#actually this order is kind of funny to me cause its
hydatiid · 1 year
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god i have been so art blocked these are literally the only 'passable' things ive drawn in months
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Buddie fic recs:
I've been wanting to do my own list of my favorite fics for a while now so here it goes (in no particular order):
- my words are paper tigers by @hattalove (this ones my favorite of them and i'd say a little underrated maybe?) TIMELOOP TIMELOOP TIMELOOP - buck breaks up with eddie, the universe doesnt agree - ITS PERFECT I'VE READ IT FOR THE FIRST TIME SO LONG AGO AND ITS STILL ONE OF MY FAVORITES EVER.
- Actually, truly by MilenaDaniels Helena (and Ramon) tries to find a way back into Eddie's life and doesn't know what to make of finding Buck around every corner she turns. (Or: "Mom, listen.")
- burn the straw house down by rarakiplin - what to even say i think everyone has read this one already but just in case TIMELOOP TIMELOOP TIMELOOP
- Happy Little Accidents by @like-the-rest-of-la - one of the first au i ever read for buddie and i was so ENCHANTED what to even say, buck owns a plant nursery. Its just so soft and so so so beautiful.
- said i couldn't stay, but it's different now by @hattalove - another fave of them. Many weddings and buddie in the middle of it all.
- Close My Eyes and Stumble (Right Into Your Love) by HSMLusitania - i think everyone and their mother has read this one aswell but just in case EDDIE DISPATCHER.
- Burn a bridge, learn how to swim by Watermelonshots - this is a series and jesus christ it literally starts with a buddie drunk make out session so-
- Sit with me in the dark by @kitkatpancakestack - buck loses his vision- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soft and kind and yeah beautiful and buck glasses kink anyone?.
- Lifelines by @hetrez . This fic is literally a lifeline - buck and eddie meet during the tsunami and talk about being in the closet. I have no words for how much this fic meabs to me. FLAWLESS.
- about the present by @runawaymarbles - this is a series now and god this was so so fucking special and unique - the first part eddie in the aftermath of being in a timeloop of the shooting. The second one is buck handling it on his own way. PERFECTION. Still thinking about it.
- a good day to be by @hetrez Eddie is a dance instructor, buck needs dance clases for madneys wedding. As flawless as the other one. Eddie Diaz needs a hug yeah.
- we'll be forever, you'll see by rarakiplin - Eddie Diaz finds a cat and heals and heals. And is so loved. I think i cried the first time i finished this one.
- still by @gayhoediaz - once again i think everyone knows this one but just in case, eddie steps on a detonator. ANGSTS SO MUCH ANGSTS AND THAT ENDING YEAH.
- but i can see all along, love (it was you all the way down) by @captain-hen - eddie confesses his feelings, buck rejects him, TIMELOOP TIMELOOP TIMELOOP
- authentication by @vgreysoncellars - i think i described this one as a never ending extention of 7x06 like nights abd just pride and pride and liberation. Eddie picks guys in bars for buck to make out with...
- oh, come when you're called by @lesbianrobin CHRIS 💘 no other words needed i think
- i'm a cliché (who cares) by @cranberrymoons UFF THIS ONE MAKES ME SO EMOTIONAL - eddie realizes stuff and buck is there every step of the way.
- bark like you want it by @colonoscopys - SOULMATES AU so so funny and wholesome.
- the love triptych by @cranberrymoons - this ones just so freaking special to me. Helena trying and trying and trying cause she loves her son. And buddie together through it all.
- so much left in store by @lesbianrobin - UNI AU UNI AU UNI AU !!!!!!! AND VERY IMPORTANT BABY CHRIS💘
- hang me up on your bedroom wall by @eddiegettingshot WELL buck just wants (more) but only if eddie gets him pregnant about it... (infidelity fic)
- close ain't close enough (til we cross the line) by @cranberrymoons buddie sexting buddie sexting buddie sexting and being so so freaking insane and not normal about it. (Infidelity fic)
- throw a bone, i’m finally home by @shitouttabuck - i think everyone knows the like a dog verse by now (come on lol) but yeah i'm very very obsessed especially with the second part of it.
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kanmom51 · 2 months
Hi! I love reading your posts so much so I would like to know your thoughts on this:
I saw some of us on X thanking this person for manifesting the toothbrushing scene which was funny but at the same time i am super confused on how jikook really did exactly the same as the fan art (the plaid pyjamas especially)! Do you think this was purely coincidence or one of them saw it and went 'let's make this to reality'?
English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if my ask is all over the place :) love ya!
Let's start with the end here why don't we?
JM and JK are the real thing. They have a real actual relationship unlike the dreamt up needing to lean on made up fanart relationship that Tkks delude themselves JK and Tae have.
That is the starting point.
Jikook are the real deal. A real life long term loving couple. TKK are not. Not a couple. Friends yes. At times closer at times not so much, but always and only friends.
So, let's talk about that fanart. It's from 2022. 22 July 22 to be accurate. I am literally feeling sick to my stomach at the moment, but I will share the photo, cause I'm going to be making a point here.
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*At least they kept the JM in place (although they probably are deluded as to it's meaning...).
So, why is the date so important, you may ask.
Because that is the day ITS Friendcation came out.
And guess what we got in that first episode of the show.
Only the four friendliest of friends in their matchy plaid pj's.
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Basically what we had was TKK's in their hazed daydreams wishing that instead of Tae sleeping together with his squad, to which a one Jeon Jungkook does not belong no matter how much they want to twist it (same crew that left JK at the ski resort by himself while leaving together), instead of Tae waking up with Wooga and their match plaid pj's and brushing teeth together, it would be JK there with him.
Like I say, dream on.
That fanart of theirs, is a dream not a reality, and they can scream until they are blue in the face, it won't change the fact that the one brushing his teeth with JK at the moment is JM, not Tae, by choice. JK choice. JM's choice. They both wanted it. They both planned it. They both worked towards it. And they are both living it right now.
I find it kind of funny how TKKs keep on screaming that JM and JK's travels are for the camera, not genuine, all for the buck. If that was true, if Jikook were indeed the 'fanservice' couple for BH, if Jikook were a money maker as a unit for the company, how is it that this cash machine has never been properly utilized. It always amuses me to hear this from them all while most of Jikook's interactions are off camera, not for us to intentionally see. This one unit that has never come to fruition officially (until now, and there is a reason for that and a reason why we are getting more now, none of which are them being 'faked' for the camera in order to make money).
I love how they twist everything to fit a constant changing narrative. I actually don't know how they keep up with themselves. It would be so exhausting.
I saw Mina's tweets. Will not share them here. I will not give that hateful ***** a platform here. All I will say is that it must be so very hard for her right now. Reality is hitting and it's hitting hard. I guess it's a last hurrah, an attempt to cling to their fantasy. Basically acting like a belligerent child having a tantrum.
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If I didn't loath her and her kind I would actually pity them. They are going to be so very miserable in the upcoming months. Not to mention after they are all back from the military.
I guess these weirdos need to be reminded that JM and JK's Tokyo trip back in 2017 was not for the cameras. A trip eternalized with JK's GCFT, a trip they could not stop talking about, a trip they continued to talk about in their book under the title Real love.
I won't remind them of just how fondly JK was talking about their trip and the show, nor will I bring up that shining sun of a smile he had when JM says he'll hug him later, cause you know, these are basically fans that have no interest in what the idol they supposedly love (yeah, no love there) says or feels. It's about what they, as fans, want to feel dreaming about buff JK the fuckboy, bad boy, man handler and his dainty weak boyfriend Tae (with their love hate toxic jealousy drama filled relationship).
Excuse me for a sec...
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I also guess they need to be reminded that not all of JM and JK's time together was filmed, not all of it was for the cameras, as they love to put it. Not in NY, and definitley not in Tokyo 2023. Funny how two people that were working on enlisting together and got to fulfill their wishes and make sure that the 18 months of their military service they are inseparable, even if that means a tougher placement than if they enlisted separately, still wanted to go on these trips together. I think that by now any claim that this was forced on them - the trips, the show, the enlistment - have been long disproved.
And for a couple that the company are 'trying to push on us' it's really funny how silent they have been since their enlistment. But yeah, these people will continue to say what they want because otherwise their dreams are dead. Kind of like Larry's that still think those two are a thing.
You know what else that fanart comes after, btw?
Not only the ITS friendcation, but also after this:
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JK directing LGO MV choosing the couples pj's, choosing to have JM walk out of the bathroom brushing his teeth JK waiting for him in the bedroom.
Fanart is art (not that some of the fanart out there would be considered art by myself, but you know, that's a personal taste, or distaste, and that btw includes some Jikook fanart as well). It can replicate or express reality but it can also be an outright fantasy.
In this case it's TKKs seeing the reality (Wooga and Jikook) and expressing fantasy (their ideas or wishes applied onto TKK), lol.
And now we have JM and JK on their trip wearing these couples pj's.
What a blow that must have been for TKKs. And this whole scrambling thing they are doing, that this is "the company" copying their fanart. Absolutely hilarious.
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Jikook have shown us over the years that they love plaid. Not gonna add pics here cause there is no end to them. JK, JM alone, together, plaid is something they have been doing. Specifically? Not necessarily. But it's something they wear.
Jikook themselves have worn plaid pj's in the past for LGO MV (and the live as well - do I remind you guys of JK's joke about why he decided to have JM brushing his teeth?). Director JK. Their choice.
The fanart TKKs are squealing about was not an original piece of art that a TKKer came up with. They literally copied the pajamas worn by the Woogas in ITS Friendcation inserting JK into their fantasy.
If people would watch original content they would know that Jikook, both of them, tend not to wear pj's at home. Not around the house and not in bed. We saw JM in ITS 2. We saw JK in his bed live (in which I would love to remind TKKs how flirty and naughty he was with JM all while being half naked in bed, nagging JM to do a live with him, all his choice, all knowing that the company will not be happy with him, lol - still waiting for that Jikook live, you know from the company's "for the cameras" couple). Oh, and we also have the LV live. Yeah, that was an interesting one. Seeing that not only did we hear from JM and Hobi that JM walks around in his undies at home but that JK is in charge of the soundtrack... I guess while he's in his undies as well...(JM's reaction to Hobi's slip up was priceless). Point being that those two don't do clothes for sleep. But clearly they couldn't go 'au natural' for the show, so they chose to wear pj's.
And just like the other clothes that they chose to wear throughout their travels, that we will get to see in the show, they chose to wear these pj's.
Couple pj's.
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This is not a photo shoot. This is them coming from home with their own clothes wearing what they want to wear, what they feel comfortable in. And they chose to wear those pj's knowing EXACTLY how it will be perceived.
And just like Wooga chose to wear the plaid pj's, which btw were all identical, like the rings they wear, probably as a symbol of their friendship, all while NO ONE ever dared to claim that they were dressed by stylists or forced into wearing them or that the creators of the show even suggested the idea to them, JM and JK chose to wear these pj's that are not identical but seem to be perceived as couple's pj's.
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Pajamas sold out of course, the company's caption at the bottom being: "How about watching the show together in couple pajamas?"
Their choice.
Their decision.
Filming themselves brushing their teeth - their decision.
I want to make something clear here. They have said it and I will repeat it. This is not a scripted show. This is them travelling, experiencing, enjoying themselves (you cannot fake those smiles and giggles), filming themselves. That angle, the camera in the bathroom, that is a camera they placed there, they wanted us to see this just like JK wanted to show us JM brushing his teeth and coming out to him in the bedroom.
Do I remind you what happened when a camera was placed in a room when they didn't want us to see what they were up to?
This is not 2018 anymore. This is 2024 (well, filmed end of 2023, and may I just note that after the new contracts were signed, and I do think this is highly relevant as to what we are going to be getting in this show, what we will be allowed to see, the level of candor). No more hidden cameras in rooms (I think the company had realized that was a dangerous game they were playing at), and their artists control over what will be filmed and what not.
Their choices, their decisions, not some company executive. Them. The two of them.
I will end this by saying that I doubt that Jikook are even aware of this TKK fanart.
But if they were, then this wouldn't be them copying the fanart trying to create the illusion they are a couple.
No need for an illusion when you ARE the real deal.
If, by any chance, they were aware of the fanart then I would say that any connection to it would be them saying a big FUCK YOU to TKKs and their delusions.
But yeah, I do doubt they were even aware of this pic.
JK's search logarithm is Jimin based. Not TKK. So keep dreaming TKKs, cause not only are TKK not the thing you so very much want them to be, the thought of that thing, them as a couple, you as a fan group, your art and fantasies, all those aren't even a blip on JM and JK's radars.
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Could you do the OM bros seeing a friendly, opmistic, kind , funny Mc who's actually a cunning and a manipulative seducer/seductress. Always keeping a poker face in order to get what they want which is power and gets away with it but the brothers realize it too late( I know Lucy, Satan and Belphie are smart enough but It is possible for them to get "tricked" by Mc since they love them.)
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Two-Faced Reader | Yandere Obey Me!
Power is what you’re after and you’re used to doing whatever you feel like to get it. Including acting like the innocent lamb that gets all of them wrapped around your fingers. Now whether you intended for their infatuation with you or not it's bound to further your agenda or more likely their own:
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“Whooooa talk about mad twists!”
Thinks it's hot when you switch from the sweet ingenue to domineering master 
Kind of likes the way switch 
And the curiousness if its some condition and you only do it with him
Oh how he hopes
At your command, he summons Lotan on the daily 
Sometimes completing sidequests without you telling him
Like offing those conspiratory NPCs
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“I see what game your playing and I’m intrigued.”
He knows your games
And man does he love playing them
Your ambition rivals his own and he can’t help but want to encourage you
He’s not going to say he’s whipped but he’s certainly willing to cause all kinds of mayhem in your name
A shame that he’s not roped in by your fake personality
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“Oya~my baby wants them gone? Promise to give me kisses?”
He falls head first for you’re precious persona
So innocent, so cute
It makes pining for you all the more fun
And killing for you even more satisfying
He’s someone who’s not going to flip when you’re personality shines through
Your still his sexy lamb 
And he so badly wants to keep you
Even if it means using his beauty to deceive those who get in your way
And the ones he just doesn’t like
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“Don’t accuse them of such things, they hardly know how devildom works.”
Falls hook line and sinker for your persona 
No doubt easily deceived by your little acts
And in your defense, he’ll eat just about anyone 
Even when it’s revealed, the truth of your true colors he can’t help but still believe
That you’d been deceived 
That underneath the cunning persona is still the poor human that needs protection
And is number one in your crew for most likely to usurp 
You don’t know what you’re doing so maybe he and Belphie should bother with the bad guys out there
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“...Right. But they still want that one out of the way and we promised to do that right?”
Sees right through you 
And originally isn’t all that fond of Beel’s perception of you
He thinks you tricked his sweet brother 
But in a way, he finds that he agrees
You're a stupid, in over your head human
And who better to intervene in your shenanigans than the two of them 
Plus he enjoys your bloodthirsty behavior
Though it's nothing compared to his murderous drive you’re still cute
If anyone is more likely to initiate the usurpation its him
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“You think you’re so slick, I can’t help but be enamored.”
He doesn’t immediately see it
Playing into your hands for a short while 
Before catching on and switching from compliance and not
He thinks both sides of you are cute
But you're just so naive to think enabling their murderous tendencies will end with only who you’ve designated a threat
He and his brothers can easily see more than you 
So trust in that
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carebearloveshp · 5 months
Happy Birthday Terry Pratchett!
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Every year for Terry Pratchett’s birthday, I like to celebrate by reading one of his books and talking about him.
Terry Pratchett is one of my favorite authors. I first found out about his books in 2012 right after reading The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. I was looking for other books similar to it and Terry’s Discworld series was recommended along with Good Omens by both him and Neil Gaiman.
“No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away"- Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett
I read Good Omens in 2013 and fell in love with it instantly. At the time, I promised myself that I would read the Discworld series some day but put it off because of its size (it had 39 books at that point). I didn’t start the series until 2017 and finished the final novel, The Shepherd’s Crown in 2022. Over the years, it went from being one of my favorite series to my favorite series. I cannot recommend it enough. It's incredible.
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Terry has been an inspiration of mine ever since I first picked up one of his Discworld books. I read the series mostly in publication order and I personally recommend doing so if you plan on reading the entire series. There are so many ways to get into it. The only book I read out of order was Hogfather because I wanted to read it at Christmastime that first year. It's one of my go-to rereads every year.
Even though I didn't find myself loving the first couple of books, they still had me wanting to read more from this brilliant man. Terry’s writing style is one of a kind and I will never be able to get enough of reading his work. I have read 60 of his books and I plan on reading every single piece of literature he has written. They are insightful, funny, and so damn clever.
Today, I am going to start The Science of the Discworld that Terry wrote with Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen. It is the first book in a four-part series that has Discworld stories mixed with science. I’m interested in seeing what happens and how the wizards accidentally create the Roundworld. The Unseen University books are a mixed bag for me. Sometimes, I really love them and then other times I don’t. Though, I am looking forward to seeing what trouble those old fools cause. I cannot wait to get to the second book because it deals with Shakespeare.
Some of my favorites of his books are: Hogfather, Witches Abroad, Night Watch, Thief of Time, The Wee Free Men, Going Postal, Wyrd Sisters, and Good Omens.
Thank you for the words, Terry. I wish I could have met you. Your ripples will continue on for a very long time. Happy Birthday.
“People think that stories are shaped by people. In fact, it's the other way around.” Witches Abroad by Terry Pratchett
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animentality · 10 months
if you have ever gone really really really thoroughly through moonrise towers looking for every single readable scrap of paper. you can find this sequence of letters between gortash and ketheric that i havent seen anyone talk about but if i have the order right its REALLY funny to me. kicking myself cause i can’t find the screenshots at the moment but it’s like
the first one (in ketheric’s room) is gortash writing to ketheric very formally and commandingly in proper letter format telling him to retrieve the artefact and not to fail in doing so. and it’s super overbearing lol
the second one is a copy of ketheric’s reply (near z’rell’s desk i think) wherein he tells gortash that his “tone” in the previous letter is “inappropriate” lmao. and to not order him around like that because he doesn’t answer to him or bane and also he’s working on it.
the third one is gortash’s reply to that i believe (one of the alcoves on the roof where the first round of ketheric’s fight is) and it takes the form of a small unformatted informal thing that goes something like “k- just a note to say i can’t believe the artefact is still missing! i hear even the githyanki are after it!!! i sure hope you find it soon! -g” with exclamation points and everything and it just comes off as the most sarcastic patronising thing bsgshsgs
and so this, plus the way he kicks you in the shin at the morphic pool, and then the way he petulantly shoves you and yoinks the netherstones (at such a critical moment too) because the brain is pissing him off. AND all the intentionally hurtful things he goes out of his way to say to karlach even when she’s so supposedly beneath him. it has all brought me to the conclusion that, for all his posturing, gortash genuinely has the emotional maturity of a grape and it makes for a very very funny dichotomy to his character
(but also kind of sad. because he kind of still the little kid his parents sold out to the devil all those years ago. he never grew up he just learned how to puff up his self esteem with hot air and it takes so little to cut through the performative sophistication)
why did you have to hurt me this way?
I have seen all of those notes, actually, but I never thought anything of them...
But you're right.
Gortash is fundamentally a child tyrant... a miserable little wretch, who was an abused slave for most of his childhood, and who swore he'd never let anyone treat him like that again.
And then he swore HE'D be the slaver and the bully.
But maybe that was because he never had the opportunity to grow to his full potential.
And the parts of him that were able to grow, grew wrong.
He was twisted up and gnarled inside like a plant forced to grow through the bars of a small cage.
My poor Gortie.
Evil boy. Tragic boy.
The pettiness is funny but god now I'll think of it as sad too.
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bearieio · 1 year
modern!abby headcanons
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she’s totally clingy but she tries to be suupper subtle about it.
like she’ll follow you to bathroom just to lean against the doorframe with her arms crossed (mad cuz you left her on the couch by herself) and stare at you like 🙁🧍‍♀️
you finally break the silence and go, “…what?” then she’s all like “oh- i was just waiting for you to get done so i could use the bathroom..” her eyes avoiding yours.
your guys’ apartment has 2 bathrooms…
she’s a wonderful cook 
her specialty is anything with pasta…. it’s true and she told me herself !!!! (real, not fake)
loves wearing crop tops. YEAH I SAID IT. and WHAT?!
usually wears those cropped muscle tanks in order to still get that tank top feel and still show off her muscles ;)
also doesn’t believe in bras. bras r for losers.
she was probably one of those girls in high school who nobody messed with because they thought she was mean. but she’s totally cool ofc.
i don’t think she was a basketball girlie, BUT she was a lacrosse, ice hockey, volleyball, AND probably water polo or- OUUHHHH!!!!!! WRESTLING!!! :D
(ellie was on the basketball and soccer team- but thats a story for another time)
she’s a suffering pre-med/med student. she hates all her professors and classmates, but she gotta do what she gotta dooooo!!!
i feel like she spends a lot of time in her studies,,, DEDICATION!
omg she loves telling you about all about the human body and different illnesses & diseases and how they affect your body.
“the human equivalent to mad cow disease, could actually be creutzfeldt-jakob disease! it completely deteriorates your brain and causes-“
PRAISE!!!!!! she loves it.
will probably never admit it but she loves when you call her a “pretty girl,” “beautiful,” or maybe even “handsome???????”
either a jeep/ford bronco OR a pickup truck lesbian.
either way, the car is definitely one that was passed down from her father and she loves it.
it’s probably like a really muted/faded blue-ish color
if you just so happen to be as tall as her/taller than her (first of all hmu), she’d be kind of competitive with you and you guys would always have silly little quarrels between one another. 
“bet you can’t reach the bag of chips all the way up there”
“bet you can’t beat me in limbo”
“bet you can’t beat me to the couch“ 
if you’re smaller than her, she’ll take the upmost amount of pride taking care of you and making sure you’re getting what you need :)
but she also loves when she gets to feel small around you.
she loves how versatile she can be around you and how your guys’ romance is totally 50/50, meaning both of you put the same-if not more- amount of energy, love, and effort into y’alls relationship :’)
you guys wear each others clothes all the time too. but.
its like she’ll wear your socks n stuff, but like you’ll wear her shirts, pants, hoodies, and literally everything else.
so it’s basically just you guys wearing the same clothes but like you share socks?😭
i feel like she’s most likely one of those people who listens to almost every genre.
but OKAY when it comes to country, she’ll listen to old country stars like marty robbins, johnny cash, dolly, kenny rodgers, etc.
but wouldn’t it be so funny if she was like into some really heavy shit- like imagine her pullin’ up to the gym listening to ‘what color is death’ by acid bath or like ‘mondo medicale’ by impaled… like.
idk just a thought…….😁
she never lets you drive. unless she’s seriously injured or really tired, you’ll always be abby’s passenger princes.
“make sure to put your seatbelt on, baby”
she’s like… A REALLY GOOD DRIVER. and she does that super attractive thing were she turns the wheel with her palm (ykwim?).
her parallel parking is INSANE. in one go, she’ll have the car in the perfect position, in between two other cars. ugh. i love her.
her hand is always resting on your thigh and she occasionally pucker her lips in your direction, wanting a kiss.
she’s not one of those people who road rages, but she definitely gets upset when people are cutting her off and pulling out in front of her just to go slower than the speed limit.
she flips people off too. paying no mind if the people were paying attention to her.
another thing. i feel like she’s actually a pretty good singer. like nobody knows, but she hums you lullabies before napping with you.
same with whistling. she’s a real good whistler :)
HER HANDWRITING is also super good…… it’s not like a font, and it’s not like straight up calligraphy either, but it’s just super pleasing to look at.
especially when she leaves you little notes around the house and doodles little drawings of you and herself (and alice because i love alice. she’s best dog).
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a/n: also hey guys i’m not entirely sober while writing this so HOPEFULLY when i wake up tomorrow its not some complete bullshit that is just spent my evening writing.. \(`0`)/ ummmm!!
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asteriastarr · 1 year
ok here is me making up a request on the spot
uh oh heheheheee
ok, so my vision is...
another deuce x shapeshifter reader (already dating) and its after school in the courtyard place thingey (where abbey and heath played football (kwim?)
and the whole group is just kinda sitting and watching some monsteres play around with heath and abbey while deuce and y/n either just sit and watch or one of them is up playing but getting teased for watching the other (idk if you get that or not but oh well XD)
just another cute funny fluffy thing
A/n: Uh so I dunno shit about sports so I just shoved Y/n as watching while Deuce is playing because I cannot for the life of me write sports of any kind... I kinda made this like a part two to the other one but not really but yk. (Also for the two sitting with Y/n I just picked the two who seemed the least athletic)... for the record, those of you who read my wattpad you may find some small references to the fanfic, anyways enjoy- hope this is what you had in mind and sorry for how long it took :)
POV: Shapshifter!reader and the group watching Deuce play sport.
Y/n, Frankie and Draculaura sat watching their friends play some kind of sports game… or more Frankie and Draculaura were watching their friends, Y/n however- couldn’t seem to tear her eyes off of a certain gorgon.
“Hellooo, earth to Y/n-” Draculaura hummed, waving a pink hand in front of the shapeshifter's face.
When Y/n merely moved her head to the side so she could continue watching, Draculaura snapped her fingers in the girl's ear.
“Huh? What?”  The shapeshifter asked, shooting up, as if she’d been broken out of a trance.
Draculaura released a small laugh.
“You are so smitten Y/n.” Draculaura giggled.
“No, I’m not!” Y/n exclaimed.
“Oh yeah? Then why are you staring at Deuce like that?” Draculaura asked smirking.
“Well, he is my boyfriend, forgive me for paying closer attention to him than say… uh- Frankie.” Y/n defended.
“Uh- Y/n- I’m right next to you… have been the entire time you’ve been here.” Frankie spoke up causing Y/n to blush in embarrassment.
“Well- How did you even know I was staring at Deuce?” Y/n asked.
“Your hands went all scaley… they usually do when you’re staring at Deuce… sometimes your hair goes all snake-like.” Draculaura shrugged.
“On a separate note… didn’t you have detention today?” Draculaura asked raising a brow.
“Uh- Um- Maybe?” She spluttered causing Draculaura to roll her eyes.
“You mean you did, but snuck out so you could watch your boyfriend.” Draculaura deduced.
“You’re making me out to be boy crazy or something Draculaura, I actually snuck out to hang out with you guys.” Y/n defended.
“And Deuce.”
“Oh, shut up already.” Y/n scoffed, not realising that Deuce was looking in her direction, stopping his running around to watch her talk to Draculaura and subsequently being hit in the head with the foot they had been playing with.
“Aw, Deuce were you staring at your girlfriend?” Heath teased causing Deuce to punch him in the arm.
“Shut up dude.” He scoffed before glancing back at Y/n.
“So how did you even get out of detention?” Draculaura asked.
“Oh uh- You know that uh- Mercy girl? I paid her twenty dollars to put sleeping medication in Mr Komos’s drink.” Y/n shrugged.
“Y/n you’ll be in so much trouble when he wakes up!” Draculaura gasped.
“Oh please, that won’t be for hours.”
As if right on cue, Mr Komos stormed out of the school building.
“Y/n! You are supposed to be in detention.” Mr Komos hissed when he reached the group.
“No, I’m not.”
“Yes you are- I’m the one who gave you the detention!”
“No, you didn’t.”
“Y/n. Go back to detention.” Mr Komos ordered.
“You know, I’m starting to think you’re only giving me detention because I’m a shapeshifter.” Y/n stated.
“I am.”
“That is so offensive.” Y/n deadpanned.
“It’s because you keep imitating teachers.”
“Me? I would never!” Y/n gasped.
“You’ll never catch me alive!” Y/n exclaimed, turning into a hermit crab to pinch his legs before returning to her normal form and running into the woods.
“Y/n! Why does this always happen?”
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of course it’s an alicent profile pic saying this shit:
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the thing is, i would’ve agreed with the original sentiment of this post if it wasn’t for the tags, but then this person goes mask off and proves to me that they were only pretending to offer meaningful criticism.
cause all i see in these tags is buzzword 🗣️🗣️ buzzword 🗣️🗣️ buzzword 🗣️🗣️
i just wanna know, why are the targaryens always singled out as the house that ‘regularly cannibalizes its own?’
these don’t exist ig: the she-wolves of winterfell, the current lannisters, and literally every House ever.
why are the targaryens held to such an unfair standard? and why are they held responsible for the sins of their ancestors?
it is literally so funny. but like… in an astonishing kind of way.
in these tags there’s no objective language used 🙅‍♀️ no care for nuance 🙅‍♀️ and no meaningful interaction with the main themes of the series 🙅‍♀️
OP kind of tries to pretend, but it’s all surface level shit. it’s clear that they’re blinded by their hatred of the targs and dany.
because george never holds things his characters can’t control against them. what a character should be judged by is their actions, and imo, that’s what george writes about: how individual characters actions and choices can shape the world around them (bonus if the character is a cripple, bastard, or broken thing and is trying to protect others); and he also puts a lot of emphasis on a characters intentions and how they come to their decisions, which gets us his famous ‘human heart in conflict with itself’ thesis statement.
george, someone who’s interested in the choices of the individual and how they get there, clearly thinks it’s important to showcase how different characters handle great power, otherwise he wouldn’t have so many POV characters in positions of such great importance.
on that note, asoiaf isn’t an anti-monarchy piece. you could easily claim that it’s a criticism of systematic oppression, systematic violence, corrupt institutions, and unbalanced social structures; it’s a sort of think piece on how people in positions of power destroy the lives of the common in their petty fights of greed and ambition, all whilst ignoring the incoming humanity ending threat.
and through this thought process, you get the title of the first book: a game of thrones. the political shifts are a game for these powerful people, and this motif is one of the most important statements to understand in order to interact with the series discussion on what it means to be a good ruler. this motif also comes up in a conversation jorah and dany have about the smallfolk: “It is no matter to them if the high lords play their game of thrones, so long as they are left in peace. They never are.” it’s high lords, not royals. it’s a critique of the whole social structure and political system, not a criticism of one family.
so, if you’re of this belief that petty power disputes are dumb and are angry that most high lords don’t give a shit about their subjects, then you should love daenerys, who’s one of the few characters who’s using her power to make lasting societal change.
now, is she perfect? no. no she’s not. cause she’s a teenage girl trying to take down a slave trade that’s been around for thousands of years (hilarious that she’s actually fixing the mistakes of her ancestors…). but dany is learning and is doing her best to get better and is trying to empower the powerless. that sets her apart from almost every other ruler in asoiaf and makes her one of the most important POVs in this book series quest to find out what makes a good ruler. something something gods make kings and queens to protect those who can’t protect themselves…
with that in mind, i agree that the conclusion of the series won’t be a character sitting on a throne because of their blood or because of some divine right mumbo jumbo. imo, a character will only sit on a throne if they’ve been smart, gained allies, formed alliances, have control of an army, have gained loyalty from the people they wish to rule, have been honorable, maybe have a dragon or three, and are a hero.
dany has checked off almost all the boxes, so i think it’s safe to root for her. and considering the foreshadowing, i think it’s logical to guess that peace will be ushered in, even if it’s a hard won peace. and what’s wrong with believing that daenerys will be one of the ones who helps usher in this peace after all the work she’s done to protect those who don’t have the power to protect themselves?
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simp4wom3n · 2 years
Ask Percy
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Pairing: Jenna Ortega x singer!Reader
Requested: Yes/No ~ request
Summary: After filming, Jenna and Percy had become close, too close. Jenna started ditching plans with Y/n for Percy, causing Y/n to finally breakdown before they left on a month long tour. ~ Word Count: 4.024k ~ Warnings: swearing and quite angstyyy
A/N: Hi!! I actually loved writing this sm idek why. It is a majority angst with a happy ending because I will always avoid completely breaking someones heart x. Either way I hope you enjoy it <3
It wasn't often you got jealous, but when you have practically been replaced and deprived of spending the time you so craved with your girlfriend, the feeling was inevitable.
You and Jenna's schedules often meant that you had to spend long times apart from one another, which whilst it did put a strain on your relationship, it meant you would always spend every ounce of your free time together.
That had apparently changed.
Like today.
You were due to leave on tour in a few days, and the only thing you wanted to do was spend time with your girlfriend before you left for over a month. Yet as you sat at home, alone, with nothing better to do than pack your bags, it was obvious her priorities weren't the same as yours. Where was she you may ask? ask Percy.
Percy Hynes White, her costar and new best friend apparently. Ever since the two of them had wrapped filming 'Wednesday', they were practically attached at the hip, as Jenna's free time, which used to almost entirely consist of you, now predominantly consisted of Percy.
You had nothing against the guy. You had met him a few times and you could see why Jenna liked him. He was funny, charismatic, and just an overall kind person at heart. All the attributes that make him equally as terrifying to you, because as you saw it, it gave him the ability to sweep your girlfriend from right under you feet.
A slew of self-deprecating thoughts had been racing through your mind all day, leaving your girlfriend as your last resort in order to avoid a full-fledged breakdown. You just wished you had told her how you were feeling sooner because it felt like shite. Every time she left you alone for him, every time she told you a story about the two of them, every time her eyes lit up at the mention of his name, it felt like someone was slowly hacking away at your heart, each crack and break as slow and painful as the last.
Assuming Jenna would be home for dinner, you decided to try to unwind by cooking for just the two of you. You had always adored cooking and it was something the two of you often did together. Hence, whilst you were skilfully moving around the kitchen listening to music, a small smile grew on you face at the thought of your shared activities.
After finishing plating all the food and cleaning the kitchen, you grab your phone and noticed a new message from Jenna, instinctively causing your eyes to widen in excitement. The slight smirk that had made its way onto your face was soon washed away as it felt as if you were hit with a tidal wave as you read the message.
"Staying over at Percy's. Don't bother waiting up for me."
The colour dropped from your face as you lowered your phone in disbelief. You slumped against the countertop as all the noise around you faded, becoming an insistent buzz. 'Are you fucking kidding me' you thought as your disbelief soon turned into anger - you had officially been replaced. Dropping you phone on the bench, your fingers curl up tightly as your fists clench, your knuckles turning ghastly white as you hunch forward. You grunt as you let your back hits the wall, sliding down your kitchen cupboards until you come to a stop when you meet the floor. Your tense body goes limp as you sit there, tears starting to stream down your face as sobs begin escaping your throat.
You couldn't believe it. You were leaving in a few days and would be gone for over a month, and she didn't even have the decency to spend the time with you that you had begged her for. You felt nothing but disbelief as you brought your knees to your chest, resting your head on them as your sobs ceased, no longer bothering to feel the pain.
For once you felt almost excited to leave.
With all of your excitement and hope drained from your now exhausted body, you slowly stood up from your slumped position and grabbed your phone with your eyes and cheeks painted red from your tears and made your way to your bedroom. With the meal you had prepared going cold on the dining table, you stripped and changed into some more comfortable clothes before turning off the lights and collapsing into your bed.
As you laid your head on the pillow, your senses were instantly filled with her scent, her absence deepening the cracks in your already wounded heart. With exhaustion hot on your tail, you plugged in and opened your phone, the message reappearing as you rub your eyes to try and contain your tears.
You didn't have the energy to argue, or to get mad. At this point you had accepted your fate. If she wanted to be with Percy and not you than that was her choice. You just had to deal with it.
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As Jenna got home late the next morning, it was eerily quiet. The usual echo of positivity that followed you everywhere you went was missing; instead, the energy felt bitter, which immediately concerned her. As she put her stuff down and walked further into the apartment, her eyes scanned your usual spots until she caught a glimpse of you, curled up in a chair on your small balcony, a cup of coffee cradled in your hands.
You had been sat there all morning just attempting to take your mind off of Jenna - which proved to be impossibly hard. As you sat still and moped, you watched as people, and painfully couples, went about their business on the city's busy streets. The sound of the balcony door opening didn't even phase you as your attention remained anywhere but on the person you knew was looking at you with querying eyes.
"What's going on?" Jenna asked as she made her way into your line of sight, instantly causing your eyes to burn with tears. "Nothing" you responded coldly as you shifted uncomfortably in your seat. "Is something wrong" you didn't respond, instead avoiding her stare as you stood up and briskly made your way inside. "Y/n? Hello?". Still no response. "Why are you ignoring me". You scoff at her choice of wording. "Why am I ignoring you?" you ask incredulously as she looks at you confused. "I'm the one who has been sat here, patiently waiting for you to come home and finally acknowledge my existence"
You can see that Jenna is taken back by your sudden outburst as she takes a few seconds to come back with a response. "I... what do you mean? am I not allowed to spend time with my friends or something?" "Of course you are!" your voice breaks as you cry "I understand that and I have been so patient... I was happy to let you do your thing as long as you at least came home to me. You deprived me of the one thing I asked for and all for fucking Percy.". You can't help but feel bad for getting mad at her, but at this point your emotional pillage is coming pouring out whether you like it or not.
"I don't get why you are so mad! Just because your my girlfriend doesn't mean I have to spend every waking hour with you!" "Because I'm leaving for over a fucking month tomorrow and you don't even care!" At this point your tears are streaming down your cheeks as your chest aches. Running her hand through her hair, Jenna turns her back to you as she takes a deep breath. "Jesus fucking christ Y/n. Maybe I should date Percy." Your head snaps up as your eyes widen and brows furrow.
"What..." you brokenly whisper. "Maybe I should date fucking Percy Y/n... does that make you feel better?!?" turning around to meet your eyes, hers looking dead serious, terrifying you. "Your joking right?" you practically beg as your arms slowly wrap around your torso as you seek any kind of comfort. "Am I? Because after this fiasco I'd bet he'd be a better partner."
At that your heart shatters. Any last ounce of hope you had left was thrown out the window. "Right" you nod swiftly, biting you lip in an attempt to contain your sobs. "I guess I won't get in your way then". Walking towards your front door, you slip on some shoes and a coat open the door. With tears still running down your face, you look back at Jenna who remains frozen to her spot, one hand on her forehead and the other on her hip, before she turns and walks away from you.
You were secretly hoping she would stop you from leaving yet here you were, one foot already out the door. With a sigh you grab your keys before locking the door behind you. Your destination? you had no idea. All you knew was anywhere but here.
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The sun had set hours ago and you were yet to come home. Jenna tried to act like she didn't care, seeing as she was the reason you left, but her attempts to distract herself were futile as you were at the forefront of her mind - admittedly for the first time in a while.
She jumped slightly as she heard the front door swing open, her eyes immediately darting in its direction. You entered silently with slumped shoulders, discarding your coat and keys as you slip off your shoes. You glance at Jenna with a neutral expression on your face before you walk towards your bedroom. "Where have you been?" despite feeling she had no right to ask, she still cared about you whether you believed it or not. "Why the fuck do you care" you reply coldly as you walk straight past her without uttering another word, Jenna sighing softly as the weight of what she said to you sinks in.
You were hurting and it was her fault.
She decides to give you a few minutes by yourself, also not particularly keen to face you after your earlier screaming match. She eventually follows you to the bedroom where she finds you curled up on your side of the bed, completely silent and still. "Y/n?" she gently whispers as she enters the room, receiving no response in return, leading her to presume you were asleep.
But how could you be? Since you left, you had spent the remainder of the day walking aimlessly, making a few pitstops at your favourite places to try and entertain yourself and help get your mind off of your (ex?) girlfriend. So sure, you were tired. Yet the moment you set foot back into your apartment, your mind transformed back into a racing track as all of your thoughts competed for your attention - and yet you didn't want to pay attention to any of them.
So here you lay in complete silence, your mind blank, attempting to ignore Jenna's warm presence besides you. You heard her whisper your name yet you had absolutely no desire to look at her, let alone speak to her. So, as you felt her get in bed beside you, an uncomfortable amount of space between your two typically entwined bodies, you stared at the wall in front of you until you were eventually overwhelmed with exhaustion.
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As streaks of sunlight sneak through the small gaps between the dark curtains, Jenna stirs awake, exhaling as she rubs her eyes in an attempt to rid the evidence of her sleepless night. As she rolls onto her back she is suddenly aware of the lack of your presence, your side of the bed left empty and cold. As she warily pushes herself up, she notices a number of draws open, causing her brows to furrow in confusion as she pushes the bed covers off and swings her legs off the bed.
Gently standing up, her hands running through her hair in an attempt to tame it, she walks tentatively out the open bedroom door. As she makes her way through your apartment, her eyes widen as she notices a number of packed bags by the doorway. 'Is she leaving me' is the thought running through her head as she starts to search the apartment more desperately, eventually locating you on the balcony - apparently your new place of comfort.
"Your leaving?" are the first words that leave her mouth as she joins you on said balcony. Currently leaning on the railing peacefully admiring the cityscape, you scoff as you turn your head towards her, a look of disbelief and disappointment on your face. "Seriously?". You realise she clearly hadn't remembered causing you chuckle in disbelief as you turn around, resting your back on the railing. "My tour?" It dawns on her as the colour drains from her face, a look of embarrassment spreading quickly. "Yeah that little old thing. I don't even know why I'm surprised you forgot." Scoffing again you walk past her, gently bumping into her as you make your way to the front door.
"Y/n wait" Jenna calls out to you, hot on your tail as you choose to ignore her. As you reach your bags and start putting some on, she attempts to stop you as she grabs ahold of your arm and forces you to face her. Despite the past few days, her touch still sends shivers down your spine as you inhale sharply whilst you look at her blankly, her eyes pleading with you to stay. "There's a car waiting for me Jenna. I have to go." you speak softly as you gently pry her hand off of your arm, turning back around to open the door.
She is frozen to the spot, unable to speak as her eyes begin to brim with tears. She wraps herself in a hug as she watches you collect your bags, her right hand coming up to cover her mouth in an attempt to keep her sobs at bay. As you take a step out the door, you look over your shoulder with solemn eyes as you reach for the handle. "Goodbye Jenna." you whisper, a slight break in your voice which you attempt to conceal. You give her one last soft smirk as you close the door.
Goodbye... you said goodbye. Not see you later, but goodbye. 'Fuck' Jenna mutters as the door locks, attempting to blink away her tears as she turns away in shock. Her breathing is uneven as she soaks in everything that has happened over the past 24 hours. Her seemingly perfect world had erupted into pure chaos. Whilst there was still a part of her that was denying it, she knew it was her fault.
You were her girlfriend, the love of her life, and she blew you off as if you were completely unimportant and irrelevant. Her emotions were drowning her as she collapsed on the couch, her head resting on her hands as her tears continued to stream from her eyes. Her own words echoed in her head as her life continued to come crashing down on her. She had fucked up. Badly.
She had to make it up to you. She had to see you.
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The barren and monotonous landscape that surrounded the highway sped past you as you stared out the window of your tour bus. Your thoughts matching the whirring of the outside world as you attempt to drain them out with your music blasting in your noise-cancelling headphones.
Jenna. She was all you could think about. No matter what you saw, whether it be a sign to a place you had visited or an advertisement for one of her many projects, and no matter what song you listened to, whether it was one that reminded you of her or that you often listened to together, it was all about her.
Ever since you met Jenna, you knew she was the one. You had no other way of describing it, you just knew. Everything about her was perfect. The two of you complimented each other perfectly and she had instantly become your best friend before you grew the guts to ask her out - easily the best decision you had ever made.
Yet as you thought back on all of this, you couldn't help the tears that fell. You truly had believed that she was the one. Not only was she the best girlfriend you could ever have asked for, but she was also your best friend. And yet, it would appear you have been replaced in both categories.
So, as you sat alone in a bus full of your bandmates, the landscape flashing past reflecting how your relationship similarly flew by, you hastily wiped the tears that had fallen upon your cheeks as you leant back in your chair accepting what you had believed to be true.
You had lost your everything.
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The cheers of the crowd is echoing in your ears as you aimlessly pace around backstage. The first concert of a tour was always the most daunting, yet this one was easily the most terrifying as you brain continued to run a million miles a minute. With your music beginning to play and getting the signal to walk on, you suck in one last breath before you stride out on to the stage, a large smile plastered on your face - fake or real? you had no idea
As you sung your usual setlist, it proved to thankfully be a great distraction from the thoughts and emotions that awaited you off the stage.
The audience erupted in loud cheers as the beginning of one of your hit songs, 'Romantic Homicide', started to play. You'd written it years before meeting Jenna, shortly after being cheated on by your previous partner. When you produced it, you were in a very dark place, one that Jenna had helped you get out of. However, as you stood on stage, bright lights shining in your eyes and cheers echoing in your ears, your heart couldn't help but ache as you realised the song was beginning to reflect your relationship with Jenna.
I'm scared
It feels like you don't care
As you started to sing the lyrics, the waves of emotion washing over you, you look out into the crowd as you pour your heart and soul into the song. As you scan the crowd, your eyes catch a familiar face within the mosh, and as you take a double take, your heart simultaneously soars and drops.
Enlighten me, my dear
Why am I still here?
Jenna was in the crowd and looking directly at you. As your eyes met hers, she gave you a small sad smile as she slowly swayed to the music. What you couldn't tell however was that she was thinking the same as you. As your lyrics echo in her ears, her heart skips a beat as she too realises that the lyrics suddenly seem all to familiar.
I don't mean to be complacent with the decisions you made
But why?
She watches as you rip your eyes off of her, instead deciding to look out to the general crowd, and as you do so, a tear slips down her cheek. She remembers vividly the state you were in when she met you
Rock bottom.
When she had first heard the song she was in disbelief as to how someone could have made you feel this way. When she had helped you heal, she had sworn to never let you reach that state again.
Yet here she was.
In the back of my mind
You died
And I didn't even cry
No, not a single tear
And I'm sick of waiting patiently for someone that won't even arrive
After spotting Jenna amongst the crowd, your emotions were almost impossible to contain, yet as you continued to sing, you channelled all of your frustration and sadness into the lyrics. Watching the crowd be simultaneously overcome with emotion, you risked a glance in Jenna's direction. As the stage lights gently reflected on her face, you could see the tears that ran down her cheeks. Whilst you felt some gratification in seeing her emotional, your heart also clenched at the sight.
In the back of my mind
I killed you
And I didn't even even regret it
I can't believe I said it
But it's true
I hate you
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Walking off the stage and into your changing room, the cheering slowly fading in the background, you take a deep breath as you try to compose yourself, your heart racing and head spinning as you clock that Jenna was actually here. Why was she here?
Just as that question came to mind, you heard a soft knock at your door. Your heart dropped at the thought of who it could be. Unsure as to whether you wanted it to be her or not, you opened the door slowly, revealing your girlfriend. Your breath instantly hitched in your throat as you took in her figure.
Dressed in a pair of loose suit pants and a casual blazer on top of a white tee, she nervously stood in front of you as she fidgeted with her hands. "Can I come in?" she asked meekly. "Yeah" you sighed as you stood to the side and gestured her in. She hesitantly walks in, her eyes taking in the decor of the room as she makes her way towards your small couch. She timidly takes a seat as her eyes continue to seemingly avoid you.
"What are you doing here?" leaning against your vanity, you break the tense silence as she finally looks at you, tears evident in her eyes. "I came here for you" she speaks tentatively after a moment. "That's a first" you faintly scoff as you rub a hand across your face. You hear her take a laboured breath at your response before she stands up and hesitantly walks towards you, attempting to find your eyes with hers.
"Y/n...I came here for you, and that's the truth." she whispers as she stops just in front of you, her hands twitching in temptation to touch you. You suck in a sharp breath as you lift your head up, tears slowly falling as you finally let them slip. She hesitantly reaches a hand up to your cheek, very gently wiping away your tears, when, to her surprise, you lean into her touch.
"I fucked up... I hurt you... and I made you feel as though you didn't matter to me." her cries starting to obstruct her apology. "But you do. You mean so fucking much to me and I... I don't know what I would do without you a-and I don't want to even think about what I would do.". At this point she is sobbing as you reach your hand to grasp her spare one, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"I shouldn't have ignored you like that I... I should never have made that comment about dating Percy I would never do that. I don't see him like that I promise... I would never do that to you Y/n I swear." Your heart clenched at her words. She knew she fucked up and that was enough for you - after all you were equally to blame. Having enough of her desperate yet oddly adorable rambling, you wrap her in a crushing embrace to which she instantly melts into. She hides herself in the crook of your neck as she continues to sob, whispering "I'm sorry"s into you as you cradled her head.
With her arms wrapped tightly around your waist, you bury your head into her shoulder as you bathe in the comfort that her presence brings. "It's ok" is all you say as her sobs cease into sniffles, your shirt wet with her tears. "I love you, it's ok" "Thank y-you. I love you so m-much" you squeeze her tighter at her words, not willing to let go anytime soon.
Tag-list: @nitchxhdc @emeraldevan @looseheartedlady @the-night-owl-blr @badassjaguar @txmxav @oh-thats-cute @blckrwidow @cacciatricediartemide @flaiire1805 @rainbow-love4ever @fall-08 @simp4nat @natashadeservedmore @livingforwaddams
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fieldsofbats · 1 year
simon riley x waitstaff!reader
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thank you to those who liked my first post <3 i am still v new to this and haven't quite figured out my preferred writing style so all feedback is welcome (be respectful tho).
part one
part two
right so at ur work it’s real common to have military folk there bc it is a military town, close to base, training facilities etc. 
first visit was just to the bar section of the place. price thought it would be good for moral to go out and have some chill team time, watch a football match and just hang out.
soap ordered some food and you brought it over to them. simon did not notice you bc he was watching the game, but then he got a whiff of soaps food and decided to grab something.
cue you coming back over with your sweet smile and handing him his food and cutlery before wandering back to the resturant bc its a quiet night.
mans is hooked.
second time ghost comes in it’s at night again but the restaurant is slammed bc it’s family week, everyone is getting dinner the night before they gotta head home. 
lbr, simon didnt think about you until soap wanted to go out again: "where are we goin'" "that place with the pretty server", knows exactly where they are going.
but still, your smile and warmth towards everyone is so kind and customer service is through the roof. yet he watches as you race around in and out of the kitchen with crazy ease and grace
like dude is impressed at you staying calm and steady despite how fuckin busy it is and people with their insane requests and demands for food (inpatient pricks)
he wants to stick around and watch u but it has become way to loud and busy for him so he bows out and goes back to his quiet room
simon strikes me as someone that likes to have as much regularity in his life as possible, why do you think 141 are literally the only people he has relationships with???
but mainly forms this routine bc he gets to see you, and he knows you will be there bc you’ve old him its your regular shift.
"you basically live here."
"haha no, i just make sure i get the shift with you."
the restaurant would make the booking for him in advance cause he never does but you know he is coming anyway so have it under ‘y/n's man’ (hasn’t told you his name) and ur coworkers think its super cute and funny
but he would make the effort to come in when it is quiet and has the chance to actually listen to you talk and see you interact with others on a more relaxed level BUT he wouldn’t be opposed to seeing you rushing around tables and weaving between guests who haven’t sat down
ngl he would find it hot watching you manage several orders and memorising different peoples requirements, all while keeping that sweet smile and polite manner
you can carry three plates?! this man is sweating under the mask
he doesn’t do a lot of the talking, only when you really prompt him or he is feeling a bit more extroverted that day. Doesn’t wanna talk about military shit with you but that’s all he does so he prefers to listen to you.
knows all the drama and gossip of the restaurant. glad to hear you are not dating the guy behind the bar and that you also don't like the receptionist because he perfume is to strong.
he will hang around and wait for it to die down to be able to talk to you. if it gets too loud for him he might just try and see you at the till as he leaves but has pushed through once or twice to talk to you.
something about you makes him feel more real, that he isn’t just some shell of a man, that he has a purpose. he likes that you treat him normally, the fresh slate you give him is like clean evening air.
ANYWAY it would take him ages to ask you out, like more than six/ seven months, and he would be so nervous (not to the point of stuttering or shaking bc this man is military he has been in worse situations, but his heart would be running a marathon and the self doubt would be just as loud)
but also protective ghost omgggg, he would be seething watching the old men be creepy and shit
knife and fork are down and he is up behind these men leering over them “excuse me, I just have a question about my meal.” just would say anything to get you out of that situation and back over to him. Or would just stand by the register staring down these men (this happens a lot more often than simon would like to admit)
always checks in when he is leaving to make sure he didn’t over step or make you uncomfortable by accident
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
I saw your Lackadaisy headcanons and I couldn't be happier cause this fandom needs more love. Can you do one for Mordecai with a female reader who's love language is acts of services and physical touch. Like, she has almost no sense of personal space (she really doesn't mean to make him uncomfortable) and if absolutely FLUSTERS poor Mordecai especially when he becomes aware of his feelings after a SLOW burn built up. Thank you so much for the awesome work and keep it up ❤️
Ayo so I actually got like 2 other messages about a Pt.2 to the first Mordecai headcanons, so Im adding this onto that! Again for some reason this murdercat got away from me so its a long boy. I attempted to keep it organized ,, , ,
First order of business, Mitzi ships it.
Back when Atlas bought her that nifty camera, she didn't just take embarrassing photos of Mordecai. She got some pretty cute candid shots of you around the bar, and a kinda-blurry-but-not-too-bad photo of you and Mordecai outside the big cafe window, talking to each other and not aware you were being photographed. It's pretty artsy, if she says so herself. She tucks the photos in Mordecai's desk and directly hands you the silly ones she took of him.
Actually, she clocked your feelings early on, but figured he wasn't interested. Didn't seem like the kind of guy, which is a shame. You're a sweetie. She hadn't seen you both act any different for a long time, so maybe that crush fizzled out? But if you ever bring it up with Mitzi, she's your #1 support. She's gonna set you up nice and give you all sorts of tips that just ... fall flat. Jeez, she knew Mordecai was unapproachable, but is it really going to take this long ...?
Viktor also figured your feelings out (albeit later), but that ain't his business. You had odd taste, though. He thinks it's pretty funny when other people flirt with you and Mordecai's suddenly in a foul mood and doesn't understand why. At least you two aren't hanky panky or anything, eugh, and you keep your heads during firefights. Anytime Viktor tries to bring up the topic (which, granted, is like a grand total of three times), he's so round about and non-direct that you have no idea what he's getting at. Oh well.
(If the idea of you two being a couple is brought up with anyone else, they can scarcely believe it. You? With him? Good luck. Only Atlas seems to see it, though his employee's love lives aren't relevant unless it gets in the way of business.)
Actually, if you're a more exuberant and affectionate type, that just makes people question your taste in him even more. The first few interactions didn't go great - you touched him without thinking, like you do most people, and he flinched so hard it's like you hurt him. Second time he hissed. Right, you got the picture. You became more mindful and considerate of his personal space, that plus an apology goes a long way.
Once you both are more familiar and have more trust, you can put a hand on Mordecai's shoulder or back without him reacting much. You can even squeeze his shoulder if you're trying to be reassuring, or silently warning him. Sometimes you just say "Hey, I'm gonna touch you," and you fix his coat or check a bruise. He lets you get away with more than others because you ask first.
(Sometimes he feels bad for it - you'll rush to hug your friends and you're so happy in their embrace, then you bound over to him and clearly restrain yourself as you touch his arm.)
Eventually you ask for hugs - quick ones! Special occassions only! But sometimes you're obviously distressed so he just. Lets it happen, briefly. If this is before admitting any feelings to each other or even himself, it's brief. If this is many years into this weird sort-of-understanding-relationship thing you both have, he'll quietly hold you while you get your emotions out. It's the least he can do, it really is. Mordecai already feels like he isn't deserving of whatever this is, and moreso if you're clearly someone who needs and wants physical attention and comfort.
But he does try, in his way. He'll reach over and take your hand. He gets used to sitting shoulder to shoulder, your tails brushing each other, or letting you lean on him when you're both exhausted. He actually likes it quite a bit when you slightly lean as you read and he does paperwork. It's nice to have that solid warmth, and comfortable quiet.
Mordecai lives in the main building above the cafe, long after he could afford an apartment. More economical and practical, he reasons. If Atlas needs something, he's right there. When you begin inviting him to dinner at your place, very slowly, he starts lingering afterward. Mordecai tries to make it like it's because it's easier to do numbers there - better lighting, your place is quieter, and so on. Nevermind the warm dinner and the nice fire in the fireplace and some low music on the radio and you reading something while his pencil scratches the paper. It ... really brings up some old thoughts and memories.
You've gotten bits and pieces of his family history during these times, usually after you've shared some of his own first. Clearly he doesn't like talking about it. You don't push it. You just listen to what he volunteers, and thank him for listening to you in kind.
Note, he always goes home, no matter how late it is. You feel like it's one of those lines that'll be tough to cross. Hell, just inviting him over was tough at first. He walked into your living space just fine in the day, when he was waiting to pick you up for a job. There'd be some comments on the dust or some examining of your plants, but nothing odd. When he comes by for dinner, he's initially tense until he settles in, and eventually he's quite at ease. Over the years he brought several plants in because he always heard you're supposed to bring flowers for the host, but flowers die quickly, and besides this variety of ivy is different because --
(You end up with a tidy windowsill of houseplants, and start having to put some on your counters. Mordecai gets flustered and suggests maybe you should get rid of some, and you reply you absolutely won't. When he waits for you to get ready, he checks their water and pulls some dead leaves. Might as well, right?)
As expected, kissing and intimate touches will be slow-going. You start simple: a quick good-bye kiss on the cheek when he leaves your apartment in the evening. The first time, Mordecai's hairs stand on end and his tail poofs up but! He assures you it was fine. He's fine. When the bar's empty and he's heading out, you give a quick 'good luck' kiss before hurrying off. You initiate all of them until one day when you'te both walking to the car, covered in (someone else's) blood and debating something silly, and once there's a lull in the conversation he just. Leans over and kisses you. It's only lasts a few seconds, then he just pulls away, fixes his glasses and trips walks to the car.
You're a bit dazed the rest of the drive and he's just a mess of nerves.
After that you can give him kisses now and again, but he gets flustered easily and it’s definitely a private matter. It's only around Viktor that you can touch and fuss over Mordecai, but that only leads to the old man snorting and the two of them starting to argue. Viktor's pretty damn surprised you're both that close, though. How long has it been that way?
Oh, and then there's drunk Mordecai. Oh boy.
This has only happened like, two times, because he does not drink. Period, the end, close curtain. He knows how he gets and he hates it. It doesn't take much of whatever questionable piss whiskey to get him swaying and seeing double. He'll flop on your shoulder and ramble about you're so wonderful and he's really not sure why you like him, also could you stop moving the room, oh and he's killed a man for you, but nevermind that you're such a darling person --
He's so sloshed. The novelty starts to wear off when he's falling over and you're having to get him home because apparently Viktor did it last time. At least Mordecai's a bean pole. If he's drunk in your apartment, thank god, you can just pull him over to your room so he can sleep it off. He's still going on about who-knows-what while you take off his shoes and coat. What's this about murdering who for you? Whatever, he's probably confused. Probably.
(You sleep on the couch and at 7am sharp you're awakened by a loud THUNK and panicked shouting as he still-drunkedly tries to orient himself and figure out where the hell he is. Hes so humiliated by everything he just avoids you for several days.)
Oh, last thing.
Mordecai will kill someone for you. Period. No questions asked. Viktor would too, yes, but after explaining and questioning and he'd go with you and hide the body. Mordecai just does it. Abusive partner, debt collector, a rival gang member tailing you, whoever - they're done for. He doesn't bring it up until you ask questions.
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that-ari-blogger · 2 months
A Special Kind of Hypocrisy (Stayed Gone)
If you have been following my blog for a while, the fact that I take issue with the rules of writing will probably not be a surprise. I think that there are generally accepted guidelines, but these are tools and the best stories use them in unexpected ways.
“Put your readers in the action,” Darksouls is phenomenal and most of the stuff in that story has already happened. “Make your writing flow,” Turtles All The Way Down goes out of its way to feel jagged in order to portray the discomfort of its protagonist’s mind, and that is a book that shattered me for a solid week and a half.
“Show don’t tell”. That one is tricky. If an audience sees something, they are more likely to believe it, so it isn’t a tool for good writing, it’s a tool for making writing feel real. If it’s played straight, it can evoke a feeling of safety and trust, or can evoke emotions in a reader that are difficult to achieve otherwise. If subverted, this idea can present unease, deceit, or even hypocrisy.
Let me explain.
CONTENT WARNING: Not much in this one, but a standard warning because of the show I’m analysing. Gore, foul language, etc. Read at your own peril.
SPOILERS AHEAD: (Hazbin Hotel, The Family Plan)
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I feel like clarifying everything I am about to say with the fact that tropes aren’t bad, and that subverting everything doesn’t make for good writing. Stories are about using what you have to build something, and if that something is just a box you can put things in, it doesn’t need to be complicated.
For example, The Family Plan is a perfectly fun movie that I really enjoyed, and it doesn’t push any boundaries at all. It’s just got Mark Wahlberg playing a cooler version of himself and some road trip shenanigans crossed with a spy thriller. It doesn’t invent at all, but its tightly written, well shot, and genuinely quite funny.
I think we look at art these days from an overly critical fashion, evaluating how it contradicts tradition or makes a point that will be remembered for generations, and some stories are aiming for that, but some just want to be a fun ride, and that’s ok.
Some stories, however, want to be controversial, and want to ask questions. Most notably in this context, Hazbin Hotel.
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Hazbin Hotel’s selling point is that it dissects morality on an intrinsic level, and part of this is done by the character of Alastor, whom is objectively a villainous character, but who serves as a protagonist for the majority of the season.
Alastor has a song in the pilot, but because I’m not covering that for my own reasons, let’s talk about his musical introduction to the actual series, Stayed Gone.
This song introduces Alastor as a villain, but not an especially powerful one, and I feel like that’s kind of the point. Alastor certainly has an ego, but he’s a parasite. He works by twisting people’s intentions into benefiting him. He’s a schemer, a talker, a forger of Faustian bargains. This song sets up what kind of evil Alastor works with, and it isn’t brute force.
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This is exemplified by the music choice, in that Alastor doesn’t add anything at all to it. This is Vox’s song; Alastor just changes the direction a little.
From that perspective, this song depicts Vox more than Alastor, and explores how he causes his own downfall with the barest of inputs from his ex. Remember what I said in the start about show don’t tell? Let’s observe it in action.
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Starting with the runup, because this feels heavy, right? It feels like someone is marching with that Mortal Combat style of walk that lets you know they mean to mess someone up. This sound is implicitly threatening.
Part of that is that it is so calm. There is nothing going on here, no fancy movements or anything of the sorts. The base line is the same two notes played an octave apart on repeat. It’s an A then an E played twice, then a few lower notes that rise higher before resolving back to that E. It's like the creature is taking a breath as it moves. A big, lumbering breath for a massive creature. It feels steady and adds variation.
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Meanwhile, the higher chords are exactly the same as each other. A Major repeated four times, then the bottom two notes shift down by a semitone each, to throw the listener off balance.
But its more than that, right? These notes make you feel unsafe, there is intrinsic malice to the steadiness. I sent a friend of mine who knows music better than I do a message to try and work this out, and they mentioned that the higher notes give add suspense, which I think serves to make the bass part feel even heavier by comparison. They give you a moment to weight for that strike, like pulling back a bow string, and they give you something higher to contrast that low tone.
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Then we get Vox’s singing voice. He’s been talking and vaguely rhyming up to this point, but now we get a song.
Also, there's a drum now. You would think this creates cohesion, but its offset, adding to that feeling of unease. It matches the second note of each bar to further accent the force of that first step by giving it some backwards force, then the same drum plays twice, once off the beat, once back on. Again, we’re lurching.
But notice how Vox’s sentences interact with the bars. Vox is the only thing that messes with the standard rhythm established by the backing music. Where everything is the same beat repeated each bar, Vox talks quickly for a bar then regains composure.
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This is enjambment, linking ideas between thoughts and giving vox momentum. Now that weight has direction behind it, and judging by his word choice, that being the repeated use of the pronoun “you”, that direction is towards you.
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Skipping ahead for a moment, I’ve found a ton of disagreement in the online sheet music for this song as to whether there is a tempo change for when the TV goes live.
If there is, you could analyse it and point out how it portrays the superficiality of Vox as a person and how he presents as someone less in control of himself when on camera. Maybe there is a question of which the real Vox is, the composed version or the manic newscaster. Maybe.
On the other hand, maybe there is nothing there, and I am going to wield executive privileges gained from this being my blog and go with my favourite one, this one. (I also used this one, for the record, I just prefer the first)
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The score I followed gets so much more complicated once the television starts going, and so do the visuals, honestly. Everything about Vox gets so much more complicated, every joke is earning your attention like a TikTok, terrified you’ll look away. This is how advertising works on YouTube by the way, at least the adds that have to contend with the skip button. They compress everything into five second chunks because they need your full focus.
There are a few jokes in here of note. I would be foolish to not mention the venison pun, but none of them are of particular importance, which paradoxically makes them extremely important.
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Notice here, he presents two versions of himself. The purpose of a conversation is to have two different perspectives come together, even if they are similar. But this is the same guy pretending to be varied.
Nothing that Vox says means anything at all. It is all one liners and insults, there is nothing going on behind those eyes, and that is exactly the point. He is all talk, no show.
Vox says he’s powerful, he says he will mess up Alastor’s day, his music makes you feel scared, and yet he is empty.
There is a disconnect between what he tells you and he shows you, which is made even more obvious by his obsession with Alastor. Everything he is saying is “Alastor doesn’t matter, he’s insignificant, meaningless, that’s why I wrote this song to tell him as such.” It’s like an ex who is insisting the breakup hasn’t affected him.
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Which, side note, sets Vox up as the type of villain who doesn’t respect boundaries. He’s a stalker obsessed with someone who will not reciprocate his affection.
Vox is the personification of those “I can fix him” twitter incels that view sexuality as a challenge to be overcome. He’s one of a triumvirate of chronically online villains, and trust me, there are people out there in real life who are worse than him.
In his watch through and analysis of Hazbin Hotel, @ohnoitstbskyen posited the idea that, since Alastor doesn’t sing his own song at any point in the actual series, we don’t get any moments of interiority. I would like to politely disagree.
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Alastor’s entire deal, as presented in this show, is being a Machiavellian schemer. Like I said earlier, he’s a parasite. What we learn about his interiority here is that he doesn’t ever bother to create, he just steals and repurposes.
It’s that thing about Alastor where the show doesn’t tell you what he wants, it just shows you how he works as a person and how he moves towards his goals.
Case and point, here Alastor just takes Vox’s song and makes it his own, offering questions about Vox’s strengths and pointing out the hypocrisy. Although it's interesting what Alastor choses to highlight, because that does shed some interiority.
“Is Vox as strong as he proports? Or is it based off his support? He’d be powerless without the other Vees”
In other words: look at this guy, he has friends that he relies on.
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Now, the Vees are awful human beings, Valentino especially but Vox isn’t too great either. But by far their least bad trait is the fact that they support each other. Again, they are cruel, vile entities, but they are cruel vile entities together.
To my knowledge, Vox doesn’t ever deny that he is working with others, or even obfuscate that knowledge.
It would seem that Alastor, in his attempt to criticize his opponent, has revealed something about himself. That sounds a bit hypocritical to me.
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Speaking of which, Alastor is entirely hypocrisy. He spends the entirety of the series talking a big game about how strong and powerful he is, but he never actually demonstrates that. He turns off the electricity in the city, but that’s not strength, that’s flicking a switch. He makes threats, and yet doesn’t back any of them up.
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“You still pissed he almost beat you that time?”
“Almost” is a key word in that question, it would seem Alastor has a bit of an ego problem.
Which leads me back to the concept of tell don’t show, because if you don’t show your audience something, they don’t trust it. Alastor and Vox are paired up because they both keep talking and proclaiming their intimidation factor, and yet neither of them actually demonstrate any power beyond that which is normal.
Yes, they mow down mooks, but so do Angel Dust, and Husk, and Sir Pentious.
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Before I finish up, I want to talk a bit about how performance can affect personality, and with that I want to contrast a cover with the original.
This is a cover by Annapantsu, Cami-cat, and Chloe Breez. I highly recommend checking it out.
But I want to note how different the acting choices are to the original. I’m not saying one is better, I’m saying they are different.
First, Anna’s version of Vox is so much wilder than the original. Like, the version in the actual series rockets between emotions like a greyhound on skates, but when he is in control, he usually has that malevolent smile that tells you he enjoys messing with your perceptions. I don’t think Anna’s version of the character would ever smile except in that forced, news presenter way. This character seems permanently unbalanced and making only the barest effort to present as otherwise.
She also seems like a more active character than the original, who can only react to Alastor’s advances. This version of the character might make an appearance in a later episode beyond the gratuitous dad-watching-the-big-game commentary of the final fight. Maybe she rocks up to the hotel while Charlie, Vaggie and Alastor are on their quests for allegiances in order to just menace the characters in a way they are completely unprepared for.
Meanwhile, all that posturing has been put onto Alastor. Who has one main difference in performance, but one that shakes up the rest of the song. This version of Alastor is put together, just like the show. She’s casual and almost disinterested, just like the show. She’s detached and hands off, just like the show. Until that final verse.
Then she growls, and that little break in character implies that this version is concealing a much more physical menace. The best way I can put the difference is this: For the original version, it seems like transforming is an effort and something that he becomes. For this version, I think the transformation is Alastor’s natural state, and it is taking every fibre of her being to hold together the façade of civility.
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Final Thoughts
I despise the concept of genre, and this is actually a good example of why, because… what is this song? Is it pop? Is it rock? Is it jazz? You could argue it is anything, but I would argue it doesn’t matter.
This song is fun, that’s all that matters. It sets up two villains, one of whom I think could have used more screen time in the series, but ho hum, and the other who got so much screen time and yet remains so mysterious.
Next week, I’ll be covering It Starts With Sorry, and I am genuinely shocked by how many people don’t like that number. I think it’s great. Stick around if seeing me argue that point interests you.
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peekaboo-icyou · 1 year
You asked for mafia wilbur requests, I shall deliver.
mafia!wilbur who is known for like being super intimidating and everyone is scared of him but no one really knows what he looks like unless they’re in business with him. He’s know as the chimney or something (haha get it? soot?…) (the chimney is a haha funnies jk but whatever). then he just meets the reader (preferably fem but you can do whatever you would like) who is like the total opposite of him. Shes super kind and supportive and loves everyone and is just a literal ray of sunshine. they meet in a coffee shop or something like that and he just like melts when they first meet. Then like Techno and Phil or whoever else you want to be in his mafia are all like confused on why he keeps disappearing during the days and nights and he’s just going on dates with you and spending the night at your house and stuff.
A new person
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Usually wilbur gets one of his men to go get his daily coffee for him but today the only one of his men that knew his order was busy doing something so he had to go get his own. He already wasn’t having a good day since he had just gotten news that his men had failed a mission so maybe a little walk would do him good. He was walking down to his local cafe one of his favorites but he’s never actually been there just sent a worker to get his coffee for him so when he stepped inside and saw this absolutely beautiful person making coffee he almost passed out his heart might’ve even grown a few sizes bigger he even felt nervous walking up to the counter
“oh hello I’m y/n can I take your order?” He blushes when he hears your name “oh um yes c-can I get f/d” you smile cutely at him “oh that’s one of my favorites” he turns red “oh um thank you” he cringes at himself while he watches as you turn around and start to make his drink “I like your cute little bumble bee apron” you smile at him “oh thank you it’s quite old and dirty” you finish his drink “here you go sir” you smile sweetly he blushes like crazy “oh um thank you um how about I pay for a drink for you and you take a break?” You smile softly “oh I couldn’t” he smiles “I insist” you sigh and smile “I suppose I could spare 5 minutes”
that 5 minutes turned into and hour an a half of laughing and getting to know each other “sooo bumble bee, can I take you out?” you blush “oh um I-I would like that” he smiles “how about that new restaurant tomorrow at 7?” “Oh but isn’t that expensive?” “Dont worry you pretty little head about it it’s on me”
and since then you’ve both been spending almost everyday with each other but it’s usually at your house he says his roommates aren’t pleasant but in reality he doesn’t want you to know that he’s rich and then that leads to you asking about his job and he told you it was some low paying job, so after a few weeks of Wilbur leaving at night or lunch time to hang out with you his right hand men got suspicious, “so Wil why are ya always disappearin at lunch?” Asked the pink haired male Wilbur looks at him like he’d been caught for a murder but quickly calms down “well to get food of course” he smirks at the male thinking he’s won “well why now are you leaving you’ve always gotten someone else to get you food for you?” That’s when Wilbur starts getting nervous “well I um just like going out more now” “mhm” the male gave him a stare that showed Wil he knew he was lying “fine I-its this girl I’m seeing and she’s just so sweet she owns my favorite coffee shop and she doesn’t know what I do and she actually treats me like a normal person and always gets me stuff which I do kinda feel bad for cause shes already struggling with money but I’ll pay her back when we get married” techno laughs “y’know she’ll probably just run away when she does find out what you do” Wil sighs “I know that’s why I haven’t told her yet” “y’know that’s going to backfire right?” “Of course I know that I just have to hope for the best and make her fall in love with me enough so she’ll never leave me” he smiles “yeah that’s not creepy”
a few days later wilbur gets a letter “dear chimney we have your beloved if you ever want to see them again come to the old abandoned factory before sun down” his heart immediately drops he knew this would happen he doesn’t know why he ever asked you on a date he should have just kept his feelings hidden so you wouldn’t get hurt but he had to be selfish and keep you all to himself, he starts throwing stuff around out of anger “GODDAMMIT” he grabs his phone “PHIL SEND EVERYONE TO THIS ADDRESS RIGHT NOW, TELL THEM TO PREPARE FOR THE WORST NOT FROM OUR ENEMYS BUT FROM ME” he’s fuming, “oh um yes Wil but can I ask what for?” “JUST FOLLOW ORDERS” he hangs up “well that’s not how you talk to your father figure” phil mutters. Meanwhile your kidnappers were trying there best to not even leave a scratch on you or mess up your hair well actually they are going to mess up your hair, they put stuff on you to make you look real beat up look on the verge of death beat up and then sent him a picture he better bring the money or it’ll be worse. TBC
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gale-gentlepenguin · 11 months
Gale Reviews: Miraculous World Paris: Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noir
Spoilers below
(The image of Gabriel's life. Damn)
-Gabriel is a good guy and working with his version of the Resistance. DAMN
-Kamiko? so that is the good version of akuma?!
-Ubiquity is the Kamiko's name. Okay neat
-And the villains just arrived
-Damn this is going hard.
-Love the Miraculous world intro
-And back to our world
-Okay so this is taking place AFTER destruction, since the miraculous are not rings yet
-Gabriel almost went into his son's room. almost. Adrien processing a long day (likely the fact that he CATACLYSMED SOMEONE) This would make for a good au later
-Could we be getting ADRIEN CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! -Adrien having legit concerns over his power that actually makes sense? Good to see
-Plagg doing his best to help Adrien cope.
-Alyanette is good as usual
-tikki no!
-Cute little Tom Sabine moment. (LUCKY TOM)
-Alya's in pain (cause of the oh no)
-Seriously this all happened in the span of one night!
-Betterfly arrives,
-Also, seems the Kamiko in this case can impact MULTIPLE version. At least in alya's case
-That costume is dope
-Betterfly not knowing in this world HE'S the asshole
-Also Betterfly's design isnt bad. I accept it. Still weird cause its gabe tho
-Nice to know Alynino is canon in that verse
-Shadyclaw arguements.
-Shadybug hates Adrien in this world
-Clawnoir loves being destructive, a nice contrast to adrien's current dilemma
-Alya covering for marinette like always
-Oh right, her phone is broken
-Smart move
-Shadybug and Clawnoir should make out (the tension is so thick you can cut it with a knife) they are constantly arguing and its great
-CATACLYSM CAN GET BIG!!! OH F*** THATS SO COOL! (Adrien/Chat noir be holding back by a f*** ton)
-Tikki just sitting on this knowledge. BILLIONS OF UNIVERSE. (welp that is only half the amount of au's and what ifs I made lol)
-Tikki demonstrating what its like being a nigh omnipotent deity. (this is the first time outside of seeing their true forms did I feel this)
-The Supreme? Wait, the logos at the begining. Does that mean? the order of guardians is actually evil? Or is it like an Evil Fu?!
-Wait, so it isnt just an adult thing, if you are evil you can multi-use the miraculous but at a cost. SEE THIS RIGHT HERE WOULD HAVE BEEN A BETTER SYSTEM THAN THE ADULT THING! WTF?!
-So Shadybug and Claw noir ARENT the big bads they are just... lackeys? That is kind of lame, but if they are going to get redeemed it does make sense
-Ladybug out here being funny
-Claw noir got numb-chucks
-(Me with Claw noir right now)
-Chat noir making solid points right now
-Villains really do get all the cool s***
-Damn so akumatization can be like in the blink of an eye. time slows down conveniently.
-OMG ITS AN ANGEL CHAT BLANC (Marinette's ptsd should be kicking in now)
-The puns were great, and by by shadybug
-Claw noir litterally pretended to try and catch her then let her fall. Thats hilarious
-He was going to take her miraculous, that is amazing. They really hate eachother. She broke his finger lol
-Gabriel venting to his dead wife again
-Oh no, he is going to cataclysm the villains
-"As black as my heart?" Dude you are WAY underselling how evil you are
-The Supreme spares? So basically they are forced to do this or they perish. I see
-I love their arguements
-They went back to search the room, Alya really going through it now
-The Supreme, it must be Evil fu.
-Oh this is interesting, Gabriel was evil but turned it around after seeing the consequences of his actions.
-Shadybug found Ladybug's diary. Oh snap, she sees she was friends with Alya!
-Claw noir playing with dolls
-She read the diary and is like "That buffoon? REALLY ALTERNATE ME?!"
-Oh wow, Gabriel that is good is actually a better mentor then su han. (a low bar but still)
-Reminder that Plagg can be that insightful and also just as omnipotent as Tikki
-Adrien figuring it out
-The diary is cheesy for exposition, BUT shadybug's reaction to it is actually sweet. Marinette in any universe wants friends and to care for others. (my headcanon is that this is shadybug summarizing what her alternate self is thinking/writing)
-shadybug going to double cross her Claw noir
-and she found out he's adrien.
-Emo!Adrien lol
-PLAGG IS GAGGED! The supreme is really evil
-Alya trying to get sabine's phone
-OHHH, he is wearing make up because of the effects of over using the miraculous! Damn thats a nice touch
-Emo!Adrien recognizes Emo!Mari
-Also Gorilla in white is so weird to me
-Ironic that this is how we get the reveal.
-She can wish to swap places! oh s*** that is a hell of a plot twist!
-Wait something is wrong, that logo... Can they not use the wish?
-"Only The supreme defines reality." DUDE! DUDE!!!!!!!! The supreme is officially the most competent villain in miraculous.
-Marinette realizing she cant be an angsty bitch right now.
-Seems the miraculous is taking their toll on both of them. Damn this is dark and I love it
-Tikki blots on.
-Welp this is probably the best writing I have seen from ML in a while. I legit buy this saddness.
-Even Emo! Adrien is sympathetic and he hardly said anything as adrien
-Plagg Dagger's out
-They are both dying and desperate
-Monarch has shown up and he is up to no good
-And just like that Monarch shows why he is an unrepentant asshole.
-Oh look, Chat noir's nightvision is useful again. (It just took 5 seasons)
-I knew they werent akumatized,
-Alya being the MVP today
-Illusions, of course.
-I MISSED LADYNOIR SO F***ING MUCH (devours the ladynoir moment)
-Ladyfly looks really cool
-That is a brilliant plan
-The tactical brilliance
-Ladyfly was planning this
-Chat noir mocking Claw noir's puns is everything i needed in life
-Chat noir lost one of his ears
-AND countered, Nice try monarch. Nice akuma trick
-Took monarch long enough
-"There are no awesome girlfriends to inspire me every day" Rip to Shadybug
-Damn, Shadybug, that is a LOT to unpack there
-No matter the universe Chloé is always a bitch. (Theres the astruc stamp in the writing I expected. But honestly still a valid villain reason)
-This is pretty emotional
-Chat noir is playing Claw noir like a fiddle
-Claw noir is the adrien that never moved on from losing his mother. Yep, Like I have said, adrien has a valid reason to be evil
-A hero feels pain and wants to make sure no one else feels that way, a Villain feels pain and wants to hurt the thing that caused them pain
-"I dont want to be cringe." "Embrace the cringe"
-Adrien out here saving himself.
-Adrien talking about his friends because he DOES know them. THANK YOU. THIS IS WHAT I wanted.
-Shadybug, "I dont want to be cringe." Claw noir "It sounds cringe Im in"
-Shadybug fixed everything AND HER COSTUME CHANGED. I kind of love it
-Claw noir's new design is officially my favorite. Chat noir iteration
-I think the good versions of shadybug and Claw noir might be my favorite costumes for them
-Okay so they going back now
-Also I just realize that these version actually KNOW the other's identities. yet their canon ones dont
-Monarch discovered the multiverse
-My reaction
-Scarabella and Kitty noire universe
-Kitty noire's reaction is so lesbian
-ANIME UNIVERSE (this officially my favorite special)
-Comic book universe
-A Misterbug and Lady noir universe
-Betterfly being the mentor Ladybug and Chat noir really needed
-Omg the day is finally over
-You know one big plot hole is Monarch could have simply deakumatized Ladybug so she couldnt stop him but didnt. Cause he is an idiot
-And cute little alyanette
-LITTLE KISSES. Damn the Alyanette fandom is eating good tonight
I stand by what I said, this is the best Miraculous world special done.
Honestly If I included it in my episode rankings this is easily a top 5 contender.
I now want a sequel in which Shadybug and Claw noir fight the supreme, because the Supreme sounds f***ing epic and evil.
Maybe season 6 plays into it. (That would be one hell of a season)
10/10 in terms of ML specials and episodes
It is a bit cheesy but I loved what I watched
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I did a math. IT would be possible for Hux and Kallus to meet. Let's assume that Kallus is still alive and capeable.
Kallus and Zeb living their best live with other Lasats as they accepted Kallus as one of them. They didn't want to intervene with the Resistance bc "They will be fine" Zeb always said. But now they got the signal, calling for help from the Resistance to entire Galaxy. And Kallus just can't sleep, eat or function bc existing of First Order is already like a slap for him. He can't stand that after all of it another empire will win. And Zeb can't stand looking at distress Kallus, so he said. "Okey. Get on this damn ship Alexandr. We are going."
They found Resistance. And caused a lot of exitment bc there are actual legends about ghost crew and almost everyone knows them. Poe even knew one song. But when he offered to sing it Kallus offered to shot him and Zeb had to intervened. After everyone calm down a little Poe blured out that they have a spy on board one of First Order ship and Kallus went absolutely feral about it.
" You tell me that you receive information from someone out there. And didn't even bother trying to pull him out!?"
" I… I proposed that but general Organa…
"Well. I am not under any general."
" With all respect Alexandr we appreciate your help but if you want to stay you should.."
"Excuse me, princess. I went in too much trouble in life by just following orders. Not any more. If there is a man or a woman out there. A person. Alone. Who risked their life just to send you information. Valuable i suppose. And now they stoped responding i am going there. Because if i learned something in my life from these rebels scums that i grown to like its not leaving anyone behind. No matter what."
"Damn. He is good in this " Finn shook his head.
"am coming with ya!"
" Poe no!" Leia said.
"Poe Yes!" Finn responded.
Plan was simple and stupid. But Kallus had an honest belief that when it comes to rebels only this kind of plan work. They suppose to get caught, wait until spy undercover himself. If it not happened in spawn of five days they had backup escape plan. He didn’t have to wait. First time he saw Hux he knew. He didn’t tell them. It was hard enough to pull out low ranking officer. When it comes to general it will be way harder. When it comes to Starkiller, Kriff… it's probably imposible. He knew now that if they want to leave the ship they had to do it on Hux's terms.
And this damn kid was clever.
And as he expected Hux wasn’t also easy to kill.
They were running to the ship trying to avoid blaster bolts. He remembered the first time he had to shoot to imperial officers, he missed every shoot back then. But Hux was different. Every his shot reached the target. Except one. Hux froze holding a blaster in an extended arm. Mitaka was standing before him, blaster in hand, aimed to the ground. Mitaka dropped the weapon, eyes wide open, face pale like paper. Hux took a deep breath taking off finger from the trigger. Kallus wanted to push him away, but he was to slow. Blaster bolt reached Hux’s arm. He screamed in pain falling to the ground and before anyone else reacted Mitaka grabbed his blaster. The shot was clean and successful, stormtrooper dropped dead. They got Hux to the ship.
“Was it always like that?” Kallus looked at Zeb.
“Like what?”
“ We rescued the spy. But he is General who exterminated Hosnian Prime. We also rescued someone else, entirely unplanned, and he is in shock now. “he glanced at absolutely traumatized Mitaka sited on the ground “We created more problems than we solved. “ Zeb laughed.
“Yeah. Yeah Kal, it was always like that.” Kallus narrowed his eyes throwing a suspicious look.
‘Alright. You!” he looked at Finn and Poe “Which one of you two reckless idiots unintentionally recruited the Starkiller??”
Finn looked at him in surprise.
“What? What are you talking about….?”
Poe cleared his throat, scratching his head. “Poe?…”
“Yeah, well it’s a funny story buddy. Em… “ Zeb was amused, Kallus was visibly done with all of this, Finn was horrified, Mitaka still in shock and Hux was looking at the pilot, he was smiling.
“It’s not funny at all, Dameron. I told you, you have to stop laughing when it's time to cry” He wrapped himself tight in his coat. Poe turned around to look at him.
"Hey… Good to see you alive, Hugs." Kallus sighed already knowing the look on his face. Zeb grinned.
"Alright lovers, enough of that. Get us home Dameron" They both screamed in protest and Kallus just smiled. Memories humming in his head.
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