#acne vulgaris pictures
healthhub123 · 4 months
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medicomunicare · 3 months
Hormones, genetics and food choices: the complex yet easy picture behind acne
On the origins of acne Acne vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that primarily affects adolescents and young adults. It has a prevalence of 80% in individuals aged between 11 and 30, therefore affecting approximately 9% of the world population. The complex etiology of acne involves genetic, hormonal and environmental factors. Acne presents with inflammatory and non-inflammatory…
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dr-geeta-rani-arora · 3 years
Acne a common problem is seen in teenagers. It is seen in both girls and boys with the same prevalence. Acne can sometimes affect people’s confidence and in spite of being a simple disorder can play an important role in their lives as sometimes it affects a person’s self-esteem. It is one disorder that can be very well treated by homeopathy. In acne, the sebaceous gland produces excess sebum.
· Inflammation of blocked pilosebaceous follicles
· Increases sebum secretion
· Hormonal disturbance which is associated with acne vulgaris. Hormones from the testes, ovaries, and adrenals are the main hormones that stimulate the sebum secretion.
· Acne shows familial tendency, increase or decrease with menstrual cycle timing in females.
Following dietary changes, avoidance of chocolates, cola, fried food, or milk products.
Maintain good and healthy nutrition to equip the immune system to fight against bacterial action.
For mild cases washing twice with a cleansing soap so as to remove excess oil from the face is found helpful.
Homeopathic treatment: Acne is rightly treated by homeopathy by a remedy given based on totality as acne is usually associated with underlying causes. Acne during puberty can be treated by homeopathy by consideration of cause and covering total picture including physical and mental makeup of the person. The benefit is when a patient is treated for acne with a constitutional remedy, not only acne will get better acutely but the tendency to acne is decreased or removed and the underlying cause is treated. In addition to this, a remedy based on the type of acne also gives results in a few cases but our main guiding line for curative line of result shall always be totality.
For More Info, Visit: http:// www.healwithhomeopathy.co/
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Acne or Pimples Treatment. What's Up?
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Acne or Pimples Treatment. What's Up? Acne or Pimples. What's Up? WATCH THESE VIDOES AND READ THE ARTICLE IF YOU SUFFERING FROM ACNE OR PIMPLES ACNE OR PIIMPLES. WHAT IS IT? ACNE OR PIMPLES TREATMENT PLAY VIDEO ACNE OR PIIMPLES. TYPES ACNE OR PIMPLES TREATMENT PLAY VIDEO ACNE OR PIIMPLES TREATMENT AT MSI ACNE OR PIMPLES TREATMENT PLAY VIDEO ACNE OR PIIMPLES TREATMENT WHAT'S UP? ACNE OR PIMPLES TREATMENT PLAY VIDEO ACNE OR PIIMPLES TREATMENT RESTESULTS (before & after) ACNE OR PIMPLES TREATMENT PLAY VIDEO Acne is one of the most common diseases with a point prevalence of up to 100% among adolescents and often persists into adulthood, with detrimental effects on self-esteem. Sixty percent of all acne cases are so-called ‘physiologic acne,’ the other 40% are those that need continuous help with a specialist to prevent physical or psychological scarring. Acne is still the most frequent primary diagnosis for visits to dermatologists. What Causes Acne or Pimples? Acne is one of the most common diseases with a point prevalence of up to 100% among adolescents and often persists into adulthood, with detrimental effects on self-esteem. Sixty percent of all acne cases are so-called ‘physiologic acne,’ the other 40% are those that need continuous help with a specialist to prevent physical or psychological scarring. Acne is still the most frequent primary diagnosis for visits to dermatologists. Acne is currently understood as a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous unit, characterized by androgen-induced increased sebum production, follicular hyperkeratinization, inflammation, and altered adaptive immune response. Bacterial colonization by Propionibacterium acnes aggravates the course of the disease in various manners, but its role as a prerequisite of the induction of acne is disputable. What are the Types of Acne or Pimples? Noninflammatory acne is characterized by both open and closed comedo formation. The inflammatory lesions of acne originate with comedo formation but then expand to form papules, pustules, nodules, and cysts of varying severity. As the severity of the lesion progresses, nodules form and become markedly inflamed, indurated, and tender. The cysts of acne are deeper and filled with a combination of pus and serosanguineous fluid. In patients with severe nodulocystic acne, these lesions frequently coalesce to form massively inflamed complex plaques that can include sinus tracts. Acne fulminans Acne fulminans is the most severe form of cystic acne and is characterized by the abrupt onset of nodular and suppurative acne in association with variable systemic manifestations. While affected individuals often have typical mild to moderate acne prior to the onset of acne fulminans, without warning, micro-comedones erupt. These soon become markedly inflamed and coalesce into painful and oozing friable plaques with hemorrhagic crusts. The face, neck, chest, back, and arms are all affected. Ulcerated lesions can lead to significant scarring. Osteolytic bone lesions may accompany the cutaneous findings. Systemic manifestations include fever, arthralgias, myalgias, hepatosplenomegaly, and severe prostration. Acne Conglobata Severe, eruptive nodulocystic acne without systemic manifestations is termed acne conglobata. These recalcitrant lesions are part of the follicular occlusion tetrad, along with dissecting cellulitis of the scalp, hidradenitis suppurativa, and pilonidal cysts. The association of sterile pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, and acne (PAPA syndrome) is part of a related group of inflammatory disorders that includes inflammatory bowel disease, uveitis, and psoriasis. Solid facial edema An unusual and disfiguring complication of acne vulgaris is solid facial edema (Morbihan's disease) Clinically, there is a distortion of the midline face and cheeks due to soft tissue swelling. The woody non-scaling induration may be accompanied by erythema. Similar changes have been reported with rosacea and Melkersson– Rosenthal syndrome. Although fluctuations in severity are common, the spontaneous resolution does not occur. Acne Mechanica Acne Mechanica occurs secondary to repeated mechanical and frictional obstruction of the pilosebaceous outlet. Comedo formation is the result. Well-described mechanical factors include rubbing by helmets, chin straps, suspenders, and collars. Linear and geometrically distributed areas of involvement should suggest acne mechanica. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the inciting forces. Acne Excoriée (Fes Jeunes Filles) Acne excoriée des Jeunes Filles, as the name implies, occurs primarily in young women. Typical comedones and inflammatory papules are systematically and neurotically excoriated, leaving crusted erosions that may scar. Linear erosions suggest self-mutilation, and an underlying psychiatric component should be suspected. Patients with an anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or personality disorder are, particularly at risk. Antidepressants or psychotherapy may be indicated in such patients. Drug-Induced Acne (Acneform) Acne lesions or eruptive acneiform lesions can be seen as a side effect of a number of medications, including anabolic steroid, corticosteroids, corticotropin, phenytoin, lithium, isoniazid, iodides, and bromides. Less often, azathioprine, cyclosporine, tetracyclines, vitamins B1, B6, B12 and D2, phenobarbital, PUVA, propylthiouracil, disulfiram or quinidine are the cause. An abrupt, monomorphous eruption of inflammatory papules and pustules is often observed in drug-induced acne, in direct contrast to the heterogeneous morphology of lesions seen in acne vulgaris. This explains why some clinicians use the term ‘folliculitis.’ When a history of prescription medication use is not elicited, a comprehensive review of all over-the-counter medications and supplements, as well as recent medical procedures, may reveal the responsible agent. Iodides are found in many cold and asthma preparations, contrast dyes, kelp, and combined vitamin-mineral supplements. Sedatives, analgesics, and cold remedies often contain bromides. Occupational Acne Exposure to insoluble, follicle-occluding substances in the workplace is responsible for occupational acne. Offending agents include cutting oils, petroleum-based products, chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons, and coal tar derivatives. Comedones dominate the clinical picture, with varying numbers of papules, pustules, and cystic lesions. Chloracne Chloracne, the term used to define occupational acne caused by exposure to be chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons, develops after several weeks of exposure. The following agents, found in electrical conductors and insulators, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and wood preservatives, have all been implicated. Prevention of exposure is integral to the safety of at-risk employees. Treatment is aimed at the vigorous removal of chemical agents at the time of exposure. Topical or oral retinoids and oral antibiotics may be necessary for therapeutic interventions. Neonatal Acne Neonatal acne occurs in more than 20% of healthy newborns. Lesions appear at about 2 weeks of age and generally resolve within the first 3 months of life. Typically, small, inflamed papules arise on the cheeks and across the nasal bridge. However, topical 2% ketoconazole and benzoyl peroxide has been shown to be effective therapies. Infantile Acne If acne presents at 3-6 months of age, it is classified as infantile. Clinically, comedo formation is much more prominent than in the neonatal form and may lead to pitted scarring. Deep cystic lesions and suppurative nodules are occasionally seen. During the first 6-12 months of life, infant boys have elevated levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and its stimulatory product testosterone, with levels transiently equivalent to those measured during puberty. In addition, the infantile adrenal gland is immature in both boys and girls, leading to elevated levels of DHEA. At approximately 12 months, these levels normally decrease and remain at nadir levels until puberty, around 9 or 10 years of age. Testicular androgen is also minimal throughout most of childhood. Premenstrual Flare About 70% of women complain of a flare 2–7 days premenstrual. It is unlikely that any possible variation in sebum excretion during the menstrual cycle could be substantial enough to explain the flare. Possibly, flaring is related to a premenstrual change in the hydration of the pilosebaceous epithelium. Progesterone and estrogen also have both pro- and anti-inflammatory effects. Sweating and Acne Up to 15% of acne patients notice that sweating causes a deterioration in their acne, especially if they live or work in a hot, humid environment; for example, for a cook, ductal hydration may be the responsible factor. Ultraviolet Radiation and Acne Patients and doctors alike believe that natural sunlight improves acne, but there is no scientific c evidence for this belief. The cosmetic effect of tanning may be the entire explanation. Diet and Acne Dermatologists can no longer dismiss the association between diet and acne. Compelling evidence exists that high glycemic load diets may exacerbate acne. Dairy ingestion appears to be weakly associated with acne, and the roles of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, zinc, vitamin A, and dietary fiber remain to be elucidated How Dermatologists Treat Acne or Pimples? Topical Retinoids & Retinoid-Based Fixed Combination  for Acne or Pimples Topical retinoids act against comedones and micro-comedones. The drawback of low cutaneous tolerability of topical tretinoin is continuously improved by new delivery systems to facilitate controlled release, including; Retin-A Micro® gel 0.1% or 0.04%, Avita 0.025% gel or cream or micronized tretinoin Atralin® Gel 0.05%. Another advantage of microsphere and micronized formulation is marked protection against tretinoin photodegradation and oxidation by BPO. Adapalene, a synthetic third-generation topical retinoid, is available as 0.1% gel, cream, solution, and recently as lotion and as 0.3% gel (Differin®). Topical tazarotene is approved for acne treatment only in the USA (Tazorac®). Recently introduced retinoid-based fixed combinations with high-quality clinical efficacy evidence include fixed combinations of tretinoin 0.025% and clindamycin phosphate 1.2% (Ziana®) and Veltin® Gel, and adapalene 0.1% and BPO 2.5% (Epiduo™, Tactuo™), representing the only fixed-dose combination product available that combines a topical retinoid with BPO. Topical Anti-microbials & Their Fixed Combinations for Acne  or Pimples Topical antimicrobials are an essential part of the therapeutic armamentarium for mild-to-moderate acne vulgaris and represent an alternative for patients who cannot take systemic antibiotics. Clindamycin, erythromycin, tetracycline, or nadifloxacin are bacteriostatic for P. acnes and have also been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory activities. Their use as monotherapy is no longer recommended, and they should be applied preferentially in combination with BPO – an approach that also reduces the emergence of P. acnes strains that are resistant or less sensitive to antibiotics. The combination of a topical retinoid plus an antimicrobial is a rational choice because of the complementary modes of action that increase the speed of response and enhance efficacy against comedones and inflammatory lesions. At the moment, three fixed combination products of clindamycin and BPO are on the market: two containing clindamycin 1% and BPO 5% (Duac®) and Benzaclin®) and an optimized formulation of clindamycin phosphate 1.2%/BPO 2.5% aqueous gel (Acanya®). Other Topical Treatments for Acne or Pimples Azelaic acid 20% in a cream formulation has been established as an efficacious and safe topical drug for almost two decades. Azelaic acid 15% gel is approved for the treatment of rosacea in the USA, but also has approval for the treatment of acne vulgaris in Europe and recently proved efficacious in the treatment of postinflammatory hyperpigmentation in acne. Azelaic acid is currently recommended as a second-line option for the treatment of mild-to-moderate papulopustular acne and comedonal acne, or also in combination with systemic antibiotics for severe acne forms as an alternative treatment for isotretinoin. A new aqueous gel formulation of dapsone 5% (Aczone), was more effective than tazarotene monotherapy for the treatment of comedonal acne, suggesting that anti-inflammatory agents such as dapsone might effectively treat early stages of acne (both comedonal and non-comedonal) when used in combination with a retinoid. Oral Antibiotics for Acne or Pimples Systemic antibiotics are recommended in the management of moderate-to-severe inflammatory acne, after the failure of topical treatment and in acne covering large parts of the body surface. Substances reported to be effective in acne therapy are tetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline, lymecycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, clindamycin, roxithromycin, and azithromycin, but particularly minocycline and doxycycline, with their potent anti-inflammatory effects on neutrophil chemotaxis or inhibitory effects on cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases. For this reason, they are routinely used as the first-line oral antibiotic therapy in acne. Current treatment guidelines recommend the combination of oral antibiotics with retinoids, azelaic acid, BPO, or a combination of retinoid/BPO for moderate-to-severe forms of acne. The use of sub-antimicrobial doses of antibiotics may offer promise. Instead, the primary mechanisms of action of sub-antimicrobial-dose antibiotics are anti-inflammatory mechanisms. To limit the emergence of resistant strains, the use of antibiotics should be restricted, and about indication and duration, topical and systemic antibiotic therapy should always be combined with broad-spectrum antibacterial agents (e.g., BPO), and the combination of topical antibiotic and systemic antibiotic therapy as well as antibiotic monotherapy should be avoided. Hormonal Therapy for Acne or Pimples Androgens, estrogens, growth hormone, and insulin-like growth factors play an important role in the development of acne. Various systemic hormone preparations are available for acne in female patients. These may be indicated when: standard antibiotic regimens have failed, menstrual control and/or contraception are required alongside acne therapy, and oral isotretinoin is inappropriate or not available. Topical therapy can and should be prescribed in conjunction with hormonal regimens. Potential hormonal treatments for acne include inhibitors of androgen production by the ovary (oral contraceptives) or adrenal gland (low-dose corticosteroids), androgen receptor blockers, and antiandrogens that block the effect of androgens on the sebaceous gland. Hormonal therapy represents an alternative or additional treatment regimen, especially in late-type female acne, polycystic ovary syndrome, other signs of hyperandrogenism, such as seborrhoea, androgenetic alopecia or hirsutism in combination with acne (SAHA syndrome) and in case of parallel wishes of contraception or as a requirement for systemic isotretinoin treatment. It can be combined with topical therapy or systemic antibiotics in moderate-to-severe acne forms but is not a primary monotherapy for uncomplicated acne. The combinations of Ethinyl estradiol with cyproterone acetate, chlormadinone acetate, dienogest desogestrel, and drospirenone have shown the strongest anti-acne activity. Oral contraceptives generally contain estrogen (most commonly ethinyloestradiol) and a progestin. estrogens act on the liver to increase the synthesis of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), which binds testosterone and reduces the level of free circulating testosterone. Hence all oral contraceptives will potentially improve acne. In addition, oral contraceptives suppress ovulation by inhibiting the production of ovarian androgens, which results in reduced serum androgens and lower sebum production. Drospirenone is a novel progestin derived from 17á-spironolactone and as with the parent, the compound has anti-mineralocorticoid and antiandrogenic activity, making it potentially helpful in acne. Yasmin® contains drospirenone 3 mg combined with ethinyloestradiol 30 ug, and Yaz® contains the same dose of drospirenone with 20 ugs of ethinyloestradiol. Low-dose prednisolone is only to be administered at late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia and dopamine agonists at hyperprolactinemia. Low-dose glucocorticosteroids (i.e.2.5 mg prednisolone on waking and 5 mg on retiring) to suppress adrenal androgens, with or without a contraceptive pill, will reduce sebum production by up to 50% with a concomitant improvement in acne. Androgen Receptor Blockers for Acne or Pimples The anti-androgen CPA directly inhibits the androgen receptor and serves as a progestogen in oral contraceptives. Dianette® and Estelle 35® are oral contraceptives that ameliorate acne. It is as effective as oral tetracycline 1 g/day given over a 6-month period. The clinical efficacy of this combination can be enhanced by giving an extra 50 mg or 100 mg CPA from the fifth to the 14th day of the cycle. It is also of potential benefit in women with acne resistant to other therapies. Spironolactone is an effective treatment (it is not a contraceptive) and reduces sebum excretion by 30–75% depending on the dosage used. Its effects are dose-dependent, and it is usually prescribed at a dose of 50–100 mg daily with meals, but many women with sporadic outbreaks do well with doses as low as 25 mg daily. Flutamide is a potent antagonist of the androgen steroid. Although most commonly used in the treatments of prostatic conditions flutamide has been shown to be efficacious in several androgen-mediated problems, including acne, administered at a dose of 250 mg daily. Fatal hepatotoxicity has been reported and therefore use in acne is not generally advocated. There is concern about the potential reduction in the efficacy of oral contraceptives as a result of systemic antibiotics used in conjunction with COCs. The risk is theoretical, based on the hypothesis that broad-spectrum antibiotics reduce bacterial flora in the gut and thus interfere with estrogen absorption. Oral Isotretinoin for Acne or Pimples Oral isotretinoin exhibits activity against all major etiologic factors involved in the pathogenesis of acne. It significantly reduces the size and sebum production of sebaceous glands, normalizes follicular keratinization, and prevents the development of micro-comedones and comedones, indirectly inhibits P. acnes growth by changing the follicular milieu and upregulation of antimicrobial factors and exerts direct immunologic and anti-inflammatory activity. Isotretinoin is considered the first-choice treatment for severe papulopustular, moderate nodular, and severe nodular/conglobate acne, especially when other complicating prognostic factors are present. The rationale behind this recommendation is that the quick reduction of inflammation in acne may prevent the occurrence of clinical and psychological scarring. The recommended dose to start isotretinoin therapy is now 0.3–0.5 mg/kg for severe papulopustular acne/moderate nodular acne and 0.5 mg/kg for conglobate acne. The duration of the therapy should be at least 6 months and can be prolonged in case, of insufficient response. Side effects of isotretinoin include those of the mucocutaneous, musculoskeletal and ophthalmic systems, as well as headaches. According to currently available evidence, the prescription of oral isotretinoin is encouraged in severe acne patients who will normally experience both physical and psychological improvement of their disease. Read the full article
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dpargyle · 7 years
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Now that I’ve come up with the genesis of an idea for my new book - I knew I needed to do at least a little bit of research first.  So I wandered over to the trusty Wikipedias and poured over every article with the slightest bit of connection to the topic of acne and zits.  I learned a lot.  Like, for example, the fact that acne’s scientific name is Acne Vulgaris which, I think, is amazing.  Vulgaris - conjuring images of imminent barbarian bacterial invasion/colonization of the human body.  I knew I could work with that.  So I compiled a few of the most relevant tidbits of info about Acne Vulgaris and put them into Scrivener (which is a program for writers where you can write your book’s manuscript while also putting all the necessary research documents/character descriptions/back stories/etc… in a single convenient document).
Next, I began developing my own scifi variant of Acne Vulgaris, which I chose to call Astro Vulgaris.  Which is as gross and terrifying as it sounds, lemme tell you!  I postulated where this extraterrestrial acne invasion could come from, its life cycle (complete with Larval, Locust, Avian, Stampede, Mammoth, and Kaiju Life States), its morphology, diet & behavior, and how these ugly buggers could possibly be killed and eventually (maybe?) eradicated by our brave heroes.  Well, the ones who live anyway…
Additionally, I’m also posting some of the locations in and around my setting - the southern California seaside town of Dulcet.  I know, I know, I could draw them but that would take a hella long time and I wanna focus on writing right now.  Though that landscape drawing I did of the boardwalk with the Ferris Wheel a few weeks ago was Dulcet.  For now these location pictures are just photos I pulled off Google - but eventually maybe I’ll do mockups of them and my characters in the Sims 4 or something.        
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gsdqt · 4 years
De-Stress by Screaming into the Icelandic Wilderness — Through Your Phone
De-Stress by Screaming into the Icelandic Wilderness — Through Your Phone
Posted on: July 22, 2020 at 7:17 pm
Last updated: July 22, 2020 at 7:18 pm
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This year has been a lot… and its only July. Between the pandemic, racial injustice, protests,…
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homeopathy360 · 4 years
Best Homeopathy website in India
Homeopathy is a study that has always been accompanied by many emotions and intrigues. It teaches people new and different ways of treating conditions that are truly the opposite of the allopathic. Homeopathy is more than just an examination of symptoms; includes the mental, spiritual, emotional and physical elements before determining the appropriate treatment.
If you want to educate yourself, reading a book on homeopathy is a great way to learn not only the basics, but also the variety of treatment methods.
Most of us know homeopathy as an alternative medicine that aims to balance mind, body and spirit to stimulate the immune system from within and gradually cure the ailment. Unlike allopathic medications, homeopathic doses sometimes take longer to show their effects in chronic cases. However, the biggest benefit of using homeopathic medicines is that they don't cause any harmful side effects. After all, the main goal is to activate the body's inherent ability to heal for a long time rather than pumping chemicals as a temporary remedy. In today's technically advanced era, homeopathic medicines are also available online.
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nafsibotanicals · 6 years
   All women are beautiful in the ways that we are beautiful. We all have our unique ways of our own beauty. –
Acne vulgaris is a condition that I experienced not too long ago and it went on for about 3 years. I was clueless about skincare and products at the time so you can imagine my fear; I used every and any product that had something about ACNE on the packaging, but NOTHING worked permanently for me. I was confused, sad, insecure, the list could go on, and I can definitely say that it was by far, one of the worst experiences EVER. The great thing that came out of the experience is that it lead me to the journey of holistic health, Natural lifestyle, natural/ Green Beauty.
I will be sharing more on my experience and healing process in details, in the near future. However, Today I will leave you with a few pictures, just to show you how serious it was.
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The condition acne is commonest in adolescents, but sometimes persisting well into the twenties- this is due to over activity of the sebaceous glands in the skin combined with a bacterial infection. too much of the oily substance, sebum, is poured onto the surface of the skin. Dirt from the environment, particles from clothing, and dead skin cells which continually flake off from the surface of the skin stick to the sebum and form a breeding ground for bacteria. pores become blocked, forming blackhead, and become infected causing the familiar spots. Liquid speeds from these and infects the surrounding tissues.
Acne condition is recognized by small infection spots and pustules; it can either be numerous or sparse. Acne is the combined result of four elements: the skin androgen hormones, excessive cellular keratinization, and agglomeration in the corneum layer and sebaceous follicle, oil production, and overpopulation of a bacteria known as the Propionibacterium acnes ( P. acnes)
NB: Other types of acne, such as cystic and rosacea, should be referred to a dermatologist.
Skin with acne vulgaris is oily, and in many cases, it may look improperly cared for, with blackhead, whitehead, and clogged pores. 
Factors that aggravate acne:
Factors to aggravate acne include but not limited to; excessive oiliness, a failure to thoroughly remove oil and dirt from the skin, hormonal imbalances, hyperkeratinization, food allergies and sensitivities, lack of vitamins, insufficient acidity in the skin. Acne can also be aggravated by climatic condition, especially heat and humidity, which increase bacterial development; the use of too many astringents and drying cosmetics; improper diet; stress; and picking the face  (this is high key my personal struggle 😦 my fingers are always on my face picking ).
Skincare tips: 
Those with acne should emphasize cleansing carefully, and skin hydration. The most effective products are those with ingredients that regulate oil gland, secretion, hydrate, heal, balance the skin’s pH, soothe, reduce inflammation, are antibacterial, and gently exfoliate excessive layers of corneocytes.
essential oils are used to treat the skin externally to help clear infection and reduce the amount of sebum produced. Lavender– is soothing and healing properties; also promotes the growth of healthy new skin and ti-tree are both bactericidal. These oils can be used in facial massage ( ALWAYS DILUTE IN A CARRIER OIL), can also be mixed into creams, cleansing or toning lotion
Massage may help to stimulate the circulation and help the body to eliminate toxins
non-toxic diet
Other posts in my skin-health series below:
Love and Light
Nafsi Botanical
ACNE VULGARIS​ CONDITION!  All women are beautiful in the ways that we are beautiful. We all have our unique ways of our own beauty.
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New Post has been published on https://fitnesshealthyoga.com/types-of-acne-the-differences-between-your-bumps-and-blemishes/
Types Of Acne: The Differences Between Your Bumps And Blemishes
Being able to identify different types of acne is crucial when defining your skin care goals. Not only does knowing the lingo make it easier for you to choose the right home care products, it’s also helpful when developing a treatment plan with your esthetician. To ensure you’re ready to communicate your skin care concerns, learn all about the differences between pustules and papules and the best ways to treat the most common types of acne.
Basic Definitions To Understand Acne
To help navigate the world of acne, some basic definitions are a helpful place to start. While we have no doubt that you’re familiar with the words “pimple” and “pore”, below are additional phrases to help understand the different types of acne.
Hair Follicle
A hair follicle is the small cavity in the first two layers of the skin where a hair develops. A hair follicle is not a pore per se, rather the pore typically refers to the opening of the hair follicle at the surface of the skin.
A comedo (or in plural, comedones) is the primary sign of acne and what we generally consider to be the base of a “zit”. Comedo refers to the dilated hair follicle that becomes filled with sebum, dead skin cells and bacteria.
Sebum is the waxy, oily secretion produced by your sebaceous glands. These glands are typically connected to the hair follicle to help keep your hair and skin moisturized. Sebum is crucial for keeping the skin flexible and protected from bacteria and fungi.
Mild, Moderate and Severe Acne
These categories denote the intensity of any type of acne. Fewer than 20 whiteheads or blackheads, or 15 inflamed bumps is considered mild acne. 20 to 100 whiteheads or blackheads, or 15 to 50 inflamed bumps is considered moderate acne, and anything greater than this is considered severe acne.
Acne Vulgaris
Acne Vulgaris is the most common form of acne and what most of us think of when we picture the skin condition. Typically, acne vulgaris develops as the result of an overabundance of sebum, and/or changes in hormones. Approximately 85 percent of people between the ages of 12 and 24 will experience at least a mild case of acne vulgaris.
Non-Inflammatory and Inflammatory Acne
Acne types are considered either non-inflammatory or inflammatory. Non-inflammatory acne is visible but not painful. Inflammatory acne can be more difficult to treat, with blemishes that are often red, swollen and sensitive. Concerns like scarring, infection and pitting are more common with inflammatory acne.
Common Types Of Acne
With these definitions in mind, it is much easier to break down the most common types of acne. Each of these is a variety of comedones that present in a different way. All of these types can be a symptom of acne vulgaris, and can appear in any combination, from mild to severe acne.
Even if you’ve never dealt with blackheads personally, you’ve likely seen them as they are incredibly common. Blackheads are a form of acne where the comedo is open at the top, causing the accumulated sebum and dead skin cells to oxidize (darken). The only difference between a blackhead and a whitehead is that the comedo is open in a blackhead.
Blackheads may be raised slightly but can also be completely flat with the surface of the skin. They are non-inflammatory and are typically best treated with topical remedies that exfoliate and soften sebum and contain ingredients like salicylic acid. SPF is also key as sun exposure can lead to pore dilation and further blackheads.
As Eminence Organics Product Support Representative Alicia Hawthorne explains, “Whiteheads, or closed comedones, are follicles that are filled with the same material as blackheads but have a thin layer of skin covering them. Since the air cannot reach the follicle, the material is not oxidized and remains white.”
Whiteheads are very small, raised, possibly with slight redness around the base. They are also non-inflammatory, and best treated topically with exfoliating treatments and a skin care regimen containing salicylic acid.
Pustules are closed comedones, often yellow or white with redness at the base of the swelling. Unlike whiteheads and blackheads, pustules are an inflammatory type of acne. Alicia says: “Pustules are inflamed lesions that are pus-filled. Extracting or popping pustules at home can lead to the skin scarring.”
Pustules tend to be larger than whiteheads and are quite painful. Whereas exfoliants can improve non-inflammatory acne, you want to avoid scrubbing pustules as this can cause further irritation. To manage this type of acne, Alicia recommends visiting an esthetician and being “consistent with your skin care regimen, including washing your face (twice daily!) with a non-stripping cleanser.”  
Papules are small, often sensitive, red and pink bumps. While they may look similar to whiteheads, papules are an inflammatory type of acne, meaning they are tender and sore. Papules can even turn into pustules should the comedo develop pus that pushes up towards the surface of the skin.
Salicylic acid spot treatments can be dabbed onto papules to help clear them away should you have mild breakouts. For severe papule acne breakouts, seeing an esthetician or dermatologist is recommended to perform professional extractions or treatments.  
A close relative of papules are nodules. Nodules are also red and tender, but these large, hard pimples are embedded deep under the skin. Nodules do not respond especially well to topical home treatments as they develop so deeply. Depending on whether an infection is present, nodules can take weeks to months to heal and may leave scars. Alicia notes that “visiting a spa for a facial and having a professional perform extractions is recommended, depending on your state or provincial legislation on extractions. Your esthetician will often use exfoliating products and/or steam before extractions, followed by a calming or purifying masque. Do not attempt to perform extractions at home as this can lead to angry, inflamed skin and scarring.”
    Getting Rid Of Acne
While you may not be able to “get rid of your acne” per se, with continuous treatment you can absolutely reduce the frequency and severity of your pimples. Salicylic acid is a powerhouse ingredient when it comes to treating different types of acne as it deep cleans pores and exfoliates the skin. A great example of this is the encapsulated salicylic acid found in Eminence Organics Acne Advanced 3-Step Treatment System. This home care system is gentle and will not strip the skin but is still effective at drastically improving breakouts and leaving your skin looking smooth and clear.
If you think you have any (or all!) of the types of acne detailed in this article, we recommend visiting an Eminence Organics partner spa on a regular basis. At the spa, a licensed esthetician can confirm which types of acne you’re dealing with and ensure that you’re incorporating the correct methods of treatment. While non-inflammatory acne is easier to manage with home care and topical treatments, inflammatory acne is best treated with additional professional care. Visiting an esthetician will alleviate your concerns with treating your breakouts and ensure you have an adequate plan in place to reach your skin care goals.
What did you learn about the different types of acne? Has anything changed in how you would treat your breakouts? Let us know in the comments below – and don’t forget to join the conversation on Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Pinterest | LinkedIn | YouTube.
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journalpostnet-blog · 6 years
The Latest 26 All Natural Beauty Tips For Any Skin Type 2018
New Post has been published on https://journalpost.net/the-latest-26-all-natural-beauty-tips-for-any-skin-type-2018/
The Latest 26 All Natural Beauty Tips For Any Skin Type 2018
m excited to share with my top 26 natural beauty tips that I’ve learned over the years doing skincare research and in naturopathic medical practice.These are super easy to do at home with just a few ingredients.As an alternative to expensive, invasive procedures and toxic skincare ingredients, I’m sharing these do-it-yourself tips to help you save time, money, and your health.And, the best part is you’re using the healing powers of nature and supporting your body’s innate healing capacities to look naturally beautiful.
1. Eliminate Tired Puffy Eyes With Chilled Tea Bags
Briefly steep 2 green, black, or chamomile tea bags in hot water for less than a minute. Then remove the tea bags from the water and chill in a small bowl in the refrigerator. Once chilled, place 1 bag over each closed eyelid. Leave on your lids for 5 to 15 minutes. Watch this video if you’d like to see me explain this.
2. Use Raspberries And Coconut Oil For Brighter Lips
In a small saucepan on low heat, warm 1 Tablespoon coconut oil until it liquefies. Remove from heat and add 4 fresh or frozen red raspberries. Mash berries and blend until smooth. Place in a small glass container and refrigerate until firm. Use clean fingers or a lipgloss brush to smooth over lips. Make this fresh every few days.
3. Get A Natural Face Lift With Simple Yoga Poses
Doing inverted postures before pictures, interviews, and meetings can improve circulation and help give your face some extra lift and vitality. You perform the “downward dog” yoga pose by getting on the floor on your hands and knees and then straightening your legs. Or, simply bend forward and reach towards your toes. Stay in one of these positions as long as you feel comfortable, for about 1 to 5 minutes. If you have physical limitations such as injuries or back pain, check with your healthcare provider about how to modify this posture. Here are 7 different poses you can do for glowing skin.
4. Get Soft, Kissable Skin With A Natural Pomegranate, Raspberry, and Sweet Almond Oil Blend
Naturally hydrate dry skin and add an extra glow to the end of your skincare routine by creating a natural antioxidant-rich oil blend. Apply after cleansing or after putting on makeup. Mix together equal parts Pomegranate seed oil, Raspberry seed oil, and Sweet Almond Oil, or get the already made The Spa Dr. Glow Boost.
Place 3 to 6 drops of the oil mixture in the palm of your hand, rub your hands together to warm the oils. Then, with your fingertips gently press the warm oil into dry areas of your face or areas where you have fine lines and wrinkles.
5. Reduce Skin Creases By Changing Your Pillowcase
Instead of coarser fabrics, choose a pillowcase that is soft and silky to decrease the friction and skin compression that occurs while you sleep and leaves you with extra lines in the morning. If you sleep on your side, try switching sides occasionally or sleeping on your back, so your face doesn’t wrinkle over time from pressure in certain areas. But, don’t stress about this… ultimately, you want to be comfortable because high-quality sleep is essential for natural beauty. Here are some other beauty sleep tips from my friend Kathy Smith.
6. Hydrate Dry Skin With Coconut Water
Start your morning with a glass of fresh unsweetened coconut water. And, throughout the day, drink filtered water. At meals include skin-hydrating foods such as wild salmon, avocado, olives, and coconut.
7. Prevent Sun Damaged Skin By Eating Wild Salmon
Astaxanthin is a potent antioxidant that helps protect skin from the harmful effects of UVA sun damage, acting almost like an internal sunblock. It’s found in seafood such as salmon, krill, shrimp, lobster, crabs, and crayfish. You can also get astaxanthin through supplements.
Enjoy several servings per week of wild salmon and seafood and consider taking a supplement every day, especially during sunny times of the year. You also want to protect your skin on the outside with a natural sun protector.
8. Remove Dead Skin And Revitalize Your Face With An Organic Papaya Mask
Many exfoliants contain abrasive ingredients that scratch your skin, which may damage the skin and speed signs of aging. Instead, it’s better to use an enzymatic exfoliant. Papaya contains the natural enzyme papain, and pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps naturally exfoliate the skin to leave it smooth and soft. Greener (unripe) papayas have higher amounts of papain, so opt for these to get the best benefit. If you have sensitive skin, use ripe papayas as they are less likely to trigger an inflammatory reaction.
Scoop out a ¼ cup raw papaya flesh and mash or blend with 1 Tablespoon fresh pineapple until smooth. Apply to dry skin and leave on for 5 to 15 minutes. Then rinse with cool water. If you have sensitive skin, do a patch test on your arm before applying to face.
The alpha hydroxy acids and the enzymes in this recipe dissolve dry, dead skin. You only need to do this once or twice per week.
9. Turn Mineral Makeup Powder Into A Natural Sunblock
Use tinted mineral sunblock instead of foundation or mix your favorite mineral makeup powder with a sunblock like this one for a natural makeup that is light and protects your skin from the sun’s damaging effects. Mineral-based (zinc oxide) sunblocks sometimes appear white and pasty so adding a mineral makeup tint helps your skin look glowing and smooth. Watch this video tutorial to see how.
10. Hydrate And Nourish Lips With Shea Butter
Traditional chapsticks contain petrolatum, mineral oil, and hormone-disrupting oxybenzone. Replace these with nourishing natural ingredients such as shea butter (or cocoa butter) and coconut oil. Make your own lip salve using equal parts of these ingredients or follow my friend Katie’s (Wellness Mama) DIY recipe here.
11. Get Clear Radiant Skin By Cutting Sugar Out
Sugar is the biggest contributor to inflammation that shows up on the skin as acne, dry itchy skin, and wrinkles. Try cutting sugar from your diet for 10 days, especially if you have an important day coming up and want to look your best.
12. Reduce Fine Lines And Wrinkles With Bone Broth
Collagen helps give our skin its tone and is crucial for reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Since production naturally depletes as we age, consider taking a high-quality collagen supplement from a clean source. Bone broth and gelatin contain collagen, and vitamin C helps with collagen production. My colleague Dr. KellyAnn Petrucci loves bone broth and she shares how it can make you look younger.
13. Cleanse Your Skin With Almond Oil
Switch from bar to liquid soap that doesn’t lather. Instead of stripping your skin with foamy cleansers, nourish your skin while you cleanse for a healthy clean glow. You can use oils such as argan and almond oil to cleanse the skin naturally or use a natural cleanser. You can learn more about cleansing in this video.
14. Stop Dark Circles Under Your Eyes With Arnica
If you have chronic under eye circles, you may have “allergic shiners” which indicate a food or environmental allergy. Try to identify any possible allergens and avoid them for 10 days to see if you notice a difference. If you wake up with an occasional darkness under your eyes then try using arnica gel or skin care products containing arnica. Arnica has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that alleviate swelling and reduce the appearance of dark under eye circles.
15. Improve Your Complexion With Ylang Ylang Oil
Skip synthetic fragrances containing harmful ingredients such as phthalates. Instead, use natural fragrances in the form of pure essential oils such as ylang ylang.
In addition to having a lovely smell, Ylang Ylang Flower Oil helps balance sebum levels for both dry and oily complexions. And, it has a soothing and smoothing effect. Just add a few drops to your favorite oil blend. It’s also one of the essential oils in my favorite skin care. Here’s a great resource for more about harmful ingredients in skin care.
16. Turn Stress Into Bliss For Clear Beautiful Skin
Skin issues such as premature aging, acne, eczema, rosacea, and vitiligo are worsened by chronic stress and upset. Sleep, meditation, exercise and touch are some important ways to relieve stress so you can have glowing skin, naturally. A good night’s sleep gives time for our skin to rejuvenate. Meditation and moderate exercise are known to help us manage stress. And, touch causes the release of the hormone oxytocin which makes us feel happy and a sense of belonging. If you need help here are some places for tips on sleep, meditation, and exercise.
17. Prevent Sunburns, Sun Damage And Uneven Skin Tone With Green Algae
Sun protection is essential for healthy skin and natural beauty. While some sun may give you a sun-kissed glow, we know that too much damages your skin and predisposes you to premature aging, uneven skin tone, and skin cancer. My favorite sunblocks contain zinc oxide instead of harmful chemical sunscreens that have been linked to hormone disrupting effects. Here is one of my favorites.
Also, you can nourish and protect your skin from the sun’s damaging effects by using skincare with natural ingredients such as chlorella and resveratrol. Due to its high levels of chlorophyll, Chlorella Vulgaris (Green Algae) Extract, helps shields the body from UV radiation.
Also, Resveratrol has potent antioxidant effects on the skin. Because cell damage is at the root of most aging disorders, protecting the skin from free-radical activity is a significant preventative measure for healthy skin.
18. Get Natural Glowing Skin With Micronutrients
Your skin needs certain micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) for speedy skin repair and turnover. Zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin C are some of the important nutrients to get from food or in the form of a supplement to help ensure your skin remains healthy, especially if you have chronic skin issues such as acne, eczema and premature aging.
19. Use Aloe Vera To Transform Red Irritated Skin Into Soft Healthly Skin
If your skin is red and irritated, you’ll want to soothe it right away. Prolonged inflammation of your skin can cause your skin to break down collagen. Or, if you just want smooth, vibrant skin, you can also use this skin soother. Aloe Vera gel has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, and it penetrates the skin easily to provide nourishment.
It’s terrific for soothing skin that’s been overexposed to the sun, as well as for treating minor cuts and scrapes, eczema, and acne. In most stores, the aloe you’ll find contains preservatives, fillers, and artificial ingredients. Look for pure aloe from your local health food store, or buy an aloe plant and simply slice open a leaf, extracting and saving the gel. The Spa Dr.’s Daily Essentials contains aloe, as well.
20. Super Moisturize Skin Naturally With Hyaluronic Acid
When we travel, are stressed, or experience extreme weather conditions, our skin can appear shriveled and dull. And, as we age, our skin becomes less resistant and may appear unhealthy. Sodium Hyaluronate (Hyaluronic acid) is a wonderful hydrophilic ingredient, which means it readily binds to water and gives super moisturizing properties.
Hyaluronic acid is found throughout the body, but it especially concentrated on the skin. Because of its high water-binding capacity, it acts as a hydrating agent and space filler. It supports collagen and elastin, by keeping them nourished and moist, reduces the appearance of wrinkles while keeping the skin soft, smooth and supple. You can find Hyaluronic acid in some natural skin care products. And you can learn more about moisturizers in this video.
21. Get An Instant, Youthful Skin Lift Using Antioxidant-Rich Natural Actives
Avoid the neurotoxin Botox and other more invasive procedures and look to nature instead. Antioxidant-rich and hydrating natural actives can lift and protect the skin naturally. And, one of the ingredients in quality organic skin care serums is Pullulan, which has an instant lifting effect, naturally! It is a polysaccharide produced from starch by cultivating the yeast, Aureobasidiumpullulans. It provides an antioxidant effect as well as an instant lifting effect that helps improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin. Long-term use of Pullulan will help strengthen the integrity of the skin.
22. Brighten Dull Skin Using Green Tea As A Toner
White and green teas applied topically on the skin have anti-inflammatory, brightening, evening, cleansing and hydrating properties. They’re ideal for using as a skin brightening tea toner. You can make a tea toner with one or both of these teas by steeping the teas for 5 minutes, allowing them to cool to room temperature. Then, either pat onto your face, apply with cotton pads or pour into a spray bottle and spritz onto clean skin. You can learn more about toners in this video.
23. Eliminate Pimples For Clear Skin With Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is well-known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, and research shows it can help reduce mild to moderate acne breakouts. Be sure to use diluted tree oil because the undiluted variety can burn and irritate skin when applied directly. Just add 1 to 2 drops to a single application of your cleanser, serum or moisturizer. You want about a 5% dilution, which means 5 drops of tea tree oil per 1 teaspoon of carrier oil or cream. You can apply this 2 – 3 times daily.
24. Use Chamomile Tea Ice Cubes To Freshen Up Tired Looking Skin
Brew a strong pot of chamomile tea (about 1.5 cups water with 1 teabag), allow to cool 10 minutes or more and then pour into ice tray and place in freezer. Once frozen, wrap the tea cube in a thin cloth or washcloth and apply to pimples, puffy under eye skin, sun-kissed skin, or irritated skin for a quick skin toner pick up. You only need to apply for a few seconds to a minute per area.
25. Clean Facial Pores With Honey, Turmeric, And Yogurt For A Smoother Complexion
Combine the healing, clarifying, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects of honey with pore cleansing and sebum balancing effects of turmeric and pH enhancing and lactic acid effects of yogurt into this pore cleanser… Mix together 1 Tablespoon plain yogurt, 1 Tablespoon raw honey and 1 teaspoon turmeric powder into a paste. Apply to face and neck and leave for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash with cool water, pat your skin dry and apply your favorite serum and moisturizer.
26. Make A Natural Beauty Mask To Restore And Hydrate Tired Dull Skin
Oats have moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties. Avocado is hydrating and nourishing, with naturally occurring vitamins A and E. And, Yogurt contains nutrients, enzymes and active cultures that help reduce inflammation and balance the pH of your skin for a healthy skin microbiome. In a bowl, blend together 1/4 cup oat flour (ground uncooked oats), 2 Tablespoons unsweetened yogurt and ¼ of an avocado. Mix well and then apply enough to cover your clean, dry face. Leave on face for 10 to 20 minutes and then remove with warm, wet washcloth, and then rinse face with water and pat dry. Use the mask once per day as needed.
I hope you enjoyed these natural beauty tips.
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lycheesodas · 6 years
REVIEW: Holika Holika Green Tea Pure Essence Sheet Mask 🍵
Hello! This is my first review hehe
I wanted to buy this bc of the packaging, really. I did some researching and most of the reviews are pretty good, so I decided to give it a try!
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It’s really cute and aesthetic~ The packaging is a single flat colour that corresponds to the ingredient, and there’s a flatlay picture of the ingredient in the middle as well as the name written in Hangul and in English. In this case it’s a green background with green tea leaves 🌱
Unlike most sheet mask packaging where you rip off the top part, you can literally pull apart the packaging in half like so!
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This is a unique design that allows you to pour out the remaining essence easily~
“A moisturizing sheet provides moisture to skin and calms sensitive skin with green tea extract.”
Water, Glycerin, Dipropylene Glycol, Betaine, Polyglyceryl-10 Laurate, Butylene Glycol, Centella Asiatica Extract, Paeonia Suffruticosa Root Extract, 1,2-Hexanediol, Allantoin, Panthenol, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Arginine, Carbomer, Glyceryl Caprylate, Xanthan Gum, Ethylhexylglycerin, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Peel Oil, Artemisia Vulgaris Extract, Viola Tricolor Extract, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Flower Extract, Centaurea Cyanus Flower Extract, Madecassoside, Disodium EDTA
[Uhh,, ok DISCLAIMER: I’m not a scientist. I took my last science class two years ago. Everything I know now is from the Internet. Still, I think it’s important that consumers know what’s in their products and what good/harm it may do to them, which is why I’m doing this section. I’ll do my best to provide accurate information but if any smort science peeps want to add on to this or correct me (nicely!), then ple..........feel free.]
🌱 Centella Asiatica seems to be very popular in K-Beauty products nowadays.. It has a wide range of benefits including promoting collagen production, reducing inflammation, antioxidant, and anti-aging!
🌱 Paeonia Suffruticosa is Moutan Peony! Its root extract is said to be an anti-inflmmatory and antioxidant ingredient.
🌱 Allantoin basically removes dead skin cells while also moisturizing the lower layers of skin
🌱 Panthenol is a variant of Vitamin B5. It’s a hydrating ingredient.
🌱 Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) is German Chamomile. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-allergenic properties
🌱 Camellia Sinensis is green tea leaf! The star of the show! (finally kldsdfkjlslj) Green tea is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging ingredient. Let’s talk more about green tea!
Basically, green tea contains a catechin called Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), which is an antioxidant. What’s an antioxidant anyway? And why is it important? Well, as the name implies, antioxidant prevents the process of oxidation, which is when a substance (?) gives away electrons to another substance. An example of this process is when metal rusts, but oxidation happens to most of everything, including your skin! Yikez.
I found a pretty simple and understandable summary: “Antioxidants are molecules that fight damage by free radicals, unstable molecules that can harm cellular structures. Antioxidants do this by giving electrons to the free radicals and neutralizing them.”
🌱 Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Peel Oil helps cleanse skin and unclog pores. One downside is that it makes the skin more sensitive to light.
🌱 Artemisia Vulgaris is Mugwort. It’s supposedly used to treat acne and also has anti-aging properties.
🌱 Viola Tricolor is Pansy flower. It’s also used to treat acne.
🌱 Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Flower Extract is another popular ingredient in skincare. It supposedly has anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, soothing effects. Some people may be allergic to it, but considering the low concentration in this particular case, I wouldn’t worry about it. (Unless, y’know. You’re hella allergic to it)
🌱 Centaurea Cyanus is Cornflower. Cornflower contains anthocyanin, a type of pigment that gives the colour in many plants. It’s said to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Also, cornflower has been used to smoothen skin complexion.
🌱 Madecassoside is a substance found in Centella Asiatica. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also helps with collagen-synthesis and reduces hyperpigmentation.
Other than that, the mask contains preservatives, solvents, and thickeners(?) that are all low hazard! A+ for non-harmful ingredients! 
The essence is a clear, runny liquid. It’s almost as thin as water but not quite 😶 The mask itself is very thin... A lot of reviewers were worried that it might rip easily so I was super careful while unfolding it. (While I didn’t come close to ripping it, I did almost drop it in the sink /screm/) I do prefer thin masks tho~ they’re easier and more comfortable to wear. Plus, I look less scary while wearing them lol.
It just smells like a standard skincare product dksjdjs Kind of a fragrant, soapy smell? It’s a pleasant smell that’s not overpowering but I think some people may not like it.
There was an immediate cooling effect as there is with all sheet masks. I didn’t experience any irritation or tingling sensation while wearing it. The fit was quite nice, I was able to get rid of most air bubbles which is a rare feat, honestly. The eye holes are a bit small, though, and I already have small eyes 😣
Also, there was a LOT of essence, which is nice!! I was able to use the remaining essence on my neck and even then there was still a lot. My mom ended up using it on her face and neck too 😅 I’ll buy more masks for her, too, next time.
It’s definitely very moisturizing, and my face feels really fresh after using this~ There’s a bit of a sticky feeling after I take it off but it fades in like half an hour! I also notice that my skin looks brighter, and has that glowy #Instagrammable look, too lmao. Despite being loaded with anti-inflammatory ingredients, it didn’t seem to do much for the redness on my face... But then again, nothing has, so far (RIP). Like, my skin doesn’t feel as sensitive and the red parts aren’t painful to touch anymore, but it’s still red >://
This is a good mask to use when you’re on a budget~ It’s very relaxing and provides ample hydration, and has a very soothing effect! There’s a LOT of essence in the pack so you can use the leftover for your neck, elbows or knee areas (or share it with your mom lol. side note, she commented that it makes her face feels “slippery smooth” the next day. I agree.) The brightening effect is also nice, though temporary. Unfortunately, this mask didn’t reduce the redness on my face by much, though it did make me skin less irritated and sensitive to the touch.
3.7/5! Repurchase? Maybe! I want to try other variants first~
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Eliminate Acne For Good (No, It's Not Another Skin Product)
Acne vulgaris is now the most common skin disease of western civilization. Over 85% of adolescents and around 50% of people who are over the age of 25 struggle with acne — and its prevalence keeps rising. Clearly, the “doctor recommended” antibiotics and skin creams aren’t helping much.
Fortunately, recent research suggests that we can eliminate whiteheads, blackheads, and red bumps with what we eat. But, is this really possible? Can we treat acne from the inside out with diet?
Why yes, yes we can. To understand how this is possible, we need to look beyond the surface of the skin.
The Acne Epidemic — A Side Effect of Western Culture
Genetics strongly influence your risk of developing acne, but acne-causing genes cannot explain the rapid increases in the incidence of acne. Population-based studies, on the other hand, suggest that diet may have the most profound impact on the severity and prevalence of acne — more so than skin hygiene, smoking, and stress (which all have been found to have little to no association with acne).
Related: Candida, Gut Flora, Allergies, and Disease
More specifically, the western diet seems to be the main instigator of the current acne epidemic. Conversely, when we look at the data from other non-westernized cultures — such as the Inuit, Okinawan Islanders, Ache hunter-gatherers, and Kitavan Islanders — acne is a rarity.
But before we jump to any conclusions, we must keep in mind that this is epidemiological data. From this evidence, we cannot assume that the western diet causes acne. This data doesn’t even provide us with strong enough evidence to claim that any diet can increase or decrease the risk of acne (there are too many confounding variables). Only when we look at the physiological mechanisms behind the creation of pimples, blackheads, and red bumps will we be able to figure out if diet can play a role in the development of acne.
The Formation of Acne — An Inside Look at Our Poor Pores
  Whiteheads, blackheads, and red bumps are formed when there is:
Increased reproduction of skin cells within the ducts that carry oily lubrication to the skin and hair.
Abnormal shedding of the skin cells around the hair follicle.
Increased production of sebum — the oily, waxy substance that waterproofs and lubricates the skin and hair.
Colonization of the uppermost layer of the skin (stratum corneum) by a bacterium called Propionibacterium acnes, resulting in inflammation (red bumps).
As a result of these four factors, dead skin cells will stick together with the help of the excess oily sebum. This will block the pore of the hair follicle, forming a microcomedone (a clogged skin pore).
Related: Holistic Guide to Healing the Endocrine System and Balancing Our Hormones
If the microcomedone is closer to the skin, then the skin pigment called melanin will be oxidized by the air, creating what we know as a “blackhead”. On the other hand, a whitehead is formed when the microcomedone occurs deep within the hair follicle. Both whiteheads and blackheads (in their early and late stages) provide an ideal environment for Propionibacterium acnes to proliferate. As the bacteria continue to colonize the area, they trigger an inflammatory response that leads to redness, tenderness, and swelling.
What creates this chaos in the skin? The current research indicates that the main culprits are insulin and other hormones that are influenced by insulin, such as testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). For example, DHT and DHEA seem to increase oily sebum production, while GH and IGF-1 appear to trigger the overproduction of the specific skin cells. When these hormones are chronically high, they will disrupt the homeostasis of the skin and stimulate acne production.
The Bigger Picture of Hormones, Acne, And Health
A helpful example of how hormones affect skin health can be found when we look at specific medical conditions that result from hormonal imbalances. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), for example, is typically caused by unhealthy increases in androgens (like DHT) in women. As a result, many women with PCOS also have acne.
Conversely, people who lack androgens or are insensitive to the effects of androgens rarely have acne. This is the main reason why people with androgen insensitivity syndrome never develop acne.
A more prevalent example of how closely linked acne and hormones are can be found in teenagers. When teenagers (and some preteens) hit puberty, they experience rapid increases in many of the hormones we mentioned above. This results in rapid growth and sexual maturation with the unfortunate side effect of acne (for most adolescents).
But don’t mistake genetics and puberty as the only contributing factors to acne formation. If we look back at the data from population-based studies comparing the incidence of acne in westernized and non-westernized societies and combine that with our knowledge of the physiological mechanisms of acne, an interesting pattern emerges.
Related: No Makeup & Blemish Free? Healthy Gut, Healthy Skin – Here’s How 
Since insulin and other hormones that are influenced by insulin instigate the chaos in the skin that leads to acne and high-carb, sugary foods stimulate insulin, doesn’t this mean that people who eat a diet filled with these processed foods will most likely develop acne?
When we look at the population-based studies, this seems to be true — especially since westernized societies eat more processed sugary foods than any other culture. Yet, this is purely a contention held by many researchers. To find out if this is what really occurs in humans, we need some high-quality scientific evidence from clinical trials.
High Glycemic Load Diet vs. Low Glycemic Load Diet — Can Diet Treat Acne?
To our knowledge, there is one study that explored the therapeutic effects of diet on acne. In this study, a total of 43 male patients with acne who were between the ages of 15 and 25 completed either a 12-week high glycemic load diet or a 12-week low glycemic load diet.
At 12 weeks, the average number of lesions in the low glycemic load diet group fell by 51% — nearly twice the reduction that was found in the high glycemic load diet.
Below are some photos of the results from the subjects in the low glycemic load diet group:
These are pretty astounding results, especially when you consider what the researchers define as a low glycemic load diet:
The LGL [low glycemic load] group was instructed to substitute high-GI foods with foods higher in protein (e.g., lean meat, poultry, or fish) or with foods with a lower GI (e.g., whole-grain bread, pasta, and fruit). Some staple foods were supplied, and the participants were urged to consume these or similar foods daily. The recommended LGL diet consisted of 25% of energy from protein, 45% from low-GI carbohydrates, and 30% energy from fats.”
This diet has a lower glycemic load than the standard American diet, but I wouldn’t consider this a “low glycemic load diet”. Some of the foods included in this diet like grains, pasta, and some fruits can provoke an unhealthy glycemic response, especially when they are eaten in high quantities.
Related: Top 10 Blood Sugar Lowering Foods
Just imagine what would’ve happened if they eliminated low fiber, high sugar foods completely. Even better results, perhaps?
Unfortunately, there are no other research studies that can provide us with a conclusive answer.
However, we can make a couple reasonable assumptions from this data:
Diet definitely plays a role in the incidence and severity of acne in western populations.
If you eat more whole foods and less processed foods, then the severity of acne will most likely be reduced.
Insulin levels and acne severity are related.
With that being said, many questions still remain unanswered. Here are some that come to mind for me:
Are insulin levels and acne severity so strongly linked that a decrease in insulin levels will improve skin health?
Will a low sugar, whole food diet have the same effect on women with acne?
What This Means For You And Your Acne
The researchers of the previous study suggest that losing weight and eating more low-GI foods like meat and low-carb vegetables will create favorable changes in the body that improve skin health. The researchers also explored the implications their findings have for women by relating acne to PCOS.
They went on to explain how both PCOS and acne can be caused by chronically high insulin levels. In fact, women with PCOS typically have acne and some degree of insulin resistance. The research on PCOS suggests that low carb diets (a variation of a low glycemic load diet) are the best diet to help reverse PCOS and its symptoms (like acne), so it is fair to assume that eating in this way will also improve acne in women without PCOS.
What does this mean for you and your loved ones who have acne? That you can all benefit from cutting out processed, sugar-laden foods your diet. However, this way of eating may not eliminate your acne completely. Some studies suggest that dairy can play a role in worsening acne as well.
Related: Healthy Sugar Alternatives & More
Dairy — Just As Bad As Sugar for the Skin?
Insulin and basal IGF-I plasma levels are major players when it comes to acne, and high sugar foods aren’t the only thing that increases IGF-1 and insulin to unreasonable levels. Dairy products can provoke unhealthy insulin and IGF-1 levels as well.
Although there are no clinical trials on the impact of milk consumption on acne, three large population-based studies reported a positive association between milk intake and acne. This association is probably due to the fact that the natural hormones in milk (designed to help the calves grow into massive animals) may survive milk processing and stimulate the many processes that lead to acne production. Furthermore, the whey protein that is found in most dairy products also creates a potent insulin response that may further exacerbate any acne issues.
If you suspect that your dairy consumption could be harming your skin health, then consider replacing it with dairy-alternatives. Here is a list of some suggestions to make it easier for you:
Use coconut milk instead of milk. In recipes, you can substitute coconut milk in for regular milk in a 1 to 1 ratio.
Replace heavy cream with coconut cream. Make sure the coconut cream doesn’t have any added sugars.
Replace dairy-based cheese with vegan cheese. My personal favorite dairy-free cheese-making companies are Treeline and Miyoko’s Kitchen. Their cheeses are some of the best I’ve ever tasted. In fact, many people think that they are better than traditional dairy-based cheese. If Treeline or Miyoko’s Kitchen doesn’t have the cheese you are looking for, then try Follow Your Heart’s vegan cheese. Follow Your Heart makes almost every type of dairy-free cheese you could ever want.
Instead of Cream Cheese, have Nut-Based Soft Cheese. Treeline makes a cashew-based soft cheese that is delicious and savory, and it has almost the same texture as cream cheese.
Replace Yogurt and Sour Cream with Nut-Based Yogurt. At your local health food market, you will probably be able to find plain almond, cashew, or coconut milk yogurt. Just make sure it has no added sugars or dubious ingredients.
Instead of Butter use Coconut Oil or Vegan Butter. Coconut oil has a slightly lower melting point than butter and the same smoke point as butter, which makes it a good butter replacement. If you are not a fan of the flavor of coconut oil, look for dairy-free butter in your local health food store. Make sure the vegan butter doesn’t contain any hydrogenated oils, vegetable oils, or soy oils. You can also make your own vegan butter by following recipes online — Just search for “Vegan Butter”.
Seven More Ways to Improve Skin Health And Reduce Acne
Altogether, limiting your sugar and dairy intake should have a massive impact on your skin health. If this approach isn’t working as well as you’d like after a couple of weeks, then try some of these suggestions:
Supplement with Omega 3s. Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are anti-inflammatory and may improve skin health. The best sources include wild-caught salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, and anchovies. Or if you don’t want to eat fish, supplement with some vegan omega 3s that are derived from algal oil.
Eat non-starchy vegetables with every meal. Leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables help promote hormonal regulation and improve skin health.
Take caffeine-free green tea extract. Green tea is the best source of the antioxidant EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate). A 2016 study found that green tea extract significantly reduced acne lesions in adult women with moderate to severe acne. We suggest taking the caffeine-free extract to mitigate the adrenal stress that is typically caused by caffeine.
Limit dark chocolate consumption. A 2016 study found that 99% dark chocolate might significantly worsen breakouts in acne-prone men. For this reason, you may want to limit dark chocolate intake.
Eat only whole foods. Stick to whole foods whenever possible. Avoid anything with added sugars, even if they are natural sweeteners like honey and coconut sugar.
Exercise daily. Consider adding a 15-30 min walk to your daily schedule. This will increase your insulin sensitivity, decrease your insulin levels, and reduce the severity of your acne as a result.
Experiment with intermittent fasting. By restricting your calorie intake to an 8-hour eating window every day, you can decrease your insulin and IGF-1 levels more than you would by eating normally throughout the day.
Related: Inexpensive, Easy Detox – The One Gallon Challenge
Putting it All Together — The Best Diet For Eliminating Acne
The current evidence suggests that processed foods — specifically foods that are high in sugar and low in fiber — are the likely cause of the current acne epidemic in westernized societies. The reason why I say “likely cause” is because the existing data is scarce.
However, with our current knowledge of the physiology of acne, the prevalence of acne in westernized vs. non-westernized societies, and the results from the clinical trial on how diet affects the severity of acne, we have enough evidence to suggest that cutting out processed foods from the diet and replacing them with whole foods is one of the best (and healthiest) treatments for acne.
To put it more simply, your skin will be much healthier if you use your money to buy more organic vegetables instead of expensive creams and ineffective antibiotics.
Once you’ve adopted a low sugar, whole food diet into your life, you can improve skin health even further by:
supplementing with omega 3s
eating low-carb vegetables with every meal
taking EGCG
limiting dark chocolate consumption
exercising daily
experimenting with intermittent fasting
When you combine these suggestions together with a low sugar, whole food diet, your skin will start clearing up and your health will improve tremendously. Keep in mind, however, that it may take a couple of weeks to months before you see noticeable results — just like it did for the participants in the study we looked at earlier.
Recommended Reading:
Detox Cheap and Easy Without Fasting – Recipes Included
Start Eating Like That and Start Eating Like This – Your Guide to Homeostasis Through Diet
How to Make the Healthiest Smoothies – 4 Recipes
The effect of a high-protein, low glycemic-load diet versus a conventional, high glycemic-load diet on biochemical parameters associated with acne vulgaris: a randomized, investigator-masked, controlled trial. — NCBI
A low-glycemic-load diet improves symptoms in acne vulgaris patients: a randomized controlled trial — The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Should We Limit Sugar in Acne? — JAMA Dermatology
Diet and Acne Update: Carbohydrates Emerge as the Main Culprit< — Journal of Drugs in Dermatology
Diet and acne: a review of the evidence — Wiley Online Library
Correlation between serum levels of insulin-like growth factor 1, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and dihydrotestosterone and acne lesion counts in adult women. — NCBI
Hormonal mechanisms in the onset of puberty — NCBI
[Acne vulgaris: endocrine aspects]. — NCBI
Dark chocolate exacerbates acne. — NCBI
Effect of dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acid and gamma-linolenic acid on acne vulgaris: a randomised, double-blind, controlled trial. — NCBI
Does supplementation with green tea extract improve acne in post-adolescent women? A randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled clinical trial. — NCBI
[Acne and diet]. — NCBI
Acne Vulgaris: A Disease of Western Civilization — JAMA Dermatology
Eliminate Acne For Good (No, It’s Not Another Skin Product) was originally published on Organic Lifestyle Magazine
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Second Electrolysis is very effective, but it is debilitating. You can check out sting every time, when new tresses are done. Regarding the sting depends while having pain fortitude. Glycolic acid will go into a cleansing detoxification cycle which remove old dead skin cells that eventually harden thus forming acne. Pores and skin itself will fill on top of more moisture and oils as the hardened old dead cells clear out. Another added benefit of glycolic acid is that it'll destroy free radicals in your skin, protecting you from skin cancer with antioxidants and a mild SPF of a. Even with that protection I would always recommend you wear skin protection and an organic sun block anyways- just to be free from danger.
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vitamincserum1 · 7 years
A true miracle- How I got rid of my acne. Daily skin-care routine.
A true miracle- How I got rid of my acne. Daily skin-care routine. Purchase the exact kit mentioned in video here: http://go.magik.ly/r/mamichula/d629/ (NOT SPONSORED)
So the acne.org system worked great for my sister, Melanie…however I was not so lucky!!! Instead ACCUTANE is the only thing that cured me!!! See my youtube journery here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpGx5fmf3u7A5ncuWX85OAiziiE8XxzJw
I FINALLY GOT A P.O. BOX!!!! MamiChula8153 (Lee) P.O. Box 154 East Islip, New York 11730-0154 Please send me letters, postcards, pictures!!! I don’t want any of you spending your hard earned money on me. I would love to get to know about YOU! Whether you just want to reach out, need advice, have questions…this is a very special way for me to connect with my viewers. Please specify on envelope if I can read on air or if you would prefer for me to keep it private! CANT WAIT TO HEAR FROM YOUUUUU!!!!!!! XOXO!
Follow me on Instagram & Facebook!! Instagram: Official_MamiChula Facebook.com/MamiChula8153FanPage
This video is in NO way sponsored. I am not being payed/compensated for my review, and I am no affiliated with any brands mentioned. I am not a dermatologist, what worked for my skin may not work for others, but if you ask me- it is definitely worth a try.
I decided to film this video so I could help anyone out there that is going through what I have been through. Intense acne can truly take an emotional toll on a person, this skin care system has changed my life.
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The post A true miracle- How I got rid of my acne. Daily skin-care routine. appeared first on Vitamin C Serum Store.
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