#adam said she would destroy everything blake loved
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“Knowing what it is to feel loved…”
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hadesisqueer · 1 year
I think people don't understand that Adam is literally the worst “freedom fighter” ever made because he was not really a freedom fighter.
Adam hated Humanity. Honestly, he couldn't be blamed for that, after what was done to him; he didn't deserve to be abused, he didn't deserve to be branded, and I really hope the people who did that to him ended up as badly as Cinder's abusers—Jacques at least did—. The problem is that he joined and forcefully took over an organization that one way or another (with Sienna and Ghira, in different ways) seeked to support Faunus and help achieve equality when he didn't care about any of that.
This is the same guy who took part in the Fall of Beacon. There's a difference between attacking Jacques and the SDC and other racist pieces of shit like Sienna did and this. Think about this for a second: according to Velvet in After the Fall, despite not being perfect, Vale is probably the best kingdom for Faunus to live in—along with Vacuo, though not perfect as well—. There are many Faunus in Vale. Regular Faunus who live regular lives with regular jobs and regular families, and who also depend on the protection Beacon and the other academies provide with their Huntsmen and Huntresses, a bunch of them also Faunus. Now you tell me why the fuck would you think destroying Beacon and provoking a Grimm attack in Vale that kills hundreds of people—many of them probably Faunus—will make the situation better for your kind in any way? Because it won't, it will only make everyone in there fucking despise you and your organization, including Faunus themselves.
It's literally what Sienna told him, and he killed her because he wanted to become leader and destroy another goddamn academy and make things even worse. And then, in there, seeing himself cornered, he tried to blow up everyone in Haven—nevermind that the people opposing him were Faunus too. And then when the remaining White Fang members called him out on his bullshit, he didn't think twice about killing them all, either.
Like Blake said, he was consumed by spite. Adam had charisma to make everyone believe he could be a great leader who could get results. And maybe he could have been if he actually cared about making things better for the Faunus, but he didn't. Adam always put his hate against humans before his people's needs. He did everything he did because he wanted to fuck over humans, even if it meant fucking over his own kind and organization, too, and he had no qualms about killing Faunus if they tried to stop him from fucking everyone including them over.
That's actually the reason why I hated him—and I loved to hate him, he was a good villain—, because he claimed to be a freedom fighter when actually he couldn't give less of a fuck about his people, he just wanted his revenge. That and because he was a creep who groomed a preteen girl when he was over 18 and then proceeded to abuse her and then stalk her and try to kill her and her new love interest because he was petty she left him, of course, but that's a different thing.
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shioaoi · 1 year
​*Leans back in armchair, sipping my tea*
Let me explain how both Blacksun and Bumbleby are fully canon; how Blacksun wasn’t erased to make way  for the Bees, and that actually it is an excellent showcase in character growth in an overarching narrative that we don’t normally see.
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I do not think that Bumbleby was planned from RWBY’s conception – however I do believe that them being in a relationship makes sense considering the natural progression of both Blake and Yang’s character arcs.
Often, various narrative based media fall into the trap of tailoring a story and its characters to fit a planned ending – even if the characters have evolved into completely different people from when that ending was conceptualised.
The most well known example of this is happening was with How I Met Your Mother (bare with me, this is relevant). Due to the fact that the actors casted as Ted’s children were going to continue growing, they recorded many of their scenes in the earlier seasons – including the ending, which involved Ted and Robin becoming a couple at the end. The show ended up running for a total of nine seasons, and through those episodes, us as the viewers are shown time and time again the toxicity of Ted and Robin’s relationship, and the eventual build-up of Robin and Barney’s relationship. Heck, the entire final season is set during Barney and Robin’s wedding! These characters had evolved way past what had been planned for them at the shows conception, but instead of changing the ending to reflect the character’s growth, the show runners threw all that development away in order to shoehorn the characters into the planned ending.
You could also argue the same thing happened with Game of Thrones – but I digress.
So, where am I going with this in regard to Blake and her favourite blondes.
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Sun is introduced in V1 to be the perfect foil to Blake (just look at their Semblance’s). Sun is outgoing, carefree and open about his Faunus identity, in contrast to Blake’s silent, untrusting and closed off nature. Throughout the Beacon arc, Sun is there to help Blake navigate things post Adam. While Yang, Weiss and Ruby teach Blake to open up, have friends and enjoy life – Sun acts as her connection to the part of her most tainted by Adam’s action, her Faunus heritage and the White Fang. It’s the classic sunshine vs grump troupe, and if RWBY was a typical high school anime then I would imagine Blacksun being endgame.
But that isn’t the kind of show RWBY is.
Beacon is destroyed, partly at the hands of Adam – the man who abused Blake; groomed her; took away the White Fang from her father, corrupting it and what it stood for. He reaffirms everything he had made Blake believe and severed Yang’s arm – her huntress partner – as payback for Blake leaving him.
In this broken state, Blake does the only thing she is capable of doing in. She runs.
And Sun follows.
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Sun is the only one who could have helped Blake when she is was in this mental state. He follows her because he loves and cares for her, and he can see past Adam’s abuse to who Blake really is when she is incapable of doing so. Like I said, the perfect foil. While bless him, Sun only has one braincell and no impulse control, every single action he does is out of love for Blake.
He helps balance out Blake’s worse tendencies, and that support allows her to learn to accept herself and find what she had once lost.
And Blake recognises this. Even if in the moment she gets annoyed by him, their goodbye in V6 shows that Blake is thankful for all Sun has done and reciprocate his feelings.
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But relationships are a partnership, and both Sun and Blake are treading very different paths. You can be in love and also realise when a relationship has run its course.
To quote a rather dumb show – “It wasn’t pointless. It’s just over.”
This storyline is over. Sun wants to find his own identity as the leader of SSSN and Blake doesn’t need him by her side to help her shake free of Adam’s abuse. The characters have evolved past their need for one another. Their bond is unbreakable even if their chance at romance fades away.
Sun is an instrumental part to Blake’s character arc that doesn’t get erased by the ending of their relationship. It is the unconditional love that Sun has for Blake that allows her to find it within herself to love herself and to heal.
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So, now we move onto Yang.
Yang and Blake are partners. We are shown constantly throughout the show that partnerships between hunters and huntresses are just as important – if not even more so – as teams. They are forced to forge a bond and place their lives in one another’s hands time and time again.
Adam frays the bonds of this partnership by reigniting all of Blake’s trauma and self-hatred, followed by him taking away Yang’s arm and with it her confidence. Instead of having one another to lean on, Blake flees in fear and Yang is left trying to figure out who she is and what to do next that the easy path is gone.
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When they are reunited at the end of V5 / beginning of V6, they are settling themselves into their new mental states post V4/V5 character arcs. They are forced to rebuild their partnership from the ground up, only this time its different. This time they are choosing this partnership and one another. There is no Ospin or Beacon Academy; they had a chance to take different roads but they choose to continue forward together. This is a much more solid base for a relationship to form, and because of their shared trauma and history, they have a lot deeper insight into one another’s strengths and weaknesses.
The formation of their new partnership cumulates perfectly with their fight against Adam, where they both face the source of their trauma and defeat it together.
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From there we move onto V7. Now that the bond is fully reforged, we get to see the softer, dorkier moments like we did with Blacksun in V1-V3. The romance is blossoming to the surface and it is now noticeable for the other characters to see.
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Then in V8, when the group becomes divided by ideals, Blake and Yang understand each other well enough to not take the other’s stance in the divide personally and it does not impact their love for one another – in stark contrast to Renora when it almost drives the two apart.
And now we have reached V9, where all the pieces are now in place. A strong partnership, complete understanding and acceptance of each other and love that can withstand.
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In media – particularly anime style narratives – there is always the expectation that a character can only fall in love once. The inclusion of multiple love interests is often only there to add drama, backstory or angst.
But that is not the case here. Both Blacksun and Bumbleby are healthy, canon, romantic relationships. All that happened was – as the narrative developed and Blake went through her character arcs, she outgrew her relationship with Sun and grew into her relationship with Yang.
Beacon arc Blacksun is vastly different from the Haven Arc Blacksun – the same way the Beacon Arc Bumbleby is vastly different from the Atlas Arc Bumbleby.
I believe that Bumbleby wouldn’t nearly be as important a sapphic ship if it hadn’t been given the chance for the girls to evolve into the people they are now. It is happy, healthy – its earned.
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And it being earned wasn’t at the erasure of Blacksun, but at the evolution of the characters.
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Beautiful Beast: Blake Belladonna
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Race: Faunus
Nationality: Menagerie
Ethnicity: Island Creole
Weapon: Gambol Shroud
Gender: Women
Sexuality: Bisexual
Starting Age: 17
Birthday: Winter 50th
Aura Color: Dark Purple
Handedness: Right
Complexion: Pale
Eye Color: Gold
Faunus Trait: Cat Ears (Blake can do anything a house cat can!)
Occupation: Beacon student
Previous Occuppation: White Fang Member
Your hopes have become my burden. I will find my own liberation.
Ghira and Kali Bête were the founders of the Faunus rights organization, the White Fang. Togather, with their family friend Sienna and their daughter Blake, they traveled all of Renment seeking to end the Faunus struggle. Bringing food and supplies, teaching rural Faunus how to read and write, and teaching their own members self defense using weapons, this was the way of the Fang.
Critics, like the hate group Natural Order, called them the "Neo Faunus army", the revival of the radical organization that had slain the Emperor of Mistral within his own city. But the Fang proved time and time again how wrong they were by showing off their human allies and supporters at every rally. "Faunus & Human unity was what saved Adam from an abusive SDC mine", Blake would say. The Faunus are strong, but not as strong as when Faunus and Humans stand togather side by side... No one ever saw it coming. If they did, humans would have never been allowed at any Faunus rally... five years ago, Ghira and Kali were attending a rally at a Faunus town, just like they always do. There were humans in the auidence, just like there were at many of the towns they have been to. Ghira called on one of the humans to shake hands with him, and one stood up. He walked onto the stage. And that was when he shot Ghira and Kali. Blake was in the front row when it happened. Then, every human, not one or two, every human in the auidence drew a weapon and began killing Faunus. The attack escalated, and within hours the entire town was on fire. Blake isn't sure how she survived. She did not want to survive.
Sienna, and her adopted children Adam and Illa, found Blake hiding in the wreakage. They promised her that she would have justice for her family. Blake believed them. That was the day everything changed. The White Fang were only allowed to have weapons in self defense, but that only meant as long they didn't get caught. The humans seemed to think so. Blake wasn't an activst anymore, she was an assassin. Within a matter of 2 years, the Fang had systematically destroyed every human present for the Bloody Summer, and Blake was right there with Sienna and Adam leading the charge. She thought that things would go back to normal now that her parent's killers were dead.
They didn't. The work of the Fang is never done, Sienna reasoned. The Faunus have the power to defeat all their human enemies, said Adam. We must have justice for all our people and not just your parents, Illa argued. Blake relented, because that is what Ghira would have wanted, right? Some days, Blake swears she could hear her father's voice in Adam. When Blake had fallen into depression, Adam was there to protect her. He knew what it was like to lose a parent, and he wouldn't lose Blake... no, he refused to lose Blake. He watched her every move, kept tabs on every person she talked to, was there for her every hour of every day because that's what loving boyfriends do, right? No one's strong like Adam, no one's brave like Adam, no one shoots 10 humans dead with one bullet like Adam!
...Then came that fateful day. It was supposed to be a simple SDC train raid. Blake and Adam were to steal the Dust and weapon cargo on the train, and then leave. The human workers were supposed to be avoided, and killed if they saw the Fang raiding the train. No one could no... but Adam reasoned what was even the point of working so hard to avoid detection when they could just eliminate all the humans out right. Blake objected, these are just human workers not elites... but Sienna agreed. Blake couldn't take it anymore. She couldn't take the constant escalating violence, she couldn't take the Fang abusing her father's legacy, she couldn't take Adam turning into the men that killed her father anymore...
... goodbye.
Deep down, you must know that the hearts of mankind are moved more by the sword than by the pen... perhaps you seek an easier solution, in which case, I have offers...
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
I found yet another hypocritical criticism on the critics sub. Somebody said that Salem's plans being vague hurts the show's story and tension. They must really hate Voldemort, Sosuke Aizen, and Obito/Tobi, then, since their plans were just as vague until near the end of their stories. To paraphrase Shrek: "r/RWBYcritics, can you not be massive hypocrites FOR FIVE MINUTES?!"
Salem's plan made more sense than Dracula from Netflix Castlevania.
His was basically kill as many men, women, and children as possible before he died, and drag his allies down with him. And what's more important, he wasn't even subtle about his death wise. Most of his allies were willing to betray him once they realized he wasn't about Vampire World Order, but suicidal lashing out.
He had power and charisma, but that was it.
Salem had charisma and intelligence, And she had an unlimited army, AND could not be killed.
So why not conquer humanity? Why not destroy humanity outright? Because like Dracula, she wanted to die and destroy humanity out of spite, but Salem HAS a plan, which Dracula did NOT!
Salem's Plan:
Divide humanity using humans and faunus against society.
Gather the 4 Relics and use them to summon the gods
Show the gods that they are as flawed as their creations.
Force the gods to wipe not only humanity out, but Salem at last.
Salem achieves death while spiting Ozpin, The Gods, and Humanity.
She dies with the satisfaction of knowing she was right, and everyone else wrong. She wins, everyone else loses.
We were able to infer Salem's motives as far back as Volume 6. Which of course critics hated the 2nd half of because it involved their favorite angry edgy white boi with a blade getting skewered by lesbians. God, I LOVED the salt from that one Adam fangirl on r/rwbycritics who was screaming that Yang and Blake should have just arrested Adam after all he did to kill them, or at least "knock him out so he couldn't follow" after him basically spending a volume doing just that.
Salem knew that if her allies learned of her true motives, they'd betray her, which is what Emerald Sustrai and Hazel Rainart did upon learning the truth...thanks to Oscar doing what Ozpin would not or could not do.
So Salem appeals to her allies with the half-lie that gathering the four relics would change the face of the planet, allowing for Salem's New World Order. And she technically wasn't lying about that. It WOULD Summon the Gods back and they would affect the planet. And by New World Order....there would be nothing left...silence, quiet...order. Which is what Salem wanted for the world. For it to no longer turn, so she could no longer walk its face. Half-lies are easier to maintain than outright lies. And Salem's skill with manipulation is very potent.
Tyrian of course figured it out...but he's Tyrian.
Cinder however...SHE is the wild card...let's see how Cinder reacts to learning the eventual truth.
Every fix-it fanfic I've seen either fails to grasp it entirely, or pretends that Salem was not the Narrator of Episode 1, to where they retcon her.
Its hilarious how many critics ignore EVERYTHING.
Are we even watching the same show?
In any case, use these to block out the negative youtube channels.
These browser extensions will allow you to hide channels and videos from your youtube searches.
That was for Firefox, this is for Chrome
Best of luck to all of you!
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shadowfiredemonwolf · 2 years
the claim that saying korrasami or bumbleby were forced is homophobic makes a joke of real homophobia
I often feel korrasami and bb stans make a joke of real homophobia whenthey try to say merely a statement that their ships were forced and shouldnt have happened in favor of het ships that had actual buildup to getting together for a while ( and korrasami being incompatible with eachother) 
same sex ships arent exempt from criticism
saying a same sex ship is forced or has/had no evidence / buildup or saying that this thing they are trying to claim is evidence of romantic love isnt  and they are just wearing shipping goggles to see evidence where there is none isnt homophobic it makes a joke of real homophobia to abuse it in a shipping war or to try and defend your ship from criticism by claiming that the person criticizing it is just doing it because its a same sex ship
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its not  shipping the het ship over the same sex ship in a shipping war  its not saying a same sex ship was forced and  thrown in without buildup/ makes no sense/ last minute retcon /
quit using homophobia accusation for internet arguments
quit acting like caring about lgbt community means that if there is a canon same sex ship you have to support it  ( korrasami was a last minute retcon that broke the narrative and the narrative up to the lok b4 finale last 2 minutes  ( including part of the finale)  pointed to the show ending with korra single but possibly a hint ot makorra getting back together 
( it doesnt matter that korrasami was the only piece of lgbt rep in show fact is it was forced last minute retcon thrown in at the last minute ( and many people part of the lgbt community criticized it it being gay doesnt mean any criticism is wiped away)  it doesnt matter if there there arent many examples of canon same sex ship if people see it as forced ship
undoubtedly if asami was a guy most people wouldnt ship korrasami
I could turn the you only ship that ship/ only criticize my ship based on genders involve on them saying that if blacksun was a w/w ship and bumbleby was a het ship they would go queerbaiting  and there was nothing that pointed to romantic bb  ( bb shippers wear shipping goggles to take the most minor moments as romantic bending over backwards ignoring context or looking at other ships moments and to look over blake and yang moments to try to find any possible similarity 
like if in a ship tease moment for blacksun he winked  they will claim that yang winking at blake in a scene  is a romantic moment  or renora got a romantic scene on a plane they will claim that means bb having a moment on plane is romantic and that if you saw the renora moment as romantic you have to see the bb moment ts romantic when the moments were different 
not to mention ignoring context like in v3 sun saw blake crying about  yang losing an arm seeing how blake felt guilty over  what happened to yang and blaming herself which is why she ran and why in his conversation to blake at end of v4 about not needing a reason to risk his life  he brought yang up 
and bb shippers tried to turn the moment into “sun realizing blakes feelings for yang” when there was nothing about that scene that would cause him to think blake had feelings for yang
or claiming adam saying he will destroy everything she loves confirms blake  having romantic feelings for yang when adam said EVERYTHING she loves including her family he tried to kill ghira and kali because of this promise
he only attacked yang because she was nearby ( yang called for blake both of them turned to yangs voice and adam saw blakes face  ( blake would have had the same reaction if it was weiss) and so he chose starting with her
not to mention the whole well adam is her ex so yang getting hurt by himis evidence ( that is reaching and flimsy)
equality means that you shouldnt ship the same sex ship just because its a same sex ship 
you shouldnt complain about them teasing a het ship because there are a good number of possible same sex ships involved you can go I wish they teased the  same sex ship instead ) 
 ( I have seen people call blacksun forced
equality means that same sex ships are just as open to criticism  as het ships if its okay to call a het ship forced without getting called a bigot its okay to say the same thing about a same sex ship. same sex ships are not magically immune to being badly written or forced
and I have seen people go there are tons of shows where het ships becomes canon in response to people saying bumbleby was a forced ship ( which is insulting for it implies the only reason they shipped blacksun over bb was because it was a het ship which often times comes off as projection given how I have seen people complain about blacksun being teased going there are tons of same sex ships  that they could do ( which shows them to be the ones shipping something based on genders involved)
it doesnt matter that there are tons of shows where the het ships become canon the reason why they shipped blacksun for example was because of the relationship development blacksun got teased since v1 ( during which bb got nothing that hinted at romantic relationship you have to wear shipping goggles to see anything like taking the scene where blake was crying while yang was unconscious while sun saw and try to claim it was meant to be a sign of romantic relationship claiming it was somehow meant to show sun  that blake had romantic feelings for her when there was nothing about that scene that pointed to them having romantic feelings for yang.
that scene showcased blake felt guilty/terrible about yang losing an arm and that was purpose of sun seeing it ( nothing about bb was hinted at as romantic ( you have to take any positive interaction to the most minor detail and twist and stretch it including scenes where yang wasnt there like rwbytalks )
the fact that there isnt many examples of lgbt reps or canon same sex ships is irrelevant it shows that anyone who try to argue this as being the type of person they accused others of being of only shipping something based on genders involved   shown by how they go there are tons of shows where the het ships become canon which is irrelevant lacking same sex ships that are canon isnt a shield from criticism or make it so bad writing or the ship being forced is allowed to be ignored
bad writing is bad writing
they have called blacksun forced just for being a het ship  when it wasnt forced
( blacksun had natural growth and development since v1 ( which began with sun being interested in blake  sun was interested in blake as a person  ( I have seen peolpe try to go but blake told him all that info but not her team who she spent more time with sun was a faunus it would be easier to tell him this stuff without fear of discrimination  ) 
there are plenty of lgbt people who criticize  korrasami and bb and oppose those ships for being forced ( korrasami just being thrown in at the last 2 minutes breaking the narrative which pointed to korra single but makorra eventually getting back together the narrative push for makorra is included in the season finale of b4 like the camera focusing on mako when they said they couldnt find her  (  so they just threw in korrasami in at the last two minutes of finale  with korra being ooc  which is required for korrasami are incompatible   )
 I have seen people try to go but korrasami is the only same sex ship  in legend of korra  you dont care about the lgbt community if you dont support it when that is irrelevant to the fact that it shouldnt have happened because it was forced/bad writing causes korra to be ooc
which is more important then filling a quota by having a same sex ship   saying we should support something because of a quota  is reducing everything to the genders involved  ( and I have seen people who try to go there are plenty of shows where the het ship become canon  who say shit like that which makes that statement come off as projecting they are the ones shipping something based on genders involved  and try to defend their ship by  citing the genders involved or there arent that many same sex ships  when that is irrelevant it doesnt matter that korrasami was the only same sex ship in lok it doesnt matter that there arent many canonical same sex ships
 not only are they not exempt from criticism or people disliking it ( just like  het ships arent )  bad writing is bad writing  its more important to go with the beats of story and what makes sense with the characters and what was built up then  making korrasami or bb canon  two popularsame sex ships ( populariy doesnt mean there is actual evidence there is such a thing as an appeal to popularity fallacy a same sex ship being popular doesnt mean there is actual evidence or the writers have to make it canon
. caring about the lgbt community doesnt mean you have to support a specific canon same sex ship ,  it doesnt mean that any time where there is a ship war between a het ship and a same sex ship you support the same sex ship orif asame sex ship becomes canon you support it  because people should ship things based on how they like the characters interacting  the chemistry and hints in the show etc  
bad writing is bad writing
and if the het ship had buildup and development while same sex ship didnt the het ship should be canon ( to be frank people often abuse the term queerbaiting to mean my same sex ship didnt become canon and they saw evidence where there is none
there is no doubt there are plenty of times where in a ship war between a het ship and a same sex ship where the het ship was teased /canon they tried to claim it was forced when it really wasnt
I often see the whole you would ship it if it was a m/f pairing 
that could easily be turned around on them ( especially since they are the ones who often cited the genders involved in the ship or lgbt rep as defense on  why their ship deserves to be canon
going there arent many shows where the same sex ship becomes canon
it makes any accusations of the genders involved affecting someones judgement to come off as projection 
korrasami were barely friends they barely interacted ( including the timeskip between b3 and b4 korra sent asami one letter to vent  )
asami taking care of korra at end of b3 isnt evidence of a special bond asami just being her sweet self  and trying to help korra when korra didnt request it ( korra only smiled during that state with air babies , her dad , and bolin 
korrasami often stands on headcanons like claiming korra chose asami )
the only thing that hinted at korrasami was in the last 2 minutes ( bryke admitted they only thought asked the execs if they could do it when the finale was being made
the narrative pointed to a ending with korra single but hints to makorra  getting back together for they overcame the mutual issues that led to the b2 breakup ( neither of them were ready for a relationship with anyone  at the time ) 
heck even in the finale when jinora said they couldnt find her the camera focused on makos expression 
 mako was the one who went with korra to  confront zaheer and supported korra the way she needed to be the way the others couldnt
 mako made a speech about korra the person how he admires her etc while tenzin helped korra by bringing up korra the person and how she grew which asami failed to do by going youre the avatar showing that she doesnt understand what korra needs  korra was always focused on korra as the avatar
there is no doubt that if mako and asamis genders were involved  no one would ship korrasami or at least only a few while there would be alot more complaints about the ending
equality means  if a same sex ship is forced it gets criticized if you spend years giving a het ship teasing mutual attraction and development while they bonded over the persons needs and interests etc ( 
and then suddenly change direction after the guy steps off the show for a bit to make room ( say the teasing arguably began in v7 though it can be said  it began in v6 finale though there wasnt anything inherently romantic about those scenes  it can be said they intended it to be either way the sudden hard push to bb in v7 is shocking before then there wasnt anything that showed an attraction to eachother and is forced ( it wasnt subtle it was nonexistent  everything you love starting with her isnt a statement that blake had  romantic love for yang adam declared he will destroy everything she loves including friends and family  yang cried out for blake he noticed blakes expression and since yang was nearby he said starting with her. )  it gets criticized
a last minute retcon korrasami is bad
imagine if say the genders involved were switched
where a female main character only showed an interest in a female character before and while they did have a breakup the breakup was done in such a way that it was open ended to them getting back together once they overcame the mtuual flaws they just werent ready for a relationship  at that time neither of them would have worked with anyone and after overcoming the mutual flaws and teasing them all season including in series finale  they suddenly in last two minutes put the female character was put in with a guy who she barely interacted with ( and was ooc in the last two minutes
or if say after years of teasing mutual attraction and development for a same sex ship they suddenly began to hard push one of the female characters with a man season after the female left temporarily while equating them to a couple who were treated as canon since the start
(speaking of v6 moments I have seen people try to go if you saw renora moment on plane as ship tease you should see the blake and yang moment on plane as ship tease when no the claim implies the only thing different between those two scenes are the genders involved ( and its annoying when they try to take any other ships moment to try to build support for bb ( its like saying that since (      example )  renora hugged  it means bb hugging is evidence ignoring the framing and context like renora getting a camera zoom and music swell ) 
the set up for blake and yang plane scene is different from renora one ( them both  being plane scenes doesnt mean they should be viewed the same
 ( sun winking at blake in his introduction and yang  winking at blake in burning the candle doesnt mean they are the same  the framing and context is different which is why sun in his introduction scene was viewed as blacksun ship tease 
the fact that both scenes involve winks doesnt mean that since we saw the sun introductio scene as ship tease  we have to view the burning the candle scene as ship tease
it often feels like bb shippers try to steal ship tease moments from other ships to use as support for their ship and try to find any blake and yang scene with some similarity  like if people bring up a scene where sun winked at blake they will try to act like the burning the candle scene where yang winks at blake is romantic 
or with the renora plane scene claiming that blake and yang having a plane scene needs to be viewed as romantic if you saw the renora plane scene as romantic when the way the characters acted is different  not to mention the set up  etc
like renora plane scene being a private affair focused on those two with the boop song playing a song about noras love for ren
eight-of-pentacles . tumblr . com/post/651259837931569152/why-do-you-say-yang-winking-at-blake-in-burning
Because it’s about framing and context.
Sun’s wink is accompanied by a slow-mo pan of his expression, followed by the camera focusing on Blake’s slack-jawed attention, along with a literal choir singing in the background while she stares at him. This is his introduction— to Blake, but more importantly, to the audience. This is the first moment we properly meet him, and it’s through this very particular gaze.
Yang’s wink is precipitated by her trying to convince Blake to come to the dance for her own mental and physical well-being. There’s no attention given to any other motivation on Yang’s part during the exchange, or what Blake’s reaction was following.
One of these has clear romantic intent. The other does not. If I were to present these two scenes to a random bystander and remove the names from the samples, and if I asked them to tell me which scene they thought was meant to be a romantic one, my guess is that they would go with the Sun and Blake scene. Because again, it’s about the framing of the scene, and the context of the situation the characters are in.
I say that Yang’s wink is dubious evidence at best, because I acknowledge that it can technically be read as romantic— but a.) it’s extremely covert, and only noticeable if you’re looking at it to find romantic evidence in the first place, and b.) I’m highly doubtful that was the writers’ intent in the first place.
the fact  that there are only a few same sex ships that are canon doesnt make it homophobic to be against a specific same sex ship being canon or to say its forced and shouldnt happen it doesnt mean you dont care about lgbt community or rep ( 
writing is more important  than that
korra and asami were barely friends they barely interacted  in b4 while the narrative pointed to makorra getting back together ( given they overcame the mutual flaws that led to them breaking up mako getting a speech about what korra meant to him while asami didnt really do anything  asami just went youre the avatar ( and failed to help her or understand her korrasami requires someone to wear shipping goggles to see evidence where there is none twisting the most minor of moments or claiming that we would see it if it was a male/female pairing  like what people claimed for  the scene at the end of b3  where asami being her sweet self    helping korra ) when no we really wouldnt and very few people would ship it  
not to mention creating headcanons to use to get their ship to stand 
like the headcanon that korra  sent asami a bunch of letters ( when there was only one 
or claiming that korra chose asami to help her in b3 when nothing pointed to that  korra only smiled due to the air babies and her father she didnt smile due to anything asami did ( and  korra and asami personalities are incompatible with each other like thier conflict style ( korra would need someone who would be willing to argue  with her like mako does ( arguing isnt inherently unhealthy ( the problem in b2 was how they handled conflict they weren't ready for a relationship with anyone at that time )
with bb ( the teasing arguably began in v7 ( for nothing in v6 was inherently romantic   people try to argue that if you say renora plane scene was romantic then you would have seen bb plane scene as romantic if it was a m/f pairing when that just isnt true the renora and bb plane scenes are different in how the characters act and the surrounding ( renora doing the lay head on shoulders scene a private scene focused on them  as boop song played while yang noticed blake felt upset and held her hand to comfort and ruby also proceeded to comfort blake etc as the following scenes happen )
it reminded me of people trying to claim that if you say blacksun introduction was ship tease you have to say burning the candle scene was romantic because yang winked at blake ( besides the fact she has winked at people before like ruby  and the white fang grunt ) when the framing and context are different sun introduction got the slowmotion run and angelic choir 
its annoying when people try to take other ships moments  to use to try to put up their ship bb doesnt stand on its own 
another example is creating headcanons =and seeing evidence where there was none/ finding meaning in scenes which comes off as reaching
like people who try to claim the scene where sun saw yang with a arm lost and blake crying was meant to show sun realizing blakes feelings for yang  that there was no other reason  to show that scene like that   because sun already knew she was injured
 there was nothing about that scene that would make him think blake had feelings for yang  what sun saw would cause blake to understand how blake felt guilty and this scene was followed up when he brought up how yang wouldnt hesitate to help blake after he got injured  he brought yang up because of blakes words regarding the people close to her getting injured
it wasnt to make sun realize blakes feelings for there is nothing to make someone think blake had feelings for yang in that scene or in that episode adam going I will destroy everything you love ( then after yang yelled for blake adam saw blakes expression )
 starting with her isnt the show stating blake as in love with yang   yang is her friend that would fall in everything you love territory ( he tried to kill her parents) and blake didnt give any special emphasis to yang when bringnig up her missing her team
lgbt representation isnt a valid defense for bb or korrasami being canon 
for writing is more important
it goes to show that you wouldnt ship that ship if it was a m/f ship 
if say the only option for lgbt rep is throwing a ship in at the last minute at the cost of breaking the narrative ( korrasami ) its better to just leave the show as having no lgbt rep  and saving lgbt rep for extra materials if you were genuinely concerned about not including lgbt rep and not just wanting a publicity stunt due to lok not getting enough
or with bb instead of throwing away the years of teasing mutual attraction and development just keep blacksun and pair yang up with a girl who doesnt have anyone she was being teased with for years ( like weiss)
( to be frank it gets annoying when I see people who called blacksun forced get mad at people who say bb is forced and try to claim homophobia or  that we wouldnt say that if it was a m/f ship ( implying our reasoning is due to the genders involved which comes off as projecting given how many times I have seen people claim blacksun was forced or complaining that they teased blacksun when there were plenty of possible same sex ships options ( while claiming that blacksun is being forced on them )  which showcases they are the ones who were calling ship(s) forced because of the genders involved they were the ones whose views on the ship would change if one of the genders of the characters were switched ( blacksun was never forced on anyone  it had natural teasing mutual attraction and development where sun took part in blakes arc ( I have seen bb shippers constantly try to undermine blacksun to put bb in favor like rwbytalks posts or people trying to smear sun as a creepy stalker when he went after her out of concern and desire to help or claiming that sun only was interested in blake because she was faunus or that is only how sun viewed her 
( not to mention claiming it didnt make sense for blake to come clean with sun when she didnt for the group ignoring the fact that it would be easier to come clean with  another faunus  since it would be safer  an she was already running from group
the framing and contexts are important and the framing and context of v1 blacksun introduction and burnign the candle are different
eight-of-pentacles . tumblr . com/post/651259837931569152/why-do-you-say-yang-winking-at-blake-in-burning
Because it’s about framing and context.
Sun’s wink is accompanied by a slow-mo pan of his expression, followed by the camera focusing on Blake’s slack-jawed attention, along with a literal choir singing in the background while she stares at him. This is his introduction— to Blake, but more importantly, to the audience. This is the first moment we properly meet him, and it’s through this very particular gaze.
Yang’s wink is precipitated by her trying to convince Blake to come to the dance for her own mental and physical well-being. There’s no attention given to any other motivation on Yang’s part during the exchange, or what Blake’s reaction was following.
One of these has clear romantic intent. The other does not. If I were to present these two scenes to a random bystander and remove the names from the samples, and if I asked them to tell me which scene they thought was meant to be a romantic one, my guess is that they would go with the Sun and Blake scene. Because again, it’s about the framing of the scene, and the context of the situation the characters are in.
I say that Yang’s wink is dubious evidence at best, because I acknowledge that it can technically be read as romantic— but a.) it’s extremely covert, and only noticeable if you’re looking at it to find romantic evidence in the first place, and b.) I’m highly doubtful that was the writers’ intent in the first place.
caring about the lgbt community doesnt mean you support every single same sex ship that becomes canon regardless of writing
it doesnt mean if there was a ship war between a same sex ship and a het ship you support the same sex ship ( even if there was nothing for the same sex ship that pointed to a romance) and lets say in a genuine situation where the same sex ship and het ship both have the chance of being canon the characters have shown an interest in each other caring about the lgbt community doesnt mean you ship the same sex ship
 it makes a joke to determine whether you care about the lgbt community based on shipping ( especially given how intense ship wars can be when its between 2 het ships
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blakebow · 10 months
one thing that annoys me is when bb shippers try to claim that sun knew blake loved yang due to seeing them in v3 ( the scene where yang lost an arm and blake was holding it and apologizing when there was nothing about that scene that was romantic. (or claiming it was stated that blake was in love with yang when no adam said he would destroy everything she loved includes friends and family ( he tried to kill her parents because of that) blake reacted to yang calling out and he saw her face
the fuck he did lmaooo Sun knew absolutely nothing. Blake didn't love Yang before volume 6 if even that. i don't think she loves her at all, it's just *lust*. (pure animal magnetisim or something like that idk lmaooo) blake really shouldn't be interested in Yang at all because Yang is incompatible with her in almost every way and they're T o x i c with a capital T-o-x-i-c.
The only thing Sun knew was that he loved Blake and he didn't know how Blake felt about him yet. that's it. that's all.
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
the timespan of v1-v3 can not be used in shipping arguments
I had an argument with a wasp who basically tried to claim sun just spent a bit of time with blake that you trying to say blake and yang is forced due to the time spent is just homophobia
 its the most ridiculous argument for 5 volumes of buildup isnt a bit if they try to go but blake and yang spent longer time together
lets assume that v1 to vytal festival is say a school year with vytal taking place in a summer break its irrelevant
for all that time spent would be offscreen you cant use the fact that technically blake and yang spent more time together as evidence for blake and yang ship
blake and  sun got years of teasing mutual attraction and development on screen on screen teasing while blake and yang didnt get anything close to that all of the moments they had in v1-3 was platonic people have to bend overbackwards and reach to claim its romantic 
like going well adam said he would destroy everything she loved and yang  showed up when everything she loves includes friends and family  yang needed a reason to stay behind and achieve character development fixing her fighting style etc
basically taking any minor moment as romantic because they wanted the blake and yang ship
htere is no doubt if yang and suns genders were flipped they would not be making the argument that male yang spent more time with blake   they  would outright point out that technical time of interaction is irrelevant compared to onscreen focus and development
they are desperately trying to downplay blacksuns
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Did people just, completely overlook all the creppy things he said to Blake? Calling her "darling" and "my love", ranting about how much she betrayed him and how he would destroy everything she loves? Did that just fly over people head for the sake of their male power fantasy?
Nope, they just rationalized it all away as the writers trying to deliberately destroy Adam because he was too sympathetic and cool for them and that it was "out of character" because he didn't behave like the fanon version they made off ten lines of dialogue.
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erros429 · 3 years
When did Yang and Blake realize they were in love with the other?
i think blake would probably recognize it quicker than yang because this is a road she’s traveled down before. it’s likely why she acts a bit aloof during their first interactions, trying not to fall for yet another hothead. despite her repressing it since the beginning, i think it’s something she’s always known? but she realized just how devastated she’d feel without yang when adam says he’d make it his mission to destroy everything she loves. not because she sees yang, and thinks, this is it. but because adam said “everything you love.” and blake immediately thought of yang.
yang’s probably took some time to come to terms to. i wanna say it’s maybe because she’s younger and figuring out her sexuality and what kinda things she likes. but after her dance with blake in v2, she feels a slight ache in her chest when she passes blake’s hand off to sun. and that’s when she has her oh moment. she might have tried to pass her initial jealousy off as just teenage angst, but as she bonds with blake and weiss at mountain glenn, she’s like. nopenopenopenope i’m in love with her.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
After reading the Roman Holiday preview... *long sigh*. Why is domestic abuse the go-to tragic backstory for rwby villains? And why is it always more than what our heroes have to deal with? Weiss was abused by her father but was able to escape to Beacon. Meanwhile, Cinder was a literal slave and was alone after killing her abusive family and Rhodes. What is going on!?
My guess is it's the subconscious belief that good people are born of good circumstances and bad people are born of bad circumstances. There are obviously some exceptions like Weiss and Qrow, but notably both of them had significant figures in their life who helped lead them down better paths: Winter and Ozpin. And, as you say, they both had the opportunity to go to Beacon, an escape from their living situations and the chance to be surrounded by more people/opportunities. There's potentially a message here about people flourishing when given external support (hey there, Good Place), but RWBY makes it far more about immediate circumstances than it does working to change over time:
Ruby has an adoring father and a mother who, while dead, also greatly loved her. Ruby is good.
Yang has a mother who abandoned her, but an adoring father and a an adoptive "Super Mom." Yang is good.
Blake was in an abusive relationship, but also has two parents who adore her and, despite the fandom's frustration with storytelling logistics like, "Why didn't they go find her after she left?" (because they weren't a part of the story then), they're presented as good people. Blake too is good.
Weiss has an abusive father and an alcoholic mother, but crucially an older sister who acts like a mother figure. Weiss is good.
Weiss becomes that good figure for Whitley. Whitley is now good.
Winter started this movement, so who was her good, supportive figure? Ironwood. Ironwood who welcomed her into the military, seems to have acted as a father figure, and became a respected peer. By the time Ironwood is made bad, Winter is already considered a hero by the narrative (despite the moral inconsistencies there), so it's fine.
Ren has a loving mother and father who die for him. Ren is good.
Nora is an orphan, but at a very young age gets Ren. Nora is good.
Jaune presumably has loving parents and seven sisters, one of whom we say doting on him with his extended family. Jaune is good.
Pyrrha presumably had a loving mother who visits her statue. Pyrrha is good.
Penny is a literal military weapon, but has a loving father. Penny is good.
Salem was locked in a tower by her father. Salem is bad (even before the grimm pool).
Cinder was a child slave and though she had Rhodes similar to how Weiss had Winter, her backstory arrives eight years late, after we know she becomes a villain. So Cinder is bad.
Adam was also a slave and, regardless of whether it was truly an accident or not, was branded with the logo of his abusers. Adam is bad.
Mercury seems to have just had an abusive father. Mercury is bad.
Emerald's family either died with her having no one to turn to (unlike Nora), or they abandoned her. Emerald is bad. Until the plot shuffles her into the heroic group. Then she's good. Emerald doesn't do something to become a part of that group, she's moved to the group first and then is seen as good.
Neo seems to have had abusive parents. Neo is bad.
Tyrian we don't know much about, but we do know he was already a killer before Salem. What little we've got of his backstory doesn't seem good. So Tyrian is bad.
We're given no information about Ironwood's backstory. Ironwood is good and then quickly becomes bad.
And Ozpin's stuff is such a mess it's unclear what the story even thinks of him at this point. That's a whole other post lol.
As said, there's some nugget of decent writing here in the form of unpacking the idea that people are more likely to make good decisions when given the opportunity and encouragement to do so, as well as the emotional support need to develop that moral compass and believe in yourself enough to follow it... but it's buried under RWBY's black and white worldview, the same worldview that's hurting the other, morally driven aspects of the story. We're not really shown instances in which characters who had everything still do terrible things, nor do we see characters who go through comparatively horrific circumstances and still do the right thing. The good people, while still going through horrible things, have benefits that the villains don't — Weiss' loving sister and wealth compared to Cinder's slavery and part-time visitor, for example — and the villains' experiences overall tend to be, well, more shocking in some respects. Lost legs, a shock collar, a brand, literal slavery, all happening at that formative young age... compare that to the heroes' struggles that, as said, are mitigated by some other good, or happen later in life after they're already established as good people. Blake is already trying to help the faunus when she enters a relationship with Adam (and is said to be mislead. Unlike villains Adam, Sianna, and Iilia, heroes Blake and Sun perform the "correct" kind of activism). Yang is already training to be a huntress when she loses her arm. Oscar is already fighting Salem when he's tortured, etc. We could include Ironwood's turn here too, regarding the shock value. Yeah, everyone is going through horrible stuff in Volume 7 and 8, but only Ironwood had the skin and muscle of his arm stripped off, resulting in a complete loss of the limb. And unlike Yang who was taken home, supported, and given months to recuperate, Ironwood is tossed back into a war with 8+ of his former allies now fighting against him. So RT literally says, "Of course he's bad now," except the argument is this ableist (and, given Yang, contradictory) idea that losing the arm made him bad, rather than the idea that abandoning someone during the worst moment of their life is going to leave them floundering — because that would put at least some of the blame on the heroes. And, as said, the morality is so black and white that there's no room for that nuance. It's not a matter of excusing the villains' actions, but rather examining how they came about and, if we're meant to feel sympathy, tying that to their good traits. Emerald's supposedly "kind" comment comes when she's helping Cinder destroy Beacon. Raven cries while she's deliberately allowing her daughter to be Salem's target instead of herself. Cinder cries because she hasn't successfully killed our heroes and gotten the amount of power she's after. Hazel mourns his sister while trying to kill a 14yo. These are all the WORST times to try and get the audience to feel for the bad guy. The story doesn't acknowledge that horrific circumstances can lead to bad decisions, but that people who commit bad - even truly horrific - acts can still do good in the future, or even do some good alongside the bad, the story says that these circumstances automatically lead to bad people and that you should feel bad for them despite what they've done. If Cinder cried because being in Atlas had triggered the worst memories of her life, that's an avenue towards seeing your villain as a complex human. Having Cinder cry because Watts points out what a shit job she's done at being The Worst Person Ever and expecting the audience to feel bad that Cinder has failed to, idk, take over the world or whatever is... stupid.
Honestly, it feels like another example of how RWBY is very much a simplistic fairy tale, no matter how much the characters insist its not. If you're good, you're good and if you're bad, you're bad. There's no middle ground, leaving characters like Ozpin and Ironwood to be abandoned and Ilia, Hazel, and Emerald forgiven the moment they switch from one side to the other. Now toss in the question of how people become good or bad and, well, surely good people lead good lives and bad people lead bad lives, right? So all you need to do is give your bad characters horrific, abusive, shockingly violent backstories while your good characters have, if not completely stable homes or perfect lives, at least a lot more than what the villains seem to have gotten. And the story isn't interested in acknowledging that motivation and morality aren't that simplistic. It can be offensive on its own, this theme of abused children becoming crazed murderers, but even when you try to follow that logic with something like, "Hey, Weiss our abused hero is threatening a defenseless minor to get what she wants, along with everything else the group as a whole has done. Is that something the story is going to unpack if you honestly believe these circumstances produce bad people?" the answer is always no. Because Weiss is Good™ and there's no interest in grappling with any storyline that might undermine that.
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hadesisqueer · 4 years
The thing about people saying that Bumbleby is a forced couple with no build up is that sometimes I wonder if they have eyes or something.
First of all, the storyline is clearly heading that way, but they're not a couple yet, as many antis love to remind the shippers. Therefore, how can they be a forced couple if, as you say, they're not dating yet??? They're STILL developing the couple lmao.
Second, it does have build up. The thing is, you dismissed many of those interactions as friendship, saying that there are a lot of ways of love, not only romantic and all that.
And you're right, there are many ways to love someone, and platonic relationships are just as important as romantic ones. But then again, you are missing a very important detail: the context of the scenes.
You can interpret Yang saying “I love it when you're feisty” and “If you feel like coming out tomorrow, I'll save you a dance *wink*” as friendship considering “Yang tends to be kind of flirty and affectionate with everyone”. It's not entirely true but yeah okay, I get that. There's also the fact that females are more allowed to be affectionate with their other female friends. So when you see a woman being flirty with each other you'll interpret it as friendship when it's actually not. That doesn't happen to straight couples (they will smile to each other once and they will already be in love and the audience will never hace doubts), or mlm ships, because males aren't seen to be as affectionate with each other as females, and when they are, it's seen as romantic (even if they're platonic, and people will call it queerbaiting).
Examples (and no shitting on the other ships. I fucking love Renora):
Renora holds hands after a really emotional moment, or to reassure one another: Totally romantic.
Bumbleby holds hands MULTIPLE TIMES after a really emotional moment, or to reassure one another: Gal pals.
Clover winks at Qrow in a cocky way and says a “lucky you huh”: Damn he's sooo gay.
Yang winks at Blake in a cocky way and literally tells her that she's saving her a dance after a clear joke with the “coming out” thing: A great straight girl!
See what I mean? Honestly I don't blame people for this, because I myself dismissed the whole flirty Yang thing in the first few volumes as just friendship and teasing for the fans. It's just heteronormativity that we all have inside.
However, there are some things that, if you interpret them as friendship... Well.
One of the most obvious ones, and which confirmed to me that Bumbleby was, indeed, romantically coded: THAT scene at Heroes and Monsters. How blind do you have to be to deny that it was meant to be romantic?
You can say “Oh but there are many ways to love not just romantic it could be sisterly love” and as I said, you're right. If you had put Ruby instead of Blake in that situation, it's clear that it would mean sisterly love. But that scene is not meant to be “sisterly”, no matter what you say. Because, the scene is: Exboyfriend threatens Girl to destroy everything she loves and then Other Girl (who was directly compared to Exboyfriend earlier) appears looking for Girl, and Girl looks at her terrified, Exboyfriend notices. You know the rest.
This is, as I call it, the classic “summon love interest” card. If you changed Blake and Yang there and you put Ren and Nora (who, until their backstory in vol 4, didn't even have that much development nor confirmation of being really romantic, just teasing and a song -you know, like Blake and Yang-) in that situation, there's no way people would have thought that it was friendship lol. Damn, if they just made Yang a male, with all the interactions they'd had and that scene, people would have been chanting CANON in that moment.
Also, vol 5 chapter 8. Yeah, that talk in which Yang admits to Weiss that she is really hurt by Blake leaving and that she wished she hadn't because she wanted to be there for her and needed Blake to be there for her as well could be friendship... Except it isn't. Because, considering the past scenes, the ENTIRE conversation and the fact that it took place in the same episode other girl confesses to have romantic feelings for Blake... Well. Oh, and basically the whole reunion scene when all Blake could say was “Yang?” and Yang.exe stopped working. And don't get me started with the songs (come at me with a straight face and tell me that bmblb is about a bike, I fucking dare you). All That Matters just...
And of course, the entirety of their interactions in volume 6.
Oh, and let's ignore the fact that these two characters that pretty much are a retelling of the Beauty and the Beast, because it was a last minute decision pushed by the fans; it's not as if Red like Roses pt 1, the first song that we hear in the series and which lyrics are foreshadow for the characters, literally said that they are “Black the Beast” and “Yellow Beauty”.
“But, Sun”.
Look, I was a Blacksun shipper when I started watching the show; I still am, actually, I just like Bumbleby more. And I understand why people want them together. However, saying that they had better development than Bumbleby as a couple is just not true. Because they have barely any development: the first volumes was just Sun crushing hard on Blake the moment he sees her, and Blake kind of returning the crush but never at the same level or with the same enthusiasm. They barely have any interactions in vol 3. In vol 4 Sun can't understand Blake and she could barely stand him. And in vol 5, Sun has finally given up on Blake romantically speaking and now they get to develop, but as friends.
Also, have this in mind: when Adam fought Sun, he didn't see him as anything else than Blake's classmate, and even called him that. Because he never saw them as a “rival” when it came to Blake. Now, Yang? He tries to kill her out of jealousy the first time he sees her because he noticed the way Blake was looking at her. He tries to kill her again multiple times in that fight in volume 6; again, out of jealousy, because he sees how they're looking at each other. Damn, he even screams “What does she even see in you?” when they fight. So yeah, the fact that Adam, Blake's exboyfriend, is jealous of Yang and sees her as the romantic rival instead of Sun should have told you something back in vol 5.
Look, you don't have to like Bumbleby, and I'm not saying it's perfect, because it isn't; there are things that could definitely have been done better. But saying that it's forced (when, again, they're not dating yet), that they have no build up because you never saw it coming... Watch the show again, man.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 3 years
Motion Sickness Chapter 90
pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq pq
(Blake PoV)
Adam came at Yang and I across the cat walk like he flew out of a canon. He slashed a wide swing which tore into the cables that held it up as well as the metal grating which made up the catwalk itself.
"You've come here to destroy me, haven't you, love?" He pressed.
I grit my teeth and met his slash with my weapons crossed. I held off the long katana which sent sparks up and harsh vibrations down my arm.
I flicked away into a clone up above him and Yang stepped into the space I formerly occupied with a haymaker. He blocked it but he had no room to step back given the damage Cloud had done to the platform behind him. I descended back down on him with a wild slash and landed behind him.
"You've got to be stopped Adam. You're way too dangerous. I have to stop you."
He blocked two slashes from me and then twisted around in time to deflect Yang's prosthesis to the side.
"I do remember you," he told Yang. "This time I will kill you."
Yang shot at him with her gauntlet and he leaned to the side but he still caught a handful of pellets that made his body twist to the left. He slashed at her, taking a long step forward to drive Yang back with his alarming strength.
Then he spun around and met one of my blades, then the other. With his back turned to her, Yang punched him hard in the back and he leaned against the rail of the catwalk like he might fall.
He snorted at us. He was penned in. He would need to make space if he wanted to beat us. He jumped off the catwalk and backflipped off the wall of the warehouse then came at me in a wide slash. I vanished in a shadow clone and left him cutting at air.
He cut through the grate of the catwalk more as he paced up on Yang with a sidestep. Yang warily stepped back and for a moment it looked like the two were dancing. Adam leveled his scabbard at Yang and fired a blast of pellets at Yang's head. Yang ducked and tried to step in with a punch but Adam used his range to block her to the side and followed it with a riposte that Yang deflected off her prosthesis, shielding her head with it.
"Can't you see I've done everything I did for you, Blake?" He grunted.
I descended back on him with three quick slashes. He deflected them, but he was shedding aura with the effort of keeping up with us. Then I drew back and fired at him twice with my gun. He grunted into the bullets, unable to truly block with Yang on top of him.
"I never wanted any of this. Be honest. You did it all for yourself. You wanted the throne of the White Fang," I fired back. I shot at him a couple times too from behind Yang. He sheathed his weapon and front-flipped at us. He drew it again in a dashing cut that was aimed at both of our heads. "And look where that got you. Sleeping alone in a warehouse at the edge of Mantle."
"This is the end of the line," Yang muttered in agreement. Her fist met his sword and they warred for a moment before he paced a half step back.
"I won't end today," he said gruffly. "Today will mark a new beginning for me after I've killed you and taken Blake back."
He cut twice horizontally with his long range and kept Yang at bay. She struggled to get in on him. Once she was in she could work him over but it was getting through the zone his sword provided that was the problem.
"You'll never have her back! Don't you get it?!" Yang shouted in his face.
Yang jumped back and I left a clone behind where she stood. It turned into fire and washed over Adam. He flinched back but he hardly had the room to escape the flames. He stuttered back in and rammed me with his shoulder, knocking me to the deck of the catwalk. He brought his blade down on me but I raised mine and covered myself from his swing downwards.
Yang stepped in over me and punched him in the jaw. He was sent reeling back into the little space he had reclaimed near the edge of the walkway. Yang chased him and hit him in the gut. Then she uppercutted him with her robotic hand. He sliced her back and she blocked by holding her arms upwards and bent at the elbow.
He then descended on her with some slashes and tried to open her up but she stood firm for the most part. It was hard for Yang to block without taking some hits on her aura but Adam would have to do more than chip away at her.
"We'll just see about that," Adam muttered.
I flipped back to my feet and stepped forward and unleashed a beam of purple light that rode down the catwalk and forced him to block.
"She's right. We're over Adam. You're over."
"You can't win her back. You crossed the line," Yang growled.
"I will have her again," Adam disagreed. "My love, be mine."
"Never again. I'm sorry I couldn't save you from yourself, Adam," I returned.
I twirled upon him and cut at him with both of my blades. He twisted Wilt around and held Blush over his face to block my attacks.
"Save me? I don't need saved. I have my duty to fulfill," he bit out.  
There was a time when I had admired his strength. His dedication to keep going. I admired his passion for our cause and how unflinchingly he looked at the world. Now I wish that he would have flinched, for a sign that he was just a person doing what he thought was right rather than a monster. It was the sort of little sign that Ruby and Weiss got from Cloud when he stumbled. A sign that he was struggling and that he would hesitate.
Adam never gave me that. About anything. He just pressed on like he didn't do horrible things. He went forward like he hadn't killed people. Cloud at least seemed on edge from the destruction he caused. A point in his favor perhaps. A difference between him and Adam.
Then Adam said he did it all for me and I had to know that he was lying. Even to himself. I never wanted this for him. I never wanted this from him. I'd rather that he flinched.
He slashed Yang away and pressed his advantage on her now that she was opened up but I flicked to place beside her and cut at him. Then I shot him twice in the chest.
He let out a little roar at being interrupted and came at me. His blade singing through the air. He pinned me back against the rail of the catwalk and swung. I cried out as he bit deep into my aura. Purple flared from where he cut me in a field.
"You're becoming bothersome, love," he rumbled.
"I'll always be in your way, Adam," I said steadily.
He slashed at me twice more and brought Blush to bear. He fired and the blast knocked me off my feet again. It slammed me into the rail and down to the metal grate. Yang roared and stepped over me into his space and he slashed at her too before he sent a shot whizzing into the aura around her head. She shook it off and came at him still. She swung with her right arm and Adam blocked it with a twist of Wilt. Then she buried her fist in his gut with her left arm.
He grunted again. We were winning. We were chipping away at him.
I looked down through the grate and saw Ruby and Weiss fighting off two of Cloud's sisters. Ruby turned into petals and dodged around her target and Weiss had a black glyph spinning to life beside her. I couldn't be sure how they were doing. Hopefully they were matching our success and we'd walk away from all this the victor.
I remembered fighting Cloud's sister. She was good. And they worked well together as a team. It could be dangerous for them down there but I had to hope that they could maintain the pace and win.
I rebounded to my fight and shot at Adam while he tried to keep Yang off of him.
Adam ripped into Yang's aura, ignoring my shots that pounded into his own. He cut her twice across the stomach then once diagonally from shoulder to hip. Then he kicked her in the chest and pushed her back before he fired right into her stomach with Blush.
Yang failed for a moment on the rail before I tossed her my ribbon and pulled her back on. We charged him with my ribbon in hand and clotheslined him on the catwalk.
We tried to wrap him up in it but he put his hand on the ground and cartwheeled free, this time moving forward so that we were cornered against the destroyed part of the catwalk. He had the space he wanted now.
He sheathed his weapon and side-flipped. He jumped off the wall and back to the catwalk and came at us in an enormous slash that cut into both of our aura and knocked me back a step.
"You can't beat me, love," he whispered. Like a knife on the bones of my spine. "I'll kill her this time. No running away from me."
"We will beat you!" I shouted back right in his face. I put my weapon together in a fluid motion and brought it down on his body. He blocked with Blush and riposted with Wilt and cut me across the stomach.
"Get off of her!" Yang slammed her shoulder into him and sent him sprawling across the catwalk. He just rolled away from us and back to his feet. We were pushing him close to a staircase upwards now.
He shuffled back and put one foot at the edge of the stairs. If we started to force him down them we would have the advantage and he'd be on the back foot. He would either fight us at an enormous loss or be forced to turn and run.
He snorted at the two of us. He knew it too. It wasn't in his nature to run if he could help it. I knew that about him.
He slashed forward at Yang and this time he bit deep into her prosthetic where she tried to block. She didn't cry out in pain, it wasn't attached to her body like that, but she did let out a little grunt at the loss.
Maybe Cloud should have been the one to engage Adam. Cloud's strength was terrible. It might be the only thing that could match him. Yang was now wounded and she was coming up short of taking him down. We both were. At this rate he'd be able to escape or kill her. Maybe both.
I hadn't realized Yang had gotten so low on aura. I wasn't doing well myself but I thought she had more in her tank. Aura was a finicky thing. You didn't have the same amount day to day. Besides Yang had been blocking most of his attacks on her aura. That was the nature of her style against a swordsman like Adam.
I'd need to make a play if we wanted Adam to die here and now and not live to fight another day.
Yang's prosthetic went limp by her side. Adam had struck a critical system in it. I flipped down the catwalk to where Cloud was mid-fight with this hovering specter and a girl inside of it. I lashed Gambol Shroud to the rafters and swung down and I clashed with her from behind and sent her tumbling into a shelf.
It raked at me to confess that I needed Cloud's help. It should have been me to take down Adam but I couldn't match him alone and with Yang hurt.
"Go help Yang," I told him. "Please trade with me. Stop Adam. You're the only one who can match him one on one."
Cloud hesitated. Then he nodded. "Beware her semblance. And… and don't kill her."
I nodded. He flew away up to the catwalk on a pocket of air. "Sit this one out, Yang. I'll cover for you," I heard him say.
His sister picked herself up out of the shelving I'd knocked her into from behind.
"That was family business," she snarled at me.
"Your family business involves everyone," I returned. "Literally everyone everywhere."
"You'll regret getting between us. I have no qualms about killing you," she added. I watched the specter around her fade with a closing wing around both her and it and I saw her wince. If it was anything like Cloud's power, her next use of it was a long ways away.
She flipped a dagger into her hands, rotating it so she held it reverse with a casual ease and she pointed her gun down at me. We started by shooting each other. Her with her pistol and me with mine.
Then we clashed with my scabbard against her knife. She pushed against me but I had a little range on her.
She did this three-sixty front-flip away from me and landed neatly like an acrobat. Then she rushed me and she did a sort of baseball slide with her leg extended to trip me up. I bounced off one of the shelves and came back down on her with my sword. Then I swept my scabbard into her gut.
She bent over from the force of it, a flare of red and blue aura spreading out from the attack. Then I shot her three times.
My gun clicked empty and I had to reload with a back-flip.  She approached me with another somersaulting jump. And she swept the knife at me in a move that caught my aura at the stomach. She didn't hit nearly as hard as Adam did. At least not with her semblance inactive.
She shot at me once, then she did an arcing flip that carried her into the rafters with her shooting down on me in a bullet storm all the while. It caught me off balance and as she landed she swiped the knife at me and shoved me into one of the shelving units.
She jumped, lashing out with two kicks into my gut that sent me reeling. She was formidable. As you might expect from one of Cloud's sisters. But she wasn't unbelievably strong like he was. She didn't share the sort of raw power that let him one-shot my aura to near zero or fifty percent.
She dashed forward to follow up her assault with two more kicks but I blocked both on my shins and I engaged her with my sword and my scabbard. I forced her to block twice in rapid succession then I flowed my weapon together and brought it down on her body. It flung her back into a shelving unit.
I heard two shouts above us and saw Adam slam into one of the walls of the warehouse and slide down it until he crumpled in a heap. Blood leaked from the corner of his mouth. Cloud was winning if he hadn't won already.
Cloud landed and grabbed Adam by his shirt and picked him up. He slammed him into the wall hard enough to shake the whole building.
I turned back to my opponent and found her running away. She was making a break for the exit and covering her sisters with a storm of bullets as they did similarly. I could hardly respond. My aura was almost empty. I watched Weiss and Ruby try to get in their way but the sisters were nimble and they worked well together in concert all three of them.
They flipped over one another as they made their exit and all I could do was watch. The girl I'd been fighting flicked her knife from by her side and it slid deep into my aura and from there into my stomach. A crackling of purple wasn't enough to halt the weapon.
"Blake!" Weiss shouted. She moved to cover me. A glyph spiraling to life over my body while Ruby took potshots at the retreating girls. They slid out of the double doors of the warehouse and I heard engines start but my vision was getting hazy.
Yang came up to us. Her arm still dangling uselessly by her side. "Blake!" She hissed urgently. "Stay with us. Don't go to sleep."
Sleep sounded so good, though. I blinked my eyes wearily from where I lay on the ground.
"Did we get him? Did we get Adam?" I asked.
Cloud's voice came in, he said something I didn't make out followed by, "he's gone."
Then I sort of slipped under before I could ask anything else.
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ayoalex · 3 years
I didn't expect for me to do a rant about bumbleby but I've been rewatching RWBY while me and my friend wait till February for the next chapter and holy shit, there's a lot to talk about.
Maybe it's because the first time I watched RWBY was all together without needing to wait like all the fandom but I'm pretty sure bumbleby was either a thought, a path they had as one option or being something it was going to happen no matter what since they started writing RWBY.
All the hints, subtext, etc were there, since the first moment Yang and Blake meet.
We all know RWBY doesn't have all the time neither the budget to make a 30min or 1h long for every chapter, so all the faces, the details, body movements are there for a reason and not to waste time and money.
Yang sees Blake and it's immediately interested, Ruby tells her she knows her and what Yang do? Uses Ruby as an excuse to go closer to Blake and talk to her + this will help Ruby to come out of her shell.
Now, before I continue I want to say that I personally head canon Yang as a lesbian because I relate to her as one but it's perfectly fine if y'all head canon her as bi or pan, what we all know it's that the girl is NOT straight.
Let's continue, Yang try to start a conversation and Blake was not vibing with it until Ruby started talking about books. It's quite a funny moment for me because Yang is so used to people wanted to be with her or wanted to flirt with her that she gets awkward and her confidence start going low the moment she is the one actively going for it and not the other way around.
Yang is quite an interesting character because at first it looks like she's a flirt and knows clubs and illegal stuffs, she's really cool, confident and really attractive. But then as the series progress we see how damage she is, such a low self-esteem she has in certain stuffs, how she's really smart, she doesn't actually flirt and when it's someone she likes she gets all awkward and stuff.
Then you have Blake, we see since the beginning the strong sense of justice she has, how passionate about it she is, she's lowkey most of the times, serious but then we see all her issues, her low self-esteem, how scared she is and how humorous she is as well, assertive and direct. If Yang is not there then the person making the jokes is Blake and I find that really cool.
I mention this because the Blake we see in Emerald Forest is assertive Blake.
Yang gets into the forest and start looking for Ruby while Blake seems to have been following her since they landed in there. She's in the shadows keeping an eye close to Yang, she sees her fighting the Ursas and took advantage of that to help her and appear in front of her. Purposely smirking while looking her directly at her eyes.
Now, why would Blake choose Yang? Why not Phyrra? Or Ruby? Well, because Blake is attracted to strength. It's the same thing that attracted her to Adam, she sees the similarities but there are so many differences as well.
As they continue their journey to find the relic Blake seems to enjoy Yang company, smiling and smirking at her. We basically see a different Blake than we saw when Ruby and Weiss were around, this is more direct, assertive and flirty.
At this point Blake is attracted to Yang, smiling at her jokes, smirking, going all sassy, the way she walks or behaves around Yang.
The best part? She loves it.
My favorite part of bumbleby between v1 and v3 is absolutely when Yang tells her "I love it when you are feisty" and Blake smirks and it's loving it.
Blake loves when Yang gives her attention. It always been there, I'm so sorry y'all can't see it.
But between v1 and v3, while she absolutely loves being around Yang, she's still feels the weight of her past, which makes her still closed and not as free as she would like.
Before I talk about v4 and 5 and the end of v3 I want to talk about Sun.
He's important for Blake's growth and I feel a lot of people don't like that but this is what the media does every single time with women, they present them in the narrative only to make the main dude to growth so, it's actually nice seeing it the other way around + Sun does get a bit of growth and he has some plot in the books I think (I still need to read those but I can't find them 😭).
Since the moment Sun sees Blake he's attracted to her, understandable, she's hot. He tries to catch her attention by helping her, etc.
Blake does not shares the same sentiment until like v3 or something, in some funny way Yang is the one that pushed her to Sun by making her go to the dance and spent time with Sun.
But Blake goes to the dance because of Yang and she specifically tells Sun, in a really smug way btw, how her first dance is reserved for someone else. In the dance she constantly smiles to Yang and then we see her having an amazing time with Sun and Neptune which helps her to relax and making new friends!
At this point Blake seems to be attracted to both Yang and Sun or at least she's a bit attracted to Sun in a sexual way and not romantic wise. Blake loves the attention them both give her, is not in bitchy or selfish way(?) It makes her confident and tbh that's such a human like reaction, knowing that really attractive and amazing people are attracted to you? Please, I would be worst than Blake.
Then we have the end of v3, where Adam appears and everything goes to shit.
It's interesting how they decided to animate and write Blake, Sun and Yang in the Fall of Beacon.
Blake is constantly worried about Yang, specially after what happened, Yang calls Blake and wants to be sure she and Ruby are ok.
Later Blake goes after a Grimm and Sun and Yang are finally in the last place Blake was before disappearing.
Instead of Sun going after Blake it was Yang, he just stays there, behind Weiss.
Is in this volume that we find out that Adam wasn't Blake mentor, they were together in a romantic sense (which is disgusting because it means Adam not only abused her but groomed her). Adam tells her he's going to destroy everything she loves and in that exact moment Yang comes into scene yelling for Blake and poor Blake is mortified and Adam sees this which for him means that the blonde girl is someone that Blake loves.
The freaking meaning of all this is AMAZING, the narrative presents Yang as someone that Blake loves.
When Yang lose her arm it's when Blake gets out of her black state to protect Yang, she could have died but she didn't cared because she needed Yang to be alive, that's her partner and someone who she has confused feelings about.
Because that's the thing, yes Blake knows she's attracted to her but what does that mean? Adam is still around and she knows Yang is vulnerable and can't take much emotional damage.
So Blake leave because at least without her around Yang can still be alive because Adam is looking for her not Yang.
Here's something important, bumbleby of v1 to v3 is something fun, is a teenager thing but then bumbleby of v4 till now is more important, is deeper and goes beyond a crush.
Sun stalks Blake which was pretty bad specially cuz Blake was paranoid about Adam which makes her react violently (she slaps him which is bad as well).
Blake character development in v4 and v5 is really important, not only Sun helps her a lot but spending time with her parents help her heal some stuffs.
But it's in v5 that everyone should have got the confirmation needed for black sun.
There's a moment when they are talking about Adam and Blake tells Sun that she's thankful that he helped her and that's what she wants to do, she wants to be that friend to help Illia, the same thing Sun did for her.
This implies so much and the most important one is that for Blake, Sun is a friend, a very dear one btw, and that she wants to be a friend to Illia as well, she wants to be that safety net that Sun and her parents were for her but with Illia. This is so powerful because Sun is more than ok with that, he only wanted to help Blake and if she ended up falling for him? Cool, and if not, cool as well.
Sun already knew this, since the beginning.
In the end of V3 he saw it and came to terms with it.
You know who were looking out for Blake and Yang when Yang was unconscious and Blake was taking her hand while crying and apologizing? Ren and Nora, who were both tired. And in front of them was Sun, looking at them like "oh", like he understood that Blake eyes we're always on Yang and not on him.
That's why in all the conversations of blacksun in v4 and v5 Sun always brings up Yang and how she may feel because he knows that's the person for Blake, not him.
Because if not, tell me why no romantic business happened? It was perfect to expand their relationship! But they didn't.
Later he was the one pushing Blake to go with her team, he knows, Sun knows how important is for Blake to be with her team and to be with Yang. At the end of the day, the person Blake felt safe with after Adam was Yang.
Now, v6.
Listen, Ruby and Weiss don't get why Yang can't seem to forgive Blake but... Blake does, back in Beacon Yang had an heart to heart with her about her family, Blake knew about what leaving would be for Yang and that's why she so angst about Yang in v4 and v5.
So she tries her hardest, and while I agree that there's some parts that should be written better and they need to TALK about it... V6 was good for them.
The Apathy mini arc was amazing but it was the end of V6 that settle bumbleby to be canon.
Blake finally understanding that they need to be equals in their relationship, them both going against Adam, Adam rage to see how much they love and respect each other, the final blow, Blake break down...
But the most important of all was the beginning of the second part of Blake and Adam fight, because Yang listen everything that Adam said to Blake and it clicked for her.
Blake didn't left because she wanted, she left because she loves them. And the moment Yang hug her, comfort her and reassure her they are fine it's the moment she forgives Blake and a new stage in their relationship starts which lead us to v7.
V7 bumbleby is v1/v3 bumbleby but mature. They talk more (as we see with the scene about Robyn), they want to be more close and close to each other, etc.
Assertive Blake is back! She keeps flirting with Yang, keeps making Yang to compliment her, to pay attention to her, she giggles at Yang's jokes, she goes to a club!! Blake doesn't usually goes to clubs!
In V2 we see Blake can dance but in V7 she doesn't seem to find the rhythm... Ohhh the classic "please help" You give to your crush to make them get closer to you so you can flirt with them and maybe make a move. And Yang? She goes with the flow, because is what Blake wants and Yang wants Blake to lead because Adam is still fresh.
That's why she gets worried about what Blake thinks of her in V8, what they have is new, they are aware of the attraction and the feelings but haven't done anything about it.
I love making it seem they are clueless but they aren't, they are smart and observant young women, Blake knows Yang find her attractive, she encourages Yang to watch her, to flirt, to get closer.
There's a scene in V7 when Yang is watching Blake through the mirror and Blake purposely gets flirty when putting her make up on.
They know they are dancing around each other.
It's so great seeing an wlw couple being like this, I love it. Bumbleby is a slow burn and it's a really cute and adorable one, it's a shame people hate it or claim is queerbaiting.
Yeah, maybe there's some stuffs that could be written better but overall? Bumbleby has been here since the beginning and the development is beautiful to see.
Highly recommend to rewatch RWBY with all this subtext in mind so you will find Bumbleby since day one lol.
Btw, ship whatever you want guys, blacksun is a cute ship, just stop being dicks to the VAs and the writers of the show for something that's your fault, like... Literally, your fault, all the signs were there.
And sorry for making this so long and all over the place, I hope you enjoy this rant tho lol
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honeyby · 3 years
Parallels and Context
This is something I’ve wanted to talk about for a while now. For years people have drawn parallels from their ships to ships that are explicitly romantic in canon. It started off being comparisons to Arkos and Renora and somewhere around volume 6 Bumbleby was added in there as well. It’s become more common, which makes sense since there’s more content to compare now, but we’re starting to lose sight of one of the most important considerations: context.
I’m not saying people shouldn’t try to find parallels between relationships because they do exist! Hell, a lot of early Bumbleby speculation involved drawing parallels between it and Arkos/Renora. Lately however (that is, in the past few volumes) it seems like people will find similarities and parallels to use as evidence for their ships without addressing whether or not the similarities they have are actually the elements that make the comparison ship romantic.
For example, take the following scenario. Character A has a history with an Antagonist and Character B (who Character A is very close to) ends up critically injured (out of commission level injury) by said Antagonist in a clash involving all three. It’s a scenario that can describe at least four different events in the show: Adam cutting off Yang’s arm, Ilia stabbing Sun, Cinder impaling Weiss, and Tyrian killing Clover. Four events with a lot of similarities on the surface and high emotional stakes, and yet only one has romantic implications. So what is the difference? What makes it have romantic implications for Blake and Yang but not Blake and Sun, Jaune and Weiss, or Qrow and Clover?
It’s actually not that Yang gets hurt trying to help Blake. It’s not Yang’s reaction to Blake getting hurt or Blake’s reaction when she sees Yang there. It’s not even that Adam hurt her to hurt Blake (not the action at least). No, the majority of the romantic implications come from Adam and his past with Blake. What sets this scenario apart is that Adam’s connection to Blake is deeply personal and his status as her ex adds an extra layer to his actions.
All of his words and actions here are motivated by his past with Blake. He’s not attacking Blake for no reason; he’s attacking her out of spite because he felt betrayed by her leaving. Adam doesn’t target Yang just because he’s a sadist; he targets her because he wants Blake to hurt for leaving him and he can tell by the way Blake looks at her that she cares about Yang. “I will make it my mission to destroy everything you love” has a certain connotation coming from him. From a different antagonist it would be easy for it to just apply broadly, but for Adam to be the one to say it and for Yang to immediately show up is very significant. He’s essentially doing the narrative version of casting “summon love interest”. Everything about the language and framing of the scene gives it its romantic coding and that’s because of the context of Adam’s relationship to Blake.
All of the other other scenarios...miss that. There’s history with the antagonists but it’s a different kind of history. Sun getting stabbed deliberately parallels Yang losing her arm but there’s a noticeable contrast between Ilia and Adam. Ilia has a personal connection to Blake, but it was purely platonic on Blake’s end and Ilia hurting Sun isn’t motivated by her past with Blake or even Sun’s relationship with Blake. She’s in conflict with them not out spite but because she’s doing what she thinks is best for the Faunus and sees them as being in her way.
Cinder actually is motivated by Jaune caring about Weiss to attack her...but she does it for her own sadistic pleasure. She doesn’t try to kill Weiss to “get back” at Jaune for something he did to her. She barely even remembers him. The history here is mostly on Jaune’s side: he rightfully blames her for Pyrrha’s death. It’s not the sort of history that exists between Blake and Adam or even Blake and Ilia.
Clover, Qrow, and Tyrian’s case is very interesting to me because you can find a looooot of surface similarities to Blake/Yang/Adam for both encounters. In general you have a dark haired hero that’s been stabbed by an antagonistic Faunus and ends up watching said Faunus brutally injure a lighter themed friend in a stylized manner. But for all of those surface similarities they don’t have the elements that add romantic coding. Tyrian falls into a similar category to Cinder: any harm he does is not personal; he’s just a sadist. His connection to Qrow doesn’t work for establishing romantic implications here, especially since both encounters have quirks that prevent them from getting that in other ways: Robyn’s presence in the first fight makes it less focused on just Clover, Qrow, and Tyrian and of course Clover being an antagonist in the second throws a wrench in things.
This is far from the only example of this sort of thing, but I think it demonstrates it well. It’s also not just big moments that have different implications depending on context. Nothing happens in a vacuum! Those extra details play a big part in how a scene/relationship is meant to be interpreted.
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howlingday · 3 years
Yang had traversed the wild wastes of Vacuo, overcame the deadly traps of Ozpin's ruined Beacon, and escaped Salem herself. Now, there was but one task left.
Adam: (Holding a small chest in his hand) Do you see now, Blake?! Do you see what your true love can do?! You threw away our love to be with humans, but I have slaughtered countless of those you once held dear! And now, even the Relic of Chance is mine! Would you have me challenge the Brothers themselves next?! (Looks behind him, Sees Yang approaching) You? (Turns away) Is this the best you can do, Blake?! Sending your broken stand-in to challenge me, the King of Faunus?!
Yang wrenched the chest from the prideful king's grasp and opened it for the first time since it's creation, and unleashed the full might of the Brothers themselves. Yang's flames billow both yellow and blue.
Adam: You're still only human; weak, cowardly, pathetic! The same as the night she begged me to spare you!
Yang: I'm not the same human you cut down that night. The monster you created has returned, and she will have her revenge.
Adam: You have no idea what a true monster is, human! (Horns protrude from his head as his teeth grow and sharpen, His body expands with muscle as he mask falls and shatters under his massive hooves) Your pitiful life ends tonight! Prepare to join Blake on the other side!
The battle between the Golden Beast and the Crimson King was fierce, pitting one's fury and thirst for vengeance against another's spite and hatred and desire for destruction. When Yang threw a punch, it was as though the Sun itself burned in the night. When Adam swung his blade, it was like the Moon descended to cut 'twixt the stars.
However, soon the berserker proved too much for the swordsman, so he unleashed a great and terrible magic upon her. With one quick motion, Adam tore a rift in the space between them, and it swallowed Yang inside. As she fell, she heard him speak to her.
Adam: You have learned many ways to kill a monster, human. Flesh that burns. Bones that crack. But to break one's spirit is to truly destroy them! I'm sure you recognize this night, human. The night it all changed. The night your weakness killed everything you loved.
The nightmares that had haunted Yang for years has now taken form and substance. Her failure lied just beyond the glass.
Yang: Get away from her!
Blake: Yang, no!
Swarms of Grimm, all shaped like Yang, surround both her and the visions forms. She rushed inside, through the glass, and made quick work of the Grimm that attacked Blake and her younger self, both of whom seemed frozen in time. With every monster slain, the battlefield shifted and parted, disintegrating into nothing.
The battle proved for naught, however, for as she punched the final the Grimm, it screamed like a woman. The woman who loved and trusted her. She looked down to see her arm embedded in the torso of Blake Belladonna.
Yang: (Sobbing) Why? You were innocent. You were all innocent.
Adam: Were they, though? She certainly wasn't. Do you know how much blood she had on her hands? How many lives she ruined with her selfish actions? Every death is on her head! Including yours! (Yang returns from the real world, Adam readies his sword) Which I will now take!
Yang: (Blinks, Sees a black sword embedded in the ground) ...Blake? (Rolls away from Adam's strike, Runs to Gambol Shroud)
But the battle was not over. It seems the Brothers had left one final gift for the girl.
Yang: (Swings Gambol Shroud a few times, Smiles) I'm not alone. I still have my friends. My family. And I'm gonna show you just how strong they make me.
For Yang, the battle continued with new purpose! With new vigor! Every swing of Adam's blade was missed as she dodged and parried, thrusting and slicing into him with each strike. When he clashed, he pushed against Yang, but she proved to be too much and overpowered him, earning a free strike across his chest, followed by a thrust, and a helm-splitting strike from above. His aura, once an unstoppable wall for her punches before, was now like paper with every slash of her blade.
Adam: (On one knee, Struggling to stand as he glares) Remember, human! Were it not for me, you would not have gained this strength! I gave you your strength; I saved you!
Yang: I haven't forgotten, Taurus. I remember exactly how you saved me that night.
Adam: That night... I made you into the perfect warrior!
Yang: Congratulations. (Stabs him in the heart, Slides it out)
Adam: (Bellows a death roar, Falls to the ground)
Yang had accomplished what many had thought impossible; a human had killed the Faunus King. Remnant had been saved, and would rise again.
The same, however, could not be said for Yang. She had sought assistance from many foes and allies alike, but none could truly heal what most ailed her.
Yang: ...Please, make me forget them. Make me forget that night I failed my team.
Salem: You have done well, child. Though we mourn the loss of another mortal, we thank you for ending his slaughter. The souls of your family and friends can rest easy knowing his death has been achieved, but we cannot erase the memory of that night. No power could ever force such a night from your memories, nor make you or us forgive them.
In the end, knowing the nightmares of her past would never leave her, Yang Xiao Long made her way to the top of Beacon tower, overlooking all the Brothers had created.
Yang: (On the edge of the tower, Looks down) The Brothers have abandoned me. Now... There is no hope. (Walks forward)
Yang had cast herself down from the highest point in all of Vale. After eight years of suffering, her nightmares would finally come to an end.
Death would be her escape from sorrow.
But Yang's fate was not as it had seemed. The Brothers had other plans. Feeling no impact, she opened her eyes to find herself floating, and suddenly rose higher into the vast sky, higher and higher until she could touch the stars. Until she could walk on the moon.
Salem: You will not die this night, Xiao Long. You have done the Brothers a great service, and thus should be rewarded, rather than punished. Adam was an unruly beast, a wild creature who sought only destruction and violence. A poor choice for the Faunus King, no? (A portal opens, Revealing a silver palace inside) But now the throne is empty, and a King must step forward to claim it. Embrace the portal, Yang Xiao Long, and become the new Faunus King.
Yang climbed through portal, the silver palace shining around her. As she climbed it's steps, her hands and feet became paws, and as she approached the throne, he teeth grew and became fangs. A tail grew from her tailbone, wrapping itself around her waist as she sat down.
Hail the human who became the King of the Faunus.
Hail, Yang Xiao Long.
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