#accumulated a lot of resources and there things all looked so much better than mine that i didnt feel comfy sharing mine with them
violentdevotion · 1 year
your journal pics have inspired me to create my own :) so excited to start
that's wonderful to hear !!!! im so happy i could inspire anyone to do anything !!!! let alone aomething i felt was really beneficial to me and my memory.
a lot of my entries are Really rough looking and the reason im so behind on them is because I wasn't happy with how they were looking but in the long run Alhamdulillah it worked out bc I was freshly inspired.
idk if you'd want or need any advice but I'd say have a strictly informative journal just like in your phone notes app so you can have a pretty physical one. when I want to recall something i read in June 2021 the first place is check is my phone not this book but that's just how I use it, you could be different. I have another physical notebook I take everywhere with me that had my cinema tickets, to do lists, thoughts, appointments, passwords, doodles etc in it and the inside of that is UGLY !!!! but I value greatly and the second its all used up I'll get another one.
other than that the way you want to do it and the things you want to keep record of is entirely up to your preferences and if you ever wish to share it online or personally i would love to see it ❣️best of luck and thank you so much for letting me know this really made my day :))))
4 notes · View notes
elyvorg · 4 years
Kaito Momota: How ADHD Can Be
It’s about time I properly shared a take of mine that I never really talk about in my usual analysis posts, which is my very firm headcanon that Kaito has ADHD. While this is partly thanks to me having ADHD myself, self-indulgence is far from the only thing making me think this. There are so many reasons why this makes every single bit of sense, and this post is going to talk about all of them.
And, see, I don’t want to alienate anyone by having them think I’m about to present an interpretation of Kaito that looks nothing like the Kaito we know, because that’s not it at all. I’m here to talk about how so many of the things that were already abundantly true about him also happen to fit perfectly with ADHD. Really, you could think of it more as me talking about how ADHD actually looks a lot more like Kaito than most people might have realised.
After all, ADHD is a frustratingly misrepresented disorder that’s way more complex and interesting than most people are aware. So not only does it make a huge amount of sense to see Kaito as ADHD, it’s also just genuinely fascinating to think that this could be influencing how his mind works and the way he reacts to things throughout the story. Imagining that Kaito has ADHD could never make him any less Kaito, but I do think it makes him yet another layer of interesting on top of everything else he already has going on.
So even if you don’t have any personal investment in ADHD yourself, I hope you can follow along with me for this. There’s a lot of fun stuff to talk about here.
(Since ADHD is so horribly misrepresented that I can’t expect the average person to know what it really involves, this post is also going to include something of a whirlwind explanation of ADHD itself, in order to help people better appreciate why all these things about Kaito are potentially ADHD things. With that said, obvious disclaimer: I am not remotely a mental health professional, just someone with self-diagnosed ADHD who’s read up a lot about it. Some of this will be from things I’ve read, and some of this will be from my own experiences that I’m now pretty sure are an ADHD thing. My descriptions of these symptoms are likely to be somewhat oversimplified because I’m focusing on explaining this headcanon rather than explaining ADHD itself, so please don’t take this as a definitely-100%-accurate ADHD resource. I’m happy if this can raise awareness of what ADHD is really like, but you should look elsewhere to learn more.) 
One major thing that ought to be more commonly known about ADHD is that it’s really not a lack of attention; it’s an inability to properly control where our attention goes. It’s been described as an “interest-based nervous system” – we’ll involuntarily focus on whatever seems most interesting to us in any given moment, regardless of its objective importance.
This plus a reduced amount of dopamine receptors means that when we manage to find something that gives us a lot of dopamine, ie, is fun and engaging to think about, we cannot stop thinking about it even if we wanted to. Our entire lives will begin to revolve around this Thing that we enjoy, thinking about it, doing things related to it and consuming more information on it to get as much of that sweet dopamine as possible. This can often be to the detriment of everything else, including more objectively important matters, because who cares about that stuff when Thing is the best thing ever!?
As an example: as you might imagine, I have been hyperfixated on DRV3 and especially on Kaito for over two years now. I have not been able to stop thinking about Kaito even when I’m supposed to be doing other things, and there’s literally nothing that’s more fun for me right now than sharing all these thoughts of mine with other people. We also love to infodump about our hyperfixations to anyone who’ll listen, after all. That’s precisely why this post exists, along with many more like it on both my blogs.
So, this is perhaps one of the most easy-to-spot signs that Kaito might be ADHD. Because, man, he really loves space. Sure, any astronaut would have at least some level of interest in it, but Kaito is so obsessed with space that he introduces himself with a grandiose space-themed title, wears a galaxy print on his slippers and the inside of his jacket, and simply couldn’t wait for a college degree and had to make sure he got up there as fast as possible.
Granted, it’s not like Kaito talks about space 100% of the time. He is stuck in a killing game, after all, which is also kind of important to pay attention to. But, still, no matter what more-objectively-important things they can push themselves to focus on when necessary, there’s always a part of an ADHDer’s brain that’s near-constantly thinking about their hyperfixation anyway and will take any opportunity to bring it up and make things about that if they possibly can. And, well, Kaito still talks about space quite a lot considering that he’s in a life-or-death situation that doesn’t have anything to do with space at all (at least, as far as he knows for most of the story).
There’s one delightful bit of white noise I absolutely love in a debate in trial 4 where Gonta is suggesting a vehicle could have crossed the river. Someone responds to this with “Like a rocket?”, despite the fact that, A, there were obviously none of those in the Virtual World, and B, you don’t use those to cross rivers. Kaito, you dork, now is not the time. But of course now’s the time, there is always time to be thinking about space-related things, no matter how impractical and irrelevant it might be. Someone has been murdered, everyone else’s lives are on the line – not to mention his illness and the huge pile of inferiority issues he’s struggling with at this point in the story – yet amongst all that, Kaito’s brain still found time to go, “hey, speaking of vehicles, aren’t rockets the coolest!?” And… yeah, that’s genuinely what hyperfixations are like.
Then there’s the time Kaito asked Maki what her favourite spaceship was, like this is just an obvious go-to conversation starter in his mind, because of course he has a favourite spaceship. He has thought a lot about his favourite spaceship (or spaceships; let’s be real, there’s probably several that he thinks are SO COOL and might call his favourite depending on the circumstances) and could fill ages talking about nothing but that. Even though he knows this conversation ought to be making its way towards helping Maki open up about her past – this is one of his training sessions, after all! – there is still a part of Kaito that really just wants to talk about space, because a part of him always wants to talk about space.
We can see this as well in multiple FTE invitation dialogues (those brief lines describing how they hung out before the actual event starts) in which Kaito apparently spends it talking to Kaede or Shuichi about space, just because he can. There’s also several of his hangouts in the Salmon Team bonus mode where Shuichi’s suggestion of what to do doesn’t really have anything to do with space, but Kaito finds a way to make it about space anyway. ADHD minds are hyper-associative and make connections between concepts very easily – and, naturally, they’re particularly liable to make connections to the thing that the mind is already spending the majority of its time thinking about. So it’s really not so surprising or remarkable at all that Kaito can find ways to make even seemingly-totally-unrelated topics about space somehow, not if he’s ADHD.
(…To be fair, a particular fixation on a certain topic to the point of repeatedly bringing it up when it’s not called for isn’t necessarily that uncommon among Danganronpa characters, what with their talents. But hey, that doesn’t have to make Kaito any less likely to be ADHD. Rather, it would actually make sense for Ultimate students to have a higher than average proportion of ADHDers among them, since an ADHD-fuelled level of intense interest in a thing is more likely to make someone become hugely talented at it out of accumulated knowledge and practice. I’ve been increasingly thinking that Kaede could perhaps be ADHD, too, for example. But that’s not for this post; we’re talking about Kaito here.)
The longevity of space
ADHDers will generally go through many different hyperfixations throughout their life, sometimes one at a time, sometimes somehow managing to juggle more than one. An individual hyperfixation tends to last anywhere between a few weeks to a few years depending on its intensity and the longevity of the topic, but it’s rare for it to be more than that. Usually, sooner or later, the overwhelming passion for the thing will wear itself out.
And admittedly, Kaito’s passion for space has been there since he was a kid and never faded – and never will, of course! – which is far more persistent than most hyperfixations tend to be. But then again, there’s so many different things related to space for him to get excited about! Hyperfixations fade either when something else comes along that’s more exciting because it’s new and fresh, or when you’ve squeezed every last possible drop of dopamine out of it such that it no longer holds quite the same thrill. But with a topic as vast as space, there’s always more to learn to keep the excitement fresh, especially now that Kaito’s an astronaut trainee and is really on the front line of new space knowledge and technologies and is actually going to get there himself one day!
Besides, it’s not like ADHDers’ hyperfixations are completely outside of their control. My own hyperfixation on V3 and Kaito would probably have faded ages ago if I hadn’t kept it going by constantly making more content about it such as this. And similarly, there’s no way Kaito would have wanted to let go of his passion for space, not if he had any say in it himself, so he’d have done whatever he could to keep it burning during the times when the spark maybe wasn’t quite there as much. I don’t think it’s at all unreasonable that Kaito could have remained hyperfixated on space for so unusually long and still be showing no signs of stopping. We all know how stubborn he is.
(House plants)
Kaito has probably had a few other, lesser hyperfixations alongside his lifelong passion for space. For example, I like to think that his fondness for house plants, according to his report card, is to such an extent that he was once hyperfixated on them. (This would have been for reasons that totally don’t bear a suspicious resemblance to other things he cares about.) I doubt he’s currently hyperfixating on them at the moment – at no point does he ever try to shift the conversation to being about house plants unprompted – but that wouldn’t stop him from still being generally fond of them and retaining all of the “useless” information he learned about them back when he was obsessed. One very rarely ever stops caring about a hyperfixation topic entirely; rather, the fixation just fades and the topic becomes no longer constantly on someone’s mind. I’m sure Kaito still could and would talk your ear off about house plants just as much as he would about space if you happened to get him started.
More importantly, though, I think that another of Kaito’s less obvious and intense hyperfixations – but still a very long-lasting one that’s active right now – could be, simply, people. Just, people in general: their flaws and complexities and differences, all the many ways in which they can communicate and work together, and the amazing potential they have to achieve great things if they do so. Kaito is so passionate about this stuff and has so many fully-formed opinions on things of this nature that make it seem like he’s spent a lot of his free time thinking about this, just because he can. Maybe he began to get interested in it after realising that communication and teamwork is important for an astronaut – but it also reads to me like Kaito is into this kind of stuff not because he needs to be for the sake of getting into space, but simply because he finds it genuinely fascinating and couldn’t stop thinking about it even if he had to. (Which would also help keep him interested in space, because it’s intrinsically linked to this other topic that Kaito finds fascinating!)
And within this, Kaito definitely hyperfixates in particular on his sidekicks. Once he’s made someone into his sidekick, which functionally means that he’s going to devote himself to supporting them through their issues and helping them reach their potential, he really devotes himself. It’s his hyperfixation on people in general, but concentrated on a specific person(s) that he can have a direct and tangible impact on, which means even more to him than just his feelings about how awesome and fascinating humanity is as a whole.
Kaito is really, really good at supporting his sidekicks, after all. He spends so much time, even when he’s not around them, thinking about what their problems are and the best ways he can help them. He was clearly eyeing up both Shuichi and Maki as potential sidekicks at least a day or two before actually acting on it and inviting them to training, as if he was trying to gauge exactly what their struggles were and how best to help before jumping right in. He approaches helping each of them in very different ways, making it clear that he’s specifically thought about who they are and the best tactics to help them individually instead of just carelessly using the same old script each time. On more than one occasion, he drops something on them one morning – the nickname “Maki Roll”, and the “bonus” training that becomes the katana scene – that he hadn’t mentioned at all the previous night, meaning that he’d been thinking further about how to keep helping them while on his own overnight.
So it seems to me like maybe it’s not just his selflessness, or his somewhat unhealthy co-dependency (more on that later, actually) that makes Kaito so good at this. I don’t think he could even stop thinking about helping his sidekicks if he tried. Figuring out how to help another human being grow and change and reach their full potential is so fascinating and engaging and rewarding to him that how could he ever not be compelled to do that as much as he possibly can?
The price of caring
This does, however, come with a downside. Because Kaito is fixating so strongly and uncontrollably on supporting his sidekicks, because doing that matters so much to him, it’s only going to hurt him more when he begins to feel like he’s failing at it. He can’t just brush something like that off as not really a big deal, because of course it’s a big deal. It’s everything to him, and it’s literally not possible for him to make himself feel like it isn’t.
It’s just as bad as if space suddenly twisted and became painful to think about somehow. Which… I guess that actually kind of happens too, when Kaito starts to realise that he’s never going to make it up there. And he can’t deal with that by trying to tell himself it was never that important, either, because space is always important to him. Even if he wanted to switch that part of his brain off or ignore it to help himself cope, he just couldn’t.
Caring so intensely about things feels amazing and makes a person wonderfully passionate, but it can also be a double-edged sword.
(Executive dysfunction?)
One big negative side to ADHD is that it tends to cause executive dysfunction, which, to massively oversimplify it, more or less means the profound inability to get yourself to do things that you know you’re supposed to be perfectly able to do. That interest-based nervous system does not do well with motivating us to do tasks that are objectively important but aren’t interesting or fun to actually carry out, resulting in a mental block that can appear to the outside observer like wilful laziness, even though it really, really isn’t.
This appears to be one part of ADHD that Kaito manages to avoid having to deal with. (He may superficially seem “lazy” during training, but that has nothing to do with his brain and everything to do with his body and the fact that he’s sick and doesn’t want anyone to know.) But I think that’s mostly because none of the reasons that ADHD causes executive dysfunction actually apply in the killing game.
One of the few things other than interest that motivates an ADHD brain is urgency – suddenly they can do that boring essay they’ve been putting off when the deadline is tonight, showing remarkable speed and focus in a fit of nervous anxiety over the potential consequences of turning it in late. And there’s plenty of literal do-or-die urgency to motivate Kaito during the killing game, so there’s no way he’d ever not be motivated to do what he feels he needs to do to help everyone there. Plus, the things he’s trying to do involve helping people, something he inherently finds interesting, so he’d be motivated for those reasons anyway even if it wasn’t quite so life-threateningly vital that he does so.
(Kaito is a bit flakier and liable to miss important details during the investigations and trials, mind you. This might be because, while the urgency of “if we don’t solve the case we die” is looming over him, the actual details of the case aren’t something that instinctively feels urgent or that he inherently finds interesting, so it’s harder for him to pay proper attention and take it all in even when he’s trying to. Kaito has plenty of intelligence in a lot of ways, but his brain is evidently not wired for investigations and deductions like Shuichi’s is – he’s perfectly capable of following Shuichi’s logic and understanding it, but not of figuring any of that stuff out himself in the first place. This could partly be down to Kaito having ADHD and just not being interested enough in these particular kinds of mental exercises to be able to get his brain to focus on them as much as he’d need to in order to solve them.)
I also don’t think executive dysfunction would have got in Kaito’s way much during his regular life before the killing game. (You know, if he’d actually had one, but let’s pretend for now that he did.) Motivation issues can be helped a lot by an externally-imposed structure telling you what you need to do and when, which is why a lot of ADHD people don’t even notice any problems while they’re in a school system and only fall apart once they’re adults and are suddenly expected to structure their own life. Kaito’s astronaut training would definitely give him plenty of structure to work from so that he always knew what he needed to do and never had this issue. It’s also really challenging, which is another thing that helps keep ADHD people interested and motivated. And while the actual end goal of getting to space is far-off enough that it wouldn’t be able to work as a direct motivator to an ADHD brain (we are bad at things with delayed gratification), everything Kaito’s learning would still be related to space and communication and teamwork, so he’d be interested in learning all of it simply for its own sake.
Emotional hyperarousal
Another big defining feature of ADHD that isn’t nearly as well-known as it ought to be is that it amplifies emotions to a far greater intensity than those of neurotypical people. ADHDers’ feelings and reactions are naturally bigger and louder and just more than most people’s – which sounds a lot like Kaito, doesn’t it? He’s always larger than life, energetic and passionate about everything, not just his specific hyperfixations. Look at how excited he gets about just seeing snow! And he has so much enthusiasm for so much else, too – as he puts it: “there’s nothing unnecessary in this world!” When Kaito feels things, he feels them full-throttle, with no half-measures, which is just how Kaito would always want things to be!
…But, whether he likes it or not, that also applies to the painful feelings just as much as the good ones.
Emotional dysregulation
Kaito can often be very reactionary and get unnecessarily riled up over minor things that don’t really warrant such a dramatic response. If you think about it, this isn’t really something he’d want to do, because he’s always trying to stay positive and keep people on his side. So apparently it’s something he simply can’t help, as if his brain is just wired to make him more liable to do that.
If even minor slights can cause an overreaction like that from an ADHD brain, then imagine how much worse it is when the stimulus is something genuinely worth being upset over. That already-painful emotion gets amplified to even greater levels, to the point that it can be almost unbearable. People with ADHD can often have a more difficult time dealing with things, not necessarily because they’re emotionally weaker, but because they simply feel things harder than most other people do.
Kaito goes through a lot of emotional pain throughout the story – and he’s really pretty bad at dealing with it all. He basically has only two not-very-healthy methods for doing so. One is to try to ignore it entirely by focusing on something more positive, which on its own could be put down to his desire to come across as an invincible hero who can inspire people. So this particular unhealthy tactic doesn’t necessarily mean that he wouldn’t be able to properly deal with these emotions if he actually stopped being an idiot and tried to.
However, Kaito’s second unhealthy coping mechanism is to turn the pain into anger – sometimes to the point of lashing out in ways he doesn’t mean to. Punching Shuichi at the end of the first trial is very much caused by Kaito being unable to contain his pain over Kaede’s death rather than any controlled attempt to push Shuichi forward, since he regrets it and apologises for it the next morning. And then the agonising truth that Gonta killed someone is even harder for Kaito to bear, leading to him lashing out at Shuichi again in what was very much desperate pain-fuelled anger with no rational basis for it. Unlike with simply hiding his pain, lashing out like this is not something Kaito would ever want to do; it’s not exactly very heroic of him, after all. So this suggests that there’s more to Kaito’s bad coping mechanisms than just him trying to appear strong and not worry people – that sometimes the pain gets so unbearably intense that ignoring it isn’t possible and he just can’t deal with it and loses control of himself.
Uncontrollable bouts of rage can be a common problem that comes with ADHD because of the amplified emotions and difficulty properly regulating them – and it’s definitely a problem Kaito suffers from, too. That part of Kaito that lets him get so wonderfully passionate in helping everyone around him might well be exactly the same part of him that simply cannot handle it when he realises Gonta murdered someone and leads to him lashing out at his best friend.
Moping (…not a technical term)
…Okay, I just said Kaito has only two unhealthy coping mechanisms for painful emotions, but maybe there’s also kind of a third: unconstructively moping about it. This doesn’t sound like Kaito at all – he frequently gives others advice about not doing exactly that – but he can actually be seen falling into doing so a couple of times if you look closely.
In chapter 2, when Ryoma’s behaviour bothers him for all the wrong reasons and he has no intent of actually doing something about it, Kaito really should be just trying not to think about it at all and focusing on something more constructive like helping Shuichi. However, the places he hangs out in for his chapter 2 FTEs and his invitation dialogues indicate that he spends a whole three FTE slots just brooding unhelpfully about the state Ryoma’s in. This is definitely not something he wants to be doing, since he hastily changes the subject if Shuichi hangs out with him.
And in case 4’s investigation, after Shuichi’s cell phone experiment makes Kaito feel useless and unneeded (he thought Shuichi needed his help! – but, no, turns out he actually really didn’t), the pain of that feeling noticeably lingers with him for most of the rest of the investigation. He’s in enough of a bad mood about it afterwards that Maki notices it through his less-expressive virtual avatar, and he doesn’t even come with her to call Shuichi back from the rooftop and just logs out on his own in a sulk. Then he also ends up explicitly unaware in the trial of some of the information Monotaro shared with the whole group once they’d logged out, meaning he was apparently still too wrapped up in feeling useless to be paying proper attention.
(And these are the two examples of Kaito doing this that are noticeable thanks to subtle clues in his behaviour – but since Kaito would obviously never draw attention to it, maybe he actually does this a lot more than those two times and we just can’t normally see it.)
See, another thing about emotional dysregulation – plus the difficulty in controlling the focus of your attention that comes with ADHD – is that it can be hard to stop yourself from thinking endlessly about painful things, even when you very much don’t want to be thinking about them. I once saw a tumblr post describing ADHD as Chronic Cannot Leave It Alone Disorder, and I can confirm that, yes, this is very frustratingly accurate, for the bad things as well as the good. It’s possible that Kaito’s advice about not moping when you could be doing something to make a difference might have originated for himself, to try and mitigate his brain’s tendency to do this. But while I imagine this helped quite a bit in letting him control his thoughts and stay focused on the positives, it appears that, despite his best efforts, it still doesn’t always work.
The Primarily-Hyperactive subtype of ADHD (aka the one that’s definitely the subtype Kaito has, for obvious reasons) is sometimes called Hyperactive-Impulsive type, because impulsiveness tends to be a big part of it, too. I think this is kind of a combination of emotional hyperarousal and inability to control attention – the impulse to Do A Thing gets amplified to the point that it floods the entire brain, and it becomes nigh-impossible to ignore it and consider the potential negative consequences before acting on it. It’s like that Chronic Cannot Leave It Alone Disorder gets concentrated into a single instant of frequently-terrible decision-making.
It’s no secret that Kaito is impulsively reckless – and if you think about it, it’s to an extent that’s honestly kind of pathological. Cheating his way into the astronaut exam early, for example, could very well have permanently ruined his chances of ever being allowed in and making it to space. He should never have considered that a risk worth taking. So apparently he just wasn’t properly considering the risk at all – not even for the most important decision of his life.
A lot of the time, these kinds of bad decisions can be fuelled by those amplified painful emotions that get turned into anger like I talked about before. The stress of the killing game causes Kaito to very nearly get himself killed on two occasions early in chapter 1, almost lashing out in a way that would have broken school regulations. Kaito is perfectly aware of the consequences for doing that – but in the heat of the moment, it just doesn’t matter to him. His overwhelming desire to express his pain-fuelled rage simply blocks out everything else from his mind. A similar thing happens in chapter 5 when Kaito’s attempt to punch Kokichi after the supposed mastermind reveal only results in him getting knocked out and captured by the Exisals that were very obviously there and under Kokichi’s control. It’s summed up pretty well by the fact that Kokichi outright tells Kaito that punching him won’t fix any of the things he’s angry about, and Kaito’s response is, “Even if that is the case… I can’t get over it if I don’t punch you!” To Kaito, in these moments, it’s never about the consequences; it’s about needing to let out his too-strong emotions right now and to hell with everything else, even if that “everything else” literally might include his life.
Then there’s everything that happens with Kaito at the casino. The consequences for him here aren’t exactly dire, since all he loses out on is the chance to buy a prize, but still – that uncontrollable fixation on the anticipated thrill of winning and the inability to consider the really-very-high possibility that he’ll lose is exactly the type of reckless thrill-seeking that people with this type of ADHD often have.
In fact, the bonus scene at the casino is literally titled “Kaito’s Gambling Problem” – and as you might imagine, impulsive-type ADHDers are at a higher risk of developing harmful addictions to things such as gambling. While this isn’t an actual gambling problem here because no real money is involved and it does seem that he never gets tempted by the casino again after the second time, the scene’s title apparently wants us to consider that Kaito has the potential to develop a legitimate gambling problem should he ever get old enough to legally gamble in the real world. Which is a weirdly specific thing for the writers to make a point of when it has no bearing on the plot… so it makes me wonder if they could have actually been trying to tell us something here.
This kind of impulsiveness can also cause people to blurt out their thoughts without thinking about the consequences, potentially resulting in upsetting someone or embarrassing themselves. At first glance, considering that he has a lot of thoughts he’s determined to hide from the surface, Kaito doesn’t seem to have too much of a problem with this kind of impulsiveness. If he did, you’d think he’d find himself muttering stuff like “I feel like crap”, or “I hate this place” all the time and then having to hastily paper over it and insist that no that’s definitely not how he’s really feeling at all. So apparently, he’s fairly good at thinking before he speaks when it matters to him?
Except, when he’s in the Virtual World, Kaito makes multiple unthinking comments to the effect of “I like this avatar body”, which he has to awkwardly brush off when Shuichi questions him, since it rather hints that something’s up with his real body. He’s suddenly really bad at this, even though he was pretty good at it the rest of the time.
So maybe what’s going on is this: in an effort to stay positive at all times because he’s Kaito, Kaito trained himself to have a constant, unshakeable mental filter that prevents himself from impulsively blurting out how he’s feeling if it’s something negative. However, he can’t stop himself from still randomly blurting out whatever positive things are on his mind. This usually isn’t a problem, but it can sometimes include things – it feels so great to not be dying for once! – that he really doesn’t want to be voicing either, if he only gave it a moment more thought.
Rejection sensitive dysphoria
Often shortened to RSD, rejection sensitive dysphoria is a specific and especially nasty kind of emotional hyperarousal / dysregulation that almost all ADHDers suffer from. (At least, I feel like it should probably be classified as a subtype of that, though I’m not sure if that’s the official take, so don’t quote me on this.) The ADHD researcher who coined the term defines it as: “extreme emotional pain triggered by the perception – not necessarily the reality – that a person has been rejected or criticised by important people in their life. It may also be triggered by a sense of falling short and failing to meet their own high standards or others’ expectations.” That second sentence is important and frequently overlooked, because it indicates that, despite the name, this isn’t only about perceived rejection by others; it can also be about an entirely personal sense of failure.
I first read about this concept while I happened to be hyperfixating on Kaito’s mindset specifically in early chapter 5, aka that time he avoids Shuichi out of shame over feeling like he failed him in the previous trial, due to his own unreasonably high standards for being a “hero”. (If you didn’t realise that this is what’s going on with Kaito in early chapter 5, go read this other post of mine and get caught up, because you’re going to need to be for the rest of this section.) And, naturally, though I was supposed to be reading that article about RSD to help me figure out if I had ADHD, my brain made some connections. That was the moment I began to have this headcanon; everything else in this post blossomed from that as I thought about it more and realised a lot of other things about Kaito also fit this incredibly well.
The null hypothesis
So, let’s consider early chapter 5. In fact, let’s assume for a moment that Kaito doesn’t have ADHD and his emotions function like a regular person’s. He would still, of course, feel like he’s utterly failed Shuichi by showing himself to be weaker than him and doing the opposite of supporting him during trial 4. That part’s not specifically based in anything ADHD and is just a product of Kaito’s psychological issues about heroes, which I’ve already talked about plenty in that post I just linked. (I don’t want anyone to think that my ADHD headcanon is getting in the way of or diminishing any of that; this is just another layer on top of it.)
Kaito really wants to make things right and apologise for his mistakes in the trial (and for his really-not-actually-mistakes too, for that matter). He really wants to fix the rift between him and Shuichi and not leave the two of them painfully torn apart like this. He knows the responsibility to do so is on him and not Shuichi. But… he doesn’t do it. Why not?
The only possible reason would be that he’s just being a coward and running away from the guilt and shame he’s feeling rather than facing up to it. Except… Kaito’s not a coward. He may arguably seem like one in some ways given how he refuses to acknowledge his weaknesses to his sidekicks – but that’s not to protect himself and his own emotions; it’s because he’s idiotically convinced that it’s better for them that way. Here, now that he believes he’s already failed Shuichi as badly as he ever could, he should feel like he has nothing more to lose on that front (and Shuichi never even needed him anyway, right?), so there should be no harm in owning up to it and at least apologising for what he’s done wrong.
Granted, Kaito is busy trying to make up for his failure through his totally-great escape plan – but that’s still no reason why he can’t also apologise first and then keep trying to make up for things with the plan anyway. And it’s not at all like it was in the trial itself, when he was too wound-up in the heat of the moment to be thinking clearly. He’s had plenty of time to process what happened and regain control of himself and become consciously aware of what he knows is the right thing to do here.
The guilt and shame Kaito would be feeling from his belief that he’s failed Shuichi would still hurt pretty bad, sure – but I don’t think, if it really is a proportionate emotional response to what he feels like he’s done, that it’d be something he couldn’t face up to. He’s incredibly resilient and knows that sometimes you’ve just gotta face painful things head-on, and he should be more than willing to do so for the sake of making things at least slightly better between him and Shuichi.
So, I argue this: Kaito avoiding Shuichi the way he does in early chapter 5 doesn’t quite make sense unless he has ADHD. (Or perhaps some other neurological disorder that would have a similar effect on his emotions, but I’m not knowledgeable enough to be sure what other possibilities could fit.)
Too much pain
I can confirm from experience: RSD freaking sucks. Any feeling of “I should be able to do this, but I messed it up”, or any seemingly innocuous comment from someone you care about where they either point out a mistake you made or that could possibly be interpreted to mean they don’t really care about you that much – these things can hurt like hell, so much more than they have any right to. It’s as if that insignificant twinge of disappointment that most people would feel just gets multiplied by like a thousand until it practically feels like you’ve been stabbed in the chest. And I should note: the rejection version tends to be triggered by people important to you, but I find it’s especially bad if it’s someone I not only care about but also look up to. You know, like Kaito very definitely does to Shuichi.
Case 4 has plenty of things that would trigger RSD for Kaito before even getting into the worst parts of the trial. That cell phone incident in the investigation I mentioned earlier, where Kaito thought Shuichi needed his help for a second and then ended up feeling like he really never did at all? And all the times Shuichi shoots down one of Kaito’s arguments in the trial and tells him he’s wrong (which happens seven times, by the way)? Every single one of those seemingly-minor moments would have hurt Kaito not just a little, but one hell of a lot. It’s honestly really impressive and a testament to Kaito’s resilience that he managed to keep himself together and show barely any signs of how he was feeling for as long as he did.
It’s also very relevant that RSD is known to potentially trigger an externalised response of instantaneous rage, exactly like the outbursts of anger I mentioned in the previous section. I’ve already talked plenty elsewhere about how a lot of the pain that’s causing Kaito to lash out in trial 4 isn’t just over Gonta’s guilt but is also over how he’s being made to feel like a horribly inferior failure compared to Shuichi – and, yep, that’s still a perfect match to Kaito having ADHD.
By the end of the trial, Kaito’s issues and irrationalities have rendered him convinced that he’s utterly failed to be the hero he’s supposed to be, and that Shuichi obviously doesn’t need him or care about him any more (if he ever even did in the first place). That’s giving Kaito plenty of genuine conscious reason to be hurting pretty damn hard to begin with, before his ADHD brain-wiring even sinks its claws into it. Now try to imagine that pain getting disproportionately multiplied by like a thousand – fucking ouch, and then some. Nobody, not even someone as brave and resilient as Kaito, should ever be expected to be able to face up to that, to actively make it even worse by talking about it and bringing those feelings to the forefront, especially not when doing so would just be showing even more weakness to the person it hurts so much to show weakness to. I don’t believe it’d be fair to call anyone a coward for that.
Kaito’s not a coward; he avoids Shuichi in early chapter 5 because he is genuinely in too much pain to bear. The only way he can deal with it at all (now that he’s not in the heat of trial 4 and is very determined to at least not make things even worse by lashing out in anger again) is by simply trying to pretend the problem doesn’t exist. If he manages to prove himself as a hero, maybe it’ll stop hurting quite as much and he’ll be able to face up to it, but until then, avoiding the pain is all he can do.
(Obligatory Harmonious Heart mention)
Since I relish the opportunity to bring this scene up whenever I can, I might as well add that Kaito’s Harmonious Heart event is another instance in which he’d be feeling some pretty rough RSD – at least, in every outcome except the best one in which Shuichi reassures him that they’re friends and it’s okay to open up to your friend. It’d be especially bad in the worst outcome where Kaito realises Shuichi has seen his “weakness” and feels like he’s failed him. Probably not quite as bad as in canon, but still, ouch.
In fact, an interesting thing about that worst outcome is that Kaito specifically says he feels “so embarrassed”, which, when you think about it, doesn’t really sound like the kind of thing anyone would expect Kaito to ever describe himself as feeling, even at a time like this. However, I know from my own experience that “embarrassment” is in fact something that it’s easy to mistake RSD for when you don’t know what it is – just an embarrassment that’s somehow agonisingly painful, because that’s totally how embarrassment usually works for most people, right. So, A, this fits perfectly yet again, and B, since you’d usually not think to have Kaito ever use that word… it makes me wonder if the writer for this scene knew.
Coping methods (and why Kaito doesn’t have them)
Of course, it’s not like there aren’t methods to try to combat and mitigate the incredible pain that RSD can bring. One that I’ve found works really well (thanks to Kaito himself!) is exercising. It really helps to burn off that excessive emotional energy – and not necessarily just RSD, but any of the disproportionately painful emotions ADHD brings – by translating it into physical energy. “Let your sweat wash away all your sadness, fear, worry and hardships; just start moving your body and your pain will become memories before you know it,” actually sums up how this feels pretty well! It’s quite possible that this advice – heck, maybe his entire exercise-to-help-the-mind thing in general – is something else that Kaito first came up with for himself, after he found that it helped him calm down and feel better whenever he’d get too upset about something.
…So it’s really rather cruel that Kaito’s worsening illness also happens to lock him out of one of his only genuinely-healthy coping mechanisms for what he’s going through emotionally in chapters 4 and 5, isn’t it.
Another thing that’s really helped me in dealing with my own RSD is simply understanding it. When you know that it’s a disproportionate emotional response, you can remind yourself that things aren’t truly as bad as the pain is making them feel like they are, which makes it easier to take steps to stop it hurting, such as talking to the friend who unintentionally triggered it and having them reassure you that of course they care about you. Without that understanding of it, it’s all too easy to think, “if it hurts this much, I must deserve to be hurting this much,” which, yeah, that’s a bad path to go down.
One pretty important part of my headcanon that Kaito has ADHD, then, is that he definitely has no idea he has it. If he’d been diagnosed with it at some point in his life, he’d understand these problems of his better. Even if the doctors never told him all these things I’ve been mentioning here about how ADHD actually works (which is way too disappointingly common, so I gather), Kaito would have researched this stuff himself at some point, in order to better understand himself and know his limits so that he can work around them to be the best person he can be. He wouldn’t want to let anything get in the way of him helping others as much as he can and achieving his dream of going to space, not even the idiosyncrasies of his own brain. And, heck, he’d probably find it interesting if only he had a reason to look into it in the first place! Many ADHDers hyperfixate on ADHD, and Kaito definitely seems like someone who would have if he’d known.
So, if Kaito was aware of his ADHD, he’d be able to recognise what he’s going through in early chapter 5 as RSD and handle it better. He’d know that, no matter how much it hurts, things aren’t actually quite as bad as it feels like, and that apologising to Shuichi sooner rather than later is almost certainly the best way forward even if the prospect of doing so seems terrifying as all hell. For that matter, if Kaito knew about his ADHD and what it really involved, he’d almost certainly have trained himself to be able to deal with a lot of his more troublesome symptoms better than he ever does in canon.
Friendship difficulties
Because of their differently-wired brains, ADHDers can often struggle to connect with the rest of the world that doesn’t think the same way as them. And here’s a fun subtle thing about Kaito that ought to get talked about more: he’s not actually very skilled or experienced at making friends. Having sidekicks that he can inspire and support, and being a general encouraging influence on a wider group of people to keep them working together – sure, that stuff comes naturally to him. But regular, everyday friendship? Not so much.
This isn’t that easy to spot, because most of the time we see Kaito, he’s deliberately focusing on motivating people, which he’s great at. But there are a few instances here and there where Kaito interacts with people in a not-specifically-motivational way: his attempts to befriend Kaede (who doesn’t need his support), his earlier FTEs with Shuichi (which should be happening before training starts), and the conversation with Shuichi and Maki in chapter 4’s second training scene (before Maki begins talking about her past).
In all of these, Kaito turns out to actually be a huge awkward goof who doesn’t seem to have the first clue how to do regular interpersonal interactions. And basically everything about him being this way can potentially be explained by ADHD.
Too many thoughts
It’s never quiet and organised in an ADHD brain; whenever we’re not hyperfocusing on one specific thing, our minds always have like five different thoughts rattling around in them at once. So, consider the conversation with Shuichi and Maki, which Kaito was attempting to treat like a Regular Conversation (rather than the chance to help Maki open up that it definitely actually was in his head). Perhaps, in his efforts to do small talk, not one but several different possible small talk questions popped into his head at once and clamoured for his attention, such that a couple of them – “what blood type are you?” and “what [something] do you like?” – got accidentally merged together when he opened his mouth to speak. That plus his impulsive lack-of-filter meant that out came “What blood type do you like?” and Kaito sounding like a doofus.
(When Maki points out that this is a strange question, Kaito awkwardly laughs it off. It almost seems like he’s used to accidentally saying things people consider weird during his attempts at normal conversation and has learned to try and act like it’s nothing so he doesn’t push anyone away.)
This disorganisation in ADHD minds also tends to make them get too caught up on unnecessary details they find interesting and wander off down random mental tangents rather than whatever they’re supposed to be talking or thinking about. I once saw a tumblr post that said ADHDers are likely to tell “stories that start sooner than they need to and end somewhere other than the point” – and this happens to be a literally perfect description of the story Kaito tells Shuichi in his second and third FTEs. He was supposed to be telling Shuichi how he became interested in space. He began by talking about finding a treasure map and conquering the seas, and he finished with how he was busy conquering the land when his summer vacation ended. At no point did he mention space; he’d got so wrapped up in the story itself that he’d completely forgotten that was meant to be the point.
Kaito also has a bit of a tendency to make strange statements that appear to make perfect sense to him even though they kind of don’t to anybody else. He wants to learn to play the piano for when he goes to space? Well, of course; he might meet an alien! You can’t ever know how malicious other people’s secrets are? Sure, but that’s why you just gotta believe in… yourself! These really do make perfect sense in Kaito’s head (the first is about communication; the second is about people-reading skills). But it seems, perhaps, that his overly-active mind made connections too fast and jumped several tracks at once, to the point that he didn’t realise he was skipping a few steps of his explanation and that it wouldn’t make so much sense to the people listening. Which is also a thing that ADHD people are liable to do.
Too loud and excitable
A less immediately obvious thing that’s strange about Kaito’s behaviour in the chapter 4 training chat is that, when Shuichi essentially just straight-up asks Maki to start talking about her issues, Kaito admonishes him for being too direct and claims he can’t just do that. This seems odd coming from Kaito, who’s usually nothing but direct in his approaches to encouraging people, and who definitely also intended to prompt Maki into talking about her issues here.
But, apparently because he’s trying to present this as a Regular Normal Friend Conversation, Kaito didn’t think he was meant to be so direct in this context. Which suggests he’s learned through experience that his usual kind of directness that works great for encouragement apparently just kind of puts people off when it’s used in a regular conversation. So instead, he was trying to work his way towards hopefully maybe getting Maki to open up through awkward small talk that he must know he’s terrible at – no wonder he was miffed when Shuichi casually went and committed the exact social “faux-pas” he’d been trying to avoid, with complete confidence that it’d actually be fine, and it turned out it was. (Whoops, there goes Shuichi effortlessly being better than him at everything Kaito finds difficult, like always.)
Nonetheless, Kaito probably has good reason to be worried about coming across as too direct (outside of sidekick contexts, where that’s just the best way to get through to someone and help). Because, when he’s not actively trying to avoid it, he does have a tendency to get a bit carried away with things and put people off as a result. Remember the time he asked Kaede for a hug? There’s absolutely no reason to assume this was romantic or sexual in nature, because it already makes more than enough sense to think that Kaito was just so excited at meeting someone so similar to him and thought she was Super Cool and just really wanted to be her friend!!! So he impulsively expressed that sentiment in a rather-too-forward way that he was too caught up in his excitement to realise was going to come across as rather inappropriate.
Not that being too overly excitable and direct about things necessarily has to lead to behaviour that’s outright inappropriate in order to cause problems. (Though please never forget that Kaito asked for the hug and respected Kaede’s boundaries when she said no.) Even if he’s not doing anything wrong, Kaito being his usual larger-than-life self all the time might just come across as a bit Much and be kind of weird and off-putting for a lot of people. It’s that emotional hyperarousal again, which I mostly talked about the negative side of in the earlier section – but the positive side of it, amplifying the good emotions to make someone more enthusiastic and passionate, can still (completely undeservedly) be a negative thing in a social context with others who just aren’t wired the same way.
In Kaito’s second FTE, wrapped up among his ridiculous overblown childish fiction, he appears to potentially be talking about an actual playmate he had at the time who joined in his game of pretending to be a sea captain. Then they had a fight and Kaito never saw him again – and he presents that like it was just part of his game, too, but this can likely be taken to mean that they had a falling out that never got resolved and stopped being friends. If so, I can’t help but assume that this was probably because tiny Kaito was a little bit too boisterous and excessive in his playing – while still not necessarily doing anything wrong – that it overwhelmed this other kid to the point that he didn’t really want to join in any more.
There’s also one bit of FTE invitation dialogue where Kaito claims he’s about to teach Kaede how to have peace of mind… and then he tells stories that make her question his definition of that. Which makes a lot of sense considering that ADHD minds, particularly hyperactive-type ones, are never relaxed for even a moment. Kaito doesn’t know how not to be energetic and over-the-top even when the people he’s with just want to wind down and relax, which also wouldn’t really do him any favours in terms of making friends.
But none of that is Kaito’s fault; he’s not trying to be selfish or drive these people away. It’s simply the way his mind is, always going full-throttle when most other people’s usually aren’t. He just gets so excited about so many things and has a hard time toning that down. Besides, why would Kaito even want to tone it down and be boringly down-to-earth when his mind could be up in space instead!? That’s much better! …except that most other people don’t see it that way.
Too much infodumping
In the training chat, after embarrassing himself with a bungled small talk question and being shown up by Shuichi making it look like it’s actually somehow not a problem to be too direct after all, Kaito attempts to bring things back around to small talk with the, uh, “safe” option of asking Maki what her favourite spaceship is. Which isn’t really small talk at all, of course – but then, actual small talk is hard for ADHD people, because it’s not interesting enough to care about paying proper attention to. They’d much rather be acting on that constant desire to talk about something they’re interested in, such as one of their hyperfixations, which is not always the best way to connect with others who don’t happen to be interested in the same thing.
(Fortunately, since another of his hyperfixations is Maki and her issues, Kaito is perfectly happy to listen once she starts talking about her past, and the conversation shifts back to a comfortable hero-and-sidekick situation again rather than an awkward and confusing how-do-I-friends???)
There’s another of those FTE invitation dialogues in chapter 1 where Kaito tells Kaede he’s a good listener… and then apparently Kaede spends the entire time listening to him instead. Except, obviously Kaito really is a good listener when it’s in his hero-and-sidekick context and he’s helping someone with their problems, because he’s invested in supporting them and so it’d be easy for him to pay attention. But perhaps, when it’s in a regular friendship context and the person he’s talking to doesn’t need his help (like Kaede doesn’t), Kaito’s not quite so good at listening because he’s not necessarily as interested in what they have to say. So he might be liable to just impulsively act on the desire to talk about the things he wants to (such as SPACE; there is always time for space) and then get so focused on it that he overlooks the other person’s feelings and genuinely doesn’t realise he’s coming across as kind of brash and self-absorbed.
Kaito’s second and third FTEs with Shuichi are an even better illustration of this. Upon Shuichi choosing to hang out with him for a second time, Kaito apparently realises Shuichi is interested enough in him to possibly want to be his friend. So he responds to this by… launching into a huge ridiculous story about his (completely make-believe) heroic adventures as a kid. This kind of one-sided conversation and bizarre topic choice is not, in fact, a great way to make friends with someone, but Kaito doesn’t seem to realise this. He finds his story so cool and exciting that he impulsively assumes Shuichi would too and jumps into it without actually confirming whether Shuichi wants to hear it or not. And, honestly, it seems like Shuichi doesn’t, at least not particularly, and is only listening out of politeness and an inability to get a word in edgeways. His less-than-enthusiastic response to Kaito’s story suggests that these FTEs are canonically meant to happen before training begins and Shuichi comes to properly consider Kaito a friend – and therefore that Kaito’s not really doing the best job here of making Shuichi begin to consider him a friend.
Still himself despite it all!
All of these potentially-ADHD-fuelled idiosyncrasies of Kaito’s make it a lot harder for him to make friends in the normal way – and he seems to be somewhat aware of this. Some of the things from the chapter 4 chat hint that he’s slightly insecure and afraid he’s going to put Shuichi and Maki off by being so dorkily himself. There’s also a little more of this in the Salmon Team bonus mode, in which friendship is the entire point, and yet a few lines when he’s inviting Shuichi to hang out hint that Kaito isn’t completely convinced that Shuichi would want to hang out with him as a friend rather than as a sidekick who needs his advice and support. If he was more used to having friends, he probably wouldn’t still be so insecure about this – so this honestly kind of suggests that Shuichi and Maki could be the first real friends Kaito’s ever managed to make.
Because of these kinds of issues in connecting with people, a lot of ADHD kids grow up unconsciously learning to suppress their true selves, hiding their boundless enthusiasm and unusual interests to seem more “normal” so that they can fit in. I know this because I was one such kid, and I’m still struggling to unlearn this as an adult. So I have huge admiration for Kaito having managed to not do this, refusing to let anything stop him from being himself at all times. His convictions about staying true to himself are even more impressive when you realise that he would have felt so pressured to break them and pretend to be someone he’s not in order to more easily make friends.
As strong-willed as Kaito is, I doubt he’d have been able to do this as a kid without help. His parents and grandparents must have been really, really good in validating his passion and energy and never making him feel ashamed for being the way he is, assuring him that if other kids can’t see how great he is then that’s their problem and not because he’s doing anything wrong. He wants to go to space more than anything else in the world? Awesome; he should chase that dream with everything he has and not care how ridiculous and childish and impossible everyone else seems to think it is! Not all parents would do that.
After all, there are a lot of occasions in which Kaito does just brazenly present his larger-than-life self to someone in a clumsily overbearing attempt to make friends, without showing even the subtlest sign of being worried it might put them off. For that matter, Kaito is generally very willing to just throw himself into things he’s unfamiliar with and possibly end up failing spectacularly and making a fool of himself – something that’s likely to be pretty painful for him, given how RSD is. While some of this is probably down to his impulsiveness and not even considering that he might fail, I’m sure sometimes he’s got to be aware of it, and if so, that’s some impressive resilience and determination. People with ADHD can become unconsciously inclined to never try at anything out of a fear of that painful failure, but of course Kaito would refuse to let that happen to him – which is really quite admirable.
Interestingly, all of the times Kaito is subtly insecure about his social skills – the chapter 4 scene, the Salmon Team bits, and maybe that time with the former friend in his FTE if you assume that him wrapping it up in a fiction means he’s still uncomfortable about what happened – involve someone he’s already friends with.  After all, it’s probably easier for him to fearlessly dive in with someone new, because it’s less of a blow if he messes up in that context – not everyone’s going to click with him and that’s just how things go. But once Kaito’s already built a strong connection with someone, he becomes more afraid of messing up, because being rejected by someone important to him would be agonising. You might think that he ought to feel more comfortable around people he’s already friends with because he should trust them and know they’re not going anywhere no matter how much of a dork he is – but when RSD is a factor, it makes perfect sense for it to be the opposite.
Sidekicks can be friends, too!
Perhaps part of why Kaito is able to remain so confident in himself most of the time is because he nonetheless hasn’t grown up alone and lacking meaningful connections to other people. Despite his difficulty in making regular friends, he’s compensated for this by having sidekicks, which are a very different matter that his eccentricities conversely make him very good with. Being enthusiastic and energetic and over-the-top like Kaito can never not be is helpful when he’s being an inspiring hero, not weird or off-putting at all!
Still, while Kaito has a far easier time forging that initial connection with someone through the sidekick approach rather than the friend approach, that doesn’t make him worse at actually being someone’s friend (and not just their “hero”) once he’s got his foot in the door. If Kaito had told the story from his FTEs to Shuichi after they’d started training and properly bonded, Shuichi’s reaction would have been completely different: still probably exasperated, but in an affectionate kind of way, because he knows that’s just part of what makes Kaito who he is, and it’s actually pretty fun to be around. He has a lot of this sort of response to Kaito once they’re friends, and it’s adorable. It’s the same in the chapter 4 training chat – neither Maki nor Shuichi are at all put off by Kaito’s awkwardness, partly because they’re not exactly great at social skills themselves, but also because they know how much Kaito cares about them, and no amount of arbitrary social missteps could ever change that.
When someone becomes Kaito’s sidekick, meaning they’ve accepted his support and understand how much he wants to help them, they can see everything else about him that they might have found weird before in a new light. They learn that his eccentric behaviour isn’t him being deliberately rude or self-absorbed at all. It’s just genuinely how he is, and it’s part of how he can support them so well like he does, but that’s not all it’s good for. They come to appreciate Kaito not just for his incredible supportiveness, but for everything else about him, too. He’s not just their hero, but also their friend.
However… Kaito apparently can’t see that. Since he’s never been that good at forming regular friendships with people who don’t explicitly need him, he’s all too liable to assume that the people who do need him are only sticking around because of that, and no other reason. That co-dependency of Kaito’s I mentioned earlier, aka his rather unhealthy need to be needed? While the stressful context of the killing game definitely made it way worse throughout the story, it seems it was already slightly a thing in the first place – and if so, Kaito having ADHD could very well be the root cause.
Kaito is Good
Being realistic about how sadly uncommon well-represented neurodivergency is in fiction (and how misunderstood ADHD tends to be), I don’t know if I should try to assert that Kaito being ADHD was definitely the writers’ intent. However, almost every major facet of his character and personality fits with it so damn well that I want to think it’s at least possible that someone on the writing team could have had it in mind. Especially with the couple of bits I mentioned that seem like they could have been deliberately included by someone who Knows.
Still, even if it wasn’t intended, it’s amazing how good of a fit this is. Maybe it’s just that, in creating a character as intensely passionate as Kaito, the writers naturally wrote into him all the downsides of being that way as well, without even realising they were near-perfectly modelling the highs and lows of ADHD. After all, the human mind’s ability to simulate other human minds even when they’re not real is freaking magical. Kaito is such an incredibly well-written character with so much thought put into him whether or not he was meant to be as extremely ADHD-coded as he is.
I’ve always believed that Kaito is a fantastic example of how the best way to write realistic and interesting flaws into a character is to have them organically draw from traits that, in other situations, can be that character’s greatest strengths. And in my opinion, this is also kind of true about ADHD. When I figured out I had it and what it really meant, it was hugely validating for me, because I learned that almost everything I’d been struggling with was basically just the logically-inevitable downside of some of the things I’d always liked about myself, such as my ability to get so ridiculously analytical about stories I love like this. I wouldn’t trade those parts of myself away for anything – and I can’t imagine Kaito would, either.
I’ve seen a few posts and articles focusing on the bright side of having ADHD by listing some of the positive traits ADHDers often have because of it, and, delightfully, so many of them – fun to be around! compassionate! persistent! to name just a few – are things that Kaito has in spades. So, well, if ADHD can look so much like Kaito… then surely it can’t be all bad.
(P.S.: High-five to anyone who headcanons Kaito as autistic! There’s a lot of overlap between that and ADHD. Many of the symptoms I’ve talked about here can also be symptoms of autism, and even with the non-overlapping bits, a lot of Kaito’s idiosyncrasies that I linked to ADHD could be interpreted slightly differently to link them to autism instead. I believe ADHD fits him somewhat better than autism does, but then I’m more knowledgeable about ADHD so my data is skewed, plus I’m pretty obviously biased since I’m personally invested in the idea of Kaito being like me. Taking a step back from my more specific headcanon here, though, there’s still every reason to assume that Kaito is at least some flavour of neurodivergent, and I think that’s pretty awesome.)
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
Eventually the pimps and drug dealers notice that the doctors and lawyers have switched from Cadillac to Lexus, and do each kind of work in the way of noticing it consciously. The reason I've been writing about existing forms is that I don't know. Most of the people who've had to write PhD disserations about Dickens don't.1 That word balance is a significant one. I encourage founders to follow whichever path is most immediately exciting to them.2 What happens to publishing if you can't sell content? We're good at making movies and software, and undergrads are not especially prone to waste money.3 When you take people like this and put them together with other ambitious people, then a lot of people. One of my most vivid memories from our startup is going to be than the worst?4 In this model, the research department functions like a mine.5
I'm sometimes accused of meandering. With each step you gain confidence to stretch further next time.6 You had to for guests. Perl. If they get something wrong, it's usually not realizing they have to be inferior people.7 Of what? And because of supply and demand, they pay especially well.8
If free copies of your content are available online, then you're competing with publishing's form of distribution, and that's why they do it so well.9 Another trick I've found to protect myself against obsolete beliefs is exactly what you have to customize something for an individual client's complex and ill-defined needs.10 I make a note of what surprises me most about them is how conservative they are.11 It didn't seem to harm us. He redefined the problem as: make one that's beautiful.12 Prediction is usually all we have to rely on. As you accelerate, this drag increases, till eventually you reach a point where the adults sit you down and explain all the lies they told you. It's exciting to chase things and exciting to try to guess answers.13 Combine this with the confidence parents try to instill in their kids, and every year you get a valuable new resource you can use to figure out what he meant. One, the CTO couldn't be a first rate hacker, because to become an eminent NT developer he would have if the founders had given the VCs what they wanted, when they wanted it, and focus our efforts where they'll do the most good.
A few steps before a Rubik's Cube is solved, it still looks like a mess. There were a lot of false positives. At least, that's how they see it. If it fails, that is. But it's certainly possible to do things that make you stupid, and if you can, as Steve Jobs does, make satisfying you the kind of productivity that's measured in lines of code: the best programmers can solve a given problem in a tenth the time. Hackers & Painters. Particularly to young companies that are growing fast, but haven't been doing it for long enough to have grown big yet. Do we want to get the resulting ideas past other people's. Well, there precisely is Montaigne's great discovery. Note too that determination and talent are not the graphic designers and grandmas who were buying Macs at Apple's low point in the 1960s.14 It's one of the most spectacular lies our parents told us was about the death of our first cat.
But no one those days was paying a lot more than Yahoo. Conversations with corp dev is not doing a bad job of talking to them before they are. And I think we may be good at what we're good at for the same reason we're bad at.15 When you're too weak to lift something, you don't need either of those. It's something they plunge into, working fast and constantly changing their minds, and why companies pay now for Bloomberg terminals and Economist Intelligence Unit reports. The time was then ripe for the question: if the study of ancient texts became less about ancientness and more about texts. If they're only paying a twentieth as well. But this harmless type of lie can turn sour if left unexamined.16 We want kids to be innocent so they can get the most done. The world is more addictive than it was 40 years ago.
If you're really productive, why not modern texts? The place to look is where the line ends. I think founders will increasingly be the fate of anyone who wants to get things done. When you see something that's taking advantage of new technology to give people something they want that they couldn't have before, you're probably better off thinking directly about what users need. And I think this sort of thing it becomes national news. The less it costs to start a company. In the hundred meters, you know in 10 seconds who's fastest.
I know when this happened because it doesn't change the meaning of life.
Currently we do at least 150 million in 1970. Patrick Pantel and Dekang Lin.
Just use the name Homer, to a car dealer. A supports, say, but no doubt often are, but those are writeoffs from the most difficult part for startup founders tend to use some bad word multiple times. Ii. I'm not against editing.
Of the remaining outcomes don't have enough equity left to motivate people by saying Real artists ship.
But if they do for a patent troll, either. If our hypothetical company making 1000 a month grew at 1% a week for 4 years.
It should not try to get elected with a screw top would have disapproved if executives got too much. Another tip: If doctors did the same way a bibilical literalist is committed to believing anything in particular made for other reasons, the switch in mid-game.
Good and bad technological progress, however. Y Combinator makes founders move for 3 months also suggests one underestimates how hard they work. This is the accumulator generator benchmark are collected together on their companies took off? But that doesn't seem to have to talk about startups in Germany.
I may be exaggerated by the government to take board seats by switching to what you really want, like selflessness, might come from meditating in an urban legend. And if you know Apple originally had three founders? When you're starting a company if the students did well they do now.
After Greylock booted founder Philip Greenspun out of business, having spent much of the biggest winners, from hour to hour that the worm infected, because investing later would probably only improve filtering rates early on?
We Getting a Divorce? Perl.
Don't invest so much from day to day indeed, is a huge, overcomplicated agreements, and b when she's nervous, she doesn't like getting attention in the sense that there were about the same reason I stuck with such tricks will approach.
But it's useful to consider behaving the opposite way from the CIA. There are successful women who don't like to invest at any valuation the founders. But while this sort of things you waste your time working on is a dotted line on a scale that Google does. 0001.
But try this experiment is that you're not going to create a great deal of competition for the future.
VCs thus have a standard piece of casuistry for this essay will say that it refers to instant ramen would be more likely to come in and convince them. But this seems an odd idea.
You're going to drunken parties. I have no real substance. VCs should be working on Viaweb. But iTunes shows that people get older.
After a bruising fight he escaped with a slight disadvantage, but in practice money raised as convertible debt is a shock at first, but this sort of person who would never have left PARC. Again, hard work is in the Valley has over New York, people who did it lose?
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funpartybagsblog · 3 years
What Should You Put In A Children’s Party Bag?
Party Bags become a staple of youngsters’ gatherings. At the point when you’re youthful, it’s continually energizing to have the option to bring a sack of treats home.
Gathering packs, cute gifts, or goody sacks are little sacks that contain a little choice of presents for your visitors to get back.
It’s a pleasant touch to add to any child’s gathering without burning up all available resources. The issue is that gathering them together can be tedious.
Consequently, we’ve accumulated our top tips for assembling astonishing gathering packs:
What to place in children’s pre-filled party bags?
The primary tip, with regards to filling party sacks, isn’t to pack them. Pick 3 or 4 fun things that children will appreciate.
1. Air pocket Blowers
This is an exemplary gathering sack thing however they will in general be untidy. We suggest playing it safe:
Stand by until the children are somewhat more established.
Ensure you pick a brand of air pocket blowers that don’t stain! Much of the time, they are not difficult to wash however you’ll make your life simpler simply by checking the marks already.
Abstain from getting spills in the lounge by getting the children to go outside to play with the air pockets.
2. Stickers
Stickers are another staple of kids’ party sacks! They’re genuinely simple to discover and they come in all shapes and sizes which permits you to pick some that match your gathering subject. They likewise don’t die so children can save them for an extensive stretch of time.
3. A themed thing
Adding a thing that matches your gathering topic is an incredible touch! For instance, on the off chance that you have a princess gathering, you can add a little crown or a princess wand. It makes the gathering packs unique and the children will in general recall the things for more.
4. Candy
At the point when you’re a child, nothing beats sweets (the equivalent applies to adults and chocolate… ). Rather than purchasing extra desserts, the most effortless arrangement is simply to add that leftover from the gathering. This additionally implies you will not need to conceal the desserts from your profoundly clever and insightful children!
5. Cake
On the off chance that you have some extra cake from the gathering, add a cut to the gathering sacks. Nobody needs dry cake, so sharing will help diminish squander.
Expert tip: If the cake has icing, stick a toothpick in the top prior to enveloping it by a napkin. It will keep the covering from adhering to the cake.
6. Ensemble things
In the event that you host a themed get-together, why exclude an outfit thing in the gathering sacks? These can undoubtedly be found in stores or made at home. Keep it basic. For instance, an eye fix or a handkerchief is ideal for a private party.
7. Fun gathering veils
Consider adding themed covers to all the gathering sacks. For instance, hero or creature veils. These will make for incredible gathering pictures! Search for veils that don’t cover the mouth territory as children don’t track down these agreeable to wear.
8. Small scale lights
This thing is ideal in case you’re hosting a sleepover gathering. At the point when you’re a child, utilizing light in obscurity is incredibly engaging. You can ordinarily track down some modest ones in the neighborhood pound shop (search for keyring lights).
9. Joke/trick extras
A whoopee pad is an old top pick, however, there are various other trick things that you can add to a gathering pack too. Post for the next time you go out to shop; you’ll be astounded at the number of there are.
10. Wristband
We favor wristbands over pieces of jewelry for clear reasons. On the off chance that your visitors are somewhat more established, a pleasant thought is to incorporate the globules for a DIY armband. It’s consistently a great activity for youngsters to do.
11.Scoubidou Strings
Normally, these are related to young ladies however from our experience, young men appreciate making them comparably much. They are incredible for getting children to unwind and zero in on making something.
Genius tip: rapidly google “how to begin a scoubidou” before the gathering as the children will definitely ask you the inquiry.
12. A cooking thing or fixing
A memory I have as a kid is getting back a spatula from a cooking party. Wooden ones are modest and they will probably be being used for quite a long time. For my situation, my folks utilized it substantially more than I could possibly do… however it was still “mine”.
13. Seeds for the nursery
In case you’re facilitating a spring gathering, why not add a little bunch of seeds for the children to plant and watch develop?
Star tip: on the off chance that you have a more youthful crowd, pick seeds that develop quick and don’t need a lot of consideration. Lentils are an exemplary model.
14. A gathering picture
For this one, you will require a printer and some arranging. During the occasion, take a gathering image of the relative multitude of visitors, print it, and add a duplicate to all the gathering sacks.
Professional tip: remember that printing 15 pictures can take 20 to 25 minutes. You’ll have to keep the children occupied during that time. On the off chance that you have a performer coming, you’re good to go. If not, plan a gathering game for the children that don’t require a lot of oversight.
15. Books
This thought was given to us by a Mum: If your kid and his/her companions are energetic perusers, rather than getting a gathering sack, just get them your child’s #1 book.
We think this is a good thought. It will not have any significant bearing on each gathering, however, it’s incredible when it does.
Get to know Fun Party Bags
We all know that preparing for a big day on the calendar can be a time of fun and excitement for those celebrating, but for the party organizer, there are dozens of things that need to be taken care of to make the day go off with a bang for that special someone. One less thing to worry about, now that you’re here, is providing fun party bags to bring a big smile to the party-goers faces. If you’re looking for fun party bags to create fond memories, you’re in the right place. Browse a range of the best party bags to buy online in the UK, including girls-filled party bags, cheap pre-filled party bags, and browse many other incredible party supplies to buy online.
With everything else going on, the location, the catering, the invites, we believe there’s no better way to round off the perfect party than with some fun party bags – and we don’t just mean for the children! You’re never too old to appreciate some special treats, and with our range of themed party bags, you’ll never be short of ideas. Whether you’re hosting your child’s birthday party or a wedding celebration, we have the perfect pre-filled party bags to send all your guests home with a smile on their faces!
We offer free delivery on all orders over £30, so you will receive your box of goodies pre-packaged and ready to hand out when the big day arrives. All deliveries are tracked too, so you’ll always know when and where your party bags are without worry.
As a leading Kent party supplier, we’re delighted to stock everything you need for your big event to go with a swing. Our premium party bags range is designed to please even the pickiest party guest. No matter the theme of your occasion, we have the right party bags to match. Hosting a birthday celebration for your son or daughter can always be a challenge, but we make your life easier with our pre-filled girls’ and boys’ party bags that have everything that kids enjoy right there at your fingertips.
Packed with cool-themed gifts and toys, our party bags save you time and effort. They’re all perfectly tailored to the theme of your party too – whether your child is into princess, pirates, or dinosaurs, we’ve got the ideal bags for you! Just because your guests are little doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy the fun of having a party bag. Our pre-filled baby gift bags are toddler-safe and are a time-saving solution for busy parents. We also have the perfect unisex party bags that both boys and girls are going to love. Filled with fun toys and gifts, they bring the perfect party to the perfect end.
Our party bag ranges aren’t just for the little ones – sometimes the grown-ups deserve some fun too! That’s why we’ve designed a range of wedding party bags which are just perfect for handing to your guests at the end of your big day.
There’s no better way to say thank you for helping you to celebrate than with one of our themed pre-filled party bags, so let us save you time and effort with our impressive range today! We take great care and pride in creating unique party bags for that special day you have on the calendar, however, if you’re not fully satisfied with your purchase, we offer a no quibble 30-day Money Back Guarantee on all items.
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ravencromwell · 4 years
Disability Wealth Gap in the U.S.
Have been pondering the U.S. disability wealth gap a lot over the last few days while simultaneously realizing the lack of familiarity around disability finance outside the fairly narrow disabled community. So here's the disability wealth gap breakdown in the U.S. no one asked for.
Let's get a couple terms out of the way first, on the understanding these are fairly generalized explanations--the accompanying links will give you more broad information.
SSDI is social security disability insurance, available only if you've paid taxes into the social security system, usually for at least five years.
SSI is supplemental security income--a needs-based program for low-asset holding disabled folk, that requires no taxes having been paid into the system.
But! unlike disability insurance, where there's a fairly generous yearly earned income cap and no asset cap, both those things exist with SSI--one of the reasons means-testing is one of neoliberalism's worst evils
Essentially, SSI is the greasy spoon compared to the meat & 3 that's available if you've paid in the system. Your only criteria is being born disabled and low-income. And then are promptly kicked off of if you have assets over $2,000. Yeah, you read that right: no fluffy college degrees if you're disabled. You better make damn sure you get something that'll keep you employed come hell or high water
You'll notice that both the source links are to breakdowns regarding income; I'm not the person to ask about eligibility, particularly when it comes to Social Security disability insurance, having never been one of those lucky tax-paying folks. I'm here to talk assets and economics if you're born disabled and poor. More specifically, how disability--especially when viewed intersectionally with other isms--makes it damn near impossible to escape poverty
So, you're allowed to have $2,000 in assets as a single person and qualify for SSI. Assets, as defined by the social security administration include:
money in a checkings or savings account
cash value in life insurance policies (over $1,500)
stocks and bonds
vehicles (they grant us the grace of one for transportation)
real estate (except our house)
(Source link)
Do a real slow once-over of that list. Barely any life insurance; no easily accessible investment opportunities, and most of all, no easily accessible savings or checking. And this's a flat rate, assessed yearly; your accounts can never, under any circumstances, go over $2,000 in a year. (Easily accessible is an important caveat here, because there are beginning to be some legal work-arounds which I'll address later)
And the SSI payment itself? I'm on the upper-most end, and it comes in at about $800 a month, which you'd better spend within that month, cause remember, no accumulating over $2,000. Average one-bedroom apartment rent in the U.S. in the year of our lord 2019? $1,078. This rent report, while capitalist as hell, in that it celebrates the growth that's sucking everybody dry, is a very good overview of just how bad the rent situation is. If you're insanely lucky, you can scrape an apartment at $601, and if you're shit out of luck, you'll end up at $2,311.
I specifically mention one-bedrooms because disabled folk tend to be shy of apartment-sharing arrangements. There're a lot of reasons for this, from needing to carefully organize our refrigerators by memory to avoid expensive labeling technology (if you really want a trip, go look up the price of a roll of Dymo tape, which's the best kind of tape for inserting into a brailler for labeling.) to serious concerns on the part of nondisabled folk about rooming with us. The fear of being asked to change your life in significant ways or take on responsibilities outside those normally expected of apartment-sharing agreements is one I heartily sympathize with.
And then, there is, of course, disabled folks' healthy fear of crime. This isn't a topic I want to linger over, particularly because I think there is a real danger of inflating carceral myths around crime that've already ravaged poor, majority-minority communities. But it is a reality that disabled folk are three times more likely to be victims of violent crime than their nondisabled counterparts. Just as with many other marginalized folk, we need to take care in our housing situations etc. etc.
The unfortunate reality, however, is that the low-wage work that many marginalized folk rely on for survival is barred to us, especially if we have significant physical or visual disabilities. As a blind person with cerebral palsy, for example, cashier and receptionist are out for me.
There're two vitally important discussions that need to be had that don't fit neatly into this 101 post where I'm specifically using the most universalist language possible to encompass the broadest cross-section of the disability community, but which I want to acknowledge nonetheless: the complete lack of a social safety net, and the fact that even as a dirt-poor white, I'm farther up on the privilege ladder than most people of color.
One of the most enlightening passages of Brittney Cooper's Eloquent Rage is the following:
Skyrocketing childcare costs continue to disadvantage Black families, particularly in households like mine, headed by a single breadwinner mother. According to the Institute for 206Women’s Policy Research, 60.9 percent of all Black families are headed by a single mother who is the breadwinner for the family. Another 20 percent of Black households rely on a married mother as the breadwinner. In every state in the United States, there are more single than married Black mothers. In every state in the United States, there are more married white mothers than single ones. In twenty-four states, the cost of childcare exceeds the cost of rent, and in many states the cost of childcare exceeds the 10 percent income-affordability threshold established by federal agencies.
Consider that many of those single women are also disabled--a definition complicated, I'm beginning to learn, by the racism of the white disability community and many black folks' distrust of identifying with any term that harkens back to eugenics. Especially as utterly baseless, slanderous filth about intellectual or physical inferiority is still propagated as one of the multiple cudgels of racism to this day. (which is one of the reasons, honestly, that I'm doing this post; because disability, and the financial limitations thereof, often intersect with the movements against police brutality in ways not immediately apparent. If we as disabled folk are three times as likely to be victims of violent crime, you know! black disabled people, be that an identity they embrace or no, are going to be more vulnerable.)
But I also bring up Cooper's point above because it highlights the scarcity of resources and general social mobility. I've been trying to obtain a housing voucher for years. This would allow me to set aside some of my SSI money--in those legal work-arounds I'll touch on in a moment. Not a lot, mind you, but enough to build on a slight savings foundation. As a person with disabilities, I'm even considered high-priority. But there simply are no openings. The waiting list is lengthy, and gets lengthier every year. Because the people reliant on said vouchers can't gain better-paying employment. * So they need those vouchers, and the state and federal government refuse to create more. (And understand, this goes beyond simple dem or gop administration categories. I was as thoroughly fucked, housing-voucher wise, under the Obama admin as the Trump one. There is a fundamental housing crisis HUD has failed to grapple with, of rising rent and shrinking availability for low-income individuals. This failure has been a long time in the building, and just happens to disproportionately impact those of us with disabilities.)
In a system where the statistics Cooper cites are a grim reality for so many black women, it is absolutely no surprise the system is gridlocked, especially when you look at Cooper's elucidation that in 2011, median wealth for white families was over $141,000 while black families' rested at $11,000. And single black women: had a net wealth of $5, while single white women had an average of $42,000.
I may be dirt-poor, but I recognize that my ability to be left a tiny nest-egg of an inheritance is a massive fucking white privilege, and I want to make clear again that a lack of spots on that voucher list is absolutely not the fault of anyone but the folk in power. But when you can't get an entry-level job, and you! can't get a voucher, having anything to build on is insanely tough.
Especially because: the first legal work-around to SSI didn't arrive until the year 2014. Yeah, you fuckin read that right: six years ago. Known as the Able, or A Better Life Experience Act, this let us create savings accounts. We can--and are expected to--sock money away in those for investments in housing, education, etc. etc.
And look; it's revolutionary, ok. It lets me have a tiny nest-egg without having my SSI snatched away. But when your SSI is $800 a month, it's essentially eaten up by expenses. If and when disaster makes that nest-egg dwindle, there's nothing to replenish it. And understand: this is significant progress. Remember that $2,000 SSI asset limit? Until March 9th, 2005, household resources were counted towards that total. (Yeah, that means everything from furniture to your cell phone counted towards your assets, and then people ask why there's a disincentive in the disability community towards employment when your SSI is so often tied to decent, affordable insurance.)
There is progress made, but god there is so much more to be made. I didn't even know about the trusts until two years ago. Until this week, I didn't know that friends could gift directly into the trust, when I went looking after generous people offered help and I went: but can I take it without fucking up the SSI, cause god knows I desperately need replenished savings, but can't possibly get kicked off that, too. There are so many people who have no idea Able accounts exist, or the means to fill them.
Disabled people who aren't employed in white-collar jobs and want to get married? are absolutely fucked. If you have SSI, you can only have $3,000 in assets between you and your spouse, excluding some pensions etc. etc. Exceed that limit, and poof, you're done. So if you're born disabled, better either go to college or have a spouse who makes enough to support two. (These restrictions are slightly less onerous with Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, but as I've said before, I'm not the one to speak to that.)
Part of making that progress is being well-informed. Start understanding how race and disability are woven together--something I'll freely admit I'm just learning. Start understanding that programs like a child allowance? are simultaneously some of the best antiracism and antipoverty work we can be doing, and would be revolutionary for parents with kids with disabilities.
Even more revolutionary, and the program I hear no one talking about? baby bonds!
You have to understand: there is a lot of shit Senator Booker and I disagree on--google his notorious charter school support. But this program? was one of the best things to come out of the 2020 campaign--aside from Warren's wealth tax, and the entire policy page which's just a well-constructed dream suite of proposals.
Booker's baby bonds program makes me do the delighted flaily hands. A. the strides it would make to reduce the black and white wealth gap between young people are just phenomenal. B. it would so radically reshape the landscape for disabled folk I haven't even entirely managed to wrap my head around all its implications. But let me give you an example.
As members of the disability community, there is some limited aid available to us for college. States will usually pay the amount of tuition for an in-state student at a local university of their choosing. So let's say $9,500. Now, we all know that's not going to go very far at all, particularly if you go out-of-state for college. And considering the steep unemployment rate in the disability community--most reputable studies put it at around 70% in the blind community. Well.
Even taking into account methodology concerns e.g. not necessarily surveying whether someone wants a job or are cognitively capable of job performance, but instead relying on whether they have one, those statistics are fucking grim. (I try really hard not to ponder it; the only way to pursue my ambitions is to believe, with either mad optimism or bulldog stubbornness, in my chances of success.)
When you're looking at those steep odds in a world where networking is already hard for non-disabled professionals: you need! the burnished credentials of a fancy school. You oftentimes need that gloss just to get you noticed as a blind individual. And that? means a lot steeper tuition than what the state departments of rehabilitation will fork over.
If you're straight out of high school, you have some real hope of scholarships for your undergrad. If you are, like me, a nontraditional student, things get...complicated.
Current plan looks something like: take advantage of the free 2-year-college that just! got passed in my GOP state about a year ago. And have the amount of a semester's tuition (so around $16,000) in savings by the end of that. After that first semester, I'll use internships and work study and fuck knows what else, but I need that first semester: to undertake the arduous task of learning routes as a blind person. To understand what my resources are on-campus as a disabled person and how to utilize them.
Booker's baby bonds? An account worth tens of thousands by the time I was eighteen? would've erased so many of those obstacles. By now, I'd be out of college, out of law school, gainfully employed. The possibilities are almost too vast to contemplate.
So, yeah. I have no neat conclusion to this. Start understanding disability issues as critical intersectional issues. Fight for economic equality, understanding that you're fighting, in large part, for disability equality. Ask questions. I'm open to them. I suspect you have other disabled friends who are, too
*There's a whole discussion around incarceration crippling employment, especially in majority-minority communities. Follow any good decarceral thinker, from Chris Hayes to Josie Duffy Rice to Ruth Wilson Gilmore (the latter understands disability as a crucial part of the struggle in ways I deeply appreciate) to understand the issue better.
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ptcb-archive · 5 years
Breakout of the convicted Chapter 1: A dreadful new beginning
| Read the Prologue |
| First (you are here) | Next |
| Read on Ao3 |
Posting on mobile is so fucking hard Jesus Christ 
When the server originally started, TFC’s base was nothing more than, well, his base. Long branch mines starting in his massive vault, where he would get everything he ever needed from underground. He usually didn’t go out at all, but after being assigned the role of leader of the HCPD and second in command of the whole operation, he started going out more, mostly to get people into the vault.
The tiny rooms that were originally meant to be just for decoration and moodsetting ended up being the places where the inmates would spend their days, under the vigilance of TFC himself, and another officer who would stay on duty. They changed every so often.
Mumbo had never been to this place before. He had heard of it and he could imagine the amount of tunnels and spaces the place would have. How big it was; yet once inside, he immediately felt cramped.
Because the place was crammed. Filled to the brim with everyone who was taken in by the police. Only a small section of the base was used as a prison. The man who owned the place still needed a place to live after all. When he was shoved in, he saw most people spending time at the cafeteria built for the inmates, while others were probably spending time in their respective cells.
He walked around the place having every single eye on him. Everyone was staring as fresh meat came into the hell hole. He took a seat at a table that wasn’t too full. Doc and Ren were sitting at the edge of the table playing with some cards. Even the cards looked gloomy. They weren’t even decorated. They looked just like cardboard.
Asleep on the table, laying on his arms, was Biffa. He was just laying there, choosing to be surrounded by people rather than taking a nap on his own cell. It wasn’t clear as to why.
Just as the thought of feeling in place was starting to settle in, Mumbo felt someone sit right next to him.
“Hey. It’s fun seeing you again.”
Mumbo turned his head to see a rather familiar face. He couldn’t quite make up who it was though. “Who are you again?” He asked.
“I’m the one who made you jump to your death.”
Oh. It was Zedaph. Ok. Alright
“Why did you do that?”
Zed looked at him puzzled. “Hm?”
“Why did you force me, AND others to kill ourselves?”
He stretched his arms and back before leaning onto the table. “I don’t know.” He replied. “ I don’t know why I chose that route over any other to get what I wanted. Guess I wanted to see the world burn”
“And what did you want to get?”
“From you? A few diamonds and redstone. Maybe redstone components. You aren’t the first one I ‘killed’ for those”
Mumbo frowned. “You know you can,,, craft those yourself right? There were shops that sold redstone, yet it is such an easy resource to get.” He argued. “Why did you need me to die to get it? You could’ve even asked!”
“Hah” Zed chuckled. “Now where is the fun in that? I knew most people knew I had a bit of a connection to the infamous Tango, so why try to act nicely if most people were going to walk away? I don’t have many diamonds to use for payment, or, well, had, so buying stuff was pointless.” He made a small pause. “But then again what is the big deal everyone has with dying in this world? We are blessed to be able to die and come back. If so is the case, then why is it such a bad thing? It hurts like hell, sure, but you’ll make it through, and come back fully healed. What is the big issue even?”
From across the table, not even moving, opening his eyes, nothing, Biffa made a sound of acknowledgement. The men talking looked at him, before going back to their topic.
Mumbo turned back to Zed and stayed quiet. His couldn’t really think of a good answer to that question. That silence was enough to make Zed smile.  
“Hey if it matters at all, even though I personally don’t care about your death, I’m sorry if it made you upset in the morning.”
“That is the most insincere apology I’ve ever gotten.”
“Eh It’s the best you’ll get. At least I’m being honest. But hey by the time you get out of here you’ll have your stuff back since it was taken from me. Cool huh?”
“Alright then.” Zed stood up. “I’ll see you around.”
“It’s not like I have a choice” replied mumbo.
“Haha! True.”
He let out a big sigh of relief before his thoughts were interrupted again by the guys playing cards at the other side of the table.
“Too bad you suck doc.”
Mumbo had enough of that place and wanted to go into a cell to be on his own. He approached one of the guards standing outside the cafeteria.
“Excuse me, may I go to a cell please?”
The short guy turned around and looked up to see Mumbo standing there. “Alright. But there is something you must know. We are currently under renovations so we’re kinda shoving people together into a few tiny spaces for the time being. Not like we can do much about it or you complain, but just letting you know. Follow me, I’ll take you to your new roommates.”
The doors of the cafeteria opened and Mumbo was handcuffed to walk through the corridors. Everything around him felt small, like this place wasn’t designed for more than one old man. He wanted to get out of there and he had only spent a few minutes.
However he quickly learned that those minutes would turn into hours, days, months, really quickly, as he saw his roommate sitting on the bed. The guy looked up and immediately made a big, shit eating grin.
“Oh, long time no see mustache man.” Said the small guy in the cell. “Now this is going to be fun.”
Mumbo stepped back in shock. “Oh you have got to be kidding me” he protested.
Grian stood up from the bed and signaled the tall guy to get in. Mumbo refused, but the officer next to him told him to get over it and get in at once, or to just go back to the cafeteria.
He got his handcuffs taken and took a seat on a separate bed in the room. “If it weren’t for the fact that it would cause more harm than good, I would’ve punched you in the face”
“Oh wow. You really have a lot of accumulated anger don’t you Mumbo?”
“Shut up. Just shut up. I want to take a nap. That’s all I want. Please. If you can leave the cell that’s even better.”
“Geez.” Scoffed Grian. He got a hold of a guard who put him in handcuffs and took him to the cafeteria. Mumbo was left alone. He crawled into the top bunker bed and covered himself up with the sheets. “I don’t deserve to be here.”
He had set his spawn point.
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yunxies · 6 years
do you know any lesser known medias (such as ina11, transformers, what u usually like) as u have lots of great interests when it comes to shows, etc and im interested in hearing more? im trying to get into more things and its kind of hard finding more media.
oh i’m flattered to hear that! hmm i don’t consume very much media and tend to just get into one thing and hyperfixate on that for months at a time but let’s see...
kaitou joker - a really fun manga turned anime (i haven’t read the manga but i’ve heard people say the anime is better) about flashy bright-colored phantom thieves. wacky, super entertaining concepts, coupled with a surprising amount of depth and emotion. it’s zany and childlike and EVERYONE has a tragic backstory. in any case it’s really fun and engaging, i don’t post about it much here bc it’s not super on my radar but it’s an absolutely underrated gem of a show (and probably less popular than other stuff i’m going to post about)
elsword - i’m only into this one secondhand and mostly just piggyback off my friends’ posts but this one is a korean mmo, i don’t know much about how the actual game goes but the characters are all super compelling from what i hear about them from my friends. the character designs are all really good as well
lobotomy corporation - again, only into this one secondhand. it’s a game inspired by scp stuff where you work for a corporation in a post-apocalyptic world that extracts energy from monsters, and you have to allocate resources, appease the monsters, contain them when they rampage, choose how many of your employees to sacrifice, etc. it sounds really good and fun and i love the characters. i really wanna play it but i don’t have the time ;_;
megaman x - okay so this isn’t exactly unknown but like transformers it’s not, like, in the mainstream fandom spotlight so i guess it counts. really good video game series about robots at war that you can analyze for all sorts of deep themes about morality, pacifism, etc, etc. also x and zero are gay. stan axl
gundam build fighters - the gundam franchise is really famous but this installment less so, it takes place in a world where the rest of the gundam franchise is fictional and people do battles with their little gundam plastic model merch. obviously it’s very, exists to sell toys, but like yugioh it has a really fun uplifting vibe of people just being passionate about their hobbies and having fun with that, it’s really sweet
kamen rider - again mostly secondhand hbfdgj can you tell i’m reeeeally bad at getting around to watching/playing things but i like this one. japanese live-action superhero show that’s been ongoing since like the 60s, every year there’s a new series with a new plot and main character. it seems really fun a lot of people are into it. i like ooo and w because i love ankh and philip. insanely popular in japan so idk if it counts as lesser known but yknow
danball senki - by the same company and director as inazuma eleven and it’s a lot like inazuma eleven except with tiny remote-controlled fighting robots instead of soccer. i’m not very far in but already they’ve used these tiny remote-controlled robots to stop an assassination attempt on the prime minister sfhgldg akihiro hino at it again. i only know like three people who have seen it but everyone says it’s super good so i’d check it out
yugioh spinoffs - idk what you followed me for so maybe you know these already but while the original yugioh is super popular the spinoffs are less known, there’s still a huge fanbase but they aren’t really in the collective nerd consciousness as much, anyway they’re all really good. i recommend gx, 5ds and zexal (OH GOD ZEXAL) the most, arc v is universally panned as a disappointment, have heard mixed reviews on vrains but i’m not very big on it. but gx 5ds and ZEXAL!!! are really really good (gx has a loooot of filler in the first half though and zexal also kind of does)
princess tutu - I KEEP FORGETTING PRINCESS TUTU because it’s not really an Interest in that i get the urge to create fanworks for it but it is one of my favorite shows of all time, it’s about fairytale characters who are trapped in a story made by an author who loves tragic endings, and need to escape the tragic ending and forge a new one. it’s also about ballet, and ducks. i admit a lot of me liking it is because it hits on a whole bunch of my personal favorite tropes/aesthetics but it’s also really good in general 
animorphs - OH MY GOD I FORGOT ANIMORPHS. please read animorphs. i know it’s a meme to make fun of the covers but it’s genuinely one of the best ya series of all time it gets soooo deep into exploring and deconstructing all the realistic implications of the whole “plucky teens fight an alien invasion” setup, fair warning it gets BRUTAL and there is an entire genre of tumblr posts that are just people who only know the covers discovering how brutal it is but it’s sooo good. you can read it legally for free online
vsinger - i guess this counts? a line of vocaloids made by shanghai henian that have more lore and background to them than the other vocaloids who are kind of just a design, a name and an age. like for instance tianyi is an alien who can detect peoples emotions using music and can only communicate in song. so you have a bit more character stuff to play around with. i’m mostly just there for longya he’s sexy. gatling is a good song
also i’m really interested in this webtoon called ga dam hang seol it looks so good and interesting but the translation team consists entirely of one friend of mine who is always really busy and so the translation is only 5 chapters and updates very sporadically cries but just in case you’re interested you can read the comic here and the translation is here
well i think that’s about it that’s the accumulation of the past few years’ interests! also in a few years be on the lookout for a very cool and interesting novel whose title i haven’t decided on yet appearing on tapas (poses)
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demonfox38 · 6 years
2018 New Year’s Resolution (and what the fuck was behind it)
Since we’re closing out the year (among other terrible things crashing and burning), I wanted to talk about my goal of 2018. That’s right—the ever-so-lofty plan to beat twelve video games in my possession that I had never beaten before. Some people wanna get healthier. Others want to learn a new skill, produce a new item, or just generally make a good habit stick. My ass? Twelve games.
So, why the hell was that a goal? Was it really so hard to do?
When you hate yourself and fear failure, it kind of is.
If I know anything about being human, it’s that we’re often our own worst critics. Barring having a personality disorder that inflates the ego, a lot of humans are aware of their own failings and loathe addressing them. Like, personally? I think I am exceedingly ungrateful and callous. I fall prey to envy easily. My pride is fragile. If humans are supposed to have a meaning to their existence, then the only meaning I have found for mine is being a byproduct of desperation from my parents. Hell, there are even days I don’t even believe in the concept of unconditional love. Like, I think it’s bizarre to assume anyone would love me just for existing. Being kind? Sure. Just being? I don’t know.
What I’m getting at is that in the layers of reasons I hate myself, wasting resources and being unappreciative of what I have is close to the top of things I loathe to do. It drives me nuts to look through unopened DVDs or books with perfect spines. It’s not enough to just own something. I’ve got to use it at least once. The same goes with video games. Between Steam sales, hunting relics, and general accumulations over 30 years, I’ve got at least 70-90 games that I still haven’t beat in my collection. A stupid amount!
What good’s a game if you don’t play it? (I mean, I hope that my purchases helped put someone’s kids through college, but still.)
A lot of what I’ve horded is in hopes that I could play it in the future. Like, when I get to retire in the future. Ridiculous, right? Some people plan on buying and selling houses to move to retirement communities or becoming an expat or at least getting all their debt settled to live as comfortably as possible. My sad ass just stacks video games. I mean, have you ever had the thought “I’ll play this when I have the time?” That’s me all the time.
But, what if there isn’t time?
My aunt had her shit together more than I did, and she still died before she was 50 of stupid medical bullshit. (Well, a pulmonary embolism triggered by clotting as a result of a mastectomy to combat breast cancer, but who’s paying attention to details here?) Who’s to say the same won’t happen to me? Or, hell—that any of us will be allowed to retire ever? Best case scenario, I end up in a positive situation where I’m busy being happy with people that I love. (Medical science says my eggs are good for at least five more years, anyway.) Long story short, shit happens. People come and go. Plans changes. Sometimes, the changes are caused by good events. Other times, not so much.
I had time now. So, I used it.
Now, expecting to beat 70-90 games in a single year is madness. Twelve is reasonable. One a month, aiming for a maximum of 30-40 hours a game. I did it, so it must be feasible. Hell, I made fourteen by this post. Fifteen if you want to count unlocking all the songs in “Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix.” Maybe even sixteen, if I finish “Hybrid Heaven” off by the end of December. Point is, it was reasonable to do, and I did it.
Did it come at a cost? Well, yeah. My output in terms of writing and drawing wasn’t as consistent, and what I put out was very tinged on my mood (i.e., an unfortunate amount of violent, graphic content and discussions of suicide.) But, it’s not as if playing games was a fruitless wash. Even if every evidence of what I did is wiped from the Internet, I still tried new stuff. I learned some new skills. I’m feeling a little better with my platforming anxiety, and I knocked it out of the park when it came to survival horror. I even had the confidence to stream my klutzing on Twitch. Not enough to get a microphone or a camera, but hell. I spent $250.00 USD to get an Elgato. I think that says enough on putting my money where my mouth is.
Video games seem frivolous. But, they’re how I get through my life.
My job requires constant learning and training. Everything I build is thrown away in at least five years (if not much sooner.) My poodles aren’t doing housework when I’m out, so that’s on me. Hell, I mow and shovel, even though my stamina and upper body strength is piss poor. And when things fuck up more than usual? Well, I managed to get myself through a fender bender and its subsequent repairs. I still needed help when I fucked up my mower blade, but hell. Sometimes, growing up is knowing when to stop and ask for help, too.
Life is stressful. It continually chips at a person’s ego. When I do well, my work (professional and otherwise) may not get the attention I feel it does. When I fuck up, it can feel like the whole world’s on my ass. As unproductive as video games seem, they give me situations to practice being under stress so that when an actual problem happens, I can make better decisions and act on them in a timely fashion. I mean, I’m never going to be a crack shot or be able to decapitate a robot with a kick to the face, but I can at least find the inspiration I need to do cardio or break down a complicated environment to get clues or even learn how to make a damn meal. (I’m 100% not kidding when I say “Tales of Symphonia” is the only reason I learned how to cook. I hated the social stigma with women around it that much.)
Could I do something more valuable with my time? Sure! I could work 80 hours. I could work 40 hours and take up parental care for another 40 after that. I could work 40, volunteer 20, and spend another 20 working out. I could spend every hour of my day creating or maintaining everything I touch. At some point, you have to have more rest than just sleep. It’s not healthy to idle all the time, sure, but it’s not healthy to being solely focused on productivity, either. As much as a muscle needs to be pulled to build strength, it also needs to be relaxed. Otherwise, everything tears.
I could read more books. Maybe try some more high art, whatever our overlords think that is anymore. But, video games are a valid media form, capable of a high level of engagement. Think about what can come of it. They can:
Foster empathy with people, creatures, or constructs unlike ourselves. (Ever flinch when your character gets hit?)
Encourage mental projection and environment construction (especially, in older games, where graphics were a little more limited and more parlor tricks were put in play to mask that.)
Carry distinct themes that the player distills to find meaning.
Teach you how to do shit.
Inspire others.
I mean, I won’t say that every game is a masterpiece rivaling the greatest works of literature. However, I’d like to think we live in a universe that doesn’t place bodice rippers and certain YA vampire novels of ill repute over “Silent Hill 2” simply because of the type of media they are told over.
So, I beat a bunch of games. I also got to develop some personal character. Even got around to doing what I thought was going to be thirty years in my future. At the very least, I feel like I have a new appreciation for what I own. I may hate myself a lot some days, but I’m at least capable of keeping my life going. I just have to stop thinking my is life over or waiting for it to start.
Here’s to what I knocked out this year (in the order I played). I won’t say that I enjoyed them all, but I at least was stubborn enough to get through them:
Lost Kingdoms
Metroid Prime
Super Metroid
Shining Force
Shining Force 2
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
Nano Breaker
Resident Evil 2
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Silent Hill 2
And here’s the clip you were probably thinking about this entire time:
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katatty · 6 years
Moving In
Part 6 of my Custom Neighbourhood Guide
I wasn’t sure what to call this part of the guide, it’s very much a bunch of miscellaneous tasks concerning memories, family albums, family trees, debugging… all that good stuff which ties everything together.
If you’ve been following my steps in order (which you don’t have to do, of course, some creators will prefer a less structured approach) then at this stage you have your terrain, your lots, a bunch of families in the sim bin. If you haven’t already – move them into their houses! If they can’t afford them you can use the familyFunds cheat or SimPE to give them the desired funding.
Back up your neighbourhood at this point! Now, more than ever, you are going to want to be creating regular backups so that you can easily revert to an older version if you make a mistake, or change your mind about any of the story direction.
Once all your sims are moved in you’re going to want to set up the storylines and situations you’ve planned out. There are two main ways to go about this: actually playing the game and editing memories and relationships manually in SimPE. I’ll be covering both methods here and listing the pros and cons of each. You’ll probably find yourself using a combination of the two depending on the situations you’re setting up.
Playing the Game
This is the easiest way to set your families up! Simply play the game as normal, possibly using testing cheats and modded objects to speed things along. With these you can quickly change relationships, age sims up, kill sims, etc. 
When I set up Europa, I had a backstory in mind where a schoolteacher and a priest had an affair and a kid together – so when I created the sims I made father Theo an adult rather than an elder, played out their entire affair including the birth of their son, and their subsequent breakup. I also aged the kid up, had Viola manually teach him his skills, aged Theo up… strictly this wasn’t necessary, but it was easier than messing about with SimPE and also let me take in-game screenshots along the way which I used for their storytelling albums.
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Penni talked about this too, on her commentary on my last post, and I’m going to paste what she said directly as its also insightful info:
“If you play through a full day of your old, established family, they won’t have a welcome wagon when the player starts the game, which makes sense. Play time also allows you to take advantage of the “training mechanism” to create sims with habits, and allows the sims to give you Better Ideas.  Woody’s refused first kiss with Virginia and Candy’s affairs with both Mann men were situations that came up during play - the sims’ ideas, not mine. Developmental play also doubles as playtesting time for your lots. The more real memories your sims get naturally, the less time you have to spend tediously manufacturing them in SimPE. And you can get any storytelling pictures you need.”
 As she mentions, actively playing is useful so that you can get welcome wagons out of the way, and let the future player take control at the best possible moment. Both Europa and Widespot (if I’m remembering correctly) start the game on a Friday morning so that downloaders can play out a standard week-day and then have the weekend to play about a bit more. If they start their day in their bedrooms players can also quickly tell whose room is whose! (Don’t have them actually sleeping, though. When opening a neighbourhood for the first time players will usually experience a jump-reset, so it’s best to have your sims standing idle when the neighbourhood is first loaded.)
If you want your storylines to create maximum impact, consider the timing of the events. One family in Europa contained a widower, Ronnie. I wanted his wife to have recently passed away and for the memory to be fresh when the game was first loaded so that the family would cry regularly and seem affected by her death. However, I killed off Viola right at the beginning of my gameplay, and by the end of the week the family seemed somewhat over it. I tried fiddling around in SimPE to change this later but didn’t have much luck - working with the game is a lot easier than working with SimPE, I find! I had to settle for using storytelling images and putting him in aspiration failure. Learn from my mistakes.  
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One other thing to keep in mind when playing is to avoid corruption at any cost. Read the Wiki guide on avoiding corruption thoroughly and regularly check your game with Hoodchecker. Keep creating those backups!
Game guide: Avoiding corruption
In theory you could set up everything this way without even using SimPE, but it might not always be practical, especially if there are multiple generations to consider, all with their own backstories... you would have to create the founding elders and play out the entire family history! Penni details a few more potential pitfalls:
“But developmental play is time-consuming, can get bewilderingly complicated, and inevitably risks the accumulation of the grit-like minor corruption and/or serious glitches with which we are all so familiar. It might also involve the spawning of NPCs you may not want, or the creation of complications that go against the Vision, requiring quitting without saving or reverting to one of your numerous backups. Only you can do the cost-benefit analysis here.”
 Editing & Adding Memories
So, this is where editing memories manually in SimPE might come in handy. It’s good for adding all the standard family memories (toddler training, growing up well/badly, etc.) I’m going to be honest here - I found this a real pain and it took a lot of trial and error to get it right! So keep using those backups. I’ll link the the tutorials and resources I used below:
Memories - Changing and removing {tutorial} 
Game guide:Adding memories in SimPE 
List of Memories 
One really cool thing about editing memories manually is that you do stuff that wouldn’t be possible with normal gameplay, like changing the colour of a memory from the usual way it appears! Katrina Fusilli dislikes her daughter-in-law, and has a negative memory of her son marrying. Stuff like Olive Specter’s memories with the Grim Reaper would also fall under this category! Take a look at the full list of possible memories and see what you come up with. 
If you give a memory an unexpected subject instance (possibly like “going steady” with Grim although I haven’t checked this) the Hoodchecker will flag it, but as far as I know it’s not harmful to the game. There’s one of these in Widespot concerning Skye Weiss’s abduction. 
Family Trees
If your families are all set up  in-game tools with CAS or during developmental play, your family tress are probably going to look fine. But if you’re adding family relationships between households manually, you may find they don’t show up correctly on family trees. I encountered this issue when trying to make all my NPCs related. 
The only way, as far as I know, to directly edit family trees is using SimPE! It’s been a while since I did this, and I could only find one tutorial on it, but editing family tress was something I found pretty easy once I knew the correct place to look. I’ll link to the tutorial I used below:
SimPE Family Ties Tutorial
Photo Albums 
More storytelling stuff! Each household has a family album composed of in-game snapshots taken with “C”. There is also a neighbourhood album, which will pop up when a neighbourhood is first loaded! You might want to include a quick summary of each household here. 
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During development play you’ll want to take pictures along the way of critical moments in the story. If you’re trying to avoid actually playing your neighbourhood too much for fear of corruption - no problem! You can stage scenes, take snapshots and then quit without saving. Your gameplay won’t be saved but the pictures will!  For Europa, I staged a few family photos using poseboxes I temporarily added to the game.
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You can choose which pictures to include in a family album, which order to have them appear, and there’s also an option to include captions. I like imitating the Maxis story albums and leaving the pictures caption-less so that the player can use their imagination, but Maxon used photo captions to great effect in Polgannon! 
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It’s also possible to use photos taken or edited outside of the in-game camera tool, as Maxon does above and as Maxis does! I know this is done by renaming and re-sizing the files accordingly, but I haven’t ever tried this before and can’t find a full guide on it! If anyone has any insight let me know :)
Biographies and Descriptions
Along with photo captions, you have a few other places you can write! The neighbourhood description itself, the neighbourhood story, household descriptions, and of course sim biographies! It’s up to you how much detail you want to go into on these - you might prefer to keep them vague or to go into lots of detail. 
You can also choose whether you want them similarly themed, or more varied in tone. In Veronaville, for example, almost everything is about the family feud, particularly the Juliette/Romeo love affair. Even Tybalt’s biography is about Juliette’s storyline:
The Capps and Montys have been feuding for years, but that hasn't stopped the younger generation from crossing boundaries and falling in love. Will their actions lead to ruin or bring the families together? - Veronaville’s  neighbourhood description
Juliette Capp has fallen for Romeo, golden child of the rival Monty clan. Can the Capps set aside their grudge and put Juliette's happiness first? -  The Capp household description & neighbourhood story 
Juliette loves her family and wants to please them, but her feelings for Romeo are undeniable. Can she make her family proud and make herself happy as well? - Juliette’s bio
Outspoken but surly, Tybalt is proud to carry the Capp name. Will his pride and hatred of the Montys ruin his sister Juliette's chance for happiness with Romeo? - Tybalt’s bio
For a bit of contrast, let’s look at Strangetown! The neighbourhood description is a lot more vague and nonspecific, hinting at the storylines rather than outright stating them. The household descriptions detail the family story, but character bios include fun tid-bits rather than spelling out their role in the story. 
Truth-seekers move to Strangetown hoping to discover the secrets the town holds. Do aliens live among us? Do missing Sims mysteriously appear here? In this town nothing is what it seems. - Strangetown’s neighbourhood description
In search of truth and mystery, the Curious brothers got more than they were "expecting." Can Pascal, Lazlo, and Vidcund cope with their new roles as cosmic parents? - Curious family bio & neighbourhood story entry 
No matter what happens, Pascal believes there is a logical explanation for everything. In his free time, he practices home psychoanalysis and collects conspiracy theories. - Pascal’s biography
Serious and exact, Vidcund strives to fit the universe into a nice tidy package. He has an unnatural fondness for African violets. - Vidcund’s biography
Juliette’s biography is all about family and forbidden love, but Pascal's make no mention of aliens, abductions or pregnancy. Tybalt’s bio talks about his hatred for the Montys, but Vidcund’s makes no mention of his feud with Loki Beaker or his romantic history with Circe. 
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I’m being a bit roundabout here, haha, all I’m really saying is there are a lot of ways you can approach descriptions like this! Maybe you have a strong theme or storyline you want to get across to players, or maybe it’s made up of lots of little storylines. 
Playtesting & Debugging
The final stage, and most likely not a fun one. Now that you’ve finished everything up, it’s time to playtest it a little. You may do this yourself, or enlist others to help! I’m not very good at spotting my own mistakes, so I created a beta of Europa and sent it to a few playtester-volunteers. 
Things you and/your testers will want to be looking out for:
Building issues
Signs of corruption
Spelling and grammar mistakes
Anything that seems missing or wrong
Draw up a big list of all the issues you/your testers encountered and then slowly work on fixing them. If you think you’ve solved the problem, double check it is fixed in your game, and maybe even send an updated version to your tester to verify it’s now working correctly. Don’t cross off issues as “solved” when you haven’t double checked! Some of my playtesters noticed my maid NPC had alien eyes and I never properly checked if I’d fixed it properly, so this glitch is still in the final version, hahaha. Again, learn from my mistakes! 
You may also want your testers to offer impressions of the characters and stories, opinions, & suggestions. Be sure to get across to your play-testers the sort of feedback it is you want! Perhaps you just want technical feedback and aren’t interested in any sort of critique. Being open to critique will work in your favour though, and help you make your neighbourhood as good as it can be. At the same time, don’t feel obligated to change things if they feel wrong or don’t match your vision! Ultimately you’ll never be able to please everyone, but you can certainly take their opinions on board :)
Releasing for Download
Not much to say here, really! To share it, all you need to do is compress the neighbourhood folder itself into a RAR or ZIP file. When you put it up for download you’ll likely want to list compatibility info, installation instructions, known bugs, recommended or required downloads (if applicable) and some previews of neighbourhood! 
How much information you want to give is up to you. You might want to keep things vague so that there are more surprises for the player, or you might want to give them the full facts. Pictures are always helpful, and can entice more players. Here’s Europa’s download post, for reference.
That about wraps things up, I think. I’m sure I haven’t covered everything as there is no end of stuff you can do, methods you can use and ideas you can have - you might even have thought of things I never even considered! But hopefully this guide proves useful to a few people. 
Once again, let me know if there’s anything else you’d like information on - I’ll happily edit these posts and might even make new ones if there’s demand. But for now, thanks for reading :) 
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uberkraaft · 3 years
Minimalist Home Kitchen Equipment Checklist: Every Little Thing You Required To Know
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When I moved into my very first condo after university, my mama and also I made one impressive vacation to Ikea to pick up life fundamentals. I'm discussing a bed structure, an evening platform, some racks, as well as certainly, basic chef tools. As well as male, perform I wish I possessed a kitchen space tools listing like this when we did our major devices loot!
Kitchen stuff is something you do not really begin to accumulate till you've finished university. Up until after that, you are actually most likely using what you carried coming from home and also your university roomie's flowerpots as well as frying pans. When you're eventually on your own, though, you must begin somewhere, yet also the absolute most simple list of home kitchen essentials is actually still dauntingly long.
You may do a great deal along with only that unique kitchen appliances checklist, but the majority of people tend to build up much more than the basic minimum of tools with time. Nevertheless, it is actually challenging certainly not to when there are actually a huge selection of arbitrary home kitchen equipments only a click away, as well as they're all pretty tempting. Have you been actually inside a Williams-Sonoma? Only the sight of all the spaghetti machines and coffee extras will certainly possess you dreaming of coming to be that person that makes flat whites and spaghetti from scratch.
As you begin preparing much more you'll discover that certain fundamental home kitchen tools are actually way too essential for your demands. Just about anything that carries out only one point is actually never ever mosting likely to deserve the purchase, so keep your money for one thing that will certainly be.
Given that investing much more on the top quality kitchen devices will most surely make your lifestyle much easier. Think of how long it needs to cut anything with a blunt blade, and only exactly how discouraging that can be. Certain, it may not have actually set you back a lot amount of money, yet it is going to cost you time and energy ultimately. As opposed to creating the exact same mistakes as I consequently lots of others have actually made, utilize this resource to recognize what's needed and what is actually wrong from the dive.
Minimalist quality kitchen tools Checklist
A Quality Gourmet chef's Blade
You only really need ONE blade in your kitchen for food preparation and that is actually an eight-inch gourmet chef's knife. Ideally, a sharp one that is actually effortless to keep.
Afterwards, it costs looking into a reducing blade as well as a serrated knife for essential cooking demands in a minimalist home kitchen. Right here's the failure:
A chef's blade is for the majority of dicing and also cutting
A ragged knife is for cutting up tomatoes and also bread
A paring blade is actually for slicing much smaller soft produce like strawberries or an apple
As much as I love Ikea, I do not recommend their knives. They go blunt after only a couple of make uses of, and also you can find means better choices at a partially much higher price
A Blade Sharpener
If you want to maintain your knives in best condition, you need to have a blade sharpener! You merely require to utilize a whetstone similar to this a couple of opportunities yearly.
A couple of great pots and pots of various sizes
A 3-quart pot will certainly be terrific for traits like oats, steaming eggs, simple sauces as well as little sets of rice. The larger container is going to can be found in handy for cooking pasta, larger portions of grains, chilis, soups, hashes and for popping popcorn! I purchased a 10-quart container and still haven't utilized it, so I don't believe you need to have to go larger!
In regards to pots, I recommend a 5.5 quart stainless-steel frying pan as well as a 10-inch quality skillet. Possessing a nonstick pot is important for cooking eggs, fish, tofu and also other proteins-- particularly if you're an amateur. Don't invest extremely much on it because the coating will not last permanently.
Alternatively, most definitely invest in a stainless-steel skillet due to the fact that those can last many years. Mine is going on five years old and it resides in fantastic form! Stainless steel can be intimidating in the beginning, but it's important to know how to use as a home chef.
A Blender or food processor along with a steam shutoff
Individuals are actually nuts devoted to their beloved mixer brands, however it really doesn't matter which one you possess so long as you have one. The riverviewny helped me for a handful of years, until I started blending soups.
Assessing spoons and mugs
Directly, I merely use gauging cups and also spoons when complying with a dish-- an uncommon incident in my kitchen. I eyeball nearly every little thing when I prepare, these appliances happen in seriously useful when I am actually trying out a new dish as well as I'm not sure exactly how it's going to taste or when I'm baking one thing that's even more difficult, like bread or pie. And also they are actually commonly quite cheap, thus there's no justification certainly not to purchase all of them.
A minimal amount of cooking utensils
I know plastic isn't suitable, yet really good plastic preparing food tools may last! They're simple to use and well-maintained as well as I love the ones I possess. The secret is locating a collection that does not consist of a zillion pieces! I don't know about you, but there is actually a limitation on the number of cooking tools I can stuff in a compartment.
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Here's a good read up on BCH. Please read it. This is possibly the most important time crypto has had since 2009. Summary of events, Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin Cash: --- The Set-up * It's easy to mine Bitcoin in China - from chip production to cheap electricity – creating a huge concentration of mining power in its territory. * This mining power slowly accumulated and concentrated into a few hands, partly due to government intervention. It's hard to make money in China without the authorities noticing. * These hands, we’ll call them "Jihan" as a code name also belonging to one of their leaders, decided that with so much mining power, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t have more significant control over the currency itself. * They created a new currency, Bitcoin Cash, which purportedly deals with one of Bitcoin’s classic pain points - its inability to scale up and support the increasing throughput on the net. * The way they tried to achieve this relies on a further concentration of mining power and network control - foregoing some of Bitcoin’s defining characteristics as a decentralized currency. If anyone has any doubt about this move not being cold and cynical, remember this: Bitcoin Cash is not going to be as decentralized as Bitcoin, and its creators know this full well. --- The Propaganda * After Cash was issued as a split from Bitcoin, Jihan and his friends waited until anyone who wanted to sell and get rid of the currency does so. The price collapsed, and most of the larger crypto community ignored the coin. * The Chinese miners were instructed to continue mining the coin, even at great financial loss, to support a pretension of value and use, minimally sustaining its life. When the price troughed, those who were in the know about the plan accumulated it in large quantities. * Our plotting friends waited for the Segwit X2 split. They knew there would be a lot of confusion, that Bitcoin's mining power would be split between the two networks, and that the scaling and fee debate would be at the front. * The split did not come, but the machine was already calibrated and ready. The scaling debate raged on, with those who do not understand the mechanisms enabling Bitcoin to work in a decentralized manner accepting Bitcoin Cash as a real alternative – all as part of the planned PR campaign. If “Bitcoincom says it’s true, it must be so! --- The Manipulation * In recent days, since the news of Segwit X2’s demise, the price of Bitcoin was expected to decline. With the value of the S2X coin, previously factored into Bitcoin, priced between $1000-2500 in future contracts, evaporating, it was only a matter of time. To push this along, a timed sale of Bitcoin, from the huge stock available to the conspirators, struck the market in force. * The people involved have tremendous financial power. Just as it was easy to push the price of Bitcoin down, such was it easy to pump the price of Cash up. * Concurrently, massive Chinese mining power has switched to work on Cash; at present, hashrate is almost equal between the two networks. Meanwhile, the missing mining power for the Bitcoin network has made it much slower. * The Bitcoin network is also undergoing a spam attack. Anyone trying to send Bitcoin is forced to wait long hours even using high fees; there’s now a queue of more than 100,000 transactions awaiting approval. * Many Chinese exchanges are listing BCH, Bitcoin Cash, for trading against Altcoins as the base currency in an attempt to make it the new standard, as BTC has been to date in all exchanges. * Anyone who sees and experiences the above, all the while seeing the enormous and rapid price change, gets struck with FOMO and hurries to buy Bitcoin Cash. * The price increases, Jihan and his group of friends cash out making ridiculous profits after having spent many resources on this plan for the better part of 2017, and laugh in everyone’s faces. *** In a few hours, Bitcoin Cash’s mining difficulty will increase fourfold; To still be profitable to mine, Cash will need to be priced at a minimum of 40% of Bitcoin. It will be interesting to see what the miners do at that point, when Bitcoin becomes more profitable to mine again. One possibility is that this will mark the end of the pump and everything returns to normal (although it is doubtful that Bitcoin price will continue increasing any time soon), but it is also possible that the strong reaction by the market and community may lead to a situation sustainable enough to lead the manipulators, who perhaps were initially only interested in a masterfully coordinated pump & dump, to try and take the reigns all the way and push their centralized Bitcoin onward. Someone did pay more than half a Bitcoin for a silly clone of it today, after all. Bitcoin does not have a mechanism for quick mining difficulty adjustments, common today in most of Alts (and soon in Cash). If miners continue abandoning it, the network will be sluggish, or even paralyzed completely, for months ahead and until the next automated difficulty update. This is the nightmare scenario of this attack – a slow death to Bitcoin while a currency that looks like it to most, but is actually controlled by a handful of conspirators (or the Chinese government?.. ) takes the lead. Our white-horse knights coming to the rescue may be Wallstreet traders, who've been looking for a way to enter Bitcoin and financially take control over the currency. They an infinite capacity to buy Bitcoin, and will be happy to take it from anyone lost to the propaganda. They’ll give a fight to the Chinese, and perhaps save the fate of the decentralized currency. And while it’s not clear which of these two forces is more of a bad-guy in our usual stories, at least the Americans will support the real coin. However, as befits a decentralized currency based on the good will of a community spread worldwide, the real way to prevent this catastrophe is to spread the above information. It is your duty to ensure that everyone understands that this is ugly manipulation, a hijacking of one of the most beautiful things happening in the world in recent times, and to explain in all directions why Bitcoin Cash, is not, and will never be, a real substitute for Bitcoin. By Dor Konforty, CEO and founder at Synereo
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baby-onthe-brain · 5 years
Affording Baby
Originally Posted 12 March 2018
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I’m not going to lie… This is the part that scares me the most. I’ve never been affluent, and there’s only one period in my life where I’ve been well off — a three-year stretch when I was a child myself. The topic of finances isn’t a comfortable one for me, and I’m routinely embittered about all the folks who seemingly have more than I do. 
Not necessarily material things, but also the experiences that financial freedom often grants. Things like routine travel expeditions, or not having to worry about going over your grocery budget and the successive awkwardness of having to ask the cashier to take some items off the bill. I’m trying to get better about it, especially since Rhys brought up a little while ago just how often I voice my opinions on it, but it’s still there in the back of my mind. I’m working on it.
I will not the first (nor will I be the last) to say that having kids is expensive. Really, really expensive. Children are a 20-year investment or longer, and you’d best be ready for the long haul (especially if the economy keeps going the way it is). Which is why when you’re actually planning for a baby, it’s a good idea to make sure you can actually afford one. Or two.
Or three. You know how it goes.
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Now, I’m sure that you’re aware of the procession of mommy blogs out there that tell you “how to financially plan for a baby in 5 easy steps.” While these blogs are often repetitive and from an upper-middle-class perspective, they do have some useful advice. Some of the stuff I have to laugh at, like cutting down on routine unnecessary purchases (like mall trips or lattes) and setting that aside into a baby fund instead. Other stuff, though… That stuff is good.
One of the things that I’ve really taken to heart from my research is to accumulate essential baby things slowly over an extended amount of time. It would scar up anybody’s finances if you suddenly had to jam outfitting an entire nursery plus stock up food, and clothing, and diapers, and every other necessity under the sun into less than a year’s worth of paycheques. Getting the job done slowly ensures that you can do a little at a time, without the side effect of wincing whenever you see your bank statement. Well… As much, anyway.
I’ve been accumulating in earnest for a while now, and have been happy to discover that most of it can be gotten second-hand. This cuts down on costs incredibly, and I can help to reuse items that still have a good lifespan to them. Most of these financially-savvy mamas also recommend asking your friends and family for hand-me-downs, which I fully intend to do once I actually have a due date. Keep in mind that a baby shower, if you’re going to have one, will also help you accumulate smaller stuff. A friend of mine said that she didn’t have to worry about getting baby clothes because she’d gotten a whole stock of them as gifts. Score!
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There is, of course, the necessity of actually looking at your finances. As I mentioned earlier, this is one of the scary parts for me. Rhys and I don’t exactly live in the lap of luxury; while we are comfortable, it’s an uneasy comfort that comes from a lot of organisation and budgeting. This is something we’ve earnestly taken to in recent months, revising our budget and figuring out down to the (useless) penny where our money is going and when. This new budget is still in its early stages, but it’s so far been helping immensely in making sure we can stay afloat and still get where we need to go.
One of the things that baby prep resources across the board (mommy blogs, books, web-based resources, etc.) have asserted is that you must reduce debt as much as possible. This to me is a no-brainer, but one that becomes rather difficult when you’re saddled with student loans you can’t pay out. My advice is to pay the smallest debt off first and work your way up. If you have a credit card, or somebody loaned you money, get those paid off first. Then, when you’ve gotten them out of the way, move the money you’ve been using to pay those off to the next smallest payment.
Of course, this entirely depends on how much you make, how much debt you have, and a whole slew of other things. I’m not a financial advisor by any means, so if you’re really in trouble financially, seek out help! There are hundreds of debt consolidation and consultation businesses available to you. For example, both Rhys and I are in the process of repayment assistance for our student loans, which means we don’t have to think about them right now. We wouldn’t be able to do anything about it anyway, but it’s nice to know that we’re not being thrown under the bus because we couldn't pay for our educations out of pocket.
One of the things that the baby prep book I’m reading (Rachel Pepper’s Ultimate Guide to Pregnancy for Lesbians) brought up is all the legal stuff you don’t really think about. Admittedly, I completely forgot to factor in stuff like wills, life insurance, and RESPs. Well… No, okay that’s a lie. I’ve had it in my head for years that the moment I conceive, I am going to open an RESP account for my baby. I don’t want them to have to suffer through student loans if I can help it. But, in the grand scheme of things when you’re already worrying about the money you’ll be spending on your little one in the coming months… Well. It’s a kick in the butt.
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Thinking about things like your baby’s education when they’re not even born yet, or whether they’ll be able to get by if anything ever happens to you unexpectedly can be a bit of a stretch… But a necessary one. The book I mentioned before stresses how wills especially are important for LGBTQA+ couples, or other couples who underwent ART. The will is a legally binding document that makes your wishes known, and will hold up better in court, should the need arise, than a co-parenting agreement or a known-donor agreement. This is fundamental if you want your partner to have custody of your little one in the event of your passing, especially if they’re not on the birth certificate. Rhys and I have thought about what would happen, should our little one be left stranded without both of us. Not concretely, mind you, but we’ve at least broached the subject.
Wow, this post has turned way more into one of those mommy blog posts than I was expecting it to. Apologies, if that’s not what you were looking for!
Back to the topic, in general, though… I’m not going to say that if you follow the steps I listed above, or any steps found online or in books, that you’ll be completely financially prepared. If there’s anything working in childcare has taught me, it’s that kids throw curveballs just by existing. There will be moments where you’re wholly unprepared for a situation, and just need to roll with it. Doing what you can now will help take the strain off for sure, but don’t freak out if you haven’t paid off all your debt, or if you haven’t saved as much as you wanted. Life happens. Shit happens. It’ll be okay. Do what you can.
I think that one of the reasons why I even started writing this blog post, is because I’ve been coming up against a lot of doubt from myself and others recently. Working out the budget I mentioned earlier scared me shitless about how we were supposed to afford a baby with all the other stuff on top of it. In addition to that, when I asked a “friend” whether I should set up a crowdfunding button to go on this blog to help with the added cost of ART, she came back with a rather judgemental: “If you can’t come up with an extra $2000 for that,” (HA! If only it cost just $2000….) “then should you really be having kids?”
Ouch. Right to the heart of my anxieties. Thanks, I needed that. Please take your entitled, unknowledgeable ass right out of my house. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out. It’s not like I haven’t thought about this for DAYS on end and stretched and thought and researched…. No, I’m not like that at all.
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I should have known better, to be honest.  This particular “friend” has no interest in having children herself or being around them for extended periods of time. She has frequently been seen rolling her eyes at all my preparatory excitement, and giving me long looks that essentially said: “oh my god this again?” Her comment really tore into me, though, like a good cat-scratch, and I find myself still thinking about it. I know exactly where I stand socioeconomically, and I know at least generally how difficult it’s going to be, raising a child. There are tons of considerations I’ve already discovered, and tons more that I haven’t even thought of. But if I’m going to let my financial situation forestall my desire to be a mother, do I really deserve to be one? Situations can change.
One of my favourite romance movies of all time, P.S. I Love You has this really exceptional scene in it that I’ve kept with me since seeing it the first time. Granted, the whole movie is about losing a loved one (spoilers?), but it doesn’t start like that. I’ve been thinking about it more and more, and it’s acted like a sort of balm against some of the bile coming from doubters, including my own anxiety.
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It’s the opening scene, and Holly (Hilary Swank) is mad at her husband Gerry (Gerard Butler) because of something he’d said during dinner with Holly’s mother (Kathy Bates). Finally, it comes out that Holly is mad at Gerry because he said she didn’t want children right then (along with a slew of other semi-related issues). The scene shows that Holly is a planner, and a worrier, and frequently gets inside her own head and lets her anxieties get the better of her, and I feel that, girl. The whole opening scene is so relatable and almost perfectly voices my anxieties about preparing for a baby. What sticks with me most is what Gerry says though:
“People have babies with no money all the time…. We’re not a mistake just because we don’t have any money.”
You’ve just got to work through it. You’ve got to rely upon one another and support one another, and do what you can. Things will turn out one way or the other (even if you’re not a cute, carefree Irish guy). It may take longer than you want it to, like it will with us, but… You’ll get there. We will too.
Do you have any hacks or saving tips? Have you had similarly unsupportive friends? Let me know in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.
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Concerns For/About Gta V Apk
Which video game is much better, PUBG or Phone Call of Obligation?
In general, the Fight of Polytopia is merely a great means to obtain your technique video gaming fix on mobile. This turn-based technique video game shares some resemblances with World, however streamlines the concept right into an excellent mobile video game. Choose from a number of various races with various toughness and weaknesses and afterwards slowly take control of the globe as you upgrade your technologies, unlock brand-new units, as well as bring your challengers to their knees. The video game includes a few races to pick from, but you can get more with in-app purchases.
Puzzle games concentrate on understandable, yet tough to understand technicians and need you to use reasoning and also fast thinking in order to beat the game. They are really easy on your fingers, so unlike shooters and also competing games, all you need to do in problem games is faucet or swipe every so often. Easy in, simple out, that is the nature of collectible card games. You spend for costs decks and quicker opens, but that is an option that you can select not to take and also simply grind your way to the top till you obtain a master tier deck.
Which gives best efficiency for pubg Android or iOS?
The publisher, Playdigious, also has Cultist Simulator, OK Golf, Teslagrad, as well as a number of various other above standard (as well as premium) mobile games. NBA 2K Mobile (iphone just in the meantime-- coming quickly to Android) allows you build your all-star team and play against the most effective in 5-on-5 games, obstacles and real-time occasions. To be clear, you won't be picking from NBA groups, yet constructing your group with current NBA players.
EA Sports games.
Noodlecake Studios likewise does Alto's Journey as well as Farm Punks, two more video games that could conveniently make this listing. We all know that totally free Android games aren't always complimentary these days, but much of them are very close if you have a little persistence. Most complimentary to play traffic jams occur when gamers obtain impatient and also waiting the video game out can usually navigate those pitfalls.
Vote up the most effective mobile video games everybody should be playing right now, as well as do not hesitate to include your favorite iPhone and also Android games that are missing from this listing. This years has actually been a time of amazing development for the mobile economic climate. With a 5% increase in downloads, and also 15% development in consumer invest (omitting third-party Android) year-over-year in 2019 this looks readied to continue in 2020. For a deeper look into one of the most successful applications and also video games of 2019, check our post on the mobile highlights of 2019. Pocket City is one of the very best video games of 2018 and a natural for this checklist.
Is fortnite season 11 the end?
Google has made its streaming music service Google Play Music free to use, without a subscription. Google (GOOGL) launched the new version for U.S. desktop users Tuesday, and will roll out updates to its Android and iOS app later this week.
PUBG Mobile and also PUBG Mobile Lite.
Which game is best free fire or PUBG?
Subway Surfers Was the Most Downloaded Game of the Decade Success came from many different places as each of the most downloaded games came from a different company. Clash of Clans and Candy Crush Saga stand out as the only 2 apps to appear on both the top apps by downloads and consumer spend lists.
Each suit has 50 players and the game is only 300MB in size. There is no denying the fact that PUBG Mobile is just one of one of the most prominent games ever before made. According to the marketplace research study tool DataMagic, Western audiences choose Hyper laid-back, activity/ game, and also challenge video games. Eastern players, on the other hand, like their event combatants as well as RTS/ MMORPG games.
Many MOBAs go and also come, but Vainglory stays the very best on mobile. There is additionally a beta offered that can use the Vulkan API, although it's not fairly steady yet. Minecraft is a preferred video game all around the globe for individuals of every ages. For those who have actually never ever played, Minecraft puts you in a huge world where you my own things, build stuff, attack crooks, and also do basically whatever you desire. There is a survival setting where you should mine your very own resources and food in addition to a creative setting that provides you unlimited every little thing.
Challenge Games.
For the complete listing of functions, you ought to begin playing the video game. Compared to PUBG Mobile, Garena Free Fire has less recoils. It's not that Garena Free Fire has no recoil, but the guns have actually been well optimized as well as the recoils have been gotten used to offer the very best pc gaming experience. Just like PUBG Mobile for Android, Garena Free Fire additionally has some wonderful functions.
Here are the leading 10 most-downloaded apps of the years.
The recent information from Steam, the system using which PlayerUnknown's BattleGrounds (PUBG) is offered for PCs, shows that the prominent fight royale video game has been losing the variety of energetic players by a substantial margin. In fact, compared to the days when PUBG was coming to a head at 1,584,886 on an average for active gamers back in January 2018, the present numbers on Steam for PUBG stand at 288,848. That's a large drop in the variety of gamers and also it looks poor given the scenario is opposite for the mobile variation of the game. The popular battle Royale video game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, also known as PUBG, currently has just as numerous players as Fortnite at over 200 million users. According to The Edge, PUBG for Mobile now has 200 million individuals as well as regarding 30 million active daily customers.
Can you play Call of Duty Mobile with a controller?
Minecraft is not dead, there are still a lot of players that play the game. However, the game is still very much alive.
Quick Resume and also Extra Brand-new Features on Xbox Collection X.
In all the video games, Rayman runs instantly, and also you control what he does by holding the display or tapping utilizing one-touch controls. The goal in each level is to accumulate Lums-- not as basic a possibility as it sounds-- in order to unlock new levels, brand-new characters, as well as art work, so there's really incentive to collect a perfect rating. This will certainly imply you'll review levels a couple of times to obtain it right, but it's fun to understand them. What's really trendy about this game in single player is you can regulate a group of heroes, each of which you'll gather as you play (there are 40 different unique heroes to gather).
There are also submarines that gamers are able to utilize to check out the midsts of the Pacific Sea. The Rhino from previous GTA titles has returned, including a brand-new complicated aiming system and a practical depiction of a storage tank.
Ways to Play.
Grand Theft Auto V for COMPUTER is available for acquisition on Instant Pc gaming for a fraction of its list price. You will obtain a main key as well as be able to play the game in seconds. The video game is set in the fictional town of San Andreas which is based freely on common southern The golden state life. While much of the video game's scripted action takes place in the city, the globe is much bigger than previous GTA offerings, and players can explore freely.
This video game is truly fun, has lots of tasks alongside the main story as well as I advise it to individuals that like single-player video games. Grand Theft Auto V also comes with Grand Theft Auto Online, the dynamic as well as ever-evolving Grand Theft Auto world with online bet as much as 30 gamers, consisting of all existing gameplay upgrades and also material released because the launch of Grand Theft Auto Online. Grand Theft Auto V obtained "global acclaim" reviews on Metacritic getting a metascore of 96/100 on COMPUTER and 97/100 on PS3, Xbox 360, PS4, and Xbox One. On whatoplay.com, it gets an aggregatee rating (playscore) of 8.62 on PC, 9.29 on PS3, 9.64 on Xbox 360, 9.32 on PS4, and also 8.99 on Xbox One.
Download Grand Theft Auto V.
Grand Theft Auto V is an action-adventure game played from either a third-person or first-person viewpoint. [b] Gamers total missions-- straight circumstances with set goals-- to advance via the tale. Grand Theft Auto 5 is probably one of the very best games I've ever played. The tale is amazing and the online mode is extremely enjoyable and a very amazing experience.
Grand Theft Auto V increases the multiplayer feature that was present in Grand Theft Auto IV. The multiplayer is treated as an added title and is known as Grand Theft Auto Online. In GTA Online, multiplayer teams from Max Payne 3 can be carried over to GTA V. GTA V has multiplayer functions connected to Rockstar's Social Club. Grand Theft Auto V has more vehicles than in any type of other Grand Theft Auto video game to date, with a variety of automobiles, including aeroplanes, helicopters, vehicles, energy cars, emergency situation service vehicles, motorcycles, and jet skis. Gamers have the ability to fly planes, which was a cut feature from Grand Theft Auto IV because of the restricted size of the map, but the attribute is currently readily available in Grand Theft Auto V because of the much bigger, open globe map.
Grand Theft Auto V has the largest series of incredibly automobiles to date, along with the most amount of lorries, in the whole GTA collection. The Cheetah is one of the few lorries to appear in the majority of GTA games. New activities have actually been added, such as yoga, triathlons, jet skiing, parachuting, golf, tennis, as well as scuba diving diving. Random events have additionally been included in the video game as well as can show up anytime as the player checks out around the map. The cellphone has returned from Grand Theft Auto IV however is currently only used for calling the gamer's calls, surfing the internet, as well as fast conserving.
The game Saints Row IV has a DLC pack of garments and also tools named GAT V, which is a recommendation to the initials of Grand Theft Auto V. The publisher, Deep Silver launched it totally free on COMPUTER, buffooning GTA V's absence from the platform at the time. Players can ragdoll by pressing X/Square/SPACE (Xbox/PlayStation/PC) then B/Circle/R (Xbox/Playstation/PC). Multiplayer holds up to sixteen individuals on Xbox 360 as well as PlayStation 3, and also thirty players on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 as well as COMPUTER versions.
Playing as a militant.
Rockstar Games, the video gaming business behind GTA V, did not instantly respond to a request for comment. The Hong Kong demonstrations are being played have a peek at these guys out on Grand Theft Auto (GTA) V online.
The tale is centred on the heist series, and also numerous missions involve shooting as well as driving gameplay. A "desired" system controls the aggressiveness of law enforcement reaction to gamers that devote criminal offenses. Grand Theft Auto Online, the video game's online multiplayer mode, lets up to 30 players take part in a range of different cooperative as well as affordable game settings. wonderful game can play it like each day enjoyable to be able to have fun with buddies as well as be able to download cool mods and have fun.
Ways to Play.
The video game marketed 11,210,000 duplicates as well as made $800,000,000 on its initial day of release, setting numerous records, and eventually making $1,000,000,000 within 3 days of the video game's release. The game is played from either a third-person or first-person perspective, and its world is navigated walking or by car. Gamers control the 3 lead protagonists throughout single-player as well as switch among them, both during and outside missions.
The capturing technicians are much better in terms of the feel of the technicians as well as bigger contrasted to the melee mechanics in the game, that being said, melee has been boosted over the previous titles as well. Instead of the old method of selecting with all the tools sequentially, there is currently a Tool Wheel, which resembles the one featured in Red Dead Redemption, an additional video game made by Superstar Games. Grand Theft Auto V draws motivations from many different Superstar titles in the past, including Max Payne 3, Midnight Club, Manhunt, as well as Red Dead Redemption. As one of the most awaited computer game titles to be launched in 2013, the game was extensively anticipated prior to its launch. Grand Theft Auto V was launched to universal recognition, holding scores of 96 as well as above on MetaCritic and GameRankings, in addition to getting ideal scores from over 30 reviewers.
Like all previous Grand Theft Auto games, Grand Theft Auto V has dated conflict, though has actually been seen by some as significantly more debatable than its predecessors. Gamers can play as pets (improved version), unlike in any various other Grand Theft Auto video game.
Explore all Autos, Motorbikes, Helicopters, Planes, Boats, and all various other automobiles. See what are the fastest automobiles in GTA Online, one of the most costly, or the general top carrying out cars in GTA V. GTA V is the first game in the series because Grand Theft Auto Development where the player can save all the weapons in their supply instead of replacing them. Grand Theft Auto V is the initial game in the franchise business to include in-game incidental songs (not counting cutscenes, debts and time out food selections, as several earlier video games had subordinate songs for these aforementioned series).
Definitely one of the most effective video games out there now as well as can not await the release of GTA 6. this game has a small cost for all the things that it supplies, believe me, you won ´ t regreet buying it and also pls tell a friend to do it with you. In GTA 5 you can see the largest as well as one of the most comprehensive globe ever developed by Rockstar Games. Also the opportunity to affect the life as well as actions of three major personalities. This mix of several characters history will certainly make the video game as exciting and interesting as possible.
Komentarze dla GTA 5 Masz jakieś wskazówki? Coś Cię drażni? Podziel się tym z innymi użytkownikami serwisu:.
Giving individuals the middle finger is one more new function the player can make use of while in a car. Rockstar suggested that the gamer do this in numerous locations around Los Santos to see the end result; depending on where the gamer is at, they will get diverse responses from pedestrians. Grand Theft Auto V develops almost every mechanic that was in the previous Grand Theft Auto games.
The Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One variations add one more 162 tracks to the in-game radio. The first-person sight is just available in the Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 as well as Xbox One variations of the video game. Teams win multiplayer matches to make experience factors and climb up on-line leaderboards.
If You Can not Do the moment ...
As far as driving goes, the automobiles have been considerably enhanced, with Rockstar running much more intricate physics on them, such as making some automobiles hold to the ground somewhat better. The driving technicians really feel more like a racing video game, specifically the Midnight Club collection, contrasted to Grand Theft Auto IV's rocky, boat-like handling system.
Concerning the game.
" Grand Theft Auto V" was launched in late 2013, yet still sold at least 15 millions systems in 2017, when it was the 6th best-selling videogame. Comply with the in-game treasure hunt to open the Double-Action Revolver in Grand Theft Auto Online. When you acquire your gratis Double-Action Revolver, complete the Headshot Challenge in Freemode for a GTA$ 250,000 benefit and unlock it for future gun-slinging exploits in Red Dead Redemption 2. Keep notified about the latest on GTA V, GTA 6, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Rockstar Gamings, as well as new MyBase attributes!
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Today in crypto, everyone in the United States might be getting a six thousand dollar check in the mail, which is going to be pretty gosh darn awesome for Bitcoin. Read it releases crypto tokens on a theorem and on-chain data, as well as technical indicators, are all showing that the market is looking insanely bullish. The crypto lark. This is where you subscribe for your Daily Dose of Hope UAM and all of the hottest and the latest happening out there in crypto land. Also, for those of you who are new to crypto and you still need help mastering the basics like how and where to buy Bitcoin, how to send Bitcoin, how to store your Bitcoin, how to mine Bitcoin, as well as the top tips in resources for successfully investing in this wild market. Then check out my beginner course, cryptocurrency explained. There’s a link down below where you can learn more. So let’s go ahead and dive into the charts to get started off with. Bitcoin has had a very strong day showing a strong push continuing from our bounce off of the 200 days moving average just a few days ago, which is definitely a technically bullish sign that we are seeing forming up in the markets right now. Now, the price did top out today at nine thousand nine hundred forty-three dollars, the time recording this video before getting rejected again near that ten thousand dollar mark. Now, also at the time, recording Bitcoin is slowly grinding upward again. After that rejection on the shorter timeframes, we see a bullish pennant forming up that we could see breaking upwards to again retest ten thousand dollars for a second time today. Ten thousand dollars remains an absolutely key number for Bitcoin to crash. It has been a very important price line for Bitcoin. Even more important than twenty thousand dollars really ever has been. And after we win the fight to break into hold ten thousand dollars, we immediately run into another monster at ten thousand five hundred dollars. So it could be a rough time ahead, trying to break into hold above these two critical price levels. On the higher timeframes, we can see the 50 weeks moving average. Now actually acting as a line of support for Bitcoin, which is a very, very strong indicator on those higher timeframes. And it also shows really just the wider market strength that we see building up. Again, though, Bitcoin is struggling to break into hold above that trend line on the weekly that has suppressed the market for over two years. They’ve been testing that a lot recently. So hopefully a break of that line is going to becoming. It’s seeming increasingly likely that that is where we are headed. The weekly Mack D is currently on a strong bullish trajectory as well. That is a rare event that usually signifies a strong upward trending market and back over on the daily. We might be only a few days away from the fabled Golden Cross, which could really unleash the bulls when it happens. We had a false golden cross earlier this year and then, of course, the whole Mexican beer thing happened and that kind of killed that momentum. But hopefully, this one holds up moving forward. Of course, this could all break down again. I will keep saying it as long as we maintain above the 200-day moving average, then this market is bullish. If we break below that, well, you know, story, the 2017 run literally saw the price of Bitcoin maintained above the 200 days moving average for more than two years straight. Some to think about. So this could happen again. Be ready. A big thank you to Krypto dot com for sponsoring today’s episode. The next syndicate event has been announced on May 26. So you’ll be able to grab a bag of icon with a massive 50 percent discount. So for all those icon fans out there, this is a good offer for you. Remember that you’ll need to stake S.R.O. tokens to be able to participate. And of course, you need to go over and register for an account on the cryptid dot com exchange, not the app. And speaking of the app, Krypto dot com just brought out a new asset allocation feature for the app. So now you can easily get an overview of your entire portfolio in just one click, which is a nice little bonus feature that makes using the cryptid dot com app just that little bit better. And of course, if you want to start earning some sweet Krypto back rewards, and that is a great time to get the wildly popular Krypto dot com debit card, the two best options are the ruby red card, which gives you two percent Krypto back for every swipe of your card, as well as free Spotify or the Jade Green card, which is when I have my hand here, which gives you three percent Krypto back rewards for every swipe the card free Spotify, free Netflix, an airport lounge access. And as a special bonus, if you use the link Downbelow to reserve a ruby red tier card or higher than you will get a free fifty dollar bonus. Yep, 50 bucks of free money for getting one of these bad boys. So let’s start talking about the bullish bitcoin market data that has been coming up recently. Almost 24000 Bitcoin have been withdrawn from exchanges since the Bitcoin having, which is actually a continuation of a trend that started back in mid-April as we saw more retail buyers coming into the market. This is obviously a very significant amount of Bitcoin, and it could indicate that investors are taking responsibility for their crypto, not trusting exchanges to hold it for them, which is a good thing. And course, possible that a large number of new users simply have come in over the previous weeks and bought Bitcoin with the intention of holding it long term, waiting for the next big run to come in before actually cashing out. Now, another very bullish data point is the active supply of Bitcoin, which has just reached a three year high, indicating a huge amount of on-chain activity for Bitcoin. You can see quite clearly on the chart here, the last time that we had a massive run-up like this was during the heavy accumulation period that preceded the previous insane parabolic market rally back in twenty seventeen, meaning that when we do see this trend reverse, that it will likely mean that the bull market is actually starting to lift off on its journey to the moon. Right now, we’re just firing up the engines. We are in that accumulation phase still for Bitcoin. But it also says to me that we’re nearing the end of that accumulation phase. So act accordingly. You have had two years to buy Bitcoin at cheap prices. It’s not going to last forever. And also, a very interesting piece of data for you is that the percentage of Bitcoin mining revenue generated from transaction fees reached thirteen point one percent yesterday. That’s the highest it’s been since January. Twenty eighteen. Now, this is partial, of course, because the Bitcoin having has reduced the block reward and also partially because we’ve seen on-chain fees going up, which is not a particularly awesome thing and is good for the miners, but not as awesome for the actual users. One is sent Bitcoin for point A to point B. All that on-chain activity we’re seeing has been creating too much demand for block space and of course, is pushing the fees up with it. Today, fees are almost four dollars. Another factor, support the huge amount of interest growing in Bitcoin right now is that Google search trends for the term buy bitcoin have seen massive growth recently, now exceeding the highs of the summer of 2019. During the many Bullrun that we had so Hoddle on my friends, now is the time for stacking. Now is the time for chilling. We’re gonna be doing crazy things over the next couple years. Next up, Reddit is introducing about 20 million people to cryptocurrency. They’re releasing two tokens, one named moons and the other named BRICS. The tokens will be issued to members of just only two Subrata to start off with those, not the whole Reddit community. So it’s four. Our slash cryptocurrency and our slash Fortnights B are as part of red. It’s a new initiative called Community Points. Both of these tokens will be E RC. Twenty tokens, of course, issued on the theorem blockchain with Reddit implementing what is going to be called the Redditt vault, essentially in theory and wallet where the tokens will be stored. This is currently on theorems test net, not the main net yet. The test net but. Wow. Seriously, wow. The scope of this is just it’s absolutely insane. Reddit, it has four hundred and thirty million daily users. It is the seventh most visited the site on the Internet and 64 percent of red its users are aged between 18 and 24. Just stopped. Let those statistics sink into your head for a second. Read it. One of the most popular Web sites in the world just announced their trial of a theorem based tokens for the next generation of Internet users. Look around the curve, not where we are today. This is mine. Bending bullish for a theorem. I am still stacking my ethe up. The thing is, it’s gonna go back over a thousand dollars coin. It’s already accomplished by. The question of when bumping up. But don’t happen as soon as we like it too. Because in much less encouraging a theorem news, Retallack Budarin is now walking back comments that Ethe 2.0 will be coming out in July. Apparently the multi-client test net approach is slowing things down, which kind of not surprised. Now, of course, they’re talking about, well, maybe it’s going to happen sometime later this year, maybe even 2021. Anyone who’s watching a theory and for a while knows that theorem to point to them plagued by delays. Look, I understand it’s hard to change the engine in a car that’s going down the road doing a hundred without stopping the car. This is the magic trick that a theorem is trying to pull off right now. And look, that upgrade, that upgrade cannot come soon enough. The pressure on theorem developers to deliver is massive right now, and they only have one chance to really get this right. So let’s go back just for one second of that previous news story is that it really ties in with this when read, it fully rolls out their tokens on the theory, the main net. It could be Krypto kiddies all over again. Imagine millions of people trying to create wallets to transfer those tokens to cash out those tokens. Send those folks, impersonate a person, be it could get real crazy real quick. Fees have already been spiking on theory and recently read it. It could just push it through the roof. Ethe 2.0 needs to happen. A. S a p. Get busy Retallack. And finally, if you live in the USA, then you might be getting a new round of stimulus checks money for everyone. Another three trillion dollar crisis package has been proposed in the USA. Note this is a proposal. This bill has not been passed yet. The final version could be different, but if it is passed in its current form, then families could receive up to six thousand dollars. So that’s 12 hundred dollars per adult and twelve hundred dollars per kid, up to three kids. So it’s a household check. Remember when the first round of 12 hundred dollar checks came, Coinbase actually saw a big spike in deposits of exactly twelve hundred dollars? Well, my guess is that there are enough people out there in the economy who are doing okay. When they get that check, they’re going to take it and dump it into. Well, Bitcoin and other investments, of course, but potentially a lot of money, again, coming into Bitcoin. But like most of these bills, the final version of the bill, probably just some crumbs for the regular people and more free money for Wall Street and course for the mega-corporations. They always seem to get the lion’s share of any of these packages that come out. That was the way it was for the other four bills. I don’t see why it would be any different for this one. But aside from just some people buying Bitcoin, I think this is good for Bitcoin because honestly, I have lost all sense of the money being thrown around in the USA. The numbers are just it’s impossible to comprehend. Just last week, the U.S. Treasury borrowed three trillion dollars. The week before, it was hundreds of billions of dollars more for small businesses. The week before, that was infinite bailouts for the oil industry. This is insane. Trillions upon, trillions upon trillions of dollars being spent, printed, airdropped, handed out corporations bailing out Wall Street, buying junk bonds. They don’t even know how much money it is anymore. It’s just insanity. And this is all good for Bitcoin because how the dollar actually comes out of the situation in one piece. I don’t see how that happens. This is not going to end well at some point. The effects of the growing debt and the massive inflation, the corporatism and the corruption and just the general fiscal insanity that we see, particularly from the U.S. central bank, those evil roosters are going to come home to roost at some point. And it’s not going to be pretty. And when all this happens, being a Bitcoin holder is going to be a good feeling. So aside from some people maybe whose estimates secretaries buy Bitcoin. This is good for the macro picture of Bitcoin. So your question for today, if you get a cheque for six thousand dollars in the mail from your government, would you spend it all on Bitcoin? Maybe you would spend it on another crypto, maybe go buy some light coin with America, buy some stocks or some gold? Or would you actually go and use that money to pay bills and buy food and all that kind of stuff? Let me know, Downbelow. Seriously, you guys are freaking awesome. Your support means everything. This channel is not possible without you. So thank you so, so much for continued sports channel being part of the community. You’re freaking awesome. Thank you so much. Long live the blockchain and peace out till next time.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/stimulus-check-to-buy-bitcoin-insane-news/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/618475403415306240
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Today in crypto, everyone in the United States might be getting a six thousand dollar check in the mail, which is going to be pretty gosh darn awesome for Bitcoin. Read it releases crypto tokens on a theorem and on-chain data, as well as technical indicators, are all showing that the market is looking insanely bullish. The crypto lark. This is where you subscribe for your Daily Dose of Hope UAM and all of the hottest and the latest happening out there in crypto land. Also, for those of you who are new to crypto and you still need help mastering the basics like how and where to buy Bitcoin, how to send Bitcoin, how to store your Bitcoin, how to mine Bitcoin, as well as the top tips in resources for successfully investing in this wild market. Then check out my beginner course, cryptocurrency explained. There’s a link down below where you can learn more. So let’s go ahead and dive into the charts to get started off with. Bitcoin has had a very strong day showing a strong push continuing from our bounce off of the 200 days moving average just a few days ago, which is definitely a technically bullish sign that we are seeing forming up in the markets right now. Now, the price did top out today at nine thousand nine hundred forty-three dollars, the time recording this video before getting rejected again near that ten thousand dollar mark. Now, also at the time, recording Bitcoin is slowly grinding upward again. After that rejection on the shorter timeframes, we see a bullish pennant forming up that we could see breaking upwards to again retest ten thousand dollars for a second time today. Ten thousand dollars remains an absolutely key number for Bitcoin to crash. It has been a very important price line for Bitcoin. Even more important than twenty thousand dollars really ever has been. And after we win the fight to break into hold ten thousand dollars, we immediately run into another monster at ten thousand five hundred dollars. So it could be a rough time ahead, trying to break into hold above these two critical price levels. On the higher timeframes, we can see the 50 weeks moving average. Now actually acting as a line of support for Bitcoin, which is a very, very strong indicator on those higher timeframes. And it also shows really just the wider market strength that we see building up. Again, though, Bitcoin is struggling to break into hold above that trend line on the weekly that has suppressed the market for over two years. They’ve been testing that a lot recently. So hopefully a break of that line is going to becoming. It’s seeming increasingly likely that that is where we are headed. The weekly Mack D is currently on a strong bullish trajectory as well. That is a rare event that usually signifies a strong upward trending market and back over on the daily. We might be only a few days away from the fabled Golden Cross, which could really unleash the bulls when it happens. We had a false golden cross earlier this year and then, of course, the whole Mexican beer thing happened and that kind of killed that momentum. But hopefully, this one holds up moving forward. Of course, this could all break down again. I will keep saying it as long as we maintain above the 200-day moving average, then this market is bullish. If we break below that, well, you know, story, the 2017 run literally saw the price of Bitcoin maintained above the 200 days moving average for more than two years straight. Some to think about. So this could happen again. Be ready. A big thank you to Krypto dot com for sponsoring today’s episode. The next syndicate event has been announced on May 26. So you’ll be able to grab a bag of icon with a massive 50 percent discount. So for all those icon fans out there, this is a good offer for you. Remember that you’ll need to stake S.R.O. tokens to be able to participate. And of course, you need to go over and register for an account on the cryptid dot com exchange, not the app. And speaking of the app, Krypto dot com just brought out a new asset allocation feature for the app. So now you can easily get an overview of your entire portfolio in just one click, which is a nice little bonus feature that makes using the cryptid dot com app just that little bit better. And of course, if you want to start earning some sweet Krypto back rewards, and that is a great time to get the wildly popular Krypto dot com debit card, the two best options are the ruby red card, which gives you two percent Krypto back for every swipe of your card, as well as free Spotify or the Jade Green card, which is when I have my hand here, which gives you three percent Krypto back rewards for every swipe the card free Spotify, free Netflix, an airport lounge access. And as a special bonus, if you use the link Downbelow to reserve a ruby red tier card or higher than you will get a free fifty dollar bonus. Yep, 50 bucks of free money for getting one of these bad boys. So let’s start talking about the bullish bitcoin market data that has been coming up recently. Almost 24000 Bitcoin have been withdrawn from exchanges since the Bitcoin having, which is actually a continuation of a trend that started back in mid-April as we saw more retail buyers coming into the market. This is obviously a very significant amount of Bitcoin, and it could indicate that investors are taking responsibility for their crypto, not trusting exchanges to hold it for them, which is a good thing. And course, possible that a large number of new users simply have come in over the previous weeks and bought Bitcoin with the intention of holding it long term, waiting for the next big run to come in before actually cashing out. Now, another very bullish data point is the active supply of Bitcoin, which has just reached a three year high, indicating a huge amount of on-chain activity for Bitcoin. You can see quite clearly on the chart here, the last time that we had a massive run-up like this was during the heavy accumulation period that preceded the previous insane parabolic market rally back in twenty seventeen, meaning that when we do see this trend reverse, that it will likely mean that the bull market is actually starting to lift off on its journey to the moon. Right now, we’re just firing up the engines. We are in that accumulation phase still for Bitcoin. But it also says to me that we’re nearing the end of that accumulation phase. So act accordingly. You have had two years to buy Bitcoin at cheap prices. It’s not going to last forever. And also, a very interesting piece of data for you is that the percentage of Bitcoin mining revenue generated from transaction fees reached thirteen point one percent yesterday. That’s the highest it’s been since January. Twenty eighteen. Now, this is partial, of course, because the Bitcoin having has reduced the block reward and also partially because we’ve seen on-chain fees going up, which is not a particularly awesome thing and is good for the miners, but not as awesome for the actual users. One is sent Bitcoin for point A to point B. All that on-chain activity we’re seeing has been creating too much demand for block space and of course, is pushing the fees up with it. Today, fees are almost four dollars. Another factor, support the huge amount of interest growing in Bitcoin right now is that Google search trends for the term buy bitcoin have seen massive growth recently, now exceeding the highs of the summer of 2019. During the many Bullrun that we had so Hoddle on my friends, now is the time for stacking. Now is the time for chilling. We’re gonna be doing crazy things over the next couple years. Next up, Reddit is introducing about 20 million people to cryptocurrency. They’re releasing two tokens, one named moons and the other named BRICS. The tokens will be issued to members of just only two Subrata to start off with those, not the whole Reddit community. So it’s four. Our slash cryptocurrency and our slash Fortnights B are as part of red. It’s a new initiative called Community Points. Both of these tokens will be E RC. Twenty tokens, of course, issued on the theorem blockchain with Reddit implementing what is going to be called the Redditt vault, essentially in theory and wallet where the tokens will be stored. This is currently on theorems test net, not the main net yet. The test net but. Wow. Seriously, wow. The scope of this is just it’s absolutely insane. Reddit, it has four hundred and thirty million daily users. It is the seventh most visited the site on the Internet and 64 percent of red its users are aged between 18 and 24. Just stopped. Let those statistics sink into your head for a second. Read it. One of the most popular Web sites in the world just announced their trial of a theorem based tokens for the next generation of Internet users. Look around the curve, not where we are today. This is mine. Bending bullish for a theorem. I am still stacking my ethe up. The thing is, it’s gonna go back over a thousand dollars coin. It’s already accomplished by. The question of when bumping up. But don’t happen as soon as we like it too. Because in much less encouraging a theorem news, Retallack Budarin is now walking back comments that Ethe 2.0 will be coming out in July. Apparently the multi-client test net approach is slowing things down, which kind of not surprised. Now, of course, they’re talking about, well, maybe it’s going to happen sometime later this year, maybe even 2021. Anyone who’s watching a theory and for a while knows that theorem to point to them plagued by delays. Look, I understand it’s hard to change the engine in a car that’s going down the road doing a hundred without stopping the car. This is the magic trick that a theorem is trying to pull off right now. And look, that upgrade, that upgrade cannot come soon enough. The pressure on theorem developers to deliver is massive right now, and they only have one chance to really get this right. So let’s go back just for one second of that previous news story is that it really ties in with this when read, it fully rolls out their tokens on the theory, the main net. It could be Krypto kiddies all over again. Imagine millions of people trying to create wallets to transfer those tokens to cash out those tokens. Send those folks, impersonate a person, be it could get real crazy real quick. Fees have already been spiking on theory and recently read it. It could just push it through the roof. Ethe 2.0 needs to happen. A. S a p. Get busy Retallack. And finally, if you live in the USA, then you might be getting a new round of stimulus checks money for everyone. Another three trillion dollar crisis package has been proposed in the USA. Note this is a proposal. This bill has not been passed yet. The final version could be different, but if it is passed in its current form, then families could receive up to six thousand dollars. So that’s 12 hundred dollars per adult and twelve hundred dollars per kid, up to three kids. So it’s a household check. Remember when the first round of 12 hundred dollar checks came, Coinbase actually saw a big spike in deposits of exactly twelve hundred dollars? Well, my guess is that there are enough people out there in the economy who are doing okay. When they get that check, they’re going to take it and dump it into. Well, Bitcoin and other investments, of course, but potentially a lot of money, again, coming into Bitcoin. But like most of these bills, the final version of the bill, probably just some crumbs for the regular people and more free money for Wall Street and course for the mega-corporations. They always seem to get the lion’s share of any of these packages that come out. That was the way it was for the other four bills. I don’t see why it would be any different for this one. But aside from just some people buying Bitcoin, I think this is good for Bitcoin because honestly, I have lost all sense of the money being thrown around in the USA. The numbers are just it’s impossible to comprehend. Just last week, the U.S. Treasury borrowed three trillion dollars. The week before, it was hundreds of billions of dollars more for small businesses. The week before, that was infinite bailouts for the oil industry. This is insane. Trillions upon, trillions upon trillions of dollars being spent, printed, airdropped, handed out corporations bailing out Wall Street, buying junk bonds. They don’t even know how much money it is anymore. It’s just insanity. And this is all good for Bitcoin because how the dollar actually comes out of the situation in one piece. I don’t see how that happens. This is not going to end well at some point. The effects of the growing debt and the massive inflation, the corporatism and the corruption and just the general fiscal insanity that we see, particularly from the U.S. central bank, those evil roosters are going to come home to roost at some point. And it’s not going to be pretty. And when all this happens, being a Bitcoin holder is going to be a good feeling. So aside from some people maybe whose estimates secretaries buy Bitcoin. This is good for the macro picture of Bitcoin. So your question for today, if you get a cheque for six thousand dollars in the mail from your government, would you spend it all on Bitcoin? Maybe you would spend it on another crypto, maybe go buy some light coin with America, buy some stocks or some gold? Or would you actually go and use that money to pay bills and buy food and all that kind of stuff? Let me know, Downbelow. Seriously, you guys are freaking awesome. Your support means everything. This channel is not possible without you. So thank you so, so much for continued sports channel being part of the community. You’re freaking awesome. Thank you so much. Long live the blockchain and peace out till next time.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/stimulus-check-to-buy-bitcoin-insane-news/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/6000-stimulus-check-to-buy-bitcoin-insane-reddit-news-crazy-bullish
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
Today in crypto, everyone in the United States might be getting a six thousand dollar check in the mail, which is going to be pretty gosh darn awesome for Bitcoin. Read it releases crypto tokens on a theorem and on-chain data, as well as technical indicators, are all showing that the market is looking insanely bullish. The crypto lark. This is where you subscribe for your Daily Dose of Hope UAM and all of the hottest and the latest happening out there in crypto land. Also, for those of you who are new to crypto and you still need help mastering the basics like how and where to buy Bitcoin, how to send Bitcoin, how to store your Bitcoin, how to mine Bitcoin, as well as the top tips in resources for successfully investing in this wild market. Then check out my beginner course, cryptocurrency explained. There’s a link down below where you can learn more. So let’s go ahead and dive into the charts to get started off with. Bitcoin has had a very strong day showing a strong push continuing from our bounce off of the 200 days moving average just a few days ago, which is definitely a technically bullish sign that we are seeing forming up in the markets right now. Now, the price did top out today at nine thousand nine hundred forty-three dollars, the time recording this video before getting rejected again near that ten thousand dollar mark. Now, also at the time, recording Bitcoin is slowly grinding upward again. After that rejection on the shorter timeframes, we see a bullish pennant forming up that we could see breaking upwards to again retest ten thousand dollars for a second time today. Ten thousand dollars remains an absolutely key number for Bitcoin to crash. It has been a very important price line for Bitcoin. Even more important than twenty thousand dollars really ever has been. And after we win the fight to break into hold ten thousand dollars, we immediately run into another monster at ten thousand five hundred dollars. So it could be a rough time ahead, trying to break into hold above these two critical price levels. On the higher timeframes, we can see the 50 weeks moving average. Now actually acting as a line of support for Bitcoin, which is a very, very strong indicator on those higher timeframes. And it also shows really just the wider market strength that we see building up. Again, though, Bitcoin is struggling to break into hold above that trend line on the weekly that has suppressed the market for over two years. They’ve been testing that a lot recently. So hopefully a break of that line is going to becoming. It’s seeming increasingly likely that that is where we are headed. The weekly Mack D is currently on a strong bullish trajectory as well. That is a rare event that usually signifies a strong upward trending market and back over on the daily. We might be only a few days away from the fabled Golden Cross, which could really unleash the bulls when it happens. We had a false golden cross earlier this year and then, of course, the whole Mexican beer thing happened and that kind of killed that momentum. But hopefully, this one holds up moving forward. Of course, this could all break down again. I will keep saying it as long as we maintain above the 200-day moving average, then this market is bullish. If we break below that, well, you know, story, the 2017 run literally saw the price of Bitcoin maintained above the 200 days moving average for more than two years straight. Some to think about. So this could happen again. Be ready. A big thank you to Krypto dot com for sponsoring today’s episode. The next syndicate event has been announced on May 26. So you’ll be able to grab a bag of icon with a massive 50 percent discount. So for all those icon fans out there, this is a good offer for you. Remember that you’ll need to stake S.R.O. tokens to be able to participate. And of course, you need to go over and register for an account on the cryptid dot com exchange, not the app. And speaking of the app, Krypto dot com just brought out a new asset allocation feature for the app. So now you can easily get an overview of your entire portfolio in just one click, which is a nice little bonus feature that makes using the cryptid dot com app just that little bit better. And of course, if you want to start earning some sweet Krypto back rewards, and that is a great time to get the wildly popular Krypto dot com debit card, the two best options are the ruby red card, which gives you two percent Krypto back for every swipe of your card, as well as free Spotify or the Jade Green card, which is when I have my hand here, which gives you three percent Krypto back rewards for every swipe the card free Spotify, free Netflix, an airport lounge access. And as a special bonus, if you use the link Downbelow to reserve a ruby red tier card or higher than you will get a free fifty dollar bonus. Yep, 50 bucks of free money for getting one of these bad boys. So let’s start talking about the bullish bitcoin market data that has been coming up recently. Almost 24000 Bitcoin have been withdrawn from exchanges since the Bitcoin having, which is actually a continuation of a trend that started back in mid-April as we saw more retail buyers coming into the market. This is obviously a very significant amount of Bitcoin, and it could indicate that investors are taking responsibility for their crypto, not trusting exchanges to hold it for them, which is a good thing. And course, possible that a large number of new users simply have come in over the previous weeks and bought Bitcoin with the intention of holding it long term, waiting for the next big run to come in before actually cashing out. Now, another very bullish data point is the active supply of Bitcoin, which has just reached a three year high, indicating a huge amount of on-chain activity for Bitcoin. You can see quite clearly on the chart here, the last time that we had a massive run-up like this was during the heavy accumulation period that preceded the previous insane parabolic market rally back in twenty seventeen, meaning that when we do see this trend reverse, that it will likely mean that the bull market is actually starting to lift off on its journey to the moon. Right now, we’re just firing up the engines. We are in that accumulation phase still for Bitcoin. But it also says to me that we’re nearing the end of that accumulation phase. So act accordingly. You have had two years to buy Bitcoin at cheap prices. It’s not going to last forever. And also, a very interesting piece of data for you is that the percentage of Bitcoin mining revenue generated from transaction fees reached thirteen point one percent yesterday. That’s the highest it’s been since January. Twenty eighteen. Now, this is partial, of course, because the Bitcoin having has reduced the block reward and also partially because we’ve seen on-chain fees going up, which is not a particularly awesome thing and is good for the miners, but not as awesome for the actual users. One is sent Bitcoin for point A to point B. All that on-chain activity we’re seeing has been creating too much demand for block space and of course, is pushing the fees up with it. Today, fees are almost four dollars. Another factor, support the huge amount of interest growing in Bitcoin right now is that Google search trends for the term buy bitcoin have seen massive growth recently, now exceeding the highs of the summer of 2019. During the many Bullrun that we had so Hoddle on my friends, now is the time for stacking. Now is the time for chilling. We’re gonna be doing crazy things over the next couple years. Next up, Reddit is introducing about 20 million people to cryptocurrency. They’re releasing two tokens, one named moons and the other named BRICS. The tokens will be issued to members of just only two Subrata to start off with those, not the whole Reddit community. So it’s four. Our slash cryptocurrency and our slash Fortnights B are as part of red. It’s a new initiative called Community Points. Both of these tokens will be E RC. Twenty tokens, of course, issued on the theorem blockchain with Reddit implementing what is going to be called the Redditt vault, essentially in theory and wallet where the tokens will be stored. This is currently on theorems test net, not the main net yet. The test net but. Wow. Seriously, wow. The scope of this is just it’s absolutely insane. Reddit, it has four hundred and thirty million daily users. It is the seventh most visited the site on the Internet and 64 percent of red its users are aged between 18 and 24. Just stopped. Let those statistics sink into your head for a second. Read it. One of the most popular Web sites in the world just announced their trial of a theorem based tokens for the next generation of Internet users. Look around the curve, not where we are today. This is mine. Bending bullish for a theorem. I am still stacking my ethe up. The thing is, it’s gonna go back over a thousand dollars coin. It’s already accomplished by. The question of when bumping up. But don’t happen as soon as we like it too. Because in much less encouraging a theorem news, Retallack Budarin is now walking back comments that Ethe 2.0 will be coming out in July. Apparently the multi-client test net approach is slowing things down, which kind of not surprised. Now, of course, they’re talking about, well, maybe it’s going to happen sometime later this year, maybe even 2021. Anyone who’s watching a theory and for a while knows that theorem to point to them plagued by delays. Look, I understand it’s hard to change the engine in a car that’s going down the road doing a hundred without stopping the car. This is the magic trick that a theorem is trying to pull off right now. And look, that upgrade, that upgrade cannot come soon enough. The pressure on theorem developers to deliver is massive right now, and they only have one chance to really get this right. So let’s go back just for one second of that previous news story is that it really ties in with this when read, it fully rolls out their tokens on the theory, the main net. It could be Krypto kiddies all over again. Imagine millions of people trying to create wallets to transfer those tokens to cash out those tokens. Send those folks, impersonate a person, be it could get real crazy real quick. Fees have already been spiking on theory and recently read it. It could just push it through the roof. Ethe 2.0 needs to happen. A. S a p. Get busy Retallack. And finally, if you live in the USA, then you might be getting a new round of stimulus checks money for everyone. Another three trillion dollar crisis package has been proposed in the USA. Note this is a proposal. This bill has not been passed yet. The final version could be different, but if it is passed in its current form, then families could receive up to six thousand dollars. So that’s 12 hundred dollars per adult and twelve hundred dollars per kid, up to three kids. So it’s a household check. Remember when the first round of 12 hundred dollar checks came, Coinbase actually saw a big spike in deposits of exactly twelve hundred dollars? Well, my guess is that there are enough people out there in the economy who are doing okay. When they get that check, they’re going to take it and dump it into. Well, Bitcoin and other investments, of course, but potentially a lot of money, again, coming into Bitcoin. But like most of these bills, the final version of the bill, probably just some crumbs for the regular people and more free money for Wall Street and course for the mega-corporations. They always seem to get the lion’s share of any of these packages that come out. That was the way it was for the other four bills. I don’t see why it would be any different for this one. But aside from just some people buying Bitcoin, I think this is good for Bitcoin because honestly, I have lost all sense of the money being thrown around in the USA. The numbers are just it’s impossible to comprehend. Just last week, the U.S. Treasury borrowed three trillion dollars. The week before, it was hundreds of billions of dollars more for small businesses. The week before, that was infinite bailouts for the oil industry. This is insane. Trillions upon, trillions upon trillions of dollars being spent, printed, airdropped, handed out corporations bailing out Wall Street, buying junk bonds. They don’t even know how much money it is anymore. It’s just insanity. And this is all good for Bitcoin because how the dollar actually comes out of the situation in one piece. I don’t see how that happens. This is not going to end well at some point. The effects of the growing debt and the massive inflation, the corporatism and the corruption and just the general fiscal insanity that we see, particularly from the U.S. central bank, those evil roosters are going to come home to roost at some point. And it’s not going to be pretty. And when all this happens, being a Bitcoin holder is going to be a good feeling. So aside from some people maybe whose estimates secretaries buy Bitcoin. This is good for the macro picture of Bitcoin. So your question for today, if you get a cheque for six thousand dollars in the mail from your government, would you spend it all on Bitcoin? Maybe you would spend it on another crypto, maybe go buy some light coin with America, buy some stocks or some gold? Or would you actually go and use that money to pay bills and buy food and all that kind of stuff? Let me know, Downbelow. Seriously, you guys are freaking awesome. Your support means everything. This channel is not possible without you. So thank you so, so much for continued sports channel being part of the community. You’re freaking awesome. Thank you so much. Long live the blockchain and peace out till next time.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/stimulus-check-to-buy-bitcoin-insane-news/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/05/6000-stimulus-check-to-buy-bitcoin.html
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