#acotar Reddit
uukipi · 5 months
I had someone on Reddit absolutely lose their mind over the fact that I’m drawing “hot fae dudes as chibis” and not as sexy hot men as the way god intended
I’ve never seen anyone lose their mind over chibis but I was also expecting it tbh. It’s the main reason I didn’t even try to draw fanart of them until like a good few years later. The fandom has so much realistic/semi realistic artists so I felt I’d b out of place (I don’t feel that now bc I guys keep gassing me up 💖)
But holy shit was this chicks rant just unhinged
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My response before I knew she was deadass and was about to go sicko mode on me
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She blocked me after she made the comment
No idea what the point of going off over CHIBIS is skbsnsnw
Posting to Reddit is worse than Tumblr I s2g ily u guys thank u for not being this brand of insane and continuing to like my pocket sized dudes 🥹
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yaralulu · 3 months
It’s crazy how often I see people not really understanding how tamlin can just assume the absolute worst about rhys when he supposedly knows the real rhys because they used to be friends.Sure buddy tamlin and rhys were friends like a million years ago but I’m afraid that doesn’t mean shit anymore considering everything that’s happened since.
Like are we really gonna blame tamlin for falling for rhys’s evil mask just like everyone else and trying to save feyre from him. “They used to be friends though he knows him 🥺”HE KILLED HIS FAMILY??? Tamlin literally has no reason to be holding onto whatever version of rhys he once knew and has every right to believe that rhys really is the awful guy he portrays himself to be.
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This person probably has multiple accounts and was sending messages harassing people for posting on a pro Gwyn thread… this person can fuck the right off. The irony of telling me that I ruin a fun place while sending a message saying I should be murdered would be laughable if it wasn’t just so damn sad. Stay safe out there friends and when you see this kinda stuff report it, it’s how we stay safe as a fandom
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velidewrites · 1 year
The Daily Struggles Of An Art Student
Desperate to finish her male anatomy assignment before the deadline, Feyre Archeron finds a secluded corner in a cafe. Or so she thinks.
Pairing: Feysand
Tags: Modern AU, Artist!Feyre, Look folks I'm just going to say it: Feyre spends half of this fic looking up reddit [redacted] for a male anatomy assignment
Notes: Happy birthday the wonderful @the-lonelybarricade! I wrote you this definitely not unhinged one-shot as a little gift. Thank you for being such a great friend, and truly the most supportive person in this fandom. I cherish you!!
Read on AO3
Feyre was running out of time.
Deadlines, she decided, were really not her thing. What was that saying? “You can’t rush art?” Well, her professor at the New York Academy of Art would be inclined to disagree. Then again, Feyre wasn’t sure the blank page shining a soft, white light from her iPad could really count as “art.”
She sighed in frustration, shifting in her seat. As if the new angle could help, somehow. With exactly four hours and twenty minutes until she was to submit her assignment, the prospect of failing was quickly starting to look more and more like a reality. Feyre had always been bad at painting from memory, particularly when it came to capturing people. Her own cat, she could probably paint in minutes and be satisfied with the outcome. Or the view from her apartment. Or the honey-brown colour of her sister’s eyes, especially when she just saw Elain at dinner the other day.
Male anatomy, on the other hand…
Feyre needed a reference. Desperately.
It wasn’t unusual for an art student to spend hours on Pinterest, searching for the perfect pose, one that would be just right. Feyre had done it herself too many times to count. It was simply that…well, Pinterest could not provide a reference for everything. And Feyre would rather not use her own memory to capture a man’s physique in full.
She had just broken up with Tamlin, after all, and had very little interest in ever recalling their time together again. Lucky for her, he had moved to Boston last week to pursue his Master’s, never to bother her again. Hopefully.
Unfortunately, with Pinterest proving entirely hopeless, and Tamlin decidedly out of the picture, Feyre was left entirely out of options.
The worst thing about all this was that Feyre had only herself to blame.
There had been one option she simply pretended not to acknowledge, though she would have finished yesterday morning had it not been for her own stubbornness—or, as Nesta had called it, had she not been such a prude. Feyre certainly did not think of herself as one—it was just that…well.
Every morning, from 8 till 10:30 sharp, her class offered anatomy studies with a handful of volunteers from the student body posing for their life drawing. Ninety-nine percent of the time, they were completely nude, which was not something Feyre would have cared about in the slightest had their newest model not been Feyre’s best friend. And her sister’s new boyfriend.
Ever since she had told Lucien Vanserra the school was considering paying the volunteers for their efforts, his gaze lit up and, not even a day later, there he was, his name displayed proudly on the sign-up sheet. Feyre knew him long enough now to know the extra money in his pocket was just an excuse. Someone has to capture this body one way or another, Feyre, Lucien had told her a few days ago, a twinkle in his russet eye. She supposed he did make an interesting art subject, with the scar and all—but not nearly interesting enough to strut through the East Building proudly, letting both students and teachers alike gush on about his “cruel beauty.”
Elain, to her horror, seemed to support Lucien’s latest modelling endeavours wholeheartedly.
“He promised to bring a few of the sketches home,” her sister had told her excitedly at dinner. The best reaction Feyre could offer was a horrified, blinking stare.
It wasn’t that Lucien was lacking in the looks department—on the contrary, actually—but she’d always seen him as a brother, ever since the day he’d almost run her over on his motorcycle, her very first day as a college freshman. And so, for the past few days, Feyre would make sure to avoid the East Building like the plague.
Today, she ended up in a nearby campus cafe, a cozy spot for a senior art student seeking privacy, yet still crowded enough to make Feyre look over her shoulder every few minutes. She’d opted for a secluded corner near the restrooms, with no windows next to her table, just in case a nosy passerby caught a glimpse of what exactly Feyre was drawing. Or, rather, attempting to draw.
She glanced at her phone, an unpleasant sense of dread curling in her stomach once again as she realised twenty more minutes had passed. Had she really wasted all that precious time thinking about Lucien?
Feyre needed to come up with a solution, and fast. There was no way she was failing this class, not in her final year. She was planning to move to Paris next year and continue her education there—where better than the art capital of the world? She would not let a poor painting of a penis, of all things, ruin all of her plans and dreams for the future.
Relying on Pinterest for now, Feyre began sketching the unnamed man. His upper body posed no serious issues, and she found herself done with the clean lineart and three hours thirty minutes left to spare. The thighs, too, seemed to feature all the muscles in correct places, though upon further inspection, she had perhaps drawn them slightly too large for a regular, male specimen. Whatever. With Lucien as the current model, she doubted any of her classmates would submit perfectly proportionate sketches.
Good, Feyre decided. This was good. The only thing left for her to do now was to find a good reference for the final pièce de résistance. She could do this—there was no one around, after all, and she’d make sure her browser history would be wiped clean later. Ressina, her classmate from the Academy, liked to borrow Feyre’s iPad sometimes to try her skills at digital art—and Feyre wasn’t sure their friendship was well-established enough that she could explain without making a fool of herself.
With a deep, deep sigh, Feyre got over herself and fired up Reddit.
This was going to make things a whole lot easier.
It was honestly beyond her that this entire archive was out there, for free and simply waiting for her to download. Without wasting any more time, Feyre got to scrolling.
She hadn’t expected to be flooded with so many options, but soon enough, she found just the perfect reference—the angle matched exactly the pose she had already outlined, and from the ruler he’d so proudly displayed beside it, the man didn’t seem like he would mind. And so, with the image neatly placed in the corner of her canvas, Feyre began to add the sketch. Everything seemed to be coming together—and, her focus lost entirely to the penis before her, she was actually starting to believe she might just submit this thing in time.
“Friend of yours?”
“Shit!” Feyre jumped, pressing her iPad close to her chest as she whirled back.
The voice behind her—of course—turned out to be a man. The most beautiful man she’d ever seen.
“Well?” he asked, eyes twinkling. Were they actually violet, or was the soft light pouring through the window just that spectacular?
Feyre felt her cheeks heating. “You know, it’s rude to invade other people’s privacy,” she told him, anger slowly replacing the embarrassment coiling in her chest.  Who was this man, this stranger, to question her?
He only seemed more amused, though he lifted a defensive hand. “Hey, I was just leaving the restroom,” he said, pointing back to the staircase behind. “It’s not my fault you’re right out here for all to see. Who’s invading whose privacy now, hmm?” Before Feyre opened her mouth to retort, the man added, “Oh, no need to apologise. Mind if I sit?”
And with that, he simply plopped down on the chair beside her.
The audacity. 
Feyre’s eyes narrowed. “I wasn’t going to apologise,” she said, setting her now locked iPad on the table.
He ran a hand through his hair, raven waves soaking up the sunlight, and smiled again. “I was hoping you would say that.”
“Anyway, this isn’t my friend,” Feyre said, hoping there was enough mockery in her tone to wipe that stupid grin off his handsome face. “It’s a project. For art school.”
“Ah, yes” he mused, drumming his long, slender fingers on the polished wood. “I could tell from how precise your strokes were.” Something about the way he said strokes made the heat in her face nearly boil over. Get it together, idiot! He leaned back in his seat, as if he could somehow tell exactly what Feyre was thinking. Then, he proclaimed, “You’re an artist.”
Alright, Feyre decided. Not entirely a prick, then. “I’m not sure I’d call myself that,” she admitted honestly. Not yet, at least.
“I would,” he said, the corner of his mouth curling slightly as he added, “I’d like to call you many things, actually. Let’s start with your name.”
There it was. Feyre couldn’t help but flirt in return. Prick or not, she liked his boldness—and his good looks certainly were no disadvantage. “You first,” she demanded.
He flashed her a wide, brilliant smile. “My favourite subject.”
She rolled her eyes playfully. “That doesn’t surprise me one bit.”
“Rhysand,” he said. “But you, darling, can call me Rhys.”
Rhysand. The name was so unusual she almost didn’t register what he’d called her. Darling. It was then that she’d finally taken her eyes off his face long enough to take in the rest of him—the deep, English accent, lilting as though he wasn’t speaking to her but singing the smoothest melody.
Yeah—she really needed to get it together.
“What brings you to New York City, Rhysand?” she asked him, not giving him the satisfaction of using his clearly personal nickname yet. His eyes sparkled again, accepting the challenge.
He shrugged. “Research. The sights. Pretty girls drawing male genitalia at 1pm on a Tuesday.” Rhysand winked. “Greatest city in the world, huh?”
Feyre’s cheeks flushed again. “Research?” she questioned, desperate not to go back to that topic with a man she’d only just met.
Rhys chuckled. “Yes. I’m an astronomer—or about to be, at least.”
“It is,” he agreed, and she could’ve sworn actual stars flickered in his gaze with the words. “You’d be surprised just how much the night sky has to offer.”
“I paint it sometimes,” Feyre told him, unsure why she’d just admitted something that personal to a stranger. “Whenever I feel…down, I suppose.”
To her surprise, Rhys nodded. “I do the same.”
Her brows flicked up. “Paint?”
“I’m afraid I’m not that talented. No, I look up—watch the stars.”
Feyre smiled. “That actually sounds wonderful.”
Rhys angled his head. “You know, I haven’t had the chance to explore the New York sky yet. I could use some company.”
Something told her she was up for one hell of a first date. “Alright, Rhys,” Feyre said, his face lighting up triumphantly at the name. She chuckled, grabbing her iPad as she rose from her chair. “Meet me here at seven thirty tonight.”
“Wait!” he called after her. “You still haven’t told me your name.”
“Hmm, I don’t know,” she teased. “I’m not sure I’m ready to part with darling.”
The stars in his eyes twinkled. “Oh, I think we’ll work something out.”
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astrababyy · 1 year
ik this topic has been beat to literal death but btw nesta is, at most, three years older than feyre. elain herself is like one or two years older. the way discussions surrounding who is accountable for what happened pre-acotar with the sisters, you’d think nesta and elain were at least five or six years older than her, but they were all really young.
nesta and elain didn’t let feyre do anything when they were all actual teenagers. and even if that weren’t true, it’s not either of their responsibility to control what feyre does. the only valid critique about their behavior pre-acotar was that they were ungrateful and used all the money feyre got for them. even then, it’s not a great critique because those two weren’t characters before the last act in acotar.
the only person that can be blamed for feyre hunting is their father. he is the father. he should’ve been taking care of them. and we can go into a whole debate on whether we should be blaming him anyway because of both his disability and the state of his mental health at the time, but none of that is relevant for this conversation because nesta and elain aren’t at fault.
it’s so weird that the fandom holds them accountable for this (mostly holding nesta accountable but yk) when they have no responsibility over what feyre did or didn’t do. would it have been nice if they were more appreciative and less insufferable during those scenes??? yeah. but also- nothing they did was like criminal behavior lmao. they were just annoying, and nesta is like eviscerated by half the fandom for it.
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duskcowboy · 2 years
I’m sorry, I don’t understand, were Feyre and Elain supposed to just let Nesta completely deteriorate? Imagine you have a family member who has ptsd. They refuse help. They are an alcoholic. They shun their family and spend endless amounts of your money on sustaining their addiction. Are you supposed to just shrug and leave them be? Aren’t interventions a thing for a reason? It’s not like the IC jumped straight to forcing Nesta to get help. They tried to talk to her, visit her, but she rejected them and their desire to help. They gave her time and space at first, but it wasn’t working. She was getting worse. Nesta said herself she wanted to inflict self-harm. She would’ve just gone deeper into depression. This is something that happens in the real world. Do we force people to get help? Or just leave them and hope they don’t inflict harm on themselves or others? I’m not saying it’s an easy answer, but you can’t just jump to the accusation that forcing Nesta to the HoW with a job, connection to others, physical exercise, food, etc. is somehow horribly traumatic.
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fishlovrgirl · 11 days
r/ whatever book fandom is so 💀💀💀 gag
i’ll see like “oh this book made me realize i love my natural hair” and i’m like ok cunt let’s go natural hair love and discourse and then the post is ab a white person w light brown hair being like “i never thought my hair was accepted bc it’s mousy” ….
like ur literally fine stfu. happy that u like and appreciate stuff now but idk the title just gagged me and sm other things on reddit fandoms gag me. i still check em out tho bc lowkey sometimes it fucks so hard. idk i j had to complain ab that somewhere bc the title relation to content— it floored me.
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I hate being in fandoms predominately made up of straight women because let me tell you, straight girl homophobia is just on another level
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toast-com · 2 years
Why I'm pro-Tamlin
The title says it all. I'm a Tamlin stan, unapologetically. I loved him in ACOTAR, and will continue to do so.
I love that he's a flawed character. But I cannot stand the fact that he is vilified, by the characters in story, and the fandom. When there are characters who've done worse, and aren't treated how Tamlin is.
Did he do terrible things? Yes he did, and I believe he deserves redemption and healing. His terrible actions were not excused by the story or the author, but justly condemned.
He doesn't deserve to be vilified on the whole, and demonized however. Despite his flaws and horrible actions, he's still my favorite character.
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nyxreads · 2 years
Mini rant (tho I really find it funny)
ACOTAR Fandom = parrots
I'm sorry but people keep on saying Elain has no personality, Elain will be evil, they will never forgive Elain because she said Cassian's life is in danger (even tho she's a seer and not her fault to warn him), Elain is brainless, Elain will betray her family.. people, are we reading the same series or are you all just repeating what some random person said on the internet and thought "oh cool, this will gain my post more likes, hating on a female character is cool" ? Where's the reading comprehension? Why are y'all just repeating lies on internet lmao. It makes me think some people didn't actually read the books and only rely on someone for conclusion
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acourtofthought · 2 years
Tbh I wouldn't even take stans from tik tok serious because their takes are always straight up stupid and the same. They would pull one argument that has been discussed and resolved about 2 years ago and believe they are so smart for that. Worst thing is that you aren't able to write long text and if they respond to you, the comments are gonna be out of order so you can't really discuss anything with them. ?(Happened to me. I couldn't type fast enough before OP responded and it was messy, I suggested we talk privatly about it but OP thought they ate and said it's because I have nothing else to say or sum. So I just decided to block them and move on. It's not doing me a favour to try to explain something when it all goes out of order)
"Gwynriel didn't even have any hints" have they not read TOG? Do they not know about Yrene and Chaol? Have they not read acosf and the bonus chapter to know that gwynriel is certainly not a crackship? It really doesn't cost a brain. Are they still in that delusion that just because El/riel are sexually attracted to each other, it means endgame? I guess we buried Feylin, Chaolsryn, Celaena etc. Already
I stick with Tumblr. That is where people like you are posting theories that actually make sense and explain many things well.
I'm with you. I'm not on Twitter or TikTok but I have seen some of the arguments there, the arguments on Reddit and the ones on FB. Out of anywhere, I've found the most well thought out posts and theories (using actual canon from the book as well as patterns that SJM has used as an author in previous books) to be on Tumblr. I'm not sure the reason for that but even Anti's tend to make more valid arguments here than I've seen elsewhere. Not that I agree with the arguments or can't easily debate them but there's been a few that have made me pause for a second and really think through my response. For whatever reason (especially Tik Tok), I've seen the most farfetched theories. It's not that some of the people aren't versed in lore and mythology, you can tell they know what they're talking about, but because SJM sampled something to a very minor degree, they'll try to create a version of her future books that will be a direct retelling of something rather than little hints of it here and there. And it's exhausting when someone is so fixated on their ship that they disregard large parts of this series or other series. It should be common sense that the more knowledgeable someone is about the entirety of SJMs work, the more sound their theories and arguments will be. And there is nothing that makes them look more clueless than pretending like E/riel wanting to kiss or even Az questioning why he wasn't given a bond with Elain means their endgame is a certainty. Celaena said that in Chaol she found a home, they had sex, they thought they'd have a future and they still didn't end up abeing endgame. E/riel hasn't come close to that yet stans stomp there feet insisting that there's no way they won't end up together. I am sorry about your past experiences though and I'm happy the power of the block button has come through for you! 😁
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the-lonelybarricade · 2 years
I love yours and MB’s relationship like you guys are such good friends and it makes me so happy to see y’all interact the way you do. Also makes me low-key jealous, lol. But really you both are so kind to each other and everyone else and it fills me with joy💗💗
Accidentally becoming best friends with MB has made my fandom experience so dramatically better. And honestly it happened really organically by just interacting with each other's fics/content and realizing we are unhinged in a very similar way 🥰
But please don't feel jealous! We just like talking about men being absurdly stupid and in love with their wives and I humbly invite you to come laugh at them with us 😌
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kingslayersdagger · 2 years
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guess who the first character on the list is? i dont understand why antis are so bent on making elain seem less important than she is. she killed the king of hybern and shes an archeron sister. how is she not a main?
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Reddit Nestle's are pissed saying this voting poll is rigged because Nestles suddenly got alot of votes to get taken out. Talk about Poor sports 🥴
Honestly I was reading through that and just could not make sense of what was going on. Half of the responses agree that there was some type of voting bot, the others disagree and do want her kicked?
Idek like what is going onnn over at acotar reddit?! I can't say for sure whether or not there was some type of voter fraud going on but assuming there wasn't, why make an open poll if you're just going to get upset when peoples votes dont turn out the way you wanted them to?
And if there was that's also lame but idk.
Thanks for giving me the news from over yonder!
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nightriumphs · 9 months
i hope a certain character stays insignificant in acotar6 bc his stans are so intolerable
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wyllzel · 2 years
ok i was originally thinking about orientalism in acotar but then i needed something to compare it to. and i realized that tár is comparable. and basically if anything from tár wins over eeaao i’m going to scream
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