#pathogenesis of acne vulgaris
healthhub123 · 4 months
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litonlaser · 2 months
Application Guide For 10600nm Fractional CO2 Laser For Acne Treatment
Article source: https://www.litonlaser.com/10600nm-fractional-co2-laser-for-acne-treatment/
1. What is fractional CO2 laser?
Fractional CO2 laser is a gas laser that uses C02 gas as a working medium to generate laser; fractional laser is the output mode of laser. After focusing the laser of a specific infrared wavelength, it forms small irradiation points with intervals through computer control and automated mechanical technology, and normal skin tissue is retained between each irradiation point.
The working principle of CO2 fractional laser is focal photothermolysis and stimulating regeneration effect. The wavelength is 10600nm, the target color base is water, and it belongs to the category of micro-Ablative and Ablative treatment. It has anti-aging and wrinkle removal, treatment of moderate to severe acne, large pores, auxiliary treatment of age spots, freckles, auxiliary treatment of depressed scars and hypertrophic scars, assisting treatment of alopecia areata, and enhancing product absorption.
2. What is acne?
Acne vulgaris is the most common chronic inflammatory skin disease that occurs in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. It is caused by abnormal keratinocyte proliferation and desquamation, androgen-induced sebum production, and Propionibacterium acnes proliferation and inflammation, and immune response. It affects up to 90% of adolescents, although it occurs in different age groups.
3. Causes of acne.
3.1 Cause 1 of acne: Excessive keratinization of the hair follicle opening and abnormal keratinization of the hair follicle sebaceous gland duct.
In the skin of acne patients, the wax content is high and the linoleic acid content is low. The reduced linoleic acid content reduces the essential fatty acids around the hair follicles and promotes the keratinization of the hair follicle epithelium.
The keratinocytes in the lower part of the hair follicle funnel are not easy to fall off, resulting in thickening of the stratum corneum and accumulation of keratin, which blocks the hair follicle sebaceous gland duct, and sebum cannot be discharged normally, eventually forming keratin plugs, that is, micro-acne, which in turn causes acne.
3.2 Cause 2 of acne: endocrine factors.
A basic pathophysiological basis for the occurrence of acne is the rapid development of sebaceous glands and excessive sebum secretion. Androgen is an important endocrine factor that controls the development of sebaceous glands.
After entering puberty, regardless of gender, the level of androgen, especially testosterone, rises rapidly. In the skin, it is converted into dihydrotestosterone by 5-a reductase. It binds to the androgen receptors of sebaceous gland cells, promotes the development of sebaceous glands and produces a large amount of sebum.
3.3 Cause of acne three: microbial factors.
There are many microorganisms in hair follicles, such as Propionibacterium acnes, Staphylococcus albus and Malassezia. Note that Propionibacterium acnes also exists in healthy skin.
3.4 Cause of acne four: immune factors.
Not all people have acne under the above conditions. The immune system and genetic factors play a big role. Some aggregated, explosive acne, and acne caused by allergies after photoelectric surgery are all closely related to individual immune responses. Excessive immune response is actually an important factor in the occurrence of acne.
3.5 Cause of acne five: intestinal flora.
Acne is also closely related to the gastrointestinal tract. It is currently believed that the intestinal microbiota may be involved in the pathogenesis of acne, so it is related to antibiotics and diet. Perioral dermatitis and rosacea are also related to diet and gastrointestinal flora imbalance.
3.6 Cause of acne six: mental stress and emotions.
Mental stress and emotions (such as depression and anxiety) are hypothesized to aggravate acne by changing the intestinal microbiota and increasing intestinal permeability, and may cause acne.
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4. Use fractional CO2 laser for acne treatment.
The wavelength of CO2 fractional laser is 10600nm, with a high water absorption coefficient of about 780, and has a strong epidermal exfoliation and superficial dermal destruction effect. After CO2 fractional laser treatment, tiny burn holes will appear on the epidermis, “coin-shaped” skin reactions will occur, the central tissue of the laser irradiation point will be completely vaporized and peeled off, the surrounding tissue will have a white frost reaction due to water vaporization, and the outermost tissue will have protein denaturation. The penetration and destruction depth of a single treatment is usually 80-150μm, causing columnar thermal damage/coagulation in the superficial dermis.
The working principle of CO2 fractional laser is “focal photothermal decomposition and stimulating regeneration effect”, which can kill Propionibacterium acnes. Whether it is open or closed acne, acne, acne can be treated with CO2 laser, and it can reduce existing acne pits, fade acne marks, control oil, and shrink pores.
The power is 15-20W, the pulse width is 2-4ms, and the point spacing can be appropriately denser at the location where redness, swelling or closure occurs, using 0.7-0.8mm. Whether it is closed comedones, blackheads, inflammatory outbreaks or other acne, fractional CO2 can be used for treatment. For mild nodular cystic acne, first use needle cleaning or use the CO2 laser head mode to drain, open the cyst wall, and clean the pus. For other parts of the face, the energy value refers to the parameters of skin rejuvenation, and it is recommended to cover the fractional coverage to avoid uneven skin color after surgery. After the treatment of the acne area, it can be treated once every 1-2 months, and the time for the next treatment can be determined according to age and skin repair status.
5. Choice of fractional CO2 laser.
Litonlaser is a professional beauty instrument manufacturer. It has a 20-year history of production and research and development of fractional CO2 lasers. It has a rich summary and clinical data collection on the application of machines, and has a deep research on the key indicators of machines. It can provide multi-level choices for the power, key parts, and appearance of CO2 lasers.
5.1 Fractional CO2  laser power of LITONLASER.
We provide three power fractional CO2 laser equipment of 30 watts, 60 watts, and 100 watts. Normally, 30W machines can be used for most beauty projects, such as anti-aging and wrinkle removal, acne removal, whitening and rejuvenation, etc. They are generally used in beauty salons and some clinics. 60W CO2 lasers are suitable for more professional clinics and hospitals. Higher power means that more difficult beauty skin problems can be solved, such as moderate to severe acne, acne pit treatment, dermal pigmentation removal, etc. 100W equipment requires very professional operators to use, and is generally not recommended for ordinary beauty salons unless professionally trained, because this power machine has very strong energy and is usually used for skin proliferative tissue cutting, which is biased towards the scope of surgical operations. Of course, Litonlaser will provide professional machine training courses.
5.2 Key part of CO2 fractional laser – laser bar.
There are two types of laser bars for CO2 fractional laser machines, namely glass tube laser bars and RF tube laser bars. Their performance is different, so the stability of the light output, the energy of the light source, and the service life are different. Generally, we recommend buying RF tubes, which will have better performance in all aspects and a higher price.
5.3 Various appearance models of 10600nm wavelength CO2 laser.
In order to adapt to the aesthetics of different countries, we customize multiple models of CO2 lasers, including 803, 807, 811, 509, etc. CO2 laser series: https://www.litonlaser.com/product_category/fractional-co2-laser/. Click to view detailed information.
If you are a beauty machine dealer or the owner of a beauty salon, and need to cooperate with a manufacturer with extremely cost-effective beauty equipment and rich clinical experience in machines, then you can contact us: https://www.litonlaser.com/contact-us/.
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dermexpertise · 1 year
Guide to Acne: From Pathogenesis to Treatment
Introduction to Acne Acne vulgaris is a remarkably common chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous unit that has afflicted humankind for millennia. This complex skin condition involves the interplay between the hair follicles, sebaceous glands, hormones, bacteria, and inflammation. While not life-threatening, acne can cause significant psychological and social distress, particularly for…
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reportstores · 2 years
Seysara Set to Boost Stagnant Treatment Landscape for Acne
The FDA approved a New Drug Application (NDA) submitted by Allergan and Paratek Pharmaceuticals on December 20 for the treatment of moderate-to-severe Acne Vulgaris Clinical Trials Market in patients aged nine and older. In the second half of 2018, Allergan anticipates receiving FDA approval for Seysara, which could bring a new treatment to the stagnant acne vulgaris pharmaceutical market.
One of the most prevalent dermatological conditions, acne affects approximately 90% of the world's population at some point in their lives.
The condition of the pilosebaceous gland of the skin is a chronic, inflammatory dermatological condition with a multifactorial pathogenesis.
For more regional insights into the acne vulgaris clinical trials market, download a free report sample
It is typically brought on by hormonal changes during puberty and exacerbated by genetic factors.
Acne lesions are caused by a combination of four main factors: elevated sebum secretion, abnormal keratinization, Propionibacterium acnes bacterial colonization, and inflammation.
Retinoids, anti-androgens, antibiotics, and benzoyl peroxide are the major drug classes that currently target these factors. Clindamycin phosphate, erythromycin, minocycline, and doxycycline are some of the antibiotics currently used to treat acne vulgaris.
Seysara: Seysara, a treatment for moderate-to-severe acne vulgaris, is being developed by Allergan and Paratek Pharmaceuticals to make treatment easier for patients. Allergan owns the rights to Seysara in the United States, while Paratek owns all rights outside of the United States.
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drdeepalibhakare · 2 years
Acne is derived from the word”Akme” which means the highest point.It is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the pilosebaceous glands and is the most common dermatological condition in the adolescent age group,clinically characterized by seborrhoea,formation of comedones, erythematous papules, pustules, nodules, cysts and scars.
Prevalence of Acne- Among Adolescents and Young Adults.The peak of severity in females is 16-17 yrs and in males 17-19 yr.It clears by age of 23 – 25 in 90% ofpatients.Some 5% of women and 1% of men still need treatment in their thirties or even forties.Acne not caused by – chocolate or fatty foods or infact by any kind of food.
Increased sebum production (seborrhoea),
Pilosebaceous duct hypercornification (comedogenesis),
Colonization of the duct with P.acne,
Triglycerides – 60 %
Wax esters – 25 %
Squalene – 10 %
Others – 5 %
(Diglycerides, free fatty acids, free sterols and phospholipids).
Initial pathogenesis (reason unknown):
follicular hyperkeratinization
proliferation +
decreased desquamation of keratinocytes
hyperkeratotic plug
Pathogenesis of Acne
Increased Androgen, sebaceous glands and sebum production increases growth medium for P.acne.It provides anerobic lipid rich environment for bacteria to thrive thus resulting in inflammation.
Depending on conditions
open/closed comedones
Inflammatory papule/
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Factors Aggravating Acne
Occlusive Cosmetics/Hair
Halogenated Hydrocarbons
Excessive/Vigorous Washing
Manipulation of Lesions
Exogenous Medications (OCP, Lithium,
Topical Steroids, Oral Steroids, INH, etc)
Emotional Stress
Endocrine Abnormalities.
Types & Variants
Acne vulgaris
Cystic or acne conglobata
Neonatal acne
Pomade and cosmetic acne
Occupational acne (oils and tars)
Drug-induced acne.
Grade I (Mild) – comedones only, fewer than 10 lesions on the face, no lesions on the trunk and no scarring
Grade II (Moderate) – comedones, papules, 10 to 25 lesions on the face and trunk, mild scarring
Grade III (Moderately severe) – Comedones, papules, pustules, more than 25 lesions, moderate scarring
Grade IV (severe) – Nodules, cysts, sinuses and extensive scarring.
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Goals of therapy:
Relieving discomfort
Preventing pitting or scarring
Limiting psychosocial distress.
Patient Education
Good skin hygiene is a basic tenet in prevention.Twice-daily cleansing with warm water and a mild soap can effectively remove excess sebum and improve skin appearance.Aggressive skin washings will not alter the course and may actually aggravate  by promoting the development of inflammatory lesions.Abrasive or antibacterial cleansers are not recommended, and squeezing or picking of lesions should be discouraged without the use of disinfectants.Drugs, cosmetics or other known precipitants also should be avoided.
Based on the patients age,Personal and Family History,His/Her dynamics at home,school,workplace a totality is formed with respect to his social,economical,physical and financial status.
Also understanding psychodynamics one can clearly see suppressed anger as the major cause of the disease pertaining to the different conflicts at various levels that the patient is undergoing.
Understanding this as a whole along with the personality of the patient,a Homoeopathic Physician can offer the best results with no re- occurrence ever.
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med-school-studies · 2 years
Acne Vulgaris
Acne Vulgaris: 
Disorder of sebaceous glands 
Common in teenage years 
Due to hormonal variations 
Both inflammatory & non-inflammatory
Whiteheads & blackheads are non-inflammatory
Papules, pustules, cysts are inflammatory
Comedones- expanding mass of lipid & keratin 
Pathogenesis- Bacterial lipases of propionibacterium breaks down sebaceous oils forming irritating FAs which induce inflammation
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talktodocapp · 3 years
Acne Vulgaris Causes, Symptoms and 10 effective tips
Acne Vulgaris Causes, Symptoms and 10 effective tips
Acne, pimple, breakouts, whatever we may call it, 90%of us has to face it at some point of our life. Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous unit, skin structure consisting of a hair follicle and its associated sebaceous glands. It has a chronic course but it is self limiting. Acne Vulgaris Causes Major factors are involved in the pathogenesis Hormonal factors: usually seen…
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felicia-cat-hardy · 3 years
Skin Care Routine For Oily Skin: Your Derm-Approved Guide
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Having oily skin can lead you to have more questions than answers. For instance: Is this oil or sweat? Do I really still need a moisturizer? Are some of my products making it worse? What does my skin want from me?! Hence why it can be challenging when figuring out how to create a skin care routine for oily skin.
In short, your skin is on the oily side if you experience constant shine and oiliness on your T-zone (your forehead, nose, and chin) and/or around the rest of your face, according to Dr. Hadley King, MD, a board-certified dermatologist based in New York City. There are several potential causes for oily skin: a dairy and alcohol-filled diet, larger pores (they can stretch out with age), or even just genetics. Regardless of how you ended up here, the oiliness is usually the byproduct of excess sebum production. Sebum is an oily and waxy substance your skin naturally produces that, in healthy amounts, keeps moisture from escaping your epidermis. But too much of it can cause an overly oily complexion, which can lead to a domino effect of skin woes (like breakouts and pore congestion). That’s where your beauty cabinet comes in to keep things calm and balanced.
Dermatologists tell Bustle how to create the perfect skin care routine for oily skin so you can keep your complexion glowy (but not overly so).
We only include products that have been independently selected by Bustle's editorial team. However, we may receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.
1. Cleanser
As the first step of your routine, you want to start off on the right foot. Think of cleansing as a reset for your face: You’re washing and wiping away all the grime, pollution, and product build-up that accumulates on your face.
To do this properly for your skin type, King recommends looking for cleansers that contain salicylic acid. “It penetrates into pores to remove excess sebum,” she explains of the popular beta-hydroxy acid (BHA). Charcoal and clay are also great for oily complexions, says King, as they’re both effective at absorbing excess sebum. If you want a physical scrub, make sure you pick one that has soothing and moisturizing ingredients like jojoba oil to avoid dehydrating or breaking the skin barrier, she tells Bustle.
Also key? According to Dr. Ellen Marmur, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and founder of MMSkincare, you should stay away from thick cleansing balms because they can clog oily skin — even if they do work miracles for other skin types.
2. Toner
Some people are iffy about the importance of a toner, but King says the product is particularly beneficial for oily and acne-prone skin. “Toners provide another way to add active ingredients like salicylic acid and witch hazel to your skin care routine,” she tells Bustle. So exfoliants like those in a toner can also help keep your pores unclogged. They can also help ensure your complexion is thoroughly clean, so it can better absorb the rest of your regimen.
Look for toners that contain active ingredients like witch hazel, for one, says King, who explains it’s a natural astringent. “It temporarily shrinks your pores, and it has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the skin,” she says. She also recommends chemical exfoliants like glycolic and lactic acids since they both work to remove excess oil. Then, to soothe and maintain moisture, King says humectants — aka moisture preservers — are also beneficial. Her picks? Aloe vera and glycerin.
3. Eye Cream
The skin around your eyes is thin and relatively more sensitive than the rest of your face. Those with oily complexions still benefit from keeping that area moisturized. According to Marmur, this skin type should look for lighter formulas that contain ingredients like aloe vera and hyaluronic acid, which add hydration without clogging your pores.
4. Serums & Treatments
In the world of chemical exfoliants, King says oily skin types reap the most perks from BHAs. While both alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) and BHAs both dissolve dead skin cells on your complexion, BHAs are oil-soluble (the latter are water-soluble). “So AHAs work on the surface of the skin, while BHAs penetrate into your pores,” she explains.
She recommends using salicylic acid in your treatment products — aka serums and face masks — out of all ingredients in this category: “It helps to prevent pores from becoming clogged and can help remove clogs that have already formed,” says King. Another bonus of salicylic acid? It treats and prevents the formation of those pesky blackheads and whiteheads, she adds.
As mentioned previously, clay and charcoal are also beneficial for oily skin facial treatments, says King. That said, they can be drying, so she advises to not leave them on for too long (or look for clay masks that also contain moisturizing ingredients).
You could also turn to a more high-tech beauty treatment: Marmur recommends LED light devices for oily skin since they help to keep pores clear. “They are chemical-free and easy to use,” she tells Bustle, adding that blue light, in particular, can help kill acne-causing bacteria and soothe skin.
5. Moisturizer
After you apply your treatment product, it’s time to moisturize. And, BTW, having oily skin isn’t the same as having hydrated skin, so this step is important. “You still need to gently hydrate and nourish the skin with antioxidants and peptides, even if it’s oily,” says Marmur. King echoes this, adding that your moisturizer should be non-comedogenic and oil-free to avoid clogging pores. Pro tip: Look for those that are light, water-based gels or lotions. And steer clear of heavy creams or oil-based moisturizers, she says.
6. Sunscreen
Wearing SPF is key for absolutely all skin types, oily complexions included. Marmur recommends looking for non-comedogenic and oil-free sunscreens. And King also suggests powder sun protection products, as “they create a matte finish and they don't clog pores.” Whichever one you use, make sure to apply it all over your face — and stay on top of your reapplication game.
Studies referenced:
Bataille, V. (2002). The Influence of Genetics and Environmental Factors in the Pathogenesis of Acne: A Twin Study of Acne in Women. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology. https://ift.tt/3byIApU
Castro, G. (2011). Comedolytic Effect and Reduced Skin Irritation of a New Formulation of All-Trans Retinoic Acid-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles for Topical Treatment of Acne. Archives of Dermatological Research. https://ift.tt/2SMp8zh
Lu, J. (2019). Salicylic acid treats acne vulgaris by suppressing AMPK/SREBP1 pathway in sebocytes. Exp Dermatol. https://ift.tt/3hxlKTb
Meier, L. (2012). Clay Jojoba Oil Facial Mask for Lesioned Skin and Mild Acne--Results of a Prospective, Observational Pilot Study. Forsch Komplementmed. https://ift.tt/3tUX6P8
Moghimipour, E. (2012). Hydroxy Acids, the Most Widely Used Anti-Aging Agents. Moghimipour E. (2012). Hydroxy Acids, the Most Widely Used Anti-Aging Agents. Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products. https://ift.tt/3edXDqI
Tang, S. (2018). Dual Effects of Alpha-Hydroxy Acids on the Skin. Molecules. https://ift.tt/2LENLLf
Dr. Ellen Marmur, MD, board-certified dermatologist and founder of MMSkincare
Dr. Hadley King, MD, board-certified dermatologist based in New York City
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asapresearch · 3 years
What Are The Objectives Of Outlook Safaris?
About Outlook Safaris provide luxurious accommodation, usually located in the famous Kruger National Park in South Africa. This is an important tourist destination, especially for those who enjoy exploring the great outdoors and wildlife. Guests usually have ample opportunities to view the big five on three nocturnal drives, as well as visiting the wild animals. The scenery is spectacular, and you are sure to have a memorable stay with the staff of this fine outlook safaris tour company.
Most outlook safaris include camping, which includes a spacious and comfortable camp where the guests can enjoy the great outdoors. Each camp offers a barbecue grill, fire pit grill, and private picnic areas. This type of luxury travel is one of the best ways to get close to nature. The camp also provides a safe and clean overnight venue.
Most outlook safaris are customised to suit your needs and budget. If you want to make the most out of your wildlife expedition in the most natural setting possible, then you need to arrange your trip and your accommodation accordingly. A large number of companies deal in all forms of outlook safaris, which means that they can cater to a wide variety of needs. You can choose to explore the beautiful countryside, the fabulous tourist attractions, or the bustling city life. Whatever you and your companions want to do, there will surely be something to please each of you.
You can even arrange your own campsite and arrange for a comfortable stay in one of the many campsites available throughout the region. Many of the lodges and campsites are self-catering and offer basic amenities, including telephone services, internet access, showers and bathrooms, and cable television. In addition, there are luxurious campsites available for opulent vacations, complete with private beaches and swimming pools, heated swimming pools, Jacuzzi baths, air conditioned rooms, luxurious bedding and private sun decks. There are even luxury campsites which are set in acres of beautiful land with access to golf courses, horseback trails and other outdoor activities. Your outlook safaris research will provide you with plenty to keep you occupied during your time away from home.
The outlook safaris are ideal for both sightseeing and wildlife spotting. Many of the locales you will visit are remote and unpolluted, offering you breathtaking views of the incredible landscape and wild animals. The outlook safaris will let you see the majesty of the wilderness in their natural glory. You can also view some of the exotic birds and animals in their natural habitat, including the amazing migration patterns of these species.
The outlook safaris will take you on scenic journeys through some of the most beautiful parts of Africa. Each area has its own character and offers something different. The Kenya Safari will allow you to view the majestic wildebeest migrations, while the Tanzania safari will allow you to view the vast majority of the wildebeest population. The Kenya Safari also allows you to view large numbers of wild elephants that are protected by the Masai Mara Game Reserve. Whatever your tastes or objectives, there is an outlook safaris travel that will satisfy all of them.
Thelansis Knowledge Partners "Acne Vulgaris" - Market Access, Reimbursement Outlook, Competitive Landscape, Epidemiology and Forecast Report – 2015 to 2030" report comprises of the Disease overview, classifications, stages or severity level, pathogenesis, identified and emerging biomarkers, pipeline assessment, competitive landscape, KOLs perspective, Market access - Country Specific Regulatory scenarios, Patent landscape, reimbursement scenario; Public, Private, Medicare, Medicaid, Government, Private, Co-payment, Out of pocket, Epidemiology; Incidence, Prevalence, Mortality, and current therapy market share, Order of entry, patient share, Market uptake, Peak patient share, Disease burden, Annual cost of therapy, market forecast for USA, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan and China 2015 to 2030
Geographic Coverage
• United States
• EU5 (Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom)
• Japan
• China
Market estimation: 2015 – 2030
Report brief:
This section provide the insights about historical and current patient pool (Incidence, Prevalence and mortality) and forecasted trend for 8 major markets (US, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan and China). The epidemiology research is one the key element of the report driven by meta-analysis, Systemic literature review and insights from KOL’s
Treatment Algorithm
The comprehensive details on country specific treatment and disease management for the patients in the US, Europe, Japan, and China. Future treatment paradigm and KOL’s perspective (HCP’s, Payers and Researcher) are the key strength of the report
Competitive Landscape
A thorough analysis of reported revenue, patient share and marketed trend for approved therapies however for pipeline assets we consider Phase I, Phase II and Phase III including their major milestones, study result, interim result, safety & efficacy data, key drivers, mechanism of action designation (Fast Track, Breakthrough Therapy, Accelerated Approval, Priority Review) geography level prioritization, asset level profile and probable launch date estimation
Market Outlook & Market Forecast
Historic, current and forecasted market trend (High, Base case, Low) of the market by analyzing the impact of current therapies on the market, unmet needs, drivers and barriers and demand of better diagnosis of biomarkers. Key patient segment and market based on type, severity and stages of the disease. Disease burden, compliance rate, annual cost of therapy, reimbursement scenario, Patient share, Patient access
Market uptake and benchmarking
The market penetration for pipeline assets being derived on the basis of benchmarking the sales of launched assets specifically targeting the patient segment or overall indication or therapy area or country or region specific. Order of entry benchmark works as a critical element for defining the uptake curve for the pipeline assets. Many drug utilization study are being benchmarked to arrive at the current patient share for marketed therapies as well as off-label products. Market events are the major key factors which applied to the forecast model to optimize the year on year revenue estimation
Regulatory scenario
Country specific healthcare structure, regulatory bodies, HTA bodies, approval process for diagnostic and therapies, and work flow
Patent landscape
Country specific patent filings for approved therapies as well as pipeline assets, formulation patent, process patent (FDA, EMA, EPO, Orange book, JPO; Japan Patent Office) and fillings
Reimbursement Scenario
Country specific reimbursement Scenario; Public, Private, Medicare, Medicaid, Government, Private, Co-payment, Out of pocket
Key Report highlights
• 4 years of historical epidemiology data Epidemiology; Incidence, Prevalence, Mortality
• 11 years of epidemiology and market projections
• Incidence/ Prevalence patient population
• Mortality, survival and diagnosed patient pool
• Treated patient pool
• Treatment guidelines
• Competitive landscape (Marketed therapies, Off-label therapies, Pipeline assessment, Phase – I, II, III)
• Patient share
• Country specific revenue share and trend
• Market Opportunities assessment
• Key market and product event analysis
• Disease burden and annual cost of therapy
• Regulatory scenario
• Reimbursement Scenario
• Patent landscape
• HCP’s/ KOL’s perspective
• Payer’s perspective
• Analyst commentary Allergan, Almirall, Androscience, Aobiome, Astellas, Bayer, Botanix Pharmaceuticals, Braintree Laboratories, Cassiopea Spa, Celtaxys, Common Pharma, Cutanea Life Sciences, Dermira, Dow Pharma, Elorac Inc., Foamix Pharmaceuticals
Acne Vulgaris - Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
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researchetcsblog · 3 years
What Are The Objectives Of Outlook Safaris?
About Outlook Safaris provide luxurious accommodation, usually located in the famous Kruger National Park in South Africa. This is an important tourist destination, especially for those who enjoy exploring the great outdoors and wildlife. Guests usually have ample opportunities to view the big five on three nocturnal drives, as well as visiting the wild animals. The scenery is spectacular, and you are sure to have a memorable stay with the staff of this fine outlook safaris tour company.
Most outlook safaris include camping, which includes a spacious and comfortable camp where the guests can enjoy the great outdoors. Each camp offers a barbecue grill, fire pit grill, and private picnic areas. This type of luxury travel is one of the best ways to get close to nature. The camp also provides a safe and clean overnight venue.
Most outlook safaris are customised to suit your needs and budget. If you want to make the most out of your wildlife expedition in the most natural setting possible, then you need to arrange your trip and your accommodation accordingly. A large number of companies deal in all forms of outlook safaris, which means that they can cater to a wide variety of needs. You can choose to explore the beautiful countryside, the fabulous tourist attractions, or the bustling city life. Whatever you and your companions want to do, there will surely be something to please each of you.
You can even arrange your own campsite and arrange for a comfortable stay in one of the many campsites available throughout the region. Many of the lodges and campsites are self-catering and offer basic amenities, including telephone services, internet access, showers and bathrooms, and cable television. In addition, there are luxurious campsites available for opulent vacations, complete with private beaches and swimming pools, heated swimming pools, Jacuzzi baths, air conditioned rooms, luxurious bedding and private sun decks. There are even luxury campsites which are set in acres of beautiful land with access to golf courses, horseback trails and other outdoor activities. Your outlook safaris research will provide you with plenty to keep you occupied during your time away from home.
The outlook safaris are ideal for both sightseeing and wildlife spotting. Many of the locales you will visit are remote and unpolluted, offering you breathtaking views of the incredible landscape and wild animals. The outlook safaris will let you see the majesty of the wilderness in their natural glory. You can also view some of the exotic birds and animals in their natural habitat, including the amazing migration patterns of these species.
The outlook safaris will take you on scenic journeys through some of the most beautiful parts of Africa. Each area has its own character and offers something different. The Kenya Safari will allow you to view the majestic wildebeest migrations, while the Tanzania safari will allow you to view the vast majority of the wildebeest population. The Kenya Safari also allows you to view large numbers of wild elephants that are protected by the Masai Mara Game Reserve. Whatever your tastes or objectives, there is an outlook safaris travel that will satisfy all of them.
Thelansis Knowledge Partners "Acne Vulgaris" - Market Access, Reimbursement Outlook, Competitive Landscape, Epidemiology and Forecast Report – 2015 to 2030" report comprises of the Disease overview, classifications, stages or severity level, pathogenesis, identified and emerging biomarkers, pipeline assessment, competitive landscape, KOLs perspective, Market access - Country Specific Regulatory scenarios, Patent landscape, reimbursement scenario; Public, Private, Medicare, Medicaid, Government, Private, Co-payment, Out of pocket, Epidemiology; Incidence, Prevalence, Mortality, and current therapy market share, Order of entry, patient share, Market uptake, Peak patient share, Disease burden, Annual cost of therapy, market forecast for USA, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan and China 2015 to 2030
Geographic Coverage
• United States
• EU5 (Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom)
• Japan
• China
Market estimation: 2015 – 2030
Report brief:
This section provide the insights about historical and current patient pool (Incidence, Prevalence and mortality) and forecasted trend for 8 major markets (US, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan and China). The epidemiology research is one the key element of the report driven by meta-analysis, Systemic literature review and insights from KOL’s
Treatment Algorithm
The comprehensive details on country specific treatment and disease management for the patients in the US, Europe, Japan, and China. Future treatment paradigm and KOL’s perspective (HCP’s, Payers and Researcher) are the key strength of the report
Competitive Landscape
A thorough analysis of reported revenue, patient share and marketed trend for approved therapies however for pipeline assets we consider Phase I, Phase II and Phase III including their major milestones, study result, interim result, safety & efficacy data, key drivers, mechanism of action designation (Fast Track, Breakthrough Therapy, Accelerated Approval, Priority Review) geography level prioritization, asset level profile and probable launch date estimation
Market Outlook & Market Forecast
Historic, current and forecasted market trend (High, Base case, Low) of the market by analyzing the impact of current therapies on the market, unmet needs, drivers and barriers and demand of better diagnosis of biomarkers. Key patient segment and market based on type, severity and stages of the disease. Disease burden, compliance rate, annual cost of therapy, reimbursement scenario, Patient share, Patient access
Market uptake and benchmarking
The market penetration for pipeline assets being derived on the basis of benchmarking the sales of launched assets specifically targeting the patient segment or overall indication or therapy area or country or region specific. Order of entry benchmark works as a critical element for defining the uptake curve for the pipeline assets. Many drug utilization study are being benchmarked to arrive at the current patient share for marketed therapies as well as off-label products. Market events are the major key factors which applied to the forecast model to optimize the year on year revenue estimation
Regulatory scenario
Country specific healthcare structure, regulatory bodies, HTA bodies, approval process for diagnostic and therapies, and work flow
Patent landscape
Country specific patent filings for approved therapies as well as pipeline assets, formulation patent, process patent (FDA, EMA, EPO, Orange book, JPO; Japan Patent Office) and fillings
Reimbursement Scenario
Country specific reimbursement Scenario; Public, Private, Medicare, Medicaid, Government, Private, Co-payment, Out of pocket
Key Report highlights
• 4 years of historical epidemiology data Epidemiology; Incidence, Prevalence, Mortality
• 11 years of epidemiology and market projections
• Incidence/ Prevalence patient population
• Mortality, survival and diagnosed patient pool
• Treated patient pool
• Treatment guidelines
• Competitive landscape (Marketed therapies, Off-label therapies, Pipeline assessment, Phase – I, II, III)
• Patient share
• Country specific revenue share and trend
• Market Opportunities assessment
• Key market and product event analysis
• Disease burden and annual cost of therapy
• Regulatory scenario
• Reimbursement Scenario
• Patent landscape
• HCP’s/ KOL’s perspective
• Payer’s perspective
• Analyst commentary Allergan, Almirall, Androscience, Aobiome, Astellas, Bayer, Botanix Pharmaceuticals, Braintree Laboratories, Cassiopea Spa, Celtaxys, Common Pharma, Cutanea Life Sciences, Dermira, Dow Pharma, Elorac Inc., Foamix Pharmaceuticals
Acne Vulgaris - Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
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Psychodermatology: The Overlap of Skin and Psyche-Juniper Publishers
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Skin, brain and mind are interlinked and dermatological disorders are affected by as well as affect the psychological state of a person. The psychiatric morbidities such as anxiety, depression are common in skin conditions and the quality of life, especially psychological quality of life is adversely affected in psycho dermatological disorders. This article reviews the psychological impact of dermatological disorders and calls for close liaison between dermatology and psychiatry for favourable outcomes of these disorders.
Keywords:   Psychodermatology; Psychocutaneous disorders; Psychosomatics
Skin is the largest organ of human body; it expresses human emotion in its own unique way such as blushing, piloerection and perspiration. The skin as well as brain originate itself from embryonic ectoderm and responds to same hormones and neurotransmitters [1]. Skin is the also the most visible organ and everything that affects the skin is visible to others as well as to the patient himself forming an important part of one's self-image. In addition to the unpleasant physical sensations that take the person off balance, creating discomfort, irritation, impatience and damage to the physical appearance, skin disorders also compromise the individual's self-image and selfesteem. The psychological impact of dermatological disorders can be devastating to the patients, even though it may not be always associated with physical discomfort or pain [2].
The incidence of psychiatric disorders among dermatological patients is estimated around 30 to 60% [3] and patients of chronic dermatological patients experience significant emotional pain [4]. The interaction between nervous system, skin and immunity has been explained by release of mediators from NICS (neuro immuno-cutaneous system) [5]. Psychological stress is believed to disrupt the epidermal permeability barrier homeostasis, and it may act as a precipitant for some inflammatory skin disorders like atopic dermatitis and psoriasis [6]. The psychological factors can be big concern in chronic intractable disorders eczema, prurigo, psoriasis and vitiligo [7-9]. The psychiatric help seeking behaviour in dermatological patients however is not in proportion to the psychiatric morbidity in these patients and patient often resist the psychiatric referrals due to widespread stigma and misconceptions about psychiatric diagnoses. Therefore the liaison between psychiatrists and dermatologist proves very helpful for optimum management of psychodermatological disorders with emphasis on biopsychosocial model of disorders.
Psychodermatology refers to the psychological or psychiatric aspects associated with dermatological disorders. These disorders can be classified into four categories namely:
Psychophysiologic disorders, dermatological conditions associated closely and exacerbated by stress.
Primary psychiatric disorders with dermatological symptoms due to pathological thinking process.
Secondary psychiatric conditions as response to stress of dermatological condition.
Cutaneous sensory disorder presenting as sensory conditions with no underlying dermatological or general medical condition [10].
We in this review endeavour to focus on the psychiatric morbidity in dermatological disorders, which would cover psychophysiologic disorders and psychiatric disorders secondary to dermatological conditions.
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that affects approximately 2-3% of world population, with its onset in the second or third decade of life. This disorder fits the biopsychosocial model of etiology and is caused by the interaction of genetic (polygenic inheritance), environmental and psychological factors [11]. Psychological stress is known to exacerbate the condition and commonly associated with depression, anxiety and somatization [12-15]. Suicidal ideations are not uncommon to be reported in patients of psoriasis and it is associated with significant impairment of quality of life, negatively impacting psychological, vocational, social and physical functioning [15,16]. Five dimensions of the stigma associated with psoriasis have been reported:
Anticipation of rejection.
Feelings of being flawed.
Sensitivity to the attitudes of society.
Guilt and shame.
Secretiveness [17].
However, the severity of psychiatric symptoms may not be always proportional to the clinical severity of psoriasis.
    Atopic Dermatitis
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin condition with pruritus, scaling, erythema, excoriation and lichenification making it very distressing for the patients. Adults with atopic dermatitis are more anxious and depressed with psychosocial adjustment issue and low self esteem whereas children suffer emotional distress and more behavioural problems [18-21]. Psychological stress may be an acquired factor affectingthe expression of atopic dermatitis [22]. A topic individuals with emotional problems may develop a vicious cyclebetween anxiety/depression and dermatologic symptoms [23].
    Acne Vulgaris
Acne is an inflammation of the pilosebaceous glands mostly affecting face and trunk affecting mostly adolescents. It has a great importance among the dermatoses that affect adolescents, in view of its high prevalence in this age group and its effect on the quality of life which becomes more pronounced as the stage of the disease becomes more severe [24]. It is associated with depression and severe cases are more likely to have severe depressive features [25]. Apart from it the drug isotretinoin has side effects in the form of depression and suicidal ideas which needs tobe kept in mind while treating patients of acne.
    Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata is a common disease involving localized loss of hair in round or oval areas, without visible inflammation of the skin in hair-bearing areas. The role of psychological factors in the pathogenesis of alopecia areata is debatable [26]. The psychiatric morbidity in patients of alopecia areata ranges from 25-67% [27-29]. Anxiety and depression remain the commonest comrbid psychiatric disorders in these patients [30,31]. The quality of life is poorer in patients of alopecia areata when compared to control but it does not depend on severity of the illness [32].
Chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU) is characterized by recurrent urticarial wheals of unknown origin for 6 or more weeks' duration. It is one of the most common and frustrating diseases for both patients and physicians [33,34]. The quality of life of these patients is greatly affected by the disorder [35]. The physical and psychological quality of life in chronic idiopathic urticaria is markedly reduced [36] which is suggestive of the severe distress because of the disorder. When it comes to psychiatric morbidity literature suggests that anxiety and depression is common in cases of urticaria [36,37].
Vitiligo is a depigmentary disorder which mostly painless, however cosmetic disfigurement is the source of discomfort. It is also unfortunately associated with great social stigma especially in societies like India where once patients of vitiligo were treated as untouchables. Vitiligo runs a chronic and unpredictable course requiring long term treatment but there is no uniform effective therapy and this is usually very demoralizing for patients [38]. Patients reveal indications of significant distress that are related to specific types of social encounters and emotional disturbances [39]. The quality of life in patients of vitiligo is hampered, especially in female patients. The psychological and environmental quality of life is affected in a negative way due to psychosocial impact of the disorder [9] Vitiligo patients are stared at, whispered about or subjected to antagonism, insult, isolation and are greeted differently [38] and high number of patients of vitiligo suffer from depression [40] and tend to feel more hopeless with time [41]. Impact of vitiligo remains more psychosocial than purely medical in this sense.
The research in psychodermatology is growing and insightful. The quality of life in these disorders is affected in most cases and various factors negatively affecting it are the chronicity of disorder, inconveniences of the disorders and therapy, lack of uniform response to therapy, cosmetic impact and easy noticeability. The common comorbidities include anxiety, depression which may not be related to clinical severity of these disorders always but psychological deterioration is invariably associated with an exacerbation of the dermatological condition. The liaison between these two disciplines of psychiatry and dermatology holds the key for favourable outcome of the psychodermatological disorders.
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divamedcenter-blog · 5 years
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‏‎Acne Vulgaris Acne is a long-term skin disease that occurs when hair follicles are clogged with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. It is characterized by blackheads or whiteheads, pimples, oily skin, and possible scarring. It primarily affects areas of the skin with a relatively high number of oil glands, including the face, upper part of the chest, and back.The resulting appearance can lead to anxiety, reduced self-esteem and, in extreme cases, depression or thought Negative . Genetics is thought to be the primary cause of acne in 80% of cases. The role of diet and cigarette smoking is unclear, and neither cleanliness nor exposure to sunlight appear to play a part. In both sexes, hormones called androgens appear to be part of the underlying mechanism, by causing increased production of sebum. Another frequent factor is excessive growth of the bacterium Cutibacterium acnes, which is normally present on the skin. In recent years, due to better understanding of the pathogenesis of acne, new therapeutic modalities and various permutation and combinations have been designed. Early and aggressive treatment of acne is advocated by the medical community to decrease the overall long-term impact to individuals. What are you waiting for? Call us to schedule your appointment: 03 96 86 35‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/B4vAGkUhgIE/?igshid=t3xvcsh5trvs
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kritikarehani · 5 years
Derma Market
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Dermatology is the specialized branch of medicine targeting the skin and treatment of skin-related diseases and conditions. This covers a variety of conditions, both pathological and cosmetic. Derma market products include medicine and products that are used daily like lotions, soft gels, shampoos, creams, etc. So, here, the dermatology industry kicks in to stop and treat skin issues. Dermatology market is a vast sector that deals in various segments as the dermatology disorders vary throughout the world based on Geographic location, Climatic conditions, Socioeconomic status, Lifestyles, Age, Gender, Heredity, and Personal habits.
Dermatology industry is increasing all over the world. It is one of the largest markets of the pharmaceuticals industry. Dermatology market is a highly specialized, niche segment in the global pharmaceutical industry. The need for skincare products is increasing day by day [WU1] across the world. This industry includes drugs to treat diseases such as rosacea, dermatitis, hyperhidrosis, androgenic alopecia, acne, microbial infections and other skin disorders. The global skincare market is fast-growing and expansive, ranging from cosmetic products to over-the-counter drugs, to prescription drugs.
There is a myriad of pharmaceutical companies like DelveInsight that are developing derma products. They prepare derma market reports on various skin-related disorders such as Acne vulgaris, Actinic Keratosis, Alopecia, Vitiligo, Pruritus, Impetigo, Pressure Ulcers, Rosacea, Atopic Dermatitis, psoriasis, and so on. Within the dermatology market research, deep insights into the market landscape, its segments, and its market share are provided. These reports provide derma market forecasts that proffer data on revenue growth at global, regional, and country levels and proffers an analysis on the latest industry trends and opportunities in each of the sub-segments for the ten-year forecast. The dermatology market landscape is anticipated to change substantially with the advent of promising novel pipeline products. These reports also help in:-
·        Understanding the current clinical and commercial landscape by considering disease pathogenesis, diagnosis, prognosis and the treatment options available at each stage of diagnosis.
·        Visualizing the composition of the dermatology market across each disease, in terms of dominant molecule types and targets, emphasizing the key commercial assets and players.
·        Analyzing the dermatology pipeline and stratify by stage of development, molecule type and molecular target, with a granular breakdown across key indications.
·        Comprehending the growth in patient epidemiology and market revenues for the dermatology market globally and across the key players and product types.
·        Stratifying the derma market in terms of the split between generic and premium products, and analyze the role of the product types in the treatment of the various dermatological conditions.
·        Identifying commercial opportunities in the dermatology deals landscape by analyzing trends in licensing and co-development deals.
In addition to these, the dermatology drugs market includes sales of dermatology drugs and related by entities that produce dermatology drugs to treat skin disease. The derma market will be flourished as everyone faces some or other skin related diseases, for which they need drugs to relieve themselves.
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mtariqniaz · 6 years
Pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis of acne vulgaris
Pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis of acne vulgaris
Pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis of acne vulgaris Authors Diane Thiboutot, MD Andrea Zaenglein, MD Section Editors Robert P Dellavalle, MD, PhD, MSPH Moise L Levy, MD Mark V Dahl, MD Deputy Editor Abena O Ofori, MD
INTRODUCTION — Acne vulgaris is the most common cutaneous disorder affecting adolescents and young adults. Patients with acne can experience…
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hoynovoy · 3 years
Skin Care Routine For Oily Skin: Your Derm-Approved Guide
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Having oily skin can lead you to have more questions than answers. For instance: Is this oil or sweat? Do I really still need a moisturizer? Are some of my products making it worse? What does my skin want from me?! Hence why it can be challenging when figuring out how to create a skin care routine for oily skin.
In short, your skin is on the oily side if you experience constant shine and oiliness on your T-zone (your forehead, nose, and chin) and/or around the rest of your face, according to Dr. Hadley King, MD, a board-certified dermatologist based in New York City. There are several potential causes for oily skin: a dairy and alcohol-filled diet, larger pores (they can stretch out with age), or even just genetics. Regardless of how you ended up here, the oiliness is usually the byproduct of excess sebum production. Sebum is an oily and waxy substance your skin naturally produces that, in healthy amounts, keeps moisture from escaping your epidermis. But too much of it can cause an overly oily complexion, which can lead to a domino effect of skin woes (like breakouts and pore congestion). That’s where your beauty cabinet comes in to keep things calm and balanced.
Dermatologists tell Bustle how to create the perfect skin care routine for oily skin so you can keep your complexion glowy (but not overly so).
We only include products that have been independently selected by Bustle's editorial team. However, we may receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.
1. Cleanser
As the first step of your routine, you want to start off on the right foot. Think of cleansing as a reset for your face: You’re washing and wiping away all the grime, pollution, and product build-up that accumulates on your face.
To do this properly for your skin type, King recommends looking for cleansers that contain salicylic acid. “It penetrates into pores to remove excess sebum,” she explains of the popular beta-hydroxy acid (BHA). Charcoal and clay are also great for oily complexions, says King, as they’re both effective at absorbing excess sebum. If you want a physical scrub, make sure you pick one that has soothing and moisturizing ingredients like jojoba oil to avoid dehydrating or breaking the skin barrier, she tells Bustle.
Also key? According to Dr. Ellen Marmur, MD, a board-certified dermatologist and founder of MMSkincare, you should stay away from thick cleansing balms because they can clog oily skin — even if they do work miracles for other skin types.
2. Toner
Some people are iffy about the importance of a toner, but King says the product is particularly beneficial for oily and acne-prone skin. “Toners provide another way to add active ingredients like salicylic acid and witch hazel to your skin care routine,” she tells Bustle. So exfoliants like those in a toner can also help keep your pores unclogged. They can also help ensure your complexion is thoroughly clean, so it can better absorb the rest of your regimen.
Look for toners that contain active ingredients like witch hazel, for one, says King, who explains it’s a natural astringent. “It temporarily shrinks your pores, and it has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the skin,” she says. She also recommends chemical exfoliants like glycolic and lactic acids since they both work to remove excess oil. Then, to soothe and maintain moisture, King says humectants — aka moisture preservers — are also beneficial. Her picks? Aloe vera and glycerin.
3. Eye Cream
The skin around your eyes is thin and relatively more sensitive than the rest of your face. Those with oily complexions still benefit from keeping that area moisturized. According to Marmur, this skin type should look for lighter formulas that contain ingredients like aloe vera and hyaluronic acid, which add hydration without clogging your pores.
4. Serums & Treatments
In the world of chemical exfoliants, King says oily skin types reap the most perks from BHAs. While both alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) and BHAs both dissolve dead skin cells on your complexion, BHAs are oil-soluble (the latter are water-soluble). “So AHAs work on the surface of the skin, while BHAs penetrate into your pores,” she explains.
She recommends using salicylic acid in your treatment products — aka serums and face masks — out of all ingredients in this category: “It helps to prevent pores from becoming clogged and can help remove clogs that have already formed,” says King. Another bonus of salicylic acid? It treats and prevents the formation of those pesky blackheads and whiteheads, she adds.
As mentioned previously, clay and charcoal are also beneficial for oily skin facial treatments, says King. That said, they can be drying, so she advises to not leave them on for too long (or look for clay masks that also contain moisturizing ingredients).
You could also turn to a more high-tech beauty treatment: Marmur recommends LED light devices for oily skin since they help to keep pores clear. “They are chemical-free and easy to use,” she tells Bustle, adding that blue light, in particular, can help kill acne-causing bacteria and soothe skin.
5. Moisturizer
After you apply your treatment product, it’s time to moisturize. And, BTW, having oily skin isn’t the same as having hydrated skin, so this step is important. “You still need to gently hydrate and nourish the skin with antioxidants and peptides, even if it’s oily,” says Marmur. King echoes this, adding that your moisturizer should be non-comedogenic and oil-free to avoid clogging pores. Pro tip: Look for those that are light, water-based gels or lotions. And steer clear of heavy creams or oil-based moisturizers, she says.
6. Sunscreen
Wearing SPF is key for absolutely all skin types, oily complexions included. Marmur recommends looking for non-comedogenic and oil-free sunscreens. And King also suggests powder sun protection products, as “they create a matte finish and they don't clog pores.” Whichever one you use, make sure to apply it all over your face — and stay on top of your reapplication game.
Studies referenced:
Bataille, V. (2002). The Influence of Genetics and Environmental Factors in the Pathogenesis of Acne: A Twin Study of Acne in Women. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology. https://ift.tt/3byIApU
Castro, G. (2011). Comedolytic Effect and Reduced Skin Irritation of a New Formulation of All-Trans Retinoic Acid-Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles for Topical Treatment of Acne. Archives of Dermatological Research. https://ift.tt/2SMp8zh
Lu, J. (2019). Salicylic acid treats acne vulgaris by suppressing AMPK/SREBP1 pathway in sebocytes. Exp Dermatol. https://ift.tt/3hxlKTb
Meier, L. (2012). Clay Jojoba Oil Facial Mask for Lesioned Skin and Mild Acne--Results of a Prospective, Observational Pilot Study. Forsch Komplementmed. https://ift.tt/3tUX6P8
Moghimipour, E. (2012). Hydroxy Acids, the Most Widely Used Anti-Aging Agents. Moghimipour E. (2012). Hydroxy Acids, the Most Widely Used Anti-Aging Agents. Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products. https://ift.tt/3edXDqI
Tang, S. (2018). Dual Effects of Alpha-Hydroxy Acids on the Skin. Molecules. https://ift.tt/2LENLLf
Dr. Ellen Marmur, MD, board-certified dermatologist and founder of MMSkincare
Dr. Hadley King, MD, board-certified dermatologist based in New York City
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docmode-love-blog · 5 years
Enroll for lecture on Management of acne in Mumbai
The analysis of acne vulgaris is essentially clinical. History and physical assessment can help decide whether there is a hidden reason for the acne, for example, a fueling medicine or endocrinologic variation from the norm causing hyperandrogenism (e.g., polycystic ovarian disorder). Other dermatologic indications of androgen overabundance incorporate seborrhea, hirsutism and androgenetic alopecia. Endocrinologic testing isn't requested routinely for ladies with ordinary menstrual cycles. More established ladies, particularly those with new-beginning acne and different indications of androgen abundance (e.g., hirsutism, androgenic alopecia, menstrual abnormalities, fruitlessness), ought to be tried for androgen overabundance with estimations of aggregate and free serum testosterone, dihydroepiandrosterone, and luteinizing and follicle-invigorating hormone levels. Pelvic ultrasonography may show the nearness of polycystic ovaries. In prepubertal kids with acne, indications of hyperandrogenism incorporate early-beginning quickened development, pubic or axillary hair, personal stench, genital development and propelled bone age.
Treatment for acne vulgaris should intend to lessen seriousness and repeats of skin injuries just as to improve appearance. The methodology relies upon the seriousness of the acne, the treatment inclinations and age of the patient, and adherence and reaction to past treatment. Different acne medicines target various strides in the pathogenesis of acne, from checking androgens and diminishing sebum generation to forestalling follicular impediment, decreasing P. acnes expansion and diminishing irritation.
Topical treatment is the standard of care for mellow to direct acne. Retinoids and antimicrobials, for example, benzoyl peroxide and anti-infection agents are the backbone of topical acne treatment. Such medicines are dynamic at application destinations, and they can forestall new injuries. The primary reaction is nearby bothering. Gels, pledgets (medicine drenched cushions), washes and arrangements will in general be drying and are useful for sleek skin. Moisturizers, creams and salves are useful for dry, effectively bothered skin. Most topical arrangements require in any event six to about two months before an improvement is seen; they might be utilized for quite a long time varying.
Management of acne has experienced a progressive change. In this lecture. Sushil Tahiliani discusses a portion of the fascinating changes so far with the presentation of new ideas in pathogenesis.
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