#actually you've sold your soul \:
susansontag · 9 months
overconsumption in rich countries is chronic and unsustainable but by that I mean if we keep going it'll kill us. with this in mind it's pretty unfortunate how fashion brands have bred a youth culture where personal expression (and even personhood as a whole?) is based primarily on how one dresses, but in this case it doesn't at all mean making or modifying or repurposing older clothes as many past protest subcultures did, it just means buying loads of stuff you don't need and calling it core to your sense of self. the whole seasonal collection changeovers the industry does is already terrible but the fact it doesn't seem like more young people are vocally calling out this manufactured identity making is pretty dire. like this is co-optation of self-expression by multiple industries... I'm almost anti-consumption at this point like we just don't need any of this stuff )):
like yes buying secondhand is good but even better would be to not base your self-expression on mix-and-match clothing items or aesthetics or whatever to begin with. free your mind, instead become known as the woman who can identify all the regional plants or rock climb or something
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bijouly · 6 months
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just a courtesan who got tangled up in the rage of demons ten years ago and the wizard boyfriend she MIGHT JUST keep alive this time
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olaumi · 4 months
Pt. 2"눈을 보고 말할래요. "보고 싶었어요"
⋆。˚୨୧˚。⋆synopsis: you're living your best life, leaving everything behind in the past however a small 'family' gathering at Levi's home threatens to unfold everything.
⋆。˚୨୧˚。⋆contains: modern au! everyone, Levi's mom and uncle are alive in this au, mentions of swearing but not actual swearing, Carla is also alive, Eren's dad is absent, mentions of medication.
⋆。˚୨୧˚。⋆wc: 9.8K.
⋆。˚୨୧˚。⋆tw: swearing, mentions of pills, medication use and brief manipulation.
⋆。˚୨୧˚。⋆ Here is 1 and 3
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Life is going great.
You're done with finals, you're graduating in a few weeks, and you've prepared your graduation gown and a bucket list of all the places you'd like to visit during your friend group trip to the country you've always wanted to travel to.
You've made new friends, such good loving friends. You love them like a relative, like a long lost possession about to bid its goodbye once more. You cherish the time you spend with them and they've shown you that they feel the exact same way. 
All of you get along so well, you find joy and solace in each other's company, and the laughter is actually genuine. It's a huge contrast to the previous chapter of your life, where toxicity and ugly attitudes were all you knew about friendships. Now, the warmth of genuine friendships surrounds you. And you couldn't be more grateful.
You've also fallen in love with composing songs and soundtracks, which was originally brought up by a friend of yours after they saw you playing around with a launchpad and they started grooving crazily to the beat you made up on the spot and other times you created melodies that made them cry.
So now, you part-time compose soundtracks for this new uprising director, Levi Ackerman. He's French-Japanese, very well-known in the film industry and you may or may not have the biggest crush on him. He's blunt, reserved, stoic, and loaded with creativity. Nowadays, you are working on his breakthrough project, his films create a canvas for your musical symphonies and all of this wouldn't have happened if your friends didn't lovingly force you to email him your samples.
Honestly, they are your biggest hype-mans, your number-one fans, and your admirers. They tell you that you're so talented that if you released some of your music, you'd be winning awards left to right. But you don't think they'll believe you if you tell them.
You have won awards, plenty of them, more than you can count however the problem is you've won them indirectly. 
4 years have passed ever since you went no contact with your 'old friends' and in those 4 years while you were living your best life, working hard to get to where you are right now, they have become popular and not just '10K popular and one viral hit' popular, we're talking about '10 million albums sold, a world tour (and another one coming up), Billboard's most weeks on chart, surpassing world legends and 3 Grammys' popular. Connie on the other hand became a YouTuber and he's amassed a total of 13M subscribers and Historia started a fashion company on par with the leading designers of today.
Half of the songs on their albums that supposedly broke the charts were produced by none other than...you. Most of the ideas on Connie's YouTube channel were brainstormed by the both of you and you see familiar designs on the clothes that celebrities wear because it was you who created that blueprint.
The last two you can't take much credit for but for the songs? Your compositions, your melodies which you have poured all your soul into, have become the backdrop of their meteoric rise. 
You don't know how to feel, everything seems so bittersweet.
On one hand, there's pride in your work being recognized on such a grand scale. On the other, there's the confusion and overall sense of unease that comes with the realization.
You had so many questions surrounding this topic such as, 'Why didn't they credit you' and 'Did they do it on purpose or was it accidental'
After all, no one knows where you are, you are left with no information, you cut off everyone and now that you think it through, realistically there was no way to credit you.
While curious about their whole uprise to fame, you remind yourself that although you do deserve the credit and the fame, it's not what you're looking for right now. You've got a different helmet on and if you have to regain contact with them to gain your rightfully so credit, they might as well keep it.
You are interrupted from your session of zoning out by a p!ng, an email pops up on your computer with the subject being Urgent and the sender being Levi Ackerman.
come over.
You've grown accustomed to his antics by now, as you have been working together for about 2 years now. If he says 'It's urgent' it's very likely that it's just 'I don't want to ask anyone else because it's embarrassing so I'll ask you'
So you reply back with a call, smiling to yourself as you decide to tease him a little. After the 5th ring, he picks up which is funny considering he's just staring at the phone ringing until he deems it's the right ring to answer to seem like he was busy.
"What?" He asks sighing as if he has better things to do with his time.
"Oh no, it's nothing. I'm just wondering when you'll switch to texting because I can't really keep up with fossils" you reply trying to get a rise out of him.
"The only thing fossil is your humour" He retorts unfazed as he sips on something in the background, obviously tea.
"Are you sure it's not your age, I'm pretty sure you were friends with Aurelius at one point"
"Cute, are you sure it's not your personality, I'm sure I've met thousands of people with the exact same everything as you."
"Ouch, I didn't deserve that" you reply, feigning hurt in your voice when you're actually just joking. 
"So what do you need? What is so urgent" you ask, curious of what it is this time.
"Come over and you'll know" He responds curtly and before you can respond, he hangs up on you. You scoff, internally noting to give him an earful when you get to his place. You roll your eyes at his attitude, his characteristic not unfamiliar to you.
With a quick text to your roommate, you inform her about your plans for the night and that food is in the fridge. Anticipating her lack of response due to her own night out partying, you head out, leaving the message to be read by her whenever she can.
Levi's home is a 15-minute drive from your apartment, he lives in the middle of the very fashioned neighborhood. Despite being full of creativity and the creator of films that have everyone on the edge of their seat, the man can't design his house at all. He has the design of a monochromatic minimalist, with no sign of color anywhere, you can't stand it. Everything is grey there, you feel the color getting sucked out of you when you enter his house. 
Finally, you arrive there quickly enough as the road to his neighborhood is quite deserted. You struggle to park the car in his driveway as it's very narrow but after a few minutes, you manage.
Guess rich people don't leave their houses, you think as you ring the doorbell to his house.
He opens the door and stands there with his nth cup of tea somewhat observing you before telling you 'You know the drill, I'll be in the office'.
Ah, the drill, how could you forget? You give him a sarcastic smile before watching him walk off and adhere to the so-called drill.
You have to take off your shoes, put them in a disinfectant bag, seal it up, and hang it on the shoe rack. As well as disinfecting your hands twice and hanging your coat and bag on a coat rack where you clean it both with some weird lint roller he has. You don't mind it really, it is his house after all.
After doing all that, you put on some guest slippers and head to his office. The house hasn't changed since your last visit, it's almost vibrating with greyness. You feel like smiling is forbidden, which may be, in the comfort of his home.
You turn a corner and see him sitting in his office chair playing back parts of his last movie and writing notes on how to improve. The mood would be better if the office had some sort of personality to it but no, this is an asylum.
"You know I recently came across a color palette, and it immediately reminded me of you, It was more on the brown side, with beautiful shades of wood, warm earth tones, and hints of amber." You share with Levi, attempting to bring a touch of color into the monochromatic conversation.
"There were even hints of grey" You add to gain his curiosity after he seems to have ignored you at the first attempt at making conversation.
Levi raises an eyebrow and stares at you through the rim of his glasses, clearly unimpressed by the mention of color invading his sanctuary of grayscale. "Why would a color palette remind you of me?" he questions, his tone conveying sarcasm and a hint of curiosity.
You chuckle, finding his reaction predictable. "Well, it had a certain rugged elegance like someone I know and also because I think it would suit you"
He rolls his eyes and scoffs, a faint trace of a sarcastic smirk playing on his lips. He gets up from his desk to head towards the office cabinet. "Flattery won't change my stance, I like how things are just fine. "
"I don't know what kind of colour trauma you've obtained during your centuries of living but to each their own, I guess" You joke smiling widely as he deadpans at your joke of his age before you change the subject and look upon where he's going. He has a teacup collection in his office cabinet, you think but shrug it off instantly as it kind of makes sense for the tea-addict man to have a teacup collection. The cabinet seems to be reserved for just tea, teacups, teabags, tea flavors, and even tea scents. Perhaps he was a teashop owner in another life.
He pours the pre-made fresh tea into one of the cups and places it before you, "So now that I'm here, what do you want?" 
He puts his pen down and takes off his reading glasses, before interlocking his fingers and taking a more serious stance. You honestly think he's about to fire you but his glint seems a bit more personal.
"I need a plus one" he finally admits as if it was the hardest thing ever.
Your eyes widen in surprise at Levi's unexpected request for a plus one. Your lips barely touch the cup's rim and decide to taste it later for fear of choking on your tea. His usually stern demeanor seems to soften for a moment, revealing a side of him that isn't often on display.
"But for two events, one personal and the other official." He continues.
"Personal, as in you wanna ask me out?" you ask, totally confused because that makes no sense.
"Tsk, no you idiot, maybe let me finish next time" He interjected quickly hands discreetly covering his ears at the tiniest blush that formed at the tip of them.
You become flustered at the abrupt response, slightly embarrassed by your assumption. "Maybe don't take prehistoric pauses between sentences. What's the personal event?"
He takes a moment to regain his composure, the brief flicker of a curious glint in his eyes indicating that he might be enjoying the misunderstanding on your end. "The personal one is a family gathering, My mother wants me to be the host of the family gathering this month."
"And I come in where?"
"I usually stay isolated in my room because I can't stand the whole mood of the place, it's too chatty and noisy but now I have to host." He tsks shaking his head at the memory of the last family gathering.
"And you don't know how to, so you want my help?"
Levi nods, his expression serious. "In short, yes."
"Right, yeah so I still don't understand. Why don't you pick someone else, someone who you're already comfortable with" You ask, not knowing why he's asking you when he has a few friends of his own.
"Who says I'm not comfortable with you?" Levi gives you an incredulous look as if your question is absurd and the answer is obvious.
You can't help but raise an eyebrow at Levi's unexpected response. "Comfortable with me? You've been scowling at me since we met."
Levi offers a nonchalant shrug. "It's my default expression. I'm not a people person. You're the least annoying person I've met so far."
"um, thanks, I guess?" 
Levi nods, his acknowledgment devoid of any neutrality. "Don't read too much into it."
You can't tell if he's being sarcastic or genuinely expressing a form of acceptance. Either way, you decide not to dwell on it too much. Levi is known for his stoic demeanor, and deciphering his feelings is like trying to read ancient hieroglyphs, so it's best not to read too much into it.
"Okay, and for the official one?" 
"The official one," Levi starts, "is an award ceremony. One of my films is nominated for a few categories, and my presence is required as a formality."
"Congratulations? But then again you're not fond of award ceremonies, are you?" You nearly get up from your seat to give him a hug but refrain from doing so not wanting to cross any boundaries.
"Yeah, I couldn't care less, stupid pricks think they have the authority to judge whose art is superior. It's fucking bullshit" Levi's expression turns sour as he expresses his disdain for the award ceremony.
You sense the bitterness in his words while taking a sip of your tea and savoring the taste with a pleased hum, you realize that the world of awards and recognition might not be as glamorous and fulfilling as it seems. "I get it, awards don't define the value of your work. It's about the impact you make and the stories you tell, but you have to attend so that you gain the recognition you need and deserve, makes sense."
Levi nods in agreement, feeling warmth seeping through him as you are fond of the tea he brewed. "Exactly. Anyway, they're announcing the nominations for soundtracks too so keep an eye out for that."
"Yeah okay, that's cool, but also nerve-wracking" you admit already feeling the anxiety seeping in at the thought of the ceremony.
"Why? Because there are major actors?"
"No, the cameras, the judgments, the expectations, it all feels overwhelming," you reply, a hint of nervousness in your voice.
Levi gives you a side glance sipping on his tea and finishing what's left, his usual stern expression softening just a tad. "If you believe in your work, that's all that matters. They can go to hell with all their opinions."
You smile and nod, his words making sense as you push away any thoughts of negativity that may increase your anxiety. You think of thoughts to push back the unwanted ones and Levi seems to be the perfect solution. You can't help but stare at Levi, busy again with noting stuff down, his handwriting a mix of scribbles and cursives. How his fingers tend to be very pale and dainty, a taint of red on his knuckles from cracking them too much. How his hair falls on his face makes you want to part them away and tuck the strands behind his ears.
He looks up at you, sharp grey eyes boring into yours, eyebrows raised as a defense mechanism against the gaze you've been holding. You quickly avert your eyes and change your gaze, not wanting him to catch on.
"So which one is first and when is it?" you begin, trying to shift the focus back to the matter at hand.
"Family gathering, tomorrow at 7 pm" He answers.
"Tomorrow? You didn't think to give me a week's notice?"
Levi looks at you with a questioning gaze at your mildly surprised tone. "You and a week's notice is the same as a bouncing ball in a minefield, you'd eventually worry yourself to death with your overthinking tendencies."
"Overthinking is true but the meals need more time. so anything I need to know about the gathering, will I be the only non-family there?" you inquired, curious to know how awkward it will be.
"One, the meals are already prepared by a chef I hired. and two, no, one of my cousins, the brat, brings over all of her friends and it becomes a whole noise-fest, so you wouldn't be the only non-family," he explained, annoyance forming on his face as he recalled the headaches he's endured over the years.
You nod, mentally noting the details. "Got it. And the award ceremony?"
Levi glances at his calendar. "That's in two weeks. You'll need to clear your schedule for the whole day because it's far, the event starts in the evening."
"Alright, I'll make sure I'm available, Anything else I should be prepared for?", you reply, thinking about the preparations you'll need to make for both occasions.
Levi shrugs, "Just the usual chitter-chatter film industry shit. Red carpet, photographers, people pretending to be interested in conversations they're having when really they're full of shit."
You nod, "Got it, it's all just a show."
Levi nods as his facial features lightly soften. "More or less, It's all about appearances, which is why I rarely attend these things willingly."
"Okay, so tomorrow at 7 pm but I should come earlier, right? here at your place, no overthinking and I'm guessing the attire is casual?" You ask listing all the things you're required of.
Levi nods, "Casual is fine. Nothing too fancy and nothing too casual Just don't show up in pajamas, and we should be good."
You smirk teasing him a little, "Okay, I'll save the pajamas for the award ceremony then."
"But wait a minute, what's in this for me?" You ask slyly poking at him to see what he might offer you. You need everything he can offer to give you at this point.
Levi relaxes into his chair and crosses his arms, seemingly intrigued by your banter. "What do you mean, what's in it for you?"
You chuckle, enjoying the banter between you two. "Well, I'm doing you a favor by being your plus one. I think I deserve something in return."
Levi gives you a blank stare, the corners of his lips curling slightly. "And what would that something be?"
You pause for dramatic effect and also because you didn't think he'd play along before responding with a sly grin, "Two things, one, you'll call me by my first name, and two, you owe me dinner"
Levi deadpans at your demands, seemingly unamused. "Call you by your first name? That's negotiable. But dinner, you're practically dreaming."
"That's totally fine you can just forever be in debt."
Levi raises an eyebrow at your response, contemplating your proposal. There's a brief moment of silence, and you can almost sense the gears turning in his stoic demeanor. Finally, he lets out a 'tsk fine', a subtle way of saying 'I can't say no to you so do whatever you want'. You are too oblivious to see the stark contrast in Levi's behavior with you and with others, it's basically night and day. He treats you very differently, and though his stoicism remains, there's a peculiar comfort in the way he interacts with you. It's as if your presence manages to crack the surface of his usual 'idgaf' and 'the world bores me' attitude.
So, you like where you are right now, you like how things are going and you never want this chapter in your life to change. You've found a sense of fulfillment in your work, genuine friendships, and an interesting dynamic with Levi. 
You're content.
Meanwhile on the other hand...
Eren wakes up disheveled, his hair now shorter and his moustache is long gone, shaved out of existence. He stands in the bathroom, already finished brushing his teeth and water droplets falling down his face, a product of washing his face. He looks at the mirror cabinet, deciding whether or not to take his pills. He decides not to, not being bothered to as he feels there's no point to it.
He doesn't want the stability of his moods or the functionality of his routine to actually work. It doesn't mean anything, at least not anymore.
He has two calendars, one plain white that is normal, he uses it to remember certain dates and important interviews that shape his career. The other calendar is reserved for you, your absence to be exact, he crosses out each day that passes without your captivating presence. Today it’s 4 years, 3 months, and 6 days. Every day at 7, he sits down by his desk, grabs both your calendar and his journal, and just writes how much he regrets what he did that day. He's gone through 7 journals so far and he writes for you, to you, and because of you.
He writes about how much he misses the music that used to fill his house when days were hard and he thought he couldn't get through them. How you were so patient and loving and that you didn't deserve anything that he put you through. He writes what reminds him of you, the tulips that bloom in the spring near his mom's house, the cherry blossoms he came across during his tour to Japan, or the jasmines he was gifted by an Indian fan during his trip there. 
Everything comes back to you.
He feels so pathetic, so darn twisted to have said all those things to you, to have pushed you away and the worst part is, he doesn't even know why. He doesn't know whether or not to embrace the memories of your smiles, laughter, and the warmth of your presence or let it haunt him. Eren regrets the days when he let his issues take control and drive you far away from him, the days when he couldn't appreciate the simple joy of your company.
He would give everything to get you back again, but that's selfish of him, he thinks. He wants you to be happy, to live life, and never look back for him. He's torn between wanting you back in his life and acknowledging that it might be better for you to move on. The weight of his actions, the hurt he caused, and the bridge of friendship he destroyed between you and the rest of your friends are heavy burdens he carries.
Connie hates him to this day and rightfully so. So does Jean.
 Eren used a recording of Connie that was taken out of context. The day of that recording was on your birthday and Connie was tired of the plain ol' happy birthday surprise because it wasn't surprising anyone. So he took it upon himself to spice things up. He decided that he'd have a fight with you the day before and the day after that he'd make a fake recording of him saying horrible things and once you got upset, he'd apologize and surprise you with your favorite flavored cake. He knew he'd get a few head smacks from you for even thinking about calling you a 'bitch' but all he really wanted was to hand-make the cake with the rest of your friend group and see you eat it half teary-eyed and laughing. But he decided against it after recording the audio, paranoid that it might actually drive you away so he resorted to just the plain non-surprising birthday party.
 But no, Eren saved that recording even when Connie had deleted it from his phone. Eren drove you against everyone for mainly one reason, or rather two. Jealousy and insecurity.
Eren hated, he loathed, how you spend time with Jean, he despised how you looked at him with those beautiful eyes of yours, all doe-y and filled with admiration and love. You shouldn't be looking at horse-face like that, it should be him. 
Eren believed he deserved your undivided attention, and the idea of you sharing those moments with Jean fuelled his jealousy. The insecurities within him festered, making him resentful of anyone who seemed to be close to you. 
In an attempt to have you closer to him, Eren manipulated the situation, using Connie as a pawn in his scheme. The recording, taken out of context, became a weapon that not only hurt you but also fractured their own friendship. Connie, who was genuinely trying to create a memorable surprise, became an unknowing victim of Eren's envious tactics. This showed just how far Eren was willing to go to have you all to himself. He also had another recording of Jean also taken out of context but since he threatened Jean that he'd tell you everything, Jean thought it would be better to come out on his own terms.
But it all backfired. The fallout from his actions left a trail of broken friendships and severed ties. The fallout was severe. Connie was hurt and betrayed, harbored deep resentment towards Eren, rarely ever talking to him unless it was urgent. Connie's initial reaction was worse, first, he took it as a joke and brushed Jean off when he told him everything, and then when he entered your room to look for you, everything was wiped, your closets were empty, your gaming setup that was right next to his was completely clean, only the table remained and all Connie could see was red causing a huge fight between him and Eren.
Jean, too, felt the sting of betrayal as Eren's actions caused you to forever leave and leave them swimming in regret not only driving a wedge between friends but also leaving a lasting scar on the trust and happiness that existed between the entire friend group.
To say that they all miss you would be a heavy understatement. It's like you took away the sunshine and left them in a never-ending gloomy day. It's not the same without your crazy laughter and the way you made even the boring stuff fun. Everything's just kind of off now, and they can't shake the feeling that things got messed up for no good reason.
In the dead of night, when everything's quiet, each of them thinks about the good times and how quickly things went south. There's this heavy feeling of 'what if' hanging in the air, 'What if I never created that recording' 'What if I never told her how I truly felt about her in the past, would that have changed her decision' 'what if i didn't exist'. Eren especially can't get over the fact that he let someone as wonderful as you slip away for his own self-centered and insecure reasons.
Life moves on, yes, but it doesn't seem so in this context. Everything feels so dull, they don't have fun anymore, no one laughs genuinely, it's very awkward. Everyone wonders where you went, where you've been, how you are, if you're happy at least, and that if you are then they're happy too but they're still figuring out how to fix the mess. Your absence is this big, annoying elephant in the room. If your absence has taught them something it's that they should try to appreciate the people around them. Your absence is like a neon sign saying, "Don't fuck up."
Back to the present day time, Eren gets a text from Mikasa and he doesn't want to open it but does so that he doesn't get manhandled and thrown across the backyard.
Mikasa: get ready and be there me and auntie are already in the car driving 
Mikasa: the address for the gathering is [Street Address/PO BOX], dress well pls
He groans into his pillow. Another stupid gathering, he thought he could get away from this year's gathering by traveling to America, a country where Mikasa's relatives aren't scattered around but no, the host of this year's gathering is Levi and he lives in America and specifically in the same state he traveled to. Eren can't even begin to express his annoyance. It's almost like the entire universe is against him not attending and he's not even related to anyone there. Why does he have to go, he thinks? Social events are the bane of his existence, ironic considering his whole career relies on interacting with people (fans).
Eren contemplates ignoring the text and pretending he never saw it. Maybe he can come up with a convincing excuse, like a sudden illness or something lame like 'I accidentally leaked the address, fans everywhere'. But he knows Mikasa too well – her persistence is unmatched. Ignoring her texts would only escalate the situation and so he responds with a 'fine, got it'.
He tosses his phone aside and stares at the ceiling. The prospect of facing another family gathering fills him with dread. It's not the family part that bothers him; it's the forced interactions, the fake smiles, and the constant questioning about his personal life. Resigned, he starts thinking about what to wear, already dreading the inevitable awkwardness that awaits him.
Eren makes sure to dress casually, opting for a comfortable yet presentable look. He styles his hair with a bit more care than usual, not wanting to appear too disheveled. As a final touch, he puts on his best cologne, he doesn't know why, but he feels compelled to dress properly, look proper, and act proper. 
Almost as if there's something, or rather someone that's going to present tonight, that's worth impressing...
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
You woke up at 10 am and left for Levi's house at 1 pm, giving yourself a few good 6 hours to prepare everything. Levi insisted that you didn't need to come so early and that he's already setting up everything but you like these kinds of things so you tell him it's fine. He tells you to utilize the catering staff he hired and leave their job to them but you refuse. It's a 'family' gathering, it should have bits and pieces of his personality embedded into his effort as well.
You couldn't find some grey cutlery so you bought what you could find which happened to be some colorful plates to Levi's dismay but you promised him that you'd keep them and it wouldn't stay in his house for more than a few days. He sighs a 'tch' at you that you don't think much of. You waste no time and get to work immediately, unpacking the bags and organizing the items you bought. The colorful plates you've chosen might not match Levi's monochromatic taste, but you believe they add a lively touch to the gathering.
You proceed with setting up the dining area and arranging the colorful plates alongside the other tableware. The clash of colors against the neutral backdrop creates a unique aesthetic, one that you find oddly satisfying. Levi also starts his part in cleaning, which doesn't take long as he cleans his house on a regular basis.
The catering staff, initially unsure about your decisions, follows your lead. As you continue to work, Levi observes silently, occasionally offering input or preferences. Despite the clash of styles, a subtle understanding begins to fold and everyone likes the outcome of the collaboration between the expertise of the staff and your knowledge of Levi's tastes.
After a few good hours, everything is set and you go change from your 'helping out' clothes to your casual clothes for the event. The catering staff bid their goodbye and Levi takes a seat in the living room. 
It is now 6:00 and Levi's mom and uncle arrive, you can hear their chatter from upstairs, a booming laugh can be heard and you assume it's his uncle. You've never been more nervous in your life. 'How should you greet them?' 'What if you look too casual' 'What if you say something wrong' are all the negative thoughts flowing through your mind right now. You take a deep breath, brush them aside, and head downstairs and you immediately happen to lock eyes with his mom, she sits on the couch with an amazing posture while Levi and his uncle bicker at the door. You wonder how Levi greeted his mom, too bad you missed it.
She looks so ethereal, with long healthy black hair flowing nicely with the white dress she's wearing, and her facial features are soft and delicate, she looks like the kindest person ever, she radiates this sort of 'welcome' feeling. As if she'll accept you in your arms, sinner or priest.
You snap out of it, stopping the gawking, and continue to walk up to her. She instantly smiles and gets up from the couch.
"Who is this young pretty lady?" Levi's mom exclaims with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with genuine curiosity. You feel a mix of relief and nervousness as you extend a hand towards her.
"Hello Ma'am, I'm [Name]," you say, trying to match her warmth. "I'm a friend and co-worker of Levi's. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"Ma'am?" She laughs a hearty laugh and pats you gently on the shoulders "Sweetie, there's no need to be so formal, You can just call me Kuchel"
"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Kuchel" you reply, not bringing yourself to call someone much older than you by just their first name.
"You're a cheeky lady, aren't you?" Kuchel jokes with you, giving you an affectionate smile and you finally understand what the term 'girl crush' means because you've never been so positively intimidated by someone's elegance and stance. She urges you to sit down when in reality you should be the one urging her to sit down and making her feel comfortable.
Levi and his uncle also come by to sit down before he introduces himself to you.
"How's it going, little lady? I'm Kenny. I'm this kid's uncle, regrettably" he says with a smirk, causing Levi to roll his eyes and Kuchel to slap his arm playfully.
"Hello, I'm [Name], I work alongside Levi and we're also friends." Levi glances at you to see if you're uncomfortable in any way, he's good at reading people and you seem, relaxed and not tense as he predicted you'd be. He mentally nods at that and reminds himself to glance at you every now and then.
Kuchel smiles warmly at you. "It's wonderful to have you here, [Name]. I'm glad he's becoming friends with coworkers, he usually never does that"
"Mom, I'm 28, stop talking about me like I'm 15" Levi groans at the embarrassment, hands digging into his face.
"You're still my baby boy, no matter how old you get." She retorts, moving closer to him to pinch his cheeks and coddle him.
You coo at the rare sight, of Levi crossing his arms while his mother hugs him and strokes his hair, it's obvious Levi loves the affection his mother gives him, his fond smile gives it away no matter how grey his eyes look.
His uncle also seems to enjoy the sight, smiling a faint one as he catches you observing him. He flashes you a wink before looking back at the scene. You feel less tense now, feeling more welcome with the whole atmosphere.
It's now 7:15 and the first batch of relatives come out of a minivan, you smile and they somehow hug you as if you're a part of the family, one elderly woman asks if you're Levi's other half and you can't help but stutter on your words as you form incoherent sentences you later resort to shaking your head as a form of no.
It's now 8:15, an hour has passed and everyone is eating their starters, you look at the lively atmosphere and you feel so warm inside, everyone knows one another and everyone treats you like a relative, you feel like you belong before the doorbell rings again and you tell them that you'll go get it.
Nothing could've prepared you for who was behind that door.
You quickly open the door and get your clothing stuck on the handle of the door by opening it too quickly. You manage to say your hellos but your focus is on the door, trying to get out of this embarrassing situation.
"[Name], What’re you doing here?" a voice asks and you think it's Kuchel but once you finally get your clothing unstuck from the door and look up at the new batch of guests, you're astronomically wrong.
It's Carla, It's Carla Jaeger.
You've never thought you'd see Carla of all people here, you think you're hallucinating and that the presence of Kuchel may have triggered your longing for the mother figure who treated you like you were her daughter.
But no, it's actually Carla. How could this be and why? She's standing in front of the door with a fluffy scarf and a huge coat that hides her actual outfit. She stares at you with sadness in her eyes, but then Kuchel shouts 'Carla come in' which makes you snap out of it and open the door so that she may enter. She does so and as you try to close the door she tells you that..
"There's one more person"
And cue the anxiety, panic, and dread. You look at her, confused and worried. Carla immediately embraces you with a tight hug, as if seeking comfort or offering it, you're not sure. She cups your face gently, looking into your eyes with a mixture of affection and sorrow.
"[Name], You've grown up."
Carla whispers, her voice a mixture of sorrow and longing. The memories flood back – the warmth of her hugs, the wisdom in her advice, and the unconditional love she showered upon you. The times she'd teach you how to bake and you'd end up messing the whole thing up and she'd laugh at you while teasing.
"You look more refined" she continues, her gaze filled with a motherly pride. Carla steps back, holding your shoulders as she examines you. "But the same twinkle in your eyes remains."
"Thank you, Auntie" you reply not knowing what else, a pang of guilt heaving in your heart as you mentally embrace yourself for the person who accompanied her as the doorbell rings again.
please don't be eren, please don't be eren, please don't be eren
This is what you keep chanting in your mind as Carla gestures towards the door, indicating that you should answer it. As you open the door, you're met with the face of the person who accompanied her.
It's not Eren. Thank God
It's Mikasa.
You mentally smack yourself on the head, how could you have not known? Mikasa Ackerman, Levi Ackerman. What more clues did you need? A big red billboard?
Mikasa carries two baskets of what seems to be treats for everyone at the family gathering. She doesn’t seem to notice you since you're practically hiding behind the door as she goes forward to set the gifts down at the kitchen island and give greetings to her relatives.
Taking your invisibility to her as an advantage, you close the door not wanting the cold to get into the warmed house, and wonder where you should go and you decide you’ll go upstairs to get some fresh air, calm your nerves, and focus on the priority here.
You run up the stairs and go to the nearest bathroom, you’re pacing around not knowing what to do. You think let’s rewind a bit.
Now we know that Mikasa is related to Levi, check. Does that guarantee that anyone else who you’ve left behind could also be here, no. But why is Carla here then? 
And that’s where you’re stumped. You have no clue. And you don’t want this to ruin your image with the people you just met, for you to just run off out of nowhere because someone you know is in the same room as you. You’re not like this, this is the anxiety talking. So what know them? Say your hellos and look the other way, it’s very simple. 
You slap your face gently as if to beat the words into your face, that’s until you hear a booming noise from downstairs, it sounds like someone is cheering. Anyways, you think, let’s get back to this gathering. Whoever comes, came and whoever is not present well then that’s a win for us. 
And with that you head downstairs, slowly observing the table where everyone is seated at, Levi with his armed crosses, Kuchel with her hand on his head, Kenny bored out of his mind and Carla exchanging smiles with Kuchel. The other relatives seem to chatter among themselves. 
You quickly head down the stairs and grab a plate to get yourself some food. Carla comes along behind you, she follows what you do, also grabbing a plate and putting food on her plate.
“So how has life been treating you, [Name]?”
She asks, genuine curiosity flowing through her voice, you look at her and put your plate down to show some respect and talk to her.
“It’s going great, I’m graduating in a few weeks.” You reply, observing her features, she hasn’t changed a bit, she looks just as comforting as before. She smiles at that and pats your back.
“I’m proud of you sweetie. You deserve everything good in this life and the next” 
You smile and hug her abruptly, the connection you had with Carla was unmatched, nothing could top that and you just feel so guilty for not telling her anything beforehand.
“Listen, [Name], As a mother, I need to apologize.” You look at her confused and she continues with heavy words. “I never got the chance to apologize to you for Eren’s behavior that day, if I double-checked whether or not he took his medication, perhaps this wouldn’t have become the outcome.”
“Auntie, this is in no way your fault. This was my decision, I’d like to think that either way, I would’ve left. It’s just the terms I left on could’ve been improved, but that’s also my fault. I just combined everyone in the same category as Eren and left without further notice. That’s a fault on my part.”
"Nonsense, none of this could ever be your fault." She smiles and pats your cheek,“The ever so kind [Name], you have a heart pure as the driven snow.”
You appreciate her words but can't shake the feeling that you could have handled things differently. All the guilt and regret start pouring in, you've left so many people under the assumption that they hated you, Carla was one of them, you thought that if her son despised you enough to hurt you, then what would be stopping her?
Carla seems to sense your troubled self so she takes it upon herself to make the mood more friendly and less soggy with regret. She's seen how regretful both you and Eren look and it's so dreadful as his mother and as someone who cares about you. She tries to lighten his mood up, take him to places where serotonin may be boosted, and engage with him in activities that liven things up, but to no avail. Eren was stuck in a trance of regret.
Carla wishes she could ask you to at least talk with Eren or sort things out with him. Her motherly side worried about the wellbeing of her son but she can't bring herself to do so, it's too much on you and selfish of her.
"My kitchen is in good shape, I know for a fact that it has missed your mishaps," Carla says with a playful glint in her eyes, attempting to bring a smile to your face.
"Mishaps? More like nuclear testings" you respond with a chuckle, appreciating Carla's effort to lighten the mood. Her warm demeanor and easygoing nature make you feel more at ease, at least for the moment.
Kuchel calls Carla over once more, she has a glass of red wine and she seems like she has lots of things to catch up with her. Carla gives you a nod before heading over to her and taking her plate of food on the way.
You take a moment to collect yourself, glancing around the room. Levi is engaged in a conversation with his uncle Kenny and Mikasa is on her phone. You take this as an opportunity to clean the dishes, left by the guests as they head to the living room to watch a sitcom together.
It's now 8:50. it's almost two hours past the intended time, you can let out a deep sigh of relief. No one else is coming and everyone here is sleeping here for the night. Washing the dishes calms your nerves and you feel more relaxed, you hope that Mikasa stays on her phone and does not notice you. That'd be great, but the chances of someone not noticing another in a 'family gathering' are very low. She'll probably notice one way or another. 
You finish the dishes, dry your hands, and allow the families to enjoy their own company. You, however, make your way to the small seating area, opposite to the door. You grab a book from the shelf and start reading, taking your mind off all this.
In the process, 20 minutes have passed and it's now 9:30, you giggle at the book, you never knew Levi was into comedy like this, half the books on the shelf are comedy and satire books. You put a hand over your mouth to conceal your chuckles as you continue reading. The sound of laughter and conversations from the living room serves as a comforting backdrop. Despite the initial nervousness, being immersed in Levi's world, even if just through his book collection, brings a sense of belonging.
Until the doorbell rings once more.
You're on the other side of the room so it'll take a bit longer for you to open it but as soon as you get up, Mikasa is running to the door to open it. Why would she be running when she was on her phone the entire time? You're just standing there a bit confused at who it is and why 2 hours after the initial time.
Mikasa opens the door and the room suddenly turns into an incoherent noise factory. You can't see who it is because they immediately hug Mikasa but you'd recognize that grey hair anywhere.
It's Connie and behind him are Jean, Sasha, Historia, Ymir, and Reiner.
Mikasa steps back, breaking the hug, and the noise reaches a peak as everyone starts talking at once. Connie, always the ball of energy, is the first to greet everyone, Levi leaves him hanging on his fist bump and he doesn't mind as he goes on to greet everybody else.
You don't dare move from your spot continuing reading your book hoping to stay unnoticed in your little corner of the room. As everyone continues their greetings and catching up, you bury yourself in the book, pretending to be engrossed in the words on the pages. You hear Historia apologizing for being late as the roads were blocked due to snow.
The minutes pass, and you start to believe that your plan to remain inconspicuous is working. That is until you hear a familiar voice entering the room, and a chill runs down your spine. The voice is unmistakable, and dread creeps in as you hope it's just a figment of your imagination.
Eren stands there awkwardly, pathetically fidgeting with his hands as he mumbles 'Sorry I'm late'. Kuchel hugs him and playfully pinches his cheeks and he shyly averts his gaze down. You take this as a small chance to observe him from the peek of your book.
He grew a bit taller, his hair was styled to a fashionable degree, and his face was glowing although his eyes seemed dark from his eyebags as if he hadn't been getting much sleep. His azure eyes aren't as dull as you last saw them, they're still a bit dull but the color stands out more. He looks disconnected from the rest of his friends and Mikasa pulls his arm to bring him closer. 
You should've picked a more discreet place but then again why should you be hiding, it's just a coincidence that all of you happen to be reunited here. However you don't want any drama, you contemplate leaving through the back door and telling Levi something urgent came up but you don't want to let him down and there's no point in doing so if you so claim to have forgotten about them, meeting them, saying hello and disappearing again shouldn't be so hard. Maybe, just maybe, you can enjoy the evening without the complication of facing them. The minutes tick by, and your hope grows. Perhaps, for once, fate is on your side. 
It's as if everything is happening in slow motion, the laughter of Carla and Kuchel, Connie play fighting with Levi's uncle and Historia chatting to the elderly family members. You glance once more from between the book and you see that their attention is elsewhere. You get a text from your roommate who happens to tell you that all the roads are blocked due to a snowstorm in the area and wondering if you're safe.
you: yes i'm fine, are you at home?
claudia: yeah, it seems like you have to stay where you are until the snow dies down, don't try to go anywhere, kay?
You seem worried a bit, wondering if your friends are also at home and not outside, you check the news and it calmly urges anyone and everyone who is outside to get inside and people who are inside to stay inside.
you: damn, it looks bad out there, how's everyone, are they all inside?? i can't get through to them.
claudia: [one attachment], we're fine, see u at home tmrw. stay safe!!
You open the attachment to see all of your friends huddling in the room, windows closed and all in oodies giving the camera a big thumbs up and smiling.
You smile at that, responding with an 'okay' and sighing a deep breath as all of your friends are safe. You're convinced the universe is against you, making you trapped in a house with people you want to run away from. You can't stand the anxiety that comes with it, you put the book down and hear the distant chatters of Levi's family members telling each other about the news as they put on the news channel. 
You need a drink, you think to yourself. You quietly slip away from your corner, avoiding making any noise as you make your way to the kitchen. The distant chatter and laughter follow you, but you try to drown it out. You open the fridge, and fortunately, there's an array of beverages. You grab a bottle of water, thinking that's probably a safer choice but then you put it back as wine seems like a better option in this situation. 
While you're being indecisive, it seems that someone else has entered the kitchen, they have their back to you, and you see the mini man bun and immediately know it's Eren. He hasn't noticed you yet, he thinks you're just a random family member also in the kitchen, choosing some snacks, but he has trouble finding the cork opener for the wine bottle he's about to open. He can't go back and ask Levi in front of everyone because he knows his mom. will scold him for trying to drink. So he resorts to asking a stranger, you, instead to save him that trouble.
"um, excuse me?" He starts looking at your back as you attempt to leave the kitchen stealthily, sneaking quietly past the cabinets and stuffing your face in one of them. You freeze at the sound of Eren's voice. The last thing you wanted was to become involved in his search for a corkscrew. In an attempt to avoid the impending interaction, you continue pretending to browse the snacks.
"Excuse me," he repeats, a touch of frustration in his voice.
You debate whether to respond or slip away unnoticed. The room suddenly feels smaller, you feel claustrophobic and you wish you had chosen a different place to hide from the social storm. I mean, why would you go to the kitchen when they just arrived on an empty stomach?
Eren decides to approach you, still unaware of your identity, he lightly taps you on your shoulder. "Do you know where the corkscrew is?" he asks, coming up beside you and you swear this feels like a scene straight out of a Kdrama, one of those awkward side-character interactions that you'd rather avoid. Panic sets in, and you need to think and act quickly. Holding your breath, you contemplate the best course of action.
Escape seems like a tempting option. You scold yourself for feeling afraid and decide that avoiding unnecessary drama is your priority. Without turning around to face him, you respond vaguely, slightly changing your voice.
"I think I saw it near the sink," gesturing vaguely in that direction.
You sigh a loud deep breath as he heads in that direction but immediately suck it back in. As you are walking backward, you bump into someone, you pray it's someone you don't know but by reflex, you turn around to see who you bumped into and come face to face with a groaning Connie. He has his hand on his arm after he hits it on the corner of the wall and looks up at you only to have the annoyance etched on his face disappear within a millisecond.
He stands there speechless, unable to say your name, unable to even understand the whole situation, is it real? or did he play fight with Kenny a bit too hard? He can't do anything but stand there. He takes you in, every part of you and it finally hits him like a wave of strong tides. He missed you so badly, all this time, he never truly understood how much your absence affected him. The sight of you, the sound of your voice as you mutter a small 'oh', the simple act of bumping into you – it's a flood of emotions he tried to suppress.
"Hello and sorry." 
Is all you say, in a monotone voice, a stark contrast to the emotional whirlwind that's taking place within you. You grab a packet of chips and purposefully move away, creating a physical distance between the two of you. You move behind him because behind you is Eren opening a bottle of wine and glancing at the whole accident, still oblivious.
Connie scoffs at your attitude, he's immediately snapped out of his trance and feels the need to confront you. You haven't even bothered to hear his side of the story, or given him a chance to explain and it's so fucking annoying.
"Sorry for bumping into me or sorry for going no contact for like half a decade, hm?" he questions, his tone carrying a mix of sarcasm and genuine hurt. The confrontation hangs in the air, and you can feel the weight of his unspoken emotions.
You want to retort back but you know that this will just lead to confrontation on a wide scale and you don't want to ruin Levi's hard work. So you ignore him and go back to sitting down on your small chair in the corner and Connie can't believe you're actually acting like this. He watches you leave to sit down on a small chair and he's so pissed. He glances at Eren who seems to be in his own world, scrolling on his phone and drinking his wine and suddenly Connie feels like starting a fight because Eren's nonchalant attitude irks him. But he refrains, he has something else to do, something better. Connie takes the opportunity to shift the attention to the living room. He interrupts Sasha's karaoke performance in front of the TV, grabbing the microphone with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Guys, I know someone with a much better voice in this house, so who wants to listen to some real music?" He declares and Sasha pouts but lets go of the microphone. This causes Jean to tell him to stop being so rowdy and sit down. He shakes his head telling them 'You guys don't want to miss out, I promise' and they seem a bit curious at his offer, wanting to know who it is.
You think he's already gone, ignoring you as well since he never liked you in your memory so you take a breath of fresh air and continue reading while glancing at Eren who drinks the wine slowly while scrolling on his phone, replying to texts from his manager asking him on his opinion of certain costumes. He looks dreadful you almost pity him.
"It's [Name]" Connie announces, and there's a mix of surprise and curiosity that spreads among the family members. One, because half of them didn't know you could sing and the other half is reactions from Carla who knows where this is going and connected the dots, and Jean and the rest because they had no idea that you're here, so they scoff at him and tell him to stop playing. 
"Come see for yourself, then" He taunts and now everyone is really confused.
Eren hears your name being said and his head immediately perks up from his distracted state. He sets down the wine glass, his eyes narrowing as he searches the room for confirmation. He goes to the living room to see a glimpse of your face but you're not there. He then proceeds to return back to his spot disappointed but stops in his tracks as he sees you, sitting down on a small chair right behind the table he was drinking wine at. He's not like Connie, he stares at you with guilt in his eyes, you know you can't hide behind your book for so long so you set it down and look at him with an annoyed gaze as Connie and the others also turn around the corner of the kitchen, surprised to see you there.
Eren feels.. weird, he feels so pathetic, he feels like he’s gonna cry any minute now, going to full-on sob in front of everyone. Your annoyed gaze tells him everything he needs to know, he wants to fall on his knees and grovel, wants to tell you he'd do everything and anything to make it up to you, he places a hand on his mouth, almost to stop himself from revealing the overwhelming emotions threatening to spill out.
Everyone else seems to look at you with the same gaze, regret, confusion, guilt, surprise. Connie, crosses his arms, half pissed at you for what happened but also happy now that he knows you've been okay, Eren looks troubled like he doesn't know where to start, Mikasa has this face on that you can't read, Historia is in a state of surprise, Jean doesn't believe his eyes and Sasha and Ymir are so confused.
You don't know how to feel, you hate how everyone just put you on the spot, how you are indirectly ruining Levi's first time hosting this gathering, but most of all, you hate how much their presence affects you.
You don't do much but look outside at the snowstorm, and then tension grows higher and tighter with each second, you hate how they look at you like you are some animal in an enclosure, like a performer and people are patiently waiting for your next trick, it feels too awkward and makes it hard to breathe, you can't help but wonder if somehow standing in the snowstorm seems like a better option than standing in the storm brewing inside this house.
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notes: first things first, thank you all for reading the part 1, I really appreciate it and to those who interacted, hope that nothing inconveniences you ever again in your life!! emphasis on ever. so here's to part two, crazy how it's 9K because I remember my milestone being 5K so how I got here is honestly mindblowing. I'm glad you liked my plot, I thought it might've been weirdly put but it seems not. so I hope you enjoy this one as well and let me know if you also want a part 3, I kind of left it on a cliffhanger...
divider credit: @hitobaby
305 notes · View notes
fruitmins · 9 months
Agust Dad—Four
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➭ summary: Your a producer from another company that he happened to be collaborating with on his 2nd album D-2. At the release party— one drunk action leads to another, you do the worst thing you can do in the industry and change your fate forever.
➭genre: short series, pregnancy au, idol au, angst, dad au
➭warnings: a couple cuss words, mention of abortion
<next part>
note: this was supposed to be done yesterday, oopsies. Updated the tag list for everyone who wanted to be on it and some of them don’t work for some reason
Taglist: @welcometomyworld13 @tatyhend @jiminiesunicorn @littlestarstinyseven @baechugff @thelilbutifulthings @tearykth @familiarlikemymirror3 @coree730 @prajusstuff @wobblewobble822 @choisoorin @manuosorioh @0funsite0 @whipwhoops @bergandysam @aloverga @illnevertrustmyselfagain @silentreadersthings @butterymin @girl-nahh @linneasblog @cuntessaiii @nikkiordonez12 @chl0buggy @serendididy
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A week later, Yoongi is at your house again. But this time it feels like a dream.
Unlike the last visits, there’s a nice and expensive car parked outside with tinted windows. And also unlike the last times, he attempts to cover up his face.
He has a mask under his chin with black sunglasses that matches the black beanie he has on to cover most of his hair.
You hate that he still looks nice.
You take your eyes out of the peephole and open the door to greet him face and to face. You also have glasses on the cover your eyes (and the black bags under them) and a mask.
“You didn’t have to walk me to the car..” You mumble as you step out and close the door behind you.
“In a neighborhood like this, and a porch like this...” his voice trails off as he glances around the outside of your house with a slight repulsed expression.
You roll your eyes as you step down the stairs and to his car, quickly pushing back the thought of him actually caring about you on the way down.
“The company hadn’t really blew up yet,” you say in response to his comment on your house. “Which is probably why they sold their souls to HYBE..” you remark in a low voice as you get into the passenger seat.
You hear Yoongi snicker at your comment as he gets in the drivers seat but doesn’t say anything else. It's only a few days since he first found out that the baby was his. In the subsequent days, you've spoken at length with him about the situation.
He let you know that he had done you the honors of canceling your original appointment and setting something up with a more professional and private hospital that worked with celebrities and idols. Even though he thought you would freak out about it, you didn’t. It just shows further that he seems committed to being involved in your baby's life, which is a relief but also makes you nervous.
The two of you show up at the clinic together, and it's the first time you've spent time one-on-one since you got pregnant. It's also the first time you've properly spoken, without the usual tension between you.
Yoongi walks alongside you, his expression soft and his gaze almost gentle but also serious.
The time passes in a flash, and before you know it, you're in the room, getting an ultrasound with Yoongi standing next to you, his eyes glued to the screen as the doctor goes about her work.
Your eyes are also glued to the screen. There’s no isn’t much on it, the baby being small and it doesn’t even look human. But you can’t help but get slightly emotional at the sight of it.
“Wow,” the doctor exclaims, taking off the stethoscope out of her ears and putting it on yours instead. The other end is pressed against your stomach, and your eyes widen when you hear a fast heartbeat in your ears.
It isn’t your heartbeat. It’s your baby’s.
Your glossy eyes trail over to Yoongi, listening to the heartbeat as the doctor pull as away to look at her clipboard. She writes something down and then takes the stethoscope out of your ears. “You wanna listen, dad?” She asks Yoongi, catching him off guard.
You can tell he is caught off guard, his eyes flicking to you and then to the doctor. He swallows a lump on his throat and silently walks over to you. The stethoscope slowly goes into his ears and you watch his body freeze as his dark brown eyes meet yours.
“Well, your baby is very healthy congratulations.” She starts off as you try to tear your eyes away from Yoongi’s. “And you’re due sometime in early or mid March.”
Her sentence damn near knocks the wind out of you. This time, Yoongi’s emotions are clear to you, his eyes widen slightly and filled with emotion. You can’t help but chuckle at the crazy circumstance.
Yoongi’s birthday was in March.
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You weren’t planning to go back to work until the morning sickness died down, but you can’t help but feel a different sinking filling in your stomach when you stood outside of your bosses office after he called you in.
You take a breath and walk in the door, your feet immediately freezing when you see much more than your boss in the room.
Bang Si-Hyuk.
Hitman Bang.
This couldn’t be good.
“Ah, Ms Y/N. Please, sit down.” He says when he notices you, gesturing towards a chair by the table he was sitting out.
Cautiously, you make your way to a seat and sit down and just when your butt hits the chair, the door opens.
You grow pale when you glance up and see Yoongi walk into the room. He doesn’t notice you right away, but when he does he lets out a curse under his breath. “Shit.”
This definitely wasn’t good.
“Ah, Yoongi. Come sit.” Bang says, his smile only widening when he sees Yoongi. Yoongi goes to take a seat across from you but he doesn’t seem to be thrilled that he is here.
It’s quiet for a minute, Bang Si-Hyuk just looking back and forth at you and Yoongi, analyzing the two of you but you can’t even look at Yoongi. The tension between the three of you is almost palpable.
“Just curious, how do you two know each other?” He speaks after moment of silence that feels like years. You shift uncomfortably in your chair but can’t bring yourself to answer. You can’t even bring yourself to look at him as he talked.
Yoongi doesn’t bother saying either his gaze looking entirely unperturbed but even he can’t stare at his boss. He clearly anticipated that something like this would happen, and he's not ready to defend you just yet. It was like the two of you were caught kissing under the bleachers and were in the principals office.
“You must know each other well seeing as though Yoongi took you to a private doctor and stayed in there with you through the whole thing and then came out holding hands.” He speaks again in a daring and mocking tone but the two of you stay quiet, your heart thumping as he brings up the private doctor.
“Well, maybe the HYBE employee who saw you got it wrong. Maybe he was misunderstood the situation,” he says again, taking a pause as he leans closer to you. “Why were you there? Was it an abortion?”
You see Yoongi’s eyes snap up to his boss at the corner of your eye. His gaze hardens and he clenches his jaw. Si-Hyuk notices this as well and glances at you and then back at Yoongi with a dry chuckle.
He leans back and folds his arms, opening his mouth to say anything but you speak first before he can say anything else bold to provoke an answer out of Yoongi.
“It was my seven week ultrasound.” You sprout out, your eyes widening in shock as if you weren’t the one that said it.
It gets quiet again as Si-Hyuk slowly turns to look at you, looking amused as he lets out a long dramatic sigh. “Ms, are you aware that having relations with someone in the same company is not aloud?” He asks calmly and your eyes widen.
Your mortified. Panicked and scared. Your worst fear was coming to life. You were going to loose your job. As the reality of your situation starts to set in, your face heats up and you feel your heart in your throat. Si-Hyuk isn't kidding, and you're about to lose your job.
"Boss, I don't think you understand. It was a one-night thing–"
"A one-night thing that resulted in a baby." Si-Hyuk says in a clipped tone, cutting you off.
“Expect she wasn’t at the company when this happened.” Yoongi speaks up quickly for you, who is to busy panicking and frozen to point that out yourself.
“Still, no relations with one another are aloud here.” Si-Hyuk responds calmly to him.
“There is no relations.” Yoongi rebutted quickly and you can’t help but feel a sharp pain in your heart at his words, almost physically flinching back.
You don’t know why, put there’s a sting that washes over you at how fast he responded. How fast he denied having any connecting with you, days after he listened to the baby’s heart rate.
You know you’re sensitive, that maybe he was just trying to help keep your job. And you shouldn’t feel heartbroken but you do. And you hate that you do.
“Great, so you’ll have no problem with me firing her.” Si-Hyuk snaps you out of your trance, your face paling as your eyes widen.
Your eyes snap towards Yoongi in shock and you catch him get a glimpse at your mortified face as he shakes his head and cusses again. “Shit.”
“You know this isn’t fucking fair. There are laws. You can’t fire her over this.” He argues as Si-Hyuk basically laughs in his face.
“Watch me.” He says simply and you don’t know if you want Yoongi to keep defending you or want him to shut up instead. Before anyone can speak again Si-Hyuk turns towards you again. “Y/N, you’re fired. I expect your things to be cleared by tomorrow evening.”
Your mouth falls open in shock, and the color drains from your already pale face. Your heart thumps at his words, too stunned to speak as tears cloud your eyes, making your vision blur. “Wait, please-“ you try to plead in a panic.
You had just switched to this company and it was your only money source. You knew that being a solo producer was inconsistent and you were likely to get scammed by whoever you worked with.
“You’re dismissed.” He cuts you off quickly, gesturing to the door and your to stunned to speak more. You’re to shocked at everything that you can’t even peg for your job back. “Yoongi, I still have things to discuss with you.”
With a heavy breathing and a pained feeling in your chest, you slowly get up from the chair, bowing to him to side the tears in your eyes before quickly stumbling out of the door.
You can't believe that you just lost your job, all because of a mistake you made in a moment of weakness.
When you’re in the hallway you hear Yoongi start to yell at him but you can’t make out the words, you don’t want to know. You just want to get far away, and cry. All you wanted was for this day to go by normally, but instead you've been faced with the reality of your situation.
Your boss doesn't care.
Your future more uncertain than it was before.
You start to walk down the empty hallway, hugging your arms as tears fall uncontrollably as you let out a sniffle. The weight of someone’s hands on your shoulders snap you back to reality. When you turn around your face to face with Yoongi.
It’s Yoongi.
“Hey, I can try to change his mind or pull some strings—“ he tries to say but you just shrug his hand off your shoulder.
“Haven’t you done enough?” You snap at him with a harsh tone but it doesn’t even make him flinch. “I have nothing now. All because you wouldn’t leave me alone like I told you to.” You have tears in your eyes, because despite everything, you desperately wanted this to work. Because you desperately wanted everything to be okay.
“So just leave me alone now, please.” Your voice shakes and is filled with emotion. Your words seem to have the effect of taking Yoongi by surprise. His arms drop to his sides and his body language shifts, his focus turning inwards. You can almost see the thoughts racing across his head.
He looks like he wants to say something too, like he is carefully picking out his words before saying them. But you don’t want to hear anything he has to say. You don’t want to see him. You don’t want him to continuously make a mess of your life.
You know how whiny you should and that you should be grateful to have an idol who isn’t willing to leave you in the dust, but you can’t help but wish he had.
He pauses for a moment and lets out a sigh, before speaking. “I have a feeling that’s going to become impossible Y/N.” He states, much to your confusion.
“And why is that?” You ask him suspiciously as your cheeks start to dry up and you let out s sniffle.
“Bang what’s to get ahead of this before the media does,” he speaks cautiously and carefully, tip toeing around the point and that makes you even more anxious. “He isn’t going to use your name, but in case someone found out he didn’t want any trace of you at the company to avoid a scandal so he had to fire you—“
“Use my name for what?” You cut him off firmly, taking a step closer to him as you look at him straight in the eyes.
“I told him I want to be in the baby’s life,” your heart beats faster at his words. You were telling him to stay away after he just told his boss he wanted to be involved. He hasn’t cracked yet.
He continues, “So before anyone else can find out, he’s releasing a statement saying that I’ve been in a two year relationship and have a baby on the way.”
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lillithhearts · 4 months
I saw that you didn't have any ideas for the 3rd prompt so maybeeee the moment Alastor makes a deal with the reader and he's all like "jeje all this power for the small price of my soul" and then the readers like "nu-uh that's not a small price actually, I'm gonna treat you horribly" and then it dawns on him that he literally sold his soul. :P
Or after the fight with Adam the reader like goes to rub it in Alastors face by helping him patch up and stuff after hearing him sing about him trying to find a way to get out of their deal.
Also manic Alastor giggles 💕✨💖
Whichever you want if you want, don't want you to feel pressured or stressed!
Also I am loving the Rosie and Alastor fics you've been writing they are amazing! 💖 You are definitely my fav hazbin writer ✨✨
As always, drink water and eat a snack!
✨ anon
Alastor x Overlord!Reader˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
ׂׂૢ pairing : Alastor x Reader
ׂׂૢ cw: Not proofread, abuse of power, Reader being mean (in a loving (not really) way)
ׂׂૢ reader is gender neutral
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
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While quietly walking among the broken remains of the hotel your eyes scanned every piece of debris watching the dust settle from the violent, bloody fight you witnessed; stepping in Yellow glowing blood you paid no mind before your eyes slowly trailed to the trail of red blood; back to a very familiar spot that you knew all too well, with a shrug of your shoulders and a deep breath you, you made your way to the tower; the blood of your dearest soul sticking to the sole of your shoe.
Arriving at the shattered and battered radio tower, you easily hoisted yourself up into it; not making the slightest effort at keeping your presence unknown to Alastor who was hunched over his control panel; rigid, shallow fast breaths while his chest heaved; you smugly watched his ears flatten further upon his realization of who had found him, his gaze shifting to meet yours after a few seconds his body too, turning to you; revealing that nasty gash on his chest his eyes seemed heavy, his smile strained; wince and pained expressions contorting as you tutted at the Overlord while walking up to him; gently undoing the layers to get to the gash, his hand raised; hesitating to stop you his hand quickly retreating back to the control panel with one sharp glare from you.
"you should be more careful. Look at you, I thought I didn't need to see you this truly pathetic again"
Your words cut through him as his eyes averted every inch of you; shame, embarrassment and humiliation washing over his weakened body before he leaned more into the control panel, his sharp nails digging further into the metal surface at the next venom laced words coming out your mouth
"oh. So because you're hurt means you no longer answer me, Alastor?"
"no,no you're right I'm sorry, I should've been more careful"
The sweat dripping from his forehead while one of his eyes lingered on you watching you meticulously work on his fresh wound, your face didn't match your hands gentleness however; your eyes filled with annoyance and hints of just pure anger; you had better things to do then take care of his pathetic self; he had felt your tug when he was hit, essentially further convincing him to get the fuck out of there; the second he was away he knew he'd never hear the end of it from you; and now his flattened ears are listening those very said words.
"I thought you were a powerful overlord, you honestly thought this would've been a good idea? It seemed I underestimated you"
Every new word, every new insult and comment made him wince again and again while glancing at you looking for perhaps a sign you'd soon let up with your entourage of sickly words, not helped by the sly smug smirk very abhorrent smirk on your face, Alastors eyes met yours; seeing a glint in your orbs, God how he hated being infront of you it always felt so overwhelmingly humiliation under your precise watch.
"you can be glad I saved you last minute, honestly why do I need to save you every time, The leader of the exorcists; did you think he'd be an easy fight? Or did you go into that fight wanting to embarrass me?"
The silence in the broken radio tower was thick and deafening, Alastor shallowed the lump in his throat and opened his mouth, trying to look at you, looking for even the slightest bit of worry in your eyes, trying to find even a sliver of you that actually cares about him, quickly snapping back when he felt a rough hand grab his jaw and pulling to kneel over while his body tensed at the pain shooting through his body
"answer me, before you lose that tongue of yours."
His breathing quickened and his clawed hand gently came to hold your wrist, seeing him fighting to regain his composure.
"i— I don't know what I was thinking, that was stupid of me..I apologize"
"hm. So you can listen. Pull yourself together"
You let go of his jaw, clearing your throat and stepping away from him; turning your back to the Overlord and leaving through the hatch you come through; leaving Alastor stood there with a gentler hand replacing the one you had, the other one hovering over the cleaned and patched up wound.
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Taglist : @k1y0yo @ihavetoomanyfictionalcrushes @d0nutsaur @anni1600
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waggledoogledoggle · 5 months
⚠️Spoilers for Hazbin ep 4⚠️
⚠️Also, this post will talk about Abuse and SA, it is briefly mentioned a few times throughout the rest of this… whole long thingy I wrote⚠️
⚠️Also, brief mention of the scene where someone tried to drug Angel⚠️
Ok, I am just genuinely baffled at the people who somehow find a way to hate on 'Loser, Baby'.
Like, if you don't like Huskerdust that's fine... but 'Loser, Baby' is not overshadowing/brushing off Angel's SA. It's not victim blaming. And it's not Husk telling Angel to just shut up and get over it.
Like I've seen it so much, and you know what? Fuck it. Welcome to my TedTalk on why it's not all of those things.
For starters: Husk doesn't know about Angel's SA
When Angel has his vulnerable outburst (Side note, props to Blake I mean, they said 'take 5' he heard 'change lives') he talks about how he feels like he has to act the way he does to keep Valentino happy because he stupidly sold his soul to him. That he wants to get drugged up because that’s his escape. That he wants to be broken because maybe, just maybe Val will let him go. He wants to be free, but he can't and he has no one to blame but himself.
"What's the worst part of this hell, I can only blame myself" is literally the pre chorus to his song (Poison), and that is what he shares with Husk.
Not once does he bring up his abuse or SA. If he did, do you think a song would have even happened? Look how Husk reacted when someone tried to drug Angel's drink! Now that Husk actually genuinely cares about him? Dead. Dead. Valentino would be dead.
Us knowing about Angels situation in full is dramatic irony which is, essentially, we as the audience know more/are given more insight than the other characters. We were given the insight of Angel's true trauma that he deals with on the daily. Husk and the rest of the Hotel were not and have no idea what he deals with, the only one that even has an inkling is Charlie and even then we still know WAY more about Angel’s situation than her, so you can't really get upset at Husk for not knowing something he would have no way of knowing unless Angel shared it with him directly.
Moving onto the song itself, it's a song of empathy.
Allow me to explain.
Husk pinpoints perfectly what Angel is feeling in this moment:
"So things look bad, and your back's against the wall Your whole existence seems fuckin' hopeless You're feelin' filthy as a dive bar bathroom stall Can't face the world sober and dopeless You've lost your way, you think your life is wrecked"
When Husk starts singing, you can tell that Angel is expecting Husk to pull the whole "But that's not true! It's not hopeless! You're life's not wrecked!" and is very surprised when Husk doesn't.
Instead, Husks says "Yeah. You're right." And this is when a lot of the haters get angry- but hold on a second.
When someone is feeling all of those things, saying things like "That's not true! You'll be ok!" aren't helpful at all. That's brushing it off. Even if it may be true, that doesn't help anyone when they're feeling like hopeless, lost, losers.
Because that's sympathy, not empathy. Sympathy is feeling for someone, and trying to make them feel better. Empathy, is not trying to make them feel any certain way- better or worse- empathy is simply feeling with someone. And that's what Husk does.
During the first chorus, Husk is clearly teasing Angel a bit while doing so, but not without good reason. It's keeping Angel from closing back up again, he's being a little bit silly with him and teasing him. I mean, did you see the silly lil walk he did crossing in front of Angel? And Angel is super confused because he's like "how tf is this supposed to make me feel better??"
That's the thing. It's not. That's sympathy's job, not empathy's. Empathy just want's you to feel felt with, it doesn't want to tell you how to feel. And adding that bit of silliness gives Angel's vulnerability a chance to breathe and it prevents Angel from closing in on himself.
The next verse, pre-chorus, and chorus is when the empathy though really kicks in.
The next verse, is the first part of empathy: Sharing about a similar experience you went through.
In this verse, now that Angel is listening not just hearing, Husk shares that he has been gruesomely damaged. Calling back to what he shared literally seconds before the song. That he knows what it's like to sign away your soul, and constantly look back at it with huge amounts of regret. That knowing that moment is what turned him into the mess he is today, and that he has no one to blame but himself. Just like Angel.
Then in the pre-chorus where there's the whole:
"I sold my soul to a psychopathic freak Haha! And you think that makes you unique? Get outta here, man!"
That isn't Husk telling Angel to get over himself and this isn’t him undermining what Angel’s been through. That's him saying 'I did too, you're not alone’
And then the very simple word change from "you're" to "we're" in the chorus is SO FREAKING HUGE. Because Husk is essentially saying "You feel like a total loser right now. Ok. Then if what happened to you/what you went through makes you a loser, then I'm a loser too. Let's be loser's together." Instead of trying to make Angel stop feeling like he's a hopeless loser, he decides that he is too.
He meets Angel where he is.
Aka: ✨empathy✨
Angel finally feels seen, understood, felt with. All the goals of empathy. He no longer feels alone in what he is struggling with, which is HUGE! Especially for people going through/dealing with SA and abuse.
The bridge of the song, is also extremely important, because this is where they acknowledge the differences in what they're going through. Their root problem is the same, but how it messed up their lives and created the problems they deal with now are completely different
And that's around when the song begins to shift from just Husk showing empathy and comforting Angel, to them both finding comfort in each other.
Which you can clearly see by the chorus under the umbrella, where it's not just one of them singing the chorus, but it's both of them. Because they have found a place to go to and confide in, a place of comfort, with each other.
Like, I am genuinely concerned that people find this song toxic like... have- have you never experienced empathy before? Are you ok?
So yeah, to wrap this up, if you don’t like ‘Loser, Baby’ just because you don’t like the song in general? That’s fine (odd, but fine)
But if you hate it because it “undermines Angel’s experience and what he goes through” I…
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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genovianxprince · 2 months
OK I think I understand some of why some people in the fandom choose to make Mystra some kind of a terrible, grooming abuser to Gale. It's because every one of the companions has like a specific person you can point to and say, that is the abuser. That right there is the person who has caused the companion grievous harm. Gale and Mystra are a little more complex than that.
Shadowheart and Lae'zel technically have a whole cult/culture backing up the abuse, but you can still pretty directly point to Viconia and Shar for Shadowheart, and ultimately Vlaakith for Lae'zel as well as just... every Githyanki she ever met, except for Kith'rak Voss.
Wyll has Mizora, Karlach had Zariel and Gortash, Astarion has Cazador, all very obvious and self explanatory in the game. They were innocent, kidnapped, coerced, sold, played like a damn fiddle. But Gale?
Gale has Mystra, a goddess he loves, who also loves him, and the things they did to each other were both fucked up, and a lot of the fault totally lies with Gale! The other companions all had external forces affecting them. Gale's was mostly internal. He refused to believe he was good enough. "As inconceivable as it seems to me now, I shared a bed with a goddess and I still wasn't satisfied." A literal goddess, the one he favored, the one he was in love with, who favored and loved him back, consistently told him he was perfect as he was and he straight up did not believe her. He placed himself on a higher and higher pedestal he could never reach the top of because if he wasn't constantly climbing to some nebulous goal of perfection, then could he be good enough for Mystra?
Y'know, instead of just believing the woman he was in love with. And I get it! Insecurities suck! Especially when you've been the gifted child your entire life, perfectly talented at something that all the adults in your life go nuts over. But also, it is extremely arrogant to assume you know better than your literal goddess and be like "yo, there's a missing piece of the Weave and I can go get it" like... Mystra is the Weave, she would have known and probably sent someone on a quest if it were actually Her Weave and not Karsus' Weave.
Gale is INCREDIBLY hubristic and he keeps falling for that trap. He's overconfident. Hell, even after his year in isolation where he comes out humbled, a small group of people believing in him for a short amount of time gets him to go "omg, crown of karsus = godhood, I can totally do that and tell the gods they SUCK and overthrow Ao's rules!"
Like, babyboy, no.
Of course, Mystra is not without some fault. After Gale's initial... Folly-up, she just ignores him for a year. Damn, girl, what the hell! Well. You see. The Netherese orb is a fragment of the magic that Karsus used to try to ascend and steal her throne with. The magic that she realized was going to kill everything if she didn't sacrifice herself. For a moment, all magic ceased to exist, including Mystryl herself, and Karsus died. Then Mystra came into being. Gale tells you a short version of this story himself! So it kind of makes sense that Mystra would see this shard of magic and just... kinda have a trauma reaction! And to gods, time flows differently. It wouldn't shock me to learn she didn't realize it had been a year by the time Gale left his Tower due to mind flayer shenanigans. Naturally, she does not want to discuss the thing she's so terrified of, and just tries to have it destroyed without her having to touch it—the plan to have Gale blow himself up on the Absolute itself, and she would save his soul. And even after he disobeys her instruction, she still allows the orb to feed on the true Weave! She still lets him live without fear of blowing up randomly, even though it greatly distresses her to let this magic that killed her once feed on her own life force.
Then he reaches the city, and reads The Annals of Karsus, and realizes she's going to have to explain, despite not wanting to. And she summons him. Tells him exactly what's in his chest. Asks him to turn over the Crown and she will destroy the orb and face her own trauma, because Gale... doesn't want to die. She understands that. And she still loves him and his big beautiful brain despite how stupid he's been, and she wants to have him as her Chosen again.
Things will never be the same, of course. They both fucked up. Gave each other a bad time. But in the end, they forgive each other and move past it. Not as a couple, because things broke too much for that. But they can have a healthy relationship as Goddess and Chosen once more.
And that is what sets Gale and his trauma apart from the companions. He doesn't have a direct abuser or live in a horrific abusive society. He almost killed the goddess of all magic a second time and she had an understandably harsh reaction to that, even if it was still too harsh. I just don't believe it's only Mystra who fucked up here. Not by a long shot. Much of it lies squarely with Gale.
And, as for the grooming allegations [as far as people trying to say it is canon], literally just no. She's a True Neutral goddess. Gale literally tells you that you are not his first mortal lover, he had a few before he ever fell into Mystra's bed, and you're just the first since the breakup about a year ago. The game doesn't shy away from sex and sexual abuse in the least. Why on Earth would this be something hidden behind several layers of nonexistent subtext? It's definitely fun for AU's, but by Ahghairon's lost nose, no, it's not canon!
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felice-jaganshi · 2 months
My Fallen Apple
Chapter 12
The two of you spend months planning, but something important is missing… Zariah, your best friend in heaven, won't answer her phone. Lucifer can see how sad and uncertain you look, and confronts you.
“Hey, what's gotten my Little Apple down?” He wraps an arm around your waist.
“It's… My best friend. Before I moved down here, I told her about you, and she said if we ever got married, she'd take the trip to hell to be my maid of honor without hesitation. But, she hasn't answered my texts since last extermination.”
“Oh geez… You don't think she was one of the exorcists do you?” He felt guilty, her friend may have been killed by his people.
“No way! She's always been a pacifist, even when we were alive.” Which made this even more distressing, why would she suddenly go silent?
“Well, what's her name? I still got a few contacts in heaven, maybe I could set you up a meeting to talk things out?” He would do anything for her. He already knew he'd have to deal with heaven soon anyways. No matter how terrifying, he wasn't pushing it onto Charlie anymore. He was the king, damn it!
“Her name's Zariah. She has orange-” His eyes go wide and he cuts you off.
“Oh Fuck! Her?! She's been staying at the hotel!”
“What?! What the fuck, why hasn't she called me then?!” You're both excited and worried about the news. You thought for sure she would have contacted you right away!
“She uh… she kind of sold her soul to another demon. She's on his leash, so it's likely she can't go anywhere without his permission.” He answered, looking away, he didn't like seeing her so upset. Even though it wasn't targeted to him, it still felt bad.
You groan in frustration, “Oh my god! That's fucking great .” You take a breath to calm down. “Okay, let's go. I wanna see her now .” Your tone is firm. You're trying to control your anger. You're not mad at Lucifer, you're mad at whoever the fuck had your bestie on a leash .
He nods mutely, and opens a portal, taking both of you to the hotel. You immediately storm through and Charlie looks confused, “Becca? Dad? Is everything okay?”
“Sweetheart, where's Zariah? Turns out she and Becca were friends in heaven.”
“Oh, she and Alastor are out in cannibal town getting tea with Rosie. They should be back in a bit.”
You look at Charlie, “Is that the one who has her soul? What kind of demon is he? You said cannibal town?!” You had a sinking feeling…
“Oh, he's known as the radio demon. And it's actually really nice over there if you don't eat anything you're offered.” She sounded nervous. 
“Fucking… God damn it!” You look back through your texts with her and read them out. “ 'Found a book on a radio host serial killer, best thing I've read in months, wish I could meet him.' That's her last text to me before going silent. So I'm guessing she fucking found him!” You're so mad at Zariah! You expected her to be smarter than trying to date an actual serial killer! “When she gets back here I'm shaking her so hard! ” You never hit her, but she could be so…
Lucifer put a comforting arm around your shoulders, “Whoa there, Apple Tart, calm down…”
The two eventually did return to the hotel, and as soon as your eyes met, she squeaked and ran to you.
“Becca!!” You let her hug you and can't help but hug back.
“Zariah! You've been here this whole time and didn't call me?! I've missed you!!” Her purrs are comforting, to the point you almost forget why you were mad.
“My phone broke when I fell, and you know I never memorized anyone's numbers.”
Radio static fills your ears, and you look to see a red clothed demon, who speaks with a radio filter.
“Ah, an old friend of yours darling? You must introduce me.” His smile was creepy in that it didn't reach his eyes.
“Oh, yeah!” She pulls back from your hug. “Alastor, this is Becca, my bestie beyond life and death! We used to call each other soulmates when we were alive. I still think we are, honestly! Becca, this is Alastor, the radio demon! Remember when I texted you about my research?! I found him!” She's practically bouncing on her heels in excitement. 
“I can see that.” Your tone is filled with irritation, “I heard you sold your soul to him.” You suddenly grab her by the shoulders and gently, yet vigorously, shake her. “What is wrong with you?! Of course serial killers are charming, it's how they catch their prey! Make. Better. Decisions! ” Zariah goes along with the shaking, not putting up any resistance to it.
“Whoa, Becca, calm down! I'm fine! Al would never hurt-”
“No! Do not!” You stop shaking her. “I'm saying this because I love you. You need to get out of this ‘deal’ thing and get back to heaven where you're safe.”
You can hear Alastor growling, and it's terrifying. 
“Becca, no! I'm not leaving him anymore than you'd leave Lucifer! He's never going to hurt me, it's part of the deal I made, why does everyone think I'm an idiot?! I may not be the smartest, but I'm not dumb!”
Alastor suddenly wrapped an arm around Zariah and pulled her to his chest.
“Miss Becca, I believe we've gotten off on the wrong foot. I only kill sinners. Even in life, that was true. So please, do calm down. I would never harm my darling. She is more precious to me than you realize.” His words sounded so genuine. 
“Fine, but I'm keeping an eye on you. You hurt her, and I'm coming for your head!” You level a solid glare at him, and he nods.
“Agreed, if I fail my dearest, you have every right to seek restitution on her behalf.”
“Oookay, well this was exciting!” Charlie jumped in, “But now let's focus back in on some positives!” She wanted to stop any potential fights before they broke out.
“Right, Z, there was a reason I was looking for you.” You say, “Remember when you promised to be my maid of honor if I got married? Well, it's happening!” You finally drop the bomb, and Zariah squeals in delight and hugs you tight!
“Oh my god, yes!! He actually proposed?! I'm so happy for you!” 
Lucifer smiled fondly as he watched the two of you, it was sweet. And he was glad to finally have someone who might be able to convince Zariah to get out of her deal with the demon. Or at least to leverage her power over Alastor and get him to stop being such an ass to him all the time!
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winterrrnight · 1 year
fan behaviour
PAIRING: drew starkey x musician!gn!reader
SUMMARY: the reader is a well known artist. Little do they know, they are their favorite actor's favorite singer.
WARNINGS: small mentions of anxiety
EDITH SPEAKS: the idea of musician!reader is inspired by @runningfrom2am 's fic 'kinda famous!' it's so so good, i definitely recommend reading it! <3 The plot of both the fics is nowhere near same, I've only taken inspiration from it :)
please like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading 🫶🏻 feedback is always appreciated :)
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The lights on the stage slowly start to dim down, and the crowd starts to get louder. You can't help but grin widely in your position at the backstage, ready to feel that familiar feeling of adrenaline rush through your veins each time you perform for your fans.
You've been in the music industry for quite a few years now, but you blew up recently with your second studio album. It was all so unexpected: the fame rising hotly each day, your fanbase increasing exponentially, and you getting the exposure you've always dreamed of. Music is your life, you've always wanted to impact the world with your music, and now here you are, ready to perform in your first arena.
The arena fits up to 9,000 people, and you were taken by surprise when you were informed that the concert is sold out. You start to feel the nerves kicking in, so you do a little breathing exercise you always do whenever anxiety starts to make its way to you.
"Hey, you'll be fine," your guitarist and best friend, Mia says. She hugs you tightly. "You are one of the best. All those people out there are here to see you rock and perform. You will do so wonderful."
"Thank you Mia," you smile at her. She acknowledges your smile, and your bandmates all go up on the stage, leaving you behind. They always start off with an intro before your entry. As they all walk up the stage, the crowd starts to scream even louder.
The intro lasts around 30 - 40 seconds, before it's your turn to go up. "You can do this," you whisper to yourself. You then make your way to the stage, and the screaming gets even louder, the crowd going absolutely wild to see you.
"Thank you everyone for coming!" You say in your mic, the crowd continuing to cheer you on. "I hope we all have the best time ever. I can't believe it: it's our first ever arena show!" The cheering and screaming continues on and you take a second to take in the crowd. The largest crowd of people is out there supporting you. You know you have to make it the most memorable experience for everyone out there, and for yourself.
Your band starts to play, and you start to sing the opening song. You've sung all these songs so many times; you've lost count. But each time you enjoy singing them even more. Music is in your soul, it's what makes you who you are.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
You have prepared one of the longest setlist you've ever performed. It lasts for almost 2 hours, but to you, it feels like it was just a few minutes. This is definitely one of your favorite concerts, the crowd is insane, they are singing every lyric back to you. You love to be interactive with your fans so you have a few interactions with them throughout the show. You get so many bouquet of flowers, stuff toys, and see some of the most heart touching signs in the crowd.
You have just finished performing your last song of the evening, and the crowd is louder than ever. No one in the arena is feeling a lack of energy. Your bandmates come on your side and you all hug each other, big smiles on your faces.
"This is one of the most memorable nights of my life," you say in the mic. "You all mean the whole world to me, and the support you give me is overwhelming." You feel tears form in your eyes but you control yourself from letting them fall. "I hope every single person present here discovers peace and love in there life. You all deserve the whole world - actually, scratch that - you all deserve the whole fucking universe, and I would be a goner without you guys. Thank you for coming tonight! I hope I'll see most of you in the meet and greet!"
With the last screaming and cheering of the day, all of you get off the stage. There is an hour before the meet and greet starts, which gives you time to rest and change out of your sweaty clothes. For this hour you have a pop up shop set up, where your fans can buy your exclusive merch.
Out there in the crowd, there is a person you have no idea is there. It was THE Drew Starkey, one of your favorite actors of all time. You've seen him in movies with minor roles, to go and take on a big role like Rafe Cameron on Outer Banks.
And you are pretty much Drew's favorite singer. He's been listening to your music long before you blew up, in fact he's been listening to you since almost the beginning of your career.
He gets to see you live for the first time today, and he just falls in love with your stage presence. The way you sound even more beautiful live, the way you move around the stage dancing and hyping up everyone in the crowd, he's in love with it all.
And today, he has a big chance of meeting you. He got a meet and greet ticket, and in less than an hour you're about to meet him.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
"Awww you're so sweet oh my god!" You say, taking the gift from the fan. She made a fan book for you by collecting messages for you from your fans all around the world though social media.
"I'm so happy you like it!" She says, ecstatically, as you lean in to give her another hug. You both turn around towards the camera to get the picture clicked. After greeting your last goodbyes, the girl leaves the room.
From outside, you hear the guard say, "next!" You walk towards the table set on the side to get yourself a glass of water. Behind your back, Drew has walked inside the room. You turn around to see Drew Starkey standing in front of you. You spit out the water in your mouth in utter shock.
"OH MY GOD!" You yell out loud, making Drew laugh. You rush up to him and give him a big hug. "Wow! It's Drew Starkey in front of me!"
"I'm such a massive fan of you," Drew says with a smile. Your mouth falls wide open. Drew Starkey is a fan of you?
"This is insane because I'm such a massive fan of you."
"WHAT? REALLY?" Drew says out loud, totally not expecting to hear that back. Your excitement matches with his as you nod your head vigorously.
"YES! I've been obsessed with your acting since so long now, every single role you've ever done is simply chef's kisses," you say, doing the chef's kisses gesture after.
"This is sick, come on give me another hug," he says laughing, and you without any hesitation walk up to him and wrap your arms around his torso, while his are around your waist. You hug him tightly, and he hugs you back even tighter. He then starts to sway you both in your position, making you chuckle.
You tilt your head up, resting your chin on his chest and looking in his eyes. In this moment, everything feels so surreal. It feels so... right to be in this position, with his arms holding you this tightly, making you feel so safe, that not a single thing in this world can hurt you now.
"Uh... so sorry to ruin the moment here but we don't have much time left and quite many fans are still left to meet you," the guard says. You and Drew suddenly snap back into reality and spring away from each other.
"Oh... oh yes," you stammer.
"Can we get a picture?" Drew asks you.
"Oh of course!" You say. He hugs from the side and you both look ahead at the camera, both of you grinning widely.
"It was so wonderful meeting you Drew," you smile at him.
"You too," he smiles at you back. Drew walks to the exit door, but before he can leave, he turns around to look at you.
"Will I see you again?"
This causes your lips to upturn in the biggest grin.
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amysgiantbees · 1 month
I think the way Hell works in Dead Boy Detectives is like this:
*This is all with the caveat that one of the reasons why I left Christianity is because I feel like a land of abuse you go to when you die is not something morally sound nor something I want to believe in. So, when I say something like "deserves to be in Hell" it comes with the caveat that I don't actually think really anyone does deserve to be there I mean it more in world or narratively speaking.*
Edwin get's taken on a technicality. He doesn't deserve Hell but his soul was promised to a demon. A demon who seemed, quite frankly, pretty apathetic towards capturing souls (maybe it was a middle man or a soul collector). He is owned by a denizen of Hell but belongs in Heaven (or whatever) so he's there on a technicality. Until someone is willing to challenge whoever owns his soul he will remain Hell's property. Although this is somewhat contradicted by the Night Nurse being absolutely flabbergasted by his technicality existing. Have there just not been a lot of successful demon summoning's with kids? Have most people through history just happened to only sacrifice shitty people? Maybe there's more to his technicality but without anymore information I say that it's just that he's been sold to Hell but belongs in Heaven.
Simon "deserved" to go Hell for bullying and inadvertently sacrificing Edwin. Which is why he get's an appropriate punishment. A "just" punishment unlike Edwin who is owned and so is more of a personal demon plaything than someone getting what he's owed. However, when Edwin forgives him Simon no longer needs to be punished. There's no one he's hurting anymore. There's no one past or present who feels wronged by him anymore. Edwin forgives him, and might weirdly be grateful as he wouldn't have Charles, Crystal and Nico without what he did. But Simon also needs to stop feeling like he belongs in Hell. He needs to stop, in a sense, wanting to be there. Quite literally "If you punish yourself, everywhere becomes Hell" he needs to forgive himself to be free.
This is echoed with the WW1 solider, Wilfred, in episode 1. I think Death could probably just force people to go to heaven but that's not who she is. But also I could really see this as the philosophy of Death in the show that "If you punish yourself, everywhere is Hell." So, if you're "so confused. So full of anger and hate" that you barely know what's going on. Let alone are able to think clearly about guilt and morality. Maybe you can't go to heaven, because you won't accept it. But you don't deserve Hell. So you're stuck. A ghost.
With Maxine I think she does not know why she's in Hell because A: There's no kindly Death taking you by the hand and explaining things to you. With Hell you're just snatched. B: I think that's part of the punishment of it all, not having answers. She doesn't know why she's there the same way she didn't know not to stalk or attack Jenny. She still thinks what she did was loving. She "needs" to be punished and reflect on what she's done. And that'll only start once she stops feeling sorry for herself on the stairs and finds her punishment. You can't forgive yourself or reflect on what you've done if you won't look at your actions for what they are.
Heaven requires reflection.
Or idk. Might come back to this later. Just some thoughts.
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whereserpentswalk · 3 months
When you had accidently contacted magical forces beyond the known world, an entity came up to you offering to make a deal. She appeared as a slender woman, with messy hair, in a black suit, and when you got close to her you saw that her grin was full of sharp teeth, and her eyes were black with red pupils. It was clear she wanted your soul, and while you ended up asking a lot of questions, you've now ended up saying that you need time to sit and think about the question, and because of this she has to stay while you wait on the question.
After awhile you end up bringing her to your apartment, as you need more and more time. She has to stay with you. You ask her if she should stay in the guest room or if she's fine just taking the couch, she tells you nobody ever spends this much time deciding weather or not to sell their soul.
When you wake up in the morning (you're still not sure where or if she sleeps) she starts tempting you with the normal demon stuff, but after awhile it gets kind of played out. You've stopped being scared of the black eyes or sharp teeth awhile ago, she's just kind of a person to you now. Eventually you end up spending the morning just talking, she's actually an interesting person when you get to know her. She talked about this obscure Japenese horror movie from the seventies for like half an hour before reminding herself to remind you that she wants your soul. There's something kind of cutely awkward about her, or there would be if she wasn't so creepy.
She follows you to work, trying her best to look human. There's something nice about having her by your side. She's able to get a cop to stop bothering someone on the subway, as she's a being that doesn't actually have to worry about such people. She's even able to get your boss to act move reasonably just by talking to him with a certain type of manipulative kindness. Even on your way back she was close to deboneing a street harasser for you, the only reason she couldn't if because she doesn't own your soul yet.
After a few days of her staying with you, and most of your freinds being super scared away, your demon freind starts actually opening up to you. She complains to you a bit about her boss, this big red oni whose one of the top soul moguls in the underworld, he's constantly yelling at her to drive up her soul count. All she has is a small studio apartment in the underworld, and if she can't keep up her rate of at least one new soul a month (a lot by demon standards) she'll likely be evicted. Things seem to really suck for her, she doesn't even have a family or anything, she was just created like this, her suit doesn't even come off it's just part of her body like skin. She barely has time to explore much of the world, hanging out with you for a few days is like a vacation.
You ask her if soul collectors have any sort of union and she doesn't seem to understand the concept. You give her a brief rundown and she seems really excited. Later that night, after your home from work, she calls up a few of her freinds from the underworld to talk to you. A skeleton faced man in a top hat, a woman with bat wings and a scorpion's tail, and a creature made entirely of shadow, wait patiently at your dining table. You explain to them the basic concept of collective bargaining and how to use it.
Later that night your demon freind is gone, though she gave your her number. For the next few weeks a lot of sold souls get their contracts suddenly suspended, the devils and the crossroads are on strike.
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commsroom · 11 months
im sure you've talked about this before but what are your opinions on hilbert
hilbert is... a fascinating character. he's an archetype disguised as another archetype, concealing a real person with understandable motivations and sincerely held ambitions. in a way, that's very reflective of how his work has been hollowed out and warped with each iteration of himself he becomes to continue it. hilbert is an insidious type of evil, because his goals are noble and he doesn't enjoy hurting people, but he will carry out orders and rationalize his actions "for the greater good." which makes him an excellent foil for eiffel; hilbert is nothing if not a Big Picture thinker. "you talk about helping people, but what about the real, live people around you?" / "increasingly, i find them to be of negligible importance." etc.
i think it says a lot about wolf 359's character writing philosophy that hilbert's betrayal and big reveal is really kind of his first character moment. he's there for two seasons after that, but he's never redeemed, and his goals never change. what makes hilbert more complex, more real, more understandable, is entirely perspective.
and the tragedy of hilbert, i suppose, is that he sacrificed everything for what he believed was right, sold his soul to the devil for it, and then... wasn't even particularly good at it. he's a big fish in a very small pond, as far as wolf 359 antagonists go. his death virus was never going to be anything but a death virus, and cutter figured that out (and found another use for it) ages ago. in change of mind, he was so certain he had the right answer - of course it was the scientist, his work was threatened - and they wouldn't have made it out if not for fourier, who realized it was really about human relationships. in am i alone now? hilbert's part is the only one where no one else speaks. before he dies, jacobi cuts his comms line, and his final words are a cut off "can anybody hear-?"
so, again... hilbert is a narratively and thematically significant character. this is barely even scratching the surface of that. but do i like him? hell no. absolutely not. he tried to murder hera and then said "tell me you're not mourning that appliance" so i think it's fine that he died, actually. that's how i judge all wolf 359 characters.
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snailsdraw · 1 year
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[Start ID: 5 pages of HLVRAI doodles following the Neo Science Team as they are preparing to head into the Xen Portal.
Benrey says with a mild grin: "time to sleep! oh yeah!" "NO!" Gordon yells at him as Benrey runs in the opposite direction of where they're heading, back down the corridor. "bed is over here! back here!" Benrey continues, undetered and pointing towards the end of the room at corridor. Gordon is exasperated: "It's not even been the 3 hours we usually can be awake for!!" Suddenly, Benrey turns back, dragging his feet and mumbling: "we can't go in that room. there's no bed there."
"Let's go to the alien homeworld...and kill a space god! Or something," Gordon says, his intent set on going through with what they'd initially agreed upon. Darnold, standing beside him, swallows nervously. He begins to pet Sasha, almost out of habit: "O-oh, yes! Yes we were...that was planned...! How could I forget? Albeit... not the... safest option, but I suppose we've run out of all other options-" His petting had gotten a little forceful with the building nervousness, and Sasha lets out a noise of pain when Darnold's fingers dig into her back. "Sorry about that, Sash'," Darnold whispers. Dr Coomer decides to step in, responding: "Oh Dr Darnold, I do believe we sold our safety the moment we stepped into Black Mesa! Don't you remember the paperwork?"
Gordon drags a hand down his face, exhausted: "I- I don't know what you're talking about, man… I don't know what kind of docum- paperwork you've been signing, but I never signed up for any of this-" Bubby raises an eyebrow: "What are you talking about? We've ALL signed our paperwork, Gordon." "What paperwork?" Gordon squawks at him, "You didn't sign any paperwork, you CAME from this place. Isn't that, like, a given?" Bubby simply replies: "Yes, precisely! And I've signed it. Why haven't you?" Darnold sighs: "I know I signed the paperwork, but-" Tommy cuts in to remind Gordon: "We signed it on our first day remember, Mr Freeman?" "I," is all Gordon manages to spit out. Darnold continues: "I know I signed the paperwork, but, you know, one never expects to find youself in such a, a situation where it actually becomes a huge concern. I mean, the occasional chemical burn and fizz accidents are inevitable, and quite avoidable if I may add, but a life is quite a different matter, you see."
Benrey scratches at his chin, looking up in mock thought: "yeah, Darnold's got the right idea. should, uh, listen to him. let's go back, 's boring here." Tommy's eyes fall on Sasha, the Gubb nuzzling into Darnold's arm. He points at her: "O-oh, are you- are you scared- concerned about Sasha, uh, Darnold?" "Y'know, that's probably not gonna be our biggest problem," Gordon says, observantly. "Cuz', I mean, we've seen what she can do, she- honestly, she's got a better shot at surviving than MOST of us. She could be kinda useful, actually."
Darnold shoots Gordon a disapproval look: "Dr Freeman, she's a delicate soul. I would never put her through anything we've been through!" "We- we kinda already have-" Gordon attempts to say. Bubby points an accusatory finger at him: "Gordon, there's no need to be rude, the man is talking about his companion, not a tool!" Gordon throws his arms up in surrender: "You know what? You're right. I'll take this one gracefully and admit that. "Kinda fucked up," Bubby reiterates. "Yeah, yeah," Gordon responds, then speaks to Darnold, "I'll give it to you for managing to keep your compassion in all this, dude. Hey, you might walk out of this sane afterall-" Tommy's voice overrides anything Gordon is saying: "Maybe- maybe the best thing we can do is to leave her here." Darnold tenses at that. He turns back to Tommy, where the latter is looking elsewhere, the MP5 still poised in his grip pointing at the opposite wall. "You said this would be- this was a temporary arrangement…" Tommy trails off /End ID.]
Click here to continue to next post >> Previous story parts found here: [Part 1.][Part 2.][Part 3.][Part 4.][Part 5.][Part 6.][Part 7.][Part 8.][Part 9.]
(This was drawn way before the requests, so if you see an art style difference. No you don't ;).)
(Also yeah, the front part's from canon dialogue. Fitting headcanon into canon babeyyy.)
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wireman-au · 10 months
Your name is Bdubs. You are currently sitting on a bench on the street in your coworker's neighborhood. About a block down the road, there's a bar you've personally decided must at least be a little evil. On either side of you, your coworkers are mother henning you. It's unnecessary. They both know you've done this song and dance before.
They both hate you've done this song and dance before.
Whatever. Two more years and you're done with your contractual obligations, and you'll have enough hazard pay that you and Etho and Cleo can all go retire to like, you don't know, a town outside a ski resort in Colorado or something. Live where all them rich, fancy celebrities live. Or, well, maybe not that, but retire to the country and you can finally actually use that architecture degree you sold your soul for. Maybe.
Anyway, none of that matters that much, given that, at the moment, you're still reeling from both having briefly been someone else (what?) and also no longer having a migraine (this should be fine but it's weirder than you thought it would be).
"I'm going to do it. I'm going to kill a general of the United States Army," mutters Cleo. "I'm actually going to do it."
"Chill out!" you shout, irritated.
"You chill out! I just watched you nearly collapse for no reason but the thing they put in your neck!"
"Yeah, well, it's supposed to help me be better, isn't it? Wouldn't'a done it if there weren't upsides."
"Oh, I can name a few reasons they would--"
"Wouldn't'a sent me out on a mission if there weren't upsides, or at least, few enough downsides to make it worth it," you clarify. Cleo shuts her mouth and looks away. Yeah. Okay. Okay.
You take stock of everything that's happened since you left base two days ago:
You've been dizzy.
You've been nauseous.
You've been having trouble sleeping--weird, because you could fall asleep on a bed of nails directly in front of stadium lights, but there you are.
You've been getting migraines.
You've been--weird. You don't know how to put it. You've been weird. Cleo knows it. You know it. You're pretty sure in the like, three hours worth of talking you've done to Etho today, he knows it.
There's been something scratching at the back of your head, like it's trying to get in.
It's stopped. You don’t think that’s because it’s gone. You suspect it’s because it won.
You have to admit Cleo has a point. You aren't going to say anything, though. She's already mad enough she might commit a federal crime and get you both disappeared for, you aren't sure, threatening the integrity of classified military experiments? Like, you're not sure you own the thing they implanted in you, which is--
Which is--
Focus. It doesn't matter for today. For right now. As long as you stop Cleo from committing a murder, you're probably all good.
"Uhh, guys, you two... okay?" Etho asks.
"Peachy," you say. "Don't even have a headache anymore."
"I hate that they do this to you," Cleo says.
"Yeah, uh, count me in. Towards. The hating things," Etho says awkwardly. God, you love that man. No one else could declare his loyalty so badly. "So I guess you're allergic to alcohol now or something?"
"What? No, that can't be it," you say. "I refuse. If I don't get a beer after this I'm suing."
Cleo huffs. "Well, if I have to perform CPR because you try to drink a beer, that's not my fault."
"Oh, screw you."
A shudder runs through your skull. It rings like a bell. You stick out your tongue and don't say anything yet; you'll put it down in the stupid diary later.
Besides, the sooner you get your current job done, the sooner you can go home and ignore all of this.
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moonbiscuitsims · 1 month
Cyberpunk mods blablabla
Dear me I sold my soul to the devil and downloaded a bunch of mods for cp2077 (before i only had CET and skip radio song mod)
Down side: part of me is regretting it instantly because if there's a patch surely they'll all break and they were a bit of a nightmare to install compared to sims im ngl but finally figured out that some "required mods" are actually just tools, like xml injector or whatever... and a lot of these tools mods are for many others so once you've installed the main ones you don't need to worry so much, but at first this wasn't clear to me at all...you have to install mods in like five billion different paths for them to work properly and if you dont have those tool mods installed the path isn't there, so it seems like you're installing the same mod 5 times but its just the path, anyway, finally i get it
I made myself a little document to log all the mods i have to make things easier cause there's no way ill remember everything i did, plus backed up my folders first in case. Good side: another part of me is super chuffed and happy with them, I installed photomode unlocked, custom pose packs and facial expressions, unlock all outfits, equipment ex (more slots for outfits, didn't really want this but it was required to unlock outfits and it is kind of cool) which took me a while to figure out too (my clothing was clipping until i realised you set your own layers) and finally seeing v pose differently, or be able to change the outfit right in photomode, or be able to have infinite outfit slots, being able to layer the outfits more than usual, etc... it is pretty cool, this part of me kind of regrets not being brave enough to try it before i started my cosplay project or any of my other screenshots now with a bunch of my pics having the same poses and expressions, but i think its also cool i did it with a vanilla game to show that you can be creative without mods all the time. Mods are good when you grow tired of vanilla game i guess. But honestly some of the features i just think why arent they already in the game? There were some other cool photomode mods that I might try later on but for now they intimidate me a bit, i want to get used to what i've installed so far.
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in-arcadia-ego · 1 year
Alcibiades : I think it's time I got my life in order.
Plutarch, narrating : He did not, in fact, get his life in order. Actually, he got drunk the night after and probably went to mutilate the hermai
Alcibiades : what is the dumbest thing you've ever done ?
Socrates :
Socrates : you.
Alcibiades, going into exile : LET ME RUN FROM THE CONSEQUENCES OF MY ACTIONS !
young Alcibiades : Oh lover! Tell me how bad you wanna fuck me!
Demokrates : You won't be able to walk for days.
Perikles : Please.
Perikles : Let me eat in peace for once-
Alcibiades : ...Socrates was there, looking at everyone with his ridiculously beautiful eyes...
Aristophanes : *whispering* Why is he talking about Socrates  ?
Agathon : I don’t know. I asked him about the weather and somehow we ended up here.
Someone at Potidea : What’s Alcibiades doing ?
Random hoplite : Oh that ? He got a little overwhelmed because Socrates kissed him.
Alcibiades, standing in the middle of the battlefield as soldiers charge at him : HIT ME ! HIT ME !! YOU COWARDS !
Persian administration : Name?
Alcibiades : Alcibiades
Persian administration : Sex ?
Alcibiades : Frequently
Persian administration : No, male or female?
Alcibiades : Doesn’t matter
[ Sicilian expedition ]
Nikias : This is a mistake
Alcibiades, enthusiastically : A mistake we're going to laugh about one day !
Nikias : But not today
Alcibiades, still enthusiastic : Oh, no. Today's going to be a mess
Alcibiades : No, it would be against my moral compass.
The Athenians : Your moral compass is a fucking roulette wheel !
Alcibiades : I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
Socrates :
Socrates : no
Alcibiades : found out the carpenter in the Piraeus got arrested for selling drugs
Timandra : what?!
Alcibiades : yeah. you just never really know people...
Alcibiades : i've been going to this guy for years...
Alcibiades : never even knew he was a carpenter.
Plato, introducing the symposium's characters : This is Socrates. He loves his personal space.
Alcibiades, surprise hugging Socrates :
Plato : This is Alcibiades, he also loves Socrates' personal space.
Alcibiades : I am literally only here to be sexy and insane. Do not expect me to make any sense.
[Alcibiades comes to the banquet drunk]
Socrates : Go to bed, you idiot. You're drunk.
Alcibiades : Who, me? I assure you, my friend, I am cone sold stober.
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