#adaines furious fists
ankarnaofjustice · 5 months
rat grinders think they know rage but have yet to see adaine’s furious fists cast at the highest possible level. count your days oisin
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zeldonovan · 4 months
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[id: a digital drawing of adaine abernant and fig faeth from fantasy high in swapped outfits. adaine rests her head on top of fig's, making horns with her fingers, while fig tries on adaine's glasses, confused. /end id]
piece for fiendish prophecies !!! the zine is pay what you want & all proceeds will be donated to the pcrf, pls check it out !!
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nekonomicons · 5 months
“Youre letting your grandma do your battles for you?” “I knew he was old money i could smell it on him!” DESTROY him
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okay so the thing is Adaine's Furious Fist is a 1st level spell that does 2d10 of damage on a hit (plus the knock back but we're ignoring this in favor of talking about the damage) and an additional 2d10 of damage for each level above 1st that it is cast at. It is also a spell attack roll so a crit would mean double damage. So, the Bad Kids are currently level 14 meaning that Adaine has a 7th level spell slot SO while statistically a near impossibility there is a world in which Adaine could Crit on a 7th level AFF spell attack roll and get max damage. Lets do some quick math everyone:
7th level AFF means rolling 14d10, which as a crit would double to 28d10, at maximum damage 28d10 would become 280 damage.
To put this in typewriter monkey terms: if an infinite number of Adaines had the ability to infinitely cast 7th level spells and they kept jamming away at Adaine's Furious Fist, eventually something would have to tank 280 damage.
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hyperfixatingmenever · 5 months
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.... not for long
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feelingtheaster99 · 5 months
Okay she has used Adaine's furious fist on Oisin's RELATIVE, now she's just gotta hit Oisin himself (not to kill Oisin, but she deserves to punch him for what he put her through)
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bloodyshadow1 · 4 months
Adaine's Furious Fist pt 2
The second day of school starts with half an assembly, half a wake. You aren't surprised, but you also don't really care. Arthur was a crackpot, but you respected him for his bloodlust and power, not to mention when he was more in his faculties his refusal to play by anyone's rules but his own, and probably not even then. Doreen was a fine woman, but you normally ate in the teacher's lounge so your paths didn't really cross.
Gibbons on the other hand was an asshole, through and through, you're glad he's gone. He might have preached about feelings and all that garbage as the guidance counselor, but you've always known what he was. He could fool everyone else with the calm caring persona he put on, but you always knew there was a monster bubbling under the surface. He had was fueled by spite, not even rage, and was just too much of a coward to do anything about it. The look in his eye that he always had when talking to someone who turned away and he thought no one was watching. It actually creeped you out enough to avoid the little bastard.
Well he's dead now, probably in some hell somewhere if there's any justice in this world, and Justice has been dead for a long time. You'll find his grave after school and piss on it when no one is around for your own form of justice.
But well death happens and time moves on. You still have classes to teach and the second day which means you actually get a good look at the freshman this year. There are always two types of barbarian freshmen. There are those who are afraid of their rage, soft weaklings that you need to mold, or there are arrogant little bitches. The latter were often kids who hit puberty before the rest of their age group. They grew taller and stronger earlier which tended to give them an ego. It was important to break them down early, to knock them off their high horses and make them realize there was more to being a barbarian, more to rage than just being bigger and stronger than your opponent. Sure it helped, but monsters tended to be bigger than adventurers, even if they're not bigger than you anymore, so being bigger and stronger than the rest of your party didn't cut it in the real world.
That's why you have the gauntlet the first Friday of the year for your freshman class. You open it up to all comers in class, anyone who can take you in a one on one fight gets an A for the semester, don't even have to come to class. You won't even use your warhammer, just your barehands. You've been teaching at Aguefort for a long time, no ones even managed to knock you down much less beat you. There are always some cocky little shit who thinks they're big and bad because they're taller or stronger than their classmates, but none of them are as big or as strong as you. Usually three is enough for the class to get the message, and this year will be likely be no different.
As always, it's always the bigger stronger races in your class. Goliaths, half-orcs, orcs, firbolgs who aren't interested in druid classes. But there are also two shorties in your class this year. Donavan a Satyr and Skuttle a Kobold. Both short, both girls, but you don't care. You're a lot of things, but you're not racist or sexist. sure you are planning on other throwing your goddess to take her place, but that's because she's not willing to finish off her ex wife or sister. And for power, power a big part of it. But no, it's not about putting a woman in her place no matter what anyone might think.
Donavan is a trembly as the Abernant girl was yesterday. But there's something about her that makes you take an interest. She's strong, not the strongest, but it's still something. She hasn't even raged yet, but there's something about her that stops you from suggesting she take a different track.
Skuttle on the other hand is the strangest barbarian student you've ever seen. You've mostly seen the scared or the cocky, you've never met an apathetic barbarian until yesterday. You thought it might have been first day nerves, but she might actually just be like that. She does what you tell her to do, nothing more nothing less. Like Donavan she's strong for her size, but you're still unsure how to teach her. You just decide to ignore her for now, let her do the classwork and then go on her forums for whatever. Not worth teaching someone who is apathetic in the face of rage.
The only other outlier is Thistlespring. He says his name is Gorgug, you don't really care, he looks like a Gorbag to you anyway. He's the softest fucking barbarian that you've ever seen. He actually thinks singing is a good way to deal with foes. He is strong as fuck, but you still almost kicked him out of your class then and there you were so angry.
But then the Fig girl, the tiefling from the other day piped up. she might be enrolled in the bard class, she might even be a bard, but you can tell she's a barbarian at heart. There's a fire in her, not just in her blood, and it was pure poetry that came out of her mouth when she talked about rage. You almost shed a tear. You were a bit let down when you learned it wasn't her that finished off Doreen, but it will be worth it to have her in your class regardless now.
The worst part of Arthur dying is Kalvaxus is the new acting principal, kind of. He doesn't actually have that much power since he's still the vice principal, but he acts like he's in charge. The new video crystals that the faculty has to review every day or so so and it's your turn now.
You hate reviewing the crystal footage, sure Watches and Wards might not be in the library, but who would be foolish enough to attack a school of adventurers right after their principal and other faculty was killed. It might seem like a good time for idiots, but it actually meant the school was on high alert.
You also hated the AV club, especially that Biz. He thinks he's some sort of stud and the gods gift to women. You want to turn the little bastard into mulch the second he said two words to you, but you have to maintain the teacher persona for awhile. Arthur might be dead, but you are no closer to the name so the plan is stalled for a bit unfortunately enough.
It was boring reviewing the footage, kids doing dumb kid things, yougot enough of that in class. that is until you reviewed the AV club footage that you find something interesting. Fig and Gorbag's adventuring party they formed with the other detention kids shows up there. They're still only first years but they seem more competent than any first years you meet. Arianwen's daughter..., Balewyn is there clearly being a key part in the investigation. But Biz doesn't care enough about that, just about the pretty girl who waltzed into his lair.
Your blood boils. You don't care about the girl at all, you don't even know her name other than Abernant, but you might not be a bad guy, there are some rules you should follow if you're going to call yourself an adventurer. There's something called professional courtesy. Sure adventurers fell in love all the time, but that doesn't mean you hit on everyone you find attractive. That's just creepy and annoying. regardless if they are students, they are at the adventuring academy and trying to solve a mystery, that means the Abernant girl, no matter how pretty she is, Biz should have respected her as a fellow student at the very least or a fellow adventurer.
But you actually laugh at the way the wizard girl dresses down Biz. She calls him on his shit and dresses him down on the way he talked to her and her friend Gorbag without any mercy. It was a thing of Beauty. It's strange for you to applaud a sharp Abernant tongue, but you do all the same. She didn't look scared now, she looked righteous. Not quite the same as rage, but when she talked was so sure and right, you're not even sure you're looking at the same girl as the other day.
Unfortunately that was it, but it actually seemed to make Biz think, even if you could tell it wouldn't last. They all rush off after seeing something in the monitors, but you're done for the day so you don't care. Still, between that Fig girl and this Abernant daughter, there's prospects to the plan that you never thought of
Part 1
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Need a tshirt that just says “counterspell this bitch” with either Fig Adaine or Riz holding their guns
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hidingfromsav · 5 months
fhjy spoilers ‼️‼️ (previews for episode 19)
all in due time oisin hakinvar. all in due time.
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voxmilia · 5 months
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perhaps one of the funniest things i've written in this trying time
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futuristic-imbecile · 5 months
Please someone make art of Adaine punching the shit out of a dragon or else I’ll have to make an attempt and idk if I have the skills 😭
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xiewho · 7 months
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do u think this is the last thing angwyn saw before he died
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zeldonovan · 11 months
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[id: a lineless digital drawing of fig faeth from fantasy high, in a palette of purple, pinks, green, and white. she sits holding her bass and smiling excitedly, with one leg kicking up. "infaethable" is written above her. /end id]
bonus matchsies adaine ehose palette did not want 2 work with me
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[id: a colored blue and purple sketch of adaine abernant from fantasy high, sitting while holding her old orb arcane focus and the sword of sight, holding up a hand as if to cast something. /end id]
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nekonomicons · 5 months
“Sorry oisin shouldnt have been such a douchebag” damn right Riz.
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Ayda "I love you to the point of invention" Aguefort
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hyperfixatingmenever · 5 months
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"You didn't see the storm coming? Must not be a very good Oracle."
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