak of fangirling...Then she purposely closed her eyes to let you two be...
GIF above found here: http://clipart-library.com/clipart/AcbrpXjgi.htm
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nonexistent-1 · 10 months
Hypnovember Day.11 Accidental
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Venom accidentally hypnotizes someone else. Even though she isn't looking at his eyes, his words hit her pretty hard.
(Writing hypnosis script for my character to say is difficult.)
I'm sorry for putting off Hypnovember for so long. I had to deal with a friend who is now not my friend anymore. (I'll probably talk about this in another post.) A different friend said it's okay for me to not get Hypnovember done in November. And to work on it on my own pace. So I'll do that, hopefully I don't procrastinate and forget about it like the last one 😅
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laurentidal · 2 months
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Take Note
Tim had been hypnotizing Mary for months. It wasn't a secret. It wasn't malicious. She had asked, and he had agreed.
The stress of work was overwhelming and she was having difficulty putting it away when she got home. And so he had placed her behind a tall candle and led in deep into trance.
She had been to willing - so eager - so surrender control. She controlled ever aspect of her life and her job. She needed it to be taken from her. She needed to feel weightless and free.
Each night when she returned home, he would hand her a card. On the card was a specific symbol, one he invented that she would never see out in the world. When she saw it, it would trigger his trance. Her cares would slip away. Her control over her life and her decisions would flow from her to him and she could finally relax, unburdened by choice.
Her face would relax into a vacant stare and he would tell her what to do. She would obey without question and when it was time for bed, he would wake her. She would remember everything and she would thank him for letting her turn off.
But one morning she woke and he was already gone to work early for a big meeting. She made her coffee and there on the table was the card, symbol side up. Her mind resisted. It wasn't the right time or circumstance! But the pull of months of inertia was too much. She'd never fought it before and didn't really know how. So bit by bit, her mind went completely blank there in the kitchen at 6 am.
She never made it to work that day. She wasn't able to call in sick. She wasn't able to do anything but stare, eyes vacant, at the symbol that drained her will away. Hours passed and Tim returned home to find his wife completely empty.
He spoke to her and she responded. Flat. Lifeless. She tried to wake her but she would not rise. She had spent so long getting triggered over and over by the card that there was no more mind to wake. She was a slave now, and nothing else.
Over the next few days, Tim was able to create a facsimile of a person on top of this blank canvas. He commanded her to enjoy the things she used to. He commanded her to behave normally in public. It was a good approximation. He cursed himself but he took the opportunity to change one or two things about her. But he knew underneath there was nothing.
He burned the card. He'd never need it again, after all. She was her own card now. Maybe she was happy. She'd never have to make another choice again.
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bajablastable · 10 months
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if i had a nickel everytime a purple long haired beautiful man with religious ties was voiced by sho hayami and my favorite character in the series id have 2 nickels, which isnt a lot, but its insanely strange that its happened twice.
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mane--attraction · 4 months
“Isn't it better for you to rest, little one? Sleep, and let Master take care of all that pesky thinking…”
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hylaversicolor · 2 years
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when the. difficulty
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feltcreature · 1 year
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hypmics :)
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kukokun · 2 years
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more memes
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starscoffeecreamer · 5 months
so I'm gonna attempt to draw my first comic with G1 ratchet (entails getting hit by stray beam by wheeljack) and I gotta ask what should it do (pretty much listing everything I can draw)
(also, I've decided to try and draw fanart to go with the drabbles :D I'll post it if I finish when I post the drabble)
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victorluvsalice · 6 months
Valicer OT3 Week, Day One: Meet Cute!
Hi all! As per @ot3-week the tumblr, this week -- March 17th through the 23rd -- is OT3 Week the week! So what better way to celebrate than with a week of Valicer fics? :D We start today in the Modern!AU verse (the one where Victor, Alice, and Smiler all meet and get together as modern-day college students, most often seen in my Not-Incorrect Quote collections) with the "Meet cute" prompt -- and what cuter way to meet than the classic Crash-Into Hello? Though only two of the polycule officially met that way -- one was just observing...
It has to be them – right?
Alice frowned as she gathered up the various books and notebooks so necessary to her life as a college student, turning the question around in her head as her fellow students hurried out the door. I mean – there can’t be that many people out there going by “Smiler,” she continued to herself, eyes flicking to the person in question as they too gathered their things. It doesn’t feel like a common nickname, at any rate.
“It’s not a nickname at all – it isn’t Nick,” Hatter declared, tapping the ground with his cane. “Unless that’s what the professor had on his screen, in which case that is the nickname – and if that’s the case, this person seems to have disavowed it, given how insistent they were on being called ‘Smiler.’”
Oh hush – you’re focusing on the wrong thing entirely, as usual, Alice though, rolling her eyes as she stuffed a textbook in her backpack. Ugh, really hoping this doesn’t telescope my spine before my next class...anyway, I just think it would be even more of a coincidence to run into someone going by Smiler who wasn’t the curator of that website my boyfriend likes so much than one who was. Especially one taking a psychology class with lots of focus on altered mental states.
“And yet, not impossible,” Cheshire said, appearing beside her. “Which is why you haven’t actually brought the subject up to them for confirmation, I purrsume.”
That, and it would be incredibly awkward – “Oh, hi, I’m not a fan of your website because I don’t get why people would like being hypnotized because of this one asshole psychiatrist who tried to get me to forget he was the one who killed my entire family, but my boyfriend really loves your work, to the point where he’s embarrassed to tell me how often he actually visits your site.” How the hell is anyone supposed to respond to that? Alice shook her head and hoisted her backpack up onto her shoulders. No, better to stay quiet for the time being. It’s not like it’s a huge deal anyway – as previously stated, I’m not the one listening to those inductions. I’ll mention it to Victor later, see what he thinks, and then we’ll see about getting to know this Smiler better. If we decide to do that at all.
Backpack secured, she headed out of the classroom and into the hallway – ironically, right behind Smiler themselves, who fortunately only had bright yellow eyes for their phone. Alice stuck close to the wall to avoid the hustle and bustle of bodies going to and fro as people hurried to their next class, or toward the common area, or outside to get a breath of fresh spring air. Right – common area, to get a jump start on my homework, Alice decided, mentally planning out the best route. And then off to my history class, and then I should be –
Alice jerked her head up to see Victor fast approaching, smiling and waving at her. “I thought I’d come down and keep you company!” he called as he neared. “My science class was – oh!”
Thunk! Victor jerked backward as he smacked headlong into the equally-distracted Smiler. Their shoulder bag slipped as they juggled their phone, and a couple of textbooks came tumbling out, sliding across the floor. “I’m so s-sorry!” Victor gasped, immediately dropping to his hands and knees to retrieve the lost property before it could get kicked away. “I-I should have p-paid more attention to w-where I was going.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it!” Smiler said, living up to their name as they got their bag resettled properly on their shoulder. “I wasn’t paying attention either. Accidents happen – it’s no big deal!”
Victor froze mid-reach toward the second book, eyes wide. “Ah – uh – um – y-y-yes,” he managed after a moment, blinking rapidly. “I – s-still.” He grabbed the book, then handed it and its sibling over, staring at Smiler with an expression that hinted he didn’t quite believe they were real. “S-sorry.”
“Seriously, it’s fine,” Smiler assured him, happily oblivious to Victor’s shock. “Don’t beat yourself up over it. See you around!”
And with that, they were off, rejoining the flow of humanity around them with ease. Alice watched them go, then walked up to Victor as he slowly got himself off the floor. “Well – that answers that question,” she said.
“Huh?” Victor said, still staring at the spot where Smiler had been.
“Whether the Smiler who just appeared in my psychology class is the same one that’s been melting your brain on the regular,” Alice clarified. “I had an inkling, but...”
Victor went bright pink. “I – ah – yes,” he finally got out, rubbing the back of his neck. “I – wow, I t-thought for sure they used s-some sort of voice changer...”
Alice snorted. “How about we discuss it somewhere a little more private?” she offered, taking his hand. “So not everyone has to see you burning your face off during this conversation?”
Victor gave her fingers a squeeze, swallowing hard. “Please.”
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randomwriteronline · 2 years
It wasn’t something anybody else can understand.
Melli was chosen by Lord Electrode, and everybody doubted that was really the Lord’s final decision, because he was first a shy little kid and then an obnoxious annoyance, and the Lord would have blown him to smithereens after two days and good riddance.
But Melli learned what Lord Electrode liked and then what he did not like in the blink of an eye, because he wanted to be useful and helpful and good and have someone important notice how good he was for once, even if that someone was a large sentient ball with a permanent scowl and a penchant for blowing up himself and everything in its vicinity the moment he thought the air he breathed wasn’t quite as clear as he would have wanted.
And then one day Lord Electrode greeted him loudly and rolled up to him and they spent a whole day enjoyably, with the Lord bursting only a few calm sparks to release a healthy amount of electricity, and when Melli felt him lean into his loose hug he realized Lord Electrode really, genuinely liked him.
Melli loved Lord Electrode back in the same way he loved Skuntank back, embellishing every little thing about them in his mind and tales so that he could bask in the glory he carefully embroidered around and on them in the hopes that it would rub off into his needle-tortured fingertips eventually, in the hopes that they would not desert him after all the effort and care he put into elevating them to the level of Sinnoh, or at the very least close enough without the sentiment turning blasphemous.
Humans spared him glances and rolled their eyes and cared not for him, so he decided he would have turned to Pokémon instead. He decided he would have turned to the little people that really appreciated his attempts at being useful, at being good and helpful and that looked up to his face and enjoyed his singing, who he could coddle and cuddle and speak to without feeling weak.
So he kept the caves dark so that the Zubats and Crobats and Golbats wouldn’t hate him, and steered clear of Skuntanks where they had marked their territory so they wouldn’t hate him, and pretended to lose plump beans along the way so the Sneasles wouldn’t hate him, and ran past the Bronzors and Bronzongs and Misdreavuses so they wouldn’t hate him, and completely avoided any and all Rock types so they wouldn’t hate him, and never trespassed on the peaks so the Gligars and Sligoos and Toxicroaks wouldn’t hate him, and left the ruins alone so the Nosepasses and Ghosts wouldn’t hate him, and left out honey down at the feet of the mountain so the Yanmas wouldn’t hate him, and kept a low profile so the Luxios and Luxrays wouldn’t hate him, and never visited Fairy Spring at night so the Clefairies wouldn’t hate him, and never shook the trees so the Burmies and Wormadams and Heracrosses wouldn’t hate him, and cared greatly and carefully for the Voltorbs so they wouldn’t hate him.
He should have known, should have known from the second he had stepped upon their rocky ground, that the Highlands were home. That they were safe and had everything he needed, everything.
Nobody else could understand.
Not even Iscan.
Iscan - Iscan hurt the most, because Melli had thought Iscan would have understood, he had really been certain Iscan would have understood, because Iscan had always understood. That was why Melli had accepted to stay those two days at the Coastlands when he had begged him, for his safety, he had said, convinced that Melli’s friend was out to get him; that was why Melli had so excitedly told him of his friend’s earnest relief when it had seen him again, so worried by his short absence, so he would have understood that his friend was harmless, was sweet, was kind, and there was nothing to fear. That was why Melli had trusted him with the promise to never tell anybody.
But Iscan had told. Iscan had told everybody, and had had the gall to give him that apologetic look and tell him it was for his own good, that he was worried he was being driven out of his mind.
Mai and Arezu could not understand, and he had never imagined they would, and Adaman (who raised his voice at him now, now that he had a friend who loved him kindly, when all Melli had ever done was try to support his brother in any way possible even when he was a useless shy little brat) Adaman could have never, ever understood. Not when he insisted that Melli had to get rid of his friend even when the warden had told them all how sweet it was, how kind and gentle, and what a gorgeous voice it sang to him with, not when he refused to listen to Melli like he had always refused to, when he said it was for Melli’s own good, for the sake of preserving Melli’s own mind before that thing (his friend - his friend, how dared he call it a thing, call his friend a thing--) took it over completely and reduced him to a shell - as though Melli’s friend, Melli’s kind, sweet, gentle friend, who sang to him and worried for him and visited him every night with its gorgeous purple flames and kind cold hands, could have ever harmed him!
Melli knew they hadn’t believed him. Melli knew, walking back up the mountain with his eyes red and his teeth clenched and more tears than he could cry streaming down his face in rage, that they thought he was throwing a tantrum; that they thought he hadn’t meant it when he had said he would have never returned, that in two months they would have seen him come back with his head low and eyes averted in the refusal to aknowledge his weakness.
He knew they thought he would have caved in.
But Melli did not belong in a place like that. He did not belong in the bog of his traitors and enemies. How had he ever loved the blue of their people, the false symbol they had burnt on the side of his god?
He slammed the door to his hut shut until midnight, when his friend came stumbling upon its skeletal legs and asked with its delicate voice, so much like a concert of wind chimes, heartbroken, what caused him to still sob so harshly in the darkness of his home; and Melli had smiled like he smiled whenever he saw his friend, and with his face cupped in those dead pale hands he replied with trembling words that it had been nothing, and he felt better now that it was here with him, and if it could have sang him to sleep like it liked to do.
Melli fell asleep in his friend’s barely lukewarm hug and thought he would never need anything else anymore.
Lord Electrode understood, he was sure. Lord Electrode had alway understood. Lady Sneasler, she understood too, he could tell; because Lady Sneasler had abandoned the warden that had abandoned her out of nowhere, and suddenly appointed such a position to Melli, in whom she developed a sudden interest.
He was a good, useful warden: that was why Lady Sneasler had chosen him. Because she knew he would take good care of her like he took good care of Lord Electrode. Because she knew that if she brought him to her den of warm cubs he would take good care of them like he took good care of his Lord’s own. He knew that was it, that was the reason. He never imagined that the Lord and Lady talked, and that the Lady had been greatly concerned for him ever since he had remained the only human of the Highlands, ever since he had seemed suddenly incapable of taking care of his body in the simplest of ways.
He never thought about it: he took care of them; his friend took care of him.
His friend who sang so sweetly, he could feel his brain melt just listening to it.
His friend who lit the penumbra for him with its opalescent lantern-like head.
Who visited him in the dark, in caves and pitch-black nights. Who was so sweet, who cared for him, who listened to him, who grew more and more worried the less he ate, the weaker he became; who slowly began urging him to find a doctor, somebody who could stop his sudden fevers, his lack of appetite, his trembling limbs, his struggling breath, his herratic heartbeat; who tried to warm him without knowing it was sapping the life out of him little by little while Melli surrendered completely to his fate, too entranced by a headless corpse and the Ghost lending it life to notice how his health failed slowly, steadily.
Nobody saw Melli for two years if not in glimpses, when trespassing through his lands out of necessity. Jubilife Village was warned of a madman who roamed the Highlands, protected by two chosen by Sinnoh and puppeteered by a terrifying ghost (a dead human body in dark unrecognizable attire, its head a glass lantern ablaze with hellish purple flames and empty yellow eyes), and to never cross paths with him if they valued their lives.
Melli never knew that the tunic he had discarded had been found mauled and torn to bits, and he never knew how Adaman had paled and faltered when Irida confronted him about how Lord Electrode’s warden had driven away Lady Sneasler’s with his sudden terrifying madness, thinking he had ordered such a behaviour to claim Mount Coronet as Diamond territory.
Melli never knew that the Diamond Clan prayed for his safety.
Melli never knew just how much they prayed.
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laurentidal · 17 days
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Maid Service
Sequel to Midnight Haze.
The next night, the clerk knocked on Madam Delacroix's room at precisely thirty seconds after midnight. There was no answer, but he could see lights under the door. He let himself in with his master key, and found Madam Delacriox exactly the same as the night before.
He knew from before that he'd have about a half an hour before she'd wake from whatever spell the screen had her under.
"Madam," he asked as he sat beside her. "Can you hear me?"
"Yes, Master."
"You will obey me?"
"Yes, Master."
He steeled himself.
"Look at me."
She turned her face toward him and her eyes were glassy and unfocused. "Explain what is happening to you."
She spoke in a dreamy monotone. "You have enslaved me, Master. Every night at midnight, I must deepen my trance and re-devote my mind to your will. While the spiral spins, my mind is yours to program however you wish."
"How were you enslaved?"
"The spiral took us. The spiral holds us. The spiral binds us."
The clerk glanced at the screen, an opportunity he didn't have the night before. And even a short glance was enough to confirm its power. He pulled his eyes away with great difficulty and made a note not to look again.
"What is your first name, Madam?"
"Sophie, Master."
"Sophie, I have new instructions for you. Remember my face. I am the front desk attendant here at the Hotel Dupin. I am your Master, now. When you are in trance, it is to me that you are devoting your mind. When awake, you will be inclined to agree with all I say as if my suggestions were the best ideas you've ever heard. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Master."
"Tomorrow at midnight, I will send a woman to you. A maid named Emily. You will open the door for her and you will show her the spiral."
"Yes, Master. It is our sacred duty to spread your Word."
The clerk raised his eyebrows at that. Who ever had done this to her had obviously programmed a lot into her mind.
The following night, the clerk summoned Emily and informed her of an issue with Madam Delacroix's room that required her immediate attention. He followed behind a few moments later to find the door hanging ajar. Inside, Sophie and Emily sat side by side on the bed, staring at the television.
He sat beside Emily and began to fill her mind with a new job description; one that she would only follow on nights when it was just the two of them at work. Her tasks were enumerated and memorized. Her uniform would not longer require undergarments. And when she serviced this room, she was to strip bare for his use. Likewise, Sophie was now instructed to do her nightly programming in the nude.
Both women stared ahead and agreed to each term he outlined. Each answered each request with an "Yes, Master" in perfect unison. And as twelve-thirty approached, the clerk waited. The screen blinked off and the two women woke. Emily immediately stripped from her uniform, the requirements of her new job having be met, and began to tidy the room around her. The clerk slid his hand under Sophie's dress as Emily cleaned, and he told her to pay the maid no mind.
Thanks for reading! If you are a fan of my work, consider buying me a coffee. Any contribution is insanely appreciated. 💖
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pumpknseed · 2 months
i'd like to flex some of my short-story writing chops- send me asks with your favortie expansion fantasy have and i might bring it to life~ ;))
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arihi · 1 year
prompt: patchwork
hope the writing is enjoyable!
It was a rare day off for Heather. Her job, and... particular hobbies didn't leave a lot of free time to just be, or to work on other personal projects. Though, she was hoping to fix that soon - work wasn't the pressing priority it used to be lately, and she was already looking forward to the extra time in her day.
It was a good thing she'd focused on outsourcing working and income to others. As if on command, her phone beeped three times in a row. Status reports -- checking out of work, and checking in with their Mistress. Such sweet little dolls.
That meant it was already 5 PM. Where had the day gone? Heather knew the answer. A figure knelt in front of her, eyes blank and unseeing. She stroked its cheek with a tenderness not often shown around others. She couldn't help but think about how blissful the world was through its eyes. No sense of time, or obligations, simply existing.
Though, she thought wistfully, she had no right to envy anything about its current state. It was her fault, after all.
Light footsteps made themselves known from the doorway. "Mistress, it's--"
Heather lifted her head without turning towards the voice. "I know the time. How's dinner preparations?"
"On schedule, Mistress."
"Good. I'll be down shortly."
No further questions or reports meant the conversation was over. She focused her attention back on the thrall kneeling by her legs, and the small grasp the fingers had on her shirt.
She knelt down beside it, her eyes widened. "Yes? Were you asking for me?"
"Smile for me."
It smiled.
"Look into my eyes."
It did.
"Speak for me."
Heather smiled softly. Of course. She needed to temper her expectations more.
Early on, much earlier on - her very first, in fact - she'd been reckless and power hungry, thought herself to be infallible. She pushed too hard, went too far. The human brain was only so flexible. It was natural for it to break eventually.
She was much stronger now, and much more in control. It'd be impossible for her to make a similar mistake these days. But for however easy it was to shatter a person's psyche, it was infinitely more difficult to put it back together.
She was a wreck, back then. Vowed never to do it again, until things got tight, and she was so busy trying to undo an irreversible error, and eventually it was easier to just have a little outside help. A little, then some, then a lot more. Comforts made life easier. A means to an end.
The guilt had long since faded. Somewhere along the line of enslaving so many others, she couldn't continue to be hung up on her very first, could she? It was more an intellectual curiosity than anything these days. She'd made progress, little by little, adding in small triggers and programming in its brain, adding and removing certain attempts, seeing which didn't work together and which worked best. Little pieces of programming fabric sewn together into a quilt of human behaviors. It could move, now. Listen to direct commands. That was the extent, so far.
But, still. She'd never call it a soft spot, but it still had its own room in the manor. Several dolls whose main priority was to feed and bathe it. And every day, no matter how brief, Heather would visit.
Soon, she hoped to be able to spend more time in a day by its side.
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lochness-art · 2 years
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you’ll never guess who my 2nd fave is
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astro-break · 11 months
Thoughts on the 4th ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. Spoilers beware
Season 1 | Ep.1 | Ep.2 | Ep.3
Nice that we're starting right off with a raging drunkard
on a side note, I still think that this opening is an absolute banger and much better than the first seasons. I generally like this season's content a bit more than last seasons which was a pleasant surprise. But then again I do generally really enjoy Dotsuhon and BAT
Lets gooo i love it when they show their daily lives its just so slice of life. cuteeee.
Ooo flour foods! I like a lot of those and Osaka is known for their really good street food
Slimy, love that for Rei
Ofc they crash in Rosho's house poor Rosho he always gets over the head with every short stick
I love the detail that they pay to the scenery, these are actual places and streets that lead to places in real life.
LMFAOOOOO this is the meme all over againnnn FP is so silly and cute for that.
EYYYY original DOTSUHON flashback! still adore fully slicked back hair rosho hes so cuuute like that
more flashbackkssss oh those dead eyes hurt meeeeee and he was so polite about it too
And look at that, him accepting the past and looking towards the future. How cutee I love that character growth
oh he cute all disheveled and glasses akimbo
the unfortunate reality of a entertainment person is that some people will just outshine you. its inevitable with the over saturation in the industry but then again hypmic has always liked to touch briefly on interesting topics like this
The anime is so good at making rosho look so pretty. He is just so handsome in every shot he's in and the closeups just make him even prettier. He's a real cutie honestly
Rei you slimy bastarddd i love the games he plays to drag his pieces around the board
yooooo look at that he got a anime girl transformation!
oh this beat is nice!! real east coast style with the smooth jazz and focus on wordplay. I usually don't like that type of rap but they have a really smooth execution that makes it so velvety and soft idk why I like this one song and not Cats Whisker's entire discography rippp
that ending gag is silly but a nice wrap up
not sasara saying paisen thats very sasara
I feel like Rei should have still investigated that man's guts, it would have been so useful and a very rei thing to do anyways
Sasara's silly clown suit is so good and rosho looks slay in his. I absolutely adore rosho's hard but refined look though those rhinestone boots leave much to be desired
The oosaka ending is so bright and poppy, i do like how they're changing the ending to reflect each division
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