#accidental prince prompto
sageteapost · 2 months
Hi! It's the same anon that requested the expanded dating hcs and I LOVED it 🤩💕
I'm hoping you don't mind me requesting more 😭 This time headcanons with all the Chocobros (separately) about their protectiveness levels? Maybe how would they react if someone threatens/ poses as a threat to their s/o or anything like that 👀
Tysm in advance and have a great day! 💖
| Protectiveness With the Chocobros HCs |
[ Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia x GN! Reader ]
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Content: Self-explanatory! Mentions of violence, though not in graphic detail. Very small spoilers for a small piece of dialogue at the end of Episode Gladiolus, but nothing too significant. (All established relationships. All separate parings. Gender neutral reader.)
author's note: HEYYY ANON!! I'm so glad you like the headcanons for the Noctis post. And no worries!! I'm always happy to post about these boys. I love them dearly haha. If you wanted me to talk more about the threat being something towards their relationship/jealousy, let me know and I can do a separate post about it since that in itself is a different can of worms.
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Poor guy. The thought of that even crossing his mind makes him reel.
He's the Prince of Lucis, and while that helps in terms of security it still makes him very anxious. People who may not have the highest regards for him could go after you to get at him, which scares and angers him.
However, if someone or something made a threat against you for any reason, he's going to be pissed.
Majority of the time, he's going to get the Crownsguard on that person's ass for it. They're not getting out of this easily and Noct is not afraid to use his position.
Though he's not opposed to throwing hands himself, but you didn't hear it from me.
Protectiveness levels: Very High
Let's get this out of the way first, if someone put you in a dangerous situation, he's abandoning what he's doing and probably his regard for his own safety to help you.
He's panicking, unlike Noct who's the prince and could easily get the help he needed instantly, Prompto would have to find it. Likely will drag in the guys (who will help him in return).
Compared to Noct, he doesn't have much of a reason to be extra protective since he's not royalty or born of a line of nobles like Gladio or Ignis.
He's less on trying to get any revenge on the person who did it, but more focused on how you're doing.
So, unless that person did something so damning, he's not going to tear them to pieces. Probably.
Protectiveness levels: Medium to Low
Silently fuming and trying so hard to maintain his composure to not find them. And no, he's not going to kill them. Unless on the very rare circumstances he loses it, he won't.
Yes, he will try his best to remain calm and take the situation with caution, though part of him says otherwise.
Since he was Noct's caretaker when he was younger and swore to protect him, he had the experience of receiving threats like that. While that got personal sometimes, when it happens to you it's a whole different feeling he's not accustomed to.
Similar to Prompto, he's immediately tending to you first. Reassuring you (and himself) that you're okay and safe. But unlike Prompto he will definitely get people involved to bring that person to justice.
It's better for him and everyone in the end, just to preserve his sanity and integrity. Though he won't be opposed to be involved in some "personal" investigations.
Protectiveness levels: High
Really hope whoever did threaten you knows how to defend themselves.
You know how Prompto mentions in Episode Gladiolus how he saved Noct from a bully one time and beat them up? Yeah, he's gonna rip them to pieces.
Not only is he serious when it involves being Noct's shield, but yours as well. Whoever dared to threaten you is not coming out without a black eye or some other injury because holy shit, he's furious.
You'd have to plead with him not to accidentally kill them or hope the guys are there to hold him back from going any further. Only then, thanks gods, he might back off.
He'd still be very upset afterwards and the harsh words from Cor will not help. But eventually with your presence, he'll cool off and apologize to you for seeing him like that.
Protectiveness levels: Very High
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zzprompto · 7 months
hiiii I love your stuff and wanted to make a request. is it possible to get an accidental confession from the reader where we're either talking to ignis or whoever you choose about how we have feelings for either prompto or noctis and they over hear us talking about them? you can choose whoever or both. have a good day/night<3
thanks for requesting!
☆ not so secret
noctis lucis caelum x male reader [he / him]
sypnosis: above.
the lowercase is intentional !
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[name] paced around, waiting for ignis to finish talking to gladio so he could get some advice of his own. his brain was rattling around in his head, different thoughts squirming around as he stood there, consumed by his own thoughts. he need to talk to ignis, and quick.
after what felt like centuries, ignis was finally done talking to gladio. [name] took this opportunity and he quickly rushed over to the cook, not wanting anyone else to steal his chance.
"ignis. we need to talk about something. something.. serious. i don't know who else to tell, i feel like you'd be the best guy out of all of us to talk to." [name] rambled, voice rushing to finish it's sentence - just how the thoughts were rushing around [name]'s mind.
ignis nodded in response to his friend's rambling, seemingly quite concerened now for his friend. what could of happened? surely it wasn't something bad, right? because [name] surely looked distressed.
"yes, of course. you can come to me for anything, [name]." ignis said, giving [name] a small smile. he hoped it would somehow reassure him, or calm his nerves about this hidden situation to an extent. "now, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" ignis asked.
[name] took a deep breath, trying to calm down his racing mind. it seemed to work, or well at least for the time being. he could talk to ignis and not worry about his looming anxiety about the topic.
[name] cleared his throat, eyes focusing on the ground briefly before he looked up. he leaned in a little closer to ignis and he finally spoke. "i like noctis, romantically i mean. i just.. i just don't know if he feels the same. he has luna, a perfect, fairy tale ending to his story." [name] speaks, eyes trailing down to the floor once again. "no prince or king runs off with another prince, he always ends up with a princess - marrying her so she'd be his queen." [name] mumbles, clearly disappointed by the situation he has been put in because of his feelings.
ignis' eyes widen for a brief second as he takes in the initial shock after learning the news. his eyes then soften and he looks at [name] sympathetically, trying to make sure his friend doesn't worry about this 'boy drama' he has gotten himself into.
"i would've never thought you liked noct, but thinking back on it now it definitely makes sense." ignis chuckles slightly, shaking his head as he thinks of all the moments that had been shared between noctis and [name] over the years. it was clear that their bond was that beyond friendship - but to what extent? nobody knows yet.
throughout the years that all the men knew eachother, it was obvious that [name] and noctis were the closest. they'd always end up hanging out more, having more to say to eachother, or even having more secrets between eachother. it was clear that the two men cared for one another a fair deal.
yet, there was always a hint of something more.
there had always been a little glint in [name]'s eye whenever noctis was mentioned, or vice versa. there was always a smile, or a special applaud that the pair had for one another that they didn't have for anyone else. it was always clear that the relationship between the two was more than platonic.
even some of their friends caught up with all the signs. prompto was really the first one to notice, he even started to tease noctis about it. he'd often say how great of a couple the prince and [name] would be, and as of late he had been saying that noctis should marry [name] and not luna. noctis always brushed it off, however. he tried to act nonchalant, but there was always a blush on his cheeks whenever he heard the mention of his friends name.
whilst the conversation between ignis and [name] was occuring, noctis couldn't help but try and listen in. of course, his intentions were merely innocent. he had heard his name escape his friend's lips, and wanted to see if something was wrong. what he did not expect however, was for [name] to be confessing his feelings for him to ignis. noctis was perplexed.
the ravenette stood there in shock for a few seconds. he tried to process everything he had just heard, trying to see if he was just making things up. but no. he wasn't. [name] truly liked noctis romantically, and noctis felt his heart swelling as he heard the words fall out of [name]'s lips.
after gaining the courage, noctis decided to approach his friends. he stood besides [name] and smiled at the other man softly. it was the special smile he had only reserved for [name], none of his other friends. yet, this time the smile looked a bit different. it was as if the smiled was filled with an aspect of love and hope.
"i overheard what you said, [name]." noctis whispered as he stood besides his friend. ignis decided to take this as his queue to leave. he didn't even have to play the matchmaker, his friends were going to do that all themselves without his help.
[name] looked at noctis and he felt a little hot. perhaps it was from embarrassment, or perhaps it was even from the anticipation, the ever so painful longing of loving a friend.
"you did? oh fuck me.." [name] chuckled, shaking his head slightly as a nervous smile filled his features. noctis wanted to reply with something crude, but he decided to hold of for the time being. he'd say such things when they'd actually get together.
"i believe this prince doesn't need a princess.. another prince will do just fine for him." noctis replied, a smile on his lips to conquer the one [name] had. "that is.. if you're willing to have this prince?" the ravenette continued, holding out his hand for [name].
[name] nodded and he took noct's hand, taking a step forward to hug his friend. well, they weren't actually friends anymore. they were more than that now. they were practically soulmates, in all platonic and romantic senses.
"yes.. i am willing to have you and your offer of us being princes together." [name] hummed, feeling content as he held the prince in his arms. he just felt so relieved he didn't have to hide a part of him anymore. it was all out in the open.
noctis gracefully accepted the hug, his own arms going around [name]'s body. he wasn't sure what label to put on his relationship with [name] at the moment, but he was sure to find out. it was sure to be something that fit too, something that represented the two of them greatly.
"thank you." noctis whispered, pressing a small kiss to [name]'s cheek. the prince then earned a flurry of kisses to his face after that.
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- author's note: hope you guys enjoy <3 decided to do noctis because i haven't written for him yet + there's barely any noctis content anyway
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veryace-ficrecs · 6 months
Prompto/Noctis Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
all this, and love too by BurningFairytales - Rated G
He’d considered, really, telling Noctis. He had. But Noctis had been so busy lately, and Prompto just couldn’t bring himself to add to that. So he's going to spend his birthday alone. It's fine. He's used to it. Or: The one where Prompto is fully prepared to spend his birthday alone playing King's Knight and Noctis has other plans.
Guys Being Dudes, Dudes Being Bros by musicmillennia - Rated G
Basically, the Lucian media takes one look at Prompto and Noctis and pulls a "gal pal" routine. Prompto tries and fails to ignore it. Noctis is oblivious. But with the help of a sudden ally, there may be some hope for Lucis yet.
Anony-Bro-Chat: the ABC's of cyberstalking by Thwippersnapple - Rated T
Noctis has been online friends with ChocoPrompt87 in Kings Night for over a year. He realizes ChocoPrompt is a classmate and has no idea how to make friends with him in real life because HOW DOES SOCIAL INTERACTION WITH PEOPLE HIS OWN AGE EVEN WORK?!
He messages him but accidentally invites him to the big family group chat instead of a private one. His friends and fam are Trolls of the highest degree. Prom fits right in.
To be Happy, To be Loved by thatoldeblackmagic - Rated T
Twenty minutes ago, Prompto was ready to accept his fate of being locked up for the rest of his life, and now he’s in a group chat with the King and the Prince of Lucis. He’s all but out of breath when he manages to choke out, “This is so fucking surreal.” or, Regis meddles because he just wants Noctis to be happy
Wrong Way Around by artemisgrace - Rated T
Gladio has some assumptions about Noctis's new school friend . . . He's wrong.
Life Imitates by Riona - Rated T
Everyone keeps trying to lecture Prompto on dating Noctis. Which would be fine if he and Noctis were actually dating.
Somebody loves you by anniekinkin (bubblline) - Rated T
Noctis didn’t know how long he could keep doing this. This was beyond ridiculous. It wasn’t even lunch time and Prompto had handed Noctis not one but two love letters very clearly addressed to Prompto. With the words “Hey look, more love letters for you.” He wanted to slam his head against his desk in frustration.
OR: Prompto takes Noctis to an animal shelter to play with the cats and dogs while Noctis tries to work up the nerve to confess to Prompto before he notices that half the student body has a crush on him
Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star by GwiYeoWeo - Rated T
“Watch yourself, kid, or you'll be seeing stars."
“Well, guess what?” Noctis had dropped his knees slightly. And with all the fury of a burning star, he slammed his fist up into the Crownsguard’s jaw in a brutal uppercut before either of them had time to blink. Prompto was pretty sure there was a kungfu movie with a similar title. Fist of the — South? West? — Star or something.
“Twinkle twinkle, motherfucker.”
The Hexatheon were powerful gods, anyone would agree; legends and myths were passed through the generations, some written in dusty old texts or whispered to young ears at bedtime. Others existed out of the circle, obscure as they were considering the fervor given to the big Six, but they still existed. For example, though Bahamut remained their patron god, the Lucians often pay homage to a certain Astral: Noctis, the Stellarian, the Wish Maker. And if the legends were true, Prompto figured it was worth a shot. He just didn't expect the Astral himself to literally drop into his arms like a freakin’ falling star.
im king of the night (wearin’ your shirt) by dreamtowns - Rated G
In Noctis’ defense, it’s not like he meant to keep it a secret that he was married. It’s just that no one bothered to ask. Except for Luna—because unlike his other coworkers, Luna wasn’t an asshole. And Luna wasn’t even a coworker.
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heartlessfujoshi · 1 year
flufftober day 1 - promnis 'no stakes'
Title: No Stakes Chapter: 1 of 6 Fandom: FFXV Pairing: Promnis (Prompto Argentum x Ignis Scientia) Rating: Teen (Subtle Flirting - Fluff - Ep Ignis V2) Word Count: ~2,730 Prompt: "I've got you."
Summary: Prompto gets thrown into a life he never wanted. All he cared about was his best friend, but as their roadtrip became something entirely different, things began to change. 
A/N: Hello! I am participating in this year's Flufftober challenge. It was definitely a challenge for me, as I normally don't stick to just fluff. I hope you'll enjoy as I update this story over the course of the month.
Prompto was not having fun. At all. 
Not that he thought the other guys were having their own fun, as he knew they were all in the same boat. It was kind of weird, if you thought about it. Here he was, someone that happened to become best friends with the Prince of Lucis, and because of that was suddenly thrust into his inner circle. Becoming a Crownsguard member was never something that had ever crossed Prompto’s mind when he befriended the Prince at the beginning of high school. No, he thought that Noctis was really nice and kind of cool, and wanted to hang out with him. That was it. 
Cut to four years later, and now here he was, standing off to the side as he watched his best friend, and two guys who had somehow become sort of friends to him, fight off a pack of animals that he couldn’t seem to get a beat on. The animals were snarling, baring their fangs at all of them. Prompto held up his gun and took aim, hoping to the Six that he wasn’t about to shoot one of his friends accidentally. Ignis had told him over and over because they were in the protection of the Prince, that friendly fire wouldn’t really hurt them that much. Ignis Scientia - who was the Prince’s right hand, who would know anything and everything there was to know about what could, and could not, affect the group.
“Prompto! What the hell are you doing?!” Gladio Amicitia, the manliest man that Prompto had ever known, yelled at him from twenty feet away. He was also the Prince’s technical Shield, whose job was to protect the Prince at all costs. “Can’t you aim better?!” 
“I’m trying!” He tried not to sound as panicked as he felt, but it was difficult. He could see Ignis and Noctis doing their thing that made him wish he could be close to one of them like that. To see Ignis and Noctis move through battle together was a thing of beauty - they were so in sync with each other it was a bit off putting. “Can’t you back away for a little bit so I can get some shots into them?” 
“No!” Gladio yelled back at him, as he went attacking with his very large shield, pushing one of the beasts away. “Noctis!” 
The Prince used his warp strike ability, Prompto staring at the blue image of him as it disappeared, using his powers to get into the thick of battle. He fired off another shot, and managed to kill one of the animals. He let out a little whoop, pleased that he was able to contribute to this battle. He knew he was the weakest one when it came to these fights, and tried his best to hold his own, but sometimes it was difficult. 
A gloved hand touched his shoulder, drawing his attention to his left. “Don’t worry, Prompto. You’re getting better. I know it’s challenging.” Ignis had sweat dripping from both of his brows, but he could see that the hunt had invigorated something inside of him, as he had a smile on his face that Prompto wished desperately was for him. “You are doing the best that you can.” 
“It’s not good enough.” Gladio and Noctis came over to where they were standing, Gladio clearly upset by the accidental misfire. “You grazed my arm, you ass.” 
“I didn’t mean to.” Prompto wasn’t going to get upset. Gladio had the tendency of being a bully at times, but only because he was the oldest of them all. He had more experience than any of them when it came to the scenarios they were now being thrown into on the regular. “It was an accident.” 
“He’s fine.” Noctis tossed Gladio an elixir that he caught with expertise and broke it over his head. “You did good, Prompto. Better.” Noctis grinned, and patted his shoulder in the same way that Ignis had just done. But Ignis’ touch had felt a little different from Noctis’ - not that Prompto was putting any stock into that, as he knew that it was always going to be a no go for that one. “Come on - how about we go and celebrate at Takka’s before going out on another hunt?” 
His stomach rumbled. “I could go for something dead.” He grinned, and threw his arm over Noctis’ shoulder, the two of them laughing together like they used to in school. “Are you treating, Prince?” 
“Nah. But Ignis is.” 
“Very funny, Your Highness.” Ignis’ voice drifted behind them. Prompto began to laugh with Noctis, as they began to make their way back towards Hammerhead, as it had been a long day. Finishing that hunt felt good, but now he wanted to relax for the rest of the night. 
They had been out on the road for four weeks now. Insomnia had fallen, the King had been killed, and now they were technically dead according to the news reports. No one knew where they were, or where they were to be found, which was fine. Ignis said that it would work to their advantage, allowing them to stay off the radar from Niflheim. Of course, Prompto knew that that wouldn’t work forever, but hadn’t said anything as he knew it wouldn’t be appropriate. No, they all knew what their course of action was to be now - they had to keep Noctis safe, and get him to Altissia somehow. 
It was dark by the time they made it back to Hammerhead. “Hey, can we sleep in the caravan tonight?” Prompto asked, looking at Ignis who had hung back as Noctis and Gladio continued their way into the rest stop. “Or do we not have enough funds for that right now?” 
“We have plenty.” Ignis looked over at the Prince. “Is that what His Highness is requesting?” 
Prompto shrugged. “I dunno. I know I’d like it. Hey, Noct!” He called out to the Prince, who turned around to look at him. “Caravan tonight??” He pointed to the caravan behind where he and Ignis were standing. Noctis gave him a thumb’s up, then went into the restaurant with Gladio. “Guess that’s a yes, Iggy.” 
“I suppose it would be.” 
He’d noticed that Ignis still had a look on his face that he wasn’t used to seeing. But, figuring it had something to do with how they’d fought today rather than anything else, he gave a quick nod of his head, and then followed Noctis and Gladio into the restaurant to take in his fill of some good food. 
The caravan was cramped, but it didn’t bother Prompto. He was glad to be sleeping on a mattress. He didn’t mind camping, in fact - it had been one of the things he’d been looking forward to the most for this trip, but he did miss the comforts of home. 
He had no home now. 
No, no. Don’t think about that. He shook his head, and exhaled a deep sigh. He tried not to think about what had happened to Insomnia, as it would really do no good. He had to keep going, otherwise he would completely break down, and no one in this caravan needed that. 
“Are you all right, Prompto?” 
Turning his head, he saw that Ignis was looking at him from across the way. “I’m fine, Iggy. Did I wake you up?” 
“No, I was awake. Can’t quite get to sleep.” Ignis yawned, then turned his head to look up at the ceiling of the caravan. “I heard you sigh. Are you sure you’re alright?” 
Prompto winced. “Yeah, Iggy. I’m okay. It’s just…” He closed his eyes, and exhaled another sigh. “It’s really tough. I don’t know how you’re handling all of this, but I’m struggling. A lot.” 
“Appearances can be deceiving, Prompto.” He saw a small smirk on Ignis’ lips. “I’m doing my best to fulfill my duty to the Prince, as well as make sure things are running smoothly.” 
“I’m holding everyone back, aren’t I?” 
Ignis sat up, Prompto following suit as they looked across at one another. “Never think that, Prompto. You are doing the best that you can. Do you think I have experience in what we’ve been thrown into? Because I can assure you, I do not.” 
“You make it look like you do.” Prompto could see Ignis was looking over at the door where Gladio and Noctis were sleeping. The caravan was split into two sections - the back had a much larger bed that could be occupied by two people, while the front had a cot and a couch that two people could sleep on. They had stayed here a couple of times, but most times they would sleep at a haven. “I’m trying my best, Ignis.” 
“I know you are. That is why I do not wish for you to have those thoughts, but I know that that is easier said than done.” 
Prompto returned to laying down, tucking his arms behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. “I’m afraid I’m going to make a mistake, and it’s going to be a bad one.” 
“If you make a mistake, we will be there to help.” He could hear Ignis moving back down into a lying position as well. “This is a lot. We all know that. But how we proceed will help us survive.” 
“Okay, Iggy.” Prompto sighed softly. “Sorry to keep you awake. I’m going to try and sleep now. Don’t want to be tired tomorrow when I know we’ve got some more hunts to go on.” 
“Good night, Prompto. Sweet dreams.” 
He closed his eyes, but sleep didn’t come for another two hours. He listened to Ignis’ even breaths, and wondered how he could be more like Ignis. Ignis Scientia, the Prince’s Adviser and Strategist. Of course Ignis knew what to do out here as he’d been training for it his entire life. But him? He got a crash course in combat when they graduated high school, and it had been all he’d known since then. Now he was putting his own training to use, however badly he was doing. 
In the morning, he woke up and saw that he was alone. Gladio and Noctis were still asleep, and so he went outside and saw that Ignis had a cup of coffee and was sitting towards the east, watching the sun rise. 
“The sky is so different out here.” Prompto remarked, as he took a seat near Ignis. “The colors are so vivid compared to back home.” 
“That would be because of the barrier.” Ignis brought his cup of coffee up to his lips and took a deep sip. “Nature is truly remarkable, don’t you think, Prompto?” 
“I do.” The sky was now turning a pale orange, and slowly transitioning to the blue that would become their enemy later in the day. That was one of things he missed most about Insomnia - the barrier kept it at a reasonable temperature all the time, and now without it, he was suffering through the elements like everyone else in the Lucian kingdom. 
They said nothing else, both respecting the quiet. Noctis came out and sat down next to Ignis, who immediately got up to go and grab some coffee for the Prince. Gladio stumbled out a few minutes later, scratching the back of his neck as a loud yawn left his mouth. “What are we doing today?” Gladio asked. 
“There’s a hunt in the mines nearby.” Noctis yawned, then tipped his chair back to sit on the two back legs. “Supposed to pay good money.” 
“The mines it is, then.” 
Prompto felt his stomach clench. The last time they’d gone to those mines, it hadn’t turned out so great for him. But it was a new day, and that meant that anything could happen. It didn’t necessarily mean that something bad was going to happen again to him. No, he knew that this wasn’t going to be like the last time. 
They had breakfast, and then headed out before the sun rose too high into the sky. Prompto hummed to himself as they made their way across the desert, and headed towards the mine only a little ways away from Hammerhead. As they made their way into the cave, their flashlights turned on on their chests. Not that it did much good - the light only went out a few feet in front of you, and even that wasn’t enough in Prompto’s opinion. 
The sound of feet shuffling on the ground had Prompto turning around fast. “Behind us!” He shouted, as he saw a group of Bombs coming right towards them. The light that shone off of them made them look more menacing than they were, and it only intensified that awful feeling that had yet to leave Prompto’s gut. 
“Come on!” Noctis shouted, as he charged towards the group, ready to spring into action as if it was the most natural thing to do. 
Prompto fired off a few shots, feeling somewhat helpless, but after he was able to stop two on his own, he gained his confidence back. He saw Ignis sprint towards danger, his daggers out and ready to be used. It was still so strange to see both Ignis and Gladio fight, as he never really had seen it before coming on this trip. Cor had always told him that they were a sight to behold, as they’d been training to protect the Prince since high school. Prompto was a little jealous, as he wished he’d had the same training, but really - he was the Prince’s best friend. That was it. He had no stake in this game. Not like Ignis and Gladio did. 
They concluded the hunt, finishing off the last varmint with a flourish from the Prince. “Let’s head back.” Noctis groaned. “I’m starving.” 
“You’re always hungry, Your Highness!” Prompto teased his best friend, who shoved him away with a playful shove. But, it was enough of a shove that Prompto began to lose his footing, and that wasn’t good as they were in a mine that had a bunch of different drops to who knew where. “W-Whoa!” He tried to grasp at the air, as if it would solidify for him, and turn into something he could hold onto before falling to his impending doom. 
Just as he began to go over, a strong hand slammed down on his forearm, and yanked him back upwards. “I’ve got you.” Ignis’ breath touched his cheek, as his hand stayed tight around Prompto’s forearm, their chests coming into contact at the close proximity that had naturally occurred by moving so fast to save him. And he believed him. He knew that he was in no danger of falling backwards, not when Ignis was holding onto him for dear life. 
“What’s taking so long?” Noctis’ voice drifted from the front of the mine. “Hurry up - I’m really hungry.” 
Prompto stared into Ignis’ eyes, the two of them still standing so close to each other. Prompto wanted to say something. Anything. Thank you. You didn’t have to do that. You saved me. I think you’re beautiful. You look nice without glasses. Your grip is so firm. All of these things were racing through his mind as he couldn’t look away from Ignis, who was staring directly into his soul. 
It lasted for a total of maybe five seconds, but it felt like an eternity to Prompto. Ignis slowly relaxed his grip on Prompto’s arm, and then took a step back. “Coming, Your Highness.” Ignis said the words while still looking at Prompto. But soon, he turned his head and began to walk out towards the entrance to the mine. Prompto’s shoulders dropped as he exhaled a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
What the hell was that??
He took off and joined the group outside, trying to shake off this strange feeling. Being in such close proximity to Ignis had been jolting - and not in a bad way. He reached for his forearm where Ignis had grabbed onto him, and tried to take away the touch that was still there with his own hand. But it did no good. Ignis’ grip had been branded onto him, and after that intense staredown with him, Prompto knew that he was in trouble. 
Big trouble. 
Cross-posted on AO3
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calling4glaives · 1 year
Day 2 Recap
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Another great day! Check out these works to satisfy your Nyx-needs!
Title: Untitled (Art) Artist: Finidraws Link: Twitter Prompt(s): Palette, Storm
Title: Storm! Author: Blossom Adventures Link: Tumblr Prompt(s): Storm Summary/Excerpt:
“Something’s happening” Nyx said as he watched the hive of activity coming to and from the Citadel.
Title: A Prince and a Princeling: Chapter 2: Coming Home Author: Niaswish / Shairy Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Storm Relationships: Noct / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
Nyx and his army returns to their home with the first part of Lucis’ repayment in tow. As they approach the coast of Galahd, Ramuh welcomes them back with a Storm. One that freaks out a certain stubborn Prince.
Title: shimmering with their claws Author: yuzukimist / MYuzuki Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Shapeshifter Relationships: Cor & Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
Cor lifts a hand to wipe some sweat off his forehead, wishing -for not the first time- that he had dressed in lighter, looser clothing for this trip to Galahd. “Remind me why we’re here again?” he says, and it’s not quite a complaint but it’s definitely something close. Because he’s always been more comfortable out in the wilderness than in sleek modern Insomnia, but the jungles of Galahd are something else entirely from what he’s used to; he thinks that the humidity alone might very well be enough to do him in all on its own.
“We’re here,” Clarus replies, tone somewhere between long-suffering and amused as he takes a sip from his canteen before passing it to Cor, “because Ambassador Sergius is on a mission to make contact with the leaders of Galahd and she needs protection.”
Title: Shift Happens Author: WhoStarLocked Link: Tumblr, Twitter, Ao3 Prompt(s): Shapeshifter, Magic, Storm Summary/Excerpt:
There was a strange flash of purplish light, the flame turning into a huge glowing purple fireball that hurtled towards Nyx with an alarming speed. He threw himself away from the table with an alarmed yell, and caught himself before his face smashed into the floor.
“Astrals, Crowe! What the hell was that?!” He demanded, or at least he thought he did.
All he actually heard was a very disgruntled yowl. Like from a cat, or something. He glanced down at his hands, only to see two white, fluffy paws below him.
Nyx freaked out.
* * * *
Or, the one where Nyx accidentally gets turned into a coeurl!
Title: Be Not Afraid Author: whumpwriterforlife Link: Ao3 Prompt(s): Storm Summary/Excerpt:
In which Nyx gets caught in the middle of a storm and makes an unexpected friend.
Title: Storm Bound Author: Firechocobros Link: Ao3 Prompt(s): Storm Relationships: Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
It’s Storm season which means it's Galahdian wedding season. Maybe this will be Nyx and Cor's year. If Cor can get his ish together and use his feeling words.
Featuring: Prompto being a sneaky sneak, Cor playing dumb, and Nyx being bullied. Also puppylove!
Title: Wreck of the Day: Chapter 5: Storm Author: Garbria / Loki_chan Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Storm Relationships: Cor / Nyx Summary/Excerpt:
Nyx starts his revenge
Title: Trust the Promises Author: Awlwren Link: Tumblr, Ao3 Prompt(s): Storm, Shapeshifter Summary/Excerpt:
But just because it was night didn’t mean he had time for dreams. There was far too much to do just yet.
It's time to see what Nyx is up to in the His Dark Materials fusion I started with "Comfort in the Shade". Three snapshots of Nyx growing up alongside his daemon Arete.
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errantknightess · 2 years
Ship: Noctis/Prompto || Words: 677 || First kiss, mutual pining
Prompt: Wardrobe malfunction
[Read on AO3]
The weather outside is frightful.
Prompto sputters as a sudden gust of wind blows the swirling snowflakes straight into his mouth. It hadn’t been snowing this hard when he left the house, but now as he follows Noct up the stairs out of the subway tunnel, the pesky white immediately finds its way into every nook and cranny that isn’t protected by his hat or scarf.
“Dude, we’re gonna freeze before we get to the arcade!”
“I didn’t expect it to get this bad.” Noct gives him a guilty glance, blinking the icy droplets off his eyelashes. The tiny stars that cling to his wispy bangs make him look even more ethereal than usually. “Sorry for dragging you out here.”
“Nah, it’s okay,” Prompto says quickly. He’s already feeling so much warmer. “You’ve been cooped up way too long with all that princely paperwork. I totally get it, I’d be itching to get out too.”
Noct shakes his head, dislodging some of the snow that has piled up on his beanie. “Yeah, but... Maybe we should have just stayed at my place.”
Prompto thinks about it – imagines the two of them nestled up on the couch, braving the snowstorm with two cups of hot cocoa and a single blanket. Probably watching a movie, accidentally meeting hands in their shared bowl of popcorn. And then falling asleep with Noct slumped against him, soft dark hair tickling Prompto’s cheek as his best friend’s head slips from his shoulder onto his chest.
It’s too risky.
It makes his traitor heart beat too fast and his dumb crush bubble up dangerously close to the surface. Out here, at least his secret is safe. The tell-tale flush in his cheeks can be easily chalked up to the chill, and there are enough thick layers of clothes between them to keep his thoughts sober.
“Don”t worry about it,” Prompto says out loud. “I’ll be fine! Just gotta bundle up a little.”
He tugs at the zipper of his jacket, but instead of pulling it up, his hand meets an unexpected resistance. “Ah, crap.”
“What’s wrong?” Noct asks, and the immediate concern in his voice makes Prompto melt a bit.
“My scarf got caught in my zipper,” Prompto sighs. It’s a nice scarf, too, the fluffiest and warmest one he owns. He’s been so careful to make sure it lasts him a good while. And now both the scarf and the zipper are gonna be ruined. What a waste.
“Let me see.” Noct steps closer and gently bats Prompto’s hands away from the collar. His breath comes out in white puffs that fade on Prompto’s face as he gently starts to pick at the wool strands. Prompto stares at him cross-eyed down his nose, quietly committing to memory every time Noct’s knuckles brush against his jaw.
Noct is always doing this kind of things without thinking. Without even realizing how much it’s killing him.
So much for safe.
“There,” Noctis says, after what feels like an eternity, and far too soon. He pulls at the zipper, which moves freely again – nicking Prompto in the lip before he thinks to lift his head.
“Shit.” Noct lets go of the zipper, his eyes round with alarm. “Sorry! You okay?”
“Yeah,” Prompto whimpers, and carefully tries his lip with the tip of his tongue. The freezing air makes it sting more than it probably would, but he doesn’t taste blood, so it can’t be that bad. Still, he doesn’t protest when Noct presses his thumb to the sore spot, tracing it with a soft, warm touch.
And then, he covers it with his own lips, and it dawns on Prompto that maybe all this time Noct has known exactly what he’s been doing, and what it was doing to him.
“All good?” Noct whispers into the small space when they finally part.
“Best I’ve ever been.” Prompto grins, wide and incredulous. It tugs at the cut and makes it prickle again, but he couldn’t care less now.
He just leans back in to kiss it better.
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sweetbubblies · 2 years
Now I want to talk to you because I'm alone and you gave me some attention, and now you'll be my new best friend~~ just kidding 😂
With which characters you can imagine this situation? Genshin chars or not. You can make a list if you want 😚
New friend!
Ooooh that's a good one~ hmmm lemme think A lactose-intolerant Ayato sharing a bed with Thoma, though if it's accidental.....debatable. (I just wrote about this so it's fresh in my brain) Childe eating almond tofu not knowing it has milk in it, and hot boxes Zhongli the whole night Ignis, Prompto, and Gladio all plied into a tent after Noctis ate 4 slices of cold pizza, the prince slept like a baby for the whole night while his men suffocated.....though Noct gets woken up by Ignis when it's just not gas that comes out.
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ffxvficrec · 1 year
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You can also check out the collection here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Promptis_Gift_Exchange_2022
We’ve listed additional pairings, archive warnings, and ratings, but please remember to mind the tags!
But I Don't Know What To Talk About by Happy_Orc
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Prince Prompto Aldercapt is having a hard time connecting with Prince Noctis Lucius Caelum. What could they possibly have in common? With any lick Chancellor Izunia might have some thoughts, he's notorious for knowing things he shouldn't after all.
An Introduction to Vehicular Destruction by cthulhuliet 
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Noctis is pining after auto mechanic Prompto and the poor Regalia keeps getting broken just so Noctis can see him.
Golden lines by errantknightess 
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Noctis has never given his soulmark much thought. There have always been more pressing issues on his mind. Even if he did find his soulmate, he never expected it would matter much, anyway. He certainly never expected to find him now, here – an enemy soldier on the run.
Semper Fidelis by JoannaFleuret
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Noct and Prom go on what would be a routine date, and all goes well until the prince’s worst fears are realized.
Guiding Hands In Tricky Situations by Dream_Dropdistance1232
General Rating
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
When work goes on at the citadel and the loud noises cause Prompto's anxiety to worsen Noctis comes to help and it is the start of a new friendship.
Drop a Heart, Break a Name by InNovaFertAnimus
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
“What?” Noctis manages to croak at last. He can’t have heard that right. Prompto is thinking about dating someone. And that someone is not Noctis.
Honey, I'm Home! by Bramblepelt 
Mature Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Cindy Aurum/Original Female Character(s)
“Honey, I’m home!” Prompto calls out to the pitch dark apartment, the same way he does every evening. After a beat, he sighs and says with a sad grin, “Oh wait. That’s right. I live alone.” The same way he does every evening.
Jumping the Gun by SalamanderSocks
Explicit Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
The Dawn has risen and so has Noct, but he might be a little too eager to enjoy his newfound future.
Cross the Line by SalamanderSocks
Explicit Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Noctis dealt with so much crap already, between people trying to manipulate him and win him over, and the fact that he was next in line to take the throne of a country struggling to stay afloat. The last thing he needed was to have someone he saw as his friend try to cross the line and push his unwelcome feelings on him.
to every tomorrow by FireHeartAW 
Explicit Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Prompto & Noctis accidentally end up married and while they try to fix it, they find each other.
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stonecoldmeme · 1 year
"We're past that, too. But it... it really means a lot to me, to hear you say that. I've never been scared you'd leave again, but..." The clinginess- Maybe he was just addicted to the way it felt to hold Prompto in his arms. "I'm still glad to hear it. You'd think I would've done something with that time-" He was, well. Utterly devastated. He'd had independence, sometimes, he just... kind of hated it. "Um. Anyway. I want to be loved. The real way. The way that I thought, wasn't real, but you're here. They're here. I'm not a prince anymore, but you guys make me feel like one. In a good way, though! A really good way."
Past all that or not, Prompto held on to his fiance as tightly as he dared without risking any accidental back pain, unleashing a handful of kisses all over Noct's face before he stopped at his fiance's lips. Just because it felt right. "We all tried to do our best. And then we totally figured out how to do it right, so that's what counts." He assured with a laugh, trying to keep things light.
But... geez, Noctis just kept saying amazing, perfect things, and he just had to go all-out and reach for his fiance's hand to kiss. Sure, it wasn't exactly courtly or fancy or anything, but it's not like either of them cared that much. "We're here, and it's... really, really good." Oh no, he could feel his eyes welling up again. "And we're-- We're getting married and we've got birds together and everything." Not crying! Not technically crying! Oh, who was he kidding, but he was still smiling, and that counted. "And I wanna love you, so. That's good."
0 notes
The Sun Prince (Chapter 2)
Summary:  It was an accident. A simple misstep that sent him plunging into the darkness and waking an ancient magic. Now Prompto has to deal with the consequences of making a deal with an Astral and learn how to control the magic blooming inside of him.
Also posted on AO3 and fanfiction.net under the username “kishirokitsune”
2. Power Within
With his belly pleasantly full and his hair still damp from a satisfyingly long shower, Prompto belly-flopped on the cheep motel bed and wondered if he could get away with not moving for the next twenty-four hours.
Noctis grunted as he got up from the foot of the second bed and stretched his arms over his head, causing his shirt to rise up slightly. “Right, now it's my turn. Did you save any hot water for the rest of us?”
“Nope. Used it all,” Prompto joked. “You'll save me from Iggy's wrath, right?”
“Not a chance,” Noctis responded with a slight grin.
Prompto buried his face in the pillow. “Some hero you are. I thought prince's were all about rescuing the innocent?”
“You, innocent?”
“Mean,” Prompto said without any bite. He turned his head to watch Noctis walk into the bathroom, tempted to throw a pillow across the room. He didn't though; both because he was unable to muster up the energy to do so, and because Gladio would get involved and thoroughly trounce them. He yawned and rolled over onto his back. “I hope you weren't holding out for a round of King's Knight tonight, 'cause it is lights out for me.”
Noctis paused in the doorway. “I'll be sure to keep it down. You get some rest. You deserve it.”
Prompto closed his eyes. “You're the best, Noct.”
He heard Noctis chuckle and the squeak of the bathroom door shutting, but kept his eyes shut until the shower cut on and he knew he wouldn't be interrupted for a while. Prompto rolled over and sat up before pulling his emergency bag from the Armiger. He glanced at the door connecting their room to the one Gladio and Ignis were sharing, hoping he was correct in his assumption that either of them would knock before entering.
As much as he wanted to burrow under the blankets and sleep like he told Noctis he was going to do, first he needed a better look at the crown.
It was still warm when he removed it from the bag. The tiny gears shifted beneath his fingers, effortlessly moving as if by magic. (Which, he realized, it probably was.)
The crown really was a thing of beauty and Prompto couldn't understand why Rhyos just handed it off to him like it was no big deal. Clearly it was a very big deal. The biggest!
“Why me?” Prompto whispered.
Ancients, why did he accept the crown? Why did he have to touch that stupid sun? The one that was obviously – in hindsight – the set-up to a cliché trap. He wished he'd never fallen into that hole. Sure, getting to sleep in a bed instead of on the hard ground of a haven was nice, but was it really worth it?
Prompto took a deep breath.
There was no point in dwelling on “what if's” that would lead him nowhere and only cause him anxiety. He needed to focus, if not for himself, then for Noct.
(Why was his life such a mess?)
He ran his thumb over the gleaming sun, idly wondering what sort of gemstone it was made from. It didn't look like any of the others Dino sent them to search for, but that could be because they were rough, uncut pieces. In a way, the stone reminded him of the meteorshards up at Exineris, shining with its own ethereal light.
Prompto wished he knew more about Solheim; more about the Astrals and Messengers; more about anything that would help him understand what was happening. What he needed was someone who could help him learn.
Ignis was the smartest person he knew and was bound to know something about it, but there was that nagging feeling that he'd become suspicious of why Prompto was asking such things and ask too many questions of his own. Questions that Prompto wasn't ready to answer yet.
Lady Lunafreya was another option, but she was so far away and even once they found their way to Altissia, where she was waiting, he doubted she would have time to talk to a simple pleb like him. She and Noctis had more important things to do; things like forming covenants with the Gods and purging the world of the starscourge. Important stuff.
Impulsively, Prompto hopped out of bed and walked over to a round mirror hanging on the wall. He carefully placed the crown on his head, just to get a look at how completely ridiculous it made him look.
He felt like a little kid playing pretend.
He should take it off and forget the whole thing ever happened! Or find Rhyos and force him to take it back! Or... or he could dig a hole out behind the motel and bury it there!
Prompto groaned.
All of those were awful ideas.
He needed something better. He needed to understand what it all meant, but he didn't see any place to find the answers he needed, except...
Rhyos would know. Maybe if he asked politely, he would be willing to answer. The only problem with that was that Prompto had no clue how long it would be before Rhyos showed up again. It could be days. Weeks. Months.
What if it was years before Rhyos came to find him?
A familiar rush of panic swiftly built up, and Prompto looked away from his reflection and took a deep breath, willing himself to calm down. He couldn't think like that. Rhyos said he'd find him when the time was right, (whatever that meant) so he'd have to believe that.
Without looking at his reflection again, Prompto carefully removed the crown and spent another minute looking it over as if it held a clue he was missing. He was too lost in thought to notice the shower stopped running, and it was only when he heard the rattle of the doorknob that he moved again, leaping for his bed and cramming the crown into his bag, kicking it off the bed just in time. He yanked the covers up over his head, his heart hammering in his chest.
Noctis said nothing and Prompto started to relax, sure that he hadn't seen anything. Any minute, Noctis would pass out in the other bed and wouldn't wake up until late in the morning.
“Prompto, I know you're awake.”
Prompto slowly lowered the covers to the amused expression of his friend. “Uh, hi?”
“Any reason why you're pretending to sleep?”
An excuse. He needed an excuse.
“I just, uh, didn't want you to know I was playing King's Knight without you.” (That sounded weak even to his ears.) “You know, after I said I was going to crash for the night.”
Noctis didn't look at all convinced, but he shrugged and let the subject drop, also choosing not to remark on Prompto's odd behavior.
It made Prompto feel ten times worse for lying.
He squirmed under his blankets, trying to get comfortable and convince himself that it was just a tiny, harmless lie and they'd both forget about it by the morning and also hopefully Noct didn't think he was avoiding him or anything like that and--
Out went the lights and a stillness fell over the room.
“I wasn't really playing King's Knight without you.”
There was a sigh from Noctis and the rustling of blankets. “I kind of figured, since your phone's charging across the room. Do you need to... talk or... something?”
Prompto bit his lip. “I don't know. Probably? Something weird happened while I was underground and I'm still trying to process, that's all.”
The light clicked back on and Prompto turned his head to watch Noctis sit up and run a hand through his hair. “I thought you said it was just like all of the others.”
“Well, not exactly...” Prompto winced as he revealed another lie. He hated keeping secrets. Too many, and he'd start to crack under the pressure of holding them all in.
The skin beneath his wristband itched.
“You know how all of the others have been dark and creepy and filled with all the creepy crawlies? Well this place didn't have any monsters. No daemons either. And all of the walls and stuff were intact. It was like the ground just swallowed it whole and didn't damage anything,” Prompto said.
“Maybe it was made that way,” Noctis suggested.
“Nah,” Prompto said, shaking his head. “It was covered in pictures of the sun. Or symbols, I guess. Doesn't really seem like something meant to be underground.”
Noctis frowned, his brow furrowing as he thought deeply about something. “The sun? Like a dedication to the sun god?”
Prompto's heart beat a little faster. Maybe he'd get an answer to one of his many questions without needing to ask.
But it didn't seem like Noctis had anything else to say about it, and after a few minutes Prompto assumed the conversation was over.
“No one knows much about Solheim. The only sun god I can think of is Ifrit, so it could have been hidden on purpose after he turned against humanity. Or it could've happened before then,” Noctis said at last. “Luna would know more than I do. Next time Umbra shows up, you can send a message to her.”
“You'd really do that for me?”
“Sure, why not? If it helps put your mind at ease,” Noctis responded nonchalantly.
Prompto took a moment to debate whether or not to specifically ask if Lady Lunafreya had heard of an Astral named “Rhyos”, but in the end decided against it. “Thanks, Noct,” he said with a yawn.
“It's really bothering you that much, huh? I don't think I've ever heard you express interest in the Astrals outside of class,” Noctis remarked.
“I guess falling in that place gave me a new perspective on things. I mean, you've got those covenants you're making with the Six and I still don't entirely know what any of that means, except that it's important. I know normally I'm more of a 'go with the flow' kind'a guy, but this feels like something I should know more about, yunno?”
“Seems logical enough. I can help with that, if you want. I don't know as much as Luna, but I remember some of the stories she used to tell me,” Noctis offered. “Or you could ask Ignis. He'd be better at explaining it than I am.”
Prompto rolled over and stared up at the ceiling, trying to get comfortable. “Wouldn't wanna worry him by suddenly showing an interest in academia. He might think I'm getting sick. On second thought...”
Noctis chuckled sleepily. “In the morning then.”
“Yeah,” Prompto agreed.
The light clicked off one last time.
His whole body burned from overuse as he ran, pushing himself well beyond his limit. He ha to keep going. Couldn't stop. Lives were in danger!
The landscape blurred, unfamiliar to his eyes. Water and rubble surrounded him, crowding in. Gunfire in the distance. Screams. Prompto didn't know what was happening or what he was doing there, except that there was some place he desperately needed to be.
Darkness began to consume the edges of his vision, but he pressed on.
He slipped, plunging into water, but it did nothing to ease the heat racing through his veins. It grew worse instead, like he was standing too close to a campfire as it spat up sparks.
He sank deeper and deeper, struggling o resurface.
And there suddenly – Lady Lunafreya, stumbling away from a pitch black figure, clutching her side as red spread across the white fabric of her beautiful gown. He trident slid from her hands as she fell, and Prompto screamed in horror.
Something grabbed at him through the darkness, pinning him in place as he began to struggle. “No!”
“Prompto, wake up!”
Prompto gasped, his eyes flying open. His heart thudded painfully in his chest, so loud that he wanted to reach up and cover his ears to muffle the sound, but with his wrists restrained all he could do was moan in pure misery.
“Gladio, fetch a cool rag,” Ignis ordered. “Noctis, sit down if you're just going to hover like that. Prompto is fine. It is likely just a fever dream.”
Prompto tried to focus on what Ignis was saying. A fever dream? Yeah, that explained why he felt like he was on fire, but he couldn't remember getting sick. There should have been signs, right? There were always signs. He was pretty good at recognizing them – or he thought he was, but maybe with all of the fighting and running around, he didn't notice.
“Here, Iggy,” Gladio said.
Something freezing cold touched his forehead and Prompto whimpered and twisted away, but Ignis persued with the wet washcloth, carefully wiping down his face in hopes of cooling him down.
“S'cold,” Prompto slurred.
“Yes, it's meant to be,” Ignis said patiently. “Prompto, you have a high fever and I need to bring it down.”
Prompto did his best to hold still, but heavy shivers wracked his body, making his teeth chatter. After moment, Ignis quietly withdrew to talk to Gladio and Noctis.
“He will have to rest for the day. Moving him will only worsen his condition,” Ignis said.
“Do we have the funds for that?” Gladio asked.
At that reminder, Prompto struggled to sit up, but his arms refused to support an ounce of his weight. “I'm okay, really.”
Noctis looked over and raised an eyebrow. “Clearly.”
“Ugh,” Prompto gave up on trying to get up. He couldn't even muster up the strength to flip off Noctis for the sarcastic remark. “I just need a minute.”
“Regardless, Gladio and I will go look into what hunts are available in the area. Should you miraculously recover from your cold by the time we return, we can be on our way. If not, we can afford one more night here and I expect you to rest the entire time,” Ignis said, reaching up to adjust his glasses. “Noct, you will remain here with him and ensure that he gets proper rest. No King's Knight.” His tone left no room for argument.
“Sure. Fine,” Noctis agreed.
“Unless you would prefer going on a hunt with Gladio?”
“No! No, I'm good with staying here.”
Prompto drifted back off to sleep to the sound of Ignis and Gladio playfully teasing Noctis.
He had no more dreams. No more nightmares. Or at least, none that he remembered. Prompto drifted in and out of sleep for a while, aware of the low hum of the AC running and Noctis trying to stay quiet while he played around on his phone, keeping busy while the others were away.
Prompto turned his head to blearily watch his friend for a few minutes. “How long have I been out?”
Noctis visibly startled at the sound of his voice and set aside his phone. “All day. How do you feel?”
Prompto took a moment to evaluate. He was no longer shivering and he was pretty sure he could sit up without his arms giving out as though they were make of overcooked noodles, so that was a good sign that he'd moved on from the worst.
His stomach growled at the thought of food.
“I'm starving. I don't suppose Iggy left any food for us?” Prompto asked hopefully.
“Even better. He's down in the kitchen making soup right now. Something about him and Gladio taking on a hunt at the request of the owner, and as part of the payment, Ignis gets full use of the kitchen,” Noctis explained. “I just hope it's not vegetable...”
“I'll eat yours if you don't want it.”
“That hungry, huh?” Noctis sounded amused.
“I feel like I could eat a whole Garula. No, one of those – what are they called again? Cobble-somethings? The big things down in Alstor Slough?”
Prompto nodded. “Yeah, that one.”
Noctis hummed thoughtfully. “I don't think Ignis is making that much food, but there should still be plenty for everyone. Knowing him, it's at least enough to last until he's sure you're better.”
“Do you think if I tell him I feel absolutely, one-hundred percent better, I won't be on some crazy soup diet for the next week?” Prompto asked.
“He'll make it two weeks if you do that,” Noctis warned jokingly.
Prompto groaned good naturedly, and the two enjoyed a few minutes of playful banter back and forth, coming up with more and more ludicrous ideas for the lengths Ignis would go to in order to ensure proper healing.
“Seriously though, I feel like I could go on a five mile run and barely feel winded. Must've been some weird, twelve-hour bug,” Prompto said. He sat up and adjusted the pillow behind him so he'd have something comfortable to lean back against.
“I dunno, Prom, you were pretty sick this morning,” Noctis said, his tone serious.
Prompto shrugged. “Whatever it was, I'm fine now.”
“Maybe, but Ignis would kill me if I let you get out of bed to go running.” Noctis said the word as though it was something distasteful. “Just... just rest tonight, okay? You had us all worried.”
Prompto honestly didn't see what the big deal was. A high fever and a terrifying nightmare sounded pretty standard as far as a flash sickness went, and he was willing to chalk the severity of it up to a combination of spending several hours in a damp, underground ruin and the anxiety of the aftermath.
It was just stress.
He did feel bad that he made everyone worry and resigned himself to staying in bed until Ignis gave him the all-clear.
“Yeah, alright,” Prompto agreed. “Hey, so I know Iggy said no King's Knight, but...”
Noctis grinned as he stood up. “I'll get your phone.”
The rest of the night passed without incident, and Ignis said nothing about the two of them playing a game once he and Gladio returned from the kitchen with food. Prompto flushed under Ignis's scrutiny, but in the end it was determined that his fever had dissipated and if he was still feeling well in the morning, they would be on their way.
Prompto dove into the bowl of soup that was handed to him, trying his best to savor the flavorful broth and pieces of tender chickatrice, but his hunger got the best of him after the first two spoonfuls.
“We should go over our itinerary for tomorrow,” Ignis said in a manner that let them know it wasn't a suggestion; they would discuss it and he would accept no complaints.
That didn't stop Noctis from groaning, hunching in over his bowl as though Ignis would take his food away if he tried to refuse.
“Well, we've cleared out most of the hunts around here and we returned the dog tag to Dave, so we're good to move on to the next outpost,” Gladio said.
“We're not far from Caem, I was thinking we could stop there and check in with the others. Perhaps Monica has heard from Cor recently,” Ignis said.
Gladio grunted as he set his spoon in his bowl. “That's at least a half day's drive. No havens along the way either and there isn't much to the west, so would we double back through here? Seems like a waste of time to me.”
“It depends on whether or not Monica has news for us. However, we have not spent much time west of here and I have heard several of the hunters mention odd rumors about Malmalam Thicket. It's nothing they have been able to confirm, as they have some sort of agreement to not bother the wildlife there, but it sounds like it would be worth checking out.”
“Huh. You think there could be a royal tomb?” Gladio asked.
“It is possible.”
Prompto's spoon scraped across the bottom of his bowl and he glanced down to find he'd already finished. He must have made some kind of sound to indicate his sadness, because Noctis wordlessly took his bowl and passed it to Ignis, who refilled it and handed it back.
“What do you say, Noct? Shall we look into it?” Ignis asked.
Noctis shrugged. “Yeah, fine by me.”
Gladio held out his bowl and wiggled it slightly, which made Ignis roll his eyes. He refilled it anyway and looked to Noctis, a silent question of whether or not he wanted more as well.
Everyone's bowl was filled a second time and conversation resumed.
“So it's agreed, we stop at Cape Caem and then head on to investigate Malmalam Thicket,” Ignis tried to confirm.
Prompto had to admire him in that moment; his persistence to make sure Noctis was involved in the decision making, no matter how reluctant their prince was to take part. Prompto knew that Noctis appreciated it more than he let on.
Noctis grunted in agreement and the topic easily shifted, with Gladio taking control to explain he'd need some help checking over their camping gear once they reached Cape Caem.
“Don't want anything failing in the middle of the night,” Gladio said.
“Like the chair that broke when I sat down in it?” Prompto asked.
Gladio scoffed. “The only reason it broke is because you and Noct were fucking around.”
“Were we?”
“I do seem to recall you saying something along the lines of 'check out this cool new move' right before it happened,” Ignis said teasingly.
Prompto pouted. “I'm sick and you guys are going to pick on me like this? Not cool.”
“That's weird. I could have sworn you told me you felt like you could go run five miles and be okay,” Noctis remarked, joining in on the fun.
Ignis frowned in clear disapproval.
“That so?” Gladio asked, raising an eyebrow. “I was going to carry your share of the equipment, but if you're feeling well enough to talk about going running...”
Prompto whined and leaned back against his pillows.
He should have said “no”.
The moment Noctis started to drop hints about wanting to go down to the coast to do some fishing, everyone else had come up with an excuse as to why they couldn't go. Or in Talcott's case, point blank refused, citing that it didn't sound like much fun, which had at least gotten a chuckle from Noctis.
Prompto had no excuse, and a single pleading look from Noctis and the promise of riding chocobo's to their destination had him caving in and agreeing to accompany him there.
They promised Ignis they would return before sunset and then they were off, riding down the road and through the tunnel before they were able to take the path down to the shore. Prompto made note of how long the journey took, so they would be sure to have enough time to get back before night fully set in. The last thing he wanted was to get cornered by a bunch of daemons when it was just the two of them.
Noct's smile as he set up his fishing gear was worth it.
He had a beautiful smile and it wasn't one Prompto had seen much of since the fall of Insomnia. Which was understandable. Prompto didn't feel much like smiling either, but someone had to try and stay positive with everything happening or else they'd all fall to despair, and he figured he was pretty good at lightening the mood.
Prompto lifted his camera and snapped a quick series of photo's before the moment was lost.
He didn't often let himself take the time to admire Noct. Not anymore. It was too risky. Not because he was afraid of Noct figuring out his secret crush, but because of how damned observant Ignis and Gladio were. Neither of them said anything, but sometimes Ignis would raise an eyebrow at a casual arm across the shoulder that lasted too long or Gladio would smirk at how easily he caved to what Noct wanted to do.
Yeah, they definitely knew.
But Noctis was marrying Lady Lunafreya and that was a union looked forward to by all – well, almost all – of Eos. He wouldn't get in the way of true love and nor would he jeopardize their friendship.
Friendship was all he could have and Prompto was okay with that, even if sometimes it made his heart ache.
Prompto closed his eyes and tried to redirect his thoughts to Cindy instead. Gorgeous, charming Cindy, who was a delight to talk to once he got over his nerves. Cindy, who wasn't at all interested in him (or anyone else), but seemed to genuinely enjoy his company and his ability to mostly follow along her car-talk. Cindy, who had pulled him aside to give him permission to continue flirting, so long as he kept it appropriate and stopped if she ever asked.
(No one else needed to know about that little agreement of theirs and Prompto was still confused about why she trusted him to keep his word, but he wasn't going to complain. Maybe he just gave off a trustworthy vibe?)
His love life was a bit of a mess, to say the least, but hey, he was young. He had plenty of time to figure things out.
Noctis called out to him in delight, holding up his first catch of the day, and Prompto automatically snapped a picture, trying not to stare at the way the sun glinted off his dark hair and brought out the blue in his dark eyes.
He was unfairly beautiful.
They spent the rest of the evening like that. Noctis, showing off what he caught and Prompto trying not to let his thoughts lead him too far down the proverbial rabbit hole. Before too long, the sun began to dip dangerously close to the horizon, and Prompto began to get ansty.
“Noct, we need to get back.”
Noctis looked around, checking the position of the sun and then the time on his phone. After a moment, he agreed and sent his rod and tackle back to the Armiger before joining Prompto in the sand.
“No chocobo's?” Prompto asked after a minute or so of walking.
“Figured we could use the exercise. We'll still get back in time, unless... Are you still feeling alright?”
“Uh huh.” Prompto got a little tongue tied at the show of concern and cursed himself for letting his thoughts wander too far. It was going to take at least a day to recover from his daydreams. “Walking sounds good. Great!”
He could feel Noct's eyes on him.
“Sorry, just thinking about some stuff,” Prompto said, answering the unasked question with a wave of his hand, hoping Noctis wouldn't push for anything else. To his luck, they walked in silence, following the faint trail back to the road.
It wasn't an awkward silence, but comfortable and peaceful, born from years of friendship. Prompto liked that about Noct. They didn't have to constantly talk when they were together. Sometimes they could just... be.
Prompto frowned as they exited the tunnel to find it darker than expected and automatically moved closer to Noct, his eyes scanning for danger.
They hadn't taken into account the treed that blocked much of the light.
“We need to hurry,” Prompto said, his voice tight with fear.
If anything happened to Noct on his watch...!
They hastened their pace, both hoping to reach the safety of the lighthouse cottage without incident. Shadows chased their steps, spurring them on, but before they could reach the car park, a haunting groan caught them off-guard as inky blackness bubbled on the pavement and a massive form began to breech the surface.
“Iron Giant,” Noctis whispered, looking pale. “Run, Prompto!”
But there was another problem.
An angry shriek pierced the air as a Bomb careened out of the tunnel behind them, rolling between them and aiming a burst of fire at Prompto, who barely dodged out of the way. His guns materialized in his hands and he fired off a few rounds until the Bomb dropped and began to fade.
“Noct?!” he called out in panic, frantically searching for his friend. He found him soon enough, pinned down by the Iron Giant, which reared back to take a swing with its gargantuan sword, and with a burst of speed Prompto didn't know he was capable of, he put himself between Noctis and the daemon, raising his hand as though that would be enough to stop it.
Prompto braced himself, prepared for agonizing pain from his foolish mistake.
Instead, a bright flash of golden light illuminated the area, and the daemon toppled back, screeching in agony as it popped and fizzled away. Prompto stood and watched in shock, hand still outstretched and his mind blank, unable to comprehend what was happening.
There was a hand on his arm, pulling him towards the car park. Noctis, speaking to him in a low voice, telling him to move.
Prompto stumbled as his legs unlocked, letting Noct push him towards safety, and once they were under the bright lamp posts, he finally looked at Noct, who looked just as terrified as he felt.
“What the hell was that?”
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creative-frequency · 7 years
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Chocobros on vacation 9/?
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lune-hime · 4 years
Wakey Wakey (Chocobros x Reader)
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For you, your chocobro, and coffee. 
Coffee doesn’t do anything for sleepy boy Noctis.
I’m serious, it has no effect.
But does this really surprise you?
In highschool, when Noctis was struggling to stay awake studying for his astronomy midterm, Ignis suggested he drink a coffee with an extra espresso shot.
Then Ignis brewed another cup, this time with 2 espresso shots.
3 shots
No change.
6 shots
The prince’s eyes are still drooping.
8 shots.
And now his head is lolling to the side.
Ignis’ limit was 10 shots as he did not want to send the boy into a caffeine coma.
But to his surprise, and utter shock, when he returned to Noctis’ bedroom 15 minutes later the prince was knocked out and drooling over his textbook.
The future adviser didn’t know whether to be impressed or utterly concerned.
No matter how early or late you wake up, you will always rise earlier than the prince on most days.
So needless to say 99.9% of the time you are getting your own coffee.
If the Insomnia weather isn’t horrible, you prefer to slip on your sneakers and walk to the nearest chain coffee shop.
The gentleman he is, Noctis is ever insistent he pay for your coffee even when he’s fully immersed in slumber.
Now equipped with a steaming americano, you waddle back to your shared apartment, chasing away the frosty autumn air with the steam of your drink.
Crawling back in bed laptop in hand, you have a chill morning until you have to get ready for class.
Noctis’ arms are immediately around your waist like there is a magnetic force drawing him to your warmth through his unconscious state.
Definitely a coffee drinker, although the bouncing bean doesn’t need anymore energy than he already does.
In fact, you have to constantly limit his caffeine intake because when he has too much, he becomes too much.
His tolerance level is the polar opposite to Noctis; load more than one espresso shot into that boy and he is a vibrating mess.
He’s even more talkative than usual, touchier than usual, and wants nothing more than to drop everything and go out on some spontaneous adventure.
He is the epitome of a distraction.
Not that you would mind these things otherwise, but right now the two of you are trying to push through mountains of readings for your college classes.
And his foot keeps accidentally kicking you in the shin, to which he responds with profuse apologies and sheepish grins.
On road trips he will pull off to cute cafes along the side of the road. He knows that you will be needing your second cup for the day around 4 pm and plans accordingly.
He definitely did not research it ahead of time and will vehemently front that it is just a coincidence.
Knows your order by heart, even if you have multiple orders.
“You want an affogato right Y/N? You know, I affogetto where I am when I’m with you.”
The affection (albeit a chuckle at his cheesiness) that swells in  your heart drowns out the groans of your friends as they eagerly await to jump back into the regalia with their drinks.
His thoughtfulness just makes the trip all the more special.
Let’s just say the two of you are a match made in coffee bean heaven.
He wholeheartedly supports your coffee addiction as he completely understands the need for caffeine.
The two of you go on an immense amount of cafe dates, to the point that you have entertained the idea of opening a coffee shop from the sheer amount of time you spend in these establishments.
This is partly because being a college student calls for lots of cafe time but also because the two of you just love the atmosphere.
You have a favorite coffee shop a few blocks from your university that you have become regulars at.
When Ignis finishes work at the Citadel he pops back to the apartment to change and grab any extra work he needs to tackle before meeting you at your favorite place.
Cafe Ignis is best Ignis.
Sure you love his silken dress shirts and custom tailored (and bless the six just the right amount of tight) dress pants, but you are ever love to see the other side of the crown’s advisor.
Seeing your Iggy in his knit sweater and jeans is a truly delightful experience.
And although you both are swamped with work, the atmosphere allows you to unwind and just bask in the presence of one another.
Every so often he brushes a loving hand over yours.
Or a chaste kiss to your cheek when he gets up to use the restroom.
His head rests snuggly atop of your shoulder when you ask him to proofread a particular paragraph in your essay.
Knows whenever you need a refill.
Before you can drink the last drop of the golden liquid, he’s already up and ready to order you another grande cappuccino.
And he will stay with you the entire time even if he finishes early because he knows how stressful work can get.
The two of you should really find a 24-hour coffee shop.
Could Ignis ask for anything better? I think not
Not a big coffee drinker as he is a strong believer that caffeine will mess with his hard earned physique.
Supports your addiction but will never admit that he has discreetly tried to get you to cut down on your dosage.
Will follow you to your favorite coffee shop after your morning run with no complaints.
Though he will tease you about how you should have drank the caffeine beforehand because you ran so slow.
“Shouldn’t you be drinking water instead?”
To which he gets a playful jab in the ribs.
“Coffee is my water.”
To cool off from the work out the two of you take a detour through a park, the smell of hazelnut mingling with amber gazes and warm embraces.
If  you decide to skip the morning run, Gladdy will never fail to bring you a cup back on his way home.
Who could say no to awakening to the tantalizing smell of vanilla and featherlight touches.
Akin to Ignis, Gladiolus is never opposed to chilling with you at a coffee shop.
He loves it actually, because it's an excuse to do two things; read and be with his love.
The shield is a busy boy so moments like those are ones he cherishes.
He brings his book, you bring your homework.
Prompto isn't the only one who is good at photo taking.
Gladiolus is the master of sneaky photos.
He adores the way your brow lightly crinkles when your wrestling with what is the angular acceleration of the disk if its mass…
The candidness of the image brings a genuine smile to his face and roaring laughter from his chest when you struggle to confiscate the image from across the table.
Something that he would never admit to, though, is sometimes he does indeed sneak a few espresso shots in before a sparring match.
He knows you would tease the hell out of him if you knew.
He is right.
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Here is the wrap-up of our sixth week of posting for the Promptis Gift Exchange. Individual works are in the thread below. The entire collection can be found here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Promptis_Gift_Exchange_2022/works…
Please be sure to give our creators some love on Ao3!
Weekly Wrap-up #6
Title: to every tomorrow-(Fic)
Gift For: Crazyloststar
Rated: Explicit (please mind the tags)
Summary: An alcohol-laden night in Altissia leaves them hungover and lazy, closer than usual as morning’s light asks them to rise. But when news comes of their bachelor party turned actual wedding, and Prompto wakes up with a ring on his finger, chaos ensues as they try to piece together the moments of a night they can’t remember all through the photos on Prompto’s camera. Each new photo sheds more light on how they ended up married, but the Niflheim airships above cast them in two different shadows — one bound by duty, and the other by his heart. 
Or Prompto & Noctis accidentally end up married and while they try to fix it, they find each other.
 Title: Cross The Line-(Fic)
Gift For: FireHeartAW
Rated: Explicit (please mind the tags)
Summary: Noctis dealt with so much crap already, between people trying to manipulate him and win him over, and the fact that he was next in line to take the throne of a country struggling to stay afloat. The last thing he needed was to have someone he saw as his friend try to cross the line and push his unwelcome feelings on him.
Prompt: 5 +1 of the five times Prompto and Noctis almost told each other their feelings every time they were intimate, and the one time they both finally did and had the best night together since finally crossing that line to more than friends.
 Title: Ostinato-(Fic)
Gift For: luminus
Rated: Explicit (please mind the tags)
Summary: Noctis waited more than a decade to be with Prompto and he's willing to wait another, too, if that’s what it takes.
Or - a double stacked 5 +1 of (almost) kisses and (missed) proposals.
 Title: Golden lines-(Fic)
Gift For: KnightSkyPrince
Rated: Teen
Summary: Noctis has never given his soulmark much thought. There have always been more pressing issues on his mind. Even if he did find his soulmate, he never expected it would matter much, anyway.
He certainly never expected to find him now, here – an enemy soldier on the run.
 Title: Semper Fidelis-(Fic)
Gift For: Cat_A_Boo
Rated: Teen (please mind the tags)
Summary: Noct and Prom go on what would be a routine date, and all goes well until the prince’s worst fears are realized.
 Title: Cast in a golden light-(Art)
Gift For: kiwiaste
Rated: General Audiences
Summary: Noct and Prompto stop and smell the flowers in between escapades.
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ticklefits · 3 years
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final fantasy xv | ignoct | words: 1165 | req from @tickleraptorss​
With no mission to carry out and no leads just yet of where their journey will traverse them next, the squad has settled their bearings in Lestallum, where they’ve agreed to spend the next few nights bunkered down in their local hotel. This was joyous news to both Noctis and Ignis, who’d been itching for warm, comfortable sleeping quarters and some privacy for themselves; no offense to Gladio’s passion for roughing it out in the wild, but Ignis has had quite enough of the larger man’s snoring and more than enough of Prompto’s sleeping squirming. To have Noctis all to himself, and vise versa, was a true gift that he plans on taking full advantage of. 
The pitter patter of rain is a comforting background to the mindless lull of repose shared between the prince and his advisor. Noctis is settled against the width of Ignis’ chest, curled in a cozy, loose ‘c’ next to the taller’s frame. Within one of Ignis’ hands is a mini book that’s captured the majority of his attention, whilst its counterpart partakes in lazy strokes up and down the expanse of Noctis’ back. Tingles dance up and down along the length of his spine with each of the other’s movements, and at first, it’s completely soothing, sluggishly drifting him off towards slumber ⎯ that is, until Ignis decides he wants to feel bare skin and those slender digits snake underneath his shirt. 
“Hhn…” A small, huffy sigh bleeds through his nose, but he remains relaxed for the most part. A few minutes pass and Noctis is teetering on the brim between asleep and awake, and just as he’s about to fully cross over into dreamland, those damned fingers begin to swipe and slide across the dip of his lower back and even go as far as to brush his hip. Now, Noctis is awake. He’s awake and fighting back the urge to giggle into the fabric of Ignis’ shirt, because no, it does not tickle, and the last thing he desires is for Ignis to believe that it does. A single eyelid raises and steals a glance up towards his boyfriend, who doesn’t seem to be paying him much mind, still absorbed by whatever is in the contents of that book. 
The prince falls for the mistake of relaxing once again, because as soon as he closes his eyes and sinks back into Ignis, he’s got those fingers playing at his skin again; and what’s worse? He’s drawing aimless little circles and patterns, and moving to further spaces. It’s becoming increasingly hard to delay the giggles that have bubbled up from his chest, on top of being sleepy and forced awake by the ticklish sensations. He’s even beginning to squirm just a little bit here and there, and when Ignis accidentally strokes over a particularly sensitive area that’s just above where Noctis’ back dip starts, a tiny whine leaks free from between his lips and he can feel the other’s actions cease. 
Ignis’ gaze is only on him for a moment, brow rising quizzically, as if pondering the reason why Noctis produced such a sound. It’s true that he was thoroughly engaged in his story, but after a second of contemplation, it comes so clearly. He retains a poker face however, and pretends as though he didn’t just hear his prince expose his ticklishness; this new situation will grant him miles more entertainment than his book. Noctis nearly jolts as those fingers re-animate and return to dancing over the sensitive skin of his lower back, but god, it feels different now.. More deliberate? 
The chef’s definitely digging a little bit more than he was earlier and those previously smooth, airy strokes have evolved into something closer to little kneads and rolls against his skin, and oh my god, does it tickle way worse now. At this point, Noctis is definitely squirming, lips twitching up at the corners despite how much he’s battling against the laughter building up within him. Ignis shifts his arm so that it coils around the smaller male, keeping him close and taut to his own body while continuing to now, purposefully tickle him. 
“Ig⎯Ignihihis⎯” A giggle of the other’s name breaks free and Noctis instantly regrets speaking at all, because as soon as Ignis takes note of that damn giggle, he sets the book down to the bedside table and circulates so that he’s facing Noctis a little better. 
“Yes?” The tone of his response is almost coy, as if he still hasn’t any idea of what he’s doing to his love. The other hand comes slithering forth and settles on Noctis’ front, dishing out spidery tickles to his stomach that not only fully awaken the prince, but ignite a burst of giggles and full bodied wriggling from him. 
“Ihihihihignihihihs⎯! Nohohoho! Plehehehease!” His pleas are fractured by his laughter that ascends in pitch when Ignis’ fingers begin to migrate between stomach and ribs and the digits torturing his back haven’t let up on their assault either. He’s caught between a rock and a hard place, his own hands gripping onto Ignis’ wrists in an attempt to force those deadly fingers off of him, which only makes Ignis dig in harder and worsen the sensitivity of his skin. 
“No? I’m afraid you’ll have to speak coherently, your highness, I can’t understand you with all of that laughing.” Noctis’ cheeks light up with a soft shade of pink, attempting to send a glare at Ignis, but all Ignis equates him to is a flustered, angry kitten. 
“StaAHAHahp⎯! I⎯I mehehehehean ihihihit!” Tears sting at the corners of his squeezed shut eyes, his body quickly losing its strength to fight back and slowly growing pliant against the sheets. 
“Is that order?” There’s a teasing depth to Ignis’ voice that creates another flare of a blush upon Noctis’ cheeks, but he’s very quick to nod almost too vigorously, clenching down on his teeth to will his laughter down and permit him to properly speak. 
“YehehEHEHES! Thahaha⎯Thahahat’s an order!” The magic words were spoken and so it shall be; Ignis finally halts all of his fingers’ movements and gently removes them from his boyfriend, who in turn goes limp against the bed, panting for oxygen. 
“That was enjoyable.” It’s the casual manner in which he says it that has Noctis glaring at him once again, but the grin half cocked along his lips is evidence enough that he agrees with Ignis’ appraisal. 
“Ass.” Comes the playful insult as Noctis moves to sit up for a moment, granting the taller a soft peck on the lips before he returns to laying into him. “As punishment for your crimes, you have to provide me with body heat while I nap.” 
Ignis nearly allowed a laugh of his own right then and there; spoken like a true cat. But he does as requested, holding Noctis within the confines of his arms while the prince finally lulls off to sleep, uninterrupted by wandering fingers.
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heartlessfujoshi · 3 years
Hey. Sorry I was a little vague on the prompt! The idea just kinda bit me and I had to get it written down, I also wasn't sure you'd go for it as it's not a pairing you seem to write often. But yes, it was Prompto I had in mind as the youngest son. Thanks!
Hello! Oh my gooooooooosh - it's been almost 2 years since you sent this request, anon. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to finally answer this request. I think it's good enough now to post it, so I hope you'll like what I came up with for this scenario. I'll be updating this fic over on AO3 on Thursdays moving forward.
Title: Sailing the Seas Chapter: 1 of 15 Fandom: FFXV Pairings: Gladnis & Promptis Rating: Explicit (G rn but will be E by Ch 3 - Pirate AU, Established Relationship (Gladnis), Slow Burn (Promptis), Accidental Kidnapping)
Summary: Gladio and Ignis are a part of the Lucian Royal Navy, and have instructions to head to Altissia to form a pact as a response to pirates that are sailing the seas. The crowned Prince of Lucis decides he wants to go, but is firmly told no by both Gladio and Ignis, but the Prince has other plans.
Arranged Marriage Prompts: 18. Pirate AU - Person A’s crew raided the village and their cut of the booty is a locked chest. With Person B inside. (slightly modified)
Gladio looks down at the Prince of Lucis, who is standing at the dock with a puppy dog look in his bright blue eyes, his own eyes raging with authority. “No?? But why not? I’ve gone with you before!”
“I said no.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “And don’t think about asking Ignis, because the answer is going to be the same.”
“Did you call me?” Ignis pokes his head over the side of the ship, standing on the deck giving orders to their crew. “Gladiolus, you know that we’re on a tight schedule. These waters-”
“Aren’t safe. Yes, I know.” Turning to look at the Prince, he points his finger at him. “And that is why you can’t go with us on this trip. This isn’t going to be a safe run - there’s no telling what’s going to happen.”
The Prince stands perfectly straight, the clothes of royalty standing out like a sore thumb on the dock at Galdin. “My father-”
“Will agree with me that this isn’t the journey for you to be on.” After spending years in the service for the Lucian navy, Gladio has become a Lieutenant Commander and has sailed on a half dozen voyages with his own crew. “We don’t know these waters. If it wasn’t the first time we were sailing out on them, then I might consider if you could join us. But not right now, okay? Go back home.”
Gladio looks up at the deck, and sees Ignis look down at the two of them. “Your Highness, Gladio is correct. Please, return back home. We’re leaving tomorrow morning, and still have so much to do. The next time we deliver goods to this place, you may come with us.”
“Do I have your word? Promise I can go with you guys next time?”
He knows that he really shouldn’t make a promise, because there is no way of knowing where their next mission is going to be headed. “I can’t do that, Your Highness.”
“Then why did you let me go other times?!” Noctis pushes against his chest, knocking him a little off of his feet before he takes off running back towards the royal estate.
Pushing his hand through his hair, he sighs. “He’ll get over it.” Ignis’ voice drifts down to him, Gladio glancing up towards the deck. “I’m glad you weren’t soft.”
“I feel like an asshole.” He turns, and heads up the short wooden ramp to get on the deck of the ship. “He’s right. I shouldn’t have said it was okay before. This is the first time I’m telling him no.”
Ignis lowers the open leather journal in his hand and closes it. “He’s going to have to understand that he might be the Prince, but that doesn’t mean he’s above the chain of command at this age.”
“He’s eighteen, Ignis. He can do whatever he damn well pleases. I’m expecting him to go to his father, and order him to make me take him on this trip.”
The crew around them continue to prep the ship for their voyage in the morning, staying out of their immediate way. “You know as well as I do that he won’t do that. He respects you, Gladiolus. We both know that if he does, His Majesty will agree with the both of us. This voyage isn’t safe - I don’t particularly wish to be on this trip, considering what we might be dealing with.”
“That’s why you’re coming with me.” They had been briefed earlier in the day by the Admiral Leonis, informing them that the waters they would be traveling to might be rife with unwanted trouble.
“Sir, are you trying to tell us we might run into pirates?” Gladio asks the Admiral point blank.
Admiral Leonis nods his head. “That is exactly what I’m saying. We’ve had some trouble in these waters before, but the word through the ports right now is that the famed pirate lord from the kingdom of Niflheim - well, his son has come of age and is now taking up his father’s quest to rule the Lucian sea.”
“We’ll be ready for them.” Gladio returns. “Anything else we should know, Admiral?”
“No, that’s it. Be careful. I can’t send any other ships with you.”
“Understood, sir.”
Ignis looks up at him, then looks up at the sails. “Yes, because if something is going to happen to you, I’d rather be there to help protect you as best I can.”
“Everyone knows you’re one of the more experienced swordsmen on this ship.” He lays a hand on Ignis’ upper arm. “Come on, we should finish up with this mess and head to the tavern for a quick pint or two.”
“You know as well as I do that there is nothing quick about a pint at the tavern.” A smirk curls on both of their lips. “Yes, let’s get the cargo organized, and the rest of the items on board. Put the important items in my cabin.”
“Yes, Commander.”
Ignins addresses him by his title, then reopens his leather journal and relays the order he’s given to him to the rest of the crew. Gladio walks over to the bridge and looks out at the ocean. Yes, tomorrow is going to be a challenging day - but they might be lucky. They may run into no interference as they take their goods over to Altissia. He tries to ignore the regret he feels at telling Noctis no, because he remembers being his age and wanting to leave this area. Shaking it off, he looks over at the port and decides that he’ll take Noctis on the next trip - no matter where they wind up sailing.
As the sun rises, the crew returns to the ship to set sail. Gladio and Ignis arrive together, both dressed in their civilian clothes. His Majesty preferred that when they ran these types of deliveries that they were not dressed in their royal black uniforms. “We don’t want to start any unnecessary wars.” It’s sound advice, and one that Gladio is appreciative of, as he doesn’t really like wearing his uniform out at sea.
“Ready to set sail, Commander?” Ignis asks, as they lift the anchor and unfurl the sails. “We’re heading to the southwest, correct?”
“Aye.” Gladio inhales the sea air, feeling the excitement beginning to build as they push off from the dock and head out towards the open water. “Set a course to the southwest. Our first stop is one of the isles near Altissia.”
“Yes, Commander.”
The sails are adjusted to catch the wind, the ship picking up speed as the land around them disappears. There’s nothing like the ocean - the smell of the water reminding Gladio why he loves this part of his job. The sky is as clear, the winds on their side - for the moment. The weather could change fast, and has on some of his past voyages. Taking a thorough check on the entire ship, he feels better knowing how prepared they are. Ready for anything, Gladio heads up to the helm, and stands behind the man at the wheel after being on the water for a good couple of hours.
“How’s it look?” Gladio asks, as he pulls out his collapsible telescope from his pocket. “The ocean seems to be quiet.”
“Sir, yes sir!” The crew member at the wheel nods his head. “So far, there seems to be no sign of any other ships - friendly or foe - on the water right now.”
Looking through the telescope, he agrees with the comments. He can’t see any ships around them, which makes him breathe a little easier. “Very good. If anything should look suspicious to you, you call me. I’ll be in my quarters.” He leaves the helm, and heads down to the deck. “Ignis!” He sees Ignis nod his head, the nod enough of an acknowledgement for him.
He heads to the top deck, and goes to his quarters. A bed is off to the side, with a view of the ocean on two sides. Tucked away at the back of the ship, the captain’s quarters are below the helm, Gladio available to head back up at a moment’s notice if necessary. He sits down at his desk, and sees Ignis walk through the door with his head bowed.
“Close the door, would you?” He asks, as he looks over at the items intended for delivery in Altissia. A large chest full of different fabrics from the Lucian kingdom fill it up, along with a few larger items. Silver platters decorated in jewels meant as a peace offering to the Altissians, His Majesty interested in taking up a residency in their port. Any means to secure a friendly agreement between the countries - that’s why they’re being kept in his quarters rather than where the rest of the cargo they’re shipping is stowed.
The door closes, the gentle rocking of the ship giving Gladio a sense of home. “Yes, Gladiolus?” Ignis doesn’t address him by his title behind closed doors, which makes him happy. Holding his arms out, he waits for him to sit down on his lap before putting his arms around him. “You know we need to be careful right now.”
“I know.” He replies with a huff, but that doesn’t stop him from planting a kiss against Ignis’ jaw. “I just wanted a quick kiss. That’s all. The waters look clear - so that intel Cor received may have been false.”
An arm curls around his neck, as Ignis returns the kiss to his own bearded jawline. “You think they are feeding us false lies to leave us on edge?”
“The Nifls have done it before. These pirates like to talk a big game, but they’re no match for our navy.”
“I hope you’re right.”
Gladio starts to shift Ignis on his lap, dragging his lips along his jawline when the ship veers to the right fast, causing them both to spill out of the chair and onto the floor. “What the hell?” Gladio struggles to get back on his feet, as the ship lurches again to the opposite side. “What in the world is going on out there?!”
“Sir!” He hears someone shout through the door. “We’re under attack!”
“I thought you said the coast was clear.” Ignis gives him a look.
Groaning, he grabs his gun and goes over to the door. “It was! This isn’t my fault!” Another hit causes the ship to lurch again. “Damn it all!” He shouts, yanking the door open.
Smoke fills the air, Gladio struggling to see two feet in front of him. A cannon being fired causes his ears to ring, as he sees his crew doing their best to return fire to the ship - no, make that two - ships that are simultaneously attacking them. Grabbing onto the railing, he goes up to the helm to get a better view of what’s happening.
Two ships flank theirs, both carrying the same flag - black fabric with a skull and crossbones on it. Pirates. He yells at the crew through a megaphone. “Cease fire!” There’s no way they can do anything else. One ship - yes, no problem. But two ships that are working together? It would be suicide if they continue fighting.
“Prepare to be boarded!” A voice shouts from the ship on the right. Gladio keeps his gun at his side, and heads back down to the deck. Luckily, it looks like none of his men have sustained any serious injuries, which he’s grateful for. What he wants to know is how these ships came out of nowhere, when he’d done a thorough sweep of the area with his telescope.
A young man walks onto their ship with a little bit of a swagger. Long blond hair is pulled back into a half ponytail, his clothes very much like the ones his father wears. Gladio groans, realizing that Cor’s intel had been spot on - this is, without a doubt, the son of the famous pirate Verstael. “I’m afraid you’ve attacked the wrong ship.” Gladio announces, before any introduction can be made. “We don’t have any treasure on board.”
“You’re lying.” The pirate points to his cabin. “We’re going to search your ship, and take everything we want.”
Gladio goes over a few different scenarios in his head, and all wind up with more crew members dead and that’s something he wants to avoid. “What if I tell you you’re right? What if I do have some treasure on board? If I give that to you, will you let us go on our way? Not bother us while we do our runs today?”
“What’s the catch?” A gun is waved in front of his face. “You know who I am, don’t you?”
“You’re the son of Verstael, the famous pirate.”
“My name is Prompto.” An annoyed huff leaves the pirate’s mouth. “And yes, he’s my father. So you can understand why I want that treasure of yours.”
“Only if you agree with my conditions.”
“Gladiolus!” Ignis snaps at him.
He turns to look at him. “We both know if we don’t give him what he wants, that he’s going to cause more trouble than it’s worth. We can get something else later.”
“I’m glad someone is reasonable on this ship.” Prompto comments, a drole smile on his face. “Go and bring me my treasure.”
Gladio heads back into his quarters, and picks up the large chest. It’s heavier than he figures it would be, but doesn’t think too much about it. Carrying it out to the deck, he looks at Prompto. “Take it to your cabin?”
“Yes, please.”
Walking across to the pirate’s ship, Gladio is shown to the captain’s quarters and sets the chest down. He turns to Prompto, who is now back on his own ship. “We have a deal?” He holds his hand out to the pirate.
“We sure do. Thanks! You may sail these waters for the next twenty-four hours without any fear of being attacked again.” Prompto grabs his hand and shakes it. “But after that - we’re back to where we are now.”
“Fair enough.” He drops his hand, and walks back over to his ship. They stay anchored while the two ships sail away from them. Once they’re aways away, he turns to look at his crew. “Is anyone hurt?”
“No, sir!”
“Where did they come from? Why was I not notified?”
“It happened so fast!” One crew member recalls. “One minute we were sailing just fine, then the next we were being bumped on one side. That’s when we got the cannons ready.”
Gladio pinches the bridge of his nose. “Damn it. And it looked clear to me.”
“We should head back.” Ignis remarks, standing next to him. “Without those goods - the Altissians won’t agree to a long term arrangement with us.”
“You’re right.” Feeling utterly defeated, Gladio looks at the helm. “Turn us around. We’re heading back to Galdin.”
“Sir, yes, sir!”
The wind is against them the entire way back, making the journey longer than it normally is. As they pull into the dock, he sees a few people waiting for them. One of them being his father, who acts as personal security for the King. Seeing his father puts him on high alert. Dropping anchor, he departs from the ship first, and heads to where his father is standing. “What are you doing here?”
“I should be saying the same thing to you, but that isn’t why I’m here.” Clarus Amicitia looks at him with a grimace on his face. “Was the King’s son with you?”
“What? No, he wasn’t.” Gladio shakes his head, as the rest of his crew starts to file off the ship. “He came by yesterday asking if he could go on the voyage with us, but I told him no. Why? Is he trying to get me into trouble for telling him no?”
Clarus shakes his head. “If he’s not with you, then he’s missing.”
“Missing?” Ignis appears by his side. “What do you mean, missing?”
“I mean, His Majesty saw his son last night at dinner, and then hasn’t seen him at all today.” Clarus looks at the both of them. “Are you positive he didn’t go with you? He might have stowed away on the ship.”
That comment makes Gladio’s stomach drop. He turns to look at Ignis, who has the same look on his face. “You don’t think…?”
“I sincerely hope not.”
“What?” Clarus asks. “What has happened?”
Prompto looks at the chest in his cabin, and can’t help but be excited by seeing it. It’s the end of the day, and he wants to take a look at the haul he’s received. He’s finally done something right. He never expected to see a Lucian ship out on the water, and alone too! Taking two ships had been his own idea, although his father said that if he was a good son that he’d only need one. And maybe that’s true, but with this being his first time out at sea on his own, he feels better with two ships.
“Let’s see what sort of fun things are in here.” He puts his hand on the lock, lifts it up and then jumps back in surprise.
A man sits up, and yawns. Rubbing their eyes, Prompto stares at the raven colored hair as they yawn and stretch again. “Gladio - are we finally there? I’ve been waiting for hours. I hope there’s food. I’m starving.” This mysterious man turns towards him, and blinks a few times. “You’re not Gladio.”
“No, I’m not.” Prompto shakes his head, still in a bit of a shock that there’s a person in his chest that’s supposed to be filled with treasures. “Who are you?”
“Noctis Caelum.”
Prompto knows that name. “The Prince of Lucis?!”
“Yes? And you are?”
Cross-posted to AO3
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vagabondswritings · 3 years
Drabble: Reading with Gladiolus
I do be reading more these days
Chasing dusk in the Regalia, lofi music now playing from the speaker curtesy of your request. The chocobros and you were looking for a location to spend the night, ideally the parking lot of an establishment. Reaching into your knapsack, you pulled out  the current novel you were reading, poking Gladiolus’s shoulder to get his attention from the view outside. He turned around to accidentally hit his nose on the book, causing Prompto to laugh at him. Gladiolus playfully glared back at him, before taking the book from you,
“From where we left off?” He asked, opening the book as you got comfortable between him and the prince. You nodded, Gladiolus’s arm was the best pillow ever. Noctis hummed along, leaning against your side and you reached over to play with his hair. Gladiolus opened the book to where the recycled paper bookmark was, reading out the tale of a healer out in the desert, among a group of hunters on an expedition where one of the spouses were assasinated and finding the traitor. Everyone had a content smile on their face, listening to Gladiolus read the book and in the safety of Ignis driving the car.
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