#actually i think maybe that's part of why i'm maybe more affected/upset than i would otherwise be. lol. lmao even
truecorvid · 4 months
i didn't think the leopards would eat my face!!!!!!!!!!!! (all of my professors cancelling classes in solidarity with the student union strike)
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crusty-chronicles · 7 months
Yu Yu Hakusho Men Reacting to Receiving Flowers
Synopsis: How the men of Yu Yu Hakusho react to receiving flowers and if they'd get you some in return 🌺
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He pretends to be offended, but honestly it makes his heart melt
The fact that you went out of your way to actually buy him something makes him feel special.
Doing it just because without expecting anything grand in return.
If you give him flowers in private, he puts up less of a fuss.
“I'm not sick or anything, you know. Besides, you could've just plucked some weeds instead of spending so much money.” He says after (not so) begrudgingly taking the small bouquet from you.
Already knowing they won't last more than a week in his care. But still trying to hide the heat rising to his cheeks.
But if you give him flowers in front of his friends, namely Kuwabara, he makes a big show of it.
“What am I? A girl? Or did you just wanna take on gardening, because there's no way in hell you actually got me flowers.”
You end up calling him a jerk before leaving.
And he feels really bad after.
Despite his tough guy act, he genuinely does care about you and hates to see you upset. Especially when it's because of him and his big mouth.
So he shows up later to your house with an even bigger bouquet of roses.
“I'm sorry for being an ass. I didn't mean it I just…didn't want- Well, Kuwabara would never let me live it down.” He tries to explain.
But you weren't buying it, judging by how you still hadn't opened your door all the way. So he tries to apologize again the only way he knows how.
“I'll take you out wherever you want for a week if you let me in?” He says hopefully.
“That's not enough. You really hurt my feelings today.”
“Two weeks. And I'll buy you flowers every day. Your favorites~ sunflowers.”
He keeps true to his word and makes sure to always accept whatever you gift him with a huge smile from now on.
No matter if it makes him look like a softie or not.
He's thrilled
Will point out and explain what every flower means.
What each part of the bouquet symbolizes
Please buy this man red roses
As cliche as they are, they symbolize love. Your love.
And he can't help but be smitten by the fact.
He's not the slightest embarrassed whether you give them to him in public or private.
Even if the others tease him for it, he'll just come up with a witty remark to shut them down.
“Maybe they think you're a girl after all,” Yusuke said, followed by another taunt from Kuwabara.
“His delicate features got to them.”
“What a funny way of saying the two of you have never thought of getting your partners flowers before? You do know Valentine's Day is coming up right?” Kurama shut down.
And the both of them start racing to the nearest boutique. Pushing and shoving each other out of the way.
When you gift Kurama flowers, they don't wither away within a few weeks.
Instead he'll use his demon energy to keep them alive for years.
Might even plant some of them to make a new bouquet for you in the future.
All in all, it's one of the few gestures that makes his heart beat just a little bit faster. And he cherishes each and every bud.
Hiei ⚔️
He could care less tbh
He isn't all that familiar with human gestures, so he doesn't know what to make of it when you present him with a bouquet
“Are you taunting me?” He asks.
And you have to explain to him that sometimes humans like to gift flowers to their lovers as a way to show affection.
He personally thinks it's a waste of time and energy. A few weeds that shrivel up and die within a week are supposed to symbolize your feelings? Why waste your human currency when he can just show you affection through his actions. i.e. watching over you.
He tells you as much too, but the second he sees you deflate, he quickly snatches them up.
Grumbling out a ‘Don’t start sulking like a child. I didn't say I rejected your little gift.’ And a ‘Next time don't bother. Come to me directly.’
Hiei will only receive your flowers in private.
You will not be able to catch him in public to give them to him.
In fact, he rarely goes out during the day. Preferring to wait for you at home.
He will also not mention it to the others and trusts you'll do the same.
Your relationship is private, and he prefers to keep it that way.
While Hiei personally doesn't see the appeal of giving flowers, he knows you do.
Which is why you wake up one morning to see a single white orchid on your pillow
And he'll deny it was ever him that left it there.
Bonus Jin🌪️
The purest of bois
He's absolutely ecstatic when you give him flowers
Like Hiei, he doesn't understand many human gestures. But it's the fact you're giving him something that makes him so happy.
You could probably give him a rock and he'd have the same reaction
He eventually asks you why you brought him flowers.
And when you say it's because you love him, he's practically jumping with joy. Picking you up in a strong hug and swinging you around a few times before placing a smooch on your cheek.
“You've got me ears wigglin’ and everything!” And sure enough, the tips of his ears are jittering about in excitement.
He'd like to return the favor and get you flowers just as beautiful however-
“We've got a few pretty plants in demon world, but they'd probably bite your head clean off. Woosh! Just like that.” He explains.
He settles for bringing you little wildflowers whenever he has a chance to visit instead.
He's a little fascinated to find out there's meaning behind each flower.
He just figured they were pretty and that's it.
When you tell him a baby’s breath (which he thinks is an incredibly weird name for a flower) means long lasting love, he swears he can feel his face warm.
So he tries to find you flowers that hold meaning too.
The color red always seems to mean love, so most of the flowers he gifts to you in return are that color.
He's just an absolute sweetheart all around 🥺
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the-badger-mole · 2 months
i've scrolled through your blog quite a bit, and one thing i haven't seen you talk about (though maybe i just didn't scroll far enough) was the scene where sokka is wearing the kyoshi warrior uniform.
i've seen so many people say "wow, the show is really taking a stance against toxic masculinity! sokka wore a dress! it humbled him!" but if you actually watch the show . . .
it wants you to laugh at that, actually. it's one of my least favorite lines from aang. sokka is repeating something suki told him about what different parts of the uniform represent or something like that and he's looking pretty proud, but then aang walks by and says "hey sokka, nice dress" and laughs. and that's never walked back and aang's never punished. so the narrative is clearly pushing that . . . what aang said was okay? but if what aang said was okay, then that means that sokka wearing a dress was meant to be laughed at, right?
anyway, i don't understand how people watch that scene and take away "wow, that scene was so progressive! sokka wore a dress!" yeah . . . we as the audience are supposed to laugh at it. it's supposed to be funny. because boy in dress can't be taken seriously! it has to be a joke!
and i don't understand how people watch that scene and like aang. that was his first major red flag for me. like??? it get that he's twelve and a little shitster, but as you've said so many times, his age isn't an excuse to not hold him accountable. in fact, his immaturity means he should be held extra accountable, so he doesn't end up the same little shitster as an adult. the end of that episode should have had aang apologize to suki (who was also there when aang made that comment iirc). that comment was demeaning and threw away the entire point of that scene (and episode, honestly) in just four words. it demeaned the kyoshi customs and culture, and it completely throws away the point of suki telling sokka "if you want to train with me, you have to follow all our traditions" (paraphrase, not real quote).
anyway aang sucks, and if you've already talked about this, sorry. but if you haven't would love to hear your thoughts.
Of all the things that I think are wrong with Aang, his sexism is pretty low. That's not to say I don't think he's got the potential to be sexist, I just don't think it's occurred to him. He grew up in a gender segregated monastery. I wouldn't be surprised if Katara was the first girl around his own age that he'd spent any time with at all. What were the monks teaching him about girls, and why they were separated? Who knows? Clearly, he knew enough to ridicule Sokka for wearing a dress and to be upset about being played by a woman in EIP. Aang does have some sexist tendencies, but I don't think he's thought through the implications enough to actually be outright sexist. His worst moments have to do with his cultural biases, and an Air Nomad superiority complex. One of his worst moments had to do with him being disrespectful towards Bato about SWT artifacts.
The most obvious potential example of his sexism the way he treats Katara throughout the series, at least on the surface, but while there was absolutely sexism involved in how Katara was treated, I think it was more sexism in the writers room than in Aang himself. With Aang, it was less sexism, and more general entitlement. He wanted Katara. Her feelings didn't matter, not because she was a girl, but because she was an object. I've pointed out before that Nightmares and Daydreams proved that he understood what enthusiastic consent is, but he never even considered her feelings enough to think that she could turn him down. He was very entitled about Katara's affections and even her body, but I don't think the entitlement would've been different if the genders were reversed (look at how entitled Korra felt to Mako), or even if Aang and Katara were both boys.
I'm sure someone else could find more examples of Aang being overtly sexist- in fact, I remember reading a really good meta about Aang's reaction to being played by a woman in EIP, but I can't remember who wrote it. Still, don't think it matters if Aang was sexist or not. He's more toxic than Sokka ever was, even without being overtly sexist. Sokka, at least, was open to learning and growing, and his sexism was never that deep. But Aang? He never gets the opportunity to grow, because his bad traits are never called out like Sokka's are. I'm convinced that Aang benefits from cute privilege within the fandom. If Aang was a year or two older, and looked like Sokka or Zuko, he'd be right up there with Ross Gellar and Ted Mosby in the Nice Guys Who Aren't Actually That Nice pantheon, but because he's got big ears, chubby cheeks, and a big ol' smile, he gets a pass.
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txttletale · 9 months
Hey this is only tangential to the AI art thing, but I'm curious how you feel about the distinction between plagiarism and information property infringement?
I take issue with plagiarism (which isn't what AI art is doing anyway) but I don't think copyright law is the place to solve it. IP as a concept and copyright as a practice I feel only have meaning within the bounds of capitalism and are mostly vehicles for capitalists to extract more value from creative labor, but I still think plagiarism would be wrong even if there was no publication-as-means-to-survival element.
Like, passing off someone else's work as your own at the very least feels different from owning the right to profit from that work. But simultaneously it does seem like even that is veering toward an 'economics of clout' if that makes any sense. Like, I would still be upset (albeit, much less so than if I relied on that work to eat) if I made something cool and someone else got the credit, but I think I lack the vocab to articulate why or whether a meaningful difference actually exists.
For clarity, my background is in research rather than art so maybe that affects my thinking?
If you don't feel like writing a full response, name-dropping a book or an article for me to get started would be greatly appreciated too.
yeah i mean i think the thing about plagiarism that differentiates it from copyright infringement is that imo the crucial part of plagiarism is taking the name off the thing. like, plagiarism fundamentally is not a crime of taking or distributing something, it's about refusing to name the author, about purposefully lying about the origins of a piece. & i think it is bad while copyright infringement is not because it inherently muddies the water of truth -- like, to take the recent high-profile somerton case, i think one of the really bad things about his plagiarism was that he was mixing plagiarised research and journalism with ad-libbed nonsense like "the SS was teeming with homosexuals", and without attribution people were led to assume that the well-researched accounts of queer history were from the same source as the insane claims, which lent somerton's editorializing totally uneared credibility.
but yknow i think that in many cases copyright law legalizes plagiarism. like the only difference between ghostwriting and plagiarism is that one is legal -- i often think about how atari didn't credit game developers on their early games, or how game studios still find bullshit reasons to not credit workers now. hell, i screenshot someone in the notes of an AI art discourse post sayting shrek was "the hard work of Dreamworks Studios", which to me is just as much of a misattribution of credit as saying james somerton wrote his videos.
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sapphic-agent · 2 months
I feel bad for Mitsuki. She has a parent's worst nightmare to raise, and people are legit calling her abusive because she doesn't worship the ground at Bakugou's feet.
Maybe I'm a bit biased, because she reminds me of my stepmother. Her family spoiled her son rotten (he was never as bad as Bakugou, but he did have some severe behavior problems that alienated him from a lot of people), and she was the only one trying to instill rules and discipline in his life, which made her the bad guy in many people's eyes.
Someone tried to make the case that Mitsuki and Katsuki (calling them both by their given names for this ask) are both horrible and abusive and I'm like no way José.
Compare Katsuki's introduction to Mitsuki's. One of them is inherently painted to be more cruel and callous and it isn't Mitsuki. In fact, I'd say that Mitsuki is actually a lot more friendly. She didn't get hostile until Katsuki did. Calling her abusive from what we've seen when she did it in front of his teachers and they didn't say a damn word is so... Disingenuous? I don't even know what to call it.
A playful tap on the back of the head is not physical abuse. If her intention has been to actually hurt him, this would be a different story. But it isn't. She wasn't even upset during the first hit, so what about that screams abuse?
I'm not averse to saying that Mitsuki could be verbally abusive. But even then for me, it's more like she's careless with her words than intentionally cruel. Like when she says, "Oh hush. This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't gotten kidnapped and caused all that trouble." I sincerely doubt she actually means, "It's your fault you got kidnapped." To me, it's more like, "You were careless and other people are suffering because of it so get off your high horse."
Because as much as I agree that the LOV's actions (and UA's negligence) are not on Katsuki, he very much was careless and that contributed to him getting kidnapped and putting his classmates in danger. Which also was the reason everyone had to uproot their lives and move into the dorms. I think Mitsuki is trying to make him more humble and aware of how his actions affect others by saying this. I don't agree with how she communicated that, but I sincerely doubt her intention was to be cruel.
The problem is that Katsuki stans take one scene and run with it. But they also somehow miss the part where Mitsuki thanks Aizawa for sticking up for him and humbly asks him to make him a good hero. She even playfully ruffles his hair and he doesn't pull away. An abusive mother wouldn't care so much about her son's dream.
This same scene also implies that she regrets letting adults feed Katsuki's ego because she knows it made him worse. That's probably why she's harsher on him now, because she's aware that the temper of a 4 year old and a temper on a 16 year old are two different things and doesn't want him to continue to be violent and temperamental into adulthood. She's doing damage control the best she can.
That's probably why you relate her to your stepmother (who sounds awesome btw). Because you see a woman who's getting hate for trying to correct her violent, bigoted son's behavior before it escalates.
(Female Katsuki stans are such boy moms. No one can say or do anything to their precious Kacchan and nothing is ever his fault because he's just a poor child who doesn't know any better so who gives a fuck about his victim)
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atopfourthwall · 11 months
Geez Louise that was an aggressive response. I wasn't advising you on how to make everyone stop teasing you, mid level youtubers will always have jerks. I was talking about a proven method to deal with it in a healthy way- judging from your response alone I felt you needed. Think of its this way: you made that comic 17 years ago. Do you really want to be still getting SO angry and snapping at people in another 17? If not at LB but whatever else they'll come up with? But up to you, best of luck.
You're absolutely right it's an aggressive response. Maybe it was an unwarranted one... but your message was frankly unserious and unoriginal. Because your "proven method" is horseshit. "If you let people bully you, they'll stop bullying you." That's what you're recommending - be good natured about people insulting me. It is in fact not healthy to sit there and bear it and pretend I'm okay with it. I was quiet about it for a year or two before I finally started pushing back on it. I was miserable and it was affecting my mental health. They kept doing it - some because they honestly did not realize it upset me (and again, that's who the thread is for and I repeat - speaking out about is what got people to stop). But the other ones? "Do you really want to be still getting SO angry and snapping at people in another 17? If not at LB but whatever else they'll come up with?" Here is what you need to understand and I don't think you do: THESE PEOPLE DON'T FUCKING LIKE ME. They don't like my face. They don't like my voice. They don't like my show. They don't like my sense of humor. They don't like my hat. They don't like that I'm liberal. They don't like that I support LGBT+ people. They don't like that I analyze Power Rangers. They don't like me when I'm happy. They don't like me when I shout. They don't like me when I'm successful. They don't like that I was part of Channel Awesome. They don't like that I'm NOT part of Channel Awesome. They don't like my friends. They don't like me streaming. They don't like me criticizing truly awful people. They don't like when I don't dance to their little nickname. They. Don't. Like. Me. I am a joke to them - a clown, a living meme that they can throw my name out and it's an automatic laugh. I am not a person to them with thoughts and feelings and something that can be hurt. I am only real to them because they think I'm pathetic and they want to bully someone that they think is more pathetic than them. They do not and never will respect me. They see me as the guy who invented Lightbringer 17 years ago. That's it. That is all I will ever be to them... if I'm lucky, because these are the same kind of people who will try to find ANY weakness, anything that's slightly embarrassing I've said or done as a weapon... or just make up complete bullshit to attack me and make that into more memes against me, too. And the fact that you just refer to it as "teasing" me shows everything I need to know, frankly. Because that's all that it is to you - not something that was hurting me. Not something that was affecting my mental health. Not something that I respectfully ask people to stop doing because it makes me uncomfortable. Hell, your original message said I was "constantly" doing it. Two threads a couple years apart with a smattering of me asking one-on-one "Hey, can you not do this? It's actually intended as an insult." The assholes doing it to be assholes just get a block, because why the fuck would I try to engage with them? So yeah, if I'm aggressive in my response, I'm sorry, but your way is NOT healthy. Maybe my way isn't the right way for everyone, sometimes it CAN make things worse... but that's not the case for me and I get tired of bad advice from people who think they understand what's going on.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Greetings, may I ask for one Yandere Xenomorph??
Sure, I'll do a singular concept then one with more than one ^^
Yandere! Xenomorph Concept
[Focuses on the most common Xenomorph, Drones (Warriors, Lurkers, Soldiers, etc.)]
Pairing: Animal/Pet-like
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Obsession, Drooling, Biting, Hormones/Pheromones, Monster cuddling, Forced pairing, Kidnapping, You're treated like a "Queen" due to their biology, Murder, Blood, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Scenting.
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While Xenomorphs are more social creatures, it is possible to have only one obsessed with you.
For example, you could meet your Xenomorph on a ship like Ripley in the first movie.
That or encounter one in the wild by pure accidental luck and regret it.
They can handle their own when they're alone, so one could stay away from their nest for a long time.
Xenomorphs are also excellent stalkers due to their stealth.
A Xenomorph would watch their darling from a distance before approaching.
Using the ship scenario, you'd hear the vents creak and the heavy footsteps.
Sometimes they'd hiss or chitter... sounds faintly heard by you.
You would most likely have a Xenomorph Drone of the Warrior/Lurker variant in this concept. (I take other types, too.)
These are Xenomorphs with a humanoid host (usually human) so their actions resemble human behavior.
Warriors are usually blue and around nests.
Lurker Drones are usually quieter, have smoother heads, and have a black color.
Xenomorphs vary in size and color, so these are just examples.
I'm mostly focusing on common drones with human hosts you'd encounter.
All Xenomorphs are clever and quite intelligent.
The type of animal the host is may change it some, but most of the time they learn fast.
They'd watch carefully to see what you do, maybe even mimic it.
If they see something you do that they like or think is useful, they'll repeat it.
For example, affection.
They would probably mirror what you like.
That is... once the screaming and fighting stops-
While I personally believe all Xenomorphs are "female" due to laying eggs, you could call them whatever and they'd go along with it.
"Good Girl", "Good Boy", "Good Alien"...
They just accept the strange name you give them.
Even more so if you actually name them.
Which won't be for a long time, as you'll mostly be running from them.
They get upset when you run from them... which is why they chase you.
Which you understand as danger.
Xenomorphs don't really understand love.
It's a very complex emotion for them so they just... try to learn it from you.
Even more so if you found them as a chestburster and took care of them.
Or showed them just enough affection/kindness when they were younger-
Now, other than their queen, you're the closest to them.
Unless you met them not part of a nest, like on a ship, then you feel like their queen to them.
Their affection comes off aggressive.
They'll push you over (easy as their average height would most likely be taller than you) to nuzzle into you.
They'll sit on top of you before drooling all over you, chittering and wrapping you in their tail.
If they can, they're dragging you everywhere.
You're a huge comfort to the beast... feeling your strangely warm body against theirs soothes them.
Xenomorphs may bite their darling, not to hurt you though.
Mostly it's a strange desire to mark you in some way.
It gets the message across to other Xenomorphs with pheromones.
May save you from facehuggers and other Xenomorphs in the same hive, too.
They do not handle time without you well.
Once attached, they refuse to let you leave.
They will not sit and wait easily.
Your Xenomorph will hunt you down to follow you if it has to.
You'll hear constant whining when you are not around.
Xenomorphs are also territorial and possessive.
Any humans (or rival Xenomorphs from other hives) will be met with hissing and a bitter end.
It's scary... the Xenomorph who liked you so much now hunched over a corpse...
Body covered in blood and loud hissing leaving their mouth.
They can be quite tanky even as drones, too.
Simple handguns won't do much against it, you'll need something more automatic.
Good luck getting near a weapon when they're around, though.
They actually enjoy physical affection.
The foreign sensation of your warm hands petting their skull and body makes them chitter in a strange purr.
Next thing you know the murder machine is rolled over, allowing you to touch them while drooling.
Speaking of being clingy creatures due to being social... they will act different when transitioning to a queen.
You'll know your Xenomorph is ready to molt and grow when they act so worked up around you.
The rub against you, cooing while pulling you towards them.
They are incredibly affectionate due to this sudden hormone change.
It passes when they are unable to find royal jelly, but if they can somehow...
Your Xenomorph would become a praetorian, although you can keep them as drones if they are nowhere near a hive.
Trust me, keep them as drones, they are easier to deal with.
Your Xenomorph would also keep you somewhere where they can cover it with nesting material.
Abandoned areas, caves, holes, etc....
Anywhere they can cover an opening with resin and take care of you.
They love to nest with you.
As this Xenomorph is really removed from normal Xenomorph culture when they spend most of their time around you... they try to learn from you how to make you happy.
They don't eat, but they see you eat.
Which makes them look for food before bringing it back to the nest they made.
Try to eat it, will you? They got it just for you!
Then there's entertainment... they don't understand it.
They'd rather spend hours wrapped around you, hissing softly to soothe you while they enjoy your warmth.
Strangely... they'd really want to raise another Xenomorph with you?
The theory is because they're parasitic social creatures, they would want to raise more of themselves.
They'd think you'd enjoy that too.
Not you as a host, but they'll push in random hosts to make you "choose"
They also don't understand why you don't lay eggs....
How else do you breed?
Don't... don't answer that, they wouldn't understand anyways.
They'd be rather loyal to you.
Their species worships a queen, to them, you are their queen.
Which makes them listen to nearly everything you say.
But queens must stay in the hive, right?
To them, you belong here in their nest.
So you must stay.
Stay here forever with them while they take care of you as a Xenomorph should for the hive.
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delurkr · 1 month
i'm planning on writing daniel and angela from little hope and i was wondering if u could maybe describe their personalities because i struggle at doing that . . . *sits in chair* of course if u don't wanna do it that's fine !
NICE so hm ok.
One thing I believe with Angela is that she's always been naturally sharp in speech and quick-witted, but now she leans even harder into being very outspoken with her criticism because she felt stifled for so long during her marriage. She's just very done with pussyfooting around people's feelings, especially with people she doesn't respect, although when someone is actually being vulnerable with her she'll drop the prickliness (like when she listens and is encouraging when Andrew talks about himself).
Relatedly, I believe she's also people-smart but not likely to update her opinions about others very often. One of her main traits is Understanding, which I think primarily applies in the sense that she is perceptive, but also it's not wrong in the sense that she'll sometimes demonstrate understanding towards people (under the right circumstances like I said). She isn't always right about people's motives though, since she's biased to more or less think the worst of people.
She can be dramatic about minor things, which would kind of seem to contrast with her self-sufficient been-through-the-trenches old war dog persona that she pushes, but I think sometimes the overreacting about things like her shoes in the middle of a bad situation is part of the persona in a way, almost like she's carrying on as usual because she's so unfazed by the big things, if that makes sense. I see the drama as also being a deflection, because while she's happy to remind everyone that she's survived hardship she also doesn't tend to want to open up about the degree to which she's actually affected by it.
Lastly on her, I'll say that she has firm opinions on what's right and what's not (in the moral sense as well as just her personal preference) and that she tends to be an outspoken observer as opposed to wanting to get in the mix and actually change things, but she's driven to get things done when she sees a need for it.
Daniel is quick to react, doesn't put a lot of thought into what he does before doing it, and, I would say, isn't too self-conscious most of the time. He's not one to read between the lines on probably anything, so if he's feeling particularly insecure he'll question if he's a problem in whatever way is relevant in a given situation, but otherwise he'll probably be coasting clueless about any issues deeper than what he sees on the surface. I feel like more subconsciously he absorbs tension and gives out what he gets in most of his dynamics though, which plays into his Defensive trait which I'll get to.
He can be quite broody, and I'd say he's the one most likely to have mood swings, for which more often than not he'll be able to tell the reason why. Not because he's introspective (he's not), but he just doesn't really hold back on his emotions as soon as he feels them. He spends more time being generally even-keeled though because he's also pretty easy going (and therefore I believe easily underestimated, in-universe by Taylor specifically when she's toying with him in a negative arc, but also by players who think his character is bland). Other people being aggravating seems to roll off him without him holding anything against them, and it's specifically when things involve Taylor when he gets more upset, and also when he can't understand why people are doing the bad things they do, because he's very kind-hearted and doesn't like to see suffering.
His Defensive trait is interesting, because he can be quick to match people's energy and clap back when someone pushes him too far, but he kind of wears his heart on his sleeve anyway so I don't believe it's accurate to say he actually maintains a tough exterior. The other sense of the word is that he's defensive about what he sees as his, property and especially people and especially Taylor. (It's when Angela makes digs at Taylor that he gets upset with Angela, otherwise she doesn't really irritate him.) And he's sensitive to injustice and reacts to it reflexively, like he's often picking (and switching) sides to defend whoever he sees as the injured party during the game.
Relatedly I think there's a sense in which he often feels responsible for others and takes that seriously. He likes to lean into the "knight in shining armor" role (particularly with Angela and Taylor) whether or not anyone asked for it. He's pretty idealistic and likes something to fight for and measure up to, and unless he's down in the dumps himself, in which case he's not unlikely to drag others down with him, he's generally trying to bolster the others up and smooth things over. I don't believe he's mature enough to be good at it though, (link to previous statements about him matching tension), but he gets frustrated when his efforts aren't appreciated because he's probably doing all he knows to do. Last note that he's not naturally out to reinvent traditional things like gender roles in regards to his own behavior, which sometimes works in his favor and sometimes doesn't.
Those are some things that came to mind and as usual anyone is free to add on or explain why I'm wrong lol, but I hope there's something that helps ❤️
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1eoness · 1 year
hi! could i request something fluffy? maybe leon spoiling reader with some meal, or cuddles? thanks! ❤️
and yes ofc i love writing fluffy fluffy hehehehe (im kind of uncreative rn so sorry). btw i'm writing this in the same format as the other one but if you want it to be more structured and narrative just uh tell me LOL
content : fluffy leon kennedy x gender neutral!reader (it's written in second person though). pet names lol
synopsis : leon wants to spoil you so he's feeding you and providing you with an army's ware of cuddles >:)
-food is fuel and leon is a fucking engine
-tbh i hc that leon has a big appetite for sweet stuff,,,, i'm sure a big collective of ppl agree bc he's so squishy squishy [what the fuck am i saying idk]
-anyway enough about me gushing on leon.
-YOU. when will you ever take the time to let him spoil you? are you trying to avoid him?:((
-leon is part kidding. he's not mad ofc but sometimes he can't help but get a tiny bit worried about you sometimes.
-see, leon is a firm believer that a person cannot come to their best senses unless their basic/psychological needs are fulfilled. that includes things like eating, or affection—because when your body senses that you're lacking in something, it will use your brain power to signal you that you need to eat or be smothered with affection! hence you can end up feeling burnt out if u dont pay attention to ur love vitals!! >:(
-leon's mindset will always be applied on you because you're his second heart, you're his tough rock and you need to be taken care of!!
-HE KNOWS WHAT YOU'RE THINKING "affection? that's absurd people can still learn attentively and work efficiently without having to be coddled >:(" while yes in a sense its true—but sometimes you just don't realize that what you need is some time to be vulnerable and intimate, which can explain why your emotions feel a lot more heightened recently than usual (which he notices by the way). you've been tense for a while, and leon reasons that you can't just 'move on' from being overwhelmed with work stress and whatnot—you have to relieve it! but enough about theory.
-your hunger for food or affection is like a 7th sense to leon to be honest. while it's not an accurate intuition everytime, he's bound to think of you once every like two minutes.
-leon actually has very clear and high critical thinking skills. this means he is able to remember a lot of things about you even if he only notices them or you mention it once: this includes your comfort drink, where you like to be touched, hell maybe even the MBTI of your favorite character. and he ESPECIALLY knows what food you like. pad thai, sushi, oxtail, jerk chicken, cake, boba, YOU NAME IT HE KNOWS IF YOU LOVE IT OR NOT
-so when it actually came to asking you what you wanted, he'd send a text saying he's downtown and asking you 'what would you like, baby?'. he's careful with his words and doesn't say "do you want me to get you something on the way?" because it means he's giving you a choice >:( when the whole point is to spoil you because you deserve it.
-and if you answer with something vague like 'anything' HE DOESN'T MAKE YOU SPEAK FURTHER he'll just buy what he knows u like and keep the rest in the fridge if you dont wanna eat it :3 well that's what they're for, right?
"oh, my sweet.." his voice was quaint at the sight of you. leon tried his best to be silent when he entered the room, not wanting to sound like he was pitying you, but seeing you half-covered with comforters, mildly upset and your mind in a frazzle has his heart dropping a bit. you were probably thinking about so many things: meeting some deadlines, picking up this and that from the store, computing this... but you just couldn't organize your thoughts. but that's why leon was here.
your head moved to swivel his direction. "leon.." you smile at him weakly.
it was cold in the city tonight. leon places a hefty white plastic bag of your favorite on the nearby surface before he sits down in front of you from the edge of your bed. he takes the brief second of studying his lover's face before he pulls you into a comforting and warm hug. he can't help but pat the back of his sweet baby's head down, and you feel his lips barely nuzzle onto your ear as he mutters. "y're so good to me, baby. you know that?" leon reminds you before kissing the side of your head shortly. you tried to reciprocate it by giving him a nimble kiss on his cheek, which he gratefully accepts with an eager beam on his lips.
his hands slide down your arms in a soft stroke as he lets go of you gently. the rustling of the bed's layers being heard as leon moves a bit to reach for the hefty boxes of food, which he opens for you once he gives you take your utensil/s. leon's happy seeing you eat. it's a form of reassurance to him personally witnessing you getting the fill you deserve after a whole few days of being so busy and rushing everywhere. it's a calming sense to him as you both soak in comfortable silence while he watches you eat. he was caring less that it's 2 in the morning and caring more about the way the color on your face slowly vibrates back onto your features. you seem less tired, just by a tad percentage. it makes him smile to himself knowing he was able to take care of you. " 'm finished." you mumbled with a hum, feeling a little full and having to lie down. fullness makes you sleepy (and leon knows that!) so he has a subtle, cheeky little grin as he leans over and collects your legs with one arm, pulling you to make you lie on your back. he crawls over to lie down next to you, once again pulling you close to him while he wraps his arms around you— one patting and planted gently on your back while the other cradles your head close to his heart. just where you belong... "you tired, baby?" leon asked shortly and your little nod sufficed. his cheek gently rests against the side of the crown of your head. his touch is soft, it's sweet as he rubs and scratches down your back gently. he gently scruffles at your scalp with his other hand's fingertips, and the motions will send you to a hopefully revitalizing sleep ♡. he places a kiss on the top of your head, like a ribbon keeping its gift from falling apart :( he knows at this moment maybe you're thinking you don't deserve him. but that's so far from the truth.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Shaz, they went to home and fucked hard this day 🌚🌚🌚🌚
Look at my ever pretty Minie.. he was so beautiful that day 😍 and he's trying to take away his gaze from that man.
Look at JK, he looked damn hot and handsome that day. He looks like he'll lose that single ounce of control in his body any second. His sexual energy was so high that even Lizkookers used that clip of him with their girlie. (Funny thing is no one knows this Jkk clip but both Fandoms know that one cursed lizkook edit 😭)
And mimi casually landing on his lap 👍
Another analysis yeei!
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Anon the way I ran when I saw the F word 😂😂
I hate my mind 🤦🏽‍♀️
Anyway, actually anon i don't think this was one of those steamy nights.. I think it was the complete opposite where they went to bed a bit sad actually 😔 and had one of those pillow talks about how sometimes they hate being in the closet and what not. About how they always have to tone down Jikookery when other members can do what they want.
Okay, okay, okay. What I'm I talking about? Let's rewind.
First we have Jimin staring at JK, right?
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But what everyone misses is how Jimin rolls his eyes after. You can actually see it clearly on anon's zoomed in version here. Timestamp 0.21
So I don't think that stare was about Jimin admiring his extremely gorgeous man like many people think. Even though we can't forget how good JK looked damn 🔥
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That is one gorgeous man right there. I bet Mimi didn't know what hit him. Oh! I interrupt this programme to bring up this edit of JK and how hard puberty hit him in 2014.
That's the same fucking year y'all. Jimin slept one night thinking JK was cute and adorable, seeing him as his baby brother. And then one day he woke up and was like 👁👃🏽👁 JK's glow up is no joke. I'm sure Jimin didn't know what to do when his platonic affection took a turn. Ha haa! Poor Mimi really didn't know what hit him 🤭🤭
Back to analysis.
Here we have Jimin scratching and that's when he notices how close JK's hand is.
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Which is when he decides to nudge him. Hard to tell if JK feels that, because he doesn't react. But Jimin was real subtle and I'm impressed Jikookers caught this.
So what do we have here?
Okay so word on the street is that Jimin and JK had been talked to before these interviews and told to watch themselves. Tbf its not just Jikook who are supposed to calm down when members are in the US. They're all supposed to 'behave'. They know in the West people will interprete their skinship for gayness so they're usually pretty tame especially during interviews. On stage though it's a whole different story 😂😂
Anyway, JK wasn't happy about this. Which is a bit confusing since this clearly isn't new. So idk why he felt some type of way about this particular time. U can tell by how he was during this interview. If we are being honest JK is usually much more chipper and loud and happier than this during English interviews. There were many moments where RM, V and Jimin were yelling randomly and we all know usually JK is part of the random shouting. But this time he wasn't feeling it. He didn't even talk that much.
If this rumor/theory is to be believed, then it would explain why JK was down and also why Jimin rolled his eyes at him, no? Like "this brat" Or maybe he was rolling his eyes at the situation?
Idk but I do think this was to make JK feel better.
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RM and V were not impressed by that at all. Which again, I believe is because they had been told not to Jikook at all and here goes Jimin doing that 👆🏽 Also it totally wasn't necessary 😂🤭
But can we really blame him? Jimin saw his man was upset and didn't give a shit so he took his shot.
We already know Jimin placates JK alot. Or gives into his wishes to make him happy. If Jimin is doing something JK doesn't like, we have seen JK nudge Jimin or look at him some type of way or stared at him until Jimin stopped what he was doing. Jimin is a great boyfriend y'all. 🤗🤗
So Jimin randomly lying on JK's lap, couple that with that one subtle nudge where he tried to touch JK... I think this theory makes sense. I know some Jikookers think they were fighting, and JK was trying to reach out, but I think JK just really wanted to touch Jimin. I don't think they were fighting at all. Jikook as a couple were fine. It's just that the closet can be a bit suffocating sometimes.
Anyway, to summarize: Jikook were told not to well...Jikook. JK was not happy. (He never is) Jimin dropped on his lap to make him feel better. The end.
As usual, draw your own conclusions 😘
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absolutebl · 2 years
I'm new to bl so I apologize if my question is ignorant af. I'm watching Between us and like it so far. I got into bl via KP (there's just something addictive in it), but my absolute favourite is Semantic error. However, after those 2 series I for a long time struggled to find something that will work for me, and WinTeam finally did it. I love the characters of the 2 of them, there's even some plot, and the chemistry is through the roof. However, it kind of weirds me out that Win wanted Team to call him hia during lovemaking while at the same time him having two actual brothers is a huge part of who he is. Am I wrongly connecting "hia" with biological brothers? Maybe "hia" is something more in line with "bro"? Or not? Anyway, I love your approach to bl, and your humor.
No apologies necessary! Always delighted to meet a new fan. Welcome to the madness.
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Ah, hia is more like phi, which means it operates as kind of a title and/or a pronoun as well as, in this context, an endearment. (more on honorifics, honorific pronouns, and polite particles here). The direct translation is put up as “bro” but it’s a lot more complicated than that. 
For example, in English we may call a lover baby. That’s weird right? I mean think about it. Why would you call someone you’re fucking the title of a child? Creepy. Couples may continue to do such a thing even when they have babies of their own.
Or how about daddy? 
Or in Kdrama’s the use of oppa? (Girlfriends to their older boyfriends, also means older brother, female to male) 
Cultures tend to re-adopt familial terms for lovers a lot. It’s no weirder when it’s “sibling” (phi, hia, hyung, oppa, noona) than when it’s “child” (baby) or “father” (daddy), is it? Especially when the origin culture has a much more codified system of sibling honorifics and familial dynamics as part of their education and workplace environments (which both Korea and Thailand do, linguistically). 
Actually, endearment use for familial honorifics is common in many collectivist cultures. I’ve been becoming more and more aware of the use of 哥 ge (older brother) 弟 di (younger brother) and 姐 jie (older sister) in Chinese romances. And I do not speak ANY Mandarin. (Incidentally that’s the same jay as in Thai for older sister of Chinese decent, the feminine version of hia.) 
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In Semantic Error during yaja time (at the bar right before their big mutual kiss) JaeYoung drops some of THE sluttiest hyungs every dripped out of the mouths of babes. 
Hyung also means older brother, or roughly that. Again it’s also acts as an honorific. In this case it’s a blatant seduction. Prior to this he was very hung up on SangWoo’s utter refusal to use hyung on him, and upset that he simultaneously allowed oppa + a nick name from Ryu Ji Hye. I mean there was a respect thing going on there, but also an affection thing. 
Here’s Asian Honorifics & BL - a quick & dirty guide, with examples 
Meanwhile KinnPorche, Semantic Error, and Between Us is an interesting trifecta. Some others you might like? 
From Thailand: Bad Buddy, TharnType, Cutie Pie, Lovely Writer, Manner of Death
From Taiwan: We Best Love, HIStory 2: Crossing the Line, HIStory 3: Trapped, See You After Quarantine?, DNA Says Love You 
From Japan: Old Fashion Cupcake, Seven Days 
From Korea: To My Star, Blueming, Long Time No See, Roommates of Poongduck 304 
From China: Addicted: Heroin
All of these have pairs with killer chemistry and a decent story. 
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Hi I just have this random request on how Liebe from black clover would react to flirting from someone he likes. He game back from a mission a little beat up and the reader tends to while flirting with him
Sorry for taking so long on this request, Anon. It did originally come in the middle of another event. But still, it wasn't fair to make you wait several months for this.
It's a really cute idea and I had fun with it. I'm making my answer headcanons instead of a oneshot since my writing brain is a little tired at the moment.
Liebe Getting Flirted With
When it comes to romance, Liebe is as dense as they come. He knows what romance is, in that he's heard of it, but he never developed a crush until you came along.
Something about the way you never questioned him being a devil and took an interest in him directly rather than seeing him as an extension of Asta (which most people outside of the Bulls did), were some of the first things that caught his attention.
And his fondness of you grew from there.
He never considers that you'd like him back until one day that could've been like any other.
Liebe comes back from a mission a little beat. What was supposed to be a hunt for one bandit turned into a fight with a whole gang, thus Liebe had needed to throw a few punches himself alongside Asta.
That's why Liebe needs patching up when he returns.
You volunteer to tend to his wounds. You don't have any healing spells like Nero, but you practice non-magical first-aid.
At first, the flirting you use is very subtle. So subtle that it easily comes off as basic pleasantries.
"I'm glad you made it back alive" and "I'm happy to help you out with this."
Liebe doesn't really bat an eye as you sit close, maybe closer than strictly necessary, and wear an unfaltering grin as you clean up his wounds.
He's more focused on recovering and how being in your presence soothes him.
You decide to push your flirting when you begin to apply a healing salve. When you dab some salve on a cut under Liebe's eye, you linger to brush a thumb along his cheek.
"Hm, you know, I think you'd kinda look cute with a scar." The words are more forward and catch his attention, fluster him even.
He stammers for a moment (because of your closeness and your words) but manages to explain that it might not happen since his devil physiology means he doesn't get scars.
You're just so very gentle as you rub in the healing salve. You do it in part to not agitate his wounds and in part to admire his physic. You hadn't known before that devils could train and grow more muscular like humans.
Liebe's heart is starting to race because he's feeling the shift in your attitude towards him. His tail is twitching a bit and he feels a good sort of dizzy. And he honestly can't help himself from smiling as you tend to him.
Still, he doesn't presume romantic feelings from you. He knows he likes you but that doesn't mean you feel the same, regardless of how sweet you act with him.
Before you go to get bandages, you hold one of his hands between yours and say, "I hope you realize how happy I am that you came back and that we can spend time together."
Things like "it's unfair that you can look so cute after a fight" and "so you know, I'll always take care of you" come up while you bandage Liebe and his face is practically on fire because you're becoming more and more obvious with your affection but he's still at a loss.
Finally, you say "If you're not better soon, I might just try kissing you better, okay?"
Liebe starts stuttering and blabbering over the idea of kissing you. "Why would you kiss me?!" "You don't have to kiss me!" "It's not that I don't want to kiss you-!" "Does kissing actually heal people?!"
You do your best to not laugh since you know Liebe's temper would make him lash out at you. Try as you might, a bit of chuckling escapes you.
And this does upset Liebe, but he doesn't snap at you.
He pouts, turns his head away, and grumbles "It's not fair to tease me that way when I like you, darn it."
You scoot up to Liebe and lean against him. You apologize and explain that you'd been flirting for a while, but far more subtly and so you decided to push yourself to finally make him notice your feelings.
Liebe huffs and says you should've been more straightforward. But quickly takes his words back since he danced around his own feelings instead of just saying so.
With both of your feelings now in the open, you ask Liebe if you'd like to start dating. He, of course, agrees.
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victoria--ft-9801 · 5 months
Missing scenes from TBB
Part one: Phee shows Tech that emotions aren't completely bad, and sometimes, it's okay to express them.
Tech scrubbed at his tired eyes with his "clean" hand before continuing to work on The Maruder's hyperdrive. If these modifications worked, it might shorten the delay between when he pulled the gear to go into hyperspace and when the engines actually got them into hyperspace.
In english, he was trying to make the acceleration stronger on the hyperdrive.
Or, you know, trying to get his mind off... everything.
With his twin, Crosshair, gone... things were different.
But emotion was illogical, and a waste of time to contemplate or think about, so when Tech rubbs his eyes again, it's because he's tired and not crying, thank-you-very-much.
As Tech continued to make modifications on the hyperdrive, he heard footsteps approaching. The most likely cause would be Hunter, asking for his thoughts on something, needing to know some facts about the next assignment they had in a few days, or nagging him to take a break.
"Whatcha doing there, Brown eyes?" Or it could be Phee.
"I am rerouting the connection system on the hyperspace engines to allow for greater acceleration." Tech answered, pleasantly surprised it was Phee. Phee was always a good listener, even if Tech suspected that at times she didn't know much more of what he was saying than his brothers did. She was good at finding things to add to the conversation, even if every retelling of her tales got more outlandish. It was simply how Phee was; Tech wouldn't let them change that about her for anything in the galaxy. Except, maybe, to have everything be okay for once... but that was besides the point.
"You wanna come see the sun set? Your brothers are already on the shoreline." Phee was good at getting people to socialize, however, Tech wasn't in the mood.
"I'm quite alright, thank you. I'd like to get these modifications done before the next mission, and it will take some time."
Phee chuckled, grabbing Tech and tugging him along. "Come on, a couple minutes won't kill ya!" Phee trailed off seeing his red eyes. Red because he was tired, thank-you-very-much. Nothing else. Because emotion is illogical. "You okay?" Phee asked, stopping in her tracks and looking Tech in the eyes.
"I am quite alright, thank you," lies. "Just tired." Why was it that Tech hated making her worried? Why was it that lying and saying he was fine seemed so much worse when it was to her?
"If you need to talk about it, I'm here." Phee said. Tech was puzzled. Phee used the same, worried tone that his brothers sometimes did, but he didn't know Phee as well as his brothers. How could she care enough to be so worried?
"Talking about such illogical things such as emotions is almost as much of a waste of time as letting them affect your life is." Tech stated simply. "But as I said previously, I am okay. Simply in need of a good night's rest."
"Talking about emotions is a good, logical way to work through them. Just ignoring them means eventually it'll be too much. But do what you want, brown eyes. Just know I'm here."
She... had a point. It might be... helpful to get some of it off Tech's chest, even for a little while.
"I suppose you have a valid argument." Tech began, feeling tendrils of anxiety at the prospect of talking about emotions. "I've just been... upset. About my twin, Crosshair, leaving us."
Part two will be Tech actually telling Phee about Crosshair, I think. Hope you liked it! Requests comments and reblogs are open!
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Best lines of every death note song and why:
Where is the Justice?
What good is law that can’t
Punish those who break it?!
I love this line mainly because of the pure emotion in his voice when he sings it. He sounds so exasperated and tired. Justice was clearly a sore spot for him long before he picked up the Death Note.
They’re Only Human
[Ryuk, Rem]
They don’t see
Who they are is who they’ll always be
This line is great because of how the lyrics are the same but Ryuk and Rem each give them completely different meanings. Ryuk says it as a jest, a mockery of sorts. Rem says it with fascination and maybe a bit of pity. They can share the same beliefs and still view humanity differently.
Change the World
But what would happen if it's true?
Imagine all that I could do
Light just picked up the Note and he was already yearning to be the one that made change himself. It makes you wonder how his career in law enforcement would have gone without the Death Note's interference.
I am the God of a brave new world
Much better than the last!
well that escalated quickly.
You think you’re making changes
But the only thing you can change is your name
This is such an underrated line because it's true. No matter how much someone prods at the system, it never seems to do much. I guess it's more like Light stabs the system as opposed to prodding it, but with the same effect. Humanity doesn't change easily.
I'm Ready
And the world may be cold
And the world may be cruel
But this world is all that I've got
I forget sometimes that Misa isn't just a Light Yagami fangirl. She actually truly believes in the systems that Light is trying to implement. She wants to change the world for the better just as much as he does.
We All Need a Hero
When I get afraid, and all hope is gone
I reach for your hand and I belong
Cause someone like you, who's scared but won't run
Is standing his ground for everyone
These lines are painful for a couple reasons. The most obvious being that she's saying that Kira should be more like her brother, who is actually Kira. The hope and admiration on her face are enough to induce tears. The other reason being that those lyrics actually pertain to Kira for many, not just Light. So many different possible perspectives.
The Game Begins
The chase is on, the die is cast
I sift a thousand pixels
Until I chase you down at last...
The game begins!
I think this just reinforces the fact that L sees his competition with Kira as an interesting game to play. He sounds entertained.
There are Lines
You don't load a gun
You don't
[Soichiro, Light]
Close your eyes and shoot!
This is interesting because Light skips that first line entirely and only butts in for the last portion. It's symbolic of the fact that Light disagrees with Soichiro for the first part. His father says don't kill anyone period and Light says don't shoot blindly. kill with purpose.
Secrets and Lies
[L, Light]
The line is quickly blurring between what's right and what is not
I don't care who gets hurt now
As long as I get one more shot!
This is my favorite line in the entire musical. It captures their dynamic perfectly. Neither of them care about anyone but each other and winning their game at this point.
Mortals and Fools
Try as I will, I just don't understand it
Love is for mortals and fools
tHeSe wOrDs wiLL nOt cOme bAcK tO hAuNt mE lAtEr tHiS wEeK
Just like two actors on a stage
Go through the motions that we both rehearse
Our little new atomic age
Eyeball to eyeball
We'll see who blinks first!
A staring contest is an excellent metaphor for their game of cat and mouse. It's a contest where the slightest upset of any kind can affect the outcome and victor, and it requires you to be completely concentrated on your opponent.
I'll Only Love You More
My restless life is worth so much more
Because of you worth living for
If I find you maybe love me too
I'll only love you more
These lyrics tend to remind me just how much of Misa's will to live is comprised of Light. It certainly explains her actions after his death. She deserved better.
The Way Things Are
Always only believed what was
Right in front of me
What I could see
Shinigami are real because
It's the only way
The only way
I have no fancy explanation for this one, it just reminds me of the scene where he hears the word shinigami and falls over screaming. Never ceases to make me cackle.
Mortals and Fools (Reprise)
Love makes you break all the--
[Ryuk] (spoken)
Don't break the rules
The reprise was hauntingly beautiful in which Rem takes up Misa's old lines and sings them, as she finally understands what Misa meant. I also appreciate the little bit of care for Rem that Ryuk shows here. A warning of sorts.
Honor Bound
Timelines and coincidences can't replace hard facts
But if what I'm seeing, bends as light refracts
Am I blinded to what my son lacks?
Can we appreciate the Light puns please.
Playing His Game
[L, Light]
I’ll catch him when
I look through his eyes
See what he sees
And then improvise
Until I can learn what puts him at ease
I’ll walk in his shoes
As long as it takes
There is absolutely no heterosexual explanation for this level of obsession.
Borrowed Time
I'm cheating death with every breath
And every song and every sigh
With every day that I don't die
Is borrowed time!
These lines are just so beautiful to me. She sings about how death does not matter to her because she's only alive now on account of Gelus's sacrifice. The vigor she sings with here is also so wonderful.
When Love Comes
When love comes, it takes you by surprise
You see things through someone else's eyes
Rem finally understands love. Also that last line reminds me of a certain line in Playing His Game 🤨
The Way It Ends
I've seen through you right from the start!
I've simply let you play your part!
You'll never ever get away!
Don't you see that you will die today?
I love how even at the end, they're both trying to prove themselves to one another. They're trying to show that they won, that they're the better man/person/detective. That last line of Light's kinda shut L up tho 💀
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deadendtracks · 1 year
Why does Lizzie accuse Tommy of not let her in..ever? Imo he lets her in the most, even more then Grace tbh, that line kind of threw me off. Is she referencing to the fact she knows he is hiding something grave but refusing to tell her or it's a recurring theme that I somehow did not clock?
I think this is more about Lizzie's feelings than it is necessarily about reality; Lizzie takes some things personally that Tommy's pretty consistent across the board about with his family/everyone he knows. This is one of them.
That said, yeah, specifically in this case it's my interpretation that she knows that he's sick and hiding it from her. It's basically canon -- she tells him the sanitarium is trying to get ahold of him, she gives him the letter, she is there when the doctor leaves.
This isn't something Tommy tells anyone at all (and in my book, Lizzie's the one who tells Arthur), so it's not something he's aimed personally at Lizzie. But Ruby just died and he's her husband and she loves him, so it's completely understandable for her to react this way.
On a larger scale, this is something of a recurring theme for her -- at least as far back as 5.01 when she's upset that he's told Polly about the Chinatown plan but not her. And it's ambiguous from what we see at the end of s5, but it's also possibly she wasn't told anything about their plan to assassinate Mosley given she wasn't at the family meeting. Those are two examples where Lizzie specifically isn't in on something that other people in the family are; her asking him in s5 to let her into his head sometimes stands out.
The bit about him having told Polly something he hasn't told her is a direct parallel to Polly knowing about the Russian business when Grace doesn't -- my guess is this is more about keeping his immediate family out of things he thinks are dangerous, with a side of not having to deal with their objections. Not specific to Lizzie personally so much as specific to her role as wife, maybe. In the Shelby family business the wives are generally left out of the plans, and Polly isn't a wife.
On the other hand, there are also examples where Lizzie takes some of his behavior personally that is just about his own coping mechanisms, not any intentional keeping her in the dark: in 6.02 when she corners him at the hospital and gets frustrated at his flat affect, for example, what she says to Ada about "no more Polly, no more Tommy" -- this is just Tommy shut down due to trauma and anxiety, he's not deliberately keeping things from her here so much as he is unable to express them period.
Another element to this whole dynamic is how much Lizzie actually wants to know versus what she says about wanting to be let in. In the scene in the hotel where she expresses this idea that he's never let her in, he'd just asked her if she wants to know what comes next in his planning. And she says that she knows enough. So there's a real push-pull thing happening here where she gets upset about not being let in but signals there are things she doesn't want to know. I feel like I've written about this before more articulately. And the thing she doesn't want to know, the thing that's next, is most likely the fact that he knows he's going to be propositioned by Diana Mitford. Would he have told her about it if she'd said she did want to know? I don't know, probably not, but it's an open question.
I'm not really someone who thinks Lizzie constantly compares herself to Grace in her marriage; but it's notable to me that the truth is Tommy *didn't* particularly let Grace in any more than he does Lizzie. Part of that is most likely due to her betrayal in s1 -- he never trusts her the same again. Part of it is that like Lizzie, Grace expresses some opposition to actually knowing what's going on. This not wanting to know is definitely a sign to Tommy to not let them in fully -- it's something of a two way street here. You can't expect to be let in to someone's head fully if you push back when the stuff there is ugly.
On that note-- Lizzie's own reactions to Tommy's suicidal behavior contribute to all of this. And I'm not saying she's a bad person (her reactions are very human and have context) but it's another signal that she doesn't really want to know what's in his head.
It's a complex relationship for a lot of reasons and not all of those reasons are on Tommy's end.
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I want to talk about why I am so upset with Agnes but it is because of stupid decisions she makes which I feel reflect poorly on me by association. I really do feel responsible for her. I feel like I am her brother and boyfriend and dad and also like her caretaker or something, like she has some serious developmental disability. because when I am not around to tell her to act right she behaves as if she does. and this is the complicated part - she has a boyfriend sort of and he's really pathetic, I like the guy for her because he's harmless but he really has no backbone at all. and when she ruins her life and has nowhere to turn she knows that if I am upset with her I will turn her away but this guy always takes her back. she's cheated on him multiple times, she's kind of a bad person. he's the guy who didn't like me because I used to be racist or whatever. but I feel bad particularly for this guy, because it's going to affect him more than it does anyone. when she makes bad choices and ruins her life he will sort it out for her and then she'll be off to ruin her life again if I'm not there to stop her. again, she is a bad person.
I like Agnes very much we are very good friends but she is like a lot of young women in that she just kind of drifts around and chameleons to whatever environment she in. you know what I mean? a lot of young women don't really have a WILL that they want to impose upon the world. they just sort of match whatever situation they find themselves in. men too I guess but especially young women. I don't mean this in a misogynist way its just an observation I've made, I don't really care either way and I don't think it's good or bad. to have excessive will is very antisocial. anyways, when she's around me it's good, around other people it's bad. I have only good intentions in my heart. as I said I feel totally responsible for her. she is seriously like my daughter and I feel so fucking annoyed and irritated when she doesn't listen to me and makes stupid choices.
if I had an actual daughter though I feel like she would turn out right, I mean she would have good self esteem and a backbone. I haven't known Agnes that long and she was an adult with a developed brain (she's older than me!) so while maybe I could have some ideological influence I guess at the end of the day it doesn't stick if your brain is already wired to be non-ideological and, again, to make stupid fucking decisions.
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