#admin flan
askcursedtales · 1 year
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[ Flan has joined the party! ]
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fuck-customers · 1 year
Someone is STILL treating the go backs like trash, to the point they put a leaky caramel flan cup in. I had to wash my hands after dealing with it, “luckily”, if you can call it that, most of the mess got on the other trash in there
Posted by admin Rodney.
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sunny-spider · 9 months
My name is Luca Valrado. I’m this dimension’s one and only spiderman. atleast, that’s what people think..
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I’m Luca, but my friends call me Sunny. I’m Rome’s Solarspider, I go by he/him and I’m 19.
..My parents..? I’d rather not talk about them. They’re not good people.
you wanna know more about me? uh.. well.. i just hang around HQ. don’t really got much to do. I’m single sadly, I’m anti-social, I love annoying Miguel, I’m deadly afraid of jello, don’t ask. I have some friends and some enemies. I really fucking hate Robert King.
Who’s Robert? the asshole who owns Alchemax in my dimension.
I have to go, Flan’s eating my goober and Miguel will kill me, It was cool getting to talk to you! Peace n’ love!
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effelier · 1 month
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Second week of the semester is over. I am loving it but also I don´t think I´m on the right track with this admin class. Did an oopsie and now I have two out of six allowed absences. The bad news is that I have the same teacher for executive class and my first assignment sucked (and I got roasted for it) and I turned in my second assignment a half hour late. So yay. I won´t give up, I have to do my absolute best from now on.
Non-academic events: I have a stubborn obsession with Chappel Roan's Naked in Manhattan, and Lisa´s new song featuring Rosalía, New Woman. Made a flan with dad and sis, our very first, and I think it´s delish. Still have to plan two upcoming reunions with friends, and I also have to get my driver´s license. Gotta work hard on making more time for physical activity every day. I really miss my mom and I´m glad, God allowing, we´ll see her soon.
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pastrygeckos · 1 year
Felt soooo bad for Flan last night, she had managed to get the shed off of the most of her body after we helped with her face, but after an additional 24 hours and two saunas, we had to help out with her toes and such, plus we needed to have a look at her eye and flush it a bit. And on top of it all, she'd apparently bit herself in the tail during shedding, so when we came to get the skin off she started bleeding a little and I absolutely panicked thinking it was our fault (but upon flushing and disinfecting with reptile-safe wound cleaner, we could clearly see the little dotted marks from her tiny teeth) 😩 We're still not sure if we're getting anywhere with her eye, she definitely did get the new shed/cap off herself, but it's almost like it's actually her eyelid that's more affected than the eye now hhhh.
She's really splooting down onto the heat for naps recently (she likes her heat mat a little bit hotter than the others, 32-33°c instead of 31-32°, but the ambient temperature has been going down recently as the weather cools).
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I'm adding a cut here, for long post reasons. More in-depth info about the current situation.
Basically, the next step if we're not able to work it out ourselves, would be to take her in to the vet to put her under to really get in there, but we're not very confident that she would actually survive that. So between digging into info, getting help and advice from an admin from Geckos Unlimited, observing her at home and attempting various treatments (we now know it's not an infection, or the antibiotic drops would've helped, and after seeing the vet apply dye, we know it's not a cut or an ulcer), we are also really desperate to leave her alone as much as possible. It's gotten more difficult for us to get a good look at her eye, because she's caught on, and now closes them whenever she sees us. Obviously yesterday we had to help her out, and flush her eye, so now we wait ~again~ and cross our fingers once more.
All in all, the things we've been doing, include:
Keeping her humid hide moist
Keeping a paper towel sauna with an opening in the tank that she can go in and out voluntarily
Keeping a small dish with moist cotton on the warm side to increase humidity (conveniently, she likes laying her face right on top of it)
Adding vitamin drops with Vitamin A and retinol in her water dish
Gut loading feeders with lots of vegetables and insect food formula
Giving her a full-on sauna every 3-4 days in an (aerated) feeder tub by putting wet paper towel into the tub, closing the lid, and placing it over the heat mat so it steams up with condensation (she goes in for 10-15 minutes)
Keeping a close look on her eye
Note any changes in her condition
Flushing her eye with saline as needed (in attempts to flush away foreign objects and/or eye goop)
If you have any other additional advice or anything (would something like a video of the eye help?), please let us know.
Took her to the vet, they saw the swelling but she wouldn't open her eye after having dye put into it, and it looked a bit 'sticky' so we did a course of antibiotic eye drops. When we came back home, we were able to see her eye properly while the dye was still there, and confirm there were no cuts or marks on it
Adding a rough rock to rub on, in addition to various cork bark
She's mad grumpy lately but I can't blame her!
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villains-lounge · 1 year
Meet the mods behind this project!
Meet Allie! Who'll be overseeing the zine! She's also vice head & liaison officer of Villain's Lounge!
*my favorite food is leche flan <3 yummey
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Tell me they like Azul without telling me they like Azul- Meet your writer & finance mod, Blanc! Who's also our finance head in Villain's Lounge! ✨
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🍮✨ Mod Blu (ART MOD)
Meet Blu!! Our amazing art mod, please consider supporting her!!
Although Mod Blu is from overseas she has prior experience in dealing with zines!! As we want our zine to go as smoothly as possible. Laban!
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Meet Kai!! Our cosplayer mod who's also head admin of Villain's Lounge!
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meldacioxhq · 19 days
It’d done taken a helluva long time t'heal from the daemonwall attack, an’ come t'terms that Kimi had had t'shoulder most of what he’d thought was his responsibilities t'do with their folks who didn’t make it. She’d done the call to their houses an’ handed back dogtags while he’d been laid up i bed, and that was something Dave had never wanted for her. But it was the reality of their new world. He wasn’t gettin’ any younger. An’ she’d done a great job here in Lestallum.
It was so easy t’see that now as he slowly walked up onto the rooftop an’ looked out over Lucis’ one remainin’ city. Dave mlaned against the wall of another buildin’ and took a second or two to catch his breath.
Kim an’ her group had done a great job here. He still maintained that the rules HQ had were right an’ her tellin’ Loqi without askin’ for permission from Admin wasn’t the best way t’go about things. It was an argument Dave knew his opinion on an’ he would’a preferred if it didn’t happen. But he couldn’t go back in time and wouldn’t change his stance on it neither.
But Kim an’ her group had ru this place better than he could’a ever dreamed of, an’ they’d come to heir aid as fast as hey could. Again, something Dave would’ve preferred Kim not see. He’d bee hurt bad an’ the last thing he ever wanted was her worryin’ ‘bout him like that an’ havin’ t’take on the burden of all the hunters.
“Y’done a great job with this place darlin’.” Movin’ closer t’where Kimi was lookin’ over a few maps an’ intel sheets Dave thought she looked so much like her mama. “M’sorry I didn’t say it sooner.”
moving the hunters, glaives, guards and nifens up onto the higher levels of lestallum hadn’t been an easy decision - it meant that the upper levels, the rooftops that were currently unused - needed to be supplied with lighting sources to ensure no daemons spawned in the shadows  above. 
power cables had needed to be connected, walkways too. pelna had been a great help with his input on designing the walkway layouts, but she sure as hell hadn’t had his head for heights. where he’d been happy with a few planks bridging the rooftops together, kim had had to remind him that he was a glaive, capable of warping if he fell and he’d been raised with a festival that centered on jumpin’ off of a really high tower, into a hay cart.
yeah, hell no. the planks had been replaced by larger sheet, handrails too.
but it had worked wonders down on the city level - the place was still overcrowded but at least it gave folks some sort of normality. they didn’t have to watch hunters comin’ and goin’, didn’t have to let panic take hold when they saw a throng of glaives and hunters runnin’ for a truck. they didn’t accidentally end up hearing concerns or radio transmissions that might not be for everyone’s ears.
the atmosphere was better. the guards had told her as much - tensions were down a bit, and it gave the city back some square footage that could be put to better use - be it accommodation or other services, at least the main plaza was feed up now too.
leanin’ over the table, kimi stood to work some of the stiffness out of her shoulders - she’d offered to take the late shift tonight to give jeanne a break. the radio chatter was low and slow and they only had a handful of hunts on the board, so she was whiling the night away tryin’ to weigh up more pros and cons.
that damned hug black flan was wreaking havoc out by that old hut and it kept damaging the cable car and power line pylons ... was it worth the effort to keep that power line alive?
looking up when she heard her dad’s voice, kimi was speechless for a beat - he wasn’t supposed to be taking on any duties yet, and he damn well knew that! and here he was, crossing a walkway from another rooftop.
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‘ dad - i’ma tell grams and kaleb that you’re haulin your ass up onto rooftops, ’ she tried to furrow her brows in feigned anger, but kim couldn’t keep it up, ‘ pelna help a lot - it was his idea t’start with, loqi and i just ran with it. ’
she rounded the table and pulled her chair with her, nodding for him to take a seat and she’d settle for the edge of the table.
‘ ... y’scared me. you know that, right? ’
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intcrlude · 7 years
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myg + black + birthday
↳ for @theonewiththecrazedfangirl
super duper uuper!! late (by a few months orz) birthday present for our wonderful admin tiramisu :) your birthday has long passed but i hope you have a great today and every day to come! ily~
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 years
I really think you just don't understand murkuros charracter. He's the one whose incredibly strong, not chrome. Mukuros strong and brilliant and his ability to trust and love people even after his tramatic childhood is amazing. Look at how he took in flan and chrome who nobody else wanted. His journey from hating the mafia to being tsuna's guardian and being a part of the mafia because of his love for his friends and his respect for tsuna and friendship with him is way better than chromes
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Okay, first off, anon dear:
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But for real - you want to write a two part message telling me off for having an opinion? That’s fine. Or, at least, it would be fine if you’d actually read what I said and, you know, used basic reading comprehension skills. At no point in replying to Tex did I slander Mukuro. I stated several times in fact that
I like Mukuro’s character and find him to be a well-constructed, nuanced, and complex character!
To quote myself - “I’m not claiming for a second that he’s over-rated as a character. I’m agreeing that he’s overrated in the fandom…”
At no point did I attack Mukuro but simply said that Mukuro is not the end all and be all. I understand that everyone has their favourite characters. One of the followers I interact with most on here has Mukuro as her absolute favourite character and I’m as cool with that as she is with the fact that he’s not my absolute favourite character. Everyone sees characters in different ways and that’s also perfectly fine and understandable. The joy of literature is that two people can read the same story and come away with completely different views on the story and the characters because their own personal views and preferences colour how they’ve viewed the story. I actually think that’s a beautiful thing and I normally have no issues with discussing alternate character interpretations and the like - if people are respectful about it, which you aren’t exactly being, anon. 
You also plain out state that I don’t remember any of KHR and act like I’m an idiot who doesn’t know what I’m talking about which is just incredibly rude. Not only have I been writing for KHR in one form or another since the Varia arc was still happening in the manga but honestly, acting like someone who doesn’t agree with your character assessments simply isn’t as smart as you are or as well-versed in the story’s happenings is a huge case of fan dumb and very wrong. On top of that, I take huge offense to you saying that the anime is inherently better than the manga because, SPOILER FUCKING ALERT, it’s not. The anime doesn’t have the Inheritance Ceremony arc, which introduces the amazing characters of the Shimon family, or the Curse of the Rainbow arc. Yes, both arcs had their major issues but at the same time, they had some amazing moments. Both the manga and the anime are both amazing and are both equally valid.
On top of that, anon, while I respect your right to your opinions, I strongly disagree with you. While yes, Chrome was unwanted by her family and that’s what ultimately led to her meeting Mukuro but there’s no evidence that Fran was unwanted by his family for a single second. While his grandmother did allow him to leave to study under Mukuro, there’s no signs that she doesn’t love her grandson. 
Mukuro has never once claimed himself as part of the Mafia, even if he fights alongside them. He never acknowledges himself as one of Tsuna’s Guardians even during the times he fights alongside the Vongola and uses the Vongola Gear. He does, yes, go from downright hating the Mafia and actively seeking to destroy it to expressing contempt of it and avoiding the Mafia for the most part while occasionally lending a hand when needed. There is major character growth there, yes, and there are signs that that growth will continue on past the teenage Mukuro we’re left with at the end of the story but, as of the end of the manga, he still denies being a part of the Vongola and even tells Daemon at one point, if I remember correctly, that he doesn’t like being referred to as one of Tsuna’s Guardians. Also, while I’ll agree that it’s been clearly demonstrated that Mukuro has developed quite a bit of respect for Tsuna and considers him interesting, I wouldn’t say that they’re exactly friends.
But mostly, anon, I have to hugely disagree with you about how you state the fact that those around Mukuro are nothing without him. Ken and Chikusa serve Mukuro of their own free will. There is a huge difference between willingly serving someone and relying on them. To them, Mukuro is their savior and they’ve devoted themselves to him. Ken and Chikusa are, in my opinion, not with Mukuro simply to latch onto him, to make him protect them and to hide behind him. They consciously make the choice to follow him in everything he does and are one hundred percent willing to lay down their lives for him. One could also argue that Mukuro relies on Ken and Chikusa just as much as they rely on him because honestly, they are as close to family as any of them have and it’s been shown that, while his words may say otherwise, Mukuro really does care about both boys and that he’s willing to sacrifice quite a bit for them. 
Meanwhile, Chrome does start off relying heavily on Mukuro, yes, but her character growth throughout the story is about this. He even notices this. Her growth as a character is all about becoming her own person and becoming less reliant on Mukuro, to the point where she maintains her own illusionary organs, has her own skills and powers and makes a conscious choice, on her own, to continue supporting Mukuro, not out of fear and not because she has no other options but because she wants to. 
Fran would be nothing without Mukuro? Is this the same Fran that both the Varia and Mukuro were ready to fight over (before his obnoxious personality led to them instead fighting over who had to take him)? Fran is incredibly talented on his own and while Mukuro is his teacher and Fran obviously respects him, it’s a huge stretch to say that Fran would be nothing without him.
Also, again, reading comprehension, anon - I never actually addressed whether or not Chrome and Mukuro are both Tsuna’s Mist Guardian or whether Chrome is Tsuna’s Mist Guardian or Mukuro is Tsuna’s Mist Guardian. Tex was the one who stated their opinion and Tex is MORE THAN ALLOWED THEIR OWN OPINION. This has always been a huge point of contention in fandom with everyone having their own opinion on it. 
Now that I’ve written over a thousand words on the subjects, more than most of my drabbles are, let me make it short, sweet, and concise for you:
Everyone is allowed opinions in fandom. If you do not agree with someone’s opinion in fandom, either calmly and nicely discuss it with them and do so with an open mind and a willingness to agree to disagree and accept that everyone has their own views. Or look away, plain and simple. It’s not hard. Do not attack, bother, or patronize someone who does not share your views. And if you are going to do that, please at least make sure that you properly read what they said.
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changbeanie · 6 years
Good luck on your midterms Rubs!!! Im starting to get the hang of where my classes are (Im like a lost puppy in this big ass school aaa) There's this guy in my Geometry class who's been nice to me and helping me with the math problems cuz im new and he literally looks like a mini not-as-asian Jackson Wang??? He wears baseball hats the same way too?? And he's cute but idk I have 5 weeks left of skool left so why flirt ya know?? ((lol)) Im rooting for you and anons in testing, fighting!💕💞💓 -🍮
THANK YOU FLAN AND ADMIN!!! MINI NOT AS ASIAN WTF, ayyyee but y’all might have classes next year so make those 5 weeks count ;)
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jow99 · 2 years
Day trip to Sens
It rained a lot overnight and into the morning. The original plan was that I would stay at the campground and Jose would take Tessi to the people we use just outside of Sens for her rego inspection. We both figured he’d be gone 2-3 hours so I was going to get some washing and admin done.
Thank goodness for the rain, as that meant I went with Jose first thing in the morning. It turned out we were booked in for 2:30pm, but had to drop her off by 12:00 as that was when they closed for lunch, and we’d be collecting her at 6pm 😳
So we had a good 2 hours to kill before dropping Tessi off which we spent at a nearby outlet type area with a Decathlon (shock, horror only one purchase) and other assorted shops. We did go into an actual shopping centre, half of which was closed. Something we’ve really noticed this time in France (and have probably noticed before but forgotten), it’s hard to find somewhere for a pastry and a coffee. You can find boulangeries pretty much everywhere, but then try to get a coffee is a feat.
Thankfully for us we had coffee in a flask so bought some yummy flans and had both sitting in Tessi. We headed back to the motorhome place and we’re just checking out the store before walked into Sens when the heavens opened. Thankfully it was short lived and we were soon on our way.
It was about a 40 minute not very nice walk into Sens. Sens could be lovely, very much like Troyes which is close, but it needs a lot of TLC. Anyway we walked around and took some photos and tried to stop me from shopping when we found a great place for lunch. It specialised in cooking from the Savoyard region so lots of melted cheese 😋 We both had my second favourite Tartiflette which is next to Raclette but then we really would have needed a lie down after lunch. We laughed that the green salad even had a big slice of jamon adorning it. Even though we were both stuffed we couldn’t resist sharing a piece of the blueberry tart. It was jammed full of fruit.
Replete we continued our stroll around Sens, crossed the bridges over l’Yonne river and soon we had pretty much seen all there was too see. The sky was looking pretty threatening so we took refuge at a bar and had a coffee. A last quick look in the shops and then we strolled back to pick up Tessi.
Long story short - the woman there was lovely but insisted on doing everything herself so it was after 7pm by the time we left 🙄
Thankfully it was a lovely mild night, nicest the weather had been all day, so we had nibbles and a salad dinner by Tessi before retiring inside to watch the highlights from today’s stage of the Dauphne. In line with how the rest of our day has gone (aside from our yummy lunch) my iPad wasn’t having a bar of it tonight do we had to watch it on Jose’s phone 🙄
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catalinaroleplay · 5 years
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The opulence of the ballroom is staggering as you slowly make your way through emerald curtains. Gold drips and glitters from every surface, save the gleaming marble floors. Rich fabrics–brocades, silks, velvets–hung from the walls as well as the guests. To an observer, you are no more than a part of a moving mass in a sea of beautiful bodies. The mood of the individuals around you indistinguishable in unseen currents beneath the dark surface of their intricate masks. Conversations swirl in a cacophony of sounds. Laughter and lively chatter freely mingling in the air along with the harmonious melodies of the cover band. Beneath dry ice smoke spirals in an array of reds, purples, and greens.
You’re unable to spot the dance floor due to the sheer amount of Catalina Islanders dancing to upbeat music. 
One would assume there was hardly room for any more yet you manage to find some as you approach the gathering of both familiar and unfamiliar faces. You laugh, the sound barely heard over the noise, as one of them playfully spins you into the arms of another. It wasn’t long until more people begin to join you. Like kids left unsupervised on a playground all the patrons around you are free and inhibited. Amongst these people one finds themselves given complete permission to feel elation, to feel the sort of bond that is usually denied in the coldness found in bigger towns and more infamous cities. In this room, no one is a stranger and everyone’s invited to experience joy as one to celebrate the island they all called home. 
In Character Information:
Date: Saturday ─ January 25th, 2020. 
Time: All attendees must arrive by 8PM and are allowed to leave the Ball at 2AM. 
Location: Catalina Casino Founder’s Ballroom which is located on the 2nd floor of the venue.
Invites: All invitee’s received a gold, emerald green sealed invitation on Saturday, January 18th, in their mailbox, welcoming them to an exclusive celebration for Catalina’s Founders Day Masquerade Ball. Upon your arrival, you must bring your invitation to get access to the festivities behind the emerald green curtained doors. You will be expected to leave your cell phone at the front door, which will be returned back to you upon your departure. The hosts of the Founders Ball would like to keep their future plans for the town a secret, allowing these to select invitees a preview beforehand. 
Theme: Founders Day Masquerade Ball ─ Colors scheme will be Red, Green, Gold, and Purple. 
Dress Code: Creative Black Tie. Ladies must wear Floor-length evening gowns. Men must wear a tuxedo. The color scheme is Red, Green, Gold, and Purple. A MASK is required and apart of the theme. Please incorporate these colors into your outfits for the evening. 
Live Performance: Versatile Latin cover band, Caribbean Dynamics Band (Dinámicos Del Caribe), will be providing entertainment for the evening. Song suggestions are recommended and highly encouraged. So bring an extra pair of dancing shoes if you’re worried about your feet hurting!
Dance Performance: Early arrivals will be treated with a performance by Latin Dance Pro Entertainment, a highly sought after group of dancers from Los Angeles personally booked by founding family members Santiago Cabrillo & Bianca Viscainos, who will be performing the Flamenco and the Bachata for guests shortly before dinner is served.
Dinner: A traditional Spanish cuisine of ─ Gazpacho, Gambas al ajillo, Croquetas Tortilla Española, Jamón, Paella, and Albondigas will appear on every table precisely on 9:00PM. All of these food items are brought to you exclusively by Bistro at Atwater, one of the Founder’s Family beloved and trusted restaurants. If any food options are off-limits due to allergies, being vegan or vegetarian, please give hosts a heads up to prepare an exclusive dish for you. We want everyone to enjoy themselves.
Desserts: Do you have a sweet tooth? Luckily, we have that taken care of you. You can expect Flan, Churros, Tres Leches Cake, Crema Catalana (Spanish Crème brulée), Tarta de Manzana Casera (Apple Tart), Goxua (Spanish Tiramisu), Bunuelos de Viento (Fritters), and Mantecados (anise-scented drop cookies).
Drinks: Courtesy of Le Rouge in Ventura, the staff of bartenders will be at your beckoning call and with an exclusive, personalized menu of drinks will be showcased on the bar and every table. Bartenders can make ALCOHOLIC and NON-ALCOHOLIC options of these drinks. Please specify to your serving staff on their roundabouts to your table. 
Activities: Due to the lack of cell phones for this event, if you would like your pictures to be taken, photographers and photo-booths ─ three in total ─ will be scattered around the ballroom so you, your partner, or your friends can snap pictures together for memory sake! Let’s be real, you don’t want to forget anything that happens tonight.
Out of Character Information:
The time is finally here….. our first event for Catalina. It’s been a long time coming but we finally made it happen. The group has been open for over a month and a few days, give or take, we thank everyone for being kind and patiently waiting for us to the ball rolling. It had been a chaotic couple of weeks in the beginning, but things are starting to look bright as we all indulge in this group journey together. More will be coming your way, and that’s a definite promise. You can take my words, Admin Steph, to heart if I ever break my promise. Calling myself out in writing this OOC portion.. you bet! While I want to keep this message short and straight to the point, there’s a lot of detail provided in this event for all of you to read over. So I remind you all to read carefully, send us any messages if you have any concerns and worries ─  because we are here to assist you all! 
Have fun with this event! I love events because it gives me the ability to get out of my comfort zone, in a different element, and interact with other muses on the dashboard that we haven’t before. I will say... carefully watch out for more information coming forward with the event because we are going over the top with Catalina’s first event to hit it off with a BOOM. Enough of the rambling, let’s get on with the other important information as well. Please take the time to read thoroughly through the information provided below: 
Beginning Date: Saturday, January 25th ─ 12PM CST / 1PM EST / 6PM GMT. 
Ending Date: Saturday, February 1st ─ 5PM CST / 6PM EST / 11PM GMT.
Event Threads: Sunday, February 2nd ─ 5PM / 6PM EST / 11PM GMT. Have all event threads completed by this date and time.
Previous Threads: We kindly ask all non-event related threads to be wrapped up or put on hold for the event, just so everyone can focus on their event threads with no other worries. If you have previous threads that you’d like to continue after the event, please draft them before the start of the event so you don’t lose them!
Acceptances: No acceptances will be held during this event. We’ll be bypassing January 27th (Monday) and January 31st (Friday). It gives us, the admins, to enjoy the event with our members. While we’ll still be checking the main and updating the application count and answering any questions coming in, our activity may be fleeting. 
Starters: All starters must be tagged #catalina: starter and #catalina: founders day ball. Please remember, once there becomes a certain amount of event starters in the tag, you must respond to THREE STARTERS before posting your own. Group rules’ still apply during events.
Tags: Any edit, such as your character’s outfit of choice for the event can be tagged #catalina: founders day ball and #catalina: media! All edits will be reblogged on @catalinamedia. 
Lastly but most importantly: Remember to have fun! Allow yourself to have fun, reach out to other members, and allow organic connections to take over.
Once you read over everything, hit that heart to spread the love!
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ellovett · 4 years
Strawberry sweetheart and cupcake, if they are too much then sorry, I just want to know one -w-
of course it isnt too much dw!! you didn’t really specify which oc so I’m just going to answer that as an admin :D so hi and thank you for asking!
I like grapes, they’re the best imo..I also like peeling off the skin first before eating it because yes flaying My favorite cup actually was this lego movie cup I got from a mcdonalds happy meal years ago, specifically the one with unikitty :0 I used that all the time and I still use it now so that nobody else would bring themselves to drink from it
I cant cook gamer xD I can only cook rice, toast bread and make leche flan but that’s literally it I cant do anything else I get too scared in the kitchen and wear layers upon layers of mittens
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theblessed-unrest · 5 years
9-11 August 19; Day 1-3/144 of #gabseesworld
Everyday passes so quickly and I’m overwhelmed by the mountains in the background and the fresh air and the flowers and cute doggos and squirrels. I think I’m still at the stage of trying to accept that I’m going to be here for a while and not just for a short holiday. Fun and adulting things are being merged together and so far it’s been ok because K is here mothering me 🙃
9 Aug
We woke up kinda late and K made us a bacon-fried egg-banana breakfast platter before we headed out to help me open a bank account. We went to CIBC and RBC but unfortunately I don’t have a second Canadian-issued ID (no study permit because less than 6 months) which is needed to open a bank account with them. Finally went to BMO (after K said they were the worst lol) because they were more lax and we made an appointment to open one with a certain “Anthony” at 2pm. We decided to have the cake from the popup store by Remi Pattiserie and got a mille-feuille (they were these kind if crispy biscuits with custard and figs - best figs I’ve ever tasted??), matcha raspberry roll cake and a vanille strawberry flan (like an egg tart). Suffice to say, we were very impressed. Then we took a bus down to the Granville BMO and I finally managed to open an account! Still no credit card tho. Then we went to Granville Island (nothing much, just food) and walked all the way back home (super scenic), stopping on the way to get groceries for dinner. Then we cooked fish (sockeye?? Similar to salmon), long beans and mashed potato for dinner. And then we headed to Queen Elizabeth Park to get the panoramic view of Vancouver and there was even! More! Flowers!! I have realised that fresh flowers and fresh air at low enough temperatures make me very happy. We were kind of hungry so we decided to get chocolate on the way back and make mud cake (with a scoop of ice cream on top) for a snack. We broke a steak knife while cutting butter, but I would say it was a success. (c.f. whoopie pie mess sitting on floor eating ganache when we were 14/15??)
10 Aug
Had avocado toast for breakfast. Went to UBC to collect keys for K’s friend then collected my card from the bookstore. Walked A LOT. Went to a really scenic part on the main campus and K showed me around school (including my v ugly housing HAHA). By the time we got to the aquatic centre (with the swimming pools) we were kinda tired and hungry. Went to Danbo Ramen for a piping hot bowl of ramen. On our bus ride some lady asked this boy about his curly hair - “are your curls real?” and the poor guy had to entertain her and was like uhhh... yeaah? And the whole bus was so silent at that moment it was q funny. Super obnoxious coversations between 3 white girls going on tho, was starting to get annoyed. BUT YES finally had the ramen there was a queue and it was super shiok especially because it started getting chilly from the rain. Decided to go for some happy hours (as much as we could handle) since it was Saturday~ First stop was Fanny Bay Oysters and omg best oysters I’ve ever had. The Sun Seekers!! Had this sweet aftertaste I’ve never had before. Had some sauvignon blanc to go with them and it was lovely. K downed her rosé like there was no tomorrow and got red-faced and kinda drunk. Dropped her umbrella on the way out and she was like “my brolly!! My brolly!!!” Decided to borrow a ukelele from the library. (Oh hello, librarian) Then moved on to the second stop - Homers Cafe, where we shared a cocktail (secret garden - super refreshing with the mint and cucumber) and this hummus dip with fried banana-like crisps and fried balls of barley grains with this cheese dip. The hummus was really good. We were quite tipsy by now. And decided we should go to Sephora and critique modern beauty standards. We discovered “My Strange Addiction” by Billie Eilish which we surprisingly enjoyed. K knocked out by 9pm. I, soon after, in this mummy pose with my phone to my chest as I waited for photos to download.
11 Aug
K made us french toast! But ruined her plate in one fell swoop because her maple syrup turned out to be mouldy. (Like this curtain of green descended upon her toast, it was so sad) so we shared toasts and had cherries. Anddd we were off to church. Today morning was kinda chilly because it was raining, so we had some kinda warm mazesoba at Kokoro for lunch. (Cue food coma) Went back to take a nap and settle admin stuff. Then we went bouldering at The Hive! It was my first time and I have to say it was really fun - more challenging than rock climbing with all the overhangs and no harness. Then because the bus was going to take 20+ minutes to come, K decided to drive this share car back home because it was right in front of us as we were deciding whether to walk back. We had the leftover miso pork stew for dinner then watched Beautiful Boy :’-)
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curiousobjecthead · 5 years
Bright and early in the morning, Himawari is nearly sprinting for the basement, her Ninetails following suit with a satchel tied to it's neck. The door is pushed open slowly despite her excitement, "Dad? Do you know what today is?" There is a Big smile on her face and she's holding something behind her back. When all she gets is a confused answer, she pulls out the bouquet of sunflowers and takes the satchel, which turns out to be breakfast in bed, and offers them up, "Happy father's day!!"
“ Oh god – Hold on, hold on pumpkin ! ”
Shifting quickly under the covers, the admin had woken up the instant he heard noises coming outside of the basement door. He has his headgear on, even during his sleep, he has to. But he knows it’s her, he isn’t afraid.
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“ You’re up quite early, what are you – ”
                           “ … What are you hiding behind your back, rascal ? ”
She quickly pulls out a bouquet out and presents it to him with a smile, along with some breakfast.… Some of the things here, he can’t really eat them. He’s probably going to share the breakfast with his pokémon partners, and keep the flan to himself.
But the thought only makes him feel warm, and the admin feels himself choke a little.
“ … Thank you sweetheart. ” He speaks in a low tone, covering the screen with one hand. “ That is … That’s very thoughtful. Thank you. ”
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intcrlude · 8 years
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pcy + blue + birthday~ ↳ for @caleoath
happy birthday sadie~ sorry its badly made i quickly threw this together the night before your birthday (technically its your birthday as im typing this up but shhhh) i love you so much ♡
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