#acne vulgaris dermatology
healthhub123 · 4 months
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kaninchenzero · 1 year
even in disability rights circles some things don't get as much traction as they deserve
like, visible skin conditions - few of which are communicable though measles is making a comeback - are just incredibly stigmatized both interpersonally and systemically (dermatology as a clinical practice is seen as frivolous, cosmetic, feminine)
vitiligo is having a moment as models with dark skin and vitiligo are interesting, are exotic, to people who do hiring of haute couture models but being objectified for your skin is not exactly a positive
because humans are social critters, the constant rejection and revulsion these folks face is both disabling in that it is hard to get work when you've got, say, antibiotic resistant acne vulgaris, and life threatening as rates of social murder by isolation are high among people with skin conditions
eugenic habits hit these people hard is what i'm getting at
learn to treat an initial reaction of disgust as an intrusive thought and move the fuck past it
put some thought into the difference between "it's not polite to stare" and "do not look at ugly people"
go into your mind, find the part that associates skin conditions with uncleanliness, and kill it with fire and iron and salt because it's almost always a lie
like, i have fuckin wretched hygiene thanks to my psychological and chronic pain/fatigue issues (could not tell you the last time i took a shower and i do not smell at all nice at time of posting) and the only skin issues i have ever had are a predisposition to cancer from ultraviolet exposure and a birthmark that is visible only when i shave my head and has had zero impact on how i'm seen
i do not consider age related liver spots a skin condition but looking at the brisk business in products for removing or obscuring them many people do because white americans hate and fear any reminder that they are mortal, that all flesh is grass
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nativeneem · 2 months
Benefits of neem for skin
Native Neem Product information
 What is Neem?
Neem (Azadirachta Indica) is a tree native to India. It grows in abundance and has been used for farming, human medicine and animal care for centuries. It is still considered the village pharmacy for many in India. The leaves of the tree are formed into powder, which can be taken as tea or turned into paste with a slight mix of water and used for various skin applications. The Neem seeds are churned and turned into oil which becomes the base ingredient for many natural agricultural products such as; Neem Insecticide, Neem Fertiliser. It is also the base ingredient for many medicinal health and beauty products such as: Neem Body Oil, Neem Hair and Body Wash, Neem Cream, Neem Soap and many more.
Medicinal Use of Neem
According to the ancient science of Ayurveda, neem is the king of all medicinal herbs. Foundational Ayurvedic texts describe how neem treats skin disorders, hair problems, enhances appetite, boosts digestion, kindles the fire in the belly, improves breathing, helps manage diabetic conditions, aids healing of wounds and relieves nausea. Neem has been declared the “Tree of the 21st century” by the United Nations. The US National Academy of Science also recognized neem’s medicinal value in its 1992 report entitled “Neem: A tree for solving global problems.” Here are some key medicinal uses of neem:
Neem In Human Healthcare
Neem was considered as indispensable part of the traditional Indian medical system from time immemorial. The three traditional medical systems of India Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha even today use various parts of neem tree for diverse preparations of medicines. Today Science is recognizing and proving the effects of this wonder tree. Neem can cure more than forty diseases major and minor. The greatest use of Neem in the future will be in the pharmaceutical industry. At a time when the pharmaceutical industry is concerned about the rising costs, lack of new leads from synthetic and combinatorial chemistry, re-visiting the medicinal properties of neem can play a major role for source of new drug leads. Transforming these types of drugs into Western prescription pharmaceuticals presents major opportunities together with some unique challenges. Neem possesses an enormous structural and chemical diversity unsurpassable by any other plants. Neem evolutionally optimized as drug-like molecules and it represents the richest source of novel molecular scaffolds and chemistry, can lead to the unbiased discovery of novel targets.
Use of Neem on Skin:
Neem oil contains fatty acids, antioxidants, and antimicrobial compounds, and these can benefit the skin in a range of ways. Research shows that these compounds may help fight skin infections, promote wound healing, and combat signs of skin aging.
The neem tree is chock-full of chemical compounds that have been found to be hugely beneficial. From the neem bark to the neem leaves and even the flower, fruit, seed and root – all parts of the neem tree have found widespread use in curing various ailments. According to established research, neem has free radical scavenging properties due to being a rich source of antioxidants and is also effective in the management of cancer through the regulation of cell signalling pathways’ also plays a role as an anti-inflammatory substance via regulation of pro-inflammatory enzyme activities including cyclooxygenase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LOX) enzymes External medicinal uses of Neem is for the treatment of dermatological disorders like psoriasis, herpes, eczema, purities, and acne vulgaris, inflammatory condition, infected wounds, abscesses and ulcer, ophthalmic care, ear infection and sinusitis, alopecia and hair care, snake bite and scorpion sting, rheumatic pain, gout, etc.
Internally Neem is used for dental hygiene, for treating malaria and filaria, typhoid, digestive disorders, liver disorders, intestinal worms, hepatitis, splenomegaly, respiratory disorders, tuberculosis, urinary disorders, gynaecological problems, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, leprosy, leukoderma, allergies, etc., infectious diseases such as smallpox, chicken pox, and measles, vaginal disorders, sexually transmitted infection.
Benefits of neem for skin
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Reduces early signs of ageing:
One of the most important benefits of neem is its anti-ageing characteristics. It is known for reducing wrinkles, fine lines and also maintaining moisture levels.
Neem guards the skin against harmful UV radiation, pollution and other environmental causes because of its antioxidant capabilities. Vitamins and fatty acids present in neem help to retain skin suppleness and diminish wrinkles and fine lines. (Use pure neem oil and use neem based shampoo, cream and soap and take neem capsules or power internally)
Treats acne:
The antimicrobial qualities present in the neem help to reduce acne. It clears up outbreaks and also calms itchy skin. It can be trusted to treat acne because it includes ingredients that fight acne-causing germs.
The best part is that neem accomplishes all of this without causing your skin to become dry. One of the most effective remedies for acne scars is neem treatment. The anti-inflammatory properties of neem assist with hyperpigmentation and acne scarring.(use Native neem Acne pack for treating your acne)
Treats Head lice:  
Neem oil has been shown to rid the body of head lice in three very important and distinct ways. First, Neem contains hormone mimics that interfere with the life cycle of parasites. Secondly, Neem inhibits the parasite’s ability to feed, giving rise to the term antifeedant. (use native neem head lice pack to treat head lice)
Prevents skin infections: 
(use with pure neem oil and neem based product externally and take neem  leaf powder or capsules internally)
Purifies the blood:
(take neem capsules or Neem leaf powder regularly)
Neem for dry skin:
Neem products are often recommended with skincare and beautification routines to address dry skin and wrinkles. The antioxidants reduce the formation of melanin in your skin, which helps to cure your skin tone. It also helps to minimise your dark spots, dry skin and redness on the skin.
Neem for glowing skin:
Glowing skin is usually healthy and moisturised skin. Neem oil is useful for treating and preventing indications of ageing such as wrinkles and skin thinning.
Neem for clearing skin infections: Neem oil is the most used natural oil that is used to cure a variety of skin disorders including infections and acne. Apply a tiny amount of diluted neem oil to the affected skin as a spot therapy to get rid of skin infections.
Allow the oil to sink into the skin for a few minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Through this neem medication, you can cure various skin infections like septic sores and infected burns. Boils, ulcers and eczema can also be treated with the help of neem oil and neem soap.
Neem for Eczema and dermatitis:
Neem oil is derived from the fruits and seeds of the neem plant, and it can potentially help with eczema symptoms. Research has shown that it may destroy free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, both of which drive the inflammatory process in conditions like eczema. (Use native neem Eczema pack and use neem based products)
For more information about neem visit http://www.nativeneem.com
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jupiterca · 3 months
Dermatology Prescription Medications: A Comprehensive Guide
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Dermatology, the branch of medicine dealing with the skin, hair, and nails, encompasses a wide array of conditions and treatments. Prescription medications play a crucial role in managing various dermatological issues, ranging from acne and eczema to psoriasis and skin infections. This article delves into the diverse world of dermatology prescription medications, highlighting their uses, benefits, and potential side effects.
Understanding Dermatology Prescription Medications
Dermatology prescription medications are drugs prescribed by a dermatologist to treat skin-related conditions. These medications can be topical (applied directly to the skin) or systemic (taken orally or injected). The choice of medication depends on the specific condition, its severity, and the patient's overall health.
Common Dermatological Conditions and Their Treatments
Acne Vulgaris
Topical Retinoids: Medications such as tretinoin and adapalene are derivatives of vitamin A. They work by promoting cell turnover and preventing the clogging of hair follicles.
Antibiotics: Topical antibiotics like clindamycin and erythromycin help reduce bacteria and inflammation on the skin. Oral antibiotics, such as doxycycline and minocycline, may be prescribed for more severe cases.
Benzoyl Peroxide: Often combined with antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide has antibacterial properties and helps to prevent resistance to antibiotics.
Hormonal Treatments: For females, oral contraceptives and anti-androgens like spironolactone can be effective in managing acne related to hormonal imbalances.
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Topical Corticosteroids: Hydrocortisone, betamethasone, and clobetasol are commonly used to reduce inflammation and itching. The potency of the corticosteroid depends on the severity of the eczema.
Calcineurin Inhibitors: Tacrolimus and pimecrolimus are non-steroidal medications that modulate the immune response and reduce inflammation.
Systemic Immunosuppressants: For severe cases, drugs like cyclosporine and methotrexate may be prescribed to suppress the immune system and control symptoms.
Topical Treatments: Calcipotriene, a vitamin D analog, and topical corticosteroids are frequently used to manage mild to moderate psoriasis.
Biologic Agents: These are advanced treatments targeting specific parts of the immune system. Examples include adalimumab, etanercept, and ustekinumab.
Systemic Treatments: Methotrexate, cyclosporine, and acitretin are oral medications used for more severe cases.
Topical Treatments: Metronidazole and azelaic acid help reduce redness and inflammation.
Oral Antibiotics: Doxycycline and minocycline are commonly used to manage moderate to severe rosacea.
Other Treatments: Ivermectin cream and brimonidine gel can help with specific symptoms like inflammatory lesions and redness, respectively.
Fungal Infections
Topical Antifungals: Clotrimazole, miconazole, and terbinafine are used to treat fungal infections of the skin.
Oral Antifungals: For more extensive infections, oral medications like fluconazole, itraconazole, and terbinafine may be necessary.
Mechanisms of Action
The effectiveness of dermatology prescription medications lies in their diverse mechanisms of action:
Anti-inflammatory Agents: Many skin conditions are inflammatory in nature. Corticosteroids and non-steroidal medications like calcineurin inhibitors reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms.
Antibacterial and Antifungal Agents: These medications, such as antibiotics and antifungals, target and eliminate pathogenic bacteria and fungi causing infections.
Immunomodulators: Biologics and systemic immunosuppressants modify the immune response, which is particularly beneficial in autoimmune conditions like psoriasis and severe eczema.
Cell Turnover Regulators: Retinoids and similar agents increase cell turnover, preventing clogged pores and reducing lesions in acne and psoriasis.
Side Effects and Considerations
While dermatology prescription medications can be highly effective, they are not without potential side effects. Understanding these is crucial for safe and effective treatment.
Topical Medications
Skin Irritation: Many topical medications can cause redness, burning, or peeling, especially during the initial stages of treatment.
Allergic Reactions: Some patients may develop allergic reactions to topical medications, characterized by increased redness, itching, and swelling.
Systemic Medications
Antibiotics: Long-term use can lead to antibiotic resistance and disrupt the normal flora, potentially causing secondary infections.
Immunosuppressants: These can increase the risk of infections and may have systemic side effects like liver toxicity and hypertension.
Biologics: While generally well-tolerated, biologics can sometimes cause injection site reactions and increase the risk of infections due to immune suppression.
Teratogenicity: Oral retinoids are highly teratogenic and can cause severe birth defects. Women of childbearing age must use effective contraception.
Dryness and Sensitivity: Both topical and oral retinoids can cause significant dryness and sensitivity to sunlight.
Advances in Dermatology Medications
Recent advancements have significantly expanded the arsenal of dermatology medications. Biologics and new small-molecule drugs offer targeted therapy with fewer side effects compared to traditional treatments. Additionally, research into the skin microbiome is opening up new avenues for treating various skin conditions by modulating the skin's natural bacterial environment.
Dermatology prescription medications are essential tools in managing a wide range of skin conditions. They work through various mechanisms to address the underlying causes and symptoms of dermatological diseases. However, their use requires careful consideration of potential side effects and individual patient factors. With ongoing advancements in dermatology, the future holds promise for even more effective and personalized treatments, improving the quality of life for patients worldwide.
In summary, understanding the options, mechanisms, and considerations associated with dermatology prescription medications can empower patients and healthcare providers to make informed decisions and achieve the best possible outcomes in skin health.
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dermatology-cro · 6 months
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drforambhuta · 7 months
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Different Applications of Photodynamic Therapy in Various Medical Fields:
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) demonstrates adaptability beyond traditional confines, showcasing a wide array of clinical uses in oncology, dermatology, ophthalmology, and infectious diseases:
1. Advancements in Oncology: PDT's localized, minimally invasive approach makes it an attractive choice for treating surface-level cancers and precancerous growths. Its effectiveness extends across various malignancies such as skin, lung, esophageal, and head and neck cancers, offering a potential alternative to conventional treatments with better cosmetic outcomes and lower systemic side effects.
2. Renaissance in Dermatology: In dermatology, PDT represents a significant shift in managing skin conditions like acne vulgaris, actinic keratosis, basal cell carcinoma, and Bowen's disease. The combination of photosensitizers and light activation allows precise targeting of lesions, preserving surrounding tissue and improving aesthetic results.
3. Innovations in Ophthalmology: PDT plays a crucial role in treating neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy, and choroidal melanoma in ophthalmology. By selectively eliminating abnormal choroidal vessels, PDT helps maintain retinal health and visual acuity, offering hope to patients with vision-threatening retinal diseases.
4. Interventions in Infectious Diseases: Beyond oncology, PDT shows potential as a potent antimicrobial strategy against stubborn infections, including antibiotic-resistant bacteria and fungi. Through photoinduced destruction of microbial membranes and biomolecules, PDT disrupts virulence mechanisms, controlling pathogen growth and reducing the risk of multidrug resistance.
Doctors suggest undergoing regular health checkups to diagnose, monitor, and treat conditions that may need photodynamic therapy at an early stage. There are many good hospitals in Mumbai that offer health checkup packages for a full body health checkup at regular intervals.
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swarnacosmocare · 7 months
Clear Skin Awaits: Pimple Removal Treatment by Swarna Cosmo Care in Vizag
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Say Farewell to Pimples: Your Solution in Vizag
Pimples, often deemed a minor annoyance, can have a significant impact on one's confidence and self-esteem. In Vizag, where environmental factors can exacerbate skin issues, finding reliable pimple removal treatments becomes imperative. Fortunately, Swarna Cosmo Care stands as a beacon of hope, offering advanced solutions to banish pimples and restore clear, radiant skin.
Understanding Pimples: Causes and Concerns
Pimples, known medically as acne vulgaris, can stem from various factors including hormonal imbalances, excess oil production, bacteria buildup, and environmental pollutants. These bothersome blemishes commonly appear on the face, neck, shoulders, and back, causing frustration and impacting one's overall well-being. Despite numerous remedies available, achieving lasting results can prove challenging without professional intervention.
Introducing Swarna Cosmo Care: Your Trusted Skin Care Partner
Swarna Cosmo Care emerges as a trusted name in dermatology and cosmetology in Vizag, offering personalized solutions to address a myriad of skin concerns. With a team of skilled dermatologists and state-of-the-art technology, Swarna Cosmo Care is dedicated to delivering exceptional results for pimple removal and overall skin rejuvenation.
The Swarna Cosmo Care Advantage: Advanced Treatments for Lasting Results
Swarna Cosmo Care offers a range of advanced pimple removal treatments tailored to individual needs:
1. Laser Therapy: Utilizing cutting-edge laser technology, Swarna Cosmo Care provides targeted treatments to reduce inflammation, shrink oil glands, and stimulate collagen production, resulting in clearer and smoother skin.
2. Chemical Peels: Customized chemical peel treatments effectively exfoliate the skin, remove dead cells, and unclog pores, revealing a brighter complexion with reduced acne scars and blemishes.
3. Microneedling: This minimally invasive procedure promotes collagen synthesis and skin regeneration, leading to improved texture and diminished acne scars.
Experience the Swarna Cosmo Care Difference Today
With a commitment to excellence and a passion for skincare, Swarna Cosmo Care stands as a trusted destination for pimple removal treatment in Vizag. Say goodbye to frustrating blemishes and hello to clearer, more confident skin with Swarna Cosmo Care. Schedule your consultation today and embark on a journey to renewed confidence and radiant skin with Swarna Cosmo Care.
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usmedlife · 8 months
Is tretinoin good for your face?
Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 stands as a beacon in the realm of skincare, revered for its potent properties in addressing various dermatological concerns. In this expansive guide, we will embark on a journey through the application process, delve into the fundamentals of Treticon Forte Cream 0.05, explore potential side effects, and elucidate the overall benefits it bestows upon those seeking luminous and healthy skin.
How to Apply Treticon Forte Cream 0.05:
The proper application of Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 is paramount for optimal results. Begin with a clean, dry face. Apply a pea-sized amount of the cream evenly on the affected areas, avoiding contact with the eyes, mouth, and other sensitive regions. The recommended frequency may vary, so adhere to the guidelines provided by your healthcare professional for best outcomes.
Basics of Treticon Forte Cream 0.05:
Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 is a topical medication featuring tretinoin as its active ingredient. Tretinoin, a derivative of vitamin A, is renowned for its ability to stimulate skin cell turnover, unclog pores, and promote the generation of new, healthier skin cells. The 0.05% concentration denotes the strength of tretinoin within the cream.
Improper Usage of Treticon Forte Cream 0.05:
Using Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 improperly, such as applying excessive amounts or deviating from the recommended guidelines, can lead to adverse effects, including skin irritation, dryness, and peeling. Caution must be exercised, and any signs of discomfort should be promptly reported to a healthcare professional.
How Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 Works:
Tretinoin in Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 operates by accelerating the turnover of skin cells. This action helps prevent the formation of new acne lesions, diminishes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and contributes to an overall smoother and more youthful complexion.
Taking Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 for a Short Duration:
While some individuals may observe improvements in their skin within a few weeks, the full benefits of Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 may necessitate several months of consistent use. It is crucial to adhere to the prescribed duration even if immediate results are not apparent.
Whose Effects Last with Treticon Forte Cream 0.05:
The effects of Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 are sustained with consistent and prolonged use. Once the desired improvements in skin texture are achieved or acne is under control, individuals may transition to a maintenance regimen as advised by their healthcare provider.
Pill Works Faster with Treticon Forte Cream 0.05:
Compared to oral medications for acne, Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 offers a targeted and localized treatment. While systemic medications circulate throughout the body, the cream works directly on the affected areas, potentially leading to faster results.
Underlying Health Condition and Treticon Forte Cream 0.05:
Individuals with certain underlying health conditions, such as eczema or rosacea, should use Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 with caution, as it may exacerbate these conditions. Informing your healthcare provider about any pre-existing skin conditions is crucial before initiating treatment.
Benefits Of Treticon Forte Cream 0.05:
Acne Treatment: Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 is highly effective in treating various forms of acne, including blackheads, whiteheads, and inflammatory lesions.
Reduced Signs of Aging: Regular use of the cream can diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging.
Improved Skin Texture: Tretinoin promotes smoother and clearer skin by preventing the accumulation of dead skin cells and encouraging cell turnover.
Side Effects of Treticon Forte Cream 0.05:
While generally well-tolerated, Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 may cause side effects such as redness, dryness, peeling, or mild stinging. These side effects are typically temporary and may subside with continued use.
FAQ - Treticon Forte Cream 0.05:
Can Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 be used during pregnancy?
Consult with a healthcare professional before using Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 during pregnancy, as safety considerations may vary.
How long does it take for Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 to show results?
Results may vary, but noticeable improvements may be observed within a few weeks to months of consistent use.
Can Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 be used with other skincare products?
It is generally safe to use mild and non-irritating skincare products alongside Treticon Forte Cream 0.05. Consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice.
Fact Box:
Active Ingredient: Tretinoin
Dosage: 0.05%
Presentation: Cream, 30 grams
Class: Retinoid
Treticon Forte Cream 0.05 - Other Dosage:
In addition to the 0.05% concentration, Treticon Forte Cream is available in other concentrations. Dermatologists will determine the most suitable dosage based on individual skin conditions.
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dermacosdc · 10 months
Exploring the Spectrum of General Dermatology: A Comprehensive Overview
Dermatology is an essential medical specialty that studies and treats diseases of the skin, hair, and nails. It is vital to people's overall health and wellbeing. A vast spectrum of problems affecting individuals of all ages and backgrounds is covered by general dermatology in the skin care clinic in Hyderabad, ranging from basic skin issues to severe dermatological diseases. We will go into the various aspects of general dermatology of skin care clinics in this post, looking at common ailments, preventative strategies, and the most recent developments in the area.
Skin and hair problems are serious problems if neglected. General dermatology in Hyderabad encompasses a wide spectrum of skin, hair, and nail care, addressing the diverse needs of its cosmopolitan population. Dermacosdc is one of the best skin care clinics in Hyderabad that treats all skin and hair issues. The dermatological diagnosis provided is tailored guidance that suits your skin.
Typical Skin Disorders:
One of the most common skin disorders, acne vulgaris affects both adults and teenagers.
Acne is caused by several variables, including lifestyle choices, genetics, and hormone fluctuations.
Oral or topical drugs, lifestyle changes, and, in extreme situations, cutting-edge therapies including laser treatments are possible forms of treatment.
Diabetes erythematosus:
The skin ailment known as eczema is marked by red, itchy rashes that persist over time.
Atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, and nummular dermatitis are common varieties.
Moisturizers, topical steroids, and recognizing and avoiding triggers are all part of the treatment.
An autoimmune condition called psoriasis is typified by an excessive and fast growth of skin cells, which results in thick, scaly areas.
Topical medicines, phototherapy, systemic pharmaceuticals, and biologic therapies are available as forms of treatment.
Skin Cancer:
Skin cancer is a serious issue, encompassing squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma.
Effective management requires early identification, sun protection, and routine skin exams.
Skincare specialists not only treat your skin and hair problems but also help with skin radiance and speed recovery.
Skin treatment in Hyderabad:
Topical Interventions
These consist of coal tar preparations, calcineurin inhibitors, vitamin D analogs, and corticosteroid creams. To lessen scaling and inflammation, they are applied directly to the afflicted skin.
Dermatology and biologics:
By focusing on particular immune system components, biologic medications have demonstrated impressive effectiveness in treating diseases including psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.
These developments give individuals with dermatological disorders that are difficult to treat fresh hope.
Dermatology of Cosmetics:
Treatment in dermatology advanced With developments in non-invasive aesthetic treatments including chemical peels, laser therapy, and injectables, cosmetic dermatology is still evolving.
Light therapy, or phototherapy
Under control, ultraviolet (UV) light exposure can lessen inflammation and slow down the proliferation of skin cells. PUVA (psoralen plus ultraviolet A) and narrowband UVB are two popular phototherapy methods.
Lifestyle Adjustments
Reducing the frequency and intensity of flare-ups can be achieved by managing stress, keeping a healthy weight, abstaining from smoking and drinking alcohol, and taking proper care of your skin. Maintaining the health and look of the skin, an organ that acts as a barrier of defense for the body, is crucial for general dermatology treatment. Dermatologists are at the forefront of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention for everything from common skin issues to serious diseases in general dermatologist clinics. For people of all ages, having good dermatological health is facilitated by adopting preventive measures, remaining knowledgeable about skincare techniques, and taking advantage of the most recent developments in the field. Effectively managing dermatology treatment and promoting skin wellness need regular appointments with a dermatologist and a dedication to a healthy lifestyle.
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dermexpertise · 1 year
Acne scars come in two main types - atrophic scars that cause skin depressions and less common hypertrophic scars that are raised above the skin.
Atrophic scars have subtypes like ice pick, rolling, and boxcar scars. Hypertrophic scars form from excess collagen after acne lesions heal.
No single treatment can eliminate acne scars completely. Combining modalities like lasers, peels, microneedling and fillers works best, but with severe scarring, results are limited.
Ablative laser resurfacing is the gold standard but requires lengthy recovery. Non-ablative fractional lasers are gentler with less downtime but need multiple sessions.
Fillers can plump depressed scars. Microneedling stimulates collagen rebuilding. Overall, expect the process to take time, multiple treatments, and combined approaches.
Make sure you have realistic expectations - not all scars can be fully removed. But with the right dermatologic treatments, you can significantly improve the appearance of acne scarring.
The key is being patient, using combined treatment modalities, and keeping realistic expectations when addressing acne scars. Share your experiences in the comments!
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bradyentzer · 1 year
Dr Brad Yentzer: The Efficacy of Topical Retinoids in the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris
Dr. Brad Yentzer is a renowned dermatologist who has published extensively in the field of dermatology. He holds a medical degree from the University of Illinois and completed his residency in dermatology at Northwestern University. With over 15 years of experience, Dr. Yentzer has become a trusted expert in treating skin conditions, including acne vulgaris. In this article, we will delve into the efficacy of topical retinoids in managing acne vulgaris. Specifically, we will examine how retinoids target the molecular mechanisms of acne and review the clinical data supporting their use as an effective treatment. By the end of this article, you will have a deeper understanding of the role topical retinoids play in managing acne and the advantages they offer over other acne treatments.
Introduction to Acne Vulgaris
Acne vulgaris is a common dermatological condition that affects millions of people worldwide, especially teenagers and young adults. It occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria, leading to the formation of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads on the face, chest, and back. Acne vulgaris can have a significant impact on a person's self-esteem and quality of life, causing emotional distress and social isolation.
According to Dr. Brad Yentzer, acne vulgaris is a multifactorial disease with several contributing factors, including genetics, hormones, stress, and environmental factors. The development of acne vulgaris involves complex molecular mechanisms, such as increased sebum production, abnormal follicular keratinization, and inflammation. Therefore, treating acne vulgaris requires a comprehensive approach that addresses each of these factors.
Several treatment modalities are available for acne vulgaris, including topical and systemic medications, physical therapies, and lifestyle modifications. However, topical retinoids have emerged as a cornerstone of acne management due to their unique mechanism of action and proven clinical efficacy.
Topical Retinoids for Acne Vulgaris
Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives that are structurally related to retinol, retinaldehyde, and retinoic acid. They exert their effects on the skin by binding to specific retinoid receptors in the epidermis and dermis, regulating cellular differentiation, proliferation, and inflammation. Topical retinoids are available in different formulations, including adapalene, tretinoin, and tazarotene, and vary in their potency and irritancy.
Dr. Brad Yentzer explains that topical retinoids are a first-line therapy for mild to moderate acne vulgaris. They are effective in reducing comedones, papules, and pustules, as well as preventing new acne lesions from forming. Topical retinoids also improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin, reducing hyperpigmentation and scarring.
The clinical benefits of topical retinoids in acne vulgaris have been demonstrated in numerous randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews. For instance, a meta-analysis of 68 studies found that adapalene, tretinoin, and tazarotene significantly improved acne lesions and overall acne severity compared to placebo, with no significant differences in efficacy among them. Topical retinoids were also well-tolerated and had minimal systemic side effects.
Molecular Mechanisms of Topical Retinoids
Topical retinoids have a unique mechanism of action that targets the molecular mechanisms of acne vulgaris. They regulate cellular differentiation and proliferation by binding to specific retinoid receptors in the epidermis and dermis, reducing the thickness of the stratum corneum and promoting the shedding of dead skin cells. This leads to a decrease in follicular keratinization and the prevention of comedo formation.
Furthermore, topical retinoids can reduce sebum production by inhibiting the activity of sebaceous glands. They also have anti-inflammatory properties, blocking the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, such as interleukin-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor alpha. This results in a decrease in the recruitment and activation of inflammatory cells, such as neutrophils and macrophages, in the acne lesion.
In addition to their anti-acne effects, topical retinoids also improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin. They increase collagen production and enhance elastin synthesis, leading to a reduction in fine lines, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation. Topical retinoids also have an exfoliating effect, reducing the number of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin and promoting a smoother, more radiant complexion.
Clinical Data Supporting the Use of Topical Retinoids
Dr. Brad Yentzer, a renowned dermatologist with over 15 years of experience, has extensively researched and published on the use of topical retinoids in the treatment of acne vulgaris. The clinical data overwhelmingly supports their efficacy as a first-line therapy for mild to moderate acne.
A meta-analysis of 68 studies, including randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews, showed that adapalene, tretinoin, and tazarotene, all retinoid derivatives, significantly improved acne lesions and overall acne severity compared to placebo. These topical retinoids reduced comedones, papules, and pustules, as well as prevented the formation of new acne lesions, without causing significant differences in efficacy among them.
Topical retinoids also offer advantages over other acne treatments in terms of tolerability and side effects. They are well-tolerated and have minimal systemic side effects, making them particularly suitable for long-term use.
The mechanism of action of topical retinoids involves regulating cellular differentiation and proliferation by binding to specific retinoid receptors in the epidermis and dermis. This reduces the thickness of the stratum corneum and promotes the shedding of dead skin cells, which prevents comedo formation. Topical retinoids also reduce sebum production by inhibiting the activity of sebaceous glands and have anti-inflammatory properties, which block the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. This results in a decrease in the recruitment and activation of inflammatory cells, reducing the size and severity of acne lesions.
Moreover, topical retinoids improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin by increasing collagen production and enhancing elastin synthesis. They have an exfoliating effect, which reduces the number of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin, resulting in a smoother, more radiant complexion.
Selection and Application of Topical Retinoids
Dr. Brad Yentzer, the renowned dermatologist, recommends topical retinoids as a first-line therapy for mild to moderate acne vulgaris. However, the selection and application of the right retinoid formulation are crucial in achieving the desired clinical outcomes.
Selection of Topical Retinoids
The choice of a topical retinoid formulation depends on several factors, including the severity of acne, the patient's skin type, and the individual's response and tolerance to treatment. Adapalene, tretinoin, and tazarotene are the most commonly prescribed retinoid derivatives for acne vulgaris, each with its unique properties and benefits.
Adapalene has a lower irritancy potential than tretinoin and tazarotene, making it suitable for patients with sensitive or dry skin. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and a longer half-life, allowing once-daily application. Tretinoin is a well-established retinoid that has been used for decades in the treatment of various dermatological conditions, including acne vulgaris. It has potent comedolytic and anti-inflammatory effects, but it may cause more skin irritation and dryness than adapalene. Tazarotene is the most potent retinoid, with significant comedolytic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-ageing effects. However, it is associated with a higher risk of skin irritation and photosensitivity and is not recommended for patients with sensitive or eczematous skin.
Application of Topical Retinoids
The application of topical retinoids requires careful attention to dosing, frequency, and technique to maximize efficacy and minimize adverse effects. Dr. Brad Yentzer advises the following best practices for applying topical retinoids:
1. Start with a low concentration and gradually increase it over time as tolerated.
2. Apply the retinoid on clean, dry skin at bedtime to avoid exposure to sunlight and UV radiation, which can degrade the product and increase the risk of photosensitivity.
3. Use a pea-sized amount for the entire face, avoiding the eye area and mucous membranes.
4. Wait 15-30 minutes after washing the face before applying the retinoid to allow the skin to dry completely.
5. Use a gentle cleanser and moisturizer to minimize skin irritation and peeling.
6. Avoid using other topical medications or exfoliating agents, such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or glycolic acid, which can increase the risk of skin irritation and dryness.
Dr. Brad Yentzer explains that topical retinoids are safe and effective for long-term use and should be continued even after acne clearance to maintain the benefits. Patients may experience some initial skin irritation, including redness, peeling, and dryness, but these usually resolve within a few weeks of treatment. However, if the symptoms persist or worsen, patients should consult their dermatologist to adjust the treatment regimen or switch to a different retinoid formulation.
Future Directions in Topical Retinoid Treatment
The use of topical retinoids in the treatment of acne vulgaris has revolutionized the management of this common dermatological condition. However, there is still room for improvement, and ongoing research is focused on identifying new retinoid derivatives and improving their delivery systems to enhance efficacy and tolerability.
One potential avenue of research is the use of combination therapy, using topical retinoids in conjunction with other agents that target different molecular mechanisms of acne vulgaris. For instance, topical retinoids can be combined with benzoyl peroxide, a potent antimicrobial agent that targets the bacteria that cause acne. This combination has been shown to improve acne clearance and reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance.
Another area of research is the development of novel retinoid derivatives that have enhanced potency and specificity. For instance, trifarotene, a new retinoid molecule, has been shown to have superior efficacy in reducing acne lesions and improving skin texture compared to adapalene. Trifarotene targets specific retinoid receptors in the skin, reducing the risk of systemic side effects and improving tolerability.
Moreover, advances in drug delivery systems are also being explored to improve the efficacy and tolerability of topical retinoids. One such system is microencapsulation, where the retinoid molecule is encapsulated in microspheres that release the drug gradually over time. This reduces the risk of skin irritation and dryness, making retinoid therapy more comfortable and convenient for patients.
In conclusion, Dr. Brad Yentzer, a renowned dermatologist with over 15 years of experience, has established the importance of topical retinoids in the treatment of acne vulgaris. Topical retinoids have a unique mechanism of action that targets the molecular mechanisms of acne, making them an effective and safe therapy for mild to moderate acne. Adapalene, tretinoin, and tazarotene are the most commonly prescribed retinoid derivatives for acne vulgaris, each having its properties and benefits. The application of topical retinoids requires careful attention to dosing, frequency, and technique to maximize efficacy and minimize adverse effects. With ongoing research, the use of combination therapy and advances in drug delivery systems are expected to further improve the efficacy and tolerability of topical retinoids. Overall, the extensive clinical data supporting the use of topical retinoids make them a cornerstone therapy for managing acne vulgaris.
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nursingscience · 1 year
Drug of choice
▪️Drug of choice for taenia - Topical azoles (Eg: clotriamazole)
▪️Drug of choice for erythrodermic psoriasis - Methotrexate
▪️Drug of choice for psoriatic arthropathy - Methotrexate
▪️Drug of choice for severe psoriasis - Methotrexate 22
▪️Drug of choice for severe erythrodermic psoriasis - Cyclosporine
▪️Drug of choice for pustular psoriasis - Retinoid
▪️Drug of choice for impetigo herpetiformis - Systemic Steroids
▪️Drug of choice for dermatitis herpetiformis - Dapsone Creams & Moisturizers
▪️Treatment of choice for subacute eczema -
▪️Treatment of choice for chronic eczema - Ointment
▪️Drug of choice for impetigo - Mupirocin
▪️Drug of choice for solar lentigenes - Tretinoin
▪️Drug of choice for chancroid - Ceftriaxone
▪️Drug of choice for pemphigus vulgaris - Prednisolone
▪️Drug of choice for vitiligo - Corticosteroids
▪️Drug of choice for atopic dermatitis - Topical corticosteroids
▪️Drug of choice for severe excerebation of atopic dermatitis - Systemic corticosteroids
▪️Drug of choice for reducing recurrence of melanoma - Alpha interferon with vaccine
▪️Drug of choice for lichen simplex chronicus - Corticosteroids
▪️Drug of choice for seborrhic dermatitis in scalp - Selenium shampoo
▪️Drug of choice for acne rosacea - Oral tetracycline
▪️Drug of choice for tinea capitis - Griseofulvin
▪️ Drug of choice for the scleroderma induced hypertensive crisis - Ace inhibitors (Eg:Captopril, Enapril etc)
▪️Treatment of choice for lichen planus - Topical glucocorticoids
▪️Drug of choice for systemic dermatophytosis - Griseofulvin
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At Median 18: Nigeria, A 200 Mn Young Hearts 🇳🇬
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Nigeria is a country located in West Africa with a population of over 211 million people (as of 2021), making it the most populous country in Africa and the seventh most populous country in the world. The country is home to over 250 ethnic groups, with the largest being the Hausa-Fulani, Yoruba, and Igbo.
Age structure: The median age in Nigeria is approximately 18 years old, with about 62% of the population below the age of 25.
Gender: The gender distribution in Nigeria is roughly equal, with males accounting for 50.7% of the population and females making up 49.3%.
Religion: Nigeria is a religiously diverse country with roughly equal numbers of Christians and Muslims, although there are also smaller populations of people who follow traditional religions and those who identify as nonreligious.
Language: The official language of Nigeria is English, but there are over 500 indigenous languages spoken in the country, with Hausa, Yoruba, and Igbo being the most widely spoken.
Urbanization: Nigeria has a relatively high level of urbanization, with over 50% of the population living in urban areas. Lagos, the largest city in Nigeria, has a population of over 14 million people.
Education: Nigeria has a literacy rate of approximately 60%, with significant disparities between urban and rural areas and between genders. The country has made progress in recent years in expanding access to education, but challenges remain in improving the quality of education.
Health: Nigeria has a relatively high infant mortality rate and a life expectancy of approximately 54 years. The country faces a range of health challenges, including high rates of infectious diseases, malnutrition, and noncommunicable diseases.
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Acne is a common skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. Pimples are a type of acne that appears as raised, red bumps on the skin.
According to a study published in the Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice in 2015, acne is a common skin condition in Nigeria, affecting up to 60% of the population. The study, which was based on a review of medical records from a dermatology clinic in Nigeria, found that acne was more common in females than males, and that it was most prevalent in the 20-29 age group.
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Another study published in the International Journal of Dermatology in 2016 found that the prevalence of acne vulgaris, a type of acne, was around 40% among Nigerian university students. The study also found that acne was more common in females and in those with a family history of the condition.
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The cough and cold OTC market in Nigeria has been growing steadily over the past few years. In 2020, the market was valued at approximately $320 million USD, according to a report by Grand View Research. The report also projects that the market will continue to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 4% from 2021 to 2028.
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One of the key drivers of the cough and cold OTC market in Nigeria is the high prevalence of respiratory diseases and infections, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and tuberculosis. In addition, the market is also influenced by factors such as increasing healthcare awareness and disposable income, as well as the availability of a wide range of cough and cold OTC products in the country.
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Some of the leading players in the cough and cold OTC market in Nigeria include GlaxoSmithKline, Reckitt Benckiser Group, and Pfizer Inc., among others.
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Fatty liver disease, also known as hepatic steatosis, is a condition characterized by the accumulation of fat in the liver. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including obesity, high cholesterol, and alcohol abuse.
According to a study published in the Nigerian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology in 2019, the prevalence of fatty liver disease in Nigeria is on the rise. The study, which was based on a review of medical records from 10 Nigerian hospitals, found that the prevalence of fatty liver disease increased from 9.9% in 2005 to 13.5% in 2017.
Another study published in the Journal of Hepatology in 2018 found that the prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in Nigeria is around 11.2%. NAFLD is a type of fatty liver disease that is not caused by alcohol abuse, but rather by other factors such as obesity, high cholesterol, and insulin resistance.
The pharmaceuticals and OTC (over-the-counter) market in Nigeria is a growing industry that is estimated to be worth over $1.7 billion. The demand for drugs and medical products has been on the rise due to an increase in the population, an increase in the prevalence of diseases, and the growing middle-class.
The pharmaceutical industry in Nigeria is dominated by both local and international companies, with the top players being GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Sanofi, and May & Baker. These companies manufacture a wide range of drugs, including prescription drugs, OTC drugs, and generic drugs.
The OTC market in Nigeria is also growing rapidly, with a wide range of products available in pharmacies and drug stores across the country. The most popular OTC products in Nigeria include pain relievers, cold and cough medications, and vitamins and supplements.
However, the Nigerian pharmaceutical industry faces some challenges, including a lack of adequate infrastructure, a weak regulatory framework, and the presence of counterfeit drugs. The government is taking steps to address these issues by investing in healthcare infrastructure and improving the regulatory framework to ensure the safety and efficacy of drugs.
Major OTC (Over-The-Counter) brands of Nigeria include:
Emzor Pharmaceuticals
May & Baker Nigeria Plc
Fidson Healthcare Plc
GSK Consumer Nigeria Plc
Mopson Pharmaceuticals Limited
Jawa International Limited
Swiss Pharma Nigeria Limited
Orange Drugs Limited
Chi Pharmaceuticals Limited
Tyonex Nigeria Limited.
These companies produce a wide range of OTC products such as analgesics, cold and flu medications, vitamins, and dietary supplements.
Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) and pharmaceutical products are distributed through various channels in Nigeria, including:
Distributors/Wholesalers: FMCG and pharmaceutical companies in Nigeria typically work with a network of distributors/wholesalers who purchase large quantities of products and distribute them to retailers or sub-distributors. These distributors/wholesalers may operate at the national, regional, or local level, depending on the size of the company.
Retailers: Retailers in Nigeria include supermarkets, convenience stores, and small shops. They purchase FMCG and pharmaceutical products from distributors/wholesalers and sell them to consumers. Retailers may also buy directly from manufacturers if they are large enough.
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Sub-Distributors: In some cases, distributors/wholesalers may work with sub-distributors who operate at the local level. These sub-distributors purchase products from the main distributor/wholesaler and sell them to small retailers in their area.
E-commerce platforms: In recent years, e-commerce platforms have emerged as a popular channel for the distribution of FMCG and pharmaceutical products in Nigeria. Companies like Jumia, Konga, and Supermart.ng offer online marketplaces where customers can buy products from multiple brands and have them delivered to their doorstep.
Direct Sales: Some FMCG and pharmaceutical companies in Nigeria have their own sales teams who sell directly to retailers or end-users. This approach is common in the pharmaceutical industry, where sales representatives may work directly with doctors or hospitals to promote their products.
The herbal and complementary medicines market in Nigeria has been growing in recent years. Nigeria has a rich tradition of using herbal medicines, and many people continue to rely on traditional remedies for their healthcare needs.
According to a report by Grand View Research, the herbal medicine market in Nigeria was valued at USD 2.2 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.2% from 2020 to 2027. This growth is being driven by an increasing preference for natural and organic products, a growing awareness of the benefits of herbal medicine, and the rising incidence of chronic diseases.
The Nigerian government has also taken steps to regulate the herbal medicine industry to ensure the safety and efficacy of herbal products. The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) is responsible for the regulation of herbal medicines in Nigeria, and has established guidelines for the registration of herbal medicines.
In addition to traditional herbal medicines, there is also a growing market for complementary and alternative medicines in Nigeria. This includes therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractic, and homeopathy. The market for these therapies is expected to continue to grow as more Nigerians seek out alternative approaches to healthcare.
The herbal toothpaste market in Nigeria has been growing steadily over the years, as more and more consumers become aware of the benefits of using natural ingredients for their oral health. Some of the popular herbal toothpaste brands in Nigeria include Forever Living, Neem, Dabur, Himalaya, and Patanjali, among others. These brands offer a range of herbal toothpaste products, including those made from neem, clove, basil, mint, and other natural ingredients.
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The competition in the herbal toothpaste market in Nigeria is relatively high, with several local and international brands vying for market share. Local brands such as Bua, Greenlife, and Organic Life have gained a strong foothold in the market due to their affordability and availability. On the other hand, international brands such as Himalaya, Dabur, and Patanjali have also established a presence in the market through strategic partnerships with local distributors and aggressive marketing campaigns.
In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of new entrants into the market, which has further intensified competition. These new entrants often focus on unique selling points such as organic or vegan ingredients, eco-friendliness, or specific oral health benefits.
Sexual health supplements and intimate hygiene products are becoming increasingly popular in Nigeria, as more people become aware of the importance of maintaining good sexual and reproductive health.
Intimate hygiene products such as feminine washes, wipes, and sprays are widely available in Nigeria and are commonly used by women to maintain their vaginal health and hygiene. However, there have been concerns about the safety and effectiveness of some of these products, and the Nigerian government has taken steps to regulate the industry and ensure that products meet safety standards.
Sexual health supplements, including those that claim to boost libido, enhance sexual performance, and improve fertility, are also available in Nigeria. However, there is a lack of regulation in the supplement industry, which means that consumers need to be careful when choosing products and should consult with a healthcare professional before taking any supplements.
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healthbayaesthetics · 2 years
Best Dermatologist In Dubai
We are one of Dubai's top dermatology providers. We have extensive experience in this area. We offer a wide range of dermatology services, including medical, surgical, and cosmetic procedures. Many forms of skin diseases, such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, skin cancer, and many others, are treated using cutting-edge techniques by our team of dermatologists and skin care specialists, who are skilled and certified. We create personalized treatment regimens for each of our patients based on those individuals' particular requirements. A wide range of cosmetic therapies are also available from us, including laser hair removal, microneedling, Botox, fillers, and chemical peels. Our mission is to assist you in safely and effectively achieving your skin-care objectives.
Do you need to find a dermatologist in Dubai? Contact HealthBay Aesthetics to schedule a consultation with the Best Dermatologist in Dubai. You will receive the greatest treatment and care possible from our team of knowledgeable professionals. We provide a range of procedures, including skin lightening, hyperpigmentation therapy, Botox, fillers, and more. Get in contact with us right now to learn more about our services.
There are numerous dermatological subspecialties
Cosmetic Dermatology
The majority of the cosmetic operations performed by dermatologists who specialize in this field use minimally invasive techniques to beautify and/or treat their patients.
These physicians are experts in skin pathologies.
Trichology focuses on conditions such as hypertrichosis, hair loss, aberrant hair growth, and scalp alterations.
Immunodermatologists mostly deal with diseases including lupus, pemphigus vulgaris, and bullous pemphigoid.
Mohs Procedure
The surgeons in this division, which specializes in critical care, use a method called intraoperative assessment to eradicate skin tumors. A pathologist and a surgeon are two professionals who are involved in this department.
Pediatric Dermatology
In particular, this area deals with newborns, kids, and babies.
The Following Services Are Offered by the Dermatology Division:
Diagnostic Techniques
Confirmation of fungus infections in the skin, hair, and nails using microscopic inspection
Tzanck smears are used to diagnose illnesses that blister.
Biopsies of the skin, mucosa, nails, and nerves
Therapeutic Techniques
For benign disorders like warts, moles, and skin tags, radiosurgery is used.
Cryosurgery for ailments including keloids and warts
Multiple viral warts can be treated with auto-implantation therapy.
Keloids and alopecia areata are both treated with intralesional therapy.
Removal of both benign and cancerous skin lesions, including lipomas and cysts, using narrow-hole extrusion therapy
Punch grafting, suction blister grafting, and follicular unit extraction are surgical treatments for leukoderma.
Treatments for acne scars include microneedling, chemical peels, and surgery.
Repaired ear lobes
HealthBay Aesthetics has been offering high-quality healthcare and the Best Dermatologist Doctor in Dubai. Several nations and counting have benefited from its industry-leading medical infrastructure, a philosophy that promotes a patient-first approach, dependence on experience, and a highly skilled staff of dedicated healthcare professionals. Our experts at HealthBay Aesthetics understand the value of accurate disease identification, so they combine their knowledge with the best available technology to give their patients the honest and completely dependable healthcare they need. Modern, cutting-edge diagnostics and treatment at HealthBay Aesthetics are designed to treat each patient as though they are the only one, and as a result, offer solutions that are specific to their requirements. The services that HealthBay Aesthetics offers and the manner in which they do so reflect their dedication to a world that is healthier and happier. The dermatology department at HealthBay Aesthetics is staffed by a team of highly qualified medical professionals who can provide comprehensive illness consultation and treatment.
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reportstores · 2 years
Seysara Set to Boost Stagnant Treatment Landscape for Acne
The FDA approved a New Drug Application (NDA) submitted by Allergan and Paratek Pharmaceuticals on December 20 for the treatment of moderate-to-severe Acne Vulgaris Clinical Trials Market in patients aged nine and older. In the second half of 2018, Allergan anticipates receiving FDA approval for Seysara, which could bring a new treatment to the stagnant acne vulgaris pharmaceutical market.
One of the most prevalent dermatological conditions, acne affects approximately 90% of the world's population at some point in their lives.
The condition of the pilosebaceous gland of the skin is a chronic, inflammatory dermatological condition with a multifactorial pathogenesis.
For more regional insights into the acne vulgaris clinical trials market, download a free report sample
It is typically brought on by hormonal changes during puberty and exacerbated by genetic factors.
Acne lesions are caused by a combination of four main factors: elevated sebum secretion, abnormal keratinization, Propionibacterium acnes bacterial colonization, and inflammation.
Retinoids, anti-androgens, antibiotics, and benzoyl peroxide are the major drug classes that currently target these factors. Clindamycin phosphate, erythromycin, minocycline, and doxycycline are some of the antibiotics currently used to treat acne vulgaris.
Seysara: Seysara, a treatment for moderate-to-severe acne vulgaris, is being developed by Allergan and Paratek Pharmaceuticals to make treatment easier for patients. Allergan owns the rights to Seysara in the United States, while Paratek owns all rights outside of the United States.
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drdeepalibhakare · 2 years
Acne is derived from the word”Akme” which means the highest point.It is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the pilosebaceous glands and is the most common dermatological condition in the adolescent age group,clinically characterized by seborrhoea,formation of comedones, erythematous papules, pustules, nodules, cysts and scars.
Prevalence of Acne- Among Adolescents and Young Adults.The peak of severity in females is 16-17 yrs and in males 17-19 yr.It clears by age of 23 – 25 in 90% ofpatients.Some 5% of women and 1% of men still need treatment in their thirties or even forties.Acne not caused by – chocolate or fatty foods or infact by any kind of food.
Increased sebum production (seborrhoea),
Pilosebaceous duct hypercornification (comedogenesis),
Colonization of the duct with P.acne,
Triglycerides – 60 %
Wax esters – 25 %
Squalene – 10 %
Others – 5 %
(Diglycerides, free fatty acids, free sterols and phospholipids).
Initial pathogenesis (reason unknown):
follicular hyperkeratinization
proliferation +
decreased desquamation of keratinocytes
hyperkeratotic plug
Pathogenesis of Acne
Increased Androgen, sebaceous glands and sebum production increases growth medium for P.acne.It provides anerobic lipid rich environment for bacteria to thrive thus resulting in inflammation.
Depending on conditions
open/closed comedones
Inflammatory papule/
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Factors Aggravating Acne
Occlusive Cosmetics/Hair
Halogenated Hydrocarbons
Excessive/Vigorous Washing
Manipulation of Lesions
Exogenous Medications (OCP, Lithium,
Topical Steroids, Oral Steroids, INH, etc)
Emotional Stress
Endocrine Abnormalities.
Types & Variants
Acne vulgaris
Cystic or acne conglobata
Neonatal acne
Pomade and cosmetic acne
Occupational acne (oils and tars)
Drug-induced acne.
Grade I (Mild) – comedones only, fewer than 10 lesions on the face, no lesions on the trunk and no scarring
Grade II (Moderate) – comedones, papules, 10 to 25 lesions on the face and trunk, mild scarring
Grade III (Moderately severe) – Comedones, papules, pustules, more than 25 lesions, moderate scarring
Grade IV (severe) – Nodules, cysts, sinuses and extensive scarring.
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Goals of therapy:
Relieving discomfort
Preventing pitting or scarring
Limiting psychosocial distress.
Patient Education
Good skin hygiene is a basic tenet in prevention.Twice-daily cleansing with warm water and a mild soap can effectively remove excess sebum and improve skin appearance.Aggressive skin washings will not alter the course and may actually aggravate  by promoting the development of inflammatory lesions.Abrasive or antibacterial cleansers are not recommended, and squeezing or picking of lesions should be discouraged without the use of disinfectants.Drugs, cosmetics or other known precipitants also should be avoided.
Based on the patients age,Personal and Family History,His/Her dynamics at home,school,workplace a totality is formed with respect to his social,economical,physical and financial status.
Also understanding psychodynamics one can clearly see suppressed anger as the major cause of the disease pertaining to the different conflicts at various levels that the patient is undergoing.
Understanding this as a whole along with the personality of the patient,a Homoeopathic Physician can offer the best results with no re- occurrence ever.
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