#actually that's a lie I can totally believe that
waffles505 · 17 hours
OMITB S4 Killer Theory
Ben GLENroy isn't dead. 
This is my theory for OMITB Season 4. Although I do ultimately think that there are 2 killers/people involved, I believe I have a good part of it solved. Again, just a theory, this could end up being totally wrong...but let me know what YOU think. 
In S4E4, our favorite trio (Charles, Mabel & Oliver) go to "Concussions", a bar for stunmen founded in the 70s. We learned that Sazz was there and posted a selfie the day she was murdered. When they start asking questions about Sazz, stuntpeople who were all friends with Sazz, start to get agitated. Especially with Charles (this makes sense as he was Sazz's "face"). As things start to escalate, out of nowhere, a man rolls into the conversation. The trio is shocked to see Ben Glenroy (the victim of S3). Irish Paul Rudd says that he is actually Ben's stunt double...Glen Stubbins. Glen explains how he's mad at the trio for taking "Ben" from him and claims that "15 years he worked for Ben". Throughout this conversation, Glen keeps seeing "rats" everywhere, trying to kill them. No one else sees the rats he's talking about. As the stuntpeople start to get more upset, Glen escorts the trio out of the building. Once they are outside, Glen apologizes for having to play up the "fighting" and wants to talk to Charles. Specifically, he asks Charles if he will be his new "Face". Charles politely declines and Glen begs him for work on a project. Mabel offers Glen a position on the film being made about their podcast and Glen is relieved. He then goes on to show off some "stunts" he can do and the trio is impressed and scared at the same time. When asked about the back room in the bar, Glen tells them about Dr. Maggie who is a chiropractor that helps all the stuntpeople with their pain management. Charles, alarmed, asked if Sazz was in pain. Glen responds "She was in pain, thanks to you". After deciding to take Charles to meet Dr. Maggie, Glen warns Charles to "Mind the rats". Glen stays and listens in on Dr. Maggie's conversation both Charles. We learn that Sazz was in pain and planning to retire to a new career. She was "hurt from a one-sided relationship", Charles believes it's himself that hurt her. We later see Charles return to Concussions, where he decided to "Tap in" for Sazz, so that she could have a proper stuntman's funeral. 
After being hit with a fake bottle, Charles is shocked (rightly so). Glen leans in and tells him, "Lie still, dead man". When it's Glen's turn to say his "goodbyes" to Sazz, he accidently(?) uses a real bottle to hit Charles, knocking him out. 
As chaos ensues and stuntpeople fight one another, Glen says to himself, "this is what Sazz would have wanted."
Soo...what is my theory? 
Ben Glenroy didn't die. His "stuntman" did. Here' what I think happened: 
Ben was the one that temporarily died from the rat poison. In S3, we're led to believe that Ben died from the poison, miraculously survived it, only to be murdered again after being pushed down an elevator shaft. #Rip
Here’s the thing…Ben showed up rather quickly from the hospital to the after-party. With something as serious as ingesting RAT POISON, there’s no way he would be able to walk around and show up, just fine, to the party that occurred so soon after. I believe that while Ben was recovering in the hospital, Ben’s (real) stunt double went in his place (or shall I say, “tapped in”) to the party and unfortunately ended up being killed. Now, whether Ben knew about his stunt double doing this at the time, I don’t know. Recovering from Rat Poison would likely take days, possibly even weeks to recover from (especially considering the amount he was given).  I think the loss of his Stunt Double, especially if they had a relationship similar to what Sazz and Charles had, would hurt him greatly. Ben would probably feel guilt, like we see Charles experiencing in the current time. But if someone wanted Ben dead, hearing the news that he was still alive could put himself in danger. So what does he do? He decides to put on another great performance…that being ”Glen Stubbins”. 
We know that “Glen” is seeing rats everywhere. Ben was poisoned with RAT posion and I wouldn’t be surprised if he had to deal with some side effects after such a serious health scare, such as hallucinations. Ben also likely has PTSD and could be seeing these “rats” as a result. 
Also…Ben Glenroy? Glen Stubbins?
They both have the word GLEN in their names. That’s too much of a coincidence. There’s NO WAY that Ben just happened to find a stunt double who looks identical to him with partially the same name as him. We know that Ben isn’t the smartest bulb in the pack, so perhaps he should have picked SOMETHING other than “Glen”. 
Now, why would Ben do all of this? 
MOTIVE: We know that Ben HATED Charles. While Charles was working on Brazzos, a young Ben Glenroy was cast as a series regular. However, after the first table read, Charles told the director that Ben was a phony and had him fired. Ben blames Charles for his failing acting career. Ben could very easily, in some twisted way, ultimately blame Charles for his Stuntman dying. 
This could mean that Ben had the motive to kill Charles AND/OR Sazz. 
*Although I believe Charles was the true intended target, Sazz being the target is still a possibility. 
Let’s say Sazz WAS the target, Ben knows Sazz. How? Ben briefly worked on Brazzos, which Sazz was Charles’s stuntman for. Maybe Ben wanted Charles to understand the pain he’s in? He wants Charles to know what it feels like to lose that special person. 
IF Charles was the intended target, we already have several reasons for why Ben would kill him. Charles “ruined” his life. What makes a better murderer than someone who’s already supposed to be dead? NO ONE would think/suspect Ben Glenroy, a dead man, could have done it…
I don’t think Ben decided to pretend to be his stunt double until he realized that Charles wasn’t the one that died, Sazz did. Ben gets away with murder, it never gets solved, he ruins Charle’s life in the process, and imagine the Hollywood comeback he would have if he revealed that he had actually been alive this whole time.  What a performance!
As for the other murderer/person involved, I don’t know WHO it is yet, but think Ben must be connected to someone in Hollywood. This person would have to distract the gang with a “movie” about the podcast…but I don’t think the movie is even real. I think it’s all a distraction just to lead up to the big reveal...A movie/documentary about the return of Ben Glenroy and how he survived death. Now THAT would be a huge blockbuster hit. 
As for who dies next…I’m worried for Howard, Loretta, and Oliver. 
Let me know what you think! <3
Reddit Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/OnlyMurdersHulu/comments/1foy09g/s4_killer_theory/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
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thetaoofbetty · 2 years
Another Monday, another round of Betty, and just Betty is the worst. And deserves to suffer. Seriously waiting for the last episode to air so I can be free.
weird how archie never gets included in the conversation about his own relationship, right?
tho, if i had the power to make all the choices for everyone the way everyone acts like betty does, i would make wild ones.
first up: everyone has to wear glitter. no reason. i'm just a product of the 90s and it still does something for me.
wait, wait, i made this a long ass time ago:
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apply as needed.
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presumenothing · 4 years
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CHUANG2021 » mentor zhou shen has a question…!
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thelegendofclarke · 5 years
me during January—November:
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me during December:
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elibeeline · 4 years
Hmm heart go pang pang owie why?? Why anxiety go up??
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virglows · 5 years
i can’t believe there are so many opinions on what is a pretty standard haircut
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thanagrian-a · 6 years
i can’t believe shay still falls under the whole “cops date cops” stereotype
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willelbyers · 6 years
Mishi you’ve made it to instagram explore pages (and people are still complaining about the lack of Loki in the comments lmao)
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kurokoros · 2 years
actually really messed up over the way that Steve Harrington is a character that's desperate to be wanted by someone and the narrative repeatedly punishes him for it. he's a very metaphorical and literal punching bag each season, but it's Steve so it's always a haha funny in hindsight moment or whatever trauma he goes through simply isn’t addressed afterwards.
like, it's implied that his parents aren't around much and/or they have an unhappy and unhealthy marriage (his mom has to follow his dad on business trips to make sure he isn't cheating, which happens often enough that his friends can joke about it). his friends sucked and he obviously didn't agree with or like some of the things they did, but at least they paid attention to him so it was something. he has a reputation for serial dating (or at the very least sleeping around) by the beginning of his junior year in high school. S1 has Nancy blow him off, lie to him, and then spend the night with Jonathan Byers in her bedroom, leading him to believe she’s cheating on him (and despite the audience knowing that’s not technically the case, there’s no denying that the scenes between Nancy and Jonathan were meant to imply romantic chemistry between them). in S2, drunk or not, Nancy is extremely cruel in the way she blames him in part for the death of her friend and calls their entire roughly year long relationship bullshit (which she never really apologizes for), after which she disappears for several days, leaving their relationship ambiguously over, only to show up again a few days later with the new boyfriend she spent over a year pining for. S3 he pours his heart out to Robin just to be rejected when there were totally different ways to work her coming out scene into the plot that didn’t involve spending x number of episodes hinting towards them as a couple just to pull a bait and switch for the audience. and then in S4 Steve is both insecure about his friendship with Dustin, who has more in common with Eddie than he does with Steve, and he has several different people telling him that he's still interested in Nancy and that she's also interested in him (Dustin, Robin, Eddie), only to have his heart kind of broken all over again when she goes right back to Jonathan. 
and that's emotional pain on top of getting beaten or otherwise attacked every season. though arguably justified, in S1 Steve is slapped, punched, and shoved around. during his fight with Billy in S2, Steve is beaten to the point of being knocked out cold for an undetermined amount of time between roughly 10-30 minutes. this is treated like a joke in S3, but considering the number of blows he took to the head there should have been a very serious concern over him having a concussion at best and trauma to the brain at worst. S3 is the same, but the focus on him feeling “like [his] eye is about to pop out” implies ocular trauma. he’s then drugged and nearly has his fingernails ripped off as a form of torture. finally in S4 his bare back is dragged across the ground, he’s strangled, and he has chunks of flesh ripped out of his sides, which I can’t remember being addressed at all after the group returns from the upside down. 
that’s a lot to go through in the ~2.5 years that Stranger things covers. and what’s worse is that I can’t remember a single time where a character asks if he’s okay
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transmascissues · 2 years
being told (by another trans person!!) that i should be using the men’s bathroom and not the women’s bathroom at this point in my transition because “most cis people would just look at you and think you’re a guy” is...so fucking surreal.
this is someone i literally met that day — what makes them think they know how people see and treat me in day to day life? do they really think i, a very out trans man who avoids being categorized as a woman as much as humanly possible, would be going into the women’s bathroom if that were true?
my stomach DROPS every time i have to use the bathroom in public because i hate having to go in there so much — if it were actually true that cis people would look at me and just see a man, i’d never do it again!
but guess what? i have to, because that’s not how cis people see me at all! so many trans people have it in their heads that the second a trans man goes on t, he passes perfectly and will never face transphobia or misogyny ever again, and it’s a total fucking lie but they believe it so strongly that they’re actually willing to shame us for keeping ourselves safe based on these preconceived notions that have no basis in reality.
i think a big part of the context that’s missing is that cis women not seeing us as other women anymore doesn’t mean cis men see us as men!
it’s very easy for me to see that the cis women i interact with don’t see me as “one of them” anymore — they may try to fit me into that box because they can tell i’m not a cis guy so they know i “should” be able to fit into it, but t has had enough of a noticeable effect that the cognitive dissonance is too much for them and they clearly can’t make themselves see me as a woman anymore.
but cis men don’t see me as “one of them” either! they clearly recognize the masculinity of my appearance, but they don’t ever really see it as maleness; they carry themselves differently around me than they do around cis women, but also differently than they do around each other. if me and my DDD chest were to walk into a men’s bathroom, my deep voice and dusting of facial hair isn’t going to help me — they’ll know i “don’t belong” there.
(not to mention, i’m still wearing a mask in public places, as we all should be because we’re in a fucking pandemic, so that dusting of facial hair and most of the other changes to my face are pulling no weight as far as how people see me anyway)
there are no gendered spaces that i can comfortably enter right now, and depending on how the rest of my transition goes, there might never be. so i have to pick the place that’s the least likely to get me hurt if someone’s gets mad at my presence, and that means going into the women’s room, because if we’re being honest, my 5’3 disabled self stands a much better chance against the average cis woman than i do against the average cis man, and that’s the kind of calculation i have to make every time i walk into a gendered space like a bathroom.
“but tumblr user transmascissues,” you may be saying, “what about the actual women in those bathrooms? they’ll feel unsafe if they see someone who doesn’t look like a woman in the bathroom with them!”
and to you i say, you know that’s literally just poorly recycled te/rf rhetoric, right? like you’re just parroting the moral panic about letting trans women (who cis people think “look like men”) into bathrooms because “think of the poor cis women!” it’s not suddenly a good argument to make just because you switched the target from trans women to trans men who are literally just there for our safety and probably hate it too.
do i hate the idea that my presence might make someone feel uncomfortable or unsafe? yes, absolutely! that’s one of my biggest fears about medically transitioning, because i’ve been made to feel unsafe by cis men and i would hate to make someone else feel that way! of course i hate it!
but at the end of the day, i also know that my presence there isn’t actually a danger to them because i know i’m not going to do anything bad to them. and i also know that there is a very real danger to me if i go in the men’s bathroom. so why would i subject myself to actual danger just to avoid making a hypothetical cis woman uncomfortable?
trans men’s lives are more important than cis women’s feelings. i do not have to put myself in real, actual, physical danger just because some cis women think hearing a lower voice in the same room as them is a threat. do i understand why they might think that? yeah! but that doesn’t mean i have to put my safety on the line because of it.
at the end of the day, i know for a fact that i do not pass well enough right now to be better off in a men’s bathroom than i am in the women’s. and i wish people — ESPECIALLY other trans people — weren’t so quick to encourage me and other trans men to make less safe decisions just because they personally perceive us as passing well enough.
there is no objective measure of how well someone passes; you can’t look at someone and say “yeah, you pass well enough to be safe in x place” because you can’t look at a person you’ve never met and just magically know how they’re treated in their daily life.
so if a trans man tells you they don’t pass well enough to safely go into the men’s spaces that you think they should be in? just believe them and drop it.
we know our lives better than you do. don’t make us feel even worse about something that we already probably feel like shit about.
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alright no one asked but here are my final opinions on the kids. obviously spoilers for the quarry ahead
jacob: super mixed feelings. idiot who ruins everything, but most realistically 18-20yo in his behavior. makes stupid mistakes because he thinks with his dick, but also openly cries and shows fear often which i appreciate. didn’t like how he tried to force emma into a relationship at all, but the “i wish i could tell you i’m sorry; i don’t know what to do” lines were deeply satisfying for me. he was also actually funny to me in a couple scenes which is more than i can say for some of the others. “hhhngng skill”
emma: liked her, then didn’t like her, then was mostly distracted by her awful dialogue and strange mouth animation, not that that’s her fault. i think i understand her to an extent from her conversations with abi—she believes her talent and therefore her value lies in being entertaining, so everything she does has to be some kind of spectacle. unfortunately, it just wasn’t the kind of spectacle i found fun to watch, i.e. flirting with someone despite not reciprocating their feelings, creating drama where it wasn’t necessary, etc
kaitlyn: easily one of my favorite characters. i don’t find her funny at all, but just as it was with emma, that’s more the writers’ fault than anything. regardless, once the lighthearted tone of the night finally dropped and shit hit the fan, i liked her character infinitely more. she’s so clever!! and i love how handy she is. honestly many of the hacketteers wouldn’t have survived if it hadn’t been for her taking the reigns when necessary. what a total badass—and i’d say a semi realistic one, who still exhibits fear and panic
ryan: love this kid. everyone in-game seems to think he’s mysterious and brooding but he’s actually mostly just awkward and shy—at least that’s how i read him. and even though i saw other people getting annoyed with him for pushing back against laura at first, i really admired his loyalty and his sticking to his personal morals until he couldn’t anymore. he helped her in the end anyway, isn’t that telling enough that he ultimately does what needs to be done? also love the headcanon that he’s autistic, i definitely see it.
dylan: right up my alley. slightly annoying smartass? check. actually quite genuine and kind? check. secret genius? fuckin check babe. hard for me to pick a favorite scene of his; i enjoyed watching him interact with the others regardless of who he was with. maybe that’s because i think his dialogue sounds the most naturally human? at least in the playthroughs i observed. i’m also a bit embarrassed to admit i actually found him pretty funny, but let me know if that’s just favoritism lol
abi: sweetheart, but pretty one-note to me. i admired her kindness towards the other characters but i spent most of her screentime feeling bad for her. i think she’s very cute and would’ve been open to seeing more from her, though i suppose i understand why she fell to the wayside a little bit. not everyone needs to be a fearless badass, i can appreciate her role of needing more protection than the others. she felt the most like a typical 18-20yo girl to me.
nick: i guess he seemed like a sweet kid before shit went south for him. obviously i enjoyed watching his behavior change from “baby deer” to “cause for concern” over the course of his transformation. his… let’s call it “food aggression” over abi was incredibly uncomfortable and delightfully creepy to me. i was glad when she pushed him away of course, i just appreciated seeing the progression. besides that i didn’t particularly care for him one way or the other.
max: not gonna lie i love this dude. i unironically find him funny, i appreciate that he wasn’t overly skeptical of laura when she was scared in the woods, and even when he snapped at her he apologized right away calmed himself down. i also liked that he was primarily the one who needed saving. his takes never missed he was always right, they should’ve just gone to the motel and leaving a voicemail is absolutely not the same as calling ahead. love u puppy boy
laura: took me a hot min but i did in fact warm up to her a bit. obviously the mess she got them into was largely avoidable, but seeing as this is a horror game, i won’t fault her for that. i can even admire her stubbornness for the sake of character depth. i also liked her intelligence and resourcefulness, and sort of enjoyed watching her grow more ruthless towards the hacketts in order to save max. corruption in the name of love is what horror is all about baby
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eddies-ashtray · 2 years
Jam // Eddie Munson x GN!Reader
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Synopsis: Eddie has the whole Hellfire gang over (including you) after the completion of a very successful campaign. You and Eddie haven’t been friends for very long, so you’ve never seen his trailer before tonight. A combination of curiosity and a desire to get inside Eddie’s mind lures you into his bedroom to snoop. 
WC: 2.9k 
Category: Fluff.
Content: This takes place during Eddie’s first senior year (reader and Eddie are the same age), Gareth and Jeff tease reader about their crush on Eddie, reader snoops in Eddie’s room without his knowledge (but he’s not angry about it), mention of underage drinking, mention of smoking, the term “love boner” is used a grand total of 3 times, love (like) confession, Eddie calls reader “sweetheart”, Eddie thinks reader is prettyyyy, Eddie is nervous around reader. 
A/N: Kinda definitely inspired by the Email Surveillance episode of The Office where Jim has a BBQ at his place and Pam finds his room and just kinda looks around and finds an old yearbook picture of young Jim!! Also, I’m pretty sure one of the Corroded Coffin members is unnamed, so I’ve opted to call him Kenneth. 
It was nearing midnight now and the general excitement from the success of the campaign had dwindled by this time in the night. But everyone was still laughing and chatting with each other; either sprawled out on Eddie’s living room floor or sitting on the porch outside and drinking. 
You were part of the former group, sitting criss-cross on the carpeted floor, listening as Gareth and Jeff argued about some characters from a movie you’d never seen and probably never would as they were spoiling just about the entire plot before you. 
Beginning to tune them out, you lean back on your hands on the floor, peer out the open door of the trailer, and listen for Eddie’s voice. You can hear him faintly, sitting out there with the rest of the guys and laughing. You smile softly at the sound. 
Gareth nudges your leg with his socked foot then, bringing your attention back to the room. 
“What?” You wonder.
He pins you with a pointed look as if to say you know.
“What?” You ask again, drawing out the vowel and tipping your head back, playfully irked that he’s being so cryptic. 
When you look back at them, Gareth and Jeff are exchanging a meaningful look. 
“Okay, seriously, what?” 
“You are so obvious, it’s sad,” Jeff comments finally. 
You give them both an incredulous expression, sitting up again. 
“Don’t look so shocked! You can’t seriously believe that you hide it well at all,” Gareth pipes up. 
“Hide what well?” 
“Your massive love boner for Eddie,” Gareth finally clarifies. 
You scrunch your face up at his choice of words, “Gross. I do not have a-that for…Eddie,” You whisper his name. 
“Then why are you whispering?” Jeff whispers back. 
“Because you’re both being dorks…and I have to go to the bathroom, so. Excuse me,” You lie, pushing yourself off the ground and heading towards the back of the trailer where the bathroom is. 
They both snicker as you walk away and you flip them the bird as you open the bathroom door. 
They knew you were lying. Obviously. But you didn’t think you were that obvious about it. You thought you kept your longing stares to a minimum and tried your best not to laugh too loud at Eddie’s stupid jokes. 
But he was just so nice to look at; his long, pretty hair (that was actually softer than you might expect, despite it’s frizziness), his big baby cow eyes (you swore they held entire galaxies of stars, they shined so bright sometimes), the way that if you’re looking at him from the right angle when he’s speaking, the tip of his nose wiggles slightly, and his eye lashes that were so long they kissed his cheeks! 
And you actually found him quite funny as well; he was silly with his humour, never taking anything too seriously. You couldn’t help it that you might let out obnoxious snorting laughter when he cracks a joke at the lunch table or that your gaze might linger too long or trail too far on him. 
So maybe you weren’t as subtle as you thought. But how couldn’t you fall for someone like him? Someone so pretty, and funny, and kind, and sweet. 
On top of all of that, Eddie was your very first friend at Hawkins High when you moved here last September. He was the first person to show you any kindness or hospitality, so of course you sort of glommed on to him after that. 
You remember the day so vividly because of how nervous you were. Transferring schools in your final year of high school was daunting; starting from scratch so late in the game meant that people already had their established friend groups for years, and you didn’t think you would be able to weasel your way into any of the major cliques. It’s not like you really fit in anywhere at your last school, but at least you had some friends. 
On your first day, you were sitting by yourself in the cafeteria, your nose buried in The Fellowship of the Ring, when Eddie had just sidled up to your table and struck up a conversation about the book. Turns out, he was also a big Tolkien fan. 
Despite his intimidating appearance, he seemed nervous when he asked, “Would you want to maybe come sit with me and my friends?” His fingers fiddling with the chunky rings on his left hand. 
He seemed nice and you didn’t have anyone else to sit with, so you agreed. And you sat with them everyday since, becoming fast friends with the whole gang. But your were closest with Eddie; thick as thieves as they say. 
Eddie was actually the one to introduce you to DnD. You’d heard of it before, of course, but you didn’t know anyone who was as passionate about it as Eddie seemed to be (which meant he was willing to spend long hours teaching you how to play). 
He surprised you in a lot of ways; it was quite disarming how he came into your life and took up so much space in your brain. You wanted to get inside his sometimes too. Both in the same way that he was nestled into yours and in the way that meant knowing him more deeply. 
You’d become close in the last 7 months, but there was still so much you didn’t know about him. Which is part of the reason why coming to his trailer tonight excited you so much. You can really get to know someone just by examining their living space; are they clean or messy? Do they have posters on their walls or framed paintings? Something told you Eddie wasn’t the type for framed paintings. 
After splashing some cold water on your face and drying your hands (you hadn’t actually needed the bathroom, it was only a cheap excuse to get out of Gareth and Jeff’s teasing about your aforementioned love boner), you step out of the bathroom to find the living room now empty. 
They must have gone outside with the rest of the guys. 
Just as you were about to start down the hall to join them in the cool spring air, you stop. There was a door behind you, clearly Eddie’s bedroom. 
You knew it would be wrong to snoop, but you were curious. You couldn’t very well get to know him by looking at the dishes in his sink, could you?
So, with that flimsy (at best) justification, you turn around and slowly twist the handle on Eddie’s bedroom door to reveal the dimly lit room, a single lamp switched on on his nightstand, casting an orange glow across the space. 
As you suspected, no framed paintings hung on the walls. Instead, they were littered with various posters of metal bands and what appeared to be a home-made Corroded Coffin flag; a white canvas with the letters painted in thick black paint. 
The room smelled faintly of cigarettes and weed and something underneath that was much stronger; something inherently Eddie-like. 
You step inside the room, tilting the door, but not closing it completely, and reach out to thumb at the corner of the home-made flag. 
You wonder when he could have made it. You knew that Eddie, Gareth, Jeff, and Kenneth had been in the band together since middle school, so maybe little 12 year old Eddie had made it. 
His room was a little messy (which you’d sort of expected considering the state of his van most of the time), but not in a disgusting way; there were just things everywhere. Kind of like he’d picked things up, put them down, and then forgot they were there and just never put them away again.
He’s got a bunch of different sized amps scattered around the room, a couple in the corner, lining the walls, and another much smaller one sitting on his dresser. There are stacks of what you can only assume to be fantasy novels, a couple of smaller stacks of magazines. Next to the door, you recognize a few mechanic themed ones that your father also owns and you wonder briefly if Eddie knows how to fix cars. He’s never talked about it before, but maybe he didn’t ever think it was relevant information to share with you. 
But you think that anything Eddie-related is relevant to you. 
Wandering further into the room, Eddie’s electric guitar catches your eye immediately, mounted on his mirrored wall like it’s his most prized possession (and it most likely is). It’s a gorgeous thing really, very metal. You want to reach out and touch it, but you don’t; knowing how protective he is of it. And you didn’t want to overstep more boundaries than you already had. 
Stepping over some clothes scattered across the floor (a couple band tees and a pair of jeans), you take a seat on the side of his bed, scanning his nightstand. 
There’s an ashtray, filled almost to the brim with half-smoked cigarettes as if he hadn’t emptied it in a while, a candy wrapper or two, a small bowl filled with jewelry (mostly rings) and a couple other random items, and then your eyes land on a small blue box. 
It surprises you when a flash of white hot jealousy sears your stomach for a moment (it seemed you didn’t like the thought of him like that with anyone), before fizzling out as something more interesting catches your eye. 
Near the bottom of a stack of magazines in the corner of his bedroom is what appears to be a Hawkins Middle School yearbook. Oh, you gotta see this! You’d heard from the boys that Eddie had a buzz cut back then, but you couldn’t picture him with anything but his beautiful mane of hair.
Your heart leaps in your chest as you stand from the bed and kneel in front of the stack, pulling the small yearbook out from the bottom of the pile without disturbing the other magazines.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie greets from the doorway. 
“Jesus!” You gasp, whipping your head towards him as you drop the yearbook in your lap, your hand coming up to your chest. 
“Christ, you scared me!” You say as if he was the one intruding on you.
Eddie clicked his tongue, “You’re snooping?” 
Guilt melts into your bones as you respond, ashamed, “Yes…Sorry, I-”
“No, no, it’s okay.”
When you don’t look convinced, he continues, stepping into the room and sitting on the edge of his bed across from you. 
“Really. I don’t mind. Snoop away. I got nothin’ to hide.” 
You’re not surprised he isn’t angry with you. He could be theatric and melodramatic at times, but never truly angry or mean. Eddie was really a big ol’ softie. 
You turn around so you’re facing him now, the yearbook now closed in your lap. 
Eddie nods to the object. 
“What’s that?” 
You glance down at it once again, a teasing smile spreading across your face as you respond, “Your middle school yearbook.” 
“Oh, great. That’s not embarrassing at allll,” He drawls sarcastically. But he’s smiling like it doesn’t actually bother him. 
“Actually, I haven’t flipped through it yet, sooo,” You reassure, but your expression is imploring, hoping he’ll give you his permission to crack it open. You don’t want to make him uncomfortable. 
“Go ahead.” 
“Really?” You ask excitedly as you scooch over to him, placing the yearbook on the bed while you kneel on the floor beside his legs. 
“Yeah, of course, go for it.”
You smile excitedly at him and begin flipping through the pages, looking for his face. 
As you sit there in front of him, all giddy and adorable, Eddie can’t help but think oh my god, my crush is in my bedroom. 
He looks away from you for a moment, half expecting the entire room not to be there when he takes his eyes off of you. 
But then you spot the photo and you’re giggling and he’s drawn back to your pretty face immediately, lit up with glee at the sight of his buzzed head. 
You point at the photo and look up at him then. 
“Oh my god! You don’t even look like you,” You comment, bewildered, bringing the yearbook closer to your face to further inspect the photo. 
It was just a standard school photo; a black and white headshot with a plain background. But he was all cheesy grin and buzzed hair, so you were delighted by the sight of him. You wish you’d known him back then. 
“You were actually pretty adorable,” You note, face obscured by the yearbook shoved to your nose. 
Then you place it back on the bed and you’re smiling up at him from your spot on the floor and he wants to tell you how pretty he thinks you are.
Eddie smiles back down at you and you feel your heart flutter in your chest, butterflies swarming your stomach. 
“I, uh, I really like you, ya know?” He says, his dark eyes almost black in the dim of the room, but they still shine as they stare into yours. 
“Oh?” Your heart races and you can hear it in your ears as your face melts into a soft expression. 
Eddie looks down at his lap, thumbing at his skull ring repeatedly. 
“Yeah. And I, um,” He coughs lightly, “I was wondering, actually, if you maybe wanted to like go out on a date or something. And you can say no! I just think you’re really pretty and just so-”.
You cover his fidgeting hands with yours, “I’d love to.”
And now you’re both smiling at each other like lovesick fools (which you’re not ashamed to admit you are) and Eddie begins to lean down towards you and you feel your heart slamming against your ribcage, attempting to burst through your skin just so it can be closer to him. And you can feel his breath ghosting your face and-
There’s a knock on the open door.
Your attention is reluctantly drawn away from each other and towards the intruder. In the short moments before the interruption, it didn’t feel possible that anyone else existed besides the two of you. But apparently they did. 
“Are your clothes on?” Gareth asks, his left hand shielding his eyes. 
You sputter, stomach still in knots from your almost-kiss with Eddie. 
“No, we’re completely naked,” Eddie deadpans.
You feel your face warm and prickle with heat as Eddie winks at you. 
Gareth peeks through his fingers at the two of you and then removes his hand from his face completely when he sees Eddie’s claim is untrue. 
He raises his hands in defence, “Hey, just making sure. Don’t wanna walk in on anything…unsavoury.” 
“You’re unsavoury,” You bite back. 
“Okay, okay, children,” Eddie defuses, a hand on your shoulder. “What do you want, Gareth?” 
“Was gonna ask if you guys wanted to roll up with us.”
Eddie looks down at you, shrugging his shoulders, “You wanna?”
“Yeah, okay. Let’s go,” You agree, the moment gone.
Eddie takes your hand and helps you up from his floor. 
“Sick,” Gareth says, starting out of the room as Eddie turns to you. 
He leans in close to your ear and whispers, “I promise we’ll talk about our date later, okay?” as he brushes his thumb across your cheek tenderly and walks out of the room, clapping Gareth on the back as he walks ahead of him. 
You don’t know how he can do that; be so nervous one second and then so confident and slick the next. But like you said, Eddie is full of surprises. 
Gareth turns to you as you finally exit Eddie’s bedroom. 
“You get that love boner checked out?” 
Once you’re next to him in the short hallway, you shove him slightly and he stumbles a bit, but recovers quickly. 
“Shut up,” You command halfheartedly. 
Then once he’s back in step with you, “…We’re going on a date.”
“Fuck yeah,” Gareth says, shoving you back lightly. 
“Fuck yeah,” You agree, still giddy from your conversation with Eddie and the almost-kiss. 
The rest of the night is spent smoking and laughing with the guys. Kenneth stays sober to drive them all home, and at some point very late in the night, it’s just you and Eddie. 
You talk about your date, just as he promised you would, and he tells you he’s going to pick you up from your place on Friday evening. He’s going to take you to a drive-in movie, and then for milkshakes afterwards. He recognizes the cliché, but he knows you’ll love it, and when your eyes light up at the mention of movies and milkshakes, he knows he’s made the right choice. 
And then, he says, at the end of the night he’s going to drop you back at your place, walk you to the door like a proper gentlemen (because Wayne has taught him that it’s important to be chivalrous), and that’s when he’s going to kiss you for the first time. Because he wants it to be romantic and soft and sweet. Just like you. 
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Reblog or send me an ask to let me know what you think! 
Taglist: @screameddie, @k1ngeddie, @wannabestarkeysgirl
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sidney-latrobe · 2 years
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Summary: Eddie comes over and things get heated quickly
Warning: NSFW, SMUT, protected sex, praise kink, dominating
Word Count: 2.151
Eddie and I have been dating for a couple of weeks. It was blissful. Despite the side-remarks at school and the dirty looks we received whenever we walked hand-in-hand through town, our love was strong and growing. And even if the gossip got to one of us, we always found a way to make the other forget. 
"My mother actually screamed when she found the pills in my nightstand," I told Eddie. We were sitting in my bedroom, and he brought over some of his music to listen to. I wasn't the biggest fan of the super hardcore metal songs, but I did enjoy the slightly calmer ones. "She said I was too young to be having sex. You should have seen her face when I told her I lost my virginity at fifteen." 
"Fifteen?" he asked and popped a slice of apple, that I had cut for us earlier, into his mouth. 
"Yeah." I shrugged. "I told you about my first time."
"I didn't know you were fifteen."
"Oh, please, Eddie, you were sixteen when you lost your virginity to some girl on holiday that passed through town."
"Her name was Delores, and she was a totally hot. She knew stuff."
"Well, if Delores is so good, you can go to her." I chuckled at his annoyed eye roll. "As I was saying, she acutally took the pills away from me."
I choked on a slice of apple when Eddie jumped up, his face ghost-pale and his doe eyes widened in fear. A smile tugged at my lips and I pushed him back down into my cushions, straddling him before I continued, "Would you stop freaking out love, and let me finish? She took the pills away from me, but I had another package in my room. Trust me, I wouldn't let your sweet cock inside this temple without protection." 
Eddie exhaled, relieved. 
I added, "Besides, we don't fuck without a condom, and no, don't even try to convince me otherwise. I don't fancy getting some sexual disease or worse, getting pregnant. Did you know that the state passed a law in 1950 that women, who actively seek out an abortion can be crimilized?" 
"Seriously? That's fucked up."
"It totally is!" 
I shook my head and leaned down to rest it against the crouch of his neck. His hands moved from my hips to my back, drawing circles and other patterns over the thin fabric of my shirt. 
"Did your mother say anything else?"
I sighed and brushed my nose against his neck. Even though he smelt like cheap cologne and sweat, I found that scent calming. 
"Not really. She reminded me that she doesn't like you and complained about my sex life to everyone at the dinner table. I think she hoped my father would say something, but he was actually pretty calm. He didn't even say anything."
"Yeah … I might have something to do with that."
Frowning, I pushed myself into a sitting position and stared at the sheepish smirk on his face. Worry nested in my chest. "What did you do?"
"Nothing! Well, alright. Do you remember when you forgot your bag at mine and I brought it to school the next day? Your dad saw it in my hand when he dropped off your younger siblings by middle school, and he questioned me about it. He, uh, well, everyone knew that we were dating. It wasn't a secret, but I guess he didn't believe the gossip. I just said that I love you and that we're taking things slow, which is a total lie as you know, and he just nodded. He said, 'You're both adults. Just respect each other.' and left."
"My dad said that?"
"Yeah, I'm still shocked, too."
"That's … wow … I don't even know what to say. I always thought my dad would be trouble, not my mom."
Eddie let out a hearty chuckle, and even though I was mashed up against his neck, I could feel every beat of his laughing on my cheek. I gave him a sly look while pressing my lips to his skin and brought my hair across to rummage through his unruly mane. It looked clean and smelled exactly like the shampoo that I had purchased for myself a few weeks ago to keep at his tailer.
"You've been using my shampoo," I chuckled and he turned his head to the side, smiling at me. 
"I like it," he shrugged. "It reminds me of you, and my hair got this weird shine every since I started using it."
"Yeah, that's called having healthy hair."
Eddie brought his hands to my face, cupped my cheeks, and planted a sweet kiss on my lips. I ran my hands through his hair and stretched the skin just above his neck while Eddie let out a muffled groan. My lips curved into a smile. Taking my chance with his mouth being somewhat open, I deepened the kiss and explored his teeth with my tongue. Eddie didn't even attempt to challenge me to a fight for dominance. His hands moved all over my back and hips as he forced me up into a sitting position. Without interrupting the kiss, his skillful hands drew my shirt up to my chest and he pulled it over my head. As soon as the cloth was dropped to the floor, he slammed his lips against mine once more. 
He hummed as he planted kisses along my chin, gently moving down to my neck. "Mhm," he hummed as he did so. His nose was brushing across my sweet spot, I let out a little whimper as it happened, and he smirked against my skin and laughed out loud.
"I missed you," admitted Eddie in a low whisper. 
"We saw each other at school not more than five hourse ago."
"But it's not the same. Not like this." He pulled off my bra and cupped my breast. "We haven't been this close for days. Oh, hello you two." He spoke to my breast. "I missed you, girls. Don't worry. Daddy's home now."
It was almost impossible to hide the smile from my lips and I shook my head while Eddie kissed each of my breasts. His tongue darted over my erect nipples causing me to hum and leaned into him.  
"Please," I choked out, "stop calling my boobs your girls and referring to yourself as their daddy."
"But I am their daddy." Eddie gave me a stern look. "No else is allowed to touch 'em."
"That doesn't — That doesn't make you their daddy, you idiot. Just admit that you like calling yourself daddy."
"Maybe." He kissed the stretch marks around my chest and looked at me through his long lashes. "I'll admit it, if you admit that you like me calling myself daddy."
"You're ridiculous."
"And you're beautiful."
By the time the next track on the album played, Eddie's shirt lay next to mine and I was without shorts, keeping him close to me by crossing my bare legs over his hips. Eddie kissed and nibbled on my neck, undoubtedly leaving behind a trail of lovebites as I ran my black-painted fingernails across his bare chest and traced the outlines of his tattoos. His lips brushed just below my ear and his hot breath trickled. I chuckled at the burning sensation, "The last one's haven't even healed yet."
"Don't care. Want everyone to know that you're taken. You're mine."
His words made my stomach buzz with butterflies. 
"I'm yours, and you're mine."
Eddie moved his head to look at me. His lips were swollen, his cheeks flushed and his eyes unfocused like he was dreaming. "I'm yours," he repeated.
I immediately grabbed his head and slammed a passionate kiss on his lips, which caused him to grimace into my face before pulling me into a tight embrace. I was attempting to convey to him everything that I could not put into words and show him how much I loved him at the same time. When he pressed harder against me, I smirked because I could feel his hard cock twitch in his jeans. However, my smiling faded when he continued to grind down against my clothed clit, and I whined. 
"You like that, huh?" 
"Shut up. Just —"
"Just what, darling?"
"I want you. Fuck, I want you so bad."
"Why didn't you just say so?"
Before I could respond, his hands moved to my underwear and yanked it off. His eyes twinkled at the sight of my wetness and a smirk curved his lips as he held two fingers in front of my mouth. I leaned forward and took them in my mouth, swirling my tongue around his fingertips. He took them out of my mouth and pushed them inside me. I moaned at the feeling of his fingers stretching my warm folds. 
"Fuck, that's hot." 
He drove his fingers out and pushed them back inside at a relentless pace, watching in awe as I arched my back and tried to inch closer to his hand, moaning as he brushed against my clit with his thumb. 
"I wish you could see yourself, sweetheart. You're fucking beautiful."
"Faster, Eddie."
He obliged and fucked my wet hole, harder and faster, adding his thumb to circle his swollen clit. I closed my eyes and let out every single moan and cry that he caused as the knot at the bottom of my stomach began to tie. My climax was building; sweat dripped down from my knees and neck and stomach, and the sound of Eddie's fingers forcing themselves inside me as I cramped around them was almost louder than the music. 
"You're close, huh? Come on, honey, cum for me."
If he added another finger, you wouldn't have noticed. He leaned down and bit down on my nipple having me groan out in euphoria, calling his name over and over again until the knot in my stomach exploded and I came with his finger buried deep inside me.
"Fuck, Eddie." I panted. "Oh my God."
"We ain't down yet, baby."
Before I could ask, I was dragged off the bed and shoved to the floor. Eddie towered above me and unbuckled his pants, slipping out of them. His cock was hard and pre-cum covered his tip. I tried to take it in my hand, but Eddie took my hand and kissed me. "Not tonight, darling," he said. "I have something better in mind. Turn around."
I did as he ordered and moved around, surprised to find myself sitting in front of the mirror. Eddie smirked at my reflection, stroking himself slowly as he slowly came up behind me. 
"You're gonna watch me fuck that little pussy of yours raw. You hear me? Watch. Don't close your eyes."
"Eddie —"
"Shut up."
He pushed me forward, pulled a condom on, and lined himself up, not allowing me a minute of rest as he pushed inside. I gasped and whined as his cock twitched inside me and in the mirror, I saw Eddie try to keep his moans contained, but he failed. 
"Fuck, sweetheart, you're tight."
His large hands grasped my hips and he held on, nails digging into my fat, as he drove himself in and out of me at a merciless pace. I moaned his name and tried to take his hand, desperate for more skin-to-skin contact. Eddie understood. He bent forward and grasped my chest, hurling me upwards. I needed to arch my back so that he was still able to fuck me fast and Eddie groaned, kissing my neck. 
"Touch yourself."
"It's too much."
"Did I stutter?"
Slowly, I moved my hand towards my aching clit and rubbed it in slow and controlled circles. Eddie groaned and messaged my breast, watching my hand movements like a hawk. 
"Faster," he demanded. 
Although the knot in my stomach was getting near to hurting me, I was able to speed up my pace and closed my eyes. Eddie mumbled my name, which caused shivers to run down my back, and I became tenser. 
"Open your eyes." 
My eyelashes flew open, and the image made me flinch; Eddie was sweating, and he was fucking me so hard that his balls were slapping against my ass cheeks. I massaged my clit so quickly that it had become numb. My throat was ripped apart by a sob, and Eddie yelled out my name as he too let out his sob. Tears streaked my vision as he slowly pulled himself out and slubbed back against the edge of my seat. His arms reached out and I wobbled towards him. He kissed my cheeks and wiped away the tears. 
"Did so good," he muttered, kissing my cheek. 
"That was amazing."
"I know. We should more often in front of the mirror."
"I felt like I was going to piss myself."
"Sweetheart, next time, you're gonna."
I was horny. Enjoy.
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nicka-nell · 2 years
Reqest: Hey @leuyen2004​ so here are the three you wanted for the second part and because it took so long, I also wrote one for Osamu. I already apologize for Tsukki’s. I love him but I absolutely can’t write for him. This was the first time I tried to write for him I think, but with him my thoughts are always totally blank. (And then I apologize again because it took another half eternity. Why? Well… because I was somehow absorbed in sketching my first OC lol) I hope you like the little HCs. Stay healthy and safe. *mwah!*
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Pregnancy Sex 
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Pairing: Osamu x reader, Hinata x reader, Suna x reader, Tsukishima x reader
Warning: not.sfw, MDNI, 18+
Note: all characters are grown up, Part I
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Silently you sit in the car, look out of the window, absorbed in your thoughts. From the corner of his eye, Osamu sees your thoughtful yet sad look. Today you wanted to surprise him in the store, had one of your tighter clothes on where you could see your little baby belly. It is still small, is not really round yet because you are just in the eleventh week pregnant but you can see that a baby is growing in you. At least that’s what the grown-ups see.
You had just taken off your jacket when a little boy said to his mother, “Look, Mama, the woman has a thick belly.” It was just a child, the mother had apologized and actually you should not take all this to heart, but still it concerns you. Osamu looks despite all the time in his shop, despite all the food he himself tried from time to time, fantastic, and is still well trained… What people might think when you stand next to him…? With your big stomach... If they think, why is he together with such a woman?
Still busy with all these negative thoughts, you don’t realize how Osamu drives into your driveway. The car stops and the music fades. Only his voice brings you back.
“Hey beautiful, what’s the matter?” Osamu actually knows the answer to his own question, because he had also heard the boy’s words. But you just look at him before you glance out of the window again, searching for your seat belt to buckle up.
“Oh, it’s nothing, Samu. I’m fine.”
“No, it’s not nothing. Talk to me.” Just as you want to get out, Osamu’s big hand presses you back into your seat, now forcing you to look at him longer. His gray-brown eyes peer at you worried, his mouth is narrow and you know that you’re doing him wrong.
“Is it because of the boy? My love, you’re pregnant. It’s just normal that yer belly will get bigger and bigger. That’s how it works. The boy was still young and probably saw a pregnant woman for the first time.” Osamu’s words comfort you. Nevertheless, these loving and encouraging words do not sink into your mind.
“But what if other pe-”
“Let other people think what they want. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. The only woman who’ll be as beautiful as ya is our daughter, because she’s our little family. Besides, you are not only the most beautiful woman but also the smartest, funniest and coolest woman in the world. In addition, you are still damn hot and I sometimes really wonder how I deserve ya.”  
The younger Miya brother’s smile is warm, but it disappears in self-doubt at the last words he utters. He sees you differently from what you see in yourself. In the same way, he sees himself differently from how you see him. Osamu really is such a loving man. You are so grateful to have him, you would never want to give him back. Apparently, he thinks the same way about you. Yet you sigh as if you do not believe his words. But even before you can sink back into your self-doubt, you hear the release of his seatbelt as everything else happens at double speed in front of you.
Skillfully, Osamu reaches for the lever to push your seat back, as if he had done that for years, day after day, before swinging his body over. He suddenly hovers over you as he presses the next lever, your backrest pushes backwards so that you lie almost flat on the passenger seat.
“Samu! What the hell are you doing?” you say with a mix of cheerfulness and excitement while you look into his eyes, which have looked before so lovingly, now almost dangerously pierce you. Waiting for yours to connect.
“You’re so hot. I swear I always tease Tsumu with ya, tellin’ him how hot my girl is and that he will never have such an incredibly strong and stunning woman. When you dropped one of the coasters on the floor earlier in the store, and ya had bent over to pick it up, I would have loved to slap yer ass and press you to me. Against my cock. God, I’m gettin’ hard just thinking about that now. See what you’re doing to me?” His deep voice feels like he’s chasing you, like he’s calling you to tell you you belong to me alone.
Immediately, everything in you shudders, your core trembles and Osamu feels how your body radiates a higher heat than before. He still stares at you, slowly wanders with his gaze down your body to his pants, making you understand that you should follow his looks, as you muzzle a surprised grunt at the sight of his suddenly tight pants.
“S- Samu? Do you…” Too shy to ask your question, you look to the side, but Osamu pushes your face back in his direction, grinning cheekily while he pulls up an eyebrow.
“I’m gonna get ya pregnant. I really mean it.”
“Heh, but Samu.. I am already pregnant.” You laugh for the first time since this encounter with the boy. Start laughing even brighter at the next words coming out of your husband’s mouth.
“What about twins then?” Of course, his question is not serious, but it makes you laugh, and shows him again one of your most beautiful expressions.
“That’s not how it works, Samu. But… you know… I’m pretty sure the baby is still asleep.”
“You mean our girl?”
“We still don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy, sweetheart.”
“Oh, I know.” He answers you when he gives you small wet kisses, supports himself with one hand on the passenger seat to brush with the other over your curves. He still squats over you. Your wet kisses fill the car and your desire increases more and more.
“My love, I want you so bad.” he whispers huskily between your increasingly intimate kisses, has already pushed his hand under your dress and shifts the fabric of your panties to the side to capture your pussy with his big hand.
“S-samu wait! We’re still outside… people c-”
“Don’t care for ‘em. We’re on our property. No one will see. But my dick is killin’ me. Can’t wait any longer.” Actually, he is right, the gate entrance is closed, only someone could see you who is in your house. But since you live alone, that probably won’t happen. And as aroused as you are, getting out of the car, going into the house, and then continuing would probably ruin the mood. No, you don’t want to wait any longer. Eagerly you reach for Osamu’s pants to open them, while Osamu brushes his fingers over your already damp entrance.
“Thank ya, beautiful.” He whispers when he no longer feels this pressure. His entire length hits the cold air. He’s so hard, even though you did nothing but be incredibly sexy.
“You’re so wet for me.” With the words he separates from your lips, kisses your neck hastily and sloppily, fingers you faster, and bends his fingers so that he hits your sweet spot.
“Ah Samu! Yes mh, that feels so good!”
“Want me to replace my fingers with my thick cock?” He almost aggressively nips at your neck, and it feels like he has to wait an eternity for your answer, when you finally nod and wrap your hands around his face, pull him up again to look him in the eyes.
“Please fill me Samu, I want to feel your big cock.”
God, you’re so perfect… How you stare at him with that pleading look, with those small and willing eyes. Just a hasty ‘yes’ escapes his lip as he drags his fingers covered with your juice out of you, giving some of his own spit on his fingertips to make it easier for his cock to enter you. To make it more comfortable for you, although you probably wouldn’t have needed it.
“Put yer legs around my back.” The car is small, you have little space, but if you want to continue, he needs at least something to grip. He will probably thrust deeper into you if your legs cling to him.
Again, you just nod to his words before following his request and clinging your legs around him, giving him more space to better position himself in front of you. Pre-cum is already leaking from his tip, as he grasps his length with his hand and presses it against your entrance. You feel him sliding inside of you inch by inch, your heart beats wildly and you claw your fingernails into his muscular arms. You feel like you are tighter than usual, or that Osamu’s cock in the few weeks in which you had no sex has grown a lot. The thickness of his dick is stretching your walls almost painfully. But it still feels way too good. More intense, more satisfying.
“Samu, you feel so fucking good.” you groan, lift your chest slightly as your eyes roll back. First, he glides slowly into you, getting faster from every sound your pretty lips make, while he studies your body murmuring. With every thrust, everything shakes. Your breasts, the seat, the whole car. Your voice is getting louder, and it feels like his length is getting bigger and bigger, wants to give you one of your biggest orgasms.
“Damn, you’re really tight today. If I didn’t know better, I’d think I’m fucking a virgin.” He says with gritted teeth, before his hot tongue licks over your lower lip before he kisses you roughly, not once forgetting his heavy bumps.
“Mhf, yeah - hs… you’re ah t- big, S- Samu!”
How he loves it when you can’t even build a clear sentence. Still your body wiggles under Osamu, when your hands look for more support. You let go of his moving arms, claw behind the headrest of your seat as you fix your own body under Osamu to let him fuck you deeper. At a slightly different angle, he hits the exact spot that makes you scream every time, which makes you moan so loud that your whole body stops obeying you for a few seconds, your eyes wander to the back of your head, your mouth opens and your tongue rolls forward.
“Samu I’m cumming!” You scream as your whole body cramps and you have one of your strongest orgasms that flows throughout your body. Makes every muscle in you twitch.
“Mgh fuck, gonna breed ya again, baby girl.” Are Osamu’s last words before he presses his tip against your cervix, still balls-deep in your hole while your throbbing walls pump his semen out of the dark-haired man, directly into your warm cunt.
“Oh wow, that was… amazing…” He says out of breath. Forehead to forehead, you lie there, tickling each other’s lips with your breath and enjoy your shared orgasm, while you listen to the raging hearts of the other. Yet a knock makes you flinch.
You scream loudly when you both look at the passenger window and see Atsumu Miya with this smug, wide grin, the arms folded, standing in front of the car. In all these intense emotions, you both did not notice that you had accidentally pressed your foot on the horn and thus ensured that the blond-colored Miya brother came out of the house.
Protectively, so that Atsumu can’t see anything, Osamu presses himself more against you, not that Atsumu could have seen anything, since you are still wearing your dress. But even your aroused, tired face is something that only Osamu is allowed to see. He doesn’t want others to see it. Especially not his stupid brother. But, apart from the fact that this situation is more than unpleasant for both of you, Osamu is wondering what on earth his brother is doing in your house.
“What the hell are ya doin’ here?” he asks through the closed car door, knowing exactly that Atsumu can hear him clearly. And so he does, because his smug grin disappears and he looks to the side. As if he feels caught.
“I just wanted to borrow the new game ya bought.” Atsumu says and points to the PlayStation game that Osamu had bought weeks ago. It is still sealed in a plastic case, because he just has not found time to play it.
“Borrow it? You’re not gonna give it back to me anyway!” Osamu answers his twin. He knows him too well to know that he is lying brazenly in his face. So many things he had borrowed never returned to Osamu. Also, he did not understand that you first ask before you simply borrow things.
“Eeh? Ya don’t have time to play anyway when you’re either workin’ or deep in yer pregnant wife. By the way, hi Y/n.” Once again, that cheeky grin is there as Atsumu bends to the side to glimpse at you, but Osamu gently turns your head to the side, away from his brother.
“Get yer fuckin’ ass out of here! Or are ya such a pervert watching others have sex? Find a hobby, man!” The two fight for another five minutes, while Osamu’s cock is still inside of you, until Atsumu finally turns around and you both can pluck your clothes to get out of the car.
When choosing Osamu Miya as your husband, you also choose to have the other Miya brother in your life, even if you do not necessarily always want that.
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That you are pregnant has not brought much change in your intimate moments. You have minor problems during pregnancy, no nausea, no pain, cramps, or things like that. Actually, everything goes like in a textbook. 
Humming, you massage your belly, while listening to some music on your TV as the apartment door opens and Hinata enters the living room. As always, he shines over both ears and greets you joyfully, as if he hasn’t seen you for months. Therefore, he was only gone for a few hours. 
You need a moment to get up, because your belly is already big. You are now in the eighth month, but this does not prevent you from living your every day- and love life the way you want it. 
“I have to tell you about my day!” Hinata still shines after he has given you an affectionate kiss and now swings your hands back and forth in his. Giggling, you look at him, waiting for him to continue his story. 
“Today, Atsumu accidentally threw the ball at the back of Sakusa’s head. He was so mad at Atsumu, you can’t imagine! And Bokuto served the ball with his face today and said, ‘I don’t know how to play volleyball anymore!’. Haha, that was so funny! Although I have to say that could have happened to me as well. Yes, yes, yes…” Hinata suddenly murmurs, letting go of your hands to place his index finger and thumb under his chin, pondering. 
“I wish I had you with me. I missed you so much. I missed you two… Oh but ah, there’s something else I want to tell! The coach also said that- ‘’ he quickly finds his way back to his happy form, just wants to continue talking as you silence his words with a gentle kiss. 
Hinata is a wonderful man. He makes you even happier, whether you are in a bad mood or in a good mood. He gives you so much joy, support and love that you can’t get enough of him. 
You still hold his face in your hands as you back off a little and look at his reddened cheeks. After so many years, an unexpected kiss from you still makes him embarrassed, still he does not know what to say. He’s just your sunshine. “Shoyo… I love you. I love you, your stories and everything about you. You make me so happy.” 
His bewildered expression disappears, and he reflects your own expression. The corners of his mouth pull up and you could swear that you see little hearts in his eyes. “I- I love you too, sunflower. I -” He does not know what to say, too moved by your words, you make him speechless. Firmly, he squeezes your hands again, before he bends over to you to kiss you. 
Such moments simply show you how happy he makes you, and no matter how often you see him, he also makes you greedy. Greedy and hungry for him because after training he always smells so good. His skin is very warm, his hair is still slightly wet. He radiates such self-confidence after every workout that makes him simply irresistible for you. 
You still kiss each other in front of the couch as you take a step forward and thereby sway Hinata’s body. He slumps on the couch behind him. Somewhat frightened, you look at him, hoping that he has not hurt himself, but he glances at you only smiling, with a desire in the eyes you can not describe. 
“Come to me, mi amor.” His voice is so low that you can’t really hear it, but you can read every word from his lips. Nodding, you take his hands into yours as he gently pulls you down to him, makes sure you have enough time to sit on his lap. You have made yourself comfortable, so that you find hold in his hands, the legs angled left and right from his body. 
The music is still playing quietly in the background. Muted music that always relaxes you. Both of you smile at each other without a word before Hinata whispers to you that he would like to kiss you. Nodding, you allow it, bend forward and melt away with your kisses.
Contrary to what might be expected of him, he is not hasty and sloppy with kisses. He is slow, passionate and so gentle. Enjoy every touch to your skin as his hands smoothly slide on and off your thighs, sliding under your summer dress now and then. Every time his fingertips touch the edge of your panties, you take a deep breath, hold the air until he strolls down again. 
“I love you so much. So much.” His hot breath on your lips makes you moan softly, and you feel him slowly stiffen under you, getting more and more embarrassed. Shyly, you separate from his lips, notice how the heat has risen to your head, but Hinata’s gaze does not move from yours for a second. His eyes are full of passion, his gaze fixed on you, his warm hands now on your hips. 
“I’d take every star from the sky if you wanted to. Each of them.” 
“I - Shoyo, my love… I don’t need stars. The only thing I want is you.” Touched by his words, your hands wander to his face, stroking his cheek before you put an orange curl behind his ear. “I want you… n - now…” 
Hinata doesn’t twitch at any syllable that leaves your mouth. No matter how often and quickly you otherwise bring him out of his composure, now his gaze is calm, the voice firm and passionate. “I want you too.” 
Sex in pregnancy is different. It feels so much more intense, intimate. It is very special. “Can I… Can I take your dress off?” Nodding, you lift your butt slightly, making it easier for Hinata to grab the fabric to pull it over your head. Only in your panties you sit there, follow Hinata’s sparkling eyes that admire you. They move from your now bigger breasts to your belly, down to the little stretch marks you’ve had for a few weeks. Ashamed, you want to put your hand on the places, as Hinata strokes your belly where the stretch marks are. 
“You’re so beautiful, mi amor. I’m so lucky…”
“Shoyo…” His words give you confidence again, as if he knew exactly what was going on in your head. Again you kiss. Every touch of Hinata makes your stomach tingle. You groan softly as you lean on your knees to lift your pelvis, telling Hinata to take off his pants, which he does. Yet you still squat slightly above him, feel his hot tongue press against your lips, while your hands search for his cock, take it into your fist so you can pump it with your tiny hands. 
“Do we need lubricant? Should I quickly -” 
“No, my love. I want you so bad.” you interrupt his sentence with these throaty words, before moving your body a little down, press Hinata’s tip against your entrance. He sighs deeply, his hands on your hip to give you support. 
“Is this position comfortable for you? Don’t you want to lie down? I don’t want you to overexert yourself. Your belly must be heavy, right?”
“No, I- ah… I really like it like this.” you groan before you sink piece by piece into his length. You are grateful that Hinata supports your body so well with his own power. Through your wetness, his cock glides in without problems, filling your walls perfectly. 
“Put your hands on my shoulders, mi amor. Support yourself against me.” you hear the voice of your husband lovingly kissing your ears before you lean forward, arms wrapped around his shoulders. You would like to bury your head in his shoulders, but your stomach prevents you from leaning even further. 
Calmly, you move your body up and down, choose the deep and speed of the thrusts. Everything around you is forgotten. The music, that it is actually still in the middle of the day and that the window is open, some man outside screaming while selling his newspaper. The only thing you hear is Hinata’s quickening breath, his quiet whining and your own faster beating heart. 
Still, the orange-haired man keeps your body supportive, is fascinated by your beauty and enjoys your increasing desire that forms in your facial expression. He watches your plump breasts wiggle with every thrust, your hard nipples that almost beg him to be touched. But he wants to give you the support, is afraid that you lose the hold when he no longer holds your hips. Yet, it doesn’t stop him from bending his head, gently kissing your sensitive nipple before circling the nub with his tongue. 
“Ah, Shoyo please…” You groan in the sudden heat that flows through your body. Through pregnancy, your nipples have become so sensitive, quickly bringing you to your climax just by playing on them. 
“You want me to stop?” 
“N- no ah… that’s not it… But if you go on, I’ll… come soon…” you say, somewhat embarrassed. You want that Hinata enjoys the sex as much as you do. But you only feel the chilly breath of Hinata on your wet nipple as he hums, and looks at you with a loving demeanor. Lips still close to your nipple, hands tight to your moving hips. 
“Please do, I’m close too.” You notice his hoarse breath on your skin before he nibbles on your chest again, closing his eyes and enjoying the moment from your warm walls around his entire length. 
“Mhh Shoyo!” you groan again, bury your hands in his hair as your pelvis moves up and down faster, you feel your insides contract and you’re about to orgasm. Also, the grip of the orange-haired man on your skin gets stronger, his breath heavier, before you both moan in harmony. Give yourselves into your lust. 
Tired, you close your eyes, hold your arms on his chest, as you feel one of his weakened hands on your bare back, as his fingertips gently haunt your spine. You enjoy this tender touch, the sound of his heart, as his voice makes you smile. 
“No matter how good my day is, you always make my day better.” 
Giggling, you look up to him, want to tell him that he is a little cheesy, as he puts his free hand on your cheek, bends forward to give you a gentle kiss on your forehead. “As long as my beautiful sunflower smiles, I’m happy, even if I’m cheesy. And not long and then I have a second pretty sunflower that makes me happy. I love you, both of you.” These are his last words before you both listen to the sound of the music. Say nothing anymore until you get up after a few songs to freshen up. 
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Suna is not one to force you to have sex. On the contrary, he has no problem with you two not having sex if you do not feel like it or do not feel comfortable due to the pregnancy. Especially now, in the last few months, you often had to struggle with back pain, so it is understandable that you do not want to. In addition, you are seven months pregnant. For Suna, that would not be an obstacle. For him, you always look sexy, whether with or without a big belly. Actually, it is special to see you with a belly bigger than a volleyball. Probably because he knows that your child is inside you. That in you, your family is growing.
The brown-haired man is letting the water in the bathtub, hoping that your back pain will ease as you wipe the clothes off of your body. Now you stand completely naked in front of the bathtub, lift your hands against your back while Suna feels with his fingers it the water temperature is good. Without you noticing it, he’s looking at you from the corner of his eye. He’s a lucky one, that’s for sure. Having such a beautiful wife…
“My back’s killin’ me…”
Right. Now he remembers, he had seen a video on TikTok about how to give pregnant women some relief, to erase the pain at least for a moment.
“You know what? I saw something a few days ago. Tell me how it feels, okay?” His lazy voice wraps around your body like his arms before he puts his hands under your stomach and suddenly raises it slowly.
“Hey Rin, what ah! Mh oh god…” Suna had expected a lot, but not this deep moaning, not that you stretch your head back against his chest and pleasurably close your eyes. These deep noises, which he usually only knows from the sex with you, ensure that even his sweatpants feel more and more uncomfortable and tight.
“Mh doll? Does it feel good?” He whispers, starts kissing your neck. He has to admit that your belly is really heavy. Having to wear it all the time is certainly difficult.
“Mhh you can’t imagine how good it feels. Oh god Rin, I love you so much my sexy genius.”
“Huh, such pretty words. Do you mind if we bathe together? I missed touching your skin lately.”
Shyly you nod, touched by his words before you put your hands on his, to make him understand he should take them slowly down from your stomach, so that you carried back the total weight from your body.
With your hands you support yourself at the big jacuzzi. Carefully, you get into the not too hot water before you watch Suna undress.
Casually he takes off his shirt, can not resist a smug grin when he sees how you bite on your lower lip, shy and somehow also willingly look at him. It is definitely not the warm room that makes his body temperature rise. It is the desire that rises through your moans and your beautiful naked and wet body in him.
His remaining clothes quickly end up in the laundry basket before he gets up and stands naked in front of you. And not only does he straighten up, now your eyes fall on Suna’s stiff and massive cock. A surprised moan slips through your lips before you look into his staring green eyes. Knowing that Suna finds you attractive even now, gains pleasure so quick, gives you confidence. His naked, well-built body increases your pleasure just as much as his own.
“Am I just imagining it or has it just gotten warmer here?” you ask Suna ironically. You have this cheeky undertone in your voice.
“Hm, I don’t know.”
“Maybe you should come to me and check if it’s just so warm where I am?”
“Well, I should, huh?” Smiling, he gets into the tub, just thanking himself for having insisted on this huge king-size bathtub, where you both have enough space. Behind you he places himself, has his legs spread, you between him, while his hard cock presses against your back. Instantly you feel how your abdomen tingles, as you eagerly wait for his hands to wrap around your body and massage your wet breasts. You groan softly as you press your entire weight against his abs, placing your head in the crook of his neck.
“Mhh it’s really hot here.”
“Yea- ah!” you moan as Suna’s fingertips curve over your sensitive nipples. A few minutes ago, you wouldn’t even have thought that you might want to have sex, but now you want nothing more than that. Yet your body shows you you’re needy for Suna, because you feel your cunt getting wet, not through the water, but through your own juice that slowly drips out of your walls.
“Is it safe to have sex in the bathtub when you are pregnant?” His voice whispers as he nibbles on your ear.
“Mh, I don’t know why it shouldn’t be safe. You think you’re pushing the water in me and the baby’s drowning?” you giggle, tease him a little with his thoughtful question. Yet, you groan as he pinches your nipples, snorts joyfully.
“Silly. I know this won’t happen. And now do me a favor and turn aside, yeah?” Nodding, you hold on to the handle on the inside of the jacuzzi, turn so that you look at the white bathtub, while Suna places his body behind you, puts your leg over his hip. Your husband places one of his arms under you to push you against him, while you’re still holding on to the handle with one arm. Your body is in the water, your head against Suna’s neck, which is just above the clear warm liquid.
“Need some preparation down there?” His voice is still quiet, his breath cold on your cheek. You shake your head as his fingers slowly move your slit up and down.
“I feel so hot, I really want you Rin.” And even before you can pronounce your words correctly, you feel his tip slowly pushing through your entrance into your walls. Suna makes you moan with his lazy thrusts. You both missed this. This feeling that he desires you, that he is balls deep in you, makes you just so happy.
The moving water makes you forget your back pain, so you can focus on Suna’s length, slowly but deeply massaging your walls. Due to the fact that Suna only moves his hips, the water hardly shifts, and does not splash into your face. The only thing you feel on your skin is Suna’s hot breath, his hand that kneads your breast and the other that lays over your clit rubbing the nob lightly. You feel like Suna can not let his hands off of you, that he does not know which part of your body he should touch first.
“You always feel so good, princess.”
“Mhmm baby, I really missed this, hah!” you answer him, squinting your eyes as your leg shakes on top of his hip, your fingers digging harder into the cradle of the tub. Your lover breathes heavily, can’t get enough of your crying words, while he abuses your clit with his thumb. His slow and lazy thrusts become more intense, teasing your inner.
“God Rin, baby, I’m gonna cum ah!” you groan, press your head more firmly against his body and buck your hips, whimper with a more aroused and deeper voice than before, as you sink into your orgasm.  
“Mmmh fuck, god, your dick feels so go-”
“Wish I could record these beautiful sounds, princess.” He breathes throaty, fucks you through your orgasm before he himself notices how his thrusts become more and more sloppy, his grip on your body shaky. You feel that he does not need much longer, notice it in his voice and press your tired body against him one last time.
“Please -, please come inside of me Rin…” Your request is quiet, but Suna hears you clearly before he nods relieved, releasing himself with a deep rumble in you. His brown hair tickles your skin as he puts his head on the backrest of the bathtub, lingers in you for a while before he lays down on his back, pulls you with a soft movement against his chest. The water rushes with your movements, calms your fast beating heart. Suna’s thumb caresses your shoulder, and you look up at him, in these beautiful green eyes.
“If you weren’t pregnant already, I’m sure you would be by now.” He smiles tiredly, gives you a kiss on the forehead.
“You’re an idiot Rin… But yeah, maybe. We should do this again soon.”
“Soon? But not today, princess.”
“No, of course not, baby.” you calm him down, because like him, you’re sleepy.
“What do you say we get out of the tub and go to bed? I put some fruit and water on the bed for you.”
“Sounds good.” you answer with a smile, straighten up to kiss his lips, linger for a moment in the warm water, before you wrap your bodies in warm bathrobes and lie down in your cuddly warm bed, eat fruits and watch an episode of your favorite series before you fall asleep.
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A few years ago, you never thought about having a child with Tsukishima. But now you are almost five months pregnant, you two harmonize well with each other and even with his sometimes quite sarcastic and teasing art you usually get along. Only sometimes you have one or the other day when you react relatively sensitively to his sayings. 
Today you’ve been invited to dinner with Tsukishima’s mother. His brother will be there too. It has been a long time since you saw each other. You are really happy to see them again. Tsukishima and you still have a few hours to get ready, but you’re still looking for the right outfit. You hold a dark green dress in front of your body, turn around a few times in front of the mirror as Tsukishima comes into the bedroom, and look somewhat surprised in your direction, because you are only in your underwear in front of him. 
“Eh… So we’d have to leave in two and a half hours.” he tries to say as casually as possible, wander from your body to look at the clock on the wall. Because unlike he shows it to the outside, the sight of you so lightly dressed, or even completely naked, never leaves him cold.
“Yeah, well, that’s why I’m looking at what to wear. You think this dress would look good?” Happily you turn in his direction, peek at him expectantly, but his words are anything but nice. 
“You want to wear this as a top? As a dress, it will certainly no longer fit you with the belly.” Immediately your smile disappears, and you brush the dress one last time over your growing belly. You have gained some weight, which is normal for pregnancy… But have you gained too much weight so far? What is the normal weight you should expect?
“Yeah… You must be right…” you only whisper offended, hang the dress back in the closet and tell Tsukishima that he should let you look for something suitable to wear in peace. 
Thoughtfully, he tilts his head to the side. He must have gone a little too far with his little joke. He didn’t mean it. But it seems like his words have really hurt you. Normally he would just go out now as demanded by you, wait until you calm down on your own, but somehow it doesn’t feel right today. 
“Hey, you know that was just a stupid joke, right?” He asks you while he sits on the stool in front of the mirror, on which you usually only put your clothes for the next day and scratches his neck. 
“Yeah, sure..” you answer him a little indifferently and rummage for something else in the closet. 
“Can you step aside? I have to open the closet door, and I don’t want to push you off the chair with my belly.” You continue to look for loose clothes at Tsukishima’s side, when he sticks out his arm and prevents you from passing him. 
“I probably deserve that, but now please come here…” he answers calmly, drags you in front of him and asks you to take a seat on his lap. 
“And that’s fine for you? Not that your legs fall asleep because I’m so heavy.” You hiss at him, still hurt by his words. 
“Hey, please stop it, okay? I’m sorry if I hurt you with my words. It was just a stupid joke. If you want to put on the dress, do that, put on what you want, you look okay in everything…” At his last sentence, he turns to the side. You could swear that his ear tips are red. 
“Just okay?” You’re the one teasing him right now, because you know how he hates it that he sometimes, especially around you, can’t control his feelings. But Tsukishima quickly gathers his emotion back before he looks at you sassy. 
“Well, it’s best if you leave the dress out, but I don’t think that would be so appropriate tonight, don’t you think? I mean, visiting my family with nothing but your panties is a bit weird, right?” 
It only takes a few seconds until you can no longer withstand his smug grin and turn around, see how your cheeks gain color in the mirror. Tsukishima’s arms wrap around your round belly, holding it tight as his thumbs run over your skin. His head is rubbing against yours as your eyes meet in the mirror. 
“K- Kei?” 
“I really didn’t mean to hurt you. No matter how big your belly gets, you’re always attractive to me.” 
“But I’ve already gained a lot of weight…” 
“And? Silly… Did you think you would stay as slim as before pregnancy? A child grows in you. But believe me, nothing is more attractive than a proud mother-to-be. And if you’re sitting on top of me like this, you’re doing something to me.” 
Tsukishima’s voice is so calm that you do nothing but watch him in the mirror. His long fingers slide down from your stomach to your sides, thrilling you lightly before he runs up your arms to your collarbone. Your whole body gets a pleasant goose bump at his touches, at his hot breath that falls on your skin. Is he really up to what you’re thinking?
“Kei, I don’t think it’s the right time for…”
“Why not? Don’t be shy now. We still have time.” He whispers in your ear while kissing your ear cup, playing with the strap of your bra. 
“You… You really want to have sex with me now? I mean… it’s been a while since we… but my belly is so big…”
“And? I miss feeling your cute walls around my dick and hearing these pretty cries.” You immediately turn red, groan briefly as he pulls the strap of your bra down and exposes your chest. Aroused, he grunts, enjoys that your cheeks blush at his teasing but honest words, that you do not know where to go with yourself. 
His hands push your upper body back, urging it against his chest as his hand slowly moves back down, sliding between the fabric of your panties and your skin. You haven’t had sex for a few months now, so his touches feel so much more intense now than usual. Holding your breath, you watch him as his fingertips slide up and down between your slit, slowly. 
“Mhh Kei…” you moan, notice how hot you get despite the little fabric you wear, when you sense that not only his chest is hard on your body. 
“Get up for a second.” he says, almost commanding, and you nod, do exactly what he says and use the opportunity to free your body from the just so disturbing clothes. Still busy with yourself, you can hear how Tsukishima opens his belt, his clothes end up dull on the floor before two powerful arms pull you back into his lap. 
“Ah! Kei, wait, I!” You scream at the feeling of his hard cock. You may be wet, but you are still afraid that it might hurt to feel him in you after the time without being intimate. But Tsukishima calms you down again, holding a half-full bottle of lubricant in front of your face. 
“Here, can you open the bottle?” He says, holding your hip with his other hand. Questioningly, you look into the mirror at Tsukishima before you open the bottle, take it in your hand and spread some lubricant on Tsukishima’s fingertips. 
“Where did you - ah!” Your question remains unspoken as a whine interrupts it and you hold your breath. You look in the mirror again, because you don’t see it through your belly. His long shiny fingers find their way back to your slit, pushing through until his fingertips knock against your entrance, stretching your hole bit by bit. 
“Hm, looks like you really missed this, huh?” His voice teases you, but you just close your eyes, raise a hand to reach back into his hair. You missed that feeling of him touching you in such an indecent place. That he teases you. 
“Yes, yes I missed it so much.” You sob, tilt your head back and feel his length become more and more present on your back. Without him telling you, you shift your weight forward, lift your pelvis slightly before slowly placing yourself above Tsukishima’s tip. 
Tsukishima still holds you with one hand, using the other hand to hold his length before you sink into it. Even he can’t resist a brief moan with your tight walls.
“Kei, you feel so good.” you sigh, put your hands on his spread legs. Your own legs are between his, the feet support you on the floor and guide your movements. Usually, Tsukishima is always the one who determines the speed, and just watches you whimper and moan under him. But today it is different. His hand on your hip only supports your body, the other is wide under your heavy belly. This time you’re the one who sets the pace, the deepness. 
Slowly you move up and down, feel every vein of his cock in you, notice how your thoughts slowly blur. You love the way he looks at you through the mirror, how hard he breathes and how intense everything feels. 
“Don’t move your hips like that or I’ll cum any second, Y/n.” 
“Ah, please, please cum Kei!” You both moan in unison as your fingernails claw into his thighs, you realize your walls are throbbing. 
“Let me pull -” 
“No, ah! Please fill me up.” Tsukishima’s eyes grow large before turning into a teasing grin. Your eyes are closed, your mouth parted as you stretch back your tender neck, your hair tickling his chest. Your heads are colliding. Because unlike you, he tilts his head forward, now hiding his face in your hair as he shoves you down one last time along his length, quietly moaning as he spreads his thick load in your throbbing walls. With relish he listens to your louder getting sounds, the sound of the orgasm you just have while your whole body trembles. 
“I really like this view from here.” The voice of your husband brings you back, who now studies you through the mirror. He looks at your tired face, your chest that rises quickly and your slightly spread legs, to your core where his length is still deep in you. 
“Kei stop! You’re always such a tease!” you whine as you squeeze your legs together, your hands cling to your body. But Tsukishima only chuckles gently. 
“And you’re my favorite victim to tease.” He gives you a quick kiss on the head before he helps you get up and you both freshen up, before dressing up and getting ready for dinner with his mother. And hardly to be expected otherwise, you wear the green dress of which he is such a fan. 
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sirensplayhouse · 2 years
you are totally right… no success story will ever do it for me.
i have to prove it to myself. there are thousands of success stories, some sound soo unrealistic, some sound believable, some sound like lies, some sound natural, some have proof (LITERAL PICTURES AND VIDEOS LOL), some stories are so specific/boring that they have to be true lol
some people even ask for ideas on what to manifest bc they already have what they want!! this shit is too good NOT to be true. this stuff HAS to be true. no one has time for this lol!!!
there wouldn’t be hundreds of bloggers giving free advice for yeeaaarrrsss on tumblr if there wasn’t some truth to this. i’m sorry, but this has to be real. and no offense but all the bloggers, the youtubers, the twitter accounts all say the same stuff day in and day out. it has to be real. it’s so real that you guys get bored and quit your blogs lol!
none of you have ever come out and been like ‘actually i lied’, you all literally just say you get tired of repeating yourselves and then leave. like this is as real as it gets.
there are millions of success stories on tumblr, facebook, youtube, twitter, random blogs on the internet, etc. the odds of them ALL lying or ALL scripting is so small. I even have some unbelievable success stories of my own!! like some supernatural shit before I knew about the law and I’m sure all of your anons do too.
you are so right that no success story will ever do it, that is just the absolute truth. there is no one to change but self. you can search and search until you pass out, but nothing will change unless you do. and the act of searching is kind of affirming that you’re doubting… it’s hard to remain persistent in faith when you are searching for proof…
and with that i’m off to manifest my dream life!!
THIS IS THE TYPA ENERGY I LIKE TO SEE/READ because honestly some people’s success stories are so descriptive and detailed and then some actually show their results so really who has the time to lie and coerce millions of others into their lie ? exactly. like I said the best way to ‘discredit’ the law is to try it out for yourself.
and I definitely want to hear about what you manifested love <3 come back and tell us 🫶🏾
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mulletmitsuya · 2 years
Og Black Dragons Groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, mentions of sex, also shinwaka? (so if you don't like that then yeah)
Desc: Shinichiro re-evaluates his "dating" pool
Takeomi: and then we banged
Benkei: great 🙂
Wakasa: you're lying but ok
Takeomi: i'm not
Takeomi: i had sex
Takeomi: i'm very good at sex
Takeomi: she enjoyed it
Benkei: we believe you
Takeomi: nah cause i feel like you don't
Shinchiro: hey besties😁
Takeomi: yo
Takeomi: did you hear about the great sex i had
Wakasa: liar
Takeomi: ok virgin
Wakasa: do i look like a virgin?
Wakasa: i'm the hottest person here
Takeomi: debatable
Takeomi: i could snap you like a twig
Wakasa: ok black lungs having ass
Benkei: hi Shin
Benkei: what's up
Shinichiro: so you guys know how women aren't fond of me?
Wakasa: yes
Takeomi: yes
Benkei: yes
Shinichiro: wow guys
Shinichiro: you could have protested even a little bit
Benkei: but
Benkei: it's the truth
Takeomi: yeah why would we lie to you
Shinichiro: ok fine ig :(
Shinichiro: but i've come to a realisation!
Takeomi: the dumbest shit is about to come out of your mouth i just know it
Wakasa: remember Shin
Wakasa: think before you type
Shinichiro: man! you guys are mean
Shinichiro: but i still love you
Wakasa: ew
Benkei: 👍❤
Takeomi: lol gay
Shinichiro: that brings me to my next point actually!
Shinichiro: i think i'm gonna take a break from women rn
Wakasa: finally. very tired of you crying into my shoulder for hours straight
Wakasa: you're so ugly when you cry
Benkei: to focus on yourself? proud of you bro. you don't need anyone, just yourself💪
Shinichiro: no silly
Shinichiro: i'm think i'm gonna move on to men!
Wakasa: i-
Wakasa: i didn't expect that
Benkei: ...
Benkei: oh
Benkei: OH
Benkei: really?
Takeomi: HUH
Shinichiro: i'm a gang leader 😕
Shinichiro: i do illegal stuff all the time. I can be gay
Wakasa: this is actually really funny
Wakasa: he gave up on the gender
Wakasa: wow
Wakasa: anyway
Wakasa: are there any dudes you're into?
Shinichiro: hmm
Shinichiro: kinda?
Benkei: we support you all the way Shin 😊
Shinichiro: oh my god
Shinichiro: Benkei are you flirting with me rn
Shinichiro: i mean
Shinichiro: if a relationship is what you want then who am i to say no
Takeomi: dude??
Wakasa: he barely did anything Shinchiro💀
Benkei: uhm
Benkei: well you see
Benkei: that's not exactly what i meant🙁
Shinichiro: haha lol i know that, i was joking haha lol
Wakasa: dude
Wakasa: how are you so pathetic?💀
Wakasa: i mean that in the nicest way possible i swear
Takeomi: you being nice is pushing someone in front of a truck because "ugly people shouldn't exist, i was helping him"
Wakasa: your just mad because it was you lol
Benkei: to get my message across
Wakasa: Benkei you've become a softie
Benkei: you too
Wakasa: no, i still brutalize people, just without your knowledge
Takeomi: liar
Shinichiro: no one's a wussy i think we're all very brave and very strong people
Takeomi: you are neither of those things
Benkei: stop
Benkei: he's brave
Wakasa: he was literally weeping when we first fought him
Wakasa: we were standing there like 🤨
Shinichiro: there was sand in my eyes i've told you multiple times now :/
Takeomi: no you're just a bitch boy
Wakasa: you talk too much for someone who's that ugly
Benkei: Omi isn't ugly
Benkei: why is your default personality being cruel
Wakasa: it's not being cruel i'm just being real, sorry you guys can't handle me
Takeomi: ok ice princess
Shinichiro: Takeomi isn't ugly guys
Shinchiro: would totally bang
Wakasa: ?
Takeomi: fr???
Takeomi: thanks Shin
Takeomi: that's why you my main homie
Wakasa: *homo
Takeomi: he didn't mean it in a gay way
Benkei: but...
Benkei: nevermind
Wakasa: a man saying he'd bang you isn't gay???
Takeomi: no?
Takeomi: not if it's a homie
Takeomi: right Shin?
Shinichiro: i mean
Shinichiro: i meant in a gay way yeah
Shinichiro: sorry bro
Benkei: there's nothing wrong with it Shin
Takeomi: you want me homosexualy???????
Wakasa: you're both so fucking stupid
Benkei: ok maybe today we should set Shin up on a blind date or something??
Benkei: it's evident he's getting desperate if he would bang Omi
Benkei: no offense
Takeomi: i'm offended😐
Wakasa: setting him up on a blind date is a recipe for disaster
Wakasa: just do what you did with everyone else
Wakasa: why does there need to be a different approach?
Shinichiro: you're right
Wakasa: word
Shinichiro: Wakasa you're very handsome and i want to put your small, muscular body in my arms
Shinichiro: you smell really nice and i like your cynical smile
Shinichiro: and you're really mean but most of the time i enjoy it
Shinichiro: i think i'm in love with you
Shinichiro: will you go out with me?
Benkei: 😧
Wakasa: huh
Wakasa: r u srs..?
Wakasa: ...
Wakasa: ...
Wakasa: i have to go mop the ceiling
Wakasa: uh
Wakasa: yeah
*Wakasa has gone off line*
Benkei: Shin, uhm, maybe don't be descriptive about what you wanna do with the person when you ask them out?
Benkei: it's ...😕
Shinichiro: i'm unlovable aren't i
Shinichiro: it's fine
Shinichiro: i'm gonba go to tbe psrk abs chiln
Shinichiro: al alone
Takeomi: r your tears blocking your vision💀
Shinichiro: no
Dm between Shin and Waka
Wakasa: you caught me off gaurd
Wakasa: we can go out if you want ig
Shinichiro: is this a prank :/
Wakasa: no
Wakasa: pick me up at 8
Shinichiro: oh
Shinichiro: REALLY????
Shinichiro: OK
Wakasa: don't push it
Shinichiro: :(
Wakasa: bro i like you calm down
Shinchiro: i'll take it!!
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