#ace reads sonic idw comics
acethelonewanderer · 11 months
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i will cherish this panel forever
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shadowxamyweek · 1 year
I know this is a Shadamy blog but what is your opinion on Sonamy? Like, do you think the two ships are capable of coexistence? Maybe a live triangle kind of thing? Do you just tolerate Sonamy or like it just as much as Shadamy? Or do you just not enjoy the ship at all? I guess the same question could be applied to other Amy or Shadow ships that aren’t Shadamy.
Ah ha ha oh boy. (ಡ▽ಡ*)ゞ
So, fun fact (and part of the reason why I took so long to get back to you- I had to find this) @madeofchocolate asked me about SonAmy a while ago. I answered here, but I want to expand upon it for your question since you go beyond just 'what do you think of SonAmy). I will also note that my observations and headcanons are based on games alone. While I like enjoying other aspects of the franchise, I don't consider things like Sonic the Comic, SatAM, or IDW canon to the core lore, if that makes sense (And if it doesn't, that's okay. It's just the way my brain works, so understand that's how I'm coming into this.) 1- From a fandom perspective: Yeah absolutely all ships can and should coexist. The fact that ship battles were even a THING blows my mind. I don't understand why such vitriol could come out of something like, you know, fake hedgehogs, but whatever.
There are very few ships that I actively dislike. SonAmy isn't one of them.
I also don't dislike most other Shadow or Amy ships. Been seeing a lot of SurgeAmy and BlazeAmy which are super cute, and SonAdow has gotten much gentler and sweeter over the years, which is nice to see.
It's not like I don't read other ships either, or look at art for them. When someone is able to take the character and, in what I perceive to be a good application of canon, make a ship concept work? Oh I'm always thrilled. Plus, it's nice to look at something from a new angle, you know? I think the thing that would make me turn away would be, 'Are they still in character.' If they're not what I would perceive to be, 'in character,' then I'm no longer interested. It just loses the fun for me, you know?
Basically, I like watching people take the puzzle pieces of different people and make cohesive sculptures out of them, if that makes sense. If what they come up with isn't cohesive to me, then it's just... not for me 〜〜(/ ̄▽)/ That includes SonShadAmy. I've seen a lot more art and writing about them in recent years. In fact, past two years I think there's been a ship week for them, which is awesome! Again though, not really my cup of tea. I just don't gravitate towards that.
2- From a canon-compliant point of view. I just- I think Sonic is Aro/Ace, and in such a way that they experience no sexual or romantic attraction.
That's really the core of it. That's why I don't intrinsically ship Sonic with anyone.
Furthermore, I really don't believe that Sonic is the partner that would benefit Amy best (as stated in the linked post above) or, for that matter, Shadow.
Specifically about SonAdow, like, Shadow and Sonic to me have a really cool relationship built off of parallels and perpendicular, working as foils for one another beautifully in that way, but I don't necessarily see the romance of it (unless, again, someone does a fantastic job of showcasing that, and even then, I will like that artist/writer and be indifferent about the ship.) _(:3 」∠)_ You might laugh, but of all the people I would personally ship Sonic with, like if I HAD to pick someone, it would be Knuckles. Like- you go and listen to their Frontiers dialog for a second and you too will be going (O.O) I... (wow I typed a lot) I hope this answered your question XD If not, feel free to send another message, and I'll try to parse down and focus on what you were asking. I hope I didn't overwhelm you with this wall of text XD
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scrunkore · 9 months
Scrunkore Media "Thread" 2023: Part 5
I got burnout and never got back into it so I'm hella simplifying it lol shit happens
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the scrunko core has burned out, rebooting
50) Wendell & Wild (Movie, 2022)
A lovingly crafted stop-motion animated movie with some good old kid-friendly horror vibes and a punky attitude, even starring a pretty nice transmasc character that I'm super happy to see. It's a nice story with a good visual style and a lot of heart, and I think Key and Peele being involved is pretty funny honestly. [4★]
51) Murder by Numbers (Switch, 2020)
Decent enough Picross game with a basic detective narrative stringing it together that I'm not really a huge fan of, but it does its job and I appreciate the adorable robot as well as some of its representation. And no idea how they got the composer from Ace Attorney and Ghost Trick, lmao [3★]
52) Pokémon Picross (GBC, Unreleased)
Yeah, this was better than the 3DS one, it's just basic Picross that doesn't do much (only real mechanic it adds is being able to change the music) but that's still better than the shitty mobile game model. They really should have just released this, it was straight-up finished and I even got a cart that works on original hardware because I think that's neat. [3.5★]
53) Paper Mario: The Origami King (Switch, 2020)
Going to be killed for playing this as my first Paper Mario but who cares, this game is cool in spite of its awkward battle system (which DOES kinda suck). Just a fun adventure with typical quirky writing and some surprisingly powerful moments, plus an excellent soundtrack, I'm sure some of the earlier games are better but I did play this one and did enjoy it. [4★]
54/55) Knives Out/Glass Onion (Movies, 2019/2022)
Incredible pair of detective movies, both full of really engaging writing and directing work that keeps you invested and never stops being entertaining to watch, surely still really good on a rewatch too. They also really fuckin' hate rich people, especially the second one which is woke as hell and has one of my favourite endings in anything, so that's what some might call "based". I can't wait to see what Rian Johnson does for the third Benoit Blanc movie, which is apparently meant to be a 2024 release. [5★]
56) Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW Comics, 2018-Present)
These are some damn enjoyable comics, telling some fun and generally quite well-written stories set after the events of Sonic Forces with a cast of really cool characters. Honestly kind of ride or die for Tangle and Whisper, but original villains like Dr Starline are great to read too. Early highlight is definitely the Metal Virus arc, but the more recent stuff with Surge was excellent too. Safe to say the team behind these stories know their shit. [4.5★]
57) Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Movie, 2023)
They really did it, they went out of their way to make a bigger and better sequel to one of the greatest animated movies I've seen, and it's very possible that they succeeded... but we won't know until the second part comes out, which looks unfortunately unlikely to be any time soon because production sucked. Still, what we did get is yet another gorgeously animated spectacle with a cool storyline, everyone knows that. [4.5★]
58) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 (Movie, 2023)
One of the only parts of the MCU that I cared about more or less concluded with this movie, and fuck it might be the best one in the trilogy. Rocket's harrowing backstory really hits out with that theme of some jerkass playing god, and the core adventure of the film is pretty engaging too, just as cool as ever. Plus it's now confirmed Vocaloid exists in the MCU lol [4.5★]
59) The Suicide Squad (Movie, 2021)
Another instance of James Gunn making an actual good superhero movie, this time making a good adaptation of something that previously had a bit of a shit one. I appreciate the kinda edgy nature of the titular squad that was handled solidly here, and their antics are honestly pretty funny. Fun action sequences too, and it's honestly really cool how much the movie thinks rats are awesome (they kind of are tbh). Peter Capaldi, the best version of Doctor Who, playing a mad scientist role is also just... really good. [4★]
60) Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (Movie, 2022)
Man fuck Disney, this is obviously the best version of the Pinocchio story and their attempt to overshadow it was lame as hell. I quite like the darker take on the story with themes of death and war around Italy's rise of fascism (Tom Kenny Mussolini is crazy btw), and of course the stop-motion animation is really quite excellent. Always love to see movies made in such a way. [4★]
61/62) Sonic and the Secret Rings/Black Knight (Games, 2007/2009)
Yeah, I get why the storybook duo of games have a bad reputation, because the motion control gimmicks kinda suck, but Secret Rings suffers from it far more than Black Knight, and that still has the cool ideas and solid writing combined with a great soundtrack (both games have this). Maybe the mission-based level structure isn't great, but there's some fun stuff to be found in these. Wish they were better though. [2.5★/3.5★]
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Have you read the sonic IDW comics? Because Dr. Starline is very C!Dream especially later on.
I am a huge Sonic fan (Metaru Sonniku is just a slightly misspelled version of the Japanese transliteration or Metal Sonic's name) but I am not familiar with the comics unfortunately! Outside of Ken Penders being fucking buckwild I am fascinated by him.
On that note tho. Sonic and Eggman? Literally just child friendly versions of c!Tommy and c!Dream. There’s literally a line in the movie where Sonic says Robotnik's weakness is that Sonic lives in his head rent free it’s sooooooo c!Primecoded. Eggman kept Sonic alive and imprisoned for MONTHS just to make him watch as he took over the world (and maybe tortured him? If you take the weird translation as canon). All the way back to the fucking MASTER SYSTEM Eggman saved Sonic from an inescapable death because he couldn’t let anyone but himself kill him. HE BUILT A ROBOT BASED OFF OF HIM WHO HE ADOPTED AS A SON.
Also, c!Tommy and Sonic are both very energetic and friendly, nature loving teenagers who live for adrenaline and are incredibly loyal to their friends, with a philosophy that death and decay is natural and change inevitable even if it’s hard, who are deeply kind but tend to hide it through their outward carefree persona, and are 100% ace and trans, while c!Dream and Eggman are mad scientists who deep down have an extremely childish dream, want to be accepted but define that as blind worshipful adoration, a very messed up outlook on family, often appear outwardly comical but can be bone chillingly terrifying if they want to be, and have fallen into an incredibly obsessive rivalry with a teenager who fucked with them one time and they immediately latched onto as their Arch Rival because they’re that deeply lonely that getting beat up by a sixteen year old is their most meaningful relationship.
Also Metal c!Tommy AU when 😔
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flamechar33 · 2 years
I am only posting enough about some Sonic AUs I've had in mind for context for an image I've come up with that I don't think I can just Not share: This entire chain of AU ideas started when I was in my mid/late teens when I started reading Ghosts of the Future (that Future AU written by Ian Flynn Evan Stanley, don't know how I got that wrong ) and after catching up I ended up thinking up a Future AU of that set after GUN's been defeated. All that's relevant of what I called GofT Whirlwind is:
The 'main' character who I'll refer to as the originally planned last name Hunter is a descendant of Infinite and son of a famous Extreme Gear racer known as the 6th Black Baron, who originally was a member of GUN before a whole Plot happened and ended up on the other side and taking up the mantle of his dad's opposing racer the Red Rider. (He was a faded green wolf originally but now I'm thinking that Hunter and his dad should be Jackals. Also I could go into depth about his suit as the Red Rider and how it isn't necessarily red. Also I can't remember if the notion of Chaos Powers was introduced in GotF or if I just expanded/made it up from somewhere, but his ability was Chaos Sight which gave him...essentially Eagle Vision from AC? idk I was inspired by the tracking mechanic from Lego Lord of the Rings. There's also just too many OCs from this to talk about Just in this post so, like, ask I guess.)
The only other OC I will mention is sleeper agent murder android fox who very much does not like 4 of those 5 words and ends up defecting before Hunter. She's called Sabina, probably more of the protagonist than Hunter is at first.
Tails uploaded his mind immediately post death to become an AI. He gets a robot body after being stuck inside the Tornado up until (reads notes) Story Chapter 2 of...5? (the entire Plot I mentioned earlier? That's just Chapter number 1)
Also there's another noteable part of this AU which is that Infinite had a sister who survived/left, who had a son who ended up as a part of the batch of Rookies and the main one's best friend. Remember this later
Then I ended up making an AU of the Dark GotF AU (where Shadow died instead) with Hunter having things A Lot Worse. His family died in a resistance raid and he nearly burnt to death, only to be taken by the GUN higher ups and made into a living chimera weapon who could absorb Chaos powers through absorbing blood. His deal in this AU is that when he gets introduced he pretty much only likes Silver, and that he disguises his nature with a longcoat, gloves, orange tinted glasses and a lot of other things to hide the wings and tail...and pretty much everything but his head.
That's the past context: onto this year, where Adult Me is looking back and brainstorming/rethinking again, while I'm also looking at IDW comics - especially Surge. I looked at Surge and Kit, I looked at Dark GotF Hunter, and said "yeah this could be fun" So onto the last AU of this, this time of IDW. A bad future ends up happening with Eggman Empire in control because Surge ended up killing Sonic, so Silver ended up going back in time to help Sonic. Hunter ended up going back in time as well to also stop Surge but meets them and goes "wow ok these guys need help." Sabrina also comes back in time but everyone thinks she's here to stop them from Preventing Sonic's death.
Long Story Short Surge ends up unable to kill Sonic, Sabrina finally gets to reveal that No she's here to stop Hunter because he gets all the Chaos Powers and ends up getting a vision that Maybe drives him insane/is him being possessed. I would have kept that as a surprise but Hunter going and releasing Infinite from the Phantom Ruby as his right hand man is important. But eventually everyone (except Sonic) wins and the future is changed again with only the timetravellers remembering the whole deal.
A later incident ends up with the planet from two different times (present and Silver's future) being in each other's sky. Another long story but basically Infinite joins Eggman and the future villain because he learnt from last time that he has surviving family, and basically Hunter redeems himself during this whole thing and takes Infinite to go see his sister (leading to him retiring). AI Tails also appears from the future world.
Then there's story set exclusively in the future, which I'm Not going to spoil since If I write it well it's going to have some really good twists, but I ended up thinking about in this future Surge and Kit being immortal due to whatever Starline did to them (Kit's also taller now) and them being part of Gun, and a bit where Shadow and Robo Tails meeting up with them (Tails is not allowed in Kit's stuff) ended up during the thinking process having Surge say something along the lines of "the hangout's not today".
So yeah, the image: Shadow, Surge, Kit, Robo AI Tails, Infinite, Metal and Mecha Sonic all sitting around at their usual immortals hangout session.
That's it, that's the entire reason I've released the knowledge of 3 of my Sonic AUs out into the wild. dropping this and seeing what happens overnight
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seththemusehub · 2 years
two things.
that thing I reblogged about blorbo stuff creation?? I make stuff. not often anymore, because physical disability problems, but I have help to be able to, like....function again now. I'm hoping I'll get to start Making Shit again soon.
I have been reading the IDW Sonic comics and let me just say...the LP I was listening to had music that was extremely thematically relevant during the start of the mechanical virus plot. I am not too terribly ashamed to say I actually cried.
the comics have been pretty good so far. I'm switching gears a little so I don't wake up 40x because Dreams. moved from the LP to TAZ. might be considering throwing Quin at the Sonic universe too now. even have a critter transformation all ready to go, same shit as the AC world, different proportions.
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cherrivixx · 2 years
( pinned post / me self-promoing like crazy )
my name is kris or shortcake, whichever you prefer. i use any pronouns.
i write i draw i also have a twitter which is under the name cherrivixx + i have a couple ongoing fics on the ao3 account ughlifeissoboring
anyway, media im currently into:
ace attorney — played aa123, playing aa4 :)
final fantasy — primarily IX and VII (crisis core, original and remake). does secret of mana count as ff ? childhood fave either way
the world ends with you — played both original and neo !!
sonic — mostly games & idw comics
strawberry shortcake (always.)
pokemon — pokespe mostly
kingdom hearts (im a lot confused a little of the time but ive read the mangas and played bits and pieces of the games)
monster high & many other kinds of dolls
zelda, i have only completed a few games but i have basic knowledge of most of the games - i also really love the four swords manga
dc comics — mostly just young justice (2010 show and 1998 comics) alongside a couple characters like flash and all of the batgirls
linked universe, the reason i joined tumblr, really
my strawpage for other info and extended list of things i like
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Donald Duck: The Call of C’russo Reviewcap (Comission by WeirdKev27)
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Happy Halloween all you Happy People! And today we have a special treat, and as tends to be the case it comes as a result of a commission from my good friend, patreon and top commissioner WeirdKev27. If you’d like to commission your own review just shoot me an ask, and if you’d like your own guaranteed review a month simply slip on over to my patreon. Even if you can’t afford enough for a month even a buck a month would be apricated to help keep things going here. 
So this one needs some story: A few months back Kev suggested commissioning this one for Halloween. I was willing to check it out, make sure I had material that sort of thing and at first I was confused since the first half of this comic.. is a  normal gag based Donald Duck comic. Nothing strange or weird, a few hints of something sinister but surely that was just leading to the villian of the week trying to steal the gold reserve with Gelatin or pay off his student loans or something right?
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Yeah.... for those of you who haven’t read or heard of this one.. let’s just say it takes a turn. It’s one of the strangest swerves i’ve EVER seen in a Donald Duck story.. and it is not only gloriously batshit, but it’s genuinely effective and scary.  So I was fully on board, and thus here we are. So if your curious, answer the Call of C’Russo with me under the cut and find out what’s so damn spiffy about this story.
So first some backstory: This story was originally printed in Germany in 2004, but got a much wider release in 2016 thanks to IDW’s Donald Duck series, which reprinted and translated Donald Stories. Unfortunately at the time of this writing the issue’s hard to come by since i’ts out of print, and digitally it was yanked off shelves because IDW lost the license, a stiff reminder that I really need to get Bill and Ted’s Excellent Comic Book at some point before something like that happens. 
So we open with Donald’s singing annoying the public, business as usual. He’s doing the pre-screening for Mr. C’Rrusso’s armature singing contest. It only enrages the prescreeners who give the poor guy the boot. Me I thought it was beautiful. Maybe they just don’t like art. 
Pure magic. The Boys however did get inside and are the front runner, with C’rrusso saying their three part harmony is his front runner, making his tuining fork hum. 
So Donald is Donald Dejected when he comes across D’mmingo, C’rruso’s idnetical twin brother, simply clad in white instead of black. He offers donald his own audition, complete with his own tuning fork. Because Donald apparently has a sonic scream, the fire hydrant in the alley their in explodes, but D’mmingo says Donald is perfect he just needs his throat oiled and gives him a perfume mister thing to do just that. Tommorow he’ll have the voice of an angel. 
Donald TRIES to sing again but only gets a harsh rejection from the boys.. who are REALLY dickish here. 
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Thankfully they get their commpuance the next morning as donald can sing like a golden harp. He naturally aces the audition and C’rrusso kicks the three little douchers to the curb. The boys insist donald COULDN’T be this good on his own and something has to be up. I mean their right something is up, but it starts off from a place of jealousy and not thinking their uncle could possibly have talent.. the same uncle who feeds, shelters, and clothes them despite struggling to keep down a job due to god finding his misfortune hilarious. I mean I do too man but come on. 
They do end up having a point when they find out Donald’s leaving for the contest that night.. on a yacht.. to a private island. You know if I didn’t know where this was going, i’d say this was going to be some version of American Idol where they hunt the loosers a’la most dangerous game.... and i’d not only be wrong but my guess wouldn’t be NEARLY insane enough compared to what’s about to happen. Also with American Idol falling off a cliff they REALLY should consider doing that. Just saying. 
So on the ship C’rrusso explains the absence of anyone else by saying their just shy and that tomorrow donald will win...
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The boys hide, hoping they aren’t over there heads because it sure dosen’t feel nice. They awake to donald’s natural singing beauty and find it shifting to his okay aided voice, now aware of the sprays.. but wondering why D’mmingo would do this... as D’mmingo approaches. I have to admit at this point.. the atmosphere really kicks up. You can TELL something bad’s about to happen.. and it’s not the normal bad that would usually hit donald. Granted it dosen’t remotely prepare you for what IS going on, but it nicely eases you into it with atmosphere like any good slow burn horror story. SOMETHING is very wrong with this goofy singing story. 
So while Donald naps the boys sneak around, and find the other contestants are still singing in their cabins.... and that the only crew is C’Russo himself. Things somehow get LESS creepy when D’mmingo sneaks on the boat and swaps out the atomizers, meaning Donald’s voice will go back to normal, something the three little craps revel in.. till their caught by donald. 
Now up till now you might’ve been put off by the whole “donald cheating aspect” I wasn’t because the only competition we see are three throughly awful chlidren he works hard to raise, but the story does actually answer that: Donald admits he’s felt guilty, bu the’s always wanted to win a singing contest. It’s always been his dream. I thought his lifelong dream was to be on the gong show but whatever, point is he plans to give up the prize money, he just wants to be loved. 
So the boys realize what dick’s they’ve been, another point in the story’s favor and decide to reswitch the atomizers.. since D’mmingo was stupid enough to stay on board, meaning they can simply steal the right one from him. They soon make a chilling discovery about one of the contestants though...
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Turns out all the “contestants” are simply recordings of other singers from the contest.... and what’s more the “island” they stop at is seemingly nothing in the sea.... until...
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Welcome folks to S’pittoo, and to the part where this story goes off the rails.. and from good to great. 
Donald dosne’t listen to the boys about the island having suddenly risen, and goes with C’Russo despite all the alarm bells that should be set off by him saying all the other contestants have gone ahead and ushering donald into an eerie temple. See Donald this is why you only have an IOU where both your kindney’s should be. 
D’mmingo awakes to find Donald singing well but the boys capture him before he can do anything and he begs them to stop Donald. When they ask what harm he could possibly do, they explalin his voice will end the world.... and as for the why.. well your best seeing it for yourself as the boys read a songbook D’mmingo has in his pocket
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So yeah at least for this story the Duck universe.. is the dream of an elder god... and if he awakes he will reshape reality in his image. As for Donald every thousand years the two sides of the god’s personality try to find someone to either wake the god or keep him asleep. This time donald just happened to be both. 
So yeah I wasn’t lying about what a swerve this was... we go from a fairly typical donald duck story, if a GOOD typical donald duck story.. TO A TAKE ON LOVECRAFT. It’s a hell of a swerve: while the title HINTS at that, given Duck Comics you know usually don’t HAVE elder gods in them and if they did you’d expect it to be Scrooge outwitting them, not the boys, it’s just a huge punch to the gut, one I expect was fully intentionally. And.... it’s awesome. It’s well DONE cosmic horror, with all the horrifying implications of the genre and a clever concept: two parts of a god’s subconscious, one trying to wake the god because that’s what it logically SHOULD do and reality should becomne a reflection of him, and the latter fighting to stop it because while that’s what should happen logically it’d doom the poor people trapped inside the dream to unending horrors. It’s horrifying as it is utterly fascinating and it’s only now how brilliant it is sinks in, as I was too damn shocked the first time to properly process it. 
The boys aren’t sure they buy the story, but do go to save Donald anyway. We then get a genuinely creepy scene as C’Russo forces Donald, who soon realizes something’s wrong when he’s left singing over a dark pit, to sing, which he only does to not get shot. The boys try to get there in time.. and fail... as...
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Donald books it back to the boat, hilariously by RUNNING on water.... because apparently donald is either the flash or jesus, possibly both. or is jesus the flash? Sadly we don’t have time to figure that out as the world is ending.. and things only get more horrific for our heroes as the dream already starts to shift in the dreamers image...
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Just.. holy shit... this is GENINELY horrifying, while still not being too graphic for kids. I mean it still clearly scared some for life but props for doing something this geninely unnerving in an all ages comic. 
So D’ommingo fades, as since he’s a subconscious part of the god’s brain, he can’t be awake.. but offers the idea of a lullabye. Donald tries singing but it only wakes the creature more.... and the boys realize his old voice is the only thing that can save the world and end the waking nightmare so the dream that is their lives can continue. Since they don’t have the bad voice maker on hand though, they make one using the atomizer and some lemon juice and tabasco. And with that three 8 year olds and a squaky duck save the world as Donald sings the dreamer a lullabye, restoring the dream.. and us. The crystal city sinks, the two parts of his subconscious agree to play this cosmic game again next time no hard feelings.. and donald ponders the true horror of this situation
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Final Thoughts:
This story is a masterpiece. It uses the usual trappings of a donald duck story to slowly lull you in, unease growing.. then throws you into a story striaght out of Lovecraft, and makes it all work perfectly. While the novelty of this story is great, the story itself is fantastic, having all the trappings of a cosmic horror story but for all ages, and having it’s own creative additions to the genre. It also plays as   a light parody from the ridiculous names to donald’s bad singing being the only thing that can save the world, but just enough to fit being a Donald Duck comic without overriding the horror of the situation. It’s a perfect ballance of silly, surreal and sense shattering. It’s a fantastic story I hope gets another translation via fantagraphics, it needs to remain in print and needs to be seen. This story is the finest story i’ve seen in duck comics outside barks and rosa and while outside their wheelhouses it’s one that both could apricate. A true classic, seek it out, it’s in issue 16 of the IDW Comics, 
Thanks for reading.
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aquillis-main · 3 years
While I was looking through your IDW Sonic tag, I came across your answer to an ask "How would you write the IDW Sonic comics if you were the main writer?" In your answer, you told that you would start the comic with wacky hijinks around the end of Sonic Forces, where everyone is rebuilding and actual, credible villains try to take over in Eggman's absence.
My question is - what would these "wacky hijinks" entail? What villains could be classified/perceived as "credible"?
Your writing ideas are incredibly interesting, and it would be lovely if you elaborated on them just a little bit more!
Oh boy! Elaboration! I love it when people express interest in my thoughts and want me to explain more!
Thing is, this kind of elaboration needs a read more so that it doesn't lengthen anyone's dashboards, so I'll put one in here if you want to read it.
One of the major things about Eggman 'dissappearing' after Forces is that it can lead to copycats -- Eggman has been around so long that I wouldn't be surprised that there was people who looked to the 'good' doctor and went 'I want to be like him someday!'. This idea of mine (which I've taken to calling the 'Eggman Corp.' since they have Eggman as a role model and the like) hasn't left my head since the comic started.
Thing is about copycats is that they don't know what they're doing -- all that they know is that Eggman nearly took over the world, and made it look easy while doing it. So, they probably have no idea that Sonic would not take kindly to anyone trying the same thing as Eggman. Thus, the Eggman Corps. can be seen as a different goldfish poop gang to Rough and Tumble, with the difference being that If Eggman were to come back, they'd flock to him and (try to) be his partner (with only Dr. Starline getting the privilage of being the Doctor's right-hand man, because of my idea on how to avoid the Zeti coming back I just answered).
Another idea I have is to make a vile sect of people who would love to fill the hole that Eggman left, but have their own motivations in reagards as to why they want to be seen as 'vile'. I have ideas of a corrupt businessman using his ability to aquire businesses and throw them to the wayside to become a titan of an Monopoly, all the while ignoring environmental conerns and the like. It's one of those villains Sonic would have a hard time fighting against, as the villain can just start anew with another part of his awful business if Sonic were to trounce them at one. Think Lex Luthor, only they are more open about being a scumbag to the public.
You know Ace Attorney, right anon? I've probably reblogged it a few times on this account/talked about it as well. One of the things I like about Ae Attorney is that they love to make scumbag attorneys that just want to win regardless of their 'win' being the truth or not. One character I've been fascinated by is Manfred Von Karma, a man who, up until Gregory Edgeworth put a dent on his reputation, had about 40 years where he automatically won trials. For him, it didn't matter if the person he was sending to jail was innocent or not, as long as Manfred Von Karma won the trial. It kind of stuck to me since I found out about him, and I always wanted to have a character that was exactly like Manfred Von Karma, even to the point of wanting to win.
You can probably guess where the 'wacky hijinks' I have from my original post going through some of these descriptions, can you? Sonic being put on trail for the dissappearance of Dr. Eggman, and having to have an attorney fight against one that doesn't care he's the 'hero', as long as he gets a 'win' in court. A vile businessman wanting to take over from Dr. Eggman since the latter had often bought supplies from him for his robots, and the businessman wanting to expand his empire of money at the cost of destroying livelyhoods. A fanclub of Eggman's turned somewhat credible threat that want to bring the 'Eggman Empire' back to it's former glory, but having no idea on how to fight like Eggman does, just that they are large enough in number to actually be a challenge.
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mashounen2003 · 3 years
Sonic opinions - 5
Since I often judge elements and stories from Sonic based more on their potential, it’ll be extremely rare for me to entirely dismiss a specific character, concept or idea from canon when writing these summaries.
More specific cases below the "keep reading" cut.
Romances involving main characters from the videogames are usually ruled out, and with increased awareness about the LGBTQ+ community in general and the aro-ace (aromantic & asexual) spectrum in particular in recent years, the headcanon of Sonic being asexual and/or aromantic is now a favourite of many. I have no problem with others having that headcanon, and I'd even prefer SEGA to make this official rather than keep their characters in a sort of limbo, as they’d at least start being serious about storytelling and portraying their characters in compelling ways; on the other hand, I cannot unsee this is mainly due to the fans’ disappointment with how romances were written in both the videogames and the Archie comics, being something very vaguely defined and ambiguous in the first case and a hot garbage mountain of poorly-written drama typical of a soap opera in the second one. There’s also another thing I cannot ignore: it’s true that many people from the aro-ace spectrum are just desperate to get the representation they deserve, they see Sonic and think “yep, Sonic being asexual makes sense”, and I must admit that Sonic being aro-ace and still keeping his typical "90s", "radical", "in your face" attitude would make a pretty cool contrast; however, aromantic character headcanons sometimes also originate from sexist ideas (comments like "Pfff! Women... Who understands them?" are a classic). Something similar happens with gay & lesbian pairings: fans are disappointed with the canon’s frequent straight romances that are also poorly-written, see two same-gender friends with better chemistry with each other, put two and two together, and conclude those same-gender friends being a couple makes much more sense.
Headcanons are always quite interesting and it’d be a shame if they weren't used. But I don’t want to dismiss the canon pairings, because I still see their potential, their failure is only due to how certain writers handled them (as I mentioned before, the relationship between Sonic and Sally as Bollers planned to write it could have turned out very well if Penders and Gabrie had not torpedoed him), and fans themselves have also thought of ways to better portray these same canon pairings. So I’ll do my best to include "the best of both worlds" in my work.
On the other hand, among those very few things that I’m not going to include at all, there are Big the Cat, Cream the Rabbit and her mother Vanilla. The role of the latter two is primarily to add a "cuteness factor", Cream was over-powered every time she was a playable character, and Big was supposed to shine for his lateral thinking and his peculiar world-view, but this only served as a bad taste joke about the mentally disabled as early as his debut in Sonic Adventure 1, and since his reappearance in Sonic Heroes, that was all that was left of him. Even if they had some potential, it’d certainly only be useful in a story set in the videogames’ universe; whenever Cream and Big appear in Western comics comparatively darker than the Japanese canon -be it pre-reboot Archie, post-reboot Archie or IDW- my only reaction is to want to yell at them to go home or somewhere safe and get away from the battlefield, it feels like those characters have been shoehorned into the plot, much of their actions and dialogue generate a massive dissonance in the story’s tone, and their roles on whatever team they join are always undefined.
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acethelonewanderer · 1 year
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ashenpages · 3 years
Ooh 📚☕💐 and 💖🌸💎!
Im a sucker for sonadow fics, and for the sake of the world was amazing❤️
And i have never read a purely blazamy fic, but it honestly sounds great, and i think that amy deseves more love, so im excited for that story 😄
Thank you so much! I loved writing FtSoaW, and I’m looking forward to both of these other ones once the time is right.
Lemme drop two tidbits about these since you took the time to vote for them!
For the Sonadow one, one of the main characters is the author of the book series that Shadow loves, and Rouge knows who it is.
For the Blazamy one, getting into the IDW Sonic comics is what really convinced me that Blaze and Amy belonged together. There’s a story line where Blaze is basically their ace in the hole, and Amy’s commanding, and I just love them together. I really want to write Blaze in a slightly different way than the comics have so far as well, as sort of a magical tank support to Amy’s berserker. I’m really excited to put them in combat situations and have Amy take off her power inhibitors and use the Chaos Emeralds and really just show the world what she’s made of. Plus, I learned this last September that Amy debuted on Bisexual Visibility Day, so Bi Amy is really important to me for Reasons.
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janethepegasus · 6 years
So i saw Matpat’s latest video about shared universes (starting with Doom and somehow connecting it with Kingdom Hearts) and my crazy brain thought it would be a good idea to expand it even FURTHER all because he used Spider-Man to connect to Thanos in Fortnite (yes seriously)
So behold, all the shit i had to go through to make connections to everything i can find and think of
So since all Spider-Mans are in one multiverse, that means all versions of Spider-Man are canon, so let's look at two cases of alternate Spider-Mans. Theres the Japanese Spider-Man, which was created by Toei as a collab by Marvel, Toei also created Super Sentai, which has connections to Kamen Rider (Super Hero Taisen), Metal Hero (some crossover movies), and obviously Power Rangers. Power Rangers had a crossover with TMNT, which has connections to not only other versions of TMNT but also other series like Batman (basically the whole DC universe is involved), Archie, X-Files, Ghostbusters, Rabbids (they were an extra character in a fighting game, as like a promotion for the new game), and all the toons that showed up in Cartoon All-Stars, like the Smurfs, Alf, Garfield, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Winnie the Pooh (which is already tying back up to Kingdom Hearts), Muppet Babies, Looney Toons, and Ducktales.
Now Muppet Babies is part of the Muppet franchise, the Muppets are connected to Sesame Street, which opens up a can of worms for connections. Some characters cameoed in Between the Lions, Mr Rogers' Neighbor Hood, The Electric Company, Reading Rainbow, Poky Little Puppy, and a bunch of these characters appeared in a We are Family music video, which has *inhales* Bear in the Big Blue House, Barney, Arthur, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius, Rugrats, The Magic School Bus, SpongeBob SquarePants, Dora the Explorer, Blue's Room, Blue's Clues, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Kim Possible, The Proud Family, LazyTown, Lilo & Stitch: the Series, Madeline,Little Bill, The Fairly OddParents, Zoom, AND a whole bunch more shows.
Obviously Jimmy Neutron and Fairly Odd Parents had a crossover (three in fact), but those other shows had crossovers too, like Rugrats having a crossover with Wild Thornberrys, Lilo and Stitch had crossovers too, they had crossovers with The Proud Family, Kim Possible, Recess, and American Dragon Jake Long. Spongebob is connected to a lot of Nicktoons shows through the bumpers on the channel and had a major crossovers with Fairly Odd Parents, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, Tak, and Invader Zim in the Nicktoons Unite games.
Looney Toons is connected to all other Hanna Barbera property, which had crossovers as well (look at Scooby Doo and Tom and Jerry, they're LOADED with crossovers with other series), as for the Looney Toons cast themselves, examples include Tiny Toons, Animaniacs, Pokemon (in a commercial in Kids WB), The Justice League, Wild Kratts (Kinda? The two characters, Road Runner and Wild E. Coyote, were pretty much referenced as a way to say that real life coyotes can catch up to road runners), and The Amazing World of Gumball. And Pokemon had a crossover game with Nobunaga's Ambition called Pokemon Conquest. AND Ducktales is connected to Darkwing Duck and the same goes with the reboot.
Okay now back to where we started, Power Rangers had a crossover episode with Masked Rider, which is an adaptation of Kamen Rider Black RX, Kamen Rider had a FEW crossovers with other series, like Crayon Shin-chan, Pac-Man, Osomatsu-San, Hello Kitty, Pretty Cure, and a few others. Pretty Cure only had crossovers with itself but there is one pic floating around the internet showing one of the Cures standing in front of Arresterdramon Superior Mode, so it might hint to a commercial happening during that time. Hello Kitty has a ton of crossovers with different series, such as Sonic, Cookie Run, Pac-Man, Puzzles and Dragons, Doraemon, Yokai Watch, and several others. In Osomatsu-San Hesokuri Wars, they have costumes/sets of the six brothers being yokai, magical girls, monsters, angels, knights, super heroes, greek
gods, and others. Yokai is also connected to Yokai Watch, which has it's own crossovers with other series, like Final Fantasy, Terminator, Inazuma Eleven (which had commercials that crossed over with Despicable Me), The Seven Deadly Sins, Detective Conan, Hello Kitty (which brings this back to Hello Kitty and its crossovers), Inuyasha, Professor Layton, and several others. Professor Layton had a crossover game with Ace Attorney, which has many references and a small amount of crossovers.
Now let's move on to another Spider-Man, the one from Ultimate Spider-Man, obviously he's connected to the other Marvel shows that take place in that universe, but Spider-Man had crossover episodes/specials with Phineas and Ferb and Jessie, Jessie having connections with other Disney Sit-com shows like Austin and Ally, Good Luck Charlie, Liv and Maddie, and a few others, HOWEVER Mr. Moseby from the Suite Life of Zach and Cody appeared in one episode, which means that Jessie is in the same universe as That's So Raven, Hannah Montanna, Cory in the House (yeah yeah yeah, i can hear the anime memes from a mile away -_-), and Wizards of the Waverly Place. Phineas and Ferb also had crossover specials/episodes with Star Wars and Milo Murphy's Law, Star Wars has many crossovers and references in other shows, like the Muppets, Seasame Street, Captain N, Mario (in that old Mario cartoon episode where they parodied it), Putt-Putt, Megaman, Duke Nukem, Star Trek, Indiana Jones, Dragon Ball, Transformers, Metal Gear, Angry Birds, Lego, Club Penguin, and several others.
The Star Wars references were in Megaman V and Megaman Zero, sprites from Megaman Zero were used to create sprites of TV Tome Adventures, which then became TOME: Terrain of Magical Expertise and then it turned into the video game version of that show, the creator of the show, Kirbopher, did an animation related to Super Mario RPG, and had many voice roles like in Mob Psycho 100, Pokemon, and other series. Dragon Ball is the prequel of Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Z Super made it clear that there's other universes so all of those are connected as well, and Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z had crossovers with other shows like One Piece, Dr Slump, Astro Boy, Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo, and a few others. Metal Gear had crossovers and references in Terminator, Gundam, Castlevania, Mario, Zelda, Ape Escape, Yugioh (which connects itself to the other seasons like GX, 5D's, Zexal, Arc-V, and Vrains), Monster Rancher, Yoshi, The Standley Parable (only in the demo), and several others. Transformers, since it's made by Hasbro, is also connected to other Hasbro property, such as My Little Pony (and Equestria Girls), and they had references to other series in both the show and in the IDW comics, like pony versions of Rick and Morty appearing in one episode, pony versions of characters from Sailor Moon, Gravity
Falls, Kill La Kill, Scooby Doo, Powerpuff Girls, Frozen, and few other shows and even pony versions of IRL people like Gordon Ramsey. Transformers had crossovers and references to other series as well such as G.I Joe, Doctor Who, Spider Man, Star Wars, Marvel, and several other shows, and apparently Jem, Inhumanoids, C.O.P.S, and Robotix takes place in the Transformers universe.
Angry Birds had crossovers with other series like Rio, Star Wars, Puzzles and Dragons, Transformers, Sonic, The Muppets, and many levels in their games make references to other series. Lego Dimensions is full of crossovers, like The A-Team, Adventure Time, Back to the Future, Beetlejuice, DC Comics, Doctor Who, E.T, Fantastic Beasts, Ghostbusters (both the original and the 2016 reboot), The Goonies, Gremlins, Harry Potter, Jurassic World, Knight Rider, Legends of Chima, other Lego property, Lord of the Rings, Midway Arcade, Mission: Impossible, Portal, Powerpuff Girls, Scooby-Doo, Simpsons, Sonic, Teen Titans Go!, and The Wizard of Oz. Speaking of The Simpsons, they had crossovers with other shows like Family Guy and Futurama, AND they cameoed appeared in South Park, and Family Guy is in the same universe as American Dad and The Cleveland Show. The Simpsons also had crossovers with The Critic, X-Files, King of the Hill, Robot Chicken, Bob's Burgers (which means it's also connected to the Archer Show), Rick and Morty, and several series get mentioned in the show itself. As for Sonic, he had a crossover comic series with Megaman, he had crossovers in the comics with Sabrina the Teenage Witch and DC (it was part of a Sonic Super Special comic but for some reason the Wikis won't tell me if it's generally DC or some part of it >:/ ), Sonic had levels in Sonic Lost World that were crossovers with NiGHTS, Legend of Zelda, and Yoshi's Wooly World, in Sonic Forces, there's DLC costumes that are based off of NiGHTS, Beat from Jet Set Radio, AiAi from Super Monkey Ball, and Joker from Persona 5. Sonic had crossover games with other SEGA series, but in Sonic Dash, they had events that had crossovers with Angry Birds, Hello Kitty, and Pac-Man. In one of the Vocaloid games, Miku had a costume that was a Sonic hoodie, to celebrate Sonic's anniversary, Vocaloid made many songs and some of these songs branch out into their own series, one of them being Black Rock Shooter, and i swear BRS was a guest character in some fighting game but i don't remember what the name was.
Okay, now let's head back to Marvel, one of the characters that's paired up with Spider-Man (except for the Movie universe) is Deadpool, and in one comic, he takes a girl to see Hamilton. In one of the Hamildrops, they did a crossover song which was a mix of Story of Tonight and You'll be Found from Dear Evan Hansen called "Found Tonight", one of the actors from Dear Evan Hansen is now playing the role of Jeremy in Be More Chill, and in the original 2015 performance of BMC, the actor who played Jenna also played Martha in Heathers, and Eric William Morris, who played Squip, also played Jordan in The Ballad of Little Jo. And since we're using actors to connect series...*inhales* Lin Manuel Miranda (who plays Alexander in Hamilton) also had roles in In The Heights, 21 Chump Street, Mary Poppins Returns, Ducktales Reboot, Do No Harm, Looking for Maria Sanchez, Sesame Street, House M.D, and a few others. Mary Poppins Returns is a sequel to the original Mary Poppins so they instantly connect, and i'm gonna make a crazy theory of House M.D taking place in the same city (or state) as Blue Bloods and Forever, both shows have characters played by Eric William Morris, who had roles in Trust, Greed, Bullets, and Bourbon, Royal Pains, As The World Turns, and few other small roles. But one of his current roles is Carl from King Kong Broadway, which is based off of King Kong, and King Kong had a crossover film with Godzilla, and there's a short film that had Ultraman and Kamen Rider (i think it was Godzilla?? It was a giant lizard thing :/). However, King Kong was the inspiration behind Donkey Kong, which now has connections to both Mario and Donkey Kong series. Donkey Kong had crossovers/references with Frogger, Pitfall, Qubert, Mickey (from Disney), Punch Out, Mother, Earthworm Jim, Kirby, Crash Bandicoot, Banjo Kazooie, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Scott Pilgrim, The Fast and the Furious, Class of 3000, Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!, Big Bang Theory, Metroid, Pushmo, Minecraft, Gravity Falls, Wreck It Ralph, Pixels, Skylanders, several others, and had japanese exclusive songs in Donkey Konga that had songs from Super Sentai, Pretty Cure, Pikmin, Naruto, Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo, Fullmetal Alchemist, Dragon Ball Z, Star Fox, Fire Emblem, Kid Icarus, Ice Climbers, and several others.
Minecraft had a Super Mario texture pack in the Switch version of Minecraft, plus a Steven Universe texture pack as well, there are console exclusive skins based off of characters from Gears of War, Halo, Banjo-Kazooie, Dust, Tony Hawk, Left 4 Dead, Boarderlands, Conker, Half-Life, Portal, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, and several other shows. Steve from Minecraft can be an unlockable character in games like Super Meat Boy, Choplifter, Retro City Rampage, and Creepers can be found in Blocks that Matter, Boarderlands, Torchlight, and Minecraft is refernced in Adventure Time, Octodad, The Stanley Parable, Skyrim, and South Park. And since Minecraft has Halo skins, this ties into Red VS Blue, a show that uses assets from the Halo series. And Red VS Blue appeared in a promotional video alongside the main cast of RWBY. Mother (or Earthbound) is the inspiration for Undertale, which had a sequel called Deltarune, and in one of the locations in Deltarune is a place called "Ice-E's Pezza", and Burgerpants mentions a guy named "Purple Guy" which is a reference to Purple Guy from Five Nights at Freddies. Crash Bandicoot had two crossover games with Spyro the Dragon and had references in Uncharted, Futurama, Johnny Test, Family Guy, Jimmy Neutron, The Country Bears, Jak and Daxter, Friends, The Simpsons, Tomb Raider, and several others. And Mickey is one of the characters in Kingdom Hearts, so now we come in full circle with Matpat's theory.
So started with Spider-man (well two versions of Spider-man) and ended it with Mickey, i'm sure there's other series out there that i forgot to bring up but eh, this is long enough :/
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tears0fsatan · 2 years
LOL that's just how i work i just get into anything that interests me no matter how drastically different they are. for the sonic franchise, it's bc ive been watching the snapcube sonic fandubs and they made me interested in the actual games and idw comic. as for nu carnival, i really like the character designs and well if im being honest...the nsfw scenes help satisfy my libido without me having to actually do anything, i can just watch the two men go at it and i'll be satisfied lmao. libido's a bitch when you're ace 😭
well i guess ive been experimenting with that side of myself when i turned 18...it kinda makes me feel like a late bloomer tho T_T even been daydreaming about doing The Activity with geo gramps and my brain is weirdly not opposed to it much which makes me question things more,, still wont actually read smut tho, the weird terms intimidate me
the green haired guy's name is olivine!! he's a very nice and gentle priest ^_^ and also very um...yknow. im not comfortable saying the word but yeah. he's very neat!! my fave is yakumo tho, he's just so sweet and cute 🥺 he's the shy type ehe. dante is very gender tho
and thank you for your encouraging words, honestly im just attending uni so i can get a good job and get the hell out of my country bc it's a hellhole 😭 i am getting that top surgery goddammit!! binders are cool but permanently getting rid of my boobs sounds so much better
anywayz thank u for reading my rambles again, i literally have no one to talk to nowadays lol
- 🔶
HOLY FUCJ YEAH!!!! being ace n a teenager is so awkward n nO ONE ever talks about it...... like i can't help the wave of guilt i feel whenever i feel *cough* even though its nORMALLLLL urghurghurgh
n .. omg i never thought that i'd meet someone similar to me in that regard,, i grew up homeschooled n isolated so i never rlly got the chance to learn abt that sort of stuff along with my peers??? so i always felt like i was left behind (in a lot of ways rip </3) n it sucks but at least now we know that we're not the only ones right? anww pls don't feel too burdened to figure things out!!! get comfortable with that sorta stuff in ur own time my dear!! nd help i can't picture myself doing it with anyone except some of my favourite characters too 😭😭 real life people are just :thumbs down:
my love,,,, does yakumo remind u of a certain... geo spear wielder by chance..? LMFAO IM PLAYIN BUT DAMN OLIVINE IS CUTE AS HELL AND HIS NAME??? IS SO PRETTY??? AND WHAT THE FUCK... DANTE.. HELLO??@#?@#@?# im gnna collapse and dry heave why are all the characters so damn gorgeous,.,.,. at this rate i might as well play the game myself 😭
nd fuck yeah!!! away with the tits!!! i am in full support of that movment!!!! hope that opportunity comes ur way soon my love!!! n help pls literally me too... the few friends that i still talk to are all busy with exams n stuff n so we don't have the time to chat lololol feel free to ramble or wtv in my inbox whenever!!!!!!!!
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striped-commander · 6 years
Get to know me
Rules: Answer 20 questions then tag 20 (give or take) followers you wanna get to know better!
Stolen from: @nova-au​
Name:  SuperSayinMajinSheBuu/MajinSheBuu/Savannah
Nickname: Majin/Savy/Savs
Height: 4′11
Nationality: American
Favorite Fruit: Most melons. I’m allergic to apples.
Favorite Season: Autumn and Winter
Favorite Smell: The cologne my gf wears and the scent of Lilacs.
Favorite Color(s): Red and Black
Favorite Animal: Birds and Hedgehogs
Tea, Coffee, Hot Cocoa: I drink more coffee than I should, but I adore homemade Lipton sweet tea, and Hot cocoa made with milk and a bit of cinnamon.
Average Hours of Sleep: Sleep? What’s that? (0-4 due to nightmares most nights, but when I do manage to get decent sleep, I get a full 8)
Dogs or Cats: BIRDS!
Dream Trip: Uh... I have small dreams... Most of them involve going to States that are around mine, or to places like Ceder Point, since I’ve never been before. I think I’d like to visit Japan and Canada one day.
When my blog was created: UHHHHHHHHH... I may or may not remember this one... I made it a while ago... Maybe sometime last year or the year before, but it only recently became super active.
# of Followers: 13
Random Fact: Hedgehogs are immune to most poisons (set aside poisonous insects). They have a tendancy to eat things like chemicals, cigarettes, and other dangerous toxic things, then coat their spines in it. It’s not known whether they do this to remove pests from their quills, mask their scent, or to coat their spines in poison to deter predators. My personal guess is all three. 
Hedgehog saliva is also sticky.
You’re welcome.
Favorite Food: In terms of fast food, I like Subway. In terms of home-cooked meals, I like sloppy joes, and spaghetti. Chili dogs are also a fave.
Favorite TV show: I really like Sonic Underground (I’mnotobsessedshutup) and I watch anime sometimes. I grew up on Pokemon, and I’m currently marathoning Supernatural with my girl. I like House too.
Overall though, I don’t really watch TV. I really tend to stick to YouTube. In which case, I love Game Grumps, Markiplier, and Jacksepticeye.
Favorite Movie: That’s a tough one... I don’t really watch movies either... I think the movie I’ve watched most on repeat would be Sonic The Hedgehog OVA and I’ve watched Pokemon 2000 almost as much.
Favorite Vine: Anything by Tomas Sanders.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: ALL! (Pangender)
Favorite Book Series: The IDW Sonic Comics are the only thing I’ve been really reading lately.
Favorite Video Game(s): Anything Sonic tops my list, obviously! But I really love Shadow The Hedgehog, Sonic Colors, and Sonic Generations to be more specific.
Favorite Subject: I used to be in college before mine got shut down. So I’ll go with my favorite from High School. I really loved World Mythology, Creative Writing and English.
Favorite Fandom(s): Sonic is the only fandom I obsessively subscribe to.
Favorite Superhero: Sonic? Does he count? He has super speed and he’s the Hero of Mobius. If not, well... Doctor Strange, Iron Man, Thor and Loki are awesome.
Guys or Girls: Well, I’m Pan... So, girls, guys, nonbinary, trans... I mean, my lovely gf is Ace. If you have a good personality, I’m game. (Tho I’m taken so...)
Celebrity crush: I love Tom Hiddleston, Ryan Reynolds, and a few others.
Last time I cried: Two days ago most of my day was crying :/
Hair Color: Red (Like a red-copper color. I don’t dye it)
Eye Color: A dark grey-blue, almost black, though the blue shows well in certain lighting.
What Should I Be Doing: Eating and drawing tbh.
Tagging 20 people: Do this if you want I guess? 
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cryptoriawebb · 7 years
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I want to talk about something. Something very personal and dear to my heart. Before I do, however, I’m going to ask right now that anyone stumbling onto this either takes the time to stop and read this in full, or carries on with their business, leaving this post untouched. I’m not here to talk about shipping. I’m not here to talk about which characters “are” better and what is and is not “canon.” I know the Sonic fandom is a toxic place filled largely with a young and/or aggressive audience. That’s fine. I was part of it once--on the younger end and adamant about who belonged with who.
I’m not, anymore. Nor do I have patience for any silly comments regarding these points. This is not about the fandom. It’s not about shipping and it’s not about blanket character statements.
This is about me, and how important the Archie Sonic comics were to me. 
I don’t remember how old I was when I first stumbled upon the world of Sonic, but I do remember what it was. The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehow used to air on one of Disney’s many channels, and one day my brother saw it for the first time. He described it to me, and for a while I hadn’t a clue what he meant. I remember trying to picture the series and my gosh, I was off the mark, design-wise. Regardless, I eventually did see the show and we used to watch it together in the morning. It was strange and silly and I didn’t think much of it, but I loved Sonic’s catchphrases, the theme song and Tails. 
Sometime after that, we found the OVA at a video rental store (remember those?) I know a lot of people out there don’t think very highly of it, but I was young, and at the time didn’t have any Sonic reference beyond the cartoon. Honestly, I preferred the OVA after watching it. It was darker than the show, with a different type of humor I must have found more appealing. It was also one of the first anime-type-things I’d ever seen. I loved the design, this interpretation of Tails and Robotnik and I also quite liked Knuckles, having never seen him before. 
I suppose I should state right now I was not allowed to play video games growing up, and the first computer I remember entering my home was in the very late nineties. Even then, we didn’t play a lot of PC games, mostly Disney and things like Clue Finders and Freddie Fish.  At some point I know we discovered a sega collection of old Sonic games, and Sonic R, I just can’t remember when. 
Anyway, after that, my next “Sonic medium” came in the form of advertisements for Sonic Sega Dreamcast. I don’t remember what I found so appealing about it, but I very much wanted to play this game. At this point I was pretty obsessed with the OVA and had acquired a lot of old toys relating to the Dreamcast game. Alas, twas not to be, and that was it for me and Sonic..
...until my brother picked up issue #110 for me at a store. I’d never seen a Sonic comic before--had no idea such a thing existed, and believe me, I carried that thing everywhere. The art and story I found incredibly confusing, as did I the side story about Sally and the Sword of Acorn. Who was Sally? How did she know Sonic and Tails? I hadn’t a clue, but I loved the art. A lot. If I were to go back and try reading that comic now I’m pretty sure it would fall apart...the cover’s already been detached from the pages ^^;
Sometime later, I was in a comic book shop--my brother and I loved super heroes and we were starting to get into manga--and I found #114. In it, I discovered a sort of continuation to #110, as well as another beautifully illustrated story by J.Axer. Imagine my surprise to discover not only more characters I’d never seen (Bunnie, Antoine and Rotor) but Amy Rose! Whom I knew, vaguely, from my toys and what I knew of Dreamcast. Like my previous comic, I loved this one so much it also fell apart. J.Axer’s art really fascinated me, I would trace and try to mimic it all the time. Artists today look down on such things, but through the course of doing what I did I broadened my horizons and grew to be a better artist. 
It wasn’t long after that I discovered Sonic SatAM. I was thrilled. Sally, Bunnie and everyone else in a TV show of their own? Why was I not aware of this? I must have rented those videos a thousand times. There were only two or three available, with a handful of episodes each, but I didn’t care. I admit I was a bit saddened to see Tails as a mere side character, but that was the only drawback. I knew this story, or part of it--Sally’s father, King Acorn, I’d seen him before. I knew Knothole, Snively--I knew all of it. It was...amazing, quite frankly, and I’m sure I talked about it a lot...to such a point I started annoying my brother. But again, did not care. I had all this insight and I couldn’t get enough of it. So when I stumbled into another comic shop one day and found several back issues (#100, #103, #104, #105 and a few others) I knew there was no going back. 
I admit, I can’t remember if I found those back issues before or after I realized it was a monthly series, but either way, once I did, I became a steady collector for the next ten years. I ordered back issues, specials, drew art and comics regularly...even when I got older and my interests tapered, I still collected. This world was so in depth, the art--at least most of it--detailed and rich--and I loved all of the characters. All of them. To me, these comics were the meat enhancing the bare bones that was the video game universe. I preferred them to any other incarnation I’d seen prior, and to be quite honest, I still do.
 I can’t speak for the video games now--I know they’ve grown and added characters and I’m sure there’s a lot to be said for that world--but the last video games I played were Shadow and Sonic Heroes. I did watch Sonic X for a while, I just...didn’t care much for it. Shadow was the only one I felt matched the same thought, tone and creative care the comics had, and that’s because they adapted his history pretty well, at least I think so. 
The comics had their ups and downs; I’m not the biggest fans of the #130s, but before the reboot, I really felt things were on a strong track forward. That said, I desperately feared the end of the Freedom Fighters...especially Sally Acorn. I remember actually crying about it to one friend. Since discovering her, Sally has been and remains my favorite Sonic character. 
Please note again, my thoughts are my own and I’m allowed to have them.
Now then...Sally Acorn. Her and Bunnie, fluctuating occasionally because Bunnie reminded me of my favorite X-men growing up (Rogue) but I’d always come back to Sally. I know some people don’t like her. That’s fine, not everyone is going to like every character. For me, though, Sally was one of few tomboy characters I knew of as a child. Yes she was feminine, but her femininity never overwhelmed her. She never felt over-romanticized, at least to me, and I really appreciated her modest design. It always bothered me female animal-type-characters were heavily dressed while the boys rarely wore full clothes. I liked that she broke that norm, it fit her personality.
Her relationship with Sonic felt very buddy-buddy, too, as much as romantic. Like they were really equals, despite differing status and power. Sally’s sacrifice remains stapled to my memory; it is, I think, the defining nature of her character. Her “true” character, I think: what comes out when it’s down to the wire. I’m really impressed with how she’s grown over the years. Not only how she chose to “end” her life but how strong she became after breaking up with Sonic. I don’t at all believe he held her down--and unlike some people I wasn’t bothered by the slap. I just wasn’t. I am, however, so happy she was able to become the Sally I grew up reading, the one I was first introduced to, once again before her final moments. Above all else, she and the Freedom Fighters proved to me you don’t need special powers to be a hero. 
Sonic may have been the ace in the hole, but every one of the Freedom Fighters brought something unique to the table. Watching them evolve over the years--from one universe to the next, powers, kids and otherwise--has been such a wonderful experience. I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, I’ve invested for so long...I only wish I were able to see how the original story intended to progress.  I tried describing the comics to a friend recently, particularly where it left off before the reboot. He was incredibly surprised by how vast and dark it was. 
I’m going to confess I stopped reading shortly before Sonic rebooted the universes. I have read scans of that initial first issue, but once I discovered the story wasn’t going to continue, I lost a lot of my drive to collect. I’m not going to talk about Penders here--I think we all share mutual feelings in that regard--but in my opinion it was absolutely the defining nail on the coffin for this twenty+ year run. He remains one of few people I find incredibly difficult to forgive. I’m a firm believer in forgiveness, but I grew up reading Sonic. I wanted very much to continue reading it, to see the characters I love continue growing. I can’t do that, anymore. None of us can. 
I don’t expect to see Sally and the others carried over to IDW. The Sonic gaming side of things has evolved so much from where it started out: most readers today know of the Freedom Fighting crew through the comics only. If it’s true Sega sees a different creative vision for their franchise, I think this is finally goodbye...I said goodbye years ago, but it’s final now. The comics as I knew them are over. Another staple of my childhood, already reinvented and reimagined, gone for good. The chances a new generation will find the comics, reboot or otherwise, and meet and connect with the characters I loved the way I loved them, rather than through internet fodder they don’t understand are fewer now and far between. That hurts me, it does. As a creative individual who held this so close to them, one thing I’ve always wanted is for people to discover something and experience what I did. Understand in their own way why myself and I’m sure so many others held onto the comics as long as we did. It’s not about shipping, it’s not about what’s canon or who’s better than the other. It’s about something else entirely. For me, it was an expansive, inclusive and ever-changing world. It was following a show that made something equally impressive from so very little and nurturing it until it took on a life of its own.
Maybe I’m a little dramatic, a little theatrical, but if you've stayed with me through this entire confession I hope you can forgive me. I loved these comics. They were a part of my life for a very long time, and I’m going to miss them, indefinitely.
Thank you, Archie Team, for creating something wonderful. Thank you SatAM and yes, even thank you, Sega, allowing them the chance to give us these memories.
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